TY - JOUR A1 - Roth, Nicolas A1 - Hacker, Herrmann Heinrich A1 - Heidrich, Lea A1 - Friess, Nicolas A1 - García-Barroas, Enrique A1 - Habel, Jan Christian A1 - Thorn, Simon A1 - Müler, Jörg T1 - Host specificity and species colouration mediate the regional decline of nocturnal moths in central European forests JF - Ecography N2 - The high diversity of insects has limited the volume of long-term community data with a high taxonomic resolution and considerable geographic replications, especially in forests. Therefore, trends and causes of changes are poorly understood. Here we analyse trends in species richness, abundance and biomass of nocturnal macro moths in three quantitative data sets collected over four decades in forests in southern Germany. Two local data sets, one from coppiced oak forests and one from high oak forests included 125K and 48K specimens from 559 and 532 species, respectively. A third regional data set, representing all forest types in the temperate zone of central Europe comprised 735K specimens from 848 species. Generalized additive mixed models revealed temporal declines in species richness (−38%), abundance (−53%) and biomass (−57%) at the regional scale. These were more pronounced in plant host specialists and in dark coloured species. In contrast, the local coppiced oak forests showed an increase, in species richness (+62%), while the high oak forests showed no clear trends. Left and right censoring as well as cross validation confirmed the robustness of the analyses, which led to four conclusions. First, the decline in insects appears in hyper diverse insect groups in forests and affects species richness, abundance and biomass. Second, the pronounced decline in host specialists suggests habitat loss as an important driver of the observed decline. Third, the more severe decline in dark species might be an indication of global warming as a potential driver. Fourth, the trends in coppiced oak forests indicate that maintaining complex and diverse forest ecosystems through active management may be a promising conservation strategy in order to counteract negative trends in biodiversity, alongside rewilding approaches. KW - climate change KW - colour patterns KW - global change KW - Lepidoptera KW - macro moths KW - specialists KW - time series Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258731 VL - 44 IS - 6 ER - TY - THES A1 - Roth, Nicolas Mériadec Max André T1 - Temporal development of communities with a focus on insects, in time series of one to four decades T1 - Entwicklung von Artengemeinschaften in der Zeit mit einem Fokus auf Insekten in Zeitreihen von einer bis vier Dekaden N2 - Changes and development are fundamental principles in biocenoses and can affect a multitude of ecological processes. In insect communities phenological and density changes, changes in species richness and community composition, as well as interactions between those changes, are the most important macro processes. However, climate change and other factors like habitat degradation and loss alter these processes leading to shifts and general biodiversity declines. Even though knowledge about insect decline in central Europe increased during the last decades, there are significant knowledge gaps about the development of insect communities in certain habitats and taxa. For example, insect communities in small lentic as well as in forested habitats are under-sampled and reported to be less endangered than communities in other habitats. Furthermore, the changes within habitats and taxa are additionally influenced by certain traits, like host or feeding specialization. To disentangle these influences and to increase the knowledge about the general long-term development of insect communities, comprehensive long-term monitoring studies are needed. In addition, long-term effects of conservation strategies should also be evaluated on large time scales in order to be able to decide on a scientific base which strategies are effective in promoting possibly declining taxa. Hence, this thesis also tackles the effects of an integrative conservation strategy on wood dependent beetle and fungi, beside the development of water beetle and macro moth communities over multiple decades. In Chapter 2 I present a study on the development of water beetle communities (Dytiscidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae) in 33 water bodies in Southern Germany from 1991 to 2018. Time-standardized capture per waterbody was used during three periods: between 1991 and 1995, 2007 and 2008, and 2017 and 2018. Results showed annual declines in both species number (ca. -1%) and abundance (ca. -2%). In addition, community composition shifted over time in part due to changing pH values. Hence, the recorded changes during the 28-year study period partly reflect natural succession processes. However, since also moor-related beetle species decreased significantly, it is likely that water beetles in southern Germany are also threatened by non-successional factors, including desiccation, increased nitrogen input and/or mineralization, as well as the loss of specific habitats. The results suggest, that in small to midsize lentic waterbodies, current development should aim for constant creation of new water bodies and protection of moor waterbodies in order to protect water beetle communities on a landscape scale. In Chapter 3 I present an analysis of the development of nocturnal macro moth species richness, abundance and biomass over four decades in forests of southern Germany. Two local scale data sets featuring a coppiced oak forest as well as an oak high forest were analysed separately from a regional data set representing all forest types in the temperate zone of Central Europe. At the regional scale species richness, abundance and biomass showed annual declines of ca. 1 %, 1.3 % and 1.4 %, respectively. These declines were more pronounced in plant host specialists and in dark coloured species. In contrast, species richness increased by ca. 1.5 % annually in the coppiced forest, while no significant trends were found in the high forest. In contrast to past assumptions, insect decline apparently affects also hyper diverse insect groups in forests. Since host specialists and dark coloured species were affected more heavily by the decline than other groups, habitat loss and climate change seem to be potential drivers of the observed trends. However, the positive development of species richness in the coppiced oak forest indicates that maintaining complex and diverse forest ecosystems through active management might compensate for negative trends in biodiversity. Chapter 4 features a study specifically aiming to investigate the long-term effect of deadwood enrichment as an integrative conservation strategy on saproxylic beetles and fungi in a central European beech forest at a landscape scale. A before–after control–impact design, was used to compare assemblages and gamma diversities of saproxylic organisms (beetles and fungi) in strictly protected old-growth forest areas (reserves) and previously moderately and intensively managed forest areas. Forests were sampled one year before and a decade after starting a landscape-wide strategy of dead-wood enrichment. Ten years after the start of the dead-wood enrichment, neither gamma diversities of saproxylic organisms nor species composition of beetles did reflect the previous management types anymore. However, fungal species composition still mirrored the previous management gradient. The results demonstrated that intentional enrichment of dead wood at the landscape scale can effectively restore communities of saproxylic organisms and may thus be a suitable strategy in addition to permanent strict reserves in order to protect wood dependent organisms in Europe. In this thesis I showed, that in contrast to what was assumed and partly reported so far, also water beetles in lentic water bodies and macro moths in forests decreased in species richness, abundance and biomass during the last three to four decades. In line with earlier studies, especially dark coloured species and specialists decreased more than light-coloured species and generalists. The reasons for these declines could partly be attributed to natural processes and pollution and possibly to climate change. However, further studies, especially experimental ones, will be needed to achieve a better understanding of the reasons for insect decline. Furthermore, analyses of time series data should be interpreted cautiously especially if the number of sampling years is smaller than ten years. In addition, validation techniques such as left- and right- censoring and cross validation should be used in order to proof the robustness of the analyses. However, the lack of knowledge, we are still facing today, should not prevent scientists and practitioners from applying conservation measures. In order to prove the effectiveness of such measures, long-term monitoring is crucial. Such control of success is