TY - THES A1 - Götzke, Armin T1 - Entwicklung einer Naturschutzkonzeption in Weinbaugebieten auf der Grundlage einer vergleichenden Untersuchung faunistischer und betriebswirtschaftlicher Parameter praxisüblich und ökologisch erzeugender Weinbaubetriebe T1 - Development of a conservation strategy in winegrowing regions by comparing faunistic and microeconomic parameters of conventional and organic winegrowers N2 - 1) Wenn der Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt gesellschaftliche Zielvorgabe ist und dafür landwirtschaftlich genutzte Flächen einbezogen werden sollen, sind Maßnahmen zu präferieren, deren Opportunitätskosten gering sind. Diese Arbeit stellt den Versuch dar, solche Maßnahmen am Beispielsystem „Weinbau“ zu entwickeln. 2) Die Anbauform „Weinbau“ ist für diese Studie aus folgenden Gründen besonders geeignet: Rebflächen sind an Standorte mit besonderen klimatischen Bedingungen gebunden, die ebenfalls für Lebensgemeinschaften von Bedeutung sind, die in Deutschland als besonders gefährdet gelten (thermophile und xerothermophile Gemeinschaften). Auch die speziellen, früher artenreichen „Weinbergsgesellschaften“ (Flora und Fauna) verdienen besondere Beachtung; zudem ist in Unterfranken eine starke räumliche Beziehung zwischen Naturschutzgebieten, die thermophile und xerothermophile Artengemeinschaften schützen sollen, und umgebenden Rebflächen gegeben. Weiterhin erscheinen Rebflächen durch die Trennung der Anbaufläche in die Bereiche „Zeile“ (die den linienförmig angepflanzten Reben entspricht) und „Gasse“ (ein etwa zwei Meter breiter Streifen zwischen den Zeilen) hervorragend geeignet, landwirtschaftliche Produktion und biodiversitäts-orientierte Maßnahmen zu verbinden. 3) In der Region „Mainfranken“ (Deutschland, Bayern) wurden drei Vergleichsflächenpaare in Ertragsrebflächen ausgewählt, die einerseits praxisüblich, andererseits nach den Vorschriften des „ökologischen Landbaus“ i.S. des BML wirtschaften. 4) In der naturschutzfachlichen Analyse wurden folgende Gesellschaften der Vergleichsflächen faunistisch untersucht: bodenaktive (epigäische) Spinnen (Araneae), Laufkäfer (Carabidae), Zikaden (Auchenorrhyncha) und Heuschrecken (Saltatoria). Im betriebswirtschaftlichen Teil wurde nach Literaturdaten und Arbeitstagebüchern die Außenwirtschaft der Weinbaubetriebe analysiert. Beide Datengruppen wurden zusammengeführt, um die Auswirkungen betrieblicher Maßnahmen der Außenwirtschaft sowohl im Hinblick auf ihre naturschutzfachliche als auch betriebswirtschaftliche Wirksamkeit zu ermitteln und hieraus Umstellungsstrategien im Weinbau abzuleiten. Zudem wurden die monetären Differenzen quantifiziert, um die Höhe etwaiger Ausgleichszahlungen bestimmen zu können. 5) Die naturschutzfachliche Analyse zeigte, dass mit Ausnahme der Heuschrecken alle Gruppen eine starke Förderung durch den ökologischen Anbau erfuhren; die Förderung betraf sowohl die allgemeine Diversität wie naturschutzfachlich bedeutsame Arten. Diese Effekte konnten vor allem auf den Faktor „Einführung einer struktur- und artenreichen Dauerbegrünung“ sowie auf die Etablierung ungestörter Rückzugsbereiche zurückgeführt werden. Die Veränderungen des Pflanzenschutzes wurden als nicht wirksam eingestuft, die Kupferbehandlungen im ökologischen Weinbau werden sogar als problematisch angesehen. Weiterhin wurde die Maßnahme „Mulchen“ des ökologischen Weinbaus als problematische Maßnahme der Begrünungspflege identifiziert. 6) Die betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse zeigte, dass für die Ertragssituation der Betriebe vor allem der Pflanzenschutz bedeutsam ist. Von der Einführung einer Dauerbegrünung gehen moderate Effekte aus, die zudem oftmals auf eine „Umstellungsphase“ befristet sind. 7) In der Zusammenführung beider Analysen wird ein Anbauschema vorgeschlagen, dass ein modifiziertes Begrünungsmodell nach ökologischer Wirtschaftsweise mit einem modifizierten Pflanzenschutzsystem nach praxisüblicher Wirtschaftsweise kombiniert. Die Kalkulation eines solchen Systems zeigt, dass auf Ausgleichszahlungen verzichtet werden könnte, bzw. geleistete Zahlungen nicht als Kompensation i.e.S., sondern als Anreizzahlungen zu verstehen wären. 8) Die Notwendigkeit einer Überprüfung des entwickelten Schemas in einem Konversionsexperiment wird dargelegt. N2 - 1) Conservation goals on private land need measures that cause low opportunity costs. The aim of this study was to develop such measures using viniculture as study system. 2) Viniculture was chosen, since: (i) vineyards are located in regions where thermophilous species assemblages exist; these assemblages are among the most threatened assemblages in Germany; (ii) there is a strong spacial relationship between conservation areas and surrounding vineyards in Lower Franconia; (iii) vine is planted in rows separated by stripes of up to 3 m width; these stripes allow a broad array of management practises, and some of them may be useful in supporting species diversity. 