TY - THES A1 - Burgert, Anne T1 - Untersuchung von Sphingolipiden und anderen Membrankonjugaten mittels hochauflösender Fluoreszenzmikroskopie T1 - Analysis of sphingolipids and other membrane conjugates with super-resolution fluorescence microscopy N2 - Methoden der Fluoreszenz-Lokalisationsmikroskopie (engl. single-molecule localization microscopy, SMLM) ermöglichen es Moleküle zu quantifizieren und deren Verteilung zu analysieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene Membranmoleküle auf unterschiedlichen eukaryotischen Zellen, aber auch auf Prokaryoten mit dSTORM (engl. direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy) oder PALM (engl.: photoactivated localization microscopy) aufgenommen und quantifiziert. Bevor jedoch diese hochauflösende fluoreszenzbasierte Technik für biologische Fragestellungen angewendet werden konnten, mussten zunächst potentielle Artefakt-auslösende Quellen identifiziert und Strategien gefunden werden, um diese zu eliminieren. Eine mögliche Artefakt-Quelle ist eine zu niedrige Photonenzahl, die von Fluorophoren emittiert wird. Werden zu wenige Photonen detektiert, kann die Lokalisation eines Fluorophors weniger präzise bestimmt werden. Dies kann zu einer falschen Abbildung von Strukturen führen oder zu falschen Rückschlüssen über die Verteilung von Molekülen. Eine Möglichkeit die Anzahl der emittierten Photonen zu erhöhen, ist chemische Additive als Triplettlöscher einzusetzen. Sie bewirken, dass die Fluorophore wieder in den Grundzustand relaxieren und somit wieder angeregt werden können. Es wurden verschiedene Additive, die in der Literatur als Triplettlöscher beschrieben sind, getestet. Dazu wurden zunächst ihre Auswirkungen auf den Triplettzustand verschiedener Fluorophore (Alexa Fluor (Al) 488, 532 und 647 und Atto655) mit Hilfe von Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie (FCS) untersucht. Cyclooctatetraen (COT) bewirkte dabei eine Abnahme der Triplettausbeute von Al488, Al532 und Al647 um ~ 40-60%, bei Atto655 veränderte sie sich nicht. Obwohl die Ergebnisse der FCS-Messungen darauf hindeuten, dass COT in einer erhöhten Anzahl an emittierten Photonen resultiert, konnte dies bei dSTORM-Messungen nicht bestätigt werden. Hier hatte COT nur einen größeren positiven Effekt auf das Fluorophor Al647 (Zunahme um ~ 60%). Eine Erklärung für diese Widersprüchlichkeit zu den Ergebnissen aus den FCS-Messungen, könnte das Vorhandensein des Schaltpuffers bei dSTORM-Messungen sein. Dieser bewirkt den Übergang der Fluorophore in den Aus-Zustand bzw. entzieht dem Puffer Sauerstoff. Bei der Zugabe von 5 mM Kaliumiodid (KI) nahm die Triplettamplitude bei FCS-Messungen nur bei Al488 ab (um ~ 80%). Eine geringe Steigerung (um ~ 10%) der Intensität von Al488 mit KI konnte bei dSTORM-Messungen mit niedrigen Konzentrationen (~ 0,5 mM) erzielt werden. Bei einer Konzentration von 5 mM sank die Intensität jedoch wieder um 40%. Deuteriumoxid (D2O) soll, anders als die Triplettlöscher, eine Verbesserung der Photonenausbeute dadurch bewirken, dass strahlungslose Relaxationsprozesse minimiert werden. Mit dSTORM-Messungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass Atto655 und Al647 in D2O zwar pro An-Zustand mehr Photonen emittieren als in Schaltpuffer ohne D2O, da die Fluorophore hier jedoch schneller bleichen, letztendlich die gleiche Anzahl an Photonen detektiert werden. Um die Anzahl an emittierten Photonen zu erhöhen, eignet sich also nur COT bei dSTORM-Messungen mit AL647 und KI in sehr geringen Konzentrationen bei Al488. D2O kann eingesetzt werden, wenn eine Probe schnell vermessen werden muss, wie zum Beispiel bei Lebendzellmessungen. Nicht nur eine zu niedrige Photonenzahl, auch eine zu geringe Photoschaltrate kann Artefakte bei dSTORM-Messungen erzeugen. Dies wurde anhand von verschiedenen biologischen Strukturen, die mit unterschiedlichen Anregungsintensitäten aufgenommen wurden, deutlich gemacht. Besonders die Aufnahmen von Plasmamembranen sind anfällig für die Generierung von Artefakten. Sie weisen viele inhomogene und lokal dichte Regionen auf. Wenn nun mehr als ein Emitter pro µm² gleichzeitig an ist, erzeugt das Auswertungsprogramm große artifizielle Cluster. Die hier durchgeführten Messungen machen deutlich, wie wichtig es ist, dSTORM-Bilder immer auf mögliche Artefakte hin zu untersuchen, besonders wenn Moleküle quantifiziert werden sollen. Dafür müssen die unbearbeiteten Rohdaten sorgfältig gesichtet werden und notfalls die Messungen mit einer höheren Laserleistung wiederholt werden. Da dSTORM mittlerweile immer mehr zur Quantifizierung eingesetzt wird und Clusteranalysen durchgeführt werden, wäre es sinnvoll bei Veröffentlichungen die Rohdaten von entscheidenden Aufnahmen der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die Färbemethode ist ein weiterer Punkt, durch den Artefakte bei der Abbildung von Molekülen mittels SMLM entstehen können. Häufig werden Antikörper zum Markieren verwendet. Dabei sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass möglichst kleine Antikörper oder Antikörperfragmente verwendet werden, besonders wenn Clusteranalysen durchgeführt werden sollen. Anderenfalls leidet die Auflösung darunter, bzw. erhöht sich die Gefahr der Kreuzvernetzung von Molekülen. Im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit, wurden Plasmamembran-Ceramide untersucht. Ceramide gehören zu den Sphingolipiden und regulieren diverse zelluläre Prozesse. Verschiedene Stimuli bewirken eine Aktivierung von Sphingomyelinasen (SMasen), die Ceramide in der Plasmamembran synthetisieren. Steigt die Konzentration von Ceramiden in der Plasmamembran an, kondensieren diese zu Ceramid-reichen Plattformen (CRPs). Bisher ist noch wenig über die Verteilung der Ceramide und die Größe der CRPs bekannt. Sie wurden hier über IgG-Antikörper in der Plasmamembran von Jurkat-, U2OS-, HBME- und primären T-Zellen angefärbt und erstmals mit dSTORM hochaufgelöst, um sie dann zu quantifizieren. Unabhängig von der Zelllinie befanden sich 50% aller Ceramidmoleküle in ~ 75 nm großen CRPs. Im Mittel bestanden die CRPs aus ~ 20 Ceramiden. Mit Hilfe einer Titrationsreihe konnte ausgeschlossen werden, dass diese Cluster nur durch die Antikörper-Färbung artifiziell erzeugt wurden. Bei Inkubation der Zellen mit Bacillus cereus Sphingomyelinase (bSMase) stieg die Gesamtkonzentration der Ceramide in der Plasmamembran an, ebenso wie die Ceramidanzahl innerhalb der CRPs, außerdem die Anzahl und Größe der CRPs. Dies könnte zu einer Veränderung der Löslichkeit von Membrankomponenten führen, was wiederum eine Akkumulation bestimmter Rezeptoren oder eine Kompartimentierung bestimmter Proteine erleichtern könnte. Die Anhäufung der Ceramide in den CRPs könnte ebenfalls die lokale Interaktion mit anderen Membranmolekülen erleichtern und dadurch möglicherweise die Reaktivität von Rezeptoren verändern. Mittels Azid-modifizierten Ceramidanaloga und kupferfreier Click-Chemie wurden Plasmamembran-Ceramide auch in lebenden Jurkat-Zellen mit Hilfe konfokaler Laser-Raster-Mikroskopie (CLSM, engl. confocal laser scanning microscopy) und Strukturierter Beleuchtungsmikroskopie (SIM, engl. structured illumination microscopy) untersucht. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Fettsäure-Kettenlänge und die Position des Azids bei den Ceramidanaloga eine entscheidende Rolle spielt, wie hoch das detektierte Signal in der Plasmamembran letztendlich ist. Die Versuche machen auch deutlich, dass die klickbaren Ceramidanaloga lebendzellkompatibel sind, sodass sie eine hervorragende Möglichkeit darstellen, zelluläre Reaktionen zu verfolgen. Es wurden hier nicht nur Ceramide in eukaryotischen Zellen analysiert, sondern auch in Bakterien. Neisseria meningitidis (N. meningitidis) sind gramnegative Bakterien, die im Menschen eine Sepsis oder eine Meningitis auslösen können. Es wurde mittels immunhistochemischen Färbungen mit dem anti-Ceramid IgG-Antikörper, aber auch mit den klickbaren Ceramidanaloga, ein Signal in der Membran erhalten, was mit dSTORM hochaufgelöst wurde. In anderen Bakterien wurden ebenfalls schon Sphingolipide nachgewiesen. Studien zu Ceramiden in N. meningitidis wurden bisher jedoch noch nicht veröffentlicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten erstmals Ergebnisse erhalten werden, die darauf hinweisen, dass N. meningitidis ebenfalls Ceramide besitzen könnten. In einem dritten Projekt wurde die Interaktion zwischen NK-Zellen und Aspergillus fumigatus untersucht. Der Schimmelpilz kann eine Invasive Aspergillose in immunsupprimierten Menschen auslösen, was zum Tod führen kann. Verschiedene Studien konnten schon zeigen, dass NK-Zellen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Bekämpfung des Pilzes spielen. Der genaue Mechanismus ist jedoch noch unbekannt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass der NK-Zell-Marker CD56 entscheidend für die Pilzerkennung ist. Mit immunhistochemischen Färbungen und LSM-, aber auch dSTORM-Messungen, konnte gezeigt werden, dass die normalerweise homogen verteilten CD56-Rezeptoren auf der Plasmamembran von NK-Zellen aktiv an die Interaktionsstelle zu A. fumigatus transportiert werden. Mit der Zeit akkumulieren hier immer mehr CD56-Proteine, während das Signal in der restlichen Membran immer weiter abnimmt. Es konnte erstmals CD56 als wichtiger Erkennungsrezeptor für A. fumigatus identifiziert werden. In dem letzten bearbeiteten Projekt, wurde die Bindung von Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartat (NMDA)-Rezeptor Enzephalitis Autoantikörper an Neuronen untersucht. Bei einer Anti-NMDA-Rezeptor Enzephalitis bilden die Patienten Autoantikörper gegen die NR1-Untereinheit ihrer eigenen postsynaptischen NMDA-Rezeptoren. Da die Krankheit oft sehr spät erkannt wird und die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten noch sehr eingeschränkt sind, führt sie noch oft zum Tod. Sie wurde erst vor wenigen Jahren beschrieben, sodass der genaue Mechanismus noch unbekannt ist. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit, konnten erste Färbungen mit aufgereinigten Antikörper aus Anti-NMDA-Rezeptor Enzephalitis Patienten an NMDA-Rezeptor-transfizierte HEK-Zellen und hippocampalen Maus-Neuronen durchgeführt und mit dSTORM hochaufgelöst werden. Mit den Messungen der HEK-Zellen konnte bestätigt werden, dass die Autoantikörper an die NR1-Untereinheit der Rezeptoren binden. Es konnten erstmals auch die Bindung der Antikörper an Neuronen hochaufgelöst werden. Dabei wurde sichtbar, dass die Antikörper zum einen dicht gepackt in den Synapsen vorliegen, aber auch dünner verteilt in den extrasynaptischen Regionen. Basierend auf der Ripley’s H-Funktion konnten in den Synapsen große Cluster von ~ 90 nm Durchmesser und im Mittel ~ 500 Lokalisationen und extrasynaptisch kleinere Cluster mit einem durchschnittlichen Durchmesser von ~ 70 nm und ~ 100 Lokalisationen ausgemacht werden. Diese ersten Ergebnisse legen den Grundstein für weitere Messungen, mit denen der Mechanismus der Krankheit untersucht werden kann. N2 - With single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) quantification of molecules and the analysis of their distribution becomes possible. In this work various plasma membrane molecules of different eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells were imaged with dSTORM (direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy) or PALM (photoactivated localization microscopy) and quantified. To use these super-resolution fluorescence microscopy techniques and answer elaborate biological questions, potential sources of artifacts were identified and strategies to circumvent them developed. A possible source of artifacts is an insufficient number of photons emitted by fluorophores. If less photons are detected, determining the localization of one fluorophore is less precise. This can cause a wrong reconstruction of structures or might lead to false conclusions about the distribution of molecules. One possibility to increase the number of photons is to use chemical additives which quench the triplet state of fluorophores. They ensure that the fluorophores relax into the ground state allowing them to become excited again. Different additives, described in literature as triplet quenchers, were tested. The effects of these additives on the triplet state of different fluorophores (Alexa Fluor (Al) 488, 532 und 647 und Atto655) were analyzed with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). Cyclooctatetraene (COT) resulted in a decrease of triplet state yield of Al488, Al532 and Al647 by ~ 40-60%, yet the triplet state of Atto655 was unaffected. FCS measurements indicated that COT results in an increased number of emitted photons, but dSTORM measurements could not confirm this finding. Here, COT only revealed a positive effect on the intensity of Al647 (increase by ~ 60%). An explanation for this inconsistency with the FCS results might be the presence of the switching buffer in dSTORM measurements. The buffer is designed to cause a transition of the fluorophores to and stabilize the off-state by removing oxygen from the sample, counteracting the effect of COT. On addition of 5 mM potassium iodide (KI) only Al488 fluorophores showed a decreased triplet state rate (~ 80%) in FCS measurements. This finding was confirmed by dSTORM measurements with low concentrations (~ 0.5 mM) of KI which resulted in a slight intensity increase (~ 10%) of Al488. Higher KI concentration (5 mM) on the other hand showed a reversed effect, resulting in a drop in intensity by ~ 40%. Deuterium oxide (D2O) isn’t a triplet quencher but should minimize non-radiative processes. DSTORM measurements with Atto665 and Al647 revealed, that D2O does not affect the total number of emitted photons per fluorophore. Instead, D2O increased the amount of emitted photons per time. In a nutshell, these results show that dSTORM measurements with Al647 can be improved using COT, and measurements with Al488 by using very low concentrations of KI. If needed, D2O can speed up dSTORM acquisition time considerably, e.g. for life cell measurements. In addition to an insufficient number of collected photons, inappropriate photoswitching rates can induce artifacts in dSTORM measurements as well. This was shown using various biological reference structures. Especially the imaging of plasma membranes is prone to generate artifacts. Plasma membranes exhibit a lot of intrinsically three-dimensional structures with high local emitter densities. In these regions of higher fluorophore densities the likelihood of two close fluorophores emitting at the same time is increased. This in turn can result in large artificial clusters due to misinterpretation by the reconstruction software. Taken together, the performed experiments show how important it is to prove dSTORM images and minimize possibility image artifacts. Thus, raw data movies need to be examined carefully and, if necessary, measurements must be repeated with adapted imaging conditions. Since dSTORM is increasingly used for quantification and cluster analysis it is recommended to publish raw data in the Supporting information of the manuscript. Another source of artifacts when imaging molecules with SMLM is the staining procedure. Usually antibodies are used to label biological structures for dSTORM. In the interest of resolution, small antibodies or just fragments of antibodies should be used, especially if cluster analysis is performed. Otherwise reduced resolution or an increase in cross-linking of molecules might occur. In the second part of this study plasma membrane ceramides were investigated. Sphingolipid ceramides regulate various cellular processes. Different stimuli initiate activation of sphingomyelinases (SMase) which synthesize ceramides at the plasma membrane. A rise in ceramide concentration leads to a condensation of them in ceramide-rich platforms (CRPs). So far, only little is known about the distribution and the size of CRPs. Here, plasma membrane ceramides of Jurkat-, U2OS-, HBME- and primary T-cells were stained with an IgG-antibody, imaged using dSTORM and their distribution quantitatively analyzed. Independent of the analyzed cell line, ~ 50% of all ceramides detected in the plasma membrane formed CRPs with a size of ~ 75 nm. On average one CRP consisted of ~ 20 ceramide molecules. Using a titration series the possibility of artificial cluster generation due to antibody staining was ruled out. Treatment of cells with Bacillus cereus sphingomyelinase (bSMase) increased the overall ceramide concentration in the plasma membrane, the number of ceramides in the CRPs as well as the quantity and the size of CRPs. This might result in a higher solubility of membrane components in CRPs which in turn could facilitate accumulation or compartmentation of certain proteins. Accumulation of ceramides in the CRPs could also enable local interaction with other molecules and possibly change the reactivity of some receptors. To investigate plasma membrane ceramides in living cells azido-modified ceramides and copper-free click chemistry were used for labeling. Imaging was performed using confocal laser-scanning microscopy (LSM) and structured illumination microscopy. It was shown that the length of fatty acid chains and the position of the azido group of ceramide analogues play a decisive role in the magnitude of the detected signal in the plasma membrane. These results demonstrate that azido-functionalized ceramides are live-cell compatible, making them an excellent tool to follow cellular reactions. In this study, ceramides were not only analyzed in eukaryotic cells but in bacteria as well. Neisseria meningitidis (N. meningitidis) are gram-negative bacteria triggering sepsis or meningitis in humans. Using both immunolabeling with anti-ceramide IgG-antibodies and azido-modified ceramides, ceramides were detected for the first time in the membrane of N. meningitidis by dSTORM. Although sphingolipids were reported to exist in various bacterial membranes, studies about ceramides in N. meningitidis have not yet been published. The results obtained here suggest the presence of ceramides in N. meningitidis. The third part of this thesis addresses the interaction between NK cells and Aspergillus fumigatus. The mold can cause invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients which can lead to death. Various studies have already shown that NK cells play a crucial role in the clearance of the fungal infection. Still, the exact mechanism remains unknown. As part of this work the NK cell marker CD56 was identified as a decisive receptor in recognition of the mold. Using LSM and dSTORM measurements in combination with immunocytochemical staining an active transport of the usually homogenous distributed CD56 receptors to the interaction site of NK cells and fungus was detected. Over time CD56 proteins accumulate at these interaction sites while the signal in the rest of the membrane continuously decreases. For the first time this study was able to identify CD56 as an important recognition receptor for A. fumigatus. In the last project binding of anti-N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor encephalitis autoantibodies were investigated in neurons. Patients with this form of encephalitis generate autoantibodies against the NR1 subunit of their own postsynaptic NMDA receptors. Since NMDA receptor encephalitis is often diagnosed too late and treatment options are limited the disease often proves to be fatal. Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis was described quite recently, explaining why the exact mechanism remains still unknown. For this study purified antibodies from anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis patients were used to stain NMDA receptor transfected HEK cells and hippocampal mouse neurons. These samples were subsequently imaged with dSTORM and analyzed. Measurements on HEK cells confirmed that the autoantibodies bind to the NR1 subunit. Using dSTORM, the binding sites of these antibodies at the neurons were imaged for the first time with super-resolution microscopy. The receptors are densely localized in synapses and more equally distributed at lower density in extrasynaptic regions. Based on Ripley’s H function synaptic clusters with a diameter of ~ 90 nm and ~ 500 localizations were determined while the extrasynaptic smaller clusters have a median diameter of ~ 70 nm and ~ 100 localizations per cluster. These first results form the basis for further investigations on the mechanism of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. KW - Ceramide KW - Fluoreszenzmikroskopie KW - Aspergillus fumigatus KW - NMDA KW - Neisseria meningitidis KW - Lokalisationsmikroskopie KW - dSTORM KW - Plasmamembran Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-145725 ER - TY - THES A1 - Bucher, Hannes T1 - Pre-clinical modeling of viral- and bacterial-induced exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease T1 - Prä-klinische Modellierung von viral und bakteriell induzierten Exazerbationen von Chronisch Obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung N2 - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) exacerbations are a considerable reason for increased morbidity and mortality in patients. Infections with influenza virus (H1N1), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) or nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) are important triggers of exacerbations. To date, no treatments are available which can stop the progression of COPD. Novel approaches are urgently needed. Pre-clinical models of the disease are crucial for the development of novel therapeutic options. In order to establish pre-clinical models which mimic aspects of human COPD exacerbations, mice were exposed to cigarette smoke (CS) and additionally infected with H1N1, RSV and/or NTHi. Clinically relevant treatments such as the corticosteroids Fluticasone propionate and Dexamethasone, the phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE-4) inhibitor Roflumilast and the long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonist Tiotropium were tested in the established models. Furthermore, a novel treatment approach using antibodies (Abs) directed against IL-1α, IL-1β or IL-1R1 was examined in the established CS/H1N1 model. Levels of IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, KC, TNF-α, RANTES, IL-17, MCP-1, MIP 1α and MIP-1β were measured in lung homogenate. Numbers of total cells, neutrophils and macrophages were assessed in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. Hematoxylin- and eosin- (H&E-) stained lung slices were analyzed to detect pathological changes. Quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction (qPCR) was used to investigate gene expression of ICAM-1 and MUC5 A/C. The viral/bacterial load was investigated in lung homogenate or BAL fluid. In addition to the in vivo studies, the effects of the above mentioned treatments were investigated in vitro in H1N1, RSV or NTHi-infected (primary) human bronchial epithelial cells using submerged or air-liquid-interface (ALI) cell culture systems. Four pre-clinical models (CS/H1N1, CS/RSV, CS/NTHi, CS/H1N1/NTHi) were established depicting clinically relevant aspects of COPD exacerbations such as increased inflammatory cells and cytokines in the airways and impaired lung function. In the CS/H1N1 model, Tiotropium improved lung function and was superior in reducing inflammation in comparison to Fluticasone or Roflumilast. Moreover, Fluticasone increased the loss of body-weight, levels of IL-6, KC and TNF-α and worsened lung function. In CS/RSV-exposed mice Tiotropium but not Fluticasone or Roflumilast treatment reduced neutrophil numbers and IL-6 and TNF α levels in the lung. The viral load of H1N1 and RSV was significantly elevated in CS/virus-exposed mice and NCI-H292 cells after Fluticasone and Dexamethasone treatment. The results from these studies demonstrate that Tiotropium has anti-inflammatory effects on CS/virus-induced inflammation and might help to explain the observed reduction of exacerbation rates in Tiotropium-treated COPD patients. Furthermore, the findings from this work indicate that treatment with Fluticasone or Dexamethasone might not be beneficial to reduce inflammation in the airways of COPD patients and supports clinical studies that link treatment with corticosteroids to an increased risk for pneumonia. Testing of anti-IL-1α, anti-IL-1β or anti-IL-1R1 Abs in the CS/H1N1 model suggests that, in line with clinical data, antagonization of IL-1β is not sufficient to reduce pulmonary inflammation and indicates a predominant role of IL-1α in CS/virus-induced airway inflammation. In line with the in vivo findings, anti-IL-1α but not anti-IL-1β Abs reduced levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in H1N1-infected primary human bronchial epithelial ALI cell culture. Blocking the IL-1R1 provided significant inhibitory effects on inflammatory cells in vivo but was inferior compared to inhibiting both its soluble ligands IL-1α and IL-1β. Concomitant usage of Abs against IL-1α/IL-1β revealed strong effects and reduced total cells, neutrophils and macrophages. Additionally, levels of KC, IL-6, TNF-α, MCP-1, MIP-1α and MIP-1β were significantly reduced and ICAM-1 mRNA expression was attenuated. These results suggest that combined inhibition of IL-1α/IL-1β might be beneficial to reduce inflammation and exacerbations in COPD patients. Moreover, combined targeting of both IL-1α/IL-1β might be more efficient compared to inhibition of the IL-1R1. As in the CS/virus models, corticosteroid treatment failed to reduce inflammatory cells in the CS/NTHi and CS/H1N1/NTHi models, increased the loss of body-weight and the bacterial load. Furthermore, Roflumilast administration had no significant effects on cell counts or cytokines. However, it improved compliance in the CS/NTHi model. Treatment with Azithromycin reduced the bacterial load in the CS/NTHi model and reduced numbers of total cells, neutrophils, macrophages and levels of KC and TNF-α in the CS/H1N1/NTHi model. In conclusion, the established CS/H1N1, CS/RSV, CS/NTHi, CS/H1N1/NTHi models depict clinically relevant aspects of human COPD exacerbations in mice and provide the opportunity to investigate underlying disease mechanisms and to test novel therapies. N2 - Exazerbationen von Chronisch Obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung (COPD) sind ein bedeutender Grund für erhöhte Morbidität und Mortalität von Patienten. Infektionen mit Influenza Virus (H1N1), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) oder nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) gelten als wichtige Auslöser von Exazerbationen. Bis heute gibt es keine Therapien, welche die Progression von COPD verhindern können. Neue Therapieansätze werden daher dringend benötigt. Prä-klinische Modelle spielen bei der Entwicklung neuer Therapien eine entscheidende Rolle. Um Aspekte einer humanen COPD-Exazerbation abzubilden, wurden Mäuse Zigarettenrauch (CS) ausgesetzt und zusätzlich mit H1N1, RSV und/oder NTHi infiziert. Klinisch relevante Behandlungen, z.B. die Kortikosteroide Fluticasonpropionat und Dexamethason, der Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE-4) Inhibitor Roflumilast und der muskarinische Rezeptorantagonist Tiotropium, wurden in den etablierten Modellen getestet. Zudem wurde ein neuer therapeutischer Ansatz untersucht bei dem IL-1α, IL-1β neutralisierende bzw. IL-1R1 blockierende Antikörper (Ak) zum Einsatz kamen. Die Mengen von IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL 2, IL-6, KC, TNF-α, RANTES, IL-17, MCP-1, MIP-1α und MIP-1β wurden im Lungenhomogenat gemessen. Die Gesamtzellzahl und die Anzahl von Neutrophilen und Makrophagen wurden in bronchoalveolärer Lavage (BAL) Flüssigkeit bestimmt. Hematoxylin- und Eosin- (H&E-) gefärbte Lungenschnitte wurden analysiert, um pathologische Veränderungen zu detektieren. Quantitative Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (qPCR) wurde genutzt, um die Genexpression von ICAM-1 und MUC5 A/C zu untersuchen. Die Virus /Bakterienlast wurde in BAL Flüssigkeit oder Lungenhomogenat gemessen. Darüber hinaus wurden die Effekte der oben genannten Behandlungen in vitro in H1N1, RSV oder NTHi infizierten (primären) humanen bronchialen Epithelzellen in „submerged“ oder „air-liquid-interface (ALI)“ Zellkultur-Systemen untersucht. Vier prä-klinische Modelle (CS/H1N1, CS/RSV, CS/NTHi, CS/H1N1/NTHi) wurden etabliert, die relevante Aspekte einer Exazerbation, wie beispielsweise den Einstrom inflammatorischer Zellen, erhöhte Zytokinlevel oder verminderte Lungenfunktion abbilden. Im CS/H1N1-Modell verbesserte Tiotropium die Lungenfunktion und zeigte stärker anti-entzündliche Effekte als Fluticason oder Roflumilast. Zudem verstärkte Fluticason den Gewichtsverlust, erhöhte die Level von IL-6 und TNF-α und verschlechterte die Lungenfunktion. Im CS/RSV-Modell reduzierte Tiotropium, aber nicht Fluticason oder Roflumilast die Zahl der Neutrophilen sowie IL-6 und TNF-α Mengen. Die Menge von H1N1 und RSV war in den CS/Virus-Modellen sowie in NCI-H292 Zellen nach Fluticason- oder Dexamethason-Behandlung signifikant erhöht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studien demonstrieren anti-inflammatorische Effekte von Tiotropium auf CS/Virus-induzierte Entzündung und könnten helfen, reduzierte Exazerbationshäufigkeiten in mit Tiotropium behandelten Patienten zu erklären. Zudem könnten die Resultate dieser Arbeit darauf hindeuten, dass die Behandlung mit Kortikosteroiden nicht geeignet ist, um Entzündung in COPD-Patienten zu reduzieren, und könnten dabei helfen, das in klinischen Studien festgestellte erhöhte Risiko von Pneumonien bei Behandlung mit Kortikosteroiden zu erklären. Im Einklang mit klinischen Daten deutet die Testung von anti-IL-1α, anti-IL-1β oder anti IL-1R1 Ak im CS/H1N1-Modell darauf hin, dass die Neutralisation von IL-1β nicht ausreicht, um die Entzündung in der Lunge zu reduzieren, und impliziert eine prädominierende Rolle von IL-1α in CS/H1N1-induzierter Atemwegsentzündung. Konform mit den in vivo Ergebnissen, reduzierten anti-IL-1α, aber nicht anti-IL-1β Ak, TNF-α und IL-6 in H1N1-infizierter primärer humaner bronchialer epithelialer ALI-Zellkultur. Die Blockade von IL-1R1 zeigte in vivo signifikante inhibitorische Effekte auf inflammatorische Zellen, die verglichen mit der Neutralisation seiner löslichen Liganden IL-1α/IL-1β allerdings unterlegen waren. Die kombinierte Neutralisation von IL-1α/IL-1β war sehr effektiv und reduzierte die Gesamtzellzahl sowie die Zahl der Neutrophilen und Makrophagen in der Lunge. Zusätzlich wurden die Level von KC, IL-6, TNF-α, MCP-1, MIP-1α und MIP-1β signifikant reduziert. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass kombinierte Inhibition von IL-1α/IL-1β geeignet sein könnte, um Entzündung und Exazerbationen in COPD-Patienten zu reduzieren. Zudem könnte IL-1α/IL-1β-Neutralisation effektiver sein als IL-1R1-Blockade. Wie in den CS/Virus-Modellen wurden inflammatorische Zellen durch Kortikosteroid-Behandlung im CS/NTHi- und CS/H1N1/NTHi-Modell nicht reduziert, verstärkten zudem den Gewichtsverlust und erhöhten die Bakterienmenge. Roflumilast zeigte keine Effekte auf Zellzahlen und Zytokine. Allerdings verbesserte die Behandlung damit die Compliance im CS/NTHi-Modell. Die Behandlung mit Azithromycin reduzierte die Bakterienmenge im CS/NTHi-Modell und reduzierte die Gesamtzellzahl und Anzahl von Neutrophilen und Makrophagen, sowie die Level von KC und TNF-α im CS/H1N1/NTHi-Modell. Zusammenfassend bilden die etablierten CS/H1N1-, CS/RSV-, CS/NTHi-, CS/H1N1/NTHi-Modelle klinisch relevante Aspekte von humanen COPD-Exazerbationen ab und ermöglichen die Erforschung von Krankheitsmechanismen und neuen Therapieansätze. KW - Obstruktive Ventilationsstörung KW - COPD KW - Exacerbation KW - Tiotropium KW - Influenza KW - NTHi KW - Preclinical KW - Model KW - Treatment KW - Exazerbation KW - Maus Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144368 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kay, Janina T1 - The circadian clock of the carpenter ant \(Camponotus\) \(floridanus\) T1 - Die circadiane Uhr der Rossameise \(Camponotus\) \(floridanus\) N2 - Due to the earth´s rotation around itself and the sun, rhythmic daily and seasonal changes in illumination, temperature and many other environmental factors occur. Adaptation to these environmental rhythms presents a considerable advantage to survival. Thus, almost all living beings have developed a mechanism to time their behavior in accordance. This mechanism is the endogenous clock. If it fulfills the criteria of (1) entraining to zeitgebers (2) free-running behavior with a period of ~ 24 hours (3) temperature compensation, it is also referred to as “circadian clock”. Well-timed behavior is crucial for eusocial insects, which divide their tasks among different behavioral castes and need to respond to changes in the environment quickly and in an orchestrated fashion. Circadian rhythms have thus been studied and observed in many eusocial species, from ants to bees. The underlying mechanism of this clock is a molecular feedback loop that generates rhythmic changes in gene expression and protein levels with a phase length of approximately 24 hours. The properties of this feedback loop are well characterized in many insects, from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, to the honeybee Apis mellifera. Though the basic principles and components of this loop are seem similar at first glance, there are important differences between the Drosophila feedback loop and that of hymenopteran insects, whose loop resembles the mammalian clock loop. The protein PERIOD (PER) is thought to be a part of the negative limb of the hymenopteran clock, partnering with CRYPTOCHROME (CRY). The anatomical location of the clock-related neurons and the PDF-network (a putative in- and output mediator of the clock) is also well characterized in Drosophila, the eusocial honeybee as well as the nocturnal cockroach Leucophea maderae. The circadian behavior, anatomy of the clock and its molecular underpinnings were studied in