TY - JOUR A1 - Maschwitz, Ulrich A1 - Fiala, Brigitte A1 - Moog, J. A1 - Saw, L. G. T1 - Two new myrmecophytic associations from the Malay Peninsula: ants of the genus Cladomyrma as partners of Saraca thaipingensis and Crypteronia griffithii N2 - In Peninsular Malaysia the trees Saraca thaipingensis (Caesalpiniaceae) and Crypteronia griffithii (Crypteroniaceae) are inhabited by ants. In the vicinity ofGombak, near Kuala Lumpur, the hollow internodes of young Saraca thaipingensis plants are colonized mainly by two Cladomyrma species. In larger trees a Crematogaster sp. is also found. Crypteronia griffithii is inhabited by a third species of Cladomyrma. None of these species is conspecific with any of the three Cladomyrma taxa so far described. The colonies are founded by single mated queens, which have a conspicuous, sphecid wasp-like behaviour when searching for host plants and nest sites. They chew holes into the plant intern odes and hollow them out to provide nest sites. Coccids and pseudococcids are cultivated within the internodes. The homopterans are not carried by queens on their nuptial flights. They apparently find their way by themselves into the cavities or are perhaps carried there by the worker ants. The Cladomyrma ants on Crypteronia are not aggressive, in contrast to those on Saraca thaipingensis. The relationship of Crypteronia with ants seems to be obligatory, whereas Saraca was only partly colonized by Cladomyrma. The interaction of Saraca with Crematogaster sp. is loose and facultative, since the Crematogaster sp. also lives on other tree species. Our studies have now revealed four Cladomyrma spp. which are regularly associated with plants. The genus therefore seems to have an entirely myrmecophytic way of life. KW - Myrmecophytism ; Malaysia ; trophobionts ; colony foundation ; Cladomyrma Y1 - 1991 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-32992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fiala, Brigitte A1 - Maschwitz, Ulrich T1 - Studies on the south east asian ant-plant association Crematogaster borneensis / Macaranga: adaptations of the ant partner. N2 - C. borneensis (Myrmicinae) lives in dose association with several myrmecophytic species of the South East Asian pioneer tree genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae). The ants are adapted to the plants so dosely that they do not survive away from it. The only food they utilize is provided as food bodies by the plant and honeydew from specific scale insects kept inside the hollow internodes. The anatomy of the digestive tract is also adapted to life on the host plant: the crop is very sm all and can store only minute food quantities. C. borneensis exdusively colonizes certain Macaranga species. Queens as weIl as workers are able to recognize their host plant species, probably by chemical cues. Colony founding queens swarm throughout the year, mostly during darkness. There is strong competition among queens for host plants. Queens do not carry scale insects on their nuptial flight. Worker ants are active day and night. Most of them patrol and collect food bodies on the younger parts of the host plant. An important characteristic is their deaning behaviour, which results in removal of aIl foreign objects. Even though they are rather smalI, workers respond very aggressively to certain kinds of disturbance of the host plant. The ants attack most phytophagous insects and are especially effective in killing and removing smalI, softbodied herbivores (e.g. caterpillars). They do not possess a functional sting, but apply defensive secretion and-once biting an intruder-will not let go. Their effective alarm system results in a mass attack, which provides adequate defence for the colony and the host plant. A comparison with another Crematogaster species further illustrated the special adaptations of C. borneensis to its host plant. N2 - Untersuchungen über die südostasiatische Ameisen·Pflanzen-Vergesellschaftung Cremattogaster borneensis Maoaranga : Anpassungen des Ameisenpartners 213 C. borneensis (Myrmicinae) lebt in enger Gemeinschaft mit myrmekophytischen Arten der südostasiatischen Pionierbaumgattung Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) . Die Ameise ist so eng an die Pflanze adaptiert, daß sie getrennt von ihr nicht lebensfähig ist. Die Nahrung bezieht C. borneensis in Form von Nährkörperchen ausschließlich von der Pflanze. Im Sproßachseninnern gehaltene spezifische Schildläuse bieten eine weitere Nahrungsquelle. Die Adaptationen erstrecken sich bis auf die Anatomie des Verdauungstraktes : Der Kropf ist sehr klein und kann nur geringe Nahrungsmengen speichern. C. borneensis besiedelt spezifisch nur Macaranga-Pflanzen. Sowohl