essential for evidence based and thus adapted conservation strategies of threatened organisms. N2 - Veränderungen und Entwicklung sind grundlegende Prinzipien in Biozönosen und können eine Vielzahl von ökologischen Prozessen beeinflussen. In Insektengemeinschaften stellen Veränderungen in der Phänologie und Dichte, Veränderungen des Artenreichtums und der Artenzusammensetzung sowie die Wechselwirkungen zwischen diesen, die wichtigsten Makroprozesse dar. Klimawandel und andere Faktoren wie der Verlust von Lebensräumen oder deren Qualitätsverschlechterung beeinflussen diese Prozesse jedoch und führen zu Veränderungen und allgemeinen Rückgängen der Biodiversität. Auch wenn die Erkenntnisse zum „Insektensterben“ in Mitteleuropa in den letzten Jahrzehnten zugenommen haben, gibt es erhebliche Wissenslücken über die Entwicklung von Insektengemeinschaften in bestimmten Lebensräumen und Taxa. Beispielsweise ist die Entwicklung von Insektengemeinschaften in kleinen, stehenden Gewässern und in Wäldern wenig erforscht. Darüber hinaus werden die Veränderungen innerhalb von Habitaten und Taxa zusätzlich durch bestimmte Merkmale, wie Wirts- oder Nahrungsspezialisierung, beeinflusst. Um diese verschiedenen Einflüsse auseinanderhalten zu können und das Wissen über die allgemeine Langzeitentwicklung von Insektengemeinschaften zu vergrößern, sind umfassende Langzeitstudien erforderlich. Darüber hinaus sollten auch die langfristigen Auswirkungen von Naturschutzstrategien über lange Zeiträume evaluiert werden, um auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage entscheiden zu können, welche Strategien zur Förderung bedrohter Taxa wirksam sind. Daher befasst sich diese Arbeit neben der Entwicklung von Wasserkäfer- und Großschmetterlingsgemeinschaften über mehrere Jahrzehnte auch mit den Auswirkungen einer integrativen Naturschutzmaßnahme auf xylobionte Käfer und Pilze. In Kapitel 2 stelle ich eine Studie über die Entwicklung von Wasserkäfergemeinschaften (Dytiscidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae) in 33 Gewässern Süddeutschlands von 1991 bis 2018 vor. Die zeitstandardisierte Erfassung pro Wasserkörper erfolgte in drei Zeiträumen: zwischen 1991 und 1995, 2007 und 2008 sowie 2017 und 2018. Die Ergebnisse zeigten einen jährlichen Rückgang sowohl der Artenzahl (ca. -1%) als auch der Abundanz (ca. -2%). Darüber hinaus verschob sich die Artenzusammensetzung im Laufe der Zeit zum Teil aufgrund sich ändernder pH-Werte. Daraus lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass die erfassten Veränderungen während des 28- jährigen Untersuchungszeitraums teilweise natürliche Sukzessionsprozesse widerspiegeln. Da aber auch an moorige Gewässer gebundene Käferarten deutlich abgenommen haben, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass die Wasserkäfer Süddeutschlands auch durch Faktoren wie Austrocknung, erhöhten Stickstoffeintrag und/oder Mineralisierung sowie durch den Verlust spezifischer Lebensräume bedroht sind. Aufgrund dieser Entwicklungen ist es empfehlenswert, auf Landschaftsebene auf die ständige Schaffung neuer Gewässer und den besonderen Schutz von Moorgewässern zu setzen, um Wasserkäfergemeinschaften erfolgreich schützen zu können. In Kapitel 3 präsentiere ich eine Analyse der Diversitäts-, Abundanz- und Biomassenentwicklung von nachtaktiven Großschmetterlingen über vier Jahrzehnte in Wäldern Süddeutschlands. Neben einem bayernweiten Datensatz, der alle typischen Waldtypen der gemäßigten Zone Mitteleuropas beinhaltet, wurden zwei lokale, besonders regelmäßig besammelte Gebiete getrennt analysiert. In diesen Gebieten werden die Eichenwälder als Hoch- bzw. als Mittelwald bewirtschaftet. Bayernweit wiesen Artenreichtum, Abundanz und Biomasse jährliche Rückgänge von ca. 1 %, 1,3 % bzw. 1,4 % auf. Diese Rückgänge waren bei Wirtspflanzenspezialisten und bei dunkel gefärbten Arten besonders stark ausgeprägt. Im Gegensatz dazu nahm der Artenreichtum im Mittelwald jährlich um ca. 1,5 % zu, während im Hochwald keine signifikanten Trends festgestellt werden konnten. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Annahmen betrifft der Insektenrückgang offenbar auch hyperdiverse Insektengruppen im Wald. Da Wirtspflanzenspezialisten und dunkel gefärbte Arten vom Rückgang stärker betroffen waren als andere, scheinen Lebensraumverlust und Klimawandel potentielle Treiber der beobachteten Trends zu sein. Die positive Entwicklung des Artenreichtums im Mittelwald zeigt jedoch, dass der Erhalt komplexer und vielfältiger Waldökosysteme durch aktives Management, negative Biodiversitätstrends zum Teil kompensieren könnte. Kapitel 4 enthält eine Studie, die die Langzeitwirkung von Totholzanreicherung als integrative Naturschutzmaßnahme auf xylobionte Käfer und Pilze in einem mitteleuropäischen Buchenwald auf der Landschaftsebene untersucht. Dabei wurde die Gamma-Diversität und die Artenzusammensetzung dieser beiden Gruppen anhand einer Vorher-Nachher Untersuchung mit Kontrollflächen (Naturwaldreservate) untersucht. Die bewirtschafteten Flächen wurden weiterhin in zuvor mäßig und intensiv bewirtschaftete Flächen eingeteilt. Die Wälder wurden ein Jahr vor und ein Jahrzehnt nach Beginn einer Totholzanreicherungsstrategie auf Landschaftsebene beprobt. Zehn Jahre nach Beginn der Totholzanreicherung spiegelten weder die Gamma-Diversität der xylobionten Organismen noch die Artenzusammensetzung der Käfer die früheren Bewirtschaftungstypen wider, und wiesen keine Unterschiede mehr zu den Naturwaldreservaten auf. Die Pilzartenzusammensetzung spiegelte jedoch noch immer den früheren Bewirtschaftungsgradienten wider. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Totholzanreicherung auf Landschaftsebene positive Effekte auf xylobionte Artengemeinschaften haben kann. Somit stellt Totholzanreicherung eine Naturschutzmaßnahme dar, die zusätzlich zu permanenten Schutzgebieten, eine Grundlage schaffen kann, um holzabhängige Organismen in Europa zu schützen. In dieser Arbeit habe ich gezeigt, dass im Gegensatz zu dem, was bisher angenommen und zum Teil berichtet wurde, auch Wasserkäfer in stehenden Gewässern und nachtaktive Großschmetterlingen in Wäldern in den letzten drei bis vier Jahrzehnten an Artenreichtum, Abundanz und Biomasse abgenommen haben. In Übereinstimmung mit anderen Studien nahmen vor allem dunkel gefärbte Arten und Spezialisten stärker ab als hell gefärbte Arten und Generalisten. Die Gründe für diese Rückgänge konnten zum Teil auf natürliche Prozesse, Umweltverschmutzung und möglicherweise auf den Klimawandel zurückgeführt werden. Es sind jedoch weitere Studien, insbesondere experimentelle, erforderlich, um die Gründe für das „Insektensterben“ besser zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus sollten Zeitreihendaten mit Vorsicht interpretiert werden, insbesondere wenn die Anzahl der besammelten Jahre kleiner als zehn Jahre ist. Darüber hinaus sollten Validierungstechniken wie Links- und Rechts-Zensierung und Kreuzvalidierung eingesetzt werden, um die Robustheit der Analysen nachzuweisen. Der Mangel an Wissen, mit dem wir heute noch konfrontiert sind, sollte Wissenschaftler und Praktiker jedoch nicht davon abhalten, Naturschutzmaßnahmen anzuwenden. Um die Wirksamkeit solcher Maßnahmen nachzuweisen, ist eine langfristige Überprüfung von entscheidender Bedeutung. Solche Erfolgskontrollen sind für evidenzbasierte und damit angepasste Erhaltungsstrategien bedrohter Organismen unerlässlich. KW - climate change KW - insects KW - temporal development KW - nature conservation KW - entomology Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235499 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rother, Lisa A1 - Kraft, Nadine A1 - Smith, Dylan B. A1 - El Jundi, Basil A1 - Gill, Richard J. A1 - Pfeiffer, Keram T1 - A micro-CT-based standard brain atlas of the bumblebee JF - Cell and Tissue Research N2 - In recent years, bumblebees have become a prominent insect model organism for a variety of biological disciplines, particularly to investigate learning behaviors as well as visual performance. Understanding these behaviors and their underlying neurobiological principles requires a clear understanding of brain anatomy. Furthermore, to be able to compare neuronal branching patterns across individuals, a common framework is required, which has led to the development of 3D standard brain atlases in most of the neurobiological insect model species. Yet, no bumblebee 3D standard brain atlas has been generated. Here we present a brain atlas for the buff-tailed bumblebee Bombus terrestris using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scans as a source for the raw data sets, rather than traditional confocal microscopy, to produce the first ever micro-CT-based insect brain atlas. We illustrate the advantages of the micro-CT technique, namely, identical native resolution in the three cardinal planes and 3D structure being better preserved. Our Bombus terrestris brain atlas consists of 30 neuropils reconstructed from ten individual worker bees, with micro-CT