TY - JOUR A1 - Üçeyler, Nurcan A1 - Homola, György A. A1 - González, Hans Guerrero A1 - Kramer, Daniela A1 - Wanner, Christoph A1 - Weidemann, Frank A1 - Solymosi, László A1 - Sommer, Claudia T1 - Increased Arterial Diameters in the Posterior Cerebral Circulation in Men with Fabry Disease N2 - A high load of white matter lesions and enlarged basilar arteries have been shown in selected patients with Fabry disease, a disorder associated with an increased stroke risk. We studied a large cohort of patients with Fabry disease to differentially investigate white matter lesion load and cerebral artery diameters. We retrospectively analyzed cranial magnetic resonance imaging scans of 87 consecutive Fabry patients, 20 patients with ischemic stroke, and 36 controls. We determined the white matter lesion load applying the Fazekas score on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequences and measured the diameters of cerebral arteries on 3D-reconstructions of the time-of-flight-MR-angiography scans. Data of different Fabry patient subgroups (males – females; normal – impaired renal function) were compared with data of patients with stroke and controls. A history of stroke or transient ischemic attacks was present in 4/30 males (13%) and 5/57 (9%) females with Fabry disease, all in the anterior circulation. Only one man with Fabry disease showed confluent cerebral white matter lesions in the Fazekas score assessment (1%). Male Fabry patients had a larger basilar artery (p<0.01) and posterior cerebral artery diameter (p<0.05) compared to male controls. This was independent of disease severity as measured by renal function and did not lead to changes in arterial blood flow properties. A basilar artery diameter of >3.2 mm distinguished between men with Fabry disease and controls (sensitivity: 87%, specificity: 86%, p<0.001), but not from stroke patients. Enlarged arterial diameters of the posterior circulation are present only in men with Fabry disease independent of disease severity. KW - Arterial Diameters KW - ischemic stroke KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - stroke KW - cerebral arteries KW - renal system KW - central nervous system KW - blood flow KW - lesions Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112614 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ziener, Christian H. T1 - Suszeptibilitätseffekte in der Kernspinresonanzbildgebung T1 - Susceptibility effects in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging N2 - Das Dephasierungsverhalten und die daraus resultierende Relaxation der Magnetisierung sind Grundlage aller auf der Kernspinresonanz basierenden bildgebenden Verfahren. Das erhaltene Signalder präzedierenden Protonen wird wesentlich von den Eigenschaften des untersuchten Gewebes bestimmt. Insbesondere die durch magnetisierte Stoffe wie z. B. desoxygeniertes Blut (BOLD-Effekt) oder magnetische Nanopartikel erzeugten Suszeptibilitätssprünge gewinnen zunehmend Bedeutung in der biomedizinischen Bildgebung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Einflüsse von Feldinhomogenitäten auf das NMR-Signal untersucht. N2 - The properties of dephasing and the resulting relaxation of the magnetization are the basic principle on which all magnetic resonance imaging methods are based. The signal obtained from the gyrating spins is essentially determined by the properties of the considered tissue. Especially the susceptibility differences caused by magnetized materials (for example, deoxygenated blood, BOLD-effect) or magnetic nanoparticles are becoming more important for biomedical imaging. In the present work, the influence of such field inhomogeneities on the NMR-signal is analyzed. KW - Magnetische Kernresonanz KW - Magnetische Suszeptibilität KW - NMR-Bildgebung KW - nuclear magnetic resonance KW - magnetic susceptibility KW - magnetic resonance imaging Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-35425 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ye, Yuxiang T1 - Molecular and Cellular Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Myocardial Infarct Healing T1 - Molekulare und zelluläre Magnetresonanztomographie der Wundheilung nach Myokardinfarkt N2 - Myokardinfarkte (MI) sind eine der häufigsten Todesursachen weltweit. Eine rechtzeitige Wiederherstellung des koronaren Blutflusses im ischämischen Myokard reduziert signifikant die Sterblichkeitsrate akuter Infarkte und vermindert das ventrikuläre Remodeling. Überlebende MI-Patienten entwickeln jedoch häufig eine Herzinsuffizienz, die mit einer reduzierten Lebensqualität, hohen Sterblichkeitsrate (10% jährlich), sowie hohen Kosten für das Gesundheitssystem einhergeht. Die Entwicklung der Herzinsuffizienz nach einem MI ist auf den hohen Verlust kontraktiler Kardiomyozyten, während der Ischämie-Reperfusion zurückzuführen. Anschließende komplexe strukturelle und funktionelle Veränderungen resultieren aus Modifikationen des infarzierten und nicht infarzierten Myokards auf molekularer und zellulärer Ebene. Die verbesserte Überlebensrate von Patienten mit akutem MI und das Fehlen effizienter Therapien, die die Entwicklung und das Fortschreiten des ventrikulären Remodelings verhindern, führen zu einer hohen Prävalenz der Herzinsuffizienz. Die kardiale Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) ist eine wichtige Methode zur Diagnose und Beurteilung des Myokardinfarktes. Mit dem technologischen Fortschritt wurden die Grenzen der MRT erweitert, so dass es heute möglich ist, auch molekulare und zelluläre Ereignisse in vivo und nicht-invasiv zu untersuchen. In Kombination mit kardialer Morphologie und Funktion könnte die Visualisierung essentieller molekularer und zellulärer Marker in vivo weitreichende Einblicke in den Heilungsprozess infarzierter Herzen liefern, was zu neuen Erkenntnissen für ein besseres Verständnis und bessere Therapien des akuten MI führen könnte. In dieser Arbeit wurden Methoden für die molekulare und zelluläre kardiale MRT-Bildgebung der Inflammation und des Kalziumstroms im Heilungsprozess des akuten Myokardinfarktes in vivo in einem Rattenmodel mit klinischer Relevanz etabliert. N2 - Myocardial infarction (MI) is a leading cause of death worldwide. Timely restoration of coronary blood flow to ischemic myocardium significantly reduces acute infarct mortality and attenuates ventricular remodeling. However, surviving MI patients frequently develop heart failure, which is associated with reduced quality of life, high mortality rate (10% annually), as well as high healthcare expenditures. The main processes involved in the evolution of heart failure post-MI are the great loss of contractile cardiomyocytes during ischemia-reperfusion and the subsequent complex structural and functional alterations, which are rooted in modifications at molecular and cellular levels in both the infarcted and non-infarcted myocardium. However, we still lack efficient treatments to prevent the development and progression of left ventricular remodeling. The improved survival rate of acute MI patients combined with the lack of effective therapy for post-MI remodeling contributes to the high prevalence of heart failure. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an important tool for diagnosis and assessment of MI. With the advancement of this technology, the frontier of MRI has been extended to probing molecular and cellular events in vivo and non-invasively. In combination with assessment of morphology and function, the visualization of essential molecular and cellular markers in vivo could provide comprehensive, multifaceted views of the healing process in infarcted hearts, which might give new insight for the treatment of acute MI. In this thesis, molecular and cellular cardiac MRI methods were established to visualize and investigate inflammation and calcium flux in the healing process of acute MI in vivo, in a clinically relevant rat model. KW - Kernspintomografie KW - Herzinfarkt KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - myocardial infarction KW - Wundheilung KW - NMR-Tomographie Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72514 ER - TY - THES A1 - Wichmann, Tobias T1 - Spulen-Arrays mit bis zu 32 Empfangselementen für den Einsatz an klinischen NMR-Geräten T1 - Coil-Arrays with up to 32 receive channels for the use on clinical NMR systems N2 - In dieser Arbeit wurden für spezielle Anwendungen an klinischen MR-Geräten optimierte Phased-Array-Spulen entwickelt. Das Ziel war, durch die Verwendung neuer Spulen entweder neue Anwendungsgebiete für klinische MR-Geräte zu eröffnen oder bei bestehenden Applikationen die Diagnosemöglichkeiten durch eine Kombination von höherem SNR und kleineren g-Faktoren im Vergleich zu bestehenden Spulen zu verbessern. In Kapitel 3 wurde untersucht, ob es durch den Einsatz neu entwickelter, dedizierter Kleintierspulen sinnvoll möglich ist, Untersuchungen an Kleintieren an klinischen MR-Geräten mit einer Feldstärke von 1,5T durchzuführen. Der Einsatz dieser Spulen verspricht dem klinischen Anwender Studien an Kleintieren durchführen zu können, bei denen er den gleichen Kontrast wie bei einer humanen Anwendung erhält und gleichzeitig Kontrastmittel sowie Sequenzen, die klinisch erprobt sind, einzusetzen. Durch die gewählten geometrischen Abmessungen der Spulen ist es möglich, Zubehör von dedizierten Tier-MR-Geräten, wie z. B. Tierliegen oder EKG- bzw. Atemtriggereinheiten, zu verwenden. Durch Vorversuche an für Ratten dimensionierten Spulen wurden grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen verwendetem Entkopplungsmechanismus und SNR bzw. Beschleunigungsfähigkeit erarbeitet. Für Ratten wurde gezeigt, dass in akzeptablen Messzeiten von unter fünf Minuten MR-Messungen des Abdomens in sehr guter Bildqualität möglich sind. Ebenfalls gezeigt wurde die Möglichkeit durch den Einsatz von paralleler Bildgebung sowie Kontrastmitteln hochaufgelöste Angiographien durchzuführen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass bei 1,5T dedizierte Mäusespulen bei Raumtemperatur von den SNR-Eigenschaften am Limit des sinnvoll Machbaren sind. Trotzdem war es möglich, auch für Mäuse ein 4-Kanal-Phased-Array zu entwickeln und den Einsatz bei kontrastmittelunterstützten Applikationen zu demonstrieren. Insgesamt wurde gezeigt, dass durch den Einsatz von speziellen, angepassten Kleintierspulen auch Tieruntersuchungen an klinischen MR-Geräten mit niedriger Feldstärke durchführbar sind. Obwohl sich die Bestimmung der Herzfunktion an MR-Geräten im klinischen Alltag zum Goldstandard entwickelt hat, ist die MR-Messung durch lange Atemanhaltezyklen für einen Herzpatienten sehr mühsam. In Kapitel 4 wurde deswegen die Entwicklung einer 32-Kanal-Herzspule beschrieben, welche den Komfort für Patienten deutlich erhöhen kann. Schon mit einem ersten Prototypen für 3T war es möglich, erstmals Echtzeitbildgebung mit leicht reduzierter zeitlicher Auflösung durchzuführen und damit auf das Atemanhalten komplett zu verzichten. Dies ermöglicht den Zugang neuer Patientengruppen, z. B. mit Arrythmien, zu MR-Untersuchungen. Durch eine weitere Optimierung des Designs wurde das SNR sowie das Beschleunigungsvermögen signifikant gesteigert. Bei einem Beschleunigungsfaktor R = 5 in einer Richtung erhält man z. B. gemittelt über das gesamte Herz ein ca. 60 % gesteigertes SNR zu dem Prototypen. Die Kombination dieser Spule zusammen mit neuentwicklelten Methoden wie z. B. Compressed- Sensing stellt es in Aussicht, die Herzfunktion zukünftig in der klinischen Routine in Echtzeit quantifizieren zu können. In Kapitel 5 wurde die Entwicklung einer optimierten Brustspulen für 3T beschrieben. Bei Vorversuchen bei 1,5T wurden Vergleiche zwischen der Standardspule der Firma Siemens Healthcare und einem 16-Kanal-Prototypen durchgeführt. Trotz größerem Spulenvolumen zeigt die Neuentwicklung sowohl hinsichtlich SNR als auch paralleler Bildgebungseigenschaften eine signifikante Verbesserung gegenüber der Standardspule. Durch die Einhaltung aller Kriterien für Medizinprodukte kann diese Spule auch für den klinischen Einsatz verwendet werden. Mit den verbesserten Eigenschaften ist es beispielsweise möglich, bei gleicher Messdauer eine höhere Auflösung zu erreichen. Aufgrund des intrinsischen SNR-Vorteils der 3 T-Spule gegenüber der 1,5 T-Spule ist es dort sogar möglich, bei höheren Beschleunigungsfaktoren klinisch verwertbare Schnittbilder zu erzeugen. Zusammenfassend wurden für alle drei Applikationen NMR-Empfangsspulen entwickelt, die im Vergleich zu den bisher verfügbaren Spulen, hinsichtlich SNR und Beschleunigungsvermögen optimiert sind und dem Anwender neue Möglichkeiten bieten. N2 - Purpose of this work was to develop optimized phased array coils for clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems for applications were dedicated coils were not readily available. Chapter 3 evaluates the use of dedicated small animal coils on clinical MR scanners with a field strength of 1,5T instead of using special animal-systems with higher intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio. Advantage of the clinical system is the availability and the portability of the results of animal studies to human applications because sequences can easily be adopted. The available contrast is similar and clinically tested contrast agents can directly be used. Comparisons of different array decoupling methods with respect to SNR and parallel imaging performance have been conducted on coils with the standard size of rat-coils on animal scanners as part of this work. This geometry made it possible to directly use accessories of these systems like animal beds and monitoring systems. It showed that it is possible to acquire images of the abdomen of the rat in under five minutes in very good image quality with such setup. It was also used for high resolution angiographie in very short scanning time due to the use of parallel imaging techniques. However it has shown that the use of dedicated mouse coils is at the very limit of SNR at 1.5 T. Nevertheless a four channel phased array coil was built and tested. The results are described within this work. Another application which can benefit of novel dedicated coils is the assessment of cardiac function. Especially for heart patients it can be very exhausting to hold breath for a longer period of time, which is required by the current standard protocol for cardiac imaging. The combination of 3T and many available receive channels is a very promising combination to shorten the scan time. Chapter 4 describes the development of a 32 channel cardiac phased array coil for 3T to investigate this idea. Starting with an existing coil for 1.5T a first prototype was developed which was the first coil to demonstrate real-time cardiac imaging with only slightly reduced temporal resolution. A further optimization of this coil led to a completely new coil with higher SNR performance and better parallel imaging abilities and was a further step towards real-time imaging of the heart in clinical routine. Chapter 5 describes the development of an optimized 16 channel breast coil for 3T which can be used in clinical routine. Tests at 1.5T were conducted to find the best coil element layout . It was also possible to compare the prototypes at this field strength to an existing breast coil of Siemens Healthcare. Better SNR and parallel imaging performance could be achieved due to the possibility of adjusting the coil size to different breast sizes and therefore optimizing the filling factor. These improved qualities will allow to have higher resolution in the same scan time compared to the current standard in clinical routine. In conclusion it has been shown that these applications can benefit from dedicated array coils due to better SNR and parallel imaging performance. KW - Kernspintomografie KW - NMR-Tomographie KW - Spulen-Array KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - coil-array KW - Magnetspule KW - Magnetische Kernresonanz Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-79358 ER - TY - THES A1 - Wesemeier, Carmen Gudrun T1 - Eisenpartikelverstärkte Magnetresonanztomographie bei der Experimentellen-Autoimmun-Neuritis(EAN) T1 - Magnetic resonance imaging with Superparamagnetic iron oxide particels by experimental autoimmune neuritis N2 - In diesem experimentellen Ansatz ist es gelungen, durch Einsatz von eisenhaltigen Kontrastmittel die MRT-Spezifität bei peripheren autoimmunen Nervenentzündungen deutlich zu erhöhen. Es ist gelungen in vivo den zeitlichen Verlauf der Monozyten/Makropahgeninfiltration bei entzündliche Autoimmunerkrankungen des Peripheren Nervensystems zu demonstrieren. N2 - SPIO-enhanced MRI provides a novel in vivo tool to assess the timing of macrophage entry into target tissues during an immunopathologic attack and holds promise to monitor immunotherapeutic interventions. KW - Experimentelle allergische Neuritis KW - NMR-Tomographie KW - Peripheres Nervensystem KW - Makrophage KW - SPIO-Partikel KW - peripheral nervous system KW - superparamagnetic iron oxide particles KW - magnetic resonance imaging Y1 - 2006 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-24626 ER - TY - THES A1 - Werner, Anne T1 - Beiträge zu makromolekularen Kontrastmitteln für die Magnetresonanztomographie T1 - Contributions to the synthesis of macromolecular contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese heptadentater Ligandsysteme für die Magnetresonanztomographie. Neben der Synthese von Gadolinium- und Mangankomplexen stand die Entwicklung makromolekularer Kontrastmittel auf Dendrimerbasis im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit. N2 - This thesis deals with the synthesis of heptadentate ligand systems for magnetic resonance imaging. In addition to synthesizing gadolinium and manganese complexes, the development of macromolecular contrast agents based on dendrimers was the main goal of this work. KW - NMR-Tomographie KW - Kontrastmittel KW - Gadolinium KW - Mangan KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - contrast agent KW - gadolinium KW - manganese Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56331 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weise, Gesa A1 - Basse-Lüsebrink, Thomas C. A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Kampf, Thomas A1 - Jakob, Peter M. A1 - Stoll, Guido T1 - In Vivo Imaging of Stepwise Vessel Occlusion in Cerebral Photothrombosis of Mice by \(^{19}\)F MRI JF - PLoS One N2 - Background \(^{19}\)F magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was recently introduced as a promising technique for in vivo cell tracking. In the present study we compared \(^{19}\)F MRI with iron-enhanced MRI in mice with photothrombosis (PT) at 7 Tesla. PT represents a model of focal cerebral ischemia exhibiting acute vessel occlusion and delayed neuroinflammation. Methods/Principal Findings Perfluorocarbons (PFC) or superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (SPIO) were injected intravenously at different time points after photothrombotic infarction. While administration of PFC directly after PT induction led to a strong \(^{19}\)F signal throughout the entire lesion, two hours delayed application resulted in a rim-like \(^{19}\)F signal at the outer edge of the lesion. These findings closely resembled the distribution of signal loss on T2-weighted MRI seen after SPIO injection reflecting intravascular accumulation of iron particles trapped in vessel thrombi as confirmed histologically. By sequential administration of two chemically shifted PFC compounds 0 and 2 hours after illumination the different spatial distribution of the \(^{19}\)F markers (infarct core/rim) could be visualized in the same animal. When PFC were applied at day 6 the fluorine marker was only detected after long acquisition times ex vivo. SPIO-enhanced MRI showed slight signal loss in vivo which was much more prominent ex vivo indicative for neuroinflammation at this late lesion stage. Conclusion Our study shows that vessel occlusion