TY - JOUR A1 - Reuss, Heiko A1 - Kiesel, Andrea A1 - Kunde, Wilfried A1 - Wühr, Peter T1 - A cue from the unconscious - masked symbols prompt spatial anticipation JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - Anticipating where an event will occur enables us to instantaneously respond to events that occur at the expected location. Here we investigated if such spatial anticipations can be triggered by symbolic information that participants cannot consciously see. In two experiments involving a Posner cueing task and a visual search task, a central cue informed participants about the likely location of the next target stimulus. In half of the trials, this cue was rendered invisible by pattern masking. In both experiments, visible cues led to cueing effects, that is, faster responses after valid compared to invalid cues. Importantly, even masked cues caused cueing effects, though to a lesser extent. Additionally, we analyzed effects on attention that persist from one trial to the subsequent trial. We found that spatial anticipations are able to interfere with newly formed spatial anticipations and influence orienting of attention in the subsequent trial. When the preceding cue was visible, the corresponding spatial anticipation persisted to an extent that prevented a noticeable effect of masked cues. The effects of visible cues were likewise modulated by previous spatial anticipations, but were strong enough to also exert an impact on attention themselves. Altogether, the results suggest that spatial anticipations can be formed on the basis of unconscious stimuli, but that interfering influences like still active spatial anticipations can suppress this effect. KW - masked priming KW - unconscious processing KW - anticipation KW - endogenous shifts of attention KW - spatial cueing Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123971 VL - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Walter, Martina T1 - A new methodological approach to assess drug driving – The German Smartphone Survey T1 - Ein neuer methodischer Ansatz zur Erfassung von Drogenfahrten – Die Deutsche Smartphone-Studie N2 - The aim of the present piece of work was to give information about the frequency of psychoactive substances within the German driver population and to identify preventive and promotive circumstances of drug driving. Furthermore, a new methodological approach to gather and link data about the consumption of psychoactive substances and the mobility of drug users is shown. Traditionally, roadside surveys are conducted to estimate the prevalence of drug driving within a population. By the present study, an alternative method is introduced. In total, 195 drug users (mainly cannabis users) and 100 controls out of the normal driving population were queried for four weeks about their driving and drug consumption behaviour by a questionnaire that was deployed on smartphones. The prevalences of drug driving within the sample were extrapolated into representative values. Because the subjects reported all daily activities within the study-period, it was also possible to describe situations in which the subjects decided against driving under influence. Besides, relevant previous experiences, attitudes, the approval of legal regulations, other traffic-specific parameters, social influences and personality variables were queried. So, individual factors that are associated with drug driving can be specified. The results are integrated in a model that shows dependencies of different societal, behavioural and legal variables. They can serve as major input to the discussion on drug driving and can be of practical use for rehabilitation and prevention purposes. The results can be summarised as follows: - Compared to the results of a German roadside survey from 1994, the prevalences that are found within the present study seem pretty low. This finding is discussed and possible explanations for the described trend are lined out. Furthermore, the prevalences that were calculated in the present study are compared to current data from other European countries. - The results show differences between users and controls on several variables. The differences indicate that substance use impacts on the structuring of day-to-day life. Overall, the controls’ days proceed more along a daily working routine than the users’ (e.g. less mobility at night, more mobility at rush-hour, alcohol consumption mainly at nights out). - The individual extent to which drugs are consumed differs dependent on daytime, day of the week and kind of substance. Of course, these dependencies also influence the occurrence of drug driving. Other factors of influence on drug driving are the distance, the availability of