TY - JOUR A1 - Marre, R. A1 - Hacker, Jörg A1 - Wood, G. A1 - Schmidt, G. T1 - Oral vaccination of rats with live avirulent Salmonella derivatives expressing adhesive fimbrial agents of uropathogenic Escherichia coli N2 - The avirulent Salmonella typhimurium F885 was transformed with a plasmid carrying the cloned S fimbriae genes of a uropathogenic Escherichia coli. The resulting transformant (F885-1) produced efficiently E. coli S fimbriae and was used for live oral vaccination of rats. For comparison rats were immunized subcutaneously with isolated S fimbriae. Both routes of vaccination resulted in a significant lgG antibody response to S fimbriae. In addition live oral vaccination induced a serum lgA response against S fimbriae. After transurethral infection of rats with a S fimbriae producing E. coli a 10-fold reduction of bacterial counts in the kidney was observed in rats orally vaccinated with F885-1 as compared to unvaccinated controls. This study suggests that the avirulent Salmonella F885 may be used as a fimbrial antigen carrier for oral vaccination against renal infections. KW - Infektionsbiologie KW - Avirulent Salmonella KW - S-Fimbriae KW - Uropatbcgenie E. coli Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59559 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hacker, Jörg A1 - Ulmer, E. A1 - Fasske, E. A1 - Schmidt, G. T1 - Isolation and characterization of coliphage Omega18A specific for Escherichia coli O18ac strains N2 - The bactedophage Q18A, specific for Escherichia coli 018ac srrains, was isolated frorn sewage. The results of host range and conjugation experiments showed that the sensitivity of bacteria to the phage is associated with rhe presence of 018ac antigens. With sorne of rhe 018 strains rhe phage Q18A produces clear Iysis on bacterial lawns only when applied at a high multiplicity and moreover the phage does not multiply. With rhe help of the phage Ql8A, E. coli 0 18ac strains could be divided inro rwo serologically clistinct subgroups called 018A and 018A1• E. coli strains belanging to the sugroup 0 ISAare sensitive to phage Q t8A wheteas bacteria of subgroup A1 are resistanr. N2 - Der Bakteriophage Q18A, der spezifisch Escherichia coli 018ac Bakterien lysierr, wurde aus Abwasser isoliert. Die Untersuchungen des Wirtsbereichs und Konjugationsversuche zeigten, daß die Sensitivität der Bakterien gegenüber dem Phagen mit dem Vorhandensein des 0 '18ac Antigens assoziiert ist. Bei eir1igen 0 18 Stämmen wird nur bei Anwendung hoher Phagenkonzentrationen eine klare Lysis auf dem Bakterienrasen erzeugt. Darüber hinaus läßt sich der Phage auf diesen Stämmen nicht vermehren. Mit Hilfe des Phagen Q l8A konnten E, wli 0 18ac Stämme in zwei serologische Subgruppen unteneilt werden, die als 0 lHA und 0 l8A 1 bezeichnet werden. E. coli Bakterien der Subgruppe 0 ISA sind gegenüber dem Phagen Ql8A sensitiv und diejenigen der Subgruppe 0 18A 1 sind resistent. KW - Escherichia coli Y1 - 1987 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73001 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hacker, Jörg A1 - Schrettenbrunner, A. A1 - Schröter, G. A1 - Schmidt, G. A1 - Düvel, H. A1 - Goebel, W. T1 - Characterization of Escherichia coli wild-type strains by means of agglutination with antisera raised against cloned P-, S- and MS-fimbriae antigens, hemagglutination, serotyping and hemolysin-production N2 - E. coli stcains isolated from patients with urinary tcact infecrions (UTn very often possess mannose"sensitive (MS) and mannose-resistant (MR) adherence facmrs (fimbriae). According to their receptor specificity the mannose-resistant adhesins can be divided inm several types, P, S, M and X. We have cloned rhe determinants of rhree groups of UTI E. coli adhesins, MS, p and S, and prepared specific aorisera against the fimbriae antigens. 189 hernagglutination (HA+) -positive stcains, 96 fecal isolates and 93 strains isoJated from UTI . have been tesred with rhese specific antisera and further characterized by receptor specific : HA, HA parteras and further of rhe "common 0 serogroups" 01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 08, 018, ' 025, 075, most prevalenr in UTI, and hemolysin production. · 68 (73 %) of the UTI srrains a.nd 50 (52%) of the fecal isolates showed P-receptor specificiry; 16 (17%) of the uropathogenic bacteria and 33 (34%) of the fecal strains exhibited S, M or X-fimbriae antigens. 24% of rhe P-hemagglutinating (P+) strains reacted wirb P (F8)-specific antiserum. In contrast, more than three quaner of the s+-srrains were agglutinated by S-specific antiserum. HA-pattern VJ and 018 amigen were found to be associared with P-fimbriae strains, wbereas HA-pattern V and VII and the 0 anrigens 02 (M-type), 06 and 018 (5-type) occurred most frequently in p- -strains. A high percentage of P-fimbriated strains showed mannose-sensitive hemagglurination and hemolysin production. N2 - E. co/i-Stämme, die von Patienten mit Urogenitaltraktinfektionen (UTI) isoliert werden, weisen oftmals Mannose-sensitive (MS) und Mannose-resistente (MR) Adhärenzfaktoren (Fimbrien) auf. Entsprechend ihrer Rezeptorspezifität können die MR-Adhäsine in verschiedene Gruppen, P, S, M und X unterteilt werden. Vor kurzem haben wir die Determinanten von drei Gruppen der UTI E. coli-Adhäsine, MS, P und S, kloniert und spezifische Antiseren gegen diese Fimbrienantigene hergestellt. 