TY - JOUR A1 - Farmer, Adam D. A1 - Strzelczyk, Adam A1 - Finisguerra, Alessandra A1 - Gourine, Alexander V. A1 - Gharabaghi, Alireza A1 - Hasan, Alkomiet A1 - Burger, Andreas M. A1 - Jaramillo, Andrés M. A1 - Mertens, Ann A1 - Majid, Arshad A1 - Verkuil, Bart A1 - Badran, Bashar W. A1 - Ventura-Bort, Carlos A1 - Gaul, Charly A1 - Beste, Christian A1 - Warren, Christopher M. A1 - Quintana, Daniel S. A1 - Hämmerer, Dorothea A1 - Freri, Elena A1 - Frangos, Eleni A1 - Tobaldini, Eleonora A1 - Kaniusas, Eugenijus A1 - Rosenow, Felix A1 - Capone, Fioravante A1 - Panetsos, Fivos A1 - Ackland, Gareth L. A1 - Kaithwas, Gaurav A1 - O'Leary, Georgia H. A1 - Genheimer, Hannah A1 - Jacobs, Heidi I. L. A1 - Van Diest, Ilse A1 - Schoenen, Jean A1 - Redgrave, Jessica A1 - Fang, Jiliang A1 - Deuchars, Jim A1 - Széles, Jozsef C. A1 - Thayer, Julian F. A1 - More, Kaushik A1 - Vonck, Kristl A1 - Steenbergen, Laura A1 - Vianna, Lauro C. A1 - McTeague, Lisa M. A1 - Ludwig, Mareike A1 - Veldhuizen, Maria G. A1 - De Couck, Marijke A1 - Casazza, Marina A1 - Keute, Marius A1 - Bikson, Marom A1 - Andreatta, Marta A1 - D'Agostini, Martina A1 - Weymar, Mathias A1 - Betts, Matthew A1 - Prigge, Matthias A1 - Kaess, Michael A1 - Roden, Michael A1 - Thai, Michelle A1 - Schuster, Nathaniel M. A1 - Montano, Nicola A1 - Hansen, Niels A1 - Kroemer, Nils B. A1 - Rong, Peijing A1 - Fischer, Rico A1 - Howland, Robert H. A1 - Sclocco, Roberta A1 - Sellaro, Roberta A1 - Garcia, Ronald G. A1 - Bauer, Sebastian A1 - Gancheva, Sofiya A1 - Stavrakis, Stavros A1 - Kampusch, Stefan A1 - Deuchars, Susan A. A1 - Wehner, Sven A1 - Laborde, Sylvain A1 - Usichenko, Taras A1 - Polak, Thomas A1 - Zaehle, Tino A1 - Borges, Uirassu A1 - Teckentrup, Vanessa A1 - Jandackova, Vera K. A1 - Napadow, Vitaly A1 - Koenig, Julian T1 - International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (Version 2020) JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation(VNS) and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between studies, replication of studies, as well as enhancing study participant safety. We systematically reviewed the existing tVNS literature to evaluate current reporting practices. Based on this review, and consensus among participating authors, we propose a set of minimal reporting items to guide future tVNS studies. The suggested items address specific technical aspects of the device and stimulation parameters. We also cover general recommendations including inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants, outcome parameters and the detailed reporting of side effects. Furthermore, we review strategies used to identify the optimal stimulation parameters for a given research setting and summarize ongoing developments in animal research with potential implications for the application of tVNS in humans. Finally, we discuss the potential of tVNS in future research as well as the associated challenges across several disciplines in research and clinical practice. KW - transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation KW - minimum reporting standards KW - guidelines & recommendations KW - transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation KW - transcutaneous cervical vagus nerve stimulation Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234346 SN - 1662-5161 VL - 14 ER - TY - THES A1 - Genheimer, Hannah T1 - The acquisition of anxiety and the impact of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on extinction learning in virtual contexts T1 - Angstakquisition und der Einfluß transkutaner Vagusnervstimulation auf Extinktionslernen in virtuellen Kontexten N2 - This thesis aims for a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying anxiety as well as trauma- and stressor-related disorders and the development of new therapeutic approaches. I was first interested in the associative learning mechanisms involved in the etiology of anxiety disorders. Second, I explored the therapeutic effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) as a promising new method to accelerate and stabilize extinction learning in humans. For these purposes, I applied differential anxiety conditioning protocols realized by the implementation of virtual reality (VR). Here, a formerly neutral virtual context (anxiety context, CTX+) is presented whereby the participants unpredictably receive mildly aversive electric stimuli (unconditioned stimulus, US). Another virtual context (safety context, CTX-) is never associated with the US. Moreover, extinction of conditioned anxiety can be modeled by presenting the same contexts without US delivery. When unannounced USs were administered