alternative modes of transport as well as the presence of female companions. - Not everybody who uses drugs drives under the influence of drugs. A striking predictor for frequent drug driving and highly intoxicated driving is a high consumption, associated with risky consumption patterns and a low subjective feeling of impairment after drug consumption. - The subjects’ attitudes towards drug driving and their beliefs about social norms largely go in line with the behaviour they engage in. Drug users have rather liberal attitudes towards drug use and driving under influence. - A possible deterrence effect of sanctioning and police enforcement and its dependence on the acceptance and awareness of the measures is delineated. - Only small effects are found when examining the objective impairment that is caused by drug use by a computer-based test battery. This result is critically discussed with regards to the operationalisation of the study groups. - Except from driving under influence, there is no evidence to suggest that DUI offenders also show problematic behaviour according to other traffic-related measures. - Parents and peers may have an influence as role models on the development of problematic behaviour. A good relationship between parents and children may have a positive impact on the development of conventional values and behaviour. - Drug use is associated with some crucial personality dimensions and drugs are often used to solve personal problems. A less precise but similar difference was found for users who commit many drives under influence compared to users who never or only sometimes drive under influence. Moreover, users marginally more often have psychological problems compared to controls. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of the new methodological approach of data collection are discussed as well as the challenges that are faced when implementing it. All in all, it has proved to be a promising method and should serve as a standard to which future studies should aspire. N2 - Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, Informationen über das Vorkommen von Fahrten unter Substanzeinfluss in Deutschland und über Prädiktoren für das Auftreten von Drogenfahrten bereitzustellen. Des Weiteren wird ein neuer methodischer Ansatz vorgestellt, mit dem sowohl Daten über den Konsum psychoaktiver Substanzen als auch Daten über das Mobilitätsverhalten von Drogenkonsumenten erhoben und somit verknüpft werden können. Ein herkömmlicher Ansatz zur Schätzung des Vorkommens von Drogenfahrten sind Roadside Surveys. Als alternative Methode wird eine Studie beschrieben, in der 195 Drogenkonsumenten (vorwiegend Cannabiskonsumenten) sowie 100 Kontrollpersonen vier Wochen lang täglich über ein Smartphone ihr Fahr- und Konsumverhalten protokollierten. Aus der Häufigkeit von Drogenfahrten innerhalb der Stichprobe wird über eine entsprechende Gewichtung auf den tatsächlichen Anteil in der Bevölkerung geschlossen. Da von den Probanden sämtliche Aktivitäten im Erhebungszeitraum protokolliert wurden, können auch solche Situationen beschrieben werden, in denen sich die Probanden gegen eine Drogenfahrt entschieden haben. Darüber hinaus wurden Informationen über die persönliche Vorgeschichte, relevante Einstellungen, die Akzeptanz gesetzlicher Regelungen, weitere verkehrsrelevante Auffälligkeiten, soziale Einflüsse sowie Informationen über Persönlichkeitsmerkmale eingeholt. Hierdurch können Umstände und Hintergründe, unter denen Drogenfahrten stattfinden, spezifiziert werden. Die Ergebnisse werden in ein Model integriert, das Abhängigkeiten zwischen gesellschaftlichen Variablen, Verhaltensparametern und gesetzlichen Gegebenheiten aufzeigt. Die Studie liefert aufschlussreiche Befunde, die sowohl die wissenschaftliche Diskussion um Drogenfahrten anregen als auch von praktischem Nutzen für Rehabilitations- und Präventionsmaßnahmen sein können. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: - Verglichen mit den Ergebnissen einer deutschen Roadside Survey aus dem Jahr 1994 fallen die hier kalkulierten Prävalenzen für Drogenfahrten in Deutschland recht gering aus. Der Befund wird diskutiert und es werden mögliche Gründe für den beschriebenen Trend aufgeführt. Außerdem werden die berechneten Werte mit aktuellen Vergleichsdaten aus anderen europäischen Ländern verglichen. - Der Konsum von Drogen hat gewisse Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung des Alltags einer Person. Insgesamt scheinen Kontrollpersonen im Vergleich zu Drogenkonsumenten eher einem geregelten Arbeitsalltag nachzugehen (z. B. weniger Mobilität in der Nacht, mehr Mobilität zu Zeiten des allgemeinen Berufsverkehrs, Alkoholkonsum reduziert auf Ausgehzeiten). - Das Ausmaß des