can be followed in vivo by \(^{19}\)F and SPIO-enhanced high-field MRI while in vivo imaging of neuroinflammation remains challenging. The timing of contrast agent application was the major determinant of the underlying processes depicted by both imaging techniques. Importantly, sequential application of different PFC compounds allowed depiction of ongoing vessel occlusion from the core to the margin of the ischemic lesions in a single MRI measurement. KW - in vivo imaging KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - macrophages KW - emulsions KW - infarction KW - fluorine KW - prefrontal cortex KW - developmental signaling Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137792 VL - 6 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weibel, Stephanie A1 - Basse-Luesebrink, Thomas Christian A1 - Hess, Michael A1 - Hofmann, Elisabeth A1 - Seubert, Carolin A1 - Langbein-Laugwitz, Johanna A1 - Gentschev, Ivaylo A1 - Sturm, Volker Jörg Friedrich A1 - Ye, Yuxiang A1 - Kampf, Thomas A1 - Jakob, Peter Michael A1 - Szalay, Aladar A. T1 - Imaging of Intratumoral Inflammation during Oncolytic Virotherapy of Tumors by \(^{19}\)F-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Background Oncolytic virotherapy of tumors is an up-coming, promising therapeutic modality of cancer therapy. Unfortunately, non-invasive techniques to evaluate the inflammatory host response to treatment are rare. Here, we evaluate \(^{19}\)F magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which enables the non-invasive visualization of inflammatory processes in pathological conditions by the use of perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions (PFC) for monitoring of oncolytic virotherapy. Methodology/Principal Findings The Vaccinia virus strain GLV-1h68 was used as an oncolytic agent for the treatment of different tumor models. Systemic application of PFC emulsions followed by \(^1H\)/\(^{19}\)F MRI of mock-infected and GLV-1h68-infected tumor-bearing mice revealed a significant accumulation of the \(^{19}\)F signal in the tumor rim of virus-treated mice. Histological examination of tumors confirmed a similar spatial distribution of the \(^{19}\)F signal hot spots and \(CD68^+\)-macrophages. Thereby, the \(CD68^+\)-macrophages encapsulate the GFP-positive viral infection foci. In multiple tumor models, we specifically visualized early inflammatory cell recruitment in Vaccinia virus colonized tumors. Furthermore, we documented that the \(^{19}\)F signal correlated with the extent of viral spreading within tumors. Conclusions/Significance These results suggest \(^{19}\)F MRI as a non-invasive methodology to document the tumor-associated host immune response as well as the extent of intratumoral viral replication. Thus, \(^{19}\)F MRI represents a new platform to non-invasively investigate the role of the host immune response for therapeutic outcome of oncolytic virotherapy and individual patient response. KW - inflammation KW - fluorescence microscopy KW - oncolytic viruses KW - fluorescence imaging KW - macrophages KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - histology KW - in vivo imaging Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130311 VL - 8 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Wech, Tobias T1 - Compressed Sensing in der funktionellen kardialen Magnetresonanztomographie T1 - Compressed sensing in functional cardiac magnetic resonance imaging N2 - Die MRT des Herzens wird aufgrund hoher Reproduzierbarkeit und geringer Variabilität als Referenzstandard für die Bestimmung der kardialen Funktion betrachtet. Auch in der präklinischen Forschung bietet die MRT eine ausgezeichnete Charakterisierung der kardialen Funktion und ermöglicht eine exzellente Analyse modellierter Krankheitsbilder. In beiden Fällen besteht jedoch weiterhin Optimierungsbedarf. Die klinische Herz-MRT stellt ein aufwendiges Verfahren mit relativ langer Messzeit dar und ist dadurch mit hohen Untersuchungskosten verbunden. In der präklinischen Kleintierbildgebung müssen zum Erreichen der notwendigen höheren Orts- und Zeitauflösung ebenfalls lange Aufnahmezeiten in Kauf genommen werden. Um die kardiale MRT dort routinemäßig in großen Studienkollektiven anwenden zu können, ist eine schnellere Bildgebung essentiell. Neben einer Verbesserung der Tomographen-Hardware und der Optimierung von Bildgebungssequenzen standen im letzten Jahrzehnt vermehrt informationstheoretische Ansätze zur Beschleunigung der MR-Datenakquisition im Fokus der Entwicklung. Während zu Beginn des Jahrtausends die Parallele Bildgebung (PI) einen Forschungsschwerpunkt repräsentierte, spielte sich in den letzten fünf Jahren vermehrt die von Donoho und Candès eingeführte Compressed Sensing (CS) Theorie in den Vordergrund. Diese ermöglicht eine Signalrekonstruktion aus unvollständig gemessenen Koeffizienten einer linearen Messung (z.B. Fouriermessung) unter Ausnutzung der Sparsität des Signals in einer beliebigen Transformationsbasis. Da sich die MRT hervorragend für den Einsatz von CS eignet, wurde die Technik in der Forschung bereits vielfach angewendet. Die zur Rekonstruktion unterabgetasteter Aufnahmen nötigen CS-Algorithmen haben jedoch eine signifikante Veränderung des Bildgebungsprozesses der MRT zur Folge. Konnte dieser zuvor in guter Näherung als linear und stationär betrachtet werden, so repräsentiert die CS-Rekonstruktion eine nichtlineare und nichtstationäre Transformation. Objektinformation wird nicht mehr ortsunabhängig und proportional zur Intensität in die Abbildung transportiert. Das Bild ist viel mehr das Ergebnis eines Optimierungsprozesses, der sowohl die Konsistenz gegenüber der unterabgetasteten Messung als auch die Sparsität des Signals maximiert. Der erste Teil dieser Dissertation beschreibt eine Methode, die eine objektive Einschätzung der Bildqualität CS-rekonstruierter MR-Bilder ermöglicht. Die CS-Beschleunigung verspricht eine Verkürzung der Messzeit ohne Verlust an Bildqualität, wobei letztere bisher größtenteils qualitativ bzw. quantitativ nur unzureichend beurteilt wurde. Konnte der Bildgebungsprozess der klassischen MRT (linear und stationär) durch die Bestimmung einer Punktspreizfunktion (PSF) robust und effektiv validiert und optimiert werden, erlauben die CS-Algorithmen aufgrund ihres nichtlinearen und nichtstationären Verhaltens ohne Weiteres keine äquivalente Analyse. Um dennoch eine entsprechende Evaluierung des CS-Bildgebungsprozesses zu ermöglichen, wurde die Anwendung einer lokalen Punktspreizfunktion (LPSF) für den in der Folge verwendeten Iterative Soft Thresholding Algorithmus untersucht. Die LPSF berücksichtigt die Ortsabhängigkeit der CS-Rekonstruktion und muss daher für jeden Ort (Pixel) eines Bildes bestimmt werden. Darüber hinaus wurde die LPSF im linearen Bereich der CS-Transformation ermittelt. Dazu wurde das zu bewertende Bild nach Anwenden einer kleinen lokalen Störung rekonstruiert. Die Breite des Hauptmaximums der LPSF wurde schließlich verwendet, um ortsaufgelöste Auflösungsstudien durchzuführen. Es wurde sowohl der Einfluss typischer Unterabtastschemata für CS als auch der Einsatz diskreter Gradienten zur Sparsifizierung eines Phantombildes untersucht. Anschließend wurde die Prozedur zur Bestimmung der räumlichen und zeitlichen Auflösung in der Herzbildgebung getestet. In allen Beispielen ermöglichte das vorgeschlagene Verfahren eine solide und objektive Analyse der Bildauflösung CS-rekonstruierter Aufnahmen. Wurde zuvor meist ausschließlich auf Vergleiche mit einer vollständig abgetasteten Referenz zur Qualitätsbeurteilung zurückgegriffen, so stellt die vorgestellte Auflösungsbestimmung einen Schritt in Richtung einer standardisierten Bildanalyse bei der Verwendung der Beschleunigung mittels CS dar. Die Analyse der Abtastmuster zeigte, dass auch bei der Anwendung von CS die Berücksichtigung der nominell höchsten Frequenzen k_max unerlässlich ist. Frühere Publikationen schlagen Abtastfolgen mit einer teils starken Gewichtung der Messpunkte zum k-Raum-Zentrum hin vor. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit relativieren ein derartiges Vorgehen, da zumindest bei den durchgeführten Untersuchungen ein Auflösungsverlust bei analoger Vorgehensweise zu verzeichnen war. Ebenso zeigten sich dynamische Aufnahmen, die unter Verwendung des x-f-Raums als sparse Basis rekonstruiert wurden, durchaus anfällig für zeitliches Blurring. Dieses resultiert aus der Unterdrückung hoher zeitlicher Frequenzen und konnte durch die ortsaufgelösten Auflösungskarten sichtbar gemacht werden. Neben der Auflösung ist für eine umfassende Analyse der Bildqualität auch die Untersuchung potentieller Aliasing-Artefakte sowie des Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhältnisses (SNR) notwendig. Während Aliasing mit Hilfe der Einträge der LPSF außerhalb des Hauptmaximums untersucht werden kann, wurde in Kap. 5 eine Modifikation der Multi-Replika-Methode von Robson et al. zur Rauschanalyse bei Verwendung nichtlinearer Algorithmen vorgestellt. Unter Einbeziehung aller genannten Qualitätsparameter ist eine robuste Bewertung der Bildqualität auch bei einer Verwendung von CS möglich. Die differenzierte Evaluierung ebnet den Weg hin zu einem objektiven Vergleich neuer Entwicklungen mit bisherigen Standard-Techniken und kann dadurch den Einzug von CS in die klinische Anwendung vorantreiben. Nach den theoretischen Betrachtungen der Bildqualität behandelt die Dissertation die erstmalige Anwendung von CS zur Beschleunigung der funktionellen Herzdiagnostik in der präklinischen MR-Kleintierbildgebung. Diese Studien wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit der British Heart Foundation Experimental Magnetic Resonance Unit (BMRU) der University of Oxford durchgeführt. Die Algorithmen für eine Beschleunigung mittels der CS-Theorie wurden anhand der dort am 9,4T Tomographen gemessenen (unterabgetasteten) Datensätze entwickelt und optimiert. Zunächst wurde eine Beschleunigung ausschließlich mittels CS untersucht. Dazu wurde die segmentierte, EKG- und Atemgetriggerte kartesische Cine-Aufnahme in Phasenkodierrichtung unterabgetastet und mittels CS rekonstruiert. Die sparse Darstellung wurde durch Ermitteln zeitlicher Differenzbilder für jede Herzphase erhalten. Durch Variation der Abtastmuster in der zeitlichen Dimension konnte ein vollständig abgetastetes zeitliches Mittelbild bestimmt werden, das anschließend von jedem einzelnen Herzphasenbild subtrahiert wurde. In einer Validierungsphase wurden an der Maus vollständig aufgenommene Cine-Akquisitionen retrospektiv unterabgetastet, um die maximal mögliche Beschleunigung mittels CS zu ermitteln. Es wurden u.a. funktionelle Herz-Parameter für jede Gruppe des jeweiligen Beschleunigungsfaktors bestimmt und mittels einer statistischen Analyse verglichen. Die Gesamtheit aller Ergebnisse zeigte die Möglichkeit einer dreifachen Beschleunigung ohne eine Degradierung der Genauigkeit der Methode auf. Die ermittelte Maximalbeschleunigung wurde in einer unterabgetastet gemessenen Bilderserie mit anschließender CS-Rekonstruktion validiert. Die Abtastschemata wurden dazu mit Hilfe der Transformations-Punktspreizfunktion weiter optimiert. In einer Erweiterung der Studie wurde zum Zweck einer noch höheren Beschleunigung die CS-Technik mit der PI kombiniert. Erneut fand eine Unterabtastung der Phasenkodierrichtung einer kartesischen Trajektorie statt. Die Messungen erfolgten mit einer 8-Kanal-Mäusespule an einem 9,4T Tomographen. Um das Potential beider Beschleunigungstechniken auszunutzen, wurden die Methoden CS und PI in serieller Weise implementiert. Für die PI-Beschleunigung wurde der vollständig abgetastete k-Raum zunächst gleichmäßig unterabgetastet. Auf dem resultierenden Untergitter wurde zusätzlich eine Unterabtastung nach Pseudo-Zufallszahlen durchgeführt, um eine Beschleunigung mittels CS zu ermöglichen. Die entwickelte Rekonstruktion erfolgte ebenfalls seriell. Zunächst wurde mittels CS das äquidistante Untergitter rekonstruiert, um anschließend mittels GRAPPA die noch fehlenden Daten zu berechnen. Um eine zusätzliche Messung zur Kalibrierung der GRAPPA-Faktoren zu umgehen, wurde das äquidistant unterabgetastete Untergitter von Herzphase zu Herzphase um je einen Phasenkodierschritt weitergeschoben. Dieses Vorgehen erlaubt die Ermittlung eines vollständig abgetasteten k-Raums mit einer geringeren zeitlichen Auflösung, der die notwendige Bestimmung der Wichtungsfaktoren ermöglicht. Folgende Kombinationen von Beschleunigungsfaktoren wurden mittels retrospektiver Unterabtastung eines vollständig aufgenommenen Datensatzes untersucht: R_CS x R_PI = 2 x 2, 2 x 3, 3 x 2 und 3 x 3. Die Analyse des Bildrauschens, des systematischen Fehlers und der Auflösung führte zu dem Schluss, dass eine sechsfache Beschleunigung mit Hilfe der hybriden Rekonstruktionstechnik möglich ist. Während mit steigender CS-Beschleunigung der systematische Fehler leicht anstieg, führte ein höherer PI-Beschleunigungsfaktor zu einer leichten Verstärkung des statistischen Fehlers. Der statistische Fehler zeigte jedoch ebenfalls eine Verringerung bei steigender Beschleunigung mittels CS. Die Fehler waren allerdings stets auf einem Niveau, das durchaus auch Beschleunigungen bis R_CS x R_PI =3 x 3 zulässt. Die LPSF-Analyse zeigte einen Verlust der räumlichen Auflösung von ca. 50 % bei R=6 sowie einen mittleren Verlust von 64 % bei R=9. Offensichtlich ging die ebenfalls beobachtete Minimierung des Bildrauschens durch den CS-Algorithmus im Falle der relativ stark verrauschten Kleintieraufnahmen zu Lasten der Bildauflösung. Die mit zunehmender Beschleunigung stärker geblurrten Grenzen zwischen Blutpool und Myokardgewebe erschweren die Segmentierung und stellen eine mögliche Fehlerquelle dar. Unter Beachtung aller Ergebnisse ist eine sechsfache Beschleunigung (R_CS x R_PI = 2 x 3, 3 x 2) vertretbar. Die Hinzunahme der PI ermöglicht somit im Vergleich zur alleinigen Verwendung von CS eine weitere Beschleunigung um einen Faktor von zwei. Zusammenfassend ermöglicht der Einsatz von CS in der präklinischen funktionellen Herzbildgebung am Kleintier eine deutliche Reduktion der Messzeit. Bereits ohne Vorhandensein von Mehrkanalspulen kann die notwendige Datenmenge ohne signifikante Beeinflussung der Messergebnisse auf ein Drittel reduziert werden. Ist der Einsatz von Spulenarrays möglich, kann die mit PI mögliche dreifache Beschleunigung um einen weiteren Faktor zwei mittels CS auf R=6 erweitert werden. Dementsprechend kann CS einen wesentlichen Beitrag dazu leisten, dass das Potential Herz-MRT am Kleintier in großen Studienkollektiven effektiver abgerufen werden kann. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine Technik für die funktionelle klinische MR-Herzbildgebung entwickelt. Hier wurde eine Beschleunigung mittels CS verwendet, um die Aufnahme des gesamten Herzens innerhalb eines Atemstillstandes des Patienten zu ermöglichen. Bei der derzeitigen Standardmethode werden üblicherweise 10-15 2D-Schichten des Herzens akquiriert, wobei jede einzelne Aufnahme einen Atemstillstand des Patienten erfordert. Für die notwendige Beschleunigung wurde eine unterabgetastete 3D-Trajektorie verwendet. Durch Phasenkodierung einer Richtung sowie radiale Projektionen in den beiden anderen Dimensionen konnte eine effiziente Aufnahme unterhalb des Nyquist-Kriteriums erreicht werden. Die Sparsifizierung erfolgte, wie bereits in der beschriebenen präklinischen Anwendung, durch die Subtraktion eines zeitlichen Mittelbildes. In einer Simulation anhand eines retrospektiv unterabgetasteten Datensatzes konnte die theoretische Funktionalität der Rekonstruktionstechnik bei einer Beschleunigung bezüglich der Nyquist-Abtastung von R ~ 10 validiert werden. Die Unterschiede zum vollständig abgetasteten Datensatz waren vernachlässigbar klein, so dass die vorgeschlagene Abtastfolge am Tomographen implementiert wurde. Mit dieser Sequenz wurde anschließend eine funktionelle Bilderserie an einem gesunden Probanden mit vollständiger Herzabdeckung innerhalb eines Atemstopps aufgenommen. Fehlende Daten wurden analog zur Simulation mit Hilfe des vorgeschlagenen Algorithmus rekonstruiert. Im Vergleich zur Simulation ergaben sich aufgrund des Schichtprofils der 3D-Slab-Anregung zusätzliche Aliasing-Artefakte in den äußeren Partitionen. Die für radiale Aufnahmen typischen Streifenartefakte waren im rekonstruierten Bild, wenn auch mit sehr geringer Amplitude, noch erkennbar. Davon abgesehen wurde die Dynamik jedoch über das gesamte Herz hinweg gut dargestellt. Der hohe Kontrast zwischen Myokard und Blutpool bescheinigt den Bildern eine hervorragende Eignung für die Bestimmung funktioneller Herzparameter mittels einer Segmentierung. Zusammengefasst erlaubt die entwickelte Methode aufgrund der drastischen Reduktion der notwendigen Atemstopps des Patienten einen deutlich erhöhten Patientenkomfort sowie einen schnelleren Durchsatz aufgrund der verkürzten Messzeit. N2 - Because of its high reproducibility and its low variability, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart is considered the gold-standard for assessing the cardiac function. In preclinical research, magnetic resonance imaging equally provides an accurate characterization of the cardiac function and enables an excellent analysis of modeled diseases. However, there is still a need for improvement in both applications. Clinical cardiac MRI represents a sophisticated procedure featuring long scan times. This renders the examination comparatively expensive. In preclinical imaging of small animals, long scan times have to be accepted to obtain the required high spatial and temporal resolution. Fast imaging is thus essential for an effective application of cardiac MRI in large collectives. Besides the improvement of the scanner hardware and the optimization of imaging sequences, research in the last decade concentrated on procedures to accelerate MR-data acquisition by exploiting information theory. While numerous publications were associated with parallel imaging (PI) at the beginning of this millennium, the compressed sensing theory (CS) recently gained more and more interest. The latter technique enables the reconstruction of signals from undersampled linear measurements (e.g. the Fourier basis) by exploiting the sparsity of the signal in any known transform domain. As MRI is perfectly qualified for an application of CS, a lot of publications already report on dedicated research. However, the algorithms needed for the reconstruction of undersampled data significantly alter the imaging process of MRI. Classical MRI could be assumed to be linear and stationary in a sufficiently good approximation. The introduction of CS into MRI means a change towards a non-linear and non-stationary transformation. Object information is no longer transferred into an image independently from its location and proportional to its intensity. The image is rather the result of an optimization process maximizing both the fidelity to measured data as well as the sparsity of the signal. The first chapter of this thesis describes a method to objectively evaluate the image quality of MR images reconstructed by CS algorithms. The acceleration with CS promises a reduction of scan time while preserving the image quality. The latter, however, has only been assessed qualitatively or in an insufficient quantitative manner. While classical (linear and stationary) MRI could be validated robustly and effectively by determining a point spread function (PSF), CS algorithms prohibit a corresponding analysis in an analogous manner due to their non-linear and non-stationary behavior. Therefore, the application of a local point spread function (LPSF) was investigated for the iterative soft thresholding (IST) algorithm used in this thesis, to enable a comparative evaluation for imaging systems including CS. The LPSF considers the local dependency of the CS algorithm and thus has to be determined in every location (pixel) of an image. In addition, the LPSF was defined in the linear part of the CS transformation. Small local perturbation on the image to be evaluated were reconstructed for this purpose. The width of the main lobe of the LPSF was used to perform spatially resolved studies on the resolution. The influence of typical undersampling schemes for CS as well as the usage of a discrete gradient transform for a further sparsification were investigated. Subsequently, the procedure was used to assess the spatial and temporal resolution in cardiac MRI. For all CS reconstructions performed in this work, the method allowed a solid and objective analysis of the image resolution. While up to now, comparisons to a fully sampled reference are widely used for a quality assessment, the proposed resolution evaluation represents a step towards a standardized analysis of images obtained by exploiting CS acceleration. The study on sampling schemes revealed, that also for CS accelerated acquisitions, the highest frequencies of the desired k-space have to be included. Former publications proposed undersampling patterns which partly featured a strong weight towards the center of k-space. The results of this thesis put these findings into perspective, as a loss in resolution has been observed for according approaches, at least for the simulations performed in this work. The dynamic acquisitions which were reconstructed exploiting x-f-sparsity proved to be prone to temporal blurring. This is substantiated by the suppression of high temporal frequencies and was analyzed by means of spatially resolved maps. Besides the resolution, an investigation of potential aliasing artifacts as well as the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) is essential for a comprehensive quality evaluation. While aliasing may also be investigated by means of the entries of the LPSF outside the main lobe, a modification of the multi-replica method proposed by Robson et al. was presented in chapter 5 to analyze the noise in CS reconstructed images. Taking into account all quality parameters, a robust evaluation of image quality is possible, even when CS is included in the imaging process. This allows a more objective comparison between new developments and present standard procedures and thus may aid the introduction of CS in clinical imaging. After the theoretical analysis on image quality, the next part of this thesis reports on the first application of CS to accelerate functional cardiac MRI of small animals. The studies were performed in cooperation with the British Heart Foundation Experimental Magnetic Resonance Unit (BMRU) of the University of Oxford. The algorithms needed for the CS acceleration were developed and optimized by means of the data acquired by the BMRU at their 9,4 T scanner.