TY - THES A1 - Linder, Susanne T1 - Der Einfluss von Lebensstilen auf den Energieverbrauch in privaten Haushalten im Bereich Wohnen am Beispiel der Stadt Stuttgart T1 - The influence of lifestyle on residential energy consumption – a case study of the city of Stuttgart N2 - Aufgrund der weltweit steigenden Energienachfrage und den gleichzeitig knapper werdenden natürlichen Ressourcen, muss Energie in Zukunft effizienter genutzt werden. Auch im Sektor der privaten Haushalte stellt sich deshalb die Frage, von welchen Faktoren der Energieverbrauch abhängt. Der Einfluss von technischen Faktoren wie Wärmedämmung von Gebäuden oder der Effizienzklasse von elektrischen Geräten auf den Heizenergie- bzw. Stromverbrauch in privaten Haushalten ist bereits bekannt. Interessant zu wissen ist jedoch auch, welchen Einfluss unterschiedliche Eigenschaften und Verhaltensweisen der Bewohner und damit welchen Einfluss der Lebensstil auf den Energieverbrauch hat. Um den Einfluss des Lebensstils auf den Energieverbrauch in privaten Haushalten im Bereich Wohnen zu untersuchen, wurden Daten anhand einer schriftlichen Haushaltsbefragung in ausgewählten Stadtvierteln in Stuttgart erhoben. Bei der Befragung kam ein bereichsspezifischer Lebensstilansatz zur Anwendung d.h. es wurden Fragen zu den einzelnen Lebensstilbereichen „Lebensform“, „Sozialstruktur“, „Energiesparverhalten“ und „Umwelt- und Energiebewusstsein“ gestellt. Anhand ausgewählter Variablen dieser Lebensstilbereiche wurden die Haushalte mit Hilfe der Clusteranalyse in Lebensstilgruppen des Strom- und Heizenergieverbrauchs eingeteilt. Ein Vergleich der Lebensstilgruppen des Stromverbrauchs zeigte, dass der Unterschied im Stromverbrauch v.a. durch die Anzahl der Personen im Haushalt bedingt ist. Die anderen Lebensstilbereiche wirken sich zwar auch auf den Stromverbrauch aus, sie rufen jedoch nur zwischen wenigen Gruppen signifikante Unterschiede im Stromverbrauch hervor. Bei den Lebensstilgruppen des Heizenergieverbrauchs zeichnet sich ein Einfluss des Lebensstilbereichs des „Energiesparverhaltens“ auf den Heizenergieverbrauch ab. Aufgrund der geringen Fallzahlen konnten die Unterschiede im Heizenergieverbrauch zwischen den Gruppen jedoch nicht auf Signifikanz getestet werden. Aus den Ergebnissen der Untersuchung wird deutlich, dass der Lebensstil einen Einfluss auf den Energieverbrauch in privaten Haushalten im Bereich Wohnen hat. Eine Einteilung der Haushalte in Lebensstilgruppen könnte somit Ansatzpunkte für ein Lebensstil-spezifisches Energiesparmarketing bieten. Um den Einfluss des Lebensstils auf den Energieverbrauch tiefergehend zu untersuchen, sollte der Einfluss von technischen Faktoren ganz ausgeschlossen und die einzelnen Lebensstilbereiche (v.a. das Energiesparverhalten) in den Analysen mit mehr Variablen berücksichtigt werden. N2 - Due to the increasing energy consumption and the growing scarcity of fossil fuels, energy efficiency is a crucial issue. Private households account for 30% of the energy consumption in Germany and thus, the question arises how to reduce the energy demand in this sector. Influences of technical factors like insulation of buildings, or the energy efficiency class of electrical appliances on the energy demand are already well known. However, little information exists on the influence of lifestyle on the energy demand that is the characteristics and the energy behaviour of households. In order to analyse the influence of lifestyle on energy demand in residences, a survey was conducted in selected urban districts of the city of Stuttgart, Germany. In the lifestyle analysis, the domains “household type”, “social structure”, “energy saving behaviour” and “environmental awareness” were targeted. Based on selected variables of these domains and a cluster analysis, the households were classified into different lifestyle groups of electricity and heat energy demand. The results show that variations in electricity consumption in the lifestyle groups are mainly caused by differences in the number of household members. The other lifestyle domains also affect the electricity demand; however, no significant differences between the individual lifestyle groups can be identified. The lifestyle groups of heat energy consumption display differences in the energy saving behaviour. However, due to the small sample size, significance tests could not be applied. The results demonstrate that lifestyle has