individuellen Drogenkonsums variiert in Abhängigkeit von Tageszeit, Wochentag und Art der Substanz. Natürlich wirken sich diese Abhängigkeiten ebenso auf das Auftreten von Drogenfahrten aus. Weitere situative Einflussfaktoren für Drogenfahrten sind die Länge der zurückzulegenden Strecke, die Verfügbarkeit alternativer Fortbewegungsmittel sowie weibliche Begleitpersonen. - Nicht jeder, der Drogen konsumiert, fährt auch unter Drogeneinfluss Auto. Als wesentlicher Prädiktor für häufige Drogenfahrten und hohe Substanzkonzentrationen im Blut während der Fahrt kann ein hoher Konsum genannt werden. Damit verbunden sind riskante Konsummuster sowie eine geringe subjektive Beeinträchtigung nach dem Konsum von Drogen. - Die Einstellung der Versuchspersonen zu Drogenfahrten sowie ihre Annahmen über soziale Normen stimmen zum großen Teil mit ihrem Verhalten überein. Drogenkonsumenten haben eher liberale Einstellungen zu Drogenkonsum und Drogenfahrten. - Eine mögliche abschreckende Wirkung von Sanktionen und polizeilichen Überwachungmaßnahmen und ihre Abhängigkeit von der Akzeptanz und der subjektiven Wahrnehmung der Maßnahmen wird beschrieben. - Eine objektive Leistungsbeeinträchtigung durch die Wirkung von Drogen mittels einer computerbasierten Testbatterie kann nur in geringem Maße nachgewiesen werden. Das Ergebnis wird hinsichtlich der Operationalisierung der untersuchten Gruppen kritisch diskutiert. - Es finden sich keine Hinweise dafür, dass Drogenfahrer, außer durch die Drogenfahrten an sich, auch sonst im Verkehr auffällig werden. - Eltern und Freunde scheinen als Rollenvorbilder Einfluss auf die Entwicklung von Problemverhalten zu nehmen. Eine gute Eltern-Kind-Beziehung wirkt sich positiv auf die Entwicklung konventioneller Werte und Verhalten aus. - Drogenkonsum ist mit einigen wesentlichen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen assoziiert und Konsumenten weisen etwas häufiger psychische Probleme auf als Kontrollpersonen. Abschließend werden Stärken und Schwächen der neuen Methode diskutiert sowie besondere Anforderungen aufgeführt, die bei der Durchführung zu beachten sind. Insgesamt erwies sich die Methode als vielversprechend und sollte als Standard in künftigen Studien weiterentwickelt werden. KW - Verkehrspsychologie KW - Rauschgift KW - Alkohol KW - Fahren KW - Ambulantes Assessment KW - Ecological Momentary Assessment KW - Elektronisches Tagebuch KW - Drogen KW - Prävalenz KW - Prädiktor KW - Smartphone KW - Drugs KW - Alcohol KW - Driving KW - Prevalence KW - Predictors KW - Ambulatory Assessment KW - Ecological Momentary Assessment KW - Electronic diary KW - Mobile technology Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75283 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Conzelmann, Annette A1 - Reif, Andreas A1 - Jacob, Christian A1 - Weyers, Peter A1 - Lesch, Klaus-Peter A1 - Lutz, Beat A1 - Pauli, Paul T1 - A polymorphism in the gene of the endocannabinoid-degrading enzyme FAAH (FAAH C385A) is associated with emotional-motivational reactivity JF - Psychopharmacology N2 - RATIONALE: The endocannabinoid (eCB) system is implicated in several psychiatric disorders. Investigating emotional-motivational dysfunctions as underlying mechanisms, a study in humans revealed that in the C385A polymorphism of the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), the degrading enzyme of the eCB anandamide (AEA), A carriers, who are characterized by increased signaling of AEA as compared to C/C carriers, exhibited reduced brain reactivity towards unpleasant faces and enhanced reactivity towards reward. However, the association of eCB system with emotional-motivational reactivity is complex and bidirectional due to upcoming compensatory processes. OBJECTIVES: Therefore, we further investigated the relationship of the FAAH polymorphism and emotional-motivational reactivity in humans. METHODS: We assessed the affect-modulated startle, and ratings of valence and arousal in response to higher arousing pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant pictures in 67 FAAH C385A C/C carriers and 45 A carriers. RESULTS: Contrarily to the previous functional MRI study, A carriers compared to C/C carriers exhibited an increased startle potentiation and therefore emotional responsiveness towards unpleasant picture stimuli and reduced startle inhibition indicating reduced emotional reactivity in response to pleasant pictures, while both groups did not differ in ratings of arousal and valence. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings emphasize the bidirectionality and thorough examination of the eCB system's impact on emotional reactivity as a central endophenotype underlying various psychiatric disorders. KW - startle reflex KW - endocannabinoid KW - FAAH KW - genetics KW - emotion Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126845 VL - 224 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klauke, Benedikt A1 - Winter, Bernward A1 - Gajewska, Agnes A1 - Zwanzger, Peter A1 - Reif, Andreas A1 - Herrmann, Martin J. A1 - Dlugos, Andrea A1 - Warrings, Bodo A1 - Jacob, Christian A1 - Mühlberger, Andreas A1 - Arolt, Volker A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Deckert, Jürgen A1 - Domschke, Katharina T1 - Affect-Modulated Startle: Interactive Influence of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Val158Met Genotype and Childhood Trauma JF - PLoS One N2 - The etiology of emotion-related disorders such as anxiety or affective disorders is considered to be complex with an interaction of biological and environmental factors. Particular evidence has accumulated for alterations in the dopaminergic and noradrenergic system - partly conferred by catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene variation - for the adenosinergic system as well as for early life trauma to constitute risk factors for those conditions. Applying a multi-level approach, in a sample of 95 healthy adults, we investigated effects of the functional COMT Val158Met polymorphism, caffeine as an adenosine A2A receptor antagonist (300 mg in a placebo-controlled intervention design) and childhood maltreatment (CTQ) as well as their interaction on the affect-modulated startle response as a neurobiologically founded defensive reflex potentially related to fear- and distress-related disorders. COMT val/val genotype significantly increased startle magnitude in response to unpleasant stimuli, while met/met homozygotes showed a blunted startle response to aversive pictures. Furthermore, significant gene-environment interaction of COMT Val158Met genotype with CTQ was discerned with more maltreatment being associated with higher startle potentiation in val/val subjects but not in met carriers. No main effect of or interaction effects with caffeine were observed. Results indicate a main as well as a GxE effect of the COMT Val158Met variant and childhood maltreatment on the affect-modulated startle reflex, supporting a complex pathogenetic model of the affect-modulated startle reflex as a basic neurobiological defensive reflex potentially related to anxiety and affective disorders. KW - COMT VAL(158)MET polymorphism KW - serotonin transporter gene KW - life events KW - community sample KW - acoustic startle KW - prepulse inhibition KW - panic disorder KW - caffeine-induced anxiety KW - fear-potentiated startle KW - posttraumatic-stress-disorder Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132184 VL - 7 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schwerdtle, Barbara A1 - Kanis, Julia A1 - Kahl, Lena A1 - Kübler, Andrea A1 - Schlarb, Angelika A. T1 - Children’s Sleep Comic: development of a new diagnostic tool for children with sleep disorders [original research] N2 - Background: A solid diagnosis of sleep disorders in children should include both self-ratings and parent ratings. However, there are few standardized self-assessment instruments to meet this need. The Children’s Sleep Comic is an adapted version of the unpublished German questionnaire “Freiburger Kinderschlafcomic” and provides pictures for items and responses. Because the drawings were outdated and allowed only for qualitative analysis, we revised the comic, tested its applicability in a target sample, and suggest a procedure for quantitative analysis. Methods: All items were updated and pictures were newly drawn. We used a sample of 201 children aged 5–10 years to test the applicability of the Children’s Sleep Comic in young children and to run a preliminary analysis. Results: The Children’s Sleep Comic comprises 37 items covering relevant aspects of sleep disorders in children. Application took on average 30 minutes. The procedure was well accepted by the children, as reflected by the absence of any dropouts. First comparisons with established questionnaires indicated moderate correlations. Conclusion: The Children’s Sleep Comic is appropriate for screening sleep behavior and sleep problems in children. The interactive procedure can foster a good relationship between the investigator and the child, and thus establish the basis for successful intervention if necessary. KW - Psychologie KW - children KW - sleep KW - sleep disorders KW - diagnostic KW - assessment KW - self-rating Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75722 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herbert, Cornelia A1 - Sütterlin, Stefan T1 - Do not respond! Doing the think/no-think and go/no-go tasks concurrently leads to memory