TY - THES A1 - Reik, Andrea T1 - Grenzüberschreitende Restrukturierungen von Unternehmen T1 - Cross-border restrukturing initiatives N2 - Die Globalisierung der Wirtschaft und die Fortentwicklung des Europäischen Binnenmarktes führen zu einer Steigerung des grenzüberschreitenden Wettbewerbs und rufen bei vielen Gesellschaften das Bedürfnis hervor, sich durch grenzüberschreitende Restrukturierungen den neuen Gegebenheiten anzupassen. Da hierfür bisher gemeinschaftsrechtliche Regelungen fehlen und keine Rechtsangleichungen erfolgt sind, wurzeln entsprechende Maßnahmen in den nationalen Rechtsordnungen. Die zur Durchführung grenzüberschreitender Restrukturierungen notwendigen bilateralen Rechtsuntersuchungen werden in dieser Arbeit ausführlich für die Staaten Deutschland und Frankreich vorgenommen. Es wird geprüft ob und unter welchen Voraussetzungen bereits heute deutsch-französische Sitzverlegungen, Fusionen, Spaltungen und Eingliederungen zulässig sind. Hierzu werden die deutschen und französischen Vorschriften rechtsvergleichend analysiert, die Rechtslage nach beiden Rechtsordnungen dargestellt und deren Zusammenwirken untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass einige deutsch-französische Restrukturierungen unter Berücksichtigung gewisser Bedingungen schon zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt zulässig sind. N2 - Economic globalisation and further developments within the European market have led to an increase in commercial competition across national borders. Many companies feel the need to react to this situation through subsequent re-structuring across geopolitical borders. Since communal regulations have yet to be drawn-up to account for this situation, enterprises are constrained by national legal systems. This monograph investigates extensively the legal implications of cross-border restructuring initiatives between Germany and France, in an effort to clarify the current legal situation. It investigates whether German-French Head Quaters transfers, mergers, split-ups and incorporations are currently possible and, if so, under what conditions. To achieve this, German and French legal regulations have been presented, juxtaposed and analysed for their complements or restrictions. The study shows that bilateral restructuring initiatives between Germany and France are already possible, although they are subject to particular constraints. KW - Deutschland KW - Sitzverlegung KW - Internationales Gesellschaftsrecht KW - Internationale Fusion KW - Gesellschaftsumwandlung KW - Frankreich KW - grenzüberschreitende Restrukturierung KW - Deutschland KW - Frankreich KW - Sitzverlegung KW - Fusion KW - Spaltung KW - Eingliederung KW - cross-border restructuring initiative KW - Germany KW - France KW - headquater transfer KW - merger KW - split-up KW - incorporation Y1 - 2001 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-734 ER - TY - THES A1 - De Brida, Henrique Paulo T1 - Der Besitzerwerb durch Hilfspersonen T1 - The acquisition of possession throughout auxiliary persons N2 - Diese Arbeit betrachtet das Thema ‚Besitzerwerb’ mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stellung der Hilfsperson – nämlich, Stellvertreter bzw. Besitzdiener - bei diesem Rechtsinstitut. Vor der eigentlichen Behandlung des Hauptthemas finden sich allgemeine Betrachtungen und Analysen des Besitzes und dessen Erwerb und die Darstellung der rechtshistorischen Entwicklung des Besitzes. Die hier behandelten Themen werden nicht nur von der Rechtsdogmatik, sondern auch von der Rechtssprechung her untersucht, wobei die Entscheidungen in einigen, bestimmten Fällen, die in der rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskussion Mustercharakter erlangt haben, und als Anknüpfungspunkt zur Entwicklung und Festigung der Rechtslehre dienen dargestellt werden. Es wird ebenso versucht klar darzustellen, inwieweit sich die Rechtsauffassung des Besitzerwerbs durch Hilfspersonen von dem traditionellen, römischgemeinrechtlichen Vorbild der Dienerschaft aus zu einer typologischen, sachverhaltsnäheren Besitzerwerbslehre hat entwickeln lassen. N2 - The following dissertation deals with the possession and its acquisition throughout an auxiliary (working) person – an agent and/or a possession’s server. It shows how the Civil law institute under assessment has historically developed and how the German legal theory and courts have been treated the legal acquisition of possession when a service or working relationship is involved by a mediation of possession and its acquisition. Therefore, the present work focuses on a deal of court decisions which have developed to leading cases relating that subject matter. It handles also with the development of the legal theory of possession in the sense that it aims to clarify by which means the German jurisprudence has developed from the traditional Roman law based theory of the servitude of possession towards a typological and case law based theory of the acquisition of possession through a third auxiliary person. KW - Würzburg / Institut für Deutsche und Bayerische Rechtsgeschichte KW - Deutschland / Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch KW - Bürgerliches Recht KW - Besitzerwerb KW - Germany KW - Civil law KW - possession KW - acquisition KW - auxiliary person Y1 - 2002 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-64926 ER - TY - THES A1 - Tomasevic, Klaudia T1 - Die medizinische Versorgung von Kindern Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel von Würzburg T1 - Medical Care of Children in the Middle of the 19th Century: in the City of Wuerzburg N2 - Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts gab es in Deutschland im Vergleich zu vielen seiner Nachbarstaaten nur sehr wenige Heil- und Krankenanstalten speziell für Kinder. Die Anerkennung der Kinderheilkunde als eigenes Fachgebiet an den deutschen Universitäten verlief sehr langsam. Untersucht man die historische und soziologische Situation in Deutschland sowie den Entwicklungsstand der Medizin im 19. Jahrhundert genauer, so wird deutlich, warum hier solche aus heutiger Sicht rückständige Verhältnisse herrschten. Wie sich anhand von Originaldokumenten belegen lässt, wurde in Würzburg für deutsche Verhältnisse recht früh der Vorstoß unternommen, an der Universität eine "Separatanstalt" für kranke Kinder zu errichten und die Pädiatrie als eigenes Lehrfach einzuführen. Am 7. Juli 1841 erreichte den Senat und die Fakultät der Universität Würzburg ein Königlich Bayerisches Dekret, das die Errichtung einer klinischen Anstalt für Kinder und eine damit verbundene Abhaltung von Vorlesungen über Kinderkrankheiten vorsah. Das primäre Vorhaben der Fakultät, eine "stabile" Kinderklinik zu eröffnen, wurde jedoch aufgrund von Finanzierungsproblemen für mehrere Jahre aufgeschoben. Stattdessen wurde 1844 eine "billigere" ambulante Kinderklinik eröffnet und Franz von Rinecker, ein sehr engagierter Professor, zu deren Leiter und zum Prof. für Kinderkrankheiten ernannt. Erst am 1. Nov. 1850 kam es zur offiziellen Gründung einer stabilen Kinderklinik mit 12-15 Betten. Da andieser Institution jedoch sowohl die Universität als auch das Juliusspital, eine sehr mächtige und mit der Universität verschwisterte Stiftung, beteiligt waren, kam es sowohl vor als auch nach der Gründung zu großen Interessenskonflikten und Machtkämpfen.Das Resultat war, dass die Universität und der von ihr ernannte Vorstand, Franz von Rinecker, letztendlich nur einen sehr geringen Einfluss in der Kinderklinik hatten, die außerdem bereits 1872 wieder ihre Eigenständigkeit verlor. Die "stabile" Kinderklinik wurde an die Innere Medizin abgetreten, die ambulante Kinderklinik fiel an die allgemeine Poliklinik zurück. Erst 1915, also über 40 Jahre später, erlangte die Würzburger Pädiatrie wieder ihre Eigenständigkeit, die mit dem Ordinariat für Hans Rietschel ab 1923 vervollständigt wurde. Das Schicksal der pädiatrischen Anstalten in Würzburg ist bezeichnend für die damalige Zeit: Die deutsche Pädiatrie steckte noch in ihren Kinderschuhen und befand sich im ständigen Kampf gegen die Dominanz von Allgemeiner Poliklinik und Innerer Medizin. N2 - In the middle of the 19th century there were just a few hospitals for sick children in Germany and Paediatrics was hardly recognised as an independent speciality of medicine. A more profound analysis of both the historical and social situation, as well as the medical development at that time may explain why there was such an undeveloped situation in Germany. In the City of Würzburg there was an early sustained effort to found a separate hospital for sick children and to introduce Paediatrics as a separate subject at its medical school. As original documents prove, as early as 7th July 1841 a Bavarian royal decree reached the Faculty of Wuerzburg expressing the aim to open a clinical institution for sick children and to start lectures about child diseases. Because of financial difficulties, however, the faculty's first plan - to found a "stable" paediatric clinic immediately - had to be postponed for a couple of years. Instead, a "cheaper" policlinic for children was opened in 1844 and Franz von Rinecker, a highly committed professor, was appointed professor of child diseases and head of that clinic. On 1st November 1850 a separate clinic for sick children with 12-15 beds was finally opened. As this institution belonged to both the Faculty and the "Juliusspital", a very powerful foundation, lots of conflicts appeared before and after the clinic opened. Consequently, the Faculty and the assigned head of the Paediatric clinic, Franz von Rinecker, had very little influence on the development of the clinic. Therefore, in 1872, it lost its independence again: the Paediatric clinic became part of the Internal Medicine and the Paediatric policlinic came back to the supervision of the general policlinic .It was only 43 years later that Paediatrics in Wuerzburg finally got its independence back in 1915. The history of the clinical institutions in Paediatrics in Wuerzburg is symptomatic for the time when German paediatrics was still in its early stages and continually had to defend itself against the dominance of Internal medicine and the policlinic. KW - Würzburg KW - Kinderheilkunde KW - Geschichte 1800-1900 KW - Pädiatrie KW - Medizingeschichte KW - 19. Jahrhundert KW - Kinder KW - Kinderklinik KW - medizinisch KW - Deutschland KW - Würzburg KW - Rinecker KW - Paediatrics KW - history of medicine KW - 19th century KW - children KW - paediatric clinic KW - medical KW - Germany KW - Wuerzburg KW - Rinecker Y1 - 2002 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-3865 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ko, Chiou-Shiue T1 - Die institutionelle Frühförderung in Deutschland und in Taiwan im Vergleich T1 - A comparison of early intervention between Germany and Taiwan N2 - Durch die Bestrebungen und mit der Unterstützung von Fachleuten und Wissenschaftlern wurde das Frühfördersystem in Taiwan mittels der Verankerung des Kinderwohlfahrtsgesetzes 1993 Schritt für Schritt geplant und aufgebaut, wobei die Entwicklung schnell voran ging und geht. Obwohl bei der Arbeit mit Kindern mit Entwicklungsgefährdungen und -verzögerungen durchaus viele Erfolge zu verzeichnen sind, müssen weitere Schwierigkeiten und Hindernisse überwunden werden. Um dieses Frühfördersystem zu stärken und vervollkommnen, beschäftigen sich viele Fachleute und Wissenschaftler mit der Sammlung und Analyse ausländischer Erfahrungen. Sie versuchen, mögliche Potenziale für das eigene System zu finden und diese zu integrieren. In dieser Arbeit werden erstmals die Frühfördersysteme in Deutschland und in Taiwan verglichen. Die Forschungsarbeit beabsichtigt, die Frühfördersysteme in Deutschland und in Taiwan durch den Vergleich zu reflektieren und daraus Folgerungen für die quantitative und qualitative Weiterentwicklung des Frühfördersystems in Taiwan abzuleiten. Die Intention soll sein, das Frühfördersystem in Taiwan mittels der Erfahrungen aus dem Ausland (i.d.F. Deutschland) projektiv zu verbessern und zu optimieren. Nach dem 1. Kapitel, der Einführung in die Fragestellung, die Zielsetzung und die Methode der Arbeit, werden im 2. Kapitel die Probleme und Potenziale der vergleichenden Sonderpädagogik dargestellt und die Forschungsmethodologie, die dieser Arbeit zugrunde liegt, vorgestellt. Das 3. Kapitel beinhaltet die Darstellung und Analyse des Frühfördersystems in Deutschland (Ziele and Prinzipien der Frühförderung, Aufbau und Organisation der Frühförderung, Aufgabenbereiche und Unterstützungsstrukturen in der Frühförderung, Familienorientierung, Finanzierung und gesetzliche Grundlagen, Evaluationsforschung, Entwicklungstendenzen, Problematiken und Perspektiven einer künftigen Frühförderung). Im 4. Kapitel wird analog zum 3. Kapitel das Frühfördersystem in Taiwan skizziert. Das 5. Kapitel gibt zuerst einen Überblick über die Einbettung der Frühförderung in die unterschiedlichen Kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Kontextdimensionen in Deutschland und in Taiwan. Anschließend werden die oben genannten Gesichtspunkte der beiden Frühfördersysteme verglichen. Darüber hinaus wird in diesem Kapitel versucht, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der jeweiligen Systeme in Deutschland und in Taiwan auszuloten. Zum Schluss werden im 6. Kapitel Folgerungen zur quantitativen und qualitativen Weiterentwicklung in Taiwan (einige Vorschläge könnten sich evtl. auch auf Deutschland beziehen) abgeleitet. Die Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten reichen von der politisch-juristischen über die administrative bis zur institutionellen Ebene. Sie werden in folgende Aspekte unterteilt: (1) politisch-juristischer Rahmen; (2) administrative Kooperation und Koordination; (3) Aufgabenfelder der Frühförderung (Früherkennung, Meldung und Überweisung, Diagnostik, Therapie und Förderung, Übergang, familienbezogene psychosoziale Unterstützung); (4) Elternpartizipation; (5) Intra- und interinstitutionelle Kooperation und Koordination. N2 - The special education for children at preschool in Taiwan was for long neglected. It wasn’t until 1993 that the early intervention for the children with developmental delays was in “Child Welfare Law Rectified” enacted and has hence been valued. After this legislation, the system of early intervention was step-by-step planned and constructed through the efforts and promotions of child care relevant professionals and scholars, in which development was pushed rapidly ahead. Nevertheless, there are difficulties and obstacles in the development of the early intervention in Taiwan which must be overcome. For the first time, the systems of early intervention in Germany and in Taiwan are compared in this dissertation. The research intents that the system of early intervention in Taiwan can be projective improved and optimalized with the assistance of the experiences from Germany. After the introductive formation of the question and the objective of the dissertation in chapter one, the problems and the potentials of this comparative study with its method are portrayed in chapter two. The chapter three represents the description and analysis of the system of early intervention in Germany (objectives, principles, areas of responsibility, organization and structure of services, family orientation, financing and legislation on early intervention, evaluation, developmental tendencies, problems and perspectives of the future early intervention). In chapter four, the system of early intervention in Taiwan is depicted analogously to the chapter three. The chapter five gives at first a general view that the systems of early intervention in Germany and in Taiwan are embedded within the historical and cultural contexts of one’s own country. Then both of them will be compared with their possibilities and limits. Finally, feasible suggestions with regard to the quantitative and the qualitative development of the system of early intervention in Taiwan (a few crucial points referring to Germany) are offered in chapter six. They are divided in the following aspects: (1) political-legislative frame; (2) administrative cooperation and coordination; (3) areas of responsibility (early recognition, early registration, diagnosis, furthering and therapy, transition, family psychosocial support); (4) participation of parents; (5) intra- and interinstitutional cooperation and coordination. KW - Deutschland KW - Frühförderung KW - Taiwan KW - Vergleich KW - Frühförderung KW - Frühfördersysteme KW - Deutschland KW - Taiwan KW - early intervention KW - Germany KW - Taiwan Y1 - 2005 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14160 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schumm, Irene T1 - Lessons Learned From Germany’s 2001-2006 Labor Market Reforms T1 - Lehren aus den Deutschen Arbeitsmarktreformen zwischen 2001 und 2006 N2 - In der Dissertation werden die Gesetze zur Reform des Arbeitsmarktes in Deutschland, besser bekannt als