\\ An acceleration solely based on CS was investigated first. For this purpose, an ECG- and respiratory gated Cartesian cine acquisition was undersampled in phase encoding direction and reconstructed using CS. The dynamic time series was sparsified by determining temporal difference images for every time frame. A fully sampled temporal average image was obtained by varying the sampling pattern in the temporal dimension. Subsequently, this average image was subtracted from the images of individual heart phases, yielding the sparse temporal difference images. In the validation stage of the study, fully sampled cine acquisitions of mouse hearts were retrospectively undersampled in order to figure out the maximum possible CS acceleration. Cardiac functional parameters were determined for each group of a certain undersampling factor and compared by a statistical analysis. It was shown that a three-fold acceleration is possible without any degradation in the accuracy of the method. This undersampling factor was then validated in an accelerated measurement with a subsequent CS reconstruction. For this purpose, the sampling patterns were further optimized using the transform point spread function. In the subsequent chapter, the CS theory was combined with PI to further increase the acceleration. Again, the phase encoding direction of a Cartesian trajectory was undersampled. The acquisitions were performed using a 9,4 T scanner equipped with an 8 channel mouse coil. In order to exploit the potential of both techniques, CS and PI were combined in a serial manner. First, the k-space was equidistantly undersampled to enable the application of PI. An additional undersampling according to pseudo random numbers was then performed on the resulting sub-grid to allow an acceleration by CS. In consequence, the reconstruction was performed in a serial manner, too. CS was first applied to reconstruct the equidistantly undersampled sub-grid. GRAPPA was used subsequently to compute the still missing data. The equidistantly undersampled sub-grid was shifted from heart phase to heart phase in order to obtain a fully sampled low temporal resolution k-space for a calibration of the GRAPPA-weights. This procedure spares the acquisition time of a separate calibration scan. The following combinations were investigated by retrospectively undersampling a fully sampled cine dataset: R_CS x R_PI = 2 x 2, 2 x 3, 3 x 2 and 3 x 3. The analysis of the noise behavior, the systematic error and the resolution leads to the conclusion that a six-fold acceleration is possible using the proposed hybrid technique. While an increasing factor of the CS acceleration resulted in a slightly larger systematic error, a higher PI acceleration factor led to a slight noise enhancement. However, noise was suppressed for increasing CS acceleration at the same time. In summary, the deviations were at a level which allowed accelerations of up to R_CS x R_PI = 3 x 3. The determination of LPSFs showed a loss in spatial resolution of approximately 50% for a six-fold and up to 64% for nine-fold acceleration. Obviously, the observed suppression of noise was paid by a reduced image resolution for the comparatively noisy acquisitions in small animals. The increased blurring at the endocardial border impedes the segmentation and represents a possible source of error. Taking into consideration all results, a six-fold acceleration (R_CS x R_PI = 2 x 3, 3 x 2) seems reasonable. The additional usage of PI thus enables a further acceleration by a factor of 2 in comparison to an exclusive application of CS. In summary, CS enables a distinct reduction of scan time in preclinical functional cardiac MRI of small animals. Even if no phased-array-coils are available, the necessary amount of data can be reduced to one third without impairing the accuracy of left-ventricular volumes and mass measurements. For acquisitions performed with phased-array-coils, the three-fold acceleration by PI can be extended by an additional two-fold CS acceleration to a joint factor of R=6. Therefore, CS may contribute to an effective application of cardiac MRI in small animals for large collectives. In the last part of the thesis, a modality for clinical functional MRI of the heart was developed. CS was used to enable the acquisition of the whole heart in a single breath-hold of the patient. The current method of choice usually acquires 10-15 2D-slices of the heart, while each measurement requires a separate breath-hold. An undersampled 3D-trajectory was used to reach the necessary acceleration. Phase-encoding in one direction and radial projections in the two remaining ones allowed for an effective acquisition below the Nyquist-criterion. The sparsification of the image series was achieved by subtracting a temporal average image as performed for the preclinical studies. The functionality of the reconstruction technique at an acceleration factor of R ~ 10 was validated in a simulation based on a retrospectively undersampled dataset. The differences between the CS reconstructed and the fully sampled dataset were negligible and thus, the proposed trajectory was implemented at the scanner. An image series depicting the cardiac function with coverage of the full heart was acquired in a single breath-hold of a healthy volunteer using this sequence. Data not covered by the trajectory were reconstructed by the algorithm developed in the validation stage. Due to the slice profile of the fast excitation pulses, additional aliasing artifacts were present in the outer partitions with respect to the images obtained in the simulation. Streaking artifacts of a low intensity were still visible. Apart from that, the dynamics of the heart were excellently captured. The high contrast between the blood pool and the myocardium perfectly qualifies the images for the assessment of cardiac functional parameters. Therefore, the method allows for a higher patient comfort and throughput compared to the gold standard by drastically reducing the amount of necessary breath-holds to a single one. KW - Kernspintomografie KW - Magnetresonanztomographie KW - Kardiale MR-Bildgebung KW - Compressed Sensing KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - cardiac magnetic resonance imaging KW - compressed sensing KW - Signalregenerierung KW - NMR-Tomographie Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-77179 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tran-Gia, Johannes A1 - Wech, Tobias A1 - Bley, Thorsten A1 - Köstler, Herbert T1 - Model-Based Acceleration of Look-Locker T1 Mapping JF - PLoS One N2 - Mapping the longitudinal relaxation time \(T_1\) has widespread applications in clinical MRI as it promises a quantitative comparison of tissue properties across subjects and scanners. Due to the long scan times of conventional methods, however, the use of quantitative MRI in clinical routine is still very limited. In this work, an acceleration of Inversion-Recovery Look-Locker (IR-LL) \(T_1\) mapping is presented. A model-based algorithm is used to iteratively enforce an exponential relaxation model to a highly undersampled radially acquired IR-LL dataset obtained after the application of a single global inversion pulse. Using the proposed technique, a \(T_1\) map of a single slice with 1.6mm in-plane resolution and 4mm slice thickness can be reconstructed from data acquired in only 6s. A time-consuming segmented IR experiment was used as gold standard for \(T_1\) mapping in this work. In the subsequent validation study, the model-based reconstruction of a single-inversion IR-LL dataset exhibited a \(T_1\) difference of less than 2.6% compared to the segmented IR-LL reference in a phantom consisting of vials with \(T_1\) values between 200ms and 3000ms. In vivo, the \(T_1\) difference was smaller than 5.5% in WM and GM of seven healthy volunteers. Additionally, the \(T_1\) values are comparable to standard literature values. Despite the high acceleration, all model-based reconstructions were of a visual quality comparable to fully sampled references. Finally, the reproducibility of the \(T_1\) mapping method was demonstrated in repeated acquisitions. In conclusion, the presented approach represents a promising way for fast and accurate \(T_1\) mapping using radial IR-LL acquisitions without the need of any segmentation. KW - algorithms KW - cerebrospinal fluid KW - NMR relaxation KW - data acquisition KW - relaxation (physics) KW - relaxation time KW - central nervous system KW - magnetic resonance imaging Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126436 VL - 10 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Terekhov, Maxim A1 - Elabyad, Ibrahim A. A1 - Schreiber, Laura M. T1 - Global optimization of default phases for parallel transmit coils for ultra-high-field cardiac MRI JF - PLoS One N2 - The development of novel multiple-element transmit-receive arrays is an essential factor for improving B\(_1\)\(^+\) field homogeneity in cardiac MRI at ultra-high magnetic field strength (B\(_0\) > = 7.0T). One of the key steps in the design and fine-tuning of such arrays during the development process is finding the default driving phases for individual coil elements providing the best possible homogeneity of the combined B\(_1\)\(^+\)-field that is achievable without (or before) subject-specific B\(_1\)\(^+\)-adjustment in the scanner. This task is often solved by time-consuming (brute-force) or by limited efficiency optimization methods. In this work, we propose a robust technique to find phase vectors providing optimization of the B-1-homogeneity in the default setup of multiple-element transceiver arrays. The key point of the described method is the pre-selection of starting vectors for the iterative solver-based search to maximize the probability of finding a global extremum for a cost function optimizing the homogeneity of a shaped B\(_1\)\(^+\)-field. This strategy allows for (i) drastic reduction of the computation time in comparison to a brute-force method and (ii) finding phase vectors providing a combined B\(_1\)\(^+\)-field with homogeneity characteristics superior to the one provided by the random-multi-start optimization approach. The method was efficiently used for optimizing the default phase settings in the in-house-built 8Tx/16Rx arrays designed for cMRI in pigs at 7T. KW - optimization KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - power grids KW - swine KW - electromagnetics KW - linear regression analysis KW - thorax KW - wave interference Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265737 VL - 16 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schurig, Johannes A1 - Haeusler, Karl Georg A1 - Grittner, Ulrike A1 - Nolte, Christian H. A1 - Fiebach, Jochen B. A1 - Audebert, Heinrich J. A1 - Endres, Matthias A1 - Rocco, Andrea T1 - Frequency of Hemorrhage on Follow Up Imaging in Stroke Patients Treated With rt-PA Depending on Clinical Course JF - Frontiers in Neurology N2 - Background: According to current guidelines, stroke patients treated with rt-PA should undergo brain imaging to exclude intracerebral bleeding 24 h after thrombolysis, before the start of medical secondary prevention. However, the usefulness of routine follow-up imaging with regard to changes in therapeutic management in patients without neurological deterioration is unclear. We hypothesized that follow up brain imaging solely to exclude bleeding in patients who clinically improved after rt-PA application may not be necessary. Methods: Retrospective single-center analysis including stroke patients treated with rt-PA. Records were reviewed for hemorrhagic transformation one day after systemic thrombolysis and brain imaging-based changes in therapeutic management. Twenty-four hour after thrombolysis patients were divided into four groups: (1) increased NIHSS score; (2) unchanged NIHSS score; (3) improved NIHSS score and; (4) NIHSS score = 0. Results: Out of 188 patients (mean age 73 years, 100 female) receiving rt-PA, 32 (17%) had imaging-proven hemorrhagic transformation including 11 (6%) patients with parenchymal hemorrhage. Patients in group (1, 2) more often had hypertension (p = 0.015) and more often had parenchymal hemorrhage (9 vs. 4%; p < 0.206) compared to group (3, 4) and imaging-based changes in therapeutic management were more frequent (19% vs. 6%; p = 0.007). Patients of group (3, 4) had no changes in therapeutic management in 94% of the cases. Patients in group (4) had no hemorrhagic transformation in routine follow-up brain imaging. Conclusions: Frequency of hemorrhagic transformation in Routine follow-up brain imaging and consecutive changes in therapeutic management were different depending on clinical course measured by NHISS score. KW - thrombolysis KW - stroke KW - stroke management KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - computerized tomography KW - intracerebral hemorrhage Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234947 VL - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schneider, Sonja Jasmin Maria A1 - Höhne, Christian A1 - Schneider, Martin A1 - Schmitter, Marc T1 - Photoacoustic tomography versus cone-beam computed tomography versus micro-computed tomography: Accuracy of 3D reconstructions of human teeth JF - PloS One N2 - Objectives In this in-vitro study, teeth were imaged using photoacoustic tomography (PAT), cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and micro-computed tomography (μ-CT). The study had aim: to identify the best wavelength for PAT images to determine the accuracy of the three imaging methods, and to determine whether PAT images of teeth can achieve acceptable reconstruction quality. Methods Nineteen human mandibular single-rooted incisors were extracted from patients with trauma or periodontitis. To determine the best wavelength for acquiring photoacoustic images, all 19 teeth were scanned in vitro with PAT, using different laser wavelengths between 680 and 960 nm. The images were analyzed using image analysis software. To assess the accuracy of PAT and compare it with the accuracy of CBCT, each tooth was also scanned in vitro using CBCT and the reference standard technique of μ-CT. Subsequently, three different three-dimensional models, one for each imaging technique, were created for each tooth. Finally, the three different three-dimensional models acquired for the same tooth were matched and analyzed regarding volume and surface. Results The highest quality tooth images were achieved using the 680 nm wavelength, which showed the best contrast ratio. The full geometry of the dental root (μ-CT compared with PAT) could be visualized with relative standard deviations of 0.12 mm for the surface and −7.33 mm3 for the volume (n = 19). The full geometry of the dental root (μ-CT compared with CBCT) could be visualized with relative standard deviations of 0.06 mm for the surface and −14.56 mm3 for the volume (n = 19). The difference between the PAT–μ-CT group and CBCT–μ-CT group regarding the total average of the root surface area was not significant (p>0.06). Conclusion Images, which were acquired using PAT at 680nm showed the best contrast ration, enabling the identification of dentin, cementum and the dental pulp. No significant differences were found between the PAT–μ-CT group and CBCT–μ-CT group regarding the total average of the RSA and the total volume. Thus, three-dimensional reconstructions based on in-vitro PAT are already of acceptable reconstruction quality. KW - teeth KW - imaging techniques KW - computer software KW - incisors KW - in vivo imaging KW - caries KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - tomography Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301437 VL - 17 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schnabel, Renate B. A1 - Camen, Stephan A1 - Knebel, Fabian A1 - Hagendorff, Andreas A1 - Bavendiek, Udo A1 - Böhm, Michael A1 - Doehner, Wolfram A1 - Endres, Matthias A1 - Gröschel, Klaus A1 - Goette, Andreas A1 - Huttner, Hagen B. A1 - Jensen, Christoph A1 - Kirchhof, Paulus A1 - Korosoglou, Grigorius A1 - Laufs, Ulrich A1 - Liman, Jan A1 - Morbach, Caroline A1 - Navabi, Darius Günther A1 - Neumann-Haefelin, Tobias A1 - Pfeilschifter, Waltraut A1 - Poli, Sven A1 - Rizos, Timolaos A1 - Rolf, Andreas A1 - Röther, Joachim A1 - Schäbitz, Wolf Rüdiger A1 - Steiner, Thorsten A1 - Thomalla, Götz A1 - Wachter, Rolf A1 - Haeusler, Karl Georg T1 - Expert opinion paper on cardiac imaging after ischemic stroke JF - Clinical Research in Cardiology N2 - This expert opinion paper on cardiac imaging after acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) includes a statement of the "Heart and Brain" consortium of the German Cardiac Society and the German Stroke Society. The Stroke Unit-Commission of the German Stroke Society and the German Atrial Fibrillation NETwork (AFNET) endorsed this paper. Cardiac imaging is a key component of etiological work-up after stroke. Enhanced echocardiographic tools, constantly improving cardiac computer tomography (CT) as well as cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offer comprehensive non- or less-invasive cardiac evaluation at the expense of increased costs and/or radiation exposure. Certain imaging findings usually lead to a change in