impairment of unpleasant items during later recall N2 - Previous research using neuroimaging methods proposed a link between mechanisms controlling motor response inhibition and suppression of unwanted memories.The present study investigated this hypothesis behaviorally by combining the think/no-think paradigm (TNT) with a go/no-go motor inhibition task. Participants first learned unpleasant cue-target pairs. Cue words were then presented as go or no-go items in the TNT. Participants’ task was to respond to the cues and think of the target word aloud or to inhibit their response to the cue and the target word from coming to mind. Cued recall assessed immediately after the TNT revealed reduced recall performance for no-go targets compared to go targets or baseline cues not presented in the TNT. The results demonstrate that doing the no-think and no-go task concurrently leads to memory suppression of unpleasant items during later recall. Results are discussed in line with recent empirical research and theoretical positions. KW - Psychologie KW - memory suppression KW - emotion KW - response inhibition KW - go/no-go task KW - think/no-think paradigm Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76028 ER - TY - THES A1 - Totzke, Ingo T1 - Einfluss des Lernprozesses auf den Umgang mit menügesteuerten Fahrerinformationssystemen T1 - Learnability of menu-driven Driver Information Systems N2 - Aufgabenstellung dieser Arbeit ist die Prozessdarstellung des Kompetenzerwerbs im Umgang mit menügesteuerten Informationssystemen (kurz: Menüsysteme) im Fahrzeug. Hierzu zählen die Darstellung des Lernverlaufs sowie der Bedeutung von förderlichen und hinderlichen Lernbedingungen. Als ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeit werden mentale Repräsentationen der Nutzer bezüglich des Menüsystems betrachtet. Zusätzlich wird die Kompatibilität des Kompetenzerwerbs für Menüsysteme mit der Fahrzeugführung geprüft. Aus diesen Analysen ergeben sich Methoden der Überprüfung des Lernaufwands, -verlaufs und -erfolgs. Zur empirischen Überprüfung werden prototypische Menüsysteme konstruiert. Anhand sog. Raumschiff-Systeme wird z.B. der Umgang des Nutzers mit einem begrifflich weitgehend eindeutigen Menüsystem eines Raumschiffs der Bedienung eines Menüsystems ohne bedeutungshaltige Informationen (sog. System sinnloser Silben) gegenübergestellt. Um die Auswirkungen des Kompetenzerwerbs für Menüsysteme auf die Fahrsicherheit zu untersuchen, werden fahrkontextnahe Systeme konzipiert. Diese werden sowohl unter Single-Task Bedingungen (z.B. an einem Bildschirmarbeitsplatz, im stehenden Fahrzeug) als auch unter Dual-Task Bedingungen (z.B. während der Fahrt) bedient. Zielsetzung weiterer Explorationsstudien ist die Analyse der zeitlichen Struktur einer Bedienhandlung in einem Menüsystem in Abhängigkeit des Kompetenzerwerbs. Insgesamt werden sechs Hauptstudien und fünf Explorationsstudien in dieser Arbeit berichtet. Es wird gezeigt, dass der Kompetenzerwerb für Menüsysteme dem sog. Potenzgesetz der Übung folgt: So findet sich zu Übungsbeginn ein starker Leistungsanstieg im Umgang mit einem Menüsystem unter Single-Task Bedingungen, in späteren Übungsphasen verringert sich dieser Leistungsanstieg. Das erzielte Leistungsniveau in der Menübedienung ist nach einer längeren Lernpause (von bis zu 12 Wochen) weitgehend stabil. Zu Übungsbeginn treten v.a. Orientierungs- und Bedienfehler auf, in späteren Übungsphasen vermehrt Flüchtigkeitsfehler. Diese Fehler stellen voneinander unabhängige Fehlerklassen dar. Zu Lernbeginn ist v.a. die Bediengenauigkeit von Bedeutung, mit zunehmender Übung die Bediengeschwindigkeit. Insbesondere antizipative Aspekte der Handlungsvorbereitung und -initiierung im Umgang mit Menüsystemen sind Lerneinflüssen zugänglich. Für exekutive Aspekte der Handlungsdurchführung und -kontrolle ist der Kompetenzerwerb von untergeordneter Bedeutung. Als Nutzermerkmale erweisen sich das bereichsspezifische Vorwissen, die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit und das Nutzeralter als bedeutsam: Diese Merkmale werden mit zunehmender Übung weniger wichtig für interindividuelle Leistungsunterschiede. Die realisierten Systemvariationen eines Menüsystems (Menüstruktur und Bedienmodell) wirken sich unabhängig vom Lernstatus auf das Bedienverhalten der Systemnutzer aus. Auf Nutzerseite werden im Umgang mit einem Menüsystem mentale Repräsentationen konstruiert: Zu Lernbeginn wird insbesondere begriffliches Wissen (sog. Inhaltsstruktur und begriffliche Unterbegriffs-Oberbegriffs-Relationen) angeeignet. Mit zunehmender Übung wird eine räumliche Repräsentation, in der die Positionen der einzelnen Menüinhalte abgebildet sind, aufgebaut. Eine motorische Repräsentation als Resultat