3) Three matched pairs of vineyards in Lower Franconia (Germany, Bavaria) under conventional and organic cultivation, respectively, were chosen as study sites. 4) Two comparisons were done: The effects of differential agricultural treatment were analyzed (i) faunistically using epigaeic spiders (Araneae), ground beetles (Carabidae), plant hoppers (Auchenorrhyncha) and locusts (Saltatoria) as indicator groups; and (ii) economically using data from the literature and working-logs of the winegrowers covering all relevant expenses and earnings (including pesticide use, management of the ground cover, soil management and quantitative and qualitative yields). 5) In three taxa substantial quantitative (i.e. overall species diversity and abundance) and qualitative (i.e. diversity and abundance of endangered species) positive effects of the organic cultivation could be proven; only for grasshoppers no benefit for endangered species was detected. Effective factors were the establishment of an herbaceous ground cover and the retention of undisturbed areas within the vineyard. Plant protection seemed not to contribute to the promotion of biodiversity under organic cultivation; in the case of copper treatments, even adverse effects on biodiversity are discussed. Another critical treatment was “mulching” (the cutting and chopping of the ground cover with horizontally rotating machines, only conducted in the organically managed vineyards). 6) Analyzing expenses and earnings showed that the differences in plant protection are the main factors contributing to differences in yields (which are less in organic farming). The negative effects of herbaceous ground cover on yields due to water losses are less severe, and often restricted to a transitional period. 7) Combining the results of both analyses’ leads to the following recommendations: A modified soil and ground cover management according to organic cultivation should be combined with a modified plant protection system according to conventional standards. The calculation of the then resulting expenses and earnings shows that no compensation payments are necessary. 8) The need for an experimental verification of the recommended measures is emphasized. KW - Biodiversität KW - Naturschutz KW - Arthropoden KW - Weinbau KW - biodiversity KW - conservation KW - arthropods KW - viniculture Y1 - 2006 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21989 ER - TY - THES A1 - Hsieh, Samuel Yu-Lung T1 - The diversity and ecology of the spider communities of European beech canopy T1 - Diversität und Ökologie der Spinnengemeinschaften in den Buchenkronen N2 - Ein wesentliches Ziel ökologischer Forschung ist es, die Frage zu beantworten, wie Arten koexistieren können und die biologische Vielfalt erhalten bleibt. Um zu verstehen, wie dabei Gemeinschaften in unterschiedlichen räumlich-zeitlichen Dimensionen interagieren, um die biologische Vielfalt zu erhalten, ist ein umfassendes prozessorientiertes Wissen erforderlich. Demzufolge konzentrierte sich meine Studie im Wesentlichen auf die Biodiversität und die sie beeinflussenden raum-zeitlichen ökologischen Prozesse. Vergleicht man die Ähnlich- bzw. Unähnlichkeit der in verschieden alten Beständen lebenden Spinnengemeinschaften der Buchen (Fagus sylvatica L.), dann zeigt sich, dass die älteste Baumkohorte offensichtlich einzigartige Ressourcen besitzt, welche die Zusammensetzung der Spinnengemeinschaften deutlich prägen. Über das Jahr hin zeigten die Spinnengemeinschaften trotz der jahreszeitlich unterschiedlich ökologischen Randbedingungen eine sich wiederholende, vorhersehbare Dynamik. Der Vergleich über die Jahre ergab, dass das "Neutrale Modell" und das "Nischen-Modell" gleichzeitig funktionieren können. Beide sind notwendig, um die Dynamik der in den Buchenkronen der verschiedenen Altersklassen lebenden Spinnengemeinschaften vollständig erklären zu können. N2 - A major goal of the main topics of ecology is to answer the question of how species can co-exist and maintain biodiversity. To understand how community dynamics operate in different spatio-temporal dimensions to govern biodiversity patterns requires a process-based knowledge. Thus, this study focused primarily on biodiversity patterns and ecological processes at both spatial and temporal scales. Spatially, the diversity and similarity of spider communities in high, intermediate, and low strata of beech trees represented a set of age-related effects: Old-growth trees provided unique and distinct resources to spiders and in turn possessed discrete spider compositions. Intra-annually, spider communities in different seasons showed a repeated, predictable temporal dynamics. Inter-annually, comparison revealed that neutral and niche models can operate in tandem, and that both are needed to fully explain the dynamics of arboreal spider assemblages among different canopy strata in this beech forest. KW - Spinnen KW - Biodiversität KW - Rotbuche KW - Araneae KW - biodiversity