allowing us to segment neuropils completely intact, including the lamina, which is a tissue structure often damaged when dissecting for immunolabeling. Our brain atlas can serve as a platform to facilitate future neuroscience studies in bumblebees and illustrates the advantages of micro-CT for specific applications in insect neuroanatomy. KW - neuropils KW - Bombus terrestris KW - insect standard brain atlas KW - iterative shape averaging KW - reconstruction Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267783 SN - 1432-0878 VL - 386 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Röschert, Isabelle T1 - Aurora-A prevents transcription-replication conflicts in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma T1 - Aurora-A verhindert Transkriptions-Replikationskonflikte in MYCN-amplifizierten Neuroblastomen N2 - Neuroblastoma is the most abundant, solid, extracranial tumor in early childhood and the leading cause of cancer-related childhood deaths worldwide. Patients with high-risk neuroblastoma often show MYCN-amplification and elevated levels of Aurora-A. They have a low overall survival and despite multimodal therapy options a poor therapeutic prognosis. MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cells depend on Aurora-A functionality. Aurora-A stabilizes MYCN and prevents it from proteasomal degradation by competing with the E3 ligase SCFFBXW7. Interaction between Aurora-A and MYCN can be observed only in S phase of the cell cycle and activation of Aurora-A can be induced by MYCN in vitro. These findings suggest the existence of a profound interconnection between Aurora-A and MYCN in S phase. Nevertheless, the details remain elusive and were investigated in this study. Fractionation experiments show that Aurora-A is recruited to chromatin in S phase in a MYCN-dependent manner. Albeit being unphosphorylated on the activating T288 residue, Aurora-A kinase activity was still present in S phase and several putative, novel targets were identified by phosphoproteomic analysis. Particularly, eight phosphosites dependent on MYCN-activated Aurora-A were identified. Additionally, phosphorylation of serine 10 on histone 3 was verified as a target of this complex in S phase. ChIP-sequencing experiments reveal that Aurora-A regulates transcription elongation as well as histone H3.3 variant incorporation in S phase. 4sU-sequencing as well as immunoblotting demonstrated that Aurora-A activity impacts splicing. PLA measurements between the transcription and replication machinery revealed that Aurora-A prevents the formation of transcription-replication conflicts, which activate of kinase ATR. Aurora-A inhibitors are already used to treat neuroblastoma but display dose-limiting toxicity. To further improve Aurora-A based therapies, we investigated whether low doses of Aurora-A inhibitor combined with ATR inhibitor could increase the efficacy of the treatment albeit reducing toxicity. The study shows that the combination of both drugs leads to a reduction in cell growth as well as an increase in apoptosis in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cells, which is not observable in MYCN non-amplified neuroblastoma cells. This new approach was also tested by a collaboration partner in vivo resulting in a decrease in tumor burden, an increase in overall survival and a cure of 25% of TH-MYCN mice. These findings indicate indeed a therapeutic window for targeting MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma. N2 - Das Neuroblastom ist der häufigste, solide, extrakranielle Tumor der frühesten Kindheit und die häufigste mit Krebs verbundene Todesursache von Kleinkindern weltweit. Patienten mit geringerer Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit und schlechterer Therapieprognose zeigen oft eine MYCN-Amplifikation und erhöhte Mengen von Aurora-A. Aurora-A ist eine Serin/Threonin-Protein Kinase, die wichtige mitotische Prozesse reguliert. Aurora-A stabilisiert MYCN und verhindert dadurch den proteasomalen Abbau von MYCN. Die Interaktion zwischen Aurora-A und MYCN ist S Phasen-spezifisch und MYCN ist in vitro in der Lage, durch seine Bindung Aurora-A zu aktivieren. Die Funktionen und Prozesse, die von Aurora-A in der S Phase reguliert werden, sind noch nicht hinreichend untersucht und daher Gegenstand dieser Dissertation. Zell-Fraktionierungen zeigen, dass Aurora-A in der S Phase in einer MYCN-abhängigen Weise an das Chromatin gebunden ist. Phosphoproteom-Analysen mittels Massenspektrometrie identifizierten zahlreiche neue Substrate von Aurora-A, sowie acht Substrate von MYCN-aktiviertem Aurora-A. Zusätzlich konnte gezeigt werden, dass Histon 3 Serin 10 von Aurora-A in Abhängigkeit von MYCN in S Phase phosphoryliert wird. ChIP-Sequenzierungen zeigen, dass Aurora-A die Elongation der Transkription und den Einbau der Histone Variante H3.3 in S Phase beeinflusst. 4sU-Sequenzierung sowie Immunoblots zeigen einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Aktivität von Aurora-A und dem Spleißosom in der S Phase. Zusätzlich konnte mittels PLA nachgewiesen werden, dass Aurora-A die Entstehung von Transkriptions-Replikationskonflikten verhindert, die andernfalls die Kinase ATR aktivieren würden. Aurora-A Inhibitoren wurden unter anderem zur Therapie von Neuroblastomen eingesetzt, allerdings ist die Dosis des Aurora-A Inhibitors durch die hohe Toxizität limitiert, was die Effizienz der Therapie stark beeinträchtigt. Daher wurde untersucht, ob die gleichzeitige Gabe von geringeren Mengen Aurora-A Inhibitor in Kombination mit einem ATR Inhibitor zur Therapie geeignet ist. In vitro konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Kombination beider Inhibitoren das Zellwachstum reduziert und das MYCN-amplifizierte Zellen im Vergleich zu MYCN nicht-amplifizierten Zellen verstärkt durch Apoptose sterben. Durch einen Kollaborationspartner konnte die Kombination der beiden Inhibitoren an Mäusen getestet werden. Die mit der Kombination behandelten Mäuse, zeigen ein deutlich reduziertes Tumorwachstum, sowie längeres Überleben. Somit stellt diese Kombination ein therapeutisches Fenster dar und könnte zur Behandlung von Neuroblastompatienten genutzt werden. KW - Neuroblastom KW - Aurora-A KW - MYCN KW - neuroblastoma Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243037 ER - TY - THES A1 - Rüdenauer, Fabian T1 - Nutrition facts of pollen: nutritional quality and how it affects reception and perception in bees T1 - Nährwertinformationen von Pollen: Nährstoffzusammensetzung und wie diese sich auf Rezeption und Perzeption von Bienen auswirkt N2 - Nutrients belong to the key elements enabling life and influencing an organism’s fitness. The intake of nutrients in the right amounts and ratios can increase fitness; strong deviations from the optimal intake target can decrease fitness. Hence, the ability to assess the nutritional profile of food would benefit animals. To achieve this, they need the according nutrient receptors, the ability to interpret the receptor information via perceptive mechanisms, and the ability to adjust their foraging behavior accordingly. Additionally, eventually existing correlations between the nutrient groups and single nutrient compounds in food could help them to achieve this adjustment. A prominent interaction between food and consumer is the interaction between flowering plants (angiosperms) and animal pollinators. Usually both of the interacting partners benefit from this mutualistic interaction. Plants are pollinated while pollinators get a (most of the times) nutritional reward in form of nectar and/or pollen. As similar interactions between plants and animals seem to have existed even before the emergence of angiosperms, these interactions between insects and angiosperms very likely have co-evolved right from their evolutionary origin. Therefore, insect pollinators with the ability to assess the nutritional profile may have shaped the nutritional profile of plant species depending on them for their reproduction via selection pressure. In Chapter I of this thesis the pollen nutritional profile of many plant species was analyzed in the context of their phylogeny and their dependence on insect pollinators. In addition, correlations between the nutrients were investigated. While the impact of phylogeny on the pollen protein content was little, the mutual outcome of both of the studies included in this chapter is that protein content of pollen is mostly influenced by the plant’s dependence on insect pollinators. Several correlations found between nutrients within and between the nutrient groups could additionally help the pollinators to assess the nutrient profile of pollen. An important prerequisite for this assessment would be that the pollinators are able to differentiate between pollen of different plant species. Therefore, in Chapter II it was investigated whether bees have this ability. Specifically, it was investigated whether honeybees are able to differentiate between pollen of two different, but closely related plant species and whether bumblebees prefer one out of three pollen mixes, when they were fed with only one of them as larvae. Honeybees indeed were able to differentiate between the pollen species and bumblebees preferred one of the pollen mixes to the pollen mix they were fed as larvae, possibly due to its nutritional content. Therefore, the basis for pollen nutrient assessment is given in bees. However, there also was a slight preference for the pollen fed as larvae compared to another non-preferred pollen mix, at least hinting at the retention of larval memory in adult bumblebees. Chapter III looks into nutrient perception of bumblebees more in detail. Here it was shown that they are principally able to perceive amino acids and differentiate between them as well as different concentrations of the same amino acid. However, they do not seem to be able to assess the amino acid content in pollen or do not focus on it, but instead seem to focus on fatty acids, for which they could not only perceive concentration differences, but also were able to differentiate between. These findings were supported by feeding experiments in which the bumblebees did not prefer any of the pollen diets containing less or more amino acids but preferred pollen with less fatty acids. In no choice feeding experiments, bumblebees receiving a diet with high fatty acid content accepted undereating other nutrients instead of overeating fat, leading to increased mortality and the inability to reproduce. Hence, the importance of fat in pollen needs to be looked into further. In conclusion, this thesis shows that the co-evolution of flowering plants and pollinating insects could be even more pronounced than thought before. Insects do not only pressure the plants to produce high quality nectar, but also pressure those plants depending on insect pollination to produce high quality pollen. The reason could be the insects’ ability to receive and perceive certain nutrients, which enables them to forage selectively leading to a higher reproductive success of plants with a pollinator-suitable nutritional pollen profile. N2 - Nährstoffe gehören zu den zentralen Elementen, die das Leben an sich ermöglichen und die Fitness eines Organismus beeinflussen können. Nährstoffaufnahme in den richtigen Mengen und Verhältnissen kann die Fitness verbessern, starke Abweichungen von der optimalen Aufnahme können sie verschlechtern. Deshalb könnten Tiere von der Fähigkeit profitieren das Nährstoffprofil von Nahrung bewerten zu können. Dafür benötigten sie jedoch die passenden Nährstoffrezeptoren, die Fähigkeit die Rezeptorinformationen durch perzeptive Mechanismen zu interpretieren und ihr Sammelverhalten daran anzupassen. Eine zusätzliche Hilfe dabei könnten Korrelationen zwischen sowohl den Nährstoffgruppen als auch einzelnen Nährstoffen bieten. Eine bekannte Interaktion zwischen Nahrung und Konsument ist die zwischen Blühpflanzen (Angiospermen) und tierischen Bestäubern. Normalerweise profitieren beide Interaktionspartner von dieser mutualistischen Interaktion. Pflanzen werden bestäubt, während die Bestäuber eine (zumeist) nahrhafte Belohnung in Form von Nektar und/oder Pollen erhalten. Da ähnliche Interaktionen zwischen Pflanzen und Tieren vermutlich schon vor dem Auftreten der Angiospermen existierten, könnte sich diese Interaktion, im Speziellen mit Insekten, direkt vom evolutiven Startpunkt der Angiospermen aus koevolviert haben. Deshalb ist es möglich, dass Bestäuber mit der Fähigkeit das Nährstoffprofil von Pollen bewerten zu können, dieses bei von ihnen abhängigen Pflanzen durch Selektionsdruck formen konnten. Im Kapitel I dieser Thesis wurde das Nährstoffprofil von Pollen vieler Pflanzenarten im Kontext ihrer Phylogenie und ihrer Abhängigkeit von Insekten als Bestäubern analysiert. Außerdem wurden Korrelationen zwischen den Nährstoffen untersucht. Während die Phylogenie nur einen geringen Einfluss auf den Proteingehalt von Pollen haben könnte, ist der gemeinsame Nenner der beiden Studien in diesem Kapitel, dass der Proteingehalt des Pollens hauptsächlich von der Abhängigkeit der Pflanzen von Bestäubern bestimmt wird. Es wurden zudem einige Korrelationen sowohl in als auch zwischen den Nährstoffgruppen gefunden, die den Bestäubern helfen könnten das Nährstoffprofil von Pollen bewerten zu können. Eine wichtige Grundvoraussetzung für diese Bewertung wäre, dass die Bestäuber überhaupt dazu in der Lage sind zwischen Pollen von unterschiedlichen Pflanzenarten zu unterscheiden. Dies wird in Kapitel II behandelt, in dem untersucht wurde ob Honigbienen in der Lage sind zwischen Pollen zweier nah verwandter Pflanzenarten zu unterscheiden und ob Hummeln eine von drei Pollenmischungen bevorzugen, wenn sie nur mit einer davon als Larve in Kontakt kamen. Honigbienen war es tatsächlich möglich zwischen den Pollenarten zu unterscheiden und Hummeln bevorzugten eine bestimmte Pollenmischung gegenüber der, die sie als Larve erhalten hatten, möglicherweise aufgrund eines vorteilhaften Nährstoffprofils. Die Grundlage zur Nährstoffbewertung scheint bei Bienen also gegeben zu sein. Allerdings hatten die Hummeln auch eine leichte Präferenz für die Pollenmischung, die sie als Larve erhalten hatten gegenüber der dritten, nicht bevorzugten Pollenmischung, was zumindest darauf hindeuten könnte, dass Larvenerinnerungen bei erwachsenen Hummeln erhalten bleiben könnten. Kapitel III beschäftigt sich tiefergehend mit der Nährstoffwahrnehmung von Hummeln. Es wurde gezeigt, dass diese prinzipiell befähigt sind Aminosäuren wahrzunehmen als auch zwischen ihnen und verschiedenen Konzentrationen der gleichen Aminosäure zu unterscheiden. Allerdings scheinen sie entweder nicht in der Lage zu sein oder sich zumindest nicht darauf zu fokussieren den Aminosäuregehalt von Pollen zu bewerten, sondern sich eher auf Fettsäuren zu konzentrieren. Von diesen konnten sie nicht nur Konzentrationsunterschiede feststellen, sondern auch zwischen verschiedenen Fettsäuren im Pollen unterscheiden. Diese Ergebnisse wurden von denen in Fütterungsexperimenten gestützt, in denen die Hummeln gleiche Mengen von Pollen mit mehr oder weniger Aminosäuren aufnahmen, aber Pollen mit weniger Fettsäuren bevorzugten. In Experimenten, in denen die Hummeln keine Wahl hatten, nahmen die Hummeln mit einer Diät, die eine hohe Fettsäurekonzentration hatte, lieber in Kauf, dass sie zu wenig von den anderen Nährstoffen aufnahmen, als zu viel Fett, was zu einer erhöhten Mortalitätsrate und der Unfähigkeit sich zu reproduzieren führte. Deshalb sollten zukünftige Studien sich eingehender mit dem Fettsäuregehalt von Pollen beschäftigen. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Thesis, dass die Koevolution von Pflanzen und bestäubenden Insekten ausgeprägter sein könnte, als bisher angenommen. Insekten setzen die Pflanzen nicht nur unter Druck qualitativ hochwertigen Nektar zu produzieren, sondern setzen vor allem auch die Pflanzen unter Druck, die von ihrer Bestäubung abhängig sind, qualitativ hochwertigen Pollen zu produzieren. Der Grund dafür könnte die Fähigkeit der Insekten sein, bestimmte Nährstoffe zu rezipieren und perzipieren und dann ihr Sammelverhalten so anzupassen, dass Pflanzen mit einem passenden Nährstoffprofil einen höheren Reproduktionserfolg haben. KW - Pollen KW - bumblebee*s KW - nutrients KW - nutrition KW - pollen KW - reception KW - perception KW - proboscis extension response KW - honeybee*s Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-212548 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheiner, Ricarda A1 - Lim, Kayun A1 - Meixner, Marina D. A1 - Gabel, Martin S. T1 - Comparing the appetitive learning performance of six European honeybee subspecies in a common apiary JF - Insects N2 - The Western honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) is one of the most widespread insects with numerous subspecies in its native range. How far adaptation to local habitats has affected the cognitive skills of the different subspecies is an intriguing question that we investigate in this study. Naturally mated queens of the following five subspecies from different parts of Europe were transferred to Southern Germany: A. m. iberiensis from Portugal, A. m. mellifera from Belgium, A. m. macedonica from Greece, A. m. ligustica from Italy, and A. m. ruttneri from Malta. We also included the local subspecies A. m. carnica in our study. New colonies were built up in a common apiary where the respective queens were introduced. Worker offspring from the different subspecies were compared in classical olfactory learning performance using the proboscis extension response. Prior to conditioning, we measured individual sucrose responsiveness to investigate whether possible differences in learning performances were due to differential responsiveness to the sugar water reward. Most subspecies did not differ in their appetitive learning performance. However, foragers of the Iberian honeybee, A. m. iberiensis, performed significantly more poorly, despite having a similar sucrose responsiveness. We discuss possible causes for the poor performance of the Iberian honeybees, which may have been shaped by adaptation to the local habitat. KW - adaptation KW - Apis mellifera KW - olfactory learning KW - proboscis extension response KW - sucrose responsiveness KW - genetic diversity Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245180 SN - 2075-4450 VL - 12 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scherer, Marc A1 - Fleishman, Sarel J. A1 - Jones, Patrik R. A1 - Dandekar, Thomas A1 - Bencurova, Elena T1 - Computational Enzyme Engineering Pipelines for Optimized Production of Renewable Chemicals JF - Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology N2 - To enable a sustainable supply of chemicals, novel biotechnological solutions are required that replace the reliance on fossil resources. One potential solution is to utilize tailored biosynthetic modules for the metabolic conversion of CO2 or organic waste to chemicals and fuel by microorganisms. Currently, it is challenging to commercialize biotechnological processes for renewable chemical biomanufacturing because of a lack of highly active and specific biocatalysts. As experimental methods to engineer biocatalysts are time- and cost-intensive, it is important to establish efficient and reliable computational tools that can speed up the identification or optimization of selective, highly active, and stable enzyme variants for utilization in the biotechnological industry. Here, we review and suggest combinations of effective state-of-the-art software and online tools available for computational enzyme engineering pipelines to optimize metabolic pathways for the biosynthesis of renewable chemicals. Using examples relevant for biotechnology, we explain the underlying principles of enzyme engineering and design and illuminate future directions for automated optimization of biocatalysts for the assembly of synthetic metabolic pathways. KW - computational KW - enzyme KW - engineering KW - design KW - biomanufacturing KW - biofuel KW - microbes KW - metabolism Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-240598 SN - 2296-4185 VL - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schilcher, Felix A1 - Hilsmann, Lioba A1 - Rauscher, Lisa A1 - Değirmenci, Laura A1 - Krischke, Markus A1 - Krischke, Beate A1 - Ankenbrand, Markus A1 - Rutschmann, Benjamin A1 - Mueller, Martin J. A1 - Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf A1 - Scheiner, Ricarda T1 - In vitro rearing changes social task performance and physiology in honeybees JF - Insects N2 - In vitro rearing of honeybee larvae is an established method that enables exact control and monitoring of developmental factors and allows controlled application of pesticides or pathogens. However, only a few studies have investigated how the rearing method itself affects the behavior of the resulting adult honeybees. We raised honeybees in vitro according to a standardized protocol: marking the emerging honeybees individually and inserting them into established colonies. Subsequently, we investigated the behavioral performance of nurse bees and foragers and quantified the physiological factors underlying the social organization. Adult honeybees raised in vitro differed from naturally reared honeybees in their probability of performing social tasks. Further, in vitro-reared bees foraged for a shorter duration in their life and performed fewer foraging trips. Nursing behavior appeared to be unaffected by rearing condition. Weight was also unaffected by rearing condition. Interestingly, juvenile hormone titers, which normally increase strongly around the time when a honeybee becomes a forager, were significantly lower in three- and four-week-old in vitro bees. The effects of the rearing environment on individual sucrose responsiveness and lipid levels were rather minor. These data suggest that larval rearing conditions can affect the task performance and physiology of adult bees despite equal weight, pointing to an important role of the colony environment for these factors. Our observations of behavior and metabolic pathways offer important novel insight into how the rearing environment affects adult honeybees. KW - honeybee KW - artificial rearing KW - behavior KW - in vitro KW - juvenile hormone KW - triglycerides KW - PER KW - foraging KW - nursing Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252305 SN - 2075-4450 VL - 13 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schilcher, Felix A1 - Thamm, Markus A1 - Strube-Bloss, Martin A1 - Scheiner, Ricarda T1 - Opposing actions of octopamine and tyramine on honeybee vision JF - Biomolecules N2 - The biogenic amines octopamine and tyramine are important neurotransmitters in insects and other protostomes. They play a pivotal role in the sensory responses, learning and memory and social organisation of honeybees. Generally, octopamine and tyramine are believed to fulfil similar roles as their deuterostome counterparts epinephrine and norepinephrine. In some cases opposing functions of both amines have been observed. In this study, we examined the functions of tyramine and octopamine in honeybee responses to light. As a first step, electroretinography was used to analyse the effect of both amines on sensory sensitivity at the photoreceptor level. Here, the maximum receptor response was increased by octopamine and decreased by tyramine. As a second step, phototaxis experiments were performed to quantify the behavioural responses to light following treatment with either amine. Octopamine increased the walking speed towards different light sources while tyramine decreased it. This was independent of locomotor activity. Our results indicate that tyramine and octopamine act as functional opposites in processing responses to light. KW - biogenic amines KW - neurotransmitter KW - phototaxis KW - ERG KW - behaviour KW - modulation KW - visual system KW - octopamine KW - tyramine KW - Apis mellifera Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-246214 SN - 2218-273X VL - 11 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schmitz, Werner A1 - Koderer, Corinna A1 - El-Mesery, Mohamed A1 - Gobik, Sebastian A1 - Sampers, Rene A1 - Straub, Anton A1 - Kübler, Alexander Christian A1 - Seher, Axel T1 - Metabolic fingerprinting of murine L929 fibroblasts as a cell-based tumour suppressor model system for methionine restriction JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Since Otto Warburg reported in 1924 that cancer cells address their increased energy requirement through a massive intake of glucose, the cellular energy level has offered a therapeutic anticancer strategy. Methionine restriction (MetR) is one of the most effective approaches for inducing low-energy metabolism (LEM) due to the central position in metabolism of this amino acid. However, no simple in vitro system for the rapid analysis of MetR is currently available, and this study establishes the murine cell line L929 as such a model system. L929 cells react rapidly and efficiently to MetR, and the analysis of more than 150 different metabolites belonging to different classes (amino acids, urea and tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) cycles, carbohydrates, etc.) by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) defines a metabolic fingerprint and enables the identification of specific metabolites representing normal or MetR conditions. The system facilitates the rapid and efficient testing of potential cancer therapeutic metabolic targets. To date, MS studies of MetR have been performed using organisms and yeast, and the current LC/MS analysis of the intra- and extracellular metabolites in the murine cell line L929 over a period of 5 days thus provides new insights into the effects of MetR at the cellular metabolic level. KW - methionine restriction KW - caloric restriction KW - mass spectrometry KW - LC/MS KW - liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry KW - metabolism KW - L929 KW - amino acid Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259198 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 22 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schmitz, Werner A1 - Ries, Elena A1 - Koderer, Corinna A1 - Völter, Maximilian Friedrich A1 - Wünsch, Anna Chiara A1 - El-Mesery, Mohamed A1 - Frackmann, Kyra A1 - Kübler, Alexander Christian A1 - Linz, Christian A1 - Seher, Axel T1 - Cysteine restriction in murine L929 fibroblasts as an alternative strategy to methionine restriction in cancer therapy JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Methionine restriction (MetR) is an efficient method of amino acid restriction (AR) in cells and organisms that induces low energy metabolism (LEM) similar to caloric restriction (CR). The implementation of MetR as a therapy for cancer or other diseases is not simple since the elimination of a single amino acid in the diet is difficult. However, the in vivo turnover rate of cysteine is usually higher