TY - THES A1 - Aurbach, Katja T1 - Studies on the role of the cytoskeleton in platelet production T1 - Studien über die Rolle des Zytoskeletts in der Produktion von Thrombozyten N2 - Platelets are small anucleated cell fragments that originate from megakaryocytes (MKs), which are large cells located in the bone marrow (BM). MKs extend long cytoplasmic protrusions, a process which is called proplatelet formation, into the lumen of the sinusoidal vessels where platelets are sized by the bloodstream. During the process of platelet biogenesis, segments of the MK penetrate the endothelium and, through cytoskeletal remodeling inside the MK, proplatelet fragments are released. Rho GTPases, such as RhoA and RhoB, are critically involved in cytoskeletal rearrangements of both the actin and the tubulin cytoskeleton. The first part of this thesis concentrated on the protein RhoB and its involvement in cytoskeletal organization in MKs and platelets. Single knockout (KO) mice lacking RhoB had a minor microthrombocytopenia, which means a smaller platelet size and reduced platelet number, accompanied by defects in the microtubule cytoskeleton in both MKs and platelets. In particular, tubulin organization and stability, which is regulated by posttranslational modifications of α-tubulin, were disturbed in RhoB-/- platelets. In contrast, RhoB-/- MKs produced abnormally shaped proplatelets but had unaltered posttranslational modifications of α-tubulin. The second part focused on the influence of RhoA and RhoB on MK localization and platelet biogenesis in murine BM. Many intact RhoA-/- MKs are able to transmigrate through the endothelial layer and stay attached to the vessel wall, whereas only 1% of wildtype (wt) MKs are detectable in the intrasinusoidal space. Concomitant deficiency of RhoA and RhoB reverts this transmigration and results in macrothrombocytopenia, MK clusters around the vessel in the BM and defective MK development. The underlying mechanism that governs MKs to distinct localizations in the BM is poorly understood, thus this thesis suggests that this process may be dependent on RhoB protein levels, as RhoA deficiency is coincided with increased RhoB levels in MKs and platelets. The third part of this thesis targeted the protein PDK1, a downstream effector of Rho GTPases, in regard to MK maturation and polarization throughout thrombopoiesis. MK- and platelet-specific KO in mice led to a significant macrothrombocytopenia, impaired actin cytoskeletal reorganization during MK spreading and proplatelet formation, with defective MK maturation. This was associated with decreased PAK activity and, subsequently, phosphorylation of its substrates LIMK and Cofilin. Together, the observations of this thesis highlight the importance of Rho GTPases and their downstream effectors on the regulation of the MK and platelet cytoskeleton. N2 - Thrombozyten sind kleine Zellfragmente ohne Zellkern, die von Megakaryozyten (MKs) produziert werden. MKs sind riesige Zellen im Knochenmark, welche lange zytoplasmatische Ausläufer in die sinusoidalen Blutgefäße strecken, woraus durch den Blutstrom Thrombozyten abgeschnürt werden. Während der Thrombozyten-Biogenese penetrieren Teile des MKs das Endothel und durch zytoskeletales Umorganisieren innerhalb des MKs werden Proplättchen-Fragmente gebildet. Rho GTPasen wie die Proteine RhoA und RhoB sind maßgebliche Regulatoren des Zytoskeletts, sowohl des Aktins als auch des Tubulin Zytoskeletts. Der erste Teil dieser Thesis konzentrierte sich auf das Protein RhoB und dessen Einfluss auf die Organisation des Zytoskeletts. Mäuse mit einer Defizienz für das Protein RhoB zeigen eine Microthrombozytopenie und eine Reduktion der Thrombozytenzahl und -größe. Dies ist begleitet von Defekten des Mikrotubuli Zytoskeletts sowohl in MKs als auch in Blutplättchen. In Thrombozyten waren insbesondere Tubulin Organisation und Stabilisation betroffen, welche durch posttranslationale Modifizierungen von α-Tubulin bestimmt wurde. RhoB-negative MKs hingegen produzierten abnormal geformte Proplättchen, hatten jedoch unveränderte posttranslationale Modifizierungen von α-Tubulin. Der zweite Teil dieser Thesis fokussierte sich auf den Einfluss von RhoA und RhoB auf die Lokalisation von MKs im Knochenmarkt von Mäusen. Eine große Anzahl von RhoA-negativen MKs können durch das Endothel in die Blutgefäße wandern und bleiben dort adhärent, während nur etwa 1% wildtypischer MKs am Blutgefäß detektierbar sind. Gleichzeitige Defizienz von RhoA und RhoB revertiert die