TY - THES A1 - Calderón Giraldo, Jeniffer T1 - Analysis of estrogen profiles including methoxyestrogen glucuronides: method validation and applicability to human plasma and breast tissue T1 - Analyse von Estrogenprofilen einschließlich Methoxyestrogenglucuroniden: Methodenvalidierung und Anwendbarkeit auf menschliches Plasma und Brustgewebe N2 - Estrogens, namely 17β-estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1) are considered to play an important role in the initiation and promotion of breast cancer (summarized in Raftogianis et al., 2000), a malignancy responsible for around 500,000 deaths per year (summarized in Ghislain et al., 2016). Two major mechanisms have been postulated to explain the carcinogenic effects of estrogens: (1) the estrogen receptor-mediated stimulation of breast cell proliferation with a concomitant enhanced rate of mutations and (2) the metabolism of hydroxylated estrogens to quinone derivatives which can react with the DNA (Russo and Russo, 2006, summarized in Yager and Davidson, 2006). Nevertheless, as a detoxifying mechanism, E1, E2, and their hydroxylated and methoxylated metabolites are reversibly conjugated into sulfates and glucuronides devoid of biological activity (summarized in Guillemette et al., 2004). Yet, despite the key detoxifying function of these conjugates, the study of their circulating levels face some significant problems: (1) analysis by techniques such as radioimmunoassay lack specificity and accuracy and requires enzymatic/chemical hydrolysis before analysis, being unable to differentiate between sulfates and glucuronides (summarized in Stanczyk et al., 2007, summarized in Wang et al., 2016), (2) very little knowledge in healthy women, which has been identified as a barrier to advance in breast cancer research (summarized in Liu, 2000), and (3) far fewer studies in pre- than in postmenopausal women (summarized in Samavat and Kurzer, 2015). Therefore, to get more insights into the research of breast cancer etiology and prevention, the analysis of circulating levels of estrogens (including metabolites and conjugates) in women without breast cancer through reliable analytical techniques, is required. N2 - Estrogene spielen eine zentralle Rolle bei der Entstehung von Brustkrebs. Jedoch haben nicht alle Estrogenmetabolite die gleiche Wirkung. Deshalb ist das Wissen über das Profil der zikulierenden Estrogene bei gesunden Frauen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Die meisten Methoden zur Analyse von Estrogenen zielen jedoch entweder nicht auf konjugierte Estrogene ab oder erfassen nur die Summe der jeweiligen freien und konjugierten Form. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit war demzufolge, die Möglichkeit der Einbeziehung von Methoxyestrogenglucuroniden in eine bestehende Methode zur Analyse von Estrogenen zu evaluieren und somit die Analyse von Estrogenprofilen im menschlichen Plasma und im Brustgewebe von Frauen ohne Brustkrebs zu ergänzen. ... KW - Estrogens KW - profiles KW - human plasma Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-209396 ER - TY - THES A1 - Möller, Jan T1 - Mechanisms and consequences of µ-opioid receptor dimerization T1 - Mechanismen und Konsequenzen der µ-Opioid-Rezeptor-Dimerisierung N2 - One third of all market approved drugs target G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), covering a highly diverse spectrum of indications reaching from acute anti-allergic treatment over bloodpressure regulation, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia up to the treatment of severe pain. GPCRs are key signaling proteins that mostly function as monomers, but for several receptors constitutive dimer formation has been described and in some cases is essential for function. I have investigated this problem using the μ-opioid receptor (µOR) as a model system - based both on its pharmacological importance and on specific biochemical data suggesting that it may present a particularly intriguing case of mono- vs- dimerization. The µOR is the prime target for the treatment of severe pain. In its inactive conformation it crystallizes as homodimer when bound to the antagonist β- funaltrexamine (β-FNA), whereas the active, agonist-bound receptor crystallizes as a monomer. Using single-molecule microscopy combined with superresolution techniques on intact cells, I describe here a dynamic monomer-dimer equilibrium of µORs where dimer formation is driven by specific agonists. The agonist DAMGO, but not morphine, induces dimer formation in a process that correlates temporally and, in its agonist, and phosphorylation dependence with β-arrestin2 binding to the receptors. This dimerization is independent from but may precede µOR internalization. Furthermore, the results show that the μOR tends to stay, on the cell surface, within compartments defined by actin fibers and its mobility is modulated by receptor activation. These data suggest a new level of GPCR regulation that links receptor compartmentalization and dimer formation to specific agonists and their downstream signals. N2 - Abgesehen davon, dass der μ-Opioid-Rezeptor das primäre Zielprotein zur Behandlung schwerer Schmerzen ist, führt die Aktivierung dieses Rezeptors zu einer Reihe von unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen wie Atemdepression, Obstipation und Drogenabhängigkeit. Um die medizinischen Chemiker bei der Entwicklung neuer Arzneistoffe zu unterstützen, ist das Verständnis der molekularen Funktion insbesondere der Aktivierungs- und Deaktivierungsmechanismen des μ-Opioid-Rezeptors von voranschreitender Bedeutung. Die prominentesten Signalpartner des μ-Opioid-Rezeptors sind G-Proteine des Typs Gi, sowie nach vorheriger Phosphorylierung durch G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptorkinasen, β- Arrestin2. Die neusten strukturbasierten Bemühungen zur Entwicklung sicherer Opioid-Schmerzmittel waren auf die Herstellung von Signal-selektiven konzentriert, die eine hohe Präferenz für G-Protein-Signalwege aufweisen und somit die β- Arrestin-vermittelten Nebenwirkungen umgehen sollen. In der Tat konnte, durch Knock-in -Mäuse mit phosphorylierungs-defizienten μ-Opioid-Rezeptoren gezeigt werden, dass die analgetischen Effekte verbessert wurden und die Toleranzentwicklung abgeschwächt wurde, wenn der Rezeptor eine Präferenz für den G-Protein Signalweg zeigte. Unerwarteterweise wurden die anderen Nebenwirkungen, wie Atemdepressionen, Obstipation, sowie Entzugssymptome jedoch dadurch verschlimmert. Ein Erklärungsversuch für dieses andauernde Problem bei der Entwicklung sicherer Opioid-Medikamente basiert auf der verminderten intrinsischen Aktivität dieser G- Protein Signalweg-betonten Arzneistoffe. ... KW - Pharmacology KW - Opiatrezeptor KW - Dimere Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219862 ER - TY - THES A1 - Jiménez Martín, Ovidio Manuel T1 - Analysis of MYCN and MAX alterations in Wilms Tumor T1 - Analyse von MYCN- und MAX-Verändungen im Wilms Tumor N2 - Wilms tumor (WT) is the most common renal tumor in childhood. Among others, MYCN copy number gain and MYCN P44L and MAX R60Q mutations have been identified in WT. The proto-oncogene MYCN encodes a transcription factor that requires dimerization with MAX to activate transcription of numerous target genes. MYCN gain has been associated with adverse prognosis. The MYCN P44L and MAX R60Q mutations, located in either the transactivating or basic helix-loop-helix domain, respectively, are predicted to be damaging by different pathogenicity prediction tools. These mutations have been reported in several other cancers and remain to be functionally characterized. In order to further describe these events in WT, we screened both mutations in a large cohort of unselected WT patients, to check for an association of the mutation status with certain histological or clinical features. MYCN P44L and MAX R60Q revealed frequencies of 3 % and 0.9 % and also were significantly associated to higher risk of relapse and metastasis, respectively. Furthermore, to get a better understanding of the MAX mutational landscape in WT, over 100 WT cases were analyzed by Sanger sequencing to identify other eventual MAX alterations in its coding sequence. R60Q remained the only MAX CDS alteration described in WT to date. To analyze the potential functional consequences of these mutations, we used a doxycycline-inducible system to overexpress each mutant in HEK293 cells. This biochemical characterization identified a reduced transcriptional activation potential for MAX R60Q, while the MYCN P44L mutation did not change activation potential or protein stability. The protein interactome of N-MYC-P44L was likewise not altered as shown by mass spectrometric analyses of purified N-MYC complexes. However, we could identify a number of novel N-MYC partner proteins, several of these known for their oncogenic potential. Their correlated expression in WT samples suggested a role in WT oncogenesis and they expand the range of potential biomarkers for WT stratification and targeting, especially for high-risk WT. N2 - Der Wilms Tumor (WT) ist der im Kindesalter am häufigsten auftretende Nierentumor. Neben anderen genetischen Veränderungen, wurden MYCN-Kopienzahlgewinn und der MYCN P44L- und MAX R60Q-Mutationen in WT identifiziert. Das Proto-Onkogen MYCN kodiert einen Transkriptionsfaktor, der eine Dimerisierung mit MAX erfordert, um die Transkription zahlreicher Zielgene zu aktivieren. Der MYCN-Gewinn wurde mit einer negativen Prognose assoziiert. Die MYCN P44L- und MAX R60Q-Mutationen, die sich entweder in der transaktivierenden oder in der basischen Helix-Loop-Helix-Domäne befinden, wurden durch verschiedene pathogene Vorhersage-Werkzeuge als schädigend prognostiziert. Über diese Mutationen wird bei mehreren anderen Krebsformen berichtet, doch sie wurden noch nicht umfassend biochemisch charakterisiert. Um diese Vorgänge in WT weitergehend zu charakterisieren, untersuchten wir beide Mutationen in einer großen Gruppe zufällig ausgewählter WT-Patienten mit dem Ziel, einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Mutationsstatus und gewissen histologischen und klinischen Eigenschaften zu überprüfen. MYCN P44L und MAX R60Q ergaben eine Frequenz von 3 % bzw. 0,9 % in WT und wurden jeweils mit einem signifikant höheren Rückfall- und Metastasierungsrisiko assoziiert. Um ein besseres Verständnis der MAX-Mutationsszenarien in WT zu erlangen, wurden darüber hinaus mehr als einhundert WT-Fälle durch Sanger-Sequenzierung analysiert, mit dem Ziel, andere mögliche Veränderungen in der MAX-Kodierungssequenz zu identifizieren. R60Q blieb dabei die einzige bis heute beschriebene Veränderung der MAX-Kodierungssequenz in WT. Um die potentiellen funktionalen Folgen dieser Mutationen zu untersuchen, nutzten wir ein Doxycyclin-induziertes System, um eine Überexprimierung jedes Mutanten in HEK293-Zellen zu erzielen. Diese biochemische Charakterisierung identifizierte ein reduziertes Transkriptionsaktivierungspotential für MAX R60Q, während die MYCN P44L-Mutation das Aktivierungspotential oder die Proteinstabilität nicht veränderte. Das N-MYC Interaktom wurde während der Massenspektrometrie-Analyse von gereinigten N-MYC-Komplexen ebenfalls nicht verändert. Jedoch konnten wir eine Anzahl von neuartigen N-MYC Partnerproteinen bestimmen, von denen einige für ihr onkogenes Potenzial bekannt sind. Deren korrelierte Expression in WT-Proben deuteten auf eine Rolle bei der WT Onkogenese hin und erweitern die Auswahl potentieller Biomarker für die Stratifizierung von WTs und Gentargeting, insbesondere bei Hochrisiko-WTs. KW - Nephroblastom KW - Genmutation KW - Wilms Tumor KW - MYCN KW - MAX KW - Mutation KW - Protein interactor Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242919 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kuehn, Laura T1 - Earth-Abundant Metal-Catalyzed and Transition Metal-Free Borylation of Aryl Halides T1 - Borylierung von Arylhalogeniden basierend auf kostengünstigen Übergangsmetallkatalysatoren sowie einer übergangsmetallfreien Alternative N2 - The present work focusses on the borylation of aryl halides. The first chapter presents a detailed review about previously reported nickel-catalyzed borylation reactions. The second chapter of the thesis describes, the borylation reaction of C–Cl bonds in aryl chlorides mediated by an NHC-stabilized nickel catalyst. The cyclohexyl substituted NHC Cy2Im was used to synthesize novel Cy2Im-stabilized nickel complexes [Ni2(Cy2Im)4(μ-(η2:η2)-COD)] 1, [Ni(Cy2Im)2(η2-C2H4)] 2, and [Ni(Cy2Im)2(η2-COE)] 3. An optimized procedure was developed using 5 mol% of the Ni-catalyst, 1.5 equivalents of the boron reagent B2pin2, and 1.5 equivalents of NaOAc as the base in methylcyclohexane at 100 °C. With these optimized conditions, it was shown that a variety of aryl chlorides, containing either electron-withdrawing or -donating groups, were converted to the corresponding aryl boronic esters in yields up to 99% (88% isolated) yield. Mechanistic investigations revealed that the C–Cl oxidative addition product [Ni(Cy2Im)2(Cl)(4-F3C-C6H4)] 11, which has been synthesized and isolated separately, also catalyzes the reaction. Thus, rapid oxidative addition of the C–Cl bond of the aryl chloride to [Ni2(Cy2Im)4(μ-(η2:η2)-COD)] 1 to yield trans-[Ni(Cy2Im)2(Cl)(Ar)] represents the first step in the catalytic cycle. The rate limiting step in this catalytic cycle is the transmetalation of boron to nickel forming trans-[Ni(Cy2Im)2(Bpin)(Ar)], which was not possible to isolate. The boryl transfer reagent is assumed to be the anionic adduct Na[B2pin2(OAc)]. A final reductive elimination step gives the desired borylated product Ar–Bpin and regenerates [Ni(Cy2Im)2]. In the next chapter the first effective C–Cl bond borylation of aryl chlorides using NHC-stabilized Cu(I)-complexes of the type [Cu(NHC)(Cl)] was developed. The known complexes [Cu(iPr2Im)(Cl)] 15, [Cu(Me2ImMe)(Cl)] 16, and [Cu(Cy2Im)(Cl)] 17, bearing the small alkyl substituted NHCs, were synthesized in good yields by the reaction of copper(I) chloride with the corresponding free NHC at low temperature (-78 °C) in THF. A range of catalysts, bases, solvents, and boron sources were screened to determine the scope and limitations of this reaction. [Cu(Cy2Im)(Cl)] 17 revealed a significantly higher catalytic activity than [Cu(iPr2Im)(Cl)] 15. KOtBu turned out to be the only efficient base for this borylation reaction. Besides methylcyclohexane, toluene was the only solvent that gave the borylated product in moderate yields of 53%. It was shown that a variety of electron-rich and electron-poor aryl chlorides can be converted to the corresponding aryl boronic esters in isolated yields of up to 80%. A mechanism was proposed, in which a Cu-boryl complex [Cu(L)(Bpin)] is formed in the initial step. This is followed by C–B bond formation via σ-bond metathesis with the aryl chloride forming the aryl boronic ester and [Cu(L)(Cl)]. The latter reacts with KOtBu to give [Cu(L)(OtBu)], which regenerates the copper boryl complex by reaction with B2pin2. Chapter 4 describes studies directed towards the transition metal-free borylation of aryl halides using Lewis base adducts of diborane(4) compounds. A variety of novel pyridine and NHC adducts of boron compounds were synthesized. Adducts of the type pyridine·B2cat2 18-19 and NHC·B2(OR)4 20-23 were examined for their ability to transfer a boryl moiety to an aryl iodide. However, only Me2ImMe∙B2pin2 20 was found to be effective. The stoichiometric reaction of 20 with different substituted aryl iodides and bromides in benzene, at elevated temperatures, gave the desired aryl boronic esters in good yields. Interestingly, depending on the reaction temperature, C–C coupling between the aryl halide and the solvent (benzene), was detected leading to a side product which, together with observed hydrodehalogenation of the aryl halide, provided indications that the reaction might be radical in nature. When the boryl transfer reaction based on Me2ImMe∙B2pin2 20 was followed by EPR spectroscopy, a signal (though very weak and ill-defined) was detected, which is suggestive of a mechanism involving a boron-based radical. In addition, the boronium cation [(Me2ImMe)2∙Bpin]+ 37 with iodide as the counterion was isolated from the reaction residue, indicating the fate of the second boryl moiety. A preliminary mechanism for the boryl transfer from 20 to aryl iodides was proposed, which involves an NHC–Bpin˙ radical as the key intermediate. Me2ImMe–Bpin˙ is formed by homolytic B–B bond cleavage of the bis-NHC adduct (Me2ImMe)2∙B2pin2, which is formed in situ in small amounts under the reaction conditions. Me2ImMe–Bpin˙ reacts with the aryl iodide to give the aryl boronic ester with recovery of aromaticity. In the same step, from the second equivalent of NHC–Bpin˙, an NHC-stabilized iodo-Bpin adduct is formed as an intermediate, which is further coordinated by another NHC, yielding [(Me2ImMe)2∙Bpin]+I- 37. N2 - Das erste Kapitel gibt zunächst einen detaillierten Überblick über die Nickel-katalysierte Borylierung. Das zweite Kapitel dieser Arbeit beschreibt die Borylierung von Arylchloriden mithilfe NHC-stabilisierter Nickelkatalysatoren. Dafür wurden zunächst die Nickelkomplexe [Ni2(Cy2Im)4(μ-(η2:η2)-COD)] 1, [Ni(Cy2Im)2(η2-C2H4)] 2 und [Ni(Cy2Im)2(η2-COE)] 3 dargestellt. Als optimale Bedingungen für die Borylierung haben sich 5 Mol-% des Ni-Katalysators, 1.5 Äquivalente des Borylierungsreagenzes B2pin2 und 1.5 Äquivalente NaOAc als Base in Methylcyclohexan bei 100 °C erwiesen. Unter diesen optimierten Bedingungen lassen sich eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Arylchloride in die jeweiligen Arylboronsäureester in Ausbeuten von bis zu 99% (88% für die isolierte Verbindung) überführen. Der Komplex [Ni(Cy2Im)2(Cl)(4-F3C-C6H4)] 11, das Produkt der oxidativen Addition von 4-F3C-C6H4-Cl an [Ni2(Cy2Im)4(μ-(η2:η2)-COD)] 1, katalysiert ebenfalls die Reaktion. Mechanistischen Untersuchungen zufolge, stellt die rasche oxidative Addition der C–Cl-Bindung des Arylchlorids an [Ni2(Cy2Im)4(μ-(η2:η2)-COD)] 1 unter der Ausbildung von trans-[Ni(Cy2Im)2(Cl)(Ar)], den ersten Schritt des Katalysezykluses dar. Der geschwindigkeitsbestimmende Schritt in diesem Katalysezyklus ist die Transmetallierung von Bor zu Nickel unter Bildung von trans-[Ni(Cy2Im)2(Bpin)(Ar)]. Es wird angenommen, dass es sich bei dem Boryltransferreagenz um das anionische Addukt Na[B2pin2(OAc)] handelt. Ein letzter reduktiver Eliminierungsschritt ergibt das gewünschte borylierte Produkt Ar–Bpin unter Rückgewinnung von [Ni(Cy2Im)2]. Im nächsten Kapitel der Arbeit wurde die erste effiziente C–Cl-Borylierung von Arylchloriden entwickelt. Eine Reihe verschiedener Katalysatoren des Typs [Cu(NHC)(Cl)], Basen, Lösungsmitteln und Borylierungsreagenzien wurden untersucht, um die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Grenzen dieser Reaktion zu bestimmen. Der Komplex [Cu(Cy2Im)(Cl)] 17 zeigte dabei eine signifikant höhere katalytische Aktivität als [Cu(iPr2Im)(Cl)] 15. Des Weiteren erwies sich KOtBu als einzige geeignete Base für diese Reaktion und Methylcyclohexan stellte sich als optimales Lösungsmittel heraus. Unter diesen optimierten Bedingungen lassen sich eine Vielzahl, sowohl elektronenreicher als auch elektronenarmer Arylchloride in die entsprechenden Arylboronsäureester in Ausbeuten von bis zu 80% überführen. Ein Mechanismus der Reaktion wurde postuliert, wonach zunächst ein Kupfer-Boryl-Komplex [Cu(L)(Bpin)] gebildet wird. Darauf folgt die Knüpfung einer C–B-Bindung durch eine σ-Bindungsmetathese mit dem Arylchlorid, wobei der gewünschte Arylboronsäureester und [Cu(L)(Cl)] gebildet wird. Im Folgenden reagiert [Cu(L)(Cl)] mit KOtBu zu [Cu(L)(OtBu)], wodurch durch Reaktion mit B2pin2 der Kupfer-Boryl-Komplex regeneriert wird. Kapitel 4 beschreibt Untersuchungen zur übergangsmetallfreien Borylierung von Arylhalogeniden unter Verwendung von Lewis-Basen-Addukten von Diboran(4)-Verbindungen. Die Addukte des Typs Pyridin·B2cat2 18-19 und NHC·B2(OR)4 20-23 wurden weiter auf ihre Fähigkeiten hin untersucht, eine Boryleinheit auf ein Aryliodid zu übertragen. Ausschließlich Me2ImMe∙B2pin2 20 stellte sich hierbei als wirksam heraus. Die stöchiometrische Reaktion von 20 mit verschiedenartig substituierten Aryliodiden und -bromiden in Benzol bei erhöhten Temperaturen lieferte die gewünschten Arylboronsäureester in guten Ausbeuten. Interessanterweise wurde als Nebenreaktion eine von der Reaktionstemperatur abhängige C–C-Kupplung zwischen dem Arylhalogenid und dem Lösungsmittel (Benzol) beobachtet. Sowohl das C–C-Kupplungsnebenprodukt, als auch eine beobachtete Hydrodehalogenierung des Arylhalogenids deuten darauf hin, dass die Reaktion von radikalischer Natur sein könnte. Die Verfolgung der von Me2ImMe∙B2pin2 20 ausgehenden Boryltransferreaktion mittels ESR-Spektroskopie zeigte ein Signal, was auf einen Mechanismus mit Beteiligung eines Borradikals hinweist. Weitere Untersuchungen ergaben experimentelle Beweise für die Anwesenheit von Radikalen im Verlauf der Reaktion. Des Weiteren wurde das Boroniumkation [(Me2ImMe)2∙Bpin]+ 37 mit Iodid als Gegenion aus dem Reaktionsrückstand isoliert, was den Verbleib der zweiten Boryleinheit erklärt. Ein vorläufiger Mechanismus für den Boryltransfer von Me2ImMe∙B2pin2 20 auf Aryliodide wurde vorgeschlagen, wobei ein NHC–Bpin˙-Radikal als Schlüsselintermediat fungiert. Me2ImMe–Bpin˙ wird durch homolytische Spaltung der B–B-Bindung des Bis-NHC-Addukts (Me2ImMe)2∙B2pin2 gebildet, welches unter den gegebenen Reaktionsbedingungen in geringen Mengen in situ gebildet wird. Me2ImMe–Bpin˙ reagiert mit dem Aryliodid unter Rückgewinnung der Aromatizität zum gewünschten Arylboronsäureester. Im gleichen Schritt wird aus dem zweiten Äquivalent NHC–Bpin˙ ein NHC-stabilisiertes Iod-Bpin-Addukt als Zwischenprodukt gebildet. Dieses wird von einem weiteren NHC unter Bildung von [(Me2ImMe)2∙Bpin]+I- 37 koordiniert. KW - NHC-Nickel-Catalyst KW - NHC-Copper-catalyst KW - Borylation KW - Transition metal-free KW - Aryl Halides KW - Earth-Abundant Metal KW - N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-211499 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Beetz, M. Jerome A1 - Hechavarría, Julio C. T1 - Neural processing of naturalistic echolocation signals in bats JF - Frontiers in Neural Circuits N2 - Echolocation behavior, a navigation strategy based on acoustic signals, allows scientists to explore neural processing of behaviorally relevant stimuli. For the purpose of orientation, bats broadcast echolocation calls and extract spatial information from the echoes. Because bats control call emission and thus the availability of spatial information, the behavioral relevance of these signals is undiscussable. While most neurophysiological studies, conducted in the past, used synthesized acoustic stimuli that mimic portions of the echolocation signals, recent progress has been made to understand how naturalistic echolocation signals are encoded in the bat brain. Here, we review how does stimulus history affect neural processing, how spatial information from multiple objects and how echolocation signals embedded in a naturalistic, noisy environment are processed in the bat brain. We end our review by discussing the huge potential that state-of-the-art recording techniques provide to gain a more complete picture on the neuroethology of echolocation behavior. KW - biosonar KW - neural coding KW - naturalistic stimuli KW - bats KW - acoustic stream KW - neuroethology Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-274605 SN - 1662-5110 VL - 16 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Koderer, Corinna A1 - Schmitz, Werner A1 - Wünsch, Anna Chiara A1 - Balint, Julia A1 - El-Mesery, Mohamed A1 - Volland, Julian Manuel A1 - Hartmann, Stefan A1 - Linz, Christian A1 - Kübler, Alexander Christian A1 - Seher, Axel T1 - Low energy status under methionine restriction is essentially independent of proliferation or cell contact inhibition JF - Cells N2 - Nonlimited proliferation is one of the most striking features of neoplastic cells. The basis of cell division is the sufficient presence of mass (amino acids) and energy (ATP and NADH). A sophisticated intracellular network permanently measures the mass and energy levels. Thus, in vivo restrictions in the form of amino acid, protein, or caloric restrictions strongly affect absolute lifespan and age-associated diseases such as cancer. The induction of permanent low energy metabolism (LEM) is essential in this process. The murine cell line L929 responds to methionine restriction (MetR) for a short time period with LEM at the metabolic level defined by a characteristic fingerprint consisting of the molecules acetoacetate, creatine, spermidine, GSSG, UDP-glucose, pantothenate, and ATP. Here, we used mass spectrometry (LC/MS) to investigate the influence of proliferation and contact inhibition on the energy status of cells. Interestingly, the energy status was essentially independent of proliferation or contact inhibition. LC/MS analyses showed that in full medium, the cells maintain active and energetic metabolism for optional proliferation. In contrast, MetR induced LEM independently of proliferation or contact inhibition. These results are important for cell behaviour under MetR and for the optional application of restrictions in cancer therapy. KW - methionine restriction KW - caloric restriction KW - mass spectrometry KW - LC/MS KW - liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry KW - metabolomics KW - L929 KW - amino acid KW - proliferation KW - contact inhibition Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262329 SN - 2073-4409 VL - 11 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Nanda, Indrajit A1 - Schories, Susanne A1 - Simeonov, Ivan A1 - Adolfi, Mateus Contar A1 - Du, Kang A1 - Steinlein, Claus A1 - Alsheimer, Manfred A1 - Haaf, Thomas A1 - Schartl, Manfred T1 - Evolution of the degenerated Y-chromosome of the swamp guppy, Micropoecilia picta JF - Cells N2 - The conspicuous colour sexual dimorphism of guppies has made them paradigmatic study objects for sex-linked traits and sex chromosome evolution. Both the X- and Y-chromosomes of the common guppy (Poecilia reticulata) are genetically active and homomorphic, with a large homologous part and a small sex specific region. This feature is considered to emulate the initial stage of sex chromosome evolution. A similar situation has been documented in the related Endler’s and Oropuche guppies (P. wingei, P. obscura) indicating a common origin of the Y in this group. A recent molecular study in the swamp guppy (Micropoecilia. picta) reported a low SNP density on the Y, indicating Y-chromosome deterioration. We performed a series of cytological studies on M. picta to show that the Y-chromosome is quite small compared to the X and has accumulated a high content of heterochromatin. Furthermore, the Y-chromosome stands out in displaying CpG clusters around the centromeric region. These cytological findings evidently illustrate that the Y-chromosome in M. picta is indeed highly degenerated. Immunostaining for SYCP3 and MLH1 in pachytene meiocytes revealed that a substantial part of the Y remains associated with the X. A specific MLH1 hotspot site was persistently marked at the distal end of the associated XY structure. These results unveil a landmark of a recombining pseudoautosomal region on the otherwise strongly degenerated Y chromosome of M. picta. Hormone treatments of females revealed that, unexpectedly, no sexually antagonistic color gene is Y-linked in M. picta. All these differences to the Poecilia group of guppies indicate that the trajectories associated with the evolution of sex chromosomes are not in parallel. KW - sex chromosomes KW - heterochromatin KW - Y chromosome degeneration KW - meiosis KW - synaptonemal complex KW - recombination KW - 5-methylcytosine KW - testosterone KW - sexual antagonistic genes KW - sex linked pigmentation pattern Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267242 SN - 2073-4409 VL - 11 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kleefeldt, Florian A1 - Upcin, Berin A1 - Bömmel, Heike A1 - Schulz, Christian A1 - Eckner, Georg A1 - Allmanritter, Jan A1 - Bauer, Jochen A1 - Braunger, Barbara A1 - Rueckschloss, Uwe A1 - Ergün, Süleyman T1 - Bone marrow-independent adventitial macrophage progenitor cells contribute to angiogenesis JF - Cell Death & Disease N2 - Pathological angiogenesis promotes tumor growth, metastasis, and atherosclerotic plaque rupture. Macrophages are key players in these processes. However, whether these macrophages differentiate from bone marrow-derived monocytes or from local vascular wall-resident stem and progenitor cells (VW-SCs) is an unresolved issue of angiogenesis. To answer this question, we analyzed vascular sprouting and alterations in aortic cell populations in mouse aortic ring assays (ARA). ARA culture leads to the generation of large numbers of macrophages, especially within the aortic adventitia. Using immunohistochemical fate-mapping and genetic in vivo-labeling approaches we show that 60% of these macrophages differentiate from bone marrow-independent Ly6c\(^{+}\)/Sca-1\(^{+}\) adventitial progenitor cells. Analysis of the NCX\(^{−/-}\) mouse model that genetically lacks embryonic circulation and yolk sac perfusion indicates that at least some of those progenitor cells arise yolk sac-independent. Macrophages represent the main source of VEGF in ARA that vice versa promotes the generation of additional macrophages thereby creating a pro-angiogenetic feedforward loop. Additionally, macrophage-derived VEGF activates CD34\(^{+}\) progenitor cells within the adventitial vasculogenic zone to differentiate into CD31\(^{+}\) endothelial cells. Consequently, depletion of macrophages and VEGFR2 antagonism drastically reduce vascular sprouting activity in ARA. In summary, we show that angiogenic activation induces differentiation of macrophages from bone marrow-derived as well as from bone marrow-independent VW-SCs. The latter ones are at least partially yolk sac-independent, too. Those VW-SC-derived macrophages critically contribute to angiogenesis, making them an attractive target to interfere with pathological angiogenesis in cancer and atherosclerosis as well as with regenerative angiogenesis in ischemic cardiovascular disorders. KW - macrophages KW - angiogenesis KW - bone marrow-derived monocytes Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299724 VL - 13 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ferretti, Pamela T1 - \(Clostridioides\) \(difficile\) beyond the disease-centred perspective: Beneficial properties in healthy infants and over-diagnosis in diseased adults identified by species- and SNV-based metagenomic analysis T1 - \(Clostridioides\) \(difficile\) jenseits der krankheitszentrierten Perspektive: Vorteilhafte Eigenschaften bei gesunden Säuglingen und Überdiagnose bei erkrankten Erwachsenen, identifiziert durch spezies- und SNV-basierte metagenomische Analyse N2 - Clostridioides difficile is a bacterial species well known for its ability to cause C. difficile infection (also known as CDI). The investigation of the role of this species in the human gut has been so far dominated by a disease-centred perspective, focused on studying C. difficile in relation to its associated disease. In this context, the first aim of this thesis was to combine publicly available metagenomic data to analyse the microbial composition of stool samples from patients diagnosed with CDI, with a particular focus on identifying a CDI-specific microbial signature. However, similarly to many other bacterial species inhabiting the human gut, C. difficile association with disease is not valid in absolute terms, as C. difficile can be found also among healthy subjects. Further aims of this thesis were to 1) identify potential C. difficile reservoirs by screening a wide range of habitats, hosts, body sites and age groups, and characterize the biotic context associated with C. difficile presence, and 2) investigate C. difficile within-species diversity and its toxigenic potential across different age groups. The first part of the thesis starts with the description of the concepts and definitions used to identify bacterial species and within-species diversity, and then proceeds to provide an overview of the bacterial species at the centre of my investigation, C. difficile. The first Chapter includes a detailed description of the discovery, biology and physiology of this clinically relevant species, followed by an overview of the diagnostic protocols used in the clinical setting to diagnose CDI. The second part of the thesis describes the methodology used to investigate the questions mentioned above, while the third part presents the results of such investigative effort. I first show that C. difficile could be found in only a fraction of the CDI samples and that simultaneous colonization of multiple enteropathogenic species able to cause CDI-like clinical manifestations is more common than previously thought, raising concerns about CDI overdiagnosis. I then show that the CDIassociated gut microbiome is characterized by a specific microbial signature, distinguishable from the community composition associated with non-CDI diarrhea. Beyond the nosocomial and CDI context, I show that while rarely found in adults, C. difficile is a common member of the infant gut microbiome, where its presence is associated with multiple indicators typical of a desirable healthy microbiome development. In addition, I describe C. difficile extensive carriage among asymptomatic subjects, of all age groups and a potentially novel clade of C. difficile identified exclusively among infants. Finally, I discuss the limitations, challenges and future perspectives of my investigation. N2 - Clostridioides difficile ist eine Bakterienart, die für ihre Fähigkeit bekannt ist, eine C. difficile-Infektion (auch bekannt als CDI) zu verursachen. Die Untersuchung der Rolle dieser Spezies im menschlichen Darm wurde bisher von einer krankheitszentrierten Perspektive dominiert, die sich auf die Untersuchung von C. difficile in Bezug auf die damit verbundene Erkrankung konzentrierte. In diesem Zusammenhang war das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit, öffentlich verfügbare metagenomische Daten zu kombinieren, um die mikrobielle Zusammensetzung von Stuhlproben von Patienten mit diagnostizierter CDI zu analysieren, mit besonderem Fokus auf der Identifizierung einer CDI-spezifischen mikrobiellen Signatur. Wie bei vielen anderen Bakterienarten, die den menschlichen Darm bewohnen, ist jedoch die Assoziation von C. difficile mit einer Krankheit nicht absolut gültig, da C. difficile auch bei gesunden Probanden gefunden werden kann. Weitere Ziele dieser Arbeit waren 1) die Identifizierung potenzieller C. difficile-Reservoirs durch das Screening einer Vielzahl von Habitaten, Wirten, Körperstellen und Altersgruppen und die Charakterisierung des mit der Präsenz von C. difficile verbundenen biotischen Kontexts und 2) Untersuchung von C. difficile innerhalb der Artenvielfalt und ihr toxigenes Potenzial über verschiedene Altersgruppen hinweg. Der erste Teil der Dissertation beginnt mit der Beschreibung der Konzepte und Definitionen, die verwendet werden, um Bakterienarten und innerhalb der Artenvielfalt zu identifizieren, und fährt dann fort, einen Überblick über die Bakterienarten zu geben, die im Zentrum meiner Untersuchung, C. difficile, stehen. Das erste Kapitel enthält eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Entdeckung, Biologie und Physiologie dieser klinisch relevanten Spezies, gefolgt von einem Überblick über die diagnostischen Protokolle, die im klinischen Umfeld zur Diagnose von CDI verwendet werden. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschreibt die Methodik zur Untersuchung der oben genannten Fragen, während der dritte Teil die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungsarbeit präsentiert. Ich zeige zunächst, dass C. difficile nur in einem Bruchteil der CDI-Proben gefunden werden konnte und dass die gleichzeitige Besiedlung mehrerer enteropathogener Spezies, die CDI-ähnliche klinische Manifestationen verursachen können, häufiger vorkommt als bisher angenommen, was Bedenken hinsichtlich einer CDI-Überdiagnose aufkommen lässt. Ich zeige dann, dass das CDI-assoziierte Darmmikrobiom durch eine spezifische mikrobielle Signatur gekennzeichnet ist, die sich von der Gemeinschaftszusammensetzung unterscheidet, die mit Nicht-CDI- Diarrhoe verbunden ist. Über den nosokomialen und CDI-Kontext hinaus zeige ich, dass C. difficile, obwohl es bei Erwachsenen selten vorkommt, ein häufiges Mitglied des Darmmikrobioms von Säuglingen ist, wo seine Anwesenheit mit mehreren Indikatoren verbunden ist, die typisch für eine wünschenswerte gesunde Mikrobiomentwicklung sind. Darüber hinaus beschreibe ich die ausgedehnte Beförderung von C. difficile bei asymptomatischen Patienten aller Altersgruppen und eine potenziell neue Gruppe von C. difficile, die ausschließlich bei Säuglingen identifiziert wurde. Abschließend diskutiere ich die Grenzen, Herausforderungen und Zukunftsperspektiven meiner Untersuchung. KW - microbiome KW - infant KW - C. difficile KW - CDI Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-254170 ER - TY - THES A1 - Grushevskyi, Yevgenii T1 - Activation kinetics of G-protein-coupled receptors T1 - Aktivierungskinetik von G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren N2 - G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are key biological switches that transmit both internal and external stimuli into the cell interior. Among the GPCRs, the “light receptor” rhodopsin has been shown to activate with a re-arrangement of the transmembrane helix bundle within ≈1 ms, while all other receptors are thought to become activated in subsecond range at saturating concentrations. Here we investigate activation kinetics of a dimeric GPCR, the metabotropic glutamate receptor-1 (mGluR1), and several class A GPCRs, as muscarinic receptor 3 (M3R), adrenergic (α2aAR and β1R) and opioid (µOR) receptors. We first used UV-light-triggered uncaging of glutamate in intact cells. Sub-millisecond Förster resonance energy transfer recordings between labels at intracellular receptor sites were used to record conformational changes in the mGluR1. At millimolar ligand concentrations the initial rearrangement between the mGluR1 subunits occurs at a speed of τ1≈1-2 ms. These rapid changes were followed by significantly slower conformational changes in the transmembrane domain (τ2≈20 ms). We further characterized novel photoswitchable negative allosteric modulators for mGluR1, which bind to its transmembrane core and block the conformational change as well as the downstream signaling. Effects of the compounds were quantified in pharmacological cell assays in the dark and using UV and green light illumination. We finally develop a framework for image-based kinetic analysis of GPCRs which allowed us to measure activation kinetics of several prototypical class A GPCRs and to discover membrane heterogeneities of GPCR activation. It appears that GPCR activation signal is not only dependent on the amount of activated receptors, but also has some level of correlation with the local density of activated receptors. N2 - G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren (GPCRs) sind die größte Familie der membranständigen Proteine, welche sowohl interne als auch externe Stimulationen in den intrazellulären Raum weiterleiten und somit in Eukaryonten ein breites Spektrum an physiologischen Prozessen regulieren. Innerhalb der GPCRs konnte für den „Lichtrezeptor“ Rhodopsin gezeigt werden, dass dessen Aktivierung, welche eine räumliche Umorientierung der Transmembrandomänen beinhaltet, innerhalb von einer Millisekunde erfolgt, wohingegen angenommen wurde, dass die meisten anderen dieser Rezeptoren wesentlich langsamer, im Sekundenbereich, aktiviert werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist auf die Aktivierungskinetiken eines typisch- dimerischen Rezeptors, nämlich dem metabotrobischen Glutamat- rezeptor 1(mGluR1), sowie einige Klasse-A GPCRs fokussiert, darunter befinden sich sowohl der muskarinische M3-Rezeptor, die adrenergen α2A- und β1-Rezeptoren als auch der μ-opioid Rezeptor. Wir nutzten zunächst durch UV-Licht aktivierbares Glutamat auf intakten Zellen. Hierbei erfolgte, unter Verwendung von Sättigungskonzentrationen, die Umorganisation der mGluR1- Untereinheiten innerhalb von ein bis zwei Millisekunden. Diesen Änderungen folgte eine signifikant langsamere Konformationsänderung von 20 Millisekunden in den Transmembrandomänen. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit der Charakterisierung von neuen, durch Licht schaltbaren, negativen allosterischen Modulatoren des mGluR1-Rezeptors. Für diese konnte gezeigt werden, dass sie unter bestimmten Belichtungsbedingungen im Mittelpunkt der Transmembrandomänen binden und dadurch sowohl die Konformationsänderung des Rezeptors als auch dessen weitere Signaltransduktion verhindern. Zudem entwickelten wir ein Systemumfeld zur bildbasierten Analyse von GPCR-Kinetiken, welches es uns erlaubte die Aktivierungskinetiken einiger exemplarischer Klasse A GPCRs zu messen und heterogene Aktivierungskinetiken von GPCRs auf Zellmembranen zu entdecken. Die Resultate dieser Arbeit legen Nahe, dass Aktivierungs- Signale von GPCRs nicht nur von der Menge der aktivierten Rezeptoren abhängen, sondern zusätzlich auch zu einem gewissen Grad mit der lokalen Dichte von aktivierten Rezeptoren korrelieren. KW - G-Protein gekoppelter Rezeptor KW - G-protein-coupled receptors KW - Molecular Pharmacology KW - Ligand uncaging Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-207215 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Ziebell, Philipp A1 - Müller, Mathias A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - Standardizing continuous data classifications in a virtual T-maze using two-layer feedforward networks JF - Scientific Reports N2 - There continues to be difficulties when it comes to replication of studies in the field of Psychology. In part, this may be caused by insufficiently standardized analysis methods that may be subject to state dependent variations in performance. In this work, we show how to easily adapt the two-layer feedforward neural network architecture provided by Huang1 to a behavioral classification problem as well as a physiological classification problem which would not be solvable in a standardized way using classical regression or “simple rule” approaches. In addition, we provide an example for a new research paradigm along with this standardized analysis method. This paradigm as well as the analysis method can be adjusted to any necessary modification or applied to other paradigms or research questions. Hence, we wanted to show that two-layer feedforward neural networks can be used to increase standardization as well as replicability and illustrate this with examples based on a virtual T-maze paradigm\(^{2−5}\) including free virtual movement via joystick and advanced physiological data signal processing. KW - standardized analysis method KW - neural network architecture KW - two‑layer feedforward networks Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301096 VL - 12 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Forchert, Leandra A1 - Potapova, Ekaterina A1 - Panetta, Valentina A1 - Dramburg, Stephanie A1 - Perna, Serena A1 - Posa, Daniela A1 - Resch‐Marat, Yvonne A1 - Lupinek, Christian A1 - Rohrbach, Alexander A1 - Grabenhenrich, Linus A1 - Icke, Katja A1 - Bauer, Carl‐Peter A1 - Hoffman, Ute A1 - Forster, Johannes A1 - Zepp, Fred A1 - Schuster, Antje A1 - Wahn, Ulrich A1 - Keil, Thomas A1 - Lau, Susanne A1 - Vrtala, Susanne A1 - Valenta, Rudolf A1 - Matricardi, Paolo Maria T1 - Der p 23‐specific IgE response throughout childhood and its association with allergic disease: A birth cohort study JF - Pediatric Allergy and Immunology N2 - Background The Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus molecule Der p 23 is a major allergen whose clinical relevance has been shown in cross‐sectional studies. We longitudinally analysed the trajectory of Der p 23‐specific IgE antibody (sIgE) levels throughout childhood and youth, their early‐life determinants and their clinical relevance for allergic rhinitis and asthma. Methods We obtained sera and clinical data of 191 participants of the German Multicentre Allergy Study, a prospective birth cohort. Serum samples from birth to 20 years of age with sIgE reactivity to Der p 23 in a customised semiquantitative microarray were newly analysed with a singleplex quantitative assay. Early mite exposure was assessed by measuring the average content of Der p 1 in house dust at 6 and 18 months. Results Der p 23‐sIgE levels were detected at least once in 97/191 participants (51%). Prevalence of Der p 23 sensitisation and mean sIgE levels increased until age 10 years, plateaued until age 13 years and were lowest at age 20 years. Asthma, allergic rhinitis (AR) and atopic dermatitis (AD) were more prevalent in Der p 23‐sensitised children, including those with monomolecular but persistent sensitisation (11/97, 11%). A higher exposure to mites in infancy and occurrence of AD before 5 years of age preceded the onset of Der p 23 sensitisation, which in turn preceded a higher incidence of asthma. Conclusions Der p 23 sensitisation peaks in late childhood and then decreases. It is preceded by early mite exposure and AD. Asthma and AR can occur in patients persistently sensitised to Der p 23 as the only mite allergen, suggesting the inclusion of molecular testing of Der p 23‐sIgE for subjects with clinical suspicion of HDM allergy but without sIgE to other major D.pt. allergens. KW - asthma KW - birth cohort KW - childhood KW - Der p 23 KW - house dust mite allergy KW - IgE Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287181 VL - 33 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kirsch, Wladimir A1 - Kunde, Wilfried T1 - Perceptual changes after learning of an arbitrary mapping between vision and hand movements JF - Scientific Reports N2 - The present study examined the perceptual consequences of learning arbitrary mappings between visual stimuli and hand movements. Participants moved a small cursor with their unseen hand twice to a large visual target object and then judged either the relative distance of the hand movements (Exp.1), or the relative number of dots that appeared in the two consecutive target objects (Exp.2) using a two-alternative forced choice method. During a learning phase, the numbers of dots that appeared in the target object were correlated with the hand movement distance. In Exp.1, we observed that after the participants were trained to expect many dots with larger hand movements, they judged movements made to targets with many dots as being longer than the same movements made to targets with few dots. In Exp.2, another group of participants who received the same training judged the same number of dots as smaller when larger rather than smaller hand movements were executed. When many dots were paired with smaller hand movements during the learning phase of both experiments, no significant changes in the perception of movements and of visual stimuli were observed. These results suggest that changes in the perception of body states and of external objects can arise when certain body characteristics co-occur with certain characteristics of the environment. They also indicate that the (dis)integration of multimodal perceptual signals depends not only on the physical or statistical relation between these signals, but on which signal is currently attended. KW - vision KW - hand movements KW - learning arbitrary mappings Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301074 VL - 12 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zaitseva, Olena A1 - Hoffmann, Annett A1 - Otto, Christoph A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - Targeting fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-inducible 14 (Fn14) for tumor therapy JF - Frontiers in Pharmacology N2 - Fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily (TNFRSF) and is activated by its ligand TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK). The latter occurs as a homotrimeric molecule in a soluble and a membrane-bound form. Soluble TWEAK (sTWEAK) activates the weakly inflammatory alternative NF-κB pathway and sensitizes for TNF-induced cell death while membrane TWEAK (memTWEAK) triggers additionally robust activation of the classical NF-κB pathway and various MAP kinase cascades. Fn14 expression is limited in adult organisms but becomes strongly induced in non-hematopoietic cells by a variety of growth factors, cytokines and physical stressors (e.g., hypoxia, irradiation). Since all these Fn14-inducing factors are frequently also present in the tumor microenvironment, Fn14 is regularly found to be expressed by non-hematopoietic cells of the tumor microenvironment and most solid tumor cells. In general, there are three possibilities how the tumor-Fn14 linkage could be taken into consideration for tumor therapy. First, by exploitation of the cancer associated expression of Fn14 to direct cytotoxic activities (antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), cytotoxic payloads, CAR T-cells) to the tumor, second by blockade of potential protumoral activities of the TWEAK/Fn14 system, and third, by stimulation of Fn14 which not only triggers proinflammtory activities but also sensitizes cells for apoptotic and necroptotic cell death. Based on a brief description of the biology of the TWEAK/Fn14 system and Fn14 signaling, we discuss the features of the most relevant Fn14-targeting biologicals and review the preclinical data obtained with these reagents. In particular, we address problems and limitations which became evident in the preclinical studies with Fn14-targeting biologicals and debate possibilities how they could be overcome. KW - agonistic antibodies KW - cell death KW - Fn14 KW - NFκB KW - TNF KW - TWEAK Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290238 SN - 1663-9812 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bellut, Maximilian A1 - Papp, Lena A1 - Bieber, Michael A1 - Kraft, Peter A1 - Stoll, Guido A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. T1 - NLPR3 inflammasome inhibition alleviates hypoxic endothelial cell death in-vitro and protects blood-brain barrier integrity in murine stroke JF - Cell Death & Disease N2 - In ischemic stroke (IS) impairment of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) has an important role in the secondary deterioration of neurological function. BBB disruption is associated with ischemia-induced inflammation, brain edema formation, and hemorrhagic infarct transformation, but the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. Dysfunction of endothelial cells (EC) may play a central role in this process. Although neuronal NLR-family pyrin domain-containing protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome upregulation is an established trigger of inflammation in IS, the contribution of its expression in EC is unclear. We here used brain EC, exposed them to oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) in vitro, and analyzed their survival depending on inflammasome inhibition with the NLRP3-specific drug MCC950. During OGD, EC death could significantly be reduced when targeting NLRP3, concomitant with diminished endothelial NLRP3 expression. Furthermore, MCC950 led to reduced levels of Caspase 1 (p20) and activated Gasdermin D as markers for pyroptosis. Moreover, inflammasome inhibition reduced the secretion of pro-inflammatory chemokines, cytokines, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9) in EC. In a translational approach, IS was induced in C57Bl/6 mice by 60 mins transient middle cerebral artery occlusion and 23 hours of reperfusion. Stroke volume, functional outcome, the BBB integrity, and-in good agreement with the in vitro results-MMP9 secretion as well as EC survival improved significantly in MCC950-treated mice. In conclusion, our results establish the NLRP3 inflammasome as a critical pathogenic effector of stroke-induced BBB disruption by activating inflammatory signaling cascades and pyroptosis in brain EC. KW - inflammasome KW - preclinical research KW - stroke Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265693 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Solimando, Antonio Giovanni A1 - Kalogirou, Charis A1 - Krebs, Markus T1 - Angiogenesis as therapeutic target in metastatic prostate cancer – narrowing the gap between bench and bedside JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - Angiogenesis in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) has been extensively investigated as a promising druggable biological process. Nonetheless, targeting angiogenesis has failed to impact overall survival (OS) in patients with mCRPC despite promising preclinical and early clinical data. This discrepancy prompted a literature review highlighting the tumor heterogeneity and biological context of Prostate Cancer (PCa). Narrowing the gap between the bench and bedside appears critical for developing novel therapeutic strategies. Searching clinicaltrials.gov for studies examining angiogenesis inhibition in patients with PCa resulted in n=20 trials with specific angiogenesis inhibitors currently recruiting (as of September 2021). Moreover, several other compounds with known anti-angiogenic properties – such as Metformin or Curcumin – are currently investigated. In general, angiogenesis-targeting strategies in PCa include biomarker-guided treatment stratification – as well as combinatorial approaches. Beyond established angiogenesis inhibitors, PCa therapies aiming at PSMA (Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen) hold the promise to have a substantial anti-angiogenic effect – due to PSMA´s abundant expression in tumor vasculature. KW - prostate adenocarcinoma KW - PCa KW - angiogenesis inhibitors KW - TKI KW - immunotherapy KW - tumor microenvironment KW - clinical trials KW - PSMA Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-263061 SN - 1664-3224 VL - 13 ER - TY - THES A1 - Liu, Ruiqi T1 - Dynamic regulation of the melanocortin 4 receptor system in body weight homeostasis and reproductive maturation in fish T1 - Dynamische Regulation des Melanocortin-4-Rezeptor Systems bei der Körpergewichtshomöostase und der Fortpflanzungsreifung bei Fischen N2 - Puberty is an important period of life with physiological changes to enable animals to reproduce. Xiphophorus fish exhibit polymorphism in body size, puberty timing, and reproductive tactics. These phenotypical polymorphisms are controlled by the Puberty (P) locus. In X. nigrensis and X. multilineatus, the P locus encodes the melanocortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) with high genetic polymorphisms. Mc4r is a member of the melanocortin receptors, belonging to class A G-protein coupled receptors. The Mc4r signaling system consists of Mc4r, the agonist Pomc (precursor of various MSH and of ACTH), the antagonist Agrp and accessory protein Mrap2. In humans, MC4R has a role in energy homeostasis. MC4R and MRAP2 mutations are linked to human obesity but not to puberty. Mc4rs in X. nigrensis and X. multilineatus are present in three allele classes, A, B1 and B2, of which the X-linked A alleles express functional receptors and the male-specific Y-linked B alleles encode defective receptors. Male body sizes are correlated with B allele type and B allele copy numbers. Late-maturing large males carry B alleles in high copy number while early-maturing small males carry B alleles in low copy number or only A alleles. Cell culture co-expression experiments indicated that B alleles may act as dominant negative receptor mutants on A alleles. In this study, the main aim was to biochemically characterize the mechanism of puberty regulation by Mc4r in X. nigrensis and X. multilineatus, whether it is by Mc4r dimerization and/or Mrap2 interaction with Mc4r or other mechanisms. Furthermore, Mc4r in X. hellerii (another swordtail species) and medaka (a model organism phylogenetically close to Xiphophorus) were investigated to understand if the investigated mechanisms are conserved in other species. In medaka, the Mc4r signaling system genes (mc4r, mrap2, pomc, agrp1) are expressed before hatching, with agrp1 being highly upregulated during hatching and first feeding. These genes are mainly expressed in adult brain, and the transcripts of mrap2 co-localize with mc4r indicating a function in modulating Mc4r signaling. Functional comparison between wild-type and mc4r knockout medaka showed that Mc4r knockout does not affect puberty timing but significantly delays hatching due to the retarded embryonic development of knockout medaka. Hence, the Mc4r system in medaka is involved in regulation of growth rather than puberty. In Xiphophorus, expression co-localization of mc4r and mrap2 in X. nigrensis and X. hellerii fish adult brains was characterized by in situ hybridization. In both species, large males exhibit strikingly high expression of mc4r while mrap2 shows similar expression level in the large and small male and female. Differently, X. hellerii has only A-type alleles indicating that the puberty regulation mechanisms evolved independently in Xiphophorus genus. Functional analysis of Mrap2 and Mc4r A/B1/B2 alleles of X. multilineatus showed that increased Mrap2 amounts induce higher cAMP response but EC50 values do not change much upon Mrap2 co-expression with Mc4r (expressing only A allele or A and B1 alleles). A and B1 alleles were expressed higher in large male brains, while B2 alleles were only barely expressed. Mc4r A-B1 cells have lower cAMP production than Mc4r A cells. Together, this indicates a role of Mc4r alleles, but not Mrap2, in puberty onset regulation signaling. Interaction studies by FRET approach evidenced that Mc4r A and B alleles can form heterodimers and homodimers in vitro, but only for a certain fraction of the expressed receptors. Single-molecule colocalization study using super-resolution microscope dSTORM confirmed that only few Mc4r A and B1 receptors co-localized on the membrane. Altogether, the species-specific puberty onset regulation in X. nigrensis and X. multilineatus is linked to the presence of Mc4r B alleles and to some extent to its interaction with A allele gene products. This is reasoned to result in certain levels of cAMP signaling which reaches the dynamic or static threshold to permit late puberty in large males. In summary, puberty onset regulation by dominant negative effect of Mc4r mutant alleles is a special mechanism that is found so far only in X. nigrensis and X. multilineatus. Other Xiphophorus species obviously evolved the same function of the pathway by diverse mechanisms. Mc4r in other fish (medaka) has a role in regulation of growth, reminiscent of its role in energy homeostasis in humans. The results of this study will contribute to better understand the biochemical and physiological functions of the Mc4r system in vertebrates including human. N2 - Die Pubertät ist ein wichtiger Lebensabschnitt mit physiologischen Veränderungen, die die Fortpflanzung von Tieren ermöglichen. Xiphophorus Fische weisen einen Polymorphismus in Bezug auf Körpergröße, Pubertätszeit und Fortpflanzungstaktik auf. Diese phänotypischen Polymorphismen werden durch den Pubertäts (P) Locus gesteuert. In X. nigrensis und X. multilineatus kodiert der P Locus den Melanocortin-4-Rezeptor (Mc4r) mit hohen genetischen Polymorphismen. Mc4r gehört zu den Melanocortin-Rezeptoren, die zur Klasse A der G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren gehören. Das Mc4r-Signalsystem besteht aus Mc4r, dem Agonisten Pomc (Prohormon der verschiedenen MSH und des ACTH), dem Antagonisten Agrp und dem akzessorischen Protein Mrap2. Beim Menschen spielt MC4R eine Rolle bei der Energiehomöostase. MC4R und MRAP2 Mutationen stehen im Zusammenhang mit menschlicher Fettleibigkeit, jedoch nicht mit der Pubertät. Mc4rs in X. nigrensis und X. multilineatus sind in drei Allelklassen vorhanden, A, B1 und B2, von denen die X-chromosomalen A Allele funktionelle Rezeptoren exprimieren und die spezifischen männlichen Y-chromosomalen B Allele für defekte Rezeptoren kodieren. Die männliche Körpergröße korreliert mit dem B Alleltyp und der Kopienzahl des B Allels. Spätreife große Männchen tragen B Allele in hoher Kopienzahl, während frühreife kleine Männchen B Allele in niedriger Kopienzahl oder nur A Allele tragen. Koexpressions-Experimente in Zellkultur zeigten, dass B Allele als dominant negative Mutanten-Rezeptor auf A Allele wirken können. In dieser Studie war das Hauptziel die biochemische Charakterisierung des Mechanismus der Pubertätsregulation durch Mc4r in X. nigrensis und X. multilineatus. Dabei wurde untersucht, ob die Regulation durch eine Mc4r Dimerisierung und/oder Mrap2 Interaktion mit Mc4r oder durch andere Mechanismen erfolgt. Des Weiteren wurde Mc4r in X. hellerii (einer anderen Schwertträger Art) und Medaka (ein phylogenetisch naheliegender Modellorganismus von Xiphophorus) untersucht, um zu verstehen, ob die untersuchten Mechanismen in anderen Arten konserviert sind. In Medaka werden die Gene des Mc4r Signalsystems (mc4r, mrap2, pomc, agrp1) vor dem Schlüpfen exprimiert, wobei agrp1 während des Schlüpfens und der ersten Fütterung stark hochreguliert wird. Im adulten Medaka werden diese Gene hauptsächlich im Gehirn exprimiert und die Transkripte von mrap2 und mc4r kolokalisieren, was auf eine Funktion bei der Modulation der Mc4r-Signaltransduktion hinweist. Ein funktionaler Vergleich zwischen Wildtyp- und mc4r-Knockout Medaka zeigte, dass der Mc4r-Knockout das Pubertäts-Timing nicht beeinflusst, das Schlüpfen jedoch aufgrund der verzögerten embryonalen Entwicklung von Knockout-Medaka signifikant verzögert. Daher ist das Mc4r System in Medaka eher an der Regulation des Wachstums als an der Pubertät beteiligt. Bei Xiphophorus wurde die Lokalisierung von mc4r und mrap2 in erwachsenen Gehirnen von X. nigrensis und X. hellerii durch in situ Hybridisierung charakterisiert. Bei beiden Spezies zeigen große Männchen eine auffallend hohe Expression von mc4r, während mrap2 bei großen und kleinen Männchen und Weibchen ein ähnliches Expressionsniveau zeigt. Im Gegensatz dazu weist X. hellerii nur Allele vom A-Typ auf, was darauf hinweist, dass sich die Pubertätsregulationsmechanismen in dem Genus Xiphophorus unabhängig voneinander entwickelt haben. Die funktionelle Analyse der Mrap2 und Mc4r A/B1/B2 Allele von X. multilineatus zeigte, dass erhöhte Mrap2-Mengen eine höhere cAMP-Antwort induzieren, die EC50-Werte sich jedoch bei der Mrap2-Coexpression mit Mc4r nicht wesentlich ändern (nur A Allel oder A und B1 Allele). A und B1 Allele wurden in großen männlichen Gehirnen höher exprimiert, während B2 Allele kaum exprimiert wurden. Mc4r A-B1 Zellen haben eine geringere cAMP-Produktion als Mc4r A Zellen. Zusammengenommen deutet dies auf eine Rolle von Mc4r-Allelen, jedoch nicht von Mrap2, bei der Signalgebung zur Regulation des Pubertätsbeginns hin. Interaktionsstudien mit den FRET-Methoden zeigten, dass Mc4r A und B Allele in vitro Heterodimere und Homodimere bilden können, jedoch nur für einen bestimmten Anteil der exprimierten Rezeptoren. Die Einzelmolekül-co-lokalisierungsstudie unter Verwendung von der hochauflösenden Mikroskopiemethode dSTORM bestätigte, dass nur wenige Mc4r A und B1 Rezeptoren auf der Membran co-lokalisiert sind. Insgesamt ist die artspezifische Regulation des Pubertätsbeginns bei X. nigrensis und X. multilineatus auf das Vorhandensein von Mc4r B Allelen und teilweise auf deren Interaktion mit Genprodukten des A Allels zurückzuführen. Dies wird dadurch begründet, dass ein bestimmtes cAMP Niveau (statische oder dynamische Schwelle) erreicht werden muss, um die Pubertät einzuleiten. In großen Männchen wird dieses cAMP Niveau später erreicht und so die Pubertät später eingeleitet. Zusammenfassend ist die Regulation des Pubertätsbeginns durch die dominante negative Wirkung von mutierten Mc4r Allelen ein spezieller Mechanismus, der bisher nur bei X. nigrensis und X. multilineatus zu finden ist. Andere Xiphophorus Arten haben offensichtlich durch andere Mechanismen die gleiche Funktion des Signalwegs entwickelt. In anderen Fischen (Medaka) spielt Mc4r eine Rolle bei der Regulation des Wachstums und erinnert an seine Rolle bei der Energie-Homöostase beim Menschen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie werden dazu beitragen, die biochemischen und physiologischen Funktionen des Mc4r-Systems bei Wirbeltieren, einschließlich Menschen, besser zu verstehen. KW - Japankärpfling KW - Mc4r KW - Schwertkärpfling KW - Pubertät KW - Molekularbiologie KW - GPCR KW - Mrap2 KW - Medaka KW - Xiphophorus KW - Puberty KW - Growth Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206536 ER - TY - THES A1 - Oberdorf, Felix T1 - Design and Evaluation of Data-Driven Enterprise Process Monitoring Systems T1 - Design und Evaluation von datengetriebenen Prozess Überwachungssystemen in Unternehmen N2 - Increasing global competition forces organizations to improve their processes to gain a competitive advantage. In the manufacturing sector, this is facilitated through tremendous digital transformation. Fundamental components in such digitalized environments are process-aware information systems that record the execution of business processes, assist in process automation, and unlock the potential to analyze processes. However, most enterprise information systems focus on informational aspects, process automation, or data collection but do not tap into predictive or prescriptive analytics to foster data-driven decision-making. Therefore, this dissertation is set out to investigate the design of analytics-enabled information systems in five independent parts, which step-wise introduce analytics capabilities and assess potential opportunities for process improvement in real-world scenarios. To set up and extend analytics-enabled information systems, an essential prerequisite is identifying success factors, which we identify in the context of process mining as a descriptive analytics technique. We combine an established process mining framework and a success model to provide a structured approach for assessing success factors and identifying challenges, motivations, and perceived business value of process mining from employees across organizations as well as process mining experts and consultants. We extend the existing success model and provide lessons for business value generation through process mining based on the derived findings. To assist the realization of process mining enabled business value, we design an artifact for context-aware process mining. The artifact combines standard process logs with additional context information to assist the automated identification of process realization paths associated with specific context events. Yet, realizing business value is a challenging task, as transforming processes based on informational insights is time-consuming. To overcome this, we showcase the development of a predictive process monitoring system for disruption handling in a production environment. The system leverages state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for disruption type classification and duration prediction. It combines the algorithms with additional organizational data sources and a simple assignment procedure to assist the disruption handling process. The design of such a system and analytics models is a challenging task, which we address by engineering a five-phase method for predictive end-to-end enterprise process network monitoring leveraging multi-headed deep neural networks. The method facilitates the integration of heterogeneous data sources through dedicated neural network input heads, which are concatenated for a prediction. An evaluation based on a real-world use-case highlights the superior performance of the resulting multi-headed network. Even the improved model performance provides no perfect results, and thus decisions about assigning agents to solve disruptions have to be made under uncertainty. Mathematical models can assist here, but due to complex real-world conditions, the number of potential scenarios massively increases and limits the solution of assignment models. To overcome this and tap into the potential of prescriptive process monitoring systems, we set out a data-driven approximate dynamic stochastic programming approach, which incorporates multiple uncertainties for an assignment decision. The resulting model has significant performance improvement and ultimately highlights the particular importance of analytics-enabled information systems for organizational process improvement. N2 - Der zunehmende globale Wettbewerb zwingt Unternehmen zur Verbesserung ihrer Prozesse, um sich dadurch einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu verschaffen. In der Fertigungsindustrie wird das durch die die digitale Transformation unterstützt. Grundlegende Komponenten in den entstehenden digitalisierten Umgebungen sind prozessorientierte Informationssysteme, die die Ausführung von Geschäftsprozessen aufzeichnen, bei der Prozessautomatisierung unterstützen und wiederum Potenzial zur Prozessanalyse freisetzen. Die meisten Informationssysteme in Unternehmen konzentrieren sich jedoch auf die Anzeige von Informationen, Prozessautomatisierung oder Datenerfassung, nutzen aber keine predictive analytics oder prescriptive analytics, um datengetriebene Entscheidungen zu unterstützen. Daher wird in dieser Dissertation der Aufbau von analytics-enabled Informationssystemen in fünf unabhängigen Teilen untersucht, die schrittweise analytische Methoden einführen und potenzielle Möglichkeiten zur Prozessverbesserung in realen Szenarien bewerten. Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für den Auf- und Ausbau von analytics-enabled Informationssystemen ist die Identifikation von Erfolgsfaktoren, die wir im Kontext von Process Mining als deskriptive Methode untersuchen. Wir kombinieren einen etablierten Process Mining Framework und ein Process Mining Erfolgsmodell, um einen strukturierten Ansatz zur Bewertung von Erfolgsfaktoren zu ermöglichen, den wir aufbauend zur Identifizierung von Herausforderungen, Motivationen und des wahrgenommenen Mehrwerts (engl. Business Value) von Process Mining durch Mitarbeiter in Organisationen und Process Mining Experten nutzen. Auf Grundlage der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse erweitern wir das bestehende Erfolgsmodell und leiten Implikationen für die Generierung von Business Value durch Process Mining ab. Um die Realisierung des durch Process Mining ermöglichten Business Value zu unterstützen, entwickeln wir ein Artefakt für kontextbezogenes Process Mining. Das Artefakt kombiniert standard Prozessdaten mit zusätzlichen Kontextinformationen, um die automatische Identifizierung von Prozesspfaden, die mit den Kontextereignissen in Verbindung gebracht werden, zu unterstützen. Die entsprechende Realisierung ist jedoch eine herausfordernde Aufgabe, da die Transformation von Prozessen auf der Grundlage von Informationserkenntnissen zeitaufwendig ist. Um dies zu überwinden, stellen wir die Entwicklung eines predictive process monitoring Systems zur Automatisierung des Störungsmanagements in einer Produktionsumgebung vor. Das System nutzt etablierte Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens zur Klassifizierung von Störungsarten und zur Vorhersage der Störungsdauer. Es kombiniert die Algorithmen mit zusätzlichen Datenquellen und einem einfachen Zuweisungsverfahren, um den Prozess der Störungsbearbeitung zu unterstützen. Die Entwicklung eines solchen Systems und entsprechender Modelle ist eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe, die wir durch die Entwicklung einer Fünf-Phasen-Methode für predictive end-to-end process monitoring von Unternehmensprozessen unter Verwendung von multi-headed neural networks adressieren. Die Methode erleichtert die Integration heterogener Datenquellen durch dedizierte Modelle, die für eine Vorhersage kombiniert werden. Die Evaluation eines realen Anwendungsfalls unterstreicht die Kompetitivität des eines aus der entwickelten Methode resultierenden Modells. Allerdings sind auch die Ergebnisse des verbesserten Modells nicht perfekt. Somit muss die Entscheidung über die Zuweisung von Agenten zur Lösung von Störungen unter Unsicherheit getroffen werden. Dazu können zwar mathematische Modelle genutzt werden, allerdings steigt die Anzahl der möglichen Szenarien durch komplexe reale Bedingungen stark an und limitiert die Lösung mathematischer Modelle. Um dies zu überwinden und das Potenzial eines prescriptive process monitoring Systems zu beleuchten, haben wir einen datengetriebenen Ansatz zur Approximation eines dynamischen stochastischen Problems entwickelt, der mehrere Unsicherheiten bei der Zuweisung der Agenten berücksichtigt. Das resultierende Modell hat eine signifikant bessere Leistung und unterstreicht letztlich die besondere Bedeutung von analytics-enabled Informationssystemen für die Verbesserung von Organisationsprozessen. KW - Operations Management KW - Wirtschaftsinformatik KW - Entscheidungsunterstützung KW - Maschinelles Lernen KW - Advanced Analytics KW - Predictive Analytics KW - Prescriptive Analytics Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-298531 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schnitzlein, Matthias A1 - Mützel, Carina A1 - Shoyama, Kazutaka A1 - Farrell, Jeffrey M. A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - PAHs Containing both Heptagon and Pentagon: Corannulene Extension by [5+2] Annulation JF - European Journal of Organic Chemistry N2 - Utilizing Pd‐catalyzed [5+2] annulation a series of heptagon‐extended corannulenes could be synthesized from a borinic acid precursor furnished by C−H borylation strategy. Single‐crystal X‐ray analysis revealed the presence of two conformational enantiomers crystallizing in a racemic mixture. Through their embedded five‐ and seven‐membered rings these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) exhibit both negative and positive curvature and UV/Vis/NIR absorption spectroscopy as well as cyclic voltammetry experiments provided insights into the influence of larger flanking aromatic systems and electron‐donating substituents encompassing the heptagonal ring. Through [5+2] annulation of acenaphthylene an azulene‐containing PAH with intriguing optoelectronical properties including a very small bandgap and absorption over the whole visible spectrum could be obtained. Theoretical calculations were employed to elucidate the long‐wavelength absorption and aromaticity. KW - annulation KW - aromaticity KW - azulene KW - Corannulene KW - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262627 VL - 2022 IS - 5 ER - TY - THES A1 - Grob, Robin T1 - The Function of Learning Walks of \({Cataglyphis Ants}\): Behavioral and Neuronal Analyses T1 - Die Funktion der Lernläufe in \(Cataglyphis\) Ameisen: eine Studie des Verhaltens und der neuronalen Auswirkungen N2 - Humans and animals alike use the sun, the moon, and the stars to guide their ways. However, the position of celestial cues changes depending on daytime, season, and place on earth. To use these celestial cues for reliable navigation, the rotation of the sky has to be compensated. While humans invented complicated mechanisms like the Antikythera mechanism to keep track of celestial movements, animals can only rely on their brains. The desert ant Cataglyphis is a prime example of an animal using celestial cues for navigation. Using the sun and the related skylight polarization pattern as a compass, and a step integrator for distance measurements, it can determine a vector always pointing homewards. This mechanism is called path integration. Since the sun’s position and, therefore, also the polarization pattern changes throughout the day, Cataglyphis have to correct this movement. If they did not compensate for time, the ants’ compass would direct them in different directions in the morning and the evening. Thus, the ants have to learn the solar ephemeris before their far-reaching foraging trips. To do so, Cataglyphis ants perform a well-structured learning-walk behavior during the transition phase from indoor worker to outdoor forager. While walking in small loops around the nest entrance, the ants repeatedly stop their forward movements to perform turns. These can be small walked circles (voltes) or tight turns about the ants’ body axes (pirouettes). During pirouettes, the ants gaze back to their nest entrance during stopping phases. These look backs provide a behavioral read-out for the state of the path integrator. The ants “tell” the observer where they think their nest is, by looking back to it. Pirouettes are only performed by Cataglyphis ants inhabiting an environment with a prominent visual panorama. This indicates, that pirouettes are performed to learn the visual panorama. Voltes, on the other hand, might be used for calibrating the celestial compass of the ants. In my doctoral thesis, I employed a wide range of state-of-the-art techniques from different disciplines in biology to gain a deeper understanding of how navigational information is acquired, memorized, used, and calibrated during the transition phase from interior worker to outdoor forager. I could show, that celestial orientation cues that provide the main compass during foraging, do not guide the ants during the look-backbehavior of initial learning walks. Instead Cataglyphis nodus relies on the earth’s magnetic field as a compass during this early learning phase. While not guiding the ants during their first walks outside of the nest, excluding the ants from perceiving the natural polarization pattern of the skylight has significant consequences on learning-related plasticity in the ants’ brain. Only if the ants are able to perform their learning-walk behavior under a skylight polarization pattern that changes throughout the day, plastic neuronal changes in high-order integration centers are induced. Especially the mushroom bogy collar, a center for learning and memory, and the central complex, a center for orientation and motor control, showed an increase in volume after learning walks. This underlines the importance of learning walks for calibrating the celestial compass. The magnetic compass might provide the necessary stable reference system for the ants to calibrate their celestial compass and learn the position of landmark information. In the ant brain, visual information from the polarization-sensitive ocelli converge in tight apposition with neuronal afferents of the mechanosensitive Johnston’s organ in the ant’s antennae. This makes the ants’ antennae an interesting candidate for studying the sensory bases of compass calibration in Cataglyphis ants. The brain of the desert navigators is well adapted to successfully accomplish their navigational needs. Females (gynes and workers) have voluminous mushroom bodies, and the synaptic complexity to store large amount of view-based navigational information, which they acquire during initial learning walks. The male Cataglyphis brain is better suited for innate behaviors that support finding a mate. The results of my thesis show that the well adapted brain of C. nodus ants undergoes massive structural changes during leaning walks, dependent on a changing celestial polarization pattern. This underlies the essential role of learning walks in the calibration of orientation systems in desert ants. N2 - Die Gestirne helfen nicht nur Menschen uns zurecht zu finden, sondern auch Tiere können Sonne, Mond und Sterne für Navigation nutzen. Dabei gilt es aber zu beachten, dass die Himmelskörper ihre Position abhängig von der Tageszeit, den Jahreszeiten und dem Standort auf der Erde verändern. Um anhand von Himmelseigenschaften erfolgreich navigieren zu können, ist es deshalb unerlässlich diese Himmelsrotation zu kennen und für sie zu kompensieren. Menschen haben dafür bereits in der Antike komplizierte Maschinen wie den Antikythera Mechanismus entwickelt, Tiere dagegen brauchen nur ihr Gehirn. Wüstenameisen der Galtung Cataglyphis sind kleine Meisternavigatoren. Sie benutzen einen Himmelskompass, basierend auf der Sonne und dem mit ihr assoziierten Polarisationsmuster des Himmels, und einen Schrittintegrator, um einen Vektor zu bestimmen, der immer genau zu ihrem Ausgangspunkt zurück zeigt. Dieser Orientierungsmechanismus heißt Wegintegration. Da sich allerdings die Position der Sonne am Himmel und damit auch das Polarisationsmuster des Himmels über den Tag verändern, muss Cataglyphis für diese Veränderung kompensieren. Würde sie das nicht tun, würde ihr Kompass morgens in eine ganz andere Richtung als abends zeigen. Deshalb müssen Ameisen den Sonnenverlauf erlernen bevor sie zu ihren weitläufigen Futtersuchläufen aufbrechen. Cataglyphis führt dazu ein strukturiertes Lernlaufverhalten durch während des Übergangs von Innendiensttier zu Sammlerinnen. Dabei laufen die Ameisen in kleinen Schlaufen um ihren Nesteingang und stoppen ihre Vorwärtsbewegung mehrmalig, um Drehungen durchzuführen. Diese Drehungen sind entweder kleine gelaufene Kreise (Volten) oder Drehungen um die eigene Achse (Pirouetten). Nur Cataglyphis, die Gegenden mit einem reichhaltigen visuellen Panorama bewohnen, führen Pirouetten aus bei denen sie zurück zu ihrem Nesteingang schauen. Dies legt nahe, dass während Pirouetten das Panorama gelernt wird. Während Volten wird wohl der Himmelskompass kalibriert. Die Rückdrehungen während ihrer Lernläufe geben die einmalige Möglichkeit, die Ameise zu „fragen“ wo sie denkt, dass ihr Nest sei und damit ihren Wegintegrator auszulesen. In meiner Doktorarbeit kombinierte ich viele biologischen Methoden unterschiedlicher Disziplinen um zu untersuchen wie die Ameisen ihre Navigationssysteme während der ersten Läufe außerhalb des Nestes erlernen, speichern, kalibrieren und später nutzen. Ich konnte zeigen, dass Himmelsinformationen, die bei Sammlerinnen als wichtigster 4 Kompass dienen, nicht für die Orientierung der Rückblicke während Lernläufen dienen. Stattdessen nutzten naive Cataglyphis nodus das Erdmagnetfeld als Kompass. Obwohl Himmelsinformationen nicht als Kompass während der Lernläufe genutzt werden, spielen sie eine essentielle Rolle für neuroplastische Veränderungen im Gehirn der Ameisen. Nur wenn Ameisen ihre Lernläufe unter einem Polaristaionsmuster, das sich über den Tag hinweg verändert, ausführen, kommt es zu plastischen Veränderungen in neuronalen Integrationszentren. Besonders die Pilzkörper, Zentren für Lernen und Gedächtnis, und der Zentralkomplex, Zentrum für Orientierung und Bewegungssteuerung, nehmen im Volumen nach Lernläufen zu. Lernläufe spielen also eine wichtige Rolle für die Kalibrierung der Navigationsinformationen. Das Erdmagnetfeld könnte das für die Kalibierung notwendige erdgebundene, stabile Referenzsystem bieten, an dem die Himmelsbewegung gelernt wird. Im Ameisengehirn laufen visuelle Informationen von den polarisatiossensitiven Ocelli mit Afferenzen des mechanosensitiven Johnstonschen Organ aus der Antenne zusammen. Die Antenne könnte daher eine wichtiges Organ für die Kalibrierung der Orientierungssysteme sein. Das kleine Gehirn der Ameisen ist bestens an ihre Anforderungen als große Navigatoren angepasst. Weibliche C. nodus (Arbeiterinnen und Königinnen) besitzen große Pilzkörper mit einer Anzahl an Synapsen, die es ihnen erlaubt eine Vielzahl von Umgebungsbildern zu speichern, die sie während ihrer initialen Lernläufe lernen müssen. Das männliche Cataglyphis-Gehirn ist besser auf angeborene Orientierungsstrategien angepasst, die ihm helfen einen Geschlechtspartner zu finden. Die Ergebnisse meiner Doktorarbeit zeigen, dass das an die navigatorischen Herausforderungen angepasste Gehirn von C. nodus signifikante neuronale Veränderungen in Abhängigkeit eines sich veränderten Polaristaionsmusters während der Lernläufe erfährt. Dies zeigt die essentielle Rolle der Lernläufe in der Kalibrierung der Navigationssysteme von Wüstenameisen. KW - Cataglyphis KW - Kompass KW - Navigation KW - Nahrungserwerb KW - Neuroethologie KW - Neuroethology KW - Polyethism KW - Learning Walk KW - Geomagnetic Field KW - Learning & Memory Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290173 ER - TY - THES A1 - Vogel, Sebastian T1 - Determinants of saproxylic biodiversity and conclusions for conservation T1 - Einflussfaktoren auf xylobionte Artenvielfalt und Rückschlüsse für den Naturschutz N2 - Over the past centuries, anthropogenic utilization has fundamentally changed the appearance of European forest ecosystems. Constantly growing and changing demands have led to an enormous decline in ecological key elements and a structural homogenization of most forests. These changes have been accompanied by widespread declines of many forest-dwelling and especially saproxylic, i.e. species depending on deadwood. In order to counteract this development, various conservation strategies have been developed, but they primarily focus on a quantitative deadwood enrichment. However, the diversity of saproxylic species is furthermore driven by a variety of abiotic and biotic determinants as well as interactions between organisms. A detailed understanding of these processes has so far been largely lacking. The aim of the present thesis was therefore to improve the existing ecological knowledge of determinants influencing saproxylic species and species communities in order to provide the basis for evidence-based and adapted conservation measures. In chapter II of this thesis, I first investigated the impact of sun exposure, tree species, and their combination on saproxylic beetles, wood-inhabiting fungi, and spiders. Therefore, logs and branches of six tree species were set up under different sun exposures in an experimental approach. The impact of sun exposure and tree species strongly differed among single saproxylic taxa as well as diameters of deadwood. All investigated taxa were affected by sun exposure, whereby sun exposure resulted in a higher alpha-diversity of taxa recorded in logs and a lower alpha-diversity of saproxylic beetles reared from branches compared to shading by canopy. Saproxylic beetles and wood-inhabiting fungi as obligate saproxylic species were additionally affected by tree species. In logs, the respective impact of both determinants also resulted in divergent community compositions. Finally, a rarefaction/extrapolation method was used to evaluate the effectiveness of different combinations of tree species and sun exposure for the conservation of saproxylic species diversity. Based on this procedure, a combination of broadleaved and coniferous as well as hard- and softwood tree species was identified to support preferably high levels of saproxylic species diversity. The aim of chapter III was to evaluate the individual conservational importance of tree species for the protection of saproxylic beetles. For this, the list of tree species sampled for saproxylic beetles was increased to 42 different tree species. The considered tree species represented large parts of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity native to Central Europe as well as the most important non-native tree species of silvicultural interest. Freshly cut branches were set up for one year and saproxylic beetles were reared afterwards for two subsequent years. The study revealed that some tree species, in particular Quercus sp., host a particular high diversity of saproxylic beetles, but tree species with a comparatively medium or low overall diversity were likewise important for red-listed saproxylic beetle species. Compared to native tree species, non-native tree species hosted a similar overall species diversity of saproxylic beetles but differed in community composition. In chapter IV, I finally analysed the interactions of host beetle diversity and the diversity of associated parasitoids by using experimentally manipulated communities of saproxylic beetles and parasitoid Hymenoptera as a model system. Classical approaches of species identification for saproxylic beetles were combined with DNA-barcoding for parasitoid Hymenoptera. The diversity of the host communities was inferred from their phylogenetic composition as well as differences in seven functional traits. Abundance, species richness, and Shannon-diversity of parasitoid Hymenoptera increased with increasing host abundance. However, the phylogenetic and functional dissimilarity of host communities showed no influence on the species communities of parasitoid Hymenoptera. The results clearly indicate an abundance-driven system in which the general availability, not necessarily the diversity of potential hosts, is decisive. In summary, the present thesis corroborates the general importance of deadwood heterogeneity for the diversity of saproxylic species by combining different experimental approaches. In order to increase their efficiency, conservation strategies for saproxylic species should generally promote deadwood from different tree species under different conditions of sun exposure on landscape-level in addition to the present enrichment of a certain deadwood amount. The most effective combinations of tree species should consider broadleaved and coniferous as well as hard- and softwood tree species. Furthermore, in addition to dominant tree species, special attention should be given to native, subdominant, silviculturally unimportant, and rare tree species. N2 - Während der letzten Jahrhunderte hat die anthropogene Nutzung das Erscheinungsbild der Waldökosysteme in Europa grundlegend verändert. Stetig wachsende und wandelnde Ansprüche führten zu einem enormen Rückgang ökologischer Schlüsselelemente und einer strukturellen Homogenisierung der meisten Wälder. In der Folge kam es zu Rückgängen vieler waldbewohnender und insbesondere xylobionter, d.h. von Totholz abhängigen, Arten. Um dieser Entwicklung entgegenzuwirken, wurden verschiedene Schutzstrategien entwickelt, welche jedoch vor allem auf eine quantitative Totholzanreicherung abzielen. Die Vielfalt xylobionter Arten wird aber weiterhin durch unterschiedliche abiotische und biotische Einflussfaktoren sowie durch Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Arten beeinflusst. Ein detailliertes Verständnis der genauen Vorgänge fehlt jedoch bislang größtenteils. Ziel der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit war es deshalb, das diesbezüglich bestehende Wissen zu verbessern, um die Basis für evidenzbasierte und angepasste Naturschutzmaßnahmen zu schaffen. In Kapitel II dieser Arbeit habe ich zunächst den Einfluss der Besonnung und Baumart sowie deren Kombination im Vergleich auf xylobionte Käfer, holzbesiedelnde Pilze und Spinnen untersucht. Für die zugehörige Studie wurden dabei Stämme und Äste von sechs Baumarten bei unterschiedlicher Besonnung in einem experimentellen Ansatz ausgebracht. Der Einfluss der Besonnung und Baumart unterschied sich deutlich zwischen den einzelnen Artengruppen und Totholzdurchmessern. Alle Artengruppen wurden durch die Besonnung beeinflusst, wobei Besonnung im Vergleich zur Beschattung durch Baumkronen bei allen Artengruppen an Stämmen zu einer höheren alpha-Diversität führte und zu einer niedrigeren alpha-Diversität von xylobionten Käfern in Ästen. Xylobionte Käfer und holzbesiedelnde Pilze als obligat xylobionte Arten wurden weiterhin von der Baumart beeinflusst. Für die Artengruppen an Stämmen führten die jeweiligen Auswirkungen von Besonnung und Baumarten ebenfalls zu Unterschieden in der Zusammensetzung der Artgemeinschaften. Abschließend wurden Art-Akkumulationskurven genutzt, um die Effektivität unterschiedlicher Kombinationen aus Baumart und Besonnung für den Erhalt der xylobionten Diversität zu evaluieren. Um eine möglichst hohe Artenvielfalt zu fördern, wurde darauf basierend eine Kombination aus Laub- und Nadelholz einschließlich Weich- und Hartholzarten identifiziert. Ziel meiner Studie in Kapitel III war es den individuellen Beitrag einzelner Baumarten zum Schutz xylobionter Käfer zu identifizieren. Dafür wurde die Zahl untersuchter Baumarten auf 42 erhöht. Die untersuchten Baumarten umfassten dabei große Teile der taxonomischen und phylogenetischen Diversität, die in Mitteleuropa heimisch ist, sowie die wichtigsten, nicht-heimischen Baumarten von waldbaulichem Interesse. Frisch geschnittene Äste wurden für ein Jahr ausgebracht und xylobionte Käfer im Anschluss für zwei aufeinanderfolgende Jahre ausgezüchtet. Im Rahmen der Studie konnte gezeigt werden, dass einige Baumarten, insbesondere Quercus sp., eine besonders hohe Artenvielfalt aufweisen, aber auch Arten mit einer vergleichsweise geringen Gesamtartenzahl für Arten der Roten Liste von Bedeutung sind. Nicht-heimische Baumarten beherbergten insgesamt keine geringere Artenvielfalt von xylobionten Käfern, unterschieden sich aber in der Zusammensetzung ihrer Artgemeinschaften. Die Studie in Kapitel IV analysiert schließlich die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Wirtsdiversität und der Diversität assoziierter Parasitoide unter Verwendung experimentell manipulierter Gemeinschaften von xylobionten Käfern und parasitoiden Hymenopteren als Modellsystem. Klassische Ansätze zur Artidentifizierung für xylobionte Käfer wurden dabei mit DNA-Barcoding für die parasitoiden Hymenopteren kombiniert. Die Vielfalt der Wirtsgemeinschaften wurde aus ihrer phylogenetischen Zusammensetzung sowie Unterschieden in sieben funktionellen Merkmalen abgeleitet. Abundanz, Artenvielfalt und Shannon-Diversität nahmen mit zunehmender Abundanz der Wirte zu. Hingegen zeigten die phylogenetische und funktionelle Ähnlichkeit der Wirtsgemeinschaften insgesamt keinen Einfluss auf die Artgemeinschaften der parasitoiden Hymenopteren. Die Ergebnisse weisen damit klar auf ein abundanz-getriebenes System hin, in dem die generelle Verfügbarkeit und nicht unbedingt die Diversität potentieller Wirte entscheidend ist. Zusammenfassend betont die vorliegende Promotionsarbeit durch die Kombination verschiedener experimenteller Ansätze die generelle Bedeutung der Totholzheterogenität für die Vielfalt xylobionter Arten. Um ihre Effizienz zu steigern, sollten Schutzstrategien für xylobionte Arten neben einer bestimmten Totholzmenge daher generell Totholz verschiedener Baumarten bei unterschiedlicher Besonnung auf Landschaftsebene anreichern. Die effektivsten Baumarten-Kombinationen sollten dabei Laub- und Nadelholz sowie Weich- und Hartholzarten berücksichtigen. Neben den dominierenden Baumarten sollte zudem ein besonderes Augenmerk auf heimischen, subdominanten, wirtschaftlich irrelevanten und seltenen Baumarten liegen. KW - deadwood enrichment KW - saproxylic KW - beetles KW - spiders KW - woodinhabiting-fungi KW - tree species KW - forest conservation Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289266 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Reinhold, Ann Kristin A1 - Krug, Susanne M. A1 - Salvador, Ellaine A1 - Sauer, Reine S. A1 - Karl-Schöller, Franziska A1 - Malcangio, Marzia A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Rittner, Heike L. T1 - MicroRNA-21-5p functions via RECK/MMP9 as a proalgesic regulator of the blood nerve barrier in nerve injury JF - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences N2 - Both nerve injury and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) can result in chronic pain. In traumatic neuropathy, the blood nerve barrier (BNB) shielding the nerve is impaired—partly due to dysregulated microRNAs (miRNAs). Upregulation of microRNA-21-5p (miR-21) has previously been documented in neuropathic pain, predominantly due to its proinflammatory features. However, little is known about other functions. Here, we characterized miR-21 in neuropathic pain and its impact on the BNB in a human-murine back translational approach. MiR-21 expression was elevated in plasma of patients with CRPS as well as in nerves of mice after transient and persistent nerve injury. Mice presented with BNB leakage, as well as loss of claudin-1 in both injured and spared nerves. Moreover, the putative miR-21 target RECK was decreased and downstream Mmp9 upregulated, as was Tgfb. In vitro experiments in human epithelial cells confirmed a downregulation of CLDN1 by miR-21 mimics via inhibition of the RECK/MMP9 pathway but not TGFB. Perineurial miR-21 mimic application in mice elicited mechanical hypersensitivity, while local inhibition of miR-21 after nerve injury reversed it. In summary, the data support a novel role for miR-21, independent of prior inflammation, in elicitation of pain and impairment of the BNB via RECK/MMP9. KW - claudin-1 KW - RECK KW - MMP9 KW - CRPS KW - microRNA KW - neuropathic pain KW - blood nerve barrier Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318226 VL - 1515 IS - 1 SP - 184 EP - 195 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Neitz, Hermann A1 - Bessi, Irene A1 - Kachler, Valentin A1 - Michel, Manuela A1 - Höbartner, Claudia T1 - Tailored tolane‐perfluorotolane assembly as supramolecular base pair replacement in DNA JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - Arene‐fluoroarene interactions offer outstanding possibilities for engineering of supramolecular systems, including nucleic acids. Here, we implement the tolane‐perfluorotolane interaction as base pair replacement in DNA. Tolane (THH) and perfluorotolane (TFF) moieties were connected to acyclic backbone units, comprising glycol nucleic acid (GNA) or butyl nucleic acid (BuNA) building blocks, that were incorporated via phosphoramidite chemistry at opposite positions in a DNA duplex. Thermodynamic analyses by UV thermal melting revealed a compelling stabilization by THH/TFF heteropairs only when connected to the BuNA backbone, but not with the shorter GNA linker. Detailed NMR studies confirmed the preference of the BuNA backbone for enhanced polar π‐stacking. This work defines how orthogonal supramolecular interactions can be tailored by small constitutional changes in the DNA backbone, and it inspires future studies of arene‐fluoroarene‐programmed assembly of DNA. KW - arene-fluoroarene KW - artificial base pair KW - DNA KW - sSupramolecular interaction KW - XNA Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312575 VL - 62 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schlossarek, Tim A1 - Stepanenko, Vladimir A1 - Beuerle, Florian A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Self‐assembled Ru(bda) Coordination Oligomers as Efficient Catalysts for Visible Light‐Driven Water Oxidation in Pure Water JF - Angewandte Chemie International Edition N2 - Water‐soluble multinuclear complexes based on ruthenium 2,2′‐bipyridine‐6,6′‐dicarboxylate (bda) and ditopic bipyridine linker units are investigated in three‐component visible light‐driven water oxidation catalysis. Systematic studies revealed a strong enhancement of the catalytic efficiency in the absence of organic co‐solvents and with increasing oligomer length. In‐depth kinetic and morphological investigations suggest that the enhanced performance is induced by the self‐assembly of linear Ru(bda) oligomers into aggregated superstructures. The obtained turnover frequencies (up to 14.9 s\(^{−1}\)) and turnover numbers (more than 1000) per ruthenium center are the highest reported so far for Ru(bda)‐based photocatalytic water oxidation systems. KW - artificial photosynthesis KW - coordination oligomer KW - photocatalysis KW - Ruthenium complexes KW - water oxidation Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312184 VL - 61 IS - 52 ER - TY - THES A1 - Sbiera, Iuliu T1 - Possible role of epithelial to mesenchymal transition and its associated FGF/FGFR pathway in adrenocortical carcinoma T1 - Mögliche Rolle des epithelial-mesenchymalen Transition und des damit verbundenen FGF/FGFR-Signalwegs beim Nebennierenrindenkarzinom N2 - Recent studies have hinted to an involvement of epithelial to mesenchymal transition, a mechanism often associated with metastasis in epithelial cancers, in adrenocortical carcinoma. In addition, the knowledge about the FGF/FGFR pathway in pathogenesis of the adrenal gland, a pathway often associated with the epithelial to mesenchymal transition, is sparse and fragmented. We assessed, in a large number of normal, benign and malignant adrenocortical tissues (a total of 181 different samples), the expression of canonical and novel epithelial and mesenchymal markers and compared it with their expression in typical epithelial and mesenchymal tissues. In addition, we also quantified the expression of most members of the FGF/FGFR pathway in adrenocortical tissues and compared it against well-studied epithelial and mesenchymal tissues as well as between malignant and not malignant adrenocortical tissues, in order to assess the possible connection to epithelial to mesenchymal transition and find possible drug targets. Surprisingly, both normal and neoplastic adrenocortical tissues lacked expression of epithelial markers (e.g. E-Cadhering or EpCAM) but strongly expressed mesenchymal markers (e.g. N-Cadherin or SLUG), suggesting a higher similarity of adrenocortical tissues to mesenchymal compared to epithelial tissues, reminiscent of the adrenocortical origin from the intermediate mesoderm. Despite their ubiquitous expression in all adrenocortical tissues, mesenchymal markers had a variable expression in adrenocortical carcinoma, associating either directly or inversely with different clinical markers of tumor aggressiveness. Lymph node infiltration was associated with high expression of SLUG (p = 0.04), and at the same time low expression of N-cadherin (p = 0.001), and the same pattern was observed for venous infiltration of tumoral tissue, Weiss score of tumor malignancy or Ki67 proliferation marker. In malignant compared to benign adrenal tumors, we found significant differences in the expression of 16 out of the 94 studied FGF receptor pathway related genes. Genes involved in tissue differentiation and metastatic spread through epithelial to mesenchymal transition were most strongly altered. The therapeutically targetable FGF receptors 1 and 4 were upregulated 4.6- and 6-fold, respectively, in malignant compared to benign adrenocortical tumors, which was confirmed by using two different quantification methods in both frozen and paraffin embedded tissue material. High expression of FGFR1 and 4 was significantly associated with worse patient prognosis (High FGFR1 expression was associated with a shorter overall patient survival of 84 vs 148 months (HR=1.8, 95% CI: 1.01-3.25) as well as a shorter resection free survival of 25 vs 75 months ((HR=2.93, 95% CI: 1.25-6.84), while high FGFR4 was associated with a much shorter overall survival of 50 vs 155 months (HR=2.44, 95% CI: 1.41-4.22). In conclusion, epithelial to mesenchymal transition does not seem to play a role in adrenocortical carcinoma tumor progression, and the FGF/FGFR pathway, even if it is probably not related to EMT, is nonetheless associated with tumor aggressiveness. Furthermore, quantification of FGF receptors may enable a stratification of adrenocortical carcinoma for the use of FGFR inhibitors in future clinical trials. N2 - Jüngste Studien weisen auf eine Beteiligung der epithelial-mesenchymalen Transition, ein Mechanismus der oft mit Metastasen bei Epithelkarzinomen assoziiert ist, beim Nebennierenrindenkarzinom hin. Darüber hinaus gibt es kaum Kenntnisse über die Rolle des FGF/FGFR-Signalweges in der Pathogenese der Nebenniere, ein Signalweg, der oft mit der epithelial-mesenchymalen Transition in Verbindung gebracht wird. Wir haben hier an einer großen Anzahl von normalen, gutartigen und bösartigen Nebennierenrindengewebeproben (insgesamt 181 Proben) die Expression von kanonischen und anderen epithelialen und mesenchymalen Markern untersucht und mit ihrer Expression in typischen epithelialen und mesenchymalen Geweben verglichen. Darüber hinaus, haben wir auch die Expression der meisten Mitglieder des FGF/FGFR-Signalwegs in Nebennierenrindengeweben quantifiziert und mit gut definierten epithelialen und mesenchymalen Geweben verglichen sowie zwischen bösartigen und nicht bösartigen Nebennierenrindengeweben, um die mögliche Verbindung zu epithelialer-mesenchymaler Transition zu finden und mögliche therapeutische Ziele zu identifizieren. Überraschenderweise konnte weder in normalem noch in neoplastischem Nebennierenrindengewebe die Expression von epithelialen Markern (z. B. E-Cadherin oder EpCAM) nachgewiesen werden. In beiden Geweben wurde aber eine starke Expression mesenchymaler Marker (z. B. N-Cadherin oder SLUG) gefunden, was auf eine größere Ähnlichkeit von Nebennierenrindengeweben zu mesenchymalen im Vergleich zu epithelialen Geweben hindeutet. Dies könnte mit der Entwicklung des Nebennierenrinden-gewebes aus dem intermediären Mesoderm erklärt werden. Trotz ihrer ubiquitären Expression in allen Nebennierenrindengeweben, hatten mesenchymale Marker eine variable Expression in Nebennierenrindenkarzinomen, die entweder direkt oder indirekt mit verschiedenen klinischen Markern der Tumoraggressivität assoziiert waren. Die Lymphknoteninfiltration war mit einer hohen Expression von SLUG (p = 0,04) und einer niedrigen Expression von N-Cadherin (p = 0,001) verbunden. Das gleiche Muster wurde für die venöse Infiltration von Tumorgewebe, dem Weiss-Score oder dem Ki67-Proliferationsmarker beobachtet. Signifikante Unterschiede in der Expression von 16 der 94 untersuchten Gene, die mit dem FGF-Rezeptorsignalweg in Verbindung stehen, wurden beim Vergleich von bösartigen und gutartigen Nebennierentumoren gefunden. Gene, die an der Gewebedifferenzierung und Metastasierung durch epithelial-mesenchymale Transition beteiligt sind, waren dabei am stärksten verändert. Die therapeutisch relevante FGF-Rezeptoren 1 und 4 waren bei malignen im Vergleich zu gutartigen Nebennierenrindentumoren 4,6- bzw. 6,0-fach hochreguliert. Dies wurde durch Verwendung zweier unabhängiger Quantifizierungsmethoden sowohl in gefrorenem als auch in paraffineingebettetem Gewebematerial bestätigt. Eine hohe Expression von FGFR1 und 4 war signifikant mit einer schlechteren Prognose verbunden. Eine hohe FGFR1-Expression war mit einem kürzeren Gesamtüberleben der Patienten von 84 vs. 148 Monaten (HR = 1,8; 95%CI: 1,01-3,25) sowie einem kürzeren resektions-freien Überleben von 25 vs. 75 Monaten (HR = 2,93; 95%CI: 1,25-6,84) verbunden, während eine höhere FGFR4-Expression mit einem viel kürzeren Gesamtüberleben von 50 vs. 155 Monaten assoziiert war (HR = 2,44; 95%CI: 1,41-4.22)). Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass der Mechanismus der epithelial-mesenchymalen Transition keine Rolle bei der Tumorprogression des Nebennierenrindenkarzinoms zu spielen schein. Es konnte außerdem gezeigt werden, dass der FGF/FGFR-Signalweg, auch wenn er wahrscheinlich nicht mit der EMT zusammenhängt, mit der Aggressivität der Tumoren assoziiert. Die Untersuchung der Expression der FGF-Rezeptoren könnte für die Stratifizierung des Nebennierenrindenkarzinoms, zwecks Verwendung von FGFR-Inhibitoren in zukünftigen klinischen Studien, benutzt werden. KW - Nebennierenrindenkrebs KW - Fibroblastenwachstumsfaktor KW - adrenocortical carcinoma KW - epithelial to mesenchymal transition KW - fibroblast growth factors Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-277454 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schmid, Benedikt A1 - Griesel, Mirko A1 - Fischer, Anna-Lena A1 - Romero, Carolina S. A1 - Metzendorf, Maria-Inti A1 - Weibel, Stephanie A1 - Fichtner, Falk T1 - Awake prone positioning, high-flow nasal oxygen and non-invasive ventilation as non-invasive respiratory strategies in COVID-19 acute respiratory failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis JF - Journal of Clinical Medicine N2 - Background: Acute respiratory failure is the most important organ dysfunction of COVID-19 patients. While non-invasive ventilation (NIV) and high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen are frequently used, efficacy and safety remain uncertain. Benefits and harms of awake prone positioning (APP) in COVID-19 patients are unknown. Methods: We searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing HFNC vs. NIV and APP vs. standard care. We meta-analyzed data for mortality, intubation rate, and safety. Results: Five RCTs (2182 patients) were identified. While it remains uncertain whether HFNC compared to NIV alters mortality (RR: 0.92, 95% CI 0.65–1.33), HFNC may increase rate of intubation or death (composite endpoint; RR 1.22, 1.03–1.45). We do not know if HFNC alters risk for harm. APP compared to standard care probably decreases intubation rate (RR 0.83, 0.71–0.96) but may have little or no effect on mortality (RR: 1.08, 0.51–2.31). Conclusions: Certainty of evidence is moderate to very low. There is no compelling evidence for either HFNC or NIV, but both carry substantial risk for harm. The use of APP probably has benefits although mortality appears unaffected. KW - respiratory failure KW - non-invasive ventilation KW - high-flow nasal cannula KW - awake prone positioning KW - COVID-19 KW - systematic review Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-255225 SN - 2077-0383 VL - 11 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Woznicki, Piotr A1 - Laqua, Fabian A1 - Bley, Thorsten A1 - Baeßler, Bettina T1 - AutoRadiomics: a framework for reproducible radiomics research JF - Frontiers in Radiology N2 - Purpose Machine learning based on radiomics features has seen huge success in a variety of clinical applications. However, the need for standardization and reproducibility has been increasingly recognized as a necessary step for future clinical translation. We developed a novel, intuitive open-source framework to facilitate all data analysis steps of a radiomics workflow in an easy and reproducible manner and evaluated it by reproducing classification results in eight available open-source datasets from different clinical entities. Methods The framework performs image preprocessing, feature extraction, feature selection, modeling, and model evaluation, and can automatically choose the optimal parameters for a given task. All analysis steps can be reproduced with a web application, which offers an interactive user interface and does not require programming skills. We evaluated our method in seven different clinical applications using eight public datasets: six datasets from the recently published WORC database, and two prostate MRI datasets—Prostate MRI and Ultrasound With Pathology and Coordinates of Tracked Biopsy (Prostate-UCLA) and PROSTATEx. Results In the analyzed datasets, AutoRadiomics successfully created and optimized models using radiomics features. For WORC datasets, we achieved AUCs ranging from 0.56 for lung melanoma metastases detection to 0.93 for liposarcoma detection and thereby managed to replicate the previously reported results. No significant overfitting between training and test sets was observed. For the prostate cancer detection task, results were better in the PROSTATEx dataset (AUC = 0.73 for prostate and 0.72 for lesion mask) than in the Prostate-UCLA dataset (AUC 0.61 for prostate and 0.65 for lesion mask), with external validation results varying from AUC = 0.51 to AUC = 0.77. Conclusion AutoRadiomics is a robust tool for radiomic studies, which can be used as a comprehensive solution, one of the analysis steps, or an exploratory tool. Its wide applicability was confirmed by the results obtained in the diverse analyzed datasets. The framework, as well as code for this analysis, are publicly available under https://github.com/pwoznicki/AutoRadiomics. KW - radiomics KW - radiology KW - machine learning KW - reproducibility KW - workflow KW - image analysis Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284813 SN - 2673-8740 VL - 2 ER - TY - THES A1 - Bangelesa, Freddy Fefe T1 - Impacts of climate variability and change on Maize (\(Zea\) \(mays\)) production in tropical Africa T1 - Auswirkungen von Klimavariabilität und Veränderungen auf die Mais (\(Zea\) \(mays\)) Produktion im tropischen Afrika N2 - Climate change is undeniable and constitutes one of the major threats of the 21st century. It impacts sectors of our society, usually negatively, and is likely to worsen towards the middle and end of the century. The agricultural sector is of particular concern, for it is the primary source of food and is strongly dependent on the weather. Considerable attention has been given to the impact of climate change on African agriculture because of the continent’s high vulnerability, which is mainly due to its low adaptation capac- ity. Several studies have been implemented to evaluate the impact of climate change on this continent. The results are sometimes controversial since the studies are based on different approaches, climate models and crop yield datasets. This study attempts to contribute substantially to this large topic by suggesting specific types of climate pre- dictors. The study focuses on tropical Africa and its maize yield. Maize is considered to be the most important crop in this region. To estimate the effect of climate change on maize yield, the study began by developing a robust cross-validated multiple linear regression model, which related climate predictors and maize yield. This statistical trans- fer function is reputed to be less prone to overfitting and multicollinearity problems. It is capable of selecting robust predictors, which have a physical meaning. Therefore, the study combined: large-scale predictors, which were derived from the principal component analysis of the monthly precipitation and temperature; traditional local-scale predictors, mainly, the mean precipitation, mean temperature, maximum temperature and minimum temperature; and the Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI), derived from the specific crop (maize) water balance model. The projected maize-yield change is forced by a regional climate model (RCM) REMO under two emission scenarios: high emission scenario (RCP8.5) and mid-range emission scenario (RCP4.5). The different effects of these groups of predictors in projecting the future maize-yield changes were also assessed. Furthermore, the study analysed the impact of climate change on the global WRSI. The results indicate that almost 27 % of the interannual variability of maize production of the entire region is explained by climate variables. The influence of climate predictors on maize-yield production is more pronounced in West Africa, reaching 55 % in some areas. The model projection indicates that the maize yield in the entire region is expected to decrease by the middle of the century under an RCP8.5 emission scenario, and from the middle of the century to the end of the century, the production will slightly recover but will remain negative (around -10 %). However, in some regions of East Africa, a slight increase in maize yield is expected. The maize-yield projection under RCP4.5 remains relatively unchanged compared to the baseline period (1982-2016). The results further indicate that large-scale predictors are the most critical drivers of the global year-to-year maize-yield variability, and ENSO – which is highly correlated with the most important predictor (PC2) – seems to be the physical process underlying this variability. The effects of local predictors are more pronounced in the eastern parts of the region. The impact of the future climate change on WRSI reveals that the availability of maize water is expected to decrease everywhere, except in some parts of eastern Africa. N2 - Weil die Folgen des Klimawandels die Lebensgrundlagen aller Lebewesen beeinträchtigen, ist der Klimawandel ein sehr relevantes Thema des 21. Jahrhunderts. Seine negativen Effekte betreffen bereits viele Sektoren unserer Gesellschaft und die Prognosen zeigen, dass sich die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels Mitte und Ende dieses Jahrhunderts ver- schärfen werden. Die Landwirtschaft ist besonders betroffen, denn sie ist sehr abhängig vom Klima. Da die Landwirtschaft als Hauptnahrungsquelle der Menschen gilt, ist es erforderlich sich mit den Problemen des Klimawandels rechtzeitig zu beschäftigen, um in der Zukunft die Ernährung der Menschheit gewährleisten zu können. Viele Forscher beschäftigen sich mit den Folgen des Klimawandels in der Landwirtschaft. Besonders in Afrika wurde viel geforscht, weil die Landwirtschaft in Afrika sich technisch schlecht anpassen kann, um die Schwierigkeiten, die mit dem Klimawandel einhergehen, zu über- winden. Mehrere Studien wurden durchgeführt, um die Auswirkungen des Klimawan- dels in Afrika zu bewerten. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen verwendeten statistischen Methoden, Modellierungen der Umweltprozesse oder Ertragsdaten sind die Ergebnisse teilweise kontrovers. Diese Studie versucht, einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Landwirtschaft in Westafrika zu leisten, indem sie spezifis- che Methoden vorschlägt, um das Klima der Zukunft projizieren zu können. Diese Studie behandelt Maiserträge in den Tropen Afrikas, da Mais dort die wichtigste Nutzpflanze ist. Um die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Maisertrag abzuschätzen, wurde ein Regressionsmodell (aus dem Englischen: robust cross-validated multiple) entwickelt, das Klimaprädiktoren und Maiserträge koppelt. Diese entwickelte statistische Übertra- gungsfunktion ist zuverlässiger bei Schwierigkeiten mit der Überanpassung und der Mul- tikollinearität. Außerdem ist sie auch in der Lage robuste Prädiktoren mit physikalischer Bedeutung auszuwählen. Deshalb wurden in der Studie großräumige und lokale Prädik- toren kombiniert. Erstere entstammen der Analyse der Komponenten des monatlichen Niederschlags und der Temperatur, letztere basieren basieren auf den mittleren und Ex- tremtemperaturen sowie dem mittleren Niederschlag. Zusätzlich zu den Prädiktoren wurde ein Index der Wasserbedarfsdeckung (Water Requirement Satisfaction Index, WRSI) verwendet, der auf einem Wasserhaushaltsmodell der Nutzpflanzen basiert. Die erwartete Mais-Ertragsänderung wird mithilfe eines regionalen Klimamodells (RCM) REMO für die Emissionsszenarien RCP8.5 und RCP4.5 simuliert. Die einzelnen Effekte der Prädiktoren- Gruppen bei der Prognose der zukünftigen Mais-Ertragsänderungen wurden ebenfalls bewertet. Darüber hinaus analysierte die Studie die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den WSRI. Durchschnittlich zeigen die Ergebnisse eine jährliche Maisproduktionsän- derung von ca. 27 % in der gesamten Region. Diese Änderung, die in Westafrika mit ca. 55 % stärker ausgeprägt ist, ist eine Folge des Klimawandels. Die Simulationen des Mod- ells anhand von RCP8.5-Emissionsszenario zeigen auch, dass der Maisertrag der gesamten Region voraussichtlich bis Mitte des Jahrhunderts abnehmen wird. Danach findet eine geringe Ertragserhöhung statt, die jedoch um ca. 10 % unter der ursprünglichen Menge liegt. Im Gegensatz zu Westafrika wird in einigen Regionen Ostafrikas wird ein leichter Anstieg des Maisertrags simuliert. Die Mais-Ertragsprognose für die gesamte Region mittels RCP4.5 bleibt relativ unverändert im Vergleich zum ursprünglichen Ertrag. Die Ergebnisse zeigen weiterhin, dass die großräumigen Prädiktoren die wichtigste Rolle bei den globalen jährlichen Maisertragsschwankungen spielen. ENSO ist stark mit dem wichtigsten Prädiktor korreliert, was auf den physikalischen Prozess hinweist, der diese Ertragsänderung erklärt. Die Relevanz der lokalen Prädiktoren ist in den östlichen Re- gionen Afrikas stärker ausgeprägt. Sie beeinflussen den WRSI, sodass der Maisertrag im Verhältnis zur Wasserverfügbarkeit voraussichtlich überall abnehmen wird. Ausgenom- men sind einigen Regionen Ostafrikas. KW - Climate change KW - Food security KW - Modelling Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259347 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kayisoglu-Kaya, Özge T1 - Analysis of gastrointestinal epithelial innate immune barrier using human and murine organoids as a model T1 - Analyse der Gastrointestinalen angeborenen Immunbarriere durch Humane und Murine Organoide als Modell N2 - The epithelial layer of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract provides a barrier between the environment and the body. Dysfunction of the epithelium, including changes of the innate immune response facilitated by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), plays a major role in the development of GI disorders. However, the organization of innate immune sensing, the expression and activity of PRRs and the factors contri¬buting to such possible organization along the GI tract are unclear. In recent years, stem cell-derived organoids gained increasing attention as promising tissue models. Here, a biobank of human and murine organoids comprising three lines from each GI segment; corpus, pylorus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon was generated. RNA sequencing of 42 lines confirmed the preservation of tissue identity and revealed an extensive organization of innate immune signaling components along the cephalocaudal axis, giving each segment a specific innate immune profile. Comple-menting the region-specific expression analysis, several PRRs in human and murine organoids showed region- and species-specific function. To investigate the factors contributing to the patterning of innate immunity in the GI tract, the impact of microbial components was analyzed using murine embryo-derived, never colonized gastric and proximal intestinal organoids. Transcriptional profiling of embryo-derived organoids showed that while expression of some PRRs may depend on environmental cues as expected, an unexpectedly large part of segment-specific expression of PRR signaling components is independent of prior contact with microbial products. Further, analysis of published RNA-seq data as well as in vitro experiments using directed differentiation of organoids into specific cell types showed that expression of innate immune gene also depended on cellular differentiation along the crypt-villus axis. This underlined the importance of cellular differentiation rather than contact to microbial compounds for expression of PRRs. Lastly, analysis of published datasets of RNA-seq and ATAC-seq after knockout of the intestinal transcription factor Cdx2 demonstrated that Cdx2 is likely important for the expression of Nlrp6 and Naip1 in the murine intestine. Future experiments have to support these preliminary findings. Taken together, the expression of a large part of epithelial innate immunity is develop¬mentally defined and conserved in tissue-resident stem cells. The identification of mechanisms governing expression of genes related to immunity will provide further insights into the mechanisms that play a role in the progress of inflammatory diseases. N2 - Das Epithel des gastrointestinalen (GI) Traktes fungiert als Barriere zwischen der Umwelt und dem Körperinneren. Störungen des Epithels, darunter Veränderungen in der angeborenen Immunantwort, welche über „Pattern Recognition Receptors“(PRRs) ermöglicht wird, spielen eine bedeutende Rolle in der Entstehung gastrointestinaler Krankheiten. Auf welche Weise die angeborene Immunantwort im gastrointestinalen Trakt zwischen symbiotischen und schädlichen Mikroben unterscheidet, wie die Expression und Aktivität von PRRs organisiert sind, und die Faktoren die zu einer möglichen Organization beitragen sind bisher allerdings nicht bekannt. In den letzten Jahren haben aus Stammzellen gewonnene Organoide als vielversprechende Gewebemodelle steigende Aufmerksamkeit erregt. In dieser Arbeit wurde eine „Biobank“ humaner und muriner Organoide, jeweils bestehend aus 3 Linien jedes der gastrointestinalen Segmente Korpus, Pylorus, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum und Kolon generiert. Die RNA Sequenzierung von 42 Linien bestätigte den Erhalt der Gewebsidentität und zeigte eine umfangreiche Organization innerhalb der Signalkomponenten des angeborenen Immunsystems entlang der kraniokaudalen Achse, wodurch jedes Segment ein spezifisches Immunprofil erhält. Ergänzend zur regions-spezifischen Expressionsanalyse zeigten einige PRRs sowohl in humanen als auch in murinen Organoiden eine regions- und spezies-spezifische Funktion. Zur Untersuchung der Faktoren, die zur Strukturierung des angeborenen Immunsystems im GI-Trakt beitragen, wurde der Einfluss mikrobieller Komponenten untersucht. Hierfür wurden aus embryonalem Gewebe gewonnene Organoide des Magens und des proximalen Dünndarms verwendet, welche noch nicht mit dem Mikrobiom in Kontakt waren. Transkriptionsprofile embryonaler Organoide zeigten, dass die Expression einiger PRRs wie erwartet wahrscheinlich von Umweltfaktoren abhängt, dass ein unerwartet großer Anteil der segment-spezifischen Expression von Komponenten der PRR-induzierten Signalwege sich allerdings unabhängig vom Kontakt mit mikrobiellen Komponenten entwickelt. Des Weiteren zeigte die Analyse von bereits publizierten RNA Sequenzierungsdaten und in vitro Experimenten bei denen durch gezielte Differenzierung von Organoiden spezifische Zelltypen generiert wurden, dass die Expression von Genen des angeborenen Immunsystems auch von der zellulären Differenzierung entlang der Krypten-Zotten-Achse abhängt. Dies unterstreicht die Bedeutung von zellulärer Differenzierung für die Expression von PRRs, anstelle des Kontaktes zu mikrobiellen Komponenten. Auch konnte durch die Analyse bereits publizierter RNA- und ATAC-Sequenzierungsdaten nach knockout des im Dünndarm exprimierten Transkriptionsfaktors Cdx2 nachgewiesen werden, dass Cdx2 mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit wichtig für die Expression von Nlrp6 und Naip1 im murinen Dünndarm ist. Diese Erkenntnisse müssen in zukünftigen Experimenten validiert werden. Zusammengenommen zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Expression eines Großteils der angeborenen Immunität entwicklungsbiologisch festgelegt und in gewebe-spezifischen Stammzellen konserviert ist. Die zukünftige Identifikation von Mechanismen die die Expression von zur Immunität zugehörigen Genen steuern, wird weitere Erkenntnisse über die Mechanismen die eine Rolle in der Entwicklung entzündlicher Erkrankungen spielen bringen. KW - Organoid KW - Angeborene Immunität KW - Mustererkennungsrezeptoren KW - Gastrointestinaltrakt KW - Epithel KW - Organoids KW - Innate immunity KW - Pattern recognition receptors KW - Gastrointestinal tract KW - Epithelial layer Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-277497 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Perrella, Gina A1 - Montague, Samantha J. A1 - Brown, Helena C. A1 - Garcia Quintanilla, Lourdes A1 - Slater, Alexandre A1 - Stegner, David A1 - Thomas, Mark A1 - Heemskerk, Johan W. M. A1 - Watson, Steve P. T1 - Role of tyrosine kinase Syk in thrombus stabilisation at high shear JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Understanding the pathways involved in the formation and stability of the core and shell regions of a platelet-rich arterial thrombus may result in new ways to treat arterial thrombosis. The distinguishing feature between these two regions is the absence of fibrin in the shell which indicates that in vitro flow-based assays over thrombogenic surfaces, in the absence of coagulation, can be used to resemble this region. In this study, we have investigated the contribution of Syk tyrosine kinase in the stability of platelet aggregates (or thrombi) formed on collagen or atherosclerotic plaque homogenate at arterial shear (1000 s\(^{−1}\)). We show that post-perfusion of the Syk inhibitor PRT-060318 over preformed thrombi on both surfaces enhances thrombus breakdown and platelet detachment. The resulting loss of thrombus stability led to a reduction in thrombus contractile score which could be detected as early as 3 min after perfusion of the Syk inhibitor. A similar loss of thrombus stability was observed with ticagrelor and indomethacin, inhibitors of platelet adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor and thromboxane A\(_2\) (TxA\(_2\)), respectively, and in the presence of the Src inhibitor, dasatinib. In contrast, the Btk inhibitor, ibrutinib, causes only a minor decrease in thrombus contractile score. Weak thrombus breakdown is also seen with the blocking GPVI nanobody, Nb21, which indicates, at best, a minor contribution of collagen to the stability of the platelet aggregate. These results show that Syk regulates thrombus stability in the absence of fibrin in human platelets under flow and provide evidence that this involves pathways additional to activation of GPVI by collagen. KW - disaggregation KW - platelet KW - Syk KW - thrombus KW - tyrosine kinase Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284243 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 23 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kollikowski, Alexander M. A1 - Pham, Mirko A1 - März, Alexander G. A1 - Papp, Lena A1 - Nieswandt, Bernhard A1 - Stoll, Guido A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. T1 - Platelet Activation and Chemokine Release Are Related to Local Neutrophil-Dominant Inflammation During Hyperacute Human Stroke JF - Translational Stroke Research N2 - Experimental evidence has emerged that local platelet activation contributes to inflammation and infarct formation in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) which awaits confirmation in human studies. We conducted a prospective observational study on 258 consecutive patients undergoing mechanical thrombectomy (MT) due to large-vessel-occlusion stroke of the anterior circulation (08/2018-05/2020). Intraprocedural microcatheter aspiration of 1 ml of local (occlusion condition) and systemic arterial blood samples (self-control) was performed according to a prespecified protocol. The samples were analyzed for differential leukocyte counts, platelet counts, and plasma levels of the platelet-derived neutrophil-activating chemokine C-X-C-motif ligand (CXCL) 4 (PF-4), the neutrophil attractant CXCL7 (NAP-2), and myeloperoxidase (MPO). The clinical-biological relevance of these variables was corroborated by specific associations with molecular-cellular, structural-radiological, hemodynamic, and clinical-functional parameters. Seventy consecutive patients fulfilling all predefined criteria entered analysis. Mean local CXCL4 (+ 39%: 571 vs 410 ng/ml, P = .0095) and CXCL7 (+ 9%: 693 vs 636 ng/ml, P = .013) concentrations were higher compared with self-controls. Local platelet counts were lower (- 10%: 347,582 vs 383,284/µl, P = .0052), whereas neutrophil counts were elevated (+ 10%: 6022 vs 5485/µl, P = 0.0027). Correlation analyses revealed associations between local platelet and neutrophil counts (r = 0.27, P = .034), and between CXCL7 and MPO (r = 0.24, P = .048). Local CXCL4 was associated with the angiographic degree of reperfusion following recanalization (r =  - 0.2523, P = .0479). Functional outcome at discharge correlated with local MPO concentrations (r = 0.3832, P = .0014) and platelet counts (r = 0.288, P = .0181). This study provides human evidence of cerebral platelet activation and platelet-neutrophil interactions during AIS and points to the relevance of per-ischemic thrombo-inflammatory mechanisms to impaired reperfusion and worse functional outcome following recanalization. KW - chemokines KW - CXCL4 KW - PF4 KW - CXCL7 KW - NAP-2 KW - ischemic stroke Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270194 SN - 1868-601X VL - 13 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Asam, Sarah A1 - Gessner, Ursula A1 - Almengor González, Roger A1 - Wenzl, Martina A1 - Kriese, Jennifer A1 - Kuenzer, Claudia T1 - Mapping crop types of Germany by combining temporal statistical metrics of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series with LPIS data JF - Remote Sensing N2 - Nationwide and consistent information on agricultural land use forms an important basis for sustainable land management maintaining food security, (agro)biodiversity, and soil fertility, especially as German agriculture has shown high vulnerability to climate change. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data of the Copernicus program offer time series with temporal, spatial, radiometric, and spectral characteristics that have great potential for mapping and monitoring agricultural crops. This paper presents an approach which synergistically uses these multispectral and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) time series for the classification of 17 crop classes at 10 m spatial resolution for Germany in the year 2018. Input data for the Random Forest (RF) classification are monthly statistics of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series. This approach reduces the amount of input data and pre-processing steps while retaining phenological information, which is crucial for crop type discrimination. For training and validation, Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) data were available covering 15 of the 16 German Federal States. An overall map accuracy of 75.5% was achieved, with class-specific F1-scores above 80% for winter wheat, maize, sugar beet, and rapeseed. By combining optical and SAR data, overall accuracies could be increased by 6% and 9%, respectively, compared to single sensor approaches. While no increase in overall accuracy could be achieved by stratifying the classification in natural landscape regions, the class-wise accuracies for all but the cereal classes could be improved, on average, by 7%. In comparison to census data, the crop areas could be approximated well with, on average, only 1% of deviation in class-specific acreages. Using this streamlined approach, similar accuracies for the most widespread crop types as well as for smaller permanent crop classes were reached as in other Germany-wide crop type studies, indicating its potential for repeated nationwide crop type mapping. KW - agriculture KW - random forest classification KW - multispectral data KW - radar data KW - spectral statistics KW - temporal statistics KW - IACS Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-278969 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 14 IS - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Glémarec, Yann A1 - Lugrin, Jean-Luc A1 - Bosser, Anne-Gwenn A1 - Buche, Cédric A1 - Latoschik, Marc Erich T1 - Controlling the stage: a high-level control system for virtual audiences in Virtual Reality JF - Frontiers in Virtual Reality N2 - This article presents a novel method for controlling a virtual audience system (VAS) in Virtual Reality (VR) application, called STAGE, which has been originally designed for supervised public speaking training in university seminars dedicated to the preparation and delivery of scientific talks. We are interested in creating pedagogical narratives: narratives encompass affective phenomenon and rather than organizing events changing the course of a training scenario, pedagogical plans using our system focus on organizing the affects it arouses for the trainees. Efficiently controlling a virtual audience towards a specific training objective while evaluating the speaker’s performance presents a challenge for a seminar instructor: the high level of cognitive and physical demands required to be able to control the virtual audience, whilst evaluating speaker’s performance, adjusting and allowing it to quickly react to the user’s behaviors and interactions. It is indeed a critical limitation of a number of existing systems that they rely on a Wizard of Oz approach, where the tutor drives the audience in reaction to the user’s performance. We address this problem by integrating with a VAS a high-level control component for tutors, which allows using predefined audience behavior rules, defining custom ones, as well as intervening during run-time for finer control of the unfolding of the pedagogical plan. At its core, this component offers a tool to program, select, modify and monitor interactive training narratives using a high-level representation. The STAGE offers the following features: i) a high-level API to program pedagogical narratives focusing on a specific public speaking situation and training objectives, ii) an interactive visualization interface iii) computation and visualization of user metrics, iv) a semi-autonomous virtual audience composed of virtual spectators with automatic reactions to the speaker and surrounding spectators while following the pedagogical plan V) and the possibility for the instructor to embody a virtual spectator to ask questions or guide the speaker from within the Virtual Environment. We present here the design, and implementation of the tutoring system and its integration in STAGE, and discuss its reception by end-users. KW - virtual reality KW - virtual agent KW - behavior perception KW - public speaking KW - education Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284601 SN - 2673-4192 VL - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Jin Hong A1 - Schembri, Tim A1 - Bialas, David A1 - Stolte, Matthias A1 - Würthner, Frank T1 - Slip‐Stacked J‐Aggregate Materials for Organic Solar Cells and Photodetectors BT - This paper is dedicated to Prof. Daoben Zhu on the occasion of his 80th birthday JF - Advanced Materials N2 - Dye–dye interactions affect the optical and electronic properties in organic semiconductor films of light harvesting and detecting optoelectronic applications. This review elaborates how to tailor these properties of organic semiconductors for organic solar cells (OSCs) and organic photodiodes (OPDs). While these devices rely on similar materials, the demands for their optical properties are rather different, the former requiring a broad absorption spectrum spanning from the UV over visible up to the near‐infrared region and the latter an ultra‐narrow absorption spectrum at a specific, targeted wavelength. In order to design organic semiconductors satisfying these demands, fundamental insights on the relationship of optical properties are provided depending on molecular packing arrangement and the resultant electronic coupling thereof. Based on recent advancements in the theoretical understanding of intermolecular interactions between slip‐stacked dyes, distinguishing classical J‐aggregates with predominant long‐range Coulomb coupling from charge transfer (CT)‐mediated or ‐coupled J‐aggregates, whose red‐shifts are primarily governed by short‐range orbital interactions, is suggested. Within this framework, the relationship between aggregate structure and functional properties of representative classes of dye aggregates is analyzed for the most advanced OSCs and wavelength‐selective OPDs, providing important insights into the rational design of thin‐film optoelectronic materials. KW - crystal engineering KW - exciton coupling KW - J‐aggregates KW - organic photodiodes KW - organic solar cells Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-276537 VL - 34 IS - 22 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wyborski, Paweł A1 - Podemski, Paweł A1 - Wroński, Piotr Andrzej A1 - Jabeen, Fauzia A1 - Höfling, Sven A1 - Sęk, Grzegorz T1 - Electronic and optical properties of InAs QDs grown by MBE on InGaAs metamorphic buffer JF - Materials N2 - We present the optical characterization of GaAs-based InAs quantum dots (QDs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy on a digitally alloyed InGaAs metamorphic buffer layer (MBL) with gradual composition ensuring a redshift of the QD emission up to the second telecom window. Based on the photoluminescence (PL) measurements and numerical calculations, we analyzed the factors influencing the energies of optical transitions in QDs, among which the QD height seems to be dominating. In addition, polarization anisotropy of the QD emission was observed, which is a fingerprint of significant valence states mixing enhanced by the QD confinement potential asymmetry, driven by the decreased strain with increasing In content in the MBL. The barrier-related transitions were probed by photoreflectance, which combined with photoluminescence data and the PL temperature dependence, allowed for the determination of the carrier activation energies and the main channels of carrier loss, identified as the carrier escape to the MBL barrier. Eventually, the zero-dimensional character of the emission was confirmed by detecting the photoluminescence from single QDs with identified features of the confined neutral exciton and biexciton complexes via the excitation power and polarization dependences. KW - molecular beam epitaxy KW - quantum dot KW - metamorphic buffer layer KW - band structure KW - photoluminescence KW - photoreflectance Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297037 SN - 1996-1944 VL - 15 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wehner, Helena A1 - Huchler, Katharina A1 - Fritz, Johannes T1 - Quantification of foraging areas for the Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) in the northern Alpine foothills: a random forest model fitted with optical and actively sensed earth observation data JF - Remote Sensing N2 - The Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita, NBI) is an endangered migratory species, which went extinct in Europe in the 17th century. Currently, a translocation project in the frame of the European LIFE program is carried out, to reintroduce a migratory population with breeding colonies in the northern and southern Alpine foothills and a common wintering area in southern Tuscany. The population meanwhile consists of about 200 individuals, with about 90% of them carrying a GPS device on their back. We used biologging data from 2021 to model the habitat suitability for the species in the northern Alpine foothills. To set up a species distribution model, indices describing environmental conditions were calculated from satellite images of Landsat-8, and in addition to the well-proven use of optical remote sensing data, we also included Sentinel-1 actively sensed observation data, as well as climate and urbanization data. A random forest model was fitted on NBI GPS positions, which we used to identify regions with high predicted foraging suitability within the northern Alpine foothills. The model resulted in 84.5% overall accuracy. Elevation and slope had the highest predictive power, followed by grass cover and VV intensity of Sentinel-1 radar data. The map resulting from the model predicts the highest foraging suitability for valley floors, especially of Inn, Rhine, and Salzach-Valley as well as flatlands, like the Swiss Plateau and the agricultural areas surrounding Lake Constance. Areas with a high suitability index largely overlap with known historic breeding sites. This is particularly noteworthy because the model only refers to foraging habitats without considering the availability of suitable breeding cliffs. Detailed analyses identify the transition zone from extensive grassland management to intensive arable farming as the northern range limit. The modeling outcome allows for defining suitable areas for further translocation and management measures in the frame of the European NBI reintroduction program. Although required in the international IUCN translocation guidelines, the use of models in the context of translocation projects is still not common and in the case of the Northern Bald Ibis not considered in the present Single Species Action Plan of the African-Eurasian Migratory Water bird Agreement. Our species distribution model represents a contemporary snapshot, but sustainability is essential for conservation planning, especially in times of climate change. In this regard, a further model could be optimized by investigating sustainable land use, temporal dynamics, and climate change scenarios. KW - Northern Bald Ibis KW - conservation KW - species distribution modeling KW - random forest modeling KW - remote sensing KW - reintroduction Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262245 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 14 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Prell, Andreas A1 - Sen, Mustafa Orkun A1 - Potabattula, Ramya A1 - Bernhardt, Laura A1 - Dittrich, Marcus A1 - Hahn, Thomas A1 - Schorsch, Martin A1 - Zacchini, Federica A1 - Ptak, Grazyna Ewa A1 - Niemann, Heiner A1 - Haaf, Thomas T1 - Species-specific paternal age effects and sperm methylation levels of developmentally important genes JF - Cells N2 - A growing number of sperm methylome analyses have identified genomic loci that are susceptible to paternal age effects in a variety of mammalian species, including human, bovine, and mouse. However, there is little overlap between different data sets. Here, we studied whether or not paternal age effects on the sperm epigenome have been conserved in mammalian evolution and compared methylation patterns of orthologous regulatory regions (mainly gene promoters) containing both conserved and non-conserved CpG sites in 94 human, 36 bovine, and 94 mouse sperm samples, using bisulfite pyrosequencing. We discovered three (NFKB2, RASGEF1C, and RPL6) age-related differentially methylated regions (ageDMRs) in humans, four (CHD7, HDAC11, PAK1, and PTK2B) in bovines, and three (Def6, Nrxn2, and Tbx19) in mice. Remarkably, the identified sperm ageDMRs were all species-specific. Most ageDMRs were in genomic regions with medium methylation levels and large methylation variation. Orthologous regions in species not showing this age effect were either hypermethylated (>80%) or hypomethylated (<20%). In humans and mice, ageDMRs lost methylation, whereas bovine ageDMRs gained methylation with age. Our results are in line with the hypothesis that sperm ageDMRs are in regions under epigenomic evolution and may be part of an epigenetic mechanism(s) for lineage-specific environmental adaptations and provide a solid basis for studies on downstream effects in the genes analyzed here. KW - age-related differentially methylated regions (ageDMRs) KW - bisulfite pyrosequencing KW - mammalian male germline KW - paternal age effect KW - species-specific epigenetic marks KW - sperm DNA methylation Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262301 SN - 2073-4409 VL - 11 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schlee, Winfried A1 - Neff, Patrick A1 - Simoes, Jorge A1 - Langguth, Berthold A1 - Schoisswohl, Stefan A1 - Steinberger, Heidi A1 - Norman, Marie A1 - Spiliopoulou, Myra A1 - Schobel, Johannes A1 - Hannemann, Ronny A1 - Pryss, Rüdiger T1 - Smartphone-guided educational counseling and self-help for chronic tinnitus JF - Journal of Clinical Medicine N2 - Tinnitus is an auditory phantom perception in the ears or head in the absence of a corresponding external stimulus. There is currently no effective treatment available that reliably reduces tinnitus. Educational counseling is a treatment approach that aims to educate patients and inform them about possible coping strategies. For this feasibility study, we implemented educational material and self-help advice in a smartphone app. Participants used the educational smartphone app unsupervised during their daily routine over a period of four months. Comparing the tinnitus outcome measures before and after smartphone-guided treatment, we measured changes in tinnitus-related distress, but not in tinnitus loudness. Improvements on the Tinnitus Severity numeric rating scale reached an effect size of 0.408, while the improvements on the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) were much smaller with an effect size of 0.168. An analysis of user behavior showed that frequent and intensive use of the app is a crucial factor for treatment success: participants that used the app more often and interacted with the app intensively reported a stronger improvement in the tinnitus. Between study allocation and final assessment, 26 of 52 participants dropped out of the study. Reasons for the dropouts and lessons for future studies are discussed in this paper. KW - tinnitus KW - self-help KW - ecological momentary assessment KW - ehealth KW - smart-phone KW - intervention Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267295 SN - 2077-0383 VL - 11 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schanbacher, Constanze A1 - Bieber, Michael A1 - Reinders, Yvonne A1 - Cherpokova, Deya A1 - Teichert, Christina A1 - Nieswandt, Bernhard A1 - Sickmann, Albert A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Langhauser, Friederike A1 - Lorenz, Kristina T1 - ERK1/2 activity is critical for the outcome of ischemic stroke JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Ischemic disorders are the leading cause of death worldwide. The extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) are thought to affect the outcome of ischemic stroke. However, it is under debate whether activation or inhibition of ERK1/2 is beneficial. In this study, we report that the ubiquitous overexpression of wild-type ERK2 in mice (ERK2\(^{wt}\)) is detrimental after transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (tMCAO), as it led to a massive increase in infarct volume and neurological deficits by increasing blood–brain barrier (BBB) leakiness, inflammation, and the number of apoptotic neurons. To compare ERK1/2 activation and inhibition side-by-side, we also used mice with ubiquitous overexpression of the Raf-kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP\(^{wt}\)) and its phosphorylation-deficient mutant RKIP\(^{S153A}\), known inhibitors of the ERK1/2 signaling cascade. RKIP\(^{wt}\) and RKIP\(^{S153A}\) attenuated ischemia-induced damages, in particular via anti-inflammatory signaling. Taken together, our data suggest that stimulation of the Raf/MEK/ERK1/2-cascade is severely detrimental and its inhibition is rather protective. Thus, a tight control of the ERK1/2 signaling is essential for the outcome in response to ischemic stroke. KW - ERK1/2 KW - tMCAO KW - ischemic stroke KW - RKIP Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-283991 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 23 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Borova, Solomiia A1 - Schlutt, Christine A1 - Nickel, Joachim A1 - Luxenhofer, Robert T1 - A Transient Initiator for Polypeptoids Postpolymerization α‐Functionalization via Activation of a Thioester Group JF - Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics N2 - Here, a postpolymerization modification method for an α-terminal functionalized poly-(N-methyl-glycine), also known as polysarcosine, is introduced. 4-(Methylthio)phenyl piperidine-4-carboxylate as an initiator for the ring-opening polymerization of N-methyl-glycine-N-carboxyanhydride followed by oxidation of the thioester group to yield an α-terminal reactive 4-(methylsulfonyl)phenyl piperidine-4-carboxylate polymer is utilized. This represents an activated carboxylic acid terminus, allowing straightforward modification with nucleophiles under mild reaction conditions and provides the possibility to introduce a wide variety of nucleophiles as exemplified using small molecules, fluorescent dyes, and model proteins. The new initiator yielded polymers with well-defined molar mass, low dispersity, and high end-group fidelity, as observed by gel permeation chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectroscopy. The introduced method can be of great interest for bioconjugation, but requires optimization, especially for protein conjugation. KW - ring-opening polymerization KW - bioconjugation KW - functional initiators KW - polypeptoids KW - postpolymerization modification Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257587 VL - 223 IS - 3 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Chetvertak, Іevgeniia ED - Lazebna, Nataliia ED - Kumar, Dinesh T1 - Cyber aggression in the stance of communicative approach T2 - Studies in Modern English N2 - The article deals with the notion of internet aggression (cyber aggression). It considers the mentioned term from both psychological and communicative approaches. The paper also provides detailed analyses of the cyber aggression in political discourse. The provided ex-amples are taken from the speeches of politicians during the time of Covid pandemic. The author also identifies several types of cyber aggression. KW - aggression KW - cyber aggression KW - xenophobia Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-296152 PB - Würzburg University Press CY - Würzburg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hein, Rebecca M. A1 - Latoschik, Marc Erich A1 - Wienrich, Carolin T1 - Inter- and transcultural learning in cocial virtual reality: a proposal for an inter- and transcultural virtual object database to be used in the implementation, reflection, and evaluation of virtual encounters JF - Multimodal Technologies and Interaction N2 - Visual stimuli are frequently used to improve memory, language learning or perception, and understanding of metacognitive processes. However, in virtual reality (VR), there are few systematically and empirically derived databases. This paper proposes the first collection of virtual objects based on empirical evaluation for inter-and transcultural encounters between English- and German-speaking learners. We used explicit and implicit measurement methods to identify cultural associations and the degree of stereotypical perception for each virtual stimuli (n = 293) through two online studies, including native German and English-speaking participants. The analysis resulted in a final well-describable database of 128 objects (called InteractionSuitcase). In future applications, the objects can be used as a great interaction or conversation asset and behavioral measurement tool in social VR applications, especially in the field of foreign language education. For example, encounters can use the objects to describe their culture, or teachers can intuitively assess stereotyped attitudes of the encounters. KW - virtual stimuli KW - implicit association test KW - virtual reality KW - social VR KW - InteractionSuitcase Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-278974 SN - 2414-4088 VL - 6 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fusi, Lorenza A1 - Paudel, Rupesh A1 - Meder, Katharina A1 - Schlosser, Andreas A1 - Schrama, David A1 - Goebeler, Matthias A1 - Schmidt, Marc T1 - Interaction of transcription factor FoxO3 with histone acetyltransferase complex subunit TRRAP modulates gene expression and apoptosis JF - Journal of Biological Chemistry N2 - Forkhead box O (FoxO) transcription factors are conserved proteins involved in the regulation of life span and age-related diseases, such as diabetes and cancer. Stress stimuli or growth factor deprivation promotes nuclear localization and activation of FoxO proteins, which—depending on the cellular context—can lead to cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. In endothelial cells (ECs), they further regulate angiogenesis and may promote inflammation and vessel destabilization implicating a role of FoxOs in vascular diseases. In several cancers, FoxOs exert a tumor-suppressive function by regulating proliferation and survival. We and others have previously shown that FoxOs can regulate these processes via two different mechanisms: by direct binding to forkhead-responsive elements at the promoter of target genes or by a poorly understood alternative process that does not require direct DNA binding and regulates key targets in primary human ECs. Here, we performed an interaction study in ECs to identify new nuclear FoxO3 interaction partners that might contribute to FoxO-dependent gene regulation. Mass spectrometry analysis of FoxO3-interacting proteins revealed transformation/transcription domain–associated protein (TRRAP), a member of multiple histone acetyltransferase complexes, as a novel binding partner of FoxO family proteins. We demonstrate that TRRAP is required to support FoxO3 transactivation and FoxO3-dependent G1 arrest and apoptosis in ECs via transcriptional activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27\(^{kip1}\) and the proapoptotic B-cell lymphoma 2 family member, BIM. Moreover, FoxO–TRRAP interaction could explain FoxO-induced alternative gene regulation via TRRAP-dependent recruitment to target promoters lacking forkhead-responsive element sequences. KW - FoxO3 KW - TRRAP KW - transcription factors Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299820 VL - 298 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schrüfer, Philipp A1 - Stoevesandt, Johanna A1 - Trautmann, Axel T1 - Outcome of a de-labelling algorithm compared with results of penicillin (β-lactam) allergy testing JF - Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology N2 - Background Penicillin allergy labels frequently impede guideline-directed treatment with a penicillin or other β-lactam antibiotics. Despite presumed allergy, targeted questioning may indicate a low probability of sensitization and permit reasonably safe administration of the antibiotic in question. In this study, we evaluated a standardized algorithm aiming to differentiate non-allergic patients from those with true allergic β-lactam hypersensitivity. Methods We retrospectively applied a de-labelling algorithm in 800 consecutive patients with suspected β-lactam hypersensitivity. All had undergone complete allergy work-up permitting to definitely exclude or diagnose β-lactam allergy between 2009 and 2019. Results In 595 (74.4%) out of 800 cases evaluated, β-lactam allergy could be excluded by negative challenge testing. IgE-mediated anaphylaxis was diagnosed in 70 (8.7%) patients, delayed-type hypersensitivity in 135 (16.9%). In 62 (88.6%) anaphylaxis cases, the algorithm correctly advised to use an alternative antibiotic. Accuracy was higher in patients with moderate to severe anaphylaxis (97.7%) compared to those with a history of mild reactions (73.1%). The algorithm correctly identified 122 (90.4%) patients with proven delayed-type hypersensitivity. It permitted de-labelling in 330 (55.5%) out of 595 patients with diagnostic exclusion of penicillin hypersensitivity, but failed to identify the remaining 265 (44.5%) as low-risk cases. Conclusions The algorithm detected 89.8% of cases with penicillin (β-lactam) allergy, sensitivity was optimal for moderate to severe anaphylaxis. Study data justify the implementation of a standardized de-labelling algorithm under close supervision in order to permit guideline-directed treatment and reduce the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics as part of an antibiotic stewardship program. KW - anaphylaxis KW - drug adverse reaction KW - drug allergy KW - drug exanthema KW - drug hypersensitivity KW - penicillin allergy KW - penicillin hypersensitivity Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299840 SN - 1710-1484 VL - 18 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brand, Jessica S. A1 - Forster, Leonard A1 - Böck, Thomas A1 - Stahlhut, Philipp A1 - Teßmar, Jörg A1 - Groll, Jürgen A1 - Albrecht, Krystyna T1 - Covalently Cross-Linked Pig Gastric Mucin Hydrogels Prepared by Radical-Based Chain-Growth and Thiol-ene Mechanisms JF - Macromolecular Bioscience N2 - Mucin, a high molecular mass hydrophilic glycoprotein, is the main component of mucus that coats every wet epithelium in animals. It is thus intrinsically biocompatible, and with its protein backbone and the o-glycosidic bound oligosaccharides, it contains a plethora of functional groups which can be used for further chemical modifications. Here, chain-growth and step-growth (thiol-ene) free-radical cross-linked hydrogels prepared from commercially available pig gastric mucin (PGM) are introduced and compared as cost-efficient and easily accessible alternative to the more broadly applied bovine submaxillary gland mucin. For this, PGM is functionalized with photoreactive acrylate groups or allyl ether moieties, respectively. Whereas homopolymerization of acrylate-functionalized polymers is performed, for thiol-ene cross-linking, the allyl-ether-functionalized PGM is cross-linked with thiol-functionalized hyaluronic acid. Morphology, mechanical properties, and cell compatibility of both kinds of PGM hydrogels are characterized and compared. Furthermore, the biocompatibility of these hydrogels can be evaluated in cell culture experiments. KW - click chemistry KW - photopolymerization KW - hydrogels KW - mucin KW - thiol-ene Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318453 VL - 22 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Helin, Tapio A1 - Kretschmann, Remo T1 - Non-asymptotic error estimates for the Laplace approximation in Bayesian inverse problems JF - Numerische Mathematik N2 - In this paper we study properties of the Laplace approximation of the posterior distribution arising in nonlinear Bayesian inverse problems. Our work is motivated by Schillings et al. (Numer Math 145:915–971, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00211-020-01131-1), where it is shown that in such a setting the Laplace approximation error in Hellinger distance converges to zero in the order of the noise level. Here, we prove novel error estimates for a given noise level that also quantify the effect due to the nonlinearity of the forward mapping and the dimension of the problem. In particular, we are interested in settings in which a linear forward mapping is perturbed by a small nonlinear mapping. Our results indicate that in this case, the Laplace approximation error is of the size of the perturbation. The paper provides insight into Bayesian inference in nonlinear inverse problems, where linearization of the forward mapping has suitable approximation properties. KW - Bayesian inverse problems KW - Laplace approximation KW - nonlinear inverse problems Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265399 VL - 150 IS - 2 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Meyer, Constantin A1 - Job, Hubert A1 - Laner, Peter A1 - Omizzolo, Andrea A1 - Kollmann, Nadia A1 - Clare, Jasmin A1 - Vesely, Philipp A1 - Riedler, Walter A1 - Plassmann, Guido A1 - Coronado, Oriana A1 - Praper Gulič, Sergeja A1 - Gulič, Andrej A1 - Koblar, Simon A1 - Teofili, Corrado A1 - Rohringer, Verena A1 - Schoßleitner, Richard A1 - Ainz, Gerhard T1 - OpenSpaceAlps Planning Handbook: Perspectives for consistent safeguarding of open spaces in the Alpine region N2 - In the Alpine region, the continuous consumption of open spaces for settlement areas and technical infrastructure and the associated soil sealing can be observed. This leads primarily to the loss of agricultural land. Depending on the extent of development, there is also increased landscape fragmentation, which is associated with the isolation of natural habitats and the restriction of ecological connectivity, as well as other negative consequences. The OpenSpaceAlps project has addressed this issue and, based on cooperative procedures in several pilot regions, has developed approaches and solution strategies for the sustainable safeguarding of open spaces. This handbook supports the activities and decision-making of various stakeholders, first and foremost planners in public planning authorities. Based on an analysis of the challenges and framework conditions in the Alpine region, the handbook presents and compares central "principles" of open space planning. Furthermore, integrated planning strategies for different spatial categories are discussed. KW - Raumordnung KW - spatial planning KW - Alps KW - OpenSpaceAlps KW - open space KW - transnational cooperation KW - Alpen Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270401 N1 - German version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27307. Italian version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-27704. Slovenian version available at: https://doi.org/10.25972/OPUS-28651. N1 - The OpenSpaceAlps project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. ER - TY - THES A1 - Ji, Changhe T1 - The role of 7SK noncoding RNA in development and function of motoneurons T1 - Die Rolle der nichtkodierenden RNA 7SK bei der Entwicklung und Funktion von Motoneuronen N2 - In mammals, a major fraction of the genome is transcribed as non-coding RNAs. An increasing amount of evidence has accumulated showing that non-coding RNAs play important roles both for normal cell function and in disease processes such as cancer or neurodegeneration. Interpreting the functions of non-coding RNAs and the molecular mechanisms through which they act is one of the most important challenges facing RNA biology today. In my Ph.D. thesis, I have been investigating the role of 7SK, one of the most abundant non-coding RNAs, in the development and function of motoneurons. 7SK is a highly structured 331 nt RNA transcribed by RNA polymerase III. It forms four stem-loop (SL) structures that serve as binding sites for different proteins. Larp7 binds to SL4 and protects the 3' end from exonucleolytic degradation. SL1 serves as a binding site for HEXIM1, which recruits the pTEFb complex composed of CDK9 and cyclin T1. pTEFb has a stimulatory role for transcription and is regulated through sequestration by 7SK. More recently, a number of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) have been identified as 7SK interactors. One of these is hnRNP R, which has been shown to have a role in motoneuron development by regulating axon growth. Taken together, 7SK’s function involves interactions with RNA binding proteins, and different RNA binding proteins interact with different regions of 7SK, such that 7SK can be considered as a hub for recruitment and release of different proteins. The questions I have addressed during my Ph.D. are as follows: 1) which region of 7SK interacts with hnRNP R, a main interactor of 7SK? 2) What effects occur in motoneurons after the protein binding sites of 7SK are abolished? 3) Are there additional 7SK binding proteins that regulate the functions of the 7SK RNP? Using in vitro and in vivo experiments, I found that hnRNP R binds both the SL1 and SL3 region of 7SK, and also that pTEFb cannot be recruited after deleting the SL1 region but is able to bind to a 7SK mutant with deletion of SL3. In order to answer the question of how the 7SK mutations affect axon outgrowth and elongation in mouse primary motoneurons, we proceeded to conduct rescue experiments in motoneurons by using lentiviral vectors. The constructs were designed to express 7SK deletion mutants under the mouse U6 promoter and at the same time to drive expression of a 7SK shRNA from an H1 promoter for the depletion of endogenous 7SK. Using this system we found that 7SK mutants harboring deletions of either SL1 or SL3 could not rescue the axon growth defect of 7SK-depleted motoneurons suggesting that 7SK/hnRNP R complexes are integral for this process. In order to identify novel 7SK binding proteins and investigate their functions, I proceeded to conduct pull-down experiments by using a biotinylated RNA antisense oligonucleotide that targets the U17-C33 region of 7SK thereby purifying endogenous 7SK complexes. Following mass spectrometry of purified 7SK complexes, we identified a number of novel 7SK interactors. Among these is the Smn complex. Deficiency of the Smn complex causes the motoneuron disease spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) characterized by loss of lower motoneurons in the spinal cord. Smn has previously been shown to interact with hnRNP R. Accordingly, we found Smn as part of 7SK/hnRNP R complexes. These proteomics data suggest that 7SK potentially plays important roles in different signaling pathways in addition to transcription. N2 - Bei Säugetieren wird ein großer Teil des Genoms als nicht-kodierende RNAs transkribiert. Es gibt immer mehr Hinweise darauf, dass nicht-kodierende RNAs eine wichtige Rolle sowohl für die normale Zellfunktion als auch bei Krankheitsprozessen wie Krebs oder Neurodegeneration spielen. Die Interpretation der Funktionen nicht-kodierender RNAs und der molekularen Mechanismen, über die sie wirken, ist eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen, denen die RNA-Biologie heute gegenübersteht. In meiner Promotionsarbeit habe ich die Rolle von 7SK, einer der am häufigsten vorkommenden nicht-kodierenden RNAs, bei der Entwicklung und Funktion von Motoneuronen untersucht. 7SK ist eine RNA, die aus 331 Nukleotiden besteht und deren Struktur bekannt ist. Sie wird von der RNA-Polymerase III transkribiert. Sie bildet vier Stem-Loop (SL)-Strukturen, die als Bindungsstellen für verschiedene Proteine dienen. LARP7 bindet an SL4 und schützt das 3'-Ende vor exonukleolytischem Abbau. SL1 dient als Bindungsstelle für HEXIM1, das den P-TEFb-Komplex rekrutiert, der aus CDK9 und Cyclin T1 besteht. P-TEFb hat eine stimulierende Rolle für die Transkription und wird durch Sequestrierung durch 7SK reguliert. In jüngerer Zeit wurde eine Reihe von heterogenen nukleären Ribonukleoproteinen (hnRNPs) als 7SK-Interaktoren identifiziert. Eines davon ist hnRNP R, von dem gezeigt wurde, dass es eine Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Motoneuronen spielt, indem es das Axonwachstum reguliert. Durch die Interaktion mit P-TEFb und RNA-bindenden Proteinen kann 7SK als Drehscheibe für die Rekrutierung und Freisetzung verschiedener Proteine betrachtet werden. Die Fragen, mit denen ich mich während meiner Doktorarbeit beschäftigt habe, lauten wie folgt: 1) Welche Region von 7SK interagiert mit hnRNP R, einem Hauptinteraktor von 7SK? 2) Welche Effekte treten in Motoneuronen auf, wenn die Bindung von hnRNP R an 7SK inhibiert wird? 3) Gibt es zusätzliche 7SK-bindende Proteine, die die Funktionen des 7SK RNPs regulieren? Mit Hilfe von in vitro und in vivo Experimenten fand ich heraus, dass hnRNP R sowohl die SL1- als auch die SL3-Region von 7SK bindet, und dass P-TEFb nach der Deletion der SL1-Region nicht rekrutiert werden kann, aber in der Lage ist, an eine 7SK-Mutante mit Deletion von SL3 zu binden. Um die Frage zu beantworten, wie sich die 7SK-Mutationen auf Axonwachstum in primären Motoneuronen der Maus auswirken, führten wir Rettungsexperimente an Motoneuronen unter Verwendung lentiviraler Vektoren durch. Die Konstrukte wurden so konzipiert, dass sie 7SK-Deletionsmutanten durch den U6-Promotor der Maus exprimieren und gleichzeitig eine 7SK-shRNA von einem H1-Promotor für die Depletion von endogenem 7SK transkribieren. Mit diesem System fanden wir heraus, dass 7SK-Mutanten, die Deletionen von SL1 oder SL3 beherbergen, den Axon-Wachstumsdefekt von 7SK-depletierten Motoneuronen nicht retten konnten, was darauf hindeutet, dass 7SK/hnRNP R-Komplexe für diesen Prozess von Bedeutung sind. Um neue 7SK-Bindungsproteine zu identifizieren und ihre Funktionen zu untersuchen, führte ich Pulldown-Experimente durch, bei denen ich ein biotinyliertes RNA-Antisense-Oligonukleotid verwendete, das an die U17-C33-Region von 7SK bindet und dadurch Aufreinigung endogener 7SK-Komplexe erlaubt. Nach der Massenspektrometrie der gereinigten 7SK-Komplexe identifizierten wir eine Reihe neuer 7SK-Interaktoren. Einer davon ist der Smn-Komplex. Ein Mangel des Smn-Komplexes verursacht die Motoneuronerkrankung Spinale Muskelatrophie (SMA), die durch den Verlust der unteren Motoneuronen im Rückenmark gekennzeichnet ist. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass Smn mit hnRNP R interagiert. Dementsprechend fanden wir Smn als Teil des 7SK/hnRNP R-Komplexes. Diese Proteom-Daten deuten darauf hin, dass 7SK neben der Transkription möglicherweise auch in anderen Signalwegen wie der spliceosomalen snRNP Biogenese eine wichtige Rolle spielt. KW - Spliceosome KW - Interaction of 7SK with the Smn complex modulates snRNP production KW - 7SK KW - SMN KW - snRNP KW - Transcription KW - hnRNP Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224638 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tibken, Catharina A1 - Richter, Tobias A1 - Linden, Nicole von der A1 - Schmiedeler, Sandra A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang T1 - The role of metacognitive competences in the development of school achievement among gifted adolescents JF - Child Development N2 - Gifted underachievers perform worse in school than would be expected based on their high intelligence. Possible causes for underachievement are low motivational dispositions (need for cognition) and metacognitive competences. This study tested the interplay of these variables longitudinally with gifted and non-gifted students from Germany (N = 341, 137 females) in Grades 6 (M = 12.02 years at t1) and 8 (M = 14.07 years). Declarative and procedural metacognitive competences were assessed in the domain of reading comprehension. Path analyses showed incremental effects of procedural metacognition over and above intelligence on the development of school achievement in gifted students (β = .139). Moreover, declarative metacognition and need for cognition interactively predicted procedural metacognition (β = .169), which mediated their effect on school achievement. KW - metacognitive competences KW - high intelligence KW - school Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258376 VL - 93 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wegener, Christian A1 - Chen, Jiangtian T1 - Allatostatin A signalling: progress and new challenges from a paradigmatic pleiotropic invertebrate neuropeptide family JF - Frontiers in Physiology N2 - Neuropeptides have gained broad attraction in insect neuroscience and physiology, as new genetic tools are increasingly uncovering their wide-ranging pleiotropic functions with high cellular resolution. Allatostatin A (AstA) peptides constitute one of the best studied insect neuropeptide families. In insects and other panarthropods, AstA peptides qualify as brain-gut peptides and have regained attention with the discovery of their role in regulating feeding, growth, activity/sleep and learning. AstA receptor homologs are found throughout the protostomia and group with vertebrate somatostatin/galanin/kisspeptin receptors. In this review, we summarise the current knowledge on the evolution and the pleiotropic and cell-specific non-allatostatic functions of AstA. We speculate about the core functions of AstA signalling, and derive open questions and challengesfor future research on AstA and invertebrate neuropeptides in general. KW - neuropeptide signalling KW - feeding KW - intestinal control KW - sleep/activity KW - kisspeptin/galanin/spexin signalling KW - metabolism and growth KW - learning KW - cardioactive factor Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-278749 SN - 1664-042X VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hung, Sophia A1 - Dreher, Liane A1 - Diessner, Joachim A1 - Schwarz, Stefan A1 - Ohlsen, Knut A1 - Hertlein, Tobias T1 - MRSA infection in the thigh muscle leads to systemic disease, strong inflammation, and loss of human monocytes in humanized mice JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is the second-leading cause of deaths by antibiotic-resistant bacteria globally, with more than 100,000 attributable deaths annually. Despite the high urgency to develop a vaccine to control this pathogen, all clinical trials with pre-clinically effective candidates failed so far. The recent development of “humanized” mice might help to edge the pre-clinical evaluation closer to the clinical situation and thus close this gap. We infected humanized NSG mice (huNSG: (NOD)-scid IL2R\(_γ\)\(^{null}\) mice engrafted with human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells) locally with S. aureus USA300 LAC* lux into the thigh muscle in order to investigate the human immune response to acute and chronic infection. These mice proved not only to be more susceptible to MRSA infection than wild-type or “murinized” mice, but displayed furthermore inferior survival and signs of systemic infection in an otherwise localized infection model. The rate of humanization correlated directly with the severity of disease and survival of the mice. Human and murine cytokine levels in blood and at the primary site of infection were strongly elevated in huNSG mice compared to all control groups. And importantly, differences in human and murine immune cell lineages surfaced during the infection, with human monocyte and B cell numbers in blood and bone marrow being significantly reduced at the later time point of infection. Murine monocytes in contrast behaved conversely by increasing cell numbers. This study demonstrates significant differences in the in vivo behavior of human and murine cells towards S. aureus infection, which might help to sharpen the translational potential of pre-clinical models for future therapeutic approaches. KW - humanized mice KW - MRSA - methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus KW - monocyte KW - bacterial infection model KW - inflammation KW - NSG KW - staphylocccal infection/epidemiology Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-278050 SN - 1664-3224 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Holzer, Marie-Therese A1 - Almanzar, Giovanni A1 - Woidich, Robert A1 - Hügle, Boris A1 - Haas, Johannes-Peter A1 - Prelog, Martina T1 - Mitigated suppressive function of regulatory T cells (Treg) upon Th17-inducing cytokines in oligo- and polyarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) patients JF - Pediatric Rheumatology N2 - Background The plasticity of T helper-17 (Th17) and regulatory T (Treg) cells may be a clue to pathogenesis of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). It is still unclear, whether targeted suppression of Interleukin (IL)-17 is able to influence regulatory function of Treg to control pro-inflammatory effectors in JIA. This study aimed to assess the effect of a Th17-stimulating cytokine environment and of IL-17A-inhibition on phenotype plasticity and suppressive function of Treg derived from JIA patients. Methods Th17 and Treg characteristics of CD4\(^{+}\) helper T cells were investigated in blood samples of JIA patients with oligo- and polyarticular pattern and healthy controls (HC). Isolated CD4\(^{+}\)CD25\(^{+}\)CD127\(^{-}\) cells defined as Treg were cultivated with Th17-inducing cytokine environment as well as with IL-17A-inhibitors and analyzed for plasticity of phenotype by flow cytometry. Furthermore, inhibitory function of Treg on autologous effectors after cultivation with these stimuli was determined by suppression assays. Results Our findings demonstrated significantly elevated proportions of Th17 and Th17-like Treg in JIA compared to HC. After incubation with Th17-inducing stimuli, increased FoxP3 expression in separated Treg in JIA and an impaired suppressive capacity in JIA and HC were found. Blockade of IL-17A resulted in adjustment of FoxP3-expression in JIA to proportions found in controls and in regular suppressive function. Conclusions Our results demonstrate an induction of FoxP3 expressing Treg by Th17-inducing cytokines with concomitant mitigated suppressive function. In contrast, specific IL-17A blockade maintains suppressive Treg function and adjusted FoxP3-expression in JIA to levels found in controls. These findings may help to provide experimental evidence for the successful clinical use of IL-17A inhibition in JIA patients. KW - IL-17A-inhibition KW - T cell plasticity KW - suppressive function KW - JIA KW - Th17 KW - Treg Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300453 VL - 20 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - İşbilir, Ali T1 - Localization and Trafficking of CXCR4 and CXCR7 T1 - Lokalisation und Verteilung von CXCR4 und CXCR7 N2 - G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest class of membrane proteins, and are the master components that translate extracellular stimulus into intracellular signaling, which in turn modulates key physiological and pathophysiological processes. Research within the last three decades suggests that many GPCRs can form complexes with each other via mechanisms that are yet unexplored. Despite a number of functional evidence in favor of GPCR dimers and oligomers, the existence of such complexes remains controversial, as different methods suggest diverse quaternary organizations for individual receptors. Among various methods, high resolution fluorescence microscopy and imagebased fluorescence spectroscopy are state-of-the-art tools to quantify membrane protein oligomerization with high precision. This thesis work describes the use of single molecule fluorescence microscopy and implementation of two confocal microscopy based fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy based methods for characterizing the quaternary organization of two class A GPCRs that are important clinical targets: the C-X-C type chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) and 7 (CXCR7), or recently named as the atypical chemokine receptor 3 (ACKR3). The first part of the results describe that CXCR4 protomers are mainly organized as monomeric entities that can form transient dimers at very low expression levels allowing single molecule resolution. The second part describes the establishment and use of spatial and temporal brightness methods that are based on fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy. Results from this part suggests that ACKR3 forms clusters and surface localized monomers, while CXCR4 forms increasing amount of dimers as a function of receptor density in cells. Moreover, CXCR4 dimerization can be modulated by its ligands as well as receptor conformations in distinct manners. Further results suggest that antagonists of CXCR4 display distinct binding modes, and the binding mode influences the oligomerization and the basal activity of the receptor: While the ligands that bind to a “minor” subpocket suppress both dimerization and constitutive activity, ligands that bind to a distinct, “major” subpocket only act as neutral antagonists on the receptor, and do not modulate neither the quaternary organization nor the basal signaling of CXCR4. Together, these results link CXCR4 dimerization to its density and to its activity, which may represent a new strategy to target CXCR4. N2 - G protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren (GPCRs) bilden die größte Klasse der Membranproteine und sind entscheidend an der Übersetzung extrazellulärer Reize in intrazelluläre Signale beteiligt, welche wiederum unzählige physiologische und pathophysiologische Prozesse regulieren. Die Forschungsergebnisse der letzten drei Jahrzehnte deutet darauf hin, dass viele GPCRs mittels noch weitgehend unbekannter Mechanismen miteinander Komplexe bilden können. Trotz vielfältiger Beobachtungen, die für die funktionelle Relevanz von GPCR-Dimeren und -Oligomeren sprechen, ist deren Existenz dennoch weiterhin umstritten, vor allem da verschiedene Methoden auf unterschiedliche quaternäre Anordnungen derselben Rezeptoren hinweisen. Von den derzeit verfügbaren Methoden zur genauen Untersuchung der GPCR Dimerisierung/-Oligomerisierung, stellen die hochauflösende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie sowie die bildbasierte Fluoreszenzspektroskopie die Techniken der Wahl dar. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Anwendung der Einzelmolekül Fluoreszenzmikroskopie sowie zweier konfokalmikroskopischer Methoden zur Messung der Fluoreszenzfluktuation, mit deren Hilfe die quaternäre Anordnung zweier klinisch hochattraktiver Klasse A GPCRs untersucht wurde: der C-X-C Typ Chemokinrezeptoren 4 (CXCR4) und 7 (CXCR7), letzterer auch bekannt als atypischer Chemokinrezeptor 3 (ACKR3). Der erste Teil der Ergebnisse legt anhand Untersuchungen an einzelnen Molekülen dar, dass CXCR4 überwiegend in Form monomerer Einheiten auftritt, die bei sehr geringen Expressionsleveln kurzlebige Dimere bilden können. Der zweite Teil beschreibt die Etablierung und Anwendung räumlicher und zeitlicher Brillanzmethoden, die auf der spektroskopischen Untersuchung der Fluoreszenzfluktuation beruhen. Die Ergebnisse dieses Abschnitts deuten darauf hin, dass ACKR3 sowohl in Form beständiger Rezeptor-Cluster, und monomere Einheit an der Oberfläche lebender Zellen auftritt. CXCR4 ist bei zunehmender Rezeptordichte hingegen vermehrt in Form von Dimeren zu finden. Zudem kann die Dimerisierung von CXCR4 von dessen Liganden, als auch von der drei dimensionalen Anordnung der Rezeptorteilstrukturen (Rezeptorkonformation)auf unterschiedliche Weise reguliert werden. Die weiteren Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass Antagonisten auf unterschiedliche Weise an CXCR4 binden können und dass der jeweilige Bindungsmodus entscheidend für den Einfluss des Liganden auf Oligomerisierung und basale Aktivität von CXCR4 ist: Während Liganden, die an eine kleinere Untertasche des Rezeptors binden, sowohl die Dimerisierung als auch die Basalaktivität unterdrücken, fungieren Verbindungen, die an eine andere, größere Untertasche binden, lediglich als neutrale Antagonisten und zeigen keinerlei Einfluss auf die quaternäre Anordnung und basale Aktivität von CXCR4. Zusammenfassend verknüpfen diese Ergebnisse CXCR4-Dimerisierung mit der Rezeptordichte in Zellen und seiner Aktivität, was die Grundlage für neue Strategien zur phamakologischen Modulation von CXCR4 darstellen könnte. KW - G-Protein gekoppelter Rezeptor KW - GPCR KW - Receptor KW - Chemokine KW - oligomerization KW - CXCR4 Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249378 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Spinaci, Andrea A1 - Lambertucci, Catia A1 - Buccioni, Michela A1 - Dal Ben, Diego A1 - Graiff, Claudia A1 - Barbalace, Maria Cristina A1 - Hrelia, Silvana A1 - Angeloni, Cristina A1 - Tayebati, Seyed Khosrow A1 - Ubaldi, Massimo A1 - Masi, Alessio A1 - Klotz, Karl-Norbert A1 - Volpini, Rosaria A1 - Marucci, Gabriella T1 - A\(_{2A}\) adenosine receptor antagonists: are triazolotriazine and purine scaffolds interchangeable? JF - Molecules N2 - The A\(_{2A}\) adenosine receptor (A\(_{2A}\)AR) is one of the four subtypes activated by nucleoside adenosine, and the molecules able to selectively counteract its action are attractive tools for neurodegenerative disorders. In order to find novel A\(_{2A}\)AR ligands, two series of compounds based on purine and triazolotriazine scaffolds were synthesized and tested at ARs. Compound 13 was also tested in an in vitro model of neuroinflammation. Some compounds were found to possess high affinity for A\(_{2A}\)AR, and it was observed that compound 13 exerted anti-inflammatory properties in microglial cells. Molecular modeling studies results were in good agreement with the binding affinity data and underlined that triazolotriazine and purine scaffolds are interchangeable only when 5- and 2-positions of the triazolotriazine moiety (corresponding to the purine 2- and 8-positions) are substituted. KW - A\(_{2A}\) adenosine receptor antagonist KW - purine derivatives KW - triazolotriazine derivatives KW - anti-Parkinson agents KW - anti-inflammatory agents KW - molecular modeling Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270618 SN - 1420-3049 VL - 27 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jarzina, Sebastian A1 - Di Fiore, Stefano A1 - Ellinger, Bernhard A1 - Reiser, Pia A1 - Frank, Sabrina A1 - Glaser, Markus A1 - Wu, Jiaqing A1 - Taverne, Femke J. A1 - Kramer, Nynke I. A1 - Mally, Angela T1 - Application of the adverse outcome pathway concept to in vitro nephrotoxicity assessment: kidney injury due to receptor-mediated endocytosis and lysosomal overload as a case study JF - Frontiers in Toxicology N2 - Application of adverse outcome pathways (AOP) and integration of quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (QIVIVE) may support the paradigm shift in toxicity testing to move from apical endpoints in test animals to more mechanism-based in vitro assays. Here, we developed an AOP of proximal tubule injury linking a molecular initiating event (MIE) to a cascade of key events (KEs) leading to lysosomal overload and ultimately to cell death. This AOP was used as a case study to adopt the AOP concept for systemic toxicity testing and risk assessment based on in vitro data. In this AOP, nephrotoxicity is thought to result from receptor-mediated endocytosis (MIE) of the chemical stressor, disturbance of lysosomal function (KE1), and lysosomal disruption (KE2) associated with release of reactive oxygen species and cytotoxic lysosomal enzymes that induce cell death (KE3). Based on this mechanistic framework, in vitro readouts reflecting each KE were identified. Utilizing polymyxin antibiotics as chemical stressors for this AOP, the dose-response for each in vitro endpoint was recorded in proximal tubule cells from rat (NRK-52E) and human (RPTEC/TERT1) in order to (1) experimentally support the sequence of key events (KEs), to (2) establish quantitative relationships between KEs as a basis for prediction of downstream KEs based on in vitro data reflecting early KEs and to (3) derive suitable in vitro points of departure for human risk assessment. Time-resolved analysis was used to support the temporal sequence of events within this AOP. Quantitative response-response relationships between KEs established from in vitro data on polymyxin B were successfully used to predict in vitro toxicity of other polymyxin derivatives. Finally, a physiologically based kinetic (PBK) model was utilized to transform in vitro effect concentrations to a human equivalent dose for polymyxin B. The predicted in vivo effective doses were in the range of therapeutic doses known to be associated with a risk for nephrotoxicity. Taken together, these data provide proof-of-concept for the feasibility of in vitro based risk assessment through integration of mechanistic endpoints and reverse toxicokinetic modelling. KW - adverse outcome pathway (AOP) KW - nephrotoxicity KW - QIVIVE KW - risk assessment KW - key event relationship KW - In vitro toxicity testing Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284796 SN - 2673-3080 VL - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Detomas, Mario A1 - Ritzel, Katrin A1 - Nasi-Kordhishti, Isabella A1 - Wolfsberger, Stefan A1 - Quinkler, Marcus A1 - Losa, Marco A1 - Tröger, Viola A1 - Kroiss, Matthias A1 - Fassnacht, Martin A1 - Vila, Greisa A1 - Honegger, Jürgen Bernd A1 - Reincke, Martin A1 - Deutschbein, Timo T1 - Outcome of CRH stimulation test and overnight 8 mg dexamethasone suppression test in 469 patients with ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome JF - Frontiers in Endocrinology N2 - Objective To evaluate diagnostic accuracy of the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulation test and the overnight 8 mg dexamethasone suppression test (DST) for the differentiation of Cushing’s disease (CD) and ectopic Cushing’s syndrome (ECS). Methods Retrospective study in 6 European centers. Inclusion criteria: patients with a) overt adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-dependent Cushing’s syndrome at the time of dynamic testing, b) histopathological confirmed tumors and/or c) postoperative biochemical remission and/or adrenal insufficiency. Optimal cut-offs were calculated via receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis using CD as reference. Results 469 patients were analyzed [78% females; median age 43 years (IQR 19)]. CRH test and overnight 8 mg DST were performed in 420 [CD, n=394 (94%); ECS, n=26 (6%)] and 237 patients [228 CD (96%), 9 ECS (4%)]. Both tests were performed in 205 patients (44%). The post-CRH %-increase at 30 minutes of both ACTH (cut-off ≥31%, sensitivity 83%, specificity 85%, AUC 0.81) and cortisol (cut-off ≥12%, sensitivity 82%, specificity 89%, AUC 0.86) discriminated best between CD and ECS. A test duration of >60 minutes did not improve diagnostic performance of the CRH test. The optimal cortisol cut-off for the %-suppression during the 8 mg DST was ≥55% (sensitivity 80%, specificity 78%, AUC 0.75). Conclusion The CRH test has equivalent sensitivity but higher specificity than the 8 mg DST and is therefore the test of first choice. The diagnostic outcome of ACTH and cortisol is well comparable, however, sampling beyond 60 minutes post-CRH does not provide diagnostic benefits. KW - ACTH KW - Cushing's disease KW - Cushing’s syndrome KW - CRH stimulation test KW - diagnosis KW - ectopic KW - endogenous hypercortisolism KW - high dose dexamethasone suppression test Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-289450 SN - 1664-2392 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Truongvan, Ngoc A1 - Li, Shurong A1 - Misra, Mohit A1 - Kuhn, Monika A1 - Schindelin, Hermann T1 - Structures of UBA6 explain its dual specificity for ubiquitin and FAT10 JF - Nature Communications N2 - The covalent modification of target proteins with ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like modifiers is initiated by E1 activating enzymes, which typically transfer a single modifier onto cognate conjugating enzymes. UBA6 is an unusual E1 since it activates two highly distinct modifiers, ubiquitin and FAT10. Here, we report crystal structures of UBA6 in complex with either ATP or FAT10. In the UBA6-FAT10 complex, the C-terminal domain of FAT10 binds to where ubiquitin resides in the UBA1-ubiquitin complex, however, a switch element ensures the alternate recruitment of either modifier. Simultaneously, the N-terminal domain of FAT10 interacts with the 3-helix bundle of UBA6. Site-directed mutagenesis identifies residues permitting the selective activation of either ubiquitin or FAT10. These results pave the way for studies investigating the activation of either modifier by UBA6 in physiological and pathophysiological settings. KW - enzyme mechanisms KW - post-translational modifications KW - X-ray crystallography Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301161 VL - 13 ER - TY - THES A1 - Oliveira Alves Pereira, Ana Rita T1 - Modelling of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Interactions within the Skeletal Niche T1 - Modellierung der Interaktionen von Mesenchymalen Stromazellen in der skelettalen Nische N2 - Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are a rare subpopulation of cells first identified in bone marrow with the potential to proliferate in plastic-adherent colonies and to generate de novo bone marrow stroma and its environment upon serial transplantation to heterotopic anatomical sites. Given their multipotency and self renewal competence, MSCs are prime prospective candidates for most modern musculoskeletal-tissue engineering and regenerative medicine approaches. Still, their envisioned therapeutic use is being questioned with concerns regarding their definition, characterization and integrative functions in vivo. It is well established that microenvironmental cues such as the extracellular matrix (ECM)-chemistry, the mechanical environment and local cellular and/or paracrine interactions critically control MSCs behavior. Yet, most of the scientific knowledge regarding the biology and therapeutic effect of MSCs originates from mechanistic in vitro studies where microenvironmental cues are hardly addressed. Therefore, manifestable changes in cell proliferation behavior and multilineage differentiation potential might be triggered that eventually compromise the translation of results to clinics. This thesis aims to address the complexity of MSCs interactions within the skeletal niche microenvironment in order to provide alternative methods to bypass the current MSCs in vitro culture limitations. Firstly, the influence of ECM-chemistry on MSCs behavior in vitro was explored by means of decellularized human bone models here established. Basal or osteogenic tailored cell-derived decellularized 2D matrices (dECM), proved to be suitable culture substrates for MSCs expansion by providing close-to-native cell-ECM interactions. Moreover, quantified morphological shape changes suggested a material osteo supportive potential, further functionally validated by observable spontaneous mineralization of MSCs. Aiming to identify novel intrinsic ECM regulatory features specific to the skeletal niche, 3D decellularized human trabecular bone scaffolds (dBone) were additionally developed and comprehensively characterized. Remarkably, the MSCs cultured on dBone scaffolds exhibit upregulation of genes associated with stemness as well as niche-related protein expression advocating for the conservation of the naïve MSCs phenotype. vi On the other hand, the effect of biomimetic mineralization on MSCs osteogenic lineage differentiation potential was further addressed by hydroxyapatite functionalization of type-I collagen in presence of magnesium. Mineralized scaffolds exhibited higher cell viability and a clear trend of osteogenic genes upregulation comparing with non-mineralized scaffolds. Lastly, in order to mimic the complexity of the native MSCs environment, a dynamic culture system was applied to the 3D decellularized bone constructs, previously studied in single static conditions. Mechanical stimuli generated by (1) continuous perfusion of cell culture medium at 1.7 mL/min and (2) compressive stress from 10% uniaxial load at 1 Hz, resulted in an improved cell repopulation within the scaffold and boosting of de novo ECM production. The stress-induced gene expression pattern suggested early MSCs commitment towards the osteogenic lineage mediated by integrin matrix adhesion, therefore further corroborating the recapitulation of a reliable in vitro bone niche model in dBone scaffolds. To conclude, the here developed in vitro models provide a progressive increased biomimicking complexity through which significant insights regarding MSC interactions with microenvironmental features in the skeletal niche can be obtained, thus surely paving the way for a better understanding of the role of MSCs in bone homeostasis and regeneration. N2 - Mesenchymale Stamm-/Stromazellen (MSZ) sind eine seltene Subpopulation von Zellen, die erstmals im Knochenmark identifiziert wurden und die das Potenzial haben, sich in plastikadhärenten Kolonien zu vermehren und bei serieller Transplantation an heterotopen anatomischen Stellen de novo das Knochenmarkstroma und seine Umgebung zu bilden. Aufgrund ihrer Multipotenz und ihrer Fähigkeit zur Selbsterneuerung sind MSZ erstklassige Kandidaten für moderne Ansätze des muskuloskelettalem Gewebe-Engineering und der regenerativen Medizin. Dennoch wird ihr therapeutischer Einsatz aufgrund von Bedenken hinsichtlich ihrer Definition, Charakterisierung und in vivo Integration in Frage gestellt. Es ist hinlänglich bekannt, dass die Mikroumgebung wie die Komposition der extrazellulären Matrix (EZM), die mechanische Umgebung und die lokalen zellulären und/oder parakrinen Interaktionen das Verhalten der MSZ entscheidend beeinflussen. Die meisten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über die Biologie und die therapeutische Wirkung von MSZ stammen jedoch aus mechanistischen In-vitro-Studien, in denen Faktoren aus der naiven Mikroumgebung von MSZ kaum berücksichtigt wurden. Dies kann zu offensichtlichen Veränderungen des Zellproliferationsverhaltens und des Differenzierungspotenzials der Zellen führen, was die Übertragung der Ergebnisse in die klinische Praxis beeinträchtigt. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, die Komplexität der Interaktionen von MSZ in der Mikroumgebung der skelettalen Nische zu untersuchen, um Methoden zur Umgehung der derzeitigen Limitationen bei der In-vitro-Kultur von MSZ zu etablieren. Zunächst wurde der Einfluss der EZM auf das Verhalten von MSZ in vitro mit Hilfe von dezellularisierten menschlichen Knochenmodellen untersucht. Basale oder dezellularisierte 2D-Matrizen (dECM) osteogen differenzierter Zellen erwiesen sich als geeignete Zellkultursubstrate für die MSZ-Expansion, da sie nahezu native Zell-EZM-Interaktionen ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus deutet die quantifizierten morphologischen Formveränderungen in MSZ auf ein osteoinduktives Potenzial des Materials hin, was durch eine beobachtete spontane Mineralisierung der MSZ funktionell bestätigt wurde. Mit dem Ziel, neue intrinsische EZM-Faktoren zu identifizieren, die für die skelettale Nische spezifisch sind, wurden zusätzlich dezellularisierte 3D-Gerüste aus menschlichem trabekulärem Knochen (dBone) entwickelt und umfassend charakterisiert. Bemerkenswerterweise zeigen die auf dBone-Gerüsten kultivierten MSZ eine Hochregulierung von typischen Stammzell-assoziierten Genen, sowie die Expression von charakteristischen Nischenproteinen, was für die Erhaltung des Phänotyps naiver MSZ spricht. Andererseits wurde die Auswirkung einer biomimetischen Mineralisierung auf das osteogene Potenzial von MSZ durch Hydroxyapatit-Funktionalisierung von Typ-I-Kollagen Trägermaterialien in Gegenwart von Magnesium untersucht. Mineralisierte Gerüste zeigten eine höhere Zellviabilität und einen klaren Trend zur Hochregulierung osteogener Gene im Vergleich zu nicht-mineralisierten Gerüsten. Um die Komplexität der nativen MSZ-Umgebung zu imitieren, wurde schließlich ein dynamisches Kultursystem auf die dezellularisierten 3D-Knochenkonstrukte angewandt, die zuvor unter statischen Bedingungen untersucht worden waren. Mechanische Stimuli, die durch (1) kontinuierliche Perfusion des Zellkulturmediums bei 1,7 ml/min und (2) Druckbelastung durch eine einachsige Last von 10 % bei 1 Hz erzeugt wurden, führten nachweislich zu einer verbesserten Zellrepopulation innerhalb des Gerüsts und zu einer Steigerung der de novo EZM-Produktion. Das stressinduzierte Genexpressionsmuster deutet darauf hin, dass es schon früh durch Integrin-Matrix-Adhäsion zu einer Festlegung der MSZ auf die osteogene Linie kommt, was die Rekapitulation eines Zuverlässigen in vitro-Knochennischenmodells in dBone-Konstrukten weiter bestätigt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die hier entwickelten in vitro-Modelle eine zunehmende Komplexität der zellulären Mikroumgebung darstellen, durch die wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Interaktionen von MSZ mit der Mikroumgebung in der Knochennische gewonnen werden können, was sicherlich den Weg für ein besseres Verständnis der Rolle von MSZ in der Knochenhomöostase und -regeneration ebnet. KW - Stem Cells KW - In vitro models KW - Bone regeneration Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266603 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rösch, Moritz A1 - Sonnenschein, Ruth A1 - Buchelt, Sebastian A1 - Ullmann, Tobias T1 - Comparing PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 imagery for mapping mountain pines in the Sarntal Alps, Italy JF - Remote Sensing N2 - The mountain pine (Pinus mugo ssp. Mugo Turra) is an important component of the alpine treeline ecotone and fulfills numerous ecosystem functions. To understand and quantify the impacts of increasing logging activities and climatic changes in the European Alps, accurate information on the occurrence and distribution of mountain pine stands is needed. While Earth observation provides up-to-date information on land cover, space-borne mapping of mountain pines is challenging as different coniferous species are spectrally similar, and small-structured patches may remain undetected due to the sensor’s spatial resolution. This study uses multi-temporal optical imagery from PlanetScope (3 m) and Sentinel-2 (10 m) and combines them with additional features (e.g., textural statistics (homogeneity, contrast, entropy, spatial mean and spatial variance) from gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), topographic features (elevation, slope and aspect) and canopy height information) to overcome the present challenges in mapping mountain pine stands. Specifically, we assessed the influence of spatial resolution and feature space composition including the GLCM window size for textural features. The study site is covering the Sarntal Alps, Italy, a region known for large stands of mountain pine. Our results show that mountain pines can be accurately mapped (PlanetScope (90.96%) and Sentinel-2 (90.65%)) by combining all features. In general, Sentinel-2 can achieve comparable results to PlanetScope independent of the feature set composition, despite the lower spatial resolution. In particular, the inclusion of textural features improved the accuracy by +8% (PlanetScope) and +3% (Sentinel-2), whereas accuracy improvements of topographic features and canopy height were low. The derived map of mountain pines in the Sarntal Alps supports local forest management to monitor and assess recent and ongoing anthropogenic and climatic changes at the treeline. Furthermore, our study highlights the importance of freely available Sentinel-2 data and image-derived textural features to accurately map mountain pines in Alpine environments. KW - mountain pines KW - PlanetScope KW - Sentinel-2 KW - gray level co-occurrence matrix Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-281945 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 14 IS - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Cornberg, Markus A1 - Stoehr, Albrecht A1 - Naumann, Uwe A1 - Teuber, Gerlinde A1 - Klinker, Hartwig A1 - Lutz, Thomas A1 - Möller, Hjördis A1 - Hidde, Dennis A1 - Lohmann, Kristina A1 - Simon, Karl-Georg T1 - Real-world safety, effectiveness, and patient-reported outcomes in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection treated with glecaprevir/pibrentasvir: updated data from the German Hepatitis C-Registry (DHC-R) JF - Viruses N2 - Using data from the German Hepatitis C-Registry (Deutsche Hepatitis C-Register, DHC-R), we report the real-world safety and effectiveness of glecaprevir/pibrentasvir (GLE/PIB) treatment and its impact on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in underserved populations who are not typically included in clinical trials, yet who will be crucial for achieving hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination. The DHC-R is an ongoing, non-interventional, multicenter, prospective, observational cohort study on patients treated for chronic HCV infection in Germany. The data cutoff was 17 January 2021. The primary effectiveness endpoint was sustained virologic response at post-treatment Week 12 (SVR12). Safety outcomes were assessed in all patients receiving GLE/PIB. PROs were assessed using the SF-36 survey. Of 2354 patients, 1964 had valid SVR12 data (intention-to-treat analysis). Of these, 1905 (97.0%) achieved SVR12 with rates similar across the comorbidities analyzed, except for people who actively use drugs (PWUD (active)) (86.4%). Excluding those who discontinued treatment and did not achieve SVR12, or were reinfected with HCV, the rate was 99.3%, with similar results regardless of comorbidity. PWUD (active) and those with psychiatric disorders had the most meaningful improvements in PROs. Adverse events (AEs) occurred in 631/2354 patients (26.8%), and serious AEs in 44 patients (1.9%). GLE/PIB was highly effective and well tolerated in this real-world study of patient groups key to HCV elimination. KW - direct-acting antiviral KW - glecaprevir/pibrentasvir KW - hepatitis C virus KW - real world evidence KW - German Hepatitis C-Registry Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-281939 SN - 1999-4915 VL - 14 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kraft, Johannes A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Breuer, Kathrin A1 - Lutyj, Paul A1 - Bratengeier, Klaus A1 - Exner, Florian A1 - Richter, Anne A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg A1 - Lisowski, Dominik A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Treatment plan comparison for irradiation of multiple brain metastases with hippocampal avoidance whole brain radiotherapy and simultaneous integrated boost using the Varian Halcyon and the Elekta Synergy platforms JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - No abstract available. KW - treatment plan KW - multiple brain metastases Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301221 VL - 17 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Maurus, K. A1 - Kosnopfel, C. A1 - Kneitz, H. A1 - Appenzeller, S. A1 - Schrama, D. A1 - Glutsch, V. A1 - Roth, S. A1 - Gerhard-Hartmann, E. A1 - Rosenfeldt, M. A1 - Möhrmann, L. A1 - Fröhlich, M. A1 - Hübschmann, D. A1 - Stenzinger, A. A1 - Glimm, H. A1 - Fröhling, S. A1 - Goebeler, M. A1 - Rosenwald, A. A1 - Kutzner, H. A1 - Schilling, B. T1 - Cutaneous epithelioid haemangiomas show somatic mutations in the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway JF - British Journal of Dermatology N2 - Background Epithelioid haemangioma (EH) arising from the skin is a benign vascular tumour with marked inflammatory cell infiltration, which exhibits a high tendency to persist and frequently recurs after resection. So far, the underlying pathogenesis is largely elusive. Objectives To identify genetic alterations by next-generation sequencing and/or droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) in cutaneous EH. Methods DNA and RNA from an EH lesion of an index patient were subjected to whole-genome and RNA sequencing. Multiplex PCR-based panel sequencing of genomic DNA isolated from archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue of 18 patients with cutaneous EH was performed. ddPCR was used to confirm mutations. Results We identified somatic mutations in genes of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway (MAP2K1 and KRAS) in cutaneous EH biopsies. By ddPCR we could confirm the recurrent presence of activating, low-frequency mutations affecting MAP2K1. In total, nine out of 18 patients analysed showed activating MAPK pathway mutations, which were mutually exclusive. Comparative analysis of tissue areas enriched for lymphatic infiltrate or aberrant endothelial cells, respectively, revealed an association of these mutations with the presence of endothelial cells. Conclusions Taken together, our data suggest that EH shows somatic mutations in genes of the MAPK pathway which might contribute to the formation of this benign tumour. KW - protein kinase pathway KW - Background Epithelioid haemangioma KW - somatic mutations Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258333 VL - 186 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brenzinger, Kristof A1 - Maihoff, Fabienne A1 - Peters, Marcell K. A1 - Schimmer, Leonie A1 - Bischler, Thorsten A1 - Classen, Alice T1 - Temperature and livestock grazing trigger transcriptome responses in bumblebees along an elevational gradient JF - iScience N2 - Climate and land-use changes cause increasing stress to pollinators but the molecular pathways underlying stress responses are poorly understood. Here, we analyzed the transcriptomic response of Bombus lucorum workers to temperature and livestock grazing. Bumblebees sampled along an elevational gradient, and from differently managed grassland sites (livestock grazing vs unmanaged) in the German Alps did not differ in the expression of genes known for thermal stress responses. Instead, metabolic energy production pathways were upregulated in bumblebees sampled in mid- or high elevations or during cool temperatures. Extensive grazing pressure led to an upregulation of genetic pathways involved in immunoregulation and DNA-repair. We conclude that widespread bumblebees are tolerant toward temperature fluctuations in temperate mountain environments. Moderate temperature increases may even release bumblebees from metabolic stress. However, transcriptome responses to even moderate management regimes highlight the completely underestimated complexity of human influence on natural pollinators. KW - bumblebees KW - stress KW - transcriptomic response KW - climate changes Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301276 VL - 25 IS - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Balakrishnan, Ashwin A1 - Hemmen, Katherina A1 - Choudhury, Susobhan A1 - Krohn, Jan-Hagen A1 - Jansen, Kerstin A1 - Friedrich, Mike A1 - Beliu, Gerti A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Lohse, Martin J. A1 - Heinze, Katrin G. T1 - Unraveling the hidden temporal range of fast β2-adrenergic receptor mobility by time-resolved fluorescence JF - Communications Biology N2 - G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are hypothesized to possess molecular mobility over a wide temporal range. Until now the temporal range has not been fully accessible due to the crucially limited temporal range of available methods. This in turn, may lead relevant dynamic constants to remain masked. Here, we expand this dynamic range by combining fluorescent techniques using a spot confocal setup. We decipher mobility constants of β\(_{2}\)-adrenergic receptor over a wide time range (nanosecond to second). Particularly, a translational mobility (10 µm\(^{2}\)/s), one order of magnitude faster than membrane associated lateral mobility that explains membrane protein turnover and suggests a wider picture of the GPCR availability on the plasma membrane. And a so far elusive rotational mobility (1-200 µs) which depicts a previously overlooked dynamic component that, despite all complexity, behaves largely as predicted by the Saffman-Delbrück model. KW - G-protein-coupled receptors KW - molecular mobility KW - temporal range Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301140 VL - 5 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Prieto García, Cristian T1 - USP28 regulates Squamous cell oncogenesis and DNA repair via ΔNp63 deubiquitination T1 - USP28 reguliert Plattenepithelzell-Onkogenese und DNA-Reparatur über ΔNp63-Deubiquitinierung N2 - ∆Np63 is a master regulator of squamous cell identity and regulates several signaling pathways that crucially contribute to the development of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) tumors. Its contribution to coordinating the expression of genes involved in oncogenesis, epithelial identity, DNA repair, and genome stability has been extensively studied and characterized. For SCC, the expression of ∆Np63 is an essential requirement to maintain the malignant phenotype. Additionally, ∆Np63 functionally contributes to the development of cancer resistance toward therapies inducing DNA damage. SCC patients are currently treated with the same conventional Cisplatin therapy as they would have been treated 30 years ago. In contrast to patients with other tumor entities, the survival of SCC patients is limited, and the efficacy of the current therapies is rather low. Considering the rising incidences of these tumor entities, the development of novel SCC therapies is urgently required. Targeting ∆Np63, the transcription factor, is a potential alternative to improve the therapeutic response and clinical outcomes of SCC patients. However, ∆Np63 is considered “undruggable.” As is commonly observed in transcription factors, ∆Np63 does not provide any suitable domains for the binding of small molecule inhibitors. ∆Np63 regulates a plethora of different pathways and cellular processes, making it difficult to counteract its function by targeting downstream effectors. As ∆Np63 is strongly regulated by the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS), the development of deubiquitinating enzyme inhibitors has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy to target ∆Np63 in SCC treatment. This work involved identifying the first deubiquitinating enzyme that regulates ∆Np63 protein stability. Stateof-the-art SCC models were used to prove that USP28 deubiquitinates ∆Np63, regulates its protein stability, and affects squamous transcriptional profiles in vivo and ex vivo. Accordingly, SCC depends on USP28 to maintain essential levels of ∆Np63 protein abundance in tumor formation and maintenance. For the first time, ∆Np63, the transcription factor, was targeted in vivo using a small molecule inhibitor targeting the activity of USP28. The pharmacological inhibition of USP28 was sufficient to hinder the growth of SCC tumors in preclinical mouse models. Finally, this work demonstrated that the combination of Cisplatin with USP28 inhibitors as a novel therapeutic alternative could expand the limited available portfolio of SCC therapeutics. Collectively, the data presented within this dissertation demonstrates that the inhibition of USP28 in SCC decreases ∆Np63 protein abundance, thus downregulating the Fanconi anemia (FA) pathway and recombinational DNA repair. Accordingly, USP28 inhibition reduces the DNA damage response, thereby sensitizing SCC tumors to DNA damage therapies, such as Cisplatin. N2 - ∆Np63 ist ein Hauptregulator der Plattenepithelzellidentität und reguliert mehrere Signalwege, die entscheidend zur Entstehung von Plattenepithelkarzinomen (SCC) beitragen. Sein Beitrag zur Koordination der Expression von Genen, die an der Onkogenese, der epithelialen Identität, der DNA-Reparatur und der Genomstabilität beteiligt sind, wurde umfassend untersucht und charakterisiert. Für SCC ist die Expression von ∆Np63 eine wesentliche Voraussetzung, um den malignen Phänotyp zu erhalten. Darüber hinaus trägt ∆Np63 funktionell zur Entwicklung einer Krebsresistenz gegenüber Therapien bei, die DNA-Schäden induzieren. SCC-Patienten werden derzeit mit der gleichen konventionellen Cisplatin-Therapie behandelt, wie sie vor 30 Jahren behandelt worden wären. Im Gegensatz zu Patienten mit anderen Tumorentitäten ist das Überleben von SCC-Patienten begrenzt und die Wirksamkeit der aktuellen Therapien eher gering. Angesichts der steigenden Inzidenz dieser Tumorentitäten ist die Entwicklung neuer Therapien für das Plattenepithelkarzinom dringend erforderlich. Das Targeting von ∆Np63, dem Transkriptionsfaktor, ist eine potenzielle Alternative zur Verbesserung des therapeutischen Ansprechens und der klinischen Ergebnisse von SCC-Patienten. ∆Np63 gilt jedoch als „nicht medikamentös“. Wie bei Transkriptionsfaktoren häufig beobachtet, bietet ∆Np63 keine geeigneten Domänen für die Bindung von niedermolekularen Inhibitoren. ∆Np63 reguliert eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Signalwegen und zellulären Prozessen, was es schwierig macht, seiner Funktion entgegenzuwirken, indem es nachgeschaltete Effektoren angreift. Da ∆Np63 stark durch das Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System (UPS) reguliert wird, hat sich die Entwicklung von deubiquitinierenden Enzyminhibitoren als vielversprechende therapeutische Strategie erwiesen, um ∆Np63 bei der Behandlung von Plattenepithelkarzinomen zu bekämpfen. Diese Arbeit beinhaltete die Identifizierung des ersten deubiquitinierenden Enzyms, das die Stabilität des ∆Np63-Proteins reguliert. Hochmoderne SCC-Modelle wurden verwendet, um zu beweisen, dass USP28 ∆Np63 deubiquitiniert, seine Proteinstabilität reguliert und Plattenepithel-Transkriptionsprofile in vivo und ex vivo beeinflusst. Dementsprechend hängt SCC von USP28 ab, um wesentliche Mengen des Np63-Proteinüberflusses bei der Tumorbildung und -erhaltung aufrechtzuerhalten. Zum ersten Mal wurde ∆Np63, der Transkriptionsfaktor, in vivo mit einem niedermolekularen Inhibitor gezielt, der auf die Aktivität von USP28 abzielt. Die pharmakologische Hemmung von USP28 war ausreichend, um das Wachstum von SCC-Tumoren in präklinischen Mausmodellen zu verhindern. Schließlich zeigte diese Arbeit, dass die Kombination von Cisplatin mit USP28-Inhibitoren als neuartige therapeutische Alternative das begrenzt verfügbare Portfolio an SCC-Therapeutika erweitern könnte. Zusammengefasst zeigen die in dieser Dissertation präsentierten Daten, dass die Hemmung von USP28 in SCC die Np63-Proteinhäufigkeit verringert, wodurch der Fanconi-Anämie (FA)-Signalweg und die rekombinatorische DNA-Reparatur herunterreguliert werden. Dementsprechend reduziert die Hemmung von USP28 die Reaktion auf DNA-Schäden und sensibilisiert dadurch SCC- Tumoren für DNA-Schädigungstherapien wie Cisplatin. KW - USP28 KW - Squamous cell carcinoma KW - ΔNp63 Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270332 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kohl, Patrick L. A1 - Rutschmann, Benjamin A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf T1 - Population demography of feral honeybee colonies in central European forests JF - Royal Society Open Science N2 - European honeybee populations are considered to consist only of managed colonies, but recent censuses have revealed that wild/feral colonies still occur in various countries. To gauge the ecological and evolutionary relevance of wild-living honeybees, information is needed on their population demography. We monitored feral honeybee colonies in German forests for up to 4 years through regular inspections of woodpecker cavity trees and microsatellite genotyping. Each summer, about 10% of the trees were occupied, corresponding to average densities of 0.23 feral colonies km\(^{−2}\) (an estimated 5% of the regional honeybee populations). Populations decreased moderately until autumn but dropped massively during winter, so that their densities were only about 0.02 colonies km\(^{−2}\) in early spring. During the reproductive (swarming) season, in May and June, populations recovered, with new swarms preferring nest sites that had been occupied in the previous year. The annual survival rate and the estimated lifespan of feral colonies (n = 112) were 10.6% and 0.6 years, respectively. We conclude that managed forests in Germany do not harbour self-sustaining feral honeybee populations, but they are recolonized every year by swarms escaping from apiaries. KW - pollinator decline KW - nest site selection KW - life-history traits KW - wild honeybees KW - beech forests KW - swarming Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301335 SN - 2054-5703 VL - 9 IS - 8 ER - TY - THES A1 - Trappe, Julian T1 - The influence of medieval building activity on relief development within the Spessart uplands, Germany. A sedimentological, geophysical and GIS-based approach at different castle and mining sites T1 - Der Einfluss von mittelalterlicher Bautätigkeit auf die Reliefententwicklung im Spessart, Deutschland. Ein sedimentologischer, geophysikalischer und GIS-basierter Ansatz an verschiedenen Burgställen und einem Bergbaugebiet N2 - In the Spessart, a low mountain range in central Germany, a feud during the Middle Ages led to the construction of numerous castles in this region. This study analyzes the mutual influence of (paleo-)relief development and medieval building activity using a geomorphological and geoarchaeological multimethod approach to expand the knowledge of human-environmental interactions during this time. For this purpose, GIS-based terrain analysis and geophysical measurements were conducted and combined with sedimentological information to create 1D-3D models of the subsurface and to assess knowledge of the landscape and relief evolution at various medieval castle and mining sites. The interpretation of all these data led to the answering of numerous site-specific questions on various geomorphological, geoarchaeological, geologic, and archaeological topics that have been explored in this work and have greatly increased our knowledge of each study site. In addition to these key contributions to the archaeological and geomorphological interpretation of individual study sites, a quantification of the anthropogenic influence on the relief development was conducted, a generalized model of the influence was derived, and new methodological and interpretative approaches were developed. Overall, this study links geomorphological/geological and (geo-)archaeological investigations at five medieval sites and delivers important information on human-environmental interactions within the Spessart and beyond. N2 - Mostly taking place in the Spessart, a low mountain range in central Germany, a feud between the counts of Rieneck and the bishops in Mainz escalated during the medieval period. This feud led to many castles being built at both sites, as well as other building activities. Many of these buildings and castles were located at specific and unique relief positions. This study analyzes the mutual influence of (paleo-)relief development and medieval building activity by utilizing a multi-method approach. For this purpose, GIS-based terrain analyses and geophysical measurements were conducted and combined with sedimentological information from invasive methods and outcrops to assess information on the topographic relief at four medieval castle sites and a medieval mining area. From the recent relief, the influence of medieval building activity was revealed and the paleo-relief was derived. The study sites were chosen in conjunction with the Archaeology Project of the Spessart Region (Archäologisches Spessartprojekt), which performed or is planning to perform excavations at these sites. With the help of GIS-based terrain analyses, the main objective was split into a number of site-specific questions. Spatial data were collected with the help of electrical resistivity tomography, ground-penetrating radar, seismic refraction tomography and fluxgate magnetic surveying to answer these questions. The ambiguous, spatial geophysical results were proven using Pürckhauer and Edelman soundings and with the help of boreholes and outcrops. More precise information about the selective soundings was extrapolated using geophysical data. Additionally, with these established methods, a new approach for the description of the relative resistivity distribution within the subsurface was developed. In addition to a quantitative description of the data, additional parameters were derived with the help of a constructed ArcGIS-tool. By interpreting all these data, most of the site-specific questions were answered. These questions are of variable complexity and focus on different geomorphological, geological, geoarchaeological and archaeological topics. For example, the genesis of the rough topography surrounding Wahlmich Castle near Waldaschaff was deciphered. Additionally, mainly boreholes and AMS-14C-datings revealed a connection between the medieval usage of a castle with a mill, including mill ponds, and the sedimentation history in a talweg at Hauenstein Castle. With the help of a geophysical prospection, the location of Mömbris Castle was precisely predicted, which resulted in a targeted excavation off-target the initially suspected areas. At Rannenburg Castle near Alzenau, massive, anthropogenically used loess loam deposits were prospected. Furthermore, at Eisenberg near Steinau an der Straße, important information was derived based on the position and form of iron deposits and collapsed shafts. In addition to all these key contributions for the archaeological and/or geomorphological interpretation of individual study sites, quantification of the anthropogenic influence on the relief was conducted. A generalized model that focuses on the mutual influence of relief development and medieval building activity was derived. Furthermore, new research approaches were developed that focus not only on positive location factors for a specific use, but also on the negative location factors for another type of use. The newly developed approach for describing the relative resistivity distribution can also be transferred to other studies to increase objectivity. Moreover, it is possible to create generalized datasets for individual study sites. Thus, this study links geomorphological/geological and (geo-)archaeological investigations at a medieval site and delivers important information on the mutual influence between the research items of all these disciplines within the Spessart and beyond. N2 - Nachdem im Mittelalter eine Fehde zwischen den Grafen von Rieneck und den Mainzer Bischöfen eskalierte, wurden im Spessart, einem deutschen Mittelgebirge, häufig in sehr spezifischen und ungewöhnlichen Reliefpositionen von beiden Streitparteien diverse Burgen errichtet sowie andere Bautätigkeiten vorgenommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich dieser Landschaft, indem sie den wechselseitigen Einfluss von (Paläo-)Reliefentwicklung und mittelalterlicher Bauaktivität mit Hilfe eines Multimethodenansatzes analysiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden an vier mittelalterlichen Burgenstandorten und einem mittelalterlichen Bergbaugebiet GIS-basierte Reliefanalysen und geophysikalische Messungen durchgeführt sowie sedimentologische Informationen aus invasiven Methoden und Aufschlüssen aufgenommen, um das rezente Relief zu erfassen, den Einfluss der mittelalterlichen Bauaktivität darzustellen und das Paläorelief abzuleiten. Die Untersuchungsgebiete wurden mithilfe des Archäologischen Spessartprojektes ausgesucht, welches an den jeweiligen Standorten Ausgrabungen durchgeführt hat oder plant. Mit Hilfe einer GIS-basierten Reliefanalyse wurde die Hauptfragestellung in eine Anzahl standortspezifischer Fragestellungen untergliedert. Für die Beantwortung dieser Fragestellungen wurden mit geoelektrischer Widerstandstomographie, Bodenradar, Refraktionsseismik und Fluxgatemagnetik geophysikalische Daten erhoben. Die mehrdeutigen aber flächenhaften geophysikalischen Daten wurden mit punktuellen Pürckhauer-, Edelman- und Rammkernsondagen genauer definiert; diese präziseren Informationen der punktuellen Sondagen konnten wiederum mit Hilfe der geophysikalischen Daten extrapoliert werden. Zusätzlich zu diesen etablierten Methoden wurde ein neuer Ansatz zur Beschreibung von der relativen elektrischen Widerstandsverteilung im Untergrund entwickelt und neben einer quantitativen Beschreibung der Daten auch zusätzliche Parameter mit Hilfe eines konstruierten ArcGIS-Tools abgeleitet. Durch die übergreifende Interpretation der Daten konnten die aufgeworfenen standortspezifischen Fragestellungen beantwortet werden. Nachdem diese Fragestellungen in ihrer Komplexität variierten und zudem verschiedene geomorphologische, geologische, geoarchäologische und archäologische Themen fokussierten, konnte eine große Bandbreite an Befunden generiert werden. So konnte beispielsweise die Genese einer markanten und rauen Topographie in der Umgebung des Burgstalls Wahlmichs in Waldaschaff entschlüsselt werden. Die Sedimentation in einer Bachaue bei Hauenstein konnte mit Hilfe von Bohrungen und 14C-Datierungen klar zu der mittelalterlichen Nutzung eines Burgstalls mit Mühle und entsprechenden Mühlteichen zugeordnet werden. In Mömbris konnte die Lage der eigentlichen Burganlage mit Hilfe einer geophysikalischen Prospektion präzisiert werden, was zu einer gezielten Ausgrabung außerhalb der eigentlichen Verdachtsflächen geführt hat. An der Rannenburg in der Nähe von Alzenau konnten mächtige, anthropogen genutzte Lössauflagen prospektiert werden und am Eisenberg in der Nähe von Steinau an der Straße konnten wichtige Informationen zur Lage und Form von Erzlagerstätten und Pingen gewonnen werden. Neben all diesen wichtigen Beiträgen zur archäologischen und geomorphologischen Interpretation der einzelnen Standorte konnte der anthropogene Einfluss an jedem Standort quantifiziert werden und ein generalisiertes Modell zur wechselseitigen Einflussnahme von Reliefentwicklung und mittelalterlicher Bebauung abgeleitet werden. Des Weiteren konnten neue Forschungsansätze entwickelt werden, welche nicht nur die Standortvorteile für bestimmte Nutzungen einzelner Standorte fokussieren, sondern auch die Standortnachteile für andere Nutzungsformen betrachten. Außerdem kann der neu entwickelte Ansatz zur Beschreibung der relativen Widerstandsverteilung im Untergrund auch auf zukünftige Fragestellungen übertragen werden, um die Objektivität bei der Betrachtung von verschiedenen Datensätzen zu erhöhen und gegebenenfalls auch generalisierte Datensätze für einzelne Standorte zu erstellen. Somit bildet diese Arbeit ein Bindeglied zwischen der geomorphologischen beziehungsweise geologischen und (geo-)archäologischen Erforschung eines mittelalterlichen Standortes und liefert wichtige Informationen über die wechselseitige Einflussnahme dieser Forschungsgegenstände im Spessart und darüber hinaus. T3 - Würzburger Geographische Arbeiten - 125 KW - Geoarchäologie KW - geophysical prospection KW - geoarchaeology KW - human-environmental interactions KW - Spessart KW - Prospektion Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-261499 SN - 978-3-95826-184-6 SN - 978-3-95826-185-3 SN - 0510-9833 SN - 2194-3656 N1 - Parallel erschienen als Druckausgabe in Würzburg University Press, 978-3-95826-184-6, 49,80 EUR PB - Würzburg University Press CY - Würzburg ET - 1. Auflage ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kleemann, Janina A1 - Zamora, Camilo A1 - Villacis-Chiluisa, Alexandra Belen A1 - Cuenca, Pablo A1 - Koo, Hongmi A1 - Noh, Jin Kyoung A1 - Fürst, Christine A1 - Thiel, Michael T1 - Deforestation in continental Ecuador with a focus on protected areas JF - Land N2 - Forest conservation is of particular concern in tropical regions where a large refuge of biodiversity is still existing. These areas are threatened by deforestation, forest degradation and fragmentation. Especially, pressures of anthropogenic activities adjacent to these areas significantly influence conservation effectiveness. Ecuador was chosen as study area since it is a globally relevant center of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. We identified hotspots of deforestation on the national level of continental Ecuador between 1990 and 2018, analyzed the most significant drivers of deforestation on national and biome level (the Coast, the Andes, The Amazon) as well as inside protected areas in Ecuador by using multiple regression analysis. We separated the national system of protected areas (SNAP) into higher and lower protection levels. Besides SNAP, we also considered Biosphere Reserves (BRs) and Ramsar sites. In addition, we investigated the rates and spatial patterns of deforestation in protected areas and buffer zones (5 km and 10 km outwards the protected area boundaries) using landscape metrics. Between 1990 and 2018, approximately 4% of the accumulated deforestation occurred within the boundaries of SNAP, and up to 25.5% in buffer zones. The highest rates of deforestation have been found in the 5 km buffer zone around the protected areas with the highest protection level. Protected areas and their buffer zones with higher protection status were identified as the most deforested areas among SNAP. BRs had the highest deforestation rates among all protected areas but most of these areas just became BRs after the year 2000. The most important driver of deforestation is agriculture. Other relevant drivers differ between the biomes. The results suggest that the SNAP is generally effective to prevent deforestation within their protection boundaries. However, deforestation around protected areas can undermine conservation strategies to sustain biodiversity. Actions to address such dynamics and patterns of deforestation and forest fragmentation, and developing conservation strategies of their landscape context are urgently needed especially in the buffer zones of areas with the highest protection status. KW - conservation KW - driving forces KW - forest KW - loss KW - human pressure KW - land use change KW - landscape metrics KW - protection status KW - spatial analysis Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262078 SN - 2073-445X VL - 11 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Esnault, Clara A1 - Schrama, David A1 - Houben, Roland A1 - Guyétant, Serge A1 - Desgranges, Audrey A1 - Martin, Camille A1 - Berthon, Patricia A1 - Viaud-Massuard, Marie-Claude A1 - Touzé, Antoine A1 - Kervarrec, Thibault A1 - Samimi, Mahtab T1 - Antibody–drug conjugates as an emerging therapy in oncodermatology JF - Cancers N2 - Antibody–drug conjugates (ADCs) are an emerging class of therapeutics, with twelve FDA- and EMA-approved drugs for hematological and solid cancers. Such drugs consist in a monoclonal antibody linked to a cytotoxic agent, allowing a specific cytotoxicity to tumor cells. In recent years, tremendous progress has been observed in therapeutic approaches for advanced skin cancer patients. In this regard, targeted therapies (e.g., kinase inhibitors) or immune checkpoint-blocking antibodies outperformed conventional chemotherapy, with proven benefit to survival. Nevertheless, primary and acquired resistances as well as adverse events remain limitations of these therapies. Therefore, ADCs appear as an emerging therapeutic option in oncodermatology. After providing an overview of ADC design and development, the goal of this article is to review the potential ADC indications in the field of oncodermatology. KW - antibody–drug conjugates KW - oncodermatology KW - melanoma KW - skin squamous cell carcinoma KW - cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and Merkel cell carcinoma Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262192 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 14 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schmidbauer, Moritz L. A1 - Ferse, Caroline A1 - Salih, Farid A1 - Klingner, Carsten A1 - Musleh, Rita A1 - Kunst, Stefan A1 - Wittstock, Matthias A1 - Neumann, Bernhard A1 - Schebesch, Karl-Michael A1 - Bösel, Julian A1 - Godau, Jana A1 - Lochner, Piergiorgio A1 - Adam, Elisabeth H. A1 - Jahnke, Kolja A1 - Knier, Benjamin A1 - Schirotzek, Ingo A1 - Müllges, Wolfgang A1 - Notz, Quirin A1 - Dengl, Markus A1 - Güldner, Andreas A1 - Onur, Oezguer A. A1 - Garcia Borrega, Jorge A1 - Dimitriadis, Konstantinos A1 - Günther, Albrecht T1 - COVID-19 and intracranial hemorrhage: a multicenter case series, systematic review and pooled analysis JF - Journal of Clinical Medicine N2 - Introduction: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) profoundly impacts hemostasis and microvasculature. In the light of the dilemma between thromboembolic and hemorrhagic complications, in the present paper, we systematically investigate the prevalence, mortality, radiological subtypes, and clinical characteristics of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) in coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients. Methods: Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we performed a systematic review of the literature by screening the PubMed database and included patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and concomitant ICH. We performed a pooled analysis, including a prospectively collected cohort of critically ill COVID-19 patients with ICH, as part of the PANDEMIC registry (Pooled Analysis of Neurologic Disorders Manifesting in Intensive Care of COVID-19). Results: Our literature review revealed a total of 217 citations. After the selection process, 79 studies and a total of 477 patients were included. The median age was 58.8 years. A total of 23.3% of patients experienced the critical stage of COVID-19, 62.7% of patients were on anticoagulation and 27.5% of the patients received ECMO. The prevalence of ICH was at 0.85% and the mortality at 52.18%, respectively. Conclusion: ICH in COVID-19 patients is rare, but it has a very poor prognosis. Different subtypes of ICH seen in COVID-19, support the assumption of heterogeneous and multifaceted pathomechanisms contributing to ICH in COVID-19. Further clinical and pathophysiological investigations are warranted to resolve the conflict between thromboembolic and hemorrhagic complications in the future. KW - COVID-19 KW - intracranial hemorrhage KW - prognosis KW - anticoagulation Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-255236 SN - 2077-0383 VL - 11 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tian, Yuehui A1 - Yang, Shang A1 - Nagel, Georg A1 - Gao, Shiqiang T1 - Characterization and modification of light-sensitive phosphodiesterases from choanoflagellates JF - Biomolecules N2 - Enzyme rhodopsins, including cyclase opsins (Cyclops) and rhodopsin phosphodiesterases (RhoPDEs), were recently discovered in fungi, algae and protists. In contrast to the well-developed light-gated guanylyl/adenylyl cyclases as optogenetic tools, ideal light-regulated phosphodiesterases are still in demand. Here, we investigated and engineered the RhoPDEs from Salpingoeca rosetta, Choanoeca flexa and three other protists. All the RhoPDEs (fused with a cytosolic N-terminal YFP tag) can be expressed in Xenopus oocytes, except the AsRhoPDE that lacks the retinal-binding lysine residue in the last (8th) transmembrane helix. An N296K mutation of YFP::AsRhoPDE enabled its expression in oocytes, but this mutant still has no cGMP hydrolysis activity. Among the RhoPDEs tested, SrRhoPDE, CfRhoPDE1, 4 and MrRhoPDE exhibited light-enhanced cGMP hydrolysis activity. Engineering SrRhoPDE, we obtained two single point mutants, L623F and E657Q, in the C-terminal catalytic domain, which showed ~40 times decreased cGMP hydrolysis activity without affecting the light activation ratio. The molecular characterization and modification will aid in developing ideal light-regulated phosphodiesterase tools in the future. KW - choanoflagellates KW - optogenetics KW - rhodopsin phosphodiesterase (RhoPDE) KW - cGMP Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-254769 SN - 2218-273X VL - 12 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bolm, Louisa A1 - Zemskov, Sergii A1 - Zeller, Maria A1 - Baba, Taisuke A1 - Roldan, Jorge A1 - Harrison, Jon M. A1 - Petruch, Natalie A1 - Sato, Hiroki A1 - Petrova, Ekaterina A1 - Lapshyn, Hryhoriy A1 - Braun, Ruediger A1 - Honselmann, Kim C. A1 - Hummel, Richard A1 - Dronov, Oleksii A1 - Kirichenko, Alexander V. A1 - Klinkhammer-Schalke, Monika A1 - Kleihues-van Tol, Kees A1 - Zeissig, Sylke R. A1 - Rades, Dirk A1 - Keck, Tobias A1 - Fernandez-del Castillo, Carlos A1 - Wellner, Ulrich F. A1 - Wegner, Rodney E. T1 - Concepts and outcomes of perioperative therapy in stage IA-III pancreatic cancer — a cross-validation of the National Cancer Database (NCDB) and the German Cancer Registry Group of the Society of German Tumor Centers (GCRG/ADT) JF - Cancers N2 - (1) Background: The aim of this study is to assess perioperative therapy in stage IA-III pancreatic cancer cross-validating the German Cancer Registry Group of the Society of German Tumor Centers — Network for Care, Quality, and Research in Oncology, Berlin (GCRG/ADT) and the National Cancer Database (NCDB). (2) Methods: Patients with clinical stage IA-III PDAC undergoing surgery alone (OP), neoadjuvant therapy (TX) + surgery (neo + OP), surgery+adjuvantTX (OP + adj) and neoadjuvantTX + surgery + adjuvantTX (neo + OP + adj) were identified. Baseline characteristics, histopathological parameters, and overall survival (OS) were evaluated. (3) Results: 1392 patients from the GCRG/ADT and 29,081 patients from the NCDB were included. Patient selection and strategies of perioperative therapy remained consistent across the registries for stage IA-III pancreatic cancer. Combined neo + OP + adj was associated with prolonged OS as compared to neo + OP alone (17.8 m vs. 21.3 m, p = 0.012) across all stages in the GCRG/ADT registry. Similarly, OS with neo + OP + adj was improved as compared to neo + OP in the NCDB registry (26.4 m vs. 35.4 m, p < 0.001). (4) Conclusion: The cross-validation study demonstrated similar concepts and patient selection criteria of perioperative therapy across clinical stages of PDAC. Neoadjuvant therapy combined with adjuvant therapy is associated with improved overall survival as compared to either therapy alone. KW - pancreatic cancer KW - perioperative therapy KW - neoadjuvant therapy KW - pancreatic surgery Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262174 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 14 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Prasse, Tobias A1 - Stratos, Ioannis A1 - Niehoff, Anja A1 - Christ, Hildegard A1 - Heck, Vincent A1 - Meyer, Carolin A1 - Mittlmeier, Thomas T1 - Bisphenol A-related effects on bone morphology and biomechanical properties in an animal model JF - Toxics N2 - Bisphenol A (BPA), which is contained in numerous plastic products, is known to act as an endocrine-disruptive, toxic, and carcinogenic chemical. This experimental series sought to determine the influence of BPA exposure on the femoral bone architecture and biomechanical properties of male and female Wistar rats. BPA was applied subcutaneously by using osmotic pumps. After 12 weeks, the bones were analyzed by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and a three-point bending test. Comparing the female low- and high-dose groups, a significantly greater marrow area (p = 0.047) was identified in the group exposed to a higher BPA concentration. In addition, the trabecular number tended to be higher in the female high-dose group when compared to the low-dose group (p > 0.05). The area moment of inertia also tended to be higher in the male high-dose group when compared to the male low-dose group (p > 0.05). Considering our results, BPA-related effects on the bone morphology in female Wistar rats are osteoanabolic after high-dose exposure, while, in male rats, a tendency toward negative effects on the bone morphology in terms of a reduced cross-sectional cortical area and total area could be demonstrated. KW - bisphenol A KW - endocrine disruption KW - bone morphology KW - micro-computed tomography KW - mechanical property KW - three-point bending Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262216 SN - 2305-6304 VL - 10 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heilig, Philipp A1 - Faerber, Lars-Christopher A1 - Paul, Mila M. A1 - Kupczyk, Eva A1 - Meffert, Rainer H. A1 - Jordan, Martin C. A1 - Hoelscher-Doht, Stefanie T1 - Plate osteosynthesis combined with bone cement provides the highest stability for tibial head depression fractures under high loading conditions JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Older patients sustaining tibial head depression fractures often cannot follow the post-operative rehabilitation protocols with partial weight-bearing of the affected limb, leading to osteosynthesis failure, cartilage step-off and arthritis development. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyse the biomechanical performance of different types of osteosyntheses alone and in combination with bone cement simulating cyclically high loading conditions of tibial head depression fractures. Lateral tibial head depression fractures (AO: 41-B2.2; Schatzker type III) were created in synthetic bones and stabilized using three different osteosyntheses alone and in combination with a commonly used bone cement (chronOS™): 2 screws, 4 screws in the jail technique and a lateral angle-stable buttress plate. After fixation, the lateral tibial plateau was axially loaded in two, from each other independent testing series: In the first test protocol, 5000 cycles with 500 N and in the end load-to-failure tests were performed. In the second test protocol, the cyclic loading was increased to 1000 N. Parameters of interest were the displacement of the articular fracture fragment, the stiffness and the maximum load. The osteosyntheses revealed a higher stiffness in combination with bone cement compared to the same type of osteosynthesis alone (e.g., 500 N level: 2 screws 383 ± 43 N/mm vs. 2 screws + chronOs 520 ± 108 N/mm, increase by 36%, p < 0.01; 4 screws 368 ± 97 N/mm vs. 4 screws + chronOS 516 ± 109 N/mm, increase by 40%, p < 0.01; plate: 509 ± 73 N/mm vs. plate + chronOs 792 ± 150 N/mm, increase by 56%, p < 0.01). Bone cement reduced the displacement of the plate significantly (500 N level: plate: 8.9 ± 2.8 mm vs. plate + chronOs: 3.1 ± 1.4 mm, reduction by 65%, p < 0.01; 1000 N level: 16.9 ± 3.6 mm vs 5.6 ± 1.3 mm, reduction by 67%, p < 0.01). Thus, the highest stiffness and lowest displacement values were found when using the plate with bone cement in both loading conditions (500 N level: 2 screws + chronOs 3.7 ± 1.3 mm, 4 screws + chronOs 6.2 ± 2.4 mm; 1000 N level: 2 screws + chronOs 6.5 ± 1.2 mm, 4 screws + chronOs 5.7 ± 0.8 mm). From a biomechanical perspective, plate osteosynthesis of tibial head depression fractures should always be combined with bone cement, provides higher stability than 2-screw and 4-screw fixation and is a valid treatment option in cases where extraordinary stability is required. KW - head depression fractures KW - osteosynthesis KW - arthritis Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299782 VL - 12 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jordan, Martin C. A1 - Hufnagel, Lukas A1 - McDonogh, Miriam A1 - Paul, Mila M. A1 - Schmalzl, Jonas A1 - Kupczyk, Eva A1 - Jansen, Hendrik A1 - Heilig, Philipp A1 - Meffert, Rainer H. A1 - Hoelscher-Doht, Stefanie T1 - Surgical fixation of calcaneal beak fractures — biomechanical analysis of different osteosynthesis techniques JF - Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology N2 - The calcaneal beak fracture is a rare avulsion fracture of the tuber calcanei characterized by a solid bony fragment at the Achilles tendon insertion. Treatment usually requires osteosynthesis. However, lack of biomechanical understanding of the ideal fixation technique persists. A beak fracture was simulated in synthetic bones and assigned to five different groups of fixation: A) 6.5-mm partial threaded cannulated screws, B) 4.0-mm partial threaded cannulated screws, C) 5.0-mm headless cannulated compression screws, D) 2.3-mm locking plate, and E) 2.8-mm locking plate. Different traction force levels were applied through an Achilles tendon surrogate in a material-testing machine on all stabilized synthetic bones. Outcome measures were peak-to-peak displacement, total displacement, plastic deformation, stiffness, visual-fracture-line displacement, and mode of implant failure. The 2.3- and 2.8-mm plating groups showed a high drop-out rate at 100 N tension force and failed under higher tension levels of 200 N. The fracture fixation using 4.0-mm partial threaded screws showed a significantly higher repair strength and was able to withhold cyclic loading up to 300 N. The lowest peak-to-peak displacement and the highest load-to-failure and stiffness were provided by fracture fixation using 6.5-mm partial threaded cannulated screws or 5.0-mm headless cannulated compression screws. As anticipated, large 6.5-mm screw diameters provide the best biomechanical fixation. Surprisingly, the 5.0-mm headless cannulated compression screws yield reliable stability despite the absent screw head and washer. When such large screws cannot be applied, 4.0-mm screws also allow reasonable fixation strength. Plate fixation should be implemented with precaution and in combination with a restrictive postoperative motion protocol. Finally, clinical cases about the surgical application and recovery are included. KW - foot KW - ankle KW - Achilles KW - tendon KW - fracture Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282792 SN - 2296-4185 VL - 10 ER - TY - THES A1 - Grohmann, Johannes Sebastian T1 - Model Learning for Performance Prediction of Cloud-native Microservice Applications T1 - Lernen von Modellen für die Performancevorhersage von Cloud-nativen Microservice Anwendungen N2 - One consequence of the recent coronavirus pandemic is increased demand and use of online services around the globe. At the same time, performance requirements for modern technologies are becoming more stringent as users become accustomed to higher standards. These increased performance and availability requirements, coupled with the unpredictable usage growth, are driving an increasing proportion of applications to run on public cloud platforms as they promise better scalability and reliability. With data centers already responsible for about one percent of the world's power consumption, optimizing resource usage is of paramount importance. Simultaneously, meeting the increasing and changing resource and performance requirements is only possible by optimizing resource management without introducing additional overhead. This requires the research and development of new modeling approaches to understand the behavior of running applications with minimal information. However, the emergence of modern software paradigms makes it increasingly difficult to derive such models and renders previous performance modeling techniques infeasible. Modern cloud applications are often deployed as a collection of fine-grained and interconnected components called microservices. Microservice architectures offer massive benefits but also have broad implications for the performance characteristics of the respective systems. In addition, the microservices paradigm is typically paired with a DevOps culture, resulting in frequent application and deployment changes. Such applications are often referred to as cloud-native applications. In summary, the increasing use of ever-changing cloud-hosted microservice applications introduces a number of unique challenges for modeling the performance of modern applications. These include the amount, type, and structure of monitoring data, frequent behavioral changes, or infrastructure variabilities. This violates common assumptions of the state of the art and opens a research gap for our work. In this thesis, we present five techniques for automated learning of performance models for cloud-native software systems. We achieve this by combining machine learning with traditional performance modeling techniques. Unlike previous work, our focus is on cloud-hosted and continuously evolving microservice architectures, so-called cloud-native applications. Therefore, our contributions aim to solve the above challenges to deliver automated performance models with minimal computational overhead and no manual intervention. Depending on the cloud computing model, privacy agreements, or monitoring capabilities of each platform, we identify different scenarios where performance modeling, prediction, and optimization techniques can provide great benefits. Specifically, the contributions of this thesis are as follows: Monitorless: Application-agnostic prediction of performance degradations. To manage application performance with only platform-level monitoring, we propose Monitorless, the first truly application-independent approach to detecting performance degradation. We use machine learning to bridge the gap between platform-level monitoring and application-specific measurements, eliminating the need for application-level monitoring. Monitorless creates a single and holistic resource saturation model that can be used for heterogeneous and untrained applications. Results show that Monitorless infers resource-based performance degradation with 97% accuracy. Moreover, it can achieve similar performance to typical autoscaling solutions, despite using less monitoring information. SuanMing: Predicting performance degradation using tracing. We introduce SuanMing to mitigate performance issues before they impact the user experience. This contribution is applied in scenarios where tracing tools enable application-level monitoring. SuanMing predicts explainable causes of expected performance degradations and prevents performance degradations before they occur. Evaluation results show that SuanMing can predict and pinpoint future performance degradations with an accuracy of over 90%. SARDE: Continuous and autonomous estimation of resource demands. We present SARDE to learn application models for highly variable application deployments. This contribution focuses on the continuous estimation of application resource demands, a key parameter of performance models. SARDE represents an autonomous ensemble estimation technique. It dynamically and continuously optimizes, selects, and executes an ensemble of approaches to estimate resource demands in response to changes in the application or its environment. Through continuous online adaptation, SARDE efficiently achieves an average resource demand estimation error of 15.96% in our evaluation. DepIC: Learning parametric dependencies from monitoring data. DepIC utilizes feature selection techniques in combination with an ensemble regression approach to automatically identify and characterize parametric dependencies. Although parametric dependencies can massively improve the accuracy of performance models, DepIC is the first approach to automatically learn such parametric dependencies from passive monitoring data streams. Our evaluation shows that DepIC achieves 91.7% precision in identifying dependencies and reduces the characterization prediction error by 30% compared to the best individual approach. Baloo: Modeling the configuration space of databases. To study the impact of different configurations within distributed DBMSs, we introduce Baloo. Our last contribution models the configuration space of databases considering measurement variabilities in the cloud. More specifically, Baloo dynamically estimates the required benchmarking measurements and automatically builds a configuration space model of a given DBMS. Our evaluation of Baloo on a dataset consisting of 900 configuration points shows that the framework achieves a prediction error of less than 11% while saving up to 80% of the measurement effort. Although the contributions themselves are orthogonally aligned, taken together they provide a holistic approach to performance management of modern cloud-native microservice applications. Our contributions are a significant step forward as they specifically target novel and cloud-native software development and operation paradigms, surpassing the capabilities and limitations of previous approaches. In addition, the research presented in this paper also has a significant impact on the industry, as the contributions were developed in collaboration with research teams from Nokia Bell Labs, Huawei, and Google. Overall, our solutions open up new possibilities for managing and optimizing cloud applications and improve cost and energy efficiency. N2 - Eine der Folgen der weltweiten Coronavirus-Pandemie ist die erhöhte Nachfrage und Nutzung von Onlinediensten in der gesamten Welt. Gleichzeitig werden die Performanceanforderungen an moderne Technologien immer strenger, da die Benutzer an höhere Standards gewöhnt sind. Diese gestiegenen Performance- und Verfügbarkeitsanforderungen, gepaart mit dem unvorhersehbaren Nutzerwachstum, führen dazu, dass ein zunehmender Anteil der Anwendungen auf Public-Cloud-Plattformen läuft, da diese eine bessere Skalierbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit versprechen. Da Rechenzentren bereits heute für etwa ein Prozent des weltweiten Stromverbrauchs verantwortlich sind, ist es von größter Bedeutung, den Ressourceneinsatz zu optimieren. Die gleichzeitige Erfüllung der steigenden und variierenden Ressourcen- und Performanceanforderungen ist nur durch eine Optimierung des Ressourcenmanagements möglich, ohne gleichzeitig zusätzlichen Overhead einzuführen. Dies erfordert die Erforschung und Entwicklung neuer Modellierungsansätze, um das Verhalten der laufenden Anwendungen mit möglichst wenigen Informationen zu verstehen. Das Aufkommen moderner Softwareparadigmen macht es jedoch zunehmend schwieriger, solche Modelle zu lernen und macht bisherige Modellierungstechniken unbrauchbar. Moderne Cloud-Anwendungen werden oft als eine Sammlung von feingranularen, miteinander verbundenen Komponenten, sogenannten Microservices, bereitgestellt. Microservicearchitekturen bieten massive Vorteile, haben aber auch weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Performance der jeweiligen Systeme. Darüber hinaus wird das Microserviceparadigma häufig in Verbindung mit einer DevOps-Kultur eingesetzt, was zu häufigen Änderungen am Deployment oder der Anwendung selbst führt. Solche Anwendungen werden auch als cloud-native Anwendungen bezeichnet. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass der zunehmende Einsatz von sich ständig ändernden und in der Cloud gehosteten Microservice-Anwendungen eine Reihe von besonderen Herausforderungen für die Modellierung der Performance von modernen Anwendungen mit sich bringt. Darunter sind die Menge, Art und Struktur der Monitoringdaten, häufige Änderungen am Verhalten oder Veränderungen der zugrundeliegenden Infrastruktur. Das verstößt gegen gängige Annahmen des aktuellen Stands der Technik und eröffnet eine Forschungslücke für unsere Arbeit. In der vorliegenden Arbeit stellen wir fünf Techniken zum automatisierten Lernen von Performancemodellen für cloud-native Softwaresysteme vor. Wir erreichen dies durch die Kombination von maschinellem Lernen mit traditionellen Performance-Modellierungstechniken. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Arbeiten liegt unser Fokus auf in der Cloud gehosteten und sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Microservice-Architekturen, sogenannten cloud-nativen Anwendungen. Daher zielen unsere Beiträge darauf ab, die oben genannten Herausforderungen zu lösen, um automatisierte Performancemodelle mit minimalem Rechenaufwand und ohne manuellen Aufwand zu erzeugen. Abhängig vom jeweiligen Cloudmodell, eventuellen Datenschutzvereinbarungen oder den Möglichkeiten des Monitoringsframworks der jeweiligen Plattform, identifizieren wir verschiedene Anwendungsszenarien, in denen Techniken zur Modellierung, Vorhersage und Optimierung der Performance große Vorteile bieten können. Im Einzelnen sind die Beiträge dieser Arbeit wie folgt: Monitorless: Anwendungsagnostische Vorhersage von Performanceverschlechterung. Um die Performance einer Anwendung ausschliesslich mittels Monitoring auf Plattformebene zu verwalten, schlagen wir Monitorless vor, den ersten wirklich anwendungsunabhängigen Ansatz zur Erkennung von Performanceverschlechterungen. Wir verwenden maschinelles Lernen, um die Lücke zwischen Monitoring auf Plattformebene und anwendungsspezifischen Messungen zu schließen, wodurch das Monitoring auf Anwendungsebene überflüssig wird. Monitorless erstellt ein einziges und ganzheitliches Modell der Ressourcensättigung, das auch für heterogene und nicht im Training enthaltene Anwendungen verwendet werden kann. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Monitorless ressourcenbasierte Performanceverschlechterungen mit einer Genauigkeit von 97% erkennt. Darüber hinaus zeigt es ähnliche Leistungen wie typische Autoscalinglösungen, obwohl es weniger Monitoringinformationen verwendet. SuanMing: Vorhersage von Performanceverschlechterung mithilfe von Tracing. Wir führen SuanMing ein, um Performanceprobleme zu entschärfen, bevor sie sich auf das Benutzererlebnis auswirken. Dieser Beitrag wird in Szenarien angewendet, in denen Tracing-Tools das Monitoring auf Anwendungsebene ermöglichen. SuanMing sagt erklärbare Ursachen für erwartete Performanceeinbußen voraus und verhindert diese, bevor sie auftreten. Evaluationsergebnisse zeigen, dass SuanMing zukünftige Performanceeinbußen mit einer Genauigkeit von über 90% vorhersagen und lokalisieren kann. SARDE: Kontinuierliche und autonome Schätzung des Ressourcenbedarfs. Wir stellen SARDE vor, um Performancemodelle für hochvariable Anwendungen zu lernen. Dieser Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die kontinuierliche Schätzung des Ressourcenbedarfs von Anwendungen, einem wichtigen Parameter in Performancemodellen. SARDE ist ein autonomes Ensembleverfahren zum Schätzen. Es wählt dynamisch und kontinuierlich aus einem Ensemble von Ansätzen, optimiiert diese, und führt sie aus, um den Ressourcenbedarf als Reaktion auf Änderungen in der Anwendung oder ihrer Umgebung zu schätzen. Durch kontinuierliche Online-Anpassung erreicht SARDE in unserer Evaluation effizient einen durchschnittlichen Fehler bei der Schätzung des Ressourcenbedarfs von 15,96%. DepIC: Lernen parametrischer Abhängigkeiten aus Monitoringdaten. DepIC nutzt Techniken zu Featureauswahl in Kombination mit einem Ensemble-Regressionsansatz, um parametrische Abhängigkeiten automatisch zu identifizieren und zu charakterisieren. Obwohl parametrische Abhängigkeiten die Genauigkeit von Performancemodellen deutlich verbessern können, ist DepIC der erste Ansatz, der solche parametrischen Abhängigkeiten automatisch aus passiven Monitoringdatenströmen lernt. Unsere Evaluation zeigt, dass DepIC eine Genauigkeit von 91,7% bei der Identifizierung von Abhängigkeiten erreicht und den Fehler bei der Charakterisierungsvorhersage um 30% im Vergleich zum besten individuellen Ansatz reduziert. Baloo: Modellierung des Konfigurationsraums von Datenbanken. Um die Auswirkungen verschiedener Konfigurationseinstellungen in verteilten Datenbankmanagementsystemen zu untersuchen, führen wir Baloo ein. Unser letzter Beitrag modelliert den Konfigurationsraum von Datenbanken unter Berücksichtigung der Messungsvariabilitäten der Cloud. Genauer gesagt, schätzt Baloo dynamisch die erforderliche Anzahl der Benchmarkmessungen und baut automatisch ein Konfigurationsraummodell eines gegebenen Datenbankmanagementsystems auf. Unsere Evaluation von Baloo auf einem aus 900 Konfigurationspunkten bestehenden Datensatz zeigt, dass das Framework einen Vorhersagefehler von weniger als 11% erreicht und gleichzeitig bis zu 80% des Messaufwands einspart. Obwohl die Beiträge an sich orthogonal zueinander ausgerichtet sind, bilden sie zusammengenommen einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz für das Performancemanagement von modernen cloud-nativen Microservice-Anwendungen. Unsere Beiträge sind ein bedeutender Schritt, da sie speziell auf neuartige und cloud-native Paradigmen für Softwareentwicklung und Betrieb abzielen, sowie die Fähigkeiten bisheriger Ansätze übertreffen. Darüber hinaus hat die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Forschung auch einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Industrie, da die Beiträge in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschungsteams von Nokia Bell Labs, Huawei und Google entwickelt wurden. Insgesamt eröffnen unsere Lösungen neue Möglichkeiten für die Verwaltung und Optimierung von Cloudanwendungen und verbessern so die Kosten- und Energieeffizienz. KW - Cloud Computing KW - Verteiltes System KW - Maschinelles Lernen KW - Performance KW - Microservice KW - Cloud-native KW - Mikroservice Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-261608 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kumar, Manish A1 - Waite, Pierre-André A1 - Paligi, Sharath Shyamappa A1 - Schuldt, Bernhard T1 - Influence of juvenile growth on xylem safety and efficiency in three temperate tree species JF - Forests N2 - The evolution of the internal water transport system was a prerequisite for high plant productivity. In times of climate change, understanding the dependency of juvenile growth on xylem hydraulic physiology is therefore of high importance. Here, we explored various wood anatomical, hydraulic, and leaf morphological traits related to hydraulic safety and efficiency in three temperate broadleaved tree species (Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, and Sorbus aucuparia). We took advantage of a severe natural heat wave that resulted in different climatic growing conditions for even-aged plants from the same seed source growing inside a greenhouse and outside. Inside the greenhouse, the daily maximum vapour pressure deficit was on average 36% higher than outside during the growing seasons. Because of the higher atmospheric moisture stress, the biomass production differed up to 5.6-fold between both groups. Except for one species, a high productivity was associated with a high hydraulic efficiency caused by large xylem vessels and a large, supported leaf area. Although no safety-efficiency trade-off was observed, productivity was significantly related to P\(_{50}\) in two of the tree species but without revealing any clear pattern. A considerable plasticity in given traits was observed between both groups, with safety-related traits being more static while efficiency-related traits revealed a higher intra-specific plasticity. This was associated with other wood anatomical and leaf morphological adjustments. We confirm that a high hydraulic efficiency seems to be a prerequisite for a high biomass production, while our controversial results on the growth–xylem safety relationship confirm that safety-efficiency traits are decoupled and that their relationship with juvenile growth and water regime is species-specific. KW - hydraulic efficiency KW - biomass KW - growth rate KW - hydraulic variability KW - phenotypic plasticity KW - safety-efficiency trade-off KW - vulnerability curve Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-278889 SN - 1999-4907 VL - 13 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Thonfeld, Frank A1 - Gessner, Ursula A1 - Holzwarth, Stefanie A1 - Kriese, Jennifer A1 - da Ponte, Emmanuel A1 - Huth, Juliane A1 - Kuenzer, Claudia T1 - A first assessment of canopy cover loss in Germany's forests after the 2018–2020 drought years JF - Remote Sensing N2 - Central Europe was hit by several unusually strong periods of drought and heat between 2018 and 2020. These droughts affected forest ecosystems. Cascading effects with bark beetle infestations in spruce stands were fatal to vast forest areas in Germany. We present the first assessment of canopy cover loss in Germany for the period of January 2018–April 2021. Our approach makes use of dense Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 time-series data. We computed the disturbance index (DI) from the tasseled cap components brightness, greenness, and wetness. Using quantiles, we generated monthly DI composites and calculated anomalies in a reference period (2017). From the resulting map, we calculated the canopy cover loss statistics for administrative entities. Our results show a canopy cover loss of 501,000 ha for Germany, with large regional differences. The losses were largest in central Germany and reached up to two-thirds of coniferous forest loss in some districts. Our map has high spatial (10 m) and temporal (monthly) resolution and can be updated at any time. KW - forest KW - canopy cover loss KW - drought KW - Sentinel-2 KW - Landsat-8 KW - disturbance index KW - time series Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-255306 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 14 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klenk, Christoph A1 - Hommers, Leif A1 - Lohse, Martin J. T1 - Proteolytic cleavage of the extracellular domain affects signaling of parathyroid hormone 1 receptor JF - Frontiers in Endocrinology N2 - Parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (PTH1R) is a member of the class B family of G protein-coupled receptors, which are characterized by a large extracellular domain required for ligand binding. We have previously shown that the extracellular domain of PTH1R is subject to metalloproteinase cleavage in vivo that is regulated by ligand-induced receptor trafficking and leads to impaired stability of PTH1R. In this work, we localize the cleavage site in the first loop of the extracellular domain using amino-terminal protein sequencing of purified receptor and by mutagenesis studies. We further show, that a receptor mutant not susceptible to proteolytic cleavage exhibits reduced signaling to G\(_s\) and increased activation of G\(_q\) compared to wild-type PTH1R. These findings indicate that the extracellular domain modulates PTH1R signaling specificity, and that its cleavage affects receptor signaling. KW - GPCRs KW - parathyroid hormone 1 receptor KW - matrix metalloproteinase KW - ectodomain cleavage KW - biased signaling Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262055 SN - 1664-2392 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eckhardt, Carolin A1 - Sbiera, Iuliu A1 - Krebs, Markus A1 - Sbiera, Silviu A1 - Spahn, Martin A1 - Kneitz, Burkhard A1 - Joniau, Steven A1 - Fassnacht, Martin A1 - Kübler, Hubert A1 - Weigand, Isabel A1 - Kroiss, Matthias T1 - High expression of Sterol-O-Acyl transferase 1 (SOAT1), an enzyme involved in cholesterol metabolism, is associated with earlier biochemical recurrence in high risk prostate cancer JF - Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases N2 - Background Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most frequent cancer in men. The prognosis of PCa is heterogeneous with many clinically indolent tumors and rare highly aggressive cases. Reliable tissue markers of prognosis are lacking. Active cholesteryl ester synthesis has been associated with prostate cancer aggressiveness. Sterol-O-Acyl transferases (SOAT) 1 and 2 catalyze cholesterol esterification in humans. Objective To investigate the value of SOAT1 and SOAT2 tissue expression as prognostic markers in high risk PCa. Patients and Methods Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples from 305 high risk PCa cases treated with radical prostatectomy were analyzed for SOAT1 and SOAT2 protein expression by semi-quantitative immunohistochemistry. The Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazards modeling were used to compare outcome. Main Outcome Measure Biochemical recurrence (BCR) free survival. Results SOAT1 expression was high in 73 (25%) and low in 219 (75%; not evaluable: 13) tumors. SOAT2 was highly expressed in 40 (14%) and at low levels in 249 (86%) samples (not evaluable: 16). By Kaplan-Meier analysis, we found significantly shorter median BCR free survival of 93 months (95% confidence interval 23.6-123.1) in patients with high SOAT1 vs. 134 months (112.6-220.2, Log-rank p < 0.001) with low SOAT1. SOAT2 expression was not significantly associated with BCR. After adjustment for age, preoperative PSA, tumor stage, Gleason score, resection status, lymph node involvement and year of surgery, high SOAT1 but not SOAT2 expression was associated with shorter BCR free survival with a hazard ratio of 2.40 (95% CI 1.57-3.68, p < 0.001). Time to clinical recurrence and overall survival were not significantly associated with SOAT1 and SOAT2 expression CONCLUSIONS: SOAT1 expression is strongly associated with BCR free survival alone and after multivariable adjustment in high risk PCa. SOAT1 may serve as a histologic marker of prognosis and holds promise as a future treatment target. KW - prostate cancer KW - SOAT1 KW - cholesterol metabolism Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-271819 SN - 1476-5608 VL - 25 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Seefried, Lothar A1 - Genest, Franca A1 - Baumann, Jasmin A1 - Heidemeier, Anke A1 - Meffert, Rainer A1 - Jakob, Franz T1 - Efficacy of Zoledronic Acid in the Treatment of Nonmalignant Painful Bone Marrow Lesions: A Triple‐Blind, Randomized, Placebo‐Controlled Phase III Clinical Trial (ZoMARS) JF - Journal of Bone and Mineral Research N2 - Bone marrow lesions (BML) represent areas of deteriorated bone structure and metabolism characterized by pronounced water‐equivalent signaling within the trabecular bone on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). BML are associated with repair mechanisms subsequent to various clinical conditions associated with inflammatory and non‐inflammatory injury to the bone. There is no approved treatment for this condition. Bisphosphonates are known to improve bone stability in osteoporosis and other bone disorders and have been used off‐label to treat BML. A randomized, triple‐blind, placebo‐controlled phase III trial was conducted to assess efficacy and safety of single‐dose zoledronic acid (ZOL) 5 mg iv with vitamin D 1000 IU/d as opposed to placebo with vitamin D 1000 IU/d in 48 patients (randomized 2:1) with BML. Primary efficacy endpoint was reduction of edema volume 6 weeks after treatment as assessed by MRI. After treatment, mean BML volume decreased by 64.53% (±41.92%) in patients receiving zoledronic acid and increased by 14.43% (±150.46%) in the placebo group (p = 0.007). A decrease in BML volume was observed in 76.5% of patients receiving ZOL and in 50% of the patients receiving placebo. Pain level (visual analogue scale [VAS]) and all categories of the pain disability index (PDI) improved with ZOL versus placebo after 6 weeks but reconciled after 6 additional weeks of follow‐up. Six serious adverse events occurred in 5 patients, none of which were classified as related to the study drug. No cases of osteonecrosis or fractures occurred. Therefore, single‐dose zoledronic acid 5 mg iv together with vitamin D may enhance resolution of bone marrow lesions over 6 weeks along with reduction of pain compared with vitamin D supplementation only. KW - bone biology KW - osteoporosis KW - bone marrow lesion/edema KW - bisphosphonates KW - zoledronic acid Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-276368 VL - 37 IS - 3 SP - 420 EP - 427 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weider, Margareta A1 - Schlagenhauf, Ulrich A1 - Seefried, Lothar T1 - Oral health status of adult hypophosphatasia patients: A cross‐sectional study JF - Journal of Clinical Periodontology N2 - Aim This study evaluated the oral health status of adult patients with hypophosphatasia (HPP). Materials and Methods Parameters of oral health assessment comprised decayed/missing/filled teeth (DMFT) index, probing pocket depth and clinical attachment level (CAL) as well as documentation of tooth loss and periodontal health status according to CCD/AAP criteria. Findings were compared with national reference data (DMS V survey) reporting oral health status in age‐related controls. Within‐group comparisons were made between the HPP patients harbouring one versus two alkaline phosphatase liver/bone/kidney type (ALPL) gene variants. Results Of 80 HPP patients (64 female) with a mean age of 46.4 years (range 24–78) and one (n = 55) or two (n = 18) variants (n = 7 lacking testing) within the ALPL gene, those with two variants displayed substantially higher tooth loss rate (14.0 ± 9.3) than those affected by only one ALPL variant (4.1 ± 5.4), who did not differ substantially from healthy DMS V controls. While DMFT score and severe periodontal diseases (PDs) of HPP patients with one variant only increased with progressing age, the two‐variant sub‐cohort age independently exhibited increased DMFT scores and a higher rate of severe PDs. Conclusions HPP patients affected by two variants of the ALPL gene exhibited a higher risk of periodontitis and tooth loss than the general population, while patients with one variant developed clinically relevant oral disease symptoms with progressing ageing. KW - dental status KW - hypophosphatasia KW - inflammation KW - periodontal disease KW - tooth loss Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-293777 VL - 49 IS - 12 SP - 1253 EP - 1261 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ullherr, Maximilian A1 - Diez, Matthias A1 - Zabler, Simon T1 - Robust image reconstruction strategy for multiscalar holotomography JF - Journal of Imaging N2 - Holotomography is an extension of computed tomography where samples with low X-ray absorption can be investigated with higher contrast. In order to achieve this, the imaging system must yield an optical resolution of a few micrometers or less, which reduces the measurement area (field of view = FOV) to a few mm at most. If the sample size, however, exceeds the field of view (called local tomography or region of interest = ROI CT), filter problems arise during the CT reconstruction and phase retrieval in holotomography. In this paper, we will first investigate the practical impact of these filter problems and discuss approximate solutions. Secondly, we will investigate the effectiveness of a technique we call “multiscalar holotomography”, where, in addition to the ROI CT, a lower resolution non-ROI CT measurement is recorded. This is used to avoid the filter problems while simultaneously reconstructing a larger part of the sample, albeit with a lower resolution in the additional area. KW - reconstruction KW - region of interest KW - ROI KW - multiscalar holotomography KW - holotomography KW - computed tomography KW - CT KW - X-ray Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262112 SN - 2313-433X VL - 8 IS - 2 ER - TY - THES A1 - Sahiti, Floran T1 - Myocardial Work – Application and Clinical Characterization of a New Echocardiographic Tool T1 - Myocardial Work – Anwendung und klinische Charakterisierung einer neuen Echokardiographie-basierten Methode N2 - 1 Summary Left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF) and global longitudinal strain (GLS) are the most commonly used measures of LV function. Yet, they are highly dependent on loading conditions since higher afterload yields lower systolic deformation and thereby a lower LVEF and GLS – despite presumably unchanged LV myocardial contractile strength. Invasive pressure-volume loop measurements represent the reference standard to assess LV function, also considering loading conditions. However, this procedure cannot be used in serial investigations or large sample populations due to its invasive nature. The novel concept of echocardiography-derived assessment of myocardial work (MyW) is based on LV pressure-strain loops, may be a valuable alternative to overcome these challenges, and may also be used with relative ease in large populations. As MyW also accounts for afterload, it is considered less load-dependent than LVEF and GLS. The current PhD work addresses the application and clinical characterization of MyW, an innovative echocardiographic tool. As the method is new, we focused on four main topics: (a) To establish reference values for MyW indices, i.e., Global Work Index (GWI), Global Constructive Work (GCW), Global Wasted Work (GWW), and Global Work Efficiency (GWE); we addressed a wide age range and evaluated the association of MyW indices with age, sex and other clinical and echocardiography parameters in apparently cardiovascular healthy individuals. (b) To investigate the impact of cardiovascular (CV) risk factors on MyW indices and characterize the severity of subclinical LV deterioration in the general population. (c) To assess the association of the LV geometry, i.e., LV mass and dimensions, with MyW indices. (d) To evaluate in-hospital dynamics of MyW indices in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure (AHF). For the PhD thesis, we could make use of two larger cohorts: The STAAB population-based cohort study prospectively recruited and phenotyped a representative sample (5,000 individuals) of the general population of the City of Würzburg, aged 30-79 years and free from symptomatic heart failure at the time of inclusion. We focused on the first half of the study sample (n=2473 individuals), which fulfilled the anticipated strata regarding age and sex. The Acute Heart Failure (AHF) Registry is a prospective clinical registry recruiting and phenotyping consecutive patients admitted for decompensated AHF to the Department of Medicine I, University Hospital Würzburg, and observing the natural course of the disease. The AHF Registry focuses on the pathophysiological understanding, particularly in relation to the early phase after cardiac decompensation, with the aim to improve diagnosis and better-tailored treatment of patients with AHF. For the current study, we concentrated on patients who provided pairs of echocardiograms acquired early after index hospital admission and prior to discharge. The main findings of the PhD thesis were: From the STAAB cohort study, we determined the feasibility of large-scale MyW derivation and the accuracy of the method. We established reference values for MyW indices based on 779 analyzable, apparently healthy participants (mean age 49 ± 10 years, 59% women), who were in sinus rhythm, free from CV risk factors or CV disease, and had no significant LV valve disease. Apart from GWI, there were no associations of other MyW indices with sex. Further, we found a disparate association with age, where MyW showed stable values until the age of 45 years, with an upward shift occurring beyond the age of 45. A higher age decade was associated with higher GWW and lower GWE, respectively. MyW indices only correlated weakly with common echocardiographic parameters, suggesting that MyW may add incremental information to clinically established parameters. Further analyses from the STAAB cohort study contributed to a better understanding of the impact of CV risk factors on MyW indices and the association of LV geometry with LV performance. We demonstrated that CV risk factors impacted selectively on GCW and GWW. Hypertension appears to profoundly compromise the work of the myocardium, in particular, by increasing both GCW and GWW. The LV in hypertension seems to operate at a higher energy level yet lower efficiency. Other classical CV risk factors (Diabetes mellitus, Obesity, Dyslipidemia, Smoking) – independent of blood pressure – impacted consistently and adversely on GCW but did not affect GWW. Further, all CV risk factors affected GWE adversely. We observed that any deviation from a normal LV geometric profile was associated with alterations on MyW. Of note, MyW was sensitive to early changes in LV mass and dimensions. Individuals with normal LV geometry yet established arterial hypertension exhibited a MyW pattern that is typically found in LV hypertrophy. Therefore, such a pattern might serve as an early sign of myocardial damage in hypertensive heart disease and might aid in risk stratification and primary prevention. From the AHF Registry, we selected individuals with serial in-hospital echocardiograms and described in-hospital changes in myocardial performance during recompensation. In patients presenting with a reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), decreasing N-terminal pro-natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels as a surrogate of successful recompensation were associated with an improvement in GCW and GWI and consecutively in GWE. In contrast, in patients presenting with a preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), there was no significant change in GCW and GWI. However, unsuccessful recompensation, i.e., no change or an increase in NT-proBNP levels, was associated with an increase in GWW. This suggests a differential myocardial response to de- and recompensation depending on the HF phenotype. Further, GWW as a surrogate of inappropriate LV energy consumption was elevated in all patients with AHF (compared to reference values) and was not associated with conventional markers as LVEF or NT-proBNP. In an exploratory analysis, GWW predicted the risk of death or rehospitalization within six months after discharge. Hence, GWW might carry incremental information beyond conventional markers of HF severity. N2 - 2 Zusammenfassung Die linksventrikuläre (LV) Ejektionsfraktion (EF) und der Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS) sind die am häufigsten verwendeten Maße der LV-Funktion. Sie sind jedoch stark von den jeweiligen Belastungsbedingungen abhängig, da eine höhere Nachlast zu einer geringeren systolischen Deformation und somit zu einer niedrigeren LVEF und GLS führt, trotz einer vermutlich unveränderten myokardialen Kontraktionsstärke. Intrakardiale Druck-Volumen-Schleifenmessungen stellen den Referenzstandard zur Beurteilung der LV-Funktion dar, da hiermit auch die umfassende Berücksichtigung der Lastbedingungen (Vorlast, Nachlast) möglich ist. Dieses Verfahren lässt sich jedoch aufgrund des invasiven Charakters nur schwer in Follow-up Untersuchungen oder großen Studienpopulationen einsetzen. Angelehnt an die Prinzipien dieser invasiven Technik, wurde vor kurzem das neuartige Konzept der Echokardiographie-abgeleiteten Beurteilung der Myokardarbeit (MyW) entwickelt. Dieser Ansatz wertet Druck-Strain-Schleifen aus und berücksichtigt den Einfluss der Nachlast, so dass MyW als weniger lastabhängig gilt verglichen mit LVEF und GLS. Die Analyse von MyW könnte deshalb eine wertvolle Alternative sein, um den o.g. Herausforderungen zu begegnen. Die Methode lässt sich in großen Stichproben, ggf. auch wiederholt, einsetzen. Die hier vorgelegte Dissertation befasst sich mit der Anwendung und klinischen Charakterisierung von MyW, einer innovativen echokardiographischen Methode. Der Fokus lag auf vier Themenbereichen: (a) Festlegung von Referenzwerten für MyW-Indizes, d. h. Global Work Index (GWI), Global Constructive Work (GCW), Global Wasted Work (GWW) und Global Work Efficiency (GWE); wir adressierten einen breiten Altersbereich und quantifizierten die Assoziation der MyW-Indizes mit Alter, Geschlecht und weiteren klinischen und echokardiographischen Parametern bei kardiovaskulär gesunden Normalpersonen. (b) Untersuchung des Einflusses kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktoren auf die MyW-Indizes und die Charakterisierung einer subklinischen LV-Verschlechterung in der Allgemeinbevölkerung. (c) Bewertung der Assoziation der MyW-Indizes mit der LV-Geometrie, insbesondere der LV-Masse und der LV-Dimensionen. (d) Bewertung der Dynamik der MyW-Indizes im Krankenhaus bei Patienten, die wegen akuter Herzinsuffizienz (AHF) ins Krankenhaus aufgenommen wurden. Im Rahmen der hier vorgelegten Dissertation wurden die Daten zweier größerer Kohorten herangezogen: Die bevölkerungsbasierte STAAB-Kohortenstudie rekrutierte und phänotypisierte prospektiv eine repräsentative Stichprobe (5.000 Personen) der Allgemeinbevölkerung der Stadt Würzburg im Alter von 30-79 Jahren, die zum Zeitpunkt des Einschlusses keine vorbeschriebene Herzinsuffizienz hatten. Wir konzentrierten uns auf die erste Hälfte der Studienstichprobe (n=2473 Personen), welche die erwarteten Stratifizierung bezüglich Alter und Geschlecht erfüllten. Das Acute Heart Failure (AHF) Register ist ein klinisches Register zur Rekrutierung und Phänotypisierung von konsekutiven Patienten, die wegen akut dekompensierter Herzinsuffizienz in die Medizinische Klinik I des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg aufgenommen wurden. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, das pathophysiologische Verständnis insbesondere in Bezug auf die Frühphase nach einer kardialen Dekompensation zu verbessern und damit die gezielte Diagnostik und Therapie von Patienten mit AHF zu verbessern. Wir fokussierten hier auf Patienten, bei denen im Krankenhaus zwei Echokardiogramme durchgeführt wurden: früh nach Aufnahme ins Krankenhaus und kurz vor der Entlassung. Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse der hier vorgelegten Dissertation sind: Aus den Daten der STAAB-Kohortenstudie wurden Referenzwerte für MyW-Indizes etabliert, die auf Auswertungen von insgesamt 779 gesunden Normalpersonen (mittleres Alter 49 ± 10 Jahre, 59% Frauen) mit Sinusrhythmus beruhen. Diese Probanden wiesen gemäß der Ergebnisse einer umfangreichen Eingangsuntersuchung keine kardiovaskulären Risikofaktoren oder Erkrankungen auf und zeigten echokardiographisch keinen Hinweis auf eine LV-Klappenerkrankung. Mit der Ausnahme von GWI fanden sich keine Assoziationen der MyW-Indizes mit dem Geschlecht. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich eine Altersabhängigkeit der MyW-Indizes. Bis zum Alter von 45 Jahren wies MyW stabile Werte auf, jenseits des 45. Lebensjahres jedoch eine Aufwärtsverschiebung: dabei war eine zunehmend höhere Altersdekade mit mehr GWW bzw. weniger GWE verbunden. Die MyW-Indizes korrelierten nur schwach mit üblichen echokardiographischen Parametern, was darauf hindeuten könnte, dass MyW zusätzliche Informationen jenseits klinisch etablierter Variablen beitragen kann. Weitere Analysen aus der STAAB-Kohortenstudie trugen zu einem besseren Verständnis des Einflusses kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktoren auf die MyW-Indizes und der Assoziation der LV-Geometrie mit der LV-Leistung bei. Wir zeigten, dass kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren sich selektiv auf GCW und GWW auswirken. Hypertonie beeinträchtigte die Arbeit des Myokards zutiefst, insbesondere durch die Erhöhung sowohl des GCW als auch des GWW. Der LV arbeitet demnach bei Hypertonie auf einem höheren Energieniveau – jedoch mit geringerer Effizienz. Andere klassische kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktoren (Diabetes mellitus, Adipositas, Dyslipidämie, Rauchen), wirkten sich unabhängig vom Blutdruck durchweg negativ auf GCW aus, zeigten jedoch keinen Einfluss auf GWW. Darüber hinaus wirkten sich alle kardiovaskulären Risikofaktoren nachteilig auf GWE aus. Jede Abweichung von einem normalen LV-Geometrie Profil war mit Änderungen der MyW verbunden. Bemerkenswert war, dass MyW empfindlich auf frühe Veränderungen der LV-Masse und -Dimensionen reagierte. Personen mit arterieller Hypertonie aber noch normaler LV-Geometrie zeigten ein myokardiales Arbeitsmuster, das ansonsten typischerweise bei LV-Hypertrophie zu finden ist. Somit könnte dieses Muster als frühes Zeichen einer Myokardschädigung bei hypertensiver Herzerkrankung dienen und bei der Risikostratifizierung und Primärprävention helfen. Aus dem AHF-Register wählten wir Personen mit seriellen Echokardiogrammen im Krankenhaus aus und beschrieben Veränderungen der myokardialen Leistung während der Rekompensationsphase beschrieben. Als Surrogat einer Rekompensation zogen wir während der Hospitalisierung sinkende Spiegel von N-terminalem pro-natriuretischem Peptid (NT-proBNP) heran. Bei Patienten mit reduzierter Ejektonfraktion (HFrEF) waren fallende NT-proBNP Werte (i. S. einer erfolgreichen Rekompensation) mit einer Verbesserung von GCW und GWI und konsekutiv auch von GWE verbunden. Im Gegensatz dazu gab es bei Patienten, die eine erhaltene Ejektonfraktionsfraktion aufwiesen (HFpEF), keine signifikante Veränderung von GCW und GWI. Eine erfolglose Rekompensation, d. h. keine Veränderung oder ein potenzieller Anstieg von NT-proBNP, war jedoch mit einem Anstieg von GWW verbunden. Wir interpretierten dies als unterschiedliche myokardiale Reaktion auf De- und Rekompensation in Abhängigkeit vom Herzinsuffizienz-Phänotyp. Darüber hinaus war GWW als Surrogat eines unangemessenen LV-Energieverbrauchs bei allen Patienten mit AHF erhöht (im Vergleich zu Referenzwerten) und korrelierte mit keinem der konventionellen Marker. In einer explorativen Analyse war GWW ein starker Prädiktor für das Risiko, im Verlauf der nächsten sechs Monaten nach Krankenhausentlassung zu sterben oder erneut hospitalisiert zu werden. Damit könnte die GWW zusätzliche Informationen enthalten, die über die konventionellen Marker für den Schweregrad der Herzinsuffizienz hinausgehen. KW - Myocardial Work KW - Echocardiography KW - Heart Failure KW - Hypertension KW - STAAB Cohort Study KW - Wasted Work KW - Cardiac Efficiency KW - Herzinsuffizienz KW - Echokardiographie KW - myokardiale Arbeit KW - LV Function Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282261 ER - TY - THES A1 - Palmisano, Chiara T1 - Supraspinal Locomotor Network Derangements: A Multimodal Approach T1 - Störungen des Supraspinalen Lokomotorischen Netzwerks: ein Multimodaler Ansatz N2 - Parkinson’s Disease (PD) constitutes a major healthcare burden in Europe. Accounting for aging alone, ~700,000 PD cases are predicted by 2040. This represents an approximately 56% increase in the PD population between 2005 and 2040, with a consequent rise in annual disease‐related medical costs. Gait and balance disorders are a major problem for patients with PD and their caregivers, mainly because to their correlation with falls. Falls occur as a result of a complex interaction of risk factors. Among them, Freezing of Gait (FoG) is a peculiar gait derangement characterized by a sudden and episodic inability to produce effective stepping, causing falls, mobility restrictions, poor quality of life, and increased morbidity and mortality. Between 50–70% of PD patients have FoG and/or falls after a disease duration of 10 years, only partially and inconsistently improved by dopaminergic treatment and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). Treatment-induced worsening has been also observed under certain conditions. Effective treatments for gait disturbances in PD are lacking, probably because of the still poor understanding of the supraspinal locomotor network. In my thesis, I wanted to expand our knowledge of the supraspinal locomotor network and in particular the contribution of the basal ganglia to the control of locomotion. I believe this is a key step towards new preventive and personalized therapies for postural and gait problems in patients with PD and related disorders. In addition to patients with PD, my studies also included people affected by Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). PSP is a rare primary progressive parkinsonism characterized at a very early disease stage by poor balance control and frequent backwards falls, thus providing an in vivo model of dysfunctional locomotor control. I focused my attention on one of the most common motor transitions in daily living, the initiation of gait (GI). GI is an interesting motor task and a relevant paradigm to address balance and gait impairments in patients with movement disorders, as it is associated with FoG and high risk of falls. It combines a preparatory (i.e., the Anticipatory Postural Adjustments [APA]) and execution phase (the stepping) and allows the study of movement scaling and timing as an expression of muscular synergies, which follow precise and online feedback information processing and integration into established feedforward patterns of motor control. By applying a multimodal approach that combines biomechanical assessments and neuroimaging investigations, my work unveiled the fundamental contribution of striatal dopamine to GI in patients with PD. Results in patients with PSP further supported the fundamental role of the striatum in GI execution, revealing correlations between the metabolic intake of the left caudate nucleus with diverse GI measurements. This study also unveiled the interplay of additional brain areas in the motor control of GI, namely the Thalamus, the Supplementary Motor Area (SMA), and the Cingulate cortex. Involvement of cortical areas was also suggested by the analysis of GI in patients with PD and FoG. Indeed, I found major alterations in the preparatory phase of GI in these patients, possibly resulting from FoG-related deficits of the SMA. Alterations of the weight shifting preceding the stepping phase were also particularly important in PD patients with FoG, thus suggesting specific difficulties in the integration of somatosensory information at a cortical level. Of note, all patients with PD showed preserved movement timing of GI, possibly suggesting preserved and compensatory activity of the cerebellum. Postural abnormalities (i.e., increased trunk and thigh flexion) showed no relationship with GI, ruling out an adaptation of the motor pattern to the altered postural condition. In a group of PD patients implanted with DBS, I further explored the pathophysiological functioning of the locomotor network by analysing the timely activity of the Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) during static and dynamic balance control (i.e., standing and walking). For this study, I used novel DBS devices capable of delivering stimulation and simultaneously recording Local Field Potentials (LFP) of the implanted nucleus months and years after surgery. I showed a gait-related frequency shift in the STN activity of PD patients, possibly conveying cortical (feedforward) and cerebellar (feedback) information to mesencephalic locomotor areas. Based on this result, I identified for each patient a Maximally Informative Frequency (MIF) whose power changes can reliably classify standing and walking conditions. The MIF is a promising input signal for new DBS devices that can monitor LFP power modulations to timely adjust the stimulation delivery based on the ongoing motor task (e.g., gait) performed by the patient (adaptive DBS). Altogether my achievements allowed to define the role of different cortical and subcortical brain areas in locomotor control, paving the way for a better understanding of the pathophysiological dynamics of the supraspinal locomotor network and the development of tailored therapies for gait disturbances and falls prevention in PD and related disorders. N2 - Die Parkinson-Krankheit (PD) stellt in Europa eine große Belastung für das Gesundheitswesen dar. Allein unter Berücksichtigung der Alterung werden bis zum Jahr 2040 etwa 700 000 Fälle von Parkinson prognostiziert. Dies entspricht einer Zunahme der Parkinson-Population um etwa 56 % zwischen 2005 und 2040, was zu einem Anstieg der jährlichen krankheitsbedingten medizinischen Kosten führt. Gang- und Gleichgewichtsstörungen sind ein großes Problem für Morbus-Parkinson-Patienten und ihre Betreuer, vor allem, weil sie mit Stürzen zusammenhängen. Stürze sind das Ergebnis einer komplexen Interaktion von Risikofaktoren. Zu diesen Faktoren gehört das Freezing of Gait (FoG), eine besondere Gangstörung, die durch eine plötzliche und episodische Unfähigkeit gekennzeichnet ist, einen effektiven Schritt zu machen, was zu Stürzen, Mobilitätseinschränkungen, schlechter Lebensqualität und erhöhter Morbidität und Mortalität führt. Zwischen 50 und 70 % der Morbus-Parkinson-Patienten haben nach einer Krankheitsdauer von 10 Jahren FoG und/oder Stürze, die sich durch dopaminerge Behandlung und Tiefe Hirnstimulation (DBS) nur teilweise und uneinheitlich verbessern. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen wurde auch eine behandlungsbedingte Verschlechterung beobachtet. Es gibt keine wirksamen Behandlungen für Gangstörungen bei Morbus Parkinson, was wahrscheinlich auf das noch immer unzureichende Verständnis des supraspinalen lokomotorischen Netzwerks zurückzuführen ist. In meiner Dissertation wollte ich unser Wissen über das supraspinale Bewegungsnetzwerk und insbesondere den Beitrag der Basalganglien zur Steuerung der Fortbewegung erweitern. Ich glaube, dass dies ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zu neuen präventiven und personalisierten Therapien für Haltungs- und Gangprobleme bei Patienten mit Parkinson und verwandten Erkrankungen ist. Neben Morbus-Parkinson-Patienten wurden in meine Studien auch Menschen mit progressiver supranukleärer Lähmung (PSP) einbezogen. PSP ist ein seltener primär progressiver Parkinsonismus, der in einem sehr frühen Krankheitsstadium durch eine schlechte Gleichgewichtskontrolle und häufige Rückwärtsstürze gekennzeichnet ist und somit ein In-vivo-Modell für eine gestörte Bewegungskontrolle darstellt. Ich habe mich auf einen der häufigsten motorischen Übergänge im täglichen Leben konzentriert, die Initiierung des Gangs (GI). GI ist eine interessante motorische Aufgabe und ein relevantes Paradigma zur Untersuchung von Gleichgewichts- und Gangstörungen bei Patienten mit Bewegungsstörungen, da sie mit FoG und einem hohen Sturzrisiko verbunden ist. Sie kombiniert eine Vorbereitungsphase (d. h. die antizipatorischen posturalen Anpassungen [APA]) und eine Ausführungsphase (den Schritt) und ermöglicht die Untersuchung der Bewegungsskalierung und des Timings als Ausdruck muskulärer Synergien, die einer präzisen und online erfolgenden Verarbeitung von Feedback-Informationen und der Integration in etablierte Feedforward-Muster der motorischen Kontrolle folgen. Durch Anwendung eines multimodalen Ansatzes, der biomechanische Bewertungen und bildgebende Untersuchungen kombiniert, hat meine Arbeit den grundlegenden Einfluss des striatalen Dopamins auf GI bei Patienten mit Parkinson enthüllt. Die Ergebnisse bei Patienten mit PSP untermauerten die grundlegende Rolle des Striatums bei der Ausführung von GI, indem sie Korrelationen zwischen der metabolischen Aufnahme des linken Nucleus caudatus und verschiedenen GI-Parametern aufzeigten. Diese Studie enthüllte auch das Zusammenspiel weiterer Hirnareale bei der motorischen Kontrolle von GI, nämlich des Thalamus, der Supplementary Motor Area (SMA) und des Cingulum-Kortex. Die Beteiligung kortikaler Areale wurde auch durch die Analyse der GI bei Patienten mit Parkinson und FoG nahegelegt. In der Tat fand ich bei diesen Patienten erhebliche Veränderungen in der Vorbereitungsphase des GI, die möglicherweise auf FoG-bedingte Defizite der SMA zurückzuführen sind. Veränderungen der Gewichtsverlagerung, die der Schrittphase vorausgeht, waren bei Morbus-Parkinson-Patienten mit FoG ebenfalls besonders ausgeprägt, was auf spezifische Schwierigkeiten bei der Integration somatosensorischer Informationen auf kortikaler Ebene schließen lässt. Bemerkenswert ist, dass alle Morbus-Parkinson-Patienten ein gut erhaltenes Bewegungs-Timing von GI aufwiesen, was möglicherweise auf eine ebenfalls gut erhaltene und kompensatorische Aktivität des Kleinhirns hindeutet. Haltungsanomalien (d. h. verstärkte Rumpf- und Oberschenkelflexion) standen in keinem Zusammenhang mit GI, was eine Anpassung des motorischen Musters an die veränderten Haltungsbedingungen ausschließt. Bei einer Gruppe von Morbus-Parkinson-Patienten, denen eine DBS implantiert wurde, untersuchte ich die pathophysiologische Funktionsweise des lokomotorischen Netzwerks weiter, indem ich die rechtzeitige Aktivität des subthalamischen Nucleus (STN) während der statischen und dynamischen Gleichgewichtskontrolle (d. h. Stehen und Gehen) analysierte. Für diese Studie habe ich neuartige DBS-Geräte verwendet, die in der Lage sind, Stimulationen abzugeben und gleichzeitig lokale Feldpotentiale (LFP) des implantierten Nucleus Monate und Jahre nach der Operation aufzuzeichnen. Ich konnte eine gehbezogene Frequenzverschiebung in der STN-Aktivität von Morbus-Parkinson-Patienten nachweisen, die möglicherweise kortikale (feedforward) und zerebelläre (feedback) Informationen an mesenzephale Bewegungsbereiche weiterleitet. Auf der Grundlage dieses Ergebnisses habe ich für jeden Patienten eine maximal informative Frequenz (MIF) identifiziert, deren Leistungsänderungen eine zuverlässige Klassifizierung von Steh- und Gehzuständen ermöglichen. Die MIF ist ein vielversprechendes Eingangssignal für neue DBS-Geräte, die LFP-Leistungsmodulationen überwachen können, um die Stimulationsabgabe zeitnah an die laufende motorische Aufgabe (z. B. Gehen) des Patienten anzupassen (adaptive DBS). Insgesamt ist es mir gelungen, die Rolle verschiedener kortikaler und subkortikaler Hirnareale bei der Bewegungskontrolle zu definieren. Dies ebnet den Weg für ein besseres Verständnis der pathophysiologischen Dynamik des supraspinalen Bewegungsnetzwerks und die Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Therapien für Gangstörungen und Sturzprävention bei Morbus Parkinson und verwandten Erkrankungen. KW - locomotor network KW - gait initiation KW - deep brain stimulation KW - gait analysis KW - movement disorders KW - neural biomarkers KW - parkinson's disease Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266442 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Reiter, Theresa A1 - Weiss, Ingo A1 - Weber, Oliver M. A1 - Bauer, Wolfgang R. T1 - Signal voids of active cardiac implants at 3.0 T CMR JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Recent technical advancements allow cardiac MRI (CMR) examinations in the presence of so-called MRI conditional active cardiac implants at 3.0 T. However, the artifact burden caused by susceptibility effects remain an obstacle. All measurements were obtained at a clinical 3.0 T scanner using an in-house designed cubic phantom and optimized sequences for artifact evaluation (3D gradient echo sequence, multi-slice 2D turbo spin echo sequence). Reference sequences according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) were additionally applied. Four representative active cardiac devices and a generic setup were analyzed regarding volume and shape of the signal void. For analysis, a threshold operation was applied to the grey value profile of each data set. The presented approach allows the evaluation of the signal void and shape even for larger implants such as ICDs. The void shape is influenced by the orientation of the B0-field and by the chosen sequence type. The distribution of ferromagnetic material within the implants also matters. The void volume depends both on the device itself, and on the sequence type. Disturbances in the B0 and B1 fields exceed the visual signal void. This work presents a reproducible and highly defined approach to characterize both signal void artifacts at 3.0 T and their influencing factors. KW - cardiac MRI KW - cardiac implants KW - signal voids Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300502 VL - 12 IS - 1 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Schmidt, João Pedro T1 - Local Self-Organization and the Third Sector: Between the Philanthropic and the Associative Approaches T1 - Lokale Selbstorganisation und der Dritte Sektor: Zwischen philanthropischen und assoziativen Ansätzen N2 - Civil society organizations only started to be considered a sector in the 1970s in the United States. Amitai Etzioni pioneered the use of the expression third sector, which became common in academic and political literature. However, in the United States, the non-profit sector concept gradually became more robust and was spread internationally based on the studies conducted by Lester Salomon and associated researchers. The theory built on the concept of the non-profit sector is strongly related to the North American cultural context, marked by the tradition of philanthropy and volunteerism, but with little importance given to associative and cooperative organizations. The non-profit sector is implicitly or explicitly conceived as part of the private sphere. In contrast, theoretical currents such as liberal communitarianism, the theories of cooperation, common goods, social capital, European social economy, and the Latin American solidarity economy highlight the primacy of cooperation in solving collective problems. These theories underpin the associative approach of the third sector and link it to the community, not to the market. This paper argues that the associative approach is more appropriate for international studies on the third sector and the relevance of self-organization. The third sector, i.e., the set of organizations created and maintained by civil society, is the inheritor of the millennial associative tradition, including both entities whose values are compatible with the common good and those with particularistic values, authoritarian and contrary to human rights. The third sector is not entirely virtuous, but it is a vital sector for solving great human problems. N2 - Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen wurden in den USA erst in den 1970er Jahren als ein eigenständiger Sektor betrachtet. Amitai Etzioni prägte hierbei den Begriff „dritter Sektor“, der in der akademischen und politischen Literatur üblich wurde. In den Ver-einigten Staaten wurde das Konzept des gemeinnützigen Sektors jedoch allmählich gefestigt und auf der Grundlage der von Lester Salomon und anderen Forschern durchgeführten Studien auch international verbreitet. Die Theorie, die auf dem Konzept des Non-Profit-Sektors aufbaut, ist stark mit dem nordamerikanischen kulturellen Kontext verbunden, der durch die Tradition der Philanthropie und des ehrenamtlichen Engagements geprägt ist, während assoziativen und genossenschaftlichen Organisationen wenig Bedeutung beigemessen wird. Der Non-Profit-Sektor wird implizit oder explizit als Teil der privaten Sphäre verstanden. Im Gegensatz dazu betonen theoretische Strömungen wie der liberale Kommunitaris-mus, die Theorien der Kooperation, der Gemeingüter, des Sozialkapitals, der europäischen Sozialwirtschaft und der lateinamerikanischen Solidarökonomie den Vorrang der Kooperation bei der Lösung kollektiver Probleme. Diese Theorien untermauern den assoziativen Ansatz des dritten Sektors und verbinden ihn mit der Gemeinschaft und nicht mit dem Markt. In diesem Papier wird argumentiert, dass der assoziative Ansatz für internationale Studien über den dritten Sektor und die Bedeutung der Selbstorganisation besser geeignet ist. Der dritte Sektor, d. h. die Gesamtheit der von der Zivilgesellschaft geschaffenen und unterhaltenen Organisationen, steht für das Erbe der tausendjährigen assoziativen Tradition, die sowohl Einrichtungen umfasst, deren Werte mit dem Gemeinwohl vereinbar sind, als auch solche mit partikularistischen, autoritären und menschenrechtswidrigen Werten. Der dritte Sektor ist nicht völlig tugendhaft, aber er ist ein wichtiger Bereich für die Lösung großer menschlicher Probleme. T3 - LoSAM Working Papers - 7 KW - Kommunitarismus KW - Nonprofit-Bereich KW - Selbstorganisation KW - Staat KW - Kooperation KW - communitarianism KW - common good KW - associativism KW - third sector Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282803 ER - TY - THES A1 - Langejahn, Marcus T1 - Hard X-ray Properties of Relativistically Beamed Jets from Radio- and Gamma-Ray-Bright Blazars T1 - Eigenschaften der harten Röntgenstrahlung von relativistisch gebeamten radio- und gamma-hellen Blazaren N2 - In this work I characterize the hard X-ray properties of blazars, active galactic nuclei with highly beamed emission, which are notoriously hard to detect in this energy range. I employ pre-defined samples of beamed AGN: the radio-selected MOJAVE and TANAMI samples, as well as the most recent gamma-ray-selected Fermi/LAT 4LAC catalog. The hard X-ray data is extracted from the 105-month all-sky survey maps of the Swift/BAT (Burst Alert Telescope) in the energy band of 20 keV to 100 keV. A great majority of both the MOJAVE and TANAMI samples are significantly detected, with signal-to noise ratios of the sources often just below the X-ray catalog signal thresholds. All blazar sub-types (FSRQs, BL Lacs) and radio galaxies show characteristic ranges of X-ray flux, luminosity, and photon index. Their properties are correlated with the corresponding SED's shape / peak frequency. The LogN-LogS distributions of the samples show a scarcity of blazars in the middle and lower X-ray flux range, indicating differing evolutionary paths between radio and X-ray emission, which is also suggested by the corresponding luminosity functions. Compared to the radio samples, the 4LAC sources are on average significantly less bright in the BAT band since this range often coincides with the spectral gap region between the two big SED emission bumps. Also, the spectral shapes differ notably, especially for the sub-type of BL Lacs. Using the parameter space of X-ray and gamma-ray photon indices, 35 blazar candidate sources can be assigned to either the FSRQ or BL Lac type with high certainty. The reason why many blazars are weak in this energy band can be traced back to a number of factors: the selection bias of the initial sample, differential evolution of the X-rays and the wavelengths in which the sample is defined, and the limited sensitivity of the observing instruments. N2 - In dieser Arbeit charakterisiere ich die Eigenschaften der harten Röntgenstrahlung von Blazaren, aktiven Galaxienkernen mit stark gebeamter Emission, welche in diesem Energiebereich oft schwer detektierbar sind. Dafür verwende ich vordefinierte AGN-Samples: die im Radiobereich ausgewählten MOJAVE- und TANAMI-Samples sowie den im Gammastrahlenbereich definierten Fermi/LAT 4LAC-Katalog. Die Röntgendaten stammen aus dem 105-monatigen All-Sky-Survey des Swift/BAT (Burst Alert Telescope) bei 20 keV bis 100 keV. Der Großteil der MOJAVE- und TANAMI-Samples sind signifikant detektiert, wobei das Signal/Rausch-Verhältnis der Quellen oft knapp unter dem Limit der Röntgenkataloge liegt. Alle Blazar-Subtypen (FSRQs, BL Lacs) und Radiogalaxien zeigen charakteristische Bereiche des Röntgenflusses, der Leuchtkraft und des Photonenindexes. Ihre Eigenschaften korrelieren mit der Form bzw. Peak-Frequenz der entsprechenden SED. Die LogN-LogS-Verteilungen der Samples zeigen einen Mangel an Blazaren im mittleren und unteren Flussbereich, was auf unterschiedliche Entwicklungen zwischen Radio- und Röntgenemission hinweist, bestätigt durch die entsprechenden Leuchtkraftfunktionen. Im Vergleich zu den Radio-Samples sind die 4LAC-Quellen im BAT-Band durchschnittlich deutlich weniger hell, da dieser Bereich oft mit der großen spektralen Lücke der Blazar-SEDs zusammenfällt. Auch die spektralen Formen unterscheiden sich deutlich, insbesondere für BL Lacs. Unter Verwendung des Parameterraums der Röntgen- und Gammastrahlen-Photonenindizes können 35 Blazarkandidaten mit hoher Sicherheit entweder dem FSRQ- oder BL Lac-Typ zugeordnet werden. Der Grund, warum viele Blazare in diesem Energieband schwach sind, kann auf eine Reihe von Faktoren zurückgeführt werden: den Auswahleffekt des ursprünglichen Samples, die unterschiedliche Entwicklung der Röntgenstrahlung und der Wellenlängen, in denen das Sample definiert ist, sowie die begrenzte Empfindlichkeit der Beobachtungsinstrumente. KW - Aktiver galaktischer Kern KW - Blazar KW - Röntgenstrahlung KW - Radio KW - Gammastrahlung KW - Swift KW - Burst Alert Telescope KW - Fermi KW - AGN KW - Mojave KW - Tanami KW - X-ray Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282009 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mainz, Laura A1 - Sarhan, Mohamed A. F. E. A1 - Roth, Sabine A1 - Sauer, Ursula A1 - Maurus, Katja A1 - Hartmann, Elena M. A1 - Seibert, Helen-Desiree A1 - Rosenwald, Andreas A1 - Diefenbacher, Markus E. A1 - Rosenfeldt, Mathias T. T1 - Autophagy blockage reduces the incidence of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in the context of mutant Trp53 JF - Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology N2 - Macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy) is a homeostatic process that preserves cellular integrity. In mice, autophagy regulates pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) development in a manner dependent on the status of the tumor suppressor gene Trp53. Studies published so far have investigated the impact of autophagy blockage in tumors arising from Trp53-hemizygous or -homozygous tissue. In contrast, in human PDACs the tumor suppressor gene TP53 is mutated rather than allelically lost, and TP53 mutants retain pathobiological functions that differ from complete allelic loss. In order to better represent the patient situation, we have investigated PDAC development in a well-characterized genetically engineered mouse model (GEMM) of PDAC with mutant Trp53 (Trp53\(^{R172H}\)) and deletion of the essential autophagy gene Atg7. Autophagy blockage reduced PDAC incidence but had no impact on survival time in the subset of animals that formed a tumor. In the absence of Atg7, non-tumor-bearing mice reached a similar age as animals with malignant disease. However, the architecture of autophagy-deficient, tumor-free pancreata was effaced, normal acinar tissue was largely replaced with low-grade pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias (PanINs) and insulin expressing islet β-cells were reduced. Our data add further complexity to the interplay between Atg7 inhibition and Trp53 status in tumorigenesis. KW - pancreatic cancer KW - autophagy KW - p53 KW - metastasis KW - ATG7 Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266005 SN - 2296-634X VL - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Oberdörfer, Sebastian A1 - Schraudt, David A1 - Latoschik, Marc Erich T1 - Embodied gambling — investigating the influence of level of embodiment, avatar appearance, and virtual environment design on an online VR slot machine JF - Frontiers in Virtual Reality N2 - Slot machines are one of the most played games by players suffering from gambling disorder. New technologies like immersive Virtual Reality (VR) offer more possibilities to exploit erroneous beliefs in the context of gambling. Recent research indicates a higher risk potential when playing a slot machine in VR than on desktop. To continue this investigation, we evaluate the effects of providing different degrees of embodiment, i.e., minimal and full embodiment. The avatars used for the full embodiment further differ in their appearance, i.e., they elicit a high or a low socio-economic status. The virtual environment (VE) design can cause a potential influence on the overall gambling behavior. Thus, we also embed the slot machine in two different VEs that differ in their emotional design: a colorful underwater playground environment and a virtual counterpart of our lab. These design considerations resulted in four different versions of the same VR slot machine: 1) full embodiment with high socio-economic status, 2) full embodiment with low socio-economic status, 3) minimal embodiment playground VE, and 4) minimal embodiment laboratory VE. Both full embodiment versions also used the playground VE. We determine the risk potential by logging gambling frequency as well as stake size, and measuring harm-inducing factors, i.e., dissociation, urge to gamble, dark flow, and illusion of control, using questionnaires. Following a between groups experimental design, 82 participants played for 20 game rounds one of the four versions. We recruited our sample from the students enrolled at the University of Würzburg. Our safety protocol ensured that only participants without any recent gambling activity took part in the experiment. In this comparative user study, we found no effect of the embodiment nor VE design on neither the gambling frequency, stake sizes, nor risk potential. However, our results provide further support for the hypothesis of the higher visual angle on gambling stimuli and hence the increased emotional response being the true cause for the higher risk potential. KW - virtual reality KW - virtual environments KW - immersion KW - gambling KW - risks KW - embodiment KW - avatars Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284662 SN - 2673-4192 VL - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gottscholl, Andreas A1 - Wagenhöfer, Maximilian A1 - Klimmer, Manuel A1 - Scherbel, Selina A1 - Kasper, Christian A1 - Baianov, Valentin A1 - Astakhov, Georgy V. A1 - Dyakonov, Vladimir A1 - Sperlich, Andreas T1 - Superradiance of spin defects in silicon carbide for maser applications JF - Frontiers in Photonics N2 - Masers as telecommunication amplifiers have been known for decades, yet their application is strongly limited due to extreme operating conditions requiring vacuum techniques and cryogenic temperatures. Recently, a new generation of masers has been invented based on optically pumped spin states in pentacene and diamond. In this study, we pave the way for masers based on spin S = 3/2 silicon vacancy (V\(_{Si}\)) defects in silicon carbide (SiC) to overcome the microwave generation threshold and discuss the advantages of this highly developed spin hosting material. To achieve population inversion, we optically pump the V\(_{Si}\) into their m\(_S\) = ±1/2 spin sub-states and additionally tune the Zeeman energy splitting by applying an external magnetic field. In this way, the prerequisites for stimulated emission by means of resonant microwaves in the 10 GHz range are fulfilled. On the way to realising a maser, we were able to systematically solve a series of subtasks that improved the underlying relevant physical parameters of the SiC samples. Among others, we investigated the pump efficiency as a function of the optical excitation wavelength and the angle between the magnetic field and the defect symmetry axis in order to boost the population inversion factor, a key figure of merit for the targeted microwave oscillator. Furthermore, we developed a high-Q sapphire microwave resonator (Q ≈ 10\(^4\)–10\(^5\)) with which we find superradiant stimulated microwave emission. In summary, SiC with optimized spin defect density and thus spin relaxation rates is well on its way of becoming a suitable maser gain material with wide-ranging applications. KW - stimulated emission KW - maser KW - population inversion KW - silicon vacancy KW - spin polarization KW - superradiance Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284698 SN - 2673-6853 VL - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lodha, Manivel A1 - Erhard, Florian A1 - Dölken, Lars A1 - Prusty, Bhupesh K. T1 - The hidden enemy within: non-canonical peptides in virus-induced autoimmunity JF - Frontiers in Microbiology N2 - Viruses play a key role in explaining the pathogenesis of various autoimmune disorders, whose underlying principle is defined by the activation of autoreactive T-cells. In many cases, T-cells escape self-tolerance due to the failure in encountering certain MHC-I self-peptide complexes at substantial levels, whose peptides remain invisible from the immune system. Over the years, contribution of unstable defective ribosomal products (DRiPs) in immunosurveillance has gained prominence. A class of unstable products emerge from non-canonical translation and processing of unannotated mammalian and viral ORFs and their peptides are cryptic in nature. Indeed, high throughput sequencing and proteomics have revealed that a substantial portion of our genomes comprise of non-canonical ORFs, whose generation is significantly modulated during disease. Many of these ORFs comprise short ORFs (sORFs) and upstream ORFs (uORFs) that resemble DRiPs and may hence be preferentially presented. Here, we discuss how such products, normally “hidden” from the immune system, become abundant in viral infections activating autoimmune T-cells, by discussing their emerging role in infection and disease. Finally, we provide a perspective on how these mechanisms can explain several autoimmune disorders in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. KW - viruses KW - cryptic peptides KW - autoimmunity KW - defective ribosomal products KW - non-canonical translation KW - COVID-19 Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-263053 SN - 1664-302X VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sperlich, Andreas A1 - Auth, Michael A1 - Dyakonov, Vladimir T1 - Charge transfer in ternary solar cells employing two fullerene derivatives: where do electrons go? BT - Dedicated to Prof. Sariciftci on the occasion of his 60th birthday JF - Israel Journal of Chemistry N2 - Earlier reports demonstrated that ternary organic solar cells (OSC) made of donor polymers (D) blended with different mixtures of fullerene acceptors (A : A) performed very similarly. This finding is surprising, as the corresponding fullerene LUMO levels are slightly different, which might result in decisive differences in the charge transfer step. We investigate ternary OSC (D : A : A) made of the donor polymer P3HT with stoichiometric mixtures of different fullerene derivatives, PC\(_{60}\)BM : PC\(_{70}\)BM and PC\(_{70}\)BM : IC\(_{60}\)BA, respectively. Using quantitative electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) we can distinguish between positive and negative polarons, localized on the specific molecules. We found that after the initial charge transfer step, the electrons are re-distributed over two nearby acceptors in agreement with their stoichiometry and their relative LUMO energy difference. Remarkably, the measured ΔLUMO differences in fullerene mixtures are reduced by an order of magnitude compared to that of the pristine materials, i. e., below 1 meV for PC\(_{60}\)BM : PC\(_{70}\)BM and (20±5) meV for PC\(_{70}\)BM : IC\(_{60}\)BA. Furthermore, we found that this reduced ΔLUMO explains the shift in open circuit voltage for D : A : A organic solar cells. We attribute these findings to hybridization, leading to an effective fullerene LUMO. Consequently, multi-acceptor blends are indeed a viable option for photodetectors and solar cells, as they combine the best electron acceptor and light absorbing properties. KW - ternary organic solar cells Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257506 VL - 62 IS - 7-8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pozzi, Nicoló G. A1 - Palmisano, Chiara A1 - Reich, Martin M. A1 - Capetian, Philip A1 - Pacchetti, Claudio A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Isaias, Ioannis U. T1 - Troubleshooting gait disturbances in Parkinson’s disease with deep brain stimulation JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus or the globus pallidus is an established treatment for Parkinson’s disease (PD) that yields a marked and lasting improvement of motor symptoms. Yet, DBS benefit on gait disturbances in PD is still debated and can be a source of dissatisfaction and poor quality of life. Gait disturbances in PD encompass a variety of clinical manifestations and rely on different pathophysiological bases. While gait disturbances arising years after DBS surgery can be related to disease progression, early impairment of gait may be secondary to treatable causes and benefits from DBS reprogramming. In this review, we tackle the issue of gait disturbances in PD patients with DBS by discussing their neurophysiological basis, providing a detailed clinical characterization, and proposing a pragmatic programming approach to support their management. KW - Parkinson’s disease KW - freezing of gait (FOG) KW - deep brain stimulation (DBS) KW - subthalamic nucleus (STN) KW - globus pallidus pars interna (GPi) KW - pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-274007 SN - 1662-5161 VL - 16 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schick, Martin Alexander A1 - Schlegel, Nicolas T1 - Clinical implication of phosphodiesterase-4-inhibition JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - The pleiotropic function of 3′,5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent pathways in health and disease led to the development of pharmacological phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDE-I) to attenuate cAMP degradation. While there are many isotypes of PDE, a predominant role of PDE4 is to regulate fundamental functions, including endothelial and epithelial barrier stability, modulation of inflammatory responses and cognitive and/or mood functions. This makes the use of PDE4-I an interesting tool for various therapeutic approaches. However, due to the presence of PDE4 in many tissues, there is a significant danger for serious side effects. Based on this, the aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the approaches and effects of PDE4-I for different therapeutic applications. In summary, despite many obstacles to use of PDE4-I for different therapeutic approaches, the current data warrant future research to utilize the therapeutic potential of phosphodiesterase 4 inhibition. KW - phosphodiesterase KW - phosphodiesterase-4 KW - phosphodiesterase-inhibitors KW - PDE KW - PDE4-I Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284511 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 23 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mihatsch, Patrick W. A1 - Beissert, Matthias A1 - Pomper, Martin G. A1 - Bley, Thorsten A. A1 - Seitz, Anna K. A1 - Kübler, Hubert A1 - Buck, Andreas K. A1 - Rowe, Steven P. A1 - Serfling, Sebastian E. A1 - Hartrampf, Philipp E. A1 - Werner, Rudolf A. T1 - Changing threshold-based segmentation has no relevant impact on semi-quantification in the context of structured reporting for PSMA-PET/CT JF - Cancers N2 - Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-directed positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) is increasingly utilized for staging of men with prostate cancer (PC). To increase interpretive certainty, the standardized PSMA reporting and data system (RADS) has been proposed. Using PSMA-RADS, we characterized lesions in 18 patients imaged with \(^{18}\)F-PSMA-1007 PET/CT for primary staging and determined the stability of semi-quantitative parameters. Six hundred twenty-three lesions were categorized according to PSMA-RADS and manually segmented. In this context, PSMA-RADS-3A (soft-tissue) or -3B (bone) lesions are defined as being indeterminate for the presence of PC. For PMSA-RADS-4 and -5 lesions; however, PC is highly likely or almost certainly present [with further distinction based on absence (PSMA-RADS-4) or presence (PSMA-RADS-5) of correlative findings on CT]. Standardized uptake values (SUV\(_{max}\), SUV\(_{peak}\), SUV\(_{mean}\)) were recorded, and volumetric parameters [PSMA-derived tumor volume (PSMA-TV); total lesion PSMA (TL-PSMA)] were determined using different maximum intensity thresholds (MIT) (40 vs. 45 vs. 50%). SUV\(_{max}\) was significantly higher in PSMA-RADS-5 lesions compared to all other PSMA-RADS categories (p ≤ 0.0322). In particular, the clinically challenging PSMA-RADS-3A lesions showed significantly lower SUV\(_{max}\) and SUV\(_{peak}\) compared to the entire PSMA-RADS-4 or -5 cohort (p < 0.0001), while for PSMA-RADS-3B this only applies when compared to the entire PSMA-RADS-5 cohort (p < 0.0001), but not to the PSMA-RADS-4 cohort (SUV\(_{max}\), p = 0.07; SUV\(_{peak}\), p = 0.08). SUV\(_{mean}\) (p = 0.30) and TL-PSMA (p = 0.16) in PSMA-RADS-5 lesions were not influenced by changing the MIT, while PSMA-TV showed significant differences when comparing 40 vs. 50% MIT (p = 0.0066), which was driven by lymph nodes (p = 0.0239), but not bone lesions (p = 0.15). SUV\(_{max}\) was significantly higher in PSMA-RADS-5 lesions compared to all other PSMA-RADS categories in \(^{18}\)F-PSMA-1007 PET/CT. As such, the latter parameter may assist the interpreting molecular imaging specialist in assigning the correct PSMA-RADS score to sites of disease, thereby increasing diagnostic certainty. In addition, changes of the MIT in PSMA-RADS-5 lesions had no significant impact on SUV\(_{mean}\) and TL-PSMA in contrast to PSMA-TV. KW - \(^{18}\)F-PSMA-1007 KW - PET/CT KW - staging KW - prostate cancer KW - standardized reporting system KW - PSMA-RADS Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-254782 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 14 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hankir, Mohammed Khair A1 - Bruneau Jr., Michael T1 - Periphery-brain interactions and leptin in the regulation of whole-body energy metabolism JF - Nutrients N2 - No abstract available KW - periphery-brain interactions Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270581 SN - 2072-6643 VL - 14 IS - 8 ER - TY - THES A1 - Hofstetter, Julia Eva Ines T1 - MYC shapes the composition of RNA polymerase II through direct recruitment of transcription elongation factors T1 - MYC beeinflusst die Zusammensetzung der RNA-Polymerase II durch die direkte Rekrutierung von Transkriptions-Elongationsfaktoren N2 - The transcription factor MYC is a onco-protein, found to be deregulated in many human cancers. High MYC levels correlate with an aggressive tumor outcome and poor survival rates. Despite MYC being discovered as an oncogene already in the 1970s, how MYC regulates transcription of its target genes, which are involved in cellular growth and proliferation, is not fully understood yet. In this study, the question how MYC influences factors interacting with the RNA polymerase II ensuring productive transcription of its target genes was addressed using quantitative mass spectrometry. By comparing the interactome of RNA polymerase II under varying MYC levels, several potential factors involved in transcriptional elongation were identified. Furthermore, the question which of those factors interact with MYC was answered by employing quantitative mass spectrometry of MYC itself. Thereby, the direct interaction of MYC with the transcription elongation factor SPT5, a subunit of the DRB-sensitivity inducing factor, was discovered and analyzed in greater detail. SPT5 was shown to be recruited to chromatin by MYC. In addition, the interaction site of MYC on SPT5 was narrowed down to its evolutionary conserved NGN-domain, which is the known binding site for SPT4, the earlier characterized second subunit of the DRB-sensitivity inducing factor. This finding suggests a model in which MYC and SPT4 compete for binding the NGN-domain of SPT5. Investigations of the SPT5-interacting region on MYC showed binding of SPT5 to MYC’s N-terminus including MYC-boxes 0, I and II. In order to analyze proteins interacting specifically with the N-terminal region of MYC, a truncated MYC-mutant was used for quantitative mass spectrometric analysis uncovering reduced binding for several proteins including the well-known interactor TRRAP and TRRAP-associated complexes. Summarized, ... N2 - Bei dem Transkriptionsfaktor MYC handelt es sich um ein Onkoprotein, welches in einer Vielzahl der menschlichen Krebserkrankungen in erhöhter Konzentration vorliegt, was wiederum mit einem schweren Krankheitsverlauf einhergeht. Bereits in den 1970iger Jahren wurde das Protein MYC als ein Onkoprotein identifiziert, aber wie es die Transkription seiner großen Bandbreite an Zielgenen, welche für Zellwachstum und -proliferation verantwortlich sind, reguliert, ist bisher noch nicht eindeutig geklärt. In dieser Arbeit wurde die zentrale Frage untersucht, wie MYC die Proteine beeinflusst, die mit der RNA-Polymerase II interagieren, um dadurch eine schnelle und produktive Transkription seiner Zielgene zu ermöglichen. Hierfür wurden mittels der Durchführung massenspektrometrischer Untersuchungen Proteine, die in der An- und Abwesenheit von MYC mit der RNA-Polymerase II interagieren, identifiziert, was eine MYC-bedingte Änderung einiger Elongationsfaktoren im Interaktom der RNA-Polymerase II aufzeigte. Des Weiteren wurden ebenfalls unter Zuhilfenahme massenspektrometrischer Analysen Proteine bestimmt, die mit MYC selbst interagieren. Hierdurch konnte die bisher unbeschriebene, direkte Interaktion zwischen MYC und SPT5, der großen Untereinheit des DRB-sensitivity inducing factors, aufgedeckt und näher analysiert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass MYC SPT5 zum Chromatin rekrutiert. Weiter konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass MYC mit der evolutionär konservierten NGN-Domäne von SPT5 interagiert, an welche auch SPT4, die zweite Untereinheit des DRB-sensitivity inducing factors, bindet. Dies resultiert in dem Modell, dass MYC mit SPT4 um die Bindestelle auf SPT5 konkurriert und durch dieses ersetzt werden kann. Die Nähere Untersuchung der Bindestelle von SPT5 auf MYC zeigte eine Binderegion im N-terminalen Bereich von MYC auf, der die MYC-Boxen 0, I und II miteinschließt. Um Proteine zu identifiziert, die selektiv mit dem N-terminalen Bereich von MYC interagieren, ... KW - Transkription KW - Myc KW - MYC KW - DSIF KW - Transcription KW - Cancer KW - RNA polymerase II Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240358 ER - TY - THES A1 - Vardapour, Romina T1 - Mutations in the DROSHA/DGCR8 microprocessor complex in high-risk blastemal Wilms tumor T1 - Mutationen des DROSHA/DGCR8 Mikroprozessor-Komplexes in blastemreichen Hochrisiko-Wilms Tumoren N2 - Wilms tumor (WT) or nephroblastoma is the most common kidney tumor in childhood. Several genetic alterations have been identified in WT over the past years. However, a clear-cut underlying genetic defect has remained elusive. Growing evidence suggests that miRNA processing genes play a major role in the formation of pediatric tumors, including WT. We and others have identified the microprocessor genes DROSHA and DGCR8 as key players in Wilms tumorigenesis. Exome sequence analysis of a cohort of blastemal-type WTs revealed the recurrent hotspot mutations DROSHA E1147K and DGCR8 E518K mapping to regions important for catalyic activity and RNA-binding. These alterations were expected to affect processing of miRNA precursors, ultimately leading to altered miRNA expression. Indeed, mutated tumor samples were characterized by distinct miRNA patterns. Notably, these mutations have been observed almost exclusively in WT, suggesting that they play a specific role in WT formation. The aim of the present work was to first examine the mutation frequency of DROSHA E1147K and DGCR8 E518K in a larger cohort of WTs, and to further characterize these microprocessor gene mutations as potential oncogenic drivers for WT formation. Screening of additional 700 WT samples by allele-specific PCR revealed a high frequency of DROSHA E1147K and DGCR8 E518K mutations, with the highest incidence found in tumors of high-risk histology. DROSHA E1147K was heterozygously expressed in all cases, which strongly implies a dominant negative effect. In contrast, DGCR8 E518K exclusively exhibited homozygous expression, suggestive for the mutation to act recessive. To functionally assess the mutations of the microprocessor complex in vitro, I generated stable HEK293T cell lines with inducible overexpression of DROSHA E1147K, and stable mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) lines with inducible overexpression of DGCR8 E518K. To mimic the homozygous expression observed in WT, DGCR8 mESC lines were generated on a DGCR8 knockout background. Inducible overexpression of wild-type or mutant DROSHA in HEK293T cells showed that DROSHA E1147K leads to a global downregulation of miRNA expression. It has previously been shown that the knockout of DGCR8 in mESCs also results in a significant downregulation of canonical miRNAs. Inducible overexpression of wild type DGCR8 rescued this processing defect. DGCR8 E518K on the other hand, only led to a partial rescue. Differentially expressed miRNAs comprised members of the ESC cell cycle (ESCC) and let-7 miRNA families whose antagonism is known to play a pivotal role in the regulation of stem cell properties. Along with altered miRNA expression, DGCR8-E518K mESCs exhibited alterations in target gene expression potentially affecting various biological processes. We could observe decreased proliferation rates, most likely due to reduced cell viability. DGCR8-E518K seemed to be able to overcome the block of G1-S transition and to rescue the cell cycle defect in DGCR8-KO mESCs, albeit not to the full extent like DGCR8-wild-type. Moreover, DGCR8-E518K appeared to be unable to completely block epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Embryoid bodies (EBs) with the E518K mutation, however, were still able to silence the self-renewal program rescuing the differentiation defect in DGCR8-KO mESCs. Taken together, I could show that DROSHA E1147K and DGCR8 E518K are frequent events in WT with the highest incidence in high-risk tumor entities. Either mutation led to altered miRNA expression in vitro confirming our previous findings in tumor samples. While the DROSHA E1147K mutation resulted in a global downregulation of canonical miRNAs, DGCR8 E518K was able to retain significant activity of the microprocessor complex, suggesting that partial reduction of activity or altered specificity may be critical in Wilms tumorigenesis. Despite the significant differences found in the miRNA and mRNA profiles of DGCR8 E518K and DGCR8-wild-type mESCs, functional analysis showed that DGCR8 E518K could mostly restore important cellular functions in the knockout and only slightly differed from the wild-type situation. Further studies in a rather physiological environment, such as in a WT blastemal model system, may additionally help to better assess the subtle differences between DGCR8 E518K and DGCR8 wild-type observed in our mESC lines. Together with our findings, these model systems may thus contribute to better understand the role of these microprocessor mutations in the formation of WT. N2 - Der Wilms Tumor (WT), auch Nephroblastom genannt, ist der häufigste Nierentumor im Kindesalter. In den letzten Jahren wurden bereits mehrere genetische Veränderungen in Wilms Tumoren festgestellt. Bisher konnte jedoch keine eindeutige genetische Ursache gefunden werden. Immer mehr Erkenntnisse deuten darauf hin, dass miRNA Prozessierungsgene eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung von pädiatrischen Tumoren, einschließlich von WT, spielen. Uns ist es gelungen die Mikroprozessor-Gene DROSHA und DGCR8 als entscheidende Faktoren in der WT-Entstehung zu identifizieren. Mit Hilfe der Exom-Sequenzierung einer Kohorte blastemreicher Wilms Tumoren konnten die wiederkehrenden Hotspot-Mutationen DROSHA E1147K and DGCR8 E518K gefunden werden. Diese Mutationen betreffen Regionen, die für die katalytische Aktivität und die Bindung von RNA wichtig sind. Diese Veränderungen beeinflussen vermutlich die Prozessierung von Vorläufer-miRNAs und führen letztendlich zu einer veränderten miRNA Expression. In der Tat waren mutierte Tumorproben durch auffällige Expressionsmuster gekennzeichnet. Bemerkenswerterweise wurden diese Mutationen fast ausschließlich in WT beobachtet, was darauf hindeutet, dass sie eine spezifische Rolle bei der Entstehung von WT spielen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, zunächst die Mutationshäufigkeit von DROSHA E1147K und DGCR8 E518K in einer größeren Kohorte von Wilms Tumoren zu untersuchen und anschließend diese Mikroprozessor-Genmutationen als mögliche onkogene Treiber für die WT-Entstehung näher zu charakterisieren. Das Screening von zusätzlichen 700 WT-Proben mittels allelspezifischer PCR ergab eine hohe Häufigkeit von DROSHA E1147K und DGCR8 E518K Mutationen. Dabei traten sie vermehrt bei Tumoren mit einer Hochrisikohistologie auf. Die DROSHA E1147K Mutation wurde in allen Fällen heterozygot exprimiert, was einen dominant-negativen Effekt impliziert. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigte die DGCR8 E518K Mutation ausschließlich eine homozygote Expression, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Mutation rezessiv wirkt. Um die Mutationen des Mikroprozessorkomplexes in vitro funktionell zu untersuchen, generierte ich stabile HEK293T-Zelllinien mit induzierbarer Überexpression von DROSHA E1147K, und stabile embryonale Mausstammzelllinien mit induzierbarer Überexpression von DGCR8 E518K. Um die in WT beobachtete homozygote Expression nachzustellen, wurden für die Erzeugung der DGCR8-Zelllinien Mausstammzellen mit einem DGCR8-Knockout verwendet. Die induzierbare Überexpression von Wildtyp oder mutiertem DROSHA in HEK293T-Zellen zeigte, dass DROSHA E1147K zu einer globalen Herunterregulierung der miRNA-Expression führt. Es wurde zuvor gezeigt, dass der Knockout von DGCR8 in Mausstammzellen ebenfalls zu einer signifikanten Herunterregulierung kanonischer miRNAs führt. Die induzierbare Überexpression von Wildtyp DGCR8 konnte diesen Prozessierungsdefekt aufheben. DGCR8 E518K führte dagegen nur zu einer partiellen Behebung des Prozessierungsdefekts. Differenziell exprimierte miRNAs umfassten hierbei Mitglieder aus der stammzellspezifischen ESCC-Familie und der let-7-miRNA-Familie, deren Antagonismus bekanntermaßen eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Regulation von Stammzelleigenschaften spielt. Zusammen mit einer veränderten miRNA-Expression zeigten DGCR8-E518K-Zellen Veränderungen in der Zielgenexpression, welche möglicherweise verschiedene biologische Prozesse beeinflussen können. Wir konnten verringerte Proliferationsraten beobachten, höchstwahrscheinlich aufgrund einer verringerten Lebensfähigkeit der Zellen. DGCR8-E518K schien in der Lage zu sein, den Block des G1-S Übergangs zu überwinden und den Zellzyklusdefekt in DGCR8-KO-Zellen zu beheben, wenn auch nicht in vollem Umfang wie Wildtyp DGCR8. Darüber hinaus schien DGCR8-E518K nicht in der Lage zu sein, die epithelial-mesenchymale Transition (EMT) vollständig blockieren zu können. Embryoid-Körper (EBs) mit der E518K Mutation konnten das Selbsterneuerungsprogramm jedoch noch unterdrücken und somit den Differenzierungsdefekt in DGCR8-KO-Zellen beheben. Zusammenfassend konnte ich zeigen, dass DROSHA E1147K und DGCR8 E518K häufige Mutationen in WT sind und dabei am häufigsten in Hochrisiko-Tumoren vorkommen. Jede dieser Mutationen führte in vitro zu einer veränderten miRNA-Expression, was unsere vorherigen Befunde in Tumorproben bestätigte. Während die DROSHA E1147K Mutation zu einer globalen Herunterregulierung kanonischer miRNAs führte, konnte die DGCR8 E518K Mutation die Aktivität des Mikroprozessorkomplexes größtenteils wiederherstellen, was darauf hindeutet, dass eine teilweise Verringerung der Aktivität oder eine veränderte Spezifität bei der WT-Entstehung kritisch sein könnte. Trotz der signifikanten Unterschiede in den miRNA- und mRNA-Profilen von DGCR8-E518K- und DGCR8 Wildtyp-Zellen, ergab die Funktionsanalyse, dass DGCR8 E518K viele wichtige Zellfunktionen im Knockout wiederherstellen konnte und sich nur geringfügig von der Wildtyp-Situation unterschied. Weitere Studien unter physiologischeren Bedingungen, wie beispielsweise in einem WT-Blastem-Modellsystem, könnten zusätzlich helfen, die in unseren Mausstammzelllinien beobachteten feinen Unterschiede zwischen DGCR8 E518K und DGCR8 Wildtyp besser bewerten zu können. Zusammen mit unseren Erkenntnissen könnten diese Modellsysteme somit dazu beitragen, die Rolle dieser Mikroprozessormutationen bei der WT-Entstehung besser zu verstehen. KW - Nephroblastom KW - Genmutation KW - miRNS KW - Wilms tumor KW - miRNA KW - microprocessor complex KW - DROSHA KW - DGCR8 Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231404 ER - TY - THES A1 - Berger, Sarina Maria T1 - Influence of Charge and Its Distribution on Biological Applications of Bis-Triarylboranes and Preliminary Investigations on H\(_2\)O\(_2\)-Cleavable Aryl Boronate Esters T1 - Einfluss der Ladung und ihrer Verteilung auf biologische Anwendungen von bis-Triarylboranen und vorläufige Untersuchungen von mit H\(_2\)O\(_2\) spaltbaren Arlyborsäureestern N2 - This dissertation describes the synthesis of an unsymmetrically-substituted triarylborane. This term describes a three-coordinate boron atom that is bound to three different aromatic systems, namely 2,6-dimethylphenyl, mesityl, and 4-(N,N-dimethylamino)-2,6-dimethylphenyl. It is also demonstrated that the amine functionality can be converted with methyl triflate into an ammonium moiety. The investigation of photophysical and electrochemical properties of this compound in comparison with the non-aminated and di-aminated analogues of the triarylborane is described besides other investigations of e. g. singlet oxygen sensitization, rotational barriers, and fundamental DFT calculations. Based on these investigations, selectively mono-, bis- and tris-dimethylamino- and trimethylammonium-substituted bis-triarylborane bithiophene chromophores were synthesized and their photophysical, and electrochemical properties were investigated together with the water solubility and singlet oxygen sensitizing efficiency of the cationic compounds Cat1+, Cat2+, Cat(i)2+, and Cat3+. Comparing these properties with the results obtained for the mono-triarylboranes reveals a large influence of the bridging unit on the investigated properties of the bis-triarylboranes. In addition, the interaction of the cationic bis-triarylboranes with different polynucleotides were investigated in buffered solutions as well as the ability of these selectively charged compounds to enter and localize within organelles of human lung carcinoma and normal lung cells. All these investigations demonstrate that the number of charges and their distribution influences the interactions and staining properties as well as most of the other properties investigated. In addition, preliminary investigations on H2O2-cleavable boronate esters in the presence of stochiometric amounts of H2O2 are described for three different aryl boronate esters. N2 - In dieser Doktorarbeit wird die Synthese eines unsymmetrisch subsitutierten Triarylborans beschrieben. Dieser Ausdruck beschreibt ein dreifach koordiniertes Boratom, das an drei unterschiedliche Aromaten, hier 2,6-Dimethylphenyl, Mesityl, and 4-(N,N-Dimethylamino)-2,6-dimethylphenyl, gebunden ist. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Aminofunktionalität durch Methyltriflat in eine Amminoeinheit überführt werden kann. Die Untersuchung der photophysikalischen und elektrochemischen Eigenschaften dieser Verbindung im Vergleich zu den nicht-aminierten und di-aminierten Analoga des Triarylborans ist beschrieben ebenso wie beispielsweise die Untersuchungen der Bildung von Singulet Sauerstoff, der Rotationsbarrieren und fundamentale DFT Berechnungen. Basierend auf diesen Untersuchungen wurden genau einfach, zweifach und dreifach Dimethylamino- und Trimethylammonium-substituierte Chromophore hergestellt und deren photophysikalische und elektrochemische Eigenschaften untersucht, zusammen mit der Wasserlöslichkeit und der Bildung von Singulet Sauerstoff der kationischen Verbindungen Cat1+, Cat2+, Cat(i)2+ und Cat3+. Der Vergleich dieser Eigenschaften mit den Ergebnissen der mono-Triarylborane zeigt den großen Einfluss der Brücke auf die untersuchten Eigenschaften der bis-Triarylborane. Zusätzlich wurden die Wechselwirkungen der kationischen bis-Triarlyborane mit unterschiedlichen Polynukeotiden in Pufferlösungen zusammen mit deren Fähigkeit in Lungenkrebs- und Lungenzellen zu gelangen und sich in bestimmten Organellen darin anzulagern. Diese Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Anzahl und Verteilung der Ladungen nicht nur die Wechselwirkungen und intrazelluläre Lokalisation beeinflussen, sondern auch fast alle übrigen untersuchten Eigenschaften. Zusätzlich sind erste Untersuchungen von drei H2O2-spaltbaren Borsäureestern in der Gegenwart von stöchiometrischen Mengen Wasserstoffperoxid gezeigt. KW - Triarylborane KW - Polynucleotide KW - Borsäureester KW - Wasserstoffperoxid KW - Singlet Oxygen KW - Luminescence Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243147 ER -