than the rate of intake through food. For this reason, every cell can enzymatically synthesize cysteine from methionine, which enables the use of specific enzymatic inhibitors. In this work, we analysed the potential of cysteine restriction (CysR) in the murine cell line L929. This study determined metabolic fingerprints using mass spectrometry (LC/MS). The profiles were compared with profiles created in an earlier work under MetR. The study was supplemented by proliferation studies using D-amino acid analogues and inhibitors of intracellular cysteine synthesis. CysR showed a proliferation inhibition potential comparable to that of MetR. However, the metabolic footprints differed significantly and showed that CysR does not induce classic LEM at the metabolic level. Nevertheless, CysR offers great potential as an alternative for decisive interventions in general and tumour metabolism at the metabolic level. KW - methionine restriction KW - cysteine restriction KW - mass spectrometry KW - LC/MS KW - cancer therapy KW - caloric restriction KW - homocysteine KW - amino acid analogues KW - cysteine synthase inhibitor Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265486 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 22 IS - 21 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schneider-Schaulies, Sibylle A1 - Schumacher, Fabian A1 - Wigger, Dominik A1 - Schöl, Marie A1 - Waghmare, Trushnal A1 - Schlegel, Jan A1 - Seibel, Jürgen A1 - Kleuser, Burkhard T1 - Sphingolipids: effectors and Achilles heals in viral infections? JF - Cells N2 - As viruses are obligatory intracellular parasites, any step during their life cycle strictly depends on successful interaction with their particular host cells. In particular, their interaction with cellular membranes is of crucial importance for most steps in the viral replication cycle. Such interactions are initiated by uptake of viral particles and subsequent trafficking to intracellular compartments to access their replication compartments which provide a spatially confined environment concentrating viral and cellular components, and subsequently, employ cellular membranes for assembly and exit of viral progeny. The ability of viruses to actively modulate lipid composition such as sphingolipids (SLs) is essential for successful completion of the viral life cycle. In addition to their structural and biophysical properties of cellular membranes, some sphingolipid (SL) species are bioactive and as such, take part in cellular signaling processes involved in regulating viral replication. It is especially due to the progress made in tools to study accumulation and dynamics of SLs, which visualize their compartmentalization and identify interaction partners at a cellular level, as well as the availability of genetic knockout systems, that the role of particular SL species in the viral replication process can be analyzed and, most importantly, be explored as targets for therapeutic intervention. KW - glycosphingolipids KW - ceramides KW - sphingosine 1-phosphate KW - sphingomyelinase KW - HIV KW - SARS-CoV-2 KW - measles Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245151 SN - 2073-4409 VL - 10 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schubert, Jonathan A1 - Schulze, Andrea A1 - Prodromou, Chrisostomos A1 - Neuweiler, Hannes T1 - Two-colour single-molecule photoinduced electron transfer fluorescence imaging microscopy of chaperone dynamics JF - Nature Communications N2 - Many proteins are molecular machines, whose function is dependent on multiple conformational changes that are initiated and tightly controlled through biochemical stimuli. Their mechanistic understanding calls for spectroscopy that can probe simultaneously such structural coordinates. Here we present two-colour fluorescence microscopy in combination with photoinduced electron transfer (PET) probes as a method that simultaneously detects two structural coordinates in single protein molecules, one colour per coordinate. This contrasts with the commonly applied resonance energy transfer (FRET) technique that requires two colours per coordinate. We demonstrate the technique by directly and simultaneously observing three critical structural changes within the Hsp90 molecular chaperone machinery. Our results reveal synchronicity of conformational motions at remote sites during ATPase-driven closure of the Hsp90 molecular clamp, providing evidence for a cooperativity mechanism in the chaperone’s catalytic cycle. Single-molecule PET fluorescence microscopy opens up avenues in the multi-dimensional exploration of protein dynamics and allosteric mechanisms. KW - chaperones KW - fluorescence spectroscopy KW - molecular conformation KW - single-molecule biophysics KW - total internal reflection microscopy Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265754 VL - 12 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schuster, Sarah T1 - Analysis of \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\) motility and the infection process in the tsetse fly vector T1 - Analyse der Motilität von \(Trypanosoma\) \(brucei\) und dem Infektionsprozess in der Tsetsefliege N2 - African trypanosomes are protist pathogens that are infective for a wide spectrum of mammalian hosts. Motility has been shown to be essential for their survival and represents an important virulence factor. Trypanosoma brucei is transmitted by the bite of the bloodsucking tsetse fly, the only vector for these parasites. The voyage through the fly is complex and requires several migration, proliferation and differentiation steps, which take place in a defined order and in specific fly tissues. The first part of this doctoral thesis deals with the establishment of the trypanosome tsetse system as a new model for microswimmer analysis. There is an increasing interdisciplinary interest in microbial motility, but a lack of accessible model systems. Therefore, this work introduces the first enclosed in vivo host parasite system that is suitable for analysis of diverse microswimmer types in specific microenvironments. Several methods were used and adapted to gain unprecedented insights into trypanosome motion, the fly´s interior architecture and the physical interaction between host and parasite. This work provides a detailed overview on trypanosome motile behavior as a function of development in diverse host surroundings. In additional, the potential use of artificial environments is shown. This can be used to partly abstract the complex fly architecture and analyze trypanosome motion in defined nature inspired geometries. In the second part of the thesis, the infection of the tsetse fly is under investigation. Two different trypanosome forms exist in the blood: proliferative slender cells and cell cycle arrested stumpy cells. Previous literature states that stumpy cells are pre adapted to survive inside the fly, whereas slender cells die shortly after ingestion. However, infection experiments in our laboratory showed that slender cells were also potentially infective. During this work, infections were set up so as to minimize the possibility of stumpy cells being ingested, corroborating the observation that slender cells are able to infect flies. Using live cell microscopy and fluorescent reporter cell lines, a comparative analysis of the early development following infection with either slender or stumpy cells was performed. The experiments showed, for the first time, the survival of slender trypanosomes and their direct differentiation to the procyclic midgut stage, contradicting the current view in the field of research. Therefore, we can shift perspectives in trypanosome biology by proposing a revised life cycle model of T. brucei, where both bloodstream stages are infective for the vector. N2 - Afrikanische Trypanosomen sind pathogene Protisten, die ein breites Spektrum von Säugetierwirten infizieren. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Zellmotilität für das Überleben der Parasiten essenziell ist und einen wichtigen Virulenzfaktor darstellt. Trypanosoma brucei wird durch den Biss der blutsaugenden Tsetsefliege übertragen, dem einzigen Vektor für diese Parasiten. Der Entwicklungszyklus in der Fliege ist komplex und beinhaltet mehrere Migrations-, Proliferations- und Differenzierungsschritte, die in einer definierten Reihenfolge und in spezifischen Fliegenorganen stattfinden. Der erste Teil dieser Doktorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Etablierung des Trypanosomen Tsetse Systems als ein neues Modell für Motilitätsanalysen. Es besteht ein wachsendes interdisziplinäres Interesse an mikrobieller Motilität, aber es fehlen zugängliche Mikroschwimmersysteme. Deswegen stellt diese Arbeit das erste abgeschlossene in vivo Wirt Parasit System vor, das für Analysen von verschiedenen Mikroschwimmertypen in spezifischen Umgebungen geeignet ist. Verschiedene Methoden wurden benutzt und adaptiert, um sowohl Einblicke in die Trypanosomenbewegung, die innere Fliegenarchitektur als auch die physikalischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Wirt und Parasit zu erhalten. Diese Arbeit bietet einen detaillierten Überblick über das motile Verhalten von Trypanosomen als Funktion der Entwicklung in diversen Wirtsumgebungen. Zusätzlich ist die potenzielle Nutzung von artifiziellen Umgebungen gezeigt. Diese können benutzt werden, um die komplexe Architektur der Fliege teilweise zu abstrahieren und die Trypanosomenbewegung in definierten und von der Nature inspirierten Geometrien zu analysieren. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Infektion der Fliege genauer betrachtet. Im Blut existieren zwei verschiedene Trypanosomenformen: proliferierende ‘slender’ und Zellzyklus arretierte ‘stumpy’ Zellen. Bisherige Literatur besagt, dass stumpy Zellen präadaptiert sind, um in der Fliege zu überleben, wohingegen slender Zellen kurz nach der Aufnahme sterben. Dennoch konnten Infektionsexperimente in unserem Labor zeigen, dass auch slender Zellen potenziell infektiös sind. Während dieser Arbeit wurden weitere Infektionen so durchgeführt, dass die Möglichkeit für die Aufnahme von stumpy Zellen minimiert wurde und die Infektionskapazität der slender Zellen bestätigt werden konnte. Durch Lebendzell Mikroskopie mit fluoreszenten Reporterzelllinien wurde eine vergleichende Analyse für die frühe Entwicklung von slender und stumpy Parasiten nach der Infektion durchgeführt. Die Experimente zeigten zum ersten Mal das Überleben von slender Trypanosomen in der Tsetsefliege und ihre direkte Differenzierung in das prozyklische Mitteldarmstadium. Sie widersprechen demnach der aktuellen Auffassung im Forschungsbereich. Demzufolge können wir von einem Perspektivwechsel in der Trypanosomenbiologie sprechen und schlagen einen revidierten Lebenszyklus für T. brucei vor, in dem beide Blutstromformen für den Vektor infektiös sind. KW - Motilität KW - Trypanosomen KW - Tsetsefliege KW - Parasit KW - tsetse fly KW - motility KW - trypanosome KW - vector-parasite interaction KW - microswimming Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192691 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schuster, Sarah A1 - Lisack, Jaime A1 - Subota, Ines A1 - Zimmermann, Henriette A1 - Reuter, Christian A1 - Mueller, Tobias A1 - Morriswood, Brooke A1 - Engstler, Markus T1 - Unexpected plasiticty in the life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei JF - eLife N2 - African trypanosomes cause sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in cattle. These unicellular parasites are transmitted by the bloodsucking tsetse fly. In the mammalian host’s circulation, proliferating slender stage cells differentiate into cell cycle-arrested stumpy stage cells when they reach high population densities. This stage transition is thought to fulfil two main functions: first, it auto-regulates the parasite load in the host; second, the stumpy stage is regarded as the only stage capable of successful vector transmission. Here, we show that proliferating slender stage trypanosomes express the mRNA and protein of a known stumpy stage marker, complete the complex life cycle in the fly as successfully as the stumpy stage, and require only a single parasite for productive infection. These findings suggest a reassessment of the traditional view of the trypanosome life cycle. They may also provide a solution to a long-lasting paradox, namely the successful transmission of parasites in chronic infections, despite low parasitemia. KW - trypanosoma KW - sleeping sickness KW - tsetse fly KW - transmission KW - life cycle KW - development Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-261744 VL - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Seibold, Sebastian A1 - Hothorn, Torsten A1 - Gossner, Martin M. A1 - Simons, Nadja K. A1 - Blüthgen, Nico A1 - Müller, Jörg A1 - Ambarlı, Didem A1 - Ammer, Christian A1 - Bauhus, Jürgen A1 - Fischer, Markus A1 - Habel, Jan C. A1 - Penone, Caterina A1 - Schall, Peter A1 - Schulze, Ernst‐Detlef A1 - Weisser, Wolfgang W. T1 - Insights from regional and short‐term biodiversity monitoring datasets are valuable: a reply to Daskalova et al. 2021 JF - Insect Conservation and Diversity N2 - Reports of major losses in insect biodiversity have stimulated an increasing interest in temporal population changes. Existing datasets are often limited to a small number of study sites, few points in time, a narrow range of land‐use intensities and only some taxonomic groups, or they lack standardised sampling. While new monitoring programs have been initiated, they still cover rather short time periods. Daskalova et al. 2021 (Insect Conservation and Diversity, 14, 1‐18) argue that temporal trends of insect populations derived from short time series are biased towards extreme trends, while their own analysis of an assembly of shorter‐ and longer‐term time series does not support an overall insect decline. With respect to the results of Seibold et al. 2019 (Nature, 574, 671–674) based on a 10‐year multi‐site time series, they claim that the analysis suffers from not accounting for temporal pseudoreplication. Here, we explain why the criticism of missing statistical rigour in the analysis of Seibold et al. (2019) is not warranted. Models that include ‘year’ as random effect, as suggested by Daskalova et al. (2021), fail to detect non‐linear trends and assume that consecutive years are independent samples which is questionable for insect time‐series data. We agree with Daskalova et al. (2021) that the assembly and analysis of larger datasets is urgently needed, but it will take time until such datasets are available. Thus, short‐term datasets are highly valuable, should be extended and analysed continually to provide a more detailed understanding of insect population changes under the influence of global change, and to trigger immediate conservation actions. KW - Arthropod KW - biodiversity KW - insect decline KW - land use KW - time series Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228309 VL - 14 IS - 1 SP - 144 EP - 148 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Shityakov, Sergey A1 - Skorb, Ekaterina V. A1 - Förster, Carola Y. A1 - Dandekar, Thomas T1 - Scaffold Searching of FDA and EMA-Approved Drugs Identifies Lead Candidates for Drug Repurposing in Alzheimer’s Disease JF - Frontiers in Chemistry N2 - Clinical trials of novel therapeutics for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) have consumed a significant amount of time and resources with largely negative results. Repurposing drugs already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency (EMA), or Worldwide for another indication is a more rapid and less expensive option. Therefore, we apply the scaffold searching approach based on known amyloid-beta (Aβ) inhibitor tramiprosate to screen the DrugCentral database (n = 4,642) of clinically tested drugs. As a result, menadione bisulfite and camphotamide substances with protrombogenic and neurostimulation/cardioprotection effects were identified as promising Aβ inhibitors with an improved binding affinity (ΔGbind) and blood-brain barrier permeation (logBB). Finally, the data was also confirmed by molecular dynamics simulations using implicit solvation, in particular as Molecular Mechanics Generalized Born Surface Area (MM-GBSA) model. Overall, the proposed in silico pipeline can be implemented through the early stage rational drug design to nominate some lead candidates for AD, which will be further validated in vitro and in vivo, and, finally, in a clinical trial. KW - scaffold search KW - approved drugs KW - drug repurposing KW - alzheimer's disease KW - chemical similarity KW - molecular modeling Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-248703 SN - 2296-2646 VL - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sivarajan, Rinu A1 - Kessie, David Komla A1 - Oberwinkler, Heike A1 - Pallmann, Niklas A1 - Walles, Thorsten A1 - Scherzad, Agmal A1 - Hackenberg, Stephan A1 - Steinke, Maria T1 - Susceptibility of Human Airway Tissue Models Derived From Different Anatomical Sites to Bordetella pertussis and Its Virulence Factor Adenylate Cyclase Toxin JF - Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology N2 - To study the interaction of human pathogens with their host target structures, human tissue models based on primary cells are considered suitable. Complex tissue models of the human airways have been used as infection models for various viral and bacterial pathogens. The Gram-negative bacterium Bordetella pertussis is of relevant clinical interest since whooping cough has developed into a resurgent infectious disease. In the present study, we created three-dimensional tissue models of the human ciliated nasal and tracheo-bronchial mucosa. We compared the innate immune response of these models towards the B. pertussis virulence factor adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) and its enzymatically inactive but fully pore-forming toxoid CyaA-AC\(^-\). Applying molecular