Translokation von RhoA-negativen MKs und führt in Mäusen zu Makrothrombozytopenie, die Formierung von MK Clustern um die Gefäßwand im Knochenmarkt und eine fehlerhafte MK Entwicklung. Der Mechanismus, der MKs zu bestimmten Positionen im Knochenmarkt führt, ist bisher kaum verstanden. In dieser Thesis konnte gezeigt werden, dass dieser Prozess von dem Level an RhoB Protein abhängig sein könnte, da eine Defizienz von RhoA zu einer Hochregulierung von RhoB in MKs und Thrombozyten führte. Der dritte Teil dieser Thesis zielte auf ein Signalprotein der Rho GTPasen ab, dem Protein PDK1. Es wurde die Rolle von PDK1 in der Regulation von MK Reifung und Polarisation während der Bildung von Thrombozyten untersucht. Ein MK und Thrombozyten spezifischer KO von PDK1 führte zu einer signifikanten Makrothrombozytopenie, einem gestörten Aktin Zytoskelett, während des MK Spreadings und der Proplättchen Bildung, begleitet von einer fehlerhaften MK Reifung. Dies war mit einer Reduktion in der Aktivität von PAK und folglich dem Phosphorylierungsstatus seiner Substrate LIMK und Cofilin assoziiert. Die Beobachtungen dieser Doktorarbeit arbeiteten die Relevanz von Rho GTPasen und ihren Signalproteinen für die Regulation des MK und Thrombozyten Zytoskelettes im Maus-Modell hervor. KW - Megakaryozyt KW - Thrombozyt KW - Zellskelett KW - Thrombopoiesis KW - Cytoskeleton Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234669 ER - TY - THES A1 - Nehring, Helene T1 - Role of cholesterol intermediates in supporting cell survival T1 - Die Bedeutung von Cholesterinvorstufen für das Zellüberleben N2 - Cell death is an essential aspect of life that plays an important role for successful development and tissue remodeling as well as for diseases. There are several different types of cell death that differ from each other in morphological, functional and biochemical ways. Regulated cell death that occurs in physiological processes is generally equated with programmed cell death (PCD), whereby apoptosis is the most studied form of PCD. Ferroptosis is a form of regulated cell death and unique in its requirements for iron and lipid peroxidation. It is linked to numerous biological processes, such as amino acid metabolism, phospholipid metabolism and sterol synthesis. Cholesterol biosynthesis is a complex pathway with a large number of enzymes and substrates that are potential target points for cellular dysfunctions. Motivated by the results from a CRISPR-based genetic screening in this thesis, we focused on 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (DHCR7), the enzyme responsible for conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) to cholesterol. In this work we focused on the ferroptosis sensitive cell line HT1080 and generated a series of models to address the importance of DHCR7 in ferroptosis. Using CRISPR/Cas9, HT1080 DHCR7_KO and DHCR7/SC5D_KO cell lines were generated and used to validate their sensitivity against ferroptosis inducers and sterol consumption. We could show that 7-DHC is a strong antiferroptotic agent that could prevent cell death in genetic models as well as when supplemented directly to cells. Importantly, all the results obtained were subsequently confirmed in isogenic reconstituted pairs from the HT1080 DHCR7/SC5D_KO. Moreover, we demonstrate that this protective effect is not due to an inherent and unspecific resistance as the sensitivity to non-ferroptotic stimuli was equally effective in killing the HT1080 DHCR7_KO and DHCR7/SC5D_KO cell lines. We could also show that selenium present in the media has a strong impact on the activity of 7-DHC and this is because in its absence the effective concentration is rapidly decreased. Surprisingly we also demonstrate that removing sterol from cell culture triggers ferroptosis in cells unable to synthesize 7-DHC, suggestive that this could be used as a novel mechanism to trigger ferroptosis. Ultimately, in the present work we could show that unlike previously reported, 7-DHC is not only a toxic intermediate of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway but under specific circumstances it has a strong pro-survival effect. N2 - Der Zelltod ist ein unabdingbarer Bestandteil des Lebens, der sowohl für gesunde Entwicklung und Gewebeumbau, als auch für Krankheiten eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Es gibt viele verschiedene Arten des Zelltods, die sich in morphologischer, funktioneller und biochemischer Hinsicht unterscheiden. Regulierter Zelltod tritt im Rahmen physiologischer