einer Optimierung des Umgangs mit dem Bedienelement bis hin zu einer (Teil-)Automatisierung der motorischen Handlungssequenz wird erst nach umfangreicher Übung im Umgang mit einem Menüsystem erworben. Diese Repräsentationen beeinflussen wiederum die Bedienleistung: Zu Übungsbeginn ist z.B. das Erkennen der sog. Inhaltsstruktur für die starken Lernzuwächse verantwortlich. Die Kompatibilität von Vorwissen auf Nutzerseite und für die Bedienung notwendiges Systemwissen bestimmt den Lernaufwand und –verlauf. Die Veränderung räumlicher Positionen von Menüinhalten geht mit Einbußen in der Bedienleistung einher. Personen mit präzisem räumlichem Wissen können effizienter mit einem Menüsystem umgehen. Bedienfehler treten v.a. zu Übungsbeginn auf. Mit zunehmender Übung wird der sensumotorische Umgang mit dem Bedienelement optimiert. Diese Befunde führen zu folgenden Schlussfolgerungen: (1) Der Umgang mit Menüsystemen führt zu einer trialen Kodierung der für die Menübedienung notwendigen Informationen. (2) Das Potenzgesetz der Übung beschreibt den Kompetenzerwerb für Menüsysteme lediglich summativ und resultiert aus der Kombination der einzelnen Lernfunktionen der zu kodierenden Lerninhalte. Unter Dual-Task Bedingungen treten zu Übungsbeginn stärkere Interferenzen zwischen Fahrzeugführung und Menübedienung auf. Mit zunehmender Übung verringern sich diese Interferenzen v.a. auf Seiten der Menübedienung. Dies ist u.a. auf die Instruktion der Probanden zurückzuführen. Übungsbedingt schauen die Nutzer seltener bei vergleichbarer Blickdauer auf das Systemdisplay. Insbesondere ältere Nutzer haben Probleme mit einer Verschränkung von Fahrzeugführung und Menübedienung. Mit zunehmender Übung verringern sich diese Alterseffekte, werden aber nicht eliminiert. Wird ein Menüsystem parallel zur Fahrzeugführung bedient, werden zudem stärkere und präzisere begriffliche und räumliche Repräsentationen über das Menüsystem vom Nutzer konstruiert. Bei diesen Studien wird ein multimethodaler Messansatz verfolgt, in dem verschiedenartige Werkzeuge zur Bestimmung des Kompetenzerwerbs und seiner Wirkungen auf die Fahrsicherheit eingesetzt werden. Es kann dabei zu einer Dissoziation der Ergebnisse in verschiedenen Messmethoden kommen. Unter Single-Task Bedingungen gewonnene Ergebnisse können nicht ohne weiteres auf Dual-Task Bedingungen generalisiert werden. N2 - This work aims at describing the learning process of handling menu-driven information systems within the vehicle including facilitating and detrimental conditions of this learning process. For this means, the users’ mental representations of the so-called “menu systems” are considered. As one emphasis, the compatibility of learning these menu systems with driving a vehicle is under investigation. These works result in a set of methods for describing the effort, the process and the success of learning how to handle a menu system. Within the empirical studies prototypical menu systems are introduced: “Spaceship systems” (German: “Raumschiff-Systeme”) are used in contrast to a “System of meaningless syllables” (German: “System sinnloser Silben”) for evaluating how the users handle with semantically unambiguous menu systems. In order to examine possible dual-task effects (caused by handling a menu system while driving) prototypical menu-systems derived from realistic Driver Information Systems are investigated under single-task conditions (e.g. handling the menu system in a parked vehicle) as well as under dual-task conditions (e.g. while driving a vehicle). Furthermore, exploratory studies are conducted for evaluating the temporal structures of single actions while handling a menu system. In sum, six main studies and five exploratory studies are part of this work. It is shown that the learning process for handling a menu system follows the so-called “potency law of practice”: This law suggests that large learning effects particularly take place in early stages of a learning process. In later stages these learning effects diminish. If the user pauses after extensive practice (e.g. for 12 weeks), the achieved level of performance is maintained. Furthermore, “orientation errors” and “handling errors” while handling the menu system particularly arise in early stages of the learning process, whereas “slips” occur more often in later stages. These classes of errors are independent from each other. The accuracy of handling the menu system is of major importance in early stages of the learning process, whereas the speed is more important in later stages. Anticipatory aspects of preparing and initiating the user’s actions are especially susceptible to learning effects, whereas their executive aspects of maneuvering and controlling are not as important for