TY - THES A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes T1 - Let me change your mind… Frontal brain activity in a virtual T-maze T1 - Let me change your mind… Frontale Hirnaktivierung in einem virtuellen T-Labyrinth N2 - Frontal asymmetry, a construct invented by Richard Davidson, linking positive and negative valence as well as approach and withdrawal motivation to lateralized frontal brain activation has been investigated for over thirty years. The frontal activation patterns described as relevant were measured via alpha-band frequency activity (8-13 Hz) as a measurement of deactivation in electroencephalography (EEG) for homologous electrode pairs, especially for the electrode position F4/ F3 to account for the frontal relative lateralized brain activation. Three different theories about frontal activation patterns linked to motivational states were investigated in two studies. The valence theory of Davidson (1984; 1998a; 1998b) and its extension to the motivational direction theory by Harmon-Jones and Allen (1998) refers to the approach motivation with relative left frontal brain activity (indicated by relative right frontal alpha activity) and to withdrawal motivation with relative right frontal brain activation (indicated by relative left frontal alpha activity). The second theory proposed by Hewig and colleagues (2004; 2005; 2006) integrates the findings of Davidson and Harmon – Jones and Allen with the reinforcement sensitivity theory of Jeffrey A. Gray (1982, 1991). Hewig sees the lateralized frontal approach system and withdrawal system proposed by Davidson as subsystems of the behavioral activation system proposed by Gray and bilateral frontal activation as a biological marker for the behavioral activation system. The third theory investigated in the present studies is the theory from Wacker and colleagues (2003; 2008; 2010) where the frontal asymmetrical brain activation patterns are linked to the revised reinforcement sensitivity theory of Gray and McNaughton (2000). Here, right frontal brain activity (indicated by lower relative right frontal alpha activity) accounts for conflict, behavioral inhibition and activity of the revised behavioral inhibition system, while left frontal brain activation (indicated by lower relative left frontal alpha activity) stands for active behavior and the activity of the revised behavioral activation system as well as the activation of the revised flight fight freezing system. In order to investigate these three theories, a virtual reality T-maze paradigm was introduced to evoke motivational states in the participants, offering the opportunity to measure frontal brain activation patterns via EEG and behavior simultaneously in the first study. In the second study the virtual reality paradigm was additionally compared to mental imagery and a movie paradigm, two well-known state inducing paradigms in the research field of frontal asymmetry. In the two studies, there was confirming evidence for the theory of Hewig and colleages (2004; 2005; 2006), showing higher bilateral frontal activation for active behavior and lateralized frontal activation patterns for approach (left frontal brain activation) and avoidance (right frontal brain activation) behavior. Additionally a limitation for the capability model of anterior brain asymmetry proposed by Coan and colleagues (2006), where the frontal asymmetry should be dependent on the relevant traits driving the frontal asymmetry pattern if a relevant situation occurs, could be found. As the very intense virtual reality paradigm did not lead to a difference of frontal brain activation patterns compared to the mental imagery paradigm or the movie paradigm for the traits of the participants, the trait dependency of the frontal asymmetry in a relevant situation might not be given, if the intensity of the situation exceeds a certain level. Nevertheless there was an influence of the traits in the virtual reality T-maze paradigm, because the shown behavior in the maze was trait-dependent. The implications of the findings are multifarious, leading from possible objective personality testing via diversification of the virtual reality paradigm to even clinical implications for depression treatments based on changes in the lateralized frontal brain activation patterns for changes in the motivational aspects, but also for changes in bilateral frontal brain activation when it comes to the drive and preparedness for action in patients. Finally, with the limitation of the capability model, additional variance in the different findings about frontal asymmetry can be explained by taking the intensity of a state manipulation into account. N2 - Frontal Asymmetrie, ein Konstrukt, erfunden von Richard Davidson, das positive und negative Valenz sowie Annäherungsmotivation und Vermeidungsmotivation mit lateralisierter Frontalhirnaktivierung verbindet, wird seit mehr als dreißig Jahren untersucht. Die frontalen Aktivierungsmuster, die als relevant beschrieben wurden, wurden über Alpha-Frequenzband Aktivität (8-13 Hz) im Elektroenzephalogramm (EEG) als Maß für die Deaktivierung für die homologe Elektrodenpaare, insbesondere an der Elektrodenposition F4 / F3 gemessen, um die relative frontale lateralisierte Hirnaktivierung zu messen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden drei verschiedene Theorien über frontale Aktivierungsmuster, die mit motivationalen