Hartz-Reformen, untersucht. Zunächst wird ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Änderungen aus den vier Reform-Paketen gegeben sowie die Effekte, welche man sich davon versprach. Des Weiteren werden zwei grundlegende Reformmaßnahmen, nämlich die Zusammenlegung der Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe (Hartz IV) sowie die Verkürzung der Bezugsdauer der Arbeitslosenversicherungsleistung, analysiert, um deren Auswirkungen auf das individuelle Verhalten und die aggregierte Ökonomie zu evaluieren. Diese Untersuchung geschieht im Rahmen eines Matching-Modells mit optimaler verweildauerabhängiger Suchleistung. Mit Hilfe von Semi-Markov-Methoden, deren Anwendung in der Arbeitsmarkttheorie beschrieben wird, findet schließlich eine Aggregierung statt. Auf diese Weise können die Auswirkungen der Hartz-IV-Reformen auf die Verweildauer in Arbeitslosigkeit, die optimale Suchleistung und die Arbeitslosigkeit quantifiziert werden. N2 - This thesis analyzes the 2001-2006 labor market reforms in Germany. The aim of this work is twofold. First, an overview of the most important reform measures and the intended effects is given. Second, two specific and very fundamental amendments, namely the merging of unemployment assistance and social benefits, as well as changes in the duration of unemployment insurance benefits, are analyzed in detail to evaluate their effects on individuals and the entire economy. Using a matching model with optimal search intensity and Semi-Markov methods, the effects of these two amendments on the duration of unemployment, optimal search intensity and unemployment are analyzed. KW - Hartz-Reform KW - Arbeitsmarkttheorie KW - Deutschland / Gesetz zu Reformen am Arbeitsmarkt KW - Evaluation KW - Simulation KW - Computersimulation KW - Semi-Markov-Prozess KW - Deutschland / Gesetz für moderne Dienstleistungen am Arbeitsmarkt 4 KW - Matching-Modell KW - optimale Suchleistung KW - matching model KW - evaluation KW - Germany KW - labor market reform Y1 - 2009 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-43705 ER - TY - THES A1 - Wang, Chenxing T1 - Praktisches Bewertungsmodell von Umwelt- und Klimaschutzaspekten für die Nutzung von Biogas im deutsch-chinesischen Vergleich T1 - Practical evaluation model of environmental und climate protection issues for the use of biogas with comparative applications in Germany und China N2 - In den Themenbereichen Klimawandel, Klimaschutz und Erneuerbare Energien wurden in den letzten Jahren zunehmend neue Bewertungsmethoden in der geowissenschaftlichen und umweltwissenschaftlichen Forschung eingesetzt. Mit Blick auf die Biogasnutzung kann festgestellt werden, dass diese aus Umwelt- und Klimaschutzgründen sehr wichtig ist, da die Vergärung von Biomasse mit der nachfolgenden indirekten Erzeugung von Strom und Wärme über Blockheizkraftwerke, bzw. der direkten Nutzung des Biogases als Feuerungsgas bzw. als Treibstoff , einen besonderen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz leistet. In Deutschland ist die Biogasnutzung heute einer der wichtigsten Erneuerbaren Energieträger geworden. In China hat die Biogasnutzung zudem ein riesiges Entwicklungspotenzial. Der Autor versucht, im interdisziplinären Themenkreis „Umwelt- und Klimaschutz“ ein Bewertungsmodell für die Biogasnutzung zu entwickeln, um die tatsächlichen und potentiellen umwelt- und klimaschutzrelevanten Auswirkungen der Biogasnutzung zu bewerten. Um das Bewertungsmodell für die Biogasnutzung nach Umwelt- und Klimaschutzaspekten möglichst umfassend zu entwickeln, ist die Verzahnung der interdisziplinären umweltwissenschaftlichen, geowissenschaftlichen, rechtlichen, sowie lokal-, national- und internationalen politischen sowie technischen Faktoren mit ihren umweltbezogenen und klimabezogenen Auswirkungen von höchster Bedeutung. Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelte Bewertungsmodell erhebt den Anspruch, für den praktischen Einsatz vor Ort tauglich zu sein. Hierzu wurden umwelt- und klimaschutzrechtliche, sowie nationale und internationale politische Anforderungen zur Kategorisierung und Bewertung herangezogen und damit die Durchführbarkeit gewährleistet. Der Lösungsweg zur Bewertung nach Umwelt- und Klimaschutzaspekten führt zum Einen über die Umwelt- und Klimaschutzbilanzierung und zum Anderen über eine Umweltrisikobewertung sowie eine umweltbezogene Standortbewertung. Anhand der praktischen Arbeit und der Analyse von insgesamt 23 Biogasprojekten aus Deutschland und China, konnten bestimmte Charakteristika der Biogasnutzung ermittelt werden. Für die Ermittlung der Bewertungskriterien des Bewertungsmodells wurden insgesamt 3 Themenbereiche (Teil I: Substratversorgung; Teil II: Biogasanlagenbau; Teil III: Biogasverwertung) der Biogasnutzung unterschieden. Jene wurden hinsichtlich der technischen, rechtlichen und politischen Kriterien nach negativen Umwelt- und Klimaschutzauswirkungen über die verschiedenen Belastungspfade der Umweltmedien (Boden, Wasser und Luft) untersucht. Ziel dieser Studie war es auch, durch die Anwendung des Bewertungsmodells auf je drei deutsche und chinesische Fallbeispiele, die ausgereiften deutschen Erfahrungen, die deutsche Technologie und das Know-How der Biogasnutzung auf deren Übertragbarkeit auf die chinesischen Verhältnisse zu prüfen. KW - Klimaschutz KW - Umweltschutz KW - Biogas KW - China KW - Deutschland KW - Bewertungsmodell KW - Biogasnutzung KW - Umweltbewertung KW - Evaluation model KW - environment KW - climate protection KW - biogas KW - Germany Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49428 ER - TY - THES A1 - Woltering, Manuel T1 - Tourismus und Regionalentwicklung in deutschen Nationalparken: Regionalwirtschaftliche Wirkungsanalyse des Tourismus als Schwerpunkt eines sozioökonomischen Monitoringsystems T1 - Tourism and Regional Development in German National Parks: Regional Economic Impact Analysis of Tourism as Main Part of a Socioeconomic Monitoring System N2 - Von den drei aktuell in Deutschland zu unterscheidenden Großschutzgebietskategorien Nationalpark, Naturpark und Biosphärenreservat stellt der Nationalpark gewiss die höchsten Ansprüche an den Naturschutz. Im Idealfall sollen bis zu drei Viertel der betreffenden Flächen gänzlich aus der Nutzung genommen werden. Dieser Nutzungsverzicht hat im Vorfeld einer Gebietsausweisung aufgrund der damit verbundenen ökonomischen Einbußen oftmals Bedenken der lokalen Bevölkerung gegenüber diesem Flächenschutzinstrument zur Folge. Nationalparke können jedoch als Attraktionspunkte im Tourismus durchaus zu einer eigenständigen Entwicklung ländlich-peripherer Regionen beitragen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht deshalb die Strukturen des Tourismus und dessen ökonomischen Stellenwert in den deutschen Nationalparkregionen. Auf Grundlage einer Typisierung der bestehenden vierzehn Gebiete wurden zunächst fünf Untersuchungsregionen ausgewählt (Bayerischer Wald, Eifel, Hainich, Kellerwald-Edersee sowie Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer), für die mittels des nachfrageseitigen Vorgehens einer Wertschöpfungsanalyse die regionalwirtschaftlichen Effekte des Tourismus bestimmt wurden. Darauf aufbauend ist schließlich eine Hochrechnung für den gesamtdeutschen Nationalparktourismus durchgeführt worden. Insgesamt halten sich jährlich demnach etwas mehr als 50 Mio. Besucher in den deutschen Nationalparken auf, die einen touristischen Bruttoumsatz von 2,1 Mrd. € generieren. Daraus resultieren Einkommen in Höhe von ungefähr 1,1 Mrd. €, woraus sich ein Einkommensäquivalent von etwas mehr als 69.000 Personen ableitet. Für die vor allem aus regionalpolitischer Sicht relevante Besuchergruppe mit hoher Nationalparkaffinität (= National-parktouristen im engeren Sinn) reduzieren sich diese Werte auf rund 11 Mio. Besucher und 431 Mio. € Bruttoumsatz, was ca. 212 Mio. € Einkommen und ein Einkommensäquivalent von rund 14.000 Personen bewirkt. Diese Resultate auf Ebene der einzelnen Untersuchungsgebiete stellen dabei lediglich den gegenwärtigen Status-quo dar, können aber als Grundlage für ein dauerhaftes Monitoring dienen. Dazu ist allerdings von Managementseite der Wille für eine kontinuierliche Bewertung nicht nur der ökologischen, sondern auch der sozioökonomischen Entwicklung erforderlich. Der aktuelle Forschungsstand zeigt in dieser Hinsicht noch ein enormes Potenzial. Um eine möglichst kostengünstige Variante des eingesetzten Verfahrens zur Erfassung der Besucherstrukturen und des Ausgabeverhaltens der Touristen zu konzipieren, werden Vorschläge für eine mögliche Reduzierung des empirischen Aufwands ausgearbeitet. Denn angesichts der bestehenden Budgets deutscher Nationalparkverwaltungen muss es Ziel sein, das bisher wissenschaftlich ausgerichtete Instrumentarium der empirischen Erhebungen zu einem praxisnahen und leicht anwendbaren Vorgehen weiter zu entwickeln und damit für einen Monitoringeinsatz für die Verantwortlichen vor Ort zu optimieren. Nur dadurch könn-ten auf objektiver Basis die Entwicklungen im Nationalparktourismus und folglich der Stellenwert der Schutzgebiete als Stimuli der regionalen Entwicklung mittel- bis langfristig beurteilt werden. N2 - Currently, there are three different types of large-scale protected areas in Germany: national parks, nature parks and biosphere reserves. National parks certainly stand for the highest standard of environmental protection. Ideally, up to three quarters of the protected areas should be taken out of use completely. This abandonment of usage and the associated eco-nomic losses often lead to retentions of local people towards the designation of this kind of land protection. National parks as tourist attractions, however, could also make a contribution to an independent development of peripheral rural regions. Therefore, the present study analyses the structures of tourism and their economic impacts in German national park re-gions. First of all, five study areas were selected based on a typology of all fourteen existing areas: Bavarian Forest, Eifel, Hainich, Kellerwald Edersee and Lower Saxony Wadden Sea. The regional economic impact of national park tourism for these regions was estimated via the demand-side approach of a value-added analysis. Based on these results, a projection of the whole German national park tourism was conducted. Overall, more than 50 million visitors per year make an excursion to German national parks generating tourism gross turnover of EUR 2.1 billion. This leads to an regional income of approximately EUR 1.1 billion resulting in an income equivalent of more than 69,000 people. Focusing solely on visitors with a high national park affinity which are the relevant group from a regional policy perspective, these figures have to be reduced to 11 million visitors and EUR 431 million gross turnover, resulting in an income of EUR 212 million and an income equivalent of nearly 14,000 people. The results for the chosen study areas represent only the current status quo, but they can also serve as a solid basis for a permanent monitoring. Therefore, the management effort for an on-going assessment not only of ecological but also of socio-economic development is required. In this regard the current state of the art provides a great potential. Thus, another aim of this study is to design a cost-effective alternative to the method used to determine the tourism structures and the visitors’ spending behaviour. For this reason some proposals for a possible reduction of the necessary empirical field work are presented. Given the existing budgets of German national park authorities it must be an objective to develop the hitherto scientifically oriented research design to an easily applicable approach and therefore to optimise it for management use as a standardised monitoring-tool. It is only on the basis of comparable objective results that it would be possible to evaluate the national park tourism development and hence the mid- and long-term importance of the protected areas as stimuli for regional development. T3 - Würzburger Geographische Arbeiten - 108 KW - Nationalpark KW - Deutschland KW - Tourismus KW - Regionalentwicklung KW - Ökonomische Effekte KW - Monitoring KW - National Park KW - Germany KW - Tourism KW - Monitoring KW - Regional Development Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71898 ER - TY - THES A1 - Strauch, Ulrike T1 - Wassertemperaturbedingte Leistungseinschränkungen konventioneller thermischer Kraftwerke in Deutschland und die Entwicklung rezenter und zukünftiger Flusswassertemperaturen im Kontext des Klimawandels N2 - Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit werden konventionelle thermische Kraftwerke an deutschen Flüssen identifiziert, bei denen aufgrund hoher Flusswassertemperaturen im Zusammenhang mit wasserrechtlichen Grenzwerten Leistungseinschränkungen auftraten. Weiterhin wird aufgezeigt, wie sich die Wassertemperaturen der Flüsse in der Vergangenheit (rezent) entwickelt haben und wie sie sich zukünftig im Kontext des Klimawandels entwickeln könnten. Mittels Literaturrecherche, Medienanalyse und schriftlicher Befragung wurden konventionelle thermische Kraftwerke identifiziert, welche wassertemperaturbedingte Leistungseinschränkungen verzeichneten. Die meisten dieser Leistungseinschränkungen zwischen 1976 und 2007 zeigen sich bei großen Kraftwerken mit einer elektrischen Bruttoleistung über 300 Megawatt, bei Steinkohle- und Kernkraftwerken, bei Kraftwerken mit Durchlaufkühlung und bei solchen, die zwischen 1960 und 1990 in Betrieb gingen. Trendanalysen interpolierter und homogenisierter, rezenter Wassertemperaturzeitreihen deutscher Flüsse ergeben positive Trends v. a. im Frühjahr und Sommer. Die Zählstatistik zeigt in den Jahren 1994, 2003 und 2006 die meisten Tage mit sehr hohen und extrem hohen Wassertemperaturen in den Sommermonaten. In diesen Jahren traten gleichzeitig 63 % aller identifizierter wassertemperaturbedingter Leistungseinschränkungen bei Kraftwerken, meist zwischen Juni und August, auf. Für die Trendanalysen und den Mittelwertvergleich simulierter zukünftiger Wassertemperaturzeitreihen wurden drei Szenarien – B1, A1B und A2 sowie drei Zukunftsperioden 2011-2040, 2011/2041-2070, 2011/2071-2100 betrachtet. Es ergeben sich für die Zukunftsperiode 2011-2040 des A1B- oder A2-Szenarios in mindestens einem der Sommermonate eine Erwärmung und für das B1-Szenario negative oder keine Trends. Die mittleren Wassertemperaturen der Zukunftsperiode 2011-2040 zeigen in allen drei Szenarien gegenüber denen der Klimanormalperiode 1961-1990 positive Unterschiede in mindestens einem der Sommermonate. Für die beiden späteren Zukunftsperioden bis 2070 bzw. bis 2100 liegen in allen Wassertemperaturzeitreihen der drei Szenarien im Sommer positive Trends bzw. Differenzen gegenüber den mittleren Wassertemperaturen der Klimanormalperiode vor. Durch die Synthese der drei Analysen ist erkennbar, dass Isar, Rhein, Neckar, Saar, Elbe und Weser die meisten Kraftwerksstandorte mit wassertemperaturbedingten Leistungseinschränkungen verzeichnen. Es zeigen sich hier positive Trends sowohl in den rezenten als auch zukünftigen Wassertemperaturen für die Zukunftsperiode 2011-2040 des A1B- und A2-Szenarios in jeweils mindestens einem der Sommermonate. Gegenüber den mittleren Wassertemperaturen der Klimanormalperiode liegen für alle drei Szenarien positive Unterschiede der Wassertemperaturen vor. Bei einer Kraftwerkslaufzeit von 40-50 Jahren und einem Kernenergieausstieg 2022 bzw. 2034, werden 48-64 % bzw. 67-91 % der Kraftwerke mit wassertemperaturbedingten Leistungseinschränkungen bis 2022 bzw. 2034 außer Betrieb gehen. Bei einer Laufzeitverlängerung würden nach 2022 fünf der elf betroffenen Kernkraftwerke weiter am Netz bleiben. Somit kann es wieder zu wassertemperaturbedingten Leistungseinschränkungen kommen. In Deutschland sind nach wie vor große Kraftwerke an Flüssen geplant. Deren Kühlsysteme müssen entsprechend ausgewählt und konstruiert werden, um der zu erwartenden Erhöhung der Flusstemperaturen Rechnung zu tragen. N2 - The research described in this thesis identified a subset of German power plants that suffered from power generation reductions (WT-GR) due to high water temperature (WT) of the rivers along which they lie and due to statutory thresholds concerning mixed WT after waste heat discharge. An analysis of the recent WT and a prediction of those temperatures due to global warming were conducted. Power plants with WT-GR were identified based on a through literature search, scan of press releases and surveys. Most of WT-GR in the years between 1976 and 2007 occured in a) power plants with a gross power output of larger than 300 MW b) black coal and nuclear power plants c) power plants with once-through cooling system and d) power plants, which started operation between 1960 and 1990. Trend analysis of interpolated and harmonised recent WT of German rivers shows rising trends, predominantly in the spring and summer. Statistical analysis on numbers indicates most of days per year with either ‘very high’ or ‘extremely high’ WT in the years 1994, 2003 and 2006 in the summer. Those years also represent 63 % of all identified WT-GR, mostly between the months of June and August. The simulation of future WT considered three scenarios (named B1, A1B and A2) and three different time periods (TP) (2011-2040, 2011/2041-2070 and 2011/2071-2100). The trend analysis for 2011-2040 shows an increase in WT of the A1B and A2 scenario for at least one summer month and negative or no trends for the B1 scenario. Positive differences exist between mean WT of all three scenarios for TP 2011-2040 and mean WT of climate normal period (CNP) for at least one summer month. Estimates for the TP 2011/2041-2070 and 2011/2071-2100 and the three scenarios also show rising trends and an increase in mean WT in comparison to the CNP. Integration of above mentioned analyses indicates that plants along the rivers Isar, Rhine, Neckar, Saar, Elbe and Weser suffered most of WT-GR. Positive trends were identified by analyzing recent WT as well as the predictive WT for the period 2011-2040 and the scenarios A1B and A2 for at least one summer month. The average lifetime of a conventional thermal power plant in Germany is between 40 and 50 years. Hence it can be assumed that between 48-64 % and 67-91 %, respectively, of the power plants with an identified WT-GR will be decommissioned before 2022 and 2034, respectively, depending on the nuclear phaseout. In the case of hot summers further power generation reductions can be expected. The implication for new German power plants along rivers is that the selection, design and sizing of cooling systems must consider a further increase in river temperatures. T3 - Würzburger Geographische Arbeiten - 106 KW - Deutschland KW - Wärmekraftwerk KW - Fluss KW - Wassertemperatur KW - Klimaänderung KW - Germany KW - power plant KW - river KW - water temperature KW - global warming Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231015 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Steinke, Sabine I. B. A1 - Peitsch, Wiebke K. A1 - Ludwig, Alexander A1 - Goebeler, Matthias T1 - Cost-of-Illness in Psoriasis: Comparing Inpatient and Outpatient Therapy JF - PLOS ONE N2 - Treatment modalities of chronic plaque psoriasis have dramatically changed over the past ten years with a still continuing shift from inpatient to outpatient treatment. This development is mainly caused by outpatient availability of highly efficient and relatively well-tolerated systemic treatments, in particular BioLogicals. In addition, inpatient treatment is time-and cost-intense, conflicting with the actual burst of health expenses and with patient preferences. Nevertheless, inpatient treatment with dithranol and UV light still is a major mainstay of psoriasis treatment in Germany. The current study aims at comparing the total costs of inpatient treatment and outpatient follow-up to mere outpatient therapy with different modalities (topical treatment, phototherapy, classic systemic therapy or BioLogicals) over a period of 12 months. To this end, a retrospective cost-of-illness study was conducted on 120 patients treated at the University Medical Centre Mannheim between 2005 and 2006. Inpatient therapy caused significantly higher direct medical, indirect and total annual costs than outpatient treatment (13,042 (sic) versus 2,984 (sic)). Its strong influence on cost levels was confirmed by regression analysis, with total costs rising by 104.3% in case of inpatient treatment. Patients receiving BioLogicals produced the overall highest costs, whereas outpatient treatment with classic systemic antipsoriatic medications was less cost-intense than other alternatives. KW - plaque-type psoriasis KW - health-care costs KW - patient preferences KW - disease severity KW - United States KW - moderate KW - life KW - multicenter KW - biologics KW - Germany Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-128235 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 8 IS - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Atanasov, Georgi A1 - Benkert, Christoph A1 - Thelen, Armin A1 - Tappe, Dennis A1 - Frosch, Matthias A1 - Teichmann, Dieter A1 - Barth, Thomas F. E. A1 - Wittekind, Christian A1 - Schubert, Stefan A1 - Jonas, Sven T1 - Alveolar echinococcosis-spreading disease challenging clinicians: A case report and literature review JF - World Journal of Gastroenterology N2 - Human alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is a potentially deadly disease; recent studies have shown that the endemic area of Echinococcus multilocularis, its causative agent, is larger than previously known. This disease has low prevalence and remains underreported in Europe. Emerging clinical data show that diagnostic difficulties are still common. We report on a 76-year old patient suffering from AE lesions restricted to the left lobe of the liver who underwent a curative extended left hemihepatectomy. Prior to the resection a liver biopsy under the suspicion of an atypical malignancy was performed. After the intervention he developed a pseudoaneurysm of the hepatic artery that was successfully coiled. Surprisingly, during surgery, the macroscopic appearance of the tumour revealed a growth pattern that was rather typical for cystic echinococcosis (CE), i.e., a gross tumour composed of multiple large vesicles with several centimeters in diameter. In addition, there were neither extensive adhesions nor infiltrations of the neighboring pancreas and diaphragm as was expected from previous imaging results. The unexpected diagnosis of AE was confirmed by definite histopathology, specific polymerase chain reaction and serology results. This is a rare case of unusual macroscopic presentation of AE that posed immense diagnostic challenges and had an eventful course. To our knowledge this is the first case of an autochthonous infection in this particular geographic area of Germany, the federal state of Saxony. This report may provide new hints for an expanding area of risk for AE and emphasizes the risk of complications in the scope of diagnostic procedures and the limitations of modern radiological imaging. KW - hemihepatectomy KW - multilocularis KW - Germany KW - Europe KW - liver KW - alveolar echinococcosis KW - echinococcus multilocularis KW - autochthonous infection KW - liver resection Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-131525 VL - 19 IS - 26 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schönberger, Katharina A1 - Ludwig, Maria-Sabine A1 - Wildner, Manfred A1 - Weissbrich, Benedikt T1 - Epidemiology of Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) in Germany from 2003 to 2009: A Risk Estimation JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a fatal long-term complication of measles infection. We performed an estimation of the total number of SSPE cases in Germany for the period 2003 to 2009 and calculated the risk of SSPE after an acute measles infection. SSPE cases were collected from the Surveillance Unit for Rare Paediatric Diseases in Germany and the Institute of Virology and Immunobiology at the University of Würzburg. The total number of SSPE cases was estimated by capture-recapture analysis. For the period 2003 to 2009, 31 children with SSPE who were treated at German hospitals were identified. The capture-recapture estimate was 39 cases (95% confidence interval: 29.2–48.0). The risk of developing SSPE for children contracting measles infection below 5 years of age was calculated as 1∶1700 to 1∶3300. This risk is in the same order of magnitude as the risk of a fatal acute measles infection. KW - Germany KW - pediatric infections KW - age groups KW - measels virus KW - German people KW - measles KW - pediatrics KW - vaccination and immunization Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130089 VL - 8 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wallmann-Sperlich, Birgit A1 - Froboese, Ingo A1 - Schantz, Peter T1 - Physical Activity and the Perceived Neighbourhood Environment - Looking at the Association the Other Way Around JF - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health N2 - The association between physical activity (PA) and variables of the perceived environment mainly originate from cross-sectional studies that introduced the idea that the environment influences the PA level of residents. However, the direction of cause and effect has not been solved with finality. The aim of this study was to investigate whether residents’ perception of their proximate environment differs depending on their level of PA in transport and recreation. We conducted a cross-sectional survey with residents of six different parts of the city of Cologne, Germany. The sample of 470 adults (52.8% females; mean age = 35.5 ± 13.8 years) filled in the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), as well as the European Environmental Questionnaire ALPHA. To distinguish between residents with “low” and “high” PA, we split the samples into two on the basis of the specific median in transport- and recreation-related PA. In the “high” vs. “low” PA group of the overall sample, we noted 4%–16% more “PA favourable” environmental perceptions in seven of the 15 environmental variables. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to investigate associations of socio-demographic correlates and transport- and recreation-related PA on the dependent variables of the environmental perception. In this case, levels of PA were significant predictors for eight of the 15 items concerning environmental perceptions. Thus, the present study introduces the idea that residents with higher levels of transport and recreational PA may perceive their environment in a more “PA-favourable” way than residents with lower levels. KW - correlates KW - Europe KW - Germany KW - transport-related physical activity KW - recreation-related physical activity KW - socio-demographic KW - association KW - sex KW - perceived physical environment KW - physical activity Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119441 SN - 1660-4601 VL - 11 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rose, Markus A. A1 - Damm, Oliver A1 - Greiner, Wolfgang A1 - Knuf, Markus A1 - Wutzler, Peter A1 - Liese, Johannes G. A1 - Krüger, Hagen A1 - Wahn, Ulrich A1 - Schaberg, Tom A1 - Schwehm, Markus A1 - Kochmann, Thomas F. A1 - Eichner, Martin T1 - The epidemiological impact of childhood influenza vaccination using live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) in Germany: predictions of a simulation study JF - BMC Infectious Diseases N2 - Background: Routine annual influenza vaccination is primarily recommended for all persons aged 60 and above and for people with underlying chronic conditions in Germany. Other countries have already adopted additional childhood influenza immunisation programmes. The objective of this study is to determine the potential epidemiological impact of implementing paediatric influenza vaccination using intranasally administered live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) in Germany. Methods: A deterministic age-structured model is used to simulate the population-level impact of different vaccination strategies on the transmission dynamics of seasonal influenza in Germany. In our base-case analysis, we estimate the effects of adding a LAIV-based immunisation programme targeting children 2 to 17 years of age to the existing influenza vaccination policy. The data used in the model is based on published evidence complemented by expert opinion. Results: In our model, additional vaccination of children 2 to 17 years of age with LAIV leads to the prevention of 23.9 million influenza infections and nearly 16 million symptomatic influenza cases within 10 years. This reduction in burden of disease is not restricted to children. About one third of all adult cases can indirectly be prevented by LAIV immunisation of children. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that vaccinating children 2-17 years of age is likely associated with a significant reduction in the burden of paediatric influenza. Furthermore, annual routine childhood vaccination against seasonal influenza is expected to decrease the incidence of influenza among adults and older people due to indirect effects of herd protection. In summary, our model provides data supporting the introduction of a paediatric influenza immunisation programme in Germany. KW - vaccination KW - live-attenuated influenza vaccine KW - children KW - transmission model KW - metanalysis KW - recommendations KW - hospitalizations KW - burden KW - infection KW - young children KW - seasonal influenza KW - United States KW - disease KW - efficacy KW - Germany KW - influenza Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-117563 SN - 1471-2334 VL - 14 IS - 40 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wiedmann, Silke A1 - Heuschmann, Peter U. A1 - Hillmann, Steffi A1 - Busse, Otto A1 - Wiethoelter, Horst A1 - Walter, Georg M. A1 - Seidel, Guenter A1 - Misselwitz, Bjoern A1 - Janssen, Alfred A1 - Berger, Klaus A1 - Burmeister, Christoph A1 - Matthias, Christine A1 - Kolominsky-Rabas, Peter A1 - Hermanek, Peter T1 - The Quality of Acute Stroke Care-an Analysis of Evidence-Based Indicators in 260 000 Patients JF - Deutsches Ärzteblatt International N2 - Background: Stroke patients should be cared for in accordance with evidence-based guidelines. The extent of implementation of guidelines for the acute care of stroke patients in Germany has been unclear to date. Methods: The regional quality assurance projects that cooperate in the framework of the German Stroke Registers Study Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Schlaganfall-Register, ADSR) collected data on the care of stroke patients in 627 hospitals in 2012. The quality of the acute hospital care of patients with stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) was assessed on the basis of 15 standardized, evidence-based quality indicators and compared across the nine participating regional quality assurance projects. Results: Data were obtained on more than 260 000 patients nationwide. Intravenous thrombolysis was performed in 59.7% of eligible ischemic stroke patients patients (range among participating projects, 49.7-63.6%). Dysphagia screening was documented in 86.2% (range, 74.8-93.1%). For the following indicators, the defined targets were not reached for all of Germany: antiaggregation within 48 hours, 93.4% (range, 86.6-96.4%); anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation, 77.6% (range, 72.4-80.1%); standardized dysphagia screening, 86.2% (range, 74.8-93.1%); oral and written information of the patients or their relatives, 86.1% (range, 75.4-91.5%). The rate of patients examined or treated by a speech therapist was in the target range. Conclusion: The defined targets were reached for most of the quality indicators. Some indicators, however, varied widely across regional quality assurance projects. This implies that the standardization of care for stroke patients in Germany has not yet been fully achieved. KW - Hesse KW - study-group ADSR KW - ischemic-stroke KW - Germany KW - implementation KW - rehabilitation Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114747 SN - 1866-0452 VL - 111 IS - 45 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wallmann-Sperlich, Birgit A1 - Froboese, Ingo T1 - Physical Activity during Work, Transport and Leisure in Germany - Prevalence and Socio-Demographic Correlates N2 - Background This study aimed 1) to provide data estimates concerning overall moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) as well as MVPA during work, transport and leisure in Germany and 2) to investigate MVPA and possible associations with socio-demographic correlates. Methods A cross-sectional telephone survey interviewed 2248 representative participants in the age of 18–65 years (1077 men; 42.4±13.4 years; body mass index: 25.3±4.5kg•m−2) regarding their self-reported physical activity across Germany. The Global Physical Activity Questionnaire was applied to investigate MVPA during work, transport and leisure and questions were answered concerning their demographics. MVPA was stratified by gender, age, body mass index, residential setting, educational and income level. To identify socio-demographic correlates of overall MVPA as well as in the domains, we used a series of linear regressions. Results 52.8% of the sample achieved physical activity recommendations (53.7% men/52.1% women). Overall MVPA was highest in the age group 18–29 years (p<.05), in participants with 10 years of education (p<.05) and in participants with lowest income levels <1.500€ (p<.05). Regression analyses revealed that age, education and income were negatively associated with overall and work MVPA. Residential setting and education was positively correlated with transport MVPA, whereas income level was negatively associated with transport MVPA. Education was the only correlate for leisure