TY - THES A1 - Grüne, Marvin T1 - Solid-state NMR Spectroscopic, X-Ray Diffraction and Quantum Chemical Investigations of the Crystalline Cancer Drug Paclitaxel and Paclitaxel incorporated into Polymer Micelles T1 - Festkörper-NMR-, Röntgendiffraktometrie- und quantenchemische Untersuchungen des kristallinen Krebs-Wirkstoffs Paclitaxel und Paclitaxel eingebettet in Polymermizellen N2 - Paclitaxel (PTX) is one of the leading drugs against breast and ovarian cancer. Due to its low solubility, treatment of the patients with this drug requires a very well-suited combination with a soluble pharmaceutical excipient to increase the bioavailability and reduce the strong side ef-fects. One efficient way to achieve this in the future could be the incorporation of PTX into pol-ymeric micelles composed of poly(2-oxazoline) based triblock copolymers (POL) which ena-bles PTX loadings of up to 50 wt.%. However, structural information at an atomic level and thus the knowledge of interaction sites within these promising but complex PTX-POL formula-tions were not yet available. Such results could support the future development of improved excipients for PTX and suitable excipients for other pharmaceutical drugs. Therefore, a solid-state MAS NMR investigation of these amorphous formulations with different POL-PTX com-positions was performed in this thesis as this gives insights of the local structure at an atomic level in its solid state. NMR in solution showed very broad 13C signals of PTX for this system due to the reduced mobility of the incorporated drug which exclude this as an analytical meth-od. In a first study, crystalline PTX was structurally characterized by solid-state NMR as no com-plete 13C spectrum assignment and no 1H NMR data existed for the solid state. In addition, the asymmetric unit of the PTX crystal structure consists of two molecules (Z'=2) that can only be investigated in its solid state. As crystalline PTX in total has about 100 different 13C and 1H chemical shifts with very small differences due to Z’=2, and furthermore, its unit cell consisting of more than 900 atoms, accompanying GIPAW (CASTEP) calculations were required for NMR signal assignments. These calculations were performed using the first three available purely hydrous and anhydrous PTX structures, which were determined by XRD and published by Vel-la-Zarb et al. in 2013. Within this thesis, is was discovered that two investigated batches of commercially available PTX from the same supplier both contained an identical and so far un-known PTX phase that was elucidated by PXRD as well as solid-state NMR data. One of the two batches consists of an additional phase that was shown to be very similar to a known hy-drated phase published in 2013.[1] By heating the batch with the mixture of the two phases un-der vacuum, it is transformed completely to the new dry phase occurring in both PTX batches. Since the drying conditions to obtain anhydrous PTX in-situ on the PXRD setup described by Vella-Zarb et. al.[1] were much softer than ours, we identify our dry phase as a relaxed version of their published anhydrate structure. The PXRD data of the new anhydrate phase was trans-ferred into a new structural model, which currently undergoes geometry optimization. Based on solid-state NMR data at MAS spinning frequencies up to 100 kHz, a 13C and a partial 1H signal assignment for the new anhydrous structure were achieved. These results provided sufficient structural information for further investigations of the micellar POL-PTX system. In a second study, the applicability and benefit of two-dimensional solid-state 14N-1H HMQC MAS NMR spectra for the characterization of amorphous POL-PTX formulations was investi-gated. The mentioned technique has never been applied to a system of similar complexity be-fore and was chosen because around 84% of the small-molecule drugs contain at least one nitrogen atom. In addition, the number of nitrogen atoms in both POL and PTX is much smaller than the number of carbons or hydrogens, which significantly reduces the spectral complexity. 14N has a natural abundance of 99.6% but leads to quadrupolar broadening due to its nuclear spin quantum number I = 1. While this is usually undesirable due to broadening in the resulting 1D 14N NMR spectra, this effect is explicitly used in the 2D 14N-1H HMQC MAS experiment. The indirect 14N measurement can avoid the broadening while maintaining the advantage of the high natural abundance and making use of the much more dispersed signals due to the additional quadrupolar shifts as compared to 15N. This measurement method could be successfully applied to the complex amorphous POL-PTX mixtures. With increasing PTX loading of the formulations, additional peaks arise as spatial proximities of the amide nitrogens of POL to NH or OH groups of PTX. In addition, the 14N quadrupolar shift of these amide nitrogens decreases with increasing PTX content indicating a more symmetric nitrogen environment. The latter can be explained by a transformation of the trigonal planar coordination of the tertiary amide nitrogen atoms in pure POL towards a more tetrahedral environment upon PTX loading induced by the formation of hydrogen bonds with NH/OH groups of PTX. In the third and last project, the results of the two abovementioned studies were used and ex-tended by solid state 13C and two-dimensional 1H-13C as well as 1H-1H MAS NMR data with the aim to derive a structural model of the POL-PTX formulations at an atomic level. The knowledge of the NMR signal assignments for crystalline PTX was transferred to amorphous PTX (present in the micelles of the formulations). The 13C solid-state NMR signals were evalu-ated concerning changes in chemical shifts and full widths of half maximum (FWHM) for the different PTX loadings. In this way, the required information about possible interaction sites at an atomic level becomes available. Due to the complexity of these systems, such proximities often cannot be assigned to special atoms, but more to groups of atoms, as the individual de-velopments of line widths and line shifts are mutually dependent. An advantageous aspect for this analysis was that pure POL already forms unloaded micelles. The evaluation of the data showed that the terminal phenyl groups of PTX seem to be most involved in the interaction by the establishment of the micelle for lowest drug loading and that they are likely to react to the change in the amount of PTX molecules as well. For the incorporation of PTX in the micelles, the following model could be obtained: For lowest drug loading, PTX is mainly located in the inner part of the micelles. Upon further increasing of the loading, it progressively extends to-ward the micellar shell. This could be well shown by the increasing interactions of the hydro-phobic butyl chain of POL and PTX, proceeding in the direction of the polymer backbone with rising drug load. Furthermore, due to the size of PTX and the hydrodynamic radius of the mi-celles, even at the lowest loading, the PTX molecules partially reach the core-shell interface of the micelle. Upon increasing the drug loading, the surface coverage with PTX clusters increas-es based on the obtained model approach. The latter result is supported by DLS and SANS data of this system. The abovementioned results of the 14N-1H HMQC MAS investigation of the POL-PTX formulations support the outlined model. As an outlook, the currently running geometry optimization and subsequently scheduled calcu-lation of the chemical shieldings of the newly obtained anhydrous PTX crystal structure can further improve the solid-state NMR characterization through determination of further spatial proximities among protons using the existing 2D 1H(DQ)-1H(SQ) solid-state MAS NMR spec-trum at 100 kHz rotor spinning frequency. The 2D 14N-1H HMQC MAS NMR experiments were shown to have great potential as a technique for the analysis of other disordered and amor-phous drug delivery systems as well. The results of this thesis should be subsequently applied to other micellar systems with varying pharmaceutical excipients or active ingredients with the goal of systematically achieving higher drug loadings (e.g., for the investigated PTX, the similar drug docetaxel or even different natural products). Additionally, it is planned to transfer the knowledge to another complex polymer system containing poly(amino acids) which offers hy-drogen bonding donor sites for additional intermolecular interactions. Currently, the POL-PTX system is investigated by further SANS studies that may provide another puzzle piece to the model as complementary measurement method in the future. In addition, the use of MD simu-lations might be considered in the future. This would allow a computerized linking of the differ-ent pieces of information with the aim to determine the most likely model. N2 - Paclitaxel (PTX) ist eines der führenden Medikamente gegen Brust-und Eierstockkrebs. Aufgrund seiner geringen Löslichkeit erfordert die Behandlung der Patienten mit diesem Medikament eine sehr gut geeignete Kombination mit einem löslichen pharmazeutischenHilfsstoff, um die Bioverfügbarkeit zu erhöhen und die starken Nebenwirkungen zu reduzieren. Ein effizienter Weg, dies in Zukunft zu erreichen, könnte der Einbau von PTX in polymere Mizellen sein, die aus Poly(2-oxazolin)-basierten Triblock-Copolymeren (POL) bestehen und PTX-Beladungen von bis zu 50 Gew.-% ermöglichen. Strukturelle Informationen auf atomarer Ebene und damit die Kenntnis von Wechselwirkungeninnerhalb dieser vielversprechenden, aber komplexen PTX-POL-Formulierungen waren jedoch bisher nichtverfügbar. Solche Ergebnisse könnten die zukünftige Entwicklung von verbesserten Hilfsstoffen für PTX und von geeigneten Hilfsstoffen für andere pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe unterstützen. Aus diesem Grund wurdenin der vorliegenden DissertationFestkörper-NMR-Untersuchungen andiesenamorphen Formulierungen mit unterschiedlichen POL-PTX Zusammensetzungen durchgeführt, weil damit Einblickein die lokale Struktur auf atomarer Ebene im festen Zustand erhalten werden können. Aufgrund der verringerten Mobilität des eingebrachten Wirkstoffs in diesem System ergeben NMR-Messungen in Lösung sehr breite 13C-PTX-Signale, was diese Technikals Analysemethode ausschließt. ... KW - Wirkstoff-Träger-System KW - NMR-Spektroskopie KW - Röntgendiffraktometrie KW - Taxol KW - Quantenchemie KW - Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy KW - X-Ray Diffraction KW - Quantum Chemical Calculations KW - Drug Delivery System KW - Taxol KW - Festkörper-NMR KW - quantenchemische Berechnungen Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237199 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kaufmann, Christina T1 - Discrete Supramolecular Architectures of Bay-linked Perylene Bisimide Dimers by Self-Assembly and Folding T1 - Diskrete supramolekulare Architekturen bucht-verknüpfter Perylenbisimid Dimere durch Selbstassemblierung und Faltung N2 - Supramolecular self-assembly of perylene bisimide (PBI) dyes via non-covalent forces gives rise to a high number of different PBI architectures with unique optical and functional properties. As these properties can be drastically influenced by only slightly structural changes of the formed supramolecular ensembles (Chapter 2.1) the controlled self-assembly of PBI dyes became a central point of current research to design innovative materials with a high potential for different applications as for example in the fields of organic electronics or photovoltaics. As PBI dyes show a strong tendency to form infinite aggregated structures (Chapter 2.2) the aim of this thesis was to precisely control their self-assembly to create small, structurally well-defined PBI assemblies in solution. Chapter 2.3 provides an overview on literature known strategies that were established to realize this aim. It could be demonstrated that especially backbone-directed intra- and intermolecular self-assembly of covalently linked Bis-PBI dyes evolved as one of the most used strategies to define the number of stacked PBI chromophores by using careful designed spacer units with regard to their length and flexibility. By using conventional spectroscopic methods like UV/Vis and fluorescence experiments in combination with NMR measurements an in-depth comparison of the molecular and optical properties in solution both in the non-stacked and aggregated state of the target compounds could be elucidated to reveal structure-property relationships of different PBI architectures. Thus, it could be demonstrated, that spacer units that pre-organize two PBI chromophores with an inter-planar distance of r < 7 Å lead to an intramolecular folding, whereas linker moieties with a length between 7 to 11 Å result in an intermolecular self-assembly of the respective Bis-PBIs dyes via dimerization to form well-defined quadruple PBI pi-stacks. Hence, if the used spacer units ensure an inter-planar distance r > 14 Å larger oligomeric PBI pi-stacks are generated. In Chapter 4 a detailed analysis of the exciton coupling in a highly defined H-aggregate quadruple PBI pi-stack is presented. Therefore, bay-tethered PBI dye Bis-PBI 1 was investigated by concentration-dependent UV/Vis spectroscopy in THF and toluene as well as by 2D-DOSY-NMR spectroscopy, ESI mass spectrometry and AFM measurements confirming that Bis-PBI 1 self-assembles exclusively into dimers with four closely pi-stacked PBI chromophores. Furthermore, with the aid of broadband fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy (FLUPS) ensuring broadband detection range and ultrafast time resolution at once, ultrafast Frenkel exciton relaxation and excimer formation dynamics in the PBI quadruple pi-stack within 1 ps was successfully investigated in cooperation with the group of Dongho Kim. Thus, it was possible to gain for the first time insights into the exciton dynamics within a highly defined synthetic dye aggregate beyond dimers. By analysing the vibronic line shape in the early-time transient fluorescence spectra in detail, it could be demonstrated that the Frenkel exciton is entirely delocalized along the quadruple stack after photoexcitation and immediately loses its coherence followed by the formation of the excimer state. In Chapter 5 four well-defined Bis-PBI folda-dimers Bis-PBIs 2-4 were introduced, where linker units of different length (r < 7 Å) and steric demand were used to gain distinct PBI dye assemblies in the folded state. Structural elucidation based on in-depth UV/Vis, CD and fluorescence experiments in combination with 1D and 2D NMR studies reveals a stacking of the two PBI chromophores upon folding, where geometry-optimized structures obtained from DFT calculations suggest only slightly different arrangements of the PBI units enforced by the distinct spacer moieties. With the resulting optical signatures of Bis-PBIs 2-4 ranging from conventional Hj-type to monomer like absorption features, the first experimental proof of a PBI-based “null-aggregate” could be presented, in which long- and short-range exciton coupling fully compensate each other. Hence, the insights of this chapter pinpoint the importance of charge-transfer mediated short-range exciton coupling that can significantly influence the properties of pi-stacked PBI chromophores In the last part of this thesis (Chapter 6), spacer-controlled self-assembly of four bay-linked Bis-PBI dyes Bis-PBIs 5-8 into well-defined supramolecular architectures was investigated, where the final aggregate structures are substantially defined by the nature of the used spacer units. By systematically extending the backbone length from 7 to 15 Å defining the inter-planar distance between the tethered chromophores, different assemblies from defined quadruple PBI pi-stacks to larger oligomeric pi-stacks could be gained upon aggregation. In conclusion, the synthesis of nine covalently linked PBI dyes in combination with a detailed investigation of their spacer-mediated self-assembly behaviour in solution concerning structure-properties-relationships was presented within this thesis. The results confirm a strong exciton coupling in different types of Bis-PBI architectures e.g. folda-dimers or highly defined quadruple pi-stacks, which significantly influences their optical properties upon self-assembly. N2 - Supramolekulare Selbstorganisationsprozesse von Perylenbisimid-(PBI)-Farbstoffen über nichtkovalente Kräfte führen zu einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher PBI-Aggregatstrukturen welche sich in ihren einzigartigen optischen und funktionellen Eigenschaften unterscheiden. Diese Eigenschaften können bereits durch leichte strukturelle Veränderungen der gebildeten supramolekularen Strukturen drastisch beeinflusst werden (Kapitel 2.1), was die kontrollierte Selbstassemblierung von PBI-Farbstoffen zu einem zentralen Punkt aktueller Forschungsarbeiten macht. Dadurch soll es ermöglicht werden, innovative Materialien zu generieren, welche ein hohes Potenzial für unterschiedlichste Anwendungen aufzeigen, wie z.B. im Bereich der organischen Elektronik oder Photovoltaik. Da PBI-Farbstoffe eine starke Tendenz zur Bildung ausgedehnter Aggregatstrukturen aufweisen (Kapitel 2.2), war das Ziel dieser Arbeit, kleine, hoch-definierte PBI-Stapel zu generieren, was über die kontrollierte Steuerung ihres Aggregationsverhaltens ermöglicht werden sollte. Kapitel 2.3 gibt dabei einen Überblick über die hierfür in der Literatur verwendeten Strategien. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass vor allem eine intra- bzw. intermolekulare Organisation von kovalent-verknüpften Bis-PBI-Farbstoffen herangezogen wird, um die Anzahl der PBI-Chromophore innerhalb des Aggregates zu limitieren. Dies konnte unter anderem durch eine sorgfältige Auswahl der verwendeten Linker-Einheiten realisiert werden, vor allem hinsichtlich ihrer Länge und Flexibilität. Durch den Einsatz von UV/Vis-, Fluoreszenz- und NMR-Spektroskopie kann ein eingehender Vergleich der molekularen und optischen Eigenschaften der Farbstoffe in Lösung sowohl im monomeren als auch im aggregierten Zustand durchgeführt werden. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass Linker-Einheiten, welche zwei PBI-Chromophore mit einem interplanaren Abstand von r < 7 Å vororganisieren, zu einer intramolekularen Faltung der Bis-PBI-Farbstoffe führen, wohingegen Linker-Einheiten mit einer Länge zwischen 7 - 11 Å eine intermolekulare Selbstorganisation der jeweiligen Bis-PBI-Farbstoffe begünstigen. Gewährleistet die verwendete Linker-Einheit einen interplanaren Abstand r > 14 Å zwischen den beiden PBI-Einheiten, so kommt es zur Erzeugung größerer, oligomerer PBI-Farbstoff-Stapel. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit (Kapitel 4) wurde die Exzitonen-Kopplung in einem hochdefinierten PBI-Viererstapel untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wurde Bis-PBI 1 synthetisiert, dessen Aggregationsverhalten anschließend mittels konzentrationsabhängiger UV/Vis-Spektroskopie in THF und Toluol sowie mittels 2D-DOSY-NMR-Spektroskopie, ESI-Massenspektrometrie und AFM-Messungen ermittelt werden konnte. Dadurch konnte die intermolekulare Dimerisierung von Bis-PBI 1 und damit die Ausbildung hoch-definierter PBI-Viererstapel nach erfolgter Aggregation bestätigt werden. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Gruppe von Dongho Kim konnten weiterhin mittels Femtosekunden-Breitband-Fluoreszenz-Aufkonversions-Spektroskopie (FLUPS) erstmals Einblicke in die Exzitonendynamik innerhalb eines hoch definierten synthetischen Farbstoffaggregats jenseits von Dimeren gewonnen werden. Durch die detaillierte Analyse der vibronischen Linienform der frühen transienten Fluoreszenzspektren konnte gezeigt werden, dass das anfänglich gebildete Frenkel-Exciton nach erfolgter Anregung vollständig entlang des gesamten Viererstaples delokalisiert ist. Der eindeutige Nachweis des initialen, vollständig delokalisierten Frenkel-Exziton-Zustandes und seiner Lokalisation, stellen wichtige Ergebnisse dieser Studie dar Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit (Kapitel 5) befasste sich mit der Einführung von vier hoch-definierten Bis-PBI-Folda-Dimeren Bis-PBI 2-4, für deren Synthese Linker-Einheiten unterschiedlicher Länge (r < 7 Å) und Flexibilität verwendet wurden. So konnte jeweils eine leicht variierende Anordnung der PBI-Chromophore im gefalteten Zustand generiert werden. Durch die Strukturaufklärung auf Basis von eingehenden UV/Vis-, CD-, Fluoreszenz- und 1D- und 2D-NMR-Studien konnte für alle Farbstoffe Bis-PBIs 2-4 die Faltung zu diskreten pi-Stapeln gezeigt werden. Die aus DFT-Berechnungen gewonnenen geometrieoptimierten Strukturen lassen nur geringfügig unterschiedliche Anordnungen der PBI-Farnstoffe erkennen, welche durch die verschiedenen Linker-Einheiten verursacht werden. Durch die resultierenden optischen Signaturen der Folda-Dimere Bis-PBIs 2-4, welche vom konventionellen Hj-Aggregat bis hin zu monomerenähnlichen Absorptionsmerkmalen reichen, konnte erstmals der experimentelle Nachweis eines PBI-basierten "Null-Aggregats" erbracht werden, bei dem sich JCoul und JCT vollständig gegenseitig kompensieren. Die Erkenntnisse dieses Kapitels verdeutlichen daher den erheblichen Einfluss der sogenannte kurzreichweitigen Exzitonen-Kopplung JCT auf die optischen Eigenschaften von PBI-Aggregaten. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit (Kapitel 6) wurden die Selbstorganisationsprozesse in klar definierten supramolekularen Aggregatstrukturen untersucht. Durch die systematische Verlängerung der Linker-Einheiten von 7 auf 15 Å, konnten durch Selbstorganisation unterschiedliche Aggregatstrukturen von hochdefinierten PBI-Viererstapeln bis hin zu längeren PBI-Oligomeren generiert werden. Zusammenfassend wurde in dieser Arbeit eine detaillierte Übersicht des Selbstorganisationsverhaltens von neun kovalent verknüpften Bis-PBI-Farbstoffen vorgestellt, welche anschließend hinsichtlich ihrer Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehung untersucht wurden. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen eine starke Excitonen-Kopplung in verschiedenen Bis-PBI-Aggregaten wie z.B. PBI-Folda-Dimeren oder hochdefinierten PBI-Viererstapeln, welche die optischen Eigenschaften der Farbstoffsysteme im aggregierten Zustand signifikant beeinflusst. KW - Supramolekulare Chemie KW - Perylenderivate KW - Selbstorganisation KW - perylene bisimide dimers KW - folda-dimer KW - null-aggregate KW - exciton dynamics KW - short-range JCT-coupling KW - spacer-controlled self-assembly KW - Elektronentransfer KW - Farbstoff KW - NMR-Spektroskopie Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173005 ER - TY - THES A1 - Fimmel, Benjamin T1 - Perylene Bisimide Foldamers: Synthesis and In-Depth Studies of the Ground- and Excited States Properties T1 - Perylenbisimid-Foldmere: Synthese und eingehende Untersuchungen zu den Eigenschaften der Grund- und angeregten Zustände N2 - In this thesis the syntheses and detailed investigations on two foldable PBI systems were presented. The reversible, solvent-dependet folding/unfolding-behavior was used to study the ground and excited states properties of folda-dimer and folda-trimer by means of different spectroscopic methods as well as theoretical studies. The switching between charge transfer or excimer formation pathways of photoexcited molecules influenced by the spatial arrangement of chromophores within defined dye systems illustrates the impact of conformational preferences on functional properties. N2 - In dieser Arbeit wurden die synthetischen Anstrengungen sowie die profunden Untersuchungen zu zwei faltbaren PBI-Systemen mit definierter Struktur gezeigt. Das reversible Faltungsvermögen des Folda-Dimers und Folda-Trimers wurde hinsichtlich seiner Eigenschaften im Grundzustand sowie im angeregten Zustand mithilfe unterschiedlicher optischer Methoden sowie theoretischer Ansätze eingehend charakterisiert. Das durch die Konstellation der PBI-Chromophore zueinander bedingte Umschalten zwischen Ladungstransfer und Excimerbildung illustriert die große Bedeutung konformativer Präferenzen für die funktionellen Eigenschaften. KW - Perylenbisdicarboximide KW - Fluoreszenz KW - Elektronentransfer KW - Farbstoff KW - NMR-Spektroskopie KW - Moleküldynamik KW - Perylenbisimid Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125173 ER - TY - THES A1 - Stepanenko, Vladimir T1 - Self-Assembly of Bay-Substituted Perylene Bisimide by Ligand-Metal Ion Coordination T1 - Selbstorganisation der Bay-substituierten Perylenbisimiden durch Metallionen-induzierte Koordination N2 - The subject of this thesis is the synthesis and characterization of PBI-based fluorescent metallosupramolecular polymers and cyclic arrays. Terpyridine receptor functionalized PBIs of predesigned geometry have been used as building blocks to construct desired macromolecular structures through metal-ion-directed self-assembly. These metallosupramolecular architectures have been investigated by NMR, UV/Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and atomic force microscopy. N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung von fluoreszierenden metallsupramolekularen Koordinations-polymeren und Makrozyklen. Als Bausteine für die Bildung dieser makromolekularen Strukturen durch Metallionen-induzierte Selbstorganisationsprozesse wurden Terpyridin-funktionalisierte Perylenbisimide verwendet, welche bereits die benötigte Geometrie besitzen. Die Charakterisierung der Komplexbildung und der optischen Eigenschaften der gebildeten metallsupramolekularen Architekturen, sowie die Visualisierung der Makromoleküle und Charakterisierung ihrer Organisationseigenschaften auf verschiedenen Oberflächen wurden durchgeführt. KW - Supramolekulare Chemie KW - Supramolekulare Struktur KW - Fluoreszenz KW - Zweidimensionale NMR-Spektroskopie KW - NMR-Spektroskopie KW - Protonen-NMR-Spektroskopie KW - Zink KW - Polymerlösung KW - Polymere KW - Funktionelle Polymere KW - DOSY-NMR KW - UV/Vis-Absorption KW - cyclische Trimere KW - Metall-Ion KW - Koordinationspolymere KW - Perylenbisimid KW - Perylenbisanhydrid KW - cyclic trimer KW - coordination polymer KW - fluorescence KW - supramolecular chemistry KW - metal-ion-ligand coordination KW - DOSY-NMR Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-32063 ER -