the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus, a eusocial insect Locomotor activity recordings in social isolation proved that the majority of ants could entrain to different LD cycles, free-ran in constant darkness and had a temperature-compensated clock with a period slightly shorter than 24 hours. Most individuals proved to be nocturnal, but different types of activity like diurnality, crepuscularity, rhythmic activity during both phases of the LD, or arrhythmicity were also observed. The LD cycle had a slight influence on the distribution of these activities among individuals, with more diurnal ants at shorter light phases. The PDF-network of C. floridanus was revealed with the anti-PDH antibody, and partly resembled that of other eusocial or nocturnal insects. A comparison of minor and major worker brains, only revealed slight differences in the number of somata and fibers crossing the posterior midline. All in all, most PDF-structures that are conserved in other insects where found, with numerous fibers in the optic lobes, a putative accessory medulla, somata located near the proximal medulla and many fibers in the protocerebrum. A putative connection between the mushroom bodies, the optic lobes and the antennal lobes was found, indicating an influence of the clock on olfactory learning. Lastly, the location and intensity of PER-positive cell bodies at different times of a 24 hour day was established with an antibody raised against Apis mellifera PER. Four distinct clusters, which resemble those found in A. mellifera, were detected. The clusters could be grouped in dorsal and lateral neurons, and the PER-levels cycled in all examined clusters with peaks around lights on and lowest levels after lights off. In summary, first data on circadian behavior and the anatomy and workings of the clock of C. floridanus was obtained. Firstly, it´s behavior fulfills all criteria for the presence of a circadian clock. Secondly, the PDF-network is very similar to those of other insects. Lastly, the location of the PER cell bodies seems conserved among hymenoptera. Cycling of PER levels within 24 hours confirms the suspicion of its role in the circadian feedback loop. N2 - Durch die Rotation der Erde um die Sonne, entstehen rhythmische, tägliche und saisonale Änderungen in der Beleuchtung, Temperatur und vielen anderen Umweltfaktoren. Die Anpassung an diese Umweltrhythmen stellt einen großen Überlebensvorteil dar. Deshalb haben fast alle bekannten Lebewesen einen Mechanismus zur Steuerung ihres Verhaltens in Relation zu diesen Änderungen entwickelt. Dieser Mechanismus ist die innere Uhr, die auch als zirkadiane Uhr bezeichnet wird wenn sie die folgenden Kriterien erfüllt: (1) Entrainment auf Zeigeber (2) Freilaufendes Verhalten mit einer Periodenlänge von ungefähr 24 Stunden (3) Temperatur-Kompensation. Den korrekten Zeitpunkt für ein bestimmtes Verhalten einzuhalten ist äußerst wichtig für soziale Insekten. Sie verteilen ihre Aufgaben unter verschiedenen Verhaltens-Kasten und müssen in der Lage sein schnell und organisiert auf Umweltänderungen zu reagieren. Deshalb stellen sie interessante Objekte für das Studium circadianen Verhaltens dar, welches schon in vielen eusozialen Spezies wie Ameisen und Bienen beobachtet wurde. Der der inneren Uhr zugrunde liegende Mechanismus ist eine molekulare Rückkopplungsschleife, die rhythmische Veränderungen in der Expression von Genen und dem Akkumulationsniveau von Proteinen in einem 24 Stunden Zyklus hervorruft. Die Eigenschaften dieser Rückkopplungsschleife sind in vielen Organismen, von der Taufliege Drosophila melanogaster, bis zur Hongbiene Apis mellifera, bereits gut charakterisiert. Obwohl die Gemeinsamkeiten der zugrunde liegenden Prinzipien und Bestandteile stark auffallen, gibt es wichtige Unterschiede zwischen der Rückkopplungsschleife von Drosophila und der eher mammal organisierten Rückkopplungsschleifen hymenopterer Insekten. Das PERIOD (PER) Protein ist vermutlich ein Bestandteil des hemmenden Teils der Schleife und verbindet sich mit CRYPTOCHROME (CRY). Die anatomischen Eigenschaften der Uhrneurone und des PDF-Netzwerks (vermutlich der Ein- und Ausgang für Informationen im Uhrnetzwerk) sind ebenfalls in der Taufliege, eusozialen Honigbiene, sowie in der nachtaktiven Schabe Leucophea maderae sehr gut beschrieben. Die Rossameise Camponotus floridanus wurde hier als Studienobjekt verwendet, um zirkadianes Verhalten, die Anatomie der Uhr sowie die ihr zu Grunde liegenden molekularen Strukturen in einem weiteren eusozialen Organismus zu analysieren. Die Aufzeichnung von Lauf-Verhalten in sozialer Isolation bewies, dass der Großteil der Ameisen in der Lage ist auf verschiedene LD-Zyklen zu entrainen, freilaufendes Verhalten im Dunkeln aufweist und eine temperaturkompensierte Uhr mit einer Periodenlänge von etwa 24 Stunden besitzt. Die meisten Individuen waren nachtaktiv, aber es wurden auch andere Verhaltensmuster wie Tagaktivität, Dämmerungsaktivität, Rhythmische Aktivität während beiden LD Phasen sowie Arrhythmizität beobachtet. Der LD-Zyklus hatte einen leichten Einfluss auf die Verteilungsmuster dieser Aktivitätstypen. Mehr tagaktive Tiere wurden bei kurzen Lichtphasen beobachtet. Das PDF-Netzwerk in C. floridanus konnte mit Hilfe des anti-PDH Antikörpers sichtbar gemacht werden und ähnelte in Teilen dem anderer eusozialer oder nachtaktiver Insekten. Ein Vergleich zwischen den Gehirnen kleiner und großer Arbeiter zeigte nur geringe Unterschiede in der Anzahl von Zellkörpern und Fasern die die posteriore Mitte des Gehirns überschreiten. Im Gesamten konnte die Mehrzahl der zwischen den anderen Insektengehirnen konservierten PDF-Strukturen, wie viele Fasern in den optischen Loben, eine akzessorische Medulla, Zellkörper neben der proximalen Medulla und viele Verzweigungen im Protozerebrum, gefunden werden. Eine mögliche Verbindung zwischen den Pilzkörpern, optischen Loben und den Antennalloben wurde identifiziert und weist auf einen Einfluss der Uhr auf olfaktorisches Lernen hin. Zu guter letzte wurde mit Hilfe eines gegen Bienen-PER gerichteten Antikörpers die Lage und Intensität der PER-Zellkörper während mehrerer Zeitpunkte im Verlauf von 24 Stunden bestimmt. Vier abgegrenzte Gruppen von Zellkörpern, die den Gruppen in A. mellifera ähneln, konnten identifiziert werden. Diese Gruppen teilen sich in dorsale und laterale Neuronen und der Proteingehalt an PER oszilliert in allen untersuchten Gruppen, mit dem Höhepunkt bei Licht-an und dem Tiefpunkt kurz nach Licht-aus. Zusammenfassend ist zu sagen, dass erste Erkenntnisse über zirkadianes Verhalten, die Anatomie und die Grundlagen der inneren Uhr von C. floridanus gewonnen werden konnten. Erstens, erfüllt das Verhalten alle Kriterien für die Präsenz einer inneren Uhr. Zweitens, ist das PDF-Netzwerk ähnlich dem anderer Insekten. Letztens, scheint die Lage der PER-positiven Neurone innerhalb der Hymenopteren konserviert. Die Oszillation von PER bestätigt den Verdacht seiner Beteiligung an der Rückkopplungsschleife der inneren Uhr. KW - Chronobiologie KW - Tagesrhythmus KW - Camponotus floridanus KW - Protein KW - Innere Uhr KW - Endogenous clock KW - Circadiane Uhr KW - Circadian Clock KW - Ant KW - Ameise KW - Insect KW - Insekt KW - Protein KW - Circadianer Rhythmus KW - Tagesrhythmik Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158061 ER - TY - THES A1 - Herweg, Jo-Ana T1 - Die Simkania-Vakuole: Die Rolle von ER, retro-/anterograden Protein- und Lipidtransport T1 - The Simkania-vacuole: the role of ER, retro-/anterograde protein- and lipid-transport N2 - Simkania negevensis (Sn) is a Chlamydia-like obligate intracellular bacterium which replicates within a membrane bound vacuole, termed SCV (Simkania-containing vacuole). The SCV is a unique compartment closely associated with ER-membranes, consequently ER-stress is blocked by the bacteria. SCV morphology is similar among epithelial cells (HeLa229, A549, HEp-2) and macrophages (THP1). The SCV represents the first intracellular interface between the host and pathogen which serves as a replication niche. Identifying human and bacterial factors associated with ER-SCV-membranes should contribute towards the understanding of SCV composition and formation as well as interactions with ER or transports. Comparative studies of the SCV should indicate similarities to the chlamydial inclusion since some host cell factors are already known for Chlamydia. In this thesis, a purification protocol has been established that is applicable to HeLa229 and THP1 ER-SCV-membranes and has been further utilized for proteome and lipidome analyses. 302 bacterial and 1178 human proteins composing ER-SCV-membranes and 885 bacterial proteins composing purified Sn have been identified by using label-free mass spectrometry measurements. Among the human factors of non or Sn infected ER-(SCV-) membranes we found 51 enriched or depleted proteins in addition to 57 transport associated ones that indicated infection induced differences among intracellular protein transport. Contrary regulation of retrograde and anterograde transported proteins could be confirmed by using RNA interference and inhibitor tests, whereby Clathrin-associated and COPI vesicles seem to play a central role. Application of Retro-inhibitors, which interfered with retrograde transport processes between endosome to Golgi or early to late endosomes, as well as Bafilomycin A1 (retrograde, late endosomes and lysosomes) and Brefeldin A (anterograde, ER and Golgi) exerted a strong influence on SCV formation, morphology and intracellular lipid transport. By using label-free mass spectrometry measurements and thin layer chromatography we could determine differences in lipid levels within Sn infected cells, ER-SCV-membranes and purified Sn in comparison to uninfected cells. In addition to lipid enrichment or depletion in whole-cell extracts and ER-SCV-membranes, we identified two infection-specific lipids, cholesterol-ß-Dglucoside and PE 30:0. Further, high-throughput RNA interference tests indicated a dependence of Sn infections on endosome to Golgi and Clathrin-associated vesicle transports. Taken together, we were able to identify initial potential SCV-associated proteins and lipids that were connected to bacterial infection. Furthermore, SCV formation and Sn infectiousness depends on retrograde transport processes and therefore also on acquisition of nutrients, such as lipids. N2 - Simkania negevensis (Sn) repliziert als Chlamydia-ähnliches obligat intrazelluläres Bakterium auch in einer membranumschlossenen Vakuole, die als SCV (engl. Simkania-containing vacuole) bezeichnet wird. Die SCV ist ein bis jetzt einzigartiges Kompartiment, das stark mit ER-Membranen assoziiert ist, wobei ER-Stress von den Bakterien blockiert wird. Die Morphologie der SCV scheint dabei in Epithelzellen (HeLa229, A549, HEp-2) als auch in Makrophagen (THP1) gleich zu sein. Die SCV stellt die erste intrazelluläre Berührungsfläche dar, an der Interaktionen zwischen Wirt und Pathogen erfolgen, und dient gleichzeitig als Replikationsnische. Mithilfe der Identifizierung von humanen und bakteriellen Faktoren, die mit der ER-SCV-Membran assoziiert sind, sollten die Zusammensetzung der SCV sowie mögliche Interaktionen mit dem ER oder zellulären Transportwegen ermittelt werden. Vergleichsstudien von SCV-assoziierten Proteinen sollten Ähnlichkeiten zur chlamydialen Inklusion aufzeigen, für die bereits einige interagierende Wirtszellfaktoren beschrieben wurden. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Aufreinigungsprotokoll etabliert, das sowohl für ER-SCVMembranen aus HeLa229 als auch THP1 geeignet war und für spätere Proteom- oder Lipidomanalysen diente. Über markierungsfreie massenspektrometrische Messungen konnten 302 bakterielle und 1178 humane Proteine in ER-(SCV-) Membranen und 885 bakterielle Proteine in aufgereinigten Sn identifiziert werden. In ER-(SCV-) Membranen von nicht und Sn-infizierten HeLa229 Zellen befanden sich 51 unterschiedlich verteilte und 57 transportassoziierte humane Proteine, die auf infektionsinduzierte Unterschiede beim intrazellulären Proteintransport hindeuteten. Eine entgegengesetzte Regulation von retro- und anterograd transportierten Proteinen konnte mithilfe von RNA-Interferenz und dem Einsatz geeigneter Inhibitoren bestätigt werden, wobei sich zeigte, dass Clathrin-assoziierte und COPI-Vesikel eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Retro-Inhibitoren, die den retrograden Transport zwischen Endosomen zum Golgi oder zwischen frühen und späten Endosomen inhibieren, sowie Bafilomycin A1 (retrograd, späte Endosomen und Lysosomen) und Brefeldin A (anterograd, ER und Golgi), beeinflussten massiv die SCV-Ausbildung, SCV-Morphologie und den intrazellulären Lipidtransport. Über markierungsfreie massenspektrometrische und dünnschichtchromatographische Analysen konnten erste Unterschiede im Lipidvorkommen in Sn-infizierten Zellen, an ER-SCVMembranen und in aufgereinigten Sn im Vergleich zu nicht infizierten Zellen ermittelt werden. Dabei konnten neben An- und Abreicherungen in Gesamtzellextrakten sowie ER-SCVMembranen zwei infektionsspezifische Lipide, Cholesterol-ß-D-Glykosid und PE 30:0, identifiziert werden. Weiterführende umfangreiche RNA-Interferenzstudien weisen darauf hin, dass die Sn-Infektion vom Endosomen-zum-Golgi-Transport und vom Clathrin-assoziierten Vesikeltransport abhängig ist. Zusammenfassend konnten erste mögliche SCV-assoziierte Proteine und Lipide identifiziert werden, die mit der bakteriellen Infektion verbunden waren. Des Weiteren hängen eine stabile SCV-Ausbildung und Sn-Infektivität von verschiedenen retrograden Transportwegen und damit von dem Erwerb von Nährstoffen wie bspw. Lipiden ab. KW - Simkania KW - Vakuole KW - Proteintransport KW - Lipidtransport Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136844 ER - TY - THES A1 - Bargul, Joel Ltilitan T1 - Characterization of motility and erythrocyte adherence as virulence factors in African trypanosomes T1 - Charakterisierung der Motiliät und Erythrozytenadhärenz als Virulenzfaktoren bei Afrikanischen Trypanosomen N2 - Pathogens causing African animal trypanosomiasis (AAT), the major livestock disease in sub-Saharan Africa, belong to the salivarian group of the African trypanosomes, which are transmitted by the bite of the tsetse fly (Glossina spec.). T. vivax, T. congolense and T. brucei brucei are major pathogens of cattle in particular, causing nagana, with dramatic socio-economic consequences for the affected regions. The parasites additionally have a huge reservoir of other livestock and wild animal hosts. T. brucei, the species which also includes the subspecies pathogenic to humans causing sleeping sickness, has been extensively studied as the cultivatable model trypanosome. But less is known about the other salivarian species, which are not routinely held in culture, if at all possible. A hallmark of trypanosomal lifestyle is the protozoan flagellates incessant motility, which enables them to populate an enormous range of habitats in very diverse hosts. We were now able to characterize, for the first time with high spatiotemporal resolution microscopy, the swimming behaviour and mechanism of the most relevant salivarian species isolated directly from blood. We show the influence of viscosity on the motility of bloodstream form (BSF) cells and simulate their movement between erythrocytes, giving a clear picture of how all analyzed species move under varying environmental conditions. We show that although the basic mechanism of flagellar motility applies to all analyzed species, there are clear morphological differences that produce different reactions to the physical environment. We could define specific conditions for highly increased swimming persistence and speed for compared to the behaviour in standard culture. These results have important implications for the parasites survival strategies in the host, e.g. regarding the capacity for antibody clearance. Although we show all species to effectively remove antibodies from the cell surface, T. congolense differed markedly in its motility behaviour, which gives rise to interesting questions about this species behaviour in the bloodstream. Most of the T. congolense parasites (and to a lesser extent T. vivax) adhere to sheep erythrocytes. Further in vitro studies showed that T. congolense and T. vivax adhered to rabbit, goat, pig and cattle erythrocytes- but binding behaviour was absent in murine blood. Notably, both T. brucei and T. evansi lacked adherence to all studied host erythrocytes. Generally, attachment to blood cells caused reduction of swimming velocities. Judging from its cell architecture, as well as the motility studies in higher media viscosity and in micropillar arrays, T. congolense is not adapted to swim at high speeds in the mammalian bloodstream. Low swimming speeds could allow these purely intravascular parasites to remain bound to the host erythrocytes. N2 - Die wichtigste Viehseuche des subsaharischen Afrika, die afrikanische Trypanosomiasis (AAT), wird durch Pathogene ausgelöst, die zu