MVPA with a positive association. Conclusions The present data underlines the importance of a comprehensive view on physical activity engagement according to the different physical activity domains and discloses a need for future physical activity interventions that consider socio-demographic variables, residential setting as well as the physical activity domain in Germany. KW - educational attainment KW - age groups KW - body mass index KW - Germany KW - global health KW - education KW - adults KW - linear regression analysis Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-113648 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hellenbrand, Wiebke A1 - Claus, Heike A1 - Schink, Susanne A1 - Marcus, Ulrich A1 - Wichmann, Ole A1 - Vogel, Ulrich T1 - Risk of Invasive Meningococcal Disease in Men Who Have Sex with Men: Lessons Learned from an Outbreak in Germany, 2012-2013 JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Background We undertook investigations in response to an invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) outbreak in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Berlin 2012–2013 to better understand meningococcal transmission and IMD risk in MSM. Methods We retrospectively searched for further IMD cases in MSM in Germany through local health departments and undertook exploratory interviews. We performed antigen sequence typing, characterized fHbp and aniA genes of strains with the outbreak finetype and reviewed epidemiologically or spatiotemporally linked cases from 2002–2014. Results Among the 148 IMD-cases notified from 01.01.2012–30.09.2013 in 18–59 year-old men we identified 13 MSM in 6 federal states: 11 serogroup C (MenC, all finetype C:P1.5–1,10–8:F3-6), 2 MenB. Interviews with 7 MSM revealed frequent meeting of multiple partners online or via mobile apps and illicit drug use as potential risk factors. MenC incidence was 13-fold higher in MSM than non-MSM. MenC isolates from 9/11 MSM had a novel fHbp allele 766. All C:P1.5–1,10–8:F3-6 strains from MSM versus 16/23 from non-MSM had intact aniA genes (p = 0.04). Although definitive evidence for transmission among MSM in epidemiological or spatiotemporal clusters in 2002–2014 was lacking, clusters were more frequent in men aged 20–49 years. Molecular analysis of C:P1.5–1,10–8:F3-6 strains revealed cases with intact aniA since 2007, mainly associated with fHbp361, fHbp766 and fHbp813, all involving one or more MSM. Conclusions MenC incidence was elevated in MSM during the study period. Multiple casual sexual contacts and illicit drug use were common in affected MSM. In all strains from MSM we detected an intact aniA gene coding for a nitrite reductase, which permits survival in microanaerobic environments and could play a role in meningococcal transmission in MSM through urogenital colonization. Furthermore, meningococcal transmission among MSM may be sustained over large areas and thus require modified spatiotemporal scanning algorithms for timely detection and control. KW - invasive meningococcal disease KW - men who have sex with men KW - Germany Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166842 VL - 11 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rücker, Viktoria A1 - Keil, Ulrich A1 - Fitzgerald, Anthony P A1 - Malzahn, Uwe A1 - Prugger, Christof A1 - Ertl, Georg A1 - Heuschmann, Peter U A1 - Neuhauser, Hannelore T1 - Predicting 10-Year Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Disease in Germany: An Update Based on the SCORE-Deutschland Risk Charts JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Estimation of absolute risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), preferably with population-specific risk charts, has become a cornerstone of CVD primary prevention. Regular recalibration of risk charts may be necessary due to decreasing CVD rates and CVD risk factor levels. The SCORE risk charts for fatal CVD risk assessment were first calibrated for Germany with 1998 risk factor level data and 1999 mortality statistics. We present an update of these risk charts based on the SCORE methodology including estimates of relative risks from SCORE, risk factor levels from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults 2008–11 (DEGS1) and official mortality statistics from 2012. Competing risks methods were applied and estimates were independently validated. Updated risk charts were calculated based on cholesterol, smoking, systolic blood pressure risk factor levels, sex and 5-year age-groups. The absolute 10-year risk estimates of fatal CVD were lower according to the updated risk charts compared to the first calibration for Germany. In a nationwide sample of 3062 adults aged 40–65 years free of major CVD from DEGS1, the mean 10-year risk of fatal CVD estimated by the updated charts was lower by 29% and the estimated proportion of high risk people (10-year risk > = 5%) by 50% compared to the older risk charts. This recalibration shows a need for regular updates of risk charts according to changes in mortality and risk factor levels in order to sustain the identification of people with a high CVD risk. KW - fatal cardiovascular disease KW - SCORE KW - Germany Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166804 VL - 11 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Reinermann, Sophie A1 - Gessner, Ursula A1 - Asam, Sarah A1 - Kuenzer, Claudia A1 - Dech, Stefan T1 - The Effect of Droughts on Vegetation Condition in Germany: An Analysis Based on Two Decades of Satellite Earth Observation Time Series and Crop Yield Statistics JF - Remote Sensing N2 - Central Europe experienced several droughts in the recent past, such as in the year 2018, which was characterized by extremely low rainfall rates and high temperatures, resulting in substantial agricultural yield losses. Time series of satellite earth observation data enable the characterization of past drought events over large temporal and spatial scales. Within this study, Moderate Resolution Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) (MOD13Q1) 250 m time series were investigated for the vegetation periods of 2000 to 2018. The spatial and temporal development of vegetation in 2018 was compared to other dry and hot years in Europe, like the drought year 2003. Temporal and spatial inter- and intra-annual patterns of EVI anomalies were analyzed for all of Germany and for its cropland, forest, and grassland areas individually. While vegetation development in spring 2018 was above average, the summer months of 2018 showed negative anomalies in a similar magnitude as in 2003, which was particularly apparent within grassland and cropland areas in Germany. In contrast, the year 2003 showed negative anomalies during the entire growing season. The spatial pattern of vegetation status in 2018 showed high regional variation, with north-eastern Germany mainly affected in June, north-western parts in July, and western Germany in August. The temporal pattern of satellite-derived EVI deviances within the study period 2000-2018 were in good agreement with crop yield statistics for Germany. The study shows that the EVI deviation of the summer months of 2018 were among the most extreme in the study period compared to other years. The spatial pattern and temporal development of vegetation condition between the drought years differ. KW - drought KW - time series KW - heat wave KW - agriculture KW - climate extremes KW - climate change KW - crop statistics KW - MODIS KW - Germany Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225165 VL - 11 IS - 15 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Goldan, Lea T1 - The Early Career Gender Pay Gap among Doctoral Graduates in Germany T1 - Der Gender Pay Gap von Promovierten in Deutschland am Anfang ihrer Karriere N2 - Previous research has shown that female doctoral graduates earn less than male doctoral graduates; how-ever, the determinants of this gender pay gap remain largely unexplored. Therefore, this paper investigates the determinants of the early career gender pay gap among doctoral graduates in Germany. By relying on effects on the supply and demand sides and feedback between them, I theoretically derive determinants of the gender pay gap that comprise doctoral and occupational characteristics. Using data from a representative German panel study of the 2014 doctoral graduation cohort, I analyse the gender pay gap two years after graduation. I apply linear regression on the logarithmic gross monthly earnings and Oaxaca-Blinder de-composition to examine the explanatory contribution of the determinants to the gender pay gap. The anal-yses reveal that female graduates earn 27.2 % less than male graduates two years after graduation. Male graduates being paid a premium outside academia partly drives this gender pay gap. The considered deter-minants largely explain the overall gender pay gap, the most important determinants being working hours, doctoral subject, industry, professional experience gained after graduation, company size, and academic employment. The results offer new insights on the determinants of the early career gender pay gap among doctoral graduates and thereby shed light on one dimension of gender inequalities in post-doctoral careers. N2 - Bisherige Forschung hat gezeigt, dass weibliche Promovierte weniger verdienen als männliche Promo-vierte. Die Determinanten dieses Gender Pay Gaps sind jedoch noch weitgehend unerforscht. Deshalb un-tersucht dieser Beitrag die Determinanten des Gender Pay Gaps von Promovierten in Deutschland, und zwar am Anfang ihrer Karriere. Auf der theoretischen Grundlage von Effekten auf der Angebots- und Nachfrageseite sowie Rückkopplungen zwischen diesen beiden Seiten leite ich Determinanten des Gender Pay Gaps ab, die Promotions- und Beschäftigungsmerkmale umfassen. Dabei verwende ich die Daten einer repräsentativen deutschen Panelstudie von Promovierten der Abschlusskohorte 2014 und betrachte den Gender Pay Gap zwei Jahre nach Promotionsabschluss. Ich wende lineare Regressionsanalysen der logarithmierten Bruttomonatseinkommen und eine Oaxaca-Blinder-Dekomposition an, um den Erklärungsbeitrag der Determinanten am Gender Pay Gap zu untersuchen. Die Analysen zeigen, dass weibliche Promovierte zwei Jahre nach der Promotion 27,2 % weniger verdienen als männliche Promovierte. Dieser Gender Pay Gap wird teilweise durch einen Lohnvorteil für männliche Promovierte außerhalb der Wissenschaft verursacht. Die betrachteten Determinanten erklären einen großen Teil des Gender Pay Gaps, dabei sind die Arbeitsstunden, das Promotionsfach, die Branche, die nach der Promotion erworbene Berufserfahrung, die Betriebsgröße und die Beschäftigung innerhalb der Wissenschaft die wichtigsten Determinanten. Zusammenfassend bieten die Ergebnisse neue Einblicke in die Determinanten des Gender Pay Gaps von Pro-movierten am Anfang ihrer Karriere und nehmen damit eine Dimension von geschlechtsspezifischen Un-gleichheiten in den Karrieren von Promovierten in den Blick. T3 - Würzburger Arbeitspapiere zur Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie (WAPS) - 12 KW - Doktor KW - Doktorgrad KW - Promotion KW - Postdoc KW - Geschlecht KW - Geschlechtsunterschied KW - Einkommensunterschied KW - Einkommen KW - Berufsanfang KW - Ungleichheit KW - Soziale Ungleichheit KW - Deutschland (Bundesrepublik) KW - Promovierte KW - Gender Pay Gap KW - Karriereeinstieg KW - Geschlechterungleichheit KW - Deutschland KW - doctoral graduates KW - gender pay gap KW - early career KW - gender inequality KW - Germany Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216347 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herrmann, Johannes A1 - Adam, Elisabeth Hannah A1 - Notz, Quirin A1 - Helmer, Philipp A1 - Sonntagbauer, Michael A1 - Ungemach-Papenberg, Peter A1 - Sanns, Andreas A1 - Zausig, York A1 - Steinfeldt, Thorsten A1 - Torje, Iuliu A1 - Schmid, Benedikt A1 - Schlesinger, Tobias A1 - Rolfes, Caroline A1 - Reyher, Christian A1 - Kredel, Markus A1 - Stumpner, Jan A1 - Brack, Alexander A1 - Wurmb, Thomas A1 - Gill-Schuster, Daniel A1 - Kranke, Peter A1 - Weismann, Dirk A1 - Klinker, Hartwig A1 - Heuschmann, Peter A1 - Rücker, Viktoria A1 - Frantz, Stefan A1 - Ertl, Georg A1 - Muellenbach, Ralf Michael A1 - Mutlak, Haitham A1 - Meybohm, Patrick A1 - Zacharowski, Kai A1 - Lotz, Christopher T1 - COVID-19 Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome — A Multicenter Observational Study JF - Frontiers in Medicine N2 - Background: Proportions of patients dying from the coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) vary between different countries. We report the characteristics; clinical course and outcome of patients requiring intensive care due to COVID-19 induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Methods: This is a retrospective, observational multicentre study in five German secondary or tertiary care hospitals. All patients consecutively admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) in any of the participating hospitals between March 12 and May 4, 2020 with a COVID-19 induced ARDS were included. Results: A total of 106 ICU patients were treated for COVID-19 induced ARDS, whereas severe ARDS was present in the majority of cases. Survival of ICU treatment was 65.0%. Median duration of ICU treatment was 11 days; median duration of mechanical ventilation was 9 days. The majority of ICU treated patients (75.5%) did not receive any antiviral or anti-inflammatory therapies. Venovenous (vv) ECMO was utilized in 16.3%. ICU triage with population-level decision making was not necessary at any time. Univariate analysis associated older age, diabetes mellitus or a higher SOFA score on admission with non-survival during ICU stay. Conclusions: A high level of care adhering to standard ARDS treatments lead to a good outcome in critically ill COVID-19 patients. KW - COVID-19 KW - ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) KW - intensive care medicine KW - pandemia KW - Germany Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219834 SN - 2296-858X VL - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Holzwarth, Stefanie A1 - Thonfeld, Frank A1 - Abdullahi, Sahra A1 - Asam, Sarah A1 - Da Ponte Canova, Emmanuel A1 - Gessner, Ursula A1 - Huth, Juliane A1 - Kraus, Tanja A1 - Leutner, Benjamin A1 - Kuenzer, Claudia T1 - Earth Observation based monitoring of forests in Germany: a review JF - Remote Sensing N2 - Forests in Germany cover around 11.4 million hectares and, thus, a share of 32% of Germany's surface area. Therefore, forests shape the character of the country's cultural landscape. Germany's forests fulfil a variety of functions for nature and society, and also play an important role in the context of climate levelling. Climate change, manifested via rising temperatures and current weather extremes, has a negative impact on the health and development of forests. Within the last five years, severe storms, extreme drought, and heat waves, and the subsequent mass reproduction of bark beetles have all seriously affected Germany’s forests. Facing the current dramatic extent of forest damage and the emerging long-term consequences, the effort to preserve forests in Germany, along with their diversity and productivity, is an indispensable task for the government. Several German ministries have and plan to initiate measures supporting forest health. Quantitative data is one means for sound decision-making to ensure the monitoring of the forest and to improve the monitoring of forest damage. In addition to existing forest monitoring systems, such as the federal forest inventory, the national crown condition survey, and the national forest soil inventory, systematic surveys of forest condition and vulnerability at the national scale can be expanded with the help of a satellite-based earth observation. In this review, we analysed and categorized all research studies published in the last 20 years that focus on the remote sensing of forests in Germany. For this study, 166 citation indexed research publications have been thoroughly analysed with respect to publication frequency, location of studies undertaken, spatial and temporal scale, coverage of the studies, satellite sensors employed, thematic foci of the studies, and overall outcomes, allowing us to identify major research and geoinformation product gaps. KW - remote sensing KW - earth observation KW - forest KW - forest monitoring KW - forest disturbances KW - Germany KW - review Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216334 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 12 IS - 21 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lewerentz, Anne A1 - Hoffmann, Markus A1 - Sarmento Cabral, Juliano T1 - Depth diversity gradients of macrophytes: Shape, drivers, and recent shifts JF - Ecology and Evolution N2 - Investigating diversity gradients helps to understand biodiversity drivers and threats. However, one diversity gradient is rarely assessed, namely how plant species distribute along the