Prozesse auf und wird allgemein mit dem programmierten Zelltod gleichgesetzt, zu dem auch die am meisten untersuchte Apoptose gehört. Die von uns untersuchte Ferroptose ist eine Form des regulierten Zelltodes und einzigartig in ihrem Bedarf an Eisen und Lipidperoxidation. Sie ist mit zahlreichen biologischen Prozessen verknüpft, wie z.B. dem Aminosäuren- und Phospholipidstoffwechsel und der Sterolsynthese. Die Cholesterinbiosynthese ist ein komplexer Weg mit einer Vielzahl an Enzymen und Substraten, die potentielle Angriffspunkte für zelluläre Funktionsstörungen darstellen. Motiviert durch die Ergebnisse eines CRISPR-basierten genetischen Screenings haben wir uns in dieser Arbeit auf die 7-Dehydrocholesterol-Reduktase (DHCR7) konzentriert, das Enzym, das für die Umwandlung von 7-Dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) in Cholesterol verantwortlich ist. In dieser Arbeit konzentrierten wir uns auf die ferroptosesensitive Zelllinie HT1080 und erstellten eine Reihe von Modellen, um die Bedeutung von DHCR7 in der Ferroptose zu untersuchen. Mittels CRISPR/Cas9 wurden HT1080 DHCR7_KO und DHCR7/SC5D_KO Zelllinien generiert und ihre Sensitivität gegenüber Ferroptose-Induktoren und ihr Sterolverbrauch validiert. Wir konnten zeigen, dass 7-DHC eine starke antiferroptotische Verbindung ist, die sowohl in genetischen Modellen als auch bei direkter Zugabe den Zelltod verhindern kann. Hervorzuheben ist, dass alle erhaltenen Ergebnisse anschließend anhand isogen rekonstituierter Paare aus den HT1080 DHCR7/SC5D_KO Zellen bestätigt wurden. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, dass dieses protektive Mittel nicht auf eine inhärente und unspezifische Resistenz zurückzuführen ist, da die Empfindlichkeit gegenüber nicht-ferroptotischen Stimuli gleichermaßen effektiv bei der Abtötung der Zelllinien HT1080 DHCR7_KO und DHCR7/SC5D_KO war. Wir konnten auch zeigen, dass in den Zellmedien vorhandenes Selen einen starken Einfluss auf die Aktivität von 7-DHC hat, da in Abwesenheit von Selen die effektive Konzentration schnell abnimmt. Überraschenderweise konnten wir auch feststellen, dass die Entfernung von Sterolen aus dem Nährmedium Ferroptose in Zellen auslöst, die nicht in der Lage sind, 7-DHC zu synthetisieren. Dies regt dazu an, dass dieser Mechanismus zur Auslösung von Ferroptose genutzt werden könnte. Letztendlich konnten wir in der vorliegenden Arbeit darlegen, dass 7-DHC im Gegensatz zu den bisherigen Berichten nicht nur ein toxisches Zwischenprodukt der Cholesterinbiosynthese ist, sondern unter bestimmten Umständen eine starke überlebensfördernde Wirkung hat. KW - Zelltod KW - Cholesterin KW - Ferroptosis KW - 7-Dehydrocholesterol KW - Ferroptose KW - Cholesterol KW - DHCR7 Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217631 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cullmann, Katharina A1 - Jahn, Magdalena A1 - Spindler, Markus A1 - Schenk, Franziska A1 - Manukjan, Georgi A1 - Mucci, Adele A1 - Steinemann, Doris A1 - Boller, Klaus A1 - Schulze, Harald A1 - Bender, Markus A1 - Moritz, Thomas A1 - Modlich, Ute T1 - Forming megakaryocytes from murine‐induced pluripotent stem cells by the inducible overexpression of supporting factors JF - Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis N2 - Background Platelets are small anucleate cells that circulate in the blood in a resting state but can be activated by external cues. In case of need, platelets from blood donors can be transfused. As an alternative source, platelets can be produced from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs); however, recovered numbers are low. Objectives To optimize megakaryocyte (MK) and platelet output from murine iPSCs, we investigated overexpression of the transcription factors GATA‐binding factor 1 (GATA1); nuclear factor, erythroid 2; and pre–B‐cell leukemia transcription factor 1 (Pbx1) and a hyperactive variant of the small guanosine triphosphatase RhoA (RhoAhc). Methods To avoid off‐target effects, we generated iPSCs carrying the reverse tetracycline‐responsive transactivator M2 (rtTA‐M2) in the Rosa26 locus and expressed the factors from Tet‐inducible gammaretroviral vectors. Differentiation of iPSCs was initiated by embryoid body (EB) formation. After EB dissociation, early hematopoietic progenitors were enriched and cocultivated on OP9 feeder cells with thrombopoietin and stem cell factor to induce megakaryocyte (MK) differentiation. Results Overexpression of GATA1 and Pbx1 increased MK output 2‐ to 2.5‐fold and