KW - ecological process KW - European beech KW - Würzburg University Forest KW - Ökologische Prozesse KW - Universitätsforst Würzburg Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-66966 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rinawati, Fitria A1 - Stein, Katharina A1 - Lindner, André T1 - Climate change impacts on biodiversity-the setting of a lingering global crisis JF - Diversity N2 - Climate change has created potential major threats to global biodiversity. The multiple components of climate change are projected to affect all pillars of biodiversity, from genes over species to biome level. Of particular concerns are "tipping points" where the exceedance of ecosystem thresholds will possibly lead to irreversible shifts of ecosystems and their functioning. As biodiversity underlies all goods and services provided by ecosystems that are crucial for human survival and wellbeing, this paper presents potential effects of climate change on biodiversity, its plausible impacts on human society as well as the setting in addressing a global crisis. Species affected by climate change may respond in three ways: change, move or die. Local species extinctions or a rapidly affected ecosystem as a whole respectively might move toward its particular "tipping point", thereby probably depriving its services to human society and ending up in a global crisis. Urgent and appropriate actions within various scenarios of climate change impacts on biodiversity, especially in tropical regions, are needed to be considered. Foremost a multisectoral approach on biodiversity issues with broader policies, stringent strategies and programs at international, national and local levels is essential to meet the challenges of climate change impacts on biodiversity. KW - biodiversity KW - climate change KW - ecosystem function KW - ecosystem service KW - tropical forest Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-131866 VL - 5 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bartomeus, Ignasi A1 - Potts, Simon G. A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf A1 - Vaissiere, Bernard E. A1 - Woyciechowski, Michal A1 - Krewenka, Kristin M. A1 - Tscheulin, Thomas A1 - Roberts, Stuart P. M. A1 - Szentgyoergyi, Hajnalka A1 - Westphal, Catrin A1 - Bommarco, Riccardo T1 - Contribution of insect pollinators to crop yield and quality varies with agricultural intensification JF - PEERJ N2 - Background. Up to 75% of crop species benefit at least to some degree from animal pollination for fruit or seed set and yield. However, basic information on the level of pollinator dependence and pollinator contribution to yield is lacking for many crops. Even less is known about how insect pollination affects crop quality. Given that habitat loss and agricultural intensification are known to decrease pollinator richness and abundance, there is a need to assess the consequences for different components of crop production. Methods. We used pollination exclusion on flowers or inflorescences on a whole plant basis to assess the contribution of insect pollination to crop yield and quality in four flowering crops (spring oilseed rape, field bean, strawberry, and buckwheat) located in four regions of Europe. For each crop, we recorded abundance and species richness of flower visiting insects in ten fields located along a gradient from simple to heterogeneous landscapes. Results. Insect pollination enhanced average crop yield between 18 and 71% depending on the crop. Yield quality was also enhanced in most crops. For instance, oilseed rape had higher oil and lower chlorophyll contents when adequately pollinated, the proportion of empty seeds decreased in buckwheat, and strawberries' commercial grade improved; however, we did not find higher nitrogen content in open pollinated field beans. Complex landscapes had a higher overall species richness of wild pollinators across crops, but visitation rates were only higher in complex landscapes for some crops. On the contrary, the overall yield was consistently enhanced by higher visitation rates, but not by higher pollinator richness. Discussion. For the four crops in this study, there is clear benefit delivered by pollinators on yield quantity and/or quality, but it is not maximized under current agricultural intensification. Honeybees, the most abundant pollinator, might partially compensate the loss of wild pollinators in some areas, but our results suggest the need of landscape-scale actions to enhance wild pollinator populations. KW - biodiversity KW - pollination KW - honeybee KW - wild bees KW - agroecosystems KW - native pollinators KW - species richness KW - bee pollinators KW - wild KW - ecosystemservices KW - fruit-quality KW - oilseed rape KW - land-use KW - honey KW - patterns Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-116928 SN - 2167-9843 VL - 2 IS - e328 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Breeze, Tom D. A1 - Vaissiere, Bernhard