depth gradient of lakes. Here, we provide the first comprehensive characterization of depth diversity gradient (DDG) of alpha, beta, and gamma species richness of submerged macrophytes across multiple lakes. We characterize the DDG for additive richness components (alpha, beta, gamma), assess environmental drivers, and address temporal change over recent years. We take advantage of yet the largest dataset of macrophyte occurrence along lake depth (274 depth transects across 28 deep lakes) as well as of physiochemical measurements (12 deep lakes from 2006 to 2017 across Bavaria), provided publicly online by the Bavarian State Office for the Environment. We found a high variability in DDG shapes across the study lakes. The DDGs for alpha and gamma richness are predominantly hump-shaped, while beta richness shows a decreasing DDG. Generalized additive mixed-effect models indicate that the depth of the maximum richness (Dmax) is influenced by light quality, light quantity, and layering depth, whereas the respective maximum alpha richness within the depth gradient (Rmax) is significantly influenced by lake area only. Most observed DDGs seem generally stable over recent years. However, for single lakes we found significant linear trends for Rmax and Dmax going into different directions. The observed hump-shaped DDGs agree with three competing hypotheses: the mid-domain effect, the mean–disturbance hypothesis, and the mean–productivity hypothesis. The DDG amplitude seems driven by lake area (thus following known species–area relationships), whereas skewness depends on physiochemical factors, mainly water transparency and layering depth. Our results provide insights for conservation strategies and for mechanistic frameworks to disentangle competing explanatory hypotheses for the DDG. KW - aquatic plants KW - biodiversity gradients KW - biodiversity hypotheses KW - deep lakes KW - Germany KW - Water Framework Directive Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260280 VL - 11 IS - 20 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Marincola, Gabriella A1 - Liong, Olivia A1 - Schoen, Christoph A1 - Abouelfetouh, Alaa A1 - Hamdy, Aisha A1 - Wencker, Freya D. R. A1 - Marciniak, Tessa A1 - Becker, Karsten A1 - Köck, Robin A1 - Ziebuhr, Wilma T1 - Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles of Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci in Community-Based Healthy Individuals in Germany JF - Frontiers in Public Health N2 - Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are common opportunistic pathogens, but also ubiquitous human and animal commensals. Infection-associated CoNS from healthcare environments are typically characterized by pronounced antimicrobial resistance (AMR) including both methicillin- and multidrug-resistant isolates. Less is known about AMR patterns of CoNS colonizing the general population. Here we report on AMR in commensal CoNS recovered from 117 non-hospitalized volunteers in a region of Germany with a high livestock density. Among the 69 individuals colonized with CoNS, 29 had reported contacts to either companion or farm animals. CoNS were selectively cultivated from nasal swabs, followed by species definition by 16S rDNA sequencing and routine antibiotic susceptibility testing. Isolates displaying phenotypic AMR were further tested by PCR for presence of selected AMR genes. A total of 127 CoNS were isolated and Staphylococcus epidermidis (75%) was the most common CoNS species identified. Nine isolates (7%) were methicillin-resistant (MR) and carried the mecA gene, with seven individuals (10%) being colonized with at least one MR-CoNS isolate. While resistance against gentamicin, phenicols and spectinomycin was rare, high resistance rates were found against tetracycline (39%), erythromycin (33%) and fusidic acid (24%). In the majority of isolates, phenotypic resistance could be associated with corresponding AMR gene detection. Multidrug-resistance (MDR) was observed in 23% (29/127) of the isolates, with 33% (23/69) of the individuals being colonized with MDR-CoNS. The combined data suggest that MR- and MDR-CoNS are present in the community, with previous animal contact not significantly influencing the risk of becoming colonized with such isolates. KW - coagulase-negative staphylococci KW - antimicrobial resistance KW - One Health KW - community settings KW - Germany Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240881 SN - 2296-2565 VL - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Job, Hubert A1 - Bittlingmaier, Sarah A1 - Mayer, Marius A1 - von Ruschkowski, Eick A1 - Woltering, Manuel T1 - Park−People Relationships: The Socioeconomic Monitoring of National Parks in Bavaria, Germany JF - Sustainability N2 - Questions about park–people relationships and the understanding and handling of the conflicts that may result from the creation and management of national parks in the surrounding area are prerequisites for both successful park management and sustainable rural tourism development. This paper analyzes the roles that research may play in relation to park–people relationships in the context of the two oldest German national parks located in Bavaria. The different fields of action of national parks are used to identify the potential for conflict, using detailed case studies from the Bavarian Forest and Berchtesgaden National Parks using quantitative population surveys carried out in 2018. The overall attitude towards both national parks is overwhelmingly positive, with trust towards park administrations and the perceived economic benefits from rural tourism being the attitudes most strongly correlated to the overall level of park–people relationships. Nevertheless, some points of contention still exist, like the ecological integrity approach towards strict nature conservation and related landscape changes (e.g., deadwood cover). A comparison over time shows in both cases that the spatial proximity to the protected area negatively influences people’s attitudes towards the parks, but less so than in the past. Recommendations for national park management include communicating proactively and with greater transparency with locals and decision-makers, to identify conflicts earlier and, where possible, to eliminate them. Furthermore, developing a standardized method to monitor park–people relationships in Germany is a must and would benefit integrated approaches in research and management based on conservation social science. KW - park–people relationships KW - rural tourism KW - Germany KW - Bavaria KW - conflicts KW - national parks KW - Berchtesgaden KW - Bavarian Forest Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245061 SN - 2071-1050 VL - 13 IS - 16 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Appel, Alexandra A1 - Hardaker, Sina T1 - Strategies in Times of Pandemic Crisis — Retailers and Regional Resilience in Würzburg, Germany JF - Sustainability N2 - Research on the COVID-19 crisis and its implications on regional resilience is still in its infancy. To understand resilience on its aggregate level it is important to identify (non)resilient actions of individual actors who comprise regions. As the retail sector among others represents an important factor in an urban regions recovery, we focus on the resilience of (textile) retailers within the city of Würzburg in Germany to the COVID-19 pandemic. To address the identified research gap, this paper applies the concept of resilience. Firstly, conducting expert interviews, the individual (textile) retailers’ level and their strategies in coping with the crisis is considered. Secondly, conducting a contextual analysis of the German city of Würzburg, we wish to contribute to the discussion of how the resilience of a region is influenced inter alia by actors. Our study finds three main strategies on the individual level, with retailers: (1) intending to “bounce back” to a pre-crisis state, (2) reorganising existing practices, as well as (3) closing stores and winding up business. As at the time of research, no conclusions regarding long-term impacts and resilience are possible, the results are limited. Nevertheless, detailed analysis of retailers’ strategies contributes to a better understanding of regional resilience. KW - resilience KW - COVID-19 KW - pandemic crisis KW - regional resilience KW - retail KW - owner-operated retailers KW - textile sector KW - Germany Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-233991 SN - 2071-1050 VL - 13 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Werner, Anne A1 - Popp, Maria A1 - Fichtner, Falk A1 - Holzmann-Littig, Christopher A1 - Kranke, Peter A1 - Steckelberg, Anke A1 - Lühnen, Julia A1 - Redlich, Lisa Marie A1 - Dickel, Steffen A1 - Grimm, Clemens A1 - Moerer, Onnen A1 - Nothacker, Monika A1 - Seeber, Christian T1 - COVID-19 intensive care — Evaluation of public information sources and current standards of care in German intensive care units: a cross sectional online survey on intensive care staff in Germany JF - Healthcare N2 - Backround: In February 2021, the first formal evidence and consensus-based (S3) guidelines for the inpatient treatment of patients with COVID-19 were published in Germany and have been updated twice during 2021. The aim of the present study is to re-evaluate the dissemination pathways and strategies for ICU staff (first evaluation in December 2020 when previous versions of consensus-based guidelines (S2k) were published) and question selected aspects of guideline adherence of standard care for patients with COVID-19 in the ICU. Methods: We conducted an anonymous online survey among German intensive care staff from 11 October 2021 to 11 November 2021. We distributed the survey via e-mail in intensive care facilities and requested redirection to additional intensive care staff (snowball sampling). Results: There was a difference between the professional groups in the number, selection and qualitative assessment of information sources about COVID-19. Standard operating procedures were most frequently used by all occupational groups and received a high quality rating. Physicians preferred sources for active information search (e.g., medical journals), while nurses predominantly used passive consumable sources (e.g., every-day media). Despite differences in usage behaviour, the sources were rated similarly in terms of the quality of the information on COVID-19. The trusted organizations have not changed over time. The use of guidelines was frequently stated and highly recommended. The majority of the participants reported guideline-compliant treatment. Nevertheless, there were certain variations in the use of medication as well as the criteria chosen for discontinuing non-invasive ventilation (NIV) compared to guideline recommendations. Conclusions: An adequate external source of information for nursing staff is lacking, the usual sources of physicians are only appropriate for the minority of nursing staff. The self-reported use of guidelines is high. KW - COVID-19 KW - implementation KW - guideline usage KW - guideline adherence KW - intensive care KW - Germany KW - ICU staff Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-281865 SN - 2227-9032 VL - 10 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ibebuchi, Chibuike Chiedozie A1 - Schönbein, Daniel A1 - Adakudlu, Muralidhar A1 - Xoplaki, Elena A1 - Paeth, Heiko T1 - Comparison of three techniques to adjust daily precipitation biases from regional climate models over Germany JF - Water N2 - This study compares the performance of three bias correction (BC) techniques in adjusting simulated precipitation estimates over Germany. The BC techniques are the multivariate quantile delta mapping (MQDM) where the grids are used as variables to incorporate the spatial dependency structure of precipitation in the bias correction; empirical quantile mapping (EQM) and, the linear scaling (LS) approach. Several metrics that include first to fourth moments and extremes characterized by the frequency of heavy wet days and return periods during boreal summer were applied to score the performance of the BC techniques. Our results indicate a strong dependency of the relative performances of the BC techniques on the choice of the regional climate model (RCM), the region, the season, and the metrics of interest. Hence, each BC technique has relative strengths and weaknesses. The LS approach performs well in adjusting the first moment but tends to fall short for higher moments and extreme precipitation during boreal summer. Depending on the season, the region and the RCM considered, there is a trade-off between the relative performances of the EQM and the MQDM in adjusting the simulated precipitation biases. However, the MQDM performs well across all considered metrics. Overall, the MQDM outperforms the EQM in improving the higher moments and in capturing the observed return level of extreme summer precipitation, averaged over Germany. KW - bias correction KW - multivariate quantile delta mapping KW - empirical quantile mapping KW - linear scaling KW - precipitation KW - Germany Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262064 SN - 2073-4441 VL - 14 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Martin, Eva A1 - Mauer, Isabell A1 - Malzahn, Uwe A1 - Heuschmann, Peter Ulrich A1 - Goebeler, Matthias A1 - Benoit, Sandrine T1 - Comorbid diseases among bullous pemphigoid patients in Germany: new insights from a case-control study JF - Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft N2 - Background and objectives Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. Other comorbid diseases are discussed controversially. We evaluated the prevalence of comorbidity in BP patients in a representative area of Germany. Patients and methods Medical files of all BP patients treated at the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Würzburg, Germany, between June 2002 and May 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. Bullous pemphigoid was diagnosed based on established criteria. For each patient, two controls were individually matched. Records were evaluated for age, sex, laboratory values, concomitant medication and comorbidity. Conditional logistic regression, multivariable regression analysis and complex regression models were performed to compare results. Results 300 BP patients were identified and compared to 583 controls. Bullous pemphigoid was associated with neuropsychiatric disorders as well as laboratory abnormalities including leukocytosis and eosinophilia. Importantly, a highly significant association of BP with anemia (OR 2.127; 95 % CI 1.532–2.953) and renal impairment (OR 2.218; 95 % CI 1.643–2.993) was identified. No association was found with malignancy and arterial hypertension. Conclusions Our data revealed an increased frequency of anemia and renal impairment in BP patients. In accordance with previous studies the strong association for neuropsychiatric disorders was confirmed (p < 0.0005). KW - bullous pemphigoid KW - comorbid diseases KW - Germany Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318395 VL - 20 IS - 6 SP - 798 EP - 805 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Diers, Johannes A1 - Acar, Laura A1 - Wagner, Johanna C. A1 - Baum, Philip A1 - Hankir, Mohammed A1 - Flemming, Sven A1 - Kastner, Carolin A1 - Germer, Christoph-Thomas A1 - L’hoest, Helmut A1 - Marschall, Ursula A1 - Lock, Johan Friso A1 - Wiegering, Armin T1 - Cancer diagnosis is one quarter lower than the expected cancer incidence in the first year of COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: A retrospective register-based cohort study JF - Cancer Communications N2 - No abstract available. KW - cancer diagnosis KW - COVID-19 pandemic KW - Germany Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312862 VL - 42 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Köhler, Franziska A1 - Reese, Lena A1 - Hendricks, Anne A1 - Kastner, Carolin A1 - Müller, Sophie A1 - Lock, Johan F. A1 - Germer, Christoph-Thomas A1 - Wiegering, Armin T1 - Low-grade mucinous neoplasms (LAMN) of the appendix in Germany between 2011 and 2018: a nationwide analysis based on data provided by the German Center for Cancer Registry Data (ZfKD) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) JF - Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery N2 - Introduction Low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms (LAMN) are semi-malignant tumors of the appendix which are incidentally found in up to 1% of appendectomy specimen. To this day, no valid descriptive analysis on LAMN is available for the German population. Methods Data of LAMN (ICD-10: D37.3) were collected from the population-based cancer registries in Germany, provided by the German Center for Cancer Registry Data (Zentrum für Krebsregisterdaten—ZfKD). Data was anonymized and included gender, age at diagnosis, tumor staging according to the TNM-classification, state of residence, information on the performed