TY - JOUR A1 - Duschl, Albert A1 - Jahn, Ute A1 - Bertling, Claudia A1 - Sebald, Walter T1 - A comparison of assays for the response of primary human T-cells upon stimulation with interleukin-2, interleukin-4 and interleukin-7 N2 - The most commonly used assay to quantitate the response of peripheral T~cells upon stimulation with growth factors is determination of incorporated (JH]TdR. We compared thls test to three other methods: 1. direct countlog of cells with a Coulter type counter as reference assay, 2. a colorimetric assay using the tetrazolium dye 3-[ 4,S-dimethylthiazol-l-yl]-2,5diphenyl tetrazolium (MTT), which is a cheap and increasingly popular non-radioactive method and 3. incorporation of the thymidine analog 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine detection with a monoclonal antibody on cytospins. Primary human PHA-blasts from >30 healthy individuals were stimulated with IL-2, IL-4 aod IL-7 and assayed with up to four different methods. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the assays used and tbe effects of differences between cell preparations. We observed no significant variations between individuals for the dose dependence, but the relative emctency of IL4 compared to IL-2 and IL-7 was variable. This was probably due to the slower response observed upon stimulation with this factor. KW - T-Lymphozyt KW - Interleukin 2 KW - Interleukin 4 KW - Interleukin 7 KW - T-cells KW - proliferation assays KW - IL-2 KW - IL-4 KW - IL-7 Y1 - 1992 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86750 ER - TY - THES A1 - Feldmann, Kristina T1 - Signal transduction of transforming growth factor-Beta in cytotoxic T cells T1 - Signaltransduktion von Transforming-Growth-Factor-beta in Zytotoxischen T-Zellen N2 - Transforming-Growth-Factor-beta1 (TGF-b1) ist ein multifunktionelles Zytokin, welches insbesondere Zellwachstum und Zelldifferenzierung koordiniert. TGF-b ist vor allem dafür bekannt, Zellen des Immunsystems zu beeinflussen. TGF-b steuert zum Beispiel die Differenzierung von T-Zellen und und deren Effektorfunktionen. Die Signaltransduktion von TGF-b wird vermittelt durch die Phosphorylierung von Rezeptor-assoziierten Smad-Proteinen (R-Smads). R-Smads werden vom Typ I Rezeptor aktiviert, der seinerseits vom hochaffinen Typ II Rezeptor phosphoryliert wird, sobald der Ligand bindet. Die phosphorylierten RSmads assoziieren darauf mit Co-Smads. Heterooligomere von R-Smads und Co-Smads wandern dann in den Zellkern, wo sie im Zusammenspiel mit Transkriptionsfaktoren wie CBP/p300 oder AP-1 die Transkription TGF-b-spezifischer Zielgene koordinieren. Neue Erkenntnisse lassen vermuten, daß die pleiotropen Effekte von TGF-b durch das Interagieren mit anderen Signalkaskaden entstehen, zum Beispiel mit dem MAP-Kinase-Weg oder der STAT-Kaskade. Wir beschreiben hier den Effekt von TGF-b auf die Effektorfunktionen unterschiedlich stimulierter primärer Maus-Milzzellen und aufgereinigten zytotoxischen CD8+ Maus-TZellen. Langzeitbehandlung mit TGF-b resultierte in der Unfähigkeit der Zellen, Smad2 ligandeninduziert zu phosphorylieren. Entweder wurde überhaupt keine Phosphorylierung beobachtet, oder eine anhaltende Phosphorylierung von Smad2 unabhängig vom Vorhandensein des Liganden. Des weiteren stellten wir einen Zusammenhang zwischen anhaltender Smad2-Phosphorylierung und der Resistenz gegenüber TGF-b induzierter Wachstumshemmung fest. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen Zellen, die sensitiv sind gegenüber TGF-b vermittelter Wachstumshemmung, keine Smad2-Phosphorylierung mehr. Bezüglich ihrer zytotoxische Aktivtät waren allerdings beide Phänotypen nicht mehr lytisch wirksam, unabhängig von der jeweiligen Smad2-Phosphorylierung. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir auch die Notwendigkeit eines funktionalen MEK-1-Signalweges auf, der unabdingbar ist, damit TZellen keine Wachstumsinhibierung durch TGF-b mehr erfahren. Das Blockieren dieses Signalweges führt darüberhinaus bei diesen Zellen ebenfalls zu einem veränderten Smad2- Phosphorylierungsmuster. Bezüglich des JNK-Signalweges konnten wir feststellen, daß ein funktional aktiver JNK-Signalweg mit der Resistenz gegenüber TGF-b vermittelter Wachstumsinhibierung einhergeht. Allerdings führt die Zugabe von IFNg und/oder aCD28- Antikörper nicht zu einer veränderten Sensitivität gegenüber TGF-b. Im Gegensatz zuprimären Zellen können die beschriebenen Zusammenhänge in Zellkulturen vom humanen und murinen T Zellen nicht beobachtet werden, und sind somit spezifisch für primare TZellen. Wir beschreiben auch die Klonierung eines chimären dominant-negativen Typ II Rezeptors, der an eine Kinase gekoppelt ist, die bei Aktivierung Zelltod auslöst. Damit soll es in Zukunft möglich sein, T-Zellen gegenüber TGF-b Resistenz zu verleihen. Die hier geschilderten Ergebnisse vertiefen die Kenntnisse über molekulare Mechanismen der Wirkung von TGF-b auf T-Zellen und können vielleicht dazu beitragen, negative Effekte von TGF-b, zum Beispiel in der Tumortherapie, gezielt abzuwenden. N2 - Transforming-Growth-Factor-beta1 (TGF-b1) is a multifunctional cytokine that regulates cell growth and differentiation in many types of cells. TGF-b1 is especially known to exert a variety of regulatory functions in the immune system, such as T cell differentiation and T cell function. Signal transduction of TGF-b1 is mediated by phosphorylation of receptorassociated Smad proteins (R-Smads). R-Smads are phosphorylated by the activated type I receptor, which is itself phosphorylated by the high affinity type II receptor upon ligand binding. The phosphorylated R-Smads then associate with Co-Smads. Heterooligomers of R- and Co-Smads translocate into the nucleus where they regulate transcription of target genes in concert with other transcription factors such as CBP/p300 or AP-1. Recent findings suggest that the pleiotropic effects of TGF-b1 are conferred by crosstalks to other signal transduction pathways such as the MAP-kinases or the STAT-pathway. Here we describe the effect of long-term exposure to TGF-b1 on the effector function of differentially stimulated primary murine splenocytes and purified primary murine CD8+ cytotoxic T cells. Long-term exposure to TGF-b1 results in non-responsiveness to TGF-b1- induced Smad2 phosphorylation. This is seen either by no phosphorylation or sustained phosphorylation of Smad2. Furthermore, we observed a strong correlation between sustained Smad2 phosphorylation and resistance to TGF-b1 mediated growth inhibition. In contrast, splenocyte cultures strongly growth inhibited by TGF-b1 showed no Smad2 phosphorylation. Lytic activity of these cultures, however, was found to be suppressed regardless of proliferation properties and Smad2 phosphorylation pattern. We also describe that a functional MEK-1 pathway is a prerequisite for rendering murine splenocytes unresponsive to TGF-b1 mediated growth inhibition, and that inhibition of the MEK-1 cascade alters the Smad2 phosphorylation pattern. In addition, we show that resistance to TGF-b1 mediated growth inhibition correlates with the activation of the JNK pathway. However, the resistant phenotype was found unable to be reverted upon administration of exogeneous IFNg and/or aCD28 antibody. In human or mouse T cell lines, however, the described correlation between the type of stimulation and TGF-b growth resistance or growth sensitivity is not present. Thus, this correlation is specific for primary T cells. We also cloned a chimeric dominantnegative TGF-b receptor which is coupled to a suicide gene, in order to render T cells resistant to TGF-b mediated effects.These findings shed light on how TGF-b1 mediates its immunosuppressive role, and may help to gain knowledge of averting these TGF-b1 effects in the course of tumor therapy. KW - T-Lymphozyt KW - Transforming Growth Factor beta 1 KW - Signaltransduktion KW - T-Zellen KW - TGF-beta KW - Signaltransduktion KW - Smad KW - T-cells KW - TGF-beta KW - Signal transduction