einer Gruppe der afrikanischen Trypanosomen gehört, die durch den Stich der Tsetsefliege übertragen werden (Salivaria). T. vivax, T. congolense und T. brucei brucei sind die Haupt-Erreger in Rindern, wo sie Nagana verursachen, mit dramatischen sozio-ökonomischen Folgen für die betroffenen Regionen. Die Parasiten haben zusätzlich ein riesiges Reservoir an Zucht- und Wildtieren als Wirte zur Verfügung. T. brucei, die Spezies die auch die humanpathogenen Subspezies umfasst, die Erreger der Schlafkrankheit, ist eingehend als das kultivierbare Trypanosomenmodell untersucht worden, aber es ist weniger über die anderen Salivaria Spezies bekannt, die nicht routinemäßig in Kultur gehalten werden, wenn überhaupt die Möglichkeit besteht. Ein Kennzeichen des trypanosomalen Lebensstils ist die unablässige Motilität der protozooischen Flagellaten, die es ihnen ermöglicht eine riesige Bandbreite an Habitaten in sehr diversen Wirten zu besiedeln. Wir waren in der Lage, zum ersten Mal mit räumlich und zeitlich hochauflösender Mikroskopie, das Schwimmverhalten und den Schwimmmechanismus der wichtigsten Salivaria Spezies zu charakterisieren, die direkt aus dem Blut isoliert wurden. Wir zeigen wie Viskosität die Motilität der Blutstromform (BSF)-Zellen beeinflußt und simulieren deren Bewegung zwischen Erythrozyten. Durch diese Ergebnisse erhalten wir ein klares Bild davon, wie die analysierten Spezies sich unter variierenden experimentellen Bedingungen bewegen. Wir zeigen, dass obwohl der grundlegende Mechanismus der flagellaren Motilität bei allen Spezies gleich ist, es klare morphologische Unterschiede gibt, die verschiedene Reaktionen auf die physikalische Umgebung zur Folge haben. Wir konnten spezifische Konditionen für stark erhöhte Persistenz und Schwimmgeschwindigkeit, im Vergleich zum Verhalten in der Standardkultur, bei T. vivax, T. evansi and T. brucei definieren. Diese Ergebnisse haben wichtige Implikationen für die Überlebensstrategien im Wirt, z.B. bezüglich der Kapazität für die Antikörperentfernung. Obwohl wir zeigen konnten, dass alle Spezies effektiv gebundene Antikörper von ihrer Oberfläche entfernen können, unterscheidet sich T. congolense stark in seinem motilen Verhalten, was interessante Fragen über das Verhalten dieser Spezies im Blutstrom aufwirft. Die meisten T. congolense Parasiten (und in geringerem Ausmaß T. vivax) adhärieren an Erythrozyten des Schafs. Weitere in vitro Versuche zeigten, dass T. congolense und T. vivax auch an Erythrozyten von Kaninchen, Ziege, Schwein und Rind binden, aber nicht im Blut von Mäusen. Interessanterweise adhärierten weder T. brucei noch T. evansi an Erythrozyten irgendeiner Wirts-Spezies. Im Allgemeinen hat die Bindung an Erythrozyten eine Reduktion der Schwimmgeschwindigkeit zur Folge. Nach der Zellarchitektur und dem Verhalten in Medien höherer Viskosität und zwischen Micropillar-Strukturen zu urteilen, ist T. congolense nicht adaptiert, um mit hohen Geschwindigkeiten im Blutstrom von Säugern zu schwimmen. Niedrige Schwimmgeschwindigkeiten könnten diesem rein intravaskulären Parasiten erlauben an den Erythrozyten des Wirts haften zu bleiben. KW - Motiliät KW - African trypanosomes KW - Trypanosomen KW - Erythrozyt KW - motility KW - Antibody clearance KW - erythrocyte adherence KW - Adhäsion KW - Virulenzfaktor KW - Erythrozytenadhärenz Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-115053 ER - TY - THES A1 - Jung, Jamin T1 - Precise timing of the trypanosome cell division cycle T1 - Präzises Timing des trypanosomalen Zellzyklus N2 - African trypanosomes are the causative agents of fatal diseases in humans and livestock. Trypanosomes show a complex lifecycle and shuttle between the transmitting vector, the tsetse (Glossina spec.), and the mammalian host. As a result of this the parasite undergoes tremendous changes in morphology and metabolism to adapt to the different living environments. The two best-studied lifecycle stages are the procyclic forms (PCF) that live in the tsetse fly and the proliferative bloodstream form (BSF) that resides in the mammalian blood. The most conspicuous weapon that trypanosomes use to evade the host immune attack is a dense layer of a single protein type, the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG), which shields the entire cell surface. Immune evasion required high rates of surface membrane turnover and surface coat recycling. Trypanosomes show highly polarised cell architecture with all major eukaryotic organelles (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, endosomal apparatus, lysosome, mitochondrion and peroxisome-like glycosomes) generally present in single copy. Furthermore, trypanosomes possess a single flagellum, which is important not only for cellular motility but also for cell division. How the duplication of all these cellular components is coordinated in order to progresss through the cell division cycle is poorly understood. We used trypanosomes as a model organism due to the relative simplicity and the polarised nature of their cell architecture and determined the duplication of all their compartments. This was only possible due to a new synchronisation approach developed during this project. In the first part of the thesis a precise temporal map of the cell division cycle of the BSF T. brucei cell division cycle was generated. By the use of well-described morphological markers (K/N status, new flagellum outgrowth and DNA synthesis) the position of individual cells was determined with high temporal resolution; this allowed us for the first time to synchronise a cell population in silico without affecting the naturally asynchronous growth. In the second part of the thesis we used this tool to follow duplication events of the Major organelles during progression through the cell division cycle. We precisely determined the time points of organelle duplication and found that it is ordered in trypanosomes. Furthermore we found that BSF T. brucei cells do not grow continuously, cell size start to increase rapidly, during a short period of time, late in the cell division cycle. We speculate that the initiation of cell volume increase is temporally separated from the formation of all secretory organelles in order to ensure maintenance of the protective coat, which must remain intact at all times in order for BSF trypanosomes to be able to evade the host immune response. N2 - Afrikanische Trypanosomen sind Erreger fataler Krankheiten sowohl bei Menschen also auch bei Nutztieren. Trypanosomen weisen einen komplexen Lebenszyklus auf und wechseln hierbei zwischen ihrem Überträger, der Tsetse Fliege (Glossina spec.) und ihrem Säugerwirt. Hieraus resultierend, erlebt der Parasit dramatische Veränderungen der Zellmorphologie und des Zell- metabolismus um sich an die jeweiligen Lebensräume anzupassen. Die zwei am besten unter- suchten Lebensstadien sind die Prozyklische Form (PCF), welche in der Tsetse Fliege vor- kommt und die Blutstrom Form, welche im Säugerwirt zirkuliert. BSF Trypanosomen leben extrazellulär im Säugerblut und sind hier kontinuierlich der Immunabwehr des Wirtes ausge- setzt. Durch einen dichten Proteinmantel eines einzigen Proteintyps, dem variablen Oberflä- chenglykoproteins (VSG) ummantelt der Parasit seine Zelloberfläche und schützt so invariable Proteine vor der Erkennung durch das Immunsystem. Um diesen VSG Mantel aufrecht zu er- halten werden enorm hohe Raten an Oberflächen-membran- und VSG- Recycling benötigt. Trypanosomen weisen eine hoch polarisierte Zellarchitektur auf und die wichtigen Organellen (Endoplasmatisches Retikulum, Golgi Apparat, Endosomaler Apparat, Lysosome, Mitochondri- um und Glykosomen) sind generell in einfacher Kopie vorhanden. Weiterhin besitzen Trypano- somen ein einzenes Flagellum welches sowohl für die Bewegung als auch die Zellteilung des Parasiten von großer Bedeutung ist. All diese Bestandteile müssen während des Zellzyklus verdoppelt werden um zwei lebensfähige Tochterzellen zu generieren. Über die Koordinierung und die Mechanismen der Organellenteilung ist kaum etwas bekannt. Wir nutzen den einfachen Zellaufbau und die polarisierte Zellarchitektur von Trypanosomen um die Verdopplung der zel- lulären Bestandteile zu untersuchen. Dies war jedoch nur durch einen neuen Synchronisie- rungsansatz möglich der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelt und etabliert wurde. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine zeitlich hoch aufgelöste Kartierung des Zellzyklus vorge- nommen. Wir nutzen morphologisch gut beschriebene Marker um die Position einzelner Zellen im Zellzyklus zeitlich sehr genau zu bestimmen, somit kann eine in silico Synchronisierung durchgeführt werde ohne das natürliche Verhalten der Zellpopulation zu beeinflussen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde mittels dieser zeitlichen Zellzykluskarte der Teilungszeitpunkt aller wichtigen Organellen bestimmt. Hierbei fanden wir heraus, dass die Teilung der Zellorga- nellen in einer definierten Reihenfolge stattfindet. Weiterhin konnten wir zeigen, dass Trypano- somen nicht kontinuierlich wachsen, die Zelle wächst in einer relativ kurzen Phase, spät im Zellzyklus. Wir vermuten, dass die Teilung der sekretorischen Organellen und das Zellwachs- tums zeitlich voneinander getrennt sind um so den schützenden Proteinmantel, der für das überleben im Blut unabdingbar ist, aufrecht zu erhalten. KW - Zellteilung KW - Trypanosomes KW - Trypanosomen KW - Zellbiologie Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-114932 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rubio-Cosials, Anna A1 - Schulz, Eike C. A1 - Lambertsen, Lotte A1 - Smyshlyaev, Georgy A1 - Rojas-Cordova, Carlos A1 - Forslund, Kristoffer A1 - Karaca, Ezgi A1 - Bebel, Aleksandra A1 - Bork, Peer A1 - Barabas, Orsolya T1 - Transposase-DNA Complex Structures Reveal Mechanisms for Conjugative Transposition of Antibiotic Resistance JF - Cell N2 - Conjugative transposition drives the emergence of multidrug resistance in diverse bacterial pathogens, yet the mechanisms are poorly characterized. The Tn1549 conjugative transposon propagates resistance to the antibiotic vancomycin used for severe drug-resistant infections. Here, we present four high-resolution structures of the conserved Y-transposase of Tn1549 complexed with circular transposon DNA intermediates. The structures reveal individual transposition steps and explain how specific DNA distortion and cleavage mechanisms enable DNA strand exchange with an absolute minimum homology requirement. This appears to uniquely allow Tn916-like conjugative transposons to bypass DNA homology and insert into diverse genomic sites, expanding gene transfer. We further uncover a structural regulatory mechanism that prevents premature cleavage of the transposon DNA before a suitable target DNA is found and generate a peptide antagonist that interferes with the transposase-DNA structure to block transposition. Our results reveal mechanistic principles of conjugative transposition that could help control the spread of antibiotic resistance genes. KW - DNA complex KW - crystallography KW - Tn1549 transposon KW - Tn916-like transposon family KW - conjugative transposition KW - tyrosine recombinase KW - antibiotic resistance KW - gene transfer KW - vancomycin KW - multidrug-resistant bacteria Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-227085 VL - 173 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kropf, Jan T1 - The Dual Olfactory Pathway in the Honeybee Brain: Sensory Supply and Electrophysiological Properties T1 - Der duale olfaktorische Weg im Gehirn der Honigbiene: Sensorischer Eingang und elektrophysiologische Eigenschaften N2 - The olfactory sense is of utmost importance for honeybees, Apis mellifera. Honeybees use olfaction for communication within the hive, for the identification of nest mates and non-nest mates, the localization of food sources, and in case of drones (males), for the detection of the queen and mating. Honeybees, therefore, can serve as excellent model systems for an integrative analysis of an elaborated olfactory system. To efficiently filter odorants out of the air with their antennae, honeybees possess a multitude of sensilla that contain the olfactory sensory neurons (OSN). Three types of olfactory sensilla are known from honeybee worker antennae: Sensilla trichoidea, Sensilla basiconica and Sensilla placodea. In the sensilla, odorant receptors that are located in the dendritic arborizations of the OSNs transduce the odorant information into electrical information. Approximately 60.000 OSN axons project in two parallel bundles along the antenna into the brain. Before they enter the primary olfactory brain center, the antennal lobe (AL), they diverge into four distinct tracts (T1-T4). OSNs relay onto ~3.000-4.000 local interneurons (LN) and ~900 projection neurons (PN), the output neurons of the AL. The axons of the OSNs together with neurites from LNs and PNs form spheroidal neuropil units, the so-called glomeruli. OSN axons from the four AL input tracts (T1-T4) project into four glomerular clusters. LNs interconnect the AL glomeruli, whereas PNs relay the information to the next brain centers, the mushroom body (MB) - associated with sensory integration, learning and memory - and the lateral horn (LH). In honeybees, PNs project to the MBs and the LH via two separate tracts, the medial and the lateral antennal-lobe tract (m/lALT) which run in parallel in opposing directions. The mALT runs first to the MB and then to the LH, the lALT runs first to the LH and then to the MB. This dual olfactory pathway represents a feature unique to Hymenoptera. Interestingly, both tracts were shown to process information about similar sets of odorants by extracting different features. Individual mALT PNs are more odor specific than lALT PNs. On the other hand, lALT PNs have higher spontaneous and higher odor response action potential (AP) frequencies than mALT PNs. In the MBs, PNs form synapses with ~184.000 Kenyon cells (KC), which are the MB intrinsic neurons. KCs, in contrast to PNs, show almost no spontaneous activity and employ a spatially and temporally sparse code for odor coding. In manuscript I of my thesis, I investigated whether the differences in specificity of odor responses between m- and lALT are due to differences in the synaptic input. Therefore, I investigated the axonal projection patterns of OSNs housed in S. basiconica in honeybee workers and compared them with S. trichoidea and S. placodea using selective anterograde labeling with fluorescent tracers and confocal- microscopy analyses of axonal projections in AL glomeruli. Axons of S. basiconica-associated OSNs preferentially projected into the T3 input-tract cluster in the AL, whereas the two other types of sensilla did not show a preference for a specific glomerular cluster. T3- associated glomeruli had previously been shown to be innervated by mALT PNs. Interestingly, S. basiconica as well as a number of T3 glomeruli lack in drones. Therefore I set out to determine whether this was associated with the reduction of glomeruli innervated by mALT PNs. Retrograde tracing of mALT PNs in drones and counting of innervated glomeruli showed that the number of mALT-associated glomeruli was strongly reduced in drones compared to workers. The preferential projections of S. basiconica-associated OSNs into T3 glomeruli in female workers together with the reduction of mALT-associated glomeruli in drones support the presence of a female-specific olfactory subsystem that is partly innervated by OSNs from S. basiconica and is associated with mALT projection neurons. As mALT PNs were shown to be more odor specific, I suppose that already the OSNs in this subsystem are more odor specific than lALT associated OSNs. I conclude that this female-specific subsystem allows the worker honeybees to respond adequately to the enormous variety of odorants they experience during their lifetime. In manuscript II, I investigated the ion channel composition of mALT and lALT PNs and KCs in situ. This approach represents the first study dealing with the honeybee PN and KC ion channel composition under standard conditions in an intact brain preparation. With these recordings I set out to investigate the potential impact of intrinsic neuronal properties on the differences between m- and lALT PNs and on the sparse odor coding properties of KCs. In PNs, I identified a set of Na+ currents and diverse K+ currents depending on voltage and Na+ or Ca2+ that support relatively high spontaneous and odor response AP frequencies. This set of currents did not significantly differ between mALT and lALT PNs, but targets for potential modulation of currents leading to differences in AP frequencies were found between both types of PNs. In contrast to PNs, KCs have very prominent K+ currents, which are likely to contribute to the sparse response fashion observed in KCs. Furthermore, Ca2+ dependent K+ currents were found, which may be of importance for coincidence detection, learning and memory formation. Finally, I conclude that the differences in odor