therapy, and survival data. Results A total of 612 cases were reported to the ZfKD between 2011 and 2018. A total of 63.07% were female and 36.93% were male. Great inhomogeneity in reporting cases was seen in the federal states of Germany including the fact that some federal states did not report any cases at all. Age distribution showed a mean age of 62.03 years (SD 16.15) at diagnosis. However, data on tumor stage was only available in 24.86% of cases (n = 152). A total of 49.34% of these patients presented with a T4-stage. Likewise, information regarding performed therapy was available in the minority of patients: 269 patients received surgery, 22 did not and for 312 cases no information was available. Twenty-four patients received chemotherapy, 188 did not, and for 400 cases, no information was available. Overall 5-year survival was estimated at 79.52%. Patients below the age of 55 years at time of diagnosis had a significantly higher 5-year survival rate compared to patients above the age of 55 years (85.77% vs. 73.27%). Discussion In this study, we observed an incidence of LAMN in 0.13% of all appendectomy specimen in 2018. It seems likely that not all cases were reported to the ZfKD; therefore, case numbers may be considered underestimated. Age and gender distribution goes in line with international studies with females being predominantly affected. Especially regarding tumor stage and therapy in depth information cannot be provided through the ZfKD-database. This data analysis emphasizes the need for further studies and the need for setting up a specialized registry for this unique tumor entity to develop guidelines for the appropriate treatment and follow-up. KW - LAMN KW - low-grade mucinous neoplasm KW - appendix KW - epidemiology KW - ZfKD KW - Germany Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323919 VL - 407 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ibebuchi, Chibuike Chiedozie A1 - Schönbein, Daniel A1 - Paeth, Heiko T1 - On the added value of statistical post-processing of regional climate models to identify homogeneous patterns of summer rainfall anomalies in Germany JF - Climate Dynamics N2 - A fuzzy classification scheme that results in physically interpretable meteorological patterns associated with rainfall generation is applied to classify homogeneous regions of boreal summer rainfall anomalies in Germany. Four leading homogeneous regions are classified, representing the western, southeastern, eastern, and northern/northwestern parts of Germany with some overlap in the central parts of Germany. Variations of the sea level pressure gradient across Europe, e.g., between the continental and maritime regions, is the major phenomenon that triggers the time development of the rainfall regions by modulating wind patterns and moisture advection. Two regional climate models (REMO and CCLM4) were used to investigate the capability of climate models to reproduce the observed summer rainfall regions. Both regional climate models (RCMs) were once driven by the ERA-Interim reanalysis and once by the MPI-ESM general circulation model (GCM). Overall, the RCMs exhibit good performance in terms of the regionalization of summer rainfall in Germany; though the goodness-of-match with the rainfall regions/patterns from observational data is low in some cases and the REMO model driven by MPI-ESM fails to reproduce the western homogeneous rainfall region. Under future climate change, virtually the same leading modes of summer rainfall occur, suggesting that the basic synoptic processes associated with the regional patterns remain the same over Germany. We have also assessed the added value of bias-correcting the MPI-ESM driven RCMs using a simple linear scaling approach. The bias correction does not significantly alter the identification of homogeneous rainfall regions and, hence, does not improve their goodness-of-match compared to the observed patterns, except for the one case where the original RCM output completely fails to reproduce the observed pattern. While the linear scaling method improves the basic statistics of precipitation, it does not improve the simulated meteorological patterns represented by the precipitation regimes. KW - summer precipitation regions KW - Germany KW - climate models KW - fuzzy classification KW - bias correction Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324122 SN - 0930-7575 VL - 59 IS - 9-10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ibebuchi, Chibuike Chiedozie T1 - Patterns of atmospheric circulation in Western Europe linked to heavy rainfall in Germany: preliminary analysis into the 2021 heavy rainfall episode JF - Theoretical and Applied Climatology N2 - The July 2021 heavy rainfall episode in parts of Western Europe caused devastating floods, specifically in Germany. This study examines circulation types (CTs) linked to extreme precipitation in Germany. It was investigated if the classified CTs can highlight the anomaly in synoptic patterns that contributed to the unusual July 2021 heavy rainfall in Germany. The North Atlantic Oscillation was found to be the major climatic mode related to the seasonal and inter-annual variations of most of the classified CTs. On average, wet (dry) conditions in large parts of Germany can be linked to westerly (northerly) moisture fluxes. During spring and summer seasons, the mid-latitude cyclone when located over the North Sea disrupts onshore moisture transport from the North Atlantic Ocean by westerlies driven by the North Atlantic subtropical anticyclone. The CT found to have the highest probability of being associated with above-average rainfall in large part of Germany features (i) enhancement and northward track of the cyclonic system over the Mediterranean; (ii) northward track of the North Atlantic anticyclone, further displacing poleward, the mid-latitude cyclone over the North Sea, enabling band of westerly moisture fluxes to penetrate Germany; (iii) cyclonic system over the Baltic Sea coupled with northeast fluxes of moisture to Germany; (iv) and unstable atmospheric conditions over Germany. In 2021, a spike was detected in the amplitude and frequency of occurrence of the aforementioned wet CT suggesting that in addition to the nearly stationary cut-off low over central Europe, during the July flood episode, anomalies in the CT contributed to the heavy rainfall event. KW - circulation type (CT) KW - atmospheric circulation KW - Western Europe KW - Germany KW - flood KW - heavy rainfall Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324100 SN - 0177-798X VL - 148 IS - 1-2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Goettler, David A1 - Niekler, Patricia A1 - Liese, Johannes G. A1 - Streng, Andrea T1 - Epidemiology and direct healthcare costs of Influenza-associated hospitalizations - nationwide inpatient data (Germany 2010-2019) JF - BMC Public Health N2 - Introduction Detailed and up-to-date data on the epidemiology and healthcare costs of Influenza are fundamental for public health decision-making. We analyzed inpatient data on Influenza-associated hospitalizations (IAH), selected complications and risk factors, and their related direct costs for Germany during ten consecutive years. Methods We conducted a retrospective cost-of-illness study on patients with laboratory-confirmed IAH (ICD-10-GM code J09/J10 as primary diagnosis) by ICD-10-GM-based remote data query using the Hospital Statistics database of the German Federal Statistical Office. Clinical data and associated direct costs of hospital treatment are presented stratified by demographic and clinical variables. Results Between January 2010 to December 2019, 156,097 persons were hospitalized due to laboratory-confirmed Influenza (J09/J10 primary diagnosis). The annual cumulative incidence was low in 2010, 2012 and 2014 (1.3 to 3.1 hospitalizations per 100,000 persons) and high in 2013 and 2015-2019 (12.6 to 60.3). Overall direct per patient hospitalization costs were mean (SD) 3521 EUR (± 8896) and median (IQR) 1805 EUR (1502; 2694), with the highest mean costs in 2010 (mean 8965 EUR ± 26,538) and the lowest costs in 2012 (mean 2588 EUR ± 6153). Mean costs were highest in 60-69 year olds, and in 50-59, 70-79 and 40-49 year olds; they were lowest in 10-19 year olds. Increased costs were associated with conditions such as diabetes (frequency 15.0%; 3.45-fold increase compared to those without diabetes), adiposity (3.3%; 2.09-fold increase) or immune disorders (5.6%; 1.88-fold increase) and with Influenza-associated complications such as Influenza pneumonia (24.3%; 1.95-fold), bacterial pneumonia (6.3%; 3.86-fold), ARDS (1.2%; 10.90-fold increase) or sepsis (2.3%; 8.30-fold). Estimated overall costs reported for the 10-year period were 549.6 Million euros (95% CI 542.7-556.4 million euros). Conclusion We found that the economic burden of IAH in Germany is substantial, even when considering solely laboratory-confirmed IAH reported as primary diagnosis. The highest costs were found in the elderly, patients with certain underlying risk factors and patients who required advanced life support treatment, and median and mean costs showed considerable variations between single years. Furthermore, there was a relevant burden of disease in middle-aged adults, who are not covered by the current vaccination recommendations in Germany. KW - burden KW - influenza KW - epidemiology KW - healthcare costs KW - hospitalization KW - ICD-10 KW - Germany Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265888 VL - 22 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ibebuchi, Chibuike Chiedozie T1 - Bias correction of climate model output for Germany T1 - Bias-Korrektur des Klimamodell-Outputs für Deutschland N2 - Regional climate models (RCMs) are tools used to project future climate change at a regional scale. Despite their high horizontal resolution, RCMs are characterized by systematic biases relative to observations, which can result in unrealistic interpretations of future climate change signals. On the other hand, bias correction (BC) is a popular statistical post-processing technique applied to improve the usability of output from climate models. Like every other statistical technique, BC has its strengths and weaknesses. Hence, within the regional context of Germany, and for temperature and precipitation, this study is dedicated to the assessment of the impact of different BC techniques on the RCM output. The focuses are on the impact of BC on the RCM’s statistical characterization, and physical consistency defined as the spatiotemporal consistency between the bias-corrected variable and the simulated physical mechanisms governing the variable, as well as the correlations between the bias-corrected variable and other (simulated) climate variables. Five BC techniques were applied in adjusting the systematic biases in temperature and precipitation RCM outputs. The BC techniques are linear scaling, empirical quantile mapping, univariate quantile delta mapping, multivariate quantile delta mapping that considers inter-site dependencies, and multivariate quantile delta mapping that considers inter-variable dependencies (MBCn). The results show that each BC technique adds value in reducing the biases in the statistics of the RCM output, though the added value depends on several factors such as the temporal resolution of the data, choice of RCM, climate variable, region, and the metric used in evaluating the BC technique. Further, the raw RCMs reproduced portions of the observed modes of atmospheric circulation in Western Europe, and the observed temperature, and precipitation meteorological patterns in Germany. After the BC, generally, the spatiotemporal configurations of the simulated meteorological patterns as well as the governing large-scale mechanisms were reproduced. However, at a more localized spatial scale for the individual meteorological patterns, the BC changed the simulated co-variability of some grids, especially for precipitation. Concerning the co-variability among the variables, a physically interpretable positive correlation was found between temperature and precipitation during boreal winter in both models and observations. For most grid boxes in the study domain and on average, the BC techniques that do not adjust inter-variable dependency did not notably change the simulated correlations between the climate variables. However, depending on the grid box, the (univariate) BC techniques tend to degrade the simulated temporal correlations between temperature and precipitation. Further, MBCn which adjusts biases in inter-variable dependency has the skill to improve the correlations between the simulated variables towards observations. N2 - Regionale Klimamodelle (RCMs) sind Werkzeuge, die verwendet werden, um den zukünftigen Klimawandel auf regionaler Ebene zu prognostizieren. Trotz ihrer hohen horizontalen Auflösung sind RCMs je nach Beobachtung durch systematische Verzerrungen gekennzeichnet, was zu unrealistischen Interpretationen zukünftiger Signale des Klimawandels führen kann. Andererseits ist die Bias-Korrektur (BC) eine beliebte statistische Nachbearbeitungstechnik, die angewendet wird, um die Nutzbarkeit der Ergebnisse von Klimamodellen zu verbessern. Wie jede andere statistische Technik hat BC seine Stärken und Schwächen. Daher widmet sich diese Studie im regionalen Kontext Deutschlands und für Temperatur und Niederschlag der Bewertung der Auswirkungen verschiedener BC-Techniken auf den das RCM-ErtragErgebnis. Die Schwerpunkte liegen auf der Auswirkung von BC auf die statistische Charakterisierung des RCM und auf der physikalischen Konsistenz. Letztere ist, definiert als die räumlich-zeitliche Konsistenz zwischen der systematisch korrigierten Variablen und den simulierten physikalischen Mechanismen, die diese Variable steuern, sowie auf den Korrelationen zwischen der systematisch korrigierten Variablen und anderen (simulierten) Klimavariablen. Fünf BC-Techniken wurden angewendet, um die systematischen Abweichungen in den Temperatur- und Niederschlags-RCM-Ausgaben Ergebnissen anzupassen. Die BC-Techniken sind lineare Skalierung, empirisches Quantil-Mapping, univariates Quantil-Delta-Mapping, sowie multivariates Quantil-Delta-Mapping, das Abhängigkeiten zwischen Standorten berücksichtigt, und multivariates Quantil-Delta-Mapping, das intervariable Abhängigkeiten (MBCn) berücksichtigt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass jede BC-Technik einen Mehrwert bei der Reduzierung der Verzerrungen in den Statistiken der RCM-Ausgabe bringt, und dies, obwohl der Mehrwert von mehreren Faktoren abhängt, wie der zeitlichen Auflösung der Daten, der Wahl der RCM, der Klimavariable, der Region und desr verwendeten Massstabsetrik zur Bewertung der BC-Technik verwendet. Darüber hinaus reproduzierten die rohen RCMs Teile der beobachteten Modi der atmosphärischen Zirkulation in Westeuropa und die beobachteten meteorologischen Temperatur- und Niederschlagsmuster in Deutschland. Nach der BC wurden im Allgemeinen die raumzeitlichen Konfigurationen der simulierten meteorologischen Muster sowie die maßgeblichen großräumigen Mechanismen reproduziert. Auf einer stärker lokalisierten räumlichen Skala änderte der BC jedoch für die einzelnen meteorologischen Muster die simulierte Kovariabilität einiger Gitter, insbesondere für Niederschlag. Bezüglich der Kovariabilität zwischen den Variablen wurde sowohl in Modellen als auch in Beobachtungen eine physikalisch interpretierbare positive Korrelation zwischen Temperatur und Niederschlag im borealen Winter gefunden. Für die meisten Gitterboxen Gitterfelder im Untersuchungsbereich und auch im Durchschnitt änderten die BC-Techniken, die die Abhängigkeit zwischen den Variablen nicht anpassen, die simulierten Korrelationen zwischen den Klimavariablen nicht merklich. Allerdings neigen die (univariaten) BC-Techniken je nach Gitterbox Gitterfeld dazu, die simulierten zeitlichen Korrelationen zwischen Temperatur und Niederschlag zu verschlechtern. Darüber hinaus hat MBCn, das Verzerrungen in der Abhängigkeit zwischen Variablen anpasst, die Fähigkeit, die Korrelationen zwischen den simulierten Variablen gegenüber den Beobachtungen zu verbessern. KW - Bias correction KW - regional climate models KW - Germany KW - physical consistency KW - meteorological patterns KW - Bias-Korrektur KW - Regionale Klimamodelle KW - Deutschland KW - Physikalische Konsistenz KW - Meteorologische Muster Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312647 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Goldan, Lea A1 - Jaksztat, Steffen A1 - Gross, Christiane T1 - How does obtaining a permanent employment contract affect the job satisfaction of doctoral graduates inside and outside academia? JF - Higher Education N2 - Previous research has shown that temporary employment is negatively associated with many psychological and job-related outcomes, such as well-being, health, wages, organisational commitment, and job satisfaction. Among recent doctoral graduates, the