a measurable influence on the residential energy consumption. Thus, marketing campaigns for energy saving should be based on lifestyle specific concepts to improve their success. Future research should try to fully exclude the influence of technical factors on the energy demand to be able to further determine the influence of the individual lifestyle domains. KW - Elektrizitätsverbrauch KW - Lebensstilanalyse KW - Clusteranalyse KW - Energiesparverhalten KW - lifestyle analysis KW - cluster analysis KW - energy saving behaviour KW - electricity consumption Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74727 ER - TY - THES A1 - Fekete, Alexander T1 - Massenbewegungen im Elbursgebirge, Iran - im Spannungsfeld zwischen natürlicher Stabilität und anthropogener Beeinflussung T1 - Mass Movements in Alborz Mountains, Iran - an area of conflict between natural stability and human impact N2 - Massenbewegungen (in englischer Literatur landslides, in französischer Literatur glissements de terre) sind das Symptom von Hanginstabilitäten in einem Naturraum. Die Wahl des Überbegriffs Massenbewegungen und die Untergliederung der einzelnen Stadien des Prozessablaufs wurden im Rahmen eines pragmatischen Ansatzes dieser Arbeit neu festgelegt. Im Untersuchungsgebiet im Elbursgebirge im Norden des Iran stellen Massenbewegungen ein Phänomen dar, welches die Kulturlandschaft bedroht, aber auch durch sie selbst bedingt ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden Abhängigkeitsbeziehungen zwischen menschlichem Eingriff und natürlichem Stabilitätspotential untersucht. In einem heuristischen Ansatz wurden Faktoren analysiert, welche Massenbewegungen bedingen oder auslösen. Faktoren wie geologischer Untergrund, Bodenauflage, Hangneigung, Exposition, Hydrologie, Vegetationsbedeckung oder Straßenbau wirken in unterschiedlicher Weise auf die Verursachung von Massenbewegungen ein. Die Analyse der Tragweite und Relevanz dieser Faktoren erfolgte mittels einer Faktorenüberlagerung in einem Geographischen Informationssystem (GIS). Das GIS bildete die Schnittstelle für Fernerkundungsdaten, Kartenmaterial, Geländeaufnahme und das digitale Geländemodell (DEM, bzw. DTM). Neben Photos, Beschreibungen, GPS-Punkten und Bodenproben aus der Geländeaufnahme im Iran wurden CORONA- und LANDSAT-ETM+ - Satellitendaten sowie Klimaaufzeichnungen, Topographische und Geologische Karten auf ihre Aussagekraft hin analysiert. Durch Verschneidung der Datenebenen konnten Gefährdungszonen hinsichtlich Massenbewegungen ausgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit den vorhandenen Befunden über aufgetretene Massenbewegungen überprüft. Die Übereinstimmung der Gefährdungszonen mit der Verteilung vorgefundener Massenbewegungsformen bestätigte die Richtigkeit des methodischen Vorgehens. Bei der Auswahl und Bearbeitung von Daten und Methodik lagen die Schwerpunkte im Anwendungsbezug und in der Qualitätssicherung. Zur Erstellung des digitalen Höhenmodells wurde ein eigener Ansatz zur Extraktion von Höhenlinien aus Topographischen Karten verfolgt. Das Ergebnis der Arbeit ist ein kostengünstiger, pragmatischer und übertragbarer Ansatz zur Bewertung des Gefährdungspotentials von Massenbewegungen. N2 - Mass movements (in English literature often referred to as landslides, in French Literature as glissements de terre) are symptoms of instability in natural environments. Within the scope of a pragmatic approach the key word 'mass movements' and its processual steps were newly defined. Mass movements are a phenomenon in the study area in Alborz mountains, Iran. They threaten human environments while at the same time they display results of human activity. The focus of this paper is directed on interdependences between human impact and areas that are prone to slope instability. In a heuristic approach factors that influence or trigger mass movements were analysed. These determining factors include the geology, soil cover, slope, aspect, hydrology, vegetationcover and roads. Analysis of intensity, extent and relevance was compiled by factor overlay technique in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Under the GIS environment, CORONA and LANDSAT-ETM+ satellite images, climatic data, topographical and geological maps, ground truth data and the digital elevation model (DEM) could be integrated. This resulted in a hazard zonation map of mass movements. The hazard zonation map was cross