189 Hämagglutinations (HA +)-positive Stämme,. 96 Isolate aus Stuhlproben und 93 Stämme von Patienten mit UTl, wurden mit diesen Fimbrienantigen-spezifischen Antiseren getestet. Sie wurden weiterhin bezüglich ihrer rezeptorspezifischen HA, ihres HA-Musters, dem Vorkommen der 0-Serogruppen 01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 08, 018, 025, 075 ("common 0-serogroups"), die bei Harnwegsisolaten vorherrschen, und der Hämolysinbildung charakterisiert. 68 (73 %) der UTl-Stämme und 50 (52%) der fäkalen lsolate zeigten P-Rezeptorspezifität; 16 ( 17%) uropathogene Stämme und 33 (34%) Stämme aus Stuhlproben prägten S, M oder X-Fimbrienantigene aus. 24% der P-hämagglutinierenden (P+) Stämme reagierten mit P (F8)-spezifischem Antiserum. lm Gegensatz dazu reagierten mehr als drei Viertel der s+ -Stämme mit dem S-spezifischen Antiserum. Das HA-Muster Vl und 018- Antigen wurden meistenteils bei p+ -Stämmen gefunden; die HA-Muster V und Vll und die 0-Antigene 02 (M-Typ), 06 und 018 (S-Typ) wurden vorzugsweise bei p--Stämmen nachgewiesen. Ein hoher Prozentsatz von P-fimbrierten Stämmen zeigte Mannose-sensitive Hämagglutination und Hämolysinbildung. KW - Escherichia coli Y1 - 1986 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72992 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hacker, Jörg A1 - Schmidt, G. A1 - Hughes, C. A1 - Knapp, S. A1 - Marget, M. A1 - Goebel, W. T1 - Cloning and characterization of genes involved in the production of mannose-resistant, neuraminidase-susceptible (X) fimbriae from an uropathogenic O6:K15:K31 Escherichia coli strain N2 - The Qropathogenic Escherichia coli strain 536 (06:K15:H31) exhibits a mannose-resistant hemagglutination phenotype (Mrh) with bovine erythrocytes and delayed Mrh with human and guinea pig erythrocytes. Neuraminidase treatment of the erythrocytes abolishes mannose resistant hemagglutination, which is typical for X fimbriae. E. coli strain 536 synthesizes two different fimbriae (Fim phenotype) prQtein subunits, 16.5 and 22 kilodaltons in size. In addition the strain shows mannose-sensitive hemagglutination and common type I (Fl) fimbriae. The cosmid clone E. coli K-12(pANN801) and another nine independently isolated Mrh+ cosmid clones derived from a cosmid gene bank of strain 536 express the 16.5-kilodalton protein band, bot not the 22-kilodalton protein, indicating an association of the Mrh+ property with the "16.5-kilodalton fimbriae." All cosmid clones were fimbriated, and they reacted with antiserum produced against Mrh+ fimbriae of the E. coli strain HB101(pANN801) and lacked mannose-sensitive hemagglutination (Fl) funbriae. From the Mrh fim cosmid DNA pANN801, several subclones coding for hemagglutination and X fimbriae were constructed. Subclones that express both hemagglutination and fimbriae and subclones that only code for the hemagglutination antigen were isolated; subclones that only produce fimbriae were not detected. By transposon Tn5 mutagenesis we demonstrated that about 6.5 kilobases of DNA is required for the Mrh+ Fim+ phenotype, and the 1.5- to 2-kilobase DNA region coding for the structural proteiil of the fimbriae has been mapped adjacent to the region responsible for the Mrh+ phenotype. Two different regions can thus be distinguished in the adhesion determinant, one coding for hemagglutination and the other coding for fimbria formation. Transformation of plasmid DNA from these subclones into a Mrh- Fim- mutant of E. coli 536 and into a galE (rough) strain of Salmonella typhimurium yielded transformants that expressed both hemagglutination and fimbria production. KW - Infektionsbiologie Y1 - 1985 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59353 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hacker, Jörg A1 - Ott, M. A1 - Schmidt, G. A1 - Hull, R. A1 - Goebel, W. T1 - Molecular cloning of the F8 fimbrial antigen from Escherichia coli N2 - The genetic determinant coding for the Pspecific F8 fimbriae was cloned from · the chromosome of the Escherichia coli wild-type strain 2980 (018: K5: H5: FlC, F8). The F8 determinant was further subcloned into the Pstl site of pBR322 and a restriction map was established. In a Southern hybridization experiment identity between the chromosomally encoded F8 determinant of 2980 and its cloned Counterpart was demonstrated. The cloned F8 fimbriäe and those of the wild type strain consist of a protein subunit of nearly 20 kDa. F8 fimbriated strains were agglutinated by an F8 polyclonal antiserum, caused mannose-resistant hemagglutination and attached to human uroepi thellal cells. The cloned F8 determinant was weil expressed in a variety of host strains. KW - Infektionsbiologie KW - Escherichia coli KW - antigen KW - F8 fimbriae KW - gene cloning Y1 - 1986 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59391 ER -