proportion of temporary contracts is particularly high. However, research on the association between contract type and job satisfaction specifically among doctoral graduates is scarce. Therefore, whether and how obtaining permanent employment affects doctoral graduates’ job satisfaction remains a notable research gap that we intend to narrow by using panel data from a recent doctoral graduation cohort and by adopting a panel research design. We examine what effect obtaining permanent employment has on doctoral graduates’ job satisfaction and whether this effect differs by labour market sector. We use panel data that are representative of the 2014 doctoral graduation cohort in Germany and their career trajectories up to five years after graduation. We apply fixed-effects regression to approximate the within-effect of obtaining a permanent employment contract on job satisfaction. The analyses indicate that obtaining permanent employment increases doctoral graduates’ job satisfaction and that this increase is not driven by time-varying confounders. We also find that doctoral graduates’ labour market sector moderates the effect: the increase in job satisfaction is highest in the academic sector and statistically significantly different from that in the private sector. Overall, this paper offers new insights into the effect of obtaining a permanent contract on the job satisfaction of recent doctoral graduates throughout their first years after graduation, when they are often employed on temporary contracts. KW - permanent employment KW - temporary employment KW - job satisfaction KW - doctoral graduates KW - Germany Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324766 SN - 0018-1560 VL - 86 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gottschlich, Günter A1 - Drenckhahn, Detlev A1 - Meierott, Lenz A1 - Zonneveld, Ben T1 - Hieracium maculatum subsp. pseudogougetianum, eine neue Unterart aus dem Mainfränkischen Muschelkalkgebiet T1 - Hieracium maculatum subsp. pseudogougetianum, a new subspecies from the Main-Franconian shell-bearing limestone area JF - Forum Geobotanicum N2 - In Lower Franconia/Northern Bavaria, a well-defined subspecies of the Hieracium maculatum group was detected. This subspecies is restricted to the slopes of the Main valley between Würzburg and Hasloch with a hot spot (>90% of total population) between the villages Thüngersheim and Retzbach. Due to some similarities with H. glaucinum subsp. prasiophaeum (synonym: subsp. gougetianum) the subspecies is named H. maculatum subsp. pseudogougetianum. This subspecies grows preferentially on shell-bearing limestone gravels and begins flowering as early as mid-April. Head involucra are whitish hairy mixed with dark stalked glands. The basal leaf rosette consists of ovate to elliptic, toothed to serrate, dark spotted leaves, glabrous, glaucous above. Stems bear 1-3(4) stalked stem leaves and usually form long lateral flowering branches from the leaf axils. Like some other H. maculatum subspecies, H. maculatum subsp. pseudogougetianum is tetraploid with a mean genome weight (2C value) of 14.5 pg, distinguishing it from the H. glaucinum group, whose studied taxa are invariably triploid (mean 10.1 pg). N2 - In Unterfranken/Nordbayern wurde eine gut abgegrenzte Unterart der Hieracium maculatum-Gruppe festgestellt, die auf die Hänge des Maintals zwischen Würzburg und Hasloch beschränkt ist mit einem Hot Spot (>90% des Gesamtbestandes) zwischen den Orten Thüngersheim und Retzbach. Aufgrund einiger Ähnlichkeiten mit H. glaucinum subsp. prasiophaeum (Syn.: subsp. gougetianum) wird die Unterart als H. maculatum subsp. pseudogougetianum beschrieben. Diese Subspecies wächst bevorzugt auf Muschelkalk-Schotter und beginnt bereits Mitte April zu blühen, hat weißlich behaarte Kopfhüllen mit dunklen Stieldrüsen. Die Grundblattrosette besteht aus eiförmigen bis elliptischen, gezähnten bis gesägten, oberseits kahlen, glauken und dunkel gefleckten Blättern. Die Stängel tragen 1-3(4) gestielte Laubblätter und bilden meistens lange blühende Seitenäste aus den Blattachseln. H. maculatum subsp. pseudogougetianum ist wie ein Teil der H. maculatum-Sippen tetraploid mit einem Genomgewicht (2C-Wert) von 14,5 pg und unterscheidet sich damit von der H. glaucinum-Gruppe, deren untersuchte Taxa ausnahmslos triploid sind (10,1 pg). KW - Asteraceae KW - Hieracium maculatum KW - new subspecies KW - Northern Bavaria KW - Germany KW - Korbblütler KW - Habichtskraut KW - Unterart KW - Bayern (Nord) Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-327601 UR - http://forum-geobotanicum.net/articles/vol_11-2023/GG-DD-LM-BZ_H-pseudogougetianum_pp15-20/FG---GG-DD-LM-BZ_H-pseudogougetianum.pdf SN - 1867-9315 VL - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Drenckhahn, Detlev A1 - Gottschlich, Günter A1 - Zonneveld, Ben T1 - Neubeschreibungen und 2C-Werte von Pilosella macranthela subsp. silvae-pici (Spessart-Mausohrhabichtskraut) und Pilosella ottonis (Otto-Mausohrhabichtskraut) mit einer Übersicht über das Vorkommen von P. macranthela-Taxa in Bayern. T1 - New descriptions and 2C-values of Pilosella macranthela subsp. silvae-pici (Spessart mouse-ear hawkweed) and Pilosella ottonis (Otto mouse-ear hawkweed) with an overview of the occurrence of P. macranthela taxa in Bavaria. JF - Forum Geobotanicum N2 - A pentaploid taxon from the Pilosella macranthela group was discovered in Lower Franconia/Bavaria which is newly described here as P. macranthela subsp. sylvae-pici. It grows mainly in the Bavarian Bunter Spessart and occurs with three small, isolated stands also in the limestone area of the Main valley and Tauber area. Its habit of growth is intermediate between the furcata and laxicephala types of Pilosellae with epigeal and partly hypogeal stolons and a tendency to form clusters. The upper and lower surfaces of the rosette leaves have stellate hairs. The peduncles and the phyllaries are densely covered with dark glandular hairs with yellowish glandular heads. The lateral teeth of the ligules often are separated by incisions. A tetra- und pentaploid transitional taxon between P. macranthela subsp. sylvae-pici and P. officinarum is described as P. ottonis. P. ottonis is tetra- and pentaploid with up to 7 capitula. It is densely covered with dark stalk glands on phyllaries and resembles forms of P. acutifolia in habit. The phyllaries of P. ottonis are covered with numerous epidermal papillae with a diameter of about 10–20 μm and in this aspect resemble P. macranthela subsp. sylvae-pici and P. glomerata. However, in P. officinarum epidermal papillae are absent. Plants of genetically heterogeneous tetra- and heptaploid P. macranthela have been found outside the Spessart as spontaneous hybrids between P. glomerata and P. officinarum and also occur sporadically without P. glomerata in the vicinity. N2 - Eine pentaploide Sippe aus der Pilosella macranthela-Verwandtschaft wurde in Unterfranken/Bayern entdeckt, die hier als P. macranthela subsp. sylvae-pici neu beschrieben wird. Sie wächst hauptsächlich im bayerischen Buntsandstein-Spessart und kommt mit drei kleinen, isolierten Wuchsorten auch in den Kalkgebieten des Maintals und Tauberbereichs vor. Die Wuchsform steht zwischen dem Furcata- und Laxicephala-Typus von Pilosellinen mit ober- und teils unterirdischen Ausläufern und zeigt Neigung, Horste zu bilden. Die Ober- und Unterseiten der Rosettenblätter besitzen Sternhaare. Die Korbstiele und Hüllblätter sind dicht mit dunkel gestielten Drüsenhaaren mit gelblichen Drüsenköpfen besetzt. Die seitlichen Zähne der Blütenzungen sind oft durch Einschnitte abgetrennt. Tetra- und pentaploide Zwischenarten zwischen P. macranthela subsp. sylvae-pici und P. officinarum werden als P. ottonis neu beschrieben. P. ottonis ist tetra- und pentaploid mit bis zu 7 Körben, ist an den Hüllblättern mit dunklen Stieldrüsen besetzt und ähnelt vom Habitus Formen von P. acutlifolia. Die Hüllen von P. ottonis besitzen wie die von P. macranthela subsp. sylvae-pici und P. glomerata zahlreiche, ca. 10–20 μm dicke Epidermispapillen, die stets bei P. officinarum fehlen. Heterogene P. marcanthela-Sippen (tetra- und heptaploid) kommen als Spontanhybride zwischen P. glomerata und P. officinarum auch außerhalb des Spessartgebiets vor und wurden auch ohne benachbarte P. glomerata gefunden. KW - Asteraceae KW - Pilosella macranthela KW - cytotopes KW - 2C-values KW - Bavaria KW - Habichtskraut KW - Pilosella ottonis KW - Germany Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-344797 UR - http://forum-geobotanicum.net/articles/vol_11-2023/DD-GG-BZ_Neubeschreibungen_pp21-34/FG---DD-GG-BZ_Neubeschreibungen-P_macranthela-P_ottonis.pdf SN - 1867-9315 VL - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinz, Tizian A1 - Eidmann, Annette A1 - Jakuscheit, Axel A1 - Laux, Tino A1 - Rudert, Maximilian A1 - Stratos, Ioannis T1 - Demographics and trends for inbound medical tourism in Germany for orthopedic patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic JF - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health N2 - Medical tourism is a rapidly growing sector of economic growth and diversification. However, data on the demographics and characteristics of the traveling patients are sparse. In this study, we analyzed the common demographic properties and characteristics of the inbound medical tourists seeking orthopedic medical care in Germany for the years 2010 to 2019 compared to a domestic group. At the same time, we examined how the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak of 2020 changed the field of medical tourism in Germany. Calculations were performed using administrative hospital data provided by the Federal Statistical Department of Germany. Data were analyzed from the years 2010 to 2020. A total of six elective orthopedic surgery codes (bone biopsy, knee arthroplasty, foot surgery, osteotomy, hardware removal, and arthrodesis) were identified as key service indicators for medical tourism and further analyzed. Factors including residence, sex, year, and type of elective surgery were modeled using linear regression analysis. Age and sex distributions were compared between patients living inside Germany (DE) or outside Germany (non-DE). Between 2010 and 2020, 6,261,801 orthopedic procedures were coded for the DE group and 27,420 key procedures were identified for the non-DE group. Medical tourists were predominantly male and significantly younger than the domestic population. The linear regression analysis of the OPS codes over the past years showed a significantly different slope between the DE and non-DE groups only for the OPS code “hardware removal”. With the COVID-19 pandemic, an overall decline in performed orthopedic procedures was observed for the non-DE and the DE group. A significant reduction below the 95% prediction bands for the year 2020 could be shown for hardware removal and foot surgery (for DE), and for hardware removal, knee arthroplasty, foot surgery, and osteotomy (for non-DE). This study is the first to quantify inbound medical tourism in elective orthopedic surgery in Germany. The COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected many — but not all — areas of orthopedic surgery. It has to be seen how this negative trend will develop in the future. KW - inbound medical tourism KW - orthopedic surgery KW - Germany KW - COVID-19 KW - pandemic Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304955 SN - 1660-4601 VL - 20 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinz, Tizian A1 - Eidmann, Annette A1 - Anderson, Philip A1 - Weißenberger, Manuel A1 - Jakuscheit, Axel A1 - Rudert, Maximilian A1 - Stratos, Ioannis T1 - Trends in computer-assisted surgery for total knee arthroplasty in Germany: an analysis based on the operative procedure classification system between 2010 to 2021 JF - Journal of Clinical Medicine N2 - Alignment strategies for primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) have changed significantly over time with a shift towards a more individualized alignment goal. At the same time, computer-assisted surgery (CAS) has gained interest for intraoperative control and accuracy in implant positioning and limb alignment. Despite the often discussed benefits and drawbacks of robotics and navigation for TKA, the routine use of these new devices on a day-to-day basis remains obscure. Therefore, nationwide hospital billing data based on the Operation Procedure Classification System (OPS) were retrieved from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany for the period from 2010 to 2021. OPS codes for primary total knee arthroplasty (OPS code: 5-822*) were further analyzed regarding the usage of computer navigation (additional OPS code: 5-988) or robotic devices (additional OPS code: 5-987). Gender and age at the time of surgery were also assessed. The results show a total of 2,226,559 primary TKAs were implanted between 2010 and 2021, of which 2,044,914 were performed conventionally (91.84% of all TKAs). A total of 170,276 TKAs were performed using navigation technique (7.65% of all TKAs) and another 11,369 TKAs were performed using robotics (0.51% of all TKAs). For the period from 2018 to 2021, a substantial increase in robot-assisted TKA (R-TKA) was observed, with an average increase rate of 84.74% per year, while the number of navigated TKAs declined (−3.67% per year). Computer-assisted surgery, and particularly robotics for TKA, are seeing growing popularity and stepwise translation into routine clinical use in Germany, with a steep increase rate of more than 80% per year since 2018. Nevertheless, the majority of TKAs are still performed using manual instrumentation, rendering conventional TKA the currently unchanged gold standard. KW - robotic KW - TKA KW - knee replacement KW - computer navigation KW - Germany Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304879 SN - 2077-0383 VL - 12 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gottschlich, Günter T1 - Hieracium rotundatum subsp. silvae-bavaricae, eine neue Hieracium-Sippe aus dem Bayerischen Wald (Deutschland) T1 - Hieracium rotundatum subsp. silvae-bavaricae, a new Hieracium taxon from the Bavarian Forest (Germany) JF - Forum Geobotanicum N2 - Hieracium rotundatum subsp. silvae-bavaricae is described as new for science and illustrated. The new subspecies belongs to a group of species (H. rotundatum, H. transylvanicum) whose main distribution is in the Balkans. The changeful nomenclatural history of the species name is described. Diagnostic features to distinguish the growth habit-similar species H. murorum, H. rotundatum and H. transylvanicum are discussed. Particular attention is drawn to the importance of the development of the basic leaf cycle. Contrary to previous knowledge, the northwestern distribution limit of H.rotundatum extends now to southeastern Bavaria. During the search for H. rotundatum a morphologically conspicuous subspecies of H. rotundatum could be detected, which is described here as new. N2 - Hieracium rotundatum subsp. silvae-bavaricae wird als neu für die Wissenschaft beschrieben und abgebildet. Die neue Unterart gehört zu einem Formenkreis von Arten (H. rotundatum, H. transylvanicum), dessen Hauptverbreitung auf dem Balkan liegt. Die wechselvolle nomenklatorische Geschichte des Artnamens wird nachgezeichnet. Diagnostische Merkmale zur Unterscheidung der in der Wuchsform ähnlichen Arten H. murorum, H. rotundatum und H. transylvanicum werden diskutiert. Dabei wird auf die Bedeutung der Ausbildung des Grundblattzyklus besonders hingewiesen. Entgegen bisheriger Kenntnis reicht die nordwestliche Verbreitungsgrenze von H. rotundatum nun bis Südost-Bayern. Bei der Suche nach H. rotundatum konnte auch eine morphologisch auffällige Unterart von H. rotundatum nachgewiesen werden, die hier als neu beschrieben wird. KW - Germany KW - Bavaria KW - new subspecies KW - Hieracium KW - Habichtskraut KW - Korbblütler Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-327145 UR - http://forum-geobotanicum.net/articles/vol_11-2023/Gottschlich_H-silvae-bavaricae_pp8-14/FG---Gottschlich_H-silvae-bavaricae.pdf SN - 1867-9315 VL - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Parisi, Sandra A1 - Lehner, Nina A1 - Schrader, Hanna A1 - Kierer, Leonard A1 - Fleischer, Anna A1 - Miljukov, Olga A1 - Borgulya, Gabor A1 - Rüter, Gernot A1 - Viniol, Annika A1 - Gágyor, Ildikó T1 - Experiencing COVID-19, home isolation and primary health care: A mixed-methods study JF - Frontiers in Public Health N2 - Objectives Although the vast majority of COVID-19 cases are treated in primary care, patients' experiences during home isolation have been little studied. This study aimed to explore the experiences of patients with acute COVID-19 and to identify challenges after the initial adaptation of the German health system to the pandemic (after first infection wave from February to June 2020). Methods A mixed-method convergent design was used to gain a holistic insight into patients experience. The study consisted