TY - JOUR A1 - Chatterjee, Manik A1 - Andrulis, Mindaugas A1 - Stühmer, Thorsten A1 - Müller, Elisabeth A1 - Hofmann, Claudia A1 - Steinbrunn, Torsten A1 - Heimberger, Tanja A1 - Schraud, Heike A1 - Kressmann, Stefanie A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Bargou, Ralf C. T1 - The PI3K/Akt signaling pathway regulates the expression of Hsp70, which critically contributes to Hsp90-chaperone function and tumor cell survival in multiple myeloma JF - Haematologica N2 - Despite therapeutic advances multiple myeloma remains largely incurable, and novel therapeutic concepts are needed. The Hsp90-chaperone is a reasonable therapeutic target, because it maintains oncogenic signaling of multiple deregulated pathways. However, in contrast to promising pre-clinical results, only limited clinical efficacy has been achieved through pharmacological Hsp90 inhibition. Because Hsp70 has been described to interact functionally with the Hsp90-complex, we analyzed the suitability of Hsp72 and Hsp73 as potential additional target sites. Expression of Hsp72 and Hsp73 in myeloma cells was analyzed by immunohistochemical staining and western blotting. Short interfering RNA-mediated knockdown or pharmacological inhibition of Hsp72 and Hsp73 was performed to evaluate the role of these proteins in myeloma cell survival and for Hsp90-chaperone function. Furthermore, the role of PI3K-dependent signaling in constitutive and inducible Hsp70 expression was investigated using short interfering RNA-mediated and pharmacological PI3K inhibition. Hsp72 and Hsp73 were frequently overexpressed in multiple myeloma. Knockdown of Hsp72 and/or Hsp73 or treatment with VER-155008 induced apoptosis of myeloma cells. Hsp72/Hsp73 inhibition decreased protein levels of Hsp90-chaperone clients affecting multiple oncogenic signaling pathways, and acted synergistically with the Hsp90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922 in the induction of death of myeloma cells. Inhibition of the PI3K/Akt/GSK3b pathway with short interfering RNA or PI103 decreased expression of the heat shock transcription factor 1 and down-regulated constitutive and inducible Hsp70 expression. Treatment of myeloma cells with a combination of NVP-AUY922 and PI103 resulted in additive to synergistic cytotoxicity. In conclusion, Hsp72 and Hsp73 sustain Hsp90-haperone function and critically contribute to the survival of myeloma cells. Translation of Hsp70 inhibition into the clinic is therefore highly desirable. Treatment with PI3K inhibitors might represent an alternative therapeutic strategy to target Hsp70. KW - Haematology Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-130574 VL - 98 IS - 7 ER - TY - THES A1 - Müller, Elisabeth T1 - Pan-Raf-Inhibition als neue therapeutische Strategie im Multiplen Myelom T1 - Pan-Raf-Inhibition as a new therapeutical strategy in Multiple Myeloma N2 - Das Multiple Myelom (MM) ist eine durch monoklonale Vermehrung terminal differenzierter Antikörper-produzierender B-Lymphozyten (Plasmazellen) im Knochenmark charakterisierte maligne Krankheit, die sich v.a. in osteolytischen Knochendestruktionen, hämatopoetischer und Niereninsuffizienz äußert. Verbesserte Therapieansätze wie die Hochdosis-Chemotherapie mit Melphalan und anschließender autologer Stammzelltransplantation sowie die Einführung neuer pharmakologischer Substanzklassen (Proteasom-Inhibitoren, Cereblon-bindende Thalidomidderivate) führten zu einer Verlängerung der durchschnittlichen Überlebenszeit, für die meisten der Patienten ist die Erkrankung jedoch derzeit unheilbar. Die Erforschung neuer potenzieller therapeutischer Angriffspunkte auf Grund pathobiologischer Erkenntnisse bleibt daher unabdingbar. Ein Ansatz zur Verbesserung des Verständnisses der Pathogenese ist die funktionelle, molekulare und genetische Analyse des Signalnetzwerkes im MM. Im Zusammenhang mit diesem Konzept wurde entdeckt, dass wachstums-regulierende Signalwege in MM Zellen aktiviert oder dereguliert sind und zum Überleben und der Proliferation des Tumors beitragen. So konnte beispielsweise von unserer Arbeitsgruppe bereits gezeigt werden, dass onkogenes Ras essentiell zum Überleben der MM Zellen beiträgt. Da Ras derzeit mangels spezifischer Inhibitoren pharmakologisch nicht angreifbar ist, stellen weitere funktionelle Bestandteile des Signalweges eine potenzielle therapeutische Zielstruktur dar. Während die Blockade von MEK1/2 in MM Zellen keinen Einfluss auf das Überleben hatte, konnte durch die Blockade von Raf in ersten Tests unserer Arbeitsgruppe