TY - THES A1 - Schneider, Christian T1 - Skala für Arbeitssucht T1 - Scale for workaholism N2 - Es wurde in dieser Studie das Merkmal Arbeitssucht mittels eines 174 Items umfassenden Fragebogens an 263 zufällig aus der Normalbevölkerung ausgewählten Probanden untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung wurden einer Faktorenanalyse unterzogen, die zeigte, daß das Merkmal Arbeitssucht Eindimensionalität besitzt, da nur ein inhaltlich homogener Faktor extrahiert werden konnte: Arbeitssucht als hohe Arbeitseinbezogenheit, die alle anderen Lebensbereiche dominiert, einhergehend mit Kontrollverlust über die Arbeitsmenge. Im nächsten Schritt wurde aus den erhobenen Daten mit Hilfe einer Itemanalyse eine Skala entwickelt, wofür die Items nach einem noch härteren Kriterium –nämlich der Trennschärfe- selektiert wurden. Die Skala bestand nun aus den 20 Items, welche die höchste Trennschärfe besaßen. Dabei zeigte die hohe Korrelation der Faktorwerte mit den Skalenwerten, daß der Genauigkeitsverlust durch die Itemreduktion sehr gering war. Um nun auch die allgemeine Anwendbarkeit dieser Skala nachzuweisen, wurde eine Reliabilitätsprüfung angeschlossen, die zum einen die Unabhängigkeit der Skala von formalen Kriterien und darüberhinaus von Alter und Geschlecht der Testpersonen nachwies, da zwischen den verschiedenen Kollektiven keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Beantwortung der Aussagen gefunden werden konnten. Zum anderen konnte die hohe Zuverlässigkeit der Skala mittels Bestimmung des Reliabilitätskoeffizienten Cronbach´s Alpha, der Split-half-Reliabilität und der Retest-Reliabilität als härtestem Kriterium gezeigt werden. Somit war eine sehr zuverlässige Skala entstanden, die die Grundlage für einen Kurzfragebogen zur differenzierten Erfassung von Arbeitssucht bildete. Dieser kann zusammen mit anderen Inventaren zu Neurotizismus, Günstige/ Ungünstige Primärsozialisation und Zielgerichtetheit zur biographischen Typologisierungen für Personenbefragungen in der Allgemeinbevölkerung oder bei anderen Fragestellungen auch allein zur Quantifizierung von Arbeitssucht herangezogen werden. N2 - The feature workaholism is studied by means of a questionnaire (174 items) in 263 probationers selected from the standard population by chance. The results of the survey were calculated with the help of a factor analysis. This showed, that the feature workaholism is unidimensional since only one factor could be extracted that was homogeneous in terms of content: Workaholism. It stands for high work-involvement that dominates all other life-areas and is accompanied by loss of control of working hours. Then a scale was developed from the data with help of an item analysis. Therefore, the items were selected by a harder criterion, the selectivity. The scale consists of the 20 items with the highest selectivity. It is shown that the loss of precision caused by the reduction of numbers of items can be ignored. Then the general applicability of this scale is proven by testing the reliability. There are no significant differences found between the collectives divided by formal criterions, age or sex. Moreover criterions like the coefficient Cronbach´s alpha, the Split-half-reliability and the retest-reliability showed high reliability. Consequently, a very reliable scale was developed. It can be used as a basis for a short questionnaire to quantify workaholism. It can also be used together with other inventories about neuroticism, primary socialization and singlemindedness for biographical typologies in the standard population. KW - Arbeitssucht KW - Arbeitssüchtiger KW - Sucht KW - Abhängigkeit KW - Fragebogen KW - Skala KW - Arbeit KW - workaholism KW - workaholic KW - addiction KW - dependance KW - questionnaire KW - scale work Y1 - 2001 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-1182302 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schneider, Christian T1 - Konzepte zur skalierbaren Realisierung von effizienten, halbleiterbasierten Einzelphotonenquellen T1 - Concepts for the scalable realization of efficient semiconductor single photon sources N2 - Dem Einsatz niederdimensionaler Nanostrukturen als optisch aktives Medium wird enormes Potential vorausgesagt sowohl in den klassischen optoelektronischen Bauteilen (wie z.B. Halbleiterlasern) als auch in optischen Bauteilen der näachsten Generation (z.B. Einzelphotonenquellen oder Quellen verschränkter Photonenpaare). Dennoch konnten sich quantenpunktbasierte Halbleiterlaser, abgesehen von einigen wenigen Ausnahmen (QDLaser inc.), im industriellen Maßstab bisher nicht gegen Bauelemente mit höherdimensionalen Quantenfilmen als optisch aktivem Element durchsetzen. Deshalb scheint der Einsatz von Quantenpunkten (QPen) in nichtklassischen Lichtquellen gegenwärtig vielversprechender. Um jedoch solche Bauteile bis zur letztendlichen Marktreife zu bringen, müssen neben der starken Unterdrückung von Multiphotonenemission noch wesentliche Grundvoraussetzungen erfüllt werden: In dieser Arbeit wurden grundlegende Studien durchgeführt, welche insbesondere dem Fortschritt und den Problemen der Effizienz, des elektrischen Betriebs und der Skalierbaren Herstellung der Photonenqullen dienen sollte. Zum Einen wurden hierfür elektrisch betriebene Einzelphotonenquellen basierend auf gekoppelten QP-Mikroresonatoren realisiert und de ren Bauteileffizienz gezielt optimiert, wobei konventionelle selbstorganisierte InAs-QPe als aktives Medium eingesetzt wurden. Für die skalierbare Integration einzelner QPe in Mikroresonatoren wurde des Weiteren das gesteuerte QP-Wachstum auf vorstrukturierten Substraten optimiert und auf diese Art ortskontrollierte QPe in Bauteile integriert. Für die Realisierung hocheffizienter, elektrisch gepumpter inzelphotonenquellen wurde zunächst das Wachstum von binären InAs-QPen im Stranski-Krastanov-Modus optimiert und deren optische Eigenschaften im Detail untersucht. Durch das Einbringen einer Schicht von Siliziumatomen nahe der QP-Schicht konnten die Emitter negativ geladen werden und der helle Trionenzustand der QPe als energetischer Eigenzustand des Systems zur effizienten Extraktion einzelner Photonen ausgenutzt werden. Durch die Integration dieser geladenen QPe in elektrisch kontaktierte, auf Braggspiegel basierte Mikrotürmchen konnten Einzelphotonenquellen realisiert werden, in denen gezielt Licht-Materie- Wechselwirkungseffekte zur Steigerung der Bauteileffizienz ausgenutzt wurden. Basierend auf theoretischen Überlegungen wurde die Schichtstruktur soweit optimiert, dass letztendlich experimentell eine elektrisch gepumpte Einzelphotonenquelle mit einer Photonenemissionsrate von 47 MHz sowie einer zuvor unerreichten Bauteileffizienz von 34 % im Regime der schwachen Licht-Materie-Kopplung demonstriert werden konnte. Da Effekte der Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkung zwischen QP und Resonator neben der spektralen Resonanz ebenfalls von der relativen Position von Resonator und QP zueinander abhängen, ist eine Kombination von positionierten QPen und Bauteilausrichtung nahezu unumg¨anglich für die skalierbare, deterministische Herstellung von Systemen aus perfekt angeordnetem Emitter und Resonator. Deshalb wurden bestehende Konzepte zum geordneten Wachstum von QPen weiterentwickelt: Hierbei wurde geordnetes InAs-QP-Wachstum mit Perioden realisiert, die vergleichbare Abmessungen wie optische Resonatoren aufweisen, also Nukleationsperioden zwischen 500 nm und 4 μm. Durch ein genaues Anpassen der Wachstums- und Prozessbedingungen konnte des Weiteren die Bildung von QP-Molekülen auf den Nukleationsplätzen nahezu unterdrückt beziehungsweise gesteuert werden. Durch eine systematische Optimierung der optischen Eigenschaften der QPe konnten Emitter mit Einzelquantenpunktlinienbreiten um 100 μeV realisiert werden, was eine Grundvoraussetzung zur Studie ausgeprägter Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkungseffekte in Mikroresonatoren darstellt. Letztendlich konnten durch die Integration derartiger QPe in optisch sowie elektrisch betriebene Mikroresonatoren erstmals Bauteile realisiert werden, welche einige der prinzipiellen, an eine Einzelphotonenquelle gestellten Anforderungen erfüllen. Insbesondere konnten deutliche Signaturen der schwachen Licht-Materie-Kopplung einzelner positionierter QPe in photonische Kristallresonatoren, Mikroscheibenresonatoren sowie Mikrotürmchenresonatoren festgestellt werden. Darüberhinaus konnte an einem spektral resonanten System aus einem positionierten QP und der Grundmode eines Mikrotürmchenresonators eindeutig Einzelphotonenemission unter optischer Anregung demonstriert werden. Ebenfalls konnten Mikrotürmchenresonatoren mit integrierten positionierten QPen erstmals elektrisch betrieben werden und somit die Grundvoraussetzung für eine der skalierbaren Herstellung effizienter Einzelphotonenquellen geschaffen werden. N2 - Employing low dimensional nanostructures as active medium in classical optoelectronic devices (for instance semiconductor laser diodes) as well as optical devices of the next generation (such as single photon sources or sources of entangled photon pairs promises enormous potential. Yet, despite some exceptions (for example QDLasers inc.), quantum dot (QD)-based semiconductor lasers can hardly compete with devices exploiting higher dimensional gain material so far. Hence, using QDs as single photon emitters seems very promising. In order to achieve compatibility on the market, some urgent pre-requisites still need to be met in such devices besides the surpression of multiphoton emission: • Efficiency: Only a highly efficient single photon source can be reasonably employed in applications. • Electrical operation: In order to achieve a high integration density and for reasons of user friendlyness, the device needs to be driven electrically. • Scalability: The scalable fabrication of single photon sources is pre-requisite and one of the greatest technological challenges. • Temperature: Eventually, single photon sources will only be established in the wide field of secure data transmission if their operation at room temperature can be assured. In this work, basic studies were carried out especially devoted to the progress in the first three challenges. On the one hand, electrically driven single photon sources based on coupled QD-microcavities were realized and optimized by employing conventional self organized InAs QDs as active material. On the other hand, in order to facilitate a scalable integration of single QDs into microcavities, directed QD nucleation on pre-patterned substrate was optimized. These site-controlled QDs were at last integrated into resonator devices. In order to realize highly efficient, electrically driven single photon sources, at first the growth of binary Stranski-Krastanov InAs QDs was optimized and their emission properties were investigated in detail. By introducing Silicon atoms in the vicinity of the QD-layer, the emitters could be negatively charged. The resulting bright trion state of the QDs can subsequently be exploited as the energetic eigenstate of the system for the extraction of single photons. By integrating these charged QDs in contacted, Bragg-reflector based micropillars, single photon sources were realized exploiting light-matter coupling to enhance the device’s efficiency. Based on theoretical considerations, the grown layer sequence was optimized to an extent that eventually an electrically driven single photon source with an emission rate of 47 MHz and an unprecedented device efficiency of 34 % in the weak coupling regime could be demonstrated. Since the effects of light-matter coupling between QD and resonator rely on the QD’s position in the device, a combination of site-controlled QD-growth and device alignment is almost inevitable for a scalable, deterministic fabrication of perfectly aligned emittercavity systems. Therefore, existing concepts for ordered QD-growth were adapted and improved [KH07]: Ordered QD-growth on periods comparable to dimensions of optical resonators between 500 nm und 4 μm was realized. By carefully adjusting the growth and process conditions, formation of QD-molecules on nucleation sites could be controlled and supressed almost entirely. Carrying out a systematic optimization of the QD’s optical properties, emitters with single QD-linewidth around 100 μeV were realized. This is pre-requsite for the study of pronounced light-matter interaction in microcavities. Finally, the integration of such QDs in optically and electrically driven microresonators resulted in devices demonstrating some of the fundamental properties requested from a single photon source. Pronounced signatures of the weak light-matter coupling between a site-controlled QD in a photonic crystal cavity, a microdisk cavity and micropillar cavities were observed. Furthermore, single photon emission of a spectrally resonant system of sitecontrolled QD and micropillar cavity under pulsed optical excitation was unambigiously demonstrated. Beyond this, micropillar cavities with site-controlled QDs were electrically driven for the first time, which is pre-requisite for the scalable fabrication of efficient single photon sources. KW - Einzelphotonenemission KW - Quantenpunkt KW - Positionierung KW - Drei-Fünf-Halbleiter KW - Optischer Resonator KW - Mikrokavität KW - Single photon emission KW - quantum dot KW - site-controlled KW - semiconductor KW - microcavity Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73506 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Aeschlimann, Martin A1 - Bauer, Michael A1 - Bayer, Daniela A1 - Brixner, Tobias A1 - Cunovic, Stefan A1 - Fischer, Alexander A1 - Melchior, Pascal A1 - Pfeiffer, Walter A1 - Rohmer, Martin A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Strüber, Christian A1 - Tuchscherer, Philip A1 - Voronine, Dimitri V. T1 - Optimal open-loop near-field control of plasmonic nanostructures N2 - Optimal open-loop control, i.e. the application of an analytically derived control rule, is demonstrated for nanooptical excitations using polarization-shaped laser pulses. Optimal spatial near-field localization in gold nanoprisms and excitation switching is realized by applying a shift to the relative phase of the two polarization components. The achieved near-field switching confirms theoretical predictions, proves the applicability of predefined control rules in nanooptical light–matter interaction and reveals local mode interference to be an important control mechanism. KW - Chemie Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75256 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Amthor, Matthias A1 - Weißenseel, Sebastian A1 - Fischer, Julian A1 - Kamp, Martin A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Höfling, Sven T1 - Electro-optical switching between polariton and cavity lasing in an InGaAs quantum well microcavity N2 - We report on the condensation of microcavity exciton polaritons under optical excitation in a microcavity with four embedded InGaAs quantum wells. The polariton laser is characterized by a distinct nonlinearity in the input-output-characteristics, which is accompanied by a drop of the emission linewidth indicating temporal coherence and a characteristic persisting emission blueshift with increased particle density. The temporal coherence of the device at threshold is underlined by a characteristic drop of the second order coherence function to a value close to 1. Furthermore an external electric field is used to switch between polariton regime, polariton condensate and photon lasing. KW - Quantum-well, -wire and -dot devices KW - Scattering KW - stimulated KW - Resonators KW - Microcavity devices Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111130 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maier, Sebastian A1 - Gold, Peter A1 - Forchel, Alfred A1 - Gregersen, Niels A1 - Mork, Jesper A1 - Höfling, Sven A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Kamp, Martin T1 - Bright single photon source based on self-aligned quantum dot-cavity systems JF - Optics Express N2 - We report on a quasi-planar quantum-dot-based single-photon source that shows an unprecedented high extraction efficiency of 42% without complex photonic resonator geometries or post-growth nanofabrication. This very high efficiency originates from the coupling of the photons emitted by a quantum dot to a Gaussian shaped nanohill defect that naturally arises during epitaxial growth in a self-aligned manner. We investigate the morphology of these defects and characterize the photonic operation mechanism. Our results show that these naturally arising coupled quantum dot-defects provide a new avenue for efficient (up to 42% demonstrated) and pure (g(2)(0) value of 0.023) single-photon emission. KW - photon statistics KW - quantum communications KW - resonators KW - quantum-well -wire and -dot devices Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119801 SN - 1094-4087 VL - 22 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rau, Markus A1 - Heindel, Tobias A1 - Unsleber, Sebastian A1 - Braun, Tristan A1 - Fischer, Julian A1 - Frick, Stefan A1 - Nauerth, Sebastian A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Vest, Gwenaelle A1 - Reitzenstein, Stephan A1 - Kamp, Martin A1 - Forchel, Alfred A1 - Höfling, Sven A1 - Weinfurter, Harald T1 - Free space quantum key distribution over 500 meters using electrically driven quantum dot single-photon sources-a proof of principle experiment JF - New Journal of Physics N2 - Highly efficient single-photon sources (SPS) can increase the secure key rate of quantum key distribution (QKD) systems compared to conventional attenuated laser systems. Here we report on a free space QKD test using an electrically driven quantum dot single-photon source (QD SPS) that does not require a separate laser setup for optical pumping and thus allows for a simple and compact SPS QKD system. We describe its implementation in our 500 m free space QKD system in downtown Munich. Emulating a BB84 protocol operating at a repetition rate of 125 MHz, we could achieve sifted key rates of 5-17 kHz with error ratios of 6-9% and g((2))(0)-values of 0.39-0.76. KW - QKD KW - electrically driven KW - free space KW - quantum dots KW - quantum key distribution Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116760 VL - 16 IS - 043003 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Winkler, Karol A1 - Fischer, Julian A1 - Schade, Anne A1 - Amthor, Matthias A1 - Dall, Robert A1 - Geßler, Jonas A1 - Emmerling, Monika A1 - Ostrovskaya, Elena A. A1 - Kamp, Martin A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Höfling, Sven T1 - A polariton condensate in a photonic crystal potential landscape JF - New Journal of Physics N2 - The possibility of investigating macroscopic coherent quantum states in polariton condensates and of engineering polariton landscapes in semiconductors has triggered interest in using polaritonic systems to simulate complex many-body phenomena. However, advanced experiments require superior trapping techniques that allow for the engineering of periodic and arbitrary potentials with strong on-site localization, clean condensate formation, and nearest-neighbor coupling. Here we establish a technology that meets these demands and enables strong, potentially tunable trapping without affecting the favorable polariton characteristics. The traps are based on a locally elongated microcavity which can be formed by standard lithography. We observe polariton condensation with non-resonant pumping in single traps and photonic crystal square lattice arrays. In the latter structures, we observe pronounced energy bands, complete band gaps, and spontaneous condensation at the M-point of the Brillouin zone. Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125050 VL - 17 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yu, Leo A1 - Natarajan, Chandra M. A1 - Horikiri, Tomoyuki A1 - Langrock, Carsten A1 - Pelc, Jason S. A1 - Tanner, Michael G. A1 - Abe, Eisuke A1 - Maier, Sebastian A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Höfling, Sven A1 - Kamp, Martin A1 - Hadfield, Robert H. A1 - Fejer, Martin M. A1 - Yamamoto, Yoshihisa T1 - Two-photon interference at telecom wavelengths for time-bin-encoded single photons from quantum-dot spin qubits JF - Nature Communications N2 - Practical quantum communication between remote quantum memories rely on single photons at telecom wavelengths. Although spin-photon entanglement has been demonstrated in atomic and solid-state qubit systems, the produced single photons at short wavelengths and with polarization encoding are not suitable for long-distance communication, because they suffer from high propagation loss and depolarization in optical fibres. Establishing entanglement between remote quantum nodes would further require the photons generated from separate nodes to be indistinguishable. Here, we report the observation of correlations between a quantum-dot spin and a telecom single photon across a 2-km fibre channel based on time-bin encoding and background-free frequency downconversion. The downconverted photon at telecom wavelengths exhibits two-photon interference with another photon from an independent source, achieving a mean wavepacket overlap of greater than 0.89 despite their original wavelength mismatch (900 and 911 nm). The quantum-networking operations that we demonstrate will enable practical communication between solid-state spin qubits across long distances. KW - atom KW - 1550 nm KW - up-conversion KW - heralded entanglement KW - emission KW - interface KW - generation KW - communication KW - downconversion Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-138677 VL - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lee, Chang-Min A1 - Lim, Hee-Jin A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Maier, Sebastian A1 - Höfling, Sven A1 - Kamp, Martin A1 - Lee, Yong-Hee T1 - Efficient single photon source based on \(\mu\)-fibre-coupled tunable microcavity JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Efficient and fast on-demand single photon sources have been sought after as critical components of quantum information science. We report an efficient and tunable single photon source based on an InAs quantum dot (QD) embedded in a photonic crystal cavity coupled with a highly curved \(\mu\)-fibre. Exploiting evanescent coupling between the \(\mu\)-fibre and the cavity, a high collection efficiency of 23% and Purcell-enhanced spontaneous emissions are observed. In our scheme, the spectral position of a resonance can be tuned by as much as 1.5 nm by adjusting the contact position of the \(\mu\)-fibre, which increases the spectral coupling probability between the QD and the cavity mode. Taking advantage of the high photon count rate and the tunability, the collection efficiencies and the decay rates are systematically investigated as a function of the QD-cavity detuning. KW - tapers KW - semiconductor quantum dots KW - crystal KW - nanowire KW - generation KW - nanoactivity KW - mode KW - emission Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145835 VL - 5 IS - 14309 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Seonghoon A1 - Zhang, Bo A1 - Wang, Zhaorong A1 - Fischer, Julian A1 - Brodbeck, Sebastian A1 - Kamp, Martin A1 - Schneider, Christian A1 - Höfling, Sven A1 - Deng, Hui T1 - Coherent Polariton Laser JF - Physical Review X N2 - The semiconductor polariton laser promises a new source of coherent light, which, compared to conventional semiconductor photon lasers, has input-energy threshold orders of magnitude lower. However, intensity stability, a defining feature of a coherent state, has remained poor. Intensity noise many times the shot noise of a coherent state has persisted, attributed to multiple mechanisms that are difficult to separate in conventional polariton systems. The large intensity noise, in turn, limits the phase coherence. Thus, the capability of the polariton laser as a source of coherence light is limited. Here, we demonstrate a polariton laser with shot-noise-limited intensity stability, as expected from a fully coherent state. This stability is achieved by using an optical cavity with high mode selectivity to enforce single-mode lasing, suppress condensate depletion, and establish gain saturation. Moreover, the absence of spurious intensity fluctuations enables the measurement of a transition from exponential to Gaussian decay of the phase coherence of the polariton laser. It suggests large self-interaction energies in the polariton condensate, exceeding the laser bandwidth. Such strong interactions are unique to matter-wave lasers and important for nonlinear polariton devices. The results will guide future development of polariton lasers and nonlinear polariton devices. KW - polariton laser KW - condensed matter physics KW - photonics KW - quantum physics KW - coherent light Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166597 VL - 6 IS - 011026 ER -