specificity between m- and lALT PNs are due to their synaptic input from different sets of OSNs and potential processing by LNs. The differences in spontaneous activity between the two tracts may be caused by different neuronal modulation or, in addition, also by interaction with LNs. The temporally sparse representation of odors in KCs is very likely based on the intrinsic KC properties, whereas general excitability and spatial sparseness are likely to be regulated through GABAergic feedback neurons. N2 - Der Geruchssinn ist für die Honigbiene, Apis mellifera, von größter Bedeutung. Honigbienen kommunizieren olfaktorisch, sie können Nestgenossinnen und koloniefremde Honigbienen aufgrund des Geruchs unterscheiden, sie suchen und erkennen Nahrungsquellen olfaktorisch, und Drohnen (männliche Honigbienen) finden die Königin mit Hilfe des Geruchssinns. Deshalb dient die Honigbiene als exzellentes Modell für die Untersuchung hochentwickelter olfaktorischer Systeme. Honigbienen filtern Duftmoleküle mit ihren Antennen aus der Luft. Auf diesen Antennen sitzen Sensillen, die die olfaktorischen sensorischen Neurone (OSN) beinhalten. Drei verschiedene olfaktorische Sensillen existieren bei Arbeiterinnen: Sensilla trichoidea, Sensilla basiconica und Sensilla placodea. In diesen Sensillen sind olfaktorische Rezeptorproteine auf den Dendriten der OSN lokalisiert. Diese Duftrezeptoren wandeln die Duftinformationen in elektrische Informationen um. Die Axone von ca. 60.000 OSN ziehen in zwei Bündeln entlang der Antenne in das Gehirn. Bevor sie das erste olfaktorische Gehirnzentrum, den Antennallobus (AL), erreichen, spalten sie sich in vier distinkte Trakte (T1-T4) auf. Im AL verschalten sie auf 3.000-4.000 lokale Interneurone (LN) und auf etwa 900 Ausgangsneurone des AL, die Projektionsneurone (PN). Die axonalen Endigungen der OSN bilden mit Neuriten der PN und LN kugelförmige Strukturen, die so genannten Glomeruli. Die OSN aus den vier Trakten T1-T4 ziehen in vier zugehörige glomeruläre Cluster. LN verschalten die Information unter den AL Glomeruli, PN leiten olfaktorische Informationen zu den nächsten Gehirnstrukturen, den Pilzkörpern und dem lateralen Horn, weiter. Die Pilzkörper werden als Zentrum für sensorische Integration, Lernen und Gedächtnis gesehen. Die PN, die den AL mit dem Pilzkörper und dem lateralen Horn verbinden, verlaufen in Honigbienen parallel über zwei Bahnen, den medialen und den lateralen Antennallobustrakt (mALT/lALT), aber in entgegengesetzter Richtung. Dieser duale olfaktorische Signalweg wurde in dieser Ausprägung bisher nur in Hymenopteren gefunden. Interessanterweise prozessieren beide Trakte Informationen über die gleichen Düfte. Dabei sind mALT PN duftspezifischer und lALT PN haben höhere spontane Aktionspotentialfrequenzen sowie höhere Aktionspotentialfrequenzen in Antwort auf einen Duftreiz. Im Pilzkörper verschalten PN auf Kenyon Zellen (KC), die intrinsischen Neurone des Pilzkörpers. KC sind im Gegensatz zu PN fast nicht spontan aktiv und kodieren Informationen auf räumlicher und zeitlicher Ebene mit geringer Aktivität. Man spricht von einem so genannten "sparse code". Im ersten Manuskript meiner Doktorarbeit habe ich untersucht, ob die Unterschiede in der Spezifität der Duftantworten zwischen mALT und lALT PN zumindest zum Teil auf Unterschieden im sensorischen Eingang beruhen. Ich habe die axonalen Projektionen der OSN der S. basiconica in Honigbienen untersucht und mit den Projektionen von OSN in S. trichoidea und S. placodea verglichen. Dazu wurden die OSN in den S. basiconica anterograd mit Fluoreszenzmarkern gefärbt und mit mittels konfokaler Mikroskopie untersucht und quantifiziert. Die Axone von OSN aus S. basiconica ziehen präferentiell in das T3 Glomerulus Cluster, die Axone der anderen beiden Sensillentypen zeigen keine Präferenz für ein spezielles Cluster. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass die Glomeruli des T3 Clusters von mALT PN innerviert werden. Interessanterweise fehlen S. basiconica und Teile der T3 Glomeruli in Drohnen. Deshalb habe ich untersucht, ob die T3 Reduzierung in Drohnen mit einer Reduzierung der mALT Glomeruli einhergeht. Retrograde Färbungen der mALT PN in Drohnen zeigten, daß die Zahl der mALT Glomeruli in Drohnen gegenüber Arbeiterinnen deutlich reduziert ist. Die Präferenz der OSN der S. basiconica für das T3 Cluster und die reduzierte Anzahl von mALT Glomeruli in Drohnen weisen auf ein arbeiterinnenspezifisches olfaktorisches Subsystem hin, welches aus S. basiconica, T3 Glomeruli und einer Gruppe von mALT PN besteht. Da die mALT PN duftspezifischer als lALT PN sind, vermute ich, dass auch die OSN, die auf mALT PN verschalten, duftspezifischer antworten als OSN die auf lALT PN verschalten. Daraus schließe ich, daß dieses Subsystem den Arbeiterinnen ermöglicht, passend auf die enorme Breite an Duftstoffen zu reagieren, die diese im Laufe ihres arbeitsteiligen Lebens wahrnehmen müssen. Im zweiten Manuskript meiner Doktorarbeit habe ich die Ionenkanalzusammensetzung der mALT PN, der lALT PN und der KC in situ untersucht. Mein Ansatz stellt die erste Studie dar, die die Ionenkanäle von Neuronen in der Honigbiene unter Standardbedingungen an einer intakten Gehirnpräparation untersucht. Mit diesen Messungen versuche ich die potentiellen bioelektrischen Grundlagen für Unterschiede in der Informationskodierung in mALT PN, lALT PN und Kenyon Zellen zu ergründen. In PN konnte ich eine Gruppe von Na+ Ionenkanälen und Na+ abhängigen, Ca2+ abhängigen sowie spannungsabhängigen K+ Ionenkanälen identifizieren, die die Grundlagen für hohe, spontane Aktionspotentialfrequenzen und hohe Duftantwortfrequenzen schaffen. Diese Ströme unterschieden sich nicht grundsätzlich zwischen m- und lALT PN. Jedoch wurden potentielle Ziele für neuronale Modulation gefunden, welche zu unterschiedlichen Aktionspotentialfrequenzen zwischen PN der beiden Trakte führen könnten. Im Gegensatz zu den PN wurden in Kenyon Zellen in der Relation sehr starke K+ Ionenströme gemessen. Diese dienen sehr wahrscheinlich der schnellen Terminierung von Duftantworten, also dem Erzeugen des zeitlichen "sparse code". Außerdem wurden Ca2+ abhängige K+ Kanäle gefunden, die für Koinzidenzdetektion, Lernen und Gedächtnis von Bedeutung sein können. In der Gesamtsicht folgere ich aus meinen Ergebnissen, dass die Unterschiede in der Duftspezifizität zwischen m- und lALT PN überwiegend auf deren sensorischen Eingängen von unterschiedlichen Populationen von OSN und der Verarbeitung über lokale Interneuronen im AL beruht. Die Unterschiede in der Spontanaktivität zwischen mALT und lALT basieren sehr wahrscheinlich auf neuronaler Modulation und/oder Interaktion mit LN. Die zeitliche Komponente des "sparse code" in KC entsteht höchstwahrscheinlich durch die intrinsischen elektrischen Eigenschaften der KC, wohingegen die generelle Erregbarkeit und der räumliche "sparse code" mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit auf der Regulation durch GABAerge Neurone beruht. KW - Voltage-Clamp-Methode KW - Biene KW - Neuroanatomie KW - Neurobiology KW - Olfaction KW - Geruchssinn Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-108369 ER - TY - THES A1 - Nürnberger, Fabian T1 - Timing of colony phenology and foraging activity in honey bees T1 - Zeitliche Koordination von Koloniephänologie und Sammelaktivität bei Honigbienen N2 - I. Timing is a crucial feature in organisms that live within a variable and changing environment. Complex mechanisms to measure time are wide-spread and were shown to exist in many taxa. These mechanisms are expected to provide fitness benefits by enabling organisms to anticipate environmental changes and adapt accordingly. However, very few studies have addressed the adaptive value of proper timing. The objective of this PhD-project was to investigate mechanisms and fitness consequences of timing decisions concerning colony phenology and foraging activity in the honey bee (Apis mellifera), a social insect species with a high degree of social organization and one of the most important pollinators of wild plants and crops. In chapter II, a study is presented that aimed to identify the consequences of disrupted synchrony between colony phenology and the local environment by manipulating the timing of brood onset after hibernation. In a follow-up experiment, the importance of environmental factors for the timing of brood onset was investigated to assess the potential of climate change to disrupt synchronization of colony phenology (Chapter III). Chapter IV aimed to prove for the first time that honey bees can use interval time-place learning to improve foraging activity in a variable environment. Chapter V investigates the fitness benefits of information exchange between nest mates via waggle dance communication about a resource environment that is heterogeneous in space and time. II. In the study presented in chapter II, the importance of the timing of brood onset after hibernation as critical point in honey bee colony phenology in temperate zones was investigated. Honey bee colonies were overwintered at two climatically different sites. By translocating colonies from each site to the other in late winter, timing of brood onset was manipulated and consequently colony phenology was desynchronized with the local environment. Delaying colony phenology in respect to the local environment decreased the capability of colonies to exploit the abundant spring bloom. Early brood onset, on the other hand, increased the loads of the brood parasite Varroa destructor later in the season with negative impact on colony worker population size. This indicates a timing related trade-off and illustrates the importance of investigating effects of climate change on complex multi-trophic systems. It can be concluded that timing of brood onset in honey bees is an important fitness relevant step for colony phenology that is highly sensitive to climatic conditions in late winter. Further, phenology shifts and mismatches driven by climate change can have severe fitness consequences. III. In chapter III, I assess the importance of the environmental factors ambient temperature and photoperiod as well as elapsed time on the timing of brood onset. Twenty-four hibernating honey bee colonies were placed into environmental chambers and allocated to different combinations of two temperature regimes and three different light regimes. Brood onset was identified non-invasively by tracking comb temperature within the winter cluster. The experiment revealed that ambient temperature plays a major role in the timing of brood onset, but the response of honey bee colonies to temperature increases is modified by photoperiod. Further, the data indicate the involvement of an internal clock. I conclude that the timing of brood onset is complex but probably highly susceptible to climate change and especially spells of warm weather in winter. IV. In chapter IV, it was examined if honey bees are capable of interval time-place learning and if this ability improves foraging efficiency in a dynamic resource environment. In a field experiment with artificial feeders, foragers were able to learn time intervals and use this ability to anticipate time periods during which feeders were active. Further, interval time-place learning enabled foragers to increase nectar uptake rates. It was concluded that interval time-place learning can help honey bee foragers to adapt to the complex and variable temporal patterns of floral resource environments. V. The study presented in chapter V identified the importance of the honey bee waggle dance communication for the spatiotemporal coordination of honey bee foraging activity in resource environments that can vary from day to day. Consequences of disrupting the instructional component of honey bee dance communication were investigated in eight temperate zone landscapes with different levels of spatiotemporal complexity. While nectar uptake of colonies was not affected, waggle dance communication significantly benefitted pollen harvest irrespective of landscape complexity. I suggest that this is explained by the fact that honey bees prefer to forage pollen in semi-natural habitats, which provide diverse resource species but are sparse and presumably hard to find in intensively managed agricultural landscapes. I conclude that waggle dance communication helps to ensure a sufficient and diverse pollen diet which is crucial for honey bee colony health. VI. In my PhD-project, I could show that honey bee colonies are able to adapt their activities to a seasonally and daily changing environment, which affects resource uptake, colony development, colony health and ultimately colony fitness. Ongoing global change, however, puts timing in honey bee colonies at risk. Climate change has the potential to cause mismatches with the local resource environment. Intensivation of agricultural management with decreased resource diversity and short resource peaks in spring followed by distinctive gaps increases the probability of mismatches. Even the highly efficient foraging system of honey bees might not ensure a sufficiently diverse and healthy diet in such an environment. The global introduction of the parasitic mite V. destructor and the increased exposure to pesticides in intensively managed landscapes further degrades honey bee colony health. This might lead to reduced cognitive capabilities in workers and impact the communication and social organization in colonies, thereby undermining the ability of honey bee colonies to adapt to their environment. N2 - I. Zeitliche Koordination ist äußerst wichtig für Organismen, die in einer variablen und sich wandelnden Umwelt leben. Komplexe Mechanismen, die das Messen von Zeit ermöglichen, sind weit verbreitet und wurden bei vielen Taxa aufgezeigt. Es wird generell angenommen, dass diese Mechanismen Fitnessvorteile verschaffen, indem sie es Organismen ermöglichen, Umweltveränderungen vorherzusehen und sich entsprechen anzupassen. Allerdings gibt es bisher nur sehr wenige Studien zum adaptiven Wert einer guten zeitlichen Koordination. Ziel dieses Dissertations-Projekts war es, Mechanismen der zeitlichen Koordination bei Honigbienen (Apis mellifera) zu erforschen und deren Bedeutung für die Fitness des Honigbienenvolks zu identifizieren. In Kapitel II präsentiere ich meine Studie über die Konsequenzen eines falsch gewählten Zeitpunkts für den Brutbeginn am Ende des Winters und der daraus folgenden gestörten Synchronisation zwischen der Phänologie von Honigbienenvölkern und der lokalen Umwelt. In einem Folgeexperiment wurde die Bedeutung von Umweltfaktoren für das Timing des Brutbeginns untersucht (Kapitel III). Die Studie in Kapitel IV zielt darauf ab, erstmalig den Beweis zu erbringen, dass Honigbienen das „Intervall time-place learning“, d.h. die Fähigkeit, Zeitintervalle zwischen Ereignissen zu lernen und mit deren räumlichen Lage zu assoziieren, beherrschen und, dass diese Fähigkeit beim Sammeln von Ressourcen vorteilhaft ist. Kapitel V untersucht die Fitnessvorteile, die aus dem Austausch von Informationen über ein raumzeitlich heterogenes Ressourcenumfeld zwischen Stockgenossinnen mit Hilfe des Schwänzeltanzes gezogen werden. II. In der Studie, die in Kapitel II präsentiert wird, wurde die Bedeutung des Brutbeginns als entscheidender Punkt für die Phänologie von Honigbienenvölkern in den gemäßigten Breiten untersucht. Honigbienenvölker wurden an zwei klimatisch unterschiedlichen Standorten überwintert. Indem ein Teil der Völker im Spätwinter zwischen den Standorten ausgetauscht wurde, wurde deren Brutbeginn manipuliert und dadurch die Phänologie bezüglich der lokalen Umwelt desynchronisiert. Das verzögern der Phänologie der Völker verminderte deren Fähigkeit die üppige Frühjahrsblüte zu nutzen. Ein früher Brutbeginn andererseits erhöhte die Belastung der Völker durch den Brutparasiten Varroa destructor im Verlauf der Saison, was sich negativ auf die Menge der Arbeiterinnen im Volk auswirkte. Es gibt also entscheidende gegensätzlich wirkende Faktoren, die den optimalen Zeitpunkt des Brutbeginns bestimmen. Die Studie zeigt zudem warum es wichtig ist, die möglichen Folgen des Klimawandels in einem multitrophischen System zu betrachten statt sich auf einfache Interaktionen zu beschränken. Man kann allgemein folgern, dass das Timing des Brutbeginns einen bedeutenden fitnessrelevanten Schritt in der Phänologie von Honigbienenvölkern darstellt, der stark von klimatischen Bedingungen im Spätwinter beeinflusst wird. Verschiebungen und Fehlanpassungen des Brutbeginns, und damit der Phänologie, durch den Klimawandel können ernsthafte negative Konsequenzen für die Fitness von Honigbienenvölkern haben. III. In Kapitel III beleuchte ich die Bedeutung der Umweltfaktoren Umgebungstemperatur und Photoperiode sowie der verstrichenen Zeit auf das Timing des Brutbeginns. Vierundzwanzig überwinternde Honigbienenvölker wurden in Klimakammern untergebracht und auf sechs unterschiedliche Kombinationen von Temperatur- und Lichtregimes verteilt. Der Brutbeginn wurde nicht-invasiv über den Temperaturverlauf auf der Wabe innerhalb