Zuständen verbunden sind, in zwei Studien untersucht. Die „valence theory“ von Davidson (1984; 1998a; 1998b) und ihre Erweiterung zur „motivational direction theory“ von Harmon Jones und Allen (1998) verbindet Annäherungsmotivation mit relativer linksseitiger frontalen Hirnaktivität (durch relative rechtsfrontale Alpha-Aktivität angezeigt) und Rückzugsmotivation mit relativer rechtsfrontaler Hirnaktivierung (durch relative linksfrontale Alpha-Aktivität angezeigt). Die zweite Theorie von Hewig und Kollegen (2004; 2005; 2006) integriert die Ergebnisse von Davidson und Harmon - Jones und Allen mit der „reinforcement sensitvity theory“ von Jeffrey A. Gray (1982, 1991). Hewig sieht das lateralisierte frontale „approach system“ (Annäherungsverhalten, links frontal), und das „withdrawal system“ (Rückzugsverhalten, rechts frontal) von Davidson als Subsysteme des „behavioral activation system“ von Gray und bilaterale frontale Aktivierung als biologische Marker für das „behavioral activation system“ und aktives Verhalten. Die dritte Theorie, die in den vorliegenden Studien untersucht wird, ist die Theorie von Wacker und Kollegen (2003; 2008; 2010), bei der die frontalen asymmetrischen Gehirnaktivierungsmuster der „revidierten reinforcement sensitvity theory“ von Gray und McNaughton (2000) zugeordnet werden. Hier steht die rechte frontale Hirnaktivität (ermittelt durch geringere relative rechten frontalen Alpha-Aktivität) für Konflikte, Verhaltenshemmung und die Aktivität des „revised behavioral inhibition system“, während links frontale Hirnaktivierung (ermittelt durch niedrigere relative links frontal Alpha-Aktivität) für aktives Verhalten und die Aktivität des „revised behavioral activation system“ sowie die Aktivierung des „revised fight flight freezing system“ steht. Um diese drei Theorien zu untersuchen, wurde eine virtuelles T-Labyrinth Paradigma in der ersten Studie eingeführt, um motivationale Zustände bei den Teilnehmern zu induzieren und die Möglichkeit zu erhalten, frontale Hirnaktivierungsmuster im EEG und Verhalten gleichzeitig zu messen. In der zweiten Studie wurde das virtuelle Realität Paradigma zusätzlich im Vergleich zu einem mentalen Vorstellungsparadigma und einem Film-Paradigma, zwei bekannten Paradigmen für die Induktion von motivationalen Zuständen im Bereich der Forschung der frontalen Asymmetrie, eingesetzt. In den beiden Studien konnte die Theorie von Hewig und colleages (2004; 2005; 2006) belegt werden, da höhere bilaterale frontale Aktivierung für aktives Verhalten und lateralisierte frontale Aktivierungsmuster für Annäherung (linksfrontale Hirnaktivierung) und Vermeidung (rechtsfrontale Hirnaktivierung) gefunden wurde. Zusätzlich wurde eine Limitation des „capability models of anterior frontal asymmetry“ von Coan und Kollegen (2006), nach der die frontale Asymmetrie von relevanten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen in den entsprechend der Eigenschaft relevanten Situationen beeinflusst werden sollte, gefunden. Da das sehr intensive virtuelle Realität Paradigma im Gegensatz zu den mentalen Vorstellungen und dem Film Paradigma keine Abhängigkeit der frontalen Gehirnaktivierungsmustern in den entsprechenden Situationen von den Persönlichkeitseigenschaften zeigte, kann diese Abhängigkeit der frontalen Asymmetrie von der Persönlichkeit nicht gefunden werden, wenn die Intensität der Situation einen bestimmten Wert überschreitet. Dennoch gab es einen Einfluss der Persönlichkeitseigenschaften in dem virtuellen T-Labyrinth, denn das beobachtbare Verhalten im Labyrinth war persönlichkeitsabhängig. Die praktische Bedeutung dieser Erkenntnisse sind vielfältig und reichen von möglichen objektiven Persönlichkeitstests durch eine Erweiterung des virtuellen Realität Paradigmas bis hin zu klinischen Implikationen für die Behandlung depressiver Patienten, basierend auf der Veränderungen der lateralisierten Frontalhirnaktivierungsmustern um motivationale Aspekte zu verändern, oder aber der für Änderungen bilateraler frontale Gehirnaktivierung, um den Antrieb und die Handlungsbereitschaft bei Patienten zu verändern. Schließlich kann mittels der Limitierung des „capability models“ zusätzliche Variation in den verschiedenen Befunden zur frontalen Asymmetrie erklärt werden, indem man die Intensität der Zustandsmanipulation berücksichtigt. KW - Electroencephalographie KW - Motivation KW - Frontal asymmetry KW - virtual reality T-maze KW - reinforcement sensitivity theory KW - bilateral BAS model KW - EEG KW - virtuelle Realität KW - Alpha-Aktivität Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143280 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Ulrich, Natalie A1 - Mussel, Patrick A1 - Carlo, Gustavo A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - Measuring prosocial tendencies in Germany: sources of validity and reliablity of the revised prosocial tendency measure JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - The prosocial tendencies measure (PTM; Carlo and Randall, 2002) is a widely used measurement for prosocial tendencies in English speaking participants. This instrument distinguishes between six different types of prosocial tendencies that partly share some common basis, but also can be opposed to each other. To examine these constructs in Germany, a study with 1067 participants was conducted. The study investigated the structure of this German version of the PTM-R via exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlations with similar constructs in subsamples as well as via measurement invariance test concerning the original English version. The German translation showed a similar factor structure to the English version in exploratory factor analysis and in confirmatory factor analysis. Measurement invariance was found between the English and German language versions of the PTM and support for the proposed six-factor structure (altruistic, anonymous, compliant, dire, emotional and public prosocial behavior) was also found in confirmatory factor analysis. Furthermore, the expected interrelations of these factors of prosocial behavior tendencies were obtained. Finally, correlations of the prosocial behavior tendencies with validating constructs and behaviors were found. Thus, the findings stress the importance of seeing prosocial behavior not as a single dimension construct, but as a factored construct which now can also be assessed in German speaking participants. KW - measurement invariance KW - prosocial tendency measure KW - prosocial behavior KW - altruism KW - validation KW - German translation Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159351 VL - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Nagowski, Natalie A1 - Mussel, Patrick A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - Altruistic punishment is connected to trait anger, not trait altruism, if compensation is available JF - Heliyon N2 - Altruistic punishment and altruistic compensation are important concepts that are used to investigate altruism. However, altruistic punishment has been found to be correlated with anger. We were interested whether altruistic punishment and altruistic compensation are both driven by trait altruism and trait anger or whether the influence of those two traits is more specific to one of the behavioral options. We found that if the participants were able to apply altruistic compensation and altruistic punishment together in one paradigm, trait anger only predicts altruistic punishment and trait altruism only predicts altruistic compensation. Interestingly, these relations are disguised in classical altruistic punishment and altruistic compensation paradigms where participants can either only punish or compensate. Hence altruistic punishment and altruistic compensation paradigms should be merged together if one is interested in trait altruism without the confounding influence of trait anger. KW - psychology KW - altruism KW - altruistic punishment KW - altruistic compensation KW - anger Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177669 VL - 4 IS - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Liesner, Marvin A1 - Reutter, Mario A1 - Mussel, Patrick A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - It's costly punishment, not altruistic: Low midfrontal theta and state anger predict punishment JF - Psychophysiology N2 - Punishment in economic games has been interpreted as “altruistic.” However, it was shown that punishment is related to trait anger instead of trait altruism in a third‐party dictator game if compensation is also available. Here, we investigated the influence of state anger on punishment and compensation in the third‐party dictator game. Therefore, we used movie sequences for emotional priming, including the target states anger, happy, and neutral. We measured the Feedback‐Related Negativity (FRN) and midfrontal theta band activation, to investigate an electro‐cortical correlate of the processing of fair and unfair offers. Also, we assessed single‐trial FRN and midfrontal theta band activation as a predictor for punishment and compensation. We found that punishment was linked to state anger. Midfrontal theta band activation, which has previously been linked to altruistic acts and cognitive control, predicted less punishment. Additionally, trait anger led to enhanced FRN for unfair offers. This led to the interpretation that the FRN depicts the evaluation of fairness, while midfrontal theta band activation captures an aspect of cognitive control and altruistic motivation. We conclude that we need to redefine “altruistic punishment” into “costly punishment,” as no direct link of altruism and punishment is given. Additionally, midfrontal theta band activation complements the FRN and offers additional insights into complex responses and decision processes, especially as a single trial predictor.  KW - altruistic compensation KW - costly punishment KW - FRN KW - midfrontal theta activation KW - third party dictator game Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214696 VL - 57 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weiß, Martin A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Paelecke, Marko A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - We, Them, and It: Dictator Game Offers Depend on Hierarchical Social Status, Artificial Intelligence, and Social Dominance JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - We investigated the influence of social status on behavior in a modified dictator game (DG). Since the DG contains an inherent dominance gradient, we examined the relationship between dictator decisions and recipient status, which was operationalized by three social identities and an artificial intelligence (AI). Additionally, we examined the predictive value of social dominance orientation (SDO) on the behavior of dictators toward the different social and non-social hierarchical recipients. A multilevel model analysis showed that recipients with the same status as the dictator benefited the most and the artificial intelligence the least. Furthermore, SDO, regardless of social status, predicted behavior toward recipients in such a way that higher dominance was associated with lower dictator offers. In summary, participants treated other persons of higher and lower status equally, those of equal status better and, above all, an algorithm worst. The large proportion of female participants and the limited variance of SDO should be taken into account with regard to the results of individual differences in SDO. KW - decision-making KW - dictator game KW - personality KW - social dominance KW - social status Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218168 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Marzban, Dorna A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - The influence of mental imagery expertise of pen and paper players versus computer gamers upon performance and electrocortical correlates in a difficult mental rotation task JF - Symmetry N2 - We investigated the influence of mental imagery expertise in 15 pen and paper role-players as an expert group compared to the gender-matched control group of computer role-players in the difficult Vandenberg and Kuse mental rotation task. In this task, the participants have to decide which two of four rotated figures match the target figure. The dependent measures were performance speed and accuracy. In our exploratory investigation, we further examined midline frontal theta band activation, parietal alpha band activation, and parietal alpha band asymmetry in EEG as indicator for the chosen rotation strategy. Additionally, we explored the gender influence on performance and EEG activation, although a very small female sample section was given. The expected gender difference concerning performance accuracy was negated by expertise in pen and paper role-playing women, while the gender-specific difference in performance speed was preserved. Moreover, gender differences concerning electro-cortical measures revealed differences in rotation strategy, with women using top-down strategies compared to men, who were using top-down strategies and active inhibition of associative cortical areas. These strategy uses were further moderated by expertise, with higher expertise leading to more pronounced activation patters, especially during successful performance. However, due to the very limited sample size, the findings of this explorative study have to be interpreted cautiously. KW - mental rotation KW - expertise in visual imagery KW - pen and paper vs. computer role-players KW - midline frontal theta band frequency activation KW - parietal alpha band frequency activation KW - gender influence KW - EEG Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252253 SN - 2073-8994 VL - 13 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krishna, Anand A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Mitschke, Vanessa A1 - Eder, Andreas B. T1 - Self-reported mask-related worrying reduces relative avoidance bias toward unmasked faces in individuals with low Covid19 anxiety syndrome JF - Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications N2 - Facial masks have become and may remain ubiquitous. Though important for preventing infection, they may also serve as a reminder of the risks of disease. Thus, they may either act as cues for threat, priming avoidance-related behavior, or as cues for a safe interaction, priming social approach. To distinguish between these possibilities, we assessed implicit and explicit evaluations of masked individuals as well as avoidance bias toward relatively unsafe interactions with unmasked individuals in an approach-avoidance task in an online study. We further assessed Covid19 anxiety and specific attitudes toward mask-wearing, including mask effectiveness and desirability, hindrance of communication from masks, aesthetic appeal of masks, and mask-related worrying. Across one sample of younger (18–35 years, N = 147) and one of older adults (60+ years, N = 150), we found neither an average approach nor avoidance bias toward mask-wearing compared to unmasked individuals in the indirect behavior measurement task. However, across the combined sample, self-reported mask-related worrying correlated with reduced avoidance tendencies toward unmasked individuals when Covid19 anxiety was low, but not when it was high. This relationship was specific to avoidance tendencies and was not observed in respect to explicit or implicit preference for mask-wearing individuals. We conclude that unsafe interaction styles may be reduced by targeting mask-related worrying with public interventions, in particular for populations that otherwise have low generalized Covid19 anxiety. KW - approach-avoidance KW - Covid19 KW - masks KW - anxiety Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265720 VL - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Weiß, Martin A1 - Hewig, Johannes A1 - Allen, John J. B. T1 - EPOS: EEG Processing Open-Source Scripts JF - Frontiers in Neuroscience N2 - Background: Since the replication crisis, standardization has become even more important in psychological science and neuroscience. As a result, many methods are being reconsidered, and researchers’ degrees of freedom in these methods are being discussed as a potential source of inconsistencies across studies. New Method: With the aim of addressing these subjectivity issues, we have been working on a tutorial-like EEG (pre-)processing pipeline to achieve an automated method based on the semi-automated analysis proposed by Delorme and Makeig. Results: Two scripts are presented and explained step-by-step to perform basic, informed ERP and frequency-domain analyses, including data export to statistical programs and visual representations of the data. The open-source software EEGlab in MATLAB is used as the data handling platform, but scripts based on code provided by Mike Cohen (2014) are also included. Comparison with existing methods: This accompanying tutorial-like article explains and shows how the processing of our automated pipeline affects the data and addresses, especially beginners in EEG-analysis, as other (pre)-processing chains are mostly targeting rather informed users in specialized areas or only parts of a complete procedure. In this context, we compared our pipeline with a selection of existing approaches. Conclusion: The need for standardization and replication is evident, yet it is equally important to control the plausibility of the suggested solution by data exploration. Here, we provide the community with a tool to enhance the understanding and capability of EEG-analysis. We aim to contribute to comprehensive and reliable analyses for neuro-scientific research. KW - EEG KW - electroencephalography KW - event-related potentials-ERP KW - EEG processing KW - EEG preprocessing KW - EEG frequency band analysis Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240221 SN - 1662-453X VL - 15 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Weiß, Martin A1 - Mussel, Patrick A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - On second thought … the influence of a second stage in the ultimatum game on decision behavior, electro-cortical correlates and their trait interrelation JF - Psychophysiology N2 - Previous EEG research only investigated one stage ultimatum games (UGs). We investigated the influence of a second bargaining stage in an UG concerning behavioral responses, electro-cortical correlates and their moderations by the traits altruism, anger, anxiety, and greed in 92 participants. We found that an additional stage led to more rejection in the 2-stage UG (2SUG) and that increasing offers in the second stage compared to the first stage led to more acceptance. The FRN during a trial was linked to expectance evaluation concerning the fairness of the offers, while midfrontal theta was a marker for the needed cognitive control to overcome the respective default behavioral pattern. The FRN responses to unfair offers were more negative for either low or high altruism in the UG, while high trait anxiety led to more negative FRN responses in the first stage of 2SUG, indicating higher sensitivity to unfairness. Accordingly, the mean FRN response, representing the trait-like general electrocortical reactivity to unfairness, predicted rejection in the first stage of 2SUG. Additionally, we found that high trait anger led to more rejections for unfair offer in 2SUG in general, while trait altruism led to more rejection of unimproving unfair offers in the second stage of 2SUG. In contrast, trait anxiety led to more acceptance in the second stage of 2SUG, while trait greed even led to more acceptance if the offer was worse than in the stage before. These findings suggest, that 2SUG creates a trait activation situation compared to the UG. KW - bargaining behavior KW - two-stage ultimatum game KW - reward positivity/FRN/MFN/N2 KW - trait activation in two-stage ultimatum game, KW - midfrontal theta KW - fairness evaluation vs. cognitive effort KW - EEG Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318983 VL - 59 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weiß, Martin A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - Big Five personality factors in relation to coping with contact restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a small sample study JF - Social Sciences N2 - To slow down the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, countries worldwide severely restricted public and social life. In addition to the physical threat posed by the viral disease (COVID-19), the pandemic also has implications for psychological well-being. Using a small sample (N = 51), we examined how Big Five personality traits relate to coping with contact restrictions during three consecutive weeks in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. We showed that extraversion was associated with suffering from severe contact restrictions and with benefiting from their relaxation. Individuals with high neuroticism did not show a change in their relatively poor coping with the restrictions over time, whereas conscientious individuals seemed to experience no discomfort and even positive feelings during the period of contact restrictions. Our results support the assumption that neuroticism is a vulnerability factor in relation to psychological wellbeing but also show an influence of contact restrictions on extraverted individuals. KW - Big Five KW - coping KW - COVID-19 KW - positive affect KW - negative affect Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290556 SN - 2076-0760 VL - 11 IS - 10 ER -