Apoptose hervorgerufen werden. Aus diesem Grund habe ich in der vorliegenden Arbeit zur Evaluation eines neuen Therapieansatzes die Rolle der Raf-abhängigen Signaltransduktion eingehend untersucht. Als Grundlage diente dabei die Hypothese, dass die Raf-Kinasen entscheidende Effektoren der durch onkogenes Ras vermittelten apoptotischen Effekte darstellen. In einem ersten Schritt konnte ich nachweisen, dass alle drei Raf-Isoformen (A-, B- und C-Raf) in humanen MM Zelllinien und in primären MM Zellen aktiviert sind. Mittels shRNA-vermittelter, Isoform-spezifischer Raf-Knockdown-Experimente konnte ich zeigen, dass nur ein simultaner Knockdown aller Isoformen, d.h. ein Pan-Raf-Knockdown, zu einer De-Phosphorylierung von MEK1/2 und ERK1/2 führte. Dieser Versuch ließ sich mittels pharmakologischer Raf-Inhibition, bei der ebenfalls nur eine Pan-Raf-Blockade zu einer Herunterregulation von MEK1/2 und ERK1/2 in MM Zellen führte, bestätigen. Das MEK/ERK-Modul stellte somit einen hervorragenden Surrogat- und Biomarker für die Pan-Raf-Aktivität dar. Im Gegensatz zur Blockade des MEK/ERK-Moduls führte eine Hemmung der Pan-Raf-Aktivität mittels shRNA oder pharmakologischer Inhibitoren in allen untersuchten Zelllinien und in der Mehrheit der primären MM Zellen zu einer starken Induktion von Apoptose. Da das Ansprechen auf eine Pan-Raf-Blockade nicht mit dem Ras-Mutationsstatus korrelierte, könnten die Raf-Kinasen eine von onkogenem Ras unabhängie Qualität als therapeutische Zielstruktur aufweisen. Zur Untersuchung möglicher MEK/ERK-unabhängiger Effektormechanismen der Pan-Raf-Inhibition habe ich die mRNA-basierten Genexpressionsprofile von INA-6 Zellen nach pharmakologischer Pan-Raf- oder MEK-Inhibition verglichen. Dabei führte die Pan-Raf-Inhibition zu einer Regulation von wesentlich mehr Genen, wobei sich auch die Art der regulierten Gene unterschied, darunter Gene mit tumorrelevanten Funktionen wie Regulation von Proliferation, Zellzyklus und Apoptose. Für eine dieser Gengruppen, die Gruppe der PI3K-abhängigen, mTOR-assoziierten Gene, konnte ich eine Regulation auch auf der Proteinebene nachweisen: die Phosphorylierungen von mTOR, p70S6K, Rb und AKT und die Expression von CyclinD1 und PDK1 waren nach Pan-Raf-Inhibition, nicht jedoch nach MEK-Blockade herunterreguliert. Dieses Ergebnis deutet auf eine Ko-Regulation der PI3K-abhängigen Signaltransduktion durch die Raf-kinasen hin. Mittels spezifischer PI3K-Inhibitoren ließ sich sowohl bei der Regulation der untersuchten Proteine als auch bei der Induktion von Apoptose eine deutliche Verstärkung der Pan-Raf-Inhibition in HMZL und in primären Zellen erzielen. Zusammengefasst zeigt diese Arbeit, dass die Pan-Raf-Blockade eine neue Therapiemöglichkeit darstellt, die durch Kombination mit einer PI3K/AKT-Inhibition noch verstärkt werden kann. N2 - Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a malignant disease which is characterized by monoclonal expansion of terminally differentiated, antibody-producing B-lymphocytes (plasma cells) and results mostly in bone lesions, haematopoietic and renal insufficiency. Improved therapeutic approaches like high-dose melphalan chemotherapy followed by autologous stem-cell transplantation and the introduction of new pharmacological compounds (proteasome inhibitors, cereblon-binding Thalidomide derivates) increased the mean survival time. Nevertheless, the disease remains incurable for most of the patients. Therefore, the exploration of new potential therapeutical targets based on pathobiologic insights becomes vital. One approach to improve the understanding of the pathogenesis is to analyze functionally, molecularly and genetically the signaling network in MM. In the context of this concept, it was discovered, that growth-regulating pathways are activated or deregulated in MM cells and contribute to tumor survival and proliferation. Our working group could already proof that oncogenic Ras is crucial for cell survival. Since Ras itself does not yet represent a druggable target, therapeutical approaches should aim at other functional parts of the pathway. While blocking of MEK1/2 has no influence on MM cell survival, early reports of our working group showed that inhibiting Raf induced apoptosis. For this reason I investigated the role of Raf-dependent signaling in order to evaluate a new therapeutic approach. This was based on the hypothesis that Raf kinases act as important effectors for the apoptotic effects of oncogenic Ras. As a first step, I could prove, that all three Raf isoforms (A-, B- and C-Raf) are activated in human MM cell lines and in primary MM cells. By using of shRNA-mediated, isoform-specific Raf knockdown experiments I could reveal that only the simultaneous knockdown of all three isoforms, i.e. a Pan-Raf knockdown, led to de-phosphorylation of MEK1/2 and ERK1/2. Also pharmacological Raf inhibition showed that only Pan-Raf blockage decreases the phosphorylation of MEK1/2 and ERK1/2 and thereby confirmed the knockdown experiment. These experiments also proved that the MEK/ERK module is a strong surrogate and biomarker for Pan-Raf activity. Contrary to inhibiting the MEK/ERK module the inhibition of Pan-Raf activity by shRNAs or pharmacological inhibitors led on to a strong induction of apoptosis in the tested cell lines and in the majority of primary cells. Since the response to Pan-Raf inhibition did not correlate with Ras mutational status, the Raf kinases could probably represent a Ras-independent therapeutical target of high quality. In order to decode possible MEK/ERK-independent effector mechanisms I compared the mRNA-based gene expression profiles of INA-6 cells after pharmacological inhibition of Pan-Raf or MEK. Pan-Raf inhibition led to the regulation of a greater number of genes, taking into account that the character of the regulated genes also varied. This included genes with functions relevant for tumors like regulation of proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis. For one of these groups, the PI3K-dependent, mTOR-associated genes, I could show the regulation on the level of the proteins: phosporylation of mTOR, p70S6K, Rb and AKT as well es the expression of cyclinD1 and PDK1 decreased after Pan-Raf inhibition, but not after MEK inhibition. This result suggests a co regulation of the PI3K-dependent signal transduction by Raf kinases. In summary, this thesis presents a rationale for Pan-Raf inhibition as a new therapeutical option, which can be enhanced by combination with PI3K/AKT-inhibition. KW - Plasmozytom KW - Raf-Kinasen KW - Inhibition KW - Multiples Myelom KW - Pan-Raf-Inhibition KW - Behandlungsoption Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124666 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rost, Simone A1 - Müller, Elisabeth A1 - Keller, Alexander A1 - Fregin, Andreas A1 - Müller, Clemens R. T1 - Confirmation of warfarin resistance of naturally occurring VKORC1 variants by coexpression with coagulation factor IX and in silico protein modelling N2 - Background VKORC1 has been identified some years ago as the gene encoding vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR) – the target protein for coumarin derivates like warfarin or phenprocoumon. Resistance against warfarin and other coumarin-type anticoagulants has been frequently reported over the last 50 years in rodents due to problems in pest control as well as in thrombophilic patients showing variable response to anticoagulant treatment. Many different mutations have already been detected in the VKORC1 gene leading to warfarin resistance in rats, mice and in humans. Since the conventional in vitro dithiothreitol (DTT)-driven VKOR enzymatic assay often did not reflect the in vivo status concerning warfarin resistance, we recently developed a cell culture-based method for coexpression of VKORC1 with coagulation factor IX and subsequent measurement of secreted FIX in order to test warfarin inhibition in wild-type and mutated VKORC1. Results In the present study, we coexpressed wild-type factor IX with 12 different VKORC1 variants which were previously detected in warfarin resistant rats and mice. The results show that amino acid substitutions in VKORC1 maintain VKOR activity and are associated with warfarin resistance. When we projected in silico the amino acid substitutions onto the published three-dimensional model of the bacterial VKOR enzyme, the predicted effects matched well the catalytic mechanism proposed for the bacterial enzyme. Conclusions The established cell-based system for coexpression of VKORC1 and factor IX uses FIX activity as an indicator of carboxylation efficiency. This system reflects the warfarin resistance status of VKORC1 mutations from anticoagulant resistant rodents more closely than the traditional DTT-driven enzyme assay. All mutations studied were also predicted to be involved in the reaction mechanism. KW - VKORC1 KW - Vitamin K epoxide reductase KW - Anticoagulants KW - Warfarin KW - Coumarin KW - Coexpression KW - Coagulation factor IX Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-110095 ER -