der Wintertraube festgestellt. Das Experiment hat gezeigt, dass die Umgebungstemperatur eine entscheidende Rolle beim Timing des Brutbeginns spielt. Allerdings wurde die Reaktion der Völker auf einen Temperaturanstieg vom jeweils vorherrschenden Lichtregime beeinflusst. Zudem deuten die Daten auf die Beteiligung einer inneren Uhr hin. Ich folgere, dass das Timing des Brutbeginns durch ein komplexes System geregelt wird, das wahrscheinlich anfällig für Einflüsse durch den Klimawandel und insbesondere durch Warmwetterphasen im Winter ist. IV. In Kapitel IV meiner Dissertation wird eine Studie präsentiert, die untersucht ob Bienen die Befähigung zum „Intervall time-place learning“ besitzen und ob diese Fähigkeit die Sammeleffizienz in einem dynamischen Ressourcenumfeld verbessert. In einer Feldstudie mit künstlichen Futterquellen zeigten Sammelbienen, dass sie in der Lage waren, Zeitintervalle zu lernen und das Wissen zu nutzen, um die Zeiten vorherzusehen zu denen die Futterquellen aktiv waren. Dieses Lernverhalten ermöglichte es den Sammelbienen, ihre Nektaraufnahmerate zu steigern. Es wurde gefolgert, dass „Intervall time-place learning“ Sammelbienen dabei helfen kann, sich in einem Blühressourcenumfeld mit komplexen und variablen Zeitmustern zurechtzufinden. V. Diese Studie, die in Kapitel V präsentiert wird, untersuchte die Bedeutung der Schwänzeltanzkommunikation der Honigbienen für die raumzeitliche Koordination der Sammelaktivität des Volkes innerhalb eines Ressourcenumfelds, das täglich variieren kann. Die Folgen der Störung der instruktiven Komponenten des Schwänzeltanzes wurden in acht unterschiedlich komplex strukturierten Landschaften innerhalb der gemäßigten Breiten ermessen. Während kein Einfluss auf den Nektarsammelerfolg festgestellt werden konnte, wurde jedoch gezeigt, dass der Pollensammelerfolg, unabhängig von der raumzeitlichen Komplexität der Landschaft, stark von der Schwänzeltanzkommunikation profitiert. Der Grund dafür liegt vermutlich darin, dass Honigbienen vorzugsweise Pollen in halbnatürlichen Habitaten sammeln, die eine hohe Ressourcenvielfalt bieten, aber in intensiv agrarwirtschaftlich genutzten Landschaften eher selten und relativ schwer zu finden sind. Die Studie lässt schließen, dass die Schwänzeltanzkommunikation dabei hilft, eine ausreichende und diverse Pollenernährung zu gewährleisten und damit eine große Rolle für die Gesundheit von Honigbienenvölkern spielt. VI. Ich konnte in meinem Dissertationsprojekt zeigen, dass Honigbienen in der Lage sind ihre Aktivitäten an eine sich jahreszeitlich und täglich verändernde Umwelt anzupassen. Eine gute zeitliche Koordination hat Einfluss auf Sammelerfolg, Volksentwicklung, Gesundheit und letztlich auf die Fitness des Volkes. Allerdings gefährdet der voranschreitende globale Wandel die zeitliche Koordination der Honigbienenvölker. Der Klimawandel hat das Potenzial, zeitliche Anpassungen an die lokale Umwelt zu stören. Die Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft und der damit einhergehende Verlust von Pflanzenvielfalt sowie die kurzen Zeiträume von extrem hohem Ressourcenangebot, gefolgt von einer ausgeprägten Blühlücke, erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass zeitlich Fehlanpassungen auftreten. In einer derartigen Umwelt könnte selbst das höchst effiziente Ressourcensammelsystem der Honigbienen nicht mehr genügen, um eine ausreichende, vielfältige und gesunde Ernährung zu gewährleisten. Die globale Verbreitung der parasitischen Varroamilbe durch den Menschen und die erhöhte Belastung durch Pestizide verschlechtert zusätzlich den Gesundheitszustand der Honigbienen. Das wiederum kann sich negativ auf das Lernvermögen und des Weiteren auf die Kommunikation und soziale Organisation der Völker auswirken und dadurch deren Fähigkeit, sich an eine veränderliche Umwelt anzupassen unterwandern. KW - Biene KW - Phänologie KW - Kommunikation KW - Soziale Insekten KW - Apis mellifera KW - foraging KW - brood rearing KW - temperate zones KW - waggle dance KW - hibernation KW - climate change KW - varroa KW - Timing Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155105 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Christopher D., Pull A1 - Ugelvig, Line V. A1 - Wiesenhofer, Florian A1 - Anna V., Grasse A1 - Tragust, Simon A1 - Schmitt, Thomas A1 - Brown, Mark JF A1 - Cremer, Sylvia T1 - Destructive disinfection of infected brood prevents systemic disease spread in ant colonies JF - eLIFE N2 - In social groups, infections have the potential to spread rapidly and cause disease outbreaks. Here, we show that in a social insect, the ant Lasius neglectus, the negative consequences of fungal infections (Metarhizium brunneum) can be mitigated by employing an efficient multicomponent behaviour, termed destructive disinfection, which prevents further spread of the disease through the colony. Ants specifically target infected pupae during the pathogens non-contagious incubation period, utilising chemical 'sickness cues' emitted by pupae. They then remove the pupal cocoon, perforate its cuticle and administer antimicrobial poison, which enters the body and prevents pathogen replication from the inside out. Like the immune system of a metazoan body that specifically targets and eliminates infected cells, ants destroy infected brood to stop the pathogen completing its lifecycle, thus protecting the rest of the colony. Hence, in an analogous fashion, the same principles of disease defence apply at different levels of biological organisation. KW - division of labor KW - Fungal cell-walls KW - Leaf cutting ants KW - Metarhizium anisopliae KW - Beauveria bassiana Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-223728 VL - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Keller, Alexander A1 - Brandel, Annette A1 - Becker, Mira C. A1 - Balles, Rebecca A1 - Abdelmohsen, Usama Ramadan A1 - Ankenbrand, Markus J. A1 - Sickel, Wiebke T1 - Wild bees and their nests host Paenibacillus bacteria with functional potential of avail JF - Microbiome N2 - Background: In previous studies, the gram-positive firmicute genus Paenibacillus was found with significant abundances in nests of wild solitary bees. Paenibacillus larvae is well-known for beekeepers as a severe pathogen causing the fatal honey bee disease American foulbrood, and other members of the genus are either secondary invaders of European foulbrood or considered a threat to honey bees. We thus investigated whether Paenibacillus is a common bacterium associated with various wild bees and hence poses a latent threat to honey bees visiting the same flowers. Results: We collected 202 samples from 82 individuals or nests of 13 bee species at the same location and screened each for Paenibacillus using high-throughput sequencing-based 16S metabarcoding. We then isolated the identified strain Paenibacillus MBD-MB06 from a solitary bee nest and sequenced its genome. We did find conserved toxin genes and such encoding for chitin-binding proteins, yet none specifically related to foulbrood virulence or chitinases. Phylogenomic analysis revealed a closer relationship to strains of root-associated Paenibacillus rather than strains causing foulbrood or other accompanying diseases. We found anti-microbial evidence within the genome, confirmed by experimental bioassays with strong growth inhibition of selected fungi as well as gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Conclusions: The isolated wild bee associate Paenibacillus MBD-MB06 is a common, but irregularly occurring part of wild bee microbiomes, present on adult body surfaces and guts and within nests especially in megachilids. It was phylogenetically and functionally distinct from harmful members causing honey bee colony diseases, although it shared few conserved proteins putatively toxic to insects that might indicate ancestral predisposition for the evolution of insect pathogens within the group. By contrast, our strain showed anti-microbial capabilities and the genome further indicates abilities for chitin-binding and biofilm-forming, suggesting it is likely a useful associate to avoid fungal penetration of the bee cuticula and a beneficial inhabitant of nests to repress fungal threats in humid and nutrient-rich environments of wild bee nests. KW - 16S metabarcoding KW - American foulbrood KW - anti-microbial activit KW - bacterial genomics KW - bioassays KW - European foulbrood KW - Paenibacterin KW - phylogenomics KW - bee disease KW - pathogen vector Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177554 VL - 6 IS - 229 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ankenbrand, Markus Johannes T1 - Squeezing more information out of biological data - development and application of bioinformatic tools for ecology, evolution and genomics T1 - Mehr aus biologischen Daten herausholen - Entwicklung und Anwendung bioinformatischer Programme für Ökologie, Evolution und Genomik N2 - New experimental methods have drastically accelerated the pace and quantity at which biological data is generated. High-throughput DNA sequencing is one of the pivotal new technologies. It offers a number of novel applications in various fields of biology, including ecology, evolution, and genomics. However, together with those opportunities many new challenges arise. Specialized algorithms and software are required to cope with the amount of data, often requiring substantial training in bioinformatic methods. Another way to make those data accessible to non-bioinformaticians is the development of programs with intuitive user interfaces. In my thesis I developed analyses and programs to tackle current problems with high-throughput data in biology. In the field of ecology this covers the establishment of the bioinformatic workflow for pollen DNA meta-barcoding. Furthermore, I developed an application that facilitates the analysis of ecological communities in the context of their traits. Information from multiple public databases have been aggregated and can now be mapped automatically to existing community tables for interactive inspection. In evolution the new data are used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees from multiple genes. I developed the tool bcgTree to automate this process for bacteria. Many plant genomes have been sequenced in current years. Sequencing reads of those projects also contain data from the chloroplasts. The tool chloroExtractor supports the targeted extraction and analysis of the chloroplast genome. To compare the structure of multiple genomes specialized software is required for calculation and visualization of the relationships. I developed AliTV to address this. In contrast to existing programs for this task it allows interactive adjustments of produced graphics. Thus, facilitating the discovery of biologically relevant information. Another application I developed helps to analyze transcriptomes even if no reference genome is present. This is achieved by aggregating the different pieces of information, like functional annotation and expression level, for each transcript in a web platform. Scientists can then search, filter, subset, and visualize the transcriptome. Together the methods and tools expedite insights into biological systems that were not possible before. N2 - Neue experimentelle Methoden haben die Geschwindigkeit und Masse, in der biologische Daten generiert werden, in den letzten Jahren enorm gesteigert. Eine zentrale neue Technologie ist die Hochdurchsatzsequenzierung von DNA. Diese Technik eröffnet eine ganze Reihe Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in vielen Bereichen der Biologie, einschließlich der Ökologie, Evolution und Genomik. Neben den neuen Möglichkeiten treten jedoch auch neue Herausforderungen auf. So bedarf es spezialisierter Algorithmen und Computerprogramme, um mit der Masse an Daten umgehen zu können. Diese erfordern in der Regel ein fundiertes Training in bioinformatischen Methoden. Ein Weg, die Daten auch Wissenschaftlern ohne diesen Hintergrund zugänglich zu machen ist die Entwicklung von Programmen, die sich intuitiv bedienen lassen. In meiner Doktorarbeit habe ich Analysen und Programme entwickelt, um einige aktuelle Probleme mit Hochdurchsatzdaten in der Biologie zu lösen. Im Bereich der Ökologie umfasst das die Etablierung der bioinformatischen Methode, um Pollen DNA Metabarcoding durchzuführen. Darüberhinaus habe ich eine Anwendung entwickelt, die es ermöglicht Artgemeinschaften im Kontext ihrer Eigenschaften zu erforschen. Dazu wurden Informationen aus diversen öffentlichen Datenbanken zusammen getragen. Diese können nun automatisch auf bestehende Projekte übertragen und interaktiv analysiert werden. Im Bereich der Evolution ermöglichen die neuen Daten phylogenetische Berechnungen mit multiplen Genen durchzuführen. Um dies für Bakterien zu automatisieren habe ich das Programm bcgTree entwickelt. In den letzten Jahren wurden viele pflanzliche Genome sequenziert. Die Sequenzdaten des pflanzlichen Genoms enthalten auch die des Chloroplasten. Das Programm chloroExtractor unterstützt die gezielte Analyse des Chloroplasten Genoms. Um jedoch die Struktur mehrerer Genome miteinander vergleichen zu können, wird spezielle Software benötigt, die den Vergleich berechnen und visuell darstellen kann. Daher habe ich das Programm AliTV entwickelt. Im Gegensatz zu bestehenden Programmen erlaubt AliTV interaktive Anpassungen der erzeugten Grafik. Das erleichtert es die relevanten Informationen zu finden. Ein weiteres von mir entwickeltes Programm hilft dabei Transkriptom Daten zu analysieren, auch wenn kein Referenzgenom vorliegt. Dazu werden Informationen zu jedem Transkript, z.B. Funktion und Expressionslevel, in einer Webanwendung aggregiert. Forscher können diese durchsuchen, filtern und graphisch darstellen. Zusammen eröffnen die entwickelten Methoden und Programme die Möglichkeit, Erkenntnisse über biologische Systeme zu erlangen, die bislang nicht möglich waren. KW - bioinformatics KW - research software KW - ecology KW - evolution KW - genomics Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-156344 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ranger, Christopher M. A1 - Biedermann, Peter HW A1 - Phuntumart, Vipaporn A1 - Beligala, Gayathri U. A1 - Ghosh, Satyaki A1 - Palmquist, Debra E. A1 - Mueller, Robert A1 - Barnett, Jenny A1 - Schultz, Peter B. A1 - Reding, Michael E. A1 - Benz, J. Philipp T1 - Symbiont selection via alcohol benefits fungus farming by ambrosia beetles JF - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences N2 - Animal-microbe mutualisms are typically maintained by vertical symbiont transmission or partner choice. A third mechanism, screening of high-quality symbionts, has been predicted in theory, but empirical examples are rare. Here we demonstrate that ambrosia beetles rely on ethanol within host trees for promoting gardens of their fungal symbiont and producing offspring. Ethanol has long been known as the main attractant for many of these fungus-farming beetles as they select host trees in which they excavate tunnels and cultivate fungal gardens. More than 300 attacks by Xylosandrus germanus and other species were triggered by baiting trees with ethanol lures, but none of the foundresses established fungal gardens or produced broods unless tree tissues contained in vivo ethanol resulting from irrigation with ethanol solutions. More X. germanus brood were also produced in a rearing substrate containing ethanol. These benefits are a result of increased food supply via the positive effects of ethanol on food-fungus biomass. Selected Ambrosiella and Raffaelea fungal isolates from ethanol-responsive ambrosia beetles profited directly and indirectly by (i) a higher biomass on medium containing ethanol, (ii) strong alcohol dehydrogenase enzymatic activity, and (iii) a competitive advantage over weedy fungal garden competitors (Aspergillus, Penicillium) that are inhibited by ethanol. As ambrosia fungi both detoxify and produce ethanol, they may maintain the selectivity of their alcohol-rich habitat for their own purpose and that of other ethanol-resistant/producing microbes. This resembles biological screening of beneficial symbionts and a potentially widespread, unstudied benefit of alcohol-producing symbionts (e.g., yeasts) in other microbial symbioses. KW - fungus-farming insects KW - plant-insect-microbe interactions KW - symbiosis KW - insect-fungus mutualism KW - host screening Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224953 VL - 115 IS - 17 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Batzke, Katharina A1 - Büchel, Gabriele A1 - Hansen, Wiebke A1 - Schramm, Alexander T1 - TrkB-target Galectin-1 impairs immune activation and radiation responses in neuroblastoma: implications for tumour therapy JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Galectin-1 (Gal-1) has been described to promote tumour growth by inducing angiogenesis and to contribute to the tumour immune escape. We had previously identified up-regulation of Gal-1 in preclinical models of aggressive neuroblastoma (NB), the most common extracranial tumour of childhood. While Gal-1 did not confer a survival advantage in the absence of exogenous stressors, Gal-1 contributed to enhanced cell migratory and invasive properties. Here, we review these findings and extend them by analyzing Gal-1 mediated effects on immune cell regulation and radiation resistance. In line with previous results, cell autonomous effects as well as paracrine functions contribute to Gal-1 mediated pro-tumourigenic functions. Interfering with Gal-1 functions in vivo will add to a better understanding of the role of the Gal-1 axis in the complex tumour-host interaction during immune-, chemo- and radiotherapy of neuroblastoma. KW - Galectin-1 KW - radiation response KW - neuroblastoma Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-285097 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 19 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ribitsch, Iris A1 - Peham, Christian A1 - Ade, Nicole A1 - Duerr, Julia A1 - Handschuh, Stephan A1 - Schramel, Johannes Peter A1 - Vogl, Claus A1 - Walles, Heike A1 - Egerbacher, Monika A1 - Jenner, Florian T1 - Structure-Function relationships of equine menisci JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Meniscal pathologies are among the most common injuries of the femorotibial joint in both human and equine patients. Pathological forces and ensuing injuries of the cranial horn of the equine medial meniscus are considered analogous to those observed in the human posterior medial horn. Biomechanical properties of human menisci are site-and depth-specific. However, the influence of equine meniscus topography and composition on its biomechanical properties is yet unknown. A better understanding of equine meniscus composition and biomechanics could advance not only veterinary therapies for meniscus degeneration or injuries, but also further substantiate the horse as suitable translational animal model for (human) meniscus tissue engineering. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the composition and structure of the equine knee meniscus in a site-and age-specific manner and their relationship with potential site-specific biomechanical properties. The meniscus architecture was investigated histologically. Biomechanical testing included evaluation of the shore hardness (SH), stiffness and energy loss of the menisci. The SH was found to be subjected to both age and site-specific changes, with an overall higher SH of the tibial meniscus surface and increase in SH with age. Stiffness and energy loss showed neither site nor age related significant differences. The macroscopic and histologic similarities between equine and human menisci described in this study, support continued research in this field. KW - Human Medial Meniscus KW - Articular-Cartilage KW - Biomechanical Properties KW - Compressive Properties KW - Human Knee KW - Collagen KW - Injuries KW - Models KW - Repair KW - Osteoarthritis Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225214 VL - 13 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheib, Ulrike A1 - Broser, Matthias A1 - Constantin, Oana M. A1 - Yang, Shang A1 - Gao, Shiqiang A1 - Mukherjee, Shatanik A1 - Stehfest, Katja A1 - Nagel, Georg A1 - Gee, Christine E. A1 - Hegemann, Peter T1 - Rhodopsin-cyclases for photocontrol of cGMP/cAMP and 2.3 Å structure of the adenylyl cyclase domain JF - Nature Communications N2 - The cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP are important second messengers that orchestrate fundamental cellular responses. Here, we present the characterization of the rhodopsinguanylyl cyclase from Catenaria anguillulae (CaRhGC), which produces cGMP in response to green light with a light to dark activity ratio > 1000. After light excitation the putative signaling state forms with tau = 31 ms and decays with tau = 570 ms. Mutations (up to 6) within the nucleotide binding site generate rhodopsin-adenylyl cyclases (CaRhACs) of which the double mutated YFP-CaRhAC (E497K/C566D) is the most suitable for rapid cAMP production in neurons. Furthermore, the crystal structure of the ligand-bound AC domain (2.25 angstrom) reveals detailed information about the nucleotide binding mode within this recently discovered class of enzyme rhodopsin. Both YFP-CaRhGC and YFP-CaRhAC are favorable optogenetic tools for non-invasive, cell-selective, and spatio-temporally precise modulation of cAMP/cGMP with light. KW - Enzymes KW - Molecular biophysics KW - Molecular neuroscience KW - X-ray crystallography Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228517 VL - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rat, Charlotte A1 - Heiby, Julia C. A1 - Bunz, Jessica P. A1 - Neuweiler, Hannes T1 - Two-step self-assembly of a spider silk molecular clamp JF - Nature Communications N2 - Web spiders synthesize silk fibers of unique strength and extensibility through the controlled self-assembly of protein building blocks, so-called spidroins. The spidroin C-terminal domain is highly conserved and connects two polypeptide chains through formation of an all-helical, intertwined dimer. Here we use contact-induced fluorescence self-quenching and resonance energy transfer in combination with far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy as three orthogonal structural probes to dissect the mechanism of folding and dimerization of a spidroin C-terminal domain from the major ampullate gland of the nursery web spider Euprosthenops australis. We show that helices forming the dimer core assemble very rapidly and fold on association. Subsequently, peripheral helices fold and dock slowly onto the preformed core. Lability of outer helices facilitates formation of a highly expanded, partially folded dimer. The high end-to-end distance of chain termini in the partially folded dimer suggests an extensibility module that contributes to elasticity of spider silk. KW - Circular dichroism KW - Fluorescence spectroscopy KW - Biokinetics Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225016 VL - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Reis, Helena A1 - Schwebs, Marie A1 - Dietz, Sabrina A1 - Janzen, Christian J. A1 - Butter, Falk T1 - TelAP1 links telomere complexes with developmental expression site silencing in African trypanosomes JF - Nucleic Acids Research N2 - During its life cycle, Trypanosoma brucei shuttles between a mammalian host and the tsetse fly vector. In the mammalian host, immune evasion of T. brucei bloodstream form (BSF) cells relies on antigenic variation, which includes monoallelic expression and periodic switching of variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) genes. The active VSG is transcribed from only 1 of the 15 subtelomeric expression sites (ESs). During differentiation from BSF to the insect-resident procyclic form (PCF), the active ES is transcriptionally silenced. We used mass spectrometry-based interactomics to determine the composition of telomere protein complexes in T. brucei BSF and PCF stages to learn more about the structure and functions of telomeres in trypanosomes. Our data suggest a different telomere complex composition in the two forms of the parasite. One of the novel telomere-associated proteins, TelAP1, forms a complex with telomeric proteins TbTRF, TbRAP1 and TbTIF2 and influences ES silencing kinetics during developmental differentiation. KW - Gene Regulation KW - Chromatin and Epigenetics Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225180 VL - 46 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schenk, Mariela A1 - Mitesser, Oliver A1 - Hovestadt, Thomas A1 - Holzschuh, Andrea T1 - Overwintering temperature and body condition shift emergence dates of spring-emerging solitary bees JF - PeerJ N2 - Solitary bees in seasonal environments must align their life-cycles with favorable environmental conditions and resources; the timing of their emergence is highly fitness relevant. In several bee species, overwintering temperature influences both emergence date and body weight at emergence. High variability in emergence dates among specimens overwintering at the same temperatures suggests that the timing of emergence also depends on individual body conditions. However, possible causes for this variability, such as individual differences in body size or weight, have been rarely studied. In a climate chamber experiment using two spring-emerging mason bees (Osmia cornuta and O. bicornis), we investigated the relationship between temperature, emergence date, body weight, and body size, the last of which is not affected by overwintering temperature. Our study showed that body weight declined during hibernation more strongly in warm than in cold overwintering temperatures. Although bees emerged earlier in warm than in cold overwintering temperatures, at the time of emergence, bees in warm overwintering temperatures had lower body weights than bees in cold overwintering temperatures (exception of male O. cornuta). Among specimens that experienced the same overwintering temperatures, small and light bees emerged later than their larger and heavier conspecifics. Using a simple mechanistic model we demonstrated that spring-emerging solitary bees use a strategic approach and emerge at a date that is most promising for their individual fitness expectations. Our results suggest that warmer overwintering temperatures reduce bee fitness by causing a decrease in body weight at emergence. We showed furthermore that in order to adjust their emergence dates, bees use not only temperature but also their individual body condition as triggers. This may explain differing responses to climate warming within and among bee populations and may have consequences for bee-plant interactions as well as for the persistence of bee populations under climate change. KW - Wild bees KW - Timing KW - Fitness KW - Hibernation KW - Climate change KW - Mechanistic model KW - Osmia KW - Body weight KW - Body size KW - Pollinators Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228544 VL - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Nadella, Vinod A1 - Mohanty, Aparna A1 - Sharma, Lalita A1 - Yellaboina, Sailu A1 - Mollenkopf, Hans-Joachim A1 - Mazumdar, Varadendra Balaji A1 - Palaparthi, Ramesh A1 - Mylavarapu, Madhavi B. A1 - Maurya, Radheshyam A1 - Kurukuti, Sreenivasulu A1 - Rudel, Thomas A1 - Prakash, Hridayesh T1 - Inhibitors of Apoptosis Protein Antagonists (Smac Mimetic Compounds) Control Polarization of Macrophages during Microbial Challenge and Sterile Inflammatory Responses JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - Apoptosis is a physiological cell death process essential for development, tissue homeostasis, and for immune defense of multicellular animals. Inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) regulate apoptosis in response to various cellular assaults. Using both genetic and pharmacological approaches we demonstrate here that the IAPs not only support opportunistic survival of intracellular human pathogens like Chlamydia pneumoniae but also control plasticity of iNOS+ M1 macrophage during the course of infection and render them refractory for immune stimulation. Treatment of Th1 primed macrophages with birinapant (IAP-specific antagonist) inhibited NO generation and relevant proteins involved in innate immune signaling. Accordingly, birinapant promoted hypoxia, angiogenesis, and tumor-induced M2 polarization of iNOS+ M1 macrophages. Interestingly, birinapant-driven changes in immune signaling were accompanied with changes in the expression of various proteins involved in the metabolism, and thus revealing the new role of IAPs in immune metabolic reprogramming in committed macrophages. Taken together, our study reveals the significance of IAP targeting approaches (Smac mimetic compounds) for the management of infectious and inflammatory diseases relying on macrophage plasticity. KW - apoptosis KW - macrophages immunobiology KW - inflammation mediators KW - polarization KW - infection KW - hypothalamus Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197484 SN - 1664-3224 VL - 8 IS - 1792 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bencurova, Elena A1 - Gupta, Shishir K. A1 - Sarukhanyan, Edita A1 - Dandekar, Thomas T1 - Identification of antifungal targets based on computer modeling JF - Journal of Fungi N2 - Aspergillus fumigatus is a saprophytic, cosmopolitan fungus that attacks patients with a weak immune system. A rational solution against fungal infection aims to manipulate fungal metabolism or to block enzymes essential for Aspergillus survival. Here we discuss and compare different bioinformatics approaches to analyze possible targeting strategies on fungal-unique pathways. For instance, phylogenetic analysis reveals fungal targets, while domain analysis allows us to spot minor differences in protein composition between the host and fungi. Moreover, protein networks between host and fungi can be systematically compared by looking at orthologs and exploiting information from host–pathogen interaction databases. Further data—such as knowledge of a three-dimensional structure, gene expression data, or information from calculated metabolic fluxes—refine the search and rapidly put a focus on the best targets for antimycotics. We analyzed several of the best targets for application to structure-based drug design. Finally, we discuss general advantages and limitations in identification of unique fungal pathways and protein targets when applying bioinformatics tools. KW - Aspergillus KW - metabolic pathways KW - computational modelling KW - drug design Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197670 SN - 2309-608X VL - 4 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Prusty, Bhupesh K. A1 - Chowdhury, Suvagata R. A1 - Gulve, Nitish A1 - Rudel, Thomas T1 - Peptidase Inhibitor 15 (PI15) Regulates Chlamydial CPAF Activity JF - Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology N2 - Obligate intracellular pathogenic Chlamydia trachomatis express several serine proteases whose roles in chlamydial development and pathogenicity are not completely understood. The chlamydial protease CPAF is expressed during the replicative phase of the chlamydial developmental cycle and is secreted into the lumen of the Chlamydia-containing vacuole called inclusion. How the secreted protease is activated in the inclusion lumen is currently not fully understood. We have identified human serine peptidase inhibitor PI15 as a potential host factor involved in the regulation of CPAF activation. Silencing expression as well as over expression of PI15 affected normal development of Chlamydia. PI15 was transported into the chlamydial inclusion lumen where it co-localized with CPAF aggregates. We show that PI15 binds to the CPAF zymogen and potentially induces CPAF protease activity at low concentrations. However, at high concentrations PI15 inhibits CPAF activity possibly by blocking its protease domain. Our findings shed light on a new aspect of chlamydial host co-evolution which involves the recruitment of host cell proteins into the inclusion to control the activation of bacterial proteases like CPAF that are important for the normal development of Chlamydia. KW - chlamydia KW - CPAF activation KW - peptidase inhibitor PI15 KW - chlamydial inclusion KW - chlamydia serine proteases Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-196918 SN - 2235-2988 VL - 8 IS - 183 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Buellesbach, Jan A1 - Vetter, Sebastian G. A1 - Schmitt, Thomas T1 - Differences in the reliance on cuticular hydrocarbons as sexual signaling and species discrimination cues in parasitoid wasps JF - Frontiers in Zoology N2 - Background Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) have been documented to play crucial roles as species- and sex-specific cues in the chemical communication systems of a wide variety of insects. However, whether they are sufficient by themselves as the sole cue triggering sexual behavior as well as preference of con- over heterospecific mating partners is rarely assessed. We conducted behavioral assays in three representative species of parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to determine their reliance on CHC as species-specific sexual signaling cues. Results We found a surprising degree of either unspecific or insufficient sexual signaling when CHC are singled out as recognition cues. Most strikingly, the cosmopolitan species Nasonia vitripennis, expected to experience enhanced selection pressure to discriminate against other co-occurring parasitoids, did not discriminate against CHC of a partially sympatric species from another genus, Trichomalopsis sarcophagae. Focusing on the latter species, in turn, it became apparent that CHC are even insufficient as the sole cue triggering conspecific sexual behavior, hinting at the requirement of additional, synergistic sexual cues particularly important in this species. Finally, in the phylogenetically and chemically most divergent species Muscidifurax uniraptor, we intriguingly found both CHC-based