of a cross-sectional survey, open survey answers and semi-structured telephone interviews. Descriptive analysis was performed on quantitative survey answers. Between group differences were calculated to explore changes after the first infection wave. Qualitative thematic analysis was conducted on open survey answers and interviews. The results were then compared within a triangulation protocol. Results A total of 1100 participants from all German states were recruited by 145 general practitioners from August 2020 to April 2021, 42 additionally took part in qualitative interviews. Disease onset varied from February 2020 to April 2021. After the first infection wave, more participants were tested positive during the acute disease (88.8%; 95.2%; P < 0.001). Waiting times for tests (mean 4.5 days, SD 4.1; 2.7days, SD 2.6, P < 0.001) and test results (mean 2.4 days, SD 1.9; 1.8 days, SD 1.3, P < 0.001) decreased. Qualitative results indicated that the availability of repeated testing and antigen tests reduced insecurities, transmission and related guilt. Although personal consultations at general practices increased (6.8%; 15.5%, P < 0.001), telephone consultation remained the main mode of consultation (78.5%) and video remained insignificant (1.9%). The course of disease, the living situation and social surroundings during isolation, access to health care, personal resilience, spirituality and feelings of guilt and worries emerged as themes influencing the illness experience. Challenges were contact management and adequate provision of care during home isolation. A constant contact person within the health system helped against feelings of care deprivation, uncertainty and fear. Conclusions Our study highlights that home isolation of individuals with COVID-19 requires a holistic approach that considers all aspects of patient care and effective coordination between different care providers. KW - COVID-19 KW - patients' experience KW - illness experience KW - mixed methods KW - general practice KW - home isolation KW - Germany KW - telehealth Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301498 SN - 2296-2565 VL - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Duske, Helene A1 - Claus, Heike A1 - Krone, Manuel A1 - Lâm, Thiên-Trí T1 - Prevalence of piperacillin/tazobactam resistance in invasive \(Haemophilus\) \(influenzae\) in Germany JF - JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance N2 - Background Haemophilus influenzae (Hi) is a Gram-negative bacterium that may cause sepsis or meningitis, treatment of which mainly includes β-lactam antibiotics. Since 2019 EUCAST breakpoints for piperacillin/tazobactam have been available. Little is known about the prevalence and mechanisms of piperacillin/tazobactam resistance in Hi. Objectives To provide reliable prevalence data for piperacillin/tazobactam resistance in Hi in Germany, to evaluate different antibiotic susceptibility testing methods and to examine possible resistance mechanisms. Methods According to EUCAST breakpoints, the MIC for piperacillin/tazobactam resistance is >0.25 mg/L. All invasive Hi in Germany from 2019 were examined by gradient agar diffusion (GAD) for piperacillin/tazobactam susceptibility. Piperacillin/tazobactam broth microdilution (BMD), piperacillin GAD on tazobactam-containing agar [piperacillin GAD on Mueller–Hinton agar with horse blood (MH-F)/tazobactam) and piperacillin/tazobactam agar dilution (AD) were used for confirmation. Phenotypic testing was complemented by ftsI sequencing. Results Piperacillin/tazobactam GAD resulted in 2.9% (21/726) resistant Hi. BMD did not confirm piperacillin/tazobactam resistance. Two strains were found resistant by AD, of which one was also resistant using piperacillin GAD on MH-F/tazobactam. Overall, we found two strains with a piperacillin/tazobactam MIC >0.25 mg/L in at least two different tests (0.3%). Both were β-lactamase-producing amoxicillin/clavulanate-resistant with PBP3 mutations characterized as group III-like+. Relevant PBP3 mutations occurred in six strains without phenotypic piperacillin/tazobactam resistance. These mutations suggest a reduced efficacy of β-lactam antibiotics in these isolates. Conclusions Piperacillin/tazobactam resistance prevalence in invasive Hi is low in Germany. Reduced susceptibility was correlated with PBP3 mutations, in particular with group III mutations. KW - microbiology KW - immunology KW - generalized anxiety disorder KW - haemophilus influenzae KW - agar KW - Germany KW - piperacillin KW - piperacillin/tazobactam KW - tazobactam KW - Haemophilus influenzae Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-350424 SN - 2632-1823 VL - 6 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Weigand, Matthias Johann T1 - Fernerkundung und maschinelles Lernen zur Erfassung von urbanem Grün - Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit in Deutschland T1 - Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Capture Urban Green – An Analysis Using the Example of Distributive Justice in Germany N2 - Grünflächen stellen einen der wichtigsten Umwelteinflüsse in der Wohnumwelt der Menschen dar. Einerseits wirken sie sich positiv auf die physische und mentale Gesundheit der Menschen aus, andererseits können Grünflächen auch negative Wirkungen anderer Faktoren abmildern, wie beispielsweise die im Laufe des Klimawandels zunehmenden Hitzeereignisse. Dennoch sind Grünflächen nicht für die gesamte Bevölkerung gleichermaßen zugänglich. Bestehende Forschung im Kontext der Umweltgerechtigkeit (UG) konnte bereits aufzeigen, dass unterschiedliche sozio-ökonomische und demographische Gruppen der deutschen Bevölkerung unterschiedlichen Zugriff auf Grünflächen haben. An bestehenden Analysen von Umwelteinflüssen im Kontext der UG wird kritisiert, dass die Auswertung geographischer Daten häufig auf zu stark aggregiertem Level geschieht, wodurch lokal spezifische Expositionen nicht mehr genau abgebildet werden. Dies trifft insbesondere für großflächig angelegte Studien zu. So werden wichtige räumliche Informationen verloren. Doch moderne Erdbeobachtungs- und Geodaten sind so detailliert wie nie und Methoden des maschinellen Lernens ermöglichen die effiziente Verarbeitung zur Ableitung höherwertiger Informationen. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, am Beispiel von Grünflächen in Deutschland methodische Schritte der systematischen Umwandlung umfassender Geodaten in relevante Geoinformationen für die großflächige und hochaufgelöste Analyse von Umwelteigenschaften aufzuzeigen und durchzuführen. An der Schnittstelle der Disziplinen Fernerkundung, Geoinformatik, Sozialgeographie und Umweltgerechtigkeitsforschung sollen Potenziale moderner Methoden für die Verbesserung der räumlichen und semantischen Auflösung von Geoinformationen erforscht werden. Hierfür werden Methoden des maschinellen Lernens eingesetzt, um Landbedeckung und -nutzung auf nationaler Ebene zu erfassen. Diese Entwicklungen sollen dazu beitragen bestehende Datenlücken zu schließen und Aufschluss über die Verteilungsgerechtigkeit von Grünflächen zu bieten. Diese Dissertation gliedert sich in drei konzeptionelle Teilschritte. Im ersten Studienteil werden Erdbeobachtungsdaten der Sentinel-2 Satelliten zur deutschlandweiten Klassifikation von Landbedeckungsinformationen verwendet. In Kombination mit punktuellen Referenzdaten der europaweiten Erfassung für Landbedeckungs- und Landnutzungsinformationen des Land Use and Coverage Area Frame Survey (LUCAS) wird ein maschinelles Lernverfahren trainiert. In diesem Kontext werden verschiedene Vorverarbeitungsschritte der LUCAS-Daten und deren Einfluss auf die Klassifikationsgenauigkeit beleuchtet. Das Klassifikationsverfahren ist in der Lage Landbedeckungsinformationen auch in komplexen urbanen Gebieten mit hoher Genauigkeit abzuleiten. Ein Ergebnis des Studienteils ist eine deutschlandweite Landbedeckungsklassifikation mit einer Gesamtgenauigkeit von 93,07 %, welche im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit genutzt wird, um grüne Landbedeckung (GLC) räumlich zu quantifizieren. Im zweiten konzeptionellen Teil der Arbeit steht die differenzierte Betrachtung von Grünflächen anhand des Beispiels öffentlicher Grünflächen (PGS), die häufig Gegenstand der UG-Forschung ist, im Vordergrund. Doch eine häufig verwendete Quelle für räumliche Daten zu öffentlichen Grünflächen, der European Urban Atlas (EUA), wird bisher nicht flächendeckend für Deutschland erhoben. Dieser Studienteil verfolgt einen datengetriebenen Ansatz, die Verfügbarkeit von öffentlichem Grün auf der räumlichen Ebene von Nachbarschaften für ganz Deutschland zu ermitteln. Hierfür dienen bereits vom EUA erfasste Gebiete als Referenz. Mithilfe einer Kombination von Erdbeobachtungsdaten und Informationen aus dem OpenStreetMap-Projekt wird ein Deep Learning -basiertes Fusionsnetzwerk erstellt, welche die verfügbare Fläche von öffentlichem Grün quantifiziert. Das Ergebnis dieses Schrittes ist ein Modell, welches genutzt wird, um die Menge öffentlicher Grünflächen in der Nachbarschaft zu schätzen (𝑅 2 = 0.952). Der dritte Studienteil greift die Ergebnisse der ersten beiden Studienteile auf und betrachtet die Verteilung von Grünflächen in Deutschland unter Hinzunahme von georeferenzierten Bevölkerungsdaten. Diese exemplarische Analyse unterscheidet dabei Grünflächen nach zwei Typen: GLC und PGS. Zunächst wird mithilfe deskriptiver Statistiken die generelle Grünflächenverteilung in der Bevölkerung Deutschlands beleuchtet. Daraufhin wird die Verteilungsgerechtigkeit anhand gängiger Gerechtigkeitsmetriken bestimmt. Abschließend werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen der demographischen Komposition der Nachbarschaft und der verfügbaren Menge von Grünflächen anhand dreier exemplarischer soziodemographischer Gesellschaftsgruppen untersucht. Die Analyse zeigt starke Unterschiede der Verfügbarkeit von PGS zwischen städtischen und ländlichen Gebieten. Ein höherer Prozentsatz der Stadtbevölkerung hat Zugriff das Mindestmaß von PGS gemessen an der Vorgabe der Weltgesundheitsorganisation. Die Ergebnisse zeigen auch einen deutlichen Unterschied bezüglich der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit zwischen GLC und PGS und verdeutlichen die Relevanz der Unterscheidung von Grünflächentypen für derartige Untersuchungen. Die abschließende Betrachtung verschiedener Bevölkerungsgruppen arbeitet Unterschiede auf soziodemographischer Ebene auf. In der Zusammenschau demonstriert diese Arbeit wie moderne Geodaten und Methoden des maschinellen Lernens genutzt werden können bisherige Limitierungen räumlicher Datensätze zu überwinden. Am Beispiel von Grünflächen in der Wohnumgebung der Bevölkerung Deutschlands wird gezeigt, dass landesweite Analysen zur Umweltgerechtigkeit durch hochaufgelöste und lokal feingliedrige geographische Informationen bereichert werden können. Diese Arbeit verdeutlicht, wie die Methoden der Erdbeobachtung und Geoinformatik einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten können, die Ungleichheit der Wohnumwelt der Menschen zu identifizieren und schlussendlich den nachhaltigen Siedlungsbau in Form von objektiven Informationen zu unterstützen und überwachen. N2 - Green spaces are one of the most important environmental factors for humans in the living environment. On the one hand they provide benefits to people’s physical and mental health, on the other hand they allow for the mitigation of negative impacts of environmental stressors like heat waves which are increasing as a result of climate change. Yet, green spaces are not equally accessible to all people. Existing literature in the context of Environmental Justice (EJ) research has shown that the access to green space varies among different socio-economic and demographic groups in Germany. However, previous studies in the context of EJ were criticized for using strongly spatially aggregated data for their analyses resulting in a loss of spatial detail on local environmental exposure metrics. This is especially true for large-scale studies where important spatial information often get lost. In this context, modern earth observation and geospatial data are more detailed than ever, and machine learning methods enable efficient processing to derive higher value information for diverse applications. The overall objective of this work is to demonstrate and implement methodological steps that allow for the transformation of vast geodata into relevant geoinformation for the large-scale and high-resolution analysis of environmental characteristics using the example of green spaces in Germany. By bridging the disciplines remote sensing, geoinformatics, social geography and environmental justice research, potentials of modern methods for the improvement of spatial and semantic resolution of geoinformation are explored. For this purpose, machine learning methods are used to map land cover and land use on a national scale. These developments will help to close existing data gaps and provide information on the distributional equity of green spaces. This dissertation comprises three conceptual steps. In the first part of the study, earth observation data from the Sentinel-2 satellites are used to derive land cover information across Germany. In combination with point reference data on land cover and land use from the paneuropean Land Use and Coverage Area Frame Survey (LUCAS) a machine learning model is trained. Therein, different preprocessing steps of the LUCAS data and their influence on the classification accuracy are highlighted. The classification model derives land cover information with high accuracy even in complex urban areas. One result of the study is a Germany-wide land cover classification with an overall accuracy of 93.07 % which is used in the further course of the dissertation to spatially quantify green land cover (GLC). The second conceptual part of this study focuses on the semantic differentiation of green spaces using the example of public green spaces (PGS), which is often the subject of EJ research. A frequently used source of spatial data on public green spaces, the European Urban Atlas (EUA),however, is not available for all of Germany. This part of the study takes a data-driven approach to determine the availability of public green space at the spatial level of neighborhoods for all of Germany. For this purpose, areas already covered by the EUA serve as a reference. Using a combination of earth observation data and information from the OpenStreetMap project, a Deep Learning -based fusion network is created that quantifies the available area of public green space. The result of this step is a model that is utilized to estimate the amount of public green space in the neighborhood (𝑅 2 = 0.952). The third part of this dissertation builds upon the results of the first two parts and integrates georeferenced population data to study the socio-spatial distribution of green spaces in Germany. This exemplary analysis distinguishes green spaces according to two types: GLC and PGS. In this,first, descriptive statistics are used to examine the overall distribution of green spaces available to the German population. Then, the distributional equality is determined using established equality metrics. Finally, the relationships between the demographic composition of the neighborhood and the available amount of green space are examined using three exemplary sociodemographic groups. The analysis reveals strong differences in PGS availability between urban and rural areas. Compared to the rural population, a higher percentage of the urban population has access to the minimum level of PGS defined as a target by the World Health Organization (WHO). The results also show a clear deviation in terms of distributive equality between GLC and PGS, highlighting the relevance of distinguishing green space types for such studies. The final analysis of certain population groups addresses differences at the sociodemographic level. In summary, this dissertation demonstrates how previous limitations of spatial datasets can be overcome through a combination of modern geospatial data and machine learning methods. Using the example of green spaces in the residential environment of the population in Germany,it is shown that nationwide analyses of environmental justice can be enriched by high-resolution and locally fine-grained geographic information. This study illustrates how earth observation and methods of geoinformatics can make an important contribution to identifying inequalities in people’s living environment. Such objective information can ultimately be deployed to support and monitor sustainable urban development. KW - Geografie KW - Fernerkundung KW - Maschinelles Lernen KW - Deep learning KW - Urbanes Grün KW - urban green KW - machine learning KW - distributive justice KW - environmental justice KW - Deutschland KW - Germany KW - Verteilungsgerechtigkeit KW - Umweltgerechtigkeit Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-349610 ER -