TY - JOUR A1 - Zhou, Sijie A1 - Allison, Brendan Z. A1 - Kübler, Andrea A1 - Cichocki, Andrzej A1 - Wang, Xingyu A1 - Jin, Jing T1 - Effects of Background Music on Objective and Subjective Performance Measures in an Auditory BCI JF - Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience N2 - Several studies have explored brain computer interface (BCI) systems based on auditory stimuli, which could help patients with visual impairments. Usability and user satisfaction are important considerations in any BCI. Although background music can influence emotion and performance in other task environments, and many users may wish to listen to music while using a BCI, auditory, and other BCIs are typically studied without background music. Some work has explored the possibility of using polyphonic music in auditory BCI systems. However, this approach requires users with good musical skills, and has not been explored in online experiments. Our hypothesis was that an auditory BCI with background music would be preferred by subjects over a similar BCI without background music, without any difference in BCI performance. We introduce a simple paradigm (which does not require musical skill) using percussion instrument sound stimuli and background music, and evaluated it in both offline and online experiments. The result showed that subjects preferred the auditory BCI with background music. Different performance measures did not reveal any significant performance effect when comparing background music vs. no background. Since the addition of background music does not impair BCI performance but is preferred by users, auditory (and perhaps other) BCIs should consider including it. Our study also indicates that auditory BCIs can be effective even if the auditory channel is simultaneously otherwise engaged. KW - brain computer interface KW - event-related potentials KW - auditory KW - music background KW - audio stimulus Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165101 VL - 10 IS - 105 ER - TY - THES A1 - Seifert, Jürgen T1 - Elektrophysiologische Untersuchung zur Wirksamkeit von Methylphenidat anhand einer Vergleichsuntersuchung von Kindern mit und ohne ADHS T1 - Electrophysiological investigation of the effectiveness of methylphenidate in children with and without ADHD N2 - Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, mittels eines weiter entwickelten CPT-Tests (CPT-OX-Paradigma) gewonnener hirnelektrischer Korrelate, die klinische Wirksamkeit von Methylphenidat (MPH) bei Kindern mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) im Kontrollgruppenvergleich experimentell nachzuweisen. 1) Vorgegeben wurden Aufgaben zur Anregung von „Aufmerksamkeit“ und zur „Hemmungskontrolle“ bzw. „Impulsivitätskontrolle“ mittels einer weiter entwickelten Form des Continous- performance- Tests (CPT- OX). Die Kinder mit ADHS wurden unter den entsprechend definierten experimentellen Bedingungen mit und ohne Medikation von je 10 mg MPH untersucht und die evozierten Potentiale mit jenen der Gruppe alters- und geschlechtsgleicher Kontrollkinder verglichen. Als abhängige Variable wurden 21Kanal-ERPs von 17 Jungen mit ADHS, - mit und ohne Methylphenidatmedikation -, sowie von 20 gesunden Kontrollkindern mittels referenzunabhängiger Methoden analysiert. Vier quasi stabile Mikrozustände, welche den Zeitabschnitten der konventionellen ERP-Komponenten P 100, P 200, P 3a und P 3b entsprechen, konnten dabei mittels einer datengetriebenen Segmentierung abgegrenzt werden. Anschließend wurden die P 3a-Amplituden der Kinder mit ADHS – jeweils ohne und mit MPH-Medikation – mit den P 3a-Amplituden der gesunden Kontrollkinder verglichen. Die hypothesengeleitete experimentelle Studie kam zu folgenden wesentlichen Ergebnissen: Im Gruppenvergleich ohne Medikation waren die Amplituden im P 3a-Intervall (257-406 ms post stimulus) sowohl in der Hinweisreiz- als auch in der Hemmreizbedingung, also bei Aufmerksamkeitsanforderung wie auch bei Anforderung zur Impulsivitätskontrolle, bei den nicht medizierten hyperkinetischen Kindern jeweils signifikant niedriger als bei den gesunden Kontrollkindern. 2) Im Gruppenvergleich ergab sich ein signifikanter Medikationseffekt. Die Amplituden im Zeitbereich 3 (P 300) bei den mit Methylphenidat medizierten Kindern mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung unterschieden sich nicht mehr signifikant von den entsprechenden P 3a-Amplituden der gesunden Kontrollkinder. Durch Stimulantienmedikation ließ sich somit eine Normalisierung des hirnelektrischen Korrelats von Aufmerksamkeit und Impulsivitätskontrolle erreichen. Die Interpretation der Ergebnisse führt zu dem Schluss, dass Methylphenidat einen normalisierenden Effekt auf die frühe, hirnelektrisch messbare Reizverarbeitung bei der visuellen Orientierung (Aufmerksamkeit) und Stimuluserkennung (Bewertung von Reizunterschieden) aufweist. Mit dem CPT-OX-Paradigma lassen sich damit zuverlässig elektrophysiologische Korrelate der hirnelektrischen Wirksamkeit von Methylphenidat, in verschiedenen Reizbedingungen, messen. N2 - The Continuous Performance Test (CPT) is an appropriate instrument for assessment of correlates at the brain electrical activity level of attention and response to stimulant medication. The aim of the study was to confirm at the electrophysiological level the clinical effectiveness of methylphenidate (MPH) in children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); to this end, a comparative study of hyperactive and healthy control children was undertaken, employing a modified CPT test. Twenty-one channel ERPs from 17 hyperactive boys, with and without MPH treatment, and from 20 healthy control children were analyzed with reference-independent techniques. The resulting quasi-stabile microstates correspond to the time ranges of the conventional ERP components P100, P200 and P300 (with the subcomponents P3a and P3b) and could be discriminated by means of data-based segmentation. The P3a amplitudes of the hyperactive children, in each case with and without MPH medication, were compared with those of healthy controls. P3a segment amplitudes were significantly lower in non-medicated ADHD patients than in healthy children, both following positive and inhibitory stimulus conditions. A significant medication effect was detected following MPH treatment: segment 3 amplitudes in MPH-treated hyperactive children were not significantly different from those of healthy controls. MPH exerts a highly potent effect on stimulus recognition and resulting consequences. Application of the CPT-OX enables the reliable measurement of electrophysiological correlates of the clinical effectiveness of MPH under different stimulus conditions. KW - Aufmerksamkeitsdefitit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung KW - ADHS KW - Methylphenidat KW - ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale KW - Continous-Performance-Test KW - Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder KW - ADHD KW - methylphenidate KW - event-related potentials KW - Continous performance test Y1 - 2004 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10155 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Riepl, Korbinian A1 - Mussel, Patrick A1 - Osinsky, Roman A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - Influences of State and Trait Affect on Behavior, Feedback-Related Negativity, and P3b in the Ultimatum Game JF - PLoS One N2 - The present study investigates how different emotions can alter social bargaining behavior. An important paradigm to study social bargaining is the Ultimatum Game. There, a proposer gets a pot of money and has to offer part of it to a responder. If the responder accepts, both players get the money as proposed by the proposer. If he rejects, none of the players gets anything. Rational choice models would predict that responders accept all offers above 0. However, evidence shows that responders typically reject a large proportion of all unfair offers. We analyzed participants’ behavior when they played the Ultimatum Game as responders and simultaneously collected electroencephalogram data in order to quantify the feedback-related negativity and P3b components. We induced state affect (momentarily emotions unrelated to the task) via short movie clips and measured trait affect (longer-lasting emotional dispositions) via questionnaires. State happiness led to increased acceptance rates of very unfair offers. Regarding neurophysiology, we found that unfair offers elicited larger feedback-related negativity amplitudes than fair offers. Additionally, an interaction of state and trait affect occurred: high trait negative affect (subsuming a variety of aversive mood states) led to increased feedback-related negativity amplitudes when participants were in an angry mood, but not if they currently experienced fear or happiness. We discuss that increased rumination might be responsible for this result, which might not occur, however, when people experience happiness or fear. Apart from that, we found that fair offers elicited larger P3b components than unfair offers, which might reflect increased pleasure in response to fair offers. Moreover, high trait negative affect was associated with decreased P3b amplitudes, potentially reflecting decreased motivation to engage in activities. We discuss implications of our results in the light of theories and research on depression and anxiety. KW - emotions KW - ultimatum game KW - fear KW - happiness KW - behavior KW - decision making KW - electroencephalography KW - event-related potentials Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147386 VL - 7 IS - 11 ER - TY - THES A1 - Rathjen, Hella Elisabeth T1 - Elektrophysiologische Cue-Reaktivität und Aufmerksamkeitsverzerrung bei alkoholabhängigen Patienten T1 - Electrophysiologic Cue-Reactivity and Attentional Bias in Alcohol-dependent patients N2 - In vorhergehenden Untersuchungen wurden in den ereigniskorrelierten Potentialen alkoholabhängiger Patienten höhere Amplituden auf suchtspezifische gegenüber neutralen Reizen beschrieben, die sich bei Kontrollpersonen nicht in diesem Maße nachweisen ließen. Diese Amplitudeneffekte waren besonders im Bereich um 300 ms nach Auftreten des Stimulus zu finden. Hierbei könnte es sich um eine spezifische Cue-Reaktivität handeln. Die Amplitudenerhöhung könnte jedoch auch dadurch erklärt werden, dass die Patienten ihre Aufmerksamkeit verstärkt alkoholbezogenen Stimuli zuwenden. Um diese Effekte aufzuklären, wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit in einem dot-probe Paradigma bei alkoholabhängigen Patienten und gesunden Kontrollpersonen die Reaktionszeiten auf alkoholbezogene und emotionale Bilder und Wörter gemessen. Mit Hilfe einer simultanen EEG-Aufnahme wurden die ereigniskorrelierten Potentiale auf die Stimuli abgeleitet. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, die beschriebene Amplitudenerhöhung zu replizieren, und zu prüfen, ob die Patienten ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf die alkoholbezogenen Stimuli lenken. Es wurden je 17 männliche Patienten und Kontrollen untersucht. Die Patienten befanden sich im Rahmen einer qualifizierten Entzugsbehandlung auf der Suchtstation der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie und waren zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchung bereits körperlich entgiftet. Als Stimulusmaterial wurden Bilder und Wörter mit alkoholspezifischem und emotional positivem, negativem und neutralem Inhalt verwendet. Die Stimuli wurden einzeln auf wechselnden Seiten eines Bildschirms präsentiert. Nach dem Ausblenden des jeweiligen Stimulus erschien auf einer der beiden Bildschirmhälften ein imperativer Stimulus in Form eines Plus-Zeichens, der mit einem Tastendruck beantwortet werden musste. Konnte der imperative Reiz, der auf derselben Bildschirmhälfte erschien, wie zuvor das Bild oder das Wort, schneller beantwortet werden, als ein Reiz in entgegengesetzter Lokalisation, spricht dies dafür, dass zuvor die Aufmerksamkeit stark von dem Bild angezogen wurde. Wurde ein imperativer Reiz auf der entgegengesetzten Bildschirmhälfte schneller mit einem Tastendruck bearbeitet, war die Aufmerksamkeit zuvor entweder nicht so stark von dem Stimulus angezogen, oder von ihm abgewendet worden. Die erwartete Amplitudenerhöhung auf alkoholspezifische Stimuli in den EKPs der Patienten im Bereich von 300 ms nach Stimuluspräsentation konnte nicht bestätigt werden. Im Gegenteil zeigten die Kontrollpersonen verglichen mit den Patienten bei dem Peak P1 (an der Elektrode Pz 160-340 ms) stärker positive Amplituden auf alkoholbezogene gegenüber neutralen Bildern. Effekte in den Latenzen der Amplituden bestanden bei dem negativen Peak zwischen 204 und 320 ms. Die Patienten reagierten auf alkoholbezogene Wörter mit kürzeren Latenzen als auf neutrale Stimuli. Die Kontrollpersonen wiesen längere Latenzen auf. In den Reaktionszeiten auf die imperativen Stimuli war keine signifikante Interaktion zwischen Gruppe, Stimulus und Kongruenz vorhanden, so dass die vermutete Aufmerksamkeitslenkung der Patienten auf alkholbezogene Stimuli nicht bestätigt werden konnte. Dies könnte aber auch in methodischen Ursachen begründet sein, wie in einem zu großen visuellen Winkel. Die Ergebnisse der ereigniskorrelierten Potentiale könnten damit erklärt werden, dass die Patienten sich im Gegensatz zu den Kontrollen von den alkoholbezogenen Stimuli abwendeten. Auch könnte es sein, dass die Patienten sich zu Beginn keinem der Stimuli im Besonderen zuwendeten. Möglicherweise weisen nicht alle abhängigen Patienten eine Cue-Reaktivität auf. Die künstliche Untersuchungssituation könnte Reaktionen verdeckt haben, die in natürlicher Umgebung vorhanden sind. N2 - Previous investigations showed higher amplitudes in alcohol depentent patients in reaction to addiction related versus neutral cues which controls did not show to the same extent. These changes in the amplitudes could be found especially around 300 ms post stimulus presentation. These effects could demonstrate a specific cue reactivity. Also, the elevation of amplitudes could be explained with an increased allocation of attention towards alcohol related cues. In order to investigate these effects, reaction times to alcohol related and emotional pictures and words were measured in a dot-probe paradigma in this doctoral thesis. Using a simultaneous EEG-recording event-related potentials to the stimuli were registered. The aim of the investigtion was to replicate the described elevation of amplitudes to see if patients allocate their attention to alcohol-related stimuli. A number of 17 male patients and controls each were investigated. The patients were receiving a qualified withdrawal treatment on the addiction ward of the Department for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the University of Wuerzburg and were physically detoxified at the time of the investigation. Pictures and words with alcohol specific and emotionally positive, negative and neutral denotation served as stimulus material. The stimuli were presented one by one on alternating sides of the computer screen. After the presentation of each stimulus a plus sign serving as an imperative stimulus was shown which had to be answered with hitting a key on the computer keyboard. If the imperative stimulus which was presented on the same half of the screen as the picture or word before was answered more quickly than a stimulus on the opposite location this argues for the fact that the attention was attracted by the picture or word. When an imperative cue on the opposite half of the screen was processed more quickly, the allocation of attention to the previous stimulus was not as strong or the attention was even turned away from it. The expected elevation of amplitude stimuli in the patients` event-related potentials (ERPs) in reaction to alcohol related stimuli around 300 ms after presentation of the stimulus could not be confirmed. On the contrary controls showed more positive amplitudes to alcohol related versus neutral pictures compared with the patients around peak P1 (electrode site Pz 160-340 ms post stimulus presentation). Latency effects of the amplitudes could be found at the negative peak between 204 and 320 ms. Patients reacted with shorter latencies to alcohol related words than to neutral cues. Controls showed longer latencies. There were no significant statistical interactions between group, stimulus and congruence in the reaction times to the imperative stimuli. Therefore the suspected allocation of attention of the patients to alcohol related stimuli could not be confirmed. It is possible that the reason for the missing effects are methodological, e.g. that the visual angle was too broad. The results of the event related potentials could be explained whith the patients turning away their attention from the alcohol related stimuli in the contrast to controls. It is also possible that the patients did not specifically allocate their attention to any of the stimuli at the beginning. Perhaps not all of the addicted patients show a cue reactivity. Also the artificial situation of the investigation could have covered up reactions that would have shown in natural environment. KW - Alkoholabhängigkeit KW - Aufmerksamkeitsverzerrung KW - Cue-Reaktivität KW - Ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale KW - attentional bias KW - cue-reactivity KW - event-related potentials KW - alcohol dependency Y1 - 2005 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17292 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Neuhoff, Nina A1 - Bruder, Jennifer A1 - Bartling, Jürgen A1 - Warnke, Andreas A1 - Remschmidt, Helmut A1 - Müller-Myhsok, Bertram A1 - Schulte-Körne, Gerd T1 - Evidence for the Late MMN as a Neurophysiological Endophenotype for Dyslexia JF - PLoS One N2 - Dyslexia affects 5-10% of school-aged children and is therefore one of the most common learning disorders. Research on auditory event related potentials (AERP), particularly the mismatch negativity (MMN) component, has revealed anomalies in individuals with dyslexia to speech stimuli. Furthermore, candidate genes for this disorder were found through molecular genetic studies. A current challenge for dyslexia research is to understand the interaction between molecular genetics and brain function, and to promote the identification of relevant endophenotypes for dyslexia. The present study examines MMN, a neurophysiological correlate of speech perception, and its potential as an endophenotype for dyslexia in three groups of children. The first group of children was clinically diagnosed with dyslexia, whereas the second group of children was comprised of their siblings who had average reading and spelling skills and were therefore "unaffected'' despite having a genetic risk for dyslexia. The third group consisted of control children who were not related to the other groups and were also unaffected. In total, 225 children were included in the study. All children showed clear MMN activity to/da/-/ba/ contrasts that could be separated into three distinct MMN components. Whilst the first two MMN components did not differentiate the groups, the late MMN component (300-700 ms) revealed significant group differences. The mean area of the late MMN was attenuated in both the dyslexic children and their unaffected siblings in comparison to the control children. This finding is indicative of analogous alterations of neurophysiological processes in children with dyslexia and those with a genetic risk for dyslexia, without a manifestation of the disorder. The present results therefore further suggest that the late MMN might be a potential endophenotype for dyslexia. KW - processing deficits KW - children KW - event-related potentials KW - mismatch negativity mmn KW - developmental dyslexia KW - reading disability KW - auditory discrimination KW - susceptibility gene KW - speech perception KW - novelty detection Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133686 VL - 7 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Meule, Adrian A1 - Kübler, Andrea A1 - Blechert, Jens T1 - Time course of electrocortical food-cue responses during cognitive regulation of craving JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - In our current obesogenic environment, exposure to visual food-cues can easily lead to craving and overeating because short-term, pleasurable effects of food intake dominate over the anticipated long-term adverse effects such as weight gain and associated health problems. Here we contrasted these two conditions during food-cue presentation while acquiring event-related potentials (ERPs) and subjective craving ratings. Female participants (n = 25) were presented with either high-calorie (HC) or low-calorie (LC) food images under instructions to imagine either immediate (NOW) or long-term effects (LATER) of consumption. On subjective ratings for HC foods, the LATER perspective reduced cravings as compared to the NOW perspective. For LC foods, by contrast, craving increased under the LATER perspective. Early ERPs (occipital N1, 150-200 ms) were sensitive to food type but not to perspective. Late ERPs (late positive potential, LPP, 350-550 ms) were larger in the HC-LATER condition than in all other conditions, possibly indicating that a cognitive focus on negative long-term consequences induced negative arousal. This enhancement for HC-LATER attenuated to the level of the LC conditions during the later slow wave (550-3000 ms), but amplitude in the HC-NOW condition was larger than in all other conditions, possibly due to a delayed appetitive response. Across all conditions, LPP amplitudes were positively correlated with self-reported emotional eating. In sum, results reveal that regulation effects are secondary to an early attentional analysis of food type and dynamically evolve over time. Adopting a long-term perspective on eating might promote a healthier food choice across a range of food types. KW - EEG KW - disorder examination questionnaire KW - eating disorder KW - emotion regulation KW - future directions KW - attention KW - brain KW - high-calorie KW - german version KW - bulimia nervosa KW - chocolate images KW - event-related potentials KW - eating KW - calorie content KW - food-cues KW - food craving KW - LPP KW - slow wave Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122566 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 4 IS - 669 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Martens, Suzanne A1 - Bensch, Michael A1 - Halder, Sebastian A1 - Hill, Jeremy A1 - Nijboer, Femke A1 - Ramos-Murguialday, Ander A1 - Schoelkopf, Bernhard A1 - Birbaumer, Niels A1 - Gharabaghi, Alireza T1 - Epidural electrocorticography for monitoring of arousal in locked-in state JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Electroencephalography (EEG) often fails to assess both the level (i.e., arousal) and the content (i.e., awareness) of pathologically altered consciousness in patients without motor responsiveness. This might be related to a decline of awareness, to episodes of low arousal and disturbed sleep patterns, and/or to distorting and attenuating effects of the skull and intermediate tissue on the recorded brain signals. Novel approaches are required to overcome these limitations. We introduced epidural electrocorticography (ECoG) for monitoring of cortical physiology in a late-stage amytrophic lateral sclerosis patient in completely locked-in state (CLIS) Despite long-term application for a period of six months, no implant related complications occurred. Recordings from the left frontal cortex were sufficient to identify three arousal states. Spectral analysis of the intrinsic oscillatory activity enabled us to extract state-dependent dominant frequencies at <4, similar to 7 and similar to 20 Hz, representing sleep-like periods, and phases of low and elevated arousal, respectively. In the absence of other biomarkers, ECoG proved to be a reliable tool for monitoring circadian rhythmicity, i.e., avoiding interference with the patient when he was sleeping and exploiting time windows of responsiveness. Moreover, the effects of interventions addressing the patient's arousal, e.g., amantadine medication, could be evaluated objectively on the basis of physiological markers, even in the absence of behavioral parameters. Epidural ECoG constitutes a feasible trade-off between surgical risk and quality of recorded brain signals to gain information on the patient's present level of arousal. This approach enables us to optimize the timing of interactions and medical interventions, all of which should take place when the patient is in a phase of high arousal. Furthermore, avoiding low responsiveness periods will facilitate measures to implement alternative communication pathways involving brain-computer interfaces (BCI). KW - temporal-lobe epilepsy KW - neuroprosthetic devices KW - brain computer interface KW - event-related potentials KW - intraoperative electrocoicography KW - electrocorticography KW - epidural recording KW - locked-in state KW - coma KW - consciousness KW - paralyzed patients KW - EEG KW - sleep KW - communication KW - frequencies KW - amyotrophic-lateral-sclerosis Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114863 VL - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lugo, Zulay R. A1 - Quitadamo, Lucia R. A1 - Bianchi, Luigi A1 - Pellas, Fréderic A1 - Veser, Sandra A1 - Lesenfants, Damien A1 - Real, Ruben G. L. A1 - Herbert, Cornelia A1 - Guger, Christoph A1 - Kotchoubey, Boris A1 - Mattia, Donatella A1 - Kübler, Andrea A1 - Laureys, Steven A1 - Noirhomme, Quentin T1 - Cognitive Processing in Non-Communicative Patients: What Can Event-Related Potentials Tell Us? JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Event-related potentials (ERP) have been proposed to improve the differential diagnosis of non-responsive patients. We investigated the potential of the P300 as a reliable marker of conscious processing in patients with locked-in syndrome (LIS). Eleven chronic LIS patients and 10 healthy subjects (HS) listened to a complex-tone auditory oddball paradigm, first in a passive condition (listen to the sounds) and then in an active condition (counting the deviant tones). Seven out of nine HS displayed a P300 waveform in the passive condition and all in the active condition. HS showed statistically significant changes in peak and area amplitude between conditions. Three out of seven LIS patients showed the P3 waveform in the passive condition and five of seven in the active condition. No changes in peak amplitude and only a significant difference at one electrode in area amplitude were observed in this group between conditions. We conclude that, in spite of keeping full consciousness and intact or nearly intact cortical functions, compared to HS, LIS patients present less reliable results when testing with ERP, specifically in the passive condition. We thus strongly recommend applying ERP paradigms in an active condition when evaluating consciousness in non-responsive patients. KW - P300 KW - event-related potentials KW - locked-in syndrome KW - vegetative state KW - unresponsive wakefulness syndrome KW - minimally conscious state Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165165 VL - 10 IS - 569 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kenntner-Mabiala, Ramona T1 - Affektive und aufmerksamkeitsbasierte Modulation somatosensorisch evozierter Potentiale : Die Wirkung von Emotionen und Aufmerksamkeit auf die Schmerzverarbeitung T1 - Affective and attentional modulation of somatosensory evoked potentials - the effect of emotions and attention on pain perception N2 - Hintergrund: Ausgangspunkt für diese Arbeit sind korrelative Befunde, die das Bestehen eines Zusammenhangs zwischen einer negativen Emotionalität und der Verschlimmerung einer Schmerzproblematik nahe legen. Die motivationale Priming-Hypothese von Lang bietet einen theoretischen Rahmen zur Erklärung der Wirkung von Emotionen auf die Schmerzwahrnehmung. Allerdings wurden die Vorhersagen dieser Theorie bisher hauptsächlich für den Schreckreflex untersucht und müssen für die Schmerzreizverarbeitung noch validiert werden. Bis heute ist es außerdem eine offene Frage, welche Rolle Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse bei der affektiven Schmerzmodulation spielen. Experiment 1. Fragestellung war, ob die motivationale Priming-Hypothese auch für die Wahrnehmung und Verarbeitung von Schmerzreizen gültig ist. Methode: 30 Probanden erhielten schmerzhafte und nicht schmerzhafte elektrische Reize, während sie positive, neutrale und negative Bilder betrachteten. Zur Erfassung der Schmerzwahrnehmung wurden Schmerzintensitätsratings erhoben und zur Messung der kortikalen Schmerzreizverarbeitung wurden somatosensorisch evozierte Potentiale (SEPs) aufgezeichnet. Ergebnisse: Die Valenz der Bilder beeinflusst die Intensitätsratings und die N150 Amplituden mit höheren Ratings und N150 Amplituden bei negativen als bei positiven Bildern. Dagegen wurde die Amplitude der P260 durch das Arousal der Bilder moduliert mit höheren Amplituden bei neutralen als bei erregenden Hintergrundbildern. Interpretation: Die Vorhersagen der motivationalen Priming-Hypothese scheinen auch für die Verarbeitung und Wahrnehmung von Schmerzreizen valide zu sein. Während die Modulation der N150 Amplitude eine affektive Schmerzmodulation zu reflektieren scheint, ist die Arousalmodulation der P260 vermutlich auf schmerzunspezifische Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse zurückzuführen. Experiment 2. Fragestellung war, ob die affektive Schmerzmodulation von Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen unabhängig ist und ob unterschiedliche neuronale Mechanismen der aufmerksamkeitsbasierten und der affektiven Schmerzmodulation zugrunde liegen. Methoden: 30 Probanden sahen positive, neutrale und negative Bilder, während sie schmerzhafte und nicht schmerzhafte elektrische Reize erhielten. Zur Aufmerksamkeitsmanipulation wurden die Probanden vor jeder Bildpräsentation instruiert, sich auf die Bilder, auf die Intensität oder auf die Unangenehmheit des elektrischen Reizes zu konzentrieren. Zur Schmerzevaluation wurden affektive und sensorische Schmerzratings und SEPs erhoben. Die neuronalen Quellen der N150 und P260 Komponenten wurden mit Hilfe einer LORETA-Analyse bestimmt. Ergebnisse: Die Aufmerksamkeitsmanipulation beeinflusste die sensorischen Schmerzratings: Die Ratings waren am höchsten, wenn die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Reizintensität gerichtet war. Die Affektinduktion wirkte sich hauptsächlich auf die affektiven Schmerzratings aus mit höheren Ratings bei negativen als bei positiven Bildern. N150 Amplituden wurden durch die Valenz der affektiven Bilder moduliert mit höheren Amplituden bei negativen als bei positiven Bildern. Die Aufmerksamkeitsmanipulation hatte keinen Effekt auf die N150 Amplituden. P260 Amplituden wurden durch das Arousal der Bilder moduliert mit höheren Amplituden bei neutralen als bei erregenden Bildern. Außerdem waren die P260 Amplituden am höchsten bei einem Aufmerksamkeitsfokus auf die Reizintensität. Die LORETA-Analyse erbrachte für die N150 bei schmerzhaften im Vergleich zu nicht schmerzhaften Reizen eine maximale Aktivierung im ACC und im Präcuneus und für die P260 im superioren und medialen frontalen Gyrus und im ACC. Diskussion: Beide Experimente unterstützen die motivationale Priming-Hypothese für die Wahrnehmung und Verarbeitung von Schmerzreizen. Dies zeigt sich in einer affektiven Modulation der sensorischen und affektiven Schmerzratings und der N150 Amplituden. Die Befunde des zweiten Experiments deuten außerdem darauf hin, dass die Wirkungen von Emotionen und Aufmerksamkeit auf die Schmerzwahrnehmung weitestgehend unabhängig voneinander sind: Aufmerksamkeitsmanipulationen wirken sich nur auf die sensorische Schmerzkomponente aus und Affektmanipulationen modulieren hauptsächlich die affektive Schmerzkomponente. Der affektiven und der aufmerksamkeitsbasierten Schmerzmodulation scheinen unterschiedliche neuronale Mechanismen zugrunde zu liegen: Die LORETA-Analyse erbrachte verschiedene neuronale Generatoren für die N150 und die P260 und die Wirkung von Aufmerksamkeit und Emotion dissoziiert für diese beiden Komponenten: die Modulation der N150 reflektiert eine affektive Schmerzmodulation und die Modulation der P260 reflektiert Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse. N2 - Background: The starting point for the present dissertation were correlative studies indicating that negative emotional states increase the frequency and magnitude of pain experience. The motivational priming hypothesis offers a theoretical framework to explain the effects of emotion on pain. The predictions of this theory have been extensively investigated for acoustic startle stimuli, but up to now, an evaluation of the motivational priming hypothesis for pain perception and processing is lacking. Furthermore, the role of attention for affective pain modulation is still a matter of debate. Experiment 1. The aim of the first experiment was to evaluate the motivational priming hypothesis for pain perception and processing. Methods: 30 participants viewed positive, neutral and negative pictures, while painful and nonpainful electrical stimuli were applied. Intensity ratings and somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in response to the electrical stimuli were recorded. Results: Picture valence affected pain ratings and N150 amplitudes elicited by painful stimuli with lowest amplitudes for positive pictures and highest amplitudes for negative pictures. The P260 elicited by painful and non-painful stimuli was modulated by arousal with reduced amplitudes with arousing (positive or negative) compared to neutral pictures. Interpretation: N150 amplitudes varying with picture valence seem to reflect an affective modulation of pain perception while P260 amplitudes varying with picture arousal rather reflect non pain-specific attentional processes. Experiment 2: The aim of the second experiment was to disentangle the effects of attention and emotion on pain perception and to investigate if emotion and attention affect pain perception via the same or at least partially different neural mechanisms. Methods: Painful and nonpainful electrical stimuli were applied while 30 participants viewed positive, neutral and negative pictures. Attentional manipulation was realized by presenting a prompt before picture onset to focus attention on the pictures or on the intensity or on the unpleasantness of the electrical stimuli. Pain assessment included sensory and affective pain ratings and SEPs. The neural sources of N150 and P260 SEP components were analyzed using LORETA source localization. Results: Attention modulated sensory pain ratings with highest ratings when attention was focused on the stimulus intensity. Affect influenced sensory and affective pain ratings with higher ratings during negative than during positive pictures. The amplitudes of the N150 and the P260 were modulated by picture valence and picture arousal, respectively. Furthermore, P260 amplitudes were modulated by attention with highest amplitudes when attention was focused on the intensity of the stimuli. The LORETA analysis revealed different neural generators for the N150 and the P260 for the contrast painful vs. nonpainful stimuli: For the N150, significantly higher brain electrical activity was found in the ACC and in the precuneus. The P260 was localized in the superior and in the medial frontal gyrus as well as in the ACC. Discussion: Both experiments support and extend the motivational priming hypothesis to the perception and processing of painful stimuli as indicated by an affective modulation of pain ratings and of N150 amplitudes. Furthermore, the findings of the second experiment suggest that the effects of emotion and attention on pain are independent: Attentional manipulations affect only sensory pain ratings whereas affect induction primarily modulates affective pain ratings. In addition, emotional and attentional effects on pain seem to invoke at least partially different neural modulatory circuits: The LORETA analysis revealed different neural sources for the N150 and the P260 components, and emotion and attention have distinct effects on these components: Whereas the modulation of N150 amplitudes reflects an affective pain modulation, the modulation of P260 amplitudes is due to attentional processes. KW - Gefühl KW - Schmerz KW - Physiologische Psychologie KW - Aufmerksamkeit KW - Schmerz KW - Emotion KW - ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale KW - pain KW - emotion KW - event-related potentials Y1 - 2006 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-22211 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Halder, Sebastian A1 - Takano, Kouji A1 - Ora, Hiroki A1 - Onishi, Akinari A1 - Utsumi, Kota A1 - Kansaku, Kenji T1 - An Evaluation of Training with an Auditory P300 Brain-Computer Interface for the Japanese Hiragana Syllabary JF - Frontiers in Neuroscience N2 - Gaze-independent brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are a possible communication channel for persons with paralysis. We investigated if it is possible to use auditory stimuli to create a BCI for the Japanese Hiragana syllabary, which has 46 Hiragana characters. Additionally, we investigated if training has an effect on accuracy despite the high amount of different stimuli involved. Able-bodied participants (N = 6) were asked to select 25 syllables (out of fifty possible choices) using a two step procedure: First the consonant (ten choices) and then the vowel (five choices). This was repeated on 3 separate days. Additionally, a person with spinal cord injury (SCI) participated in the experiment. Four out of six healthy participants reached Hiragana syllable accuracies above 70% and the information transfer rate increased from 1.7 bits/min in the first session to 3.2 bits/min in the third session. The accuracy of the participant with SCI increased from 12% (0.2 bits/min) to 56% (2 bits/min) in session three. Reliable selections from a 10 × 5 matrix using auditory stimuli were possible and performance is increased by training. We were able to show that auditory P300 BCIs can be used for communication with up to fifty symbols. This enables the use of the technology of auditory P300 BCIs with a variety of applications. KW - gaze independence KW - assistive technology KW - electroencephalography KW - event-related potentials KW - P300 KW - auditory stimulation KW - brain-computer interface Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165465 VL - 10 IS - 446 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Halder, Sebastian A1 - Ruf, Carolin Anne A1 - Furdea, Adrian A1 - Pasqualotto, Emanuele A1 - De Massari, Daniele A1 - van der Heiden, Linda A1 - Bogdan, Martin A1 - Rosenstiel, Wolfgang A1 - Birbaumer, Niels A1 - Kübler, Andrea A1 - Matuz, Tamara T1 - Prediction of P300 BCI Aptitude in Severe Motor Impairment JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) provide a non-muscular communication channel for persons with severe motor impairments. Previous studies have shown that the aptitude with which a BCI can be controlled varies from person to person. A reliable predictor of performance could facilitate selection of a suitable BCI paradigm. Eleven severely motor impaired participants performed three sessions of a P300 BCI web browsing task. Before each session auditory oddball data were collected to predict the BCI aptitude of the participants exhibited in the current session. We found a strong relationship of early positive and negative potentials around 200 ms (elicited with the auditory oddball task) with performance. The amplitude of the P2 (r = −0.77) and of the N2 (r = −0.86) had the strongest correlations. Aptitude prediction using an auditory oddball was successful. The finding that the N2 amplitude is a stronger predictor of performance than P3 amplitude was reproduced after initially showing this effect with a healthy sample of BCI users. This will reduce strain on the end-users by minimizing the time needed to find suitable paradigms and inspire new approaches to improve performance. KW - amyothropic lateral sclerosis KW - electrode potentials KW - electroencephalography KW - event-related potentials KW - functional magnetic imaging KW - human performance KW - man-computer interface KW - topography Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97268 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Halder, Sebastian A1 - Hammer, Eva Maria A1 - Kleih, Sonja Claudia A1 - Bogdan, Martin A1 - Rosenstiel, Wolfgang A1 - Birbaumer, Niels A1 - Kübler, Andrea T1 - Prediction of Auditory and Visual P300 Brain-Computer Interface Aptitude JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Objective Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) provide a non-muscular communication channel for patients with late-stage motoneuron disease (e.g., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) or otherwise motor impaired people and are also used for motor rehabilitation in chronic stroke. Differences in the ability to use a BCI vary from person to person and from session to session. A reliable predictor of aptitude would allow for the selection of suitable BCI paradigms. For this reason, we investigated whether P300 BCI aptitude could be predicted from a short experiment with a standard auditory oddball. Methods Forty healthy participants performed an electroencephalography (EEG) based visual and auditory P300-BCI spelling task in a single session. In addition, prior to each session an auditory oddball was presented. Features extracted from the auditory oddball were analyzed with respect to predictive power for BCI aptitude. Results Correlation between auditory oddball response and P300 BCI accuracy revealed a strong relationship between accuracy and N2 amplitude and the amplitude of a late ERP component between 400 and 600 ms. Interestingly, the P3 amplitude of the auditory oddball response was not correlated with accuracy. Conclusions Event-related potentials recorded during a standard auditory oddball session moderately predict aptitude in an audiory and highly in a visual P300 BCI. The predictor will allow for faster paradigm selection. Significance Our method will reduce strain on patients because unsuccessful training may be avoided, provided the results can be generalized to the patient population. KW - experimental design KW - acoustic signals KW - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis KW - man-computer interface KW - electroencephalography KW - event-related potentials KW - physical properties KW - vision Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130327 VL - 8 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Erlbeck, Helena A1 - Kübler, Andrea A1 - Kotchoubey, Boris A1 - Veser, Sandra T1 - Task instructions modulate the attentional mode affecting the auditory MMN and the semantic N400 JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Event-related potentials (ERPs) have been proven to be a useful tool to complement clinical assessment and to detect residual cognitive functions in patients with disorders of consciousness. These ERPs are of ten recorded using passive or unspecific instructions. Patient data obtained this way are then compared to data from healthy participants, which are usually recorded using active instructions. The present study investigates the effect of attentive modulations and particularly the effect of activevs. passive instruction on the ERP components mismatch negativity (MMN) and N400. A sample of 18 healthy participants listened to three auditory paradigms: anoddball, aword priming, and a sentence paradigm. Each paradigm was presented three times with different instructions: ignoring auditory stimuli, passive listening, and focused attention on the auditory stimuli. After each task, the participants indicated their subjective effort. The N400 decreased from the focused task to the passive task, and was extinct in the ignore task. The MMN exhibited higher amplitudes in the focused and passive task compared to the ignore task. The data indicate an effect of attention on the supratemporal component of the MMN. Subjective effort was equally high in the passive and focused tasks but reduced in the ignore task. We conclude that passive listening during EEG recording is stressful and attenuates ERPs, which renders the interpretation of the results obtained in such conditions difficult. KW - ERP KW - priming KW - selective attention KW - event-related potentials KW - vigilance decrement KW - brain potentials KW - vegetative state KW - consciousness KW - component KW - predicts recovery KW - mismatch negativity KW - attention KW - instruction KW - N400 KW - MMN Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115553 VL - 8 IS - 654 ER - TY - THES A1 - Erlbeck, Helena T1 - The event-related potentials Mismatch Negativity, P300, and N400: Effects of attentional modulation and application in patients with disorders of consciousness T1 - Die ereigniskorrelierten Potentiale Mismatch Negativity, P300, und N400: Effekte von Aufmerksamkeitsmodulation und Anwendung in Patienten mit Störungen des Bewusstseins N2 - The present work comprises four studies dealing with the investigation of the auditory event-related potentials (ERP) Mismatch Negativity (MMN), P300, and N400 under different attentional instructions, and with their application in patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC) to assess residual cognitive functioning. In guided interviews (study 1), practitioners working with DOC patients stated their general interest in and an objective need for the complementation of current diagnostic procedures by reliable and valid ERP-based methods. Subsequently, in study 2, simple oddball and semantic paradigms were applied to 19 behaviorally non-responsive DOC patients revealing the presence of at least one ERP in eight patients investigated. In the third and fourth study, specific attentional effects on ERPs were investigated in healthy participants to define optimal instructions and stimulus parameters. In study 3, MMN and N400 amplitudes were assessed in 18 participants, and in study 4, MMN and P300 amplitudes were assessed in 32 participants. Both studies included an ignore task (attention on simultaneous visual stimuli), a passive task, and a focused task and revealed distinct attentional effects on P300 and N400 with largest amplitudes in the focused task, smaller ones in the passive task and no ERP in the ignore task. An MMN was elicited in all tasks, but still, amplitudes differed as a function of task. In addition, study 4 included oddball paradigms comprising several deviants in different dimensions. Higher amplitudes were found in this multifeature paradigm compared to traditional oddball paradigms and larger amplitudes were elicited by deviants highly different from standards. It is concluded that ERPs represent a promising tool to complement clinical assessment of DOC patients. Application of ERP paradigms should include focused instructions, especially when using semantic material. Furthermore, multifeature paradigms have been proven especially useful eliciting large amplitudes and allowing for the investigation of several dimensions of deviants at the same time. N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltet vier Studien, die die auditorischen ereigniskorrelierten Potentiale (EKP) Mismatch Negativität (MMN), P300, und N400 unter verschiedenen Instruktionen untersuchen, und deren Anwendung bei Patienten mit Bewusstseinsstörungen darstellen. In Studie 1 äußerten neurologische Fachärzte in Leitfadeninterviews ein generelles Interesse und eine objektive Notwendigkeit der Ergänzung bisheriger diagnostischer Vorgehensweisen durch EKP-basierte Methoden. In Studie 2 wurden 19 motorisch nicht-responsiven Patienten verschiedene Stimuli in Form einfacher Oddball-Paradigmen und semantischen Materials dargeboten und es konnte in acht Patienten mindestens ein EKP nachgewiesen wer-den. Studie 3 und 4 dienten der Untersuchung spezifischer Aufmerksamkeitseffekte auf EKPs in Gesunden, um optimale Instruktionen und Stimulusparameter zu definieren. Es wurden jeweils MMN und N400 in 18 Teilnehmern und MMN und P300 in 32 Teilnehmern untersucht. Beide Studien enthielten eine Ablenkungsaufgabe (simultane visuelle Reize), eine passive und eine fokussierte Aufgabe und zeigten deutliche Aufgabeneffekte auf P300 und N400. Die höchsten Amplituden wurden in der fokussierten Aufgabe ausgelöst, kleinere in der passiven und kein EKP in der Ablenkungsaufgabe. Eine MMN wurde in allen Aufgaben ausgelöst, aber auch hier unterschieden sich die Amplituden in Abhängigkeit der Aufgabe. Studie 4 ent-hielt außerdem ein Oddball mit mehreren abweichenden Tönen in vier Dimensionen. Dieses erzielte höhere Amplituden als das klassische Oddball mit nur einem abweichenden Ton. Hö-here Amplituden wurden von abweichenden Tönen ausgelöst, welche sich stark vom Standardton unterschieden. EKPs stellen ein vielversprechendes Instrument zur Ergänzung klini-scher Diagnosen bewusstseinsgestörter Patienten dar. Es sollte auf eindeutig zu differenzierende abweichende Reize und bei semantischen Material auf fokussierte Instruktionen zurückgegriffen werden. Paradigmen mit verschiedenen abweichenden Tönen können aufgrund höherer Amplituden und eines umfassenden Reizverarbeitungsprofils besonders nützlich sein. KW - event-related potentials KW - attention KW - ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale KW - Aufmerksamkeit KW - disorders of consciousness KW - Bewusstseinsstörungen KW - Bewusstseinsstörung KW - Ereigniskorreliertes Potenzial KW - Bewusstsein Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121041 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cheetham, Marcus A1 - Wu, Lingdan A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Jancke, Lutz T1 - Arousal, valence, and the uncanny valley: psychophysiological and self-report findings JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - The main prediction of the Uncanny Valley Hypothesis (UVH) is that observation of humanlike characters that are difficult to distinguish from the human counterpart will evoke a state of negative affect. Well-established electrophysiological [late positive potential (LPP) and facial electromyography (EMG)] and self-report [Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM)] indices of valence and arousal, i.e., the primary orthogonal dimensions of affective experience, were used to test this prediction by examining affective experience in response to categorically ambiguous compared with unambiguous avatar and human faces (N = 30). LPP and EMG provided direct psychophysiological indices of affective state during passive observation and the SAM provided self-reported indices of affective state during explicit cognitive evaluation of static facial stimuli. The faces were drawn from well-controlled morph continua representing the UVH' dimension of human likeness (DHL). The results provide no support for the notion that category ambiguity along the DHL is specifically associated with enhanced experience of negative affect. On the contrary, the LPP and SAM-based measures of arousal and valence indicated a general increase in negative affective state (i.e., enhanced arousal and negative valence) with greater morph distance from the human end of the DHL. A second sample (N = 30) produced the same finding, using an ad hoc self-rating scale of feelings of familiarity, i.e., an oft-used measure of affective experience along the UVH' familiarity dimension. In conclusion, this multi-method approach using well-validated psychophysiological and self-rating indices of arousal and valence rejects for passive observation and for explicit affective evaluation of static faces the main prediction of the UVH. KW - emotional facial expressions KW - event-related potentials KW - electromyographic activity KW - startle reflex KW - arousal KW - unpleasant pictures KW - brain potentials KW - mere exposure KW - circumplex model KW - face recognition KW - neural response KW - valence KW - uncanny valley hypothesis KW - familiarity KW - EMG KW - EEG KW - LPP Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151519 VL - 6 IS - 981 ER - TY - THES A1 - Bernhard, Achim T1 - Hirnphysiologische Korrelate der Verarbeitung interner und externer Fehler bei gesunden Versuchspersonen unter Berücksichtigung der ERN/Ne T1 - Monitoring of Internal and External Error Signals N2 - In der vorliegenden Studie wurde eine modifizierte Version des Eriksen Flanker Task verwendet, um ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale (ERPs) aufzuzeichnen und zu beurteilen, ob diese nach Richtigantworten, Falschantworten sowie Richtigantworten mit negativem Feedback ("PC-Fehlern") auftreten. Die bisher beschriebenen Fehlerpotentiale, d.h. die error-related negativity (negativer Peak nach Falschantworten) sowie die error positivity (positiver Peak nach Falschantworten), waren grundsätzlich nach Falschantworten zu beobachten, aber traten nur teilweise nach Richtigantworten mit negativem Feedback auf. Zudem trat eine späte Positivierung ausschließlich im letzteren Fall auf, welche eine bewußte Verarbeitung der unerwarteten Ereignisse widerspiegeln könnte. Diese Ergebnisse widersprechen der Vorstellung, dass die ERN/Ne die Aktivität eines generellen Fehlererkennungssystems des menschlichen Gehirns repräsentiert. N2 - In the present study, a modified version of the Eriksen Flanker Task has been used to study event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by correct responses, response errors, and invalid negative response feedback following correct button presses ("PC-error trials"). Conventional error potentials (error-related negativity (ERN/Ne); error-positivity (Pe)) were generally observed after incorrect button presses but only partially after negative response feedback in PC-error trials. Furthermore, a late positive deflection occured specifically after PC-errors (late positivity (Pl)), which might reflect a conscious processing of these unexpected events. These results imply some restrictions for the notion that the ERN/Ne reflects the activity of a general and "generic" neural error-detection system in the human brain. KW - Elektroencephalographie KW - Fehlererkennung KW - Operante Konditionierung KW - Ereigniskorreliertes Potenzial KW - Präfrontaler Cortex KW - Zwangsstörung KW - Parkinson-Krankheit KW - Schizophrenie KW - Angststörung KW - Konflikterkennung KW - ERN/Ne KW - Pe KW - Fehlerbeobachtung KW - Anteriorer cingulärer Cortex KW - error-related negativity KW - error positivity KW - event-related potentials KW - Eriksen Flanker Task KW - reinforcement learning theory Y1 - 2009 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-39804 ER -