sexual signaling as well as species discrimination behavior intact although this species is naturally parthenogenetic with sexual reproduction only occurring under laboratory conditions. Conclusions Our findings implicate a discrepancy in the reliance on and specificity of CHC as sexual cues in our tested parasitioid wasps. CHC profiles were not sufficient for unambiguous discrimination and preference behavior, as demonstrated by clear cross-attraction between some of our tested wasp genera. Moreover, we could show that only in T. sarcophagae, additional behavioral cues need to be present for triggering natural mating behavior, hinting at an interesting shift in signaling hierarchy in this particular species. This demonstrates the importance of integrating multiple, potentially complementary signaling modalities in future studies for a better understanding of their individual contributions to natural sexual communication behavior. KW - chemical communication KW - assortative mating KW - mate recognition KW - prezygotic reproductive isolation KW - speciation KW - Nasonia KW - Trichomalopsis KW - Muscidifurax KW - Pteromalidae KW - Hymenoptera Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221702 VL - 15 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bartmann, Catharina A1 - Janaki Raman, Sudha R. A1 - Flöter, Jessica A1 - Schulze, Almut A1 - Bahlke, Katrin A1 - Willingstorfer, Jana A1 - Strunz, Maria A1 - Wöckel, Achim A1 - Klement, Rainer J. A1 - Kapp, Michaela A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. A1 - Otto, Christoph A1 - Kämmerer, Ulrike T1 - Beta-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) can influence the energetic phenotype of breast cancer cells, but does not impact their proliferation and the response to chemotherapy or radiation JF - Cancer & Metabolism N2 - Background: Ketogenic diets (KDs) or short-term fasting are popular trends amongst supportive approaches for cancer patients. Beta-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) is the main physiological ketone body, whose concentration can reach plasma levels of 2–6 mM during KDs or fasting. The impact of 3-OHB on the biology of tumor cells described so far is contradictory. Therefore, we investigated the effect of a physiological concentration of 3 mM 3-OHB on metabolism, proliferation, and viability of breast cancer (BC) cells in vitro. Methods: Seven different human BC cell lines (BT20, BT474, HBL100, MCF-7, MDA-MB 231, MDA-MB 468, and T47D) were cultured in medium with 5 mM glucose in the presence of 3 mM 3-OHB at mild hypoxia (5% oxygen) or normoxia (21% oxygen). Metabolic profiling was performed by quantification of the turnover of glucose, lactate, and 3-OHB and by Seahorse metabolic flux analysis. Expression of key enzymes of ketolysis as well as the main monocarboxylic acid transporter MCT2 and the glucose-transporter GLUT1 was analyzed by RT-qPCR and Western blotting. The effect of 3-OHB on short- and long-term cell proliferation as well as chemo- and radiosensitivity were also analyzed. Results: 3-OHB significantly changed the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) in BT20 cells resulting in a more oxidative energetic phenotype. MCF-7 and MDA-MB 468 cells had increased ECAR only in response to 3-OHB, while the other three cell types remained uninfluenced. All cells expressed MCT2 and GLUT1, thus being able to uptake the metabolites. The consumption of 3-OHB was not strongly linked to mRNA overexpression of key enzymes of ketolysis and did not correlate with lactate production and glucose consumption. Neither 3-OHB nor acetoacetate did interfere with proliferation. Further, 3-OHB incubation did not modify the response of the tested BC cell lines to chemotherapy or radiation. Conclusions: We found that a physiological level of 3-OHB can change the energetic profile of some BC cell lines. However, 3-OHB failed to influence different biologic processes in these cells, e.g., cell proliferation and the response to common breast cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Thus, we have no evidence that 3-OHB generally influences the biology of breast cancer cells in vitro. KW - ketogenic diet KW - β-Hydroxybutyrate KW - ketone bodies KW - breast cancer KW - seahorse KW - metabolic profile KW - chemotherapy KW - ionizing radiation Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175607 VL - 6 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Beck, Katherina A1 - Hovhanyan, Anna A1 - Menegazzi, Pamela A1 - Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte A1 - Raabe, Thomas T1 - Drosophila RSK Influences the Pace of the Circadian Clock by Negative Regulation of Protein Kinase Shaggy Activity JF - Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience N2 - Endogenous molecular circadian clocks drive daily rhythmic changes at the cellular, physiological, and behavioral level for adaptation to and anticipation of environmental signals. The core molecular system consists of autoregulatory feedback loops, where clock proteins inhibit their own transcription. A complex and not fully understood interplay of regulatory proteins influences activity, localization and stability of clock proteins to set the pace of the clock. This study focuses on the molecular function of Ribosomal S6 Kinase (RSK) in the Drosophila melanogaster circadian clock. Mutations in the human rsk2 gene cause Coffin–Lowry syndrome, which is associated with severe mental disabilities. Knock-out studies with Drosophila ortholog rsk uncovered functions in synaptic processes, axonal transport and adult behavior including associative learning and circadian activity. However, the molecular targets of RSK remain elusive. Our experiments provide evidence that RSK acts in the key pace maker neurons as a negative regulator of Shaggy (SGG) kinase activity, which in turn determines timely nuclear entry of the clock proteins Period and Timeless to close the negative feedback loop. Phosphorylation of serine 9 in SGG is mediated by the C-terminal kinase domain of RSK, which is in agreement with previous genetic studies of RSK in the circadian clock but argues against the prevailing view that only the N-terminal kinase domain of RSK proteins carries the effector function. Our data provide a mechanistic explanation how RSK influences the molecular clock and imply SGG S9 phosphorylation by RSK and other kinases as a convergence point for diverse cellular and external stimuli. KW - circadian clock KW - Period KW - Timeless KW - Shaggy kinase KW - RSK KW - Coffin–Lowry syndrome Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-196034 SN - 1662-5099 VL - 11 IS - 122 ER - TY - THES A1 - Bemm, Felix Mathias T1 - Genetic foundation of unrivaled survival strategies - Of water bears and carnivorous plants - T1 - Genetische Grundlagen einzigartiger Überlebensstrategien - Über Bärtierchen und fleischfressende Pflanzen - N2 - All living organisms leverage mechanisms and response systems to optimize reproduction, defense, survival, and competitiveness within their natural habitat. Evolutionary theories such as the universal adaptive strategy theory (UAST) developed by John Philip Grime (1979) attempt to describe how these systems are limited by the trade-off between growth, maintenance and regeneration; known as the universal three-way trade-off. Grime introduced three adaptive strategies that enable organisms to coop with either high or low intensities of stress (e.g., nutrient deficiency) and environmental disturbance (e.g., seasons). The competitor is able to outcompete other organisms by efficiently tapping available resources in environments of low intensity stress and disturbance (e.g., rapid growers). A ruderal specism is able to rapidly complete the life cycle especially during high intensity disturbance and low intensity stress (e.g., annual colonizers). The stress tolerator is able to respond to high intensity stress with physiological variability but is limited to low intensity disturbance environments. Carnivorous plants like D. muscipula and tardigrades like M. tardigradum are two extreme examples for such stress tolerators. D. muscipula traps insects in its native habitat (green swamps in North and South Carolina) with specialized leaves and thereby is able to tolerate nutrient deficient soils. M. tardigradum on the other side, is able to escape desiccation of its terrestrial habitat like mosses and lichens which are usually covered by a water film but regularly fall completely dry. The stress tolerance of the two species is the central study object of this thesis. In both cases, high througput sequencing data and methods were used to test for transcriptomic (D. muscipula) or genomic adaptations (M. tardigradum) which underly the stress tolerance. A new hardware resource including computing cluster and high availability storage system was implemented in the first months of the thesis work to effectively analyze the vast amounts of data generated for both projects. Side-by-side, the data management resource TBro [14] was established together with students to intuitively approach complex biological questions and enhance collaboration between researchers of several different disciplines. Thereafter, the unique trapping abilities of D. muscipula were studied using a whole transcriptome approach. Prey-dependent changes of the transcriptional landscape as well as individual tissue-specific aspects of the whole plant were studied. The analysis revealed that non-stimulated traps of D. muscipula exhibit the expected hallmarks of any typical leaf but operates evolutionary conserved stress-related pathways including defense-associated responses when digesting prey. An integrative approach, combining proteome and transcriptome data further enabled the detailed description of the digestive cocktail and the potential nutrient uptake machinery of the plant. The published work [25] as well as a accompanying video material (https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/ 2016-05/cshl-fgr042816.php; Video credit: Sönke Scherzer) gained global press coverage and successfully underlined the advantages of D. muscipula as experimental system to understand the carnivorous syndrome. The analysis of the peculiar stress tolerance of M. tardigradum during cryptobiosis was carried out using a genomic approach. First, the genome size of M. tardigradum was estimated, the genome sequenced, assembled and annotated. The first draft of M. tardigradum and the workflow used to established its genome draft helped scrutinizing the first ever released tardigrade genome (Hypsibius dujardini) and demonstrated how (bacterial) contamination can influence whole genome analysis efforts [27]. Finally, the M. tardigradum genome was compared to two other tardigrades and all species present in the current release of the Ensembl Metazoa database. The analysis revealed that tardigrade genomes are not that different from those of other Ecdysozoa. The availability of the three genomes allowed the delineation of their phylogenetic position within the Ecdysozoa and placed them as sister taxa to the nematodes. Thereby, the comparative analysis helped to identify evolutionary trends within this metazoan lineage. Surprisingly, the analysis did not reveal general mechanisms (shared by all available tardigrade genomes) behind the arguably most peculiar feature of tardigrades; their enormous stress tolerance. The lack of molecular evidence for individual tardigrade species (e.g., gene expression data for M. tardigradum) and the non-existence of a universal experimental framework which enables hypothesis testing withing the whole phylum Tardigrada, made it nearly impossible to link footprints of genomic adaptations to the unusual physiological capabilities. Nevertheless, the (comparative) genomic framework established during this project will help to understand how evolution tinkered, rewired and modified existing molecular systems to shape the remarkable phenotypic features of tardigrades. N2 - Alle lebenden Organismen verwenden Mechanismen und Rückkopplungssysteme um Reproduktion, Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit, Abwehreffizienz und Konkurrenzfähigkeit in ihrem natürlichen Habitat zu optimieren. Evolutionäre Theorien, wie die von John Philip Grime (1979) entwickelte „universal adaptive strategy theory“ (UAST), versuchen zu beschreiben wie diese Systeme durch eine Balance zwischen Wachstum, Erhaltung und Regeneration, auch gemeinhin bekannt als universeller Dreiwege-Ausgleich, des jeweiligen Organismus limitiert sind. Grime führte dazu drei adaptive Strategien ein, die es Organismen ermöglicht sich an hohe oder niedrige Stress-Intensitäten (z.B. Nahrungsknappheit) oder umweltbedingte Beeinträchtigung (z.B. Jahreszeiten) anzupassen. Der Wettkämpfer ist in der Lage seine Konkurrenz durch eine effiziente Ressourcengewinnung zu überflügeln und ist vor allem bei niedrigem Stresslevel und minimalen umweltbedingten Beeinträchtigungen effizient (z. B. schnelles Wachstum). Ruderale Organismen hingegen durchlaufen den Leben- szyklus in kurzer Zeit und sind damit perfekt an starke umweltbedingte Beeinträchtigungen, wie zum Beispiel Jahreszeiten, angepasst. Allerdings können auch sie nur bei niedrigen Stresslevel effizient wachsen. Die letzte Gruppe von Organismen, die Stresstoleranten sind in der Lage sich an hohen Stressintensitäten mithilfe extremer physiologischer Variabilität anzupassen, können das allerdings nur in Umgebungen mit niedrigen umweltbedingten Beeinträchtigungen. Fleischfressende Pflanzen wie die Venusfliegenfalle (D. muscipula) oder Bärtierchen (M. tardigradum) sind zwei herausragende Beispiele für stresstolerante Organismen. Die Venusfliegenfalle ist in der Lage Insekten mit spezialisierten Blätter, welche eine einzigartige Falle bilden, zu fangen. Die Pflanze kompensiert so die stark verminderte Mengen an wichtigen Makronährstoffen (z.B. Stickstoff) in den Sümpfen von Nord- und Süd-Carolina. Bärtierchen dagegen sind in der Lage in schnell austrocknenden Habitaten wie Moosen oder Flechten, die normalerweise mit einem Wasserfilm überzogen sind, durch eine gesteuerte Entwässerung ihres Körpers zu überleben. Die Stresstoleranz beider Spezies ist zentraler Forschungsschwerpunkt dieser Dissertation. In beiden Fällen wer- den Hochdurchsatz-Methoden zur Sequenzierung verwendet um genomische (Bärtierchen) sowie transkriptomische (Venusfliegenfalle) Anpassungen zu identifizieren, die der enorem Stresstoleranz zugrunde liegen. Um den erhöhten technischen Anforderungen der Datenanal- ysen beider Projekte Rechnung zu tragen wurde in den ersten Monaten der Dissertation eine neue zentrale Rechenumgebung und ein dazugehöriges Speichersystem etabliert. Parallel wurde die Datenmanagementplattform TBro [14] zusammen mit Studenten aufgesetzt, um komplexe biologische Fragestellung mit einem fachübergreifendem Kollegium zu bearbeiten. Danach wurden die einzigartigen Fangfähigkeiten der Venusfliegenfalle mittels einem tran- skriptomischen Ansatz untersucht. Vor allem wurden transkriptionelle Änderungen infolge eines Beutefangs sowie gewebespezifische Aspekte der ruhenden Pflanzen untersucht. Die Analyse zeigte deutlich, dass die Fallen der fleischfressenden Pflanze immer noch Merkmale von typischen „grünen“ Blättern aufweisen. Während des Beutefangs und -verdauens jedoch wird eine Vielzahl an evolutionär konservierten Systemen aktiviert, die bisher nur mit Stres- santworten und zellulärer Verteidigung in Verbindung gebracht worden sind. Die Integration von proteomischen und transkriptomischen Hochdurchsatzdaten ermöglichte es zudem den Verdauungssaft der Venusfliegenfalle genaustens zu beschreiben und wichtige Komponenten der Aufnahmemaschinerie zu identifizieren. Die wissenschaftliche Arbeit [25] und das beglei- tende Videomaterial (https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-05/cshl-fgr042816.php; Video credit: Sönke Scherzer) erfreute sich einer breiten Berichterstattung in den Medien und unterstreicht die Vorteile der Venusfliegenfalle als experimentelles System um fleis- chfressende Pflanzen besser zu verstehen. Die genomische Analyse des Bärtierchen (M. tardigradum) zielte auf die außerordentliche Stresstoleranz, vor allem auf die Kryptobiose, einen Zustand in dem Stoffwechselvorgänge extrem reduziert sind, ab. Dazu wurden das komplette genetische Erbgut (Genom) entschlüsselt. Die Größe des Genomes wurde bes- timmt und das Erbgut mittels Sequenzierung entschlüsselt. Die gewonnenen Daten wurden zu einer kontinuierlichen Sequenz zusammengesetzt und Gene identifiziert. Der dabei etablierte Arbeitsablauf wurde verwendet um ein weiteres Bärtierchengenom genau zu überprüfen. Im Rahmen dieser Analyse stellte sich heraus, dass eine große Anzahl an Kontaminationen im Genom von H. dujardini vorhanden sind [27]. Das neu etablierte Genom von M. tardigradum wurde im folgenden verwendet um einen speziesübergreifenden Vergleich dreier Bärtierchen und aller Spezies aus der Metazoadatenbank von Ensembl durchzuführen. Die Analyse zeigte, dass Bärtierchengenome sehr viel Ähnlichkeