TY - JOUR A1 - Becker, T. A1 - Franzek, E. A1 - Jost, C. A1 - Hofmann, E. A1 - Schneider, M. A1 - Stöber, Gerald T1 - Hirnläsionen bei affektiven Erkrankungen: eine retrospektive CT-Studie T1 - Cerebral Lesions in Affective Disorders: a Retrospective CT Study N2 - 46 Patienten mit affektiven Erkrankungen und pathologischem CT wurden untersucht (Infarkt: 22, Kontusion: 6, Leukoaraiose: 11, frühkindlicher Hirnschaden: 7). Monopolar Depressive (DSMIII- R; MD) zeigten oft Leukoaraiose, Infarkte waren mit MD, Kontusionen und frühkindliche Schäden mit bipolarer Erkrankung assoziiert (BP; ANCOV A, p< .1). Kortikale Läsionen waren bei BP häufiger, jedoch fehlten signifikante Effekte von Läsionsort oder -zeitpunkt auf die Polarität der Erkrankung (ANOV A). Bei einigen Infarktpatienten kam es zur Verlaufsänderung (Chronifizierung, Bipolarität) nach Infarkt, alle Post-Infarkt-Ersterkrankungen waren bipolar. N2 - 46 patients with affective disorder and a pathologic CT scan were studied (infarct: 22, brain trauma: 6, leukoaraiosis: 11 , perinatal brain damage: 7). Unipolar depressives (DSM-I1I-R; MD) frequently had le ukoaraiosis, brain infarct was associated with unipolar depression , brain trauma and perinatal damage with bipolar illness (BP; ANCOV A , p < .1). Corticallesions were more frequ ent in BP, but ANOV A revealed no significant effect of lesion location and time of insu lt on illness polarity. In some patients with stroke course of illness changed (Ionger phases, bipolarity), first onset post-stroke went along with bipolar illness. KW - Psychiatrie KW - Klinische Psychiatrie KW - Gemeindepsychiatrie KW - organische affektive Störungen KW - Hirninfarkt KW - Kontusion KW - Frühkindlicher Hirnschaden KW - Leukoaraiose KW - Secondary affective disorder KW - Poststroke depression KW - Brain trauma KW - Perinatal brain damage KW - Leukoaraiosis Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-82237 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stöber, Gerald A1 - Franzek, E. A1 - Beckmann, H. T1 - Obstetric complications in distinct Schizophrenie subgroups N2 - In 55 chronic DSM I11 -R schi zophre nics the occurrence of obstetr ic complica ti ons (OCs) was investigated us ing the famili al/sporael ic strategy and Leonhard's unsystemati c/systematic distin ction. The overa ll frequency and severity of OCs elid not differ be tween patie nts anel controls. A sub-sample of patients, whose genetic ri sk was supposed to be high in both class ification systems (d iagnos is 01' unsystematic anel fa mili al sc hizophre ni a), had s igni ficantly fewer OCs than controls on the Lewis anel Murray scale (P < 0.05). With reference to previous reports of inc reased morta lity rates in the offspring of schizop hre nics, high genetic risk and addition al perinatal stressors may in crease perin atal mortality. In contrast, pat ie nts whose genetic ri sk was sllpposed to be low in both systems (di agnos is of systematic and sporadic sc hizophrenia) showed a trend to an increased freqllency of OCs in the Fuchs scale. In the context of the recently reported highl y signi ficantly increased rate of matern al infections dllring midgestation in these pati e nts, it was supposed th at perin atal complications may be of so me ae tio logical importance in sc hizophrenics with low genetic ri sk. KW - Psychiatrie KW - obstetric complications KW - schizophrenia KW - famiIiaI ·sporadic concept KW - Leonhard cIassification Y1 - 1993 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-82223 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stöber, Gerald A1 - Franzek, E. A1 - Beckmann, H. T1 - The role of maternal infectious diseases during pregnancy in the etiology of schizophrenia in offspring N2 - In 55 chronic schizophrenics, the occurrence of infectious diseases during their mothers' pregnancies was investigated. Different psychiatrie diagnostic systems were compared. Infections were reported by the mothers of familial and sporadic DSM I1I-R schizophrenics in equal proportion. However, applying Leonhard's classification, the frequency of infections was found to be significantly increased in 'systematic' schizophrenia (mainly exogenously induced in the view of Leonhard) compared to 'unsystematic' schizophrenia (mainly genetically determined according to Leonhard's findings). Most of the infections occurred during the second trimester (nine out of 13). Thus, in the 'systematic' forms of schizophrenia (low genetic loading), maternal infections in this crucial period of neurodevelopment would appear to be important causative factors in the cytoarchitectural deviance detected in the central nervous system of schizophrenics. KW - Psychiatrie KW - maternal infection KW - pregnancy KW - schizophrenia KW - familial-sporadic concept KW - Leonhard classification Y1 - 1992 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-82216 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stöber, Gerald A1 - Franzek, E. A1 - Beckmann, H. T1 - Die selbstquälerische Depression: eine Form monopolarer endogener Depression N2 - Anhand von drei exemplarischen fällen wird. das Krankheitsbild der selbstquälerischen Depression, eine Form der reinen Depressionen Leonhards, dargestellt. Im Zentrum stehen die Ideen der Selbsterniedrigung und Selbstentwertung und der sich daran entwickelnde ängstlich-depressive Affekt. Charakteristisch ist auch die Angst um die nächsten Angehörigen. In ihren Selbstanklagen erwarten und fordern die Patienten für sich die schrecklichsten Strafen. Diese wenigen Leitsymptome kehren in jeder Krankheitsphase gleichförmig wieder. Andere depressive Symptome wie Denkhemmung und psychomotorische Hemmung treten dagegen völlig in den Hintergrund. Der Krankheitsverlauf ist streng monopolar. Die Dauer der Krankheitsphasen wurde von Leonhard mit durchschnittlich 5,8 Monaten angegeben. Sie betrug bei unseren Patienten durchschnittlich 4,1 Monate. Das klinische Erscheinungsbild ist durch moderne Behandlungsstrategien nicht wesentlich zu beeinflussen. Eine familiäre Belastung mit affektiven Psychosen findet sich nur sehr selten. N2 - Three ease reports will be used to describe the self-torturing depression, one form of Leonhard's monopolar depressive disorders. The main symptomatology consists of marked feelings of guilt, as weil as ideas of self-abasement and self-depreciation. The severe anxious-depressive affect developes on the grounds of these symptoms. Worries of the patients about their family are also characteristic. Excessive self-reproach results in the expectation of and demand for heaviest punishment. These symptoms repeatedly occur during each episode. Other depressive symptoms like inhibited thinking and motor retardation are lacking. The course of the disease is strictly monopolar. In Leonhard's original description the mean duration of the episodes was found to be 5.8 months. We noticed a mean duration of 25 episodes of 4.1 months. The clinical manifestation of the episodes can only insignificantly be influenced by modern therapy. There is little evidence for familial loading with affective psychoses. KW - Medizin KW - Psychopathologie KW - monopolare endogene Depression KW - Leonhard-Klassifikation KW - Affective psychoses KW - psychopathology KW - monopolar depressive disorders KW - Leonhard classification Y1 - 1993 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78454 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Franzek, E. A1 - Sperling, W. A1 - Stöber, Gerald A1 - Beckmann, H. T1 - Die frühkindliche Form einer negativistischen Katatonie N2 - Es wird ein Krankheitsbild negativistischer Katatonie nach Leonhard mit nachweislichem Beginn in der frühen Kindheit beschrieben. Dieses zeichnet sich durch Negativismus, negativistische Erregungen mit (Auto)aggressivität und triebhaften Durchbrüchen aus. Die expressive Sprachentwicklung fehlt oder sie bleibt auf dem erreichten Entwicklungsstand stehen. Die körperliche Gesamtreifung ist retardiert. Zumeist nicht als frühkindliche Katatonien erkannt, werden diese Krankheiten fälschlich als "Schwachsinn bei frühkindlichem Hirnschaden" oder unspezifisch als "tiefgreifende Entwicklungsstörung" (DSM III-R, ICD 10) diagnostiziert. N2 - In a case report the clinical manifestation of negativistic catatonia with its modified symptomatology by first onset in early childhood is presented. The symptomatology consists of negativism, negativistic excitations with (auto)aggressivity and impulsive behaviour. Development of expressive language is lacking or is arrested. Physical development is retarded. These conditions are seldom recognized but diagnosed as organic brain syndrome or more unspecifically as "pervasive developmental disorder" (DSM III-R, ICD 10). KW - Schizophrenie KW - Neurologie KW - Psychiatrie KW - Frühkindliche Katatonie KW - Leonhard-Klassifikation KW - Schizophrenia KW - Early infant catatonia KW - Leonhard classification Y1 - 1993 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78448 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stöber, Gerald T1 - Schwangerschaftsinfektionen bei Müttern von chronisch Schizophrenen: die Bedeutung einer differenzierten Nosologie N2 - In einer retrospektiven Untersuchung erinnerten 16 von 80 Müttern von chronisch Schizophrenen eine schwere Infektionserkrankung in der Schwangerschaft. Im zweiten Trimenon waren gehäuft Infektionen aufgetreten. Zehn von 80 Müttern von Kontrollpersonen erinnerten ebenfalls eine Infektion. Im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen halfen Mütter Schizophrener im 5. Schwangerschaftsmonat häufiger Infektionen als in den anderen Gestationsmonaten (p < 0,05). Bei "familiären" und "sporadischen" Schizophrenen gemäß DSM III-R kamen im Vergleich zu Kontrollen Infektionen in gleicher Häufigkeit vor. Wurden hingegen in der Diagnostik schizophrener Psychosen die Definitionen von Leonhard zugrunde gelegt, ergaben sich signifikante Unterschiede! Bei den systematischen Schizophrenen (denen nach Leonhard keine erbliche Disposition zugrunde liegt) waren Infektionen gehäuft im 2. Schwangerschaftsdrittel aufgetreten, sowohl im Vergleich zu Kontrollen (p < 0,01) als auch im Vergleich zu den unsystematischen Schizophrenen, die hauptsächlich genetisch bedingt zu sein scheinen (p < 0,001). Infektionserkrankungen im 5. Schwangerschaftsmonat waren ausschließlich bei den Müttern von systematischen Schizophrenen vorgekommen. Bei diesen Krankheitsformen scheinen Infektionen im 2. Schwangerschaftstrimenon und insbesondere im 5. Schwangerschaftsmonat wichtige ätiologische Faktoren zu sein und könnten mitursächlich sein für die beschriebenen zytoarchitektonischen Aberrationen im Zentralnervensystem von chronisch Schizophrenen. N2 - In a retrospective study, 16 of 80 mothers of chronic DSM III-R schizophrenics reported having had a serious infectious disease during pregnancy. Eleven of the infections had occurred during the second trimester. Influenza and the common cold with fever were frequent. Ten of 80 female controls also recalled having had an infectious illness during pregnancy. Compared to the controls, mothers of schizophrenics reported more infectious illness during pregnancy, particularly during the fifth month ofgestation (p < 0.05). Mothers of familial and of sporadic DSM III-R schizophrenics reported equal frequencies of infections in pregnancy. In contrast, when Leonhard's classification of psychoses was applied, significant differences appeared. Infections during pregnancy were scarcely found in unsystematic schizophrenics (mainly genetically determined according to Leonhard). In systematicschizophrenics (mainly exogenously determined according to Leonhard), a significantly higher frequency of infectious diseases was reported for the second trimester as compared both to controls (p < 0.01) and to unsystematic schizophrenics (p < 0.001). Infections during the fifth month of gestation were exclusively reported in systematic schizophrenics. Thus, in the systematic forms of schizophrenia infections during the second trimester and particularly during the fifth montb ofgestation seem to play an important role in the etiology and seem to be of causal importance for the various cytoarchitectural abnormalities detected in the central nervous system of schizophrenics. KW - Medizin KW - Psychologie KW - Schizophrenie KW - Schwangerschaftsinfektion KW - "Familiär-sporadisch"- Konzept KW - Leonhard-Klassifikation KW - Schizophrenia KW - Maternal infections KW - Pregnancy KW - Familial/sporadic concept KW - Leonhard classification Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78438 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Becker, T. A1 - Schmidtke, A. A1 - Stöber, Gerald A1 - Franzek, E. A1 - Teichmann, E. A1 - Hofmann, E. T1 - Hyperintense Marklagerläsionen bei psychiatrischen Patienten: räumliche Verteilung und psychopathologische Symptome T1 - Hyperintense white matter lesions in psychiatrie patients: spatial distribution and psychopathological symptoms N2 - In einem Kollektiv von 130 MR-tomographisch untersuchten psychiatrischen Patienten (axiale T2-SE-Sequenz) wurden Zahl und räumliche Verteilung von hyperintensen Marklagerläsionen ("white matter lesions"; WM L) erfaßt und die Ventricle-to-brain-Ratio (VBR) bestimmt. Eine Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse auf der Grundlage der räumlichen WMLVerteilung erlaubte die Abgrenzung von vier Patientengruppen: 1. keine WML (n = 35), 2. WML rechts frontotemporal (n = 23), 3. WML bifrontal (n = 12), 4. WML ubiquitär (n = 16). Die während 3 Jahren beobachteten psychopathologischen Symptome dieser Patienten wurden retrospektiv nach dem AMDP-Systemdokumentiert. In der Gruppe mit ubiquitären WML überwogen organisch-psychopathologische Ttems, die VER war größer als in den anderen Gruppen (ANOVA;p < 0,001). Die räumliche W M L- Verteilung erklärte 10,24 % der Gesamtvarianz psychopathologischer M erkmalsverteilung in den Gruppen. Das Patientenalter (MANCOVA; p < 0,021), nicht aber die VER hattesignifikanten Einfluß auf das psychopathologische Symptomprofil. Nach Ausblendung der Patientengruppe mit ubiquitären WMLblieb der Einfluß der WML-Verteilung auf die psychopathologische Symptomatiksignifikantc (p <0,05). Bifrontale WML waren mit Denkstörung, rechts frontotemporale WML mit affektiven Symptomen assoziiert. Die Befunde sprechen für einen Einfluß der räumlichen Verteilung unspezifischer Marklagerläsionen auf die psychopathologische Symptomatik. N2 - In a sampie of 130 patients who had undergone MRI (transverse TIweighted SE sequenee) patchywhite matter lesions (WML) were documented according to number and spatial distribution in the brain. Ventricle-to-Brain Ratio (VBR) was determined. Configural frequency analysis led to delineation of four patient groups on the basis of WML 10-cation: 1. no WML (n = 35), 2. right frontal-temporal WML (n = 23), 3. bifrontal WML (n = 12),4. WML in all/all but one brain region (n = 16). Psychopathological symptoms reported in the course of a maximum of 3 years were documen ted by chart review. In the 'pervasive WML' group psychopathological items characteristic of organic brain syndromes prevailed, mean VER exceeded values in all other groups (ANOVA, p < 0.001). WML spatial distribution accounted for 10.2 % oftotal psychopathological variance. Patient age, but not VER, had a significant impact on symptom profile (MANCOVA). When the 'pervasive WML' group was excluded, the finding of a significant effect of WML location on psychopathological symptom profiles was robust. Bifrontal WML were associated with thought incoherence, right frontal-temporal WML with affective symptoms. Findings support an impact of spatial distribution of unspecific WML on psychopathological symptoms in psychiatrie patients. KW - Medizin KW - Psychopathologie KW - MRT KW - Demyelinisierung KW - Periventrikuläre Hyperintensitäten KW - Hyperintense Marklagerläsionen KW - MRI KW - Demyelination KW - Periventricular hyperintensities KW - Hyperintense white matter lesions KW - Psychopathology Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78288 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weber, Heike A1 - Scholz, Claus Jürgen A1 - Domschke, Katharina A1 - Baumann, Christian A1 - Klauke, Benedikt A1 - Jacob, Christian P. A1 - Maier, Wolfgang A1 - Fritze, Jürgen A1 - Bandelow, Borwin A1 - Zwanzger, Peter Michael A1 - Lang, Thomas A1 - Fehm, Lydia A1 - Ströhle, Andreas A1 - Hamm, Alfons A1 - Gerlach, Alexander L. A1 - Alpers, Georg W. A1 - Kircher, Tilo A1 - Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich A1 - Arolt, Volker A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Deckert, Jürgen A1 - Reif, Andreas T1 - Gender Differences in Associations of Glutamate Decarboxylase 1 Gene (GAD1) Variants with Panic Disorder N2 - Background: Panic disorder is common (5% prevalence) and females are twice as likely to be affected as males. The heritable component of panic disorder is estimated at 48%. Glutamic acid dehydrogenase GAD1, the key enzyme for the synthesis of the inhibitory and anxiolytic neurotransmitter GABA, is supposed to influence various mental disorders, including mood and anxiety disorders. In a recent association study in depression, which is highly comorbid with panic disorder, GAD1 risk allele associations were restricted to females. Methodology/Principal Findings: Nineteen single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) tagging the common variation in GAD1 were genotyped in two independent gender and age matched case-control samples (discovery sample n = 478; replication sample n = 584). Thirteen SNPs passed quality control and were examined for gender-specific enrichment of risk alleles associated with panic disorder by using logistic regression including a genotype6gender interaction term. The latter was found to be nominally significant for four SNPs (rs1978340, rs3762555, rs3749034, rs2241165) in the discovery sample; of note, the respective minor/risk alleles were associated with panic disorder only in females. These findings were not confirmed in the replication sample; however, the genotype6gender interaction of rs3749034 remained significant in the combined sample. Furthermore, this polymorphism showed a nominally significant association with the Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire sum score. Conclusions/Significance: The present study represents the first systematic evaluation of gender-specific enrichment of risk alleles of the common SNP variation in the panic disorder candidate gene GAD1. Our tentative results provide a possible explanation for the higher susceptibility of females to panic disorder. KW - Medizin Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75830 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gella, Alejandro A1 - Segura, Monica A1 - Durany, Nuria A1 - Pfuhlmann, Bruno A1 - Stoeber, Gerald A1 - Gawlik, Micha T1 - Is Ankyrin a specific genetic risk factor for psychiatric phenotypes? N2 - Background: Genome wide association studies reported two single nucleotide polymorphisms in ANK3 (rs9804190 and rs10994336) as independent genetic risk factors for bipolar disorder. Another SNP in ANK3 (rs10761482) was associated with schizophrenia in a large European sample. Within the debate on common susceptibility genes for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, we tried to investigate common findings by analyzing association of ANK3 with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and unipolar depression. Methods: We genotyped three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ANK3 (rs9804190, rs10994336, and rs10761482) in a case-control sample of German descent including 920 patients with schizophrenia, 400 with bipolar affective disorder, 220 patients with unipolar depression according to ICD 10 and 480 healthy controls. Sample was further differentiated according to Leonhard’s classification featuring disease entities with specific combination of bipolar and psychotic syndromes. Results: We found no association of rs9804190 and rs10994336 with bipolar disorder, unipolar depression or schizophrenia. In contrast to previous findings rs10761482 was associated with bipolar disorder (p = 0.015) but not with schizophrenia or unipolar depression. We observed no association with disease entities according to Leonhard’s classification. Conclusion: Our results support a specific genetic contribution of ANK3 to bipolar disorder though we failed to replicate findings for schizophrenia. We cannot confirm ANK3 as a common risk factor for different diseases. KW - Schizophrenie Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68732 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rivero, Olga A1 - Reif, Andreas A1 - Sanjuan, Julio A1 - Molto, Maria D. A1 - Kittel-Schneider, Sarah A1 - Najera, Carmen A1 - Toepner, Theresia A1 - Lesch, Klaus-Peter T1 - Impact of the AHI1 Gene on the Vulnerability to Schizophrenia: A Case-Control Association Study N2 - Background: The Abelson helper integration-1 (AHI1) gene is required for both cerebellar and cortical development in humans. While the accelerated evolution of AHI1 in the human lineage indicates a role in cognitive (dys)function, a linkage scan in large pedigrees identified AHI1 as a positional candidate for schizophrenia. To further investigate the contribution of AHI1 to the susceptibility of schizophrenia, we evaluated the effect of AHI1 variation on the vulnerability to psychosis in two samples from Spain and Germany. Methodology/Principal Findings: 29 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in a genomic region including the AHI1 gene were genotyped in two samples from Spain (280 patients with psychotic disorders; 348 controls) and Germany (247 patients with schizophrenic disorders; 360 controls). Allelic, genotypic and haplotype frequencies were compared between cases and controls in both samples separately, as well as in the combined sample. The effect of genotype on several psychopathological measures (BPRS, KGV, PANSS) assessed in a Spanish subsample was also evaluated. We found several significant associations in the Spanish sample. Particularly, rs7750586 and rs911507, both located upstream of the AHI1 coding region, were found to be associated with schizophrenia in the analysis of genotypic (p = 0.0033, and 0.031,respectively) and allelic frequencies (p = 0.001 in both cases). Moreover, several other risk and protective haplotypes were detected (0.006,p,0.036). Joint analysis also supported the association of rs7750586 and rs911507 with the risk for schizophrenia. The analysis of clinical measures also revealed an effect on symptom severity (minimum P value = 0.0037). Conclusions/Significance: Our data support, in agreement with previous reports, an effect of AHI1 variation on the susceptibility to schizophrenia in central and southern European populations. KW - Schizophrenie KW - Abelson helper integration-1 (AHI1) Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68501 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gawlik, Micha A1 - Wehner, Ingeborg A1 - Mende, Meinhard A1 - Jung, Sven A1 - Pfuhlmann, Bruno A1 - Knapp, Michael A1 - Stoeber, Gerald T1 - The DAOA/G30 locus and affective disorders: haplotype based association study in a polydiagnostic approach N2 - Background: The DAOA/G30 (D-amino acid oxidase activator) gene complex at chromosomal region 13q32-33 is one of the most intriguing susceptibility loci for the major psychiatric disorders, although there is no consensus about the specific risk alleles or haplotypes across studies. Methods: In a case-control sample of German descent (affective psychosis: n = 248; controls: n = 188) we examined seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) around DAOA/G30 (rs3916966, rs1935058, rs2391191, rs1935062, rs947267, rs3918342, and rs9558575) for genetic association in a polydiagnostic approach (ICD 10; Leonhard’s classification). Results: No single marker showed evidence of overall association with affective disorder neither in ICD10 nor Leonhard’s classification. Haplotype analysis revealed no association with recurrent unipolar depression or bipolar disorder according to ICD10, within Leonhard’s classification manic-depression was associated with a 3-locus haplotype (rs2391191, rs1935062, and rs3916966; P = 0.022) and monopolar depression with a 5-locus combination at the DAOA/G30 core region (P = 0.036). Conclusion: Our data revealed potential evidence for partially overlapping risk haplotypes at the DAOA/G30 locus in Leonhard’s affective psychoses, but do not support a common genetic contribution of the DAOA/G30 gene complex to the pathogenesis of affective disorders. KW - Psychisch Kranker KW - D-amino acid oxidase activator Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-67963 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Strik, Werner K. A1 - Dierks, Thomas A1 - Franzek, Ernst A1 - Stöber, Gerald A1 - Maurer, Konrad T1 - P 300 asymmetries in schizophrenia revisited with reference-independent methods N2 - Evidence of hemispheric asymmetries in schizophrenia has been reported from different research areas. Asymmetries in evoked potential P300 topography are still controversial because of inconsistent findings. In the present study. previous results of abnormal lateralization of P300 were replicated in stabilized residual Schizophrenie patients. Auditory P300 was recorded during an odd ball task in which subjeets detected rare target stimuli. Schizophrenie patients had the P300 peak shifted to the right hemisphere and differed signifieantly from age- and sex-matched normal control subjects who had left-lateralized P300 peaks. A comparison of different methods of assessment and analysis of the topographical features of the P300 electric fields showed that the extraction of reference-independent descriptors of P300 topography is a reliable and sensitive method for statistical handling of the maps. The results suggest left hemispheric dysfunction during cognitive tasks in a subgroup of Schizophrenie patients. Inconsistencies between previous sturlies are likely to be due to heterogeneous patient groups, which may have included patients in an acute Schizophrenie episode or patients in clinical remission. lnvestigation of the clinical meaning of P300 alterations requires careful psychopathological definition of the patient groups. KW - Schizophrenie KW - Laterality KW - evoked potentials KW - electroeneephalography Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63372 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lesch, K. P. A1 - Stöber, Gerald A1 - Balling, U. A1 - Franzek, Ernst A1 - Li, S. H. A1 - Ross, C. A. A1 - Newman, M. A1 - Beckmann, H. A1 - Riederer, P. T1 - Triplet repeats in clinical subtypes of schizophrenia: variation at the DRPLA (B37 CAG repeat) locus is not associated with periodic catatonia N2 - Clinical evidence for a dominant mode of inheritance and anticipation in periodic catatonia, a distinct subtype of schizophrenia, indicates that genes with triplet repeat expansions or other unstable repetitive elements affecting gene expression may be involved in the etiology of this disorder. Because patients affected with dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) may present with "schizophrenic" symptoms, we have investigated the DRPLA (B 37 CAG repeat) locus on chromosome 12 in 41 patients with periodic catatonia. The B 37 CAG repeat locus was highly polymorphic but all alleles in both the patient and control group had repeat sizes within the normal range. We conclude that variation at the DRPLA locus is unlikely to be associated with periodic catatonia. The evidence for dominant inheritance and anticipation as well as the high prevalence of human brain genes containing trinucleotide repeats justifies further screening for triplet repeat expansions in periodic catatonia. KW - Schizophrenie KW - Association study KW - B 37 CAG repeat locus KW - chromosome 12 KW - schizophrenia KW - periodic catatonia Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63369 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Strik, Werner K. A1 - Dierks, Thomas A1 - Franzek, Ernst A1 - Stöber, Gerald A1 - Maurer, Konrad T1 - P300 in Schizophrenia: Interactions between Amplitudes and Topography N2 - Low P300 amplitudes and topographical asymmetries have been reponed in schizophrenic patients, but reference-independent amplitude assessment failed to replicate reduced amplitudes. P300 amplitude is conventially assessed at midline electrodes (PZ), anti asymmetric topography as reported in schizophrenics, may conj'ound this measurement. We lnvestigated the possible Interaction between P300 ropography and assessments of amplitudes. ln 41 clinically stable schizophrenics and 31 normal controls, the generalfinding ofreduced amplitudes at the P'l electrode and topographical asymmetrles in the patient group were replicated. ln both groups, a.symmetries of the P300 field (lateralized peaks) reduced the standard amplitude assessment at the midline parletal electrode, but did not Qjfoct the reference-independent, global amplitude assessment. This shows thal asymmetry per se does not imply reduced field strength. in addition, in schizophreraics. but not in controls, there was a significcmt effect oftlae direction of asymmetry on both amplltude measures, amplitudes belng lower with increasing shift ofthe P300 peak to the right side. Considering also the slightly left-lateralized peaks in the normal controls. this suggests rhat only right lateralized P300 peaks upressfunctional deficits in schizophrenics, whereas left lateralized pealcs fall wlthin the physiological variability of the P3OO field. Tht refonnce-independent amplitude assessment is proposed for unambiguous amplitude assessment in order to better define the clinical, psychological and physiopathological mtaning of the P3OO alterations in schizophrenics. KW - Schizophrenie KW - Event-related potentials KW - P300 KW - P300 topography KW - Brain mappins KW - Schizophrenia Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63351 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stöber, Gerald A1 - Franzek, E. A1 - Beckmann, H. T1 - Schwangerschafts- und Geburtskomplikationen - ihr Stellenwert in der Entstehung schizophrener Psychosen N2 - In a retrospective study of 80 chronic DSM 111-R schizophrenics and 80 controls, the occurrence of obstetric complications (OCs) into the development of chronic schizophrenias was investigated using Leonhard s distinction in systematic schizophrenia (no obvious familial loading) and unsystematic schizophrenia (mainly genetically determined according to Leonhard). The Lewis & Murray and Fuchs scales were used for evaluation. In both scales, unsystematic schizophrenias did not differ from controls, but those with OCs were significantly (p < 0.01) earlier hospitalized (20.5 years) than those without OCs (25.6 years). Systematic schizophrenics had an increased frequency, severity and total score of OCs compared to controls in the Fuchs scale (p < 0.0 I). Likewise, in the Lewis & Murray scale systematic schizophrenia showed an increased presence ofOCs compared to controls (p < 0.05) and to unsystematic schizophrenia (p < 0.1 ). Systematic schizophrenias were significantly allocated to matemal infectious diseases during mid-gestation. Patients with matemal infections showed moreadditional OCs than those without (p < 0.05; Lewis & Murray scale). In systematic schizophrenia, a history of OC was not associated with an early onset of the disease. In the genetic determined schizophrenias prenatal and perinatal disturbanccs Iead to an early onset of the disease, however, in systematic schizophrenias they seem to be of causal importance for the development of the disease. N2 - Auf der Grundlage von Leonhards Unterteilung in systematische Schizophrenien (niedriges genetisches Risiko) und unsystematische Schizophrenien (nach Leonhardr Befunden hauptsächlich genetisch determiniert) wurden in einer retrospektiven Studie bei 80 Patienten mit chronischen DSM 111-R Schizophrenien und 80 Kontrollen die Häufigkeit von Schwangerschafts- und Geburtskomplikationen untersucht. Zur Auswertung wurden die Skalen von Lewis & Murray sowie von Fuchs verwandt. Unsystematische Schizophrenien unterschieden sich in beiden Skalen nicht von den Kontrollen. Diejenigen mit Komplikationen wurden jedoch signifikant früher als diejenigen ohne Komplikationen ersthospitalisiert (p < 0,01 ). Bei systematischen Schizophrenen waren in ; der Skala von Fuchs Häufigkeit, Schweregrad sowie der Summenwert der Komplikationen gegenüber den Kontrollen erhöht (p < 0,0 I). Auch in der Skala von Lewis & Murray traten häufiger obstetrische Komplikationen auf als bei Kontrollen (p < 0,05) und unsystematischen Schizophrenen (p < 0,1 ). Systematische Schizophrenien waren auch assoziiert mit Schwangerschaftsinfektionen im zweiten Trimenon. Mütter mit Schwangerschaftsinfektionen zeigten gehäuft weitere perinatala Komplikationen (p < 0,05). Geburtskomplikationen hatten bei systematischen Schizophrenen jedoch keinen Einfluß auf den Zeitpunkt des Krankheitsbeginns. Während pdi und perinatale Störungen bei genetisch determinierten Schizophrenien lediglich einen frühen Krankheitsbeginn bewirken, scheinen sie bei den systematischen Schizophrenien von ursächlicher Bedeutung fiir die Krankheitsentstehung zu sein. KW - Schwangerschaft KW - Schizophrenie Y1 - 1993 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-63343 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinsen, Helmut A1 - Henn, R. A1 - Eisenmenger, W. A1 - Götz, M. A1 - Bohl, J. A1 - Bethke, B. A1 - Lockermann, U. A1 - Püschel, K. T1 - Quantitative investigations on the human entorhinal area: left - right asymmetry and age-related changes N2 - The total nerve cell numbers in the right and in the left human entorhinal areas have been calculated by volume estimations with the Cavalieri principle and by cell density determinations with the optical disector. Thick gallocyanin-stained serial frozen sections through the parahippocampal gyrus of 22 human subjects (10 female, 12 male) ranging from 18 to 86 years were analysed. The laminar composition of gallocyanin (Nissl)-stained sections could easily be compared with Braak's (1972, 1980) pigmentoarchitectonic study, and Braak's nomenclature of the entorhinal laminas was adopted. Cellsparse laminae dissecantes can more clearly be distinguished in Nissl than in aldehydefuchsin preparations. These cell-poor dissecantes, lamina dissecans extema (dis-ext), lamina dissecans 1 (dis-1) and lamina dissecans 2 (dis-2), were excluded from nerve cell nurober determinations. An exact delineation of the entorhinal area is indispensable for any kind of quantitative investigation. We have defined the entorhinal area by the presence of pre-alpha ceil clusters and the deeper layers of lamina principalis externa (pre-beta and gamma) separated from lamina principalis interna (pri) by lamina dissecans 1 (dis-1). The human entorhinal area is quantitatively characterized by a left-sided (asymmetric) higher pre-alpha cell number and an age-related nerve cell loss in pre as well as pri layers. At variance with other CNS cortical and subcortical structures, the neuronal number of the entorhinal area appears to decrease continuously from the earliest stages analysed, although a secular trend has to be considered. The asymmetry in pre-alpha cell number is discussed in the context of higher human mental capabilities, especially language. KW - Medizin KW - Human entorhinal area KW - Ageing KW - Lateralitity Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59946 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinsen, Helmut A1 - Heinsen, Y. L. A1 - Beckmann, H. A1 - Gallyas, F. A1 - Haas, S. A1 - Scharff, G. T1 - Laminar neuropathology in Alzheimer's disease by a modified Gallyas impregnation N2 - No abstract available KW - Medizin KW - Alzheimer-Krankheit Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59933 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinsen, Helmut A1 - Heinsen, Y. L. T1 - Cerebellar capillaries: qualitative and quantitative observations in young and senile rats N2 - Ultrastructural changes including reduced electron density, reduction in polysemes and cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum occur in the cytoplasrn of endothelial cells and pericytes in the cerebellar cortex of senile virgin female Han: WIST-rats in cornparison to 3-month old virgin rats. Processes of pericytes cover less of the capillary surface in the cerebellar cortex of senile rats; moreover, arithmetic and harmonic mean thickness of the endothelium and relative volume of mitochondria in endothelial cells and pericytes are reduced, w hereas the luminal diameter of the capillaries, harmonic and arithmetic mean thickness of pericytes and their processes and of the basal laminae between endothelial cells and astrocytes (abbreviated BAL 1), pericytes and astrocytes (BAL 2) and endothelial cells and pericytes (BAL 3) increase. The increase in harmonic mean thickness of the basal laminae is statistically significant (α<=0.05) and compensates for a decrease in thickness of capillary endothelium. Consequently, the total barrier mass and thickness of cerebellar cortical capillaries in senile animals is higher than in young individuals. KW - Medizin KW - Capillaries KW - Blood-brain barrier KW - Quantitative anatomy KW - Cerebellar cortex KW - Senile rats Y1 - 1983 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59924 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinsen, Helmut A1 - Heinsen, Y. L. T1 - Quantitative studies on regional differences in Purkinje cell dendritic spines and parallel fiber synaptic density N2 - No abstact available KW - Medizin KW - Cerebellar cortex KW - Albino rats KW - Quantitative anatomy KW - Purkinje cells KW - Spines KW - Parallel fiber synapses KW - Regional differences Y1 - 1983 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59917 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Heinsen, Helmut T1 - Regional differences in the distribution of lipofuscin in Purkinje cell perikarya : a quantitative Pigmentarchitectonic study of the Cerebellar Cortexof Senile Albino Rats N2 - The distribution of lipofuscin in the perikarya of Purkin je cells of vermal and hemispheric lobules has been determined quantitatively in 7 rats, 30-38 months old, by the point-counting method. On the basis of morphologically and statistically significant differences a pigmentarchitectonics of the cerebellar cortex is established. The Purkinje cells of lobule VIa (Larsell 1952) are extremely lipofuscin-rich. The Purkinje cells of the hemispheres, lobules V, Vlb + c and VII contain considerable amounts of a finely granular lipofuscin, the Purkinje cells of lobules I-III and VIII- IXa a globular type of lipofuscin. The Purkinje cells of sublobule XI d c and X are lipofuscin-poor cells. Three types of lipofuscin ha ve been identified in the light microscope. KW - Medizin KW - Lipofuscin KW - Purkinje cells KW - Pigmentarchitectonics KW - Senile rat Y1 - 1981 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59904 ER -