referenced with a sample of real occurences of mass movements. This step served to validate the derived model for mass movement hazard. Data and methods were selected and tested on the basis of quality and application ability. Extraction of contour lines from topographical maps was used as a faster and better way of creating the digital elevation model compared to digitalization. All methodical ways resulted into a pragmatic cost-effective and transferable approach of evaluating the hazard of mass movements. KW - Elbursgebirge KW - Massenbewegung KW - Massenbewegungen KW - Rutschungen KW - Gefahrenkarten KW - GIS KW - Höhenmodell KW - landslides KW - digital elevation model KW - Landsat KW - remote sensing KW - Iran Y1 - 2004 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-13576 ER - TY - THES A1 - Walz, Yvonne T1 - Measuring burn severity in forests of South-West Western Australia using MODIS N2 - Burn severity was measured within the Mediterranean sclerophyll forests of south-west Western Australia (WA) using remote sensing data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The region of south-west WA is considered as a high fire prone landscape and is managed by the state government’s Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM). Prescribed fuel reduction burning is used as a management tool in this region. The measurement of burn severity with remote sensing data focused on monitoring the success and impact of prescribed burning and wildfire in this environment. The high temporal resolution of MODIS with twice daily overpasses in this area was considered highly favourable, as opportunities for prescribed burning are temporally limited by climatic conditions. The Normalised Burn Ratio (NBR) was investigated to measure burn severity in the forested area of south-west WA. This index has its heritage based on data from the Landsat TM/ETM+ sensors (Key and Benson, 1999 [1],[2]) and was transferred from Landsat to MODIS data. The measurement principally addresses the biomass consumption due to fire, whereas the change detected between the pre-fire image and the post-fire image is quantified by the ÄNBR. The NBR and the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) have been applied to MODIS and Landsat TM/ETM+ data. The spectral properties and the index values of the remote sensing data have been analysed within different burnt areas. The influence of atmospheric and BRDF effects on MODIS data has been investigated by comparing uncorrected top of atmosphere reflectance and atmospheric and BRDF corrected reflectance. The definition of burn severity classes has been established in a field trip to the study area. However, heterogeneous fire behaviour and patchy distribution of different vegetation structure made field classification difficult. Ground truth data has been collected in two different types of vegetation structure present in the burnt area. The burn severity measurement of high resolution Landsat data was assessed based on ground truth data. However, field data was not sufficient for rigorous validation of remote sensing data. The NBR index images of both sensors have been calibrated based on training areas in the high resolution Landsat image. The burn severity classifications of both sensors are comparable, which demonstrates the feasibility of a burn severity measurement using moderate spatial resolution 250m MODIS data. The normalisation through index calculation reduced atmospheric and BRDF effects, and thus MODIS top of at-mosphere data has been considered suitable for the burn severity measurement. The NBR could not be uniformly applied, as different structures of vegetation influenced the range of index values. Furthermore, the index was sensitive to variability in moisture content. However, the study concluded that the NBR on MODIS data is a useful measure of burn severity in the forested area of south-west WA. KW - Westaustralien KW - Waldbrand KW - Fernerkundung KW - MODIS KW - Waldbraende KW - Fernerkundung KW - Australien KW - MODIS KW - mediterranes Oekosystem KW - burn severity KW - MODIS KW - Normalised Burn Ratio (NBR) KW - Mediterranean sclerophyll forest KW - prescribed burning Y1 - 2004 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14745 ER - TY - THES A1 - May, Jan-Hendrik T1 - The Quebrada de Purmamarca, Juyuj, NW-Argentina : Landscape Evolution and Morphodynamics in the Semi-Arid Andes N2 - This study aims at reconstructing landscape evolution in the Quebrada de Purmamarca, NW-Argentina. Thorough mapping of the existing landforms and present morphodynamic situation was conducted on the base of intensive field work and the interpretation of remote sensing imagery. Aside from geomorphological mapping, field work focused on the description of numerous sedimentological and pedological profiles. The analysis of these profiles was supported by laboratory data from field samples (granulometry, CaCO3 content) but also by a 14C age date. With particular regard to pedological questions, several samples from soil crust were micromorphologically analysed and interpreted. The resulting data allowed the reconstruction of several phases of landscape evolution in the Quebrada de Purmamarca back to the Miocene. During this phase, the Andes were still a landscape of relatively low relief being subject to processes of planation under conditions markedly more humid than today. Highly faulted and deformed fanglomerates are the first evidence of a progressing uplift coupled under an increasingly arid climate. As a consequence of continued uplift and alternating phases of erosion and aggradation, large terrace systems have formed. Particularly the youngest terrace level shows good preservation. Against the background of the intense climatic changes characteristic for the Pleistocene, these terraces have been the major focus of this study. They are built up almost entirely from coarse debris-flow sediments which are thought to be the result of a significant drop of the periglacial belt of more than 1,000 meters. This interpretation is confirmed by a variety of relict periglacial landforms like “glatthang” morphology (smooth topography), sheets of frost debris and asymmetric valleys. As sediment supply from periglacial debris production exceeded the transport capacity of the drainage system leading to the dominance of depositional processes. Aggradation has been interrupted or at least weakened several times as reflected by two lacustrine to fluvial intervals within the terrace deposits. In this context, particularly the younger interval might announce a shift in morphodynamics around 49 ka BP (14C age), when the phase of terrace aggradation grades into a phase of dominant alluvial fan activity. On the terrace surfaces a well-developed reddish soil has developed. It is interpreted to indicate a phase of increased humidity possibly in relation with the “Minchin” wet phase between 40 ka BP and 25 ka BP. At many places, this reddish soil is overlain by a markedly cemented sand crust. Based on the good sorting of medium and fine sand, this sand crust could be interpreted as fluvio-eolian sediment. Its deposition under very arid and cold climatic conditions may be attributed to the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM). However, the sand crust shows signs of erosion at many places and has not been observed anywhere below the level of the terrace surface. Therefore the onset of severe erosion and incision resulting in the evacuation of enormous quantities of sediment from the study area is assumed to postdate the LGM, possibly due to increased discharge rates during a wetter Lateglacial. Regardless of its timing, the intense incision is likely to have cut down to below the present floodplain evidently causing several mass wasting events in the study area. Since the early Holocene a number of short-term changes seem to have been responsible for the landscape evolution of the Quebrada de Purmamarca. More humid phases of pronounced slope smoothing have alternated with semi-arid phases of longer duration. The well-developed, polycyclic calcretes on top of the inactive terraces and alluvial fans give evidence for these changes. At present, the marked desert pavement on top of most terraces and alluvial fan surfaces prevent soil. The concentration of runoff on these pavements amplifies badland formation and alluvial fan activity along the terrace slopes. The presently observed floodplain aggradation may be attributed to these processes but considering the severe gullying reaching far into the upper study area, the aggradation may as well reflect a more general and regional trend. KW - Quartär KW - Anden KW - Geomorphologie KW - Geomorphologische Kartierung KW - Paläoklima KW - Südamerika Y1 - 2002 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-34416 ER -