Königinnen als auch Arbeiterinnen sind in der Lage, die Wirtspflanze zu erkennen, wobei offenbar chemische Reize eine Rolle spielen. Die koloniegründenden Königinnen schwärmen das gesamte Jahr über, das Schwärmen erfolgt überwiegend während der Dunkelheit. Um die besiedlungsfähigen Macaranga-Pflanzen herrscht ein starker Konkurrenzdruck. Die beteiligten Schildlausarten sind spezifisch für die Assoziation. Sie werden nicht von der Königin beim Hochzeitsflug mitgenommen. Die Arbeiterinnen sind tag- und nachtaktiv. Die meisten Tiere halten sich im jüngsten Drittel der Pflanze auf, wo sie patrouillieren und Nährkörperchen sammeln. Mittels eines spezifischen Säuberungsverhaltens entfernen die Arbeiterinnen alle Fremdobjekte von der Pflanze. Trotz ihrer geringen Größe attackieren die Ameisen eine Vielzahl phytophager Insekten und sind dabei besonders effektiv in der Abwehr kleiner, wenig sklerotisierter Tiere wie z.B. Raupen. Sie verfügen zwar nicht ' über einen funktionsfähigen Stachel, setzen aber Wehrsekrete ein und beißen sich hartnäckig fest . Mit Hilfe eines effektiven Alarmierungssystems, das einen Massenangriff ermöglicht, gewährleisten sie eine Verteidigung ihrer Kolonien und damit gleichzeitig ihrer Wirtspflanze. Eine Vergleich mit einer anderen Crematogaster-Art demonstriert die besonderen Adaptationen von C. borneensis an ihre Wirtspflanze. Y1 - 1990 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-32689 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fiala, Brigitte A1 - Maschwitz, Ulrich A1 - Pong, Tho, Yow A1 - Helbig, Andreas J. T1 - Studies of a South East Asian ant-plant association : protection of Macaranga trees by Crematogaster borneensis N2 - In the humid tropics of SE Asia there are some 14 myrmecophytic species of the pioneer tree genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae). In Peninsular Malaysia a close association exists between the trees and the small, non-stinging myrmicine Crema togas ter borneensis. These ants feed mainly on food bodies provided by the plants and have their colonies inside the hollow intemodes. In a ten months field study we were able to demonstrate for four Macaranga species (M. triloba, M. hypoleuca, M. hosei, M. hulletti) that host plants also benefit considerably from ant-occupation. Ants do not contribute to the nutrient demands of their host plant, they do, however, protect it against herbivores and plant competition. Cleaning behaviour of the ants results in the removal of potential herbivores already in their earliest developmental stages. Strong aggressiveness and a mass recruiting system enable the ants to defend the host plant against many herbivorous insects. This results in a significant decrease in leaf damage due to herbivores on ant-occupied compared to ant-free myrmecophytes as well as compared to non-myrmecophytic Macaranga species. Most important is the ants' defense of the host plant against plant competitors, especially vines, which are abundant in the well-lit pioneer habitats where Macaranga grows. Ants bite off any foreign plant part coming into contact with their host plant. Both ant-free myrmecophytes and non-myrmecophytic Macaranga species had a significantly higher incidence of vine growth than specimens with active ant colonies. This may be a factor of considerable importance allowing Macaranga plants to grow at sites of strongest competition. KW - Ant/plant interaction KW - Myrmecophytes KW - Protection KW - Macaranga KW - Crematogaster borneensis Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-42857 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fiala, Brigitte T1 - Partnerschaften von Pflanzen und Ameisen: Ameisenbäume im malaysischen Regenwald. N2 - No abstract available Y1 - 1991 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-42936 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fiala, Brigitte A1 - Mebert, M. T1 - Partnerschaft fürs Überleben. Ameisenbäume im tropischen Regenwald. N2 - No abstract available Y1 - 1990 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-42900 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weising, K. A1 - Fiala, Brigitte A1 - Ramloch, K. A1 - Kahl, K. A1 - Epplen, J. T. T1 - Olingonucleotide fingerprinting in angiosperms N2 - No abstract available Y1 - 1990 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-42884 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maschwitz, U. A1 - Fiala, Brigitte A1 - Dolling, W. R. T1 - New trophobiotic symbioses of ants with South East Asian bugs N2 - A trophobiotic relationship between two species of phloem-feeding plataspid bugs and an ant, Meranoplus mucronatus, was discovered on tree trunks in Malaysia. Similar relationships