TY - JOUR A1 - Schreck, Michael A1 - Christl, Manfred T1 - Generation and Interception of 1-Oxa-3,4-cyclohexadiene N2 - No abstract available KW - Chemie Y1 - 1987 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-31601 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schreck, Maximilian T1 - Synthesis and Photophysics of Linear and Star-Shaped Oligomers of Squaraine Dyes T1 - Synthese und Photophysik von Linearen und Sternförmigen Squarain-Oligomeren N2 - In this thesis, the synthesis and photophysics of a great variety of squaraine dyes are presented. This variety is based on four parent squaraines containing either indolenine or quinoline heterocycles. By a suitable choice of the donor and acceptor unit, the optical properties can already be adapted to the properties desired on the stage of the monomer. To promote a further derivatisation of these dyes, diverse functional groups are attached to the monomers using transition metal-catalysed C-C coupling reactions. However, this has to be preceded by the synthesis of bromine-functionalised derivatives as a direct halogenation of squaraine dyes is not feasible. Therefore, the halogen function is already introduced in precursor molecules giving rise to a molecular building block system containing bromine-, boronic ester-, and alkyne-functionalised monomer units, which pave the way to a plethora of squaraine oligomers and polymers. The indolenine homopolymer pSQB-1 as well as the corresponding small molecular weight oligomers dSQB-1 and tSQB were synthesized applying Ni-mediated Yamamoto and Pd-catalysed Suzuki coupling methodologies, respectively. The motivation for this project relied on the fundamental investigations by Völker et al. on pSQB-V. A progressive red-shift of the lowest energy absorption maximum from the dimer to the polymer was observed in CHCl3 compared to the monomer. With increasing number of monomer units, the exciton coupling decreases from the dimer to the polymer. In addition, the shape of the absorption band manifold shows a strong dependence on the solvent, which was also observed by Völker et al. J-type aggregate behavior is found in chlorinated solvents such as CHCl3 and DCM, whereas H-type aggregates are formed in acetone. Temperature-dependent absorption studies in PhCN reveals a reversible equilibrium of diverse polymer conformers, which manifests itself in a gradual change from H-aggregate behavior to a mixture with a more pronounced J-aggregate behavior upon raising the temperature. It isassumed that both characteristic aggregate bands correlate in borderline cases with two polymer structures which can be assigned to a zig-zag and a helical structure. As no experimental evidence for these structures could hitherto be provided by NMR, TD-DFT computations on oligomers (22-mers) can reproduce very closely the characteristic features of the spectra for the two conformational isomers. The subsequent chapters are motivated by the goal to influence the optical properties through a control of the superstructure and thus of the intramolecular aggregate formation. On the one hand, bulky groups are implemented in the 3-position of the indolenine scaffold to provoke steric repulsion and thus favoring J-aggregate behavior at the expense of helical arrangements. The resulting homopolymer pDiPhSQB bearing two phenyl groups per indolenine exhibits J-type aggregate behavior with red-shifted absorption maxima in all considered solvents which is explained to be caused by the formation of elongated zig-zag structures. Furthermore, single-crystal X-ray analysis of monomer DiPhSQB-2-Br2 reveals a torsion of the indolenine moieties as a consequence of steric congestion. The twist of the molecular geometry and the resulting loss of planarity leads to a serious deterioration of the fluorescence properties, however a significant bathochromic shift of ca. 1 200 cm-1 of the lowest absorption band was observed compared to parent SQB, which is even larger than the shift for dSQB-1 (ca. 1 000 cm-1). On the other hand, a partial stiffening of the polymer backbone is attempted to create a bias for elongated polymer chains. In this respect, the synthetic approach is to replace every second biarylaxis with the rigid transoid benzodipyrrolenine unit. Despite a rather low average degree of polymerization < 10, exclusively red-shifted absorption maxima are observed in all solvents used. In order to complete the picture of intramolecular aggregates through the selective design of H-aggregates, a squaraine-squaraine copolymer was synthesised containing the classic cisoid indolenine as well as the cisoid quinoline building block. Taking advantage of the highly structure directing self-assembly character of the quinoline moiety, the copolymer pSQBC indeed showes a broad, blue-shifted main absorption band in comparison with the monomer unit dSQBC. The shape of the absorption band manifold solely exhibited a minor solvent and temperature dependence indicating a persistent H-aggregate behaviour. Hence, as a proof of concept, it is shown that the optical properties of the polymers (H- and J-aggregate) and the corresponding superstructure can be inherently controlled by an adequate design of monomer precursors. The last chapter of this work deals, in contrast to all other chapters, with intermolecular aggregates. It is shown that the two star-shaped hexasquarainyl benzenes hSQA-1 and hSQA-2 exhibit a strong propensity for self-organisation. Concentration- and temperature-dependent studies reveal a great driving force for self-assembly in acetone. While the larger hSQA-2 instantaneously forms stable aggregates, the aggregates of hSQA-1 shows a pronounced kinetic stability. Taking advantage of the kinetic persistency of these aggregates, the corresponding kinetic activation parameters for aggregation and deaggregation can be assessed. The absorption spectra of both hexasquarainyl benzenes in the aggregated state reveal some striking differences. While hSQA-1 features an intensive, very narrow and blue-shifted absorption band, two red-shifted bands are observed for hSQA-2, which are closely located at the monomer absorption. The very small bandwidth of hSQA-1 are interpreted to be caused by exchange narrowing and pointed towards highly ordered supramolecular aggregates. The concentration-dependent data of the two hexasquarainyl benzenes can be fitted to the dimer-model with excellent correlation coefficients, yielding binding constants in excess of 10^6 M-1, respectively. Such high binding constants are very surprising, considering the unfavourable bulky 3,3-dimethyl groups of the indolenine units which should rather prevent aggregation. Joint theoretical and NMR spectroscopic methods were applied to unravel the supramolecular aggregate structure of hSQA-1, which is shown to consist of two stacked hexasquarainyl benzenes resembling the picture of two stacked bowls. N2 - Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird die Synthese sowie photophysikalischen Untersuchungen einer Vielzahl von Squarainfarbstoffen präsentiert. Diese Vielfalt erwuchs aus vier monomeren Stammverbindungen, die auf Indolenin- bzw. Chinolin-Heterozyklen gründeten. Um die Derivatisierung der Monomere weiter voranzutreiben, werden diese durch geeignete funktionelle Gruppen unter der Verwendung von übergangsmetallkatalysierten C-C Kupplungsreaktionen chemisch modifiziert. Dieser geht jedoch die Synthese Brom-funktionalisierter Vorstufen voraus. So muss die Halogenfunktion bereits in den Vorläufermolekülen eingeführt werden, da eine selektive, direkte Halogenierung auf der Stufe des Squarains nicht möglich ist. Schlussendlich kann somit ein molekularer Baukasten entwickelt werden, der, bestückt mit Monomerbausteinen mit Brom-, Borester-, und Alkinfunktionen, den Weg zu diversen oligomeren und polymeren Squarainfarbstoffen ebnete. Das Indolenin Squarain Homopolymer pSQB-1, als auch die entsprechenden niedermolekularen Oligomerverbindungen dSQB-1 und tSQB wurden mittels der Ni-unterstützten Yamamoto bzw. Pd-katalysierte Suzuki Kupplung dargestellt. Die bereits durch Völker et al. erfolgten spektroskopischen Untersuchungen an pSQB-V werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit fortgesetzt. Im Vergleich zum Monomer, zeigen das Dimer, Trimer und das Polymer in CHCl3 eine progressive Rotverschiebung der niedrigsten, intensivsten Absorptionsbande. Mit steigender Anzahl der SQB-Monomereinheiten nimmt die Exzitonenkopplung im Dimer bis hin zum Polymer ab. Wie auch bereits Völker et al. zeigen konnten, ist die Form der Absorption des Exzitonenbandes von pSQB-1 stark lösemittelabhängig. Während J-Aggregat ähnliches Verhalten in CHCl3 und DCM beobachtet wird, zeigt das Polymer in Aceton H-Aggregat ähnliches Verhalten. Temperaturabhängige Absorptionsmessungen in PhCN zeigen ein reversibles thermodynamisches Gleichgewicht von verschiedenen Polymerstrukturen, welches sich mit steigender Temperatur durch einen sukzessiven Übergang von H-Aggregat zu einer Mischung mit mehr J-Aggregat Charakter manifestiert. Es wird angenommen, dass das Auftreten der charakteristischen Aggregatsbanden im Grenzfall mit zwei Polymerkonformeren korreliert, die einer Zick-Zack- und einer Helix-Struktur entsprechen. Da hierfür keine experimentellen Beweise durch NMR bis dato vorliegen, wurden TD-DFT Kalkulationen an Oligomereinheiten (22-er) durchgeführt, die die wesentlichen Merkmale der Absorptionsspektren der zwei Konformere reproduzieren konnten. Die anschließenden Kapitel erwuchsen aus der Motivation heraus, die optischen Eigenschaften der Polymere über die Kontrolle der Strukturbildung und somit der intramolekularen Aggregatsbildung zu beeinflussen. Um einerseits J-Aggregat Verhalten zu provozieren wird zunächst der Ansatz verfolgt, durch sterisch anspruchsvolle Gruppen in der 3-Position des Indolenin Gerüsts, den Kollaps zu helikalen Stukturen zu vermeiden. Das resultierende Homopolymer pDiPhSQB mit zwei Phenylgruppen pro Indolenin Einheit zeigt in allen untersuchten Lösemitteln bathochrom verschobene Absorptionsmaxima, was mit der Ausbildung von ausschließlich ausgedehnten Zick-Zack-Ketten begründet werden. Darüber hinaus zeigte die Einkristall-Röntgenstrukturanalyse des Monomers DiPhSQB-2-Br2 als Konsequenz der sterischen Überfrachtung eine Torsion des Indolenin Gerüsts. Die Verdrillung der Molekülgeometrie und der daraus resultierende Verlust an Planarität, führt zu einer erheblichen Verschlechterung der Fluoreszenzeigenschaften, jedoch wird eine signifikante Rotverschiebung der Monomerbande von ca. 1 200 cm-1 im Vergleich zu SQB beobachtet, welche sogar größer als die für dSQB-1 ist. Zum anderen ergibt der Ansatz der partiellen Versteifung des Polymerrückgrades ebenfalls die Ausbildung von ausgedehnten Polymerketten begünstigen. Dieser Ansatz wird insofern verfolgt, als dass jede zweite Biarylachse zwischen zwei Monomereinheiten in pSQB-1 durch eine rigide transoide Benzodipyrrolenin Brücke ersetzt wird. Trotz eines eher geringen durchschnittlichen Polymerisationsgrades von < 10 kann dennoch eine Rotverschiebung der niederenergetischsten Absorptionsbande in allen Lösemitteln beobachtet werden. Um das Bild der intramolekularen Aggregate zu vervollständigen, wird das gezielte Design von H-Aggregaten verfolgt. Hierfür wurde ein Squarain-Squarain Copolymer synthetisiert, das zum einen aus dem klassischen cisoiden Indolenin und zum anderen aus dem cisoiden Chinolin Squarain aufgebaut ist. Diesbezüglich will man sich die Triebkraft des Chinolin Bausteins für Aggregation als strukturdirigierende Komponente zu Nutze machen, um helikale Konformationen der Polymerstränge zu erzeugen. Das Copolymer pSQBC zeigt in der Tat eine verbreiterte, hypsochrom verschobene Hauptabsorptionsbande im Vergleich zur Monomereinheit dSQBC. Die Form der Absorption des Exzitonenbandes zeigt eine geringe Lösemittelabhängigkeit, die ebenfalls nur marginal durch die Temperatur beeinflusst werden kann. Schlussendlich deuten diese Befunde auf ein stark-ausgeprägtes H-Aggregat ähnliches Verhalten hin, was die zu anfangs formulierte These belegt, dass sich die optischen Eigenschaften der Polymere (H- und J-Aggregate) und deren Strukturbildung durch ein adäquates Moleküldesign der Monomerbausteine kontrollieren lassen. Das letzte Kapitel dieser Arbeit stand im Gegensatz zu den vorherigen Kapiteln ausschließlich im Fokus von intermolekularen Aggregaten. Die Squaraine hSQA-1 und hSQA-2 neigen, in ein sternförmiges Hexaarylbenzol-Gerüst gebettet, zur Selbstorganisation. Konzentration- und temperaturabhängige Studien der beiden synthetisierten Hexasquarainyl-Benzole zeigen eine starke Triebkraft zur Aggregation in Aceton. Während hSQA-2 instantan thermodynamisch stabile Aggregate bildet, offenbart hSQA-1 Aggregate eine ausgeprägte kinetische Stabilität. Dies kann man sich zu Nutze machen und die kinetischen Aktivierungsparameter der Aggregation und Deaggregation zu bestimmen. Die Absorptionsspektren der beiden Hexasquarainyl-Benzole im aggregierten Zustand zeigen extreme Unterschiede auf. Während hSQA-1 eine intensive, sehr schmale und stark hypsochrom verschobene Bande zeigt, beobachtet man für das größere Hexasquarainyl-Benzol zwei bathochrom verschobene Banden, die allerdings energetisch sehr nahe der Monomerbande lokalisiert sind. Die sehr geringe Halbwertsbreite der Aggregatsbande in hSQA-1 wird durch die sog. Austauschverschmälerung erklärt und deutet auf hochgeordnete supramolekulare Aggregate hin. Die konzentrationsabhängigen Messdaten der beiden Chromophore konnten sehr gut mit Hilfe des Dimer-Modells angepasst werden, welches für beide Systeme eine hohe Bindungskonstante von über 10^6 M-1 ergab. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass die raumgreifenden 3,3-Dimethylgruppen im Indoleningerüst extrem hinderlich für den Aggregationsprozess sind, ist die starke Triebkraft zur Selbstorganisation, welche sich in den hohen Bindungskonstanten niederschlägt, äußerst bemerkenswert. Theoretische Modellierungen und Rechnungen in Kombination mit NMR-spektroskopischen Untersuchungen von hSQA-1 ergeben eine Aggregatsstruktur aus zwei sich stapelten Hexasquarainylbenzolmonomeren, die dem Bild zweier gestapelter Schüsseln entspricht. KW - Squaraine KW - Oligomere KW - Supramolekulare Chemie KW - Squaraine Dyes KW - Oligomers and Polymers KW - J- and H-Aggregates KW - Helix- and Zig-Zag-Conformers KW - Supramolecular Chemistry KW - Squarain Farbstoffe KW - J- and H-Aggregate KW - Helix- and Zick-Zack-Konformere KW - Supramolekulare Chemie KW - Helicität KW - Chemische Synthese KW - Chemische Reaktion Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-174272 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schnitzlein, Matthias A1 - Zhu, Chongwei A1 - Shoyama, Kazutaka A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - π‐Extended Pleiadienes by [5+2] Annulation of 1‐Boraphenalenes and ortho‐Dihaloarenes JF - Chemistry – A European Journal N2 - Palladium‐catalyzed [5+2] annulation of 1‐boraphenalenes with ortho‐dihaloarenes afforded negatively curved π‐extended pleiadienes. Two benzo[1,2‐i:4,5‐i’]dipleiadienes (BDPs) featuring a seven‐six‐seven‐membered ring arrangement were synthesized and investigated. Their crystal structure revealed a unique packing arrangement and theoretical calculations were employed to shed light onto the dynamic behavior of the BDP moiety and its aromaticity. Further, a naphthalene‐fused pleiadiene was stitched together by oxidative cyclodehydrogenation to yield an additional five‐membered ring. This formal azulene moiety led to distinct changes in optical and redox properties and increased perturbation of the aromatic system. KW - annulation KW - aromaticity KW - azulene KW - cyclodehydrogenation KW - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-293919 VL - 28 IS - 61 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schnitzlein, Matthias A1 - Mützel, Carina A1 - Shoyama, Kazutaka A1 - Farrell, Jeffrey M. A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - PAHs Containing both Heptagon and Pentagon: Corannulene Extension by [5+2] Annulation JF - European Journal of Organic Chemistry N2 - Utilizing Pd‐catalyzed [5+2] annulation a series of heptagon‐extended corannulenes could be synthesized from a borinic acid precursor furnished by C−H borylation strategy. Single‐crystal X‐ray analysis revealed the presence of two conformational enantiomers crystallizing in a racemic mixture. Through their embedded five‐ and seven‐membered rings these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) exhibit both negative and positive curvature and UV/Vis/NIR absorption spectroscopy as well as cyclic voltammetry experiments provided insights into the influence of larger flanking aromatic systems and electron‐donating substituents encompassing the heptagonal ring. Through [5+2] annulation of acenaphthylene an azulene‐containing PAH with intriguing optoelectronical properties including a very small bandgap and absorption over the whole visible spectrum could be obtained. Theoretical calculations were employed to elucidate the long‐wavelength absorption and aromaticity. KW - annulation KW - aromaticity KW - azulene KW - Corannulene KW - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262627 VL - 2022 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schneider-Schaulies, Sibylle A1 - Schumacher, Fabian A1 - Wigger, Dominik A1 - Schöl, Marie A1 - Waghmare, Trushnal A1 - Schlegel, Jan A1 - Seibel, Jürgen A1 - Kleuser, Burkhard T1 - Sphingolipids: effectors and Achilles heals in viral infections? JF - Cells N2 - As viruses are obligatory intracellular parasites, any step during their life cycle strictly depends on successful interaction with their particular host cells. In particular, their interaction with cellular membranes is of crucial importance for most steps in the viral replication cycle. Such interactions are initiated by uptake of viral particles and subsequent trafficking to intracellular compartments to access their replication compartments which provide a spatially confined environment concentrating viral and cellular components, and subsequently, employ cellular membranes for assembly and exit of viral progeny. The ability of viruses to actively modulate lipid composition such as sphingolipids (SLs) is essential for successful completion of the viral life cycle. In addition to their structural and biophysical properties of cellular membranes, some sphingolipid (SL) species are bioactive and as such, take part in cellular signaling processes involved in regulating viral replication. It is especially due to the progress made in tools to study accumulation and dynamics of SLs, which visualize their compartmentalization and identify interaction partners at a cellular level, as well as the availability of genetic knockout systems, that the role of particular SL species in the viral replication process can be analyzed and, most importantly, be explored as targets for therapeutic intervention. KW - glycosphingolipids KW - ceramides KW - sphingosine 1-phosphate KW - sphingomyelinase KW - HIV KW - SARS-CoV-2 KW - measles Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245151 SN - 2073-4409 VL - 10 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schneider, Tilman A1 - Seebauer, Florian A1 - Beuerle, Florian A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - A monodisperse, end‐capped Ru(bda) oligomer with outstanding performance in heterogeneous electrochemical water oxidation JF - Advanced Materials Technologies N2 - AbstractWater oxidation catalysis is a key step for sustainable fuel production by water splitting into hydrogen and oxygen. The synthesis of a novel coordination oligomer based on four Ru(bda) (bda = 2,2′‐bipyridine‐6,6′‐dicarboxylate) centers, three 4,4′‐bipyridine (4,4′‐bpy) linkers, and two 4‐picoline (4‐pic) end caps is reported. The monodispersity of this tetranuclear compound is characterized by NMR techniques. Heterogeneous electrochemical water oxidation after immobilization on multi‐walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) shows catalytic performance unprecedented for this compound class, with a turnover frequency (TOF) of 133 s\(^{−1}\) and a turnover number (TON) of 4.89 × 10\(^6\), at a current density of 43.8 mA cm\(^{−2}\) and a potential of 1.45 V versus normal hydrogen electrode (NHE). KW - water oxidation catalysis KW - coordination oligomers KW - electrocatalysis KW - heterogeneous catalysis KW - renew-able fuels KW - ruthenium bda complexes KW - water splitting Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-363133 SN - 2365-709X VL - 9 IS - 11 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schmidt, Rüdiger T1 - Perylene Bisimide and Acene Derivatives as Organic Semiconductors in OTFTs T1 - Perylenbisimid- und Acenderivate als organische Halbleiter in organischen Dünnschichttransistoren N2 - This thesis deals with the synthesis of improved organic semiconductors, the detailed investigation of the molecular properties and the solid state arrangements revealed by single crystal X-ray diffraction and finally the development of structureperformance dependencies by measuring of the charge carrier mobilities of the derivatives in thin film transistors. The two main-goals of this thesis were achieved. Well soluble acene derivatives for spin-coated TFTs were obtained, showing charge carrier mobilities in the range of polymer p-type materials. Novel core-fluorinated perylene bisimide dyes were synthesized particularly and the use of electron deficient substituents lead to PBIs with outstanding air-stable mobilities in thin film transistors prepared by vacuum deposition techniques. The relationship between performance, air stability and solid state packing was elucidated in detail by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. N2 - Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Synthese verbesserter organischer Halbleitermaterialien, detaillierte Untersuchungen ihrer Moleküleigenschaften sowie ihrer Packung mittels von Röntgenstrukturanalysen von Einkristallen sowie die Ableitung von Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehung mit Hilfe der Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeiten in Dünnschichttransistoren. Die beiden Hauptziele der Arbeit erreicht werden. Gutlösliche Acenderivate für Spin-Coating Verfahren konnten hergestellt werden deren TFTs Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeiten im Bereich polymerer p- Halbleitermaterialien liegen. Vor allem wurden jedoch neuartige Perylenbisimidfarbstoffe synthetisiert, die durch Einführung elektronenziehender Halogenreste herausragende Elektronenbeweglichkeiten in Dünnschichttransitoren an Luft aufwiesen (durch Vakuumsublimation hergestellt). Der Zusammenhang zwischen Ladungsträgermobilität, Luftstabilität und Festkörperpackung wurde detailliert durch Einkristallstrukturanalysen aufgeklärt. KW - Dünnschichttransistor KW - Organischer Halbleiter KW - organischer Feldeffekttransistor KW - Perylenbisimid KW - Pentacen KW - thin film transistor KW - organic semiconductor KW - perylene bisimide KW - pentacene Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-29314 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schmidt, Ralf T1 - Hamilton-Receptor-Mediated Self-Assembly of Merocyanine Dyes into Supramolecular Polymers T1 - Hamilton-Rezeptor-vermittelte Selbstorganisation von Merocyaninfarbstoffen zu supramolekularen Polymeren N2 - Die Selbstorganisation von Merocyaninfarbstoffen zu supramolekularen Polymeren wurde untersucht. Dabei konnte die Anordnung der hoch dipolaren Farbstoffe durch die Verwendung von verschiedenen Kombinationen von Wasserstoffbrückenbindungsmotiven und dipolarer Aggregation der Chromophore gesteuert. N2 - The self-assembly of merocyanine dyes into supramolecular polymers has been studied. Thereby, the spacial arrangement of the highly dipolar dyes has been controled by employing different combinations of hydrogen bonding motifs and dipolar aggregation of the chromophores. KW - Selbstorganisation KW - Merocyanine KW - Polymere KW - Supramolekulare Struktur KW - Organische Chemie KW - cooperativity KW - dipolar aggregation KW - dyes/pigments KW - hydrogen bond KW - self-assembly Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56265 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schmidt, David A1 - Stolte, Matthias A1 - Süß, Jasmin A1 - Liess, Dr. Andreas A1 - Stepanenko, Vladimir A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Protein-like enwrapped perylene bisimide chromophore as bright microcrystalline emitter material JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - Strongly emissive solid‐state materials are mandatory components for many emerging optoelectronic technologies, but fluorescence is often quenched in the solid state owing to strong intermolecular interactions. The design of new organic pigments, which retain their optical properties despite their high tendency to crystallize, could overcome such limitations. Herein, we show a new material with monomer‐like absorption and emission profiles as well as fluorescence quantum yields over 90 % in its crystalline solid state. The material was synthesized by attaching two bulky tris(4‐tert‐butylphenyl)phenoxy substituents at the perylene bisimide bay positions. These substituents direct a packing arrangement with full enwrapping of the chromophore and unidirectional chromophore alignment within the crystal lattice to afford optical properties that resemble those of their natural pigment counterparts, in which chromophores are rigidly embedded in protein environments. KW - cristal engeneering KW - dyes KW - flourescence quantum yield KW - perylene bisimides KW - solid-state emitters Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204809 VL - 58 IS - 38 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schlund, Sebastian T1 - Quantifying Non-covalent Interactions - Rational in-silico Design of Guanidinium-based Carboxylate Receptors T1 - Quantifizierung nicht-kovalenter Wechselwirkung - Rationales in silico Design von Guanidinium-basierten Carboxylat-Rezeptoren N2 - Die natürlichen Vorbilder effektiver Anionenrezeptoren sind Enzyme, welche oftmals Arginin als entscheidende Aminosäure in der Bindungstasche tragen. Die positiv geladenene Guanidiniumgruppe, wie sie in der Seitenkette von Arginin vorkommt, ist daher das zentrale Strukturmerkmal für viele künstliche Anionenrezeptoren. Im Jahre 1999 gelang es Schmuck und Mitarbeitern eine neue Klasse von Guanidinium-basierten Oxoanionenrezeptoren zu entwickeln, die Carboxylate sogar in wässrigen Medien binden können. Die Bindungsmodi der 2-(Guanidiniocarbonyl)-1H-pyrrole basieren auf einer Kombination von einzeln betrachtet schwachen nicht-kovalenten Wechselwirkungen wie Ionenpaarbildung und multiplen Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen zwischen künstlichem Rezeptor und Substrat. Durch Substitution einer Carboxylatgruppe in Position 5 des Pyrrolringes erhält man ein zwitterionisches Derivat welches sich in Wasser mit einer Assoziationskonstante von schätzungsweise 170 M-1 zu einzelnen Dimeren zusammenlagert (Dimer 1). Um das Strukturmotiv hinsichtlich einer noch effektiveren Anionenbindung weiter verbessern zu können, ist es daher von großem Interesse, die verschiedenartigen intermolekularen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den beiden monomeren Einheiten von Dimer 1 zu quantifizieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden verschiedene theoretische ab initio Studien durchgeführt, um die Einflüsse von intrinsischen Eigenschaften sowie von Solvenseffekten auf die Stabilität sich selbst zusammenlagernden Dimeren aufzuklären. In Kapitel 4.1 wurden die molekularen Wechselwirkungen im Dimer 1 durch Vergleich mit verschiedenen „Knock-out“ Analoga untersucht. In diesen Analoga wurden einzelne Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen durch Substitution von Wasserstoffdonoren mit Methylengruppen oder Etherbrücken ausgeschaltet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Anwendung eines vereinfachten Kontinuum-Solvensmodells nicht ausreicht, die absoluten Energien der „Knock-out“ Analoga in stark polaren Lösungsmitteln vorherzusagen, jedoch können die berechneten Trends Auskunft über die relativen Stabilitäten geben. In Kapitel 4.2 wurde die strukturelle Ähnlichkeit von Arginin mit Struktur 1 ausgenutzt, um die Abhängigkeit der Stärke der Dimerisierung von der Flexibilität der molekularen Struktur eingehender zu untersuchen. In Kapitel 4.2.1 wurden neue globale Minimumsstrukturen des kanonischen und zwitterionischen Arginins in der Gasphase bestimmt. Dies geschah mit Hilfe von umfangreichen kraftfeldbasierten Konformationssuchen in Verbindung mit ab initio Strukturoptimierungen der energetisch niedrigsten Konformere. Die meisten der neu identifizierten Minimumskonformere sowohl des zwitterionischen als auch des kanonischen Tautomers zeigten geometrische Anordnungen mit bis dahin unbekannten gestapelten Orientierungen der endständigen Gruppen. Es wurde letztendlich eine neuartige globale Minimumsstruktur (N1) gefunden, welche eine um mehr als 8 kJ mol-1 niedrigere Energie besitzt als die bislang veröffentlichten Konformere. Die gleiche Strategie für das Auffinden von energetischen Minimumskonformeren, wie sie bereits für das Arginin Monomer benutzt wurde, wurde auch im Falle der Dimere von Arginin verwendet. Im Gegensatz zu vorhergehenden theoretischen Untersuchungen ist die neue globale Minimumsstruktur ungefähr 60 kJ mol-1 stabiler und weist ebenfalls eine gestapelte Orientierung der Guanidinium- und Carboxylatgruppen auf. Der Einfluss der Rigidität auf die Dimerstabilität wurde durch Berechnungen eines künstlich versteiften Arginin Dimersystems bewiesen. Die hohe Bindungsaffinität des Dimers 1 ergibt sich daher zu etwa 50% aus der Rigidität der Monomere, welche jegliche intramolekulare Stabilisierung verhindert. Um Vorschläge für ein verbessertes Carboxylatbindungsmotiv machen zu können, wurden in Kapitel 4.3 neuartige Strukturmotive mit veränderten Ringsystemen auf DFT Niveau untersucht. Die direkte Abhängigkeit der Dimerisierungsenergie von einem zunehmenden Dipolmoment wurde durch verschiedene anellierte Ringstrukturen bewiesen. Der Einfluss der Delokalisierung in den Monomeren auf die Dimerisierungsenergie wurde durch Veränderung der Elektronenstruktur von elektronisch entkoppelten Biphenylenen untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Carbonylfunktion hauptsächlich für eine gute Präorganisation verantwortlich ist, wohingegen der Effekt auf die Azidität eine geringere Bedeutung besitzt. Im letzten Kapitel wurden Kooperativitätseffekte in supramolekularen Systemen untersucht. Als Modellsysteme dienten hierbei Adenosin-Carbonsäure-Komplexe, deren berechnete NMR Verschiebungen mit experimentellen Niedrigtemperatur-NMR-Studien verglichen wurden. Wir konnten zeigen, dass nur durch die Verwendung von schwingungsgemittelten NMR Verschiebungen die experimentelle Protonenverschiebung reproduziert werden kann, welche unter Tieftemperaturbedingungen im Austauschregime von Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen erhalten wurde. N2 - The effective binding of anions like carboxylates and phosphates in aqueous solutions is of particular interest for various reasons. The natural archetypes of effective anion receptors are enzymes that contain often arginine as relevant amino acid in the binding pocket. For this reason, one class of artificial anion receptors that emerged more than two decades ago mimics the anion binding with the guanidinium group present in the amino acid side chain. In 1999, Schmuck and coworkers developed a new class of guanidinium-based oxo anion receptor that binds carboxylates even in aqueous media. The binding modes of the 2-(guanidiniocarbonyl)-1H-pyrroles are based on individually weak non-covalent interaction between artificial host and substrate like ion pairing and multiple hydrogen bonds. The zwitterionic derivative with substitution of a carboxylate group in position 5 of the pyrrole ring system shows a strong self-assembly to discrete dimers (dimer 1) with an estimated association constant of 170 M-1 even in water. In order to further improve the structure motif for an effective oxo anion binding it is therefore of great interest to quantify the different intermolecular interactions between two monomeric units of 1. Against this background several theoretical ab initio studies were conducted in order to elucidate the influences of intrinsic properties as well as solvent effects on the stability of self-assembled dimers. In chapter 4.1 the molecular interactions in dimer 1 were investigated by comparison to various “knock-out” analogues. In these analogues single hydrogen bonds were switched off by substitution of hydrogen donor atoms with either methylene groups or ether bridges. The calculations were done for vacuum and solvation, as represented by a conductor-like polarizable continuum. It could be shown that the application of a simple continuum solvent model fails to predict the absolute energies of the knock-out analogues in strongly polar solvents. However, the calculated trends can explain the relative stabilities. In chapter 4.2 the structural similarity of arginine with structure 1 was used in order to examine the dependence of self-assembly from the flexibility of the molecular structure. In chapter 4.2.1 new global minimum structures of the canonical and zwitterionic arginine in gas phase were found by means of exhaustive force field based conformational searches in conjunction with ab initio structure optimizations of the lowest energy conformers. Most of the newly identified minimum conformers of both the zwitterionic and canonical tautomer revealed geometrical arrangements with hitherto unreported stacked orientations of the terminal groups. Finally a novel global minimum structure was detected that is more than 8 kJ mol-1 lower in energy than the previously published conformers. The same strategy for finding minimum energy conformers of the arginine monomer has also been employed for the arginine dimer structures. While previous theoretical studies favoured directed hydrogen bonds the new global minimum structure MMFF1 is about 60 kJ mol-1 more stable and exhibits a stacked orientation of the guanidinium and carboxylate groups. The importance of rigidity on the dimer stability was proven by calculations of an artificially stiffened arginine dimer system. The high binding affinity dimer 1 results by about 50% from the rigidity of the monomers which prevents any intramolecular stabilization. In chapter 4.3 novel structure motifs with varying ring systems have been examined on a DFT level of theory in order to make proposals for an improved carboxylate binding motif. The direct dependency of the dimerization energy on an increasing dipole moment was demonstrated by various anellated ring structures. The influence of the delocalization in the monomer on the dimerization energy was examined by variation of the electronic structure of electronically decoupled biphenylenes. With the aid of various substituted 7-guanidinioindole-2-carboxylate derivatives we could show that the carbonyl function is mainly responsible for the advantageous preorganisation, whereas the effect on the acidity seems to be only of minor importance. In the last chapter cooperativity effects in supramolecular assemblies have been investigated. This was achieved by NMR shift calculations of adenosine-carboxylic acid complexes as model systems and comparison to experimental low-temperature NMR studies. We could demonstrate that only by applying vibrational averaged NMR shifts the experimental proton shifts obtained at very low temperatures in the hydrogen bond exchange regime could be reproduced. KW - nicht-kovalente Wechselwirkungen KW - theoretische Untersuchungen KW - supramolekulare Chemie KW - Carboxylat-Rezeptor KW - nicht-kovalente Wechselwirkungen KW - theoretische Untersuchungen KW - supramolekulare Chemie KW - Carboxylat-Rezeptor KW - non-covalent interactions KW - theoretical investigations KW - supramolecular chemistry KW - carboxylate receptor Y1 - 2007 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-24388 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schlosser, Julika A1 - Cibulka, Radek A1 - Groß, Philipp A1 - Ihmels, Heiko A1 - Mohrschladt, Christian J. T1 - Visible‐Light‐Induced Di‐\(\pi\)‐Methane Rearrangement of Dibenzobarrelene Derivatives JF - ChemPhotoChem N2 - It is demonstrated that the di‐\(\pi\)‐methane (DPM) rearrangement of carbonyl‐substituted dibenzobarrelene (9,10‐dihydro‐9,10‐ethenoanthracene) derivatives is induced by visible‐light‐induced triplet photosensitization with Ir(ppy)\(_{3}\), Ir(dFppy)\(_{3}\) or 1‐butyl‐7,8‐dimethoxy‐3‐methylalloxazine as catalysts, whereas derivatives that lack carbonyl substituents are photoinert under these conditions. Notably, the products are formed almost quantitatively. KW - dibenzosemibullvalenes KW - di-\(\pi\)-methane rearrangement KW - ethenoanthracenes KW - photocatalysis KW - photosensitization Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212633 VL - 4 IS - 2 SP - 132 EP - 137 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schlossarek, Tim A1 - Stepanenko, Vladimir A1 - Beuerle, Florian A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Self‐assembled Ru(bda) Coordination Oligomers as Efficient Catalysts for Visible Light‐Driven Water Oxidation in Pure Water JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - Water‐soluble multinuclear complexes based on ruthenium 2,2′‐bipyridine‐6,6′‐dicarboxylate (bda) and ditopic bipyridine linker units are investigated in three‐component visible light‐driven water oxidation catalysis. Systematic studies revealed a strong enhancement of the catalytic efficiency in the absence of organic co‐solvents and with increasing oligomer length. In‐depth kinetic and morphological investigations suggest that the enhanced performance is induced by the self‐assembly of linear Ru(bda) oligomers into aggregated superstructures. The obtained turnover frequencies (up to 14.9 s\(^{−1}\)) and turnover numbers (more than 1000) per ruthenium center are the highest reported so far for Ru(bda)‐based photocatalytic water oxidation systems. KW - artificial photosynthesis KW - coordination oligomer KW - photocatalysis KW - Ruthenium complexes KW - water oxidation Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312184 VL - 61 IS - 52 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schlauersbach, Jonas A1 - Hanio, Simon A1 - Lenz, Bettina A1 - Vemulapalli, Sahithya P. B. A1 - Griesinger, Christian A1 - Pöppler, Ann-Christin A1 - Harlacher, Cornelius A1 - Galli, Bruno A1 - Meinel, Lorenz T1 - Leveraging bile solubilization of poorly water-soluble drugs by rational polymer selection JF - Journal of Controlled Release N2 - Poorly water-soluble drugs frequently solubilize into bile colloids and this natural mechanism is key for efficient bioavailability. We tested the impact of pharmaceutical polymers on this solubilization interplay using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, and by assessing the flux across model membranes. Eudragit E, Soluplus, and a therapeutically used model polymer, Colesevelam, impacted the bile-colloidal geometry and molecular interaction. These polymer-induced changes reduced the flux of poorly water-soluble and bile interacting drugs (Perphenazine, Imatinib) but did not impact the flux of bile non-interacting Metoprolol. Non-bile interacting polymers (Kollidon VA 64, HPMC-AS) neither impacted the flux of colloid-interacting nor colloid-non-interacting drugs. These insights into the drug substance/polymer/bile colloid interplay potentially point towards a practical optimization parameter steering formulations to efficient bile-solubilization by rational polymer selection. KW - polymer drug interaction KW - flux KW - bile salt KW - simulated intestinal fluid KW - colloid Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296957 VL - 330 ET - Accepted Version ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schindler, Dorothee A1 - Meza-Chincha, Anna-Lucia A1 - Roth, Maximilian A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Structure-Activity Relationship for Di- up to Tetranuclear Macrocyclic Ruthenium Catalysts in Homogeneous Water Oxidation JF - Chemistry—A European Journal N2 - Two di- and tetranuclear Ru(bda) (bda: 2,2′-bipyridine-6,6′-dicarboxylate) macrocyclic complexes were synthesized and their catalytic activities in chemical and photochemical water oxidation investigated in a comparative manner to our previously reported trinuclear congener. Our studies have shown that the catalytic activities of this homologous series of multinuclear Ru(bda) macrocycles in homogeneous water oxidation are dependent on their size, exhibiting highest efficiencies for the largest tetranuclear catalyst. The turnover frequencies (TOFs) have increased from di- to tetranuclear macrocycles not only per catalyst molecule but more importantly also per Ru unit with TOF of 6 \(^{-1}\) to 8.7 \(^{-1}\) and 10.5 s\(^{-1}\) in chemical and 0.6 s\(^{-1}\) to 3.3 \(^{-1}\) and 5.8 \(^{-1}\) in photochemical water oxidation per Ru unit, respectively. Thus, for the first time, a clear structure–activity relationship could be established for this novel class of macrocyclic water oxidation catalysts. KW - homogeneous catalysis KW - water oxidation KW - ruthenium catalysts KW - renewable fuels KW - metallomacrocycles Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-256792 VL - 27 IS - 68 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schindler, Dorothee A1 - Gil‐Sepulcre, Marcos A1 - Lindner, Joachim O. A1 - Stepanenko, Vladimir A1 - Moonshiram, Dooshaye A1 - Llobet, Antoni A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Efficient Electrochemical Water Oxidation by a Trinuclear Ru(bda) Macrocycle Immobilized on Multi‐Walled Carbon Nanotube Electrodes JF - Advanced Energy Materials N2 - Catalytic water splitting is a viable process for the generation of renewable fuels. Here it is reported for the first time that a trinuclear supramolecular Ru(bda) (bda: 2,2′‐bipyridine‐6,6′‐dicarboxylate) catalyst, anchored on multi‐walled carbon nanotubes and subsequently immobilized on glassy carbon electrodes, shows outstanding performance in heterogeneous water oxidation. Activation of the catalyst on anodes by repetitive cyclic voltammetry (CV) scans results in a catalytic current density of 186 mA cm\(^{−2}\) at a potential of 1.45 V versus NHE. The activated catalyst performs water oxidation at an onset overpotential of 330 mV. The remarkably high stability of the hybrid anode is demonstrated by X‐ray absorption spectroscopy and electrochemically, revealing the absence of any degradation after 1.8 million turnovers. Foot of the wave analysis of CV data of activated electrodes with different concentrations of catalyst indicates a monomolecular water nucleophilic attack mechanism with an apparent rate constant of TOFmax (turnover frequency) of 3200 s\(^{−1}\). KW - electrocatalysis KW - heterogeneous catalysis KW - renewable fuels KW - ruthenium bda complexes KW - water splitting Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218381 VL - 10 IS - 43 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schindler, Dorothee T1 - Water Oxidation with Multinuclear Ruthenium Catalysts T1 - Wasseroxidation mit mehrkernigen Ruthenium-Katalysatoren N2 - In terms of the need of environmentally benign renewable and storable energy sources, splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen by using sunlight is a promising approach. Hereby, water oxidation catalysts (WOCs) are required to perform the water oxidation comprising the transfer of four electrons to provide the reducing equivalents for producing hydrogen. The class of Ru(bda) (bda = 2,2'-bipyridine-6,6'-dicarboxylate) catalysts has proven to be efficient for this reaction. In this thesis, ligand exchange processes in Ru(bda) complexes have been analyzed and the formation of multinuclear macrocyclic WOCs was studied. Based on the knowledge acquired by these studies, new multinuclear cyclic Ru(bda) complexes have been synthesized and their catalytic efficiencies in homogeneous water oxidation have been investigated. Going one step further for setting up functional devices, molecular WOCs have been immobilized on conducting or semiconducting supporting materials. Direct anchoring on carbon nanotubes generated a promising materials for further applications. N2 - Der Klimawandel als die gesellschaftliche Herausforderung des 21. Jahrhunderts ist der Allgemeinheit in den letzten Jahren insbesondere durch Aktivitäten der jüngeren Generation mehr und mehr ins Bewusstsein gerückt. Mit ihrem Engagement in Klimabewegungen machen sie auf die Dringlichkeit aufmerksam, fossile Brennstoffe als Hauptverursacher schädlicher Emissionen zu ersetzen. Angesichts des Bedarfs an umweltfreundlichen erneuerbaren und zugleich speicherbaren Energie¬quellen ist die Erzeugung von Wasserstoff unter Verwendung von Sonnenlicht zur Spaltung von Wasser in seine Bestandteile ein vielversprechender Ansatz (Kapitel 2.1). Die Wasser¬oxidationsreaktion, die die erforderlichen Reduktionsäquivalenten für die Umwandlung von Protonen in molekularen Wasserstoff liefert, umfasst jedoch einen herausfordernden Vier-Elektronen-Transferprozess, der robuste und effiziente Katalysatoren unverzichtbar macht (Kapitel 2.2). In den letzten Jahrzehnten durchgeführte ausführliche Untersuchungen an molekularen Wasser¬oxidations¬katalysatoren (WOCs, engl: water oxidation catalysts) haben gezeigt, dass Katalysatoren, die das katalytisch aktive Ru(bda) Fragment (bda: 2,2'-bipyridin-6,6'-dicarbonsäure) enthalten, eine hohe Effizienz in der Wasseroxidation aufweisen.[41] Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen entwickelten Würthner und Mitarbeiter einen supra-molekularen Ansatz, bei dem drei Ru(bda) Einheiten makrozyklisch organisiert werden.[42] Diese makrozyklischen Ru(bda) Komplexe zeigten außerordentlich hohe katalytische Aktivitäten mit bedeutend höherer Umsatzfrequenz (TOF, engl: turnover frequency) und Umsatzzahl (TON, engl: turnover number) sowie einer verbesserten Stabilität des Katalysators im Vergleich zur einkernigen Referenzverbindung Ru(bda)(pic)2.[40] Interessanter¬weise wurde heraus¬gefunden, dass vermutlich ein wasserstoffverbrücktes Wasser¬netzwerk in der Kavität des Makrozyklus für schnelle Protonen-gekoppelte Elektronen-Transfer-Schritte (PCET, engl: protonen-coupled electron transfer) und somit beschleunigte Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten verantwortlich ist. Darüber hinaus belegten mechanistische Untersuchungen einen Wechsel des katalytischen Weges von einem bimolekularen I2M (Interaktion von zwei M-O Einheiten, engl: interaction of two M-O units) Mechanismus im einkernigen Ru(bda)pic2 Referenzkomplex zu einem mononuklearen WNA (nukleophiler Wasserangriff, engl: water nucleophiilic attack) Mechanismus im dreikernigen makro-zyklischen WOC MC3 (Kapitel 2.3), was letzteren besonders interessant für anwendungs-bezogene Untersuchungen macht. ... KW - Rutheniumkomplexe KW - catalysis KW - Wasser KW - Katalyse KW - Oxidation KW - metallosupramolecular chemistry KW - ruthenium complexes KW - water oxidation KW - Ruthenium Komplexe KW - Metallosupramolekulare Chemie KW - Wasseroxidation Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-233093 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schembri, Tim A1 - Kim, Jin Hong A1 - Liess, Andreas A1 - Stepanenko, Vladimir A1 - Stolte, Matthias A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Semitransparent Layers of Social Self‐Sorting Merocyanine Dyes for Ultranarrow Bandwidth Organic Photodiodes JF - Advanced Optical Materials N2 - Two dipolar merocyanines consisting of the same π‐conjugated chromophore but different alkyl substituents adopt very different packing arrangements in their respective solid state with either H‐ or J‐type exciton coupling, leading to ultranarrow absorption bands at 477 and 750 nm, respectively, due to exchange narrowing. The social self‐sorting behavior of these push‐pull chromophores in their mixed thin films is evaluated and the impact on morphology as well as opto‐electronical properties is determined. The implementation of this well‐tuned two‐component material with tailored optical features allows to optimize planar heterojunction organic photodiodes with fullerene ​(C\(_{60}\)) with either dual or single wavelength selectivity in the blue and NIR spectral range with ultranarrow bandwidths of only 11 nm (200 cm\(^{-1}\)) and an external quantum efficiency of up to 18% at 754 nm under 0 V bias. The application of these photodiodes as low‐power consuming heart rate monitors is demonstrated by a reflectance‐mode photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor. KW - exciton coupling KW - merocyanine dyes/pigments KW - narrow bandwidth KW - organic photodiodes KW - social self‐sorting Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244762 VL - 9 IS - 15 ER - TY - INPR A1 - Scheitl, Carolin P.M. A1 - Ghaem Maghami, Mohammad A1 - Lenz, Ann-Kathrin A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - Site-specific RNA methylation by a methyltransferase ribozyme T2 - Nature N2 - Nearly all classes of coding and non-coding RNA undergo post-transcriptional modification including RNA methylation. Methylated nucleotides belong to the evolutionarily most conserved features of tRNA and rRNA.1,2 Many contemporary methyltransferases use the universal cofactor S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) as methyl group donor. This and other nucleotide-derived cofactors are considered as evolutionary leftovers from an RNA World, in which ribozymes may have catalysed essential metabolic reactions beyond self-replication.3 Chemically diverse ribozymes seem to have been lost in Nature, but may be reconstructed in the laboratory by in vitro selection. Here, we report a methyltransferase ribozyme that catalyses the site-specific installation of 1-methyladenosine (m1A) in a substrate RNA, utilizing O6-methylguanine (m6G) as a small-molecule cofactor. The ribozyme shows a broad RNA sequence scope, as exemplified by site-specific adenosine methylation in tRNAs. This finding provides fundamental insights into RNA’s catalytic abilities, serves a synthetic tool to install m1A in RNA, and may pave the way to in vitro evolution of other methyltransferase and demethylase ribozymes. KW - Methyltransferase Ribozyme KW - RNA Enzymes KW - position-specific installation of m1A in RNA Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218687 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheitl, Carolin P. M. A1 - Okuda, Takumi A1 - Adelmann, Juliane A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - Ribozyme-catalyzed late-stage functionalization and fluorogenic labeling of RNA JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - Site-specific introduction of biorthogonal handles into RNAs is in high demand for decorating RNAs with fluorophores, affinity labels or other modifications. Aldehydes represent attractive functional groups for post-synthetic bioconjugation reactions. Here, we report a ribozyme-based method for the synthesis of aldehyde-functionalized RNA by directly converting a purine nucleobase. Using the methyltransferase ribozyme MTR1 as an alkyltransferase, the reaction is initiated by site-specific N1 benzylation of purine, followed by nucleophilic ring opening and spontaneous hydrolysis under mild conditions to yield a 5-amino-4-formylimidazole residue in good yields. The modified nucleotide is accessible to aldehyde-reactive probes, as demonstrated by the conjugation of biotin or fluorescent dyes to short synthetic RNAs and tRNA transcripts. Upon fluorogenic condensation with a 2,3,3-trimethylindole, a novel hemicyanine chromophore was generated directly on the RNA. This work expands the MTR1 ribozyme’s area of application from a methyltransferase to a tool for site-specific late-stage functionalization of RNA. KW - Aldehyde Bioconjugation KW - Bioorthogonal Tag KW - Fluorescence and Crosslinking KW - RNA Labelling KW - Ribozyme Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-327543 VL - 62 ER - TY - INPR A1 - Scheitl, Carolin P. M. A1 - Mieczkowski, Mateusz A1 - Schindelin, Hermann A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - Structure and mechanism of the methyltransferase ribozyme MTR1 T2 - Nature Chemical Biology N2 - RNA-catalysed RNA methylation was recently shown to be part of the catalytic repertoire of ribozymes. The methyltransferase ribozyme MTR1 catalyses the site-specific synthesis of 1-methyladenosine (m\(^1\)A) in RNA, using O\(^6\)-methylguanine (m\(^6\)G) as methyl group donor. Here we report the crystal structure of MTR1 at a resolution of 2.8 Å, which reveals a guanine binding site reminiscent of natural guanine riboswitches. The structure represents the postcatalytic state of a split ribozyme in complex with the m1A-containing RNA product and the demethylated cofactor guanine. The structural data suggest the mechanistic involvement of a protonated cytidine in the methyl transfer reaction. A synergistic effect of two 2'-O-methylated ribose residues in the active site results in accelerated methyl group transfer. Supported by these results, it seems plausible that modified nucleotides may have enhanced early RNA catalysis and that metabolite-binding riboswitches may resemble inactivated ribozymes that have lost their catalytic activity during evolution. KW - Methyltransferase Ribozyme MTR1 KW - Crystal structure of MTR1 KW - RNA-catalyzed RNA methylation KW - X-ray crystallography KW - RNA Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-272170 ET - submitted version ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheitl, Carolin P. M. A1 - Lange, Sandra A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - New deoxyribozymes for the native ligation of RNA JF - Molecules N2 - Deoxyribozymes (DNAzymes) are small, synthetic, single-stranded DNAs capable of catalysing chemical reactions, including RNA ligation. Herein, we report a novel class of RNA ligase deoxyribozymes that utilize 5’-adenylated RNA (5’-AppRNA) as the donor substrate, mimicking the activated intermediates of protein-catalyzed RNA ligation. Four new DNAzymes were identified by in vitro selection from an N40 random DNA library and were shown to catalyze the intermolecular linear RNA-RNA ligation via the formation of a native 3’-5’-phosphodiester linkage. The catalytic activity is distinct from previously described RNA-ligating deoxyribozymes. Kinetic analyses revealed the optimal incubation conditions for high ligation yields and demonstrated a broad RNA substrate scope. Together with the smooth synthetic accessibility of 5’-adenylated RNAs, the new DNA enzymes are promising tools for the protein-free synthesis of long RNAs, for example containing precious modified nucleotides or fluorescent labels for biochemical and biophysical investigations. KW - RNA ligation KW - DNA catalysis KW - in vitro selection KW - Deoxyribozyme Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-210405 VL - 25 IS - 16 ER - TY - THES A1 - Scheitl, Carolin P. M. T1 - In vitro selected ribozymes for RNA methylation and labeling T1 - In vitro selektierte Ribozyme für Methylierung und Markierung von RNA N2 - The focus of this work was the development and application of highly efficient RNA catalysts for the site-specific modification of RNA with special focus on methylation. In the course of this thesis, the first methyltransferase ribozyme (MTR1), which uses m6G as the methyl group donor was developed and further characterized. The RNA product was identified as the natural modification m1A. X-Ray crystallography was used to solve the 3D structure of the ribozyme, which directly suggested a plausible reaction meachnism. The MTR1 ribozyme was also successfully repurposed for a nucleobase transformation reaction of a purine nucleoside. This resulted in a formyl-imidazole moiety directly on the intact RNA, which was directly used for further bioconjugation reactions. Finally, additional selections and reselections led to the identification of highly active alkyltransferase ribozymes that can be used for the labeling of various RNA targets N2 - Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag auf der Entwicklung sowie Anwendung hocheffizienter RNA-Katalysatoren für die positionsspezifische Modifikation von RNA mit besonderem Fokus auf Methylierungen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde das erste Methyltransferase-Ribozym (MTR1), das m6G als Methylgruppendonor verwendet, entwickelt und näher charakterisiert. Das RNA-Produkt wurde als die natürliche Modifikation m1A identifiziert. Mit Hilfe der Röntgenkristallographie wurde des Weiteren die 3D-Struktur des Ribozyms aufgeklärt, was direkt auf ein plausibles Reaktionsmuster schließen ließ. Das MTR1-Ribozym wurde zudem erfolgreich für eine Nukleobasen-Transformationsreaktion eines Purins verwendet, bei der eine Formyl-Imidazol-Einheit direkt an der intakten RNA gebildet wird. Dieses Reaktionsprodukt wurde für positionsgenaue Biokonjugationsreaktionen verwendet. Schließlich führten zusätzliche Selektionen und weitere Reselektionen zur Identifizierung hochaktiver Alkyltransferase-Ribozyme, die für die Markierung verschiedener Ziel-RNAs verwendet werden können. KW - RNA labeling KW - Methyltransferase KW - Methylierung KW - Ribozym KW - SELEX Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-330049 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheidel, Sebastian A1 - Östreicher, Laurina A1 - Mark, Isabelle A1 - Pöppler, Ann-Christin T1 - You cannot fight the pressure: Structural rearrangements of active pharmaceutical ingredients under magic angle spinning JF - Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry N2 - Although solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a versatile analytical tool to study polymorphs and phase transitions of pharmaceutical molecules and products, this work summarizes examples of spontaneous and unexpected (and unwanted) structural rearrangements and phase transitions (amorphous-to-crystalline and crystalline-to-crystalline) under magic angle spinning (MAS) conditions, some of them clearly being due to the pressure experienced by the samples. It is widely known that such changes can often be detected by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD); here, the capability of solid-state NMR experiments with a special focus on \(^{1}\)H-\(^{13}\)C frequency-switched Lee–Goldburg heteronuclear correlation (FSLG HETCOR)/MAS NMR experiments to detect even subtle changes on a molecular level not observable by conventional 1D NMR experiments or XRPD is presented. Furthermore, it is shown that a polymorphic impurity combined with MAS can induce a crystalline-to-crystalline phase transition. This showcases that solid-state NMR is not always noninvasive and such changes upon MAS should be considered in particular when compounds are studied over longer time spans. KW - \(^{1}\)H-\(^{13}\)C HETCOR KW - API KW - structural changes KW - XRPD KW - solid-state NMR KW - MAS Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318838 VL - 60 IS - 6 SP - 572 EP - 582 ER - TY - THES A1 - Sapotta, Meike T1 - Perylene Bisimide Cyclophanes: Recognition of Alkaloids, Aggregation Behavior in Aqueous Environment and Guest-Mediated Chirality Transfer T1 - Perylenbisimidcyclophane: Alkaloiderkennung, Aggregationsverhalten in wässriger Umgebung und gastvermittelter Chiralitätstransfer N2 - Inspired by the fact that sufficient solubility in aqueous media can be achieved by functional substitution of perylene bisimides (PBIs) with polar groups, one of the essential aims of this thesis was the design and successful synthesis of the new water-soluble PBI cyclophanes [2PBI]-1m and [2PBI]-1p, which are appended with branched, hydrophilic oligoethylene glycol (OEG) chains. Subsequently, the focus was set on the elucidation of properties of PBI cyclophane hosts which are also of relevance for recognition processes in biological systems. The performance of the new amphiphilic PBI cyclophane [2PBI]-1p as synthetic receptors for various natural aromatic alkaloids in aqueous media was thoroughly investigated. Alkaloids represent a prominent class of ubiquitous nitrogen containing natural compounds with a great structural variety and diverse biological activity. As of yet, no chromophore host acting as a molecular probe for a range of alkaloids such as harmine or harmaline is known. In addition, the self-association behavior of cyclophane host [2PBI]-1m and its reference monomer in water was studied in order to gain insights into the thermodynamic driving forces affecting the self-assembly process of these two PBI systems in aqueous environment. Moreover, the chirality transfer upon guest binding previously observed for a PBI cyclophane was investigated further. The assignment of the underlying mechanism of guest recognition to either the induced fit or conformational selection model was of particular interest. N2 - Diese Arbeit befasste sich mit der Erforschung neuer Eigenschaften von Perylenbisimid-cyclophanwirten, zum Beispiel der Gast-Komplexierung in wässriger Umgebung (Kapitel 3.2) oder dem Einfluss von Wasser beim Selbstassemblierungsprozess einer dieser Wirte in Wasser (Kapitel 3.3). Weiterhin wurden der Chiralitätstransfer durch Gasterkennung und das der Wirt-Gast-Komplexbildung zugrunde liegende mechanistische Modell untersucht (Kapitel 3.4). ... KW - Supramolekulare Chemie KW - Perylenderivate KW - Wirt-Gast-Beziehung KW - Host-Guest-Chemistry KW - Self-Assembly in Water KW - Chirality Transfer KW - Chiralität KW - Selbstorganisation KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200028 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sanchez-Naya, Roberto A1 - Stepanenko, Vladimir A1 - Mandel, Karl A1 - Beuerle, Florian T1 - Modulation of Crystallinity and Optical Properties in Composite Materials Combining Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Dye-Containing Covalent Organic Frameworks JF - Organic Materials N2 - Two series of organic–inorganic composite materials were synthesized through solvothermal imine condensation between diketopyrrolopyrrole dialdehyde DPP-1 and 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)porphyrin (TAPP) in the presence of varying amounts of either amino- or carboxy-functionalized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (FeO). Whereas high FeO loading induced cross-linking of the inorganic nanoparticles by amorphous imine polymers, a lower FeO content resulted in the formation of crystalline covalent organic framework domains. All hybrid materials were analyzed by magnetization measurements, powder X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, IR, and UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy. Crystallinity, chromophore stacking, and visible absorption features are directly correlated to the mass fraction of the components, thus allowing for a fine-tuning of materials properties. KW - covalent organic frameworks KW - diketopyrrolopyrroles KW - porphyrins KW - iron oxide nanoparticles KW - hybrid materials KW - superparamagnetism Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231480 VL - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Safont Sempere, Marina Montserrat T1 - Chiral self-sorting of atropo-enantiomeric perylene bisimide dyes T1 - Chirale Self-sortierung von Atropo-enantiomerische Perilene Bisimide Farbstofe N2 - This thesis included the synthesis of conformationally stable chiral perylene bisimide (PBI) dyes, the study of their optical properties in solution and their chiral self-sorting behaviour in nonpolar solvents in which dimerization via pi-pi-stacking takes place. Furthermore, the influence of PBI core chirality on the properties of these dyes in the condensed state has been also studied. We have demonstrated and quantified the prevalence of chiral self-recognition over self-discrimination in pi-stacking dimerization of PBIs. It has been shown that this self-recognition event is compromised by the increasing flexibility of the structures related to the size of the OEG bridging units. Moreover, the inherent chirality of these PBIs has been proven to strongly influence their condensed state properties, for which large differences between the pure enantiomers and the racemates were revealed, as well as between the different bridged macrocyclic PBIs. N2 - Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Synthese von konformationsstabilen chiralen Perylenbisimidfarbstoffen (PBI), die Bestimmung ihrer optischen Eigenschaften in Lösung und ihrer chiralen Selbstsortierung in unpolaren Lösungsmitteln, in denen Dimerisierung durch pi-pi-Stapelung stattfindet. Des Weiteren wurde noch der Einfluss der PBI Kernchiralität auf die flüssigkristallinen Eigenschaften untersucht. Zusammenfassend konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Bevorzugung der chiralen Selbst-Erkennung gegenüber der Selbst-Diskriminierung in pi-gestapelten dimerisierten PBIs quantifiziert und bewiesen werden. Eine erhöhte Flexibilität der Moleküle durch Verlängerung der OEG Brückeneinheiten verringert jedoch die Qualität dieses Selbsterkennungsvorgangs. Des Weiteren hat die Chiralität dieser PBIs einem sehr starken Einfluss auf die Eigenschaften der kondensierten Materie, in welcher große Unterschiede für reine Enantiomere und das Racemat sowie zwischen PBIs mit unterschiedlichen Brückeneinheiten gefunden wurden. KW - Farbstoff KW - Selbstorganisation KW - Chiralität KW - Atropisomerie KW - Self-Sortierung KW - pi-pi Wechselwirkungen KW - Aggregation KW - self-sorting KW - chirality KW - pi-pi- stacking Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55359 ER - TY - INPR A1 - Saal, Fridolin A1 - Swain, Asim A1 - Schmiedel, Alexander A1 - Holzapfel, Marco A1 - Lambert, Christoph A1 - Ravat, Prince T1 - Push-Pull [7]Helicene Diimide: Excited-State Charge Transfer and Solvatochromic Circularly Polarised Luminescence N2 - In this communication we describe a helically chiral push-pull molecule named 9,10-dimethoxy-[7]helicene diimide, displaying fluorescence (FL) and circularly polarised luminescence (CPL) over nearly the entire visible spectrum dependent on solvent polarity. The synthesised molecule exhibits an unusual solvent polarity dependence of FL quantum yield and nonradiative rate constant, as well as remarkable gabs and glum values along with high configurational stability. KW - Helicene diimide Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-345207 UR - https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CC04470J ET - submitted version ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Röhr, Merle I. S. T1 - New theoretical methods for the exploration of functional landscapes JF - International Journal of Quantum Chemistry N2 - Molecular functionality can be often directly attributed to given properties of the electronic wavefunction. Analogous to the potential energy surface, these properties can be represented as a function of the nuclear coordinates, giving rise to molecular “functional landscapes.” However, so far there has been no possibility for their systematic investigation. This perspective aims to discuss the development of new theoretical methods based on the multistate extension of the metadynamics approach, employing electronic collective variables. This emerging methodology allows to explore functional landscapes and to gain a deeper understanding of the structure–function relation in molecules and complex molecular systems in the ground and excited electronic state. KW - structure–function relation KW - electronic collective variables KW - electronic wavefunction KW - metadynamics Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257682 VL - 121 IS - 24 ER - TY - THES A1 - Röger, Cornelia T1 - Bioinspired Light-Harvesting Zinc Chlorin Rod Aggregates Powered by Peripheral Chromophores T1 - Bioinspirierte lichtsammelnde Zinchlorin-Stabaggregate N2 - Artificial light-harvesting (LH) systems have been obtained by self-assembly of naphthalene diimide-functionalized zinc chlorin dyads and triad in nonpolar, aprotic solvents. UV-vis, CD, and steady-state emission spectroscopy as well as atomic force microscopy showed that rod-like structures are formed by excitonic interactions of zinc chlorin units, while the appended naphthalene diimide dyes do not aggregate at the periphery of the cylinders. In all cases, photoexcitation of the enveloping naphthalene diimides at 540 and 620 nm, respectively, was followed by highly efficient energy-transfer processes to the inner zinc chlorin backbone, as revealed by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy on the picosecond time-scale. As a consequence, the LH efficiencies of zinc chlorin rod aggregates were increased by up to 63%. The effective utilization of solar energy recommends these biomimetic systems for an application in electronic materials on the nanoscale. N2 - In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden selbstorganisierte Lichtsammelsysteme auf der Basis von Napthalinbisimid-funktionalisierten Zinkchlorinen beschrieben. KW - Farbstoff KW - Scheibe-Aggregat KW - Naphthalinbisimid KW - Chlorin KW - Selbstorganisation KW - Lichtsammelsystem KW - Energietransfer KW - naphthalene diimide KW - chlorin KW - self-assembly KW - light harvesting KW - energy transfer Y1 - 2007 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-26760 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rushdi, Mohammed I. A1 - Abdel-Rahman, Iman A. M. A1 - Attia, Eman Zekry A1 - Saber, Hani A1 - Saber, Abdullah A. A1 - Bringmann, Gerhard A1 - Abdelmohsen, Usama Ramadan T1 - The biodiversity of the genus Dictyota: phytochemical and pharmacological natural products prospectives JF - Molecules N2 - Although a broad variety of classes of bioactive compounds have already been isolated from seaweeds of the genus Dictyota, most different species are still chemically and biologically unexplored. Dictyota species are well-known brown seaweeds belonging to the Dictyotaceae (Phaeophyta). The phytochemical composition within the genus Dictyota has recently received considerable interest, and a vast array of components, including diterpenes, sesquiterepenes, sterols, amino acids, as well as saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, have been characterized. The contribution of these valued metabolites to the biological potential, which includes anti-proliferative, anti-microbial, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hyperpigmentation activities, of the genus Dictyota has also been explored. Therefore, this is the most comprehensive review, focusing on the published literature relevant to the chemically and pharmacologically diverse biopharmaceuticals isolated from different species of the genus Dictyota during the period from 1976 to now. KW - Phaeophyceae KW - Dictyotaceae KW - marine macroalgae KW - brown seaweeds KW - natural products KW - bioactivities KW - Dictyota Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302428 SN - 1420-3049 VL - 27 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Roos, Markus T1 - Synthesis, Photophysics and Photocatalysis of [FeFe] Complex Containing Dyads and Bimolecular Systems T1 - Synthese, Photophysik und Photokatalyse von [FeFe]-Komplex enthaltenden Dyaden und bimolekularen Systemen N2 - In the course of this work, a total of three photocatalytically active dyads for proton reduction could be synthesized together with the associated individual components. Two of them, D1 and D2, comprised a [Ru(bpy)3]2+ photosensitizer and D3 an [Ir(ppy)2bpy]+ photosensitizer. A Ppyr3-substituted propyldithiolate [FeFe] complex was used as catalyst in all systems. The absorption spectroscopic and electrochemical investigations showed that an inner-dyadic electronic coupling is effectively prevented in the dyads due to conjugation blockers within the bridging units used. The photocatalytic investigations exhibited that all dyad containing two-component systems (2CS) showed a significantly worse performance than the corresponding bimolecular three-component systems (3CS). Transient absorption spectroscopy showed that the 2CS behave very similarly to the associated multicomponent systems during photocatalysis. The electron that was intended for the intramolecular transfer from the photosensitizer unit to the catalyst unit within the dyads remains at the photosensitizer for a relatively long time, analogous to the 3CS and despite the covalently bound catalyst. It is therefore assumed that this intramolecular electron transfer is likely to be hindered as a result of the weak electronic coupling caused by the bridge units used. Instead, the system bypasses this through an intermolecular transfer to other dyad molecules in the immediate vicinity. In addition, with the help of emission quenching experiments and electrochemical investigations, it could be clearly concluded that all investigated systems proceed via the reductive quenching mechanism during photocatalysis. N2 - Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten insgesamt drei photokatalytisch aktive Dyaden zur Protonenreduktion zusammen mit den zugehörigen Einzelkomponenten synthetisiert werden. Zwei von ihnen, D1 und D2, umfassten einen [Ru(bpy)3]2+-Photosensibilisator und D3 einen [Ir(ppy)2bpy]+-Photosensibilisator. Als Katalysator wurde in allen Systemen ein Ppyr3-substituierter Propyldithiolat-[FeFe]-Komplex verwendet. Die absorptionsspektroskopischen und elektrochemischen Untersuchungen zeigten, dass eine innerdyadische elektronische Kopplung aufgrund von Konjugationsblockern innerhalb der verwendeten Brückeneinheiten wirksam verhindert wird. Die photokatalytischen Untersuchungen zeigten, dass alle dyadenhaltigen Zweikomponentensysteme (2CS) eine signifikant schlechtere Leistung zeigten als die entsprechenden bimolekularen Dreikomponentensysteme (3CS). Mithilfe der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die 2CS während der Photokatalyse sehr ähnlich wie die zugehörigen Mehrkomponentensysteme verhalten. Das Elektron, das für den intramolekularen Transfer von der Photosensibilisatoreinheit zur Katalysatoreinheit innerhalb der Dyaden vorgesehen war, verbleibt analog zu den 3CS und trotz des kovalent gebundenen Katalysators relativ lange am Photosensibilisator. Es wird daher angenommen, dass dieser intramolekulare Elektronentransfer wahrscheinlich aufgrund der schwachen elektronischen Kopplung, die durch die verwendeten Brückeneinheiten verursacht wird, behindert wird. Stattdessen umgeht das System dies durch einen intermolekularen Transfer zu anderen Dyadenmolekülen in unmittelbarer Nähe. Darüber hinaus konnte mithilfe von Emissionslöschungsexperimenten und elektrochemischen Untersuchungen eindeutig darauf geschlossen werden, dass alle untersuchten Systeme während der Photokatalyse über den reduktiven Löschmechanismus ablaufen. KW - Fotokatalyse KW - Elektronentransfer KW - proton reduction KW - [FeFe] hydrogenase mimic KW - dyad KW - ruthenium photosensitizer KW - iridium photosensitizer KW - Protonenreduktion KW - [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Imitator KW - Dyade KW - Ruthenium-Photosensibilisator KW - Iridium-Photosensibilisator Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234537 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ronald, Micura A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - Fundamental studies of functional nucleic acids: aptamers, riboswitches, ribozymes and DNAzymes JF - Chemical Society Reviews N2 - This review aims at juxtaposing common versus distinct structural and functional strategies that are applied by aptamers, riboswitches, and ribozymes/DNAzymes. Focusing on recently discovered systems, we begin our analysis with small-molecule binding aptamers, with emphasis on in vitro-selected fluorogenic RNA aptamers and their different modes of ligand binding and fluorescence activation. Fundamental insights are much needed to advance RNA imaging probes for detection of exo- and endogenous RNA and for RNA process tracking. Secondly, we discuss the latest gene expression–regulating mRNA riboswitches that respond to the alarmone ppGpp, to PRPP, to NAD+, to adenosine and cytidine diphosphates, and to precursors of thiamine biosynthesis (HMP-PP), and we outline new subclasses of SAM and tetrahydrofolate-binding RNA regulators. Many riboswitches bind protein enzyme cofactors that, in principle, can catalyse a chemical reaction. For RNA, however, only one system (glmS ribozyme) has been identified in Nature thus far that utilizes a small molecule – glucosamine-6-phosphate – to participate directly in reaction catalysis (phosphodiester cleavage). We wonder why that is the case and what is to be done to reveal such likely existing cellular activities that could be more diverse than currently imagined. Thirdly, this brings us to the four latest small nucleolytic ribozymes termed twister, twister-sister, pistol, and hatchet as well as to in vitro selected DNA and RNA enzymes that promote new chemistry, mainly by exploiting their ability for RNA labelling and nucleoside modification recognition. Enormous progress in understanding the strategies of nucleic acids catalysts has been made by providing thorough structural fundaments (e.g. first structure of a DNAzyme, structures of ribozyme transition state mimics) in combination with functional assays and atomic mutagenesis. KW - Functional nucleic acids KW - RNA Enzymes KW - RNA labeling KW - nucleoside modification recognition Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212133 ET - Advance Article ER - TY - THES A1 - Roger, Chantal T1 - Photophysics and Spin Chemistry of Triptycene Bridge Donor-Acceptor-Triads T1 - Photophysik und Spinchemie von Triptycen Brücken Donor-Akzeptor Triaden N2 - The goal of this thesis was to investigate the influence of rotational restriction between individual parts and of the varying electron density in the bridging unit of D B A systems on the exchange interaction 2J, and thus the electronic coupling between a donor state and an acceptor state. A better understanding of how to influence the underlaying spin dynamics in such donor acceptor systems can open up the door to new technologies, such as modern molecular electronics or optoelectronic devices. Therefore, three series of molecules consisting of a TAA electron donor, a TTC or ATC bridging unit and a PDI electron acceptor were studied. To investigate the influence of rotational restriction on 2J and the electronic coupling, a series of four rotationally hindered triads (chapter 6) was synthesised. The dihedral angle between the TAA and the TTC as well as between the TTC and the PDI was restricted by ortho methyl groups at the phenylene linkers of the connecting ends to the TTC bridge, producing a twist around the linking single bond which minimises the π overlap. The triads exhibit varying numbers of ortho methyl groups and therefore different degrees of rotational restriction. In order to shine light on the influence of varying electron density on 2J and the electronic coupling, a series of four substituted triptycene triads (chapter 7) was synthesised. The electron density in the TTC bridging unit was varied by electron donating and electron withdrawing groups in 12,13 position of the TTC bridging unit and thus varying its HOMO/LUMO energy. The last series of two anthracene bridge triads (chapter 8) connected both approaches by restricting the rotation with ortho methyl groups and simultaneously by varying the bridge energies. In order to obtain the electronic properties, steady state absorption and emission spectra of all triads were investigated (chapter 4). Here, all triads show spectral features associated with the separate absorption bands of TAA and the PDI moiety. The reduced QYs, compared to the unsubstituted PDI acceptor, indicate a non radiative quenching mechanism in all triads. The CV data (chapter 5) were used to calculate the energies of possible CSSs and those results were used to assign the CR dynamics into the different Marcus regions. fs TA measurements reveal that all triads form a CSS upon excitation of the PDI moiety. The lifetimes of the involved states and the rate constants were determined by global exponential fits and global target analysis. The CR dynamics upon depopulation of the CSSs were investigated using external magnetic field dependent ns TA spectroscopy. The ns TA maps show that all triads recombine via CRT pathway populating the local 3PDI state in toluene and provided the respective lifetimes. The approximate QYs of triplet formation were determined using actinometry. The magnetic field dependent ns TA data reveal the exchange interaction 2J between singlet and triplet CSS for each triad. Those magnetic field dependent ns TA data in toluene were furthermore treated using a quantum mechanical simulation (done by U.E. Steiner) to extract the rate constants kT and kS for CRT and CRS, respectively. However, the error margins of kS were rather wide. Finally, the electronic couplings between the donor and the acceptor states were obtained by combining the aforementioned experimental results of the rate constants and applying the Bixon Jortner theoretical description of diabatic ET and Andersons perturbative theory of the exchange coupling. Therefore, the experimentally determined values of 2J and the calculated values of kCS and kT were used. The rate constant kS was calculated based on the electronic coupling V1CSS 1S0. The rotationally hindered triads (chapter 6) show a strong influence of the degree of rotational restriction on the lifetimes and rate constants of the CS processes. The rate constants of CS are increasing with increasing rotational freedom. The magnetic field dependent decay data show that the exchange interactions increase with increasing rotational freedom. Based on the CR dynamics, the calculated electronic couplings of the ET processes reflect the same trend along the series. Here, only singlet couplings turned out to be strongly influenced while the triplet couplings are not. Therefore, this series shows that the ET dynamics of donor acceptor systems can strongly be influenced by restricting the rotational freedom. In the substituted triptycene triads (chapter 7), decreasing electron density in the bridging unit causes a decrease of the CS rate constants. The magnetic field dependent decay data show that with decreasing electron density in the bridge the exchange interaction decreases. The CR dynamics-based rate constants and the electronic couplings follow the same trend as the exchange interaction. This series shows that varying the HOMO/LUMO levels of the connecting bridge between donor and acceptor strongly influences the ET processes. In the anthracene bridge triads (chapter 8), the CS process is slow in both triads. The CR was fast in the anthracene triad and is slowed down in the methoxy substituted anthracene bridge triad. The increase of the exchange interaction with increasing electron density in the bridge was more pronounced than in the substituted triptycene triads. Thus, the variation of electron density in the bridge strongly influences the ET processes even though the rotation is restricted. In this thesis, it was shown that the influence of the rotational hindrance as well as the electron density in a connecting bridge have strong influence on all ET processes and the electronic coupling in donor acceptor systems. These approaches can therefore be used to modify magnetic properties of new materials. N2 - Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Einfluss von Rotationshinderung zwischen einzelnen Bausteinen und Variation der Elektronendichte in der Brückeneinheit eines Donor Brücke Akzeptor Systems auf die Austauschwechselwirkung 2J und somit die elektronische Kopplung zwischen dem Donor- und dem Akzeptor-Zustand zu untersuchen. Ein besseres Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Spindynamiken in solchen Donor Akzeptor Systemen - und wie diese beeinflusst werden können - kann einen Zugang zu neuen Technologien wie molekularer Elektronik oder optoelektronischen Geräten ermöglichen. Im Zuge dessen wurden drei Molekülreihen, bestehend aus einem TAA Elektronendonor, einer TTC oder ATC Brücke und einem PDI Elektronenakzeptor, untersucht. Der Einfluss von eingeschränkter Rotation zwischen den einzelnen Bausteinen auf die Austauschwechselwirkung und die elektronische Kopplung wurde anhand einer Reihe von rotationsgehinderten Triaden (Kapitel 6) untersucht. Der Winkel zwischen der TAA und der TTC Einheit sowie zwischen der TTC und der PDI Einheit wurde durch ortho ständige Methylgruppen eingeschränkt. Dies führt zu einer Verdrillung um die verbrückende Einfachbindung. Um unterschiedliche Grade der Rotationshinderung zu erzielen, wurden die Triaden mit einer unterschiedlichen Anzahl von ortho Methylgruppen substituiert. Des Weiteren wurde eine Reihe, bestehend aus vier Triptycen substituierten Triaden (Kapitel 7), synthetisiert, um den Einfluss variierender Elektronendichte auf 2J und die elektronische Kopplung zu untersuchen. Die Elektronendichte in der TTC-Brückeneinheit wurde durch elektronenschiebende und elektronenziehende Gruppen in 12,13-Position an der TTC-Brückeneinheit variiert, was eine Änderung der HOMO/LUMO-Energien der Brücke zur Folge hat. Die letzte Reihe besteht aus zwei Anthracen verbrückten Triaden (Kapitel 8) und stellt die Kombination beider Ansätze dar. Um dies zu erzielen wurde die Rotation durch ortho-Methylgruppen vollständig unterdrückt und gleichzeitig die Brückenenergie verändert. Um die elektronischen Eigenschaften der Triaden zu untersuchen, wurden zunächst die stationären Absorptions und Emissionseigenschaften betrachtet (Kapitel 4). Die Absorptionsbanden können in allen Triaden der TAA sowie der PDI Einheit zugeordnet werden. Die Fluoreszenz Quantenausbeuten weisen, verglichen mit dem reinen PDI Akzeptor, deutlich geringere Werte auf. Dies deutet auf einen alternativen, nicht strahlenden Desaktivierungspfad hin. Mit Hilfe der CV Daten (Kapitel 5) wurde die Energie des ladungsgetrennten Zustandes für jede Triade berechnet und die Ladungsrekombinationspfade in die jeweiligen Marcus Regionen eingeordnet. fs transiente Absorptionsmessungen zeigen, dass alle Triaden einen ladungsgetrennten Zustand ausbilden. Die Lebenszeiten der beteiligten Zustände wurden mit Hilfe eines globalen exponentiellen Fits und die Ratenkonstanten mit Hilfe einer globalen Targetanalyse bestimmt. Die Ladungsrekombinationsdynamiken wurden mit Hilfe magnetfeldabhängiger ns transienter Absorptionsmessungen betrachtet. Die ns transienten Karten zeigen, dass alle Triaden in Toluol über den Triplett Rekombinationspfad in den lokalen Triplettzustand des PDI rekombinieren. Des Weiteren lieferten diese Messungen die Lebenszeiten des ladungsgetrennten Zustandes. Die Quantenausbeuten der Bildung des Triplettzustandes wurden mittels Actinometrie abgeschätzt. Mit Hilfe der magnetfeldabhängigen ns transienten Messungen konnte die Austauschwechselwirkung zwischen dem singulett und dem triplett ladungsgetrennten Zustand für jede Triade bestimmt werden. Um die Ratenkonstanten kT and kS der Triplett und Singulett Rekombination zu erhalten, wurden die Daten der magnetfeldabhängigen ns transienten Messungen mittels einer quantendynamischen Simulation untersucht (durchgeführt von U. E. Steiner, Universität Konstanz). Hierbei waren die Fehlergrenzen für kS jedoch sehr groß. Die elektronischen Kopplungen wurden mit Hilfe der Bixon Jortner Theorie des diabatischen elektronen Transfers und Andersons störungstheoritischem Ansatz zur Beschreibung der Austauschwechselwirkung aus den experimentellen Daten sowie den Ratenkonstanten berechnet. Hierfür wurden die die experimentell bestimmten 2J Werte sowie die berechneten Werte von kCS und kT verwendet. Um ein umfassendes Bild zu erhalten wurden die Ratenkonstanten kS aus den elektronischen Kopplungen V1CSS 1S0 berechnet. Die rotationsgehinderten Triaden (Kapitel 6) weisen eine starke Abhängigkeit der Ratenkonstanten des Ladungstrennungsprozesses vom Grad der Rotationseinschränkung auf. Hierbei steigen die Werte der Ratenkonstanten mit zunehmender Rotationsfreiheit. Der selbe Trend kann in der Austauschwechselwirkung bei Betrachtung der magnetfeldabhängigen Abklingkurven beobachtet werden. Des Weiteren zeigen die berechneten elektronischen Kopplungen ebenfalls eine Zunahme bei gesteigerter Rotationsfreiheit. Hierbei war zu beobachten, dass nur die Singulett Kopplungen von der Rotation beeinflusst wurden, Triplett Kopplungen jedoch nahezu unverändert blieben. Mit Hilfe dieser Reihe wurde gezeigt, dass Elektrontransferdynamiken durch Rotationseinschränkung beeinflusst werden können. In der Reihe der substituierten Triptycen Triaden (Kapitel 7) führt eine Abnahme der Elektronendichte in der Brücke zu einer Verringerung der Ratenkonstanten des Ladungstrennungsprozesses. Die Daten der magnetfeldabhängigen Abklingkurven zeigen, dass die Austauschwechselwirkung ebenfalls mit verringerter Elektronendichte in der Brücke abnimmt. Die berechneten elektronischen Kopplungen folgen dem Trend der Austauschwechselwirkung. Anhand dieser Reihe konnte gezeigt werden, dass Elektronentransferprozesse durch Veränderung der Brückenenergien beeinflusst werden können. In den Anthracen Brücken Triaden (Kapitel 8) ist die Ladungstrennung für beide Triaden langsam. Die Ladungsrekombination wird durch den elektronenschiebenden Effekt der Methoxygruppen, verlangsamt. Die Austauschwechselwirkung nimmt mit steigender Elektronendichte in der Brücke zu, wobei dieser Effekt stärker ausgeprägt ist als in den Triptycen substituierten Triaden. Die Variation der Elektronendichte hat somit, trotz vollständig gehinderter Rotation, einen starken Einfluss auf die Elektronentransferdynamiken. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass gehinderte Rotation und variierende Elektronendichte in einer Brückeneinheit einen starken Einfluss auf die Elektronentransferdynamiken und die elektronischen Kopplungen in Donor Akzeptor-Systemen haben. Diese Ansätze können somit dazu verwendet werden die magnetischen Eigenschaften von neuen Materialien zu verändern. KW - spin chemistry KW - Spinchemie KW - donor-acceptor triads KW - Donor-Akzeptor Triaden KW - Rotation KW - photophysics KW - electron transfer KW - rotation KW - electron density Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-363031 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rieth, Thorsten A1 - Tober, Natalie A1 - Limbach, Daniel A1 - Haspel, Tobias A1 - Sperner, Marcel A1 - Schupp, Niklas A1 - Wicker, Philipp A1 - Glang, Stefan A1 - Lehmann, Matthias A1 - Detert, Heiner T1 - Impact of substitution pattern and chain length on the thermotropic properties of alkoxy-substituted triphenyl-tristriazolotriazines JF - Molecules N2 - Tristriazolotriazines (TTTs) with a threefold alkoxyphenyl substitution were prepared and studied by DSC, polarized optical microscopy (POM) and X-ray scattering. Six pentyloxy chains are sufficient to induce liquid-crystalline behavior in these star-shaped compounds. Thermotropic properties of TTTs with varying substitution patterns and a periphery of linear chains of different lengths, branching in the chain and swallow-tails, are compared. Generally, these disks display broad and stable thermotropic mesophases, with the tangential TTT being superior to the radial isomer. The structure–property relationships of the number of alkyl chains, their position, length and structure were studied. KW - star-shaped compounds KW - discotic liquid crystals KW - X-ray diffraction KW - differential scanning calorimetry KW - polarizing optical microscopy KW - swallow-tail KW - heterocycles KW - structure–property relation Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-220019 SN - 1420-3049 VL - 25 IS - 23 ER - TY - THES A1 - Riese, Stefan T1 - Photophysics and Spin Chemistry of Donor-Acceptor substituted Dipyrrinato-Metal-Complexes T1 - Photophysik und Spin-Chemie in Donor-Akzeptor substituierten Dipyrrinato-Metall-Komplexen N2 - In this thesis, the photophysics and spin chemistry of donor-photosensitizer-acceptor triads were investigated. While all investigated triads comprised a TAA as an electron donor and a NDI as an electron acceptor, the central photosensitizers (PS) were different chromophores based on the dipyrrin-motif. The purity and identity of all target compounds could be confirmed by NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. The first part of the work dealt with dipyrrinato-complexes of cyclometalated heavy transition metals. The successful synthesis of novel triads based on Ir(III), Pt(II) and Pd(II) was presented. The optical and electrochemical properties indicated charge separation (CS), which was confirmed by transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy. TA-spectroscopy also revealed that the process of CS is significantly slower and less efficient for the triads based on Pt(II) and Pd(II) than for the analogous Ir(III) triads. This is mostly due to a much more convoluted reaction pathway, comprising several intermediate states before the formation of the final charge separated state (CSS2). On the other hand, CSS2 exhibits long lifetimes which are dependent on the central metal ion. While the Ir(III) triads show lifetimes of about 0.5 µs in MeCN, the Pt(II) and Pd(II) analogues show lifetimes of 1.5 µs. The magnetic field effect on the charge recombination (CR) kinetics of CSS2 was investigated by magnetic field dependent ns-TA spectroscopy and could be rationalized based on a classical kinetic scheme comprising only one magnetic field dependent rate constant k±. The behavior of k± shows a clear separation of the coherent and incoherent spin interconversion mechanisms. While the coherent spin evolution is due to the isotropic hyperfine coupling with the magnetic nuclei of the radical centers, the incoherent spin relaxation is due to a rotational modulation of the anisotropic hyperfine coupling tensor and is strongly dependent on the viscosity of the solvent. This dependence could be used to measure the nanoviscosity of the oligomeric solvent pTHF, which was found to be distinctly different from its macroviscosity. The second part of the work dealt with bisdipyrrinato complexes and their bridged porphodimethenato (PDM) analogues. Initially, the suitability of the different chromophores for the use as PS in donor-acceptor substituted triads was tested by a systematic investigation of their steady state and transient properties. While the PDM-complex of Zn(II) and Pd(II) exhibited promising characteristics such as a high exited state lifetime and relatively intense emission, the purely organic parent PDM and the non-bridged bisdipyrrinato-Pd(II) complex were less suitable. The difference between the two Pd(II) complexes could be explained by a structural rearrangement of the non-bridged complex which results in a non-emissive metal centered triplet state with disphenoidal geometry. This rearrangement is prevented by the dimethylmethylene-bridges in the bridged analogue resulting in higher phosphorescence quantum yields and excited state lifetimes. With the exception of the Zn(II)PDM-complex, the synthesis of novel donor acceptor substituted triads could be realized for all desired central chromophores. They were investigated equivalently to the cyclometalated triads described in the first part. The steady state properties indicate a stronger electronic coupling between the subunits due to the lack of unsaturated bridges between the donor and the central chromophore. Photoinduced CS occurs in all investigated triads. Due to the low exited state lifetimes of the central chromophores, CSS is formed less efficiently for the triads based on the unbridged Pd(II)-complex as well as the purely organic PDM. In the triad based on the bridged Pd(II) complex, the CR of CSS2 is faster than its formation resulting in low intermediate concentrations. For its elongated analogue, this is not the case and CSS2 can be observed clearly. Although the spin-chemistry of the triads based on bisdipyrrinato-Pd(II) and porphodimethenato-Pd(II) is less well understood, first interpretations of the magnetic field dependent decay kinetics gave results approximately equivalent to those obtained for the cyclometalated triads. Furthermore, the MFE was shown to be useful for the investigation of the quantum yield of CS and the identity of the observed CSSs. In both parts of this work, the influence of the central photosensitizer on the photophysics and the spin chemistry of the triads could be shown. While the process of CS is directly dependent on the PS, the PS usually is not directly involved in the final CSSs. None the less, it can still indirectly affect the CR and spin chemistry of the CSS since it influences the electronic coupling between donor and acceptor, as well as the geometry of the triads. N2 - In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Photophysik und Spinchemie von Donor-Photosensibilisator-Akzeptor-Triaden untersucht. In allen untersuchten Triaden wurden Triarylamin (TAA) bzw. Naphthalindiimid (NDI) als Elektronen-Donor bzw. -Akzeptor verwendet. Der zentrale Photosensibilisator (PS) hingegen wurde variiert, behielt allerdings das Dipyrrin-Chromophor als gemeinsames Strukturmotiv bei. Alle Zielverbindungen wurden mittels NMR-Spektroskopie, Massenspektrometrie und Elementaranalyse auf Identität und Reinheit geprüft. Der erste Abschnitt der Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit cyclometallierten Dipyrrinato-Komplexen schwererer Übergangsmetalle. Die erfolgreiche Synthese von neuartigen Triaden mit Ir(III)-, Pt(II)- und Pd(II)- Zentralionen wurde beschrieben. Die optischen und elektrochemischen Eigenschaften der Verbindungen deuteten auf das Auftreten von Ladungstrennung hin was mit Hilfe transienter Absorptionsspektroskopie (TA) bewiesen werden konnte. Weiterhin ergab die Untersuchung der Stoffe, dass die Ladungstrennung in den Triaden mit Pd(II) und Pt(II) als Zentralion wesentlich langsamer und weniger effizient abläuft als in den analogen Verbindungen mit Ir(III) als Zentralion. Der resultierende ladungsgetrennte Zustand (CSS2) weist eine hohe Lebenszeit auf, welche vom Zentralatom abhängt. Für Ir(III) beträgt diese ungefähr 0.5 µs, während sie für Pt(II) und Pd(II) auf ca. 1.5 µs ansteigt. Der Einfluss eines externen Magnetfeldes auf die Kinetik der Ladungsrekombination (CR) wurde mittels magnetfeldabhängiger ns-TA-Spektroskopie untersucht. Der auftretende Magnetfeldeffekt (MFE) konnte mit Hilfe eines klassischen Modells auf eine einzige magnetfeldabhängige Geschwindigkeitskonstante k± zurückgeführt werden. Der Verlauf von k± zeigt eine deutliche Trennung der kohärenten und inkohärenten Spin-Flip-Mechanismen. Während die kohärente Spin-Umwandlung auf die isotrope Hyperfeinkopplung mit den magnetischen Nuklei der Radikalzentren zurückgeht, wird die inkohärente Spin Relaxation durch die Rotationsmodulation des anisotropen Hyperfeinkopplung-Tensors hervorgerufen und ist daher stark abhängig von der Viskosität des Lösungsmittels. Dieser Umstand wurde dazu genutzt die Nanoviskosität des polymeren Lösungsmittels pTHF zu messen, welche stark von der angegebenen Makroviskosität abweicht. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden zunächst mehrere Bisdipyrrinato-Metall-Komplexe sowie ihre verbrückten Porphodimethenato (PDM)-Analoga hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung als PS in Donor-Akzeptor-substituierten Triaden getestet. Während die verbrückten Zn(II)- und Pd(II)-Komplexe vielversprechende Eigenschaften wie langlebige angeregte Zustände und relativ intensive Emission aufweisen, erscheinen der unverbrückte Pd(II)-Komplex sowie der nicht komplexierte PDM-Ligand weniger geeignet. Der große Unterschied zwischen den beiden augenscheinlich ähnlichen Pd(II)-Komplexen ist auf eine strukturelle Reorganisation der Geometrie des unverbrückten Komplexes zurück zu führen. Diese resultiert in einem Metall-zentrierten Triplet-Zustand mit bisphenoidaler Geometrie, welcher schnell und strahlungslos in den Grundzustand übergeht. Im verbrückten Komplex hingegen verhindern die Dimethylmethylen-Brücken zwischen den beiden Dipyrrin-Chromophoren die strukturelle Umordnung und erhöhen daher die Lebenszeit und Quantenausbeute der Phosphoreszenz. Mit Ausnahme des Zn(II)-PDM-Komplexes konnten für alle geeigneten PS die entsprechenden Donor-Akzeptor substituierten Triaden synthetisiert werden. Diese wurden mit den bereits für die cyclometallierten Triaden beschriebenen Methoden untersucht. Da keine ungesättigte Verbindung zwischen Donor und PS vorhanden ist, sind die elektronischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den einzelnen Untereinheiten nicht vernachlässigbar. In allen untersuchten Triaden konnte photo-induzierte Ladungstrennung (CS) nachgewiesen werden. Diese ist weniger effizient für Photosensibilisatoren in welchen der angeregte Zustand eine kurze Lebenszeit aufweist. Während für die Triade mit dem verbrückten Pd(II)-PDM-Komplex als PS, die CR von CSS2 schneller ist als seine Bildung, ist die Lebensdauer von CSS2 im verlängerten Anlog deutlich höher und CSS2 kann klar nachgewiesen werden. Obwohl die Spin-Chemie der Bisdipyrrinato- und Porphodimethenato-Triaden weniger gut untersucht wurden, ergab die Analyse der durchgeführten Magnetfeld-abhängigen Messung der CR-Kinetik Ergebnisse, die gut mit den Befunden für die cyclometallierten Triaden übereinstimmen. In beiden Teilen dieser Arbeit konnte der Einfluss des Photosensibilisators auf die Photophysik und Spin-Chemie der Triaden gezeigt werden. Während die CS direkt vom PS abhängt, ist dieser normalerweise nicht direkt am finalen CSS beteiligt. Dennoch kann der PS die CR und Spin-Chemie des ladungsgetrennten Zustandes indirekt beeinflussen, da er die elektronische Wechselwirkung zwischen Donor und Akzeptor sowie die Struktur der Triaden bestimmt. KW - Charge-transfer-Komplexe KW - Ladungstrennung KW - Lichtabsorption KW - Spin-chemistry KW - magnetic field effect KW - transient absorption KW - charge separation KW - charge recombination KW - radical ion pair KW - isotropic hyper fine coupling KW - spin relaxation KW - structural restriction Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180228 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Reuter, W. A1 - Engels, Bernd A1 - Peyerimhoff, S.D. T1 - The Reaction of Singlet and Triplet Methylen with Ethene - A Multi-Reference CI Study N2 - Large-scale multireference configuration interaction (MRD-CI) calculations in a flexible atomic orbital (AO) basis are employed to study the reaction of C\(_2\)H\(_4\) with CH\(_2\) in its firSt triplet and singlet state. The minimum energy path (MEP) of both reactions is calculated, and different mechanisms are discussed. To examine the possible participation of the singlet state in the overall reaction starting from the triplet channel and terminating in the singlet-state c-C\(_3\)H\(_6\), various cuts through both hypersurfaces are calculated. lt is found that favorable interconversion from the trip1et to the singlet surface can only occur at !arge separations of the two fragments of CH2 and C\(_2\)H\(_4\). Experimental data considering the vibrational motion of CH\(_2\) in connection with the relative position of both surfaces are used to obtain an estimate for the overall barrier of the reaction. The height of the barrier is about 6 kcal/mol, while the barrier of the pure triplet reaction is calculated to be 7-9 kcal/mol. KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 1992 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-58923 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rest, Christina A1 - Mayoral, María José A1 - Fernández, Gustavo T1 - Aqueous Self-Sorting in Extended Supramolecular Aggregates JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Self-organization and self-sorting processes are responsible for the regulation and control of the vast majority of biological processes that eventually sustain life on our planet. Attempts to unveil the complexity of these systems have been devoted to the investigation of the binding processes between artificial molecules, complexes or aggregates within multicomponent mixtures, which has facilitated the emergence of the field of self-sorting in the last decade. Since, artificial systems involving discrete supramolecular structures, extended supramolecular aggregates or gel-phase materials in organic solvents or—to a lesser extent—in water have been investigated. In this review, we have collected diverse strategies employed in recent years to construct extended supramolecular aggregates in water upon self-sorting of small synthetic molecules. We have made particular emphasis on co-assembly processes in binary mixtures leading to supramolecular structures of remarkable complexity and the influence of different external variables such as solvent and concentration to direct recognition or discrimination processes between these species. The comprehension of such recognition phenomena will be crucial for the organization and evolution of complex matter. KW - co-aggregation KW - self-sorting KW - supramolecular chemistry KW - self-assembly Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-129435 VL - 14 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Rest, Christina T1 - Self-assembly of amphiphilic oligo(phenylene ethynylene)-based (bi)pyridine ligands and their Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes T1 - Selbstorganisation von amphiphilen oligo(phenylenethinylen)-basierten (Bi)pyridin-Liganden und ihrer Pt(II) und Pd(II) Komplexe N2 - The presented work in the field of supramolecular chemistry describes the synthesis and detailed investigation of (bi)pyridine-based oligo(phenylene ethynylene) (OPE) amphiphiles, decorated with terminal glycol chains. The metal-ligating property of these molecules could be exploited to coordinate to Pd(II) and Pt(II) metal ions, respectively, resulting in the creation of novel metallosupramolecular π-amphiphiles of square-planar geometry. The focus of the presented studies is on the self-assembly behaviour of the OPE ligands and their corresponding metal complexes in polar and aqueous environment. In this way, the underlying aggregation mechanism (isodesmic or cooperative) is revealed and the influence of various factors on the self-assembly process in supramolecular systems is elucidated. In this regard, the effect of the molecular design of the ligand, the coordination to a metal centre as well as the surrounding medium, the pH value and temperature is investigated. N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit auf dem Gebiet der Supramolekularen Chemie beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese und detaillierten Untersuchung von (bi)pyridin-basierten Oligo(phenylenethinylen) (OPE)-Amphiphilen mit endständigen Glykolketten. Die komplexierende Eigenschaft dieser Moleküle wurde ausgenutzt um sie an Pd(II) bzw. Pt(II) Metallionen zu koordinieren, wobei neuartige metallosupramolekulare π-Amphiphile von quadratisch-planarer Geometrie entstehen. Das Hauptaugenmerk der beschriebenen Studien liegt auf der Selbstorganisation der OPE-Liganden und ihrer Metallkomplexe in polarer und wässriger Umgebung. Dabei wurde der zu Grunde liegende Aggregationsmechanismus (isodesmisch oder kooperativ) bestimmt und der Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren auf den Selbstorganisationsprozess in supramolekularen Systemen aufzeigt. Neben dem Effekt des Moleküldesigns des Liganden und dessen Koordination an ein Metallzentrum wird auch der des umgebenden Mediums, des pH-Wertes sowie der Temperatur erläutert. KW - Supramolekulare Chemie KW - Selbstorganisation KW - Kooperativität KW - Aggregat KW - Amphiphile Verbindungen KW - cooperativity KW - non-covalent interactions KW - (bi)pyridine-based ligand KW - oligo(phenylene ethynylene) (OPE) KW - self-assembly KW - metallosupramolecular π-amphiphiles KW - Aggregation Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133248 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Renner, Rebecca A1 - Stolte, Matthias A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Self-Assembly of bowl-shaped naphthalimide-annulated corannulene JF - ChemistryOpen N2 - The self-assembly of a bowl-shaped naphthalimide-annulated corannulene of high solubility has been studied in a variety of solvents by NMR and UV/Vis spectroscopy. Evaluation by the anti-cooperative K\(_2\)-K model revealed the formation of supramolecular dimers of outstanding thermodynamic stability. Further structural proof for the almost exclusive formation of dimers over extended aggregates is demonstrated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) measurements as well as by theoretical calculations. Thus, herein we present the first report of a supramolecular dimer of an annulated corannulene derivative in solution and discuss its extraordinarily high thermodynamic stability with association constants up to > 10\(^6\)M\(^-\) \(^1\) in methylcyclohexane, which is comparable to the association constants given for planar phthalocyanine and perylene bisimide dyes. KW - corannulene KW - π-π-interactions KW - aelf-assembly KW - aggregation KW - supramolecular chemistry Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204396 VL - 9 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Renner, Rebecca A1 - Mahlmeister, Bernhard A1 - Anhalt, Olga A1 - Stolte, Matthias A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Chiral Perylene Bisimide Dyes by Interlocked Arene Substituents in the Bay Area JF - Chemistry - A European Journal N2 - A series of perylene bisimide (PBI) dyes bearing various aryl substituents in 1,6,7,12 bay positions has been synthesized by Suzuki cross-coupling reaction. These molecules exhibit an exceptionally large and conformationally fixed twist angle of the PBI π-core due to the high steric congestion imparted by the aryl substituents in bay positions. Single crystal X-ray analyses of phenyl-, naphthyl- and pyrenyl-functionalized PBIs reveal interlocked π-π-stacking motifs, leading to conformational chirality and the possibility for the isolation of enantiopure atropoisomers by semipreparative HPLC. The interlocked arrangement endows these molecules with substantial racemization barriers of about 120 kJ mol\(^{−1}\) for the tetraphenyl- and tetra-2-naphthyl-substituted derivatives, which is among the highest racemization barriers for axially chiral PBIs. Variable temperature NMR studies reveal the presence of a multitude of up to fourteen conformational isomers in solution that are interconverted via smaller activation barriers of about 65 kJ mol\(^{−1}\). The redox and optical properties of these core-twisted PBIs have been characterized by cyclic voltammetry, UV/Vis/NIR and fluorescence spectroscopy and their respective atropo-enantiomers were further characterized by circular dichroism (CD) and circular polarized luminescence (CPL) spectroscopy. KW - Suzuki coupling KW - perylenebisimide dyes KW - circular polarized luminescence KW - chirality Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249070 VL - 27 IS - 46 SP - 11997 EP - 12006 ER - TY - THES A1 - Renner, Rebecca T1 - Aggregation, Chirality and Reduction of Nonplanar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons T1 - Aggregation, Chiralität und Reduktion Nichtplanarer Polyzyklischer Aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe N2 - Within this thesis the interactions between novel corannulene derivatives in solution as well as in the solid state by changing the imide residue of a literature known extended corannulene dicarboximide were investigated, in order to obtain a better understanding of the packing and possible charge transport in potential applications. Accordingly, the goal of the work was to synthesize and investigate an electron-poor corannulene bis(dicarboximide) based on previously published work but with higher solubility and less steric encumbrance in imide position to enable self-assembly in solution. To obtain further insights into the conformational stability, structure and chiroptical properties of heavily twisted PBIs another aim of this thesis was the design, synthesis, and optoelectronic investigation of various fourfold directly arylated PBIs by substitution in bay position with smaller hydrocarbons with different steric demand, i.e., benzene, naphthalene and pyrene, which should be separable by chiral high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). As of yet, no concise study concerning the optical and electronic properties of differently core-substituted PBIs in the neutral as well as the mono- and dianionic state in solution is available, which also elucidates the origin of the different optical transitions observed in the absorption and emission spectra. Thus, in this thesis, the investigation of five PBI derivatives with different frontier energetic levels to produce a reference work of reduced PBIs was tackled. N2 - Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen neuartigen Corannulen-Derivaten sowohl in Lösung als auch im festen Zustand durch Veränderung des Imid-Restes eines literaturbekannten annulierten Corannulen-Dicarboximids untersucht, um ein besseres Verständnis der Packung und des möglichen Ladungstransports in potentiellen Anwendungen zu erhalten. Dementsprechend war es das Ziel der Arbeit, ein elektronenarmes Corannulenbis(dicarboximid) zu synthetisieren und zu untersuchen, das auf bereits veröffentlichten Arbeiten basiert, jedoch eine höhere Löslichkeit und weniger sterischen Anspruch in der Imidposition aufweist, um die Selbstorganisation in Lösung zu ermöglichen. Um weitere Einblicke in die Konformationsstabilität, Struktur und chiroptischen Eigenschaften von stark verdrillten PBIs zu erhalten, war ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit das Design, die Synthese und die optoelektronische Untersuchung verschiedener vierfach direkt arylierter PBIs durch Substitution in Bucht-Position mit kleineren Kohlenwasserstoffen mit unterschiedlichen sterischen Anforderungen, z.B. Phenyl, Naphthalin und Pyren, die durch chirale Hochleistungsflüssigkeitschromatographie (HPLC) trennbar sein sollten. Bisher gibt es noch keine übersichtliche Studie über die optischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften von unterschiedlich kernsubstituierten PBIs im neutralen sowie mono- und dianionischen Zustand in Lösung, die auch den Ursprung der unterschiedlichen optischen Übergänge in den Absorptions- und Emissionsspektren aufklärt. In dieser Arbeit wurde daher die Untersuchung von fünf PBI-Derivaten mit unterschiedlichen energetischen Eigenschaften in Angriff genommen, um ein Referenzwerk reduzierter PBIs zu erstellen. KW - Corannulene KW - Polycyclische Aromaten KW - Perylenbisdicarboximide KW - Aggregation KW - Chirality KW - Reduction KW - Perylenbisdicarboximide KW - Supramolekulare Chemie Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247000 ER - TY - THES A1 - Reitzenstein, Dörte T1 - Donor-Acceptor Conjugated Polymers for Application in Organic Electronic Devices T1 - Donor-Akzeptor Konjugierte Polymere für die Anwendung in Organischen Elektronischen Bauteilen N2 - In the first part of the work three polycarbazoles poly[N-((4-dimesitylboryl)-3,5-dimethylphenyl)-carbazole]-2,7-diyl P1, poly[N-((4-dimesitylboryl)-3,5-dimethylphenyl)-carbazole]-3,6-diyl P2 and poly[N-(4-(diphenylmethylene)-phenyl)- carbazole]-2,7-diyl P3 were synthesized by Yamamoto coupling reaction and their spectroscopic and electrochemical properties were investigated. Absorption and fluorescence characteristics of P1 and P3 were found to be similar to other 2,7-linked polycarbazoles, whereas P2 shows a CT absorption band arising from a shift of electron density from the nitrogen of the carbazole donor to the triarylborane acceptor. This causes a negative solvatochromic absorption and a positive solvatochromic fluorescence behaviour and is responsible for the significantly enlarged fluorescence quantum efficiency in solution and solid state compared to other 3,6-linked polycarbazoles. Thus the spectroscopic properties are governed by the connection pattern: the 2,7-linked polycarbazoles are not affected by the acceptor substituent due to the rigid poly-para-phenylene-like backbone structure, whereas the 3,6-linked polycarbazole P2 is dominated by the properties of the monomer unit due to its more flexible (less conjugated) structure. The oxidative processes of P1-P3 have been investigated in detail by cyclic voltammetry, which are similar to known 2,7- and 3,6-polycarbazoles. The reversible reduction found for P1 and P2, respectively, is attributed to the reduction of the triarylborane moiety. No reduction process referring to the carbazole moiety was observed. Due to its better solubility compared to P1 and P3 only P2 was used as active layer in an OLED device (ITO/P2/Al). The electroluminescence spectrum revealed CIE coordinates of (0.17, 0.21). In the second part of the work the low band gap polyradical poly{[((2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorophenyl)-bis(2,3,5,6-tetrachlorophenyl)methyl radical)-4,4’-diyl]-alt-4,4’-bis(vinylphenyl)-4-(2-ethylhexyloxy)phenylamin} P4 was synthesized by Horner-Emmons reaction. It shows an IV-CT band in the NIR, which arises from an ET from the triarylamine donor to the PCTM radical acceptor. This transition is confined to one monomer unit as deduced from comparison with the monomer spectra. HOMO and LUMO of P4 determined by cyclic voltammetry are at -5.5 and -4.5 eV, respectively. The smaller electrochemical band gap (1.0 eV) compared to the optical band gap (1.2 eV) is probably caused by ion pairing effects in the electrochemical experiments and indicates a low exciton binding energy. Femtosecond-pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy revealed the spectral features of the oxidized triarylamine donor and the reduced PCTM acceptor similar to the spectra obtained separately for positive and negative potentials by spectroelectrochemistry. Thus the ET event causing the IV-CT absorption band could unambiguously be identified. The decay of the IV-CT state was found to be biexponential. The fast solvent dependent decay component is ascribed to the direct decay from the IV-CT state to the ground state, whereas the slow solvent independent decay component is tentatively attributed to an equilibrium formation of the IV-CT state and a completely charge separated state formed by charge migration along the polymer backbone. Well balanced ambipolar charge transport with hole and electron mobilities of ca. 3 × 10-5 cm2 V-1 s-1 was found in OFET devices (BG/TC structure) comprising an additional insulating organic PPcB layer. Polymer/polymer BHJ solar cell devices with the structure glass/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/(P3HT/P4)/Ca/Al yielded a power conversion efficiency of 3.1 × 10-3 %, VOC = 0.38 V, JSC = 2.8 × 10-2 mA cm-2 and FF = 0.29 for the 1:4 (P3HT/P4) blend ratio. The improper solid state morphology of P4 that causes the unsatisfying performance of OFET and solar cell devices renders P4 less suitable for these applications, whereas the hypothesis of charge migration in the excited state is worth to be investigated in more detail. N2 - Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden die drei Polycarbazole Poly[N-((4-dimesitylboryl)-3,5-dimethylphenyl)-carbazol]-2,7-diyl P1, Poly[N-((4-dimesitylboryl)-3,5-dimethylphenyl)-carbazol]-3,6-diyl P2 und Poly[N-(4-(diphenylmethylen)-phenyl)-carbazol]-2,7-diyl P3 mittels Yamamoto Kupplung synthetisiert und ihre spektroskopischen und elektrochemischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Absorptions- und Fluoreszenzeigenschaften von P1 und P3 sind denen anderer 2,7-verknüpfter Polycarbazole ähnlich, wohingegen P2 eine CT Absorptionsbande zeigt, die durch die Verschiebung von Elektronendichte vom Stickstoff des Carbazoldonors zum Triarylboranakzeptor verursacht wird. Daraus ergeben sich negativ solvatochromes Absorptions- und positiv solvatochromes Fluoreszenzverhalten und eine deutlich erhöhte Fluoreszenzquantenausbeute in Lösung und im Festkörper verglichen mit anderen 3,6-verknüpften Polycarbazolen. Das bedeutet, dass die spektroskopischen Eigenschaften durch die Art der C-C-Verknüpfung gesteuert werden können: das 2,7-verknüpfte Polycarbazol P1 wird durch den Akzeptorsubstituenten aufgrund des starren Polymergerüsts, dem eine poly-para-phenylenartige und damit stärker delokalisierte Struktur zugrunde liegt, nicht beeinflusst. Im Gegensatz dazu treten beim 3,6-verknüpften Polycarbazol P2 die Eigenschaften der Monomereinheit aufgrund der flexibleren 1,4-diaminobiphenyl Struktur in den Vordergrund. Die Oxidationsprozesse von P1-P3 wurden im Detail mittels Cyclovoltammetrie untersucht. Die Ergebnisse stimmen mit Literaturwerten überein. Außerdem wurde bei den Messungen von P1 und P2 ein reversibler Reduktionsprozess, der am Boranzentrum stattfindet, beobachtet. Eine Reduktion der Carbazoleinheit konnte hingegen nicht gefunden werden. Mit der Herstellung von OLEDs der Struktur ITO/P2/Al konnte blaue Elektrolumineszenz mit den CIE Farbkoordinaten (0.17, 0.21) nachgewiesen werden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde das low band gap Polyradikal Poly{[((2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorphenyl)-bis(2,3,5,6-tetrachlorphenyl)methyl radical)-4,4‘-diyl]-alt-4,4‘-bis(vinylphenyl)-4-(2-ethylhexyloxy)phenylamin} P4 mittels Horner-Emmons Reaktion synthetisiert. Im NIR beobachtet man eine IV-CT Absorptionsbande, die durch einen Elektronentransfer vom Triarylamindonor zum PCTM-Radikalakzeptor hervorgerufen wird. Dieser elektronische Übergang ist auf eine Monomereinheit begrenzt wie der Vergleich mit den Monomerabsorptionsspektren zeigt. HOMO und LUMO Energien von P4, die anhand der Cyclovoltammogramme bestimmt wurden, liegen bei -5.5 und -4.5 eV. Die im Vergleich zur optischen Energielücke (1.2 eV) kleinere elektrochemische Energielücke (1.9 eV) ist wahrscheinlich auf Ionenpaareffekte bei den elektrochemischen Messungen zurückzuführen, deutet aber auch auf eine geringe Excitonenbindungsenergie hin. Transiente Absorptionsspektren zeigen die spektralen Charakteristika von oxidiertem Triarylamindonor und reduziertem PCTM-Akzeptor vergleichbar mit den Spektren der spektroelektrochemischen Messungen, bei denen eine Lösung von P4 jeweils nacheinander reduziert und oxidiert wurde. Dadurch konnte der Elektronentransferprozess, der zur Ausbildung der IV-CT Bande führt, zweifelsfrei nachgewiesen werden. Der IV-CT Zustand zerfällt biexponentiell. Der schnelle, lösungsmittelabhängige Zerfall beschreibt den direkten Übergang vom IV-CT Zustand in den elektronischen Grundzustand. Dagegen wird der langsame, lösungsmittelunabhängige Zerfall einer Gleichgewichtseinstellung zwischen IV-CT Zustand und vollständig ladungsgetrenntem Zustand, der durch Ladungswanderung entlang der Polymerkette erreicht wird, zugeschrieben. In OFETs mit P4 als Halbleiter und einer zusätzlich isolierenden, organischen PPcB Schicht wurde ein ausgeglichener, ambipolarer Ladungstransport mit Loch- und Elektronenbeweglichkeiten von ca. 3 × 10-5 cm2 V-1 s-1 gefunden. Polymer/Polymer BHJ Solarzellenmodule mit der Struktur Glas/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/(P3HT/P4 1:4)/Ca/Al hatten einen Wirkungsgrad von 0.0031 % bei einer Leerlaufspannung VOC = 0.38 V, einem Kurzschlussstrom JSC = 0.028 mA cm-2 und einem Füllfaktor FF = 0.29. Die ungeeignete Morphologie der P4- und P3HT/P4-Schichten als Ursache für die unbefriedigende Performance von OFETs und Solarzellen lässt solche Anwendungen für P4 wenig sinnvoll erscheinen. Dagegen verdient die Hypothese der Ladungswanderung im angeregten Zustand eine vertiefte Untersuchung. KW - Carbazolderivate KW - Absorption KW - Fluoreszenz KW - Cyclovoltammetrie KW - Spektroelektrochemie KW - neutrales Polyradikal KW - Polycarbazole KW - OFETs KW - Cyclovoltammetrie KW - Transiente Absorption KW - Leitfähige Polymere KW - neutral polyradical KW - polycarbazole KW - OFETs KW - cyclic voltammetry KW - transient absorption Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-53939 ER - TY - THES A1 - Rehm, Thomas Helge T1 - A Guide to Supramolecular Assemblies in Polar Solutions - From Nanometre-Sized Cyclic Dimers to Large Vesicular Structures T1 - Ein Leitfaden für supramolekulare Verbände in polaren Lösungen - Von Nanometer-großen zyklischen Dimeren zu großen vesikularen Strukturen N2 - This PhD thesis introduced several concepts for the construction of new supramolecular assem-blies in polar solvents. Although the building blocks differ in their binding mode and association strength they follow the same principle: one main driving force for the self-assembly in polar solutions in combination with one texturing force. The main self-assembly process is based on the mutual interaction of hydrogen-bond enforced ion pairs which deliver the association energy needed for stable, supramolecular structures even in polar solvents. The texturing force itself is represented by the linkers between the zwitterionic building blocks or parts of them. The different length and functionalization of the linkers have a tremendous influence on the mode of self-assembly leading to cyclic dimers, vesicles, layers or solid spheres. Hence, this principle is suitable for the construction of programmable monomers. Since the derivatisation of the main binding motive is rather simple it offers a great number of new and undoubtedly fascinating structures with potential applications in material and biomimetic science. N2 - Diese Doktorarbeit stellte mehrere Konzept für den Aufbau von neuen supramolekularen Verbindungen in polaren Solventien vor. Obwohl sich die Bausteine bezüglich ihres Bindungsmodus und ihrer Assoziationsstärke unterscheiden, folgen sie alle dem gleichen Prinzip: eine Haupttriebkraft für den Selbstassoziationsprozess in polaren Lösemitteln in Kombination mit einer strukturgebenden Kraft. Die Haupttriebkraft stellen wasserstoffbrückenbindungsvermittelte Ionenpaare dar, die die nötige Assoziationsenergie für stabile, supramolekulare Strukturen auch in polaren Lösungen liefern. Die strukturierende Kraft selbst wird durch die Linkermoleküle zwi-schen den Zwitterionen oder Teilen von diesen vermittelt. Die unterschiedliche Länge und Funktionalisierung der Linker haben einen enormen Einfluss auf den Modus der Selbstassoziation, so dass die Bildung von zyklischen Dimeren, Vesikeln, Schichten oder Vollkugeln möglich war. Daher kann dieses Konzept für den Aufbau von programmierbaren Monomeren verwendet werden. Die Derivatisierung des zwitterionischen Bindungsmotivs gestaltet sich relativ einfach, so dass eine große Anzahl von neuen und zweifelsohne faszinierenden Nanostrukturen für zukünftige Anwendungen in der Materialwissenschaft und Biomimetik zur Verfügung steht. KW - Supramolekulare Chemie KW - Vesikel KW - Selbstassoziation KW - polare Lösung KW - vesicle KW - self-assembly KW - polar solution Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28359 ER - TY - THES A1 - Rehm, Stefanie T1 - Spermine-functionalized Perylene Bisimide Dyes: Synthesis and Self-assembly in Water T1 - Spermin-funktionalisierte Perylenbisimid Farbstoffe: Synthese und Selbstassemblierung in Wasser N2 - The main objective of this thesis was the design and synthesis of perylene bisimide dyes with sufficient water-solubility for the construction of self-assembled architectures in aqueous solutions. Beside these tasks another goal of this project was the control over the self-assembly process in terms of aggregate size and helicity, respectively. Within this thesis an appropriate synthesis for spermine-functionalized perylene bisimide dyes was developed and conducted successfully. The characterization of these building blocks and their course of self-assembly were investigated by NMR, UV/Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as by atomic force and transmission electron microscopy. For the better understanding of the experimental results theoretical calculations were performed. N2 - Ziel dieser Dissertation war das Design und die Synthese von Perylenbisimiden mit hinreichender Wasserlöslichkeit, die für den Aufbau von selbständig assemblierten Strukturen in wässrigen Lösungen verwendet werden sollen. Ein weiteres Ziel dieses Projektes war die Kontrolle über den Prozess der Selbstanordnung hinsichtlich der Aggregatgröße beziehungsweise deren Helizität. Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurde eine entsprechende Synthese für Spermin-funktionalisierte Perylenbisimide entworfen und erfolgreich durchgeführt. Die Charakterisierung dieser Bausteine und der Prozess deren Selbstanordnung wurde mit Hilfe von NMR-, UV/Vis- und Fluoreszenz-Spektroskopie aber auch mit Rasterkraft- und Elektronentransmissionsmikroskopie durchgeführt. Für das bessere Verständnis der experimentellen Ergebnisse wurden theoretische Berechnungen durchgeführt. KW - Perylenderivate KW - Selbstorganisation KW - perylene bisimide KW - spermine KW - polyamine KW - bola-amphiphile KW - fluorescence KW - Perylenbisimid KW - Spermin KW - Polyamin KW - Bola-Amphiphil KW - Fluoreszenz KW - Aggregation Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123201 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ravat, Prince T1 - Carbo[n]helicenes Restricted to Enantiomerize: An Insight into the Design Process of Configurationally Stable Functional Chiral PAHs JF - Chemistry – A European Journal N2 - The most important stereodynamic feature of carbo[n]helicenes is the interconversion of their enantiomers. The Gibbs activation energy (ΔG≠(T)) of this process, which determines the rate of enantiomerization, dictates the configurational stability of [n]helicenes. High values of ΔG≠(T) are required for applications of functional chiral molecules incorporating [n]helicenes or helicene substructures. This minireview provides an overview of the mechanism, recent developments, and factors affecting the enantiomerization of [n]helicenes, which will accelerate the design process of configurationally stable functional chiral molecules based on helicene substructures. Additionally, this minireview addresses the misconception and irregularities in the recent literature on how the terms “racemization” and “enantiomerization” are used as well as how the activation parameters are calculated for [n]helicenes and related compounds. KW - [n]helicenes KW - configurational stability KW - enantiomerization KW - Gibbs activation energy KW - racemization Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225871 VL - 27 IS - 12 SP - 3957 EP - 3967 ER - TY - THES A1 - Rausch, Rodger T1 - Chemistry of Chromophore Bridged Biradicals - Synthesis and Properties T1 - Chemie chromophor-verbrückter Biradikale - Synthese und Eigenschaften N2 - Within this PhD thesis, chromophore-bridged biradicals were synthesised and their properties characterised. Therefore, it was necessary to develop novel synthetic procedures and implement several experimental characterisation methods. In summary, within this thesis the scope of pigment chromophore phenoxyl radical decoration was further explored and expanded to IIn as well as DPP colourants. HOMA analysis highlighted the importance of aromaticity in order to understand the spin crossover from heteroaromatic quinoidal to aromatic open shell DPPs. Finally, PBI, IIn and DPP biradicals were advanced towards stable materials by introduction of nitronyl nitroxide radical centres. N2 - Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit wurden chromophor-verbrückte Biradikale hergestellt und ihre Eigenschaften charakterisiert. Hierzu bedurfte es der Entwicklung neuer synthetischer Methoden sowie der Ausarbeitung zahlreicher experimenteller Techniken zur Charakterisierung. Zusammenfassend konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit der Anwendungsbereich der Phenoxylradikal-Funktionalisierung von Pigmentchromophoren erforscht und auf Iin- sowie DPP-Farbstoffe erweitert werden. Mittels HOMA-Analyse wurde die Bedeutung der Aromatizität für den beobachteten Spinzustandswechsels von heteroaromatischen, quinoidalen zu aromatischen und offenschaligen DPPs theoretische gedeutet. Abschließend konnten PBI-, IIn- und DPP-Biradikale durch die Einführung von Nitronylnitroxid-Radikalzentren zu stabilen Materialien weiterentwickelt werden. KW - Biradikal KW - Chromophor KW - biradical Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-226501 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rager, Sabrina A1 - Jakowetz, Andreas C. A1 - Gole, Bappaditya A1 - Beuerle, Florian A1 - Medina, Dana D. A1 - Bein, Thomas T1 - Scaffold-Induced Diketopyrrolopyrrole Molecular Stacks in a Covalent Organic Framework JF - Chemistry of Materials N2 - In recent years, covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have attracted considerable attention due to their crystalline and porous nature, which positions them as intriguing candidates for diverse applications such as catalysis, sensing, or optoelectronics. The incorporation of dyes or semiconducting moieties into a rigid two-dimensional COF can offer emergent features such as enhanced light harvesting or charge transport. However, this approach can be challenging when dealing with dye molecules that exhibit a large aromatic backbone, since the steric demand of solubilizing side chains also needs to be integrated into the framework. Here, we report the successful synthesis of DPP2-HHTP-COF consisting of diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) diboronic acid and hexahydroxytriphenylene (HHTP) building blocks. The well-known boronate ester coupling motif guides the formation of a planar and rigid backbone and long-range molecular DPP stacks, resulting in a highly crystalline and porous material. DPP2-HHTP-COF exhibits excellent optical properties including strong absorption over the visible spectral range, broad emission into the NIR and a singlet lifetime of over 5 ns attributed to the formation of molecular stacks with J-type interactions between the DPP subcomponents in the COF. Electrical measurements of crystalline DPP2-HHTP-COF pellets revealed conductivity values of up to 10(-6) S cm(-1). KW - Polymers KW - Electron KW - Design Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224927 VL - 31 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Quast, Helmut A1 - Gescheidt, Georg A1 - Spichty, Martin T1 - Topological dynamics of a radical ion pair: Experimental and computational assessment at the relevant nanosecond timescale JF - Chemistry N2 - Chemical processes mostly happen in fluid environments where reaction partners encounter via diffusion. The bimolecular encounters take place at a nanosecond time scale. The chemical environment (e.g., solvent molecules, (counter)ions) has a decisive influence on the reactivity as it determines the contact time between two molecules and affects the energetics. For understanding reactivity at an atomic level and at the appropriate dynamic time scale, it is crucial to combine matching experimental and theoretical data. Here, we have utilized all-atom molecular-dynamics simulations for accessing the key time scale (nanoseconds) using a QM/MM-Hamiltonian. Ion pairs consisting of a radical ion and its counterion are ideal systems to assess the theoretical predictions because they reflect dynamics at an appropriate time scale when studied by temperature-dependent EPR spectroscopy. We have investigated a diketone radical anion with its tetra-ethylammonium counterion. We have established a funnel-like transition path connecting two (equivalent) complexation sites. The agreement between the molecular-dynamics simulation and the experimental data presents a new paradigm for ion–ion interactions. This study exemplarily demonstrates the impact of the molecular environment on the topological states of reaction intermediates and how these states can be consistently elucidated through the combination of theory and experiment. We anticipate that our findings will contribute to the prediction of bimolecular transformations in the condensed phase with relevance to chemical synthesis, polymers, and biological activity. KW - ion pairing KW - radical anion KW - kinetics KW - thermodynamics KW - molecular dynamics KW - QM/MM KW - EPR Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-285195 SN - 2624-8549 VL - 2 IS - 2 SP - 219 EP - 230 ER - TY - THES A1 - Qamar, Riaz-ul T1 - Synthesis of functionalized molecular probes for bioorthogonal metabolic glycoengineering T1 - Synthese von funktionalisierten molekularen Strukturen für metabolisch bioorthogonales Glycoengineering N2 - Biomolecules are difficult to investigate in their native environment. The vast complexity of cellular systems and seldom availability of chemical reactions compatible with the physiological milieu make it a challenging task. Bioorthogonal chemical reactions serve as a key to achieve selective ligation, whose components must react rapidly and selectively with each other under physiological conditions in the presence of the plethora of functionalities necessary to sustain life. In this dissertation, we focused on the synthesis of chemical reporters and probe molecules for bioorthogonal labeling through click reaction. Initially, sialic acid derivatives with a linker containing terminal alkyne functionality were synthesized. After the synthesis of azide derivatives of fluorescent dyes as counter partners, they were conjugated with sialic acids through Cu(I) catalyzed alkyne azide cycloaddition (CuAAC). The successful in vitro conjugation of Sia and fluorescent dyes was followed by metabolic tagging of human larynx carcinoma (HEp-2) and the carcinoma of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO­K1) with alkynated Sia that were subsequently ligated with fluorescein azide. Finally, the stained cells were subjected to fluorescent microscopy to obtain their images. To enable the click reaction compatible to in vivo applications, the reactivity of cyclooctyne was enhanced by two different approaches. In a first approach, following the Bertozzi’s strategy, two fluorine atoms were introduced adjacent to the alkyne to lower the LUMO. In a second strategy the ring strain of cyclooctyne was attempted to be enhanced by the introduction of an amide group. In addition, glutarimide derivatives with free amino and carboxylic acid functional groups were synthesized by domino-Michael addition-cyclization-reaction. N2 - Biomoleküle sind schwer in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung zu untersuchen. Die enorme Komplexizität zellulärer Systeme und die geringe Verfügbarkeit von chemischen Reaktionen, welche mit physiologischen Bedingungen kompatibel sind, stellen eine große Herausforderung dar. Bioorthogonale Reaktionen dienen hierbei als Schlüssel für eine selektive Ligation, bei der die Komponenten schnell, selektiv und unter genannten Bedingungen miteinander reagieren. Der Fokus dieser Dissertation lag auf der Synthese von chemischen Reportermolekülen, welche für bioorthogonale Markierungsversuche mithilfe einer Klick-Reaktion eingesetzt werden können. Dafür wurden zunächst Derivate der Sialinsäure mit einem Linker, der eine endständige Alkinfunktion trägt, synthetisiert und diese mit ebenfalls in dieser Arbeit dargestellten Azidofluoreszenzfarbstoffen in einer Cu(I)-katalysierten Alkin-Azid-Cycloaddition (CuAAC) konjugiert. Nach erfolgreicher in vitro Durchführung wurden Zellen des menschlichen Larynx Karzinoms (HEp-2) und Zellen des Ovariumkarzinoms des chinesischen Hamsters metabolisch mit alkinfunktionalisierten Sialinsäuren markiert und anschließend mit Fluoresceinazid ligiert. Fluoreszenzmikroskopie an diesen Zellen demonstrierte den erfolgreichen Einbau der Sialinderivate. Um die Klickreaktion verträglicher für in vivo Anwendungen zu gestalten, wurde versucht die Reaktivität des Cyclooctin durch zwei verschiedene Herangehensweisen zu erhöhen. Zum einen wurden nach Strategie von Bertozzi zwei Fluoratome benachbart zur Alkingruppe eingeführt, um die LUMO-Energie zu erniedrigen. Zum anderen wurde versucht die Ringspannung des Cyclooctin durch Einführung einer Amidgruppe zu erhöhen. Neben dem Klickprojekt wurden in dieser Arbeit außerdem Glutarimidderivate mit freien Amino- und Carbonsäuregruppen über eine Domino-Michael-Additions-Zyklisierungsreaktion dargestellt. KW - Click-Chemie KW - Acetylneuraminsäure KW - Cyclooctine KW - Ringschlussmetathese KW - Michael-Addition KW - Bioorthogonal KW - Glycoengineering KW - Sialinsäuren KW - Molecular probes KW - Bioorthogonal KW - Glycoengineering KW - Sialic acids KW - Cyclooctyne KW - Ring closing metathesis KW - Michael addition Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73378 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pöppler, Ann-Christin A1 - Lübtow, Michael M. A1 - Schlauersbach, Jonas A1 - Wiest, Johannes A1 - Meinel, Lorenz A1 - Luxenhofer, Robert T1 - Loading dependent Structural Model of Polymeric Micelles Encapsulating Curcumin by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - Detailed insight into the internal structure of drug‐loaded polymeric micelles is scarce, but important for developing optimized delivery systems. We observed that an increase in the curcumin loading of triblock copolymers based on poly(2‐oxazolines) and poly(2‐oxazines) results in poorer dissolution properties. Using solid‐state NMR spectroscopy and complementary tools we propose a loading‐dependent structural model on the molecular level that provides an explanation for these pronounced differences. Changes in the chemical shifts and cross‐peaks in 2D NMR experiments give evidence for the involvement of the hydrophobic polymer block in the curcumin coordination at low loadings, while at higher loadings an increase in the interaction with the hydrophilic polymer blocks is observed. The involvement of the hydrophilic compartment may be critical for ultrahigh‐loaded polymer micelles and can help to rationalize specific polymer modifications to improve the performance of similar drug delivery systems. KW - dissolution rates KW - micelles KW - polymers KW - short-range order KW - solid-state NMR spectroscopy Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206705 VL - 58 IS - 51 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pratihar, Pampa A1 - Ghosh, Suhrit A1 - Stepanenko, Vladimir A1 - Patwardhan, Sameer A1 - Grozema, Ferdinand C. A1 - Siebbeles, Laurens D. A. A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Self-assembly and semiconductivity of an oligothiophene supergelator N2 - A bis(trialkoxybenzamide)-functionalized quaterthiophene derivative was synthesized and its self-assembly properties in solution were studied. In non-polar solvents such as cyclohexane, this quaterthiophene π-system formed fibril aggregates with an H-type molecular arrangement due to synergistic effect of hydrogen bonding and π-stacking. The self-assembled fibres were found to gelate numerous organic solvents of diverse polarity. The charge transport ability of such elongated fibres of quaterthiophene π-system was explored by the pulse radiolysis time resolved microwave conductivity (PR-TRMC) technique and moderate mobility values were obtained. Furthermore, initial AFM and UV-vis spectroscopic studies of a mixture of our electron-rich quaterthiophene derivative with the electron acceptor [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) revealed a nanoscale segregated assembly of the individual building blocks in the blend. KW - Organische Chemie KW - charge transport; hydrogen bonding; oligothiophene; organogel; self-assembly Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67817 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Plötz, P.-A. A1 - Polyutov, S. P. A1 - Ivanov, S. D. A1 - Fennel, F. A1 - Wolter, S. A1 - Niehaus, T. A1 - Xie, Z. A1 - Lochbrunner, S. A1 - Würthner, Frank A1 - Kühn, O. T1 - Biphasic aggregation of a perylene bisimide dye identified by exciton-vibrational spectra JF - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics N2 - The quantum efficiency of light emission is a crucial parameter of supramolecular aggregates that can be tuned by the molecular design of the monomeric species. Here, we report on a strong variation of the fluorescence quantum yield due to different phases of aggregation for the case of a perylene bisimide dye. In particular, a change of the dominant aggregation character from H- to J-type within the first aggregation steps is found, explaining the observed dramatic change in quantum yield. This behaviour is rationalised by means of a systematic study of the intermolecular potential energy surfaces using the time-dependent density functional based tight-binding (TD-DFTB) method. This provides a correlation between structural changes and a coupling strength and supports the notion of H- type stacked dimers and J-type stack-slipped dimers. The exciton-vibrational level structure is modelled by means of an excitonic dimer model including two effective vibrational modes per monomer. Calculated absorption and fluorescence spectra are found to be in reasonable agreement with experimental ones, thus supporting the conclusion on the aggregation behaviour. KW - Potential-energy curves KW - Simulations KW - Molecular-dynamics KW - Systems KW - Fluorescence KW - Sracking KW - Pathway KW - Dimers KW - State Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187387 VL - 18 IS - 36 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pleß, V. A1 - Suter, H. U. A1 - Engels, Bernd T1 - Ab initio study of the energy difference between the benzene and the cumulene form of the C\(_6\) molecule N2 - The energy difference between the three lowest-lying isomers of C\(_6\) the linear \(^3 \sum ^-\) state and the two ring forms,the benzene structure (\(^1\)A\(_{18}\)) possessing D\(_{6h}\) symmetry and a distorted cyclic form ( \(^1\)A'\(_1\), D\(_{3h}\) symmetry) have been calculated using various ab initio methods. Variational methods such as multireference configuration interaction (MR-CI) and complete active space second order perturbatiOn treatment (CASPT2) have been applied, as weil as perturbational treatments and coupled cluster calculations (CCD). The correlation of all valence shell electrons is found to be important for a balanced description of the isomers of C\(_6\) . Methods which do not account for higher-order effects appropriately proved to be unsuitable for calculating the energy difference correctly. The results from multireference configuration interaction methods show that the isomers are close in energy with the cyclic forms somewhat lower than the linear form. The ring form possessing D\(_{3h}\) symmetry (\(^1\)A'\(_1\)} is found tobe the lowest-lying structure. KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59059 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pinzner, Florian A1 - Keller, Thorsten A1 - Mut, Jürgen A1 - Bechold, Julian A1 - Seibel, Jürgen A1 - Groll, Jürgen T1 - Polyoxazolines with a vicinally double-bioactivated terminus for biomacromolecular affinity assessment JF - Sensors N2 - Interactions between proteins and carbohydrates with larger biomacromolecules, e.g., lectins, are usually examined using self-assembled monolayers on target gold surfaces as a simplified model measuring setup. However, most of those measuring setups are either limited to a single substrate or do not allow for control over ligand distance and spacing. Here, we develop a synthetic strategy, consisting of a cascade of a thioesterification, native chemical ligation (NCL) and thiol-ene reaction, in order to create three-component polymer conjugates with a defined double bioactivation at the chain end. The target architecture is the vicinal attachment of two biomolecule residues to the α telechelic end point of a polymer and a thioether group at the ω chain end for fixating the conjugate to a gold sensor chip surface. As proof-of-principle studies for affinity measurements, we demonstrate the interaction between covalently bound mannose and ConA in surface acoustic wave (SAW) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) experiments. KW - polyoxazolines KW - functionalization KW - lectin Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239530 SN - 1424-8220 VL - 21 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pimentel-Elardo, Sheila M. A1 - Buback, Verena A1 - Gulder, Tobias A. M. A1 - Bugni, Tim S. A1 - Reppart, Jason A1 - Bringmann, Gerhard A1 - Ireland, Chris M. A1 - Schirmeister, Tanja A1 - Hentschel, Ute T1 - New Tetromycin Derivatives with Anti-Trypanosomal and Protease Inhibitory Activities JF - Marine drugs N2 - Four new tetromycin derivatives, tetromycins 1-4 and a previously known one, tetromycin B (5) were isolated from Streptomyces axinellae Pol001(T) cultivated from the Mediterranean sponge Axinella polypoides. Structures were assigned using extensive 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy as well as HRESIMS analysis. The compounds were tested for antiparasitic activities against Leishmania major and Trypanosoma brucei, and for protease inhibition against several cysteine proteases such as falcipain, rhodesain, cathepsin L, cathepsin B, and viral proteases SARS-CoV M(pro), and PL(pro). The compounds showed antiparasitic activities against T. brucei and time-dependent inhibition of cathepsin L-like proteases with K(i) values in the low micromolar range. KW - cysteine protease KW - drugs KW - streptomyces KW - discovery KW - anti-trypanosomal KW - protease inhibition KW - Streptomyces axinellae KW - marine sponge KW - tetromycin Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-141171 VL - 9 IS - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peters, Simon A1 - Kaiser, Lena A1 - Fink, Julian A1 - Schumacher, Fabian A1 - Perschin, Veronika A1 - Schlegel, Jan A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Stigloher, Christian A1 - Kleuser, Burkhard A1 - Seibel, Juergen A1 - Schubert-Unkmeir, Alexandra T1 - Click-correlative light and electron microscopy (click-AT-CLEM) for imaging and tracking azido-functionalized sphingolipids in bacteria JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Sphingolipids, including ceramides, are a diverse group of structurally related lipids composed of a sphingoid base backbone coupled to a fatty acid side chain and modified terminal hydroxyl group. Recently, it has been shown that sphingolipids show antimicrobial activity against a broad range of pathogenic microorganisms. The antimicrobial mechanism, however, remains so far elusive. Here, we introduce 'click-AT-CLEM', a labeling technique for correlated light and electron microscopy (CLEM) based on the super-resolution array tomography (srAT) approach and bio-orthogonal click chemistry for imaging of azido-tagged sphingolipids to directly visualize their interaction with the model Gram-negative bacterium Neisseria meningitidis at subcellular level. We observed ultrastructural damage of bacteria and disruption of the bacterial outer membrane induced by two azido-modified sphingolipids by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Click-AT-CLEM imaging and mass spectrometry clearly revealed efficient incorporation of azido-tagged sphingolipids into the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria as underlying cause of their antimicrobial activity. KW - antimicrobials KW - biological techniques KW - imaging KW - microbiology KW - microbiology techniques KW - microscopy Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259147 VL - 11 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peric, M. A1 - Engels, Bernd A1 - Peyerimhoff, S.D. T1 - Ab initio investigation of the vibronic structure of the C\(_2\)H spectrum Calculation of the hyperfine coupling constants for the three lowest lying electronic states N2 - The hyperfine coupling constants (isotropic hfcc and four Cartesian components of the ani~ tropic tensor) are calculated for all three atoms of C\(_2\)H in its three lowest-lying electronic states at various molecu)ar geometries by means of the ab initio configuration interaction ( MRO.CI) method. The off-diagonal electronic matrix elements involving the two species ofthe A' symmetry are also computed. A diabatic transforrnation is perforrned Jeading to simple geometrical depen· dences of the hyperline coupling constants. KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 1991 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-58901 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peric, M. A1 - Engels, Bernd A1 - Peyerimhoff, S.D. T1 - Ab initio investigation of the vibronic structure of the C\(_2\)H spectrum Computation of the vibronically-averaged values for the Hyperfine Coupling Constants N2 - The vibronically averaged values for tbe hyperfine coupling constants in the X\(^2 \sum\)-A\(^2 \Pi\) system of the ethynyl radical are computed by means of tbe ab initio metbod calculations. The results point at tbe importance of taking into account the coupling of a1l tbree electronic states in question ( I\(^2\)A', 2\(^2\)A', and 1\(^2\)A") for a reliable explanation of the available experimental findings. The mean values of the hfcc's for K = 0 and 1 levels in \(^{13}\)C\(_2\)H and \(^{13}\)C\(_2\)D in the energy range up to 6000 cm\(^{-1}\) are predicted. KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 1991 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-58915 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peric, M. A1 - Engels, Bernd T1 - Ab initio calculations of the vibronically averaged values for the hyperfine coupling constants in NH\(_2\), NHD and ND\(_2\) N2 - Vibronically averaged values for K =0 and K = 1 bending levels in the energy range between 0 and 25 000 cm\(^{-1}\) are computed for the \(^{14}\)N, H, and D atoms in NH\(_2\), NHD, and ND\(_2\) The pure ab initio electronic potentials, as well as those derived by fitting of experimentally observed band positions are employed. Effects of vibronic coupling and local perturbations of close-lying levels belanging to different electronic states are discussed. KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 1992 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-58941 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Peric, M. A1 - Engels, Bernd T1 - Ab initio calculation of the vibronically averaged hyperfine coupling constants in the 1\(^2\)Π\(_u\) electronic state of CH\(_2 ^+\) N2 - The results of pure ab initio calculations of the hyperfine coupling constants for the 1 \(^2 \pi _u\) electronic state for various isotopomers of CHi in the energy range between 0 and 20 000 cm\(^{-1}\) are presented. Effects of vibronic and spin-orbit coupling are discussed. KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 1992 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-58951 ER - TY - THES A1 - Peethambaran Nair Syamala, Pradeep T1 - Bolaamphiphilic Rylene Bisimides: Thermodynamics of Self-assembly and Stimuli-responsive Properties in Water T1 - Bolaamphiphile Rylenebisimide: Thermodynamik der Selbstorganisation und Stimuli-responsiven Merkmale in Wasser N2 - The present thesis demonstrates how different thermodynamic aspects of self-assembly and stimuli-responsive properties in water can be encoded on the structure of π-amphiphiles, consisting of perylene or naphthalene bisimide cores. Initially, quantitative thermodynamic insights into the entropically-driven self-assembly was studied for a series of naphthalene bisimides with UV/Vis and ITC measurements, which demonstrated that their thermodynamic profile of aggregation is heavily influenced by the OEG side chains. Subsequently, a control over the bifurcated thermal response of entropically driven and commonly observed enthalpically driven self-assembly was achieved by the modulation of glycol chain orientation. Finally, Lower Critical Solution Temperature (LCST) phenomenon observed for these dyes was investigated as a precise control of this behavior is quintessential for self-assembly studies as well as to generate ‘smart’ materials. It could be shown that the onset of phase separation for these molecules can be encoded in their imide substituents, and they are primarily determined by the supramolecular packing, rather than the hydrophobicity of individual monomers. N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, wie verschiedene thermodynamische Aspekte der Selbstorganisation sowie die Stimuli-responsiven Merkmale in Wasser mittels der Struktur von π-Amphiphilen mit Perylen- oder Naphthalinbisimidkernen programmiert werden können. Zunächst wurden quantitative thermodynamische Einblicke in die entropisch getriebene Selbstorganisation für eine Reihe von Naphthalinbisimiden mit UV / Vis- und ITC-Messungen untersucht. Diese zeigten, dass ihr thermodynamisches Aggregationsprofil stark von den Oligoethylenglykol-Seitenketten beeinflusst wird. Anschließend wurde durch gezielte Modulation der Glykolketten und der daraus resultierenden Neuorientierung der Ketten, eine Kontrolle über die Thermodynamik der Selbstassemblierung zwischen der häufiger beobachtbaren enthalpisch getriebenen und der entropisch getriebenen Selbstorganisation erreicht. Schließlich wurde das für diese Farbstoffe beobachtete Phänomen der niedrigeren kritischen Lösungstemperatur (LCST) untersucht, da eine genaue Kontrolle dieses Verhaltens für Selbstorganisationsstudien sowie für die Erzeugung „intelligenter“ Materialien von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Beginn der Phasentrennung für diese Moleküle von ihren Imidsubstituenten und hauptsächlich durch die supramolekulare Packung bestimmt werden und nicht durch die Hydrophobie einzelner Monomere. KW - Supramolekulare Chemie KW - Aggregation KW - Selbstorganisation KW - Wasser KW - Supramolecular Chemistry KW - Thermodynamics KW - Self-assembly KW - Lower Critical Solution Temperature (LCST) KW - Water KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213424 ER - TY - THES A1 - Paasche, Alexander T1 - Mechanistic Insights into SARS Coronavirus Main Protease by Computational Chemistry Methods T1 - Mechanistische Einblicke in die SARS Coronavirus Hauptprotease mit computerchemischen Methoden N2 - The SARS virus is the etiological agent of the severe acute respiratory syndrome, a deadly disease that caused more than 700 causalities in 2003. One of its viral proteins, the SARS coronavirus main protease, is considered as a potential drug target and represents an important model system for other coronaviruses. Despite extensive knowledge about this enzyme, it still lacks an effective anti-viral drug. Furthermore, it possesses some unusual features related to its active-site region. This work gives atomistic insights into the SARS coronavirus main protease and tries to reveal mechanistic aspects that control catalysis and inhibition. Thereby, it applies state-of-the-art computational methods to develop models for this enzyme that are capable to reproduce and interpreting the experimental observations. The theoretical investigations are elaborated over four main fields that assess the accuracy of the used methods, and employ them to understand the function of the active-site region, the inhibition mechanism, and the ligand binding. The testing of different quantum chemical methods reveals that their performance depends partly on the employed model. This can be a gas phase description, a continuum solvent model, or a hybrid QM/MM approach. The latter represents the preferred method for the atomistic modeling of biochemical reactions. A benchmarking uncovers some serious problems for semi-empirical methods when applied in proton transfer reactions. To understand substrate cleavage and inhibition of SARS coronavirus main protease, proton transfer reactions between the Cys/His catalytic dyad are calculated. Results show that the switching between neutral and zwitterionic state plays a central role for both mechanisms. It is demonstrated that this electrostatic trigger is remarkably influenced by substrate binding. Whereas the occupation of the active-site by the substrate leads to a fostered zwitterion formation, the inhibitor binding does not mimic this effect for the employed example. The underlying reason is related to the coverage of the active-site by the ligand, which gives new implications for rational improvements of inhibitors. More detailed insights into reversible and irreversible inhibition are derived from in silico screenings for the class of Michael acceptors that follow a conjugated addition reaction. From the comparison of several substitution patterns it becomes obvious that different inhibitor warheads follow different mechanisms. Nevertheless, the initial formation of a zwitterionic catalytic dyad is found as a common precondition for all inhibition reactions. Finally, non-covalent inhibitor binding is investigated for the case of SARS coranavirus main protease in complex with the inhibitor TS174. A novel workflow is developed that includes an interplay between theory and experiment in terms of molecular dynamic simulation, tabu search, and X-ray structure refinement. The results show that inhibitor binding is possible for multiple poses and stereoisomers of TS174. N2 - Das Schwere Akute Respiratorische Syndrom (SARS) wird durch eine Infektion mit dem SARS Virus ausgelöst, dessen weltweite Verbreitung 2003 zu über 700 Todesfällen führte. Die SARS Coronavirus Hauptprotease stellt ein mögliches Wirkstoffziel zur Behandlung dar und hat Modellcharakter für andere Coronaviren. Trotz intensiver Forschung sind bis heute keine effektiven Wirkstoffe gegen SARS verfügbar. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt Einblicke in die mechanistischen Aspekte der Enzymkatalyse und Inhibierung der SARS Coronavirus Hauptprotease. Hierzu werden moderne computerchemische Methoden angewandt, die mittels atomistischer Modelle experimentelle Ergebnisse qualitativ reproduzieren und interpretieren können. Im Zuge der durchgeführten theoretischen Arbeiten wird zunächst eine Fehlereinschätzung der Methoden durchgeführt und diese nachfolgend auf Fragestellungen zur aktiven Tasche, dem Inhibierungsmechanismus und der Ligandenbindung angewandt. Die Einschätzung der quantenchemischen Methoden zeigt, dass deren Genauigkeit teilweise von der Umgebungsbeschreibung abhängt, welche als Gasphasen, Kontinuum, oder QM/MM Modell dargestellt werden kann. Letzteres gilt als Methode der Wahl für die atomistische Modellierung biochemischer Reaktionen. Die Vergleiche zeigen für semi-empirische Methoden gravierende Probleme bei der Beschreibung von Proton-Transfer Reaktionen auf. Diese wurden für die katalytische Cys/His Dyade betrachtet, um Einblicke in Substratspaltung und Inhibierung zu erhalten. Dem Wechsel zwischen neutralem und zwitterionischem Zustand konnte hierbei eine zentrale Bedeutung für beide Prozesse zugeordnet werden. Es zeigt sich, dass dieser „electrostatic trigger“ von der Substratbindung, nicht aber von der Inhibitorbindung beeinflusst wird. Folglich beschleunigt ausschließlich die Substratbindung die Zwitterionbildung, was im Zusammenhang mit der Abschirmung der aktiven Tasche durch den Liganden steht. Dies gibt Ansatzpunkte für die Verbesserung von Inhibitoren. Aus in silico screenings werden genauere Einblicke in die reversible und irreversible Inhibierung durch Michael-Akzeptor Verbindungen gewonnen. Es wird gezeigt, dass unterschiedlichen Substitutionsmustern unterschiedliche Reaktionsmechanismen in der konjugierten Additionsreaktion zugrunde liegen. Die vorangehende Bildung eines Cys-/His+ Zwitterions ist allerdings für alle Inhibierungsmechanismen eine notwendige Voraussetzung. Letztendlich wurde die nicht-kovalente Bindung eines Inhibitors am Beispiel des TS174-SARS Coronavirus Hauptprotease Komplexes untersucht. Im Zusammenspiel von Theorie und Experiment wurde ein Prozess, bestehend aus Molekulardynamik Simulation, Tabu Search und Röntgenstruktur Verfeinerung ausgearbeitet, der eine Interpretation der Bindungssituation von TS174 ermöglicht. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass der Inhibitor gleichzeitig in mehreren Orientierungen, als auch in beiden stereoisomeren Formen im Komplex vorliegt. KW - SARS KW - Inhibitor KW - Enzym KW - Computational chemistry KW - Coronaviren KW - SARS KW - Protease KW - Mechanismus KW - Inhibitor KW - Computerchemie KW - SARS KW - protease KW - mechanism KW - inhibitor KW - computational chemistry Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-79029 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ouyang, Guanghui A1 - Rühe, Jessica A1 - Zhang, Yang A1 - Lin, Mei-Jin A1 - Liu, Minghua A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Intramolecular Energy and Solvent-Dependent Chirality Transfer within a BINOL-Perylene Hetero-Cyclophane JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - Multichromophoric macrocycles and cyclophanes are important supramolecular architectures for the elucidation of interchromophoric interactions originating from precise spatial organization. Herein, by combining an axially chiral binaphthol bisimide (BBI) and a bay-substituted conformationally labile twisted perylene bisimide (PBI) within a cyclophane of well-defined geometry, we report a chiral PBI hetero-cyclophane (BBI-PBI) that shows intramolecular energy and solvent-regulated chirality transfer from the BBI to the PBI subunit. Excellent spectral overlap and spatial arrangement of BBI and PBI lead to efficient excitation energy transfer and subsequent PBI emission with high quantum yield (80–98 %) in various solvents. In contrast, chirality transfer is strongly dependent on the respective solvent as revealed by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The combination of energy and chirality transfer affords a bright red circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) from the PBI chromophore by excitation of BBI. KW - chirality transfer KW - solvent effects KW - perylene bisimide KW - energy transfer KW - cyclophanes Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318818 VL - 61 IS - 31 ER - TY - THES A1 - Osswald, Peter Uwe T1 - Perylene Bisimide Atropisomers : Synthesis and Optical and Chiroptical Properties T1 - Perylenbisimid Atropisomere: Synthese, Optische und Chiroptische Eigenschaften N2 - Zur Herstellung von atropo-enantiomeren Perylenbisimiden wurde die kovalente Verknüpfung von Aryloxysubstituenten durch Makrocyclisierung eingesetzt. Die Darstellung makrocyclischer Perylenbisimide erfolgte ausgehend von einem vierfach (3-Hydroxyphenoxy)-funktionalisierten Perylenbisimid mit achiralen 2,6-Diisopropylphenylsubstituenten an den Imidpositionen durch Williamsonsche Ethersynthese. Die Synthese konnte für vier unterschiedliche Oligoethylenglykol-Kettenlängen realisiert werden, wobei für jede Brückenlänge jeweils zwei regioisomere Makrocyclen, nämlich das diagonal verbrückte (1,7- und 6,12-Verküpfung) und das seitlich verbrückte Isomer (1,12- und 6,7- Verknüpfung), isoliert werden konnten. Die strukturelle Zuordnung der isolierten Makrocyclen zu einem der beiden Regioisomeren gelang zweifelsfrei anhand von Röntgenstrukturanalysen für zwei Makrocyclen und 1H NMR-Spektroskopie für alle Isomere. Der konformative Einfluß der Aryloxy-Substituenten auf die funktionenellen Eigenschaften dieser Farbstoffklasse konnte durch Vergleich der optischen und elektrochemischen Eigenschaften aller isolierter Makrocyclen mit einer offenkettigen Referenzverbindung abgeleitet werden. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass die Aryloxy-Substituenten dieser Farbstoffe in Lösung bevorzugt in einer horizontalen Konformation vorliegen. Durch lösungsmittelabhängige Fluoreszenzmessungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein photoinduzierter Elektronentransferprozess für die Fluoreszenzlösung elektronenreicher Aryloxy-Substituenten von Bedeutung ist. Die Trennung der Atropo-Diastereomere konnte für eine diagonal überbrückte makrocyclische Verbindung mit chiralen 2-(R)-Octylamin Imidsubstituenten und Diethyleneglykol als Brückenkette mittels semi-preparativer HPLC an einer chiralen stationären Phase realisiert werden. Die chiroptischen Eigenschaften der isolierten epimerenreinen Makrocyclen wurden mittels CD-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die Zuordnung der absoluten Stereochemie konnte anhand der erhaltenen CD-Spektren durch Anwendung der „Theorie der excitonischen Kopplung“ abgeleitet und durch quantenchemische Berechnung der CD-Spektren bestätigt werden. Dieses Synthesekonzept wurde auf 1,7-diaryloxy-substituierten Perylenbisimide erweitert. Die Struktur der erhaltenen diagonal verbrückten monocyclischen Verbindung konnte erneut durch NMR-Spektroskopie und Röntgenstrukturanalyse eindeutig bestimmt werden. Die Trennung der Atropo-Enantiomere gelang mittels semi-preparativer HPLC an einer chiralen stationären Phase. Die Zuordnung der Stereochemie konnte anhand des Vergleichs der CD-Spektren mit den zuvor für epimerenreine Bismakrocyclen erhaltenen CD-Spektren realisiert werden. Anhand der Röntgenstrukturanalysen sowohl der racemischen Mischung als auch eines Atropo-Enantiomers ließen sich bedeutende Informationen über die p-Dimerisierung von Perylenbisimiden ableiten. Die Abhängigkeit der Razemisierungsbarriere von der Größe der Bay-Substituenten wurde für vier halogensubstituierte Derivate untersucht. Die dynamischen Eigenschaften wurden mittels temperaturabhängiger NMR-Spektroskopie und kinetischer Messungen mittels CD-Spektroskopie bestimmt. Unter Anwendung des „Apparent Overlap“-Konzeptes konnte eine überzeugende lineare Beziehung zwischen der Größe der Substituenten und der Inversionsbarriere hergestellt werden. Darüber hinaus war es möglich die Atropo-Diastereomere bzw. Enantiomere der tetrachlor- und tetrabrom-substituierten Derivate zu trennen, wobei vor allem das 1,6,7,12-tetrabrom-substituierte Perylenbisimid stabile Enantiomere bei Raumtemperatur lieferte. Die abgeleitete Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehung sollte zukünftig die Herstellung von stabilen Enantiomeren durch geeignete Wahl der Substituenten in den Bay-Positionen ermöglichen. Um die Reversibilität der Selbstorganisation zur quantitativen Synthese makrocyclischer Perylenbisimide ausnützen zu können, wurde ein tetra(zinkporphyrin)-funktionalisiertes Perylenbisimid synthetisiert. Die Ausbildung des angestrebten 1:2-Sandwichkomplexes aus Tetra-Zinkporphyrin-Perylenbisimid und Diazabicyclo-[2.2.2]-undecan wurde mittels UV/Vis und 1H NMR Spektroskopie untersucht und die makrocyclische Struktur des Komplexes konnte mittels diffusionsabhängiger NMR Spektroskopie (DOSY NMR) eindeutig bewiesen werden. Weiterhin konnte mittels rasterkraftmikroskopischer (AFM) Untersuchungen gezeigt werden, dass diese funktionellen makrocyclischen Verbindungen sehr geordnet auf einer Graphitoberfläche (HOPG) abgeschieden werden können. Die Ausrichtung eines amino-funktionalsierten p-konjugierten Polymers durch Zugabe des bichromphoren Tetra-Zinkporphyrin-Perlyenbisimids wurde mittels UV/Vis-Spektroskopie und AFM-Messungen untersucht. Die Oberflächenanalyse mittels AFM zeigte, dass die bichromophore Verbindung die linearen p-konjugierten Polymere über weite Teile der Oberfläche auszurichten vermag, so dass eine definierte Anordnung von drei p-Systemen auf der Graphitoberfläche ermöglicht wurde. N2 - The covalent linkage of the aryloxy-substituents through macrocyclisation was applied for the synthesis of perylene bisimide atropo-enantiomers. The synthesis of macrocyclic perylene bisimides was achieved by using a tetra(3-hydroxyphenoxy)-functionalized perylene bisimide with achiral 2,6-diisopropylphenyl as imide substituent through Williamson´s etherfication which could be realized for four different oligoethylene glycol bridging units. Two regioisomeric macrocycles, namely the diagonally bridged (1,7- and 6,12- linkage) and the laterally bridged (1,12- and 6,7-linkage) isomers, were obtained for each bridging unit. The structural assignment of the isolated regioisomeric macrocycles was unambiguously accomplished by X-ray analysis of two macrocycles and by 1H NMR spectroscopy for all isomers. The conformational influence of the aryloxy-substituents on the functional properties of this class of chromophores could be derived by comparison of the optical and electrochemical properties of all isolated macrocylces with those of an open-chained reference compound. It was shown that the aryloxy-substituents prefer a lateral conformation in solution. Furthermore, solvent dependent fluorescence studies indicated that a photoinduced electron transfer process is of importance for the fluorescence quenching of electron-rich aryloxy-substituted perylene bisimides. The resolution of the atropo-diastereomers of diagonally bridged macrocyclic perylene bisimides with chiral 2-(R)-octylamine as imide substituent and diethylene glycol bridging units could be accomplished by semi-preparative HPLC on a chiral column. The chiroptical properties of the isolated epimerically pure macrocycles were determined by CD spectroscopy. Based on the experimental CD spectra, the stereochemical assignment of the isolated epimers was accomplished by application of the excition chirality method and confirmed by quantum chemical calculation of the CD spectra. The synthetical concept was extended successfully to 1,7-diaryloxy-substituted perylene bisimides. The structure of the diagonally bridged macrocycle was unambiguously confirmed by X-ray analysis and NMR spectroscopy. The atropo-enantiomers of this macrocycle could be resolved by semi-preparative HPLC on a chiral column and the assignment of the absolute configuration was achieved by comparison of the CD spectra of the resolved enantiomers with those of epimerically pure bis(macrocycles) reported before. By comparison of the X-ray structures obtained for the racemic mixture as well as one enantiomer important information could be extracted for the formation of p-dimers of perylene bisimides. The dependence of the interconversion barrier on the bulkiness of the bay-substituents was investigated for four halogen-substituted perylene bisimides. The dynamic properties were investigated by temperature-dependent NMR spectroscopy and kinectic measurements using CD spectroscopy. By applying the concept of the “apparent overlap” a convincing linear relationship between the size of the substituents and the free enthalpy of activation could be derived. Furthermore, the resolution of the atropo-diastereomers or enantiomers of the tetrachloro and tetrabromo-substituted derivates was accomplished, whereupon especially the 1,6,7,12-tetrabromosubstituted perylene bisimide provided at room temperature stable enantiomers. Additionally, the derived structure-property relationship allows the design of conformationally stable perylene bisimide enantiomers by proper choice of the bay substituents. In order to utilize the reversibility of self-assembly for the quantitative formation of macrocyclic perylene bisimides, a tetrazinc porphyrin-functionalized perylene bisimide was synthesized. The self-assembly of the zinc porphyrin perylene bisimide bichromophoric building block and diazabicyclo-[2.2.2]-undecane into the desired 1:2 sandwich complex was investigated by UV/Vis and 1H NMR spectroscopy and the macrocyclic structure was unequivocally proven by diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY NMR). Furthermore, the controlled deposition of these well-defined macrocycles on highly ordered pyrolitic graphite (HOPG) was demonstrated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) investigations. The alignment of a linear amino functionalised p-conjugated polymers upon addition of the bichromphoric tetrazinc porphyrin-perylene bisimide was investigated by UV/Vis spectroscopy and AFM measurement. The surface analysis by AFM investigations revealed that the bichromophoric system composed of perylene bisimide and zinc porphyrin is able to cross-link the linear p-conjugated polymer over a wide range of the graphite surface which provided a defined arrangement of three different functional p-systems. KW - Farbstoffe KW - Perylenbisimid KW - Atropisomere KW - optische Eigenschaften KW - dyes KW - perylene bisimide KW - atropisomer KW - optical properties Y1 - 2007 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23248 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ortiz-Soto, Maria Elena A1 - Seibel, Jürgen T1 - Expression of Functional Human Sialyltransferases ST3Gal1 and ST6Gal1 in Escherichia coli JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Sialyltransferases (STs) are disulfide-containing, type II transmembrane glycoproteins that catalyze the transfer of sialic acid to proteins and lipids and participate in the synthesis of the core structure oligosaccharides of human milk. Sialic acids are found at the outermost position of glycostructures, playing a key role in health and disease. Sialylation is also essential for the production of recombinant therapeutic proteins (RTPs). Despite their importance, availability of sialyltransferases is limited due to the low levels of stable, soluble and active protein produced in bacterial expression systems, which hampers biochemical and structural studies on these enzymes and restricts biotechnological applications. We report the successful expression of active human sialyltransferases ST3Gal1 and ST6Gal1 in commercial Escherichia coli strains designed for production of disulfide-containing proteins. Fusion of hST3Gal1 with different solubility enhancers and substitution of exposed hydrophobic amino acids by negatively charged residues (supercharging-like approach) were performed to promote solubility and folding. Co-expression of sialyltransferases with the chaperon/foldases sulfhydryl oxidase, protein disulfide isomerase and disulfide isomerase C was explored to improve the formation of native disulfide bonds. Active sialyltransferases fused with maltose binding protein (MBP) were obtained in sufficient amounts for biochemical and structural studies when expressed under oxidative conditions and co-expression of folding factors increased the yields of active and properly folded sialyltransferases by 20%. Mutation of exposed hydrophobic amino acids increased recovery of active enzyme by 2.5-fold, yielding about 7 mg of purified protein per liter culture. Functionality of recombinant enzymes was evaluated in the synthesis of sialosides from the β-d-galactoside substrates lactose, N-acetyllactosamine and benzyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-3-O-(β-d-galactopyranosyl)-α-d-galactopyranoside. KW - cytoplasm KW - recombinant proteins KW - solubility KW - disulfide bonds KW - enzymes KW - enzyme purification KW - enzyme structure KW - sialic acids Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-179807 VL - 11 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Okuda, Takumi A1 - Lenz, Ann-Kathrin A1 - Seitz, Florian A1 - Vogel, Jörg A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - A SAM analogue-utilizing ribozyme for site-specific RNA alkylation in living cells JF - Nature Chemistry N2 - Post-transcriptional RNA modification methods are in high demand for site-specific RNA labelling and analysis of RNA functions. In vitro-selected ribozymes are attractive tools for RNA research and have the potential to overcome some of the limitations of chemoenzymatic approaches with repurposed methyltransferases. Here we report an alkyltransferase ribozyme that uses a synthetic, stabilized S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) analogue and catalyses the transfer of a propargyl group to a specific adenosine in the target RNA. Almost quantitative conversion was achieved within 1 h under a wide range of reaction conditions in vitro, including physiological magnesium ion concentrations. A genetically encoded version of the SAM analogue-utilizing ribozyme (SAMURI) was expressed in HEK293T cells, and intracellular propargylation of the target adenosine was confirmed by specific fluorescent labelling. SAMURI is a general tool for the site-specific installation of the smallest tag for azide-alkyne click chemistry, which can be further functionalized with fluorophores, affinity tags or other functional probes. KW - Alkyltransferase Ribozyme SAMURI KW - Site-specific RNA labelling KW - bioorthogonal SAM analogue ProSeDMA KW - Chemical modification KW - RNA Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-328762 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ojala, Antti T1 - Merocyanine Dyes as Donor Materials in Vacuum-Deposited Organic Solar Cells: Insights into Structure-Property-Performance Relationships N2 - In this study, a double-donor concept is used to improve the performance of thermally evaporated merocyanine(s)/C60 bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells. It is shown that the co-evaporation of two merocyanine dyes with absorption bands at ~ 500 nm (SW dye) and ~ 650 nm (LW dye), respectively, together with C60 fullerene results in an improvement of open-circuit voltage (VOC), short-circuit current (JSC) as well as total power conversion efficiency (PCE) compared to the best single-donor cell. The enhancement of JSC is attributed to a higher photon harvesting efficiency of the mixed-donor devices due to a better spectral coverage. N2 - Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen zwischen der Festkörpermorphologie und der Leistung organischer Solarzellen auf der Basis von Merocyanin-Farbstoffen untersucht. Verschiedene analytische Methoden, vor allem optische Untersuchungen und Röntgenbeugung, wurden verwendet, um die Einkristall bzw. Dünnschichtstruktur der Merocyanine aufzuklären. Zusammenhänge zwischen der Festkörperstruktur der Farbstoffe und deren Leistung in Solarzellen wurden eindeutig nachgewiesen. In Kapitel 2 werden die Grundlagen der organischen Photovoltaik erläutert und ein Überblick über den Stand der Forschung auf dem Gebiet der durch Vakuumabscheidung von kleinen Molekülen hergestellten Solarzellen gegeben. Die Technologie der Vakuumverdampfung kleiner Moleküle hat sich in den letzten Jahren rasch weiterentwickelt und steht inzwischen an der Schwelle zur Kommerzialisierung erster Produkte. Vakuumabgeschiedene Solarzellen lassen sich mit hoher Reproduzierbarkeit herstellen und weisen gute Stabilitäten auf. Aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht ist vor allem die gute Verfügbarkeit zahlreicher Donoren und die einfache und exakte Realisierung verschiedenster Bauteilarchitekturen von Interesse. Im Kapitel 3 werden die in dieser Arbeit benutzten Architekturen für die Herstellung und Charakterisierung der Solarzellen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Kapitel 4 präsentiert eine umfassende Studie über die Kristallpackungen der dipolaren Merocyanin-Farbstoffe. Hier wurde vor allem die Wirkung der Dipol-Dipol-Wechselwirkungen auf die gefundenen Strukturmotive in den Kristallstrukturen der Merocyanin-Farbstoffe analysiert. Die statistischen Auswertung zeigt, dass bei einem hohen molekularen Dipolmoment (> 8 D) die Wahrscheinlichkeit für die Anordnung der Moleküle in einer zentrosymmetrischen Raumgruppen erhöht wird. Dimere mit einer antiparallelen Orientierung der Dipolmomente wurden häufig gefunden (Abbildung 1a). Eine detaillierte Untersuchung der Kristallstrukturen zahlreicher Merocyanine, in denen Fischerbase als Donor-Baustein in Kombination mit ... KW - Merocyanine KW - organische Solarzelle KW - Merocyanin KW - organische Photovoltaik KW - Merocyanine KW - organic photovoltaics Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70073 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Noll, Niklas A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Bioinspired water preorganization in confined space for efficient water oxidation catalysis in metallosupramolecular ruthenium architectures JF - Accounts of Chemical Research N2 - Conspectus Nature has established a sustainable way to maintain aerobic life on earth by inventing one of the most sophisticated biological processes, namely, natural photosynthesis, which delivers us with organic matter and molecular oxygen derived from the two abundant resources sunlight and water. The thermodynamically demanding photosynthetic water splitting is catalyzed by the oxygen-evolving complex in photosystem II (OEC-PSII), which comprises a distorted tetramanganese–calcium cluster (CaMn\(_4\)O\(_5\)) as catalytic core. As an ubiquitous concept for fine-tuning and regulating the reactivity of the active site of metalloenzymes, the surrounding protein domain creates a sophisticated environment that promotes substrate preorganization through secondary, noncovalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding or electrostatic interactions. Based on the high-resolution X-ray structure of PSII, several water channels were identified near the active site, which are filled with extensive hydrogen-bonding networks of preorganized water molecules, connecting the OEC with the protein surface. As an integral part of the outer coordination sphere of natural metalloenzymes, these channels control the substrate and product delivery, carefully regulate the proton flow by promoting pivotal proton-coupled electron transfer processes, and simultaneously stabilize short-lived oxidized intermediates, thus highlighting the importance of an ordered water network for the remarkable efficiency of the natural OEC. Transferring this concept from nature to the engineering of artificial metal catalysts for fuel production has fostered the fascinating field of metallosupramolecular chemistry by generating defined cavities that conceptually mimic enzymatic pockets. However, the application of supramolecular approaches to generate artificial water oxidation catalysts remained scarce prior to our initial reports, since such molecular design strategies for efficient activation of substrate water molecules in confined nanoenvironments were lacking. In this Account, we describe our research efforts on combining the state-of-the art Ru(bda) catalytic framework with structurally programmed ditopic ligands to guide the water oxidation process in defined metallosupramolecular assemblies in spatial proximity. We will elucidate the governing factors that control the quality of hydrogen-bonding water networks in multinuclear cavities of varying sizes and geometries to obtain high-performance, state-of-the-art water oxidation catalysts. Pushing the boundaries of artificial catalyst design, embedding a single catalytic Ru center into a well-defined molecular pocket enabled sophisticated water preorganization in front of the active site through an encoded basic recognition site, resulting in high catalytic rates comparable to those of the natural counterpart OEC-PSII. To fully explore their potential for solar fuel devices, the suitability of our metallosupramolecular assemblies was demonstrated under (electro)chemical and photocatalytic water oxidation conditions. In addition, testing the limits of structural diversity allowed the fabrication of self-assembled linear coordination oligomers as novel photocatalytic materials and long-range ordered covalent organic framework (COF) materials as recyclable and long-term stable solid-state materials for future applications. KW - catalysts KW - catalytic activity KW - ligands KW - macrocycles KW - water oxidation KW - ruthenium Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-361232 SN - 0001-4842 VL - 57 IS - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Noll, Niklas A1 - Krause, Ana-Maria A1 - Beuerle, Florian A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Enzyme-like water preorganization in a synthetic molecular cleft for homogeneous water oxidation catalysis JF - Nature Catalysis N2 - Inspired by the proficiency of natural enzymes, mimicking of nanoenvironments for precise substrate preorganisation is a promising strategy in catalyst design. However, artificial examples of enzyme-like activation of H\(_2\)O molecules for the challenging oxidative water splitting reaction are hardly explored. Here, we introduce a mononuclear Ru(bda) complex (M1, bda: 2,2’-bipyridine-6,6’-dicarboxylate) equipped with a bipyridine-functionalized ligand to preorganize H\(_2\)O molecules in front of the metal center as in enzymatic clefts. The confined pocket of M1 accelerates chemically driven water oxidation at pH 1 by facilitating a water nucleophilic attack pathway with a remarkable turnover frequency of 140 s\(^{−1}\) that is comparable to the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II. Single crystal X-ray analysis of M1 under catalytic conditions allowed the observation of a 7th H\(_2\)O ligand directly coordinated to a RuIII center. Via a well-defined hydrogen-bonding network, another H\(_2\)O substrate is preorganized for the crucial O–O bond formation via nucleophilic attack. KW - water oxidation KW - enzyme KW - catalysis KW - molecular KW - catalyst synthesis KW - catalytic mechanisms KW - homogeneous catalysis KW - photocatalysis KW - supramolecular chemistry Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-302897 N1 - This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use (https://www.springernature.com/gp/open-research/policies/accepted-manuscript-terms), but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41929-022-00843-x ET - accepted version ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Noll, Niklas A1 - Groß, Tobias A1 - Shoyama, Kazutaka A1 - Beuerle, Florian A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Folding‐Induced Promotion of Proton‐Coupled Electron Transfers via Proximal Base for Light‐Driven Water Oxidation JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - Proton‐coupled electron‐transfer (PCET) processes play a key role in biocatalytic energy conversion and storage, for example, photosynthesis or nitrogen fixation. Here, we report a series of bipyridine‐containing di‐ to tetranuclear Ru(bda) macrocycles 2 C–4 C (bda: 2,2′‐bipyridine‐6,6′‐dicarboxylate) to promote O−O bond formation. In photocatalytic water oxidation under neutral conditions, all complexes 2 C–4 C prevail in a folded conformation that support the water nucleophilic attack (WNA) pathway with remarkable turnover frequencies of up to 15.5 s\(^{−1}\) per Ru unit respectively. Single‐crystal X‐ray analysis revealed an increased tendency for intramolecular π‐π stacking and preorganization of the proximal bases close to the active centers for the larger macrocycles. H/D kinetic isotope effect studies and electrochemical data demonstrate the key role of the proximal bipyridines as proton acceptors in lowering the activation barrier for the crucial nucleophilic attack of H\(_{2}\)O in the WNA mechanism. KW - artificial photosynthesis KW - folded macrocyles KW - homogeneous catalysis KW - photocatalysis KW - Ruthenium complexes Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312020 VL - 62 IS - 7 ER - TY - THES A1 - Noll, Niklas T1 - Second Coordination Sphere Engineering in Macrocyclic Ruthenium Water Oxidation Catalysts T1 - Gestaltung der sekundären Koordinationssphäre von makrozyklischen Ruthenium Wasseroxidationskatalysatoren N2 - About 2.4 billion years ago, nature has fundamentally revolutionized life on earth by inventing the multi-subunit protein complex photosystem II, the only molecular machine in nature that catalyzes the thermodynamically demanding photosynthetic splitting of water into oxygen and reducing equivalents. Nature chose a distorted Mn4CaO5 cluster as catalyst, better known as oxygen-evolving complex (OEC), thus recognizing the need for transition metals to achieve high-performance catalysts. The curiosity has always driven mankind to mimic nature’s achievements, but the performance of natural enzymes such as the oxygen-evolving complex in photosystem II remain commonly unmatched. An important role in fine-tuning and regulating the activity of natural enzymes is attributed to the surrounding protein domain, which facilitates substrate preorganization within well-defined nanoenvironments. In light of growing energy demands and the depletion of fossil fuels, the unparalleled efficiency of natural photosynthesis inspires chemists to artificially mimic its natural counterpart to generate hydrogen as a ‘solar fuel’ through the light-driven splitting of water. As a result, significant efforts have been devoted in recent decades to develop molecular water oxidation catalysts based on earth-abundant transition metals and the discovery of the Ru(bda) (bda: 2,2’ bipyridine-6,6’-dicarboxylate) catalyst family enabled activities comparable to the natural OEC. Similar to the natural archetypes, the design of homogeneous catalysts that interplay judiciously with the second coordination sphere of the outer ligand framework proved to be a promising concept for catalyst design. In this present thesis, novel supramolecular design approaches for enzyme like activation of substrate water molecules for the challenging oxidative water splitting reaction were established via tailor-made engineering of the secondary ligand environment of macrocyclic Ru(bda) catalysts. N2 - Vor etwa 2.4 Milliarden Jahren hat die Natur das Leben auf der Erde mit der Entwicklung des mehrgliedrigen Proteinkomplexes Photosystem II grundlegend revolutioniert. Dieser stellt die einzige molekulare Maschine in der Natur dar, die die thermodynamisch anspruchsvolle photosynthetische Spaltung von Wasser in Sauerstoff und reduzierende Äquivalente katalysieren kann. Als Katalyator hat die Natur hierfür ein verzerrtes Mn4CaO5-Cluster ausgewählt, welcher besser bekannt ist als Sauerstoff-produzierender Komplex (OEC, engl.: oxygen-evolving complex). Damit wird die Notwendigkeit von Übergangsmetallen als leistungsfähige Katalysatoren belegt. Die Wissbegierde hat die Menschheit schon immer dazu angetrieben, die Errungenschaften der Natur zu imitieren. Dennoch bleiben die Leistungen natürlicher Enzyme wie die des OEC in Photosystem II häufig unerreicht. Eine wichtige Rolle bei der Feinabstimmung und Regulierung der Aktivität natürlicher Enzyme nimmt die umliegende Proteindomäne ein, die die Vororganisation der Substrate in einer genau definierten Nanoumgebung ermöglicht. Angesichts des wachsenden Energiebedarfs und der Erschöpfung von fossilen Brennstoffen werden Chemiker von der unvergleichlichen Effizienz der natürlichen Photosynthese zu deren künstlichen Nachahmung inspiriert, damit Wasserstoff als "solarer Brennstoff" durch die lichtgetriebene Spaltung von Wasser erzeugt werden kann. Infolgedessen wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten erhebliche Anstrengungen in die Entwicklung molekularer Wasseroxidationskatalysatoren (WOKs) auf der Basis von Übergangsmetallen unternommen, wobei mit der Entdeckung der Katalysatorfamilie Ru(bda) (bda: 2,2'-Bipyridin-6,6'-dicarboxylat) Aktivitäten vergleichbar mit der des natürlichen OEC realisiert wurden. Als vielversprechendes Konzept für die Entwicklung von Katalysatoren erwies sich die Konstruktion homogener Katalysatoren, die, ähnlich zu den natürlichen Vorbildern, gezielt mit der zweiten Koordinationssphäre eines äußeren Liganden interagieren. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wurden neuartige supramolekulare Konzepte zur enzymartigen Aktivierung von Wassermolekülen entwickelt. Hierbei sollte durch eine maßgeschneiderte Konstruktion der sekundären Ligandenumgebung von makrozyklischen Ru(bda)-Katalysatoren die anspruchsvolle oxidative Wasserspaltungsreaktion begünstigt werden. KW - Katalyse KW - Metallosupramolekulare Chemie KW - Wasseroxidation KW - Metallosupramolecular chemistry KW - Catalysis KW - Water Oxidation KW - Second coordination sphere engineering KW - Ruthenium complexes KW - Ruthenium Komplexe Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-305332 ER - TY - INPR A1 - Neitz, Hermann A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - A tolane-modified 5-ethynyluridine as a universal and fluorogenic photochemical DNA crosslinker T2 - Chemical Communications N2 - We report the fluorescent nucleoside ToldU and its application as a photoresponsive crosslinker in three different DNA architectures with enhanced fluorescence emission of the crosslinked products. The fluorogenic ToldU crosslinking reaction enables the assembly of DNA polymers in a hybridization chain reaction for the concentration-dependent detectio of a specific DNA sequence. KW - Tolane-Modified Fluorescent Nucleosides KW - Photoresponsive DNA Crosslinker Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-328255 ET - submitted version ER - TY - INPR A1 - Neitz, Hermann A1 - Bessi, Irene A1 - Kuper, Jochen A1 - Kisker, Caroline A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - Programmable DNA interstrand crosslinking by alkene-alkyne [2+2] photocycloaddition T2 - Journal of the American Chemical Society N2 - Covalent crosslinking of DNA strands provides a useful tool for medical, biochemical and DNA nanotechnology applications. Here we present a light-induced interstrand DNA crosslinking reaction using the modified nucleoside 5-phenylethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine (\(^{Phe}\)dU). The crosslinking ability of \(^{Phe}\)dU was programmed by base pairing and by metal ion interaction at the Watson-Crick base pairing site. Rotation to intrahelical positions was favored by hydrophobic stacking and enabled an unexpected photochemical alkene-alkyne [2+2] cycloaddition within the DNA duplex, resulting in efficient formation of a \(^{Phe}\)dU-dimer after short irradiation times of a few seconds. A \(^{Phe}\)dU dimer-containing DNA was shown to efficiently bind a helicase complex, but the covalent crosslink completely prevented DNA unwinding, suggesting possible applications in biochemistry or structural biology. KW - light-induced interstrand DNA crosslinking KW - alkene-alkyne [2+2] photocycloaddition KW - DNA-based nanostructures KW - DNA-processing enzymes Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311822 N1 - This document is the unedited Author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society, copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society. after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.3c01611. ET - submitted version ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Neitz, Hermann A1 - Bessi, Irene A1 - Kachler, Valentin A1 - Michel, Manuela A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - Tailored tolane‐perfluorotolane assembly as supramolecular base pair replacement in DNA JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - Arene‐fluoroarene interactions offer outstanding possibilities for engineering of supramolecular systems, including nucleic acids. Here, we implement the tolane‐perfluorotolane interaction as base pair replacement in DNA. Tolane (THH) and perfluorotolane (TFF) moieties were connected to acyclic backbone units, comprising glycol nucleic acid (GNA) or butyl nucleic acid (BuNA) building blocks, that were incorporated via phosphoramidite chemistry at opposite positions in a DNA duplex. Thermodynamic analyses by UV thermal melting revealed a compelling stabilization by THH/TFF heteropairs only when connected to the BuNA backbone, but not with the shorter GNA linker. Detailed NMR studies confirmed the preference of the BuNA backbone for enhanced polar π‐stacking. This work defines how orthogonal supramolecular interactions can be tailored by small constitutional changes in the DNA backbone, and it inspires future studies of arene‐fluoroarene‐programmed assembly of DNA. KW - arene-fluoroarene KW - artificial base pair KW - DNA KW - sSupramolecular interaction KW - XNA Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312575 VL - 62 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Neitz, Hermann T1 - Hydrophobic recognition motifs in functionalized DNA T1 - Hydrophobe Erkennungsmotive in funktionalisierter DNA N2 - In wässriger Umgebung spielen hydrophobe Wechselwirkungen eine wichtige Rolle für die DNA. Die Einführung von Modifikationen, die auf hydrophoben aromatischen Einheiten basieren, kann die Erkennung und Reaktivität von funktionellen Gruppen in der DNA steuern. Modifikationen können durch ein künstliches Rückgrat oder in Form einer Erweiterung der Nukleobasen eingebracht werden und so zu zusätzlichen Eigenschaften der DNA führen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der Verwendung von hydrophoben Einheiten zur Funktionalisierung von DNA. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde das Tolanmotiv (Diphenylacetylen) in Kombination mit dem acyclischen Rückgrat von GNA und BuNA verwendet, um Erkennungseinheiten im DNA-Kontext zu erzeugen. Die gezielte Fluorierung der aromatischen Ringe des Tolan-Bausteins bildete die Grundlage für eine supramolekulare Sprache, die auf Aren-Fluoroaren-Wechselwirkungen basiert. Die spezifische Erkennung wurde mittels thermodynamischer, kinetischer und NMR-spektroskopischer Methoden untersucht. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden Desoxyuridin-Derivate mit einer hydrophoben aromatischen Modifikation hergestellt und in die DNA-Doppelhelix eingebaut. Die Bestrahlung mit UV-Licht führte zu einer [2+2]-Cycloaddition zwischen zwei modifizierten Nukleosiden in der DNA. Das Reaktionsprodukt wurde strukturell charakterisiert und die Reaktion in verschiedenen biochemischen und nanotechnologischen DNA-Anwendungen eingesetzt. N2 - In aqueous environment, hydrophobic interactions play an important role for DNA. The introduction of modifications based on hydrophobic aromatic moieties offers additional ways for controlling recognition and reactivity of functional groups in DNA. Modifications are introduced through an artificial backbone or in the form of an extension of the nucleobases, resulting in additional properties of the DNA. This dissertation focuses on the use of hydrophobic units for the functionalization of DNA. In the first part of the work, the tolane (i. e. diphenylacetylene) motif was used in combination with the acyclic backbone of GNA and BuNA to generate recognition units in the DNA context. Fluorination of the aromatic rings in the tolane moiety provided the basis for a supramolecular language based on arene-fluoroarene interactions. The specific recognition was investigated by thermodynamic, kinetic and NMR spectroscopic methods. In the second part of the work, deoxyuridine derivatives with a hydrophobic aromatic modification were prepared and incorporated into DNA duplexes. The irradiation with UV light led to a [2+2] cycloaddition reaction between two modified nucleosides in the DNA. This reaction product was structurally characterized and the reaction was used in various biochemical and nanotechnological DNA applications. KW - Supramolekulare Chemie KW - Arene-Fluoroarene KW - Artificial Base Pair KW - Supramolecular Interaction KW - XNA KW - Crosslinking KW - DNA KW - DNS Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-348382 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mützel, Carina A1 - Farrell, Jeffrey M. A1 - Shoyama, Kazutaka A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - 12b,24b-Diborahexabenzo[a,c,fg,l,n,qr]pentacene: A Low-LUMO Boron-Doped Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - Herein we devise and execute a new synthesis of a pristine boron-doped nanographene. Our target boron-doped nanographene was designed based on DFT calculations to possess a low LUMO energy level and a narrow band gap derived from its precise geometry and B-doping arrangement. Our synthesis of this target, a doubly B-doped hexabenzopentacene (B\(_{2}\)-HBP), employs six net C−H borylations of an alkene, comprising consecutive hydroboration/electrophilic borylation/dehydrogenation and BBr\(_{3}\)/AlCl\(_{3}\)/2,6-dichloropyridine-mediated C−H borylation steps. As predicted by our calculations, B\(_{2}\)-HBP absorbs strongly in the visible region and emits in the NIR up to 1150 nm in o-dichlorobenzene solutions. Furthermore, B\(_{2}\)-HBP possesses a very low LUMO level, showing two reversible reductions at −1.00 V and −1.17 V vs. Fc\(^{+}\)/Fc. Our methodology is surprisingly selective despite its implementation of unfunctionalized precursors and offers a new approach to the synthesis of pristine B-doped polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. KW - aromaticity KW - polycycles KW - pentacene KW - near infrared emitter KW - boron Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318808 VL - 61 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Müller, Diana A1 - Bessi, Irene A1 - Richter, Christian A1 - Schwalbe, Harald T1 - The Folding Landscapes of Human Telomeric RNA and DNA G‐Quadruplexes are Markedly Different JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - We investigated the folding kinetics of G‐quadruplex (G4) structures by comparing the K\(^{+}\)‐induced folding of an RNA G4 derived from the human telomeric repeat‐containing RNA (TERRA25) with a sequence homologous DNA G4 (wtTel25) using CD spectroscopy and real‐time NMR spectroscopy. While DNA G4 folding is biphasic, reveals kinetic partitioning and involves kinetically favoured off‐pathway intermediates, RNA G4 folding is faster and monophasic. The differences in kinetics are correlated to the differences in the folded conformations of RNA vs. DNA G4s, in particular with regard to the conformation around the glycosidic torsion angle χ that uniformly adopts anti conformations for RNA G4s and both, syn and anti conformation for DNA G4s. Modified DNA G4s with \(^{19}\)F bound to C2′ in arabino configuration adopt exclusively anti conformations for χ. These fluoro‐modified DNA (antiTel25) reveal faster folding kinetics and monomorphic conformations similar to RNA G4s, suggesting the correlation between folding kinetics and pathways with differences in χ angle preferences in DNA and RNA, respectively. KW - folding landscapes KW - G-quadruplexes KW - kinetics KW - real-time NMR spectroscopy KW - TERRA RNA Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238917 VL - 60 IS - 19 SP - 10895 EP - 10901 ER - TY - THES A1 - Müller, Christian T1 - Physical Properties of Chromophore Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles T1 - Physikalische Eigenschaften von Chromophore Funktionalisierte Gold Nanopartikel N2 - n this work the synthesis and analysis of chromophore functionalized spherical gold nanoparticles is presented. The optical, electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties of these hybrid materials are furthermore studied. The work therefore is divided into two parts. The first part deals with triarylamine and PCTM-radical functionalized gold nanoparticles. The focus thereby was on the synthesis and on the investigations of chromophore-chromophore interactions and gold core-chromophore interactions. The chromopores, especially triarylamines, were attached to the gold core via different bridging units and were studied with optical and electrochemical methods. The purity and dimensions of the nanoparticles was determined by 1H-NMR spectroscopy, diffusion ordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY), TGA, XPS and STEM. Furthermore a cyclic voltammetry technique was used to determine the composition of the particles via the Randles-Sevcik equation. An analysis of these parameters led to a model of a sea urchin-shaped nanoparticle. Optical measurements of the particles revealed an anisotropic absorption behavior of the triarylamine units due to gold core-chromophore interaction. However this behavior depends strongly on the relative orientation of the transition dipole moment of the chromophore to the gold surface and the distance of the chromophore to the surface. Hence, the anisotropic behavior was exclusively detected in the spectra of the Au-Tara1 particles. The short and rigid pi-conjugated bridging unit thereby facilitates this gold core-chromophore interaction. It was shown from electrochemical investigations that the triarylamine units can be chemically reversibly oxidized to the triarylamine monoradical cation. Furthermore, the measurements revealed a strong interligand triarylamine-triarylamine interaction which was only seen for the Au-Tara1 particles. The long pi-conjugated bridging units of the Au-Tara2 and Au-Tara3 particles as well as the aliphatic bridging unit of Au-Tara4 prevent any detectable interligand interactions. One may conclude that both the gold core-chromophore and the interligand triarylamine-triarylamine interaction depend on the length and the rigidity of the bridging unit. The electron transfer behavior of the triarylamine units adsorbed onto the gold core was additionally studied via spectroelectrochemical (SEC) measurements which are able to reveal weaker interactions. The investigations of Au-Tara1 and Au-Tara2 revealed a significant strong coupling between neighboring triarylamine units which is due to through-space intervalence interactions. This behavior was not detected for Au-Tara3 or for Au-Tara4. The SEC analysis also revealed that these observed interligand interactions depend on the length and the rigidity of the bridging unit. Thus, the systematic variation of the bridging unit gave a basic insight in the optical and electrochemical properties of triarylamines, located in the vicinity of a gold nanoparticle. The second part of this work aimed at the synthesis of new molecules, denoted as SERS-markers, for immuno SERS applications. For this purpose, the SERS-markers were designed to have a Raman-active unit and a thiol group for chemisorptions to Au/Ag nanoshells. In cooperation with the group of Schlücker (University of Osnabrück) the SERS-markers were absorbed onto Au/Ag nanoshells, denoted as SERS-labels, and characterized. The SERS spectra of the SERS-labels exhibited intense and characteristic SERS-signals for each marker. For immuno SERS investigations SEMA3 was functionalized with a hydrophilic end unit. This marker was adsorbed onto an Au/Ag nanoshell and encapsulated with silica. An anti-p63 antibody was bound to the silica surface in order to generate a SERS-labeled antibody for the detection of the tumor suppressor p63 in benign prostate. Immuno-SERS imaging of prostate tissue incubated with SERS-labeled anti-p63 antibodies demonstrated the selective detection of p63 in the basal epithelium. The results show the potential of the method for the detection of several biomolecules in a multiplexing SERS experiment. N2 - In dieser Arbeit wurde die Synthese und Analyse von neuen Nanopartikel-Hybrid-Strukturen gezeigt. Darüber hinaus wurden die optischen, elektrochemischen und spektroelektrochemischen Eigenschaften dieser Materialien untersucht. Die Arbeit gliederte sich dabei in zwei Teile. Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit Triarylamin- und PCTM-Radikal-funktionalisierten Gold-Nanopartikeln. Im Zentrum dieser Untersuchung stand neben der Synthese vor allem die Untersuchung von Chromophor-Chromophor Wechselwirkungen und Goldkern-Chromophor Wechselwirkungen. Dazu wurden in erster Linie Triarylamine mit verschiedenen Brückeneinheiten an den Goldkern angeknüpft und mit optischen und elektrochemischen Methoden untersucht. Die Reinheit und die Abmessungen der Nanopartikel konnte mit 1H-NMR Spektroskopie, diffusion-ordered-NMR Spektroskopie-(DOSY), TGA, XPS und STEM genau bestimmt werden und die Zusammensetzung der Partikel mit einer elektrochemischen Analysemethode errechnet werden. Aus diesen Parametern wurde dann die Seeigel-artige Struktur der Partikel abgeleitet. Die optischen Untersuchungen der Partikel zeigte ein anisotropes Absorptionsverhalten der Triarylamine, welches eine Folge von Goldkern-Chromophor Wechselwirkungen ist. Dieses Verhalten war allerdings sehr stark von der Orientierung des Übergangdipolmoments des Chromophors zur Goldoberfläche abhängig und vom Abstand des Chromophors zur Goldoberfläche. So war das anisotrope Verhalten nur bei Au-Tara1 zu beobachten. Die kurze und starre pi-konjugierte Brückeneinheit begünstigte dabei die Chromophor-Goldkern Wechselwirkung. In elektrochemischen Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Triarylamin-Einheiten chemisch reversibel zum Monoradikal-Kation oxidiert werden können. Darüber hinaus konnte in den Messungen eine starke Interligand-Triarylamin-Triarylamin-Wechselwirkung für die Au-Tara1 Partikel beobachtet werden. Die längeren Brückeneinheiten der Au-Tara2 und Au-Tara3 Partikel als auch die aliphatische Brücke des Au-Tara4 Partikels verhinderten eine elektronische Interligand-Wechselwirkung. Somit zeigt sich, dass nicht nur die Triarylamin-Goldkern-Wechselwirkung sondern auch die Interligand-Wechselwirkung sehr sensitiv auf die Länge und Starrheit der Brücke reagieren. In einer weiteren Untersuchung wurde das Elektronentransferverhalten der Triarylamin-Einheiten auf dem Partikel untersucht. In den dafür durchgeführten spektroelektrochemischen Untersuchungen wurde eine starke Kopplung zwischen benachbarten Triarylamin-Einheiten beobachtet. Dieses Verhalten wurde den Intervalenz-Wechselwirkungen durch den Raum zugeordnet und war weder für Au-Tara3 noch für Au-Tara4 zu beobachten. Diese Analyse zeigte, dass auch diese interligand Wechselwirkung stark von dem Abstand und der Orientierung der Triarylamin-Einheiten zueinander abhängt. Somit konnte durch die systematische Variierung der Brückeneinheit ein detailierter Einblick in die optischen und elektrochemischen Eigenschaften von Triarylaminen adsorbiert auf kleinen runden Gold-Nanopartikeln gegeben werden. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden neue Moleküle, sogenannte SERS-Marker, für den Einsatz in immuno-SERS-Mikroskopie Experimenten synthetisiert. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die Moleküle mit verschiedenen Raman-aktiven Einheiten und einer Thiol-Funktion ausgestattet. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. S. Schlücker (Universität Osnabrück) wurden die Marker mittels Thiol-Einheit auf Au/Ag-Hohlkugeln aufgebracht (SERS-Label) und dann untersucht. Die SERS-Spektren der SERS-Label zeigten intensive und für jeden Marker charakteristische SERS-Signale. Für immuno-SERS-Experimente wurde dann SEMA3 mit einer hydrophilen Schwanzeinheit versehen. Dieser Marker wurde wiederum auf eine Au/Ag-Hohlkugel aufgebracht und an den hydrophilen Schwanzeinheiten mit einer Silikatschicht überzogen. Anschließend wurde zusätzlich ein anti-p63 Antikörper aufgebracht, um den Tumorsuppressor p63 zu detektieren, der vor allem in gutartigen Prostata-Gewebe vorkommt. Mit dem SERS-markierten Antikörper konnte an Prostata-Gewebe p63 im Basal-Epithel nachgewiesen werden. Diese Untersuchungen zeigen das Potential dieser Methode zum gleichzeitigen Nachweis verschiedener Biomoleküle in einem Multiplexing Experiment. KW - Gold KW - Nanopartikel KW - Chromophor KW - Gold Nanopartikel KW - Triarylamine KW - intervalence charge transfer KW - SERS KW - Raman KW - Gold Nanoparticles KW - triarylamine KW - intervalence charge transfer KW - SERS KW - Raman Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57657 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mühlhäuser, M. A1 - Froudakis, G. A1 - Zdetsis, A. A1 - Engels, Bernd A1 - Flytzanis, N. A1 - Peyerimhoff, S. D. T1 - Ab initio investigation of the stability of Si\(_3\)C<\(_3\) clusters and their structural and bonding features N2 - Various structural possibilities for Si\(_3\)C\(_3\) clusters are investigated by ab initio calculations employing basis sets of double- and triple-zeta quality augmented by d polarization functions. Correlation effects are included by a second-order Moeller Piesset perturbation treatment. For the two lowest-lying structures higher-order correlation corrections and multi-reference effects are also included. Bonding features are investigated by two different types of population analyses to obtain insight into the nature of chemical bonding. A total of 17 stationary points were investigated, 14 of which correspond to local minima and three being transition states. The energetically lowest-lying structures are: A "pyramidlike" structure with various multicenter bonds, followed by a es symmetric isomer closely related to the ground state Si6 structure. Planar structures, favoured in small carbon clusters, lie higher in energy and are transition states. The lowest-lying triplet system is found to be the linear nonsymmetric Si - C-C-C-Si -Si structure, which is calculated to lie about 38 kcalfmole above the singlet ground state. A building-up principle based on bonding criteria is suggested for the occurence of the various structural possibilities. KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59060 ER - TY - THES A1 - Musch, Patrick T1 - Large-Scale Applications of Multi-Reference Methods in Chemistry and Development of a Multi-Reference Moller-Plesset Perturbation Theory Program T1 - Anwendung von Multireferenz-Methoden in der Chemie und Entwicklung eines Multireferenz Moller-Plesset-Störungstheorie-Programmes N2 - The first part of this work focuses on the characterization of systems which complex electronic structures require the application of multi-reference methods. The anti-tumor efficacy of the natural product Neocarzinostatin is based on the formation of diradicals and causes DNA cleavage and finally cytolysis. Computations on model systems performed in the present work show the influence of structural features on the mode of action and the efficacy of this antitumor-antibiotic. The cyclization of systems related to the enyne-cumulene framework like the enyne-allenes was investigated earlier and relations to the more unusual class of enyne-ketenes are analyzed. The class of enyne-ketenes (and also the enyne-allenes) show a broad spectrum of possible intermediates (diradicals, zwitterions, allenes). The electronic structures of these intermediates are also possible for the (heteroatom substituted) 1,2,4-cyclohexatriene and a model for their energetic sequence based on high-level multi-reference computations is proposed. In all three projects the application of multi-reference approaches is necessary to obtain a comprehensive picture of the reactivity and electronic structure but also shows up the limits inherently existing in the currently available programs with respect to the size of the molecules. In the second part, algorithms for a multi-reference Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MR-MP2) program, designed to perform large-scale computations, were developed and implemented. The MR-MP2 approach represents the most cost-effective multireference ansatz and requires an efficient evaluation of the Hamilton matrix for which an algorithm is designed to instantly recognize only non-vanishing matrix elements and to employ the recurring interaction patterns of the Hamilton matrix. The direct construction of the Hamilton matrix is additionally parallelized to work on cluster environments. N2 - Der erste Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Charakterisierung von Systemen, deren komplexe elektronische Struktur die Anwendung von Multireferenz-Methoden erfordert. Die Antitumor-Wirkung des Naturstoffes Neocarzinostatin beruht auf der Bildung von Diradikalen und führt zur Spaltung der DNS und löst den Zelltod aus. Berechnungen an Modellsystemen zeigen den Einfluss der Strukturmotive auf die Wirkungsweise und die Wirksamkeit des Antitumor-Antibiotikums. Die Cyclisierung von Systemen, wie die Eninallene, die dem Enincumulen-Grundgerüst des aktivierten Neocarzinostatin-Chromophors verwandt sind, wurden schon in früheren Arbeiten untersucht und die Verwandtschaft zur ungewöhnlicheren Substanzklasse der Eninketene wird in dieser Arbeit analysiert. Diese Verbindungsklasse und die der Eninallene zeigen ein breites Spektrum an möglichen Intermediaten, wie Diradikale, Carbene, Zwitterionen und Allene, deren elektronische Strukturen auch bei (heterosubstituierten) 1,2,4 Cyclohexatrienen auftreten. Für diese Verbindungen wird ein Modell für die energetische Abfolge der elektronischen Strukturen auf Basis von hochwertigen Multireferenz-Rechnungen vorgeschlagen. In den drei aufgeführten Projekten ist die Anwendung von Multireferenz-Ansätzen notwendig um ein umfassendes Bild der Reaktivitäten und elektronischen Strukturen zu erhalten, zeigen im Hinblick auf große Moleküle aber auch die inhärenten Grenzen in den zur Zeit verfügbaren Programme auf. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden Algorithmen für ein Multireferenz-Moller-Plesset-Störungstheorie-Programmes (MR-MP2) entwickelt und implementiert. Der MR-MP2-Ansatz stellt den effizientesten Multireferenz-Ansatz dar und setzt eine geschickte und schnelle Berechnung der Hamilton-Matrix voraus. Hierfür ist ein Algorithmus konzipiert worden, der zum einen verschwindende Matrixelemente sofort erkennt und die sich wiederholenden Muster innerhalb der Hamilton-Matrix zu Nutze macht. Die Konstruktion der Hamilton-Matrix für das direkte Verfahren ist zudem für Clusterumgebungen parallelisiert. KW - Theoretische Chemie KW - Organische Chemie KW - Multireferenz KW - Moller-Plesset KW - Antitumor-Antibiotikum KW - Theoretical Chemistry KW - Organic Chemistry KW - Multi Reference KW - Moller-Plesset KW - Antitumor-antibitioc Y1 - 2003 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7741 ER - TY - THES A1 - Mufusama Koy Sita, Jean-Pierre T1 - Quality Assessment of Antimalarial Medicines Sold in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Phytochemical Investigations on a Congolese Ancistrocladus Liana T1 - Qualitätsbewertung der in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo vermarkteten Malariamittel sowie phytochemische Untersuchung einer kongolesichen Ancistracladus-Liane N2 - Nowadays, the management of infectious diseases is especially threatened by the rapid emergence of drug resistance. It has been suggested that the medicine quality assurance combined with good medication adherence may help to reduce this impendence. Moreover, the search for new antimicrobial agents from medicinal plants is strongly encouraged for the exploration of alternatives to existing therapies. In this context, the present work focused on both the quality evaluation of commercialized antimalarial medicines from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and on the phytochemical investigations of a Congolese Ancistrocladus species. N2 - Heute ist die Behandlung von Infektionskrankheiten besonders durch das schnelle Auftreten von Arzneimittelresistenzen bedroht. Es wurde vorgeschlagen, dass eine gute Arzneimittelqualitätssicherung in Verbindung mit einer sicheren Medikamentenhaftung dazu beitragen kann, dieser Gefahr entgegenzuwirken. Darüber hinaus wird unter anderem die Suche nach neuen antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen aus Heilpflanzen dringend empfohlen, um nach Alternativen zu bestehenden Therapien Ausschau zu halten. In diesem Zusammenhang konzentrierte sich die vorliegende Arbeit sowohl auf die Qualitätsbewertung der in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo (DR Kongo) vermarkteten Malariamittel, als auch auf die phytochemische Untersuchung einer kongolesischen Ancistrocladus-Art. ... KW - artemether - lumefantrine KW - amodiaquine KW - Congolese Ancistrocladus plants KW - Quality assessment of antimalarial medicines from the Congo KW - Phytochemical investigations of a Congolese Ancistrocladus Liana KW - substandard and falsified medicines from the Congo KW - impurity profiling KW - capillary zone electrophoresis KW - naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids KW - Antimalariamittel KW - Demokratische Republik Kongo KW - Ancistrocladaceae KW - Phytochemie Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192382 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mufusama, Jean-Pierre A1 - Feineis, Doris A1 - Mudogo, Virima A1 - Kaiser, Marcel A1 - Brun, Reto A1 - Bringmann, Gerhard T1 - Antiprotozoal dimeric naphthylisoquinolines, mbandakamines B\(_3\) and B\(_4\), and related 5,8′-coupled monomeric alkaloids, ikelacongolines A–D, from a Congolese Ancistrocladus liana JF - RSC Advances N2 - From the leaves of a botanically and phytochemically as yet unexplored Ancistrocladus liana discovered in the rainforests of the Central region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the vicinity of the town of Ikela, six new naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids were isolated, viz., two constitutionally unsymmetric dimers, the mbandakamines B\(_3\) (3) and B\(_4\) (4), and four related 5,8′-linked monomeric alkaloids, named ikelacongolines A–D (5a, 5b, 6, and 7). The dimers 3 and 4 are structurally unusual quateraryls comprising two 5,8′-coupled monomers linked via a sterically strongly constrained 6′,1′′-connection between their naphthalene units. These compounds contain seven elements of chirality, four stereogenic centers and three consecutive chiral axes. They were identified along with two known related compounds, the mbandakamines A (1) and B\(_2\) (2), which had so far only been detected in two Ancistrocladus species indigenous to the Northwestern Congo Basin. In addition, five known monomeric alkaloids, previously found in related Central African Ancistrocladus species, were isolated from the here investigated Congolese liana, three of them belonging to the subclass of 5,8′-coupled naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids, whereas two compounds exhibited a less frequently occurring 7,8′-biaryl linkage. The stereostructures of the new alkaloids were established by spectroscopic (in particular HRESIMS, 1D and 2D NMR), chemical (oxidative degradation), and chiroptical (electronic circular dichroism) methods. The mbandakamines B\(_3\) (3) and B\(_4\) (4) displayed pronounced activities in vitro against the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and the pathogen of African sleeping sickness, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. KW - chemistry Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201141 VL - 9 IS - 21 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mueller, Stefan A1 - Lüttig, Julian A1 - Malý, Pavel A1 - Ji, Lei A1 - Han, Jie A1 - Moos, Michael A1 - Marder, Todd B. A1 - Bunz, Uwe H. F. A1 - Dreuw, Andreas A1 - Lambert, Christoph A1 - Brixner, Tobias T1 - Rapid multiple-quantum three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy disentangles quantum pathways JF - Nature Communications N2 - Coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy is a powerful tool for probing ultrafast quantum dynamics in complex systems. Several variants offer different types of information but typically require distinct beam geometries. Here we introduce population-based three-dimensional (3D) electronic spectroscopy and demonstrate the extraction of all fourth- and multiple sixth-order nonlinear signal contributions by employing 125-fold (1⨯5⨯5⨯5) phase cycling of a four-pulse sequence. Utilizing fluorescence detection and shot-to-shot pulse shaping in single-beam geometry, we obtain various 3D spectra of the dianion of TIPS-tetraazapentacene, a fluorophore with limited stability at ambient conditions. From this, we recover previously unknown characteristics of its electronic two-photon state. Rephasing and nonrephasing sixth-order contributions are measured without additional phasing that hampered previous attempts using noncollinear geometries. We systematically resolve all nonlinear signals from the same dataset that can be acquired in 8 min. The approach is generalizable to other incoherent observables such as external photoelectrons, photocurrents, or photoions. KW - Atomic and molecular interactions with photons KW - Optical spectroscopy Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202529 VL - 10 ER - TY - THES A1 - Mladenovic, Milena T1 - Theoretical Investigation into the Inhibition of Cystein Proteases T1 - Theoretische Untersuchung der Inhibierung von Cysteinproteasen N2 - Although known about and investigated since the late 1970’s, the picture of the basic principles governing inhibitor strengths and the structure-activity relationships of the cysteine protease inhibition mechanism is still very incomplete. Computational approaches can be a very useful tool for investigating such questions, as they allow the inspection of single, specific effects in isolation from all others, in a manner very difficult to achieve experimentally. The ab initio treatments of such large systems like proteins are still not feasible. However, there is a vast number of computational approaches capable of dealing with protein structures with reasonable accuracy. This work presents a summary of theoretical investigations into cysteine protease cathepsin B using a range of methods. We have concentrated on the investigation of cysteine protease inhibition by epoxide- and aziridine-based inhibitors in order to obtain better insight into these important topics. Various model systems are simulated by means of pure quantum mechanical methods and by hybrid (QM/MM) methods. Both approaches provide a static picture. Dynamical effects are then accounted for by additional molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, using both classical and QM/MM MD approaches. The quantum mechanical approach was used to study very small model systems consisting only of the electrophilic warhead of the inhibitor (both substitituted and not) and molecular moieties simulating a very simplified protein active site (methylthiolate instead of Cys29 and methylimidazolium instead of His199 residue) and solvent surroundings (two waters or two ammonium ions, in combination with a continuum solvent model). Although simple, such a system provides a good description of the most important interactions involved in the inhibition reaction. It also allows investigation of the influence of the properties of the electrophilic warhead on the reaction rate. Beside the properties of the electrophilic warhead, the protein and solvent environment is also an important factor in the irreversible deactivation of the enzyme active site by the inhibitor. The non-covalent interactions of the inhibitor with the oxyanion hole and other subsites of the enzyme, as well as its interaction with the solvent molecules, need to be explicitly taken into account in the calculations, because of their possible impact on the reaction profile. As molecular modeling methods allow the treatment of such large systems, but lack the possibility of describing covalent interactions, our method of choice was the combined quantum mechanics/molecular modeling approach. By splitting the system into a smaller part that undergoes the bond cleavage/formation process and must be treated quantum mechanically, and a larger part, comprised of the rest of the protein, which could be treated using force fields, we managed to simulate the system at the desired precision. Our investigations concentrated on the role of His199 in the inhibition mechanism as well as on the structure-reactivity relationships between cysteine protease and various inhibitors, yielding new insight into the kinetics, regio- and stereospecificity of the inhibition. In particular, our calculations provide the following insights: i.) an explanation for the regioselectivity of the reaction, and original insight into which interactions affect the stereoselectivity; ii.) a clear model which explains the known structure-activity relationships and connects these effects with the pH-dependency of the inhibition; iii.) our computations question the generally accepted two-step model by showing that substituent effects accelerate the irreversible step to such an extent that the achievement of an equilibrium in the first step is doubtful; iv.) by way of theoretical characterizations of aziridine models, the reasons for similarities and differences in the mode of action of epoxide- and aziridine-based inhibitors are elucidated; and finally, v.) combining our results with experimental knowledge will allow rational design of new inhibitors. To account for dynamical effects as well, molecular dynamics (MD) computations were also performed. In these calculations the potential energy was computed at the force field level. The results not only supported and clarified the QM/MM results, but comparison with previous X-ray structures helped correct existing errors in the available geometrical models and resolved inconsistencies in the weighting of various factors governing the inhibition. In the work the first QM/MM MD calculations on the active site of the cysteine proteases are presented. In contrast to the MD simulations, these calculations used potential energies computed at the QM/MM-level. With the help of these computations we sought to address strongly disputed questions about the reasons for the existence of the active site ion pair and its role in the high activity of the enzyme. N2 - Obwohl bereits seit den späten 70ern bekannt und untersucht, ist das Bild über die grundsätzlichen Prinzipien, welche die Wirksamkeit der Inhibition und die Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehungen (SAB) der Cysteinprotease-Hemmmechanismen beeinflussen, immer noch sehr unvollständig. In dieser Arbeit wurden quantenmechanische (QM), molekulardynamische (MD) und gemischte quantenmechanische/molekularmechanische (QM/MM) Berechnungen durchgeführt, um die irreversible Inaktivierung des Enzyms durch den Inhibitor, zu untersuchen. Die Stärke von computergestützten Verfahren liegt in der Möglichkeit, den Einfluss einzelner spezifischer Effekte durch das Ausblenden von Umgebungseffekten zu untersuchen. Diese Herangehensweise ist nur sehr schwer im Experiment zu erreichen. Die quantenmechanische Methode wurde benutzt, um sehr kleine Modellsysteme zu untersuchen, welche lediglich aus dem elektrophilen Kerngerüst des Inhibitors und einigen, das aktive Zentrum im Protein vereinfachend darstellenden, Molekülen bestanden. Die Solvensumgebung wurde durch zwei explizite Wassermoleküle und zwei Ammoniumionen in Kombination mit einem Kontinuum-Solvensmodell berücksichtigt. Ein solches vereinfachtes System liefert bereits eine gute Beschreibung der meisten wichtigen Wechselwirkungen während der Inhibierungsreaktion. Es erlaubt die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Eigenschaften des elektrophilen „Warheads“ auf den Reaktionsverlauf. Neben den Eigenschaften des elektrophilen „Warheads“ ist sowohl die Protein- als auch die Solvensumgebung von großer Bedeutung für die irreversible Deaktivierung des aktiven Zentrums des Enzyms durch den Inhibitor. Aufgrund eines möglichen Einflusses auf das Reaktionsprofil müssen Solvensmoleküle sowie die nicht-kovalenten Wechselwirkungen des Inhibitors mit dem Oxyanionloch und anderen Nebenbindungstellen des Enzyms explizit behandelt werden. Berücksichtigt man, dass nur molekularmechanische Methoden eine Behandlung von solch großen Systeme erlauben, im Gegenzug aber nicht in der Lage sind, kovalente Wechselwirkungen zu beschreiben, so wurde als Methode der Wahl ein kombinierter QM/MM Ansatz gewählt. Durch das Aufteilen des Gesamtsystems in einen kleinen Bereich, der die Bindungsspaltung- und Bindungsbildungsreaktionen beinhaltet (mit QM behandelt), und in einen großen Teil, welcher den Rest des Proteins umfasst (mit MM behandelt), waren wir in der Lage, das System mit gewünschter Genauigkeit zu simulieren. In den Kapiteln 3.2.2 bis 3.2.4 werden die Struktur-Reaktivitäts-Beziehungen (SRB) zwischen der Cysteinprotease und verschiedenen Inhibitoren vorgestellt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die SRB eine entscheidende Rolle in Kinetik, Regio- und Stereoselektivität der Inhibierung spielen. Um auch die dynamischen Effekte im Anspruch zu nehmen, wurden klassische molekulardynamische (MD) Simulationen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Berechnungen haben nicht nur unterstützt und die QM/MM Ergebnisse näher erklärt, sondern auch durch der Vergleich mit bereits bestehenden Röntgenstrukturen verschiedener Cysteineprotease-Inhibitor-Komplexen geholfen, Fehler in vorhandenen Proteinkristallstrukturen zu korrigieren. Somit wurden Widersprüche in der Bewertung verschiedener Funktionen, die die Inhibierungsreaktion bestimmen, aufgelöst (Kapitel 3.2.5). In der Arbeit werden auch die ersten QM/MM MD Berechnungen vom aktiven Zentrum der Cysteineprotease vorgestellt. Im Kontrast zu den klassischen MD Simulationen, wird in diesen Untersuchungen die potentielle Energie auf dem QM/MM Theorieniveau berechnet. Hier haben wir versucht die stark umstrittene Frage über die Gründe für das Vorhandensein des aktiven Zentrums als His199+/Cys29- Ion-paar und seine Rolle für die hohe Aktivität des Enzyms zu beantworten. KW - Quantenchemie KW - Quantum mechanics / molecular modeling KW - Molecular dynamics Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-25763 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mieczkowski, Mateusz A1 - Steinmetzger, Christian A1 - Bessi, Irene A1 - Lenz, Ann-Kathrin A1 - Schmiedel, Alexander A1 - Holzapfel, Marco A1 - Lambert, Christoph A1 - Pena, Vladimir A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - Large Stokes shift fluorescence activation in an RNA aptamer by intermolecular proton transfer to guanine JF - Nature Communications N2 - Fluorogenic RNA aptamers are synthetic functional RNAs that specifically bind and activate conditional fluorophores. The Chili RNA aptamer mimics large Stokes shift fluorescent proteins and exhibits high affinity for 3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxybenzylidene imidazolone (DMHBI) derivatives to elicit green or red fluorescence emission. Here, we elucidate the structural and mechanistic basis of fluorescence activation by crystallography and time-resolved optical spectroscopy. Two co-crystal structures of the Chili RNA with positively charged DMHBO+ and DMHBI+ ligands revealed a G-quadruplex and a trans-sugar-sugar edge G:G base pair that immobilize the ligand by π-π stacking. A Watson-Crick G:C base pair in the fluorophore binding site establishes a short hydrogen bond between the N7 of guanine and the phenolic OH of the ligand. Ultrafast excited state proton transfer (ESPT) from the neutral chromophore to the RNA was found with a time constant of 130 fs and revealed the mode of action of the large Stokes shift fluorogenic RNA aptamer. KW - RNA KW - optical spectroscopy KW - structural biology KW - X-ray crystallography Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270274 VL - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mieczkowski, Mateusz A1 - Steinmetzger, Christian A1 - Bessi, Irene A1 - Lenz, Ann-Kathrin A1 - Schmiedel, Alexander A1 - Holzapfel, Marco A1 - Lambert, Christoph A1 - Pena, Vladimir A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - Large Stokes shift fluorescence activation in an RNA aptamer by intermolecular proton transfer to guanine JF - Nature Communications N2 - Fluorogenic RNA aptamers are synthetic functional RNAs that specifically bind and activate conditional fluorophores. The Chili RNA aptamer mimics large Stokes shift fluorescent proteins and exhibits high affinity for 3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxybenzylidene imidazolone (DMHBI) derivatives to elicit green or red fluorescence emission. Here, we elucidate the structural and mechanistic basis of fluorescence activation by crystallography and time-resolved optical spectroscopy. Two co-crystal structures of the Chili RNA with positively charged DMHBO+ and DMHBI+ ligands revealed a G-quadruplex and a trans-sugar-sugar edge G:G base pair that immobilize the ligand by π-π stacking. A Watson-Crick G:C base pair in the fluorophore binding site establishes a short hydrogen bond between the N7 of guanine and the phenolic OH of the ligand. Ultrafast excited state proton transfer (ESPT) from the neutral chromophore to the RNA was found with a time constant of 130 fs and revealed the mode of action of the large Stokes shift fluorogenic RNA aptamer. KW - Fluorogenic RNA Aptamers KW - Synthetic Functional RNAs KW - Chili RNA Aptamer KW - Co-Crystal Structures of Chili RNA KW - RNA KW - Optical Spectroscopy KW - Structural Biology KW - X-ray Crystallography Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-254527 VL - 12 ER - TY - THES A1 - Michail, Evripidis T1 - Design and Development of a Two-Photon Absorption Induced Fluorescence Spectrometer and the Investigation of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Chromophores T1 - Aufbau und Entwicklung eines Zwei-Photonen-Absorptions-induzierten Fluoreszenzspektrometers und Untersuchung der nichtlinearen optischen Eigenschaften organischer Chromophore N2 - Main objectives of the present dissertation can be divided in two parts. The first part deals with setting up a spectroscopic technique for reliable and accurate measurements of the two-photon absorption (2PA) cross section spectra. In the second part, this firmly established experimental technique together with conventional spectroscopic characterization, quantum-chemical computations and theoretical modelling calculations was combined and therefore used as a tool to gain information for the so-called structure-property relationship through several molecular compounds. N2 - Die Hauptziele der vorliegenden Dissertation lassen sich in zwei Teile gliedern. Der erste Teil befasst sich mit dem Aufbau einer spektroskopischen Technik zur zuverlässigen und genauen Messung der Zwei-Photonen-Absorptionsquerschnittsspektren (2PA). Im zweiten Teil wurde diese fest etablierte experimentelle Technik zusammen mit konventioneller spektroskopischer Charakterisierung, quantenchemischen Berechnungen und theoretischen Modellrechnungen kombiniert und damit als Werkzeug genutzt, um über mehrere molekulare Verbindungen Informationen für die sogenannte Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehung zu gewinnen. KW - Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials KW - Two-photon absorption KW - Spectroscopy KW - Non-linear optics KW - Fluoreszenzspektrometer KW - Zweiphotonenabsorption Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242185 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Meza-Chincha, Ana-Lucia A1 - Lindner, Joachim O. A1 - Schindler, Dorothee A1 - Schmidt, David A1 - Krause, Ana-Maria A1 - Röhr, Merle I. S. A1 - Mitrić, Roland A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Impact of substituents on molecular properties and catalytic activities of trinuclear Ru macrocycles in water oxidation N2 - Herein we report a broad series of new trinuclear supramolecular Ru(bda) macrocycles bearing different substituents at the axial or equatorial ligands which enabled investigation of substituent effects on the catalytic activities in chemical and photocatalytic water oxidation. Our detailed investigations revealed that the activities of these functionalized macrocycles in water oxidation are significantly affected by the position at which the substituents were introduced. Interestingly, this effect could not be explained based on the redox properties of the catalysts since these are not markedly influenced by the functionalization of the ligands. Instead, detailed investigations by X-ray crystal structure analysis and theoretical simulations showed that conformational changes imparted by the substituents are responsible for the variation of catalytic activities of the Ru macrocycles. For the first time, macrocyclic structure of this class of water oxidation catalysts is unequivocally confirmed and experimental indication for a hydrogen-bonded water network present in the cavity of the macrocycles is provided by crystal structure analysis. We ascribe the high catalytic efficiency of our Ru(bda) macrocycles to cooperative proton abstractions facilitated by such a network of preorganized water molecules in their cavity, which is reminiscent of catalytic activities of enzymes at active sites. KW - water oxidation KW - self-assembly KW - solar fuels KW - supramolecular materials KW - catalysis Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204653 UR - https://doi.org/10.1039/D0SC01097A SN - 2041-6539 ER - TY - THES A1 - Meza Chincha, Ana Lucia T1 - Catalytic Water Oxidation with Functionalized Ruthenium Macrocycles T1 - Katalytische Wasseroxidation mit funktionalisierten Ruthenium Makrozyklen N2 - In light of the rapidly increasing global demand of energy and the negative effects of climate change, innovative solutions that allow an efficient transition to a carbon-neutral economy are urgently needed. In this context, artificial photosynthesis is emerging as a promising technology to enable the storage of the fluctuating energy of sunlight in chemical bonds of transportable “solar fuels”. Thus, in recent years much efforts have been devoted to the development of robust water oxidation catalysts (WOCs) leading to the discovery of the highly reactive Ru(bda) (bda: 2,2’-bipyridine-6,6’-dicarboxylic acid) catalyst family. The aim of this thesis was the study of chemical and photocatalytic water oxidation with functionalized Ruthenium macrocycles to explore the impact of substituents on molecular properties and catalytic activities of trinuclear macrocyclic Ru(bda) catalysts. A further objective of this thesis comprises the elucidation of factors that influence the light-driven water oxidation process with this novel class of supramolecular WOCs. N2 - Innovative Ansätze zur Ermöglichung eines effizienten Übergangs zur CO2-Neutralität werden angesichts der schnell steigenden Nachfrage nach Energie und der negativen Effekte des Klimawandels dringend gesucht. In diesem Zusammenhang hat das Konzept der künstlichen Photosynthese in den letzten Jahren für besondere Aufmerksamkeit gesorgt. In dieser Hinsicht erscheinen in 2009 erstmals beschriebenen Ru(bda) (bda: 2,2’-bipyridin-6,6’-dicarbonsäure) Wasseroxidationskatalysatoren besonders vielversprechend. Das Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit war die Untersuchung von funktionalisierten Ruthenium Makrozyklen in der chemischen und photokatalytischen Wasseroxidation, um den Einfluss der Substituenten in den Liganden auf molekulare Eigenschaften und katalytische Aktivitäten der Makrozyklen zu analysieren. Des Weiteren sollten Faktoren identifiziert werden, welche Einfluss auf die Effizienz der Photokatalyse mit dieser neuartigen Klasse von supramolekularen Katalysatoren ausüben. KW - Rutheniumkomplexe KW - Ruthenium complexes KW - Supramolekulare Chemie KW - Katalyse KW - Wasser KW - metallosupramolecular chemistry KW - catalysis KW - water oxidation KW - Oxidation KW - Wasseroxidation KW - Metallosupramolekulare Chemie Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-209620 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Metropoulos, B. A1 - Engels, Bernd A1 - Peyerimhoff, S.D. T1 - On the chemi-ionization reaction O + CH ----> HCO\(^+\)+ e\(^-\). Coollinear O-CH Approach N2 - We have investigated theoretically the importance of the O(\(^3\)P)+CH(a\(^4\sum^-\)) and the O(\(^3\)P)+CH(X\(^2\Pi\)) channels in the collinear chemi-ionization reaction O+CH->HCO\(^+\) +e\(^-\). We have found that both channels may lead to chemi-ionization via favorable Franck-Condon overlaps with the states ofthe ionic species. KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 1993 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-58963 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Messi, Bernadette Biloa A1 - Ndjoko-Ioset, Karine A1 - Hertlein-Amslinger, Barbara A1 - Lannang, Alain Meli A1 - Nkengfack, Augustin E. A1 - Wolfender, Jean-Luc A1 - Hostettmann, Kurt A1 - Bringmann, Gerhard T1 - Preussianone, a New Flavanone-Chromone Biflavonoid from Garcinia preussii Engl. JF - Molecules N2 - A new flavanone-chromone biflavonoid, preussianone (1), has been isolated from the leaves of Garcinia preussii, along with four known biflavonoids. The absolute stereostructures were elucidated by chemical, spectroscopic, and chiroptical methods. The biological properties of the new biflavonoid against several bacterial strains were evaluated. KW - multiflora KW - minimal inhibitory concentration KW - absolute configuration KW - circular dichroism KW - C-13 NMR KW - guttiferae KW - flavenoids KW - extractives KW - biflavanoids KW - livingstonei KW - high-temperature NMR KW - antibacterial activity KW - Garcinia biflavonoids Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130881 VL - 17 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Merz, Viktor A1 - Merz, Julia A1 - Kirchner, Maximilian A1 - Lenhart, Julian A1 - Marder, Todd B. A1 - Krueger, Anke T1 - Pyrene-Based "Turn-Off" Probe with Broad Detection Range for Cu\(^{2+}\), Pb\(^{2+}\) and Hg\(^{2+}\) Ions JF - Chemistry—A European Journal N2 - Detection of metals in different environments with high selectivity and specificity is one of the prerequisites of the fight against environmental pollution with these elements. Pyrenes are well suited for the fluorescence sensing in different media. The applied sensing principle typically relies on the formation of intra- and intermolecular excimers, which is however limiting the sensitivity range due to masking of e. g. quenching effects by the excimer emission. Herein we report a highly selective, structurally rigid chemical sensor based on the monomer fluorescence of pyrene moieties bearing triazole groups. This sensor can quantitatively detect Cu\(^{2+}\), Pb\(^{2+}\) and Hg\(^{2+}\) in organic solvents over a broad concentrations range, even in the presence of ubiquitous ions such as Na\(^{+}\), K\(^{+}\), Ca\(^{2+}\) and Mg\(^{2+}\). The strongly emissive sensor's fluorescence with a long lifetime of 165 ns is quenched by a 1 : 1 complex formation upon addition of metal ions in acetonitrile. Upon addition of a tenfold excess of the metal ion to the sensor, agglomerates with a diameter of about 3 nm are formed. Due to complex interactions in the system, conventional linear correlations are not observed for all concentrations. Therefore, a critical comparison between the conventional Job plot interpretation, the method of Benesi-Hildebrand, and a non-linear fit is presented. The reported system enables the specific and robust sensing of medically and environmentally relevant ions in the health-relevant nM range and could be used e. g. for the monitoring of the respective ions in waste streams. KW - probes KW - fluorescence spectroscopy KW - pyrene KW - heavy metals KW - luminescence Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-256803 VL - 27 IS - 31 ER - TY - THES A1 - Merz, Viktor T1 - Funktionalisierung und Untersuchung von Nanodiamanten für biomedizinische und sensorische Anwendungen T1 - Functionalization and Investigation of Nanodiamonds for Biomedical and Sensor Applications N2 - Nanodiamant (ND) ist ein vielseitiges und vielversprechendes Material für Bio-Anwendungen. Trotz vieler Bemühungen bleibt die Agglomeration von Nanodiamant und die unspezifische Adsorption von Proteinen an der ND-Oberfläche bei Kontakt mit Bioflüssigkeiten ein großes Hindernis für biomedizinische Anwendungen. Eine Auswahl verzweigter und linearer Moleküle mit überlegener Fähigkeit zur kolloidalen Stabilisierung von Nanopartikeln in Salz- und Zellmedienumgebung, für bis zu 30 Tage, wurde an die ND-Oberfläche angebracht. Das Baukastensystem mit Azid als Außengruppen bietet eine große Vielfalt an Bindungen mit vielen Molekülen, wie z. B. Medikamenten, Farbstoffen oder Targeting-Molekülen. Das Anhängen von z. B. Zwitterionen an die Kette schützt die ND-Oberfläche vor der Bildung einer Proteinkorona, wenn die Partikel mit proteinhaltigen Bioflüssigkeiten in Kontakt kommen. Die Ergebnisse der thermogravimetrischen Analyse der Beladung der ND-Oberfläche zeigen eine signifikante Verhinderung der Proteinadsorption von bis zu 98 % im Vergleich zu NDs ohne zwitterionische Kopfgruppen und eine lange kolloidale Stabilität, wenn Tetraethylenglykol (TEG) an die Oberfläche gebunden wird. Die Vielseitigkeit des modularen Systems, um nicht nur zwitterionische Ketten, sondern auch klickbare funktionelle Moleküle an fluoreszierende Nanodiamanten (fNDs) zu binden, zeigt das Potenzial des Systems am Nanodiamanten. Unter Verwendung von Defektstrukturen, wie Stickstoff-Vakanz-Zentren (NV), können Diamantpartikel aufgrund ihres weitgehend ungiftigen Verhaltens als fluoreszierende Nanodiamanten (fNDs) für photostabile Markierung, Bioimaging und nanoskalige Sensorik in lebenden Zellen und Organismen verwendet werden. Um die fND-Oberfläche zu funktionalisieren, wurde eine neuartige Mahltechnik mit Diazoniumsalzen etabliert, um ein Pfropfen auf wenig reaktive HPHT-fNDs durchzuführen, was zu einer hohen Oberflächenbeladung und einem hohen negativen Zetapotenzial führt. Die Kombination der Vorteile von TEG und zwitterionhaltigen Gruppen mit der Fähigkeit zum Targeting von Antikörpern auf fND bestätigt zum ersten Mal die verbesserte kolloidale Stabilität in Experimenten mit lebenden Zellen. Darüber hinaus deuten die Ergebnisse auf eine verbesserte Corona-Abstoßung im Vergleich zu fND ohne zwitterionhaltige Kopfgruppen hin. Infolgedessen wurden die Zirkulationszeiten von 4 (fND ohne Zwitterionenkette, aber mit Antikörper) auf 17 (mit Antikörper und Zwitterionenketten) Stunden vergrößert. In nicht-biomedizinischen Anwendungen kann das modulare System als Sonde für Schwermetalle durch die Anbindung von Farbstoffen verwendet werden. Die Detektion von Metallen in verschiedenen Umgebungen mit hoher Selektivität und Spezifität ist eine der Voraussetzungen für den Kampf gegen die Umweltverschmutzung mit diesen Elementen. Pyrene sind gut geeignet und weit bekannt für die Fluoreszenzsensorik in verschiedenen Medien. Das angewandte Sensorprinzip beruht typischerweise auf der Bildung von intra- und intermolekularen Excimeren, was jedoch den Empfindlichkeitsbereich aufgrund der Maskierung von z.B. Quenching-Effekten durch die Excimer-Emission einschränkt. Diese Studie zeigt einen hochselektiven, strukturstabilen chemischen Sensor, der auf der monomeren Fluoreszenz von Pyrenanteilen mit Triazolgruppen basiert. Dieser Sensor kann Cu2+, Pb2+ und Hg2+ in organischen Lösungsmitteln über einen weiten Konzentrationsbereich quantitativ nachweisen, auch in Gegenwart von ubiquitären Ionen wie Na+, K+, Ca2+ und Mg2+. Die stark emittierende Fluoreszenz des Sensors mit einer langen Lebensdauer von 165 ns wird durch eine 1:1-Komplexbildung bei Zugabe von Metallionen in Acetonitril gelöscht. Bei Zugabe eines zehnfachen Überschusses des Metallions zum Sensor bilden sich Agglomerate mit einem Durchmesser von etwa 3 nm. Aufgrund der komplexen Wechselwirkungen im System werden konventionelle lineare Korrelationen nicht für alle Konzentrationen beobachtet. Daher wird ein kritischer Vergleich zwischen der konventionellen Job-Plot-Interpretation, der Methode von Benesi-Hildebrand und einem nicht-linearen Fit vorgestellt. Das vorgestellte System ermöglicht die spezifische und robuste Erfassung von medizinisch und ökologisch relevanten Ionen im gesundheitsrelevanten nM-Bereich und könnte z. B. zur Überwachung der entsprechenden Ionen in Abfallströmen eingesetzt werden. Doch häufig landen diese Abfallströme in empfindlichen Aquakulturen, wo eine solche Sensortechnik nur funktioniert, wenn die Sonde wasserlöslich ist, um die Ausbreitung und Bildung von Umweltschäden durch Schwermetalle zu überwachen. Viele Chemosensoren arbeiten nur in bestimmten Lösungsmitteln und unter hochreinen Bedingungen quantitativ. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methode zur Stabilisierung von wasserunlöslichen Chemosensoren auf Nanodiamanten in salzhaltigem Wasser unter Beibehaltung der Sensoreffektivität und -spezifität sowie der kolloidalen Stabilität vorgestellt. Zusätzlich wird die Sensorfähigkeit in organischen Lösungsmitteln beibehalten. Diese Studie gibt Einblick in die Absorptionsfähigkeit von Pyren-Derivaten an der Nanodiamant-Oberfläche und einen Weg, diese reversibel zu desorbieren. Außerdem beweist das System, dass in Anwesenheit von 95 % Sauerstoffatmosphäre bei der Fluoreszenzmessung die Ergebnisse nicht von denen in Argonatmosphäre abweichen. Darüber hinaus stört das Vorhandensein gängiger Ionen im Wasser die kolloidale Stabilität der NDs nicht und hat auch keinen Einfluss auf die Sensorfunktionalität und ist somit ein vielversprechender Kandidat für Messungen ohne aufwändige Präparationsschritte. N2 - Nanodiamond (ND) is a versatile and promising material for bio-applications. Despite many efforts, agglomeration of nanodiamond and the non-specific adsorption of proteins on the ND surface when exposed to bio-fluids remains a major obstacle for biomedical applications. An assortment of branched and linear molecules with superior ability to colloidally stabilize nanoparticles in salt and cell media environment, for up to 30 days, was attached to the ND’s surface. The building box system with azide as external groups offers a huge variety of binding with many molecules, such as drugs, dyes or targeting molecules, is possible. Clicking, for instance, zwitterions moieties to the chain protects ND surface from protein corona forming when the particles get in contact with biofluids containing proteins. Thermogravimetric analysis results of the ND surface loading show a significant prevention of up to 98 % of the protein adsorption compared with NDs without zwitterionic headgroups and long colloidal stability when tetraethylene glycol (TEG) are attached to the surface. The versatility of the modular system to bind not only zwitterionic chains but also clickable functional molecules to fluorescent nanodiamonds (fNDs) demonstrates the potential of the system at the nanodiamond. Using defect structures, such as nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, diamond particles, due to their widely non-toxic behavior, can be used as fNDs for photostable labeling, bioimaging and nanoscale sensing in living cells and organisms. To functionalize the fND surface a novel milling technique with diazonium salts was established to perform grafting on poorly reactive HPHT fNDs yielding in high surface loading and high negative zeta potential. Combining the benefits of TEG and zwitterion containing groups with antibody enabled nucleus targeting ability on fND confirms the enhanced colloidal stability in living cells experiments for the first time. Furthermore, the results indicate an improved corona repulsion compared with fND without zwitterion containing headgroups. As a result, the circulation times were enlarged from 4 (fND without zwitterion chain but with antibody) to 17 (with antibody and zwitterion chains) hours. In non-biomedical applications, the modular system can be used as a probe for heavy metals by binding it to dyes. Detection of metals in different environments with high selectivity and specificity is one of the prerequisites of the fight against environmental pollution with these elements. Pyrenes are well suited and known for fluorescence sensing in different media. The applied sensing principle typically relies on the formation of intra- and intermolecular excimers, which is however limiting the sensitivity range due to masking of e.g. quenching effects by the excimer emission. This study shows a highly selective, structurally rigid chemical sensor based on the monomer fluorescence of pyrene moieties bearing triazole groups. This probe can quantitatively detect Cu2+, Pb2+ and Hg2+ in organic solvents over a broad concentration range, even in the presence of ubiquitous ions such as Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+. The strongly emissive sensor’s fluorescence with a long lifetime of 165 ns is quenched by a 1:1 complex formation upon addition of metal ions in acetonitrile. Upon addition of a tenfold excess of the metal ion to the sensor, agglomerates with a diameter of about 3 nm are formed. Due to complex interactions in the system, conventional linear correlations are not observed for all concentrations. Therefore, a critical comparison between the conventional Job plot interpretation, the method of Benesi-Hildebrand, and a non-linear fit is presented. The reported system enables the specific and robust sensing of medically and environmentally relevant ions in the health-relevant nM range and could be used e.g. for the monitoring of the respective ions in waste streams. Nonetheless, often these waste streams end up in sensitive aquacultures, where such sensor technology only works if the probe is water-soluble to monitor the spread and formation of environmental damage from heavy metals. Many chemosensors only work quantitatively in specific solvents and under highly pure conditions. In this thesis a method to stabilize water-insoluble chemosensors on nanodiamonds in saline water while maintaining the sensor efficacy and specificityas as well as colloidal stability is presented. Additionally, the sensor capability is retained in organic solvents. This study provides insight into the absorptivity of pyrene derivatives to the nanodiamond surface and a way to reversibly desorb them. Moreover, the system proves that in presence of 95 % oxygen atmosphere while the fluoresce measurement the results of the do not vary from the one in argon atmosphere. Furthermore, the presence of common ions in water do not disturb the colloidal stability of the NDs and also no influence the sensor functionality and thus is highly promising candidate for measurement without cumbersome preparation steps. KW - Chemosensor KW - Nanodiamant KW - Kolloidalstabilität KW - Protein Corona KW - Targeting Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245888 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Merz, Julia A1 - Dietz, Maximilian A1 - Vonhausen, Yvonne A1 - Wöber, Frederik A1 - Friedrich, Alexandra A1 - Sieh, Daniel A1 - Krummenacher, Ivo A1 - Braunschweig, Holger A1 - Moos, Michael A1 - Holzapfel, Marco A1 - Lambert, Christoph A1 - Marder, Todd B. T1 - Synthesis, Photophysical and Electronic Properties of New Red-to-NIR Emitting Donor-Acceptor Pyrene Derivatives JF - Chemistry - A European Journal N2 - We synthesized new pyrene derivatives with strong bis(para ‐methoxyphenyl)amine donors at the 2,7‐positions and n ‐azaacene acceptors at the K‐region of pyrene. The compounds possess a strong intramolecular charge transfer, leading to unusual properties such as emission in the red to NIR region (700 nm), which has not been reported before for monomeric pyrenes. Detailed photophysical studies reveal very long intrinsic lifetimes of >100 ns for the new compounds, which is typical for 2,7‐substituted pyrenes but not for K‐region substituted pyrenes. The incorporation of strong donors and acceptors leads to very low reduction and oxidation potentials, and spectroelectrochemical studies show that the compounds are on the borderline between localized Robin‐Day class‐II and delocalized Robin‐Day class‐III species. KW - orylation KW - K-region KW - luminescence KW - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons KW - redox Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-207486 VL - 26 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Merz, Julia A1 - Dietrich, Lena A1 - Nitsch, Jörn A1 - Krummenacher, Ivo A1 - Braunschweig, Holger A1 - Moos, Michael A1 - Mims, David A1 - Lambert, Christoph A1 - Marder, Todd B. T1 - Synthesis, Photophysical and Electronic Properties of Mono‐, Di‐, and Tri‐Amino‐Substituted Ortho‐Perylenes, and Comparison to the Tetra‐Substituted Derivative JF - Chemistry – A European Journal N2 - We synthesized a series of new mono‐, di‐, tri‐ and tetra‐substituted perylene derivatives with strong bis(para‐methoxyphenyl)amine (DPA) donors at the uncommon 2,5,8,11‐positions. The properties of our new donor‐substituted perylenes were studied in detail to establish a structure‐property relationship. Interesting trends and unusual properties are observed for this series of new perylene derivatives, such as a decreasing charge transfer (CT) character with increasing number of DPA moieties and individual reversible oxidations for each DPA moiety. Thus, (DPA)‐Per possesses one reversible oxidation while (DPA)\(_{4}\)‐Per has four. The mono‐ and di‐substituted derivatives display unusually large Stokes shifts not previously reported for perylenes. Furthermore, transient absorption measurements of the new derivatives reveal an excited state with lifetimes of several hundred microseconds, which sensitizes singlet oxygen with quantum yields of up to 0.83. KW - borylation KW - intersystem crossing KW - luminescence KW - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon KW - triarylamine Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217835 VL - 26 IS - 52 SP - 12050 EP - 12059 ER - TY - THES A1 - Menekşe, Kaan T1 - Fabrication of Organic Solar Cells, Screening of Non-Fullerene Acceptors and the Investigation of their Intermolecular Interactions T1 - Herstellung von organischen Solarzellen, Screening von Nicht-Fulleren-Akzeptoren und die Untersuchung ihrer intermolekularen Wechselwirkungen N2 - In this thesis, intermolecular acceptor-acceptor interactions in organic solar cells based on new non-fullerene acceptors are addressed. For this purpose, first the reproducibility of organic electronic devices was tested on a new facility for their fabrication. This was followed by the screening for new acceptor materials. Based on this, three molecular systems were investigated with regard to their acceptor-acceptor interactions and their influence on solar cell efficiency. N2 - In der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit werden zwischenmolekulare Akzeptor-Akzeptor Wechselwirkungen in organischen Solarzellen auf Basis von neuen nichtfulleren Akzeptoren behandelt. Dazu wurde zuerst die Reproduzierbarkeit von organischen Bauteilelementen an einer neuen Anlage zur Fertigung ebendieser getestet. Anschließend erfolgte die Suche nach neuen Akzeptormaterialien. Darauf aufbauend wurden drei Molekülsysteme hinsichtlich ihrer Akzeptor-Akzeptor Wechselwirkungen und deren Einfluss auf die Solarzelleneffizienz untersucht. KW - Organische Solarzelle KW - Nicht-Fulleren Akzeptor KW - Non-Fullerene Acceptor KW - Intermolekulare Wechselwirkungen KW - Intermolecular Interactions Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-291124 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Menekse, Kaan A1 - Renner, Rebecca A1 - Mahlmeister, Bernhard A1 - Stolte, Matthias A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Bowl-shaped naphthalimide-annulated corannulene as nonfullerene acceptor in organic solar cells JF - Organic Materials N2 - An electron-poor bowl-shaped naphthalimide-annulated corannulene with branched alkyl residues in the imide position was synthesized by a palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling annulation sequence. This dipolar compound exhibits strong absorption in the visible range along with a low-lying LUMO level at –3.85 eV, enabling n-type charge transport in organic thin-film transistors. Furthermore, we processed inverted bulk-heterojunction solar cells in combination with the two donor polymers PCE–10 and PM6 to achieve open-circuit voltages up to 1.04 V. By using a blend of the self-assembled naphthalimide-annulated corannulene and PCE–10, we were able to obtain a power conversion efficiency of up to 2.1%, which is to the best of our knowledge the highest reported value for a corannulene-based organic solar cell to date. KW - Chemie KW - corannulene KW - nonfullerene acceptors KW - curved π-systems KW - bulk-heterojunction solar cells KW - aggregation Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299095 UR - https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/html/10.1055/s-0040-1714283 SN - 2625-1825 VL - 2 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Menekse, Kaan A1 - Mahl, Magnus A1 - Albert, Julius A1 - Niyas, M. A. A1 - Shoyama, Kazutaka A1 - Stolte, Matthias A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Supramolecularly Engineered Bulk‐Heterojunction Solar Cells with Self‐Assembled Non‐Fullerene Nanographene Tetraimide Acceptors JF - Solar RRL N2 - A series of novel imide‐functionalized C\(_{64}\) nanographenes is investigated as acceptor components in organic solar cells (OSCs) in combination with donor polymer PM6. These electron‐poor molecules either prevail as a monomer or self‐assemble into dimers in the OSC active layer depending on the chosen imide substituents. This allows for the controlled stacking of electron‐poor and electron‐rich π–scaffolds to establish a novel class of non‐fullerene acceptor materials to tailor the bulk‐heterojunction morphology of the OSCs. The best performance is observed for derivatives that are able to self‐assemble into dimers, reaching power conversion efficiencies of up to 7.1%. KW - nanographene KW - non-fullerene acceptors KW - organic solar cells KW - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons KW - self-assembly Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312099 VL - 7 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Markgraf, J. H. A1 - Cort, J. R. A1 - Davis, H. A. A1 - Lindeman, N. I. A1 - Myers, C. R. A1 - Kraft, A. A1 - Christl, Manfred T1 - Strained Heterocyclic Systems. 20. Basicities of Bicyclic Quinoxalines N2 - No abstract available KW - Organische Chemie Y1 - 1991 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-58584 ER - TY - THES A1 - Maksimenka, Katsiaryna T1 - Absolute Configuration by Circular Dichroism: Quantum Chemical CD Calculations T1 - Absolute Konfiguration durch Circular-Dichroismus: Quantenchemische Rechnungen des Circular-Dichroismus (CD) N2 - Quantum chemical calculations of circular dichroism (CD) spectra in combination with experimental CD studies are one of the most efficient analytical tools for the elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of a chiral molecule. In the present work 18 chiral compounds of most different molecular structures and origins were investigated using various theoretical methods (the semiempirical CIS methods, the time-dependent DFT and DFT/MRCI approaches). The advantages and limitations of the applied methods were discussed in the context of the studied compounds. Furthermore, the last part of this work deals with the CD investigations of a chiral compound in the crystalline state. A well-known natural product with a specific conformation/CD spectrum behavior was used as a model compound to examine a novel solid-state CD method and to investigate the possibility of its improvement to provide a higher reliability for the assignment of the absolute configuration. N2 - Quantenchemische Rechnungen des Circular-Dichroismus (CD) in Kombination mit experimentellen CD-Studien sind eines der besten analytischen Werkzeuge zur Aufklärung der dreidimensionalen Struktur eines chiralen Moleküls. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden 18 chirale Verbindungen mit unterschiedlichsten Strukturen und von unterschiedlichster Herkunft unter Verwendung von verschiedenen theoretischen Methoden (semiempirische CIS-Methoden, zeitabhängige DFT- und DFT/MRCI-Ansätze) untersucht. Die Vorteile und Grenzen der angewandten Methoden wurden im Rahmen der untersuchten Verbindungen diskutiert. Desweiteren befasst sich der letzte Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit mit den CD-Untersuchungen einer chiralen Verbindung im kristallinen Zustand. Ein bekannter Naturstoff mit einem spezifischen Konformation/CD-Spektrum-Verhalten wurde als Modellverbindung verwendet, um einen neuartige Festkörper-CD-Ansatz zu testen, und um die Möglichkeit seiner Verbesserung zu untersuchen, um eine höhere Zuverlässlichkeit für die Zuordnung der absoluten Konfiguration zu bieten. KW - Circular-Dichroismus KW - Quantenchemie KW - Konfiguration KW - Quantenchemische Rechnungen KW - Absolute Konfiguration KW - Absolute Configuration KW - Circular Dichroism KW - Quantum Chemical CD Calculations Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56552 ER -