biological, histological, and microbiological assays, we found that 1 µg/ml CyaA elevated the intracellular cAMP level but did not disturb the epithelial barrier integrity of nasal and tracheo-bronchial airway mucosa tissue models. Interestingly, CyaA significantly increased interleukin 6, interleukin 8, and human beta defensin 2 secretion in nasal tissue models, whereas tracheo-bronchial tissue models were not significantly affected compared to the controls. Subsequently, we investigated the interaction of B. pertussis with both differentiated primary nasal and tracheo-bronchial tissue models and demonstrated bacterial adherence and invasion without observing host cell type-specific significant differences. Even though the nasal and the tracheo-bronchial mucosa appear similar from a histological perspective, they are differentially susceptible to B. pertussis CyaA in vitro. Our finding that nasal tissue models showed an increased innate immune response towards the B. pertussis virulence factor CyaA compared to tracheo-bronchial tissue models may reflect the key role of the nasal airway mucosa as the first line of defense against airborne pathogens. KW - human nasal epithelial cells KW - human tracheo-bronchial epithelial cells KW - human airway mucosa tissue models KW - adenylate cyclase toxin KW - Bordetella pertussis Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-253302 SN - 2235-2988 VL - 11 ER - TY - THES A1 - Solger, Franziska T1 - Central role of sphingolipids on the intracellular survival of \(Neisseria\) \(gonorrhoeae\) in epithelial cells T1 - Die zentrale Rolle von Sphingolipiden auf das intrazelluläre Überleben von \(Neisseria\) \(gonorrhoeae\) in Epithelzellen N2 - Neisseria gonorrhoeae are Gram-negative bacteria with diplococcal shape. As an obligate human pathogen, it is the causative agent of gonorrhoea, a sexually transmitted disease. Gonococci colonize a variety of mucosal tissues, mainly the urogenital tract in men and women. Occasionally N. gonorrhoeae invades the bloodstream, leading to disseminated gonococcal infection. These bacteria possess a repertoire of virulence factors, which expression patterns can be adapted to the environmental conditions of the host. Through the accumulation of antibiotic resistances and in absence of vaccines, some neisserial strains have the potential to spread globally and represent a major public health threat. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the exact molecular mechanisms underlying the successful infection and progression of gonococci within their host. This deeper understanding of neisserial infection and survival mechanisms is needed for the development of new therapeutic agents. In this work, the role of host-cell sphingolipids on the intracellular survival of N. gonorrhoeae was investigated. It was shown that different classes of sphingolipids strongly interact with invasive gonococci in epithelial cells. Therefore, novel and highly specific clickable sphingolipid analogues were applied to study these interactions with this pathogen. The formation of intra- and extracellular sphingosine vesicles, which were able to target gonococci, was observed. This direct interaction led to the uptake and incorporation of sphingosine into the neisserial membrane. Together with in vitro results, sphingosine was identified as a potential bactericidal reagent as part of the host cell defence. By using different classes of sphingolipids and their clickable analogues, essential structural features, which seem to trigger the bacterial uptake, were detected. Furthermore, effects of key enzymes of the sphingolipid signalling pathway were tested in a neutrophil infection model. In conclusion, the combination of click chemistry and infection biology made it possible to shed some light on the dynamic interplay between cellular sphingosine and N. gonorrhoeae. Thereby, a possible “catch-and-kill” mechanism could have been observed. N2 - Neisseria gonorrhoeae ist ein Gram-negatives Bakterium, welches als Diplokokke vorkommt. Als ein ausschließliches Humanpathogen sind Neisserien der Erreger für die sexuell übertragbare Infektionskrankheit Gonorrhö. Gonokokken besiedeln eine Vielzahl von Schleimhäuten, jedoch hauptsächlich den Urogenitaltrakt bei Männern und Frauen. Gelegentlich kann N. gonorrhoeae in die Blutbahn invadieren, was zu einer disseminierten Infektion führen kann. Diese Bakterien verfügen über ein Repertoire an Virulenzfaktoren, deren Expressionskombination den Umgebungsbedingungen des Wirts angepasst werden können. Durch die Anhäufung von Antibiotikaresistenzen und durch das Fehlen eines Impfstoffes, besteht die Gefahr, dass spezielle Neisserienstämme sich weltweit verbreiten und daher eine ernstzunehmende Bedrohung des Menschen sind. Daher ist es notwendig die zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismen der erfolgreichen Infektion und Ausbreitung der Gonokokken im Wirt genauestens zu verstehen. Das detaillierte Wissen über die Neisserieninfektion und Überlebensmechanismen ist nötig für die Entwicklung neuer Therapieansätze. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Effekt von Sphingolipiden der Wirtszelle auf das intrazelluläre Überleben von N. gonorrhoeae untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass unterschiedliche Klassen von Sphingolipiden stark mit invasiven Gonokokken in Epithelzellen interagieren. Um dies zu tun, wurden neue und hochspezifische clickbare Sphingolipidanaloge eingesetzt, um deren Interaktionen mit diesem Pathogen zu studieren. Die Formation von intra- als auch extrazellulären Sphingosinvesikeln, welche Gonokokken gezielt erreichten, konnte beobachtet werden. Diese direkte Interaktion führte zu einer Aufnahme und Einbau des Sphingosins in die Neisserienmembran. Zusammen mit in vitro Ergebnissen, konnte Sphingosin als potenzieller und antibakterieller Bestandteil des zellulären Abwehrsystems identifiziert werden. Weiterhin wurde durch die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Sphingolipidklassen und deren clickbaren Analoge wichtige Strukturen erkannt, die die bakterielle Aufnahme auslösen. Des Weiteren wurden die Auswirkungen von Schlüsselenzymen des Sphingolipidsignalwegs in einem Infektionsmodell mit Neutrophilen getestet. Abschließend ist zu sagen, dass die Kombination aus Click Chemie und Infektionsbiologie es ermöglicht hat, die dynamischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen zellulären Sphingosin und N. gonorrhoeae zu beleuchten. Dadurch konnte ein möglicher „catch-and-kill”-Mechanismus entdeckt werden. KW - Neisseria gonorrhoeae KW - Sphingosinkinase KW - Sphingosinanaloga KW - Click-Chemie KW - sphingosine KW - sphingolipids KW - Neisseria KW - intracellular KW - vesicles Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247534 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sponsler, Douglas B. A1 - Bratman, Eve Z. T1 - Beekeeping in, of or for the city? A socioecological perspective on urban apiculture JF - People and Nature N2 - The term ‘urban beekeeping’ connotes a host of meanings—sociopolitical, commercial, ecological and personal—beyond the mere description of where bees and beekeepers happen to coincide. Yet, these meanings are seldom articulated explicitly or brought into critical engagement with the relevant fields of urban ecology and political ecology. Beginning with a brief account of the history of urban beekeeping in the United States, we draw upon urban ecological theory to construct a conceptual model of urban beekeeping that distinguishes beekeeping in, of and for the city. In our model, beekeeping in the city describes the mere importation of the traditionally rural practice of beekeeping into urban spaces for the private reasons of the individual beekeeper, whereas beekeeping of the city describes beekeeping that is consciously tailored to the urban context, often accompanied by (semi)professionalization of beekeepers and the formation of local expert communities (i.e. beekeeping associations). Beekeeping for the city describes a shift in mindset in which beekeeping is directed to civic ends beyond the boundaries of the beekeeping community per se. Using this framework, we identify and discuss specific socioecological assets and liabilities of urban beekeeping, and how these relate to beekeeping in, of and for the city. We then formulate actionable guidelines for maturing the practice of urban beekeeping into a beneficent and self‐critical form of urban ecological citizenship; these include fostering self‐regulation within the beekeeping community, harnessing beekeeping as a ‘gateway’ experience for a broader rapprochement between urban residents and nature, and recognizing the political‐ecological context of beekeeping with respect to matters of socioecological justice. KW - environmental justice KW - honey bee KW - multispecies studies KW - policy KW - pollinator KW - urban greening Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239949 VL - 3 IS - 3 SP - 550 EP - 559 ER -