TY - THES A1 - Stober, Christina Nicole T1 - Spektrofluorimetrische Selenbestimmung in biologischen Proben : Entwicklung und Validierung der Methode T1 - An Optimized Spectrofluorimetric Method for Selenium Detection in Human Plasma, Serum, Urine, and Tissue N2 - Das Spurenelement Selen hat in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend an klinischer Relevanz gewonnen, da einige Krankheiten mit einem Selenmangel in Verbindung gebracht werden konnten. Um den Selenstatus eines Individuums erfassen zu können und gegebenenfalls eine Selen-Substitution einzuleiten, bedarf es einer Methode, die genau, einfach und im klinischen Alltag einsetzbar ist. Die bislang üblichen Verfahren der AAS sind relativ teuer bei der Geräteanschaffung und im Vergleich zu der hier vorgestellten optimierten spektrofluorimetrischen Methode ungenauer. Das derzeit genaueste Verfahren zur quantitativen Selenbestimmung, die NAA, ist aufgrund des immensen zeitlichen Aufwands und hoher Kosten für die klinische Routine ungeeignet. In dieser Arbeit wurde die erstmals von Koh und Benson [56] beschriebene spektrofluorimetrische Methode zur Selenbestimmung so modifiziert und optimiert, dass eine für die klinische Selenbestimmung biologischer Proben geeignete, genaue Methode resultierte. Das zur Bestimmung eingesetzte Volumen an Serum konnte gegenüber dem von Koh und Benson [56] beschriebenen Verfahren um mehr als die Hälfte reduziert werden. Außerdem wurden in dieser Arbeit nur 400 µL einer Selen-Standardprobe im Gegensatz zu dem von Koh und Benson [56] eingesetzten 1 mL verwendet. Durch das geringere Probenvolumen war 1 mL der Säuremischung zum Aufschluss der Proben ausreichend. Die Schritte der Inkubation wurden verkürzt und mittels eines Heizblocks dahingehend vereinfacht, dass Inkubationen im Wasserbad überflüssig waren. Unnötige Wartezeiten durch Vorheizen des Heizblocks wurden ausgelassen. Außerdem wurde die Temperatur auf 190 °C reduziert, weil sie für den Probenaufschluss ausreichend war. Da bei dieser Temperatur die Teflon-beschichteten Deckel der Probenröhrchen geschont wurden, konnten sie für mehrere Versuchsreihen eingesetzt werden. Dies führte zu einer weiteren Kosteneinsparung. Bei der Zugabe von rauchender Salzsäure zu den Proben wurden potenzielle Selenverluste durch Ausspülen der Deckel vermieden. Die Reduktion erfolgte mit offenen Probenröhrchen, was zusätzlich das Abrauchen von überschüssiger Salpetersäure bewirkte. Die Waschvorgänge der DAN-Lösung konnten auf 3 Durchgänge reduziert werden, da sich die Ergebnisse gut mit den Resultaten decken, die man mit den von Koh und Benson [56] verwendeten 4 Waschvorgängen erhielt. Die in der Literatur widersprüchlich diskutierte Frage eines pH-Wert-Einflusses auf die Piazselenolbildung wurde auch für die hier beschriebene Methode erörtert. In Übereinstimmung mit Koh und Benson [56] wurde auch bei der optimierten Methode keine Einstellung des pH-Wertes vorgenommen. Im Gegensatz zu der von Koh und Benson [56] beschriebenen Methode erfolgte in dem hier beschriebenen Verfahren die Zugabe von Cyclohexan zur Extraktion erst nach der Piazselenolbildung, da dadurch die Werte der Standardabweichung erheblich gesenkt werden konnten. Die weitere Optimierung des Extraktionsprozesses beinhaltete den zusätzlichen Gebrauch eines Vibrofix. Entgegen der von Koh und Benson [56] postulierten Unabhängigkeit des Piazselenols gegenüber Lichteinwirkung, ergaben die Untersuchungen zur Lichtempfindlichkeit in dieser Arbeit, dass das Piazselenol direkter Lichteinwirkung nicht ausgesetzt werden sollte. Aus diesem Grund empfiehlt es sich auch, die spektrofluorimetrische Messung derselben Probe nur ein Mal durchzuführen. Die Einstellungen des Perkin-Elmer Modells zur spektrofluorimetrischen Messung erwiesen sich als optimal bei einer Spaltbreite für die Excitation von 2,5 nm, einer Spaltbreite für die Emission von 10 nm, 364 nm für die Excitation, 520 nm für die Emission und einer Integrationszeit von 1 Sekunde. Die Versuche zur Validierung zeigten, dass die hier beschriebene Methode eine zuverlässige und gut reproduzierbare Bestimmung der Selenkonzentration ermöglicht, deren Ergebnisse gut mit denen von standardisierten Referenzsubstanzen übereinstimmen. Ein Selenverlust tritt nicht auf; zu den Proben zugesetztes Selen wird vollständig nachgewiesen. Auch in organischen Verbindungen gebundenes Selen kann gänzlich aus den Verbindungen gelöst und nachgewiesen werden. N2 - Background: In this study we describe an optimized spectrofluorimetric method for selenium detection in plasma, serum, urine, or tissue. The method bases on a publication by Koh and Benson in 1982 [1]. Methods: Only 400 µL of a sample are necessary to detect the amount of selenium in a specimen with great precision. Samples are digested with HNO3 / HClO4, then Se (VI) is reduced to Se (IV) with 11,6 M HCl. After adding EDTA as a masking agent, a DAN solution is added, thereby initializing the crucial step of the method: 2,3-DAN and Se (IV) react to form a piazselenol. Then, the piazselenol is extracted with cyclohexane and can finally be detected quantitatively by spectrofluorimetry. Results: Precision of this method (intra-& inter-assay variation)…Recovery of radioactively marked 75Se was 86,4%, selenium from organic compounds was recovered to 100%, and 98,8% of selenium contained in standardized serum were detected with our method. The lower limit of detection for the presented method lies at 3 µg/L. Conclusions: Compared to other methods employed for selenium detection, such as AAS and NAA, the method described in this study presents itsself as a very sensitive, inexpensive, and time-efficient alternative. KW - Selen KW - Spektrofluorimetrie KW - Dialyse KW - Piazselenol KW - selenium KW - spectrofluorimetry KW - dialysis KW - piazselenol Y1 - 2003 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-7882 ER - TY - THES A1 - Utech, Katrin T1 - Gibt es eine parakrine Regulation der 5'Deiodasen in der thyrotrophen Zelllinie TalphaT1? T1 - is there a paracrine regulation of 5’iodothyronine deiodinases in TaT1 cells? N2 - Ziel der Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Fragestellung, ob eine parakrin gesteuerte Kommunikationsebene zwischen thyrotropen TaT1-Zellen und follikulostellaren TtT/GF-Zellen der Hypophyse besteht. Es konnten gegenseitig modulierende Effekte von TtT/GF- und TaT1-Zellen beobachtet werden, die bei der Entstehung und/oder Aufrechterhaltung eines gestörten TSH Feedback in pathologischen Zuständen beteiligt sein könnten. Die daraus folgenden Veränderungen in den Funktionen auf der Ebene der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Schilddrüsen-Achse unterstreichen die wichtige Funktion der Hypophyse als übergeordnetes Organ in der Regulation von Körperfunktionen. Zudem lassen die gewonnenen Daten auch im Zusammenhang mit anderen verfügbaren Modellen darauf schließen, dass es eine wichtige Kommunikationsebene gibt zwischen Immunsystem und der Schilddrüsenhormonachse, die in bestimmten Situationen wie z.B. Stress, Infektionen und Entzündungssituationen beide Systeme auf der Ebene der Adenohypophyse miteinander interagieren lassen. N2 - The aim was to study the question, if a paracrine communication exists between thyrotrophe TaT1 cells and follikulostelate TtT/GF cells of the anterior pituitary gland. Our findings show a bidirectional modulatory effect of TtT/GF cells and TaT1 cells, leading to the assumption, that those effects could be responsible for the deranged negative feedback regulation of TSH in the euthyroid sick syndrome. KW - Deiodasen KW - Zytokine KW - intrahypophysäre Kommunikation KW - Nieder T3 Syndrom KW - iodothyronine deiodinases KW - cytokine KW - intrapituitary communication KW - sick euthyroid syndrome Y1 - 2005 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-14488 ER - TY - THES A1 - Sieprath, Ute T1 - Spektrofluorimetrische Selenbestimmung in Urinproben T1 - Spectrofluorimetric measurement of selenium in urine N2 - Das Spurenelement Selen ist in den letzten Jahren in den Mittelpunkt klinischen Interesses gerückt. Diverse Krankheiten lassen sich mit einem Selenmangel in Verbindung bringen. In einigen Studien wird durch Selenzufuhr eine Senkung der Tumorinzidenz beobachtet und in der Intensivmedizin wird Natriumselenit zur Senkung der Mortalität bei akuter Pankreatitis oder bei der SIRS/ Sepsis verwendet. Um den Selenstatus von Patienten zu erfassen, wird in der Klinik die Routinemethodik der Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie mit Serumproben durchgeführt. In den Untersuchungen von Christina N. Stober [29] wird allerdings gezeigt, dass die Methode der Spektrofluorimetrie sehr gut mit diesem Verfahren konkurrieren kann und in einer optimierten Durchführung sogar einfacher und kostengünstiger ist. Diese optimierte Methode der Spektrofluorimetrie, die auf der Grundlage der Arbeit von Koh und Benson [27] entstand, wurde in der hier vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit auf die Anwendbarkeit mit Urinproben untersucht; In Ausführung eines Pilotprojektes wurde in dieser Arbeit der Selengehalt von 100 Kinderurinproben in Dreifachbestimmung untersucht. Einer der ersten Schritte war die Bestimmung der unteren Nachweisgrenze für Selenwerte in Urinproben. Mittels des sogenannten Inter-Assays, bei dem die Selenkonzentration derselben Urinproben an mehreren Tagen gemessen wur-den, wurde als untere Nachweisgrenze ein Wert der Selenkonzentration von 7,5 µg/l festgestellt. Selenkonzentrationen, die unter dieser Nachweisgrenze lagen, konnten mit der optimierten Analysemethode der Spektrofluorimetrie nicht präzise und reproduzierbar ermittelt werden. Bei der Mehrzahl der untersuchten Urine lag der Selengehalt über dieser unteren Nachweisgrenze von 7,5 µg/l, bewegte sich also in einem gut detektierbaren Messbereich. Nur bei drei Urinproben lag die Selenkonzentration unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze, bei allen restlichen Urinproben konnte der Selengehalt präzise und reproduzierbar mit der optimierten Methode erfasst werden. In 57 Prozent dieser Fälle bewegten sich die Messergebnisse im Wertebereich von 20 bis 35 µg/l. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die optimierte Methode der Spektrofluorimetrie zur genauen Selenbestimmung in Urinproben geeignet ist. Der Hauptaspekt der Arbeit, die Anwendbarkeit des optimierten Analyseverfahrens auf Urinproben, wurde durch entsprechende Versuchsansätze auch statistisch untersucht. Um die optimierte Analysemethode für die Anwendung auf Urinproben zu validieren, wurden zunächst standardisierte externe Referenz-Urine gemessen, dann verschiedene organische Verbindungen auf ihren Selengehalt untersucht und schließlich überprüft, ob Störsubstanzen im Urin die Messergebnisse verfälschen. Im 1. Schritt wurden standardisierte Referenzsubstanzen reproduzierbar und mit statistisch definierter Richtigkeit vermessen. Damit wurden immanente systemische Fehler bei der Methodik ausgeschlossen. Aus den organischen Verbindungen Selenocystein und Selenomethionin konnte das Selen spektrofluorimetrisch zu beinahe 100% wiedergefunden werden. Da im Urin selenhaltige Aminosäuren wie Selenomethionin ausgeschieden werden, ist es von großer Wichtigkeit, dass das Messverfahren dieses in Bindung vorliegende Selen richtig erfasst. Die Richtigkeit der optimierten Methode der Spektrofluorimetrie bei der Messung der Selenkonzentration in Urinproben konnte somit nachgewiesen werden. In einem weiteren Versuchsansatz wurden die häufigsten Ionen im Urin, nämlich Kalium, Natrium und Phosphat, auf ihren möglichen Störeinfluss auf die Selenmessung hin untersucht. Albumin, das ebenfalls im Urin erscheint, wurde ebenfalls dieser Fragestellung unterzogen. In den mit den diversen Salzen ver-setzten Urinproben konnten bei der Selenmessung kein Störeinfluss beobachtet werden. Die Selenkonzentration der Urinproben mit dem zugesetzten Protein nahm entsprechend der Albuminmengen linear zu. Diese Beobachtung ließ sich direkt auf den im Albumin vorhandenen Selengehalt zurückführen. Damit war ein Störeinfluss des Albumins bei der Selenmessung ebenfalls ausgeschlossen. Neben der Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit der optimierten Methode der Spektrofluorimetrie auf Urinproben, der Hauptaufgabenstellung dieser Promotionsarbeit, wurde auch - als Nebenaspekt - ein epidemiologischer Ansatz verfolgt: Um die regionale Selenversorgung in Franken zu untersuchen, wurden 100 Kinder-Urine aus einem Würzburger Gymnasium herangezogen. Aus den Messungen ließ sich für die Region Franken der Mittelwert 29,3 und die Stan-dardabweichung +/- 1,2 µg/l bei einem 95% Konfidenzintervall von 27,8 bis 30,8 µg/l für die Selenkonzentration in Urin angeben. Um aus diesem Mittelwert eine epidemiologisch fundierte Aussage über die Selenversorgung in Franken abzuleiten, war einerseits dieses Pilotprojekt mit 100 Proben noch zu klein, andererseits ist keine verbindliche untere Grenze für eine ausreichende Selenkonzentration im Urin bekannt. Über einen Selenmangel läßt sich bei fehlenden Vergleichsdaten kaum eine Aussage treffen. Standardwerte für den Selengehalt im Urin, die einen Selenmangel anzeigen würden, sind nicht bekannt. Nimmt man die Daten einer Untersuchung mit gesunden Kindern in Deutschland aus dem Jahre 1997 zum Vergleich, liegen die Messergebnisse dieser Arbeit im Durchschnitt etwas höher. Damit ist für die Region Franken eine bessere Selenversorgung zumindest im bundesweiten Vergleich gegeben. Eine Gruppe der Kinder wies eine auffällig höhere Selenversorgung auf. Dies könnte auf eine bessere Selenversorgung aufgrund hochwertigerer und ausgewogener Ernährung hinweisen. Vielleicht hatten diese Probanden aber nur unmittelbar vor der Urinabgabe selenhaltige Nahrung zu sich genommen. Die Jodkonzentrationen aus den vorliegenden pädiatrischen Urinproben waren aus einer früheren Studie bekannt. Beim Vergleich der Selen- mit den Jod-Daten war eine Korrelation erkennbar, jedoch lag der Wert des Korrelationskoeffizienten unter 0,8 und war damit für eine fundiere Aussage statistisch unzureichend. Nur ein einziger Proband fiel bei einer mittleren Selenkonzentration durch eine auffällig hohe Jodkonzentration auf. Dies könnte man durch eine Jod-Supplementation dieses Schülers erklären. Die Frage, ob Selen im Urin aussagekräftig für den gesamten Selenhaushalt des Körpers ist, muss weitergehend untersucht werden. In der Fachliteratur wird der Selengesamtstatus oft mit den Serumwerten veranschaulicht. Unklar ist, ob Selen entsprechend der Höhe im Blut auch im Urin erscheint. Hierzu wurde ein Versuchsansatz in beschränktem Umfang mit 13 Probanden durchgeführt; es wurden die Selenkonzentrationen im Urin und im Serum der Probanden miteinander verglichen. Ein signifikanter Zusammenhang war jedoch nicht ersichtlich. Diese Schlussfolgerung ist aufgrund der geringen Probenzahl allerdings nicht ausreichend fundiert und bedarf eines umfangreicheren Experimentes. In einer groß angelegten Untersuchung wird bei Combs et al. [60] eine positive Korrelation zwischen der Selenzufuhr und der Ausscheidung im Urin beschrieben. Allerdings wurden nicht die Selenwerte im Blut und Urin miteinander verglichen. So könnte das aufgenommene Selen auch zunächst in die organischen Selenspeicher gelangen und demzufolge nur das überflüssige Selen im Harn erscheinen. Für weitere Experimente in diese Richtung ist die Selenmessung im 24-Stunden-Urin und in mehreren, über den Tag hinweg gewonnenen Blutproben zu empfehlen, da Messungen im Blut und Urin sonst nur Momentanaufnahmen darstellen. Die Hauptmotivation dieser Promotionsarbeit war der Nachweis, dass die optimierte Methode der Spektrofluorimetrie zur genauen Messung des Selengehaltes in Urinproben geeignet ist. Da von Kindern leichter Urin als Blut abgenommen werden kann, ist eine solche Selenmessung in Urin generell von Vorteil. Mit diesem Nachweis ist die Voraussetzung geschaffen, weitergehende epidemiologische Untersuchungen durchzuführen. Im Ausblick auf zukünftige epidemiologische Untersuchungen könnten die Proben mit wenig Aufwand gewonnen werden und es wären auch mehr Probanden zur Teilnahme bereit. Da die wichtige Frage nach der Aussagefähigkeit der Selenkonzentration im Urin in Bezug zum Selen-Gesamtkörperstatus in dieser Arbeit nicht hinreichend geklärt werden konnte, müssen zunächst weitergehende einschlägige Untersuchungen zu dieser wichtigen Fragestellung durchgeführt werden. N2 - Selenium is an essential trace element and responsible for diverse functions in the human body. In this dissertation the method of spectrofluorimetrie for measuring selenium in urine has been statistically validatet and the question of a deficiency of selenium in children of the region "Franken" has been examinated. KW - Selen KW - Spektrofluorimetrie KW - Urin KW - selenium KW - spectrofluorimetrie KW - urine Y1 - 2006 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-17760 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schenkhoff, Felix Stephan T1 - Herstellung und Charakterisierung multifunktioneller Fusionsproteine des membranständigen Fas-Liganden und des membranständigen CD40-Liganden T1 - Development and Characterization of multifunctional fusionproteins of the membranous Fas-ligand and of the membranous CD40-ligand N2 - TNF-Liganden liegen primär in membranständiger Form mit trimerer Struktur vor und die meisten von ihnen können sekundär durch Metalloproteasen in lösliche trimere Liganden prozessiert werden. Während membranständige Formen der TNF-Liganden ihre korrespondierenden Rezeptoren aktivieren können, sind die löslichen Varianten einzelner TNF-Liganden unterschiedlich aktiv beziehungsweise inaktiv an den korrespondierenden Rezeptoren, obwohl sie ebenfalls zur Bindung in der Lage sind. Dies konnte bereits in Studien für TNF und TRAIL gezeigt werden. Die Unterschiede zwischen löslichen Varianten und der membranständigen Form des Liganden betreffen sowohl die Rezeptorselektivität als auch den Aktivierungsgrad am Rezeptor bis hin zu völliger Inaktivität der löslichen Form. Unterschiede finden sich jedoch nicht nur hinsichtlich der Aktivität, sondern auch in der Interaktion des Liganden mit dem Rezeptor. Für die membranständige und die lösliche Form von FasL konnten Unterschiede in der Notwendigkeit intrazellulärer Signalmoleküle bei der Ausbildung Ligand-induzierter Rezeptorsignalcluster gezeigt werden. Für die lösliche und membranständige Form des CD40L werden eine unterschiedliche Rezeptorinternalisierung und eine unterschiedliche Rekrutierung von TRAF-Molekülen angenommen. Bisherige Arbeiten zur Untersuchung der Rezeptor-Ligand-Interaktion stützen sich meist auf lösliche Varianten von TNF-Liganden, die durch artifizielle Multimerisierung oder Antikörper-induzierte Quervernetzung sekundär aktiviert werden müssen. Um für die Untersuchung der Rezeptor-Ligand-Interaktion in Zukunft realitätsnähere Bedingungen zu schaffen, sollten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit multifunktionelle Fusionsproteine des membranständigen FasL und CD40L hergestellt und charakterisiert werden. Die Fusionsproteine wurden im Rahmen der Klonierung so konstruiert, dass von der aminoterminalen Seite beginnend eine GST-Domäne, ein Flag-Tag, ein YFP-Tag und abschließend die vollständige membranständige Form des Liganden (FasL oder CD40L) aneinander gefügt wurden. In FACS-Analysen konnte sowohl die Funktion des YFP-Tag als auch die korrekte Expression des Liganden an der Zelloberfläche durch spezifische Antikörperfärbung nachgewiesen werden. Die funktionelle Aktivität der Liganden wurde durch IL-8-Induktion gezeigt, die eine Aktivierung des NFB-Signalweges durch die GST-Fusionsproteine des membranständigen FasL und des membranständigen CD40L beweist. Im Rahmen von Immunopräzipitationen wurde die Möglichkeit der Detektion der Fusionsproteine über ihr Flag-Tag getestet. Für das in GST-pull-down-Assays genauer untersuchte membranständige GST-Flag-YFP-CD40L-Fusionsprotein gelang eine Koimmunopräzipitation mit dem im Rezeptorkomplex gebundenen TRAF2. Für dieses in der Signaltransduktion des CD40 entscheidende Molekül konnte seine transiente Interaktion mit dem Rezeptorsignalkomplex sowie eine Veränderung in der Assoziation an den Rezeptor durch TNF-abhängige TRAF1-Induktion gezeigt werden. Im Zusammenhang der mit der Rezeptoraktivierung oftmals gleichgesetzten Bildung von Rezeptorsignalclustern durch den entsprechenden TNF-Liganden war die Beobachtung interessant, dass das Konstrukt GST-Flag-YFP-CD40L im Gegensatz zum analog konstruierten GST-Flag-YFP-FasL nicht in der Lage war, Signalcluster des korrespondierenden Rezeptors zu erzeugen, aber dennoch fähig war, eine Rezeptoraktivierung zu bewirken. Hinsichtlich der Untersuchung von Unterschieden in der Rezeptor-Ligand-Interaktion von löslichen und membranständigen Formen sind für FasL und CD40L noch viele Fragen offen, die beispielsweise auch die Stabilität von Rezeptorsignalclustern betreffen. Die in dieser Arbeit erzeugten und charakterisierten multifunktionellen Fusionsproteine sollten helfen, neue Erkenntnisse bezüglich der molekularen Grundlagen der Rezeptor-Ligand-Interaktion zu erzielen. N2 - TNF ligands primary are membranous ligands with a trimeric structure and the most of them can be cleaved to soluble trimeric forms by metalloproteases secondarily. While membranous forms of TNF ligands can activate their corresponding receptors, soluble variants ot some TNF ligands are insufficient for full activity or totally inactive. Nevertheless these variants are able to bind the corresponding receptor properly. This already could be shown in experiments with TNF and TRAIL. The differences between soluble variants and the membranous form of TNF ligands concern their receptor selectivity as well as their degree of activity at the receptor. There also are differences regarding the interaction itself between ligand and receptor. Comparing the membranous and the soluble form of Fas ligand there could be shown differences in terms of dependency for intracellular signaling moleculs regarding the formation of ligand induced clustering of the receptor. The soluble and the membranous form of CD40 ligand are supposed to have differences in receptor internalization and recruting of TRAF molecules. Previous research concentrating on receptor ligand interactions often is based on soluble variants of TNF ligands that have to be activated by artificial multimerization or antibody dependent aggregation. To provide more realistic conditions for the analysis of receptor ligand interactions, multifunctional fusionproteins of the membranous Fas ligand and the membranous CD40 ligand should be developed and characterized in this dissertation. Starting from the N-terminal end the fusionproteins contain a GST-domain, a Flag-tag, a YFP-tag and the complete membranous form of the ligand. In FACS analysis the activity of the YFP-tag as well as the correct expression of the ligand on the cell membrane could be demonstrated by specific antibody staining. The functional activity of the ligand itself has been shown by IL-8-induction, that proves the sucessful activation of the NFB signaling pathway by GST-fusionproteins of the membranous Fas ligand and the membranous CD40 ligand. In the context of immunoprecipitations the possibility of detection of the fusionproteins by Flag-tag has been tested. Concerning the GST-pull-down-assays of the fusionprotein GST-Flag-YFP-CD40L a coimmunoprecipitation with the intracellular adaptor protein TRAF2 could be shown. A transient interaction of TRAF2 with the receptor signaling complex as well as a change of its association with the receptor by TNF-induced TRAF1 upregulation also could be demonstrated. In context with the formation of high molecular receptor clusters that are often equated with receptor activation the observation was interesting that GST-Flag-YFP-CD40L in contrast to the analogous constructed GST-Flag-YFP-FasL could not induce signalling cluster of the corresponding receptor, but still was able to induce receptor activation. Regarding the analysis of differences in receptor ligand interaction between soluble and membranous forms of Fas ligand and CD40 ligand there are still many questions that have to be answered, e.g. in terms of stability of induced receptor clustering. The multifunctional fusionproteins provided by this dissertation shall contribute to gain new findings in respect of molecular fundamentals of the receptor ligand interaction. KW - Tumor-Necrose-Faktor KW - Entzündung KW - Apoptose KW - TNF-Superfamilie KW - CD40-Ligand KW - Fas-Ligand KW - Rezeptorsignalkomplexe KW - TNF superfamily KW - CD40L KW - FasL KW - receptor cluster Y1 - 2007 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-25978 SN - xxx ER - TY - THES A1 - Warnke, Clemens T1 - Mechanismen TNF-induzierter Genexpression T1 - Mechanisms of TNF-induced gene expression N2 - TNF wird zunächst als TypII-Transmembranprotein (mTNF) gebildet und erst anschließend durch spezifische Spaltung durch die Metalloprotease TACE zum löslichen Zytokin sTNF prozessiert. Da mTNF der alleinige Hauptaktivator des TNFR2 ist und sich bisherige Untersuchungen zum TNF-Signaling weitgehend auf sTNF konzentrierten, ist vergleichsweise wenig über TNFR2-vermittelte Signaltransduktion bekannt. An TNFR1 sind dagegen beide TNF-Varianten bioaktiv. Trotz intensiver Untersuchung des TNFR1-Signaling sind jedoch auch hier viele Fragen noch unbeantwortet. Derzeit existieren deshalb zum TNFR1-Signaling zwei verschiedene Modellvorstellungen nebeneinander. Im ersten Modell, dem Modell der Kompartmentalisation, bindet TRADD erst nach Rezeptorinternalisierung an TNFR1, genauso wie FADD und Caspase-8. Die Rezeptorinternalisierung nach Ligandenbindung gilt hier daher als Voraussetzung für die TRADD-Rekrutierung und für die Apoptoseinduktion. Im zweiten Modell, dem Modell zweier sequentiell arbeitender Signalkomplexe, bindet TRADD dagegen bereits im membrangebundenen Signalkomplex an TNFR1. Anschließend dissoziiert TRADD vom Rezeptor, um im Zytoplasma einen zweiten, apoptoseinduzierenden Komplex mit FADD und Caspase-8 zu formen. Um mehr über TNFR2 zu erfahren und um das TNFR1-Signaling besser zu verstehen, wurden in dieser Arbeit die Signaltransduktion und die Geninduktion über TNFR1 und TNFR2 nach Stimulation mit mTNF untersucht. Ziel war es letztlich, eine Methode zu etablieren, die es erlaubt, membrangebundene TNFR1- und TNFR2-Signalkomplexe getrennt zu isolieren. Dazu wurden zunächst nicht zu sTNF spaltbare TNFR1- bzw. TNFR2-spezifische mTNF-Varianten mit GST-Tag hinsichtlich Rezeptorbindung und Rezeptoraktivierung näher charakterisiert. Die selektive Bindung dieser mTNF-Varianten an TNFR1 bzw. TNFR2 konnte gezeigt werden. Auch der Nachweis ihre Funktionalität in Versuchen zur IL8-Induktion war möglich. Mit Hilfe der TNFR1-spezifischen mTNF-Variante gelang im GST-Fishing die Koimmunopräzipitation von TNFR1, TRADD und TRAF2 und damit die Isolierung des membrangebundenen Signalkomplexes des TNFR1. Mit Hilfe einer TNFR2-spezifischen Variante konnten dagegen TNFR2 und TRAF2 koimmunopräzipitiert werden, TRADD dagegen nicht. Somit ließen sich mit den rezeptorspezifischen Varianten von mTNF die Rezeptorsignalkomplexe des TNFR1 und TNFR2 getrennt isolieren. Interessant war dabei insbesondere die TRADD-Rekrutierung an TNFR1 im membrangebundenen TNFR1-Signalkomplex. Da die Internalisierung von TNFR1 nach mTNF-Stimulation schwer vorstellbar ist, bindet TRADD offensichtlich an TNFR1, ohne dass eine Rezeptorinternalisierung Voraussetzung wäre. Damit erscheint das Modell der Kompartmentalisation zumindest für mTNF wenig plausibel. Dagegen sind die bisher für mTNF erhobenen Daten mit einer TRADD-Dissoziation vom Rezeptor vereinbar, weshalb ein Modell zweier sequentiell arbeitender Signalkomplexe durchaus auch für mTNF Gültigkeit besitzen könnte. N2 - In this dissertation, membrane bound TNF and its receptor selective muteins are shown to induce gene expression and to selectively bind to TNFR1 and TNFR2. Furthermore, in GST-Fishing experiments membrane bound TNF induced signal transduction leading to NFkB and apoptosis induction was further investigated. Two existing different models of TNFalpha induced apoptosis in the literature were compared, the model of two sequential signaling complexes and the model of compartmentalisation. In this dissertation, it was shown that the model of two sequential signaling complexes is more likely to be able to explain membrane bound TNF induced apoptosis. KW - Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor KW - Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor KW - Apoptosis KW - Entzündung KW - Zytokine KW - cytokine KW - NFkB KW - Signaltransduktion KW - cytokine KW - tnf KW - apoptosis Y1 - 2007 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-23989 ER - TY - THES A1 - Rumpf, Jost-Julian T1 - Mechanismen der TRAIL-induzierten Signaltransduktion T1 - Mechanisms of TRAIL-induced cell signaling N2 - TRAIL (TNF Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand), ein Mitglied der TNF-Ligandenfamilie, wurde bislang hauptsächlich hinsichtlich seiner dominanten Funktion als Auslöser des apoptotischen Programms untersucht. In neueren Untersuchungen konnte allerdings gezeigt werden, dass TRAIL unter bestimmten Bedingungen auch eine starke Aktivierung nicht-apoptotischer Signalwege induzieren kann. Um die Mechanismen der TRAIL-induzierten nicht-apoptotischen Signaltransduktion genauer zu untersuchen, wurde in der hier vorliegenden Arbeit besonderes Augenmerk auf die TRAIL-vermittelte Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NFkB und deren Modulation durch Interferon gamma und FLIP gelegt. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass Interferon gamma, neben einer synergistischen Wirkung hinsichtlich der TRAIL-induzierten Apoptose, unter nicht-apoptotischen Bedingungen, die durch Caspase-Inhibition oder Bcl2-Überexpression geschaffen wurden, auch eine verstärkende Wirkung auf die TRAIL-induzierten NFkB-Aktivierung in KB-Zellen entfaltet. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass FLIP, ein Inhibitor der Caspase-8-Aktivierung, dessen Expression unter anderem durch Interferon gamma reguliert wird, neben einer Apoptose-inhibierenden Wirkung auch die TRAIL-induzierte NFkB-Aktivierung in KB-Zellen inhibiert, was auf eine gemeinsame Regulation beider Mechanismen auf der Ebene des DISC (Death Inducin Signaling Complex) hindeutet. N2 - TRAIL (TNF Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand) is a member of the TNF superfamily and is primarily known for its strong apoptosis inducing capability. However, it could be shown that besides its strong apoptotic potential, TRAIL can also induce non-apoptotic signaling pathways under certain conditions. In this dissertation it is shown that interferon gamma synergistically enhances the TRAIL induced activation of NFkB under non-apoptotic conditions, which were achieved by inhibition of caspases or stable expression of Bcl2 in KB-cells. Furthermore, FLIP, an inhibitor of caspase-8-activation, which is amongst others regulated by interferon gamma, is shown not only to block TRAIL-induced apoptosis but also to inhibit TRAIL-induced NFkB-activation in KB-cells, indicating that both mechanisms are coregulated at the level of the DISC (Death Inducing Signaling Complex). KW - Interferon KW - Apoptosis KW - Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor KW - Entzündung KW - TRAIL KW - NFkB KW - cFLIP KW - Todesrezeptor KW - TRAIL KW - NFkB KW - cFLIP KW - Death Receptor Y1 - 2007 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27112 ER - TY - THES A1 - Roos, Claudia T1 - Characterization of tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK)-induced signaling pathways T1 - Charakterisierung TWEAK induzierter Signalwege N2 - TWEAK ist ein typischer Vertreter der TNF Ligandenfamilie. TWEAK wird als Typ II Transmembranprotein exprimiert, kann jedoch durch proteolytische Prozessierung auch als lösliches Protein freigesetzt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass oligomerisiertes TWEAK in Hinblick auf die Aktivierung des klassischen NFκB Signalweges deutlich aktiver ist als lösliches, trimeres TWEAK. Jedoch sind beide TWEAK-Varianten in der Lage, die Depletion von TRAF2 und die Prozessierung von p100, beides Kennzeichen für die Aktivierung des alternativen NFκB Signalweges, zu induzieren. Ebenso wie andere lösliche TNF-Liganden, die ihren entsprechenden Rezeptor nur schwach aktivieren, erlangt lösliches TWEAK durch Oligomerisierung vergleichbare Aktivität zum membrangebundenen Liganden. TRAF2 spielt eine Schlüsselrolle in der TWEAK-vermittelten NFκB Aktivierung. Durch Depletion oder Degradation von TRAF2 fällt die Entscheidung, ob lediglich der alternative oder beide, der klassische und der alternative NFκB Signalweg aktiviert werden. Die Blockade des TWEAK-Rezeptors Fn14 inhibiert die Aktivierung der NFκB Signalwege, ungeachtet welche Form von TWEAK zur Stimulation genutzt wird. Das weist darauf hin, dass die unterschiedlichen Aktivitäten der beiden TWEAK-Varianten in der Induktion des klassischen und alternativen NFκB Signalweges nicht durch die Nutzung verschiedener Rezeptoren verursacht sind. Damit wird in dieser Arbeit anhand von TWEAK zum ersten mal gezeigt, dass ein TNF Ligand in unterschiedlichen Varianten qualitativ unterschiedliche Aktivitäten des entsprechenden TNF Rezeptors auslöst. N2 - TWEAK is a typical member oft he TNF ligand family. Therefore it is initially expressed as a type II transmembrane protein, but a soluble variant can be released by proteolytic processing. In this work it is shown that oligomerized TWEAK is more competent than soluble, trimeric TWEAK regarding the activation of classical NFκB signaling pathway. However, both TWEAK variants are able to induce depletion of TRAF2 and processing of p100, which are hallmarks for the activation of the noncanonical NFκB pathway. Like other solube TNF ligands with no or poor activity on their corresponding receptor, TWEAK gains high activity upon oligomerization resembling the activity of the transmembrane ligand. TRAF2 has a key role in TWEAK-induced NFκB signaling. Depletion or degradation of TRAF2 is crucial for activation of the noncanonial or both, the classical and the noncanonical NFκB pathway. Blocking the TWEAK receptor Fn14 inhibits the activation of NFκB signaling, irrespective of the TWEAK form used for stimulation. This indicates that the different activities of the two TWEAK variants in activation of classical and noncanonical NFκB signaling are not caused by the use of different receptors. Therefore this study on TWEAK is the first reported case where one TNF ligand in different variants induces qualitatively different activities of the corresponding TNF receptor. KW - Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor KW - Signaltransduktion KW - Fn14 KW - NFkappaB KW - p100 KW - TRAF2 KW - TWEAK KW - Fn14 KW - NFkappaB KW - p100 KW - TRAF2 KW - TWEAK Y1 - 2009 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-45295 ER - TY - THES A1 - Walter, Franziska T1 - Pharmakologische Postkonditionierung mit dem Sphingosin-1-Phosphat-Rezeptoragonisten FTY 720 nach myokardialer Ischämie/Reperfusion T1 - Pharmacological pre- and postconditioning with the sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor modulator FTY 720 after myocardial ischemia-reperfusion N2 - Einleitung: Mehrere ex vivo Studien zeigten zuletzt, dass Sphingosin-1-phosphate Schutz gegen myokardiale Ischämie/ Reperfusionsschaden verleihen [19], [20]. Der synthetische Sphingosin-1-phosphat-Rezeptoragonist FTY 720 war ebenso in der Lage, Entzündungsreaktionen in verschiedenen Krankheitsmodellen zu verringern [8]. Deshalb wollten wir die Hypothese prüfen, dass eine Behandlung mit FTY 720 zu einer Infarktgrößenreduktion nach myokardialer Ischämie/ Reperfusion in vivo führt. Methode: In männlichen Wistar Ratten wurde myokardiale Ischämie dadurch induziert, dass wir die linke Koronararterie für 45 min mittels Fadenligatur verschlossen. Nach 24 h wurde die Infarktgröße bestimmt und die Granulozyteninfiltration im Infarktgebiet festgestellt. Caspase 3 Aktivität und TNF- alpha Konzentration im Myokardgewebe wurden durch ELISA ermittelt. FTY 720 wurde vor Beginn der Reperfusion i. p. appliziert oder 24 h vor Reperfusionsbeginn und nochmals direkt vor Reperfusionsbeginn. Ergebnisse: Die einmalige Gabe von 0,5 mg/kg FTY 720 vor Reperfusion oder die zusätzliche Vorbehandlung der Tiere 24 Stunden vor der operativen Infarzierung reduzierte signifikant die periphere Lymphozytenanzahl. Sie nahm keinen Einfluss auf die Granulozytenanzahl im Blut. FTY 720 reduzierte die Granulozyteninfiltration und die TNF- alpha Konzentration der Borderzone. Es hatte aber keinen Effekt auf die myokardiale Caspase 3 Aktivität. Beide Behandlungsformen, weder die FTY 720- Gabe vor Reperfusionsbeginn noch die zweimalige FTY 720- Gabe waren in der Lage, Infarktgröße am Rattenherz zu reduzieren. FTY 720 erhöhte jedoch die Sterblichkeit der Ratten, wenn es einmalig vor Reperfusionsbeginn gegeben wurde, da es fatale myokardiale Arrhythmien induzierte. Zusammenfassung: Trotz seines antiinflammatorischen Effektes bei einmaliger Gabe von FTY 720 wurde die Sterblichkeit der Tiere durch Arrhythmieinduktion erhöht. Beide Behandlungsregimes konnten die Infarktgröße nicht reduzieren. N2 - Objective: Several recent experiments demonstrated that the Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor agonist FTY720 improves recovery of function after myocardial ischemia-reperfusion ex vivo. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that pharmacological postconditioning with FTY720 reduces infarct size after myocardial ischemia-reperfusion in vivo. Methods: Myocardial ischemia was induced in Wistar rats by ligating the left coronary artery for 45 minutes. After 24 hours reperfusion, we determined infarct size by TTC staining and granulocyte infiltration by immunohistochemistry. Serum and myocardial TNF-α concentration was determined by ELISA. FTY720 (0.5 mg/ kg) was applied i.p. either once, with reperfusion, or twice, 24 hours before myocardial ischemia and before reperfusion. Results: In both groups, FTY720 significantly reduced peripheral lymphocyte count in peripheral blood. FTY720 treatment attenuated granulocyte infiltration and TNF-α protein expression in reperfused myocardium. However, both treatment regimens were not able to reduce infarct size. FTY720 increased mortality due to induction of fatal ventricular tachyarrhythmias when administered once with reperfusion, but not when given 24 hours prior to ischemia. Conclusion: Despite anti-inflammatory effects, postconditioning treatment with FTY720 does not reduce infarct size but increases mortality during myocardial ischemia-reperfusion. Pre-treatment with FTY720 before ischemia abrogated the deleterious pro-arrhythmic effects without reducing infarct size KW - FTY 720 KW - Postkonditionierung KW - Ischämie/ Reperfusion KW - FTY 720 KW - Postconditioning KW - Ischemia/ Reperfusion Y1 - 2009 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46402 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schaffstein, Stella T1 - Molekulare Mechanismen der nicht-apoptotischen Signaltransduktion des Todesliganden TRAIL (Apo-2 Ligand) T1 - Molecular mechanisms of non-apoptotic signaling of the death-ligand TRAIL (Apo-2 ligand) N2 - TRAIL (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand)/Apo-2 Ligand ist ein Mitglied der TNF (tumor necrosis factor)-Superfamilie, das in den vergangenen Jahren als potentielles Tumortherapeutikum breite Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen hat. Denn über seine korrespondierenden Todesrezeptoren induziert TRAIL vornehmlich in Tumorzellen den apoptotischen Zelltod, während normale Zellen unbeschadet bleiben (Ashkenazi et al., 1999; Walczak et al., 1999; Griffith et al., 1998). Neuere Studien belegen allerdings, dass die TRAIL-Todesrezeptoren neben ihrer herausragenden Funktion als Auslöser der Apoptose zusätzlich die Fähigkeit zur Aktivierung nicht-apoptotischer Signalwege besitzen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden vornehmlich die nicht-apoptotischen Signalwege wie die MAPK-Kaskaden sowie die NFkappaB-Signalwege in Verbindung mit der Aktivierung von Apoptose sowie der Induktion des Chemokins IL-8 analysiert. Hierfür wurde die humane Pankreasadenokarzinomzellinie Colo 357 verwendet. In den Experimenten konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass TRAIL die MAP Kinasen JNK, ERK und p38 in Colo 357 Zellen induziert. Die Induktion erfolgte hierbei unabhängig vom apoptotischen Zelltod aber abhängig von der Aktivierung der Caspasen. Desweiteren konnte eine TRAIL-vermittelte Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NFkappaB in Colo 357 Zellen demonstriert werden. Anhand von ELISA-Experimenten wurde gezeigt, dass sowohl die Aktivierung der MAP Kinasen als auch die Aktivierung von NFkappaB eine essentielle Rolle bei der TRAIL-vermittelten Induktion von IL-8 spielen. Durch die Induktion von IL-8 wiederum kann TRAIL inflammatorische Effekte induzieren. Im Hinblick auf eine potentielle Tumortherapie mit TRAIL legen die Daten dieser Studie die Notwendigkeit von Kombinationstherapien mit TRAIL nahe. So kann durch die Kombination von TRAIL mit anti-inflammatorisch wirkenden Medikamenten eine Reduktion entzündlicher Nebenwirkungen erzielt werden. Andererseits kann durch Verwendung von TRAIL zusammen mit Proteasom-Inhibitoren die Resistenz gegenüber TRAIL-vermittelter Apoptose vermindert werden und gleichzeitig eine anti-inflammatorische und NFkappaB-hemmende Wirkung erzielt werden. N2 - TRAIL (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand), also known as Apo-2 ligand, is one of several members of the TNF (tumor necrosis factor) superfamily that induce apoptosis through engagement of death receptors (Wiley et al., 1995). This protein has generated tremendous excitement as a potential tumor-specific cancer therapeutic because it selectively induces apoptosis in many transformed cells but not in normal cells (Ashkenazi et al., 1999; Walczak et al., 1999; Griffith et al., 1998). Since its discovery in 1995, TRAIL has been predominantly described as a potent inducer of apoptosis with functions in tumor surveillance and immune privilege through binding of its corresponding death receptors. More recent studies however point to additional, apoptosis-independent functions of the TRAIL-death-receptors. The experiments described in this study focused mainly on TRAIL-mediated activation of the non-apoptotic signaling pathways as the MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) cascades and the transcriptional factor NFkappaB in connection with the induction of apoptotic cell death as well as the induction of the chemokine IL-8. For the described project the human pancreatic cancer cell line Colo 357 was predominantely used. The experiments demonstrated that TRAIL induces the activation of the MAPK cascades JNK, ERK and p38 in Colo 357 cells. This induction occured independently of the induction of apoptotic cell death but dependently of the activation of caspases. Furthermore a TRAIL-mediated activation of the transcriptional factor NFkappaB was demonstrated in Colo 357 cells. Both the activation of the MAP kinase JNK and the induction of NFkappaB were shown to play a decisive role in the TRAIL-induced expression of the chemokine IL-8. In correspondance to potential tumor-specific cancer therapy with TRAIL the data of this study suggest the use of combintion therapies of TRAIL, on the one hand combination with anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid side effects arising from the proinflammatory potential of TRAIL and on the other hand combintaion with drugs to overcome resistance against TRAIL-mediated apoptosis such as proteasomal inhibitors which were shown to not only reinforce TRAIL-mediated apoptosis but also have anti-inflammatory and NFkappaB inhibitory effects. KW - Apoptosis KW - TRAIL KW - Apoptose KW - c-Jun N-terminale Kinase KW - NFkappaB KW - Interleukin 8 KW - TRAIL KW - apoptosis KW - c-Jun N-terminal kinase KW - NFkappaB KW - interleukine 8 Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55943 ER - TY - THES A1 - Salzmann, Steffen T1 - Regulation der TNF-Rezeptor Signaltransduktion durch das Zytokin TWEAK T1 - Regulation of the TNF-receptor signaltransduction through the cytokine TWEAK N2 - Das pleiotrope Zytokin TNF (tumor necrosis factor) kann an den TNF-Rezeptor 1 (TNFR1) und den TNF-Rezeptor 2 (TNFR2) binden und mit deren Hilfe seine biologischen Funktionen über verschiedene Signalwege, wie z.B. NFB- und MAPK-Aktivierung bzw. Apop¬toseinduktion, vermitteln. In früheren Arbeiten konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Aktivierung des TNFR2 zur proteasomalen Degradation des Adaterproteins TRAF2 führt und dadurch die TNFR1-induzierte Apoptose verstärkt wird. TWEAK (tumor necrosis like weak inducer of apoptosis), das ebenfalls der TNF-Ligandenfamilie angehört und die Interaktion mit dessen Rezeptor Fn14 (fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14), der wie der TNFR2 zur Untergruppe der TRAF-bindenden Rezeptoren der TNF-Rezeptorfamilie gehört, zeigten in verschiedenen Arbeiten auch eine TRAF2-degradierende Wirkung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte nun gezeigt werden, dass dies auch im Falle des TWEAK/Fn14-Systems mit einem verstärkenden Effekt auf die TNFR1-vermittelte Apoptose einhergeht. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass TWEAK zusätzlich auch die TNFR1-induzierte Nekrose verstärkt, die den Zelltod durch andere Mechanismen als bei der Apoptose induziert. Von anderen Arbeiten unserer Gruppe war bekannt, dass lösliches TWEAK (sTWEAK) und membranständiges TWEAK (mTWEAK) bezüglich der TRAF2-Depletion wirkungs¬gleich sind. Da der apoptotische Fn14-TNFR1-„crosstalk“ auf der Depletion von TRAF2-Komplexen beruht wurden auch keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen sTWEAK und mTWEAK in Bezug auf die Verstärkung der TNFR1-induzierten Apoptose beobachtet. Interessanter¬weise zeigte sich in der vorliegenden Arbeit jedoch, dass sTWEAK den klassischen NFB-Signalweg gar nicht bzw. nur schwach aktiviert, wohingegen mTWEAK diesen stark induziert. Bei der Aktivierung des alternativen NFB-Signalweges hingegen ließen sich keine Unterschiede zwischen sTWEAK und mTWEAK erkennen. Die Aktivierung eines Signalweges wird also durch die Oligomerisierung des Liganden nicht moduliert, demgegenüber aber erwies sich die Aktivierung eines anderen Signalweges als stark abhängig von der Liganden-Oligomerisierung. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass das Adapterprotein TRAF1 (TNF-receptor-associated factor 1) Heterotrimere mit TRAF2 bildet, wurde weiterhin untersucht, ob dieses Molekül einen Einfluss auf die Aktivität der TWEAK-induzierten Signalwege hat. Tatsächlich zeigte sich in TRAF1-exprimie¬renden Zellen eine Verstärkung der TWEAK-induzierten Aktivierung des klassischen NFB-Signalweges Zukünftige Studien müssen nun aufklären, inwieweit die hier gefundenen Mecha-nismen das Zusammenspiel von TNF und TWEAK in vivo bestimmen. N2 - The pleiotropic cytokine TNF (tumor necrosis factor) binds to two receptors, TNF-receptor 1 (TNFR1) and TNF-receptor 2 (TNFR2). TNF elicits its biological functions through different signaling pathways, e.g. NFB- and MAPK-activation and induction of apoptosis. Previous studies revealed that activation of TNFR2 leads to protea¬somal degradation of the adaptor protein TRAF2 and enhanced TNFR1-induced apoptosis. TWEAK (tumor necrosis like weak inducer of apoptosis), a member of the TNF-ligand family and Fn14 which belongs like TNFR2 to the TRAF-binding subgroup of the TNF-receptor family, showed also a TRAF2-degrading effect. In the present thesis it is shown that this is also associated with an enhancement of TNFR1-mediated apoptosis. Furthermore, it was shown that TWEAK also amplifies TNFR1-induced necrosis, a form of cell death that is induced independently and by different mechanisms than apoptosis. In earlier studies in our group it was found that soluble TWEAK (sTWEAK) and membrane bound TWEAK (mTWEAK) have the same TRAF2-depleting effect. Because the apoptotic crosstalk of Fn14 and TNFR1 bases on the depletion of TRAF2-containing complexes, there were no significant differences observed between sTWEAK and mTWEAK concerning the enhancement of TNFR1-induced apoptosis. Interestingly, it was shown in this thesis that sTWEAK can activate the classical NFB pathway not or just weak, whereas mTWEAK can do this very efficiently. However there were no differences between sTWEAK and mTWEAK in the activa¬tion of the alternative NFB pathway. Thus the activation of one type of signaling pathway is therefore not modulated through ligand oligomerisation, but in contrast the activation of another pathway turned out to be strongly dependent of ligand oligomerisation. It is known that the adaptor protein TRAF1 (TNF-receptor-associated factor 1) builds heterotrimers with TRAF2. It was furthermore investiga-ted, whether this molecule has an influence on the activity of TWEAK-induced pathways. Actually there was increased activity in TWEAK-mediated classical NFB signaling observed in TRAF1-expressing cells. Further studies have to clarify to which extend the here found mechanisms affect the TNF-TWEAK interplay in vivo. KW - Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor KW - Signaltransduktion KW - TNF KW - TWEAK Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-52525 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Seher, Axel A1 - Nickel, Joachim A1 - Mueller, Thomas D. A1 - Kneitz, Susanne A1 - Gebhardt, Susanne A1 - Meyer ter Vehn, Tobias A1 - Schlunck, Guenther A1 - Sebald, Walter T1 - Gene expression profiling of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) stimulated primary human tenon fibroblasts reveals an inflammatory and wound healing response in vitro JF - Molecular Vision N2 - Purpose: The biologic relevance of human connective tissue growth factor (hCTGF) for primary human tenon fibroblasts (HTFs) was investigated by RNA expression profiling using affymetrix (TM) oligonucleotide array technology to identify genes that are regulated by hCTGF. Methods: Recombinant hCTGF was expressed in HEK293T cells and purified by affinity and gel chromatography. Specificity and biologic activity of hCTGF was confirmed by biosensor interaction analysis and proliferation assays. For RNA expression profiling HTFs were stimulated with hCTGF for 48h and analyzed using affymetrix (TM) oligonucleotide array technology. Results were validated by real time RT-PCR. Results: hCTGF induces various groups of genes responsible for a wound healing and inflammatory response in HTFs. A new subset of CTGF inducible inflammatory genes was discovered (e.g., chemokine [C-X-C motif] ligand 1 [CXCL1], chemokine [C-X-C motif] ligand 6 [CXCL6], interleukin 6 [IL6], and interleukin 8 [IL8]). We also identified genes that can transmit the known biologic functions initiated by CTGF such as proliferation and extracellular matrix remodelling. Of special interest is a group of genes, e.g., osteoglycin (OGN) and osteomodulin (OMD), which are known to play a key role in osteoblast biology. Conclusions: This study specifies the important role of hCTGF for primary tenon fibroblast function. The RNA expression profile yields new insights into the relevance of hCTGF in influencing biologic processes like wound healing, inflammation, proliferation, and extracellular matrix remodelling in vitro via transcriptional regulation of specific genes. The results suggest that CTGF potentially acts as a modulating factor in inflammatory and wound healing response in fibroblasts of the human eye. KW - Bone morphogenetic protein-2 KW - Smooth-muscle-cells KW - Myofibroblast differentiation KW - TGF-beta KW - CYR61 KW - Proliferation KW - Mechanisms KW - Apoptosis KW - Receptor KW - Cancer Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140189 VL - 17 IS - 08. Okt ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rauert, H. A1 - Stühmer, T. A1 - Bargou, R. A1 - Wajant, H. A1 - Siegmund, D. T1 - TNFR1 and TNFR2 regulate the extrinsic apoptotic pathway in myeloma cells by multiple mechanisms JF - Cell Death and Disease N2 - The huge majority of myeloma cell lines express TNFR2 while a substantial subset of them failed to show TNFR1 expression. Stimulation of TNFR1 in the TNFR1-expressing subset of MM cell lines had no or only a very mild effect on cellular viability. Surprisingly, however, TNF stimulation enhanced cell death induction by CD95L and attenuated the apoptotic effect of TRAIL. The contrasting regulation of TRAIL- and CD95L-induced cell death by TNF could be traced back to the concomitant NFjBmediated upregulation of CD95 and the antiapoptotic FLIP protein. It appeared that CD95 induction, due to its strength, overcompensated a rather moderate upregulation of FLIP so that the net effect of TNF-induced NFjB activation in the context of CD95 signaling is pro-apoptotic. TRAIL-induced cell death, however, was antagonized in response to TNF because in this context only the induction of FLIP is relevant. Stimulation of TNFR2 in myeloma cells leads to TRAF2 depletion. In line with this, we observed cell death induction in TNFR1-TNFR2-costimulated JJN3 cells. Our studies revealed that the TNF-TNF receptor system adjusts the responsiveness of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway in myeloma cells by multiple mechanisms that generate a highly context-dependent net effect on myeloma cell survival KW - apoptosis KW - CD95 KW - multiple myeloma KW - NFkB KW - TNF KW - TRAIL KW - NF-Kappa-B KW - Tumor-necrosis-factor KW - Factor receptor KW - Factor-alpha KW - Activation KW - Polymorphisms KW - Inhibitor KW - Promoter KW - Transcription KW - Expression Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133486 VL - 2 ER - TY - THES A1 - Wyzgol, Agnes T1 - Generierung und Charakterisierung rekombinanter TNF-Liganden T1 - Generation and characterisation of recombinant TNF-ligands N2 - Liganden und Rezeptoren der TNF-Familie regulieren eine Vielzahl zellulärer Prozesse, darunter Apoptose und Immunprozesse. TNF-Liganden kommen in Form löslicher und membranständiger trimerer Moleküle vor, wobei die trimere Organisation durch die konservierte THD vermittelt wird. Im Gegensatz zu den membranständigen Molekülen können lösliche TNF-Liganden nicht immer an ihren TNF-Rezeptor binden oder ihn effektiv aktivieren. Für zwei solcher inaktiven TNF-Liganden, nämlich TRAIL und CD95L, konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch sekundäre Oligomerisierung oder durch artifizielle Herstellung einer Membranständigkeit mittels Antikörperdomänen gegen zelloberflächenexprimierte Proteine hochaktive Ligandenvarianten generiert werden können. Inwieweit sich diese Verfahren auf die T-Zell-kostimulatorischen TNF-Liganden OX40L, 41BBL und CD27L übertragen lassen, wurde in dieser Arbeit untersucht. Lösliche Flag- und Flag-TNC-Varianten von OX40L und 41BBL zeigten eine gute Bindung an die Rezeptoren OX40 und 41BB. Die lösliche Variante Flag-CD27L konnte nicht an ihren Rezeptor CD27 binden. Dies war aber nach Einführung der trimerstabilisierenden TNC-Domäne möglich. Eine effektive Aktivierung ihres Rezeptors, nachgewiesen durch Analyse der IL8-Induktion, bewirkten die löslichen TNF-Ligandenvarianten nur nach sekundärer Oligomerisierung mittels des Flag-spezifischen Antikörpers M2. Eine ähnlich gute TNFR-Aktivierung ließ sich durch Einführung der hexamerisierenden Fc-Domäne erzielen. Fc-Flag-OX40L und Fc-Flag-41BBL induzierten bereits ohne sekundäre Quervernetzung effektiv IL8. Die Hexamerisierung alleine reichte für die lösliche CD27L-Variante nicht aus, hier war zusätzlich zur Fc- wiederum auch die TNC-Domäne erforderlich, um die Bindung an CD27 und eine schwache IL8-Induktion zu erzielen. Für die FAP-bindenden Fusionsproteine antiFAP-Flag- OX40L, antiFAP-Flag-41BBL und antiFAP-Flag-TNC-CD27L war die Bindung an OX40, 41BB und CD27 sowie an FAP nachweisbar. Erst durch die artifizielle Membranständigkeit nach Bindung an FAP konnten diese Fusionsproteine über ihren Rezeptor effektiv IL8 induzieren. Zusammenfassend ließ sich somit zeigen, dass sich schwach oder nicht aktive lösliche Ligandenvarianten von OX40L und 41BBL durch sekundäre Oligomerisierung, durch die Fc-Hexamerisierungsdomäne und durch artifizielle Membranständigkeit in hochaktive Liganden verwandeln lassen. Lösliche CD27L-Varianten benötigen zusätzlich die trimerstabilisierende TNC-Domäne, um CD27 binden und aktivieren zu können. Für das bessere Verständnis der Ligand-Rezeptor-Interaktionen wurden zusätzlich OX40L-, 41BBL- und CD27L-Fusionsproteine mit der hochaktiven Gaussia princeps Luziferase (GpL) generiert, um Gleichgewichtsbindungs-, Dissoziationsstudien und homologe Kompetitionsassays durchführen zu können. Für die Fusionsproteine GpL-Flag-TNC-OX40L, GpL-Flag-TNC-41BBL und GpL-Flag-TNC-CD27L konnte gezeigt werden, dass die IL8-Induktion nicht von der Rezeptorbelegung abhängt, sondern von der sekundären Oligomerisierung, da bei gleicher Rezeptorbelegung durch sekundär quervernetzte TNF-Liganden mehr IL8 induziert wird, die Rezeptoraktivierung also qualitativ besser sein muss. N2 - Ligands and receptors of the TNF family regulate diverse cellular processes such as apoptosis and immune processes. TNF ligands are soluble or membrane-bound molecules with a trimeric organization mediated by the conservative THD. Unlike the membrane-bound molecules soluble TNF ligands may fail in binding or in activating their receptor efficiently. It was shown for two such inactive TNF ligands, namely TRAIL and CD95L that highly active ligand variants could be generated with secondary oligomerization or artificial cell surface immobilization through antibody domains recognizing cell surface expressed proteins. In this work it was examined if these procedures are also applicable to the T cell costimulating TNF ligands OX40L, 41BBL and CD27L. Soluble Flag- and Flag-TNC-variants of OX40L and 41BBL showed good binding to their receptors OX40 and 41BB. The soluble variant Flag-CD27L did not bind its receptor CD27 while that was possible after introduction of the trimer stabilizing TNC-domain. An effective receptor-activation proved by analysis of the induction of IL8 was gained by soluble TNF ligand variants only after secondary oligomerization with the Flag-specific antibody M2. A similar efficient TNFR-activation was achieved by introduction of a hexamerizing Fc-domain. Fc-Flag-OX40L and Fc-Flag-41BBL induced already without secondary cross-linking efficiently IL8. For the soluble CD27L-variant hexamerization alone was not sufficient, but the Fc-domain was necessary in addition to the TNC-domain to enable binding to CD27 and weak induction of IL8. For the FAP-binding fusion proteins antiFAP-Flag-OX40L, antiFAP-Flag-41BBL and antiFAP-Flag-TNC-CD27L binding to OX40, 41BB and CD27 as well as to FAP was detectable. These fusion proteins were able to induce IL8 efficiently via their receptor only as artificial membrane-bound molecules after binding to FAP. In summary, it has been shown that poorly or not active soluble ligand-variants of OX40L and 41BBL can be turned into highly active ligands by secondary oligomerization, by the hexamerizing Fc-domain and by artificial immobilization on the cell surface. Soluble CD27L variants additionally need the trimer-stabilizing TNC-domain to bind and activate CD27. For better understanding of ligand-receptor-interactions additionally OX40L-, 41BBL- and CD27L-fusion proteins with the highly active Gaussia princeps luciferase (GpL) were generated to enable equilibrium binding and dissociation studies as well as homologous competition assays. It was shown here with the fusion proteins GpL-Flag-TNC-OX40L, GpLFlag-TNC-41BBL and GpL-Flag-TNC-CD27L that induction of IL8 is independent of receptor occupancy, but depends on secondary oligomerization. Secondary cross-linked TNF ligands induced more IL8 with equal receptor occupancy. Therefore a qualitative better receptor activation has to be assumed. KW - Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor KW - Ligand KW - TNF KW - Kostimulatorische Faktoren KW - TNF KW - costimulatory factors Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76449 ER - TY - THES A1 - Rauert-Wunderlich, Hilka T1 - Apoptoseregulation durch TNF im Multiplen Myelom T1 - Regulation of apoptosis via TNF in multiple myeloma N2 - Der Tumornekrosefaktor (TNF) entfaltet seine vielfältigen biologischen Aktivitäten durch die Stimulation der beiden TNF-Rezeptoren TNFR1 und TNFR2. Die TNFR1-vermittelte Signaltransduktion ist in vielen Details gut verstanden, wohingegen die TNFR2-vermittelte Signaltransduktion bis heute kaum untersucht ist. Mit Hilfe einer in unserer Gruppe entwickelten hochaktiven TNFR2-spezifischen TNF-Variante sowie einer bereits länger bekannten TNFR1-spezifischen TNF-Variante wurde in dieser Arbeit die TNF-Signaltransduktion insbesondere im Mutiplen Myelom untersucht. Mit Hilfe der beiden TNF-Varianten konnte gezeigt werden, dass die alleinige Stimulation des TNFR2 die Aktivierung des alternativen NFkappaB-Signalweges vermittelt, wohingegen TNFR1 nicht dazu in der Lage ist. So zeigte sich im Einklang mit der inhibitorischen Funktion des Adapterproteins TRAF2 in der Signaltransduktion des alternativen NFkappaB-Signalweges, dass die TNFR2-Stimulation in einer TRAF2-Depletion resultiert. Dies führt weiterhin zur Akkumulation von NIK und der Prozessierung von p100 zu seiner aktiven Form p52, den klassischen biochemisch nachweisbaren Ereignissen der Aktivierung des alternativen NFkappaB-Signalweges. Aufgrund der Rolle des NFkappaB-Systems im Multiplen Myelom (MM) und der stimulierenden Wirkung des TNFR1 und TNFR2 auf das NFkappaB-System wurde die Expression und Funktion dieser beiden Rezeptoren auf Myelomzelllinien untersucht. Insbesondere wurde analysiert, welchen Effekt eine spezifische Stimulation der beiden TNF-Rezeptoren auf die apoptotische Sensitivität von Myelomzellen hat. Mit einer Ausnahme wiesen alle untersuchten Myelomzelllinien eine eindeutige TNFR2-Oberflächenexpression auf, die TNFR1-Expression hingegen war heterogen. Die TNFR1-Stimulation in den TNFR1-positiven Zelllinien zeigte keinen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Zellviabilität. Allerdings resultierte eine Vorstimulation mit TNF in einer gesteigerten Sensitivität für den CD95L-induzierten Zelltod, schützte aber gleichzeitig vor der TRAIL-vermittelten Induktion der Apoptose. Der gegenläufige Effekt der TNF-Vorstimulation auf den CD95L- und TRAIL-induzierten Zelltod konnte auf die Hochregulation der CD95-Oberflächenexpression und der gesteigerten Expression des antiapoptotischen cFLIPLong-Proteins zurückgeführt werden. Beide Effekte basieren auf der TNF-induzierten Aktivierung des klassischen NFkappaB-Signalweges. Im CD95L-induzierten Zelltod überkompensierte die Induktion der CD95-Expression offensichtlich die Hochregulation von cFLIPLong und resultierte in gesteigertem Zelltod. Der TRAIL-induzierte Zelltod hingegen wurde durch die TNF-Vorstimulation abgeschwächt, da hier lediglich die durch den klassischen NFkappaB-Signalweg vermittelte gesteigerte Expression des antiapoptotischen cFLIPLong eine Rolle spielte. Desweiteren zeigten die Analysen in dieser Arbeit, dass die TNFR2-Stimulation zu einer Depletion von TRAF2 und z. B. in JJN3-Zellen zu einer Sensitivierung für den TNFR1-induzierten Zelltod führte. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigten in der Summe somit, dass das TNF-TNFR-Signaling durch verschiedene Mechanismen Einfluss auf den Ausgang der extrinsischen Apoptoseinduktion hat, und dass der Effekt von TNF auf das Überleben von MM-Zellen kontextabhängig ist. N2 - TNF mediates its biological functions by stimulation of the two TNF receptors TNFR1 and TNFR2. TNFR1-mediated signaling has already been studied in detail, whereas TNFR2-mediated signal transduction is poorly understood. In this work a newly developed TNFR2-specific variant and an established TNFR1-specific variant was used to study TNF signaling especially in myeloma cells. With the help of these TNF-variants it is shown here that TNFR2, but not TNFR1, induces activation of the alternative NFkappaB-pathway. Thus in consent with the inhibitory function of TRAF2 in alternative NFkappaB signal transduction, stimulation of TNFR2 resulted in depletion of TRAF2, accumulation of NIK and p100 processing to p52, the biochemical hallmarks of this pathway. Due to the relevance of the NFkappaB-system for multiple myeloma (MM) and the NFkappaB stimulatory activities of TNFR1 and TNFR2, the expression of these two receptors and their effect on apoptotic sensitivity was analyzed in myeloma cell lines. A huge majority of myeloma cell lines express TNFR2 whereas TNFR1 expression is rather restricted. Stimulation of TNFR1 in the TNFR1-positive subset of MM cell lines showed nearly no impact on cellular viability. However, TNF stimulation enhanced CD95L-induced cell death and in parallel reduced the TRAIL-mediated induction of apoptosis. This opposed regulation of TRAIL- and CD95L-induced cell death by TNF based on upregulation of the death receptor CD95 via the classical NFkappaB-pathway and by upregulation of the antiapoptotic protein cFLIPLong via the same pathway. The induction of CD95 expression appeared to overcompensate the upregulation of cFLIPLong and consequently TNF-induced NFkappaB activation resulted, in context of CD95 signaling, in apoptosis enhancement. TRAIL-mediated cell death induction, however, was reduced after TNF prestimulation, due to the fact that here only upregulation of cFLIPLong was relevant. Furthermore the experiments in this study showed that TNFR2-mediated depletion of TRAF2 resulted in a sensitization for TNFR1-induced cell death, for example in JJN3-cells. Taken together, this study revealed that the TNF-TNFR system influenced the outcome of activation of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway in myeloma cells by various mechanisms and the effect of TNF on MM cell survival is thus context dependent. KW - Apoptosis KW - Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor KW - Plasmozytom KW - apoptosis KW - TNF KW - multiple myeloma Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73998 ER - TY - THES A1 - Lang, Isabell T1 - Molekulare Mechanismen der CD95-Aktivierung T1 - Molecular mechanisms of CD95 activation N2 - Die Stimulation des CD95-Todesrezeptors durch seinen natürlichen membranständigen Li-ganden CD95L führt zur kontextabhängigen Aktivierung von sowohl apoptotischen als auch nicht-apoptotischen Signalwegen. Durch Proteolyse wird aus dem membranständigen CD95L löslicher trimerer CD95L freigesetzt. Die Bindung von löslichem trimerem CD95L an CD95 ist nicht ausreichend, um die CD95-Signaltransduktion effizient zu stimulieren. Die Fähigkeit von löslichen CD95L-Trimeren CD95-vermittelte Signalwege robust zu aktivieren kann jedoch durch Oligomerisierung und artifizielle Immobilisierung an eine Oberfläche drastisch gesteigert werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde zunächst bestätigt, dass nur oligomere CD95L-Varianten, die z.B. durch Antikörpervernetzung von N-terminal getaggten rekombinanten CD95L-Varianten oder durch eine gentechnisch erzwungene Hexamerisierung von CD95L-Molekülen erhalten wur-den, in der Lage sind, effizient apoptotische und nicht-apoptotische Signalwege zu aktivieren. Ferner zeigte sich dann, dass die Bindung von löslichen CD95L-Trimeren nicht ausreichend ist, um die Translokation von CD95-Molekülen in detergenzunlösliche „Lipid Raft“- Membrandomänen zu stimulieren. Die „Lipid Raft“-Translokation ist ein zentrales Ereignis bei der CD95-Aktivierung und vor allem für die Induktion der Apoptose bedeutsam. Dabei ist ein selbstverstärkender Prozess aus Caspase-8-Aktivierung und „Lipid Raft“-Assoziation des CD95 von Bedeutung. Um die Interaktion von CD95 und CD95L mit Hilfe von hoch sensitiven zellulären Bindungs-studien analysieren zu können, wurden in dieser Arbeit desweiteren CD95L-Fusionsproteine entwickelt und hergestellt, an welche N-terminal eine Gaussia princeps Luziferase (GpL)- Reporterdomäne gekoppelt ist. So konnte mit den GpL-CD95L-Fusionsproteinen gezeigt werden, dass die Oligomerisierung von CD95L-Trimeren keinen Effekt auf die Ligandenbele-gung des CD95 hat. Dies spricht dafür, dass die höhere spezifische Aktivität von oligomeri-sierten CD95L-Trimeren nicht auf einer Aviditäts-vermittelten Zunahme der apparenten Affi-nität beruht, sondern dies deutet darauf hin, dass die sekundäre Aggregation von sich initial bildenden trimeren CD95L-CD95-Komplexen eine entscheidende Rolle in der CD95-Aktivierung spielt. Durch Scatchard-Analysen zeigte sich ferner, dass trimerer CD95L mit mindestens zwei zellulären Bindungsstellen unterschiedlicher Affinität interagiert. Bindungs-studien mit löslichen monomeren und trimeren GpL-CD95-Rezeptoren an membranständigen CD95L, als auch Inhibitionsstudien ergaben, dass trimerer CD95 weitaus besser an CD95L bindet. Dies legt nahe, dass es sich bei den zuvor beobachteten hoch- und niederaffinen Bindungsstellen für CD95L um monomere bzw. prä-assemblierte CD95-Moleküle handelt. Die GpL-CD95L-Fusionsproteine wurden auch genutzt, um die CD95-Translokation in „Lipid Rafts“ zu analysieren. So wurde trimerer GpL-CD95L als „Tracer“ zur Markierung von inaktiven CD95-Molekülen eingesetzt. Nach Aktivierung der übrigen freien CD95-Moleküle mit hoch aktivem hexameren Fc-CD95L konnte eine Zunahme der inaktiven GpL-CD95L-markierten Rezeptoren in „Lipid Rafts“ beobachtet werden. Offensichtlich stimulieren also aktivierte CD95-Moleküle in „trans“ die Ko-Translokation inaktiver CD95-Rezeptoren in „Lipid Rafts“. Dies bestätigte sich auch in Experimenten mit Transfektanten, die einen chimären CD40-CD95-Rezeptor exprimieren. Letzterer ist nach Stimulation mit CD40L in der Lage, intrazellu-läre CD95-vermittelte Signalwege zu aktivieren. Die Aktivierung von CD95-assoziierten Sig-nalwegen durch Stimulation von endogenem CD95 in CD40-CD95-Transfektanten resultierte nun in der Ko-Translokation von unstimulierten CD40-CD95-Rezeptoren in „Lipid Rafts“. Vice versa zeigte sich die Ko-Translokation von endogenem CD95 nach spezifischer Aktivierung des chimären CD40-CD95-Rezeptors. Schlussendlich erwiesen sich eine funktionsfähige Todesdomäne und die Aktivierung der Caspase-8 als essentiell für die „Lipid Raft“-Assoziation von aktivierten CD95-Molekülen und auch für die durch diese Rezeptorspezies induzierte Ko-Translokation von inaktiven Rezeptoren in „Lipid Rafts“. N2 - Membrane-bound CD95L activates the CD95 death receptor to induce context-dependent apoptotic and non-apoptotic signaling pathways. In contrast, soluble trimeric CD95L, which is released by proteolysis, is not sufficient to stimulate CD95-induced signaling. However, the ability of soluble CD95L trimers to activate robust CD95 mediated signaling pathways can be increased drastically by oligomerization and artificial immobilization on the cell surface. In this work, it has been confirmed that only the oligomeric CD95L-variants, produced by an-tibody crosslinking of N-terminal tagged recombinant CD95L-variants or by genetic engineer-ing-enforced formation of hexamers, are able to efficiently activate both apoptotic and non-apoptotic signaling pathways. Moreover, it has been shown that binding of soluble trimeric CD95L is not sufficient to stimulate translocation of CD95 molecules to the “lipid raft”-containing compartment of the cell membrane. This translocation of CD95 to “lipid rafts” is a pivotal event in CD95 activation and mainly meaningful, especially for induction of apoptosis. Thereby an auto-amplification-loop of caspase-8 activation and association of CD95 with “lipid rafts” is of importance. To analyze CD95-CD95L interactions, highly sensitive cellular binding studies using CD95L fusion proteins linked to the N-terminal Gaussia princeps luciferase (GpL) have been per-formed. With GpL-CD95L fusion proteins it has been demonstrated that oligomerization of CD95L trimers has no major effect on CD95 occupancy. Therefore higher specific activity of oligomerized CD95L trimers is not related to an avidity-driven increase in apparent affinity. This suggests that a process of secondary aggregation of the initially formed trimeric CD95L-CD95 complexes is crucial for CD95 activation. Furthermore, the data obtained from scat-chard analysis showed that trimeric CD95L interacts with at least two binding sites of different affinity. This was further examined by performing binding studies of soluble monomeric and trimeric GpL-CD95 receptors to membrane-bound CD95L and neutralization assays. It was observed that trimeric CD95 receptor can bind to CD95L much better. These results suggest that the high and low affinity binding sites concern to monomeric or rather pre-assembled CD95 molecules. Moreover, GpL-CD95L fusion proteins have been employed to analyze translocation of CD95 to “lipid rafts”. In these experiments, GpL-CD95L trimers were applied to “mark” inactive CD95 molecules. Upon activation of the remaining free CD95 molecules using highly active Fc-CD95L, an increased association of these inactive receptors with “lipid rafts” was observed. Apparently activated CD95 molecules stimulate in “trans” the co-translocation of inactive CD95 receptors to “lipid rafts”. This has also been confirmed in experiments with transfectants expressing chimeric CD40-CD95 receptors. These chimeric receptors are able to activate CD95-mediated signaling pathways after stimulation with CD40L. After stimulation of endogenous CD95 in CD40-CD95 transfectants the unstimulated chimeric CD40-CD95 receptors co-translocated to “lipid rafts”. Conversely, activation of CD95-associated pathways by specific stimulation of chimeric CD40-CD95 receptors resulted in co-translocation of the endogenous CD95. In conclusion, it has been shown that a functional death domain and caspase-8 activation turned out to be essential for both “lipid raft” association of signaling-active CD95 molecules and co-translocation of inactive CD95 receptors induced by active receptor species. KW - Fas-Ligand KW - Apoptosis KW - Antigen CD95 KW - CD95 KW - CD95L KW - Apoptose KW - "Lipid Rafts" KW - FAS KW - CD95 KW - CD95L KW - apoptosis KW - "Lipid Rafts" Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73339 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klingseisen, Laura A1 - Ehrenschwender, Martin A1 - Heigl, Ulrike A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Hehlgans, Thomas A1 - Schütze, Stefan A1 - Schneider-Brachert, Wulf T1 - E3-14.7K Is Recruited to TNF-Receptor 1 and Blocks TNF Cytolysis Independent from Interaction with Optineurin JF - PLoS One N2 - Escape from the host immune system is essential for intracellular pathogens. The adenoviral protein E3-14.7K (14.7K) is known as a general inhibitor of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced apoptosis. It efficiently blocks TNF-receptor 1 (TNFR1) internalization but the underlying molecular mechanism still remains elusive. Direct interaction of 14.7K and/or associated proteins with the TNFR1 complex has been discussed although to date not proven. In our study, we provide for the first time evidence for recruitment of 14.7K and the 14.7K interacting protein optineurin to TNFR1. Various functions have been implicated for optineurin such as regulation of receptor endocytosis, vesicle trafficking, regulation of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) pathway and antiviral signaling. We therefore hypothesized that binding of optineurin to 14.7K and recruitment of both proteins to the TNFR1 complex is essential for protection against TNF-induced cytotoxic effects. To precisely dissect the individual role of 14.7K and optineurin, we generated and characterized a 14.7K mutant that does not confer TNF-resistance but is still able to interact with optineurin. In H1299 and KB cells expressing 14.7K wild-type protein, neither decrease in cell viability nor cleavage of caspases was observed upon stimulation with TNF. In sharp contrast, cells expressing the non-protective mutant of 14.7K displayed reduced viability and cleavage of initiator and effector caspases upon TNF treatment, indicating ongoing apoptotic cell death. Knockdown of optineurin in 14.7K expressing cells did not alter the protective effect as measured by cell viability and caspase activation. Taken together, we conclude that optineurin despite its substantial role in vesicular trafficking, endocytosis of cell surface receptors and recruitment to the TNFR1 complex is dispensable for the 14.7K-mediated protection against TNF-induced apoptosis. KW - 14.7K KW - tumor necrosis factor KW - NF-kappa-B KW - E3 14.7-kilodalton protein KW - myosin-VI KW - apoptosis KW - cells KW - compartmentalization KW - inhibitor KW - binding Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135687 VL - 7 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stolpmann, K. A1 - Brinkmann, J. A1 - Salzmann, S. A1 - Genkinger, D. A1 - Fritsche, E. A1 - Hutzler, C. A1 - Wajant, H. A1 - Luch, A. A1 - Henkler, F. T1 - Activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor sensitises human keratinocytes for CD95L-and TRAIL-induced apoptosis JF - Cell Death & Disease N2 - In this study, we have analysed the apoptotic effects of the ubiquitous environmental toxin benzo[ a] pyrene (BP) in HaCaT cells and human keratinocytes. Although prolonged exposure to BP was not cytotoxic on its own, a strong enhancement of CD95 (Fas)-mediated apoptosis was observed with BP at concentrations activating the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). Importantly, the ultimately mutagenic BP-metabolite, that is, (+)-anti-BP-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide (BPDE), failed to enhance CD95-mediated cell death, suggesting that the observed pro-apoptotic effect of BP is neither associated with DNA adducts nor DNA-damage related signalling. CD95-induced apoptosis was also enhanced by beta-naphtoflavone, a well-known agonist of the AhR that does not induce DNA damage, thus suggesting a crucial role for AhR activation. Consistently, BP failed to sensitise for CD95L-induced apoptosis in AhR knockdown HaCaT cells. Furthermore, inhibition of CYP1A1 and/or 1B1 expression did not affect the pro-apoptotic crosstalk. Exposure to BP did not increase expression of CD95, but led to augmented activation of caspase-8. Enhancement of apoptosis was also observed with the TRAIL death receptors that activate caspase-8 and apoptosis by similar mechanisms as CD95. Together, these observations indicate an interference of AhR signalling with the activity of receptor-associated signalling intermediates that are shared by CD95 and TRAIL receptors. Our data thus suggest that AhR agonists can enhance cytokine-mediated adversity upon dermal exposure. KW - CD95 KW - HaCaT cells KW - growth-factor receptor KW - cell death KW - mitochondrial dysfunction KW - mediated apoptosis KW - FAS KW - dermatitis KW - pathways KW - skin KW - progression KW - aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) KW - apoptosis KW - benzo[a]pyrene KW - human keratinocytes Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-133501 VL - 3 IS - e388 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rödel, Mark-Oliver A1 - Brede, Christian A1 - Hirschfeld, Mareike A1 - Schmitt, Thomas A1 - Favreau, Philippe A1 - Stöcklin, Reto A1 - Wunder, Cora A1 - Mebs, Dietrich T1 - Chemical Camouflage - A Frog's Strategy to Co-Exist with Aggressive Ants JF - PLOS ONE N2 - Whereas interspecific associations receive considerable attention in evolutionary, behavioural and ecological literature, the proximate bases for these associations are usually unknown. This in particular applies to associations between vertebrates with invertebrates. The West-African savanna frog Phrynomantis microps lives in the underground nest of ponerine ants (Paltothyreus tarsatus). The ants usually react highly aggressively when disturbed by fiercely stinging, but the frog is not attacked and lives unharmed among the ants. Herein we examined the proximate mechanisms for this unusual association. Experiments with termites and mealworms covered with the skin secretion of the frog revealed that specific chemical compounds seem to prevent the ants from stinging. By HPLC-fractionation of an aqueous solution of the frogs' skin secretion, two peptides of 1,029 and 1,143 Da were isolated and found to inhibit the aggressive behaviour of the ants. By de novo sequencing using tandem mass spectrometry, the amino acid sequence of both peptides consisting of a chain of 9 and 11 residues, respectively, was elucidated. Both peptides were synthesized and tested, and exhibited the same inhibitory properties as the original frog secretions. These novel peptides most likely act as an appeasement allomone and may serve as models for taming insect aggression. KW - amphibian skin secretions KW - antimicrobial peptides KW - paltothyreus tarsatus KW - dendrobates pumilio KW - anurans KW - microhylidae KW - hymenoptera KW - formicidae KW - mutualisms KW - alkaloids Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-128181 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 8 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rauert-Wunderlich, Hilka A1 - Siegmund, Daniela A1 - Maier, Eduard A1 - Giner, Tina A1 - Bargou, Ralf C. A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Stühmer, Thorsten T1 - The IKK Inhibitor Bay 11-7082 Induces Cell Death Independent from Inhibition of Activation of NF kappa B Transcription Factors JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Multiple myeloma (MM) displays an NFκB activity-related gene expression signature and about 20% of primary MM samples harbor genetic alterations conducive to intrinsic NFκB signaling activation. The relevance of blocking the classical versus the alternative NFκB signaling pathway and the molecular execution mechanisms involved, however, are still poorly understood. Here, we comparatively tested NFκB activity abrogation through TPCA-1 (an IKK2 inhibitor), BAY 11-7082 (an IKK inhibitor poorly selective for IKK1 and IKK2), and MLN4924 (an NEDD8 activating enzyme (NAE)-inhibitor), and analyzed their anti-MM activity. Whereas TPCA-1 interfered selectively with activation of the classical NFκB pathway, the other two compounds inhibited classical and alternative NFκB signaling without significant discrimination. Noteworthy, whereas TPCA-1 and MLN4924 elicited rather mild anti-MM effects with slight to moderate cell death induction after 1 day BAY 11-7082 was uniformly highly toxic to MM cell lines and primary MM cells. Treatment with BAY 11-7082 induced rapid cell swelling and its initial effects were blocked by necrostatin-1 or the ROS scavenger BHA, but a lasting protective effect was not achieved even with additional blockade of caspases. Because MLN4924 inhibits the alternative NFκB pathway downstream of IKK1 at the level of p100 processing, the quite discordant effects between MLN4924 and BAY 11-7082 must thus be due to blockade of IKK1-mediated NFκB-independent necrosis-inhibitory functions or represent an off-target effect of BAY 11-7082. In accordance with the latter, we further observed that concomitant knockdown of IKK1 and IKK2 did not have any major short-term adverse effect on the viability of MM cells. KW - signal inhibition KW - necrotic cell death KW - cell viability testing KW - cell death KW - small interfering RNAs KW - HT29 cells KW - phosphorylation KW - multiple myeloma Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130140 VL - 8 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - El-Mesery, M. A1 - Trebing, J. A1 - Schafer, V. A1 - Weisenberger, D. A1 - Siegmund, D. A1 - Wajant, H. T1 - CD40-directed scFv-TRAIL fusion proteins induce CD40-restricted tumor cell death and activate dendritic cells JF - Cell Death & Disease N2 - Targeted cancer therapy concepts often aim at the induction of adjuvant antitumor immunity or stimulation of tumor cell apoptosis. There is further evidence that combined application of immune stimulating and tumor apoptosis-inducing compounds elicits a synergistic antitumor effect. Here, we describe the development and characterization of bifunctional fusion proteins consisting of a single-chain variable fragment (scFv) domain derived from the CD40-specific monoclonal antibody G28-5 that is fused to the N-terminus of stabilized trimeric soluble variants of the death ligand TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). As shown before by us and others for other cell surface antigen-targeted scFv-TRAIL fusion proteins, scFv:G28-TRAIL displayed an enhanced capacity to induce apoptosis upon CD40 binding. Studies with scFv:G28 fusion proteins of TRAIL mutants that discriminate between the two TRAIL death receptors, TRAILR1 and TRAILR2, further revealed that the CD40 binding-dependent mode of apoptosis induction of scFv:G28-TRAIL is operable with each of the two TRAIL death receptors. Binding of scFv:G28-TRAIL fusion proteins to CD40 not only result in enhanced TRAIL death receptor signaling but also in activation of the targeted CD40 molecule. In accordance with the latter, the scFv:G28-TRAIL fusion proteins triggered strong CD40-mediated maturation of dendritic cells. The CD40-targeted TRAIL fusion proteins described in this study therefore represent a novel type of bifunctional fusion proteins that couple stimulation of antigen presenting cells and apoptosis induction. KW - dendritic cells KW - apoptosis KW - CD40 KW - TRAIL Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-128777 VL - 4 IS - e916 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chopra, Martin A1 - Lang, Isabell A1 - Salzmann, Steffen A1 - Pachel, Christina A1 - Kraus, Sabrina A1 - Bäuerlein, Carina A. A1 - Brede, Christian A1 - Jordán Garrote, Ana-Laura A1 - Mattenheimer, Katharina A1 - Ritz, Miriam A1 - Schwinn, Stefanie A1 - Graf, Carolin A1 - Schäfer, Viktoria A1 - Frantz, Stefan A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Beilhack, Andreas T1 - Tumor Necrosis Factor Induces Tumor Promoting and Anti-Tumoral Effects on Pancreatic Cancer via TNFR1 JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Multiple activities are ascribed to the cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in health and disease. In particular, TNF was shown to affect carcinogenesis in multiple ways. This cytokine acts via the activation of two cell surface receptors, TNFR1, which is associated with inflammation, and TNFR2, which was shown to cause anti-inflammatory signaling. We assessed the effects of TNF and its two receptors on the progression of pancreatic cancer by in vivo bioluminescence imaging in a syngeneic orthotopic tumor mouse model with Panc02 cells. Mice deficient for TNFR1 were unable to spontaneously reject Panc02 tumors and furthermore displayed enhanced tumor progression. In contrast, a fraction of wild type (37.5%), TNF deficient (12.5%), and TNFR2 deficient mice (22.2%) were able to fully reject the tumor within two weeks. Pancreatic tumors in TNFR1 deficient mice displayed increased vascular density, enhanced infiltration of CD4+ T cells and CD4+ forkhead box P3 (FoxP3)+ regulatory T cells (Treg) but reduced numbers of CD8+ T cells. These alterations were further accompanied by transcriptional upregulation of IL4. Thus, TNF and TNFR1 are required in pancreatic ductal carcinoma to ensure optimal CD8+ T cell-mediated immunosurveillance and tumor rejection. Exogenous systemic administration of human TNF, however, which only interacts with murine TNFR1, accelerated tumor progression. This suggests that TNFR1 has basically the capability in the Panc02 model to trigger pro-and anti-tumoral effects but the spatiotemporal availability of TNF seems to determine finally the overall outcome. KW - Bioluminescence KW - cancer treatment KW - cell staining KW - cytokines KW - immune cells KW - metastasis KW - regulatory T cells KW - T cells Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97246 ER - TY - THES A1 - Banaszek, Agnes T1 - Dual Antigen-Restricted Complementation of a Two-Part Trispecific Antibody for Targeted Immunotherapy of Blood Cancer T1 - Von zwei Antigenen abhängige Komplementierung eines zweiteiligen trispezifischen Antikörpers zur gezielten Immuntherapie von Blutkrebs N2 - Cancer cells frequently escape from immune surveillance by down-regulating two important components of the immune defence: antigen-presenting MHC and costimulatory molecules. Therefore several novel anti-tumour compounds that aim to assist the immune system in recognising and fighting cancer are currently under development. Recombinant bispecific antibodies represent one group of such novel therapeutics. They target two different antigens and recruit cytotoxic effector cells to tumour cells. For cancer immunotherapy, bispecific T cell-engaging antibodies are already well characterised. These antibodies target a tumour-associated antigen and CD3ε, the constant molecule of the T cell receptor complex. On the one hand, this study presents the development of a bispecific antibody targeting CD3ε and the rhabdomyosarcoma-associated fetal acetylcholine receptor. On the other hand, it describes a novel two-part trispecific antibody format for the treatment of leukaemia and other haematological malignancies in the context of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). For HSCT, an HLA-identical donor is preferred, but very rarely available. In an HLA-mismatched setting, the HLA disparity could be exploited for targeted cancer treatment. In the present study, a two-part trispecific HLA-A2 × CD45 × CD3 antibody was developed for potential cases in which the patient is HLA-A2-positive, but the donor is not. This holds true for about half the cases in Germany, since HLA-A2 is the most common HLA molecule found here. Combinatorial targeting of HLA-A2 and the leucocyte-common antigen CD45 allows for highly specific dual-antigen restricted tumour targeting. More precisely, two single-chain antibody constructs were developed: i) a single-chain variable fragment (scFv) specific for HLA-A2, and ii) a scFv against CD45, both linked to the VL and the VH domain of a CD3ε-specific antibody, respectively. It turned out that, after the concomitant binding of these constructs to the same HLA-A2- and CD45-expressing cell, the unpaired variable domains of a CD3ε-specific antibody assembled to a functional scFv. In a therapeutic situation, this assembly should exclusively occur on the recipient’s blood cancer cells, leading to T cell-mediated cancer cell destruction. In this way, a relapse of disease might be prevented, and standard therapy (radiation and chemotherapy) might be omitted. For both approaches, the antibody constructs were periplasmically expressed in E. coli, purified via His tag, and biochemically characterised. Their binding to the respective targets was proven by flow cytometry. The stimulatory properties of the antibodies were assayed by measuring IL-2 release after incubation with T cells and antigen-expressing target cells. Both the bispecific antibody against rhabdomyosarcoma and the assembled trispecific antibody against blood cancer mediated T-cell activation in a concentration-dependent manner at nanomolar concentrations. For the trispecific antibody, this effect indeed proved to be dual antigen-restricted, as it could be blocked by prior incubation of either HLA-A2- or CD45-specific scFv and did not occur on single-positive (CD45+) or double-negative (HLA-A2- CD45-) target cells. Furthermore, antibodies from both approaches recruited T cells for tumour cell destruction in vitro. N2 - Krebszellen entgehen der Immunüberwachung oftmals dadurch, dass sie zwei wichtige Komponenten der Immunabwehr, nämlich antigenpräsentierende MHC- und kostimulatorische Moleküle, herunter regeln. Zurzeit befindet sich daher eine Reihe neuartiger Anti-Krebs-Substanzen in der Entwicklung, die darauf abzielen, das Immunsystem beim Erkennen und Bekämpfen von Krebs zu unterstützen. Rekombinante bispezifische Antikörper stellen eine Gruppe solch neuartiger Therapeutika dar. Sie erkennen zwei unterschiedliche Antigene und rekrutieren gezielt zytotoxische Effektorzellen zu Tumorzellen. Zur Krebsimmuntherapie sind BiTE-Antikörper (bispecific T cell engager) bereits gut untersucht. Diese Antikörper sind gegen ein tumorassoziiertes Antigen sowie gegen CD3ε, das konstante Molekül des T Zell-Rezeptor-Komplexes, gerichtet. Diese Arbeit beschreibt zum einen die Entwicklung eines bispezifischen Antikörpers, der CD3ε und den mit Rhabdomyosarkom assoziierten fetalen Acetylcholinrezeptor erkennt. Zum anderen präsentiert sie ein neues, zweiteiliges trispezifisches Antikörperformat, das zur Behandlung von Leukämie und anderen bösartigen Erkrankungen des blutbildenden Systems im Zusammenhang mit hämatopoetischer Stammzelltransplantation (HSZT) genutzt werden könnte. Für eine HSZT wird ein HLA-identischer Spender bevorzugt. Dieser steht jedoch nur sehr selten zur Verfügung. In Fällen mit nur einer Unstimmigkeit in den HLA-Merkmalen zwischen Patient und Spender könnte diese HLA-Unstimmigkeit nun zur gezielten Krebsbehandlung ausgenutzt werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein trispezifisches HLA-A2 × CD45 × CD3 Antikörperkonstrukt speziell für solche Fälle entwickelt, in denen der Patient HLA-A2-positiv ist, der Spender jedoch nicht. Dies trifft in Deutschland auf ungefähr die Hälfte aller Fälle zu, da HLA-A2 hier als häufigstes HLA-Molekül vorkommt. Mit der Kombination aus HLA-A2 und dem Pan-Leukozytenmarker CD45 (leucocyte-common antigen) als Ziel, wird eine hochspezifische, von zwei Antigenen abhängige, zielgerichtete Tumoransteuerung (tumour targeting) möglich. Genauer gesagt wurden zwei Einzelketten-Antikörperkonstrukte entwickelt: i) ein HLA A2-spezifisches single-chain variable fragment (scFv) und ii) ein CD45-spezifisches scFv, jeweils verbunden mit der VL- bzw. der VH-Domäne eines CD3ε-spezifischen Antikörpers. Es stellte sich heraus, dass nach gleichzeitiger Bindung der beiden Konstrukte an dieselbe HLA-A2- und CD45-exprimierende Zelle sich die beiden einzelnen, ungepaarten variablen Domänen eines CD3ε-spezifischen Antikörpers zu einem funktionellen scFv zusammenfügen. Dieses Zusammenfügen sollte in einer therapeutischen Situation ausschließlich auf den Blutkrebszellen des Empfängers geschehen, was zur T-Zell-vermittelten Zerstörung der Krebszellen führen würde. Auf diese Weise könnte ein Rückfall der Erkrankung vermieden und eventuell sogar auf die Standardtherapie (Bestrahlung und Chemotherapie) verzichtet werden. Für die beiden beschriebenen Ansätze wurden die Antikörperkonstrukte periplasmatisch in E. coli exprimiert, über einen His-Tag aufgereinigt und biochemisch charakterisiert. Ihre Bindung an die jeweiligen Zielantigene wurde mittels Durchflusszytometrie nachgewiesen. Die stimulatorischen Eigenschaften der Antikörper wurden durch eine Messung der IL-2-Freisetzung nach Inkubation zusammen mit T-Zellen und antigenexprimierenden Zielzellen untersucht. Sowohl der gegen Rhabdomyosarkom gerichtete BiTE-Antikörper, als auch der zusammengefügte trispezifische Antikörper gegen Blutkrebs vermittelten konzentrationsabhängig eine T Zellaktivierung bei nanomolaren Konzentrationen. Für den trispezifischen Antikörper erwies sich dieser Effekt tatsächlich als abhängig von zwei Antigenen, da er durch eine vorausgehende Inkubation mit entweder einem HLA-A2- oder einem CD45-spezifischen scFv-Fragment geblockt werden konnte und nicht auf Zellen auftrat, die nur ein Antigen (CD45+) oder keins von beiden (HLA-A2- CD45-) tragen. Darüber hinaus rekrutierten die Antikörper beider Ansätze T-Zellen zur Zerstörung von Tumorzellen in vitro. KW - Immuntherapie KW - Antikörper KW - Cytotoxischer Antikörper KW - Leukämie KW - Rhabdomyosarkom KW - bispecific antibodies KW - antibody engineering KW - cancer immunotherapy KW - rekombinante Antikörper KW - bispezifische antikörper Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90174 ER - TY - THES A1 - Strohm, Corinna Andrea T1 - Entwicklung CD40/DC-stimulierender rekombinanter Proteine mit Tumorantigen-restringierter Aktivität T1 - Development of CD40/DC-stimulating recombinant proteins with tumor antigen-dependent activity N2 - Dendritische Zellen (DC) sind spezielle Antigen-präsentierende Zellen und daher oft auch in die körpereigene Bekämpfung von Tumoren involviert. Über das CD40-CD40L-System stellen sie ein Ziel in der Tumorimmuntherapieforschung dar. CD40-spezifische Antikörper bewirken jedoch aufgrund der systemischen CD40-Aktivierung schwere Nebenwirkungen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es deshalb, mit Hilfe von Tumor-spezifischen scFvs (antigenbindenden Einzelkettenfragmenten) Fusionsproteine zu generieren, die ausschließlich bzw. stark bevorzugt Tumor-lokalisiert dendritische Zellen aktivieren. In dieser Arbeit wurde anhand von Kokulturen von Tumorantigen-positiven Tumorzellen mit dendritischen Zellen gezeigt, dass dies möglich ist. Das hierfür generierte Fusionsprotein anti-CD20-Flag-CD40L führte CD20-restringiert, d.h. bei gleichzeitiger Bindung von CD20-positiven Tumorzelllinien (B-Zelllinien) zu einer deutlich verstärkten Aktivierung der DC. Mit einem solchen Fusionsprotein ist nun grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit vorhanden, DCs Tumorantigen-abhängig, das heißt im Tumorgewebe selbst verstärkt zu stimulieren. Die auf diese Weise aktivierten DCs können nun aufgrund der induzierten Veränderungen (IL-12-Produktion, Hochregulation kostimulierender Moleküle) Tumor-lokalisiert eine lokale, auf den Tumor begrenzte Immunantwort auslösen. Auf diese Weise sollte es möglich werden, Nebenwirkungen einer systemischen CD40-Aktivierung zu vermeiden bzw. zu reduzieren. Zudem stellt der Einsatz von anti-CD20-Flag-CD40L möglicherweise sogar eine Option zur Behandlung maligner B-Zell-Lymphome sowie Rituximab-resistenter Lymphome dar. N2 - Dendritic cells (DC) are special antigen presenting cells, often involved in tumor destruction of the immune system. Therefore, the CD40-CD40L-system represents an important target in tumor treatment research. However, there are severe side effects with CD40-specific antibodies because of their systemic effects. The goal of this work was to create fusion proteins with tumor specific single-chain variable fragments (scFv), which are able to activate dendritic cells only tumor located. This principle was shown to work in cocultures with tumor antigen positive tumor cells together with dendritic cells. Anti-CD20-flag-CD40L, a newly generated fusion protein causes an enhanced activation of dendritic cells when additionally ligated to CD20-positive tumorcell lines, e.g. B-cell lines. This means with this kind of protein we are able to activate DC not only in a systemic way, but local directly at the tumor. Once activated, DC are able to release an immune answer. In this way it could be possible to avoid systemic CD40-activation. Additionally, it represents an alternative treatment of malignant B-cell-lymphoms and rituximab resistent lymphoms. KW - Antigen CD40 KW - Dendritische Zelle KW - Rekombinantes Protein KW - Tumorantigen KW - scFv KW - Rituximab KW - Kokultur KW - Tumortherapie KW - IL-12 KW - CD20 KW - dendritic cell KW - CD40 KW - CD20 KW - recombinant protein KW - tumor treatment Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72525 ER - TY - THES A1 - Aumüller, Ruth Inge T1 - CD40-restringierte Aktivierung der TRAIL-Todesrezeptoren durch bifunktionelle rekombinante Proteine T1 - CD40-restricted activation of TRAIL-death receptors by bifunctional recombinant proteins N2 - Der Ligand TRAIL wurde 1997 aufgrund seiner hohen Sequenzhomolgie ge-genüber dem TNFL CD95L entdeckt (28 %). Allerdings besitzt TRAIL, anders als die Liganden CD95L und TNF, die bemerkenswerte Eigenschaft vor allem in veränderten Zellen Apoptose zu induzieren, während gesunde Zellen davor bewahrt werden. Die TRAIL-induzierte Apoptose wird durch die apoptoseinduzierenden Todesrezeptoren TRAILR1 und TRAILR2 vermittelt. Allerdings bindet und aktiviert lösliches TRAIL hauptsächlich den Todesrezeptor TRAILR1, während membrangebundes TRAIL sowohl TRAILR1 als auch TRAILR2 gut aktiviert. In den letzten Jahren wurden verschiedene Methoden entwickelt, um die Bioaktivität löslicher TNFL zu steigern. Hierzu zählen z.B.: Stabilisierung der trimeren Molekülanordnung über die TNC-Domäne, Oligomerisierung des Flag-getaggten Liganden mithilfe des monoklonalen Antikörpers M2, sowie Generierung einer artifiziellen, antigenabhängigen Membranständigkeit. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Oberflächenrezeptor CD40 zur Immobilisierung des generierten Fusionsproteins scFv:CD40-Flag-TNC-TRAIL genutzt. In verschieden Experimenten konnten mit scFv:CD40-Flag-TNC-TRAIL in CD40-exprimierenden Zellen starke Apoptoseinduktion ermittelt werden. Charakteris-tische Kennzeichen und Spaltprodukte der Apoptose konnten ausschließlich in CD40-positiven Tumorzellen detektiert werden. Dabei wurde in allen Versuchen die für die Apoptoseinduktion benötigte Konzentration des Konstrukts mithilfe des Proteinsyntheseinhibitors CHX um das 10- bis 100-fache verringert. Es konnte auch gezeigt werden, dass in CD40-positiven Zellen, nach Stimulation mit scFv:CD40-Flag-TNC-TRAIL, nicht-apoptotische Signalwege verstärkt aktiviert werden. Dies war auf die agonistische Aktivität des monoklonalen Antikörperfragments scFv:CD40 zurückzuführen. Die Antikörperdomäne war folglich nicht nur zur effizienten Aktivierung der TRAIL-Todesrezeptoren mittels Immobilisierung fähig, sondern konnte zusätzlich zur Stimulation des Immunsystems genutzt werden. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass der lösliche, schwach aktive Ligand TRAIL mittels Oberflächenimmobilisierung über Antigen-Antikörper-Wechselwirkungen in einen hochaktiven Liganden mit lokal begrenzter Toxizität überführt werden kann. Mithilfe dieses Fusionsproteins ist es somit möglich die selektive Toxizität von TRAIL durch Steigerung seiner Aktivität effizient zu nutzen. Zusätzlich kann durch die Antigenbindung der Wirkungsbereich weiter eingegrenzt werden (CD40-positive Tumoren), wodurch unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen reduziert oder sogar ausgeschaltet werden können. Das in Tumoren oft heruntergefahrene Immunsystem kann CD40-abhängig stimuliert werden, um somit auch Tumorzellen in apoptoseresistenten Stadien zu eliminieren. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen können in der Zukunft weitere Studien zur Therapie von TRAIL-resistenten, CD40-exprimierenden Tumoren fortgeführt werden. N2 - TRAIL has been characterized in 1997 based on its high sequence homology towards the TNFL CD95L (28 %). Differing from the ligands CD95L and TNF, TRAIL has the remarkable quality to induce apoptosis in tumor cells, while healthy cells are protected from apoptosis. In this case apoptosis is accomplished by the death receptors TRAILR1 and TRAILR2. However soluble TRAIL binds and activates primarily the death receptor TRAILR1, while membrane-bound TRAIL activates well both TRAILR1 and TRAILR2. In recent years different methods have been generated to raise the bioactivity of soluble TRAIL. To these belong for example: stabilization of the trimeric molecule structure with the TNC-domain, oligomerization of the ligand with the monoclonal antibody M2, generation of an artificial antigen-restricted membrane-bound form. In this work we made use of the surface receptor CD40 for immobilization of the generated fusion protein scFv:CD40-Flag-TNC-TRAIL. With the aid of this fusion protein it is thus possible to use the selective toxicity of TRAIL efficiently by an increase of its activity. Additionally the field of action could be localized further by antigen binding (CD40-positive tumors). As a consequence undesirable side effects can be reduced or even deactivated. The shut down immune system in tumors can be stimulated CD40-dependant, so that tumor cells resistant to apoptosis are also wiped out. Based on these results future studies may be conducted to treat TRAIL-resistant, CD40-expriming tumors. KW - Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor / Rekombinantes Protein KW - Tumorantigen KW - Antigen CD40 KW - Apoptosis KW - TRAIL KW - CD40 KW - Tumortherapie KW - Todesrezeptoren KW - Antikörper KW - TRAIL KW - CD40 KW - death receptors KW - tumor treatment KW - antibody Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-106813 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Karl, I. A1 - Jossberger-Werner, M. A1 - Schmidt, N. A1 - Horn, S. A1 - Goebeler, M. A1 - Leverkus, M. A1 - Wajant, H. A1 - Giner, T. T1 - TRAF2 inhibits TRAIL- and CD95L-induced apoptosis and necroptosis JF - Cell Death & Disease N2 - The relevance of the adaptor protein TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) for signal transduction of the death receptor tumour necrosis factor receptor1 (TNFR1) is well-established. The role of TRAF2 for signalling by CD95 and the TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) DRs, however, is only poorly understood. Here, we observed that knockdown (KD) of TRAF2 sensitised keratinocytes for TRAIL- and CD95L-induced apoptosis. Interestingly, while cell death was fully blocked by the pan-caspase inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp(OMe)-fluoromethylketone (zVAD-fmk) in control cells, TRAF2-depleted keratinocytes were only partly rescued from TRAIL- and CD95L-induced cell death. In line with the idea that the only partially protective effect of zVAD-fmk on TRAIL- and CD95L-treated TRAF2-depleted keratinocytes is due to the induction of necroptosis, combined treatment with zVAD-fmk and the receptor interacting protein 1 (RIP1) inhibitor necrostatin-1 fully rescued these cells. To better understand the impact of TRAF2 levels on RIP1- and RIP3-dependent necroptosis and RIP3-independent apoptosis, we performed experiments in HeLa cells that lack endogenous RIP3 and HeLa cells stably transfected with RIP3. HeLa cells, in which necroptosis has no role, were markedly sensitised to TRAIL-induced caspase-dependent apoptosis by TRAF2 KD. In RIP3-expressing HeLa transfectants, however, KD of TRAF2 also strongly sensitised for TRAIL-induced necroptosis. Noteworthy, priming of keratinocytes with soluble TWEAK, which depletes the cytosolic pool of TRAF2-containing protein complexes, resulted in strong sensitisation for TRAIL-induced necroptosis but had only a very limited effect on TRAIL-induced apoptosis. The necroptotic TRAIL response was not dependent on endogenously produced TNF and TNFR signalling, since blocking TNF by TNFR2-Fc or anti-TNFα had no effect on necroptosis induction. Taken together, we identified TRAF2 not only as a negative regulator of DR-induced apoptosis but in particular also as an antagonist of TRAIL- and CD95L-induced necroptosis. KW - Nekrose KW - Apoptosis Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119166 SN - 2041-4889 VL - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Carmona Arana, José Antonio A1 - Seher, Axel A1 - Neumann, Manfred A1 - Lang, Isabell A1 - Siegmund, Daniela A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - TNF Receptor-Associated Factor 1 is a Major Target of Soluble TWEAK JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - Soluble tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK), in contrast to membrane TWEAK and TNF, is only a weak activator of the classical NFκB pathway. We observed that soluble TWEAK was regularly more potent than TNF with respect to the induction of TNF receptor-associated factor 1 (TRAF1), a NFκB-controlled signaling protein involved in the regulation of inflammatory signaling pathways. TNF-induced TRAF1 expression was efficiently blocked by inhibition of the classical NFκB pathway using the IKK2 inhibitor, TPCA1. In contrast, in some cell lines, TWEAK-induced TRAF1 production was only partly inhibited by TPCA1. The NEDD8-activating enzyme inhibitor MLN4924, however, which inhibits classical and alternative NFκB signaling, blocked TNF- and TWEAK-induced TRAF1 expression. This suggests that TRAF1 induction by soluble TWEAK is based on the cooperative activity of the two NFκB signaling pathways. We have previously shown that oligomerization of soluble TWEAK results in ligand complexes with membrane TWEAK-like activity. Oligomerization of soluble TWEAK showed no effect on the dose response of TRAF1 induction, but potentiated the ability of soluble TWEAK to trigger production of the classical NFκB-regulated cytokine IL8. Transfectants expressing soluble TWEAK and membrane TWEAK showed similar induction of TRAF1 while only the membrane TWEAK expressing cells robustly stimulated IL8 production. These data indicate that soluble TWEAK may efficiently induce a distinct subset of the membrane TWEAK-targeted genes and argue again for a crucial role of classical NFκB pathway-independent signaling in TWEAK-induced TRAF1 expression. Other TWEAK targets, which can be equally well induced by soluble and membrane TWEAK, remain to be identified and the relevance of the ability of soluble TWEAK to induce such a distinct subset of membrane TWEAK-targeted genes for TWEAK biology will have to be clarified in future studies. KW - RAF1 KW - TWEAK KW - TNF KW - NFκB KW - CD40 Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120620 SN - 1664-3224 VL - 5 IS - 63 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Trebing, J. A1 - El-Mesery, M. A1 - Schäfer, V. A1 - Weisenberger, D. A1 - Siegmund, D. A1 - Silence, K. A1 - Wajant, H. T1 - CD70-restricted specific activation of TRAILR1 or TRAILR2 using scFv-targeted TRAIL mutants JF - Cell Death & Disease N2 - To combine the CD27 stimulation inhibitory effect of blocking CD70 antibodies with an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC)-independent, cell death-inducing activity for targeting of CD70-expressing tumors, we evaluated here fusion proteins of the apoptosis-inducing TNF family member TRAIL and a single-chain variable fragment (scFv) derived from a high-affinity llama-derived anti-human CD70 antibody (lαhCD70). A fusion protein of scFv:lαhCD70 with TNC-TRAIL, a stabilized form of TRAIL, showed strongly enhanced apoptosis induction upon CD70 binding and furthermore efficiently interfered with CD70-CD27 interaction. Noteworthy, introduction of recently identified mutations that discriminate between TRAILR1 and TRAILR2 binding into the TRAIL part of scFv:lαhCD70-TNC-TRAIL resulted in TRAIL death receptor-specific fusion proteins with CD70-restricted activity. KW - apoptosis KW - CD27 KW - CD70 KW - scFv KW - TRAIL Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120078 VL - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lückerath, Katharina A1 - Lapa, Constantin A1 - Albert, Christa A1 - Herrmann, Ken A1 - Jörg, Gerhard A1 - Samnick, Samuel A1 - Einsele, Herrmann A1 - Knop, Stefan A1 - Buck, Andreas K. T1 - \(^{11}\)C-Methionine-PET: a novel and sensitive tool for monitoring of early response to treatment in multiple myeloma JF - Oncotarget N2 - Multiple myeloma (MM) remains an essentially incurable hematologic malignancy. However, new treatment modalities and novel drugs have been introduced and thus additional tools for therapy monitoring are increasingly needed. Therefore, we evaluated the radiotracers \(^{11}\)C-Methionine (paraprotein-biosynthesis) and \(^{18}\)F-FDG (glucose-utilization) for monitoring response to anti-myeloma-therapy and outcome prediction. Influence of proteasome-inhibition on radiotracer-uptake of different MM cell-lines and patient-derived CD138\(^{+}\) plasma cells was analyzed and related to tumor-biology. Mice xenotransplanted with MM. 1S tumors underwent MET- and FDG-\(\mu\)PET. Tumor-to-background ratios before and after 24 h, 8 and 15 days treatment with bortezomib were correlated to survival. Treatment reduced both MET and FDG uptake; changes in tracer-retention correlated with a switch from high to low CD138-expression. In xenotransplanted mice, MET-uptake significantly decreased by 30-79% as early as 24 h after bortezomib injection. No significant differences were detected thus early with FDG. This finding was confirmed in patient-derived MM cells. Importantly, early reduction of MET-but not FDG-uptake correlated with improved survival and reduced tumor burden in mice. Our results suggest that MET is superior to FDG in very early assessment of response to anti-myeloma-therapy. Early changes in MET-uptake have predictive potential regarding response and survival. MET-PET holds promise to individualize therapies in MM in future. KW - positron emission tomography KW - imaging techniques KW - experience KW - \(^{11}\)C-Methionine-PET KW - treatment response KW - molecular imaging KW - multiple myeloma KW - management KW - \(^{18}\)F-FDG PET/CT KW - bone disease KW - stem-cell transplantation KW - esophagogastric junction Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148688 VL - 6 IS - 10 ER - TY - THES A1 - Karl, Ingolf T1 - Die Bedeutung von TRAF2 bei TRAIL-induzierter Apoptose und Nekroptose T1 - Relevance of TRAF2 in TRAIL-induced apoptosis and necroptosis N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt TRAIL-induzierte Apoptose und Nekroptose in verschiedenen Zelllinien. Im Speziellen wurden die verschiedenen Funktionen des TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) untersucht. Hierzu wurde ein transienter Knockdown etabliert und dessen Wirkung auf die Suszeptibilität der Zellen gegenüber dem Zytokin TRAIL untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein Knockdown von TRAF2 nicht nur zur Sensitivierung für Apoptose führt, sondern auch in Nekroptose-kompetenten Zellen zu einer Verstärkung der durch Caspaseinhibition mittels zVAD-fmk nach TRAIL-Stimulation induzierten Nekroptose führt. Mittels des Zytokins Fc-TWEAK wurde Fn14-vermittelt TRAF2 aus dem Zytosol in ein Triton X100-unlösliches Kompartiment rekrutiert und dadurch physiologisch depletiert. Dies führte zwar kaum zu gesteigerter TRAIL-abhängiger Apoptose, sensitivierte jedoch analog zum TRAF2-Knockdown RIP3-exprimierende Zellen für Nekroptose. Durch Vergleich RIP3-negativer (HeLa-Leervektor) mit RIP3-exprimierenden Zellen (HeLa RIP3, HT29, HaCaT) konnte die Essentialität von RIP3 für die Nekroptose herausgestellt werden und Einsatz des RIP1-Kinase-Inhibitors Necrostatin-1 sowie des MLKL-Inhibitors Necrosulfonamide belegte die Beteiligung der Nekroptosomkomponenten RIP1 und MLKL. Antagonismus putativen autokrinen TNFs bewies, dass es sich bei dem durch Fc-TWEAK verstärkten Zelltod um einen direkten TRAIL-Effekt handelte und Inhibition kanonischen NFkBs durch IKK2-Inhibitor TPCA-1, dass die TRAF2-Knockdown-vermittelte Sensitivierung gegenüber TRAIL nicht auf verändertes NFkB-Signalling zurückzuführen ist. Einsatz des SMAC-Mimetikums BV6 rekapitulierte zudem stark das im TRAF2-Knockdown Gesehene und unterstrich die Bedeutung der cIAPs. Immunpräzipitation von Caspase 8 unter nekroptotischen Bedingungen zeigte bei TRAF2-Knockdown eine Depletion von TRAF2 und cIAP1/2 sowie RIP1 und RIP3 aus dem Komplex mit Caspase 8. Insgesamt wird deutlich, dass TRAF2 einerseits antiapoptotisch wirkt als K48-Ubiquitinligase, die die Halbwertszeit aktiver Caspase 8-Komplexe determiniert und andererseits eine antinekroptotische Funktion hat, da es durch Rekrutierung von cIAP1/2 an RIP1 die TRAIL-induzierte Nekroptose verhindert, wenn die Caspasen inhibiert sind. N2 - This study focussed on TRAIL-induced apoptosis and necroptosis in a number of different cell lines. In detail, the different functions of TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) were examined. Establishment of a transient TRAF2 knockdown discovered not only sensitization for apoptosis upon treatment with the cytokine TRAIL but also enhanced necroptosis in cells competent for this alternative programmed cell death mode. Physiological recruitment of TRAF2 into a triton x100- insoluble compartment using Fn14 ligand Fc-TWEAK revealed no stronger apoptosis after TRAIL treatment, but featured enhanced necroptosis. Comparing RIP3-negative cells (HeLa) with RIP3-expressing cells (HeLa RIP3, HT29, HaCaT) confirmed necroptosis and the necessity of RIP3 for necroptosis. Using RIP1 kinase inhibitor necrostatin 1 and MLKL inhibitor necrosufonamide fortified the involvement of the necroptosome components RIP1 and MLKL in TRAIL-induced necroptosis. Antagonizing putative autocrine TNF verified the thesis that the enhanced cell death phenotype observed upon Fc-TWEAK pre-treatment was indeed a genuine TRAIL signalling effect. Inhibition of classical NFB via TPCA-1 ruled out possibly altered NFB signalling due to TRAF2 knockdown. SMAC mimetics with BV6 strongly recapitulated the TRAF2 knockdown-induced phenotype in TRAIL-derived apoptosis and necroptosis and emphasizes cIAP1/2 relevance. Under necroptotic conditions, immunoprecipitation of caspase 8 complexes revealed depletion of TRAF2, cIAP1/2, RIP1 and RIP3 upon TRAF2 knockdown. Summarizing, by determining the shelf life of activated caspase 8, TRAF2 directly acts antiapoptotically. Moreover, by recruiting cIAP1/2 to RIP1, TRAF2 inhibits TRAIL-induced necroptosis, under conditions where caspases are inhibited. KW - Nekrose KW - Apoptose KW - Signaltransduktion KW - TRAF2 KW - Nekroptose KW - NFkB-Signalling KW - RIP3 KW - TWEAK KW - Signalweg Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114506 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Philipp-Abbrederis, Kathrin A1 - Herrmann, Ken A1 - Knop, Stefan A1 - Schottelius, Margret A1 - Eiber, Matthias A1 - Lückerath, Katharina A1 - Pietschmann, Elke A1 - Habringer, Stefan A1 - Gerngroß, Carlos A1 - Franke, Katharina A1 - Rudelius, Martina A1 - Schirbel, Andreas A1 - Lapa, Constantin A1 - Schwamborn, Kristina A1 - Steidle, Sabine A1 - Hartmann, Elena A1 - Rosenwald, Andreas A1 - Kropf, Saskia A1 - Beer, Ambros J A1 - Peschel, Christian A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Buck, Andreas K A1 - Schwaiger, Markus A1 - Götze, Katharina A1 - Wester, Hans-Jürgen A1 - Keller, Ulrich T1 - In vivo molecular imaging of chemokine receptor CXCR4 expression in patients with advanced multiple myeloma JF - EMBO Molecular Medicine N2 - CXCR4 is a G-protein-coupled receptor that mediates recruitment of blood cells toward its ligand SDF-1. In cancer, high CXCR4 expression is frequently associated with tumor dissemination andpoor prognosis. We evaluated the novel CXCR4 probe [\(^{68}\)Ga]Pentixafor for invivo mapping of CXCR4 expression density in mice xenografted with human CXCR4-positive MM cell lines and patients with advanced MM by means of positron emission tomography (PET). [\(^{68}\)Ga]Pentixafor PET provided images with excellent specificity and contrast. In 10 of 14 patients with advanced MM [\(^{68}\)Ga]Pentixafor PET/CT scans revealed MM manifestations, whereas only nine of 14 standard [\(^{18}\)F]fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT scans were rated visually positive. Assessment of blood counts and standard CD34\(^{+}\) flow cytometry did not reveal significant blood count changes associated with tracer application. Based on these highly encouraging data on clinical PET imaging of CXCR4 expression in a cohort of MM patients, we conclude that [\(^{68}\)Ga]Pentixafor PET opens a broad field for clinical investigations on CXCR4 expression and for CXCR4-directed therapeutic approaches in MM and other diseases. KW - FDG PET/CT KW - cells KW - CXCR4/SDF-1 KW - CXCR4 KW - multiple myeloma KW - positron emission tomography KW - chemokine receptor KW - in vivo imaging KW - malignancies KW - involvement KW - microenvironment KW - survival KW - cancer KW - autologous transplantation KW - bone disease Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148738 VL - 7 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kraft, Peter A1 - Drechsler, Christiane A1 - Gunreben, Ignaz A1 - Heuschmann, Peter Ulrich A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph T1 - Case-control study of platelet glycoprotein receptor Ib and IIb/IIIa expression in patients with acute and chronic cerebrovascular disease JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Background Animal models have been instrumental in defining thrombus formation, including the role of platelet surface glycoprotein (GP) receptors, in acute ischemic stroke (AIS). However, the involvement of GP receptors in human ischemic stroke pathophysiology and their utility as biomarkers for ischemic stroke risk and severity requires elucidation. Aims To determine whether platelet GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa receptors are differentially expressed in patients with AIS and chronic cerebrovascular disease (CCD) compared with healthy volunteers (HV) and to identify predictors of GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa expression. Methods This was a case-control study of 116 patients with AIS or transient ischemic attack (TIA), 117 patients with CCD, and 104 HV who were enrolled at our University hospital from 2010 to 2013. Blood sampling was performed once in the CCD and HV groups, and at several time points in patients with AIS or TIA. Linear regression and analysis of variance were used to analyze correlations between platelet GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa receptor numbers and demographic and clinical parameters. Results GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa receptor numbers did not significantly differ between the AIS, CCD, and HV groups. GPIb receptor expression level correlated significantly with the magnitude of GPIIb/IIIa receptor expression and the neutrophil count. In contrast, GPIIb/IIIa receptor numbers were not associated with peripheral immune-cell sub-population counts. Creactive protein was an independent predictor of GPIIb/IIIa (not GPIb) receptor numbers. Conclusions Platelet GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa receptor numbers did not distinguish between patient or control groups in this study, negating their potential use as a biomarker for predicting stroke risk. KW - von Willebrand factor KW - cardiovascular disease KW - increased risk KW - mice impact KW - polymorphisms inflammation KW - blood coagulability KW - atherosclerosis KW - acute ischemic stroke Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148806 VL - 10 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chopra, Martin A1 - Biehl, Marlene A1 - Steinfatt, Tim A1 - Brandl, Andreas A1 - Kums, Juliane A1 - Amich, Jorge A1 - Vaeth, Martin A1 - Kuen, Janina A1 - Holtappels, Rafaela A1 - Podlech, Jürgen A1 - Mottok, Anja A1 - Kraus, Sabrina A1 - Jordán-Garotte, Ana-Laura A1 - Bäuerlein, Carina A. A1 - Brede, Christian A1 - Ribechini, Eliana A1 - Fick, Andrea A1 - Seher, Axel A1 - Polz, Johannes A1 - Ottmueller, Katja J. A1 - Baker, Jeannette A1 - Nishikii, Hidekazu A1 - Ritz, Miriam A1 - Mattenheimer, Katharina A1 - Schwinn, Stefanie A1 - Winter, Thorsten A1 - Schäfer, Viktoria A1 - Krappmann, Sven A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Müller, Thomas D. A1 - Reddehase, Matthias J. A1 - Lutz, Manfred B. A1 - Männel, Daniela N. A1 - Berberich-Siebelt, Friederike A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Beilhack, Andreas T1 - Exogenous TNFR2 activation protects from acute GvHD via host T reg cell expansion JF - Journal of Experimental Medicine N2 - Donor CD4\(^+\)Foxp3\(^+\) regulatory T cells (T reg cells) suppress graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT allo-HCT]). Current clinical study protocols rely on the ex vivo expansion of donor T reg cells and their infusion in high numbers. In this study, we present a novel strategy for inhibiting GvHD that is based on the in vivo expansion of recipient T reg cells before allo-HCT, exploiting the crucial role of tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 (TNFR2) in T reg cell biology. Expanding radiation-resistant host T reg cells in recipient mice using a mouse TNFR2-selective agonist before allo-HCT significantly prolonged survival and reduced GvHD severity in a TNFR2-and T reg cell-dependent manner. The beneficial effects of transplanted T cells against leukemia cells and infectious pathogens remained unaffected. A corresponding human TNFR2-specific agonist expanded human T reg cells in vitro. These observations indicate the potential of our strategy to protect allo-HCT patients from acute GvHD by expanding T reg cells via selective TNFR2 activation in vivo. KW - Tumor-necrosis-factor KW - Regulatory-cells KW - Bone marrow transplantantation KW - Graft-versus-leukemia KW - Rheumatoid arthritis KW - Autoimmune diseases KW - Factor receptor KW - Alpha therapy KW - Expression KW - Suppression Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187640 VL - 213 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Siegmund, Daniela A1 - Kums, Juliane A1 - Ehrenschwender, Martin A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - Activation of TNFR2 sensitizes macrophages for TNFR1-mediated necroptosis JF - Cell Death & Disease N2 - Macrophages express TNFR1 as well as TNFR2 and are also major producers of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), especially upon contact with pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Consequently, TNF not only acts as a macrophage-derived effector molecule but also regulates the activity and viability of macrophages. Here, we investigated the individual contribution of TNFR1 and TNFR2 to TNF-induced cell death in macrophages. Exclusive stimulation of TNFR1 showed no cytotoxic effect whereas selective stimulation of TNFR2 displayed mild cytotoxicity. Intriguingly, the latter was strongly enhanced by the caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk. The strong cytotoxic activity of TNFR2 in the presence of zVAD-fmk was reversed by necrostatin-1, indicating necroptotic cell death. TNFR1- and TNF-deficient macrophages turned out to be resistant against TNFR2-induced cell death. In addition, the cIAP-depleting SMAC mimetic BV6 also enforced TNF/TNFR1-mediated necroptotic cell death in the presence of zVAD-fmk. In sum, our data suggest a model in which TNFR2 sensitizes macrophages for endogenous TNF-induced TNFR1-mediated necroptosis by the known ability of TNFR2 to interfere with the survival activity of TRAF2-cIAP1/2 complexes. KW - TNFR2 Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162317 VL - 7 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kums, Juliane T1 - Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von \(Gaussia\) \(princeps\) Luziferase-Antikörper-Fusionsproteinen T1 - Development and characterization of \(Gaussia\) \(princeps\) luciferase antibody fusion proteins N2 - Antikörper, die Oberflächenantigene erkennen, sind sowohl in der Diagnostik als auch in der Therapie verschiedener Erkrankungen von enormer Bedeutung. Damit Antikörper in diesen Bereichen eingesetzt werden können, ist es sehr wichtig, dass die Interaktion eines Antikörpers oder auch eines Antikörperkonjugats mit seinem Antigen oder Fc-Rezeptoren ausreichend charakterisiert wird. Hierfür werden meist zellfreie Verfahren angewandt, wie die isotherme Titrationskalorimetrie oder die Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie. Diese unterliegen verschiedenen Limitationen, beispielsweise der Verfügbarkeit von rekombinantem Antigen. Vor allem aber werden zelluläre Einflüsse, die die Bindungseigenschaften der Antikörper beeinflussen, nicht berücksichtigt. Aber auch die derzeit angewandten Verfahren für zelluläre Bindungsstudien können problematisch sein, da sie meist auf Antikörpern basieren, die biochemisch markiert worden sind, was zu funktionellen Beeinträchtigungen führen kann. Außerdem zeigen solche Antikörper häufig keine einheitliche Stöchiometrie der jeweiligen Reporterstoffe und die Reproduzierbarkeit des Markierungsverfahrens ist in den meisten Fällen nicht gewährleistet. Positionsspezifische Markierungen sind jedoch vergleichsweise sehr aufwendig. Um die genannten Probleme zu umgehen, wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit am Beispiel des Fn14-spezifischen Antikörpers 18D1 Antikörper-Fusionsproteine hergestellt und charakterisiert, die an verschiedenen Positionen genetisch mit der Gaussia princeps Luziferase (GpL) fusioniert worden sind. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Positionierung der Luziferase am C-Terminus der leichten Kette des Antikörpers (GpL(CT-LC)) die Bindungseigenschaften der GpL-18D1-IgG1-Fusionsproteine an Fn14 und an die verschiedenen Fcγ-Rezeptoren (FcγR) nicht oder nur in geringem Umfang beeinflusst. Auch die agonistische Aktivität der GpL-18D1-IgG1-Fusionsproteine, welche abhängig ist von der Oligomerisierung über Protein G oder der FcγR-Bindung, wurde durch die GpL-Markierung nicht wesentlich beeinflusst. Diese Ergebnisse ließen sich am Bespiel von 18D1 ebenfalls auf die dimeren Antikörper-Isotypen IgG2, mIgG1 und mIgG2A übertragen. GpL-Fusionsproteine der Antikörper E09-IgG1 (CD95-spezifisch), G28.5-IgG1 (CD40-spezifisch) und BHA10-IgG1 (LTβR-spezifisch) zeigten gleichfalls keine gravierenden Veränderungen der Bindungseigenschaften oder den funktionellen Eigenschaften, was für eine breite Anwendbarkeit von GpL-Antikörper-Fusionsproteinen spricht. Zusammenfassend betrachtet zeigen die hier präsentierten Ergebnisse, dass die genetische Fusion der Gaussia princeps Luziferase an das C-terminale Ende der leichten Antikörperkette eine sehr gute Möglichkeit darstellt, Antigen-Antikörper-Interaktionen zu charakterisieren ohne dabei mit den Eigenschaften des Antikörpers zu interferieren. Dabei besticht dieser Ansatz im Vergleich zu anderen gängigen Verfahren durch seine Reproduzierbarkeit, eine einfache Handhabung, geringe Kosten und eine extrem hohe Sensitivität. Außerdem könnte dieses Antikörper-Fusionsproteinformat zukünftig auch in vielen Bereichen als Tracer eingesetzt werden mit dem Vorteil, dass keinerlei Radioaktivität benötigt werden würde. N2 - Antibodies raised against surface proteins are of enormous importance for diagnosis and therapy of various diseases. In the development of antibodies for these areas there is a high need for detailed characterization of the interactions of an antibody/antibody-conjugate with its antigen and Fc-receptors. Currently this binding properties are mostly evaluated by cell free assays like surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry. These methods have principle limitations, for example the need of recombinantly produced antigens and the fact that cellular factors which can influence the antigen-antibody interaction cannot be considered. However, the presently used methods for binding studies with intact cells have various limitations, too, e.g. the need for labeled antibodies. Biochemical labeling can influence the binding properties of the antibody and also its functional characteristics. Additionally the resulting antibody-populations can be heterogeneous relating to the amount of biochemical-labeling and the position of the labeling. Also the labeling procedure is not very reproducible. Side specific labeling methods on the other side are typically quite elaborate. To overcome these limitations, on the example of the Fn14-specific antibody 18D1-IgG1 antibody fusion protein formats were investigated which were genetically fused with the Gaussia princeps luciferase (GpL) at different sites of the antibody. Binding studies with these variants showed, that the C-terminus of the antibody light chain (e.g. with GpL, GpL(CT-LC)) is the best suited position for genetic antibody labeling, because GpL domain tagging to this position did not or only very weakly influence the binding properties of the antibody to Fn14 and the Fcγ-receptors. Moreover, the agonistic activity of the antibody which requires oligomerization through protein G or Fcγ-receptor binding for full appearance was not affected. Similar results were obtained for the dimeric 18D1 isotypes IgG2, mIgG1 and mIgG2A. Furthermore, GpL fusion proteins of the antibodies E09-IgG1 (CD95-specific), G28.5-IgG1 (CD40-specific) und BHA10-IgG1 (LTβR-specific) showed no big differences neither in their binding properties to their antigen and Fcγ-receptors nor with respect to their functional activities, indicating a broad applicability of GpL antibody fusion proteins. Summing up, the herein presented results reveal that C-terminal GpL-tagging of the antibody light chain is a versatile tool to characterize the binding properties of an antibody to its antigen without influencing the original properties of the antibody. The GpL antibody fusion proteins of this type are very easily manageable, show a high reproducibility, are cost-efficient and allow very sensitive cellular binding studies and could be used as tracer molecules in the future. KW - Luciferasen KW - zelluläre Bindungsstudien KW - 18D1 KW - Antikörper KW - Fn14 KW - TWEAK KW - cellular binding studies KW - Rekombinantes Protein KW - Gaussia princeps Luziferase Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146777 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kraft, Peter A1 - Fleischer, Anna A1 - Wiedmann, Silke A1 - Rücker, Viktoria A1 - Mackenrodt, Daniel A1 - Morbach, Caroline A1 - Malzahn, Uwe A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Störk, Stefan A1 - Heuschmann, Peter U. T1 - Feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of point-of-care handheld echocardiography in acute ischemic stroke patients - a pilot study JF - BMC Neurology N2 - Background: Standard echocardiography (SE) is an essential part of the routine diagnostic work-up after ischemic stroke (IS) and also serves for research purposes. However, access to SE is often limited. We aimed to assess feasibility and accuracy of point-of-care (POC) echocardiography in a stroke unit (SU) setting. Methods: IS patients were recruited on the SU of the University Hospital Würzburg, Germany. Two SU team members were trained in POC echocardiography for a three-month period to assess a set of predefined cardiac parameters including left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Diagnostic agreement was assessed by comparing POC with SE executed by an expert sonographer, and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) or kappa (κ) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. Results: In the 78 patients receiving both POC and SE agreement for cardiac parameters was good, with ICC varying from 0.82 (95% CI 0.71–0.89) to 0.93 (95% CI 0.87–0.96), and κ from 0.39 (−95% CI 0.14–0.92) to 0.79 (95% CI 0.67–0.91). Detection of systolic dysfunction with POC echocardiography compared to SE was very good, with an area under the curve of 0.99 (0.96–1.00). Interrater agreement for LVEF measured by POC echocardiography was good with κ 0.63 (95% CI 0.40–0.85). Conclusions: POC echocardiography in a SU setting is feasible enabling reliable quantification of LVEF and preliminary assessment of selected cardiac parameters that might be used for research purposes. Its potential clinical utility in triaging stroke patients who should undergo or do not necessarily require SE needs to be investigated in larger prospective diagnostic studies. KW - ischemic stroke KW - systolic dysfunction KW - point-of-care echocardiography KW - ejection fraction KW - stroke unit KW - feasibility KW - accuracy Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158081 VL - 17 IS - 159 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lagler, Charlotte A1 - El-Mesery, Mohamed A1 - Kübler, Alexander Christian A1 - Müller-Richter, Urs Dietmar Achim A1 - Stühmer, Thorsten A1 - Nickel, Joachim A1 - Müller, Thomas Dieter A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Seher, Axel T1 - The anti-myeloma activity of bone morphogenetic protein 2 predominantly relies on the induction of growth arrest and is apoptosis-independent JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Multiple myeloma (MM), a malignancy of the bone marrow, is characterized by a pathological increase in antibody-producing plasma cells and an increase in immunoglobulins (plasmacytosis). In recent years, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been reported to be activators of apoptotic cell death in neoplastic B cells in MM. Here, we use bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) to show that the "apoptotic" effect of BMPs on human neoplastic B cells is dominated by anti-proliferative activities and cell cycle arrest and is apoptosis-independent. The anti-proliferative effect of BMP2 was analysed in the human cell lines KMS12-BM and L363 using WST-1 and a Coulter counter and was confirmed using CytoTox assays with established inhibitors of programmed cell death (zVAD-fmk and necrostatin-1). Furthermore, apoptotic activity was compared in both cell lines employing western blot analysis for caspase 3 and 8 in cells treated with BMP2 and FasL. Additionally, expression profiles of marker genes of different cell death pathways were analysed in both cell lines after stimulation with BMP2 for 48h using an RT-PCR-based array. In our experiments we observed that there was rather no reduction in absolute cell number, but cells stopped proliferating following treatment with BMP2 instead. The time frame (48–72 h) after BMP2 treatment at which a reduction in cell number is detectable is too long to indicate a directly BMP2-triggered apoptosis. Moreover, in comparison to robust apoptosis induced by the approved apoptotic factor FasL, BMP2 only marginally induced cell death. Consistently, neither the known inhibitor of apoptotic cell death zVAD-fmk nor the necroptosis inhibitor necrostatin-1 was able to rescue myeloma cell growth in the presence of BMP2. KW - apoptosis KW - gene expression KW - necrotic cell death KW - multiple myeloma KW - cell metabolism KW - cell cycle and cell division KW - B cells Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158993 VL - 12 IS - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zeller, Daniel A1 - Heidemeier, Anke A1 - Grigoleit, Götz Ulrich A1 - Müllges, Wolfgang T1 - Case report: subacute tetraplegia in an immunocompromised patient JF - BMC Neurology N2 - Background: Clinical reasoning in Neurology is based on general associations which help to deduce the site of the lesion. However, even “golden principles” may occasionally be deceptive. Here, we describe the case of subacute flaccid tetraparesis due to motor cortical lesions. To our knowledge, this is the first report to include an impressive illustration of nearly symmetric motor cortical involvement of encephalitis on brain MRI. Case presentation: A 51 year old immunocompromized man developed a high-grade pure motor flaccid tetraparesis over few days. Based on clinical presentation, critical illness polyneuromyopathy was suspected. However, brain MRI revealed symmetrical hyperintensities strictly limited to the subcortical precentral gyrus. An encephalitis, possibly due to CMV infection, turned out to be the most likely cause. Conclusion: While recognition of basic clinical patterns is indispensable in neurological reasoning, awareness of central conditions mimicking peripheral nervous disease may be crucial to detect unsuspected, potentially treatable conditions. KW - tetraparesis KW - motor cortex KW - CMV KW - encephalitis KW - case report Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157576 VL - 17 IS - 31 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schmid, Tobias A1 - Falter, Lena A1 - Weber, Sabine A1 - Müller, Nils A1 - Molitor, Konstantin A1 - Zeller, David A1 - Weber-Steffens, Dorothea A1 - Hehlgans, Thomas A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Mostböck, Sven A1 - Männel, Daniela N. T1 - Chronic inflammation increases the sensitivity of mouse Treg for TNFR2 costimulation JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - TNF receptor type 2 (TNFR2) has gained attention as a costimulatory receptor for T cells and as critical factor for the development of regulatory T cells (Treg) and myeloid suppressor cells. Using the TNFR2-specific agonist TNCscTNF80, direct effects of TNFR2 activation on myeloid cells and T cells were investigated in mice. \(In\) \(vitro\), TNCscTNF80 induced T cell proliferation in a costimulatory fashion, and also supported \(in\) \(vitro\) expansion of Treg cells. In addition, activation of TNFR2 retarded differentiation of bone marrow-derived immature myeloid cells in culture and reduced their suppressor function. \(In\) \(vivo\) application of TNCscTNF80-induced mild myelopoiesis in naïve mice without affecting the immune cell composition. Already a single application expanded Treg cells and improved suppression of CD4 T cells in mice with chronic inflammation. By contrast, multiple applications of the TNFR2 agonist were required to expand Treg cells in naïve mice. Improved suppression of T cell proliferation depended on expression of TNFR2 by T cells in mice repeatedly treated with TNCscTNF80, without a major contribution of TNFR2 on myeloid cells. Thus, TNFR2 activation on T cells in naïve mice can lead to immune suppression \(in\) \(vivo\). These findings support the important role of TNFR2 for Treg cells in immune regulation. KW - molecular medicine KW - inflammation KW - immune regulation KW - costimulation KW - MDSC KW - TNFR2 KW - regulatory T cell Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173259 VL - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Seher, Axel A1 - Lagler, Charlotte A1 - Stühmer, Thorsten A1 - Müller-Richter, Urs Dietmar Achim A1 - Kübler, Alexander Christian A1 - Sebald, Walter A1 - Müller, Thomas Dieter A1 - Nickel, Joachim T1 - Utilizing BMP-2 muteins for treatment of multiple myeloma JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Multiple myeloma (MM) represents a haematological cancer characterized by the pathological hyper proliferation of antibody-producing B-lymphocytes. Patients typically suffer from kidney malfunction and skeletal disorders. In the context of MM, the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) member Activin A was recently identified as a promoter of both accompanying symptoms. Because studies have shown that bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2-mediated activities are counteracted by Activin A, we analysed whether BMP2, which also binds to the Activin A receptors ActRII and ActRIIB but activates the alternative SMAD-1/5/8 pathway, can be used to antagonize Activin A activities, such as in the context of MM. Therefore three BMP2 derivatives were generated with modified binding activities for the type II (ActRIIB) and/or type I receptor (BMPRIA) showing either increased or decreased BMP2 activity. In the context of MM these BMP2 muteins show two functionalities since they act as a) an anti-proliferative/apoptotic agent against neoplastic B-cells, b) as a bone-formation promoting growth factor. The molecular basis of both activities was shown in two different cellular models to clearly rely on the properties of the investigated BMP2 muteins to compete for the binding of Activin A to the Activin type II receptors. The experimental outcome suggests new therapeutic strategies using BMP2 variants in the treatment of MM-related pathologies. KW - multiple myeloma KW - signaling KW - cell proliferation KW - cell binding KW - membrane receptor signaling KW - BMP KW - gene expression KW - B cell receptors KW - B cells Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158144 VL - 12 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kredel, Markus A1 - Kunzmann, Steffen A1 - Schlegel, Paul-Gerhardt A1 - Wölfl, Matthias A1 - Nordbeck, Peter A1 - Bühler, Christoph A1 - Lotz, Christopher A1 - Lepper, Philipp M. A1 - Wirbelauer, Johannes A1 - Roewer, Norbert A1 - Muellenbach, Ralf M. T1 - Double Peripheral Venous and Arterial Cannulation for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Combined Septic and Cardiogenic Shock JF - American Journal of Case Reports N2 - Background: The use of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (va-ECMO) via peripheral cannulation for septic shock is limited by blood flow and increased afterload for the left ventricle. Case Report: A 15-year-old girl with acute myelogenous leukemia, suffering from severe septic and cardiogenic shock, was treated by venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (va-ECMO). Sufficient extracorporeal blood flow matching the required oxygen demand could only be achieved by peripheral cannulation of both femoral arteries. Venous drainage was performed with a bicaval cannula inserted via the left V. femoralis. To accomplish left ventricular unloading, an additional drainage cannula was placed in the left atrium via percutaneous atrioseptostomy (va-va-ECMO). Cardiac function recovered and the girl was weaned from the ECMO on day 6. Successful allogenic stem cell transplantation took place 2 months later. Conclusions: In patients with vasoplegic septic shock and impaired cardiac contractility, double peripheral venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (va-va-ECMO) with transseptal left atrial venting can by a lifesaving option. KW - extracorporeal membrane oxygenation KW - myeloid KW - leukemia KW - acute KW - shock KW - cardiogenic KW - septic Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158193 VL - 18 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Baur, Johannes A1 - Büntemeyer, Tjark-Ole A1 - Megerle, Felix A1 - Deutschbein, Timo A1 - Spitzweg, Christine A1 - Quinkler, Marcus A1 - Nawroth, Peter A1 - Kroiss, Matthias A1 - Germer, Christoph-Thomas A1 - Fassnacht, Martin A1 - Steger, Ulrich T1 - Outcome after resection of Adrenocortical Carcinoma liver metastases: a retrospective study JF - BMC Cancer N2 - Background: Metastatic Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignancy with a poor 5-year-survival rate (<15%). A surgical approach is recommended in selected patients if complete resection of distant metastasis can be achieved. To date there are only limited data on the outcome after surgical resection of hepatic metastases of ACC. Methods: A retrospective analysis of the German Adrenocortical Carcinoma Registry was conducted. Patients with liver metastases of ACC but without extrahepatic metastases or incomplete tumour resection were included. Results: Seventy-seven patients fulfilled these criteria. Forty-three patients underwent resection of liver metastases of ACC. Complete tumour resection (R0) could be achieved in 30 (69.8%). Median overall survival after liver resection was 76.1 months in comparison to 10.1 months in the 34 remaining patients with unresected liver metastases (p < 0.001). However, disease free survival after liver resection was only 9.1 months. Neither resection status (R0/R1) nor extent of liver resection were significant predictive factors for overall survival. Patients with a time interval to the first metastasis/recurrence (TTFR) of greater than 12 months or solitary liver metastases showed significantly prolonged survival. Conclusions: Liver resection in the case of ACC liver metastases can achieve long term survival with a median overall survival of more than 5 years, but disease free survival is short despite metastasectomy. Time to recurrence and single versus multiple metastases are predictive factors for the outcome. KW - Adrenocortical Carcinoma KW - liver resection KW - retrospective study KW - prognosis KW - survival analysis Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159409 VL - 17 IS - 522 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wiegering, Armin A1 - Riegel, Johannes A1 - Wagner, Johanna A1 - Kunzmann, Volker A1 - Baur, Johannes A1 - Walles, Thorsten A1 - Dietz, Ulrich A1 - Loeb, Stefan A1 - Germer, Christoph-Thomas A1 - Steger, Ulrich A1 - Klein, Ingo T1 - The impact of pulmonary metastasectomy in patients with previously resected colorectal cancer liver metastases JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Background 40–50% of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) will develop liver metastases (CRLM) during the course of the disease. One third of these patients will additionally develop pulmonary metastases. Methods 137 consecutive patients with CRLM, were analyzed regarding survival data, clinical, histological data and treatment. Results were stratified according to the occurrence of pulmonary metastases and metastases resection. Results 39% of all patients with liver resection due to CRLM developed additional lung metastases. 44% of these patients underwent subsequent pulmonary resection. Patients undergoing pulmonary metastasectomy showed a significantly better five-year survival compared to patients not qualified for curative resection (5-year survival 71.2% vs. 28.0%; p = 0.001). Interestingly, the 5-year survival of these patients was even superior to all patients with CRLM, who did not develop pulmonary metastases (77.5% vs. 63.5%; p = 0.015). Patients, whose pulmonary metastases were not resected, were more likely to redevelop liver metastases (50.0% vs 78.6%; p = 0.034). However, the rate of distant metastases did not differ between both groups (54.5 vs.53.6; p = 0.945). Conclusion The occurrence of colorectal lung metastases after curative liver resection does not impact patient survival if pulmonary metastasectomy is feasible. Those patients clearly benefit from repeated resections of the liver and the lung metastases. KW - hepatic resection KW - surgical resection KW - lung resection KW - curative resection KW - metastasis KW - colorectal cancer KW - cancer treatment KW - surgical oncology Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158036 VL - 12 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hefner, Jochen A1 - Berberich, Sara A1 - Lanvers, Elena A1 - Sanning, Maria A1 - Steimer, Ann-Kathrin A1 - Kunzmann, Volker T1 - Patient-doctor relationship and adherence to capecitabine in outpatients of a German comprehensive cancer center JF - Patient Preference and Adherence N2 - Purpose: The prescribing of oral chemotherapy agents has introduced the new challenge of ensuring patients’ adherence to therapy. Aspects of a close patient–doctor relationship are reported to be correlated with adherence to oral anticancer drugs, but data on capecitabine are scarce. Patients and methods: Sixty-four outpatients with a diagnosis of cancer and prescribed capecitabine were recruited from a German Comprehensive Cancer Center. We used the Patient–Doctor Relationship Questionnaire (PDRQ-9), the Medical Adherence Rating Scale (MARS), the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ), and the Satisfaction with Information about Medicines Scale (SIMS) to assess patients’ perceptions and behavior. Medical data were extracted from the charts. Results: Non-adherence was reported by 20% of the 64 participants. The perceived quality of the patient–doctor relationship was high in general, but it did not emerge as a predictor of adherence in our survey (odds ratio [OR]=0.915, P=0.162, 95% CI=0.808–1.036). However, beliefs about medicine (OR=1.268, P<0.002; 95% CI=1.090–1.475) as well as satisfaction with information about medicine (OR=1.252, P<0.040, 95% CI=1.010–1.551) were predictors of adherence and the quality of the patient–doctor relationship was correlated with both variables (r=0.373, P=0.002 for SIMS sum score; r=0.263, P=0.036 for BMQ necessity/concern difference). Overall, adherence to capecitabine was high with a conviction that the therapy is necessary. However, concerns were expressed regarding the long-term effect of capecitabine use. Patients have unmet information needs regarding interactions of capecitabine with other medicines and the impairment of their intimate life. Conclusions: In order to ensure adherence to capecitabine, our results seem to encourage the default use of modern and perhaps more impersonal means of information brokerage (eg, email, internet). However, the contents of some of patients’ informational needs as well as the associations of patients’ beliefs and satisfaction about the information received suggest a benefit from a trustful patient–doctor relationship. KW - oral anticancer drugs KW - patient-doctor-relationship KW - capecitabine Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177143 VL - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lapa, Constantin A1 - Kircher, Malte A1 - Hänscheid, Heribert A1 - Schirbel, Andreas A1 - Grigoleit, Götz Ulrich A1 - Klinker, Erdwine A1 - Böck, Markus A1 - Samnick, Samuel A1 - Pelzer, Theo A1 - Buck, Andreas K T1 - Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy as a new tool in treatment-refractory sarcoidosis - initial experience in two patients JF - Theranostics N2 - Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disorder of unknown etiology that can involve virtually all organ systems. Whereas most patients present without symptoms, progressive and disabling organ failure can occur in up to 10% of subjects. Somatostatin receptor (SSTR)-directed peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) has recently received market authorization for treatment of SSTR-positive neuroendocrine tumors. Methods: We describe the first case series comprising two patients with refractory multi-organ involvement of sarcoidosis who received 4 cycles of PRRT. Results: PRRT was well-tolerated without any acute adverse effects. No relevant toxicities could be recorded during follow-up. Therapy resulted in partial response accompanied by a pronounced reduction in pain (patient #1) and stable disease regarding morphology as well as disease activity (patient #2), respectively. Conclusion: Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy in sarcoidosis is feasible and might be a new valuable tool in patients with otherwise treatment-refractory disease. Given the long experience with and good tolerability of PRRT, further evaluation of this new treatment option for otherwise treatment-refractory sarcoidosis in larger patient cohorts is warranted. KW - peptide receptor KW - PRRT KW - sarcoidosis KW - somatostatin receptors KW - radionuclide therapy Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158983 VL - 8 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Hell, Dennis T1 - Development of self-adjusting cytokine neutralizer cells as a closed-loop delivery system of anti-inflammatory biologicals T1 - Entwicklung von selbstregulierenden Zytokin-Neutralisierer-Zellen als Closed-Loop Abgabesystem von anti-inflammatorischen Biologikals N2 - The current treatment strategies for diseases are assessed on the basis of diagnosed phenotypic changes due to an accumulation of asymptomatic events in physiological processes. Since a diagnosis can only be established at advanced stages of the disease, mainly due to insufficient early detection possibilities of physiological disorders, doctors are forced to treat diseases rather than prevent them. Therefore, it is desirable to link future therapeutic interventions to the early detection of physiological changes. So-called sensor-effector systems are designed to recognise disease-specific biomarkers and coordinate the production and delivery of therapeutic factors in an autonomous and automated manner. Such approaches and their development are being researched and promoted by the discipline of synthetic biology, among others. Against this background, this paper focuses on the in vitro design of cytokine-neutralizing sensor-effector cells designed for the potential treatment of recurrent autoimmune diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis. The precise control of inducible gene expression was successfully generated in human cells. At first, a NF-κB-dependent promoter was developed, based on HIV-1 derived DNA-binding motives. The activation of this triggerable promoter was investigated using several inducers including the physiologically important NF-κB inducers tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β). The activation strength of the NF-κB-triggered promoter was doubled by integrating a non-coding RNA. The latter combined expressed RNA structures, which mimic DNA by double stranded RNAs and have been demonstrated to bind to p50 or p65 by previous publications. The sensitivity was investigated for TNFα and IL-1β. The detection limit and the EC50 values were in in the lower picomolar range. Besides the sensitivity, the reversibility and dynamic of the inducible system were characterized. Hereby a close correlation between pulse times and expression profile was shown. The optimized NF-κB-dependent promoter was then coupled to established TNFα- and IL-1-blocking biologicals to develop sensor-effector systems with anti-inflammatory activity, and thus potential use against autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. The biologicals were differentiated between ligand-blocking and receptor-blocking biologicals and different variants were selected: Adalimumab, etanercept and anakinra. The non-coding RNA improved again the activation strength of NF-κB-dependent expressed biologicals, indicating its universal benefit. Furthermore, it was shown that the TNFα-induced expression of NF-κB-regulated TNFα-blocking biologics led to an extracellular negative feedback loop. Interestingly, the integration of the non-coding RNA and this negative feedback loop has increased the dynamics and reversibility of the NF-κB-regulated gene expression. The controllability of drug release can also be extended by the use of inhibitors of classical NF-κB signalling such as TPCA-1. The efficacy of the expressed biologicals was detected through neutralization of the cytokines using different experiments. For future in vivo trials, first alginate encapsulations of the cells were performed. Furthermore, the activation of NF-κB-dependent promoter was demonstrated using co-cultures with human plasma samples or using synovial liquids. With this generated sensor-effector system we have developed self-adjusting cytokine neutralizer cells as a closed-loop delivery system for anit-inflammatory biologics. N2 - Die derzeitig üblichen Behandlungsstrategien von Krankheiten werden auf Basis diagnostizierter phänotypischer Veränderungen erhoben, die auf eine Ansammlung asymptomatischer Ereignisse in physiologischen Vorgängen zurückzuführen sind. Da die Feststellung einer Diagnose bislang erst in fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsstadien, vor allem aufgrund unzureichender Früherkennungsmöglichkeiten von physiologischen Störungen, erfolgen kann, sehen sich Ärzte gezwungen, Krankheiten vornehmlich zu behandeln anstatt ihnen vorzubeugen. Daher ist es erstrebenswert, wenn zukünftige therapeutische Interventionen bereits an die Früherkennung von physiologischen Veränderungen gekoppelt werden könnten. Sogenannte Sensor-Effektor Systeme sollen krankheitsspezifische Biomarker erkennen und die Produktion und Bereitstellung von therapeutischen Faktoren in einer selbstständigen und automatisierten Art und Weise koordinieren. Solche Ansätze und deren Entwicklung werden unter anderem durch die Disziplin der synthetischen Biologie erforscht und vorangetrieben. Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich vor diesem Hintergrund auf das in vitro Design von Zytokin-neutralisierenden Sensor-Effektor Zellen, die für die potentielle Behandlung wiederkehrender Autoimmunerkrankungen, insbesondere der rheumatoiden Arthritis, konstruiert wurden. Die gezielte Ansteuerung zur induzierbaren Genexpression konnte in humanen Zellen erfolgreich generiert werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde zunächst ein NF-κB abhängiger Promoter zur induzierbaren Genexpression auf der Grundlage von HIV-1 abgleitenden DNA-Bindemotiven entwickelt. Die Aktivierbarkeit dieses Promoters wurde durch verschiedene Induktoren, insbesondere auch durch die physiologisch wichtigen NF-κB Aktivatoren Tumornekrosefaktor alpha (TNFα) und Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) überprüft. Die Aktivierungsstärke des NF-κB abhängigen Promoters wurde durch die Integration einer nicht-kodierenden RNA verdoppelt. Diese RNA kombiniert Strukturelemente, die im RNA-Doppelstrang DNA-Strukturen imitieren, und für die in Vorarbeiten die Bindung an p50 oder p65 nachgewiesen werden konnten. Für TNFα und IL-1β lagen das Detektionslimit und die EC50 Werte der NF-κB getriggerten Genexpression im unteren pikomolaren Bereich. Neben der Sensitivität wurde das induzierbare System bezüglich seiner Reversibilität und Dynamik charakterisiert. Dabei konnte eine enge Korrelation zwischen Pulszeiten und Expressionsmustern aufgezeigt werden. Ferner wurde der NF-κB abhängige Promoter an etablierte TNFα- und IL-1-blockierende Biologicals gekoppelt, um Sensor-Effektor Systeme mit anti-entzündlicher Aktivität zu erhalten, die potentiell zur Behandlung von Autoimmunerkrankungen, wie beispielsweise der rheumatoiden Arthritis, eingesetzt werden könnten. Bei den Biologicals wurde zwischen Ligand-blockierenden und Rezeptor-blockierenden Biologicals differenziert und unterschiedliche Varianten ausgewählt: Adalimumab, Etanercept und Anakinra. Erneut verbesserte die zusätzliche Integration der nicht-kodierenden RNA die Aktivierungsstärke der NF-κB abhängig exprimierten Biologicals, das die universelle Nutzbarkeit des hier entwickelten optimierten NF-κB-Promoters unterstreicht. Ferner wurde gezeigt, dass die TNFα-induzierte Expression von NF-κB-regulierten TNFα-blockierenden Biologika zu einem extrazellulären negativen Feedback Loop führte. Interessanterweise hat die Integration der nicht-kodierender RNA und dieser negative Feedback Loop die Dynamik und Reversibilität der NF-κB-regulierten Genexpression erhöht. Die Kontrollierbarkeit der Wirkstoffabgabe kann zudem durch den Einsatz von Inhibitoren der klassischen NF-κB-Signalisierung wie z.B. TPCA-1 erweitert werden. Die Wirksamkeit der exprimierten Biologicals wurde durch Neutralisation der Zytokine in verschiedenen Experimenten nachgewiesen. Für zukünftige in vivo Versuche konnten erste Alginat-Verkapselungen der Zellen durchgeführt werden. Die Aktivierbarkeit des NF-κB abhängigen Promoters wurde ferner durch Ko-Kultivierung mit humanen Plasmaproben und Synovialflüssigkeiten nachgewiesen. Mit diesem generierten Sensor-Effektor-System haben wir selbstregulierende Zytokin-Neutralisierer-Zellen als Closed-Loop Abgabesystem von anit-inflammatorischen Biologikals entwickelt. KW - cell therapy KW - synthetic biology KW - designer cell KW - suppressor cells KW - closed-loop systems KW - autoimmune disease KW - rheumatoid arthritis KW - gene network KW - adalimumab KW - enbrel KW - etanercept KW - anakinra KW - Biologika KW - Autoaggressionskrankheit KW - Cytokine KW - in vitro Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175381 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kreckel, Jennifer A1 - Anany, Mohammed A. A1 - Siegmund, Daniela A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - TRAF2 controls death receptor-induced caspase-8 processing and facilitates proinflammatory signaling JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor associated factor-2 (TRAF2) knockout (KO) cells were generated to investigate the role of TRAF2 in signaling by TNFR1 and the CD95-type death receptors (DRs) TRAILR1/2 and CD95. To prevent negative selection effects arising from the increased cell death sensitivity of TRAF2-deficient cells, cell lines were used for the generation of the TRAF2 KO variants that were protected from DR-induced apoptosis downstream of caspase-8 activation. As already described in the literature, TRAF2 KO cells displayed enhanced constitutive alternative NFκB signaling and reduced TNFR1-induced activation of the classical NFκB pathway. There was furthermore a significant but only partial reduction in CD95-type DR-induced upregulation of the proinflammatory NFκB-regulated cytokine interleukin-8 (IL8), which could be reversed by reexpression of TRAF2. In contrast, expression of the TRAF2-related TRAF1 protein failed to functionally restore TRAF2 deficiency. TRAF2 deficiency resulted furthermore in enhanced procaspase-8 processing by DRs, but this surprisingly came along with a reduction in net caspase-8 activity. In sum, our data argue for (i) a non-obligate promoting function of TRAF2 in proinflammatory DR signaling and (ii) a yet unrecognized stabilizing effect of TRAF2 on caspase-8 activity. KW - caspase-8 KW - death receptors KW - CD95 KW - TNFR1 KW - TRAF1 KW - TRAF2 KW - TRAILR1 KW - TRAILR2 Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201822 VL - 10 IS - 2024 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Siegmund, Daniela T1 - TNFR1 and TNFR2 in the control of the life and death balance of macrophages JF - Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology N2 - Macrophages stand in the first line of defense against a variety of pathogens but are also involved in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. To fulfill their functions macrophages sense a broad range of pathogen- and damage-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs/DAMPs) by plasma membrane and intracellular pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). Intriguingly, the overwhelming majority of PPRs trigger the production of the pleiotropic cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF). TNF affects almost any type of cell including macrophages themselves. TNF promotes the inflammatory activity of macrophages but also controls macrophage survival and death. TNF exerts its activities by stimulation of two different types of receptors, TNF receptor-1 (TNFR1) and TNFR2, which are both expressed by macrophages. The two TNF receptor types trigger distinct and common signaling pathways that can work in an interconnected manner. Based on a brief general description of major TNF receptor-associated signaling pathways, we focus in this review on research of recent years that revealed insights into the molecular mechanisms how the TNFR1-TNFR2 signaling network controls the life and death balance of macrophages. In particular, we discuss how the TNFR1-TNFR2 signaling network is integrated into PRR signaling. KW - apoptosis KW - necroptosis KW - TNF KW - TNFR1 KW - TNFR2 KW - ripk1 KW - ripk3 KW - caspase-8 Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201551 VL - 7 IS - 91 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - El-Hawary, Seham S. A1 - Sayed, Ahmed M. A1 - Mohammed, Rabab A1 - Hassan, Hossam M. A1 - Rateb, Mostafa E. A1 - Amin, Elham A1 - Mohammed, Tarek A. A1 - El-Mesery, Mohamed A1 - Bin Muhsinah, Abdullatif A1 - Alsayari, Abdulrhman A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Anany, Mohamed A. A1 - Abdelmohsen, Usama Ramadan T1 - Bioactive brominated oxindole alkaloids from the Red Sea sponge Callyspongia siphonella JF - Marine Drugs N2 - In the present study, LC-HRESIMS-assisted dereplication along with bioactivity-guided isolation led to targeting two brominated oxindole alkaloids (compounds 1 and 2) which probably play a key role in the previously reported antibacterial, antibiofilm, and cytotoxicity of Callyspongia siphonella crude extracts. Both metabolites showed potent antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) = 8 and 4 µg/mL) and Bacillus subtilis (MIC = 16 and 4 µg/mL), respectively. Furthermore, they displayed moderate biofilm inhibitory activity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (49.32% and 41.76% inhibition, respectively), and moderate in vitro antitrypanosomal activity (13.47 and 10.27 µM, respectively). In addition, they revealed a strong cytotoxic effect toward different human cancer cell lines, supposedly through induction of necrosis. This study sheds light on the possible role of these metabolites (compounds 1 and 2) in keeping fouling organisms away from the sponge outer surface, and the possible applications of these defensive molecules in the development of new anti-infective agents. KW - Callyspongia siphonella KW - LC-HRESIMS KW - metabolomic profiling KW - oxindole alkaloids KW - tisindoline KW - antibacterial KW - antibiofilm KW - antitrypanosomal KW - anticancer Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201485 VL - 17 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Beilhack, Andreas T1 - Targeting regulatory T cells by addressing tumor necrosis factor and its receptors in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation and cancer JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - An intricate network of molecular and cellular actors orchestrates the delicate balance between effector immune responses and immune tolerance. The pleiotropic cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) proves as a pivotal protagonist promoting but also suppressing immune responses. These opposite actions are accomplished through specialist cell types responding to TNF via TNF receptors TNFR1 and TNFR2. Recent findings highlight the importance of TNFR2 as a key regulator of activated natural FoxP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) in inflammatory conditions, such as acute graft-vs.-host disease (GvHD) and the tumor microenvironment. Here we review recent advances in our understanding of TNFR2 signaling in T cells and discuss how these can reconcile seemingly conflicting observations when manipulating TNF and TNFRs. As TNFR2 emerges as a new and attractive target we furthermore pinpoint strategies and potential pitfalls for therapeutic targeting of TNFR2 for cancer treatment and immune tolerance after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. KW - GVHD KW - graft vs. host disease KW - cancer KW - Tregs (regulatory T cells) KW - TNFR family costimulatory receptors KW - TNFR2 agonists KW - TNFR2 antagonism Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201578 VL - 10 IS - 2040 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - Molecular mode of action of TRAIL receptor agonists—common principles and their translational exploitation JF - Cancers N2 - Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and its death receptors TRAILR1/death receptor 4 (DR4) and TRAILR2/DR5 trigger cell death in many cancer cells but rarely exert cytotoxic activity on non-transformed cells. Against this background, a variety of recombinant TRAIL variants and anti-TRAIL death receptor antibodies have been developed and tested in preclinical and clinical studies. Despite promising results from mice tumor models, TRAIL death receptor targeting has failed so far in clinical studies to show satisfying anti-tumor efficacy. These disappointing results can largely be explained by two issues: First, tumor cells can acquire TRAIL resistance by several mechanisms defining a need for combination therapies with appropriate sensitizing drugs. Second, there is now growing preclinical evidence that soluble TRAIL variants but also bivalent anti-TRAIL death receptor antibodies typically require oligomerization or plasma membrane anchoring to achieve maximum activity. This review discusses the need for oligomerization and plasma membrane attachment for the activity of TRAIL death receptor agonists in view of what is known about the molecular mechanisms of how TRAIL death receptors trigger intracellular cell death signaling. In particular, it will be highlighted which consequences this has for the development of next generation TRAIL death receptor agonists and their potential clinical application. KW - antibody KW - antibody fusion proteins KW - apoptosis KW - cancer therapy KW - cell death KW - death receptors KW - TNF superfamily KW - TNF receptor superfamily KW - TRAIL Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202416 VL - 11 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - Molecular mode of action of TRAIL receptor agonists—common principles and their translational exploitation JF - Cancers N2 - Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and its death receptors TRAILR1/death receptor 4 (DR4) and TRAILR2/DR5 trigger cell death in many cancer cells but rarely exert cytotoxic activity on non-transformed cells. Against this background, a variety of recombinant TRAIL variants and anti-TRAIL death receptor antibodies have been developed and tested in preclinical and clinical studies. Despite promising results from mice tumor models, TRAIL death receptor targeting has failed so far in clinical studies to show satisfying anti-tumor efficacy. These disappointing results can largely be explained by two issues: First, tumor cells can acquire TRAIL resistance by several mechanisms defining a need for combination therapies with appropriate sensitizing drugs. Second, there is now growing preclinical evidence that soluble TRAIL variants but also bivalent anti-TRAIL death receptor antibodies typically require oligomerization or plasma membrane anchoring to achieve maximum activity. This review discusses the need for oligomerization and plasma membrane attachment for the activity of TRAIL death receptor agonists in view of what is known about the molecular mechanisms of how TRAIL death receptors trigger intracellular cell death signaling. In particular, it will be highlighted which consequences this has for the development of next generation TRAIL death receptor agonists and their potential clinical application. KW - antibody KW - antibody fusion proteins KW - apoptosis KW - cancer therapy KW - cell death KW - death receptors KW - TNF superfamily KW - TNF receptor superfamily KW - TRAIL Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201833 N1 - Zugriff gesperrt. Zugriff auf den Volltext erhalten Sie unter https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202416 VL - 11 IS - 7 ER - TY - THES A1 - Englert, Anne T1 - Modulation der Immunantwort humaner NK-Zellen nach Stimulation mit steigenden Konzentrationen von Aspergillus fumigatus T1 - Modulation of human NK-cells' immune response after stimulation with different concentrations of Aspergillus fumigatus N2 - Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den antimykotischen Eigenschaften von NK-Zellen und dient der Charakterisierung der Immunantwort gegenüber A. fumigatus in Abhängigkeit der MOI (Multiplizität der Infektion). Klinisch interessant ist dies bei immunsupprimierten Patienten mit invasiver Aspergillose. Anhand von Oberflächenmarkern konnten eine an die Pilzkonzentration angepasste Bindung und Aktivierung von NK-Zellen demonstriert werden. Daneben kam es zu einer Modulation der Freisetzung ausgewählter Zytokine nach Konfrontation mit steigenden Mengen von A. fumigatus. Besonders deutlich war der Effekt bei den Chemokinen CCL3 und CCL4, deren Zusammenhang mit Pilzinfektionen bereits gezeigt wurde. Die Ergebnisse zum MOI-abhängigen Verhalten von NK-Zellen gegenüber A. fumigatus bestätigen die Relevanz bei der antimykotischen Immunantwort und verdeutlichen, weshalb ihnen zunehmende diagnostische und therapeutische Bedeutung zukommt. N2 - The thesis focuses on the antifungal activity of NK-cells and characterizes the immune response towards A. fumigatus depending on the MOI (multiplicity of infection). This is of clinical interest regarding immunosuppressed patients suffering from invasive aspergillosis. Surface markers were used to demonstrate the binding and activation of NK cells adapted to the fungal concentration. In addition, the release of selected cytokines was modulated after confrontation with increasing amounts of A. fumigatus. The chemokine CCL3 and CCL4 that have already been described to be important during fungal infections showed the most impressive results. This study confirms the role of NK cells within the antifungal immune response and the increasing relevance for diagnosis and therapy. KW - Natürliche Killerzelle KW - Aspergillus fumigatus KW - natural killer cell Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202335 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Horvat, Sonja A1 - Vogel, Patrick A1 - Kampf, Thomas A1 - Brandl, Andreas A1 - Alshamsan, Aws A1 - Alhadlaq, Hisham A. A1 - Ahamed, Maqusood A1 - Albrecht, Krystyna A1 - Behr, Volker C. A1 - Beilhack, Andreas A1 - Groll, Jürgen T1 - Crosslinked Coating Improves the Signal‐to‐Noise Ratio of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) JF - ChemNanoMat N2 - Magnetic particle imaging is an emerging tomographic method used for evaluation of the spatial distribution of iron‐oxide nanoparticles. In this work, the effect of the polymer coating on the response of particles was studied. Particles with covalently crosslinked coating showed improved signal and image resolution. KW - crosslinked coating KW - imaging agents KW - magnetic properties KW - MPI KW - MPS Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214718 VL - 6 IS - 5 SP - 755 EP - 758 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kucka, Kirstin A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - Receptor Oligomerization and Its Relevance for Signaling by Receptors of the Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily JF - Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology N2 - With the exception of a few signaling incompetent decoy receptors, the receptors of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFRSF) are signaling competent and engage in signaling pathways resulting in inflammation, proliferation, differentiation, and cell migration and also in cell death induction. TNFRSF receptors (TNFRs) become activated by ligands of the TNF superfamily (TNFSF). TNFSF ligands (TNFLs) occur as trimeric type II transmembrane proteins but often also as soluble ligand trimers released from the membrane-bound form by proteolysis. The signaling competent TNFRs are efficiently activated by the membrane-bound TNFLs. The latter recruit three TNFR molecules, but there is growing evidence that this is not sufficient to trigger all aspects of TNFR signaling; rather, the formed trimeric TNFL–TNFR complexes have to cluster secondarily in the cell-to-cell contact zone for full TNFR activation. With respect to their response to soluble ligand trimers, the signaling competent TNFRs can be subdivided into two groups. TNFRs of one group, designated as category I TNFRs, are robustly activated by soluble ligand trimers. The receptors of a second group (category II TNFRs), however, failed to become properly activated by soluble ligand trimers despite high affinity binding. The limited responsiveness of category II TNFRs to soluble TNFLs can be overcome by physical linkage of two or more soluble ligand trimers or, alternatively, by anchoring the soluble ligand molecules to the cell surface or extracellular matrix. This suggests that category II TNFRs have a limited ability to promote clustering of trimeric TNFL–TNFR complexes outside the context of cell–cell contacts. In this review, we will focus on three aspects on the relevance of receptor oligomerization for TNFR signaling: (i) the structural factors which promote clustering of free and liganded TNFRs, (ii) the signaling pathway specificity of the receptor oligomerization requirement, and (iii) the consequences for the design and development of TNFR agonists. KW - TNF receptor (TNFR) family KW - TNF ligand superfamily KW - NFκB KW - cell death KW - receptor cluster Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-227180 SN - 2296-634X VL - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Aido, Ahmed A1 - Zaitseva, Olena A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Buzgo, Matej A1 - Simaite, Aiva T1 - Anti-Fn14 antibody-conjugated nanoparticles display membrane TWEAK-like agonism JF - Pharmaceutics N2 - Conventional bivalent IgG antibodies targeting a subgroup of receptors of the TNF superfamily (TNFSF) including fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (anti-Fn14) typically display no or only very limited agonistic activity on their own and can only trigger receptor signaling by crosslinking or when bound to Fcγ receptors (FcγR). Both result in proximity of multiple antibody-bound TNFRSF receptor (TNFR) molecules, which enables engagement of TNFR-associated signaling pathways. Here, we have linked anti-Fn14 antibodies to gold nanoparticles to mimic the “activating” effect of plasma membrane-presented FcγR-anchored anti-Fn14 antibodies. We functionalized gold nanoparticles with poly-ethylene glycol (PEG) linkers and then coupled antibodies to the PEG surface of the nanoparticles. We found that Fn14 binding of the anti-Fn14 antibodies PDL192 and 5B6 is preserved upon attachment to the nanoparticles. More importantly, the gold nanoparticle-presented anti-Fn14 antibody molecules displayed strong agonistic activity. Our results suggest that conjugation of monoclonal anti-TNFR antibodies to gold nanoparticles can be exploited to uncover their latent agonism, e.g., for immunotherapeutic applications. KW - Fn14 KW - nanoparticles KW - surface modification KW - drug-delivery KW - anti-TNFRSF receptor (TNFR) antibodies Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242710 SN - 1999-4923 VL - 13 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kucka, Kirstin A1 - Lang, Isabell A1 - Zhang, Tengyu A1 - Siegmund, Daniela A1 - Medler, Juliane A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - Membrane lymphotoxin-α\(_2\)β is a novel tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor 2 (TNFR2) agonist JF - Cell Death & Disease N2 - In the early 1990s, it has been described that LTα and LTβ form LTα\(_2\)β and LTαβ\(_2\) heterotrimers, which bind to TNFR1 and LTβR, respectively. Afterwards, the LTαβ\(_2\)–LTβR system has been intensively studied while the LTα\(_2\)β–TNFR1 interaction has been ignored to date, presumably due to the fact that at the time of identification of the LTα\(_2\)β–TNFR1 interaction one knew already two ligands for TNFR1, namely TNF and LTα. Here, we show that LTα\(_2\)β interacts not only with TNFR1 but also with TNFR2. We furthermore demonstrate that membrane-bound LTα\(_2\)β (memLTα\(_2\)β), despite its asymmetric structure, stimulates TNFR1 and TNFR2 signaling. Not surprising in view of its ability to interact with TNFR2, LTα\(_2\)β is inhibited by Etanercept, which is approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and also inhibits TNF and LTα. KW - cytokines KW - signal transduction Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260077 VL - 12 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Othman, Eman M. A1 - Bekhit, Amany A. A1 - Anany, Mohamed A. A1 - Dandekar, Thomas A1 - Ragab, Hanan M. A1 - Wahid, Ahmed T1 - Design, Synthesis, and Anticancer Screening for Repurposed Pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine Derivatives on Four Mammalian Cancer Cell Lines JF - Molecules N2 - The present study reports the synthesis of new purine bioisosteres comprising a pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine scaffold linked to mono-, di-, and trimethoxy benzylidene moieties through hydrazine linkages. First, in silico docking experiments of the synthesized compounds against Bax, Bcl-2, Caspase-3, Ki67, p21, and p53 were performed in a trial to rationalize the observed cytotoxic activity for the tested compounds. The anticancer activity of these compounds was evaluated in vitro against Caco-2, A549, HT1080, and Hela cell lines. Results revealed that two (5 and 7) of the three synthesized compounds (5, 6, and 7) showed high cytotoxic activity against all tested cell lines with IC50 values in the micro molar concentration. Our in vitro results show that there is no significant apoptotic effect for the treatment with the experimental compounds on the viability of cells against A549 cells. Ki67 expression was found to decrease significantly following the treatment of cells with the most promising candidate: drug 7. The overall results indicate that these pyrazolopyrimidine derivatives possess anticancer activity at varying doses. The suggested mechanism of action involves the inhibition of the proliferation of cancer cells. KW - pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine KW - anticancer activity KW - apoptosis KW - Ki67 Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239734 SN - 1420-3049 VL - 26 IS - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Isberner, Nora A1 - Kraus, Sabrina A1 - Grigoleit, Götz Ulrich A1 - Aghai, Fatemeh A1 - Kurlbaum, Max A1 - Zimmermann, Sebastian A1 - Klinker, Hartwig A1 - Scherf-Clavel, Oliver T1 - Ruxolitinib exposure in patients with acute and chronic graft versus host disease in routine clinical practice-a prospective single-center trial JF - Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology N2 - Purpose Knowledge on Ruxolitinib exposure in patients with graft versus host disease (GvHD) is scarce. The purpose of this prospective study was to analyze Ruxolitinib concentrations of GvHD patients and to investigate effects of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 inhibitors and other covariates as well as concentration-dependent effects. Methods 262 blood samples of 29 patients with acute or chronic GvHD who were administered Ruxolitinib during clinical routine were analyzed. A population pharmacokinetic model obtained from myelofibrosis patients was adapted to our population and was used to identify relevant pharmacokinetic properties and covariates on drug exposure. Relationships between Ruxolitinib exposure and adverse events were assessed. Results Median of individual mean trough serum concentrations was 39.9 ng/mL at 10 mg twice daily (IQR 27.1 ng/mL, range 5.6-99.8 ng/mL). Applying a population pharmacokinetic model revealed that concentrations in our cohort were significantly higher compared to myelofibrosis patients receiving the same daily dose (p < 0.001). Increased Ruxolitinib exposure was caused by a significant reduction in Ruxolitinib clearance by approximately 50%. Additional comedication with at least one strong CYP3A4 or CYP2C9 inhibitor led to a further reduction by 15% (p < 0.05). No other covariate affected pharmacokinetics significantly. Mean trough concentrations of patients requiring dose reduction related to adverse events were significantly elevated (p < 0.05). Conclusion Ruxolitinib exposure is increased in GvHD patients in comparison to myelofibrosis patients due to reduced clearance and comedication with CYP3A4 or CYP2C9 inhibitors. Elevated Ruxolitinib trough concentrations might be a surrogate for toxicity. KW - toxicity KW - Ruxolitinib KW - graft versus host disease KW - therapeutic drug monitoring KW - CYP3A4 KW - CYP2C9 Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-266476 SN - 1432-0843 VL - 88 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, Georg C. A1 - Ehlis, Ann-Christine A1 - Weber, Heike A1 - Vitale, Maria Rosaria A1 - Zöller, Johanna E. M. A1 - Ku, Hsing-Ping A1 - Schiele, Miriam A. A1 - Kürbitz, Laura I. A1 - Romanos, Marcel A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Kalisch, Raffael A1 - Zwanzger, Peter A1 - Domschke, Katharina A1 - Fallgatter, Andreas J. A1 - Reif, Andreas A1 - Lesch, Klaus-Peter T1 - A Common CDH13 Variant is Associated with Low Agreeableness and Neural Responses to Working Memory Tasks in ADHD JF - Genes N2 - The cell—cell signaling gene CDH13 is associated with a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and major depression. CDH13 regulates axonal outgrowth and synapse formation, substantiating its relevance for neurodevelopmental processes. Several studies support the influence of CDH13 on personality traits, behavior, and executive functions. However, evidence for functional effects of common gene variation in the CDH13 gene in humans is sparse. Therefore, we tested for association of a functional intronic CDH13 SNP rs2199430 with ADHD in a sample of 998 adult patients and 884 healthy controls. The Big Five personality traits were assessed by the NEO-PI-R questionnaire. Assuming that altered neural correlates of working memory and cognitive response inhibition show genotype-dependent alterations, task performance and electroencephalographic event-related potentials were measured by n-back and continuous performance (Go/NoGo) tasks. The rs2199430 genotype was not associated with adult ADHD on the categorical diagnosis level. However, rs2199430 was significantly associated with agreeableness, with minor G allele homozygotes scoring lower than A allele carriers. Whereas task performance was not affected by genotype, a significant heterosis effect limited to the ADHD group was identified for the n-back task. Heterozygotes (AG) exhibited significantly higher N200 amplitudes during both the 1-back and 2-back condition in the central electrode position Cz. Consequently, the common genetic variation of CDH13 is associated with personality traits and impacts neural processing during working memory tasks. Thus, CDH13 might contribute to symptomatic core dysfunctions of social and cognitive impairment in ADHD. KW - ADHD KW - CDH13 KW - neurodevelopment KW - executive functions KW - working memory KW - Big Five KW - agreeableness Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245220 SN - 2073-4425 VL - 12 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weinelt, Nadine A1 - Karathanasis, Christos A1 - Smith, Sonja A1 - Medler, Juliane A1 - Malkusch, Sebastian A1 - Fulda, Simone A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Heilemann, Mike A1 - van Wijk, Sjoerd J. L. T1 - Quantitative single‐molecule imaging of TNFR1 reveals zafirlukast as antagonist of TNFR1 clustering and TNFα‐induced NF‐ĸB signaling JF - Journal of Leukocyte Biology N2 - TNFR1 is a crucial regulator of NF‐ĸB‐mediated proinflammatory cell survival responses and programmed cell death (PCD). Deregulation of TNFα‐ and TNFR1‐controlled NF‐ĸB signaling underlies major diseases, like cancer, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases. Therefore, although being routinely used, antagonists of TNFα might also affect TNFR2‐mediated processes, so that alternative approaches to directly antagonize TNFR1 are beneficial. Here, we apply quantitative single‐molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) of TNFR1 in physiologic cellular settings to validate and characterize TNFR1 inhibitory substances, exemplified by the recently described TNFR1 antagonist zafirlukast. Treatment of TNFR1‐mEos2 reconstituted TNFR1/2 knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) with zafirlukast inhibited both ligand‐independent preligand assembly domain (PLAD)‐mediated TNFR1 dimerization as well as TNFα‐induced TNFR1 oligomerization. In addition, zafirlukast‐mediated inhibition of TNFR1 clustering was accompanied by deregulation of acute and prolonged NF‐ĸB signaling in reconstituted TNFR1‐mEos2 MEFs and human cervical carcinoma cells. These findings reveal the necessity of PLAD‐mediated, ligand‐independent TNFR1 dimerization for NF‐ĸB activation, highlight the PLAD as central regulator of TNFα‐induced TNFR1 oligomerization, and demonstrate that TNFR1‐mEos2 MEFs can be used to investigate TNFR1‐antagonizing compounds employing single‐molecule quantification and functional NF‐ĸB assays at physiologic conditions. KW - Single‐Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) KW - Pre‐Ligand Assembly Domain (PLAD) KW - Cysteine‐Rich Domain (CRD) KW - CysLTR1 Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-215960 VL - 109 IS - 2 SP - 363 EP - 371 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Medler, Juliane A1 - Kucka, Kirstin A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 (TNFR2): an emerging target in cancer therapy JF - Cancers N2 - Despite the great success of TNF blockers in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and the identification of TNF as a factor that influences the development of tumors in many ways, the role of TNFR2 in tumor biology and its potential suitability as a therapeutic target in cancer therapy have long been underestimated. This has been fundamentally changed with the identification of TNFR2 as a regulatory T-cell (Treg)-stimulating factor and the general clinical breakthrough of immunotherapeutic approaches. However, considering TNFR2 as a sole immunosuppressive factor in the tumor microenvironment does not go far enough. TNFR2 can also co-stimulate CD8\(^+\) T-cells, sensitize some immune and tumor cells to the cytotoxic effects of TNFR1 and/or acts as an oncogene. In view of the wide range of cancer-associated TNFR2 activities, it is not surprising that both antagonists and agonists of TNFR2 are considered for tumor therapy and have indeed shown overwhelming anti-tumor activity in preclinical studies. Based on a brief summary of TNFR2 signaling and the immunoregulatory functions of TNFR2, we discuss here the main preclinical findings and insights gained with TNFR2 agonists and antagonists. In particular, we address the question of which TNFR2-associated molecular and cellular mechanisms underlie the observed anti-tumoral activities of TNFR2 agonists and antagonists. KW - NFkappaB KW - regulatory T-cell (Treg) KW - tumor necrosis factor (TNF) KW - TNF receptor 2 (TNFR2) KW - TNF receptor associated factor 1 and 2 (TRAF1, TRAF2) Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-275143 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 14 IS - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Vargas, Juan Gamboa A1 - Wagner, Jennifer A1 - Shaikh, Haroon A1 - Lang, Isabell A1 - Medler, Juliane A1 - Anany, Mohamed A1 - Steinfatt, Tim A1 - Mosca, Josefina Peña A1 - Haack, Stephanie A1 - Dahlhoff, Julia A1 - Büttner-Herold, Maike A1 - Graf, Carolin A1 - Viera, Estibaliz Arellano A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Beilhack, Andreas T1 - A TNFR2-Specific TNF fusion protein with improved in vivo activity JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-2 (TNFR2) has attracted considerable interest as a target for immunotherapy. Indeed, using oligomeric fusion proteins of single chain-encoded TNFR2-specific TNF mutants (scTNF80), expansion of regulatory T cells and therapeutic activity could be demonstrated in various autoinflammatory diseases, including graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) and collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). With the aim to improve the in vivo availability of TNFR2-specific TNF fusion proteins, we used here the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn)-interacting IgG1 molecule as an oligomerizing building block and generated a new TNFR2 agonist with improved serum retention and superior in vivo activity. Methods Single-chain encoded murine TNF80 trimers (sc(mu)TNF80) were fused to the C-terminus of an in mice irrelevant IgG1 molecule carrying the N297A mutation which avoids/minimizes interaction with Fcγ-receptors (FcγRs). The fusion protein obtained (irrIgG1(N297A)-sc(mu)TNF80), termed NewSTAR2 (New selective TNF-based agonist of TNF receptor 2), was analyzed with respect to activity, productivity, serum retention and in vitro and in vivo activity. STAR2 (TNC-sc(mu)TNF80 or selective TNF-based agonist of TNF receptor 2), a well-established highly active nonameric TNFR2-specific variant, served as benchmark. NewSTAR2 was assessed in various in vitro and in vivo systems. Results STAR2 (TNC-sc(mu)TNF80) and NewSTAR2 (irrIgG1(N297A)-sc(mu)TNF80) revealed comparable in vitro activity. The novel domain architecture of NewSTAR2 significantly improved serum retention compared to STAR2, which correlated with efficient binding to FcRn. A single injection of NewSTAR2 enhanced regulatory T cell (Treg) suppressive activity and increased Treg numbers by > 300% in vivo 5 days after treatment. Treg numbers remained as high as 200% for about 10 days. Furthermore, a single in vivo treatment with NewSTAR2 upregulated the adenosine-regulating ectoenzyme CD39 and other activation markers on Tregs. TNFR2-stimulated Tregs proved to be more suppressive than unstimulated Tregs, reducing conventional T cell (Tcon) proliferation and expression of activation markers in vitro. Finally, singular preemptive NewSTAR2 administration five days before allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) protected mice from acute GvHD. Conclusions NewSTAR2 represents a next generation ligand-based TNFR2 agonist, which is efficiently produced, exhibits improved pharmacokinetic properties and high serum retention with superior in vivo activity exerting powerful protective effects against acute GvHD. KW - agonist KW - GvHD KW - regulatory T cells KW - serum retention KW - TNF KW - TNFR2 Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-277436 SN - 1664-3224 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lang, Isabell A1 - Zaitseva, Olena A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - FcγRs and their relevance for the activity of anti-CD40 antibodies JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Simple Summary Targeting of CD40 with antibodies attracts significant translational interest. While inhibitory CD40 targeting appears particularly attractive in the field of organ transplantation and for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, stimulatory CD40 targeting is the aim in tumor immunotherapy and vaccination against infectious pathogens. It turned out that lack of FcγR-binding is the crucial factor for the development of safe and well-tolerated inhibitory anti-CD40 antibodies. In striking contrast, FcγR-binding is of great importance for the CD40 stimulatory capacity of the majority of anti-CD40 antibodies. Typically, anti-CD40 antibodies only robustly stimulate CD40 when presented by FcγRs. However, FcγR-binding of anti-CD40 antibodies also triggers unwanted activities such as destruction of CD40 expressing cells by ADCC or ADCP. Based on a brief discussion of the mechanisms of CD40 activation, we give an overview of the ongoing activities in the development of anti-CD40 antibodies under special consideration of attempts aimed at the development of anti-CD40 antibodies with FcγR-independent agonism or FcγR subtype selectivity. Abstract Inhibitory targeting of the CD40L-CD40 system is a promising therapeutic option in the field of organ transplantation and is also attractive in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. After early complex results with neutralizing CD40L antibodies, it turned out that lack of Fcγ receptor (FcγR)-binding is the crucial factor for the development of safe inhibitory antibodies targeting CD40L or CD40. Indeed, in recent years, blocking CD40 antibodies not interacting with FcγRs, has proven to be well tolerated in clinical studies and has shown initial clinical efficacy. Stimulation of CD40 is also of considerable therapeutic interest, especially in cancer immunotherapy. CD40 can be robustly activated by genetically engineered variants of soluble CD40L but also by anti-CD40 antibodies. However, the development of CD40L-based agonists is biotechnologically and pharmacokinetically challenging, and anti-CD40 antibodies typically display only strong agonism in complex with FcγRs or upon secondary crosslinking. The latter, however, typically results in poorly developable mixtures of molecule species of varying stoichiometry and FcγR-binding by anti-CD40 antibodies can elicit unwanted side effects such as antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) or antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) of CD40 expressing immune cells. Here, we summarize and compare strategies to overcome the unwanted target cell-destroying activity of anti-CD40-FcγR complexes, especially the use of FcγR type-specific mutants and the FcγR-independent cell surface anchoring of bispecific anti-CD40 fusion proteins. Especially, we discuss the therapeutic potential of these strategies in view of the emerging evidence for the dose-limiting activities of systemic CD40 engagement. KW - antibody fusion protein KW - CD40 KW - CD40L KW - cytokine storm KW - FcγR receptor KW - immunotherapy Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290458 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 23 IS - 21 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zaitseva, Olena A1 - Hoffmann, Annett A1 - Otto, Christoph A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - Targeting fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-inducible 14 (Fn14) for tumor therapy JF - Frontiers in Pharmacology N2 - Fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily (TNFRSF) and is activated by its ligand TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK). The latter occurs as a homotrimeric molecule in a soluble and a membrane-bound form. Soluble TWEAK (sTWEAK) activates the weakly inflammatory alternative NF-κB pathway and sensitizes for TNF-induced cell death while membrane TWEAK (memTWEAK) triggers additionally robust activation of the classical NF-κB pathway and various MAP kinase cascades. Fn14 expression is limited in adult organisms but becomes strongly induced in non-hematopoietic cells by a variety of growth factors, cytokines and physical stressors (e.g., hypoxia, irradiation). Since all these Fn14-inducing factors are frequently also present in the tumor microenvironment, Fn14 is regularly found to be expressed by non-hematopoietic cells of the tumor microenvironment and most solid tumor cells. In general, there are three possibilities how the tumor-Fn14 linkage could be taken into consideration for tumor therapy. First, by exploitation of the cancer associated expression of Fn14 to direct cytotoxic activities (antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), cytotoxic payloads, CAR T-cells) to the tumor, second by blockade of potential protumoral activities of the TWEAK/Fn14 system, and third, by stimulation of Fn14 which not only triggers proinflammtory activities but also sensitizes cells for apoptotic and necroptotic cell death. Based on a brief description of the biology of the TWEAK/Fn14 system and Fn14 signaling, we discuss the features of the most relevant Fn14-targeting biologicals and review the preclinical data obtained with these reagents. In particular, we address problems and limitations which became evident in the preclinical studies with Fn14-targeting biologicals and debate possibilities how they could be overcome. KW - agonistic antibodies KW - cell death KW - Fn14 KW - NFκB KW - TNF KW - TWEAK Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290238 SN - 1663-9812 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schanbacher, Constanze A1 - Hermanns, Heike M. A1 - Lorenz, Kristina A1 - Wajant, Harald A1 - Lang, Isabell T1 - Complement 1q/tumor necrosis factor-related proteins (CTRPs): structure, receptors and signaling JF - Biomedicines N2 - Adiponectin and the other 15 members of the complement 1q (C1q)/tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related protein (CTRP) family are secreted proteins composed of an N-terminal variable domain followed by a stalk region and a characteristic C-terminal trimerizing globular C1q (gC1q) domain originally identified in the subunits of the complement protein C1q. We performed a basic PubMed literature search for articles mentioning the various CTRPs or their receptors in the abstract or title. In this narrative review, we briefly summarize the biology of CTRPs and focus then on the structure, receptors and major signaling pathways of CTRPs. Analyses of CTRP knockout mice and CTRP transgenic mice gave overwhelming evidence for the relevance of the anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing effects of CTRPs in autoimmune diseases, obesity, atherosclerosis and cardiac dysfunction. CTRPs form homo- and heterotypic trimers and oligomers which can have different activities. The receptors of some CTRPs are unknown and some receptors are redundantly targeted by several CTRPs. The way in which CTRPs activate their receptors to trigger downstream signaling pathways is largely unknown. CTRPs and their receptors are considered as promising therapeutic targets but their translational usage is still hampered by the limited knowledge of CTRP redundancy and CTRP signal transduction. KW - adiponectin KW - AMPK KW - C1q/TNF related protein (CTRP) KW - inflammation KW - metabolism Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304136 SN - 2227-9059 VL - 11 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Siegmund, Daniela A1 - Zaitseva, Olena A1 - Wajant, Harald T1 - Fn14 and TNFR2 as regulators of cytotoxic TNFR1 signaling JF - Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology N2 - Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor 1 (TNFR1), TNFR2 and fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) belong to the TNF receptor superfamily (TNFRSF). From a structural point of view, TNFR1 is a prototypic death domain (DD)-containing receptor. In contrast to other prominent death receptors, such as CD95/Fas and the two TRAIL death receptors DR4 and DR5, however, liganded TNFR1 does not instruct the formation of a plasma membrane-associated death inducing signaling complex converting procaspase-8 into highly active mature heterotetrameric caspase-8 molecules. Instead, liganded TNFR1 recruits the DD-containing cytoplasmic signaling proteins TRADD and RIPK1 and empowers these proteins to trigger cell death signaling by cytosolic complexes after their release from the TNFR1 signaling complex. The activity and quality (apoptosis versus necroptosis) of TNF-induced cell death signaling is controlled by caspase-8, the caspase-8 regulatory FLIP proteins, TRAF2, RIPK1 and the RIPK1-ubiquitinating E3 ligases cIAP1 and cIAP2. TNFR2 and Fn14 efficiently recruit TRAF2 along with the TRAF2 binding partners cIAP1 and cIAP2 and can thereby limit the availability of these molecules for other TRAF2/cIAP1/2-utilizing proteins including TNFR1. Accordingly, at the cellular level engagement of TNFR2 or Fn14 inhibits TNFR1-induced RIPK1-mediated effects reaching from activation of the classical NFκB pathway to induction of apoptosis and necroptosis. In this review, we summarize the effects of TNFR2- and Fn14-mediated depletion of TRAF2 and the cIAP1/2 on TNFR1 signaling at the molecular level and discuss the consequences this has in vivo. KW - apoptosis KW - Fn14 KW - necroptosis KW - TNF KW - TNFR1 KW - TNFR2 KW - TRAF2 KW - TWEAK Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-354304 SN - 2296-634X VL - 11 ER - TY - THES A1 - Shaikh, Muhammad Haroon T1 - Nicht-hämatopoetische lymphoide Stromazellen aktivieren alloreaktive CD4\(^+\) T-Zellen in der Initiierung der akuten Graft-versus-Host Disease T1 - Non-hematopoietic lymphoid stromal cells prime alloreactive CD4\(^+\) T cells during acute graft-versus-host disease N2 - In der Initiationsphase der akuten Graft-versus-Host Erkrankung (GvHD) werden CD4+ T-Zellen in den lymphatischen Organen durch hämatopoietische Antigen-präsentierende Zellen aktiviert. Im Gegensatz dazu, werden in der Effektorphase CD4+ T-Zellen von nicht-hämatopoetischen Zellen im Dünndarm aktiviert. Wir stellten die Hypothese auf, dass alloreaktive CD4+ T-Zellen nach allogener hämatopoetischer Zelltransplantation, welche in der Initiationsphase der aGvHD vorwiegend in die sekundären lymphatischen Organe migrieren, dort durch nicht-hämatopoetische Lymphknoten-Stromazellen über die Erkennung von MHC-Klasse II aktiviert werden. Um diese Hypothese zu testen, setzten wir ein von allogenen CD4+ T-Zellen-abhängiges MHC Major Mismatch aGvHD Mausmodell ein, um diese Zusammenhänge näher zu erforschen. Mittels Biolumineszenz-Bildgebung und dreidimensionale Lichtblattmikroskopie und Durchflusszytometrie-Analysen von früheren Zeitpunkten nach einer alloHCT bzw. im Anfangsstadium der aGvHD konnten wir zeigen, dass allogene T-Zellen exklusiv in die Milz, Lymphknoten und die Peyerschen Plaques migrieren und nicht in die intestinale Lamina propria. Indem wir transgene Mauslinien verwendeten, die keine oder eine nur partielle komplette hämatopoietische Antigenpräsentation aufwiesen, konnten wir eine sehr früh auf die alloHCT folgende allogene CD4+ T-Zellaktivierung in den lymphoiden Organen von MHCIIΔCD11c and MHCIIΔ Knochenmark-Chimären nachweisen. Aufgrund des, bei den MHCIIΔ Knochenmarks-Chimären auftretenden Versagens der negativen Thymusselektion und die daraus resultierende autoreaktive Immunreaktionen nach einer syngenen HCST stellte sich heraus, dass dies ein ungeeignetes Modell für die Untersuchung der Präsentation nicht-hämatopoetischer Antigene bei GvHD ist. Um diese Herausforderung zu bewältigen, generierten wir MHCIIΔVav1 Mäuse bei denen die MHC-Klasse-II-Expression auf allen hämatopoetischen Zellen fehlt. MHCIIΔVav1 Mäuse entwickelten eine aGvHD, wobei die Lymphknoten-Stromazellen dieser Tiere allogene CD4+ T-Zellen in gemischten Lymphozytenreaktionen aktivieren konnten. Ebenso konnten mesenteriale Lymphknoten von CD11c.DTR-Mäusen, die zuvor in eine MHCIIΔ Maus transplantiert wurden, CD4+ T-Zellen in vivo aktivieren, wodurch die Lymphknoten-Stromazellen eindeutig als nicht-hämatopoetische Antigen-präsentierende Zellen der lymphoiden Organe nachgewiesen werden konnten. Über das Cre/loxP-System konnten wir Knockout-Mäuse mit fehlender MHCII-Expression in Subpopulationen von Lymphknoten-Stromazellen generieren und verwendeten dann Einzelzell-RNA-Sequenzierung. Hier wählten wir Ccl19 und VE-Cadherin aus, um unsere Analyse spezifisch auf die fibroblastischen retikulären Zellen bzw. Endothelzellen der Lymphknoten zu konzentrieren. Bei MHCIIΔCcl19 Mäusen war die Aktivierung alloreaktiver CD4+ T-Zellen in der Initiationsphase der aGvHD mäßig reduziert, während das Fehlen von MHCII auf den fibroblastischen retikulären Zellen zu einer Hyperaktivierung allogener CD4+ T-Zellen führte, was wiederum eine schlechtere Überlebensrate der Mäuse zur Folge hatte. Dieser Phänotyp wurde durch regulatorische T-Zellen moduliert, die in der Lage waren, H2-Ab1fl Mäuse von den Folgen von GvHD zu retten, jedoch nicht die MHCIIΔCcl19. Ein Knock-out von MHCII auf Endothelzellen von MHCIIΔVE-Cadherin Mäusen, führte in der Initiationsphase der GvHD nur zu einer mäßig reduzierten Aktivierung von CD4+ T-Zellen. Umgekehrt zeigten MHCIIΔVE-Cadherin Mäuse im Langzeitüberleben jedoch einen protektiven Phänotyp verglichen mit wurfgeschwister H2-Ab1fl Mäusen. Um die Bedeutung der MHCII-Antigenpräsentation der Endothelzellen zu untersuchen, generierten wir außerdem MHCIIΔVE-CadherinΔVav1 Mäuse, bei welchen eine Antigenpräsentation, weder im endothelialen noch im hämatopoetischen Kompartiment möglich war. Lymphknoten-Stromazellen von MHCIIΔVE-CadherinΔVav1 Mäusen waren nicht in der Lage, alloreaktive CD4+ T-Zellen in einer gemischten Lymphozytenreaktion zu aktivieren. Insgesamt konnten wir zum ersten Mal beweisen, dass die MHC-Klassse II auf den Lymphknoten-Stromazellen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Modulation allogener CD4+ T-Zellen in der Initiations- und schließlich in der Effektorphase der Graft-versus-Host-Disease spielt. N2 - In the initiation phase of acute graft-versus-host disease (aGvHD), CD4+ T cells are activated by hematopoietic antigen presenting cells in secondary lymphoid organs whereas in effector phase by non-hematopoietic cells in the small intestine. We hypothesized that alloreactive CD4+ T cells primarily home to the secondary lymphoid organs subsequent to allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in the initiation phase of aGvHD and are activated by the non-hematopoietic lymph node stromal cells via MHC class II. To test this hypothesis, we employed CD4+ T cell-dependent major mismatch aGvHD mouse model to study this correlation. Upon analyzing the early events following allo-HCT with bioluminescence imaging, flow cytometry and whole-mount light sheet fluorescence microscopy, we found that allogeneic T cells exclusively home to the spleen, lymph nodes and the Peyer’s patches and not to the intestinal lamina propria in the initiation phase of aGvHD. Utilizing mice devoid of partial or complete hematopoietic antigen presentation we could show allogeneic CD4+ T cells activation in the lymphoid organs of MHCIIΔCD11c and MHCIIΔ BM chimeric mice early after allo-HCT. MHCIIΔ BM chimeras failure of thymic negative selection and developing tissue wasting disease upon syn-HCT deemed them unsuitable to study non-hematopoietic antigen presentation in aGvHD. To overcome this challenge, we generated MHCIIΔVav1 mice that lack MHC class II expression on all hematopoietic cells. MHCIIΔVav1 mice were susceptible to aGvHD and LNSCs from these animals activated allogeneic CD4+ T cells in mixed lymphocyte reaction. Likewise, mesenteric lymph nodes from CD11c.DTR mice surgically transplanted into a MHCIIΔ mouse could activate CD4+ T cells in vivo, clearly demonstrating LNSCs as non-hematopoietic APCs of the lymphoid organs. We specifically target lymph node stromal cell subsets via the Cre/loxP system, we employed single cell RNA sequencing and selected Ccl19 and VE-Cadherin to specifically target the fibroblastic reticular cells and endothelial cells of the lymph nodes respectively. In MHCIIΔCcl19 mice, alloreactive CD4+ T cells activation was discreetly reduced in the initiation phase of aGvHD whereas absence of MHCII on fibroblastic reticular cells resulted in hyper-activation of allogeneic CD4+ T cells leading to poor survival. This phenotype was modulated by the regulatory T cells that were able to rescue H2-Ab1fl mice but not the MHCIIΔCcl19 subsequent to GvHD. Knock-out of MHCII on endothelial cells MHCIIΔVE Cadherin, resulted only in modest reduction of CD4+ T cells activation in the initiation phase of GvHD, conversely MHCIIΔVE Cadherin mice showed a protective phenotype compared against littermates H2-Ab1fl mice in long-term survival. Furthermore, to pin-point endothelial cells MHCII antigen presentation we generated MHCIIΔVE Cadherin ΔVav1 animals devoid of antigen presentation in both endothelial and hematopoietic compartments. LNSCs from MHCIIΔVE Cadherin ΔVav1 were unable to activate alloreactive CD4+ T cells in mixed lymphocyte reaction. Altogether, we demonstrate for the first time that MHC class II on the lymph node stromal cells plays a crucial role in the modulation of allogeneic CD4+ T cells in the initiation and later in the effector phase of graft-versus-host-disease. KW - Transplantat-Wirt-Reaktion KW - Graft-versus-host disease KW - Hematopoietic cell transplantation KW - CD4+ T cell activation Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252015 ER - TY - THES A1 - Hesen, Nienke Aiyuan T1 - The importance of antibody isotype and idiotype in FcγR-dependent agonism induced by anti-CD40 antibodies T1 - Die Bedeutung des Antikörper-Isotyps und des Idiotyps beim FcγR-abhängigen Agonismus, der durch Anti-CD40-Antikörper induziert wird N2 - The TRAF-binding receptor CD40 belongs to the TNFR superfamily and is broadly expressed on healthy cells, mainly on antigen-presenting cells, but also on other immune cells and non-immune cells. CD40 is bound by its ligand CD40L, which is essential for a wide range of immunological responses by inducing or inhibiting different pathways that are essential for a variety of cellular processes, including immune activation and maturation. (1,2) Dysregulated CD40 signalling has been implicated in inflammatory diseases, such as hyper-IgM syndrome, psoriasis, and cancer. (3–6) Due to its broad expression across various tumour types, it can serve as a tumour-associated antigen and has therefore been proposed as a target for antibodies for cancer treatment. (2,7,8) Agonistic anti-CD40 antibodies have been demonstrated to induce anti-tumoural immune responses as well as therapeutic immunity. (2) Furthermore, prolonged stimulation of CD40 in tumour cells in vitro has been shown to decrease proliferation, increase expression of cytotoxic TNFSFLs and induce apoptosis. (9,10) Their effect on anti-tumoral responses has been well studied and anti-tumoral responses by DC maturation and suppression of malignant growth of B-cells have been confirmed and were found to induce cell death in tumours in vitro. (11–14) Many agonistic anti-CD40 antibodies specifically have been reported to require secondary crosslinking by binding to either activating or inhibitory FcγRs to be agonistic in vitro, while in vivo studies have indicated inhibitory FcƴR2B expression as critical factor. (15–17) However, FcƴR independent agonism has also been reported for anti-CD40 antibodies. (18,19) While agonistic anti-CD40 IgG1, IgG3 and IgG4 antibodies have been shown to display FcƴR dependent agonism, agonistic anti-CD40 IgG2 antibodies have shown to display FcƴR independent agonism. Conversion of anti-CD40 IgG1 antibodies into IgG2 has also been shown to convert the antibody’s agonism into FcƴR independent agonism. (20) To overcome FcƴR dependency, bispecific antibody fusion proteins containing a scFv as anchoring domain allowing for crosslink independent of FcƴR binding have been designed before. This approach has been found to display strong agonism for other antibody fusion proteins when bound to both targets, with response levels resembling that of FcƴR bound antibodies. (21,22) The relevance of antibody isotype and idiotype for FcƴR-dependent agonism as well as the relevance of valency and antibody oligomerization for FcƴR-independent agonism were investigated in this study on a panel of different anti-CD40 antibodies. Several clinically investigated anti-CD40 antibodies (ADC-1013(23), APX005M(24), ChiLob7.4(25) and CP-870,893(26)) and one preclinical antibody (G28.5(27,28)) were considered. Selected antibodies were then cloned onto an IgG1, IgG1(N297A), IgG2 and IgG4 backbone. The IgG1(N297A) isotype is an IgG1 antibody with a point mutation (N297A) that is known to strongly reduce binding to FcƴR1, while reducing the binding affinity to FcƴR2B to undetectable levels. (29,30) In this work it is demonstrated that the investigated anti-CD40 antibody variants across different isotypes activate both the classical and alternative NFκB pathway by stimulating U2OS cells in an FcƴR dependent manner. Stimulation in the presence of both human FcƴRs as well as murine FcƴRs resulted in CD40 stimulation. A difference in binding competition was observed for the various anti-CD40 IgG1 antibodies, but no indication of a CRD-dependent mechanism responsible for their agonistic activity was found. Moreover, this FcƴR dependency could be overcome by creation of tetravalent antibody fusion proteins. N2 - Zusammenfassung Der TRAF-bindende Rezeptor CD40 ist Teil der TNFR-Superfamilie. CD40 wird auf gesunden Zellen, vor allem auf Antigen-präsentierenden Zellen, aber auch auf anderen Immunzellen und Nicht-Immunzellen in großem Umfang exprimiert. Die Aktivierung von CD40 durch seinen Liganden CD40L ist für zahlreiche immunologische Reaktionen von entscheidender Bedeutung, da sie verschiedene Signalwege induziert oder hemmt, die für zahlreiche zelluläre Prozesse, einschließlich Immunaktivierung und -reifung, wichtig sind. (1,2) Defekte CD40-Signalwege werden mit Entzündungskrankheiten wie dem Hyper-IgM-Syndrom, Psoriasis und Krebs in Verbindung gebracht. (3–6) Da CD40 auf verschiedenen Tumorarten weit verbreitet ist, kann es als tumorassoziiertes Antigen verwendet werden, das dann von zytotoxischen Antikörpern angegriffen werden kann, und wurde als Ziel für Antikörper zur Krebsbehandlung vorgeschlagen. (2,7,8) Es hat sich gezeigt, dass agonistische Anti-CD40-Antikörper antitumorale Immunreaktionen und therapeutische Immunität auslösen können. (2) Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die kontinuierliche Stimulation von CD40 in Tumorzellen in vitro die Proliferation reduziert, die Expression zytotoxischer TNFSFLs hochreguliert und Apoptose induziert. (9,10) Ihre Wirkung auf antitumorale Reaktionen wurde gut untersucht, und antitumorale Reaktionen durch DCReifung und Unterdrückung des malignen Wachstums von B-Zellen wurden bestätigt und es wurde festgestellt, dass sie in vitro den Zelltod in Tumoren induzieren. (11–14) Viele agonistische Anti-CD40-Antikörper erfordern Berichten zufolge eine sekundäre Vernetzung durch Bindung an entweder aktivierende oder hemmende FcγRs, um in vitro agonistisch zu wirken, während In-vivo-Studien auf eine hemmende FcƴR2B-Expression als kritischen Faktor hinwiesen. (15–17) Allerdings wurde auch für Anti-CD40-Antikörper ein FcƴR-unabhängiger Agonismus festgestellt. (18,19) Während agonistische Anti-CD40-IgG1-, IgG3- und IgG4-Antikörper nachweislich einen FcƴR-abhängigen Agonismus aufweisen, haben agonistische Anti-CD40-IgG2-Antikörper einen FcƴR-unabhängigen Agonismus gezeigt. Die Umwandlung von Anti-CD40-IgG1-Antikörpern in IgG2-Antikörper hat ebenfalls gezeigt, dass der Agonismus des Antikörpers in einen FcƴR-unabhängigen Agonismus umgewandelt wird. (20) Um die FcƴR-Abhängigkeit zu überwinden, wurden bereits bispezifische AntikörperFusionsproteine entwickelt, die ein scFv als Verankerungsdomäne enthalten und eine von der FcƴR-Bindung unabhängige Vernetzung ermöglichen. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass dieser Ansatz einen starken Agonismus für andere Antikörper-Fusionsproteine aufweist, wenn sie an beide Zielmoleküle gebunden sind, wobei die Ansprechraten denen von FcƴRgebundenen Antikörpern ähneln. (21,22) Die Bedeutung des Antikörper-Isotyps und des Idiotyps für den FcƴR-abhängigen Agonismus sowie die Bedeutung der Valenz und der Antikörper-Oligomerisierung für den FcƴRunabhängigen Agonismus wurden in dieser Studie an einem Panel verschiedener Anti-CD40-Antikörper untersucht. Es wurden mehrere klinisch untersuchte Anti-CD40-Antikörper (ADC1013(23), APX005M(24), ChiLob7.4(25) und CP-870,893(26)) und ein präklinischer Antikörper (G28.5(27,28)) berücksichtigt. Die ausgewählten Antikörper wurden dann auf ein IgG1-, IgG1(N297A)-, IgG2- und IgG4-Backbone kloniert. Beim Isotyp gG1(N297A) handelt es sich um einen IgG1-Antikörper mit einer Punktmutation (N297A), von der bekannt ist, dass sie die Bindung an FcƴR1 stark reduziert, während sie die Bindungsaffinität zu FcƴR2B auf ein nicht nachweisbares Niveau verringert. (29,30)In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die Anti-CD40-Antikörper-Varianten verschiedener Isotypen sowohl den klassischen als auch den alternativen NFκB-Signalweg aktivieren, indem sie U2OS-Zellen in einer FcƴR-abhängigen Weise stimulieren. Die Stimulierung in Anwesenheit sowohl von humanen FcƴRs als auch von murinen FcƴRs führte zu einer CD40-Stimulierung. Während für die verschiedenen Anti-CD40-IgG1-Antikörper ein Unterschied in der Bindungskonkurrenz beobachtet wurde, konnten die CRD-Bindungsprofile keine Erkenntnisse über die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen liefern. Darüber hinaus konnte diese FcƴR-Abhängigkeit durch die Herstellung von tetravalenten AntikörperFusionsproteinen überwunden werden. KW - Antigen CD40 KW - FcƴR Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-371872 ER -