after extinction, i.e. reinstatement, the strength of the “returned” conditioned anxiety can provide information on the stability of the extinction memory. In Study 1, I disentangled the role of elemental and conjunctive context representations in the acquisition of conditioned anxiety. Sequential screenshots of two virtual offices were presented like a flip-book so that I elicited the impression of walking through the contexts. Some pictures of CTX+ were paired with an US (threat elements), but not some other screenshots of the same context (non-threat elements), nor the screenshots depicting CTX- (safety elements). Higher contingency ratings for threat compared to non-threat elements revealed elemental representation. Electro-cortical responses showed larger P100 and early posterior negativity amplitudes elicited by screenshots depicting CTX+ compared to CTX- and suggested conjunctive representation. These results support the dual context representation in anxiety acquisition in healthy individuals. Study 2 addressed the effects of tVNS on the stabilization of extinction learning by using a context conditioning paradigm. Potentiated startle responses as well as higher aversive ratings in CTX+ compared to CTX- indicate successful anxiety conditioning. Complete extinction was found in startle responses and valence ratings as no differentiation between CTX+ and CTX- suggested. TVNS did not affect extinction or reinstatement of anxiety which may be related to the inappropriate transferability of successful stimulation parameters from epilepsy patients to healthy participants during anxiety extinction. Therefore, in Study 3 I wanted to replicate the modulatory effects of tVNS on heart rate and pain perception by the previously used parameters. However, no effects of tVNS were observed on subjective pain ratings, on pain tolerance, or on heart rate. This led to the conclusion that the modification of stimulation parameters is necessary for a successful acceleration of anxiety extinction in humans. In Study 4, I prolonged the tVNS and, considering previous tVNS studies, I applied a cue conditioning paradigm in VR. Therefore, during acquisition a cue (CS+) presented in CTX+ predicted the US, but not another cue (CS-). Both cues were presented in a second context (CTX-) and never paired with the US. Afterward, participants received either tVNS or sham stimulation and underwent extinction learning. I found context-dependent cue conditioning only in valence ratings, which was indicated by lower valence for CS+ compared to CS- in CTX+, but no differential ratings in CTX-. Successful extinction was indicated by equal responses to CS+ and CS-. Interestingly, I found reinstatement of conditioned fear in a context-dependent manner, meaning startle response was potentiated for CS+ compared to CS- only in the anxiety context. Importantly, even the prolonged tVNS had no effect, neither on extinction nor on reinstatement of context-dependent cue conditioning. However, I found first evidence for accelerated physiological contextual extinction due to less differentiation between startles in CTX+ compared to CTX- in the tVNS than in the sham stimulated group. In sum, this thesis first confirms the dual representation of a context in an elemental and a conjunctive manner. Second, though anxiety conditioning and context-dependent cue conditioning paradigms worked well, the translation of tVNS accelerated extinction from rats to humans needs to be further developed, especially the stimulation parameters. Nevertheless, tVNS remains a very promising approach of memory enhancement, which can be particularly auspicious in clinical settings. N2 - Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen von Angst- sowie Trauma- und belastungsbezogene Störungen besser verstehen zu lernen und neue Therapieansätze zu entwickeln. Dabei lag mein Interesse zunächst bei den assoziativen Lernmechanismen, die bei der Entstehung von Angststörungen involviert sind. Darüber hinaus untersuchte ich die therapeutischen Effekte der transkutanen Vagusnervstimulation (tVNS) als neue und vielversprechende Methode, um das Extinktionslernen bei Menschen zu beschleunigen und zu stabilisieren. Zu diesem Zweck verwendete ich differenzielle Angstkonditionierungsparadigmen in virtueller Realität (VR). Dabei wird den Probanden ein neutraler virtueller Kontext (CTX) gezeigt, in dem sie unvorhersehbare, leicht schmerzhafte elektrische Reize (unkonditionierter Stimulus, US) erhalten. Durch die erlernte Assoziation wird dieser Kontext zum (Angstkontext, CTX+). Ein zweiter virtueller Kontext, in dem die Probanden nie einen US erhalten, wird