the learning process. Prior knowledge of the user, his/her cognitive abilities as well as the user’s age are relevant aspects of the user for the learning process: These features are of importance for differences between individuals in early stages of the learning process. The variation of specific aspects of the menu systems (i.e. menu structure, concept of the control elements) are of importance independent from the learning process. While handling the menu system, mental representations are constructed by the user: In early stages of the learning process semantic representations (i.e. structure of the contents, semantic hyponym-hypernym relations) are acquired. With increasing practice, spatial representations come into play as the position of distinct menu contents are remembered by the user. Motor representations as a result of optimizing how to handle the control itself and of automating handling sequences are built up in later stages. These representations also influence the user’s performance while handling the menu system: As soon as the user realizes the semantic structure and content of the menu system, learning effects are made possible. If prior knowledge of the user is compatible with the required knowledge for handling the system, positive learning effects result. A sudden change of spatial positions of single menu contents goes along with negative effects on the learner’s performance while handling the menu system. Users with higher spatial abilities are more effective in learning the system. Operating errors particularly take place in early stages of the learning process. With growing practice, the sensu-motoric handling of the control is optimized. These results lead to the following conclusion: (1) Handling a menu system leads to a triple coding of the user’s knowledge which is of importance for learning process. (2) The “potency law of practice” solely describes the learning process of handling a menu system superficially and results from the combination of single learning curves for each of the mental representation. Large interference effects of handling a menu system while driving (“dual-task condition”) can be demonstrated in early stages of the learning process. With increasing practice these interferences diminish, particularly on the side of handling the menu system. It is discussed that these effects can be attributed to the participant’s instruction. In later stages of the learning process the user does not look as often onto the display as in earlier stages. However, the mean gaze duration remains constant. Additionally, handling a menu system while driving a vehicle leads to more precise semantic and spatial representations of the menu system compared to single-task conditions. Elderly users are of special interest in these analyses: They show larger interference effects in dual-task conditions than younger user, but these age-related effects diminish with growing practice. In all these studies, a multi-method approach is pursued in which different tools for describing the learning process and its consequences on driving are in use. It can be shown that the results of the different methods might dissociate from each other. For instance, results of single-task situations cannot be generalized to dual-task situations without restrictions. KW - Kraftfahrzeug KW - Kompetenzerwerb KW - Lernverlauf KW - Menüsystem KW - Fahrerinformationssysteme KW - Dual-Task Situation KW - Learnability KW - learning process KW - menu system KW - driver information system KW - dual-task situation KW - Fahrerassistenzsystem KW - Erlernbarkeit Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76869 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gruss, L. Forest A1 - Wieser, Matthias J. A1 - Schweinberger, Stefan R. A1 - Keil, Andreas T1 - Face-evoked steady-state visual potentials: effects of presentation rate and face inversion JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Face processing can be explored using electrophysiological methods. Research with event-related potentials has demonstrated the so-called face inversion effect, in which the N170 component is enhanced in amplitude and latency to inverted, compared to upright, faces. The present study explored the extent to which repetitive lower-level visual cortical engagement, reflected in flicker steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEPs), shows similar amplitude enhancement to face inversion. We also asked if inversion-related ssVEP modulation would be dependent on the stimulation rate at which upright and inverted faces were flickered. To this end, multiple tagging frequencies were used (5, 10, 15, and 20 Hz) across two studies (n=21, n=18). Results showed that amplitude