medical secondary stroke prevention or may influence medical treatment. However, there is no proof from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) that the choice of the imaging method influences the prognosis of stroke patients. Summarizing present knowledge, the German Heart and Brain consortium proposes an interdisciplinary, staged standard diagnostic scheme for the detection of risk factors of cardio-embolic stroke. This expert opinion paper aims to give practical advice to physicians who are involved in stroke care. In line with the nature of an expert opinion paper, labeling of classes of recommendations is not provided, since many statements are based on expert opinion, reported case series, and clinical experience. KW - cardiac imaging KW - echocardiography KW - ischemic stroke KW - transient ischemic attack KW - expert opinion KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - computed tomography Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266662 SN - 1861-0692 VL - 110 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rullmann, Michael A1 - Preusser, Sven A1 - Poppitz, Sindy A1 - Heba, Stefanie A1 - Gousias, Konstantinos A1 - Hoyer, Jana A1 - Schütz, Tatjana A1 - Dietrich, Arne A1 - Müller, Karsten A1 - Hankir, Mohammed K. A1 - Pleger, Burkhard T1 - Adiposity Related Brain Plasticity Induced by Bariatric Surgery JF - Froniers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Previous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies revealed structural-functional brain reorganization 12 months after gastric-bypass surgery, encompassing cortical and subcortical regions of all brain lobes as well as the cerebellum. Changes in the mean of cluster-wise gray/white matter density (GMD/WMD) were correlated with the individual loss of body mass index (BMI), rendering the BMI a potential marker of widespread surgery-induced brain plasticity. Here, we investigated voxel-by-voxel associations between surgery-induced changes in adiposity, metabolism and inflammation and markers of functional and structural neural plasticity. We re-visited the data of patients who underwent functional and structural MRI, 6 months (n = 27) and 12 months after surgery (n = 22), and computed voxel-wise regression analyses. Only the surgery-induced weight loss was significantly associated with brain plasticity, and this only for GMD changes. After 6 months, weight loss overlapped with altered GMD in the hypothalamus, the brain's homeostatic control site, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, assumed to host reward and gustatory processes, as well as abdominal representations in somatosensory cortex. After 12 months, weight loss scaled with GMD changes in right cerebellar lobule VII, involved in language-related/cognitive processes, and, by trend, with the striatum, assumed to underpin (food) reward. These findings suggest time-dependent and weight-loss related gray matter plasticity in brain regions involved in the control of eating, sensory processing and cognitive functioning. KW - adiposity KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - brain plasticity KW - bariatric surgery KW - gastric-bypass surgery Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-227168 VL - 13 ER - TY - THES A1 - Portmann, Johannes T1 - Accelerated inversion recovery MRI of the myocardium using spiral acquisition T1 - Beschleunigte Inversion-Recovery MR-Bildgebung des Myokards mit spiralen Auslesezügen N2 - This work deals with the acceleration of cardiovascular MRI for the assessment of functional information in steady-state contrast and for viability assessment during the inversion recovery of the magnetization. Two approaches are introduced and discussed in detail. MOCO-MAP uses an exponential model to recover dynamic image data, IR-CRISPI, with its low-rank plus sparse reconstruction, is related to compressed sensing. MOCO-MAP is a successor to model-based acceleration of parametermapping (MAP) for the application in the myocardial region. To this end, it was augmented with a motion correction (MOCO) step to allow exponential fitting the signal of a still object in temporal direction. Iteratively, this introduction of prior physical knowledge together with the enforcement of consistency with the measured data can be used to reconstruct an image series from distinctly shorter sampling time than the standard exam (< 3 s opposed to about 10 s). Results show feasibility of the method as well as detectability of delayed enhancement in the myocardium, but also significant discrepancies when imaging cardiac function and artifacts caused already by minor inaccuracy of the motion correction. IR-CRISPI was developed from CRISPI, which is a real-time protocol specifically designed for functional evaluation of image data in steady-state contrast. With a reconstruction based on the separate calculation of low-rank and sparse part, it employs a softer constraint than the strict exponential model, which was possible due to sufficient temporal sampling density via spiral acquisition. The low-rank plus sparse reconstruction is fit for the use on dynamic and on inversion recovery data. Thus, motion correction is rendered unnecessary with it. IR-CRISPI was equipped with noise suppression via spatial wavelet filtering. A study comprising 10 patients with cardiac disease show medical applicability. A comparison with performed traditional reference exams offer insight into diagnostic benefits. Especially regarding patients with difficulty to hold their breath, the real-time manner of the IR-CRISPI acquisition provides a valuable alternative and an increase in robustness. In conclusion, especially with IR-CRISPI in free breathing, a major acceleration of the cardiovascular MR exam could be realized. In an acquisition of less than 100 s, it not only includes the information of two traditional protocols (cine and LGE), which take up more than 9.6 min, but also allows adjustment of TI in retrospect and yields lower artifact level with similar image quality. N2 - Diese Arbeit behandelt die Beschleunigung der kardiovaskulären MRT zum Erfassen funktioneller Information bei Steady-State-Kontrast und zur Unter- suchung der Vitalität bei Wiederherstellung der Magnetisierung nach ihrer Inversion. Zwei Ansätze werden eingeführt und im Detail diskutiert: MOCO- MAP, welches ein exponentielles Modell nutzt, um dynamische Daten zu rekonstruieren, und IR-CRISPI, welches mit seinem “low-rank plus sparse"- Algorithmus mit Compressed Sensing verwandt ist. MOCO-MAP ist der Nachfolger der modellbasierten Beschleunigung des Parameter-Mappings (MAP) für die Anwendung im Bereich des Myokards. Hierzu wurde es mit einer Bewegungskorrektur (MOCO) versehen, um expo- nentielles Fitten eines unbewegten Objects in Zeitrichtung zu ermöglichen. Das Einbringen dieses physikalischen Vorwissens zusammen mit dem Erzwin- gen von Konsistenz mit den Messdaten wird dazu genutzt, iterativ eine Bildfolge aus Daten einer deutlich kürzeren Messung als herkömmlich zu rekonstruieren (< 3 s gegenüber ca. 10 s). Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Umsetz- barkeit der Methode sowie die Nachweisbarkeit von Delayed Enhancements im Myokard, aber deutliche funktionelle Abweichungen und Artefakte bereits aufgrund von kleinen Ungenauigkeiten der Bewegungskorrektur. IR-CRISPI geht aus CRISPI hervor, welches zur Auswertung von funk- tionellen Echtzeitdaten bei konstantem Kontrast dient. Mit der Rekon- struktion durch getrennte Berechnung von niedrigrangigem und dünnbe- setztem Matrixanteil wird hier bei der Datenrekonstruktion weniger stark eingeschränkt als bei einem strikten exponentiellen Modell. Die pirale Auf- nahmeweise erlaubt hierzu ausreichend effiziente k-Raumabdeckung. Die “low-rank plus sparse"-Rekonstruktion ist kompatibel mit dynamischen und mit Inversion-Recovery-Daten. Eine Bewegungskorrektur ist folglich nicht nötig. IR-CRISPI wurde mit einer Rauschunterdrückung durch räumliche Wavelet- Filterung versehen. Eine Studie, die 10 Patienten einschließt, zeigt die Eignung für die medizinische Anwendung. Der Vergleich mit herkömm- lichen Aufnahmetechniken lässt auf den gewonnenen diagnostischen Nutzen schließen. Besonders für Patienten, die Schwierigkeiten mit dem Luftanhal- ten haben, eröffnet diese Echtzeitaufnahmemethode eine wertvolle Alterna- tive und erhöhte Stabilität. Am Ende konnte gerade mittels IR-CRISPI eine bemerkenswerte Beschleu- nigung der kardiovaskulären MR-Untersuchung verwirklicht werden. Trotz der kurzen Aufnahmezeit von weniger als 100 s für den kompletten linken Ven- trikel schließt es nicht nur die Information zweier herkömmlicher Protokolle mit ein (Cine und LGE), die zusammen mehr als 9,6 min dauern, sondern es erlaubt zusätzlich auch das Einstellen der TI-Zeit im Nachhinein und liefert Ergebnisse mit geringerem Artefaktlevel bei ähnlicher Bildqualität KW - Kernspintomografie KW - Herzfunktion KW - Herzmuskel KW - Bildgebendes Verfahren KW - Echtzeit KW - cine loop KW - late enhancement KW - late gadolinium-enhancement KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - real-time imaging KW - spiral trajectory Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302822 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Petritsch, Bernhard A1 - Köstler, Herbert A1 - Gassenmaier, Tobias A1 - Kunz, Andreas S A1 - Bley, Thorsten A A1 - Horn, Michael T1 - An investigation into potential gender-specific differences in myocardial triglyceride content assessed by \(^{1}\)H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 3Tesla JF - Journal of International Medical Research N2 - Objective: Over the past decade, myocardial triglyceride content has become an accepted biomarker for chronic metabolic and cardiac disease. The purpose of this study was to use proton (hydrogen 1)-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (\(^{1}\)H-MRS) at 3Tesla (3 T) field strength to assess potential gender-related differences in myocardial triglyceride content in healthy individuals. Methods: Cardiac MR imaging was performed to enable accurate voxel placement and obtain functional and morphological information. Double triggered (i.e., ECG and respiratory motion gating) \(^{1}\)H-MRS was used to quantify myocardial triglyceride levels for each gender. Two-sample t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used for statistical analyses. Results: In total, 40 healthy volunteers (22 male, 18 female; aged >18 years and age matched) were included in the study. Median myocardial triglyceride content was 0.28% (interquartile range [IQR] 0.17–0.42%) in male and 0.24% (IQR 0.14–0.45%) in female participants, and no statistically significant difference was observed between the genders. Furthermore, no gender-specific difference in ejection fraction was observed, although on average, male participants presented with a higher mean ± SD left ventricular mass (136.3 ± 25.2 g) than female participants (103.9 ± 16.1 g). Conclusions: The study showed that \(^{1}\)H-MRS is a capable, noninvasive tool for acquisition of myocardial triglyceride metabolites. Myocardial triglyceride concentration was shown to be unrelated to gender in this group of healthy volunteers. KW - cardiac KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - 1H-Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) KW - myocardium KW - triglycerides KW - metabolism KW - gender Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168808 VL - 44 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Offenberger, Wolfgang T1 - Hochaufgelöste Magnetresonanz-Bildgebung der Mäuseaorta zur Bestimmung der Dynamik funktioneller Parameter durch Laufrad-Training bei ApoE-Knock-Out-Mäusen T1 - High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Murine Aorta in the evaluation of dynamic functional vessel changes through running wheel exercise in ApoE-knock-out mice. N2 - Einführung: Atherosklerose ist eine führende Ursache von Morbidität und Mortalität weltweit. Die ApoE-Knock-Out-Maus (ApoE-/-) ist das wichtigste Tiermodell für das Studium der Atherosklerose und von Interventionen auf diese Erkrankung. Mittels hochaufgelöster Magnet-Resonanz-Bildgebung ist es möglich, eine nicht-invasive in-vivo Gefäß-Charakterisierung bei Mäusen durchzuführen. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Auswirkungen von Sport auf die Gefäßfunktion der Aorta ascendens und abdominalis bei ApoE-/--Mäusen mittels hochaufgelöster MR-Cine-FLASH-Bildgebung untersucht. Methodik und Ergebnisse: 18 ApoE-/--Mäuse mit oder ohne Lipid-reicher „Western Type Diet“ (WTD) führten 4-6 Wochen lang Laufrad-Training durch. Vor Laufrad-Training wurde zweimal (Validität) und nach Laufrad-Training einmal mittels EKG- und Atmungs-getriggerter Magnet-Resonanz-Cine-FLASH-Bildgebung an einem 7-Tesla-Scanner unter Isofluran-Inhalationsnarkose die Compliance von Aorta ascendens und abdominalis gemessen. Aufnahme-Parameter: TR/TE = 4,3/1,4 ms; Field of View (FOV) = 3,0 x 3,0 cm2; Matrixgröße = 256 x 256; Pixel-Größe = (FOV / Matrix) = (30 mm / 256) = 0,0117 mm2; Schichtdicke = 1,0 mm, Auflösung von 0,0137 mm3. Die Resultate wurden verglichen mit 9 Wildtyp-Mäusen vom Stamm C57BL/6J, und mittels der Auswerte-Software Interactive Data Language (IDL) prozessiert. Es zeigten sich gewisse positive Effekte hinsichtlich Compliance der Aorta ascendens durch Sport, die Ergebnisse waren für ApoE-/--Mäuse ohne WTD jedoch wesentlich konsistenter als für ApoE-/--Mäuse mit WTD, wo die Ergebnisse teilweise widersprüchlich erscheinen. Dasselbe gilt für die Aorta abdominalis, die sich zudem in vielen MR-Untersuchungen nicht auswerten ließ, was zu nicht interpretierbaren Ergebnissen führte. Bezüglich der Validität zeigte sich eine sehr hohe Intra-Observer- und Inter-Observer-Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse, dies zeigte sich auch für Messungen zu zwei Zeitpunkten. Schlussfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse erscheinen insgesamt kritisch beleuchtet nicht signifikant und zeigen allenfalls Besserungs-Tendenzen für die Compliance der Aorta ascendens und abdominalis bei ApoE-/--Mäusen durch Sport. Weitere MRT-Studien mit höheren Feldstärken und weiterentwickelten MR-Protokollen sind notwendig, um die Aussage dieser Doktorarbeit, dass Atherosklerose bei ApoE-/--Mäusen durch Sport teilweise reversibel ist, zu bestätigen. N2 - Introduction: Atherosclerosis is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. The apoE-knock-out mice is the most important animal model of studies on atherosclerosis and of interventions on atherosclerotic diseases. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows to non-invasively provide in-vivo murine vessel characterization. This work aims to determine the impact of sports training on vessel function of the ascending and abdominal aorta in hypercholesterinemic apoE-knock-out mice by high-resolution CINE MR-Flash-imaging. Methods and Results: 18 ApoE-knock-out mice with or without lipid-rich "Western Type Diet" (WTD) performed 4-6 weeks of running wheel training. Using ECG- and breathing-triggered CINE MR-Flash-imaging on a 7-Tesla-MR-Scanner under isofluran anesthesia the compliance of the ascending and abdominal aorta was examined twice (validity) before and once after running wheel training. MR-paramter: TR/TE = 4,3/1,4 ms; field of view 3,0 x 3,0 cm2; matric size 256-256; Pixel size = 0,0117 mm2; slice thickness 1,0 mm, resulting resolution 0,0137 mm3. The results were compared with 9 wild type mice (C57Bl/6J), and analyzed by means of software (Interactive Data Language, IDL). The results showed positive effects in respect to the compliance of the ascending aorta after training, being much more consistent for apoE-knock out mice without WTD than in mice with WTD, where the results seem contradictory. The same goes for the abdominal aorta, where many MRI-examinations were not evaluable. A high inter- and intra-observer-validity could be shown for analyzation of the results. Conclusion: The results do not seem to be significant and at most show a tendency of improvement in respect to the complicance of the ascending and abdominal aorta in apoE-knock-out mice after training. Further MRI studies with higher strengths of field and advanced MR-protocolls will be necessary to confirm the results of this work, that atherosclerosis can be partially reversible through exercise training. KW - Magnetresonanztomographie KW - NMR-Tomographie KW - Brustaorta KW - Arteriosklerose KW - Elastizität KW - Draisine KW - Sport KW - Training KW - ApoE-Knock-Out-Maus KW - hypercholesterinämie KW - compliance KW - MRI KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - atherosclerosis KW - ApoE-knock-out mice KW - hypercholesterolemia KW - exercise KW - training KW - running wheel KW - thoracic aorta Y1 - 2009 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-35146 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Nordbeck, Peter A1 - Bönhof, Leoni A1 - Hiller, Karl-Heinz A1 - Voll, Sabine A1 - Arias-Loza, Paula A1 - Seidlmaier, Lea A1 - Williams, Tatjana A1 - Ye, Yu-Xiang A1 - Gensler, Daniel A1 - Pelzer, Theo A1 - Ertl, Georg A1 - Jakob, Peter M. A1 - Bauer, Wolfgang R. A1 - Ritter, Oliver T1 - Impact of Thoracic Surgery on Cardiac Morphology and Function in Small Animal Models of Heart Disease: A Cardiac MRI Study in Rats JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Background Surgical procedures in small animal models of heart disease might evoke alterations in cardiac morphology and function. The aim of this study was to reveal and quantify such potential artificial early or long term effects in vivo, which might account for a significant bias in basic cardiovascular research, and, therefore, could potentially question the meaning of respective studies. Methods Female Wistar rats (n = 6 per group) were matched for weight and assorted for sham left coronary artery ligation or control. Cardiac morphology and function was then investigated in vivo by cine magnetic resonance imaging at 7 Tesla 1 and 8 weeks after the surgical procedure. The time course of metabolic and inflammatory blood parameters was determined in addition. Results Compared to healthy controls, rats after sham surgery showed a lower body weight both 1 week (267.5±10.6 vs. 317.0±11.3 g, n<0.05) and 8 weeks (317.0±21.1 vs. 358.7±22.4 g, n<0.05) after the intervention. Left and right ventricular morphology and function were not different in absolute measures in both groups 1 week after surgery. However, there was a confined difference in several cardiac parameters normalized to the body weight (bw), such as myocardial mass (2.19±0.30/0.83±0.13 vs. 1.85±0.22/0.70±0.07 mg left/right per g bw, p<0.05), or enddiastolic ventricular volume (1.31±0.36/1.21±0.31 vs. 1.14±0.20/1.07±0.17 µl left/right per g bw, p<0.05). Vice versa, after 8 weeks, cardiac masses, volumes, and output showed a trend for lower values in sham operated rats compared to controls in absolute measures (782.2±57.2/260.2±33.2 vs. 805.9±84.8/310.4±48.5 mg, p<0.05 for left/right ventricular mass), but not normalized to body weight. Matching these findings, blood testing revealed only minor inflammatory but prolonged metabolic changes after surgery not related to cardiac disease. Conclusion Cardio-thoracic surgical procedures in experimental myocardial infarction cause distinct alterations upon the global integrity of the organism, which in the long term also induce circumscribed repercussions on cardiac morphology and function. This impact has to be considered when analyzing data from respective animal studies and transferring these findings to conditions in patients. KW - heart rate KW - body weight KW - surgical and invasive medical procedures KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - blood KW - vascular surgery KW - myocardial infarction KW - cardiac ventricles Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130064 VL - 8 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Martens, Johannes A1 - Panzer, Sabine A1 - van den Wijngaard, Jeroen A1 - Siebes, Maria A1 - Schreiber, Laura M. T1 - Influence of contrast agent dispersion on bolus-based MRI myocardial perfusion measurements: A computational fluid dynamics study JF - Magnetic Resonance in Medicine N2 - Purpose: Bolus‐based dynamic contrast agent (CA) perfusion measurements of the heart are subject to systematic errors due to CA bolus dispersion in the coronary arteries. To better understand these effects on quantification of myocardial blood flow and myocardial perfusion reserve (MPR), an in‐silico model of the coronary arteries down to the pre‐arteriolar vessels has been developed. Methods: In this work, a computational fluid dynamics analysis is performed to investigate these errors on the basis of realistic 3D models of the left and right porcine coronary artery trees, including vessels at the pre‐arteriolar level. Using advanced boundary conditions, simulations of blood flow and CA transport are conducted at rest and under stress. These are evaluated with regard to dispersion (assessed by the width of CA concentration time curves and associated vascular transport functions) and errors of myocardial blood flow and myocardial perfusion reserve quantification. Results: Contrast agent dispersion increases with traveled distance as well as vessel diameter, and decreases with higher flow velocities. Overall, the average myocardial blood flow errors are −28% ± 16% and −8.5% ± 3.3% at rest and stress, respectively, and the average myocardial perfusion reserve error is 26% ± 22%. The calculated values are different in the left and right coronary tree. Conclusion: Contrast agent dispersion is dependent on a complex interplay of several different factors characterizing the cardiovascular bed, including vessel size and integrated vascular length. Quantification errors evoked by the observed CA dispersion show nonnegligible distortion in dynamic CA bolus‐based perfusion measurements. We expect future improvements of quantitative perfusion measurements to make the systematic errors described here more apparent. KW - bolus-based perfusion measurement KW - computational fluid dynamics KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - myocardial blood flow KW - myocardial perfusion reserve Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208698 VL - 84 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Lubina, Nora T1 - 3,0 Tesla HR-MR-Mammographie bei pathologischer Mamillensekretion T1 - 3.0 Tesla breast magnetic resonance imaging in patients with nipple discharge N2 - Da die häufigste Ursache der pathologischen Mamillensekretion ein benigner Prozess ist, sollte die Diagnostik mittels nicht invasiver Verfahren im Vordergrund stehen. Dabei stellt die Kernspintomographie eine wichtige Modalität dar, vor allem wenn die Mammographie und die Mammasonographie keine Befunde zeigen. In dieser Studie wurden Patientinnen mit pathologischer Mamillensekretion mittels MR-Mammographie bei 3,0 Tesla und anschließend mittels Galaktographie untersucht. Von Juli 2009 bis Juni 2012 wurden 50 Patientinnen in die Studie eingeschlossen, die eine pathologische Mamillensekretion zeigten und einer MR-Mammographie bei 3,0 Tesla zustimmten. Bei allen Studienteilnehmerinnen waren sowohl die Mammographie als auch die Mammasonographie negativ oder zeigten einen unklaren Befund. Weitere Einschlusskriterien waren im Normbereich liegende Nieren- und Prolaktinwerte. Sechs Patientinnen zeigten einen beidseitigen Ausfluss. Hier wurden beide Brüste in die Studie eingeschlossen, so dass insgesamt 56 Fälle mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 51,2 Jahren (Standardabweichung ± 12,8 Jahre, Median 52,5 Jahre) betrachtet wurden. Ältere Patientinnen zeigten dabei häufiger maligne Ursachen als jüngere, ohne Nachweis eines signifikanten Unterschieds (p = 0,272). Bei der klinischen Untersuchung war in 44,6% (25/56) ein nicht-blutiger und in 55,4% (31/56) ein blutiger Ausfluss erkennbar. Die Inzidenz der Malignität in der Gruppe der blutigen Sekretion war höher (19,4% vs. 8,0%), jedoch nicht signifikant (p = 0,23). In der Literatur wird davon berichtet, dass bei blutigem Ausfluss das Risiko für ein Mammakarzinom höher ist. Es wird aber auch darauf hingewiesen, dass bei einem nicht-blutigen Ausfluss ein Malignom keinesfalls ausgeschlossen werden kann. Die häufigste Ursache der pathologischen Mamillensekretion war, wie auch in der Literatur berichtet wird, mit 39,4% ein Papillom. Insgesamt wurde in 14,8% ein Malignom nachgewiesen. Dies ist etwas höher als die vergleichbaren Angaben von 2% - 10% in der Literatur. Es bestand ein signifikanter, direkt proportionaler Zusammenhang zwischen Größe in der MR-Mammographie und Malignität (p = 0,019). Ein Phänomen, das Liberman et al. ebenfalls beschrieben. Sowohl sie als auch Langer et al. empfehlen somit bei Läsionen, die kleiner als 5 mm sind, aufgrund der geringen Malignomrate auf eine Biopsie zu verzichten. Auch in der vorliegenden Studie waren alle Läsionen < 5 mm benigne. Zwischen der MR-mammographisch geschätzten Größe und der histopathologisch ermittelten Größe konnte eine signifikant hohe Korrelation gezeigt werden (Korrelationskoeffizient nach Pearson 0,095, p < 0,0001). Dabei wurden die Befunde in der Kernspintomographie tendenziell größer dargestellt. Die gleiche Erfahrung machten auch Son et al. und Schouten van der Velden et al.. Die Ergebnisse der MR-Mammographie wurden mit der danach durchgeführten Galaktographie verglichen. Ein wichtiger Nachteil der Galaktographie zeigte sich in der eingeschränkten Durchführbarkeit. In 23,3% konnte diese nicht erfolgreich beendet werden. In der Literatur wird von ähnlichen Prozentsätzen gesprochen. Zusätzlich erzielten wir im Vergleich zur MR-Mammographie sowohl eine geringere Sensitivität (86% vs. 96%) als auch eine niedrigere Spezifität (33% vs. 70%) für die Galaktographie, was sicherlich auch die Schwierigkeit der Unterscheidung zwischen benignen und malignen Befunden bei einer Galaktographie widerspiegelt. Morrogh et al. verglichen die Galaktographie mit der MR-Mammographie bei 1,5 Tesla ebenfalls bei Patientinnen mit pathologischer Mamillensekretion und negativer Standarddiagnostik. Die von ihnen berichtete Sensitivität von 83% für die MR-Mammographie ist vergleichbar mit der der vorliegenden Studie (75%). Bei 1,5 Tesla erreichten sie allerdings nur eine Spezifität von 62%, die geringer ist als die von uns errechnete Spezifität von 88%. Auch andere Studien referieren eine höhere Spezifität bei höherer Feldstärke. Um dies allerdings aussagekräftig zu zeigen, muss eine intraindividuelle Studie bei 1,5 Tesla und 3,0 Tesla durchgeführt werden. Zusammenfassend kann man jedoch sagen, dass die Galaktographie durch die nicht invasive, strahlungsfreie MR-Mammographie bei der Untersuchung von Patientinnen mit pathologischer Mamillensekretion ersetzt werden sollte, insbesondere wenn die Standarddiagnostik keine auffälligen Befunde liefern konnte. N2 - Objectives To compare 3.0 Tesla breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with galactography for detection of benign and malignant causes of nipple discharge in patients with negative mammography and ultrasound. Methods We prospectively evaluated 56 breasts of 50 consecutive patients with nipple discharge who had inconspicuous mammography and ultrasound by using 3.0 Tesla breast MRI utilizing a dedicated 16 channel breast coil and compared the results with galactography. Histopathological diagnoses and follow ups were used as reference standard. Lesion size estimated on MRI was compared with the size at histopathology. Results Sensitivity and specificity of MRI vs. galactography for detecting pathologic findings were 95.7% vs. 85.7% and 69.7% vs. 33.3%, respectively. For the supposed concrete pathology based on the findings in MRI, the specificity was 67.6% and the sensitivity 77.3% (PPV 60.7%, NPV 82.1%). 8 malignant lesions were detected (14.8%). The estimated size at breast MRI showed excellent correlation with the size at histopathology (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.95, p < 0.0001). Conclusions MRI of the breast at 3.0 Tesla is an accurate imaging test and can replace galactography in the work-up of nipple discharge in patients with inconspicuous mammography and ultrasound. KW - NMR-Mammographie KW - Mamma KW - 3,0 Tesla KW - Mamillensekretion KW - Galaktographie KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - breast KW - 3.0 Tesla KW - nipple discharge KW - galaoctography Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106180 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lapa, Constantin A1 - Linsenmann, Thomas A1 - Lückerath, Katharina A1 - Samnick, Samuel A1 - Herrmann, Ken A1 - Stoffer, Carolin A1 - Ernestus, Ralf-Ingo A1 - Buck, Andreas K. A1 - Löhr, Mario A1 - Monoranu, Camelia-Maria T1 - Tumor-Associated Macrophages in Glioblastoma Multiforme—A Suitable Target for Somatostatin Receptor-Based Imaging and Therapy? JF - PLoS One N2 - Background Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumor in adults. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) have been shown to promote malignant growth and to correlate with poor prognosis. [1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-NN′,N″,N′″-tetraacetic acid]-d-Phe1,Tyr3-octreotate (DOTATATE) labeled with Gallium-68 selectively binds to somatostatin receptor 2A (SSTR2A) which is specifically expressed and up-regulated in activated macrophages. On the other hand, the role of SSTR2A expression on the cell surface of glioma cells has not been fully elucidated yet. The aim of this study was to non-invasively assess SSTR2A expression of both glioma cells as well as macrophages in GBM. Methods 15 samples of patient-derived GBM were stained immunohistochemically for macrophage infiltration (CD68), proliferative activity (Ki67) as well as expression of SSTR2A. Anti-CD45 staining was performed to distinguish between resident microglia and tumor-infiltrating macrophages. In a subcohort, positron emission tomography (PET) imaging using \(^{68}Ga-DOTATATE\) was performed and the semiquantitatively evaluated tracer uptake was compared to the results of immunohistochemistry. Results The amount of microglia/macrophages ranged from <10% to >50% in the tumor samples with the vast majority being resident microglial cells. A strong SSTR2A immunostaining was observed in endothelial cells of proliferating vessels, in neurons and neuropile. Only faint immunostaining was identified on isolated microglial and tumor cells. Somatostatin receptor imaging revealed areas of increased tracer accumulation in every patient. However, retention of the tracer did not correlate with immunohistochemical staining patterns. Conclusion SSTR2A seems not to be overexpressed in GBM samples tested, neither on the cell surface of resident microglia or infiltrating macrophages, nor on the surface of tumor cells. These data suggest that somatostatin receptor directed imaging and treatment strategies are less promising in GBM. KW - glioma KW - positron emission tomography KW - glioblastoma multiforme KW - macrophages KW - somatostatin KW - microglial cells KW - immunostaining KW - magnetic resonance imaging Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125498 VL - 10 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kurz, Felix T. A1 - Kampf, Thomas A1 - Buschle, Lukas R. A1 - Schlemmer, Heinz-Peter A1 - Bendszus, Martin A1 - Heiland, Sabine A1 - Ziener, Christian H. T1 - Generalized moment analysis of magnetic field correlations for accumulations of spherical and cylindrical magnetic perturbers JF - Frontiers in Physics N2 - In biological tissue, an accumulation of similarly shaped objects with a susceptibility difference to the surrounding tissue generates a local distortion of the external magnetic field in magnetic resonance imaging. It induces stochastic field fluctuations that characteristically influence proton spin dephasing in the vicinity of these magnetic perturbers. The magnetic field correlation that is associated with such local magnetic field inhomogeneities can be expressed in the form of a dynamic frequency autocorrelation function that is related to the time evolution of the measured magnetization. Here, an eigenfunction expansion for two simple magnetic perturber shapes, that of spheres and cylinders, is considered for restricted spin diffusion in a simple model geometry. Then, the concept of generalized moment analysis, an approximation technique that is applied in the study of (non-)reactive processes that involve Brownian motion, allows deriving analytical expressions of the correlation function for different exponential decay forms. Results for the biexponential decay for both spherical and cylindrical magnetized objects are derived and compared with the frequently used (less accurate) monoexponential decay forms. They are in asymptotic agreement with the numerically exact value of the correlation function for long and short times. KW - magnetized sphere/cylinder KW - magnetic susceptibility KW - correlation function KW - diffusion KW - magnetic resonance imaging Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-190604 SN - 2296-424X VL - 4 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kleineisel, Jonas T1 - Variational networks in magnetic resonance imaging - Application to spiral cardiac MRI and investigations on image quality T1 - Variational Networks in der Magnetresonanztomographie - Anwendung auf spirale Herzbildgebung und Untersuchungen zur Bildqualität N2 - Acceleration is a central aim of clinical and technical research in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) today, with the potential to increase robustness, accessibility and patient comfort, reduce cost, and enable entirely new kinds of examinations. A key component in this endeavor is image reconstruction, as most modern approaches build on advanced signal and image processing. Here, deep learning (DL)-based methods have recently shown considerable potential, with numerous publications demonstrating benefits for MRI reconstruction. However, these methods often come at the cost of an increased risk for subtle yet critical errors. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to advance DL-based MRI reconstruction, while ensuring high quality and fidelity with measured data. A network architecture specifically suited for this purpose is the variational network (VN). To investigate the benefits these can bring to non-Cartesian cardiac imaging, the first part presents an application of VNs, which were specifically adapted to the reconstruction of accelerated spiral acquisitions. The proposed method is compared to a segmented exam, a U-Net and a compressed sensing (CS) model using qualitative and quantitative measures. While the U-Net performed poorly, the VN as well as the CS reconstruction showed good output quality. In functional cardiac imaging, the proposed real-time method with VN reconstruction substantially accelerates examinations over the gold-standard, from over 10 to just 1 minute. Clinical parameters agreed on average. Generally in MRI reconstruction, the assessment of image quality is complex, in particular for modern non-linear methods. Therefore, advanced techniques for precise evaluation of quality were subsequently demonstrated. With two distinct methods, resolution and amplification or suppression of noise are quantified locally in each pixel of a reconstruction. Using these, local maps of resolution and noise in parallel imaging (GRAPPA), CS, U-Net and VN reconstructions were determined for MR images of the brain. In the tested images, GRAPPA delivers uniform and ideal resolution, but amplifies noise noticeably. The other methods adapt their behavior to image structure, where different levels of local blurring were observed at edges compared to homogeneous areas, and noise was suppressed except at edges. Overall, VNs were found to combine a number of advantageous properties, including a good trade-off between resolution and noise, fast reconstruction times, and high overall image quality and fidelity of the produced output. Therefore, this network architecture seems highly promising for MRI reconstruction. N2 - Eine Beschleunigung des Bildgebungsprozesses ist heute ein wichtiges Ziel von klinischer und technischer Forschung in der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT). Dadurch könnten Robustheit, Verfügbarkeit und Patientenkomfort erhöht, Kosten gesenkt und ganz neue Arten von Untersuchungen möglich gemacht werden. Da sich die meisten modernen Ansätze hierfür auf eine fortgeschrittene Signal- und Bildverarbeitung stützen, ist die Bildrekonstruktion ein zentraler Baustein. In diesem Bereich haben Deep Learning (DL)-basierte Methoden in der jüngeren Vergangenheit bemerkenswertes Potenzial gezeigt und eine Vielzahl an Publikationen konnte deren Nutzen in der MRT-Rekonstruktion feststellen. Allerdings besteht dabei das Risiko von subtilen und doch kritischen Fehlern. Daher ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit, die DL-basierte MRT-Rekonstruktion weiterzuentwickeln, während gleichzeitig hohe Bildqualität und Treue der erzeugten Bilder mit den gemessenen Daten gewährleistet wird. Eine Netzwerkarchitektur, die dafür besonders geeignet ist, ist das Variational Network (VN). Um den Nutzen dieser Netzwerke für nicht-kartesische Herzbildgebung zu untersuchen, beschreibt der erste Teil dieser Arbeit eine Anwendung von VNs, welche spezifisch für die Rekonstruktion von beschleunigten Akquisitionen mit spiralen Auslesetrajektorien angepasst wurden. Die vorgeschlagene Methode wird mit einer segmentierten Rekonstruktion, einem U-Net, und einem Compressed Sensing (CS)-Modell anhand von qualitativen und quantitativen Metriken verglichen. Während das U-Net schlecht abschneidet, zeigen die VN- und CS-Methoden eine gute Bildqualität. In der funktionalen Herzbildgebung beschleunigt die vorgeschlagene Echtzeit-Methode mit VN-Rekonstruktion die Aufnahme gegenüber dem Goldstandard wesentlich, von etwa zehn zu nur einer Minute. Klinische Parameter stimmen im Mittel überein. Die Bewertung von Bildqualität in der MRT-Rekonstruktion ist im Allgemeinen komplex, vor allem für moderne, nichtlineare Methoden. Daher wurden anschließend forgeschrittene Techniken zur präsizen Analyse von Bildqualität demonstriert. Mit zwei separaten Methoden wurde einerseits die Auflösung und andererseits die Verstärkung oder Unterdrückung von Rauschen in jedem Pixel eines untersuchten Bildes lokal quantifiziert. Damit wurden lokale Karten von Auflösung und Rauschen in Rekonstruktionen durch Parallele Bildgebung (GRAPPA), CS, U-Net und VN für MR-Aufnahmen des Gehirns berechnet. In den untersuchten Bildern zeigte GRAPPA gleichmäßig eine ideale Auflösung, aber merkliche Rauschverstärkung. Die anderen Methoden verhalten sich lokal unterschiedlich je nach Struktur des untersuchten Bildes. Die gemessene lokale Unschärfe unterschied sich an den Kanten gegenüber homogenen Bildbereichen, und Rauschen wurde überall außer an Kanten unterdrückt. Insgesamt wurde für VNs eine Kombination von verschiedenen günstigen Eigenschaften festgestellt, unter anderem ein guter Kompromiss zwischen Auflösung und Rauschen, schnelle Laufzeit, und hohe Qualität und Datentreue der erzeugten Bilder. Daher erscheint diese Netzwerkarchitektur als ein äußerst vielversprechender Ansatz für MRT-Rekonstruktion. KW - Kernspintomografie KW - Convolutional Neural Network KW - Maschinelles Lernen KW - Bildgebendes Verfahren KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - convolutional neural network KW - variational network KW - cardiac imaging KW - machine learning KW - local point-spread function KW - resolution KW - g-factor Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347370 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kazuhino, Koshino A1 - Werner, Rudolf A. A1 - Toriumi, Fuijo A1 - Javadi, Mehrbod S. A1 - Pomper, Martin G. A1 - Solnes, Lilja B. A1 - Verde, Franco A1 - Higuchi, Takahiro A1 - Rowe, Steven P. T1 - Generative Adversarial Networks for the Creation of Realistic Artificial Brain Magnetic Resonance Images JF - Tomography N2 - Even as medical data sets become more publicly accessible, most are restricted to specific medical conditions. Thus, data collection for machine learning approaches remains challenging, and synthetic data augmentation, such as generative adversarial networks (GAN), may overcome this hurdle. In the present quality control study, deep convolutional GAN (DCGAN)-based human brain magnetic resonance (MR) images were validated by blinded radiologists. In total, 96 T1-weighted brain images from 30 healthy individuals and 33 patients with cerebrovascular accident were included. A training data set was generated from the T1-weighted images and DCGAN was applied to generate additional artificial brain images. The likelihood that images were DCGAN-created versus acquired was evaluated by 5 radiologists (2 neuroradiologists [NRs], vs 3 non-neuroradiologists [NNRs]) in a binary fashion to identify real vs created images. Images were selected randomly from the data set (variation of created images, 40%-60%). None of the investigated images was rated as unknown. Of the created images, the NRs rated 45% and 71% as real magnetic resonance imaging images (NNRs, 24%, 40%, and 44%). In contradistinction, 44% and 70% of the real images were rated as generated images by NRs (NNRs, 10%, 17%, and 27%). The accuracy for the NRs was 0.55 and 0.30 (NNRs, 0.83, 0.72, and 0.64). DCGAN-created brain MR images are similar enough to acquired MR images so as to be indistinguishable in some cases. Such an artificial intelligence algorithm may contribute to synthetic data augmentation for "data-hungry" technologies, such as supervised machine learning approaches, in various clinical applications. KW - AI KW - Magnetresonanztomografie KW - artificial intelligence KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - MRI KW - DCGAN KW - GAN KW - stroke KW - machine learning Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172185 VL - 4 IS - 4 ER - TY - THES A1 - Karaus, Alexander T1 - Aufbau und Anwendung von Verfahren der Magnetresonanztomografie mit stimulierten Echos T1 - Development of MRI techniques using stimulated echoes N2 - Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit der Entwicklung und Anwendung von Schnellbild-Verfahren der Magnetresonanztomografie (MRT), die auf der Messung stimulierter Echosignale beruhen. Die schnellen STEAM (STEAM = stimulated echo acquisition mode) MRT-Technik leidet im Gegensatz zu alternativen Messtechniken auch bei hohen Magnetfeldstärken nicht unter Bildverzerrungen und Begrenzungen durch eine hohe Hochfrequenzbelastung. Da sie jedoch Bilder geringerer Signalintensität liefert, bestand das Primärziel dieser Arbeit in einer Verbesserung des Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhältnisses, um die Vorteile für die Herzbildgebung und die diffusionsgewichtete MRT des Gehirns besser nutzen zu können (Anwendungen am Menschen bei einer Feldstärke von 3 Tesla). Durch eine Kombination verschiedener physikalischer (Messtechnik, Ortskodierung, Unterabtastung) und mathematischer Maßnahmen (Bildrekonstruktion) konnte in dieser Arbeit eine erhebliche Signalsteigerung bei gleichzeitiger Verkürzung des Messzeit von Einzelbildern erreicht werden. Die Ergebnisse der STEAM-MRT am Herzen zeigen Schnittbilder des Herzmuskels ohne den störenden Einfluss der Signale des Blutes. Die diffusionsgewichtete MRT des Gehirns lieferte ohne Suszeptibilitätsartefakte eine verzerrungsfreie Kartierung des Diffusionstensors und – daraus abgeleitet – eine anatomisch korrekte, dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion von Nervenfaserbahnen etwa des Cingulums. N2 - This thesis deals with the development and application of a rapid magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique that is based on the acquisition of stimulated echoes. In contrast to alternative approaches, the rapid STEAM sequence (STEAM = stimulated echo acquisition mode) does not suffer from image distortions and RF power limitations, even at high magnetic field strengths. The primary goal of this thesis was the improvement of the relatively low signal-to-noise-ratio of the STEAM technique in order to exploit its advantages for cardiac imaging and diffusion-weighted MRI of the brain (human studies at a field strength of 3 Tesla). By combining a variety of physical (acquisition technique, spatial encoding, undersampling) and mathematical operations (image reconstruction), this work achieved a significant signal increase while reducing the measurement time of individual images. The results include rapid STEAM images of the heart which delineate the anatomy of the myocardial wall without disturbing signals from the blood. Moreover, the advances allow for diffusion-weighted MRI of the brain without susceptibility artifacts yielding distortion-free maps of the diffusion tensor at high spatial resolution. This information could be used for anatomically correct three-dimensional reconstructions of nerve fiber tracts such as the human cingulum. KW - NMR-Tomographie KW - Herzmuskel KW - Magnetresonanztomografie KW - stimuliertes Echo KW - Herz-MRT KW - Diffusions-MRT KW - Diffusion KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - stimulated echo KW - black-blood KW - diffusion tensor imaging KW - steam Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49190 ER - TY - THES A1 - Hunecke, Andreas Christian T1 - Quantifizierung von Arteriosklerose in der thorakalen Mäuseaorta mittels hochauflösender MR-Bildgebung in vivo - Methodenvalidierung im Vergleich zur Histomorphologie T1 - Quantification of atherosclerosis in the thoracic mouse aorta by means of high-resolution MR-Imaging in vivo - methodvalidation in comparison with histomorphology N2 - In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Magnetresonanzbildgebung als nichtinvasives diagnostisches Verfahren mit dem herkömmlichen Verfahren der lichtmikroskopischen Untersuchung histologischer Präparate anhand der Gefäßvermessung arteriosklerotisch veränderter Mäuseaorten verglichen. Es war Ziel der Arbeit zu prüfen, ob die nichtinvasive Bildgebung mit getriggerter Aufnahmetechnik zur Unterdrückung von atmungs- und herzschlagbedingten Bewegungsartefakten ebenso verläßliche und akkurate Ergebnisse liefert wie die Histometrie mit dem Mikroskop. Hierzu wurden eine Versuchsgruppe genetisch manipulierter Mäuse (Apolipoprotein-E Knockout) und eine kleinere Kontrollgruppe gesunder Mäuse zunächst magnetresonanztomographisch untersucht. Nach Euthanasierung folgte anschließend die Präparation der Aorta mit dem Herz und benachbarter Strukturen für die histologische Analyse. Anhand der anatomischen Strukturen erfolgte der Vergleich der Schnittbilder, um die korrespondierenden Ebenen in Übereinstimmung zu bringen. Insgesamt wurden 79 MR/histopathologisch korrespondierende Gefäßquerschnitte mit entsprechender Bildanalysesoftware vermessen. Die für die vergleichende Analyse relevanten Meßparameter umfaßten Wandfläche, Gefäßumfang, Wanddicke max. und Wanddicke min.. Die histomorphologischen Auswertungen umfaßten weiterhin Messungen der Plaques und der einzelnen Plaquekomponenten. Die Ergebnisse der Messungen zeigten eine hohe Korrelation zwischen MR-Bildgebung und Histometrie mit durchwegs geringfügig größeren Werten der MR-Messungen, hervorgerufen durch verschiedene Faktoren wie Summationseffekte der MR-Bilder durch größere Schichtdicken, unterschiedliche Meßzeitpunkte (MR-Bilder während der Systolenmitte, diastolischer Zustand der histologischen Präparate) und Gewebeschrumpfung während der einzelnen Schritte der histologischen Präparateherstellung. Die Atmungs- und EKG-getriggerte MR-Methode gewährleistete die Aufnahme von Bildern mit hoher Auflösung frei von Verzerrungs- und Verwischungsartefakten. Aufgrund technischer Limitationen in Auflösung und Kontrast war eine Differenzierung der Plaques und ihrer Zusammensetzung nicht möglich. Die hier dargestellten Ergebnisse stehen mit zahlreichen Berichten in der Literatur in Einklang, in denen ähnliche methodenbedingte Differenzen zwischen MR- und histologischen Meßergebnissen beschrieben sind. Es konnte weiterhin gezeigt werden, daß die MR-Bildgebung das Potential zur Gewebecharakterisierung auch am Gefäßsystem der Maus hat. Zusammenfassend stellt man fest, daß die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit die hohe Wertigkeit der MR-Bildgebung als nichtinvasives Verfahren für die kardiovaskuläre Grundlagenforschung bestätigen. Die Anwendung der beschriebenen Methode verspricht interessante neue Einblicke sowohl in die Gefäßbiologie, als auch in die Pathophysiologie der Arteriosklerose. N2 - Genetically engineered mouse models provide enormous potential for investigation of the underlying mechanisms of atherosclerotic disease, but noninvasive imaging methods for analysis of atherosclerosis in mice are currently limited. This study aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of MRI to noninvasively visualize atherosclerotic plaques in the thoracic aorta in mice deficient in apolipoprotein-E, who develop atherosclerotic lesions similar to those observed in humans. To freeze motion, MR data acquisition was both ECG- and respiratory-gated. T1- weighted MR images were acquired with TR/TE ~1000/10 ms. Spatial image resolution was 49 x 98 x 300 µm3. MRI revealed a detailed view of the lumen and the vessel wall of the entire thoracic aorta. Comparison of MRI with corresponding crosssectional histopathology showed excellent agreement of aortic vessel wall area (r = 0.97). Hence, noninvasive MRI should allow new insights into the mechanisms involved in progression and regression of atherosclerotic disease. KW - Arteriosklerose KW - Mäuseaorta KW - Magnetresonanzbildgebung KW - genetische Manipulation KW - Apolipoprotein-E Knockout KW - atherosclerosis KW - mouse aorta KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - genetic engineering KW - apolipoprotein-E knockout Y1 - 2004 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-11152 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Huflage, Henner A1 - Karsten, Sebastian A1 - Kunz, Andreas Steven A1 - Conrads, Nora A1 - Jakubietz, Rafael Gregor A1 - Jakubietz, Michael Georg A1 - Pennig, Lenhard A1 - Goertz, Lukas A1 - Bley, Thorsten Alexander A1 - Schmitt, Rainer A1 - Grunz, Jan-Peter T1 - Improved diagnostic accuracy for ulnar-sided TFCC lesions with radial reformation of 3D sequences in wrist MR arthrography JF - European Radiology N2 - Objectives Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) injuries frequently cause ulnar-sided wrist pain and can induce distal radioulnar joint instability. With its complex three-dimensional structure, diagnosis of TFCC lesions remains a challenging task even in MR arthrograms. The aim of this study was to assess the added diagnostic value of radial reformatting of isotropic 3D MRI datasets compared to standard planes after direct arthrography of the wrist. Methods Ninety-three patients underwent wrist MRI after fluoroscopy-guided multi-compartment arthrography. Two radiologists collectively analyzed two datasets of each MR arthrogram for TFCC injuries, with one set containing standard reconstructions of a 3D thin-slice sequence in axial, coronal and sagittal orientation, while the other set comprised an additional radial plane view with the rotating center positioned at the ulnar styloid. Surgical reports (whenever available) or radiological reports combined with clinical follow-up served as a standard of reference. In addition, diagnostic confidence and assessability of the central disc and ulnar-sided insertions were subjectively evaluated. Results Injuries of the articular disc, styloid and foveal ulnar attachment were present in 20 (23.7%), 10 (10.8%) and 9 (9.7%) patients. Additional radial planes increased diagnostic accuracy for lesions of the styloid (0.83 vs. 0.90; p = 0.016) and foveal (0.86 vs. 0.94; p = 0.039) insertion, whereas no improvement was identified for alterations of the central cartilage disc. Readers' confidence (p < 0.001) and assessability of the ulnar-sided insertions (p < 0.001) were superior with ancillary radial reformatting. Conclusions Access to the radial plane view of isotropic 3D sequences in MR arthrography improves diagnostic accuracy and confidence for ulnar-sided TFCC lesions. KW - joint instability KW - wrist KW - arthrography KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - triangular fibrocartilage Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266512 SN - 1432-1084 VL - 31 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herz, Stefan A1 - Stefanescu, Maria R. A1 - Lohr, David A1 - Vogel, Patrick A1 - Kosmala, Aleksander A1 - Terekhov, Maxim A1 - Weng, Andreas M. A1 - Grunz, Jan-Peter A1 - Bley, Thorsten A. A1 - Schreiber, Laura M. T1 - Effects of image homogeneity on stenosis visualization at 7 T in a coronary artery phantom study: With and without B1-shimming and parallel transmission JF - PloS One N2 - Background To investigate the effects of B\(_1\)-shimming and radiofrequency (RF) parallel transmission (pTX) on the visualization and quantification of the degree of stenosis in a coronary artery phantom using 7 Tesla (7 T) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods Stenosis phantoms with different grades of stenosis (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%; 5 mm inner vessel diameter) were produced using 3D printing (clear resin). Phantoms were imaged with four different concentrations of diluted Gd-DOTA representing established arterial concentrations after intravenous injection in humans. Samples were centrally positioned in a thorax phantom of 30 cm diameter filled with a custom-made liquid featuring dielectric properties of muscle tissue. MRI was performed on a 7 T whole-body system. 2D-gradient-echo sequences were acquired with an 8-channel transmit 16-channel receive (8 Tx / 16 Rx) cardiac array prototype coil with and without pTX mode. Measurements were compared to those obtained with identical scan parameters using a commercially available 1 Tx / 16 Rx single transmit coil (sTX). To assess reproducibility, measurements (n = 15) were repeated at different horizontal angles with respect to the B0-field. Results B\(_1\)-shimming and pTX markedly improved flip angle homogeneity across the thorax phantom yielding a distinctly increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) averaged over a whole slice relative to non-manipulated RF fields. Images without B\(_1\)-shimming showed shading artifacts due to local B\(_1\)\(^+\)-field inhomogeneities, which hampered stenosis quantification in severe cases. In contrast, B\(_1\)-shimming and pTX provided superior image homogeneity. Compared with a conventional sTX coil higher grade stenoses (60% and 80%) were graded significantly (p<0.01) more precise. Mild to moderate grade stenoses did not show significant differences. Overall, SNR was distinctly higher with B\(_1\)-shimming and pTX than with the conventional sTX coil (inside the stenosis phantoms 14%, outside the phantoms 32%). Both full and half concentration (10.2 mM and 5.1 mM) of a conventional Gd-DOTA dose for humans were equally suitable for stenosis evaluation in this phantom study. Conclusions B\(_1\)-shimming and pTX at 7 T can distinctly improve image homogeneity and therefore provide considerably more accurate MR image analysis, which is beneficial for imaging of small vessel structures. KW - stenosis KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - thorax KW - in vivo imaging KW - coronary arteries KW - image processing KW - 3D printing KW - signal to noise ratio Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300129 VL - 17 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hertlein, Tobias A1 - Sturm, Volker A1 - Jakob, Peter A1 - Ohlsen, Knut T1 - \(^{19}\)F Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Perfluorocarbons for the Evaluation of Response to Antibiotic Therapy in a Staphylococcus aureus Infection Model JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Background The emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in recent decades has highlighted the importance of developing new drugs to treat infections. However, in addition to the design of new drugs, the development of accurate preclinical testing methods is essential. In vivo imaging technologies such as bioluminescence imaging (BLI) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are promising approaches. In a previous study, we showed the effectiveness of \(^{19}\)F MRI using perfluorocarbon (PFC) emulsions for detecting the site of Staphylococcus aureus infection. In the present follow-up study, we investigated the use of this method for in vivo visualization of the effects of antibiotic therapy. Methods/Principal findings Mice were infected with S. aureus Xen29 and treated with 0.9% NaCl solution, vancomycin or linezolid. Mock treatment led to the highest bioluminescence values during infection followed by vancomycin treatment. Counting the number of colony-forming units (cfu) at 7 days post-infection (p.i.) showed the highest bacterial burden for the mock group and the lowest for the linezolid group. Administration of PFCs at day 2 p.i. led to the accumulation of \(^{19}\)F at the rim of the abscess in all mice (in the shape of a hollow sphere), and antibiotic treatment decreased the \(^{19}\)F signal intensity and volume. Linezolid showed the strongest effect. The BLI, cfu, and MRI results were comparable. Conclusions \(^{19}\)F-MRI with PFCs is an effective non-invasive method for assessing the effects of antibiotic therapy in vivo. This method does not depend on pathogen specific markers and can therefore be used to estimate the efficacy of antibacterial therapy against a broad range of clinically relevant pathogens, and to localize sites of infection. KW - staphylococcus aureus KW - abscesses KW - vancomycin KW - antibiotics KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - emulsions KW - bioluminescence imaging KW - in vivo imaging Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130113 VL - 8 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herold, Volker A1 - Herz, Stefan A1 - Winter, Patrick A1 - Gutjahr, Fabian Tobias A1 - Andelovic, Kristina A1 - Bauer, Wolfgang Rudolf A1 - Jakob, Peter Michael T1 - Assessment of local pulse wave velocity distribution in mice using k-t BLAST PC-CMR with semi-automatic area segmentation. JF - Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance N2 - Background: Local aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a measure for vascular stiffness and has a predictive value for cardiovascular events. Ultra high field CMR scanners allow the quantification of local PWV in mice, however these systems are yet unable to monitor the distribution of local elasticities. Methods: In the present study we provide a new accelerated method to quantify local aortic PWV in mice with phase-contrast cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (PC-CMR) at 17.6 T. Based on a k-t BLAST (Broad-use Linear Acquisition Speed-up Technique) undersampling scheme, total measurement time could be reduced by a factor of 6. The fast data acquisition enables to quantify the local PWV at several locations along the aortic blood vessel based on the evaluation of local temporal changes in blood flow and vessel cross sectional area. To speed up post processing and to eliminate operator bias, we introduce a new semi-automatic segmentation algorithm to quantify cross-sectional areas of the aortic vessel. The new methods were applied in 10 eight-month-old mice (4 C57BL/6J-mice and 6 ApoE\(^{(-/-)}\)-mice) at 12 adjacent locations along the abdominal aorta. Results: Accelerated data acquisition and semi-automatic post-processing delivered reliable measures for the local PWV, similiar to those obtained with full data sampling and manual segmentation. No statistically significant differences of the mean values could be detected for the different measurement approaches. Mean PWV values were elevated for the ApoE\(^{(-/-)}\)-group compared to the C57BL/6J-group (3.5 ± 0.7 m/s vs. 2.2 ± 0.4 m/s, p < 0.01). A more heterogeneous PWV-distribution in the ApoE \(^{(-/-)}\)-animals could be observed compared to the C57BL/6J-mice, representing the local character of lesion development in atherosclerosis. Conclusion: In the present work, we showed that k-t BLAST PC-MRI enables the measurement of the local PWV distribution in the mouse aorta. The semi-automatic segmentation method based on PC-CMR data allowed rapid determination of local PWV. The findings of this study demonstrate the ability of the proposed methods to non-invasively quantify the spatial variations in local PWV along the aorta of ApoE\(^{(-/-)}\)-mice as a relevant model of atherosclerosis. KW - pulse wave velocity KW - ApoE\(^{(-/-)}\) KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - phase contrast Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157696 VL - 19 IS - 77 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herm, Juliane A1 - Schurig, Johannes A1 - Martinek, Martin R. A1 - Höltgen, Reinhard A1 - Schirdewan, Alexander A1 - Kirchhof, Paulus A1 - Wieczorek, Marcus A1 - Pürerfellner, Helmut A1 - Heuschmann, Peter U. A1 - Fiebach, Jochen B. A1 - Haeusler, Karl Georg T1 - MRI-detected brain lesions in AF patients without further stroke risk factors undergoing ablation - a retrospective analysis of prospective studies JF - BMC Cardiovascular Disorders N2 - Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) without other stroke risk factors is assumed to have a low annual stroke risk comparable to patients without AF. Therefore, current clinical guidelines do not recommend oral anticoagulation for stroke prevention of AF in patients without stroke risk factors. We analyzed brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging to estimate the rate of clinically inapparent (“silent”) ischemic brain lesions in these patients. Methods We pooled individual patient-level data from three prospective studies comprising stroke-free patients with symptomatic AF. All study patients underwent brain MRI within 24–48 h before planned left atrial catheter ablation. MRIs were analyzed by a neuroradiologist blinded to clinical data. Results In total, 175 patients (median age 60 (IQR 54–67) years, 32% female, median CHA\(_2\)DS\(_2\)-VASc = 1 (IQR 0–2), 33% persistent AF) were included. In AF patients without or with at least one stroke risk factor, at least one silent ischemic brain lesion was observed in 4 (8%) out of 48 and 10 (8%) out of 127 patients, respectively (p > 0.99). Presence of silent ischemic brain lesions was related to age (p = 0.03) but not to AF pattern (p = 0.77). At least one cerebral microbleed was detected in 5 (13%) out of 30 AF patients without stroke risk factors and 25 (25%) out of 108 AF patients with stroke risk factors (p = 0.2). Presence of cerebral microbleeds was related to male sex (p = 0.04) or peripheral artery occlusive disease (p = 0.03). Conclusion In patients with symptomatic AF scheduled for ablation, brain MRI detected silent ischemic brain lesions in approximately one in 12 patients, and microbleeds in one in 5 patients. The prevalence of silent ischemic brain lesions did not differ in AF patients with or without further stroke risk factors. KW - Clinically silent stroke KW - atrial fibrillation KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - cerebral microbleeds Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201226 VL - 19 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Haeusler, Karl Georg A1 - Herm, Juliane A1 - Kunze, Claudia A1 - Krüll, Matthias A1 - Brechtel, Lars A1 - Lock, Jürgen A1 - Hohenhaus, Marc A1 - Heuschmann, Peter U. A1 - Fiebach, Jochen B. A1 - Haverkamp, Wilhelm A1 - Endres, Matthias A1 - Jungehulsing, Gerhard Jan T1 - Rate of cardiac arrhythmias and silent brain lesions in experienced marathon runners: rationale, design and baseline data of the Berlin Beat of Running study JF - BMC Cardiovascular Disorders N2 - Background: Regular exercise is beneficial for cardiovascular health but a recent meta-analysis indicated a relationship between extensive endurance sport and a higher risk of atrial fibrillation, an independent risk factor for stroke. However, data on the frequency of cardiac arrhythmias or (clinically silent) brain lesions during and after marathon running are missing. Methods/Design: In the prospective observational "Berlin Beat of Running" study experienced endurance athletes underwent clinical examination (CE), 3 Tesla brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), carotid ultrasound imaging (CUI) and serial blood sampling (BS) within 2-3 days prior (CE, MRI, CUI, BS), directly after (CE, BS) and within 2 days after (CE, MRI, BS) the 38\(^{th}\) BMW BERLIN-MARATHON 2011. All participants wore a portable electrocardiogram (ECG)-recorder throughout the 4 to 5 days baseline study period. Participants with pathological MRI findings after the marathon, troponin elevations or detected cardiac arrhythmias will be asked to undergo cardiac MRI to rule out structural abnormalities. A follow-up is scheduled after one year. Results: Here we report the baseline data of the enrolled 110 athletes aged 36-61 years. Their mean age was 48.8 \(\pm\) 6.0 years, 24.5% were female, 8.2% had hypertension and 2.7% had hyperlipidaemia. Participants have attended a mean of 7.5 \(\pm\) 6.6 marathon races within the last 5 years and a mean of 16 \(\pm\) 36 marathon races in total. Their weekly running distance prior to the 38\(^{th}\) BMW BERLIN-MARATHON was 65 \(\pm\) 17 km. Finally, 108 (98.2%) Berlin Beat-Study participants successfully completed the 38\(^{th}\) BMW BERLIN-MARATHON 2011. Discussion: Findings from the "Berlin Beats of Running" study will help to balance the benefits and risks of extensive endurance sport. ECG-recording during the marathon might contribute to identify athletes at risk for cardiovascular events. MRI results will give new insights into the link between physical stress and brain damage. KW - marathon running KW - cardiac arrhythmia KW - atrial fibrillation KW - physical activity KW - cardiovascular events KW - carotid artery KW - risk factor KW - stroke KW - exercise KW - death KW - metaanalysis KW - mechanisms KW - ECG-recording KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - blood sampling Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133677 VL - 12 IS - 69 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Guggenberger, Konstanze Viktoria A1 - Torre, Giulia Dalla A1 - Ludwig, Ute A1 - Vogel, Patrick A1 - Weng, Andreas Max A1 - Vogt, Marius Lothar A1 - Fröhlich, Matthias A1 - Schmalzing, Marc A1 - Raithel, Esther A1 - Forman, Christoph A1 - Urbach, Horst A1 - Meckel, Stephan A1 - Bley, Thorsten Alexander T1 - Vasa vasorum of proximal cerebral arteries after dural crossing - potential imaging confounder in diagnosing intracranial vasculitis in elderly subjects on black-blood MRI JF - European Radiology N2 - Objectives Vessel wall enhancement (VWE) may be commonly seen on MRI images of asymptomatic subjects. This study aimed to characterize the VWE of the proximal internal carotid (ICA) and vertebral arteries (VA) in a non-vasculitic elderly patient cohort. Methods Cranial MRI scans at 3 Tesla were performed in 43 patients (aged ≥ 50 years) with known malignancy for exclusion of cerebral metastases. For vessel wall imaging (VWI), a high-resolution compressed-sensing black-blood 3D T1-weighted fast (turbo) spin echo sequence (T1 CS-SPACE prototype) was applied post gadolinium with an isotropic resolution of 0.55 mm. Bilateral proximal intradural ICA and VA segments were evaluated for presence, morphology, and longitudinal extension of VWE. Results Concentric VWE of the proximal intradural ICA was found in 13 (30%) patients, and of the proximal intradural VA in 39 (91%) patients. Mean longitudinal extension of VWE after dural entry was 13 mm in the VA and 2 mm in the ICA. In 14 of 39 patients (36%) with proximal intradural VWE, morphology of VWE was suggestive of the mere presence of vasa vasorum. In 25 patients (64 %), morphology indicated atherosclerotic lesions in addition to vasa vasorum. Conclusions Vasa vasorum may account for concentric VWE within the proximal 2 mm of the ICA and 13 mm of the VA after dural entry in elderly subjects. Concentric VWE in these locations should not be confused with large artery vasculitis. Distal to these segments, VWE may be more likely related to pathologic conditions such as vasculitis. KW - vertebral artery KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - vasa vasorum KW - large artery vasculitis KW - Atherosclerosis, intracranial arteries Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266524 SN - 1432-1084 VL - 32 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Guggenberger, Konstanze V. A1 - Vogt, Marius L. A1 - Song, Jae W. A1 - Weng, Andreas M. A1 - Fröhlich, Matthias A1 - Schmalzing, Marc A1 - Venhoff, Nils A1 - Hillenkamp, Jost A1 - Pham, Mirko A1 - Meckel, Stephan A1 - Bley, Thorsten A. T1 - Intraorbital findings in giant cell arteritis on black blood MRI JF - European Radiology N2 - Objective Blindness is a feared complication of giant cell arteritis (GCA). However, the spectrum of pathologic orbital imaging findings on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in GCA is not well understood. In this study, we assess inflammatory changes of intraorbital structures on black blood MRI (BB-MRI) in patients with GCA compared to age-matched controls. Methods In this multicenter case-control study, 106 subjects underwent BB-MRI. Fifty-six patients with clinically or histologically diagnosed GCA and 50 age-matched controls without clinical or laboratory evidence of vasculitis were included. All individuals were imaged on a 3-T MR scanner with a post-contrast compressed-sensing (CS) T1-weighted sampling perfection with application-optimized contrasts using different flip angle evolution (SPACE) BB-MRI sequence. Imaging results were correlated with available clinical symptoms. Results Eighteen of 56 GCA patients (32%) showed inflammatory changes of at least one of the intraorbital structures. The most common finding was enhancement of at least one of the optic nerve sheaths (N = 13, 72%). Vessel wall enhancement of the ophthalmic artery was unilateral in 8 and bilateral in 3 patients. Enhancement of the optic nerve was observed in one patient. There was no significant correlation between imaging features of inflammation and clinically reported orbital symptoms (p = 0.10). None of the age-matched control patients showed any inflammatory changes of intraorbital structures. Conclusions BB-MRI revealed inflammatory findings in the orbits in up to 32% of patients with GCA. Optic nerve sheath enhancement was the most common intraorbital inflammatory change on BB-MRI. MRI findings were independent of clinically reported orbital symptoms. Key Points • Up to 32% of GCA patients shows signs of inflammation of intraorbital structures on BB-MRI. • Enhancement of the optic nerve sheath is the most common intraorbital finding in GCA patients on BB-MRI. • Features of inflammation of intraorbital structures are independent of clinically reported symptoms. KW - giant cell arteritis KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - orbit KW - ophthalmic artery KW - optic nerve Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324978 VL - 33 IS - 4 ER - TY - THES A1 - Grodzki, David Manuel T1 - Entwicklung von neuen Sequenzen mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten für die klinische Magnetresonanzbildgebung T1 - Development of New Sequences with Ultrashort Echo Times for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging N2 - Stoffe mit schnell zerfallendem Magnetresonanz (MR)-Signal sind mit herkömmlichen MR- Sequenzen nicht darstellbar. Solche Stoffe haben meist starke Bindungen, wie im menschlichen Körper beispielsweise Sehnen, Bänder, Knochen oder Zähne. In den letzten Dekaden wurden spezielle Sequenzen mit ultrakurzer Echozeit entwickelt, die Signale von diesen Stoffen messen können. Messungen mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten eröffnen der Kernspintomographie neue Anwendungsgebiete. In dieser Doktorarbeit werden die in der Literatur bekannten Methoden zur Messung mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten untersucht und evaluiert. Es werden zwei neue, in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Ansätze vorgestellt, die es zum Ziel haben, bestehende Probleme der vorhandenen Methoden bei robuster Bildqualität zu lösen, ohne auf Hardwareänderungen am Kernspintomographen angewiesen zu sein. Die ’Gradient Optimized Single Point imaging with Echo time Leveraging’ (GOSPEL) Sequenz ist eine Single-Point-Sequenz, die im Vergleich zu den bekannten Single-Point-Sequenzen eine stark reduzierte Echozeit ermöglicht. Es wird gezeigt, dass dadurch ein deutlich besseres Signalzu-Rausch-Verhältnis (SNR) von Stoffen mit schnell zerfallendem Signal erreicht wird. Das Problem der sehr langen Messzeit bei Single-Point-Verfahren wird mit der ’Pointwise Encoding Time reduction with Radial Acquisition’ (PETRA) Sequenz gelöst. Bei diesem Ansatz wird der k-Raum-Außenbereich radial und das k-Raum-Zentrum single-point-artig abgetastet. Durch die Kombination beider Akquisitionsstrategien ist eine schnelle und robuste Bildgebung mit ultrakurzer Echozeit und ohne Hardwareänderungen möglich. Wie bei anderen Ansätzen sind bei der PETRA-Sequenz die Bildgebungsgradienten zum Anregungszeitpunkt bereites angeschaltet. Es wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss ungewollte Schichtselektionen auf die Bildgebung haben können und ein Korrekturalgorithmus entwickelt, mit dem sich dadurch entstehende Artefakte im Bild beheben lassen. Die Limitationen des Korrekturalgorithmus sowie mögliche Artefakte der PETRA-Sequenz werden untersucht und diskutiert. Erste Anwendungsbeispiele der PETRA-Sequenz bei verschiedenen Feldstärken und Applikationen werden demonstriert. Wie bei anderen Sequenzen mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten sind die Gradientenaktivitäten bei der PETRA- und GOSPEL-Sequenz gering, wodurch die Messung sehr leise sein kann. Lautstärkemessungen zeigen, dass bei Messungen mit der PETRA-Sequenz der Geräuschpegel um nur ein bis fünf dB(A) im Vergleich zum Hintergrundgeräuschpegel steigt. Es wird demonstriert, dass sich dadurch neue Anwendungsgebiete eröffnen könnten. Vergleichsmessungen zwischen einer T1-gewichteten PETRA- und einer MPRAGE-Messung weisen Bilder auf, die in Kontrast, Auflösung, SNR und Messzeit vergleichbar sind. Mit den in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Methoden konnten Probleme bestehender Ansätze gelöst und offene Fragen beantwortet werden. Die Ergebnisse können helfen, Applikationen von Sequenzen mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten in der klinischen Routine weiter zu etablieren. N2 - Tissues with fast decaying magnetic resonance (MR) signal are not measureable with conventional MR sequences. These tissues mostly have strong covalent bondings, like in the human body tendons, ligaments, bones and teeth. In the last decade, special MR sequences with ultrashort echo times have been developed that are able to depict signal from those tissues. Ultrashort echo time imaging opens new application fields for magnetic resonance imaging. In this thesis, the known methods for imaging with ultrashort echo times are investigated and evaluated. Two new approaches that were developed in this work are presented. They aim to solve the problems of the previous methods and to allow for robust image quality. No hardware changes should be required for the MR scanner. The ’Gradient Optimized Single Point imaging with Echo time Leveraging’ (GOSPEL) sequence is a single-point sequence. Compared to the known single-point sequences, GOSPEL enables a reduced echo time. It is demonstrated that this allows for an enhanced SNR for tissues with fast decaying signal. The problem of very long measurement times with single point sequences is solved with the ’Pointwise Encoding Time reduction with Radial Acquisition’ (PETRA) sequence. In this approach, outer k-space is acquired with radial half-projections while the k-space center is acquired single-pointwise. The combination of these two acquisition strategies allows for fast and robust ultrashort echo time imaging without the need for hardware changes. Comparable to other approaches, the imaging gradients at the PETRA sequence are already switched on during the excitation pulse. The influence of unwanted slice-selectivity of the pulse is investigated. A newly developed correction algorithm is presented that eliminates artefacts due to unwanted slice-selectivity. The limitations of the correction approach are presented and discussed. A number of application examples of the PETRA sequence at different field strengths is demonstrated. The PETRA and GOSPEL sequence, and other ultrashort echo time sequences, have very limited gradient activities. Due to this, the measurements can be kept very silent. Acoustic noise measurements show that the acoustic noise level during PETRA examinations is only raised by one to five dB(A). It is demonstrated, that this might enable new applications. Comparing measurements between T1-weighted PETRA images and MPRAGE images lead to images with comparable contrast, resolution, SNR and measurement times. With the methods developed in this thesis, issues of existing ultrashort echo time approaches can be solved and answers to open questions are given. The outcomes could help to further establish the use of ultrashort echo time sequences in clinical routine applications. KW - Kernspintomographie KW - Spin-Spin-Relaxation KW - Magnetresonanz KW - Magnetresonanzbildgebung KW - Echozeit KW - MRI KW - echo time KW - magnetic resonance imaging Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71328 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Franich, Robert A. A1 - Meder, Roger A1 - Behr, Volker C. T1 - Dewatering Green Sapwood Using Carbon Dioxide Undergoing Cyclical Phase Change between Supercritical Fluid and Gas JF - Molecules N2 - Conventional kiln drying of wood operates by the evaporation of water at elevated temperature. In the initial stage of drying, mobile water in the wood cell lumen evaporates. More slowly, water bound in the wood cell walls evaporates, requiring the breaking of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and cellulose and hemicellulose polymers in the cell wall. An alternative for wood kiln drying is a patented process for green wood dewatering through the molecular interaction of supercritical carbon dioxide with water of wood cell sap. When the system pressure is reduced to below the critical point, phase change from supercritical fluid to gas occurs with a consequent large change in CO2 volume. This results in the efficient, rapid, mechanical expulsion of liquid sap from wood. The end-point of this cyclical phase-change process is wood dewatered to the cell wall fibre saturation point. This paper describes dewatering over a range of green wood specimen sizes, from laboratory physical chemistry studies to pilot-plant trials. Magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were applied to study the fundamental mechanisms of the process, which were contrasted with similar studies of conventional thermal wood drying. In conclusion, opportunities and impediments towards the commercialisation of the green wood dewatering process are discussed. KW - supercritical CO2 KW - phase-change KW - sapwood KW - dewatering KW - physical chemistry KW - nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy KW - magnetic resonance imaging Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219327 SN - 1420-3049 VL - 25 IS - 22 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Elsner, Clara A1 - Kunz, Andreas Steven A1 - Wagner, Nicole A1 - Huflage, Henner A1 - Hübner, Stefan A1 - Luetkens, Karsten Sebastian A1 - Bley, Thorsten Alexander A1 - Schmitt, Rainer A1 - Ergün, Süleyman A1 - Grunz, Jan-Peter T1 - MRI-based evaluation of the flexor digitorum superficialis anatomy: investigating the prevalence and morphometry of the “chiasma antebrachii” JF - Diagnostics N2 - Recent dissection studies resulted in the introduction of the term “chiasma antebrachii”, which represents an intersection of the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) tendons for digits 2 and 3 in the distal third of the forearm. This retrospective investigation aimed to provide an MRI-based morphologic analysis of the chiasma antebrachii. In 89 patients (41 women, 39.3 ± 21.3 years), MRI examinations of the forearm (2010–2021) were reviewed by two radiologists, who evaluated all studies for the presence and length of the chiasma as well as its distance from the distal radioulnar and elbow joint. The chiasma antebrachii was identified in the distal third of the forearm in 88 patients (98.9%), while one intersection was located more proximally in the middle part. The chiasma had a median length of 28 mm (interquartile range: 24–35 mm). Its distances to the distal radioulnar and elbow joint were 16 mm (8–25 mm) and 215 mm (187–227 mm), respectively. T1-weighted post-contrast sequences were found to be superior to T2- or proton-density-weighted sequences in 71 cases (79.8%). To conclude, the chiasma antebrachii is part of the standard FDS anatomy. Knowledge of its morphology is important, e.g., in targeted injections of therapeutics or reconstructive surgery. KW - flexor digitorum superficialis KW - flexor tendon KW - chiasma antebrachii KW - magnetic resonance imaging Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-362631 SN - 2075-4418 VL - 13 IS - 14 ER - TY - THES A1 - Blaimer, Martin T1 - Selbstkalibrierende Verfahren in der parallelen Magnetresonanztomographie T1 - Self-calibrating methods for parallel magnetic resonance imaging N2 - In der klinischen Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) spielt neben dem Bildkontrast und der räumlichen Auflösung, die Messzeit eine sehr wichtige Rolle. Auf Grund schneller Bildgebungsmethoden und technischer Fortschritte in der Geräteentwicklung konnten die Aufnahmezeiten bis auf wenige Sekunden reduziert werden. Somit wurde die MRT zu einem der wichtigsten Verfahren in der klinischen Diagnostik. Der größte Fortschritt für eine weitere Verkürzung der Aufnahmezeiten erfolgte durch die Einführung von Partiell-Parallelen-Akquisitions (PPA) Techniken in den späten 1990er Jahren. Inzwischen sind PPA-Verfahren etabliert und stehen auch für den Einsatz im klinischen Alltag zur Verfügung. Die Grundlage aller PPA-Verfahren bildet eine Anordnung von mehreren Empfangsdetektoren, welche gleichzeitig und unabhängig voneinander ein Objekt abbilden. Das Signal jedes einzelnen Detektors enthält dabei je nach Position eine gewisse räumliche Information. Eine Messzeitverkürzung wird im Allgemeinen dadurch erzielt, dass die Menge der aufzunehmenden Daten reduziert wird. Dies führt zu Fehler behafteten Bildern auf Grund von fehlenden Daten. Alle gängigen PPA-Verfahren benutzen die in der Detektoranordnung inhärente räumliche Information, um mit geeigneten Algorithmen die Fehler behafteten Bilder zu korrigieren. Die beiden erfolgreichsten Ansätze stellen momentan das "Sensitivity Encoding" (SENSE) Verfahren und die "Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisitions" (GRAPPA) Methode dar. Die Leistungsfähigkeit von PPA-Methoden ist allerdings beschränkt. Zunächst begrenzt die Anzahl der Einzeldetektoren den maximal erreichbaren Messzeitgewinn. Weiterhin führt der Einsatz von PPA-Verfahren zu einer Verringerung des Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhältnis (englisch: signal-to-noise ratio, SNR). Im Allgemeinen ist das SNR um den Faktor der Wurzel des Beschleunigungsfaktors verringert. Ein zusätzlicher SNR-Verlust entsteht durch den Rekonstruktionsprozess und ist stark abhängig von der geometrischen Anordnung der Detektoren. Auf Grund dieser Verluste ist der Einsatz von PPA-Methoden auf Applikationen mit bereits hohem intrinsischen SNR beschränkt. In dieser Arbeit werden Erweiterungen von PPA-Verfahren vorgestellt, um deren Leistungsfähigkeit weiter zu verbessern. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der selbstkalibrierenden GRAPPA-Methode, welche die fehlenden Daten im reziproken Bildraum, dem so genannten k-Raum, rekonstruiert. Zunächst wird der Einsatz von GRAPPA für die 3D-Bildgebung beschrieben. In der 3D-Bildgebung ist es für die Rekonstruktionsqualität von PPA-Methoden vorteilhaft, die Daten entlang zweier Raumrichtungen zu reduzieren. GRAPPA war bisher auf Experimente mit Datenrekonstruktion in nur einer Richtung beschränkt. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich durch Kombination mit SENSE der Vorteil einer zwei-dimensionalen Datenreduktion erstmals auch für GRAPPA benutzen lässt. Weiterhin wird eine Neuformulierung der GRAPPA-Rekonstruktion als Matrixoperation vorgestellt. Dieser Formalismus wird als GRAPPA-Operator Formalismus bezeichnet und erlaubt es, ein gemessenes Signal im k-Raum zu verschieben, um fehlende Daten zu rekonstruieren. Eigenschaften und Beziehungen zwischen unterschiedlichen Verschiebungen werden beschrieben und daraus resultierende Anwendungen für die 2D- und 3D-Bildgebung präsentiert. Im Allgemeinen arbeiten alle konventionellen PPA-Verfahren ausschließlich auf der Rekonstruktionsseite. Somit ist die Bildqualität und damit der erzielbare Messzeitgewinn nur durch die Geometrie der Detektoranordnung beeinflussbar. In der Mehrschicht-MRT lässt sich diese Abhängigkeit von der Detektoranordnung reduzieren, indem Bildartefakte bereits während der Datenaufnahme gezielt verändert werden. Auf diese Weise kann der SNR-Verlust aufgrund des Rekonstruktionsprozesses minimiert werden. Dieses Konzept der kontrollierten Einfaltungen (englisch: Controlled Aliasing in Parallel Imaging Results in Higher Acceleration, CAIPIRINHA) wird für den Einsatz in der dynamischen Herzbildgebung vorgestellt. Bei geringen Beschleunigungsfaktoren kann mit CAIPIRINHA im Gegensatz zu den üblichen PPA-Verfahren eine Bildqualität erzielt werden, welche keine signifikanten Einbußen gegenüber konventionellen Experimenten aufweist. N2 - In clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications, scan time plays an important role. Due to the introduction of fast imaging sequences and hardware developments, acquisition times have been reduced to the order of several seconds and for this reason, MRI has become one of the most important techniques in clinical diagnosis. The greatest improvement in further reducing the acquisition times has been the development of partially parallel acquisition (PPA) strategies in the late 1990s. Today, PPA strategies have become established and are available for clinical routine examinations. The basis for all PPA methods is an array of mutiple detectors which allow the independent and simultaneous imaging of an object. According to its position, each detector receives signal predominantly from a localized region and therefore contains spatial information. In general, a scan time reduction is achieved by reducing the amount of acquired data. This results in imaging artifacts. PPA methods utilize the spatial information inherent in the detector array in order to remove these artifacts by using dedicated reconstruction algorithms. At present, the most successful PPA strategies are the "Sensitivity Encoding" (SENSE) method and the "Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisitions" (GRAPPA) technique. However, the performance of PPA methods is limited. First, the achievable scan time reduction factor is limited by the number of detectors in the array. Second, compared with a conventional experiment the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is decreased by the square root of the scan time reduction factor. An additional decrease in SNR is introduced by the reconstruction process and is strongly dependent on the array geometry. For these reasons, the application of PPA methods is restricted to applications with a high intrinsic SNR. In this thesis, extensions of standard PPA methods are presented which improve their performance. Special emphasis is put on the autocalibrating GRAPPA technique, which reconstructs missing data in the reciprocal image space, the so-called k-space. First, the application of GRAPPA for 3D imaging is desribed. In 3D imaging, it is advantageous for the reconstruction quality of PPA methods to perform the data reduction in two spatial dimensions. However, until now GRAPPA has been restricted to experiments with data reduction in only one dimension. Here, a combination of GRAPPA and SENSE is presented which allows one to utilize the benefits of two-dimensional data reduction for the GRAPPA technique. Furthermore, a reformulation of the GRAPPA reconstruction process as a matrix operation is presented. This formalism is refered to as the GRAPPA-Operator formalism and it allows one to shift a received signal in k-space in order to reconstruct missing data. Several properties and relationships between different shifts are described and resultant implications for 2D and 3D imaging are presented. In general, all conventional PPA methods work on the reconstruction side. Therefore,the image quality and thus the achievable scan time reduction can only be controlled by the choice of the array geometry. In multi-slice MRI, this dependency on the array geometry can be reduced by modifying the appearence of imaging artifacts during the data acquisition period. In this way, the decrease in SNR introduced by the reconstruction process can be minimized. This concept is entitled "Controlled Aliasing in Parallel Imaging Results In Higher Acceleratrion" (CAIPIRINHA), and in this thesis its application for dynamic cardiac imaging is described. In contrast to previous PPA techniques with two-fold acceleration, the image quality using the CAIPIRINHA approach is not significantly decreased compared with conventional experiments. KW - Magnetische Resonanz KW - NMR-Tomographie KW - Detektor-Array KW - Bildrekonstruktion KW - Selbst-Kalibrierung KW - nuclear magnetic resonance KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - phased-array KW - image reconstruction KW - self-calibration Y1 - 2005 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-24022 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Biederer, Jürgen A1 - Mirsadraee, S. A1 - Beer, M. A1 - Molinari, F. A1 - Hintze, C. A1 - Bauman, G. A1 - Both, M. A1 - Van Beek, E. J. R. A1 - Wild, J. A1 - Puderbach, M. T1 - MRI of the lung (3/3)—current applications and future perspectives JF - Insights into Imaging N2 - Background MRI of the lung is recommended in a number of clinical indications. Having a non-radiation alternative is particularly attractive in children and young subjects, or pregnant women. Methods Provided there is sufficient expertise, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be considered as the preferential modality in specific clinical conditions such as cystic fibrosis and acute pulmonary embolism, since additional functional information on respiratory mechanics and regional lung perfusion is provided. In other cases, such as tumours and pneumonia in children, lung MRI may be considered an alternative or adjunct to other modalities with at least similar diagnostic value. Results In interstitial lung disease, the clinical utility of MRI remains to be proven, but it could provide additional information that will be beneficial in research, or at some stage in clinical practice. Customised protocols for chest imaging combine fast breath-hold acquisitions from a “buffet” of sequences. Having introduced details of imaging protocols in previous articles, the aim of this manuscript is to discuss the advantages and limitations of lung MRI in current clinical practice. Conclusion New developments and future perspectives such as motion-compensated imaging with self-navigated sequences or fast Fourier decomposition MRI for non-contrast enhanced ventilation- and perfusion-weighted imaging of the lung are discussed. Main Messages • MRI evolves as a third lung imaging modality, combining morphological and functional information. • It may be considered first choice in cystic fibrosis and pulmonary embolism of young and pregnant patients. • In other cases (tumours, pneumonia in children), it is an alternative or adjunct to X-ray and CT. • In interstitial lung disease, it serves for research, but the clinical value remains to be proven. • New users are advised to make themselves familiar with the particular advantages and limitations. KW - functional imaging KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - cystic fibrosis KW - pulmonary embolism KW - tumor KW - infiltrate Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124348 VL - 3 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Biederer, J. A1 - Beer, M. A1 - Hirsch, W. A1 - Wild, J. A1 - Fabel, M. A1 - Puderbach, M. A1 - Van Beek, E. J. R. T1 - MRI of the lung (2/3). Why … when … how? JF - Insights into Imaging N2 - Background Among the modalities for lung imaging, proton magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been the latest to be introduced into clinical practice. Its value to replace X-ray and computed tomography (CT) when radiation exposure or iodinated contrast material is contra-indicated is well acknowledged: i.e. for paediatric patients and pregnant women or for scientific use. One of the reasons why MRI of the lung is still rarely used, except in a few centres, is the lack of consistent protocols customised to clinical needs. Methods This article makes non-vendor-specific protocol suggestions for general use with state-of-the-art MRI scanners, based on the available literature and a consensus discussion within a panel of experts experienced in lung MRI. Results Various sequences have been successfully tested within scientific or clinical environments. MRI of the lung with appropriate combinations of these sequences comprises morphological and functional imaging aspects in a single examination. It serves in difficult clinical problems encountered in daily routine, such as assessment of the mediastinum and chest wall, and even might challenge molecular imaging techniques in the near future. Conclusion This article helps new users to implement appropriate protocols on their own MRI platforms. Main Messages • MRI of the lung can be readily performed on state-of-the-art 1.5-T MRI scanners. • Protocol suggestions based on the available literature facilitate its use for routine • MRI offers solutions for complicated thoracic masses with atelectasis and chest wall invasion. • MRI is an option for paediatrics and science when CT is contra-indicated KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - lung KW - sequence imaging protocol Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124268 VL - 3 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Beyhoff, Niklas A1 - Lohr, David A1 - Thiele, Arne A1 - Foryst-Ludwig, Anna A1 - Klopfleisch, Robert A1 - Schreiber, Laura M. A1 - Kintscher, Ulrich T1 - Myocardial Infarction After High-Dose Catecholamine Application—A Case Report From an Experimental Imaging Study JF - Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine N2 - Although heart failure following myocardial infarction (MI) represents a major health burden, underlying microstructural and functional changes remain incompletely understood. Here, we report on a case of unexpected MI after treatment with the catecholamine isoproterenol in an experimental imaging study in mice using different state-of-the-art imaging modalities. The decline in cardiac function was documented by ultrahigh-frequency echocardiography and speckle-tracking analyses. Myocardial microstructure was studied ex vivo at a spatial resolution of 100 × 100 × 100 μm\(^{3}\) using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) and histopathologic analyses. Two weeks after ISO treatment, the animal showed an apical aneurysm accompanied by reduced radial strain in corresponding segments and impaired global systolic function. DT-MRI revealed a loss of contractile fiber tracts together with a disarray of remaining fibers as corresponding microstructural correlates. This preclinical case report provides valuable insights into pathophysiology and morphologic–functional relations of heart failure following MI using emerging imaging technologies. KW - myocardial infarction KW - catecholamines KW - speckle tracking KW - diffusion tensor imaging KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - case report KW - heart failure KW - echocardiography Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217959 VL - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Andelovic, Kristina A1 - Winter, Patrick A1 - Jakob, Peter Michael A1 - Bauer, Wolfgang Rudolf A1 - Herold, Volker A1 - Zernecke, Alma T1 - Evaluation of plaque characteristics and inflammation using magnetic resonance imaging JF - Biomedicines N2 - Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of large and medium-sized arteries, characterized by the growth of atherosclerotic lesions (plaques). These plaques often develop at inner curvatures of arteries, branchpoints, and bifurcations, where the endothelial wall shear stress is low and oscillatory. In conjunction with other processes such as lipid deposition, biomechanical factors lead to local vascular inflammation and plaque growth. There is also evidence that low and oscillatory shear stress contribute to arterial remodeling, entailing a loss in arterial elasticity and, therefore, an increased pulse-wave velocity. Although altered shear stress profiles, elasticity and inflammation are closely intertwined and critical for plaque growth, preclinical and clinical investigations for atherosclerosis mostly focus on the investigation of one of these parameters only due to the experimental limitations. However, cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been demonstrated to be a potent tool which can be used to provide insights into a large range of biological parameters in one experimental session. It enables the evaluation of the dynamic process of atherosclerotic lesion formation without the need for harmful radiation. Flow-sensitive MRI provides the assessment of hemodynamic parameters such as wall shear stress and pulse wave velocity which may replace invasive and radiation-based techniques for imaging of the vascular function and the characterization of early plaque development. In combination with inflammation imaging, the analyses and correlations of these parameters could not only significantly advance basic preclinical investigations of atherosclerotic lesion formation and progression, but also the diagnostic clinical evaluation for early identification of high-risk plaques, which are prone to rupture. In this review, we summarize the key applications of magnetic resonance imaging for the evaluation of plaque characteristics through flow sensitive and morphological measurements. The simultaneous measurements of functional and structural parameters will further preclinical research on atherosclerosis and has the potential to fundamentally improve the detection of inflammation and vulnerable plaques in patients. KW - atherosclerosis KW - mouse models KW - wall shear stress KW - pulse wave velocity KW - arterial elasticity KW - inflammation KW - magnetic resonance imaging Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228839 SN - 2227-9059 VL - 9 IS - 2 ER -