KW - Smad Y1 - 2002 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4912 ER - TY - THES A1 - Tyrsin, Dmitry T1 - Autoregulation of NFATc1 gene T1 - AUTOREGULATION DES NFATc1 GEN N2 - Die Familie der NFAT-Transkriptionsfaktoren (NFATc1-c4) ist im Zuge einer Immunreaktion endscheidend an der transkriptionellen Regulation der Genexpression beteiligt. Wurden NFAT-Faktoren zunächst als T-zell-spezifische Aktivatoren von Zytokinpromotoren beschrieben, so hat sich inzwischen gezeigt, dass sie in einer Vielzahl von Geweben eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Als Beispiele seien die Herzklappenentwicklung, die Bildung von Blutgefässen, die Ausbildung neuronaler Axone oder die Osteoklastendifferenzierung genannt [10, 24]. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen wir, dass die starke Expression der kurzen Isoform NFATc1/αA in Effektor-T-Lymphozyten durch die induzierbare Aktivität des Promoters P1 kontrolliert wird. Die P1 Aktivierung führt zum Splicing des Exon 1 zu 3 (α-Isoformen) und endet meist durch Benutzung der Polyadenylierungsstelle pA1 hinter Exon 9 (A-Isoformen). Der zweite, schwächerer Promoter P2 befindet sich vor dem zweiten Exon und ist für die konstitutive Synthese der β-Isoformen verantwortlich. Der Transkriptionstart am zweiten Exon geht meist mit der Benutzung einer zweiten, hinter dem 11. Exon gelegenen Polyadenylierungsstelle pA2 einher, die durch alternatives Splicing zur Synthese der Isoformen B und C führt. Insgesamt können so vom nfatc1-Lokus sechs verschiedene Isoformen (αA, αB, αC, βA, βB und βC) generiert werden. Die induzierbare Aktivität des P1-Promoters ist, im Gegensatz zum eher konstitutiv aktiven P2-Promoter, NFAT-abhängig und somit eine Form der Autoregulation. In ruhenden T-Lymphozyten sind einzig die Transkripte der NFATc1/β-Isoformen nachweisbar. Nach einer T-Zell-Aktivierung nimmt ihre Häufigkeit dann ab, während nun die α-Isoformen dominant werden. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass es nach Induktion primärer Effektor-T-Helfer-Zellen oder in T-Zell-Linien zu einer 15-20-fachen Akkumulation der NFATc1/αA mRNA bzw. einer 2-5-fachen Zunahme der NFATc1/αB und C mRNAs kommt. Zur maximalen Induktion des P1-Promotors bedarf es zum einen eines anhaltenden Anstiegs der intrazellulären Kalziumkonzentration, die zur Aktivierung der Phosphatase Calcineurin und damit zur Kernlokalisation der NFAT-Faktoren führt. Zum anderen ist die Aktivierung der Proteinkinase C-Enzyme und der MAP-Kinasen notwendig, wie sie durch Phorbolester in der Zelle vermittelt wird. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass für eine optimale Aktivierung des P1-Promotors sowohl Signale des T-Zell-Rezeptors als auch Signale von Korezeptoren - wie von CD28 - notwendig sind. Da die Induktion von NFATc1/αA in NFATc2/NFATc3 doppeldefizienten Mäusen normal erfolgt, kann man schlussfolgern, dass NFATc1 in Form einer Autoregulation die Aktivität des P1-Promoters und damit die Synthese der α-Isoformen kontrolliert. Die NFAT-vermittelte Aktivierung des P1-Promoters erfolgt über zwei tandemartig angeordnete NFAT-Bindungsstellen der Nukleotidsequenz TGGAAA, an die jeweils ein NFAT-Protein binden kann. Daneben enthält der Promoter konservierte Bindemotive für CREB-, AP-1, Sp-, NF-kB- und GATA-Faktoren, die wahrscheinlich an der komplexen Kontrolle dieses induzierbaren NFATc1-Promoters beteiligt sind. Zusammengefasst ergibt sich aus diesen Daten das folgende Modell. Die Transkription im nfatc1-Genlokus erfolgt in naiven und in ruhenden Effektor-T-Zellen konstitutiv und gesteuert durch den P2-Promotor. In Folge einer Aktivierung der Zelle verringert sich die Aktivität des P2-Promotors, während gleichzeitig der P1-Promotor induziert wird, der zusammen mit einer verstärkten Nutzung der pA1-Polyadenylierungssequenz für die massive Zunahme der NFATc1/αA-Isoform verantwortlich ist. Dies deutet auf eine besondere Bedeutung dieser kurzen Isoform in der Effektorphase der T-Zell-Aktivierung hin, insbesondere in Th1-Zellen, die NFATc1/αA in hohen Konzentrationen produzieren. N2 - NFAT transcription factors play critical roles in gene transcription during immune responses. Besides regulation of lymphokine promoters in T lymphocytes, NFAT factors are also expressed in other cell types and regulate the activity of numerous genes that control the generation of cardiac septa and valves in embryonic heart, the formation of blood vessels, the outgrowth of neuronal axons and the differentiation of osteoclasts during bone formation [10, 24]. Here we show that the induction of NFATc/αA in effector T cells is controlled by a strong inducible promoter, P1. It results in splicing of exon 1 to exon 3 transcripts and, in concert with the activity of a poly A site downstream of exon 9, leads to the massive synthesis of NFATc/αA in effector Th1 cells. A second, weak promoter, P2, lies in front of exon 2 and directs the synthesis of longer NFAT β isoforms. Both P1 and P2 direct the synthesis of three different RNAs: αA, αB, αC and βA, βB, βC correspondingly. The B and C isoforms arise from alternative splicing and poly A addition at the distal site pA2. P1 but not P2 activity is autoregulated by NFAT factors which bind to two tandemly arranged NFAT sites within P1 and enhance its induction. In resting T cells, the NFATc1/β RNAs are the most prominent nfatc1 transcripts and their synthesis is reduced upon T-cell activation. However, following activation in primary effector T cells or in T-cell lines of human or murine origin, a 15–20-fold induction of NFATc1/αA RNA was detected, whereas only a 2–5-fold increase was observed for the NFATc1/αB or NFATc1/αC RNAs. Optimal induction of P1 promoter require involving of a persistent increase in free cytosolic Ca2+ induced by ionomycin, which stimulates the nuclear translocation and transcriptional activation of all NFATc factors and phorbol esters, which activate protein kinase C and other protein kinase pathways in T cells. This suggests that both TCR and co-receptor signals contribute to give full P1 nfatc1 induction. Because NFATc1/αA induction is unaffected in NFATc2+c3 double-deficient T cells, NFATc1 autoregulates its own synthesis by controlling P1 activity and NFATc1/αA induction. P1 promoter contains tandemly arranged NFAT core binding motif TGGAAA to witch bind monomeric NFATc1 proteins and numerous conservative binding sites of other transcriptional factors like CREB, Fos, ATF-2, Sp1, NF-kB and GATA suggesting complex multi-factor regulation of NFATc1 gene. We also highlight that initial phase of nfatc1 transcription in naive CD4+ T cells is controlled by the promoter P2 which is constitutively active in resting T cells. The activation of resting T cells results in a decrease of P2 and the induction of P1 activity and, under optimal conditions, in the predominant synthesis of NFATc1/αA in effector T cells. In addition to the high concentrations of poly A factors required for optimal pA1 function, the levels of transcription factors, in particular NFATs, must also increase for P1 induction. That could be explained by achievement of certain threshold levels for transcriptional activation. Finally, the altered transactivation potential of NFATc1/αA suggests a specific role for this NFATc1 protein in gene control, such as in Th1 effector cells where NFATc1/αA is synthesized at high concentrations. KW - Autoregulation KW - Posttranskriptionelle Regulation KW - Genexpression KW - Promotor KW - Regulatorgen KW - NFATc1 KW - Autoregulation KW - T-Zellen KW - Transkriptionfaktoren KW - Genexpression KW - NFATc1 KW - Autoregulation KW - T-cells KW - Transcription factors KW - Gene Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26544 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zadeh-Khorasani, Maryam A1 - Nolte, Thomas A1 - Mueller, Thomas D. A1 - Pechlivanis, Markos A1 - Rueff, Franziska A1 - Wollenberg, Andreas A1 - Fricker, Gert A1 - Wolf, Eckhard A1 - Siebeck, Matthias A1 - Gropp, Roswitha T1 - NOD-scid IL2R \(\gamma^{null}\) mice engrafted with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells as a model to test therapeutics targeting human signaling pathways JF - Journal of Translational Medicine N2 - Background: Animal models of human inflammatory diseases have limited predictive quality for human clinical trials for various reasons including species specific activation mechanisms and the immunological background of the animals which markedly differs from the genetically heterogeneous and often aged patient population. Objective: Development of an animal model allowing for testing therapeutics targeting pathways involved in the development of Atopic Dermatitis (AD) with better translatability to the patient. Methods: NOD-scid IL2R \(\gamma^{null}\) mice engrafted with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (hPBMC) derived from patients suffering from AD and healthy volunteers were treated with IL-4 and the antagonistic IL-4 variant R121/Y124D (Pitrakinra). Levels of human (h) IgE, amount of B-, T- and plasma-cells and ratio of CD4 : CD8 positive cells served as read out for induction and inhibition of cell proliferation and hIgE secretion. Results were compared to in vitro analysis. Results: hIgE secretion was induced by IL-4 and inhibited by the IL-4 antagonist Pitrakinra in vivo when formulated with methylcellulose. B-cells proliferated in response to IL-4 in vivo; the effect was abrogated by Pitrakinra. IL-4 shifted CD4 : CD8 ratios in vitro and in vivo when hPBMC derived from healthy volunteers were used. Pitrakinra reversed the effect. Human PBMC derived from patients with AD remained inert and engrafted mice reflected the individual responses observed in vitro. Conclusion: NOD-scid IL2R \(\gamma^{null}\) mice engrafted with human PBMC reflect the immunological history of the donors and provide a complementary tool to in vitro studies. Thus, studies in this model might provide data with better translatability from bench to bedside. KW - atopic dermatitis KW - T-cells KW - rheumatoid arthritis KW - human interleukin-4 KW - TGN1412 KW - oxazolone colitis KW - cytokine release KW - expression KW - antagonists KW - responses Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122960 SN - 1479-5876 VL - 11 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Nolte, Thomas A1 - Zadeh-Khorasani, Maryam A1 - Safarov, Orkhan A1 - Rueff, Franziska A1 - Varga, Rita A1 - Herbach, Nadja A1 - Wanke, Rüdiger A1 - Wollenberg, Andreas A1 - Mueller, Thomas A1 - Gropp, Roswitha A1 - Wolf, Eckhard A1 - Siebeck, Matthias T1 - Induction of oxazolone-mediated features of atopic dermatitis in NOD-scid IL2R \(γ^{null}\) mice engrafted with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells JF - Disease Models & Mechanisms N2 - Animal models mimicking human diseases have been used extensively to study the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases and the efficacy of potential therapeutics. They are, however, limited with regard to their similarity to the human disease and cannot be used if the antagonist and its cognate receptor require high similarity in structure or binding. Here, we examine the induction of oxazolone-mediated features of atopic dermatitis (AD) in NOD-scid IL2R \(γ^{null}\) mice engrafted with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The mice developed the same symptoms as immunocompetent BALB/c mice. Histological alterations induced by oxazolone were characterized by keratosis, epithelial hyperplasia and influx of inflammatory cells into the dermis and epidermis. The cellular infiltrate was identified as human leukocytes, with T cells being the major constituent. In addition, oxazolone increased human serum IgE levels. The response, however, required the engraftment of PBMC derived from patients suffering from AD, which suggests that this model reflects the immunological status of the donor. Taken together, the model described here has the potential to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutics targeting human lymphocytes in vivo and, in addition, might be developed further to elucidate molecular mechanisms inducing and sustaining flares of the disease. KW - expression KW - model KW - pbl KW - differentiation KW - mechanisms KW - antagonists KW - gamma KW - human interleukin-4 KW - rheumatoid-arthritis KW - T-cells Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122189 VL - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brunekreeft, Kim L. A1 - Strohm, Corinna A1 - Gooden, Marloes J. A1 - Rybczynska, Anna A. A1 - Nijman, Hans W. A1 - Grigoleit, Götz U. A1 - Helfrich, Wijnand A1 - Bremer, Edwin A1 - Siegmund, Daniela A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - de Bruyn, Marco T1 - Targeted delivery of CD40L promotes restricted activation of antigen-presenting cells and induction of cancer cell death JF - Molecular Cancer N2 - Background: Stimulation of CD40 can augment anti-cancer T cell immune responses by triggering effective activation and maturation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Although CD40 agonists have clinical activity in humans, the associated systemic activation of the immune system triggers dose-limiting side-effects. Methods: To increase the tumor selectivity of CD40 agonist-based therapies, we developed an approach in which soluble trimeric CD40L (sCD40L) is genetically fused to tumor targeting antibody fragments, yielding scFv: CD40L fusion proteins. We hypothesized that scFv: CD40L fusion proteins would have reduced CD40 agonist activity similar to sCD40L but will be converted to a highly agonistic membrane CD40L-like form of CD40L upon anchoring to cell surface exposed antigen via the scFv domain. Results: Targeted delivery of CD40L to the carcinoma marker EpCAM on carcinoma cells induced dose-dependent paracrine maturation of DCs similar to 20-fold more effective than a non-targeted control scFv: CD40L fusion protein. Similarly, targeted delivery of CD40L to the B cell leukemia marker CD20 induced effective paracrine maturation of DCs. Of note, the CD20-selective delivery of CD40L also triggered loss of cell viability in certain B cell leukemic cell lines as a result of CD20-induced apoptosis. Conclusions: Targeted delivery of CD40L to cancer cells is a promising strategy that may help to trigger cancer-localized activation of CD40 and can be modified to exert additional anti-cancer activity via the targeting domain. KW - CD20 KW - EpCAM KW - CD40L KW - ScFv KW - targeting KW - dendritic cells KW - T-cells KW - monoclonal-antibodies KW - immune modulation KW - autologous tumor Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116682 SN - 1476-4598 VL - 13 IS - 85 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Karulin, Alexey Y. A1 - Caspell, Richard A1 - Dittrich, Marcus A1 - Lehmann, Paul V. T1 - Normal distribution of CD8+ T-cell-derived ELISPOT counts within replicates justifies the reliance on parametric statistics for identifying positive responses JF - Cells N2 - Accurate assessment of positive ELISPOT responses for low frequencies of antigen-specific T-cells is controversial. In particular, it is still unknown whether ELISPOT counts within replicate wells follow a theoretical distribution function, and thus whether high power parametric statistics can be used to discriminate between positive and negative wells. We studied experimental distributions of spot counts for up to 120 replicate wells of IFN-γ production by CD8+ T-cell responding to EBV LMP2A (426 – 434) peptide in human PBMC. The cells were tested in serial dilutions covering a wide range of average spot counts per condition, from just a few to hundreds of spots per well. Statistical analysis of the data using diagnostic Q-Q plots and the Shapiro-Wilk normality test showed that in the entire dynamic range of ELISPOT spot counts within replicate wells followed a normal distribution. This result implies that the Student t-Test and ANOVA are suited to identify positive responses. We also show experimentally that borderline responses can be reliably detected by involving more replicate wells, plating higher numbers of PBMC, addition of IL-7, or a combination of these. Furthermore, we have experimentally verified that the number of replicates needed for detection of weak responses can be calculated using parametric statistics. KW - ELISPOT KW - statistics KW - t-Test KW - ANOVA KW - T-cells KW - normal distribution Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-149968 VL - 4 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Floss, Doreen M. A1 - Klöcker, Tobias A1 - Schröder, Jutta A1 - Lamertz, Larissa A1 - Mrotzek, Simone A1 - Strobl, Birgit A1 - Hermanns, Heike A1 - Scheller, Jürgen T1 - Defining the functional binding sites of interleukin 12 receptor beta 1 and interleukin 23 receptor to Janus kinases JF - Molecular Biology of the Cell N2 - The interleukin (IL)-12-type cytokines IL-12 and IL-23 are involved in T-helper (Th) 1 and Th17 immunity, respectively. They share the IL-12 receptor beta 1 (IL-12R beta 1) as one component of their receptor signaling complexes, with IL-12R beta 2 as second receptor for IL-12 and IL-23R for IL-23 signal transduction. Stimulation with IL-12 and IL-23 results in activation of receptor-associated Janus kinases (Jak) and phosphorylation of STAT proteins in target cells. The Janus kinase tyrosine kinase (Tyk) 2 associates with IL-12R beta 1, whereas Jak2 binds to IL-23R and also to IL-12R beta 2. Receptor association of Jak2 is mediated by Box1 and Box2 motifs located within the intracellular domain of the receptor chains. Here we define the Box1 and Box2 motifs in IL-12R beta 1 and an unusual Jak2-binding site in IL-23R by the use of deletion and site-directed mutagenesis. Our data show that nonfunctional box motifs abolish IL-12- and IL-23-induced STAT3 phosphorylation and cytokine-dependent proliferation of Ba/F3 cells. Coimmunoprecipitation of Tyk2 by IL-12R beta 1 and Jak2 by IL-23R supported these findings. In addition, our data demonstrate that association of Jak2 with IL-23R is mandatory for IL-12 and/or IL-23 signaling, whereas Tyk2 seems to be dispensable. KW - Tyrosine phosphorylation KW - Cytokine receptors KW - Intracellular domain KW - IL-12 family KW - Responses KW - Signal transduction KW - T-cells KW - STAT3 activation KW - Jak kinases KW - Inflammation Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-188104 VL - 27 IS - 14 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Neuchel, Christine A1 - Fürst, Daniel A1 - Niederwieser, Dietger A1 - Bunjes, Donald A1 - Tsamadou, Chrysanthi A1 - Wulf, Gerald A1 - Pfreundschuh, Michael A1 - Wagner, Eva A1 - Stuhler, Gernot A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Schrezenmeier, Hubert A1 - Mytilineos, Joannis T1 - Impact of donor activating KIR genes on HSCT outcome in C1-ligand negative myeloid disease patients transplanted with unrelated donors - a retrospective study JF - PLOS One N2 - Natural Killer cells (NK) are lymphocytes with the potential to recognize and lyse cells which escaped T-cell mediated lysis due to their aberrant HLA expression profiles. Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) influence NK-cell activity by mediation of activating or inhibitory signals upon interaction with HLA-C (C1, C2) ligands. Therefore, absence of ligands for donor inhibitory KIRs following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) may have an influence on its outcome. Previous studies showed that C1 negative patients have a decreased HSCT outcome. Our study, based on a cohort of 200 C1-negative patients, confirmed these findings for the endpoints: overall survival (OS: HR = 1.41, CI = 1.14–1.74, p = 0.0012), disease free survival (DFS: HR = 1.27, CI = 1.05–1.53, p = 0.015), treatment related mortality (TRM: HR = 1.41, CI = 1.01–1.96, p = 0.04), and relapse incidence (RI: HR = 1.33, CI = 1.01–1.75, p = 0.04) all being inferior when compared to C1-positive patients (n = 1246). Subsequent analysis showed that these findings applied for patients with myeloid malignancies but not for patients with lymphoproliferative diseases (OS: myeloid: HR = 1.51, CI = 1.15–1.99, p = 0.003; lymphoblastic: HR = 1.26, CI = 0.91–1.75, p = 0.16; DFS: myeloid: HR = 1.31, CI = 1.01–1.70, p = 0.04; lymphoblastic: HR = 1.21, CI = 0.90–1.61, p = 0.21; RI: myeloid: HR = 1.31, CI = 1.01–1.70, p = 0.04; lymphoblastic: HR = 1.21, CI = 0.90–1.61, p = 0.21). Interestingly, within the C1-negative patient group, transplantation with KIR2DS2 resulted in better OS (9/10 matched: HR = 0.24, CI = 0.08–0.67, p = 0.007) as well as DFS (9/10 matched: HR = 0,26, CI = 0.11–0.60, p = 0.002), and transplantation with KIR2DS1 positive donors was associated with a decreased RI (HR = 0.30, CI = 0.13–0.69, p = 0.005). TRM was increased when the donor was positive for KIR2DS1 (HR = 2.61, CI = 1.26–5.41, p = 0.001). Our findings suggest that inclusion of KIR2DS1/2/5 and KIR3DS1-genotyping in the unrelated donor search algorithm of C1-ligand negative patients with myeloid malignancies may prove to be of clinical relevance. KW - Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation KW - Cancer risk factors KW - Multivariate analysis KW - Stem cell transplantation KW - T-cells KW - Bone marrow transplantation KW - NK-cells KW - Immune receptor signaling KW - Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors KW - Acute myeloid leukemia KW - Acute lymphoblastic leukemia KW - Chronic lymphoblastic leukemia KW - Chronic myeloid leukemia Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180995 VL - 12 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. A1 - Bieber, Michael A1 - Franke, Maximilian A1 - Kollikowski, Alexander M. A1 - Stegner, David A1 - Heinze, Katrin G. A1 - Nieswandt, Bernhard A1 - Pham, Mirko A1 - Stoll, Guido T1 - Platelets and lymphocytes drive progressive penumbral tissue loss during middle cerebral artery occlusion in mice JF - Journal of Neuroinflammation N2 - Background In acute ischemic stroke, cessation of blood flow causes immediate tissue necrosis within the center of the ischemic brain region accompanied by functional failure in the surrounding brain tissue designated the penumbra. The penumbra can be salvaged by timely thrombolysis/thrombectomy, the only available acute stroke treatment to date, but is progressively destroyed by the expansion of infarction. The underlying mechanisms of progressive infarction are not fully understood. Methods To address mechanisms, mice underwent filament occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAO) for up to 4 h. Infarct development was compared between mice treated with antigen-binding fragments (Fab) against the platelet surface molecules GPIb (p0p/B Fab) or rat immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fab as control treatment. Moreover, Rag1\(^{−/−}\) mice lacking T-cells underwent the same procedures. Infarct volumes as well as the local inflammatory response were determined during vessel occlusion. Results We show that blocking of the platelet adhesion receptor, glycoprotein (GP) Ibα in mice, delays cerebral infarct progression already during occlusion and thus before recanalization/reperfusion. This therapeutic effect was accompanied by decreased T-cell infiltration, particularly at the infarct border zone, which during occlusion is supplied by collateral blood flow. Accordingly, mice lacking T-cells were likewise protected from infarct progression under occlusion. Conclusions Progressive brain infarction can be delayed by blocking detrimental lymphocyte/platelet responses already during occlusion paving the way for ultra-early treatment strategies in hyper-acute stroke before recanalization. KW - ischemic penumbra KW - glycoprotein receptor Ib KW - T-cells KW - ischemic stroke KW - thrombo-inflammation KW - middle cerebral artery occlusion Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259172 VL - 18 IS - 1 ER -