allowed prolonged collection of MK. Cytologic and ultrastructural analyses identified typical MK with enlarged cells, multilobulated nuclei, granule structures, and an internal membrane system. However, GATA1 and Pbx1 expression did not improve MK maturation or platelet release, although in vitro–generated platelets were functional in spreading on fibrinogen or collagen‐related peptide. Conclusion We demonstrate that the use of rtTA‐M2 transgenic iPSCs transduced with Tet‐inducible retroviral vectors allowed for gene expression at later time points during differentiation. With this strategy we could identify factors that increased in vitro MK production. KW - genetic modification KW - iPS cells KW - megakaryocytes KW - retroviral vectors KW - Tet‐inducible system Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224565 VL - 5 IS - 1 SP - 111 EP - 124 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Andelovic, Kristina A1 - Winter, Patrick A1 - Jakob, Peter Michael A1 - Bauer, Wolfgang Rudolf A1 - Herold, Volker A1 - Zernecke, Alma T1 - Evaluation of plaque characteristics and inflammation using magnetic resonance imaging JF - Biomedicines N2 - Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of large and medium-sized arteries, characterized by the growth of atherosclerotic lesions (plaques). These plaques often develop at inner curvatures of arteries, branchpoints, and bifurcations, where the endothelial wall shear stress is low and oscillatory. In conjunction with other processes such as lipid deposition, biomechanical factors lead to local vascular inflammation and plaque growth. There is also evidence that low and oscillatory shear stress contribute to arterial remodeling, entailing a loss in arterial elasticity and, therefore, an increased pulse-wave velocity. Although altered shear stress profiles, elasticity and inflammation are closely intertwined and critical for plaque growth, preclinical and clinical investigations for atherosclerosis mostly focus on the investigation of one of these parameters only due to the experimental limitations. However, cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been demonstrated to be a potent tool which can be used to provide insights into a large range of biological parameters in one experimental session. It enables the evaluation of the dynamic process of atherosclerotic lesion formation without the need for harmful radiation. Flow-sensitive MRI provides the assessment of hemodynamic parameters such as wall shear stress and pulse wave velocity which may replace invasive and radiation-based techniques for imaging of the vascular function and the characterization of early plaque development. In combination with inflammation imaging, the analyses and correlations of these parameters could not only significantly advance basic preclinical investigations of atherosclerotic lesion formation and progression, but also the diagnostic clinical evaluation for early identification of high-risk plaques, which are prone to rupture. In this review, we summarize the key applications of magnetic resonance imaging for the evaluation of plaque characteristics through flow sensitive and morphological measurements. The simultaneous measurements of functional and structural parameters will further preclinical research on atherosclerosis and has the potential to fundamentally improve the detection of inflammation and vulnerable plaques in patients. KW - atherosclerosis KW - mouse models KW - wall shear stress KW - pulse wave velocity KW - arterial elasticity KW - inflammation KW - magnetic resonance imaging Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228839 SN - 2227-9059 VL - 9 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herrmann, Johannes A1 - Notz, Quirin A1 - Schlesinger, Tobias A1 - Stumpner, Jan A1 - Kredel, Markus A1 - Sitter, Magdalena A1 - Schmid, Benedikt A1 - Kranke, Peter A1 - Schulze, Harald A1 - Meybohm, Patrick A1 - Lotz, Christopher T1 - Point of care diagnostic of hypercoagulability and platelet function in COVID-19 induced acute respiratory distress syndrome: a retrospective observational study JF - Thrombosis Journal N2 - Background Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) associated coagulopathy (CAC) leads to thromboembolic events in a high number of critically ill COVID-19 patients. However, specific diagnostic or therapeutic algorithms for CAC have not been established. In the current study, we analyzed coagulation abnormalities with point-of-care testing (POCT) and their relation to hemostatic complications in patients suffering from COVID-19 induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Our hypothesis was that specific diagnostic patterns can be identified in patients with COVID-19 induced ARDS at risk of thromboembolic complications utilizing POCT. Methods This is a single-center, retrospective observational study. Longitudinal data from 247 rotational thromboelastometries (Rotem®) and 165 impedance aggregometries (Multiplate®) were analysed in 18 patients consecutively admitted to the ICU with a COVID-19 induced ARDS between March 12th to June 30th, 2020. Results Median age was 61 years (IQR: 51–69). Median PaO2/FiO2 on admission was 122 mmHg (IQR: 87–189), indicating moderate to severe ARDS. Any form of hemostatic complication occurred in 78 % of the patients with deep vein/arm thrombosis in 39 %, pulmonary embolism in 22 %, and major bleeding in 17 %. In Rotem® elevated A10 and maximum clot firmness (MCF) indicated higher clot strength. The delta between EXTEM A10 minus FIBTEM A10 (ΔA10) > 30 mm, depicting the sole platelet-part of clot firmness, was associated with a higher risk of thromboembolic events (OD: 3.7; 95 %CI 1.3–10.3; p = 0.02). Multiplate® aggregometry showed hypoactive platelet function. There was no correlation between single Rotem® and Multiplate® parameters at intensive care unit (ICU) admission and thromboembolic or bleeding complications. Conclusions Rotem® and Multiplate® results indicate hypercoagulability and hypoactive platelet dysfunction in COVID-19 induced ARDS but were all in all poorly related to hemostatic complications.. KW - COVID-19 KW - acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome KW - point of care testing KW - thromboelastometry KW - impedance aggregometry; WHOLE-BLOOD THROMBOELASTOMETRY; DEFINITION; DISEASE Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260739 VL - 19 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Andelovic, Kristina A1 - Winter, Patrick A1 - Kampf, Thomas A1 - Xu, Anton A1 - Jakob, Peter Michael A1 - Herold, Volker A1 - Bauer, Wolfgang Rudolf A1 - Zernecke, Alma T1 - 2D Projection Maps of WSS and OSI Reveal Distinct Spatiotemporal Changes in Hemodynamics in the Murine Aorta during Ageing and Atherosclerosis JF - Biomedicines N2 - Growth, ageing and atherosclerotic plaque development alter the biomechanical forces acting on the vessel wall. However, monitoring the detailed local changes in wall shear stress (WSS) at distinct sites of the murine aortic arch over time has been challenging. Here, we studied the temporal and spatial changes in flow, WSS, oscillatory shear index (OSI) and elastic properties of healthy wildtype (WT, n = 5) and atherosclerotic apolipoprotein E-deficient (Apoe\(^{−/−}\), n = 6) mice during ageing and atherosclerosis using high-resolution 4D flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Spatially resolved 2D projection maps of WSS and OSI of the complete aortic arch were generated, allowing the pixel-wise statistical analysis of inter- and intragroup hemodynamic changes over time and local correlations between WSS, pulse wave velocity (PWV), plaque and vessel wall characteristics. The study revealed converse differences of local hemodynamic profiles in healthy WT and atherosclerotic Apoe\(^{−/−}\) mice, and we identified the circumferential WSS as potential marker of plaque size and composition in advanced atherosclerosis and the radial strain as a potential marker for vascular elasticity. Two-dimensional (2D) projection maps of WSS and OSI, including statistical analysis provide a powerful tool to monitor local aortic hemodynamics during ageing and atherosclerosis. The correlation of spatially resolved hemodynamics and plaque characteristics could significantly improve our understanding of the impact of hemodynamics on atherosclerosis, which may be key to understand plaque progression towards vulnerability. KW - atherosclerosis KW - mouse KW - 4D flow MRI KW - aortic arch KW - flow dynamics KW - WSS KW - mapping KW - PWV KW - plaque characteristics Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252164 SN - 2227-9059 VL - 9 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chen, Chunguang A1 - Rawat, Divya A1 - Samikannu, Balaji A1 - Bender, Markus A1 - Preissner, Klaus T. A1 - Linn, Thomas T1 - Platelet glycoprotein VI‐dependent thrombus stabilization is essential for the intraportal engraftment of pancreatic islets JF - American Journal of Transplantation N2 - Platelet activation and thrombus formation have been implicated to be detrimental for intraportal pancreatic islet transplants. The platelet‐specific collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) plays a key role in thrombosis through cellular activation and the subsequent release of secondary mediators. In aggregometry and in a microfluidic dynamic assay system modeling flow in the portal vein, pancreatic islets promoted platelet aggregation and triggered thrombus formation, respectively. While platelet GPVI deficiency did not affect the initiation of these events, it was found to destabilize platelet aggregates and thrombi in this process. Interestingly, while no major difference was detected in early thrombus formation after intraportal islet transplantation, genetic GPVI deficiency or acute anti‐GPVI treatment led to an inferior graft survival and function in both syngeneic mouse islet transplantation and xenogeneic human islet transplantation models. These results demonstrate that platelet GPVI signaling is indispensable in stable thrombus formation induced by pancreatic islets. GPVI deficiency resulted in thrombus destabilization and inferior islet engraftment indicating that thrombus formation is necessary for a successful intraportal islet transplantation in which platelets are active modulators. KW - basic (laboratory) research / science KW - coagulation and hemostasis KW - graft survival KW - islet transplantation KW - molecular biology Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224471 VL - 21 SP - 2079 EP - 2089 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Winter, Patrick M. A1 - Andelovic, Kristina A1 - Kampf, Thomas A1 - Hansmann, Jan A1 - Jakob, Peter Michael A1 - Bauer, Wolfgang Rudolf A1 - Zernecke, Alma A1 - Herold, Volker T1 - Simultaneous measurements of 3D wall shear stress and pulse wave velocity in the murine aortic arch JF - Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance N2 - Purpose Wall shear stress (WSS) and pulse wave velocity (PWV) are important parameters to characterize blood flow in the vessel wall. Their quantification with flow-sensitive phase-contrast (PC) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), however, is time-consuming. Furthermore, the measurement of WSS requires high spatial resolution, whereas high temporal resolution is necessary for PWV measurements. For these reasons, PWV and WSS are challenging to measure in one CMR session, making it difficult to directly compare these parameters. By using a retrospective approach with a flexible reconstruction framework, we here aimed to simultaneously assess both PWV and WSS in the murine aortic arch from the same 4D flow measurement. Methods Flow was measured in the aortic arch of 18-week-old wildtype (n = 5) and ApoE\(^{−/−}\) mice (n = 5) with a self-navigated radial 4D-PC-CMR sequence. Retrospective data analysis was used to reconstruct the same dataset either at low spatial and high temporal resolution (PWV analysis) or high spatial and low temporal resolution (WSS analysis). To assess WSS, the aortic lumen was labeled by semi-automatically segmenting the reconstruction with high spatial resolution. WSS was determined from the spatial velocity gradients at the lumen surface. For calculation of the PWV, segmentation data was interpolated along the temporal dimension. Subsequently, PWV was quantified from the through-plane flow data using the multiple-points transit-time method. Reconstructions with varying frame rates and spatial resolutions were performed to investigate the influence of spatiotemporal resolution on the PWV and WSS quantification. Results 4D flow measurements were conducted in an acquisition time of only 35 min. Increased peak flow and peak WSS values and lower errors in PWV estimation were observed in the reconstructions with high temporal resolution. Aortic PWV was significantly increased in ApoE\(^{−/−}\) mice compared to the control group (1.7 ± 0.2 versus 2.6 ± 0.2 m/s, p < 0.001). Mean WSS magnitude values averaged over the aortic arch were (1.17 ± 0.07) N/m\(^2\) in wildtype mice and (1.27 ± 0.10) N/m\(^2\) in ApoE\(^{−/−}\) mice. Conclusion The post processing algorithm using the flexible reconstruction framework developed in this study permitted quantification of global PWV and 3D-WSS in a single acquisition. The possibility to assess both parameters in only 35 min will markedly improve the analyses and information content of in vivo measurements. KW - 4D flow KW - pulse wave velocity KW - wall shear stress KW - radial KW - self-navigation KW - mouse KW - aortic arch KW - atherosclerosis KW - mice KW - flow KW - plaque KW - CMR KW - quantification KW - microscopy Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259152 VL - 23 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Navarro, Stefano A1 - Stegner, David A1 - Nieswandt, Bernhard A1 - Heemskerk, Johan W. M. A1 - Kuijpers, Marijke J. E. T1 - Temporal roles of platelet and coagulation pathways in collagen- and tissue factor-induced thrombus formation JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - In hemostasis and thrombosis, the complex process of thrombus formation involves different molecular pathways of platelet and coagulation activation. These pathways are considered as operating together at the same time, but this has not been investigated. The objective of our study was to elucidate the time-dependency of key pathways of thrombus and clot formation, initiated by collagen and tissue factor surfaces, where coagulation is triggered via the extrinsic route. Therefore, we adapted a microfluidics whole-blood assay with the Maastricht flow chamber to acutely block molecular pathways by pharmacological intervention at desired time points. Application of the technique revealed crucial roles of glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-induced platelet signaling via Syk kinase as well as factor VIIa-induced thrombin generation, which were confined to the first minutes of thrombus buildup. A novel anti-GPVI Fab EMF-1 was used for this purpose. In addition, platelet activation with the protease-activating receptors 1/4 (PAR1/4) and integrin αIIbβ3 appeared to be prolongedly active and extended to later stages of thrombus and clot formation. This work thereby revealed a more persistent contribution of thrombin receptor-induced platelet activation than of collagen receptor-induced platelet activation to the thrombotic process. KW - coagulation KW - fibrin KW - glycoprotein VI KW - platelet receptors KW - spatiotemporal thrombus KW - thrombin Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284219 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 23 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Stetter, Maurice T1 - LC3-associated phagocytosis seals the fate of the second polar body in \(Caenorhabditis\) \(elegans\) T1 - LC3-assoziierte Phagozytose besiegelt das Schicksal des zweiten Polkörpers in \(Caenorhabditis\) \(elegans\) N2 - This work investigates the death and degradation of the second polar body of the nematode C. elegans in order to improve our understanding how pluripotent undifferentiated cells deal with dying cells. With the use of fluorescence microscopy this work demonstrates that both polar bodies loose membrane integrity early. The second polar body has contact to embryonic cells and gets internalized, dependent on the Rac1-ortholog CED-10. The polar body gets degraded via LC3-associated phagocytosis. While lysosome recruitment depends on RAB-7, LC3 does not improve lysosome recruitment but still accelerates polar body degradation. This work establishes the second polar body as a genetic model to study cell death and LC3-associated phagocytosis and has revealed further aspects of phagosome maturation and degradation. N2 - Um besser zu verstehen, wie undifferenzierte pluripotente Zellen mit abgestorbenen Zellen umgehen, wird in dieser Dissertation die Phagozytose und der Abbau des 2. Polkörpers der weiblichen Meiose im Fadenwurm C. elegans untersucht. Mithilfe von fluorenzenzmikroskopischen Aufnahmen wird in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass beide Polkörper schon früh ihre Membranintegrität verlieren. Der 2. Polkörper, welcher direkten Kontakt zu embryonischen Zellen hat, wird daraufhin mithilfe des Rac1-Orthologs CED-10 phagozytiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass es sich bei dem Abbauprozess um LC3-assoziierte Phagozytose handelt. Die RAB-7 GTPase ist notwendig für die Rekrutierung von Lysosomen, während LC3 darauf keinen Einfluss hat, aber trotzdem den Abbau des Polkörpers beschleunigt. Mit dieser Arbeit konnte ein genetisches Modell für die Erforschung von Zelltod und der LC3-assoziierten Phagozytose entwickelt werden und weitere Aspekte der Phagosomreifung und des -abbaus aufgedeckt werden. KW - Polkörper KW - Phagozytose KW - Autophagie KW - Zelltod KW - Caenorhabditis elegans KW - LC3-assoziierte Phagozytose KW - phagosome maturation Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231981 ER -