were found between coreid bugs and Crematogaster sp. and Anoplolepis longipes, on bamboo in the same area. The ants recruit to groups of the bugs and feed on the liquid, sugar-rich faeces of the larvae, stimulating release of the honeydew by tactile signals. They protect all stages of the bugs from disturbance by biting and by the use of defensive secretions. Phloem-feeding bugs in the families Plataspidae and Coreidae need long sty lets to pierce the thick bark of their host tree. The different methods of accommodating the resting stylets in these two families are described. The plataspids are described as Tropidotylus servus sp. novo and T. minister sp. novo A coreid previously reported in association with M. mucronatus in Malaya is described as Hygia cliens sp. novo The coreids on bamboo were determined as Cloresmus spp. and Notobitus affinis. KW - Ants KW - Coreidae KW - Heteroptera KW - Malaya KW - New Species KW - Plataspidae KW - Trophobiosis Y1 - 1987 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-34030 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maschwitz, Ulich A1 - Fiala, Brigitte A1 - Lee, Ying Fah A1 - Chey, Vun Khen A1 - Tan, Fui Lian T1 - New and little-known myrmecophytic associations from Bornean rain forests N2 - The woody climber Millettia niuewenhuisii (Fabaceae) and the shrub Myrmeconauclea strigosa (Rubiaceae) in Sabah, Borneo are associated with ants. The hollow stems of Millettia nieuwenhuisii are regularly inhabited by an aggressive Cladomyrma sp., which keeps pseudococcids inside the stem. On Myrmeconauclea strigosa the ants live in hollow internodal swellings near the end of the branches. In this plant many different ant species use the nesting space in an opportunistic manner. Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-42957 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fiala, Brigitte A1 - Maschwitz, Ulrich T1 - Food bodies and their significance for obligate ant-association in the tree genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) N2 - The production of extrafloral nectar and food bodies plays an important role in many tropical ant-plant mutualisms. In Malaysia, a close association exists between ants and some species of the pioneer tree genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaccac). Macaranga is a very diverse genus which exhibits all stages ofintcraction with ants, from facultative to obligatory associations. The ants nest inside the hollow inlcrnodes and reed mainly on food budies provided by the plants. Food body production had previously been reported only in myrrnecophytic Macaranga species, where it is usually coneentrated on protected parts or the plants such as recurved stipules. We found that non-myrmecophytic Macaranga species also produce food bodies on leaves and stems, where they are collected by a variety or ants. Levels of food body production differ between facultatively and obligatorily ant-associated species but also among the various non-myrmecophytes. This may he rdated to the degree of interaction with ants. Food body production starts at a younger age in the myrmccophytic species than in the transitional or non-myrmcccophytic Macaranga. Although food bodies of the non-inhabited Macaranga species are collected by a variety of ants, there is nu evidence of association with specific ant species. Our observations suggest that food bodies enhance the evolution of ant-plant interactions. Production of food bodies alone, however, does not appear to be the most important factor for the development of obligate myrmccopllytism in Macaranga. KW - Ant-plant interactions KW - evolution KW - food bodies KW - Macaranga KW - Malaysia KW - myrmrcophytism Y1 - 1992 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-32921 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maschwitz, Ulich A1 - Fiala, Brigitte A1 - Saw, L. G. A1 - Norma-Rashid, Yusoff A1 - Idris, Azarae Haji T1 - Ficus obscura var. borneensis (Moraceae), a new non-specific ant-plant from Malesia N2 - Ficus obscura var. borneensis is a true myrmecophyte. It spontaneously forms cavities (domatia) in parts of its twigs which open by slits, These occur in the internodes and are usually not swollen. The domatia are inhabited by a variety of non-specific tree-living ants including Crematogaster spp., Cataulacus sp., Tetramorium sp., Cardio condyla sp. and Camponotus sp.. Additionally the plant providL a su~ar-containing secretion from extrafloral nectaries on the lower surfaces of the leaves. Examination of herbarium specimens of 37 other South-east Asian Ficus species did not reveal a single specimen with domatia. Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-42926 ER -