deshalb zum Sicherheitskontext (CTX-). Die Extinktion konditionierter Angst wiederum kann im Labor nachgestellt werden, indem beide Kontexte ohne US dargeboten werden. Werden aber den Probanden nach der Extinktion unangekündigte US appliziert (Reinstatement), dann kann die Stärke der zurückgekehrten Angst Aufschluss über die Stabilität des Extinktionsgedächtnisses geben. Mit diesem Modell untersuchte ich in Studie 1 die beiden Rollen der elementaren und der konjunktiven Repräsentation eines Kontexts während der Akquisition von konditionierter Angst. Nacheinander aufgenommene Bildschirmfotos zweier virtueller Büroräume wurden dabei wie in einem Daumenkino kurz hintereinander dargeboten, so dass der Eindruck entstand durch die Räume zu laufen. Der US wurde gleichzeitig mit manchen Bildern des CTX+ präsentiert (Gefahrenelemente), jedoch nie mit andere Bilder des CTX+ (keine-Gefahrenelemente) und auch nie mit Bildern, die CTX- darstellten (Sicherheitselemente). Höhere Kontingenzratings für Gefahrenelemente im Vergleich zu keine-Gefahrenelemente sprachen für die elementare Kontextrepräsentation. Elektrokortikale Signale zeigten höhere Amplituden der P100 und der frühen posterioren Negativität, die von Bildschirmfotos des CTX+ im Vergleich zum CTX- evoziert wurden, und weisen auf konjunktive Kontextrepräsentation hin. Insgesamt unterstützen diese Befunde die duale Repräsentation eines Kontexts während der Angstakquisition bei gesunden Probanden. Studie 2 thematisierte die Effekte der tVNS auf Extinktionslernen. Potenzierte Schreckreaktionen und aversivere Ratings in CTX+ verglichen mit CTX- sprachen für erfolgreiche Angstkonditionierung. Vollständige Extinktion wurde in der Schreckreaktion und in Valenzratings gefunden, da sich die Reaktionen auf CTX+ und CTX- am Ende dieser Phase nicht mehr unterschieden. Jedoch beeinflusste tVNS während der Extinktion weder das Extinktionslernen noch reduzierte sie die Wiederkehr der Angst. Aufgrund der Neuheit dieses Forschungsbereichs wurden Stimulationsparameter aus der Anwendung der tVNS bei Epilepsiepatienten gewählt. Die Übertragbarkeit auf gesunde Probanden während Angstextinktion blieb noch unklar. Deshalb sollte in Studie 3 ein tVNS Effekt auf die Herzrate und die Schmerzwahrnehmung repliziert werden, und zwar mit genau diesen Stimulationsparametern. Die Ergebnisse zeigten jedoch, dass tVNS weder subjektive Schmerzratings, noch die Schmerztoleranz, noch die Herzrate der gesunden Probanden beeinflusste. Schlussfolgernd mussten in den folgenden Untersuchungen die tVNS Parameter geändert werden, um eine erfolgreiche Wirkung der tVNS bei gesunden Probanden zu ermöglichen. In Studie 4 verlängerte ich die Stimulationszeit und adaptierte das verwendete Konditionierungsmodell zu einem Furchtkonditionierungsparadigma in VR. Dabei wurde der US während der Akquisition durch einen Hinweisreiz (CS+) im Angstkontext angekündigt, nicht jedoch durch einen zweiten Hinweisreiz (CS-). Beide Hinweisreize wurden außerdem in einem zweiten Kontext (CTX-) dargeboten und nie mit einem US gepaart. Danach unterzogen sich die gesunden Probanden entweder einer verum tVNS oder einer Scheinstimulation und durchliefen Extinktionslernen. Kontext-abhängige Furchtkonditionierung fand ich nur in Valenzratings, da die Probanden CS+ im Angstkontext negativer bewerteten als CS- und gleich im Sicherheitskontext. Erfolgreiche Extinktion zeigte sich in gleichen Bewertungen des CS+ und CS-. Interessanterweise fand ich kontext-abhängige Angstwiederkehr, d.h. Schreckreaktionen waren nur in CTX+ für CS+ potenziert im Vergleich zum CS-. Die verlängerte Stimulationszeit der tVNS hatte keinen Effekt, weder auf die Extinktion, noch auf die Wiederkehr der kontext-abhängigen konditionierten Furcht. Außerdem zeigten sich erste Tendenzen zu beschleunigter Extinktion des Kontextlernens durch tVNS, da die Schreckreaktion zwischen CTX+ und CTX- in der tVNS Gruppe weniger differenziert ausfiel als in der scheinstimulierten Gruppe. Zusammenfassend bestätigt diese Arbeit die duale Repräsentation eines Kontexts während der Angstakquisition auf neuronaler und subjektiver Ebene. Außerdem wurden erfolgreiche Angstkonditionierungs- und kontextabhängige Furchtkonditionierungs-paradigmen etabliert. Trotz keiner oder schwacher Effekte der tVNS auf Extinktion und Angstwiederkehr bleibt sie ein sehr vielversprechender Ansatz der Gedächtnissteigerung, der vor allem für den klinischen Kontext relevant ist. KW - Angst KW - Angststörung KW - anxiety conditioning KW - transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation KW - virtual reality KW - Konditionierung KW - Vagusnervstimulation Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206390 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ventura-Bort, Carlos A1 - Wirkner, Janine A1 - Genheimer, Hannah A1 - Wendt, Julia A1 - Hamm, Alfons O. A1 - Weymar, Mathias T1 - Effects of Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (tVNS) on the P300 and Alpha-Amylase Level: A Pilot Study JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Recent research suggests that the P3b may be closely related to the activation of the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system. To further study the potential association, we applied a novel technique, the non-invasive transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS), which is speculated to increase noradrenaline levels. Using a within-subject cross-over design, 20 healthy participants received continuous tVNS and sham stimulation on two consecutive days (stimulation counterbalanced across participants) while performing a visual oddball task. During stimulation, oval non-targets (standard), normal-head (easy) and rotated-head (difficult) targets, as well as novel stimuli (scenes) were presented. As an indirect marker of noradrenergic activation we also collected salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) before and after stimulation. Results showed larger P3b amplitudes for target, relative to standard stimuli, irrespective of stimulation condition. Exploratory post hoc analyses, however, revealed that, in comparison to standard stimuli, easy (but not difficult) targets produced larger P3b (but not P3a) amplitudes during active tVNS, compared to sham stimulation. For sAA levels, although main analyses did not show differential effects of stimulation, direct testing revealed that tVNS (but not sham stimulation) increased sAA levels after stimulation. Additionally, larger differences between tVNS and sham stimulation in P3b magnitudes for easy targets were associated with larger increase in sAA levels after tVNS, but not after sham stimulation. Despite preliminary evidence for a modulatory influence of tVNS on the P3b, which may be partly mediated by activation of the noradrenergic system, additional research in this field is clearly warranted. Future studies need to clarify whether tVNS also facilitates other processes, such as learning and memory, and whether tVNS can be used as therapeutic tool. KW - EEG KW - P300 KW - tVNS KW - norepinephrine KW - locus coeruleus KW - salivary alpha-amylase Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-196129 SN - 1662-5161 VL - 12 IS - 202 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Genheimer, Hannah A1 - Andreatta, Marta A1 - Asan, Esther A1 - Pauli, Paul T1 - Reinstatement of contextual conditioned anxiety in virtual reality and the effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation in humans JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Since exposure therapy for anxiety disorders incorporates extinction of contextual anxiety, relapses may be due to reinstatement processes. Animal research demonstrated more stable extinction memory and less anxiety relapse due to vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). We report a valid human three-day context conditioning, extinction and return of anxiety protocol, which we used to examine effects of transcutaneous VNS (tVNS). Seventy-five healthy participants received electric stimuli (unconditioned stimuli, US) during acquisition (Day1) when guided through one virtual office (anxiety context, CTX+) but never in another (safety context, CTX−). During extinction (Day2), participants received tVNS, sham, or no stimulation and revisited both contexts without US delivery. On Day3, participants received three USs for reinstatement followed by a test phase. Successful acquisition, i.e. startle potentiation, lower valence, higher arousal, anxiety and contingency ratings in CTX+ versus CTX−, the disappearance of these effects during extinction, and successful reinstatement indicate validity of this paradigm. Interestingly, we found generalized reinstatement in startle responses and differential reinstatement in valence ratings. Altogether, our protocol serves as valid conditioning paradigm. Reinstatement effects indicate different anxiety networks underlying physiological versus verbal responses. However, tVNS did neither affect extinction nor reinstatement, which asks for validation and improvement of the stimulation protocol. KW - psychology KW - vagus nerve stimulation KW - contextual anxiety KW - fear conditioning KW - extinction Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-169892 VL - 7 IS - 17886 ER -