enhancement of the ssVEP for inverted faces was found solely at higher stimulation frequencies (15 and 20 Hz). By contrast, lower frequency ssVEPs did not show this inversion effect. These findings suggest that stimulation frequency affects the sensitivity of ssVEPs to face inversion. KW - N170 KW - upside-down faces KW - selective attention KW - spatial attention KW - cortex KW - perception KW - recognition KW - brain KW - FMRI KW - area Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134399 VL - 6 IS - 316 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wieser, Mattias J. A1 - Brosch, Tobias T1 - Faces in context: A review and systematization of contextual influences on affective face processing N2 - Facial expressions are of eminent importance for social interaction as they convey information about other individuals’ emotions and social intentions. According to the predominant “basic emotion” approach, the perception of emotion in faces is based on the rapid, auto- matic categorization of prototypical, universal expressions. Consequently, the perception of facial expressions has typically been investigated using isolated, de-contextualized, static pictures of facial expressions that maximize the distinction between categories. However, in everyday life, an individual’s face is not perceived in isolation, but almost always appears within a situational context, which may arise from other people, the physical environment surrounding the face, as well as multichannel information from the sender. Furthermore, situational context may be provided by the perceiver, including already present social infor- mation gained from affective learning and implicit processing biases such as race bias.Thus, the perception of facial expressions is presumably always influenced by contextual vari- ables. In this comprehensive review, we aim at (1) systematizing the contextual variables that may influence the perception of facial expressions and (2) summarizing experimental paradigms and findings that have been used to investigate these influences. The studies reviewed here demonstrate that perception and neural processing of facial expressions are substantially modified by contextual information, including verbal, visual, and auditory information presented together with the face as well as knowledge or processing biases already present in the observer. These findings further challenge the assumption of auto- matic, hardwired categorical emotion extraction mechanisms predicted by basic emotion theories. Taking into account a recent model on face processing, we discuss where and when these different contextual influences may take place, thus outlining potential avenues in future research. KW - Psychologie KW - facial expression KW - face perception KW - emotion KW - context KW - “basic emotion” Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76351 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Likowski, Katja U. A1 - Mühlberger, Andreas A1 - Gerdes, Antje B. M. A1 - Wieser, Mattias J. A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Weyers, Peter T1 - Facial mimicry and the mirror neuron system: simultaneous acquisition of facial electromyography and functional magnetic resonance imaging N2 - Numerous studies have shown that humans automatically react with congruent facial reactions, i.e., facial mimicry, when seeing a vis-á-vis’ facial expressions. The current experiment is the first investigating the neuronal structures responsible for differences in the occurrence of such facial mimicry reactions by simultaneously measuring BOLD and facial EMG in an MRI scanner. Therefore, 20 female students viewed emotional facial expressions (happy, sad, and angry) of male and female avatar characters. During picture presentation, the BOLD signal as well as M. zygomaticus major and M. corrugator supercilii activity were recorded simultaneously. Results show prototypical patterns of facial mimicry after correction for MR-related artifacts: enhanced M. zygomaticus major activity in response to happy and enhanced M. corrugator supercilii activity in response to sad and angry expressions. Regression analyses show that these congruent facial reactions correlate significantly with activations in the IFG, SMA, and cerebellum. Stronger zygomaticus reactions to happy faces were further associated to increased activities in the caudate, MTG, and PCC. Corrugator reactions to angry expressions were further correlated with the hippocampus, insula, and STS. Results are discussed in relation to core and extended models of the mirror neuron system (MNS). KW - Psychologie KW - mimicry KW - EMG KW - fMRI KW - mirrorneuronsystem Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75813 ER -