E. A1 - Bommarco, Riccardo A1 - Petanidou, Theodora A1 - Seraphides, Nicos A1 - Kozak, Lajos A1 - Scheper, Jeroen A1 - Biesmeijer, Jacobus C. A1 - Kleijn, David A1 - Gyldenkærne, Steen A1 - Moretti, Marco A1 - Holzschuh, Andrea A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf A1 - Stout, Jane C. A1 - Pärtel, Meelis A1 - Zobel, Martin A1 - Potts, Simon G. T1 - Agricultural Policies Exacerbate Honeybee Pollination Service Supply-Demand Mismatches Across Europe JF - PLOS ONE N2 - Declines in insect pollinators across Europe have raised concerns about the supply of pollination services to agriculture. Simultaneously, EU agricultural and biofuel policies have encouraged substantial growth in the cultivated area of insect pollinated crops across the continent. Using data from 41 European countries, this study demonstrates that the recommended number of honeybees required to provide crop pollination across Europe has risen 4.9 times as fast as honeybee stocks between 2005 and 2010. Consequently, honeybee stocks were insufficient to supply >90% of demands in 22 countries studied. These findings raise concerns about the capacity of many countries to cope with major losses of wild pollinators and highlight numerous critical gaps in current understanding of pollination service supplies and demands, pointing to a pressing need for further research into this issue. KW - economy services KW - fruit set KW - sequential introduction KW - enhance KW - biodiversity KW - abundance KW - declines KW - crops KW - colonies KW - density Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117692 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 9 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hopfenmueller, Sebastian A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf A1 - Holzschuh, Andrea T1 - Trait-Specific Responses of Wild Bee Communities to Landscape Composition, Configuration and Local Factors N2 - Land-use intensification and loss of semi-natural habitats have induced a severe decline of bee diversity in agricultural landscapes. Semi-natural habitats like calcareous grasslands are among the most important bee habitats in central Europe, but they are threatened by decreasing habitat area and quality, and by homogenization of the surrounding landscape affecting both landscape composition and configuration. In this study we tested the importance of habitat area, quality and connectivity as well as landscape composition and configuration on wild bees in calcareous grasslands. We made detailed trait-specific analyses as bees with different traits might differ in their response to the tested factors. Species richness and abundance of wild bees were surveyed on 23 calcareous grassland patches in Southern Germany with independent gradients in local and landscape factors. Total wild bee richness was positively affected by complex landscape configuration, large habitat area and high habitat quality (i.e. steep slopes). Cuckoo bee richness was positively affected by complex landscape configuration and large habitat area whereas habitat specialists were only affected by the local factors habitat area and habitat quality. Small social generalists were positively influenced by habitat area whereas large social generalists (bumblebees) were positively affected by landscape composition (high percentage of semi-natural habitats). Our results emphasize a strong dependence of habitat specialists on local habitat characteristics, whereas cuckoo bees and bumblebees are more likely affected by the surrounding landscape. We conclude that a combination of large high-quality patches and heterogeneous landscapes maintains high bee species richness and communities with diverse trait composition. Such diverse communities might stabilize pollination services provided to crops and wild plants on local and landscape scales. KW - habitats KW - bees KW - grasslands KW - species diversity KW - biodiversity KW - pollination KW - flowers KW - foraging Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112872 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gámez-Virués, Sagrario A1 - Perović, David J. A1 - Gossner, Martin M. A1 - Börschig, Carmen A1 - Blüthgen, Nico A1 - de Jong, Heike A1 - Simons, Nadja K. A1 - Klein, Alexandra-Maria A1 - Krauss, Jochen A1 - Maier, Gwen A1 - Scherber, Christoph A1 - Steckel, Juliane A1 - Rothenwöhrer, Christoph A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf A1 - Weiner, Christiane N. A1 - Weisser, Wolfgang A1 - Werner, Michael A1 - Tscharntke, Teja A1 - Westphal, Catrin T1 - Landscape simplification filters species traits and drives biotic homogenization JF - Nature Communications N2 - Biodiversity loss can affect the viability of ecosystems by decreasing the ability of communities to respond to environmental change and disturbances. Agricultural intensification is a major driver of biodiversity loss and has multiple components operating at different spatial scales: from in-field management intensity to landscape-scale simplification. Here we show that landscape-level effects dominate functional community composition and can even buffer the effects of in-field management intensification on functional homogenization, and that animal communities in real-world managed landscapes show a unified response (across orders and guilds) to both landscape-scale simplification and in-field intensification. Adults and larvae with specialized feeding habits, species with shorter activity periods and relatively small body sizes are selected against in simplified landscapes with intense in-field management. Our results demonstrate that the diversity of land cover types at the landscape scale is critical for maintaining communities, which are functionally diverse, even in landscapes where in-field management intensity is high. KW - land-use intensity KW - community functional-responses KW - body-size KW - agricultural intensification KW - sustainable intensification KW - managed grasslands KW - biodiversity KW - diversity KW - heterogenity KW - butterflies Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141925 VL - 6 IS - 8568 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Basset, Yves A1 - Cizek, Lukas A1 - Cuénoud, Philippe A1 - Didham, Raphael K. A1 - Novotny, Vojtech A1 - Ødegaard, Frode A1 - Roslin, Tomas A1 - Tishechkin, Alexey K. A1 - Schmidl, Jürgen A1 - Winchester, Neville N. A1 - Roubik, David W. A1 - Aberlenc, Henri-Pierre A1 - Bail, Johannes A1 - Barrios, Hector A1 - Bridle, Jonathan R. A1 - Castaño-Meneses, Gabriela A1 - Corbara, Bruno A1 - Curletti, Gianfranco A1 - da Rocha, Wesley Duarte A1 - De Bakker, Domir A1 - Delabie, Jacques H. C. A1 - Dejean, Alain A1 - Fagan, Laura L. A1 - Floren, Andreas A1 - Kitching, Roger L. A1 - Medianero, Enrique A1 - de Oliveira, Evandro Gama A1 - Orivel, Jerome A1 - Pollet, Marc A1 - Rapp, Mathieu A1 - Ribeiro, Servio P. A1 - Roisin, Yves A1 - Schmidt, Jesper B. A1 - Sørensen, Line A1 - Lewinsohn, Thomas M. A1 - Leponce, Maurice T1 - Arthropod Distribution in a Tropical Rainforest: Tackling a Four Dimensional Puzzle JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Quantifying the spatio-temporal distribution of arthropods in tropical rainforests represents a first step towards scrutinizing the global distribution of biodiversity on Earth. To date most studies have focused on narrow taxonomic groups or lack a design that allows partitioning of the components of diversity. Here, we consider an exceptionally large dataset (113,952 individuals representing 5,858 species), obtained from the San Lorenzo forest in Panama, where the phylogenetic breadth of arthropod taxa was surveyed using 14 protocols targeting the soil, litter, understory, lower and upper canopy habitats, replicated across seasons in 2003 and 2004. This dataset is used to explore the relative influence of horizontal, vertical and seasonal drivers of arthropod distribution in this forest. We considered arthropod abundance, observed and estimated species richness, additive decomposition of species richness, multiplicative partitioning of species diversity, variation in species composition, species turnover and guild structure as components of diversity. At the scale of our study (2km of distance, 40m in height and 400 days), the effects related to the vertical and seasonal dimensions were most important. Most adult arthropods were collected from the soil/litter or the upper canopy and species richness was highest in the canopy. We compared the distribution of arthropods and trees within our study system. Effects related to the seasonal dimension were stronger for arthropods than for trees. We conclude that: (1) models of beta diversity developed for tropical trees are unlikely to be applicable to tropical arthropods; (2) it is imperative that estimates of global biodiversity derived from mass collecting of arthropods in tropical rainforests embrace the strong vertical and seasonal partitioning observed here; and (3) given the high species turnover observed between seasons, global climate change may have severe consequences for rainforest arthropods. KW - trees KW - species richness KW - beta-diveristy KW - strategy KW - turnover KW - similarity KW - biodiversity KW - specialization KW - herbivorous insects KW - assemblages Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136393 VL - 10 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Martin, Emily A. A1 - Reineking, Björn A1 - Seo, Bumsuk A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf T1 - Pest control of aphids depends on landscape complexity and natural enemy interactions JF - PeerJ N2 - Aphids are a major concern in agricultural crops worldwide, and control by natural enemies is an essential component of the ecological intensification of agriculture. Although the complexity of agricultural landscapes is known to influence natural enemies of pests, few studies have measured the degree of pest control by different enemy guilds across gradients in landscape complexity. Here, we use multiple natural-enemy exclosures replicated in 18 fields across a gradient in landscape complexity to investigate (1) the strength of natural pest control across landscapes, measured as the difference between pest pressure in the presence and in the absence of natural enemies; (2) the differential contributions of natural enemy guilds to pest control, and the nature of their interactions across landscapes. We show that natural pest control of aphids increased up to six-fold from simple to complex landscapes. In the absence of pest control, aphid population growth was higher in complex than simple landscapes, but was reduced by natural enemies to similar growth rates across all landscapes. The effects of enemy guilds were landscape-dependent. Particularly in complex landscapes, total pest control was supplied by the combined contribution of flying insects and ground-dwellers. Birds had little overall impact on aphid control. Despite evidence for intraguild predation of flying insects by ground-dwellers and birds, the overall effect of enemy guilds on aphid control was complementary. Understanding pest control services at large spatial scales is critical to increase the success of ecological intensification schemes. Our results suggest that, where aphids are the main pest of concern, interactions between natural enemies are largely complementary and lead to a strongly positive effect of landscape complexity on pest control. Increasing the availability of seminatural habitats in agricultural landscapes may thus benefit not only natural enemies, but also the effectiveness of aphid natural pest control. KW - insect populations KW - metaanalysis KW - biodiversity-ecosystem functioning KW - cabbage Brassica oleracea var. capitata KW - proportion of seminatural habitat KW - South Korea KW - land use intensification KW - trophic interactions KW - agroecosystems KW - biological control KW - agricultural landscapes KW - pest KW - biodiversity KW - herbivores Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148393 VL - 3 IS - e1095 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Thormann, Birthe A1 - Ahrens, Dirk A1 - Armijos, Diego Marín A1 - Peters, Marcell K. A1 - Wagner, Thomas A1 - Wägele, Johann W. T1 - Exploring the Leaf Beetle Fauna (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of an Ecuadorian Mountain Forest Using DNA Barcoding JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Background Tropical mountain forests are hotspots of biodiversity hosting a huge but little known diversity of insects that is endangered by habitat destruction and climate change. Therefore, rapid assessment approaches of insect diversity are urgently needed to complement slower traditional taxonomic approaches. We empirically compare different DNA-based species delimitation approaches for a rapid biodiversity assessment of hyperdiverse leaf beetle assemblages along an elevational gradient in southern Ecuador and explore their effect on species richness estimates. Methodology/Principal Findings Based on a COI barcode data set of 674 leaf beetle specimens (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of 266 morphospecies from three sample sites in the Podocarpus National Park, we employed statistical parsimony analysis, distance-based clustering, GMYC- and PTP-modelling to delimit species-like units and compared them to morphology-based (parataxonomic) species identifications. The four different approaches for DNA-based species delimitation revealed highly similar numbers of molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) (n = 284–289). Estimated total species richness was considerably higher than the sampled amount, 414 for morphospecies (Chao2) and 469–481 for the different MOTU types. Assemblages at different elevational levels (1000 vs. 2000 m) had similar species numbers but a very distinct species composition for all delimitation methods. Most species were found only at one elevation while this turnover pattern was even more pronounced for DNA-based delimitation. Conclusions/Significance Given the high congruence of DNA-based delimitation results, probably due to the sampling structure, our study suggests that when applied to species communities on a regionally limited level with high amount of rare species (i.e. ~50% singletons), the choice of species delimitation method can be of minor relevance for assessing species numbers and turnover in tropical insect communities. Therefore, DNA-based species delimitation is confirmed as a valuable tool for evaluating biodiversity of hyperdiverse insect communities, especially when exact taxonomic identifications are missing. KW - leaf beetle KW - Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae KW - Podocarpus National Park KW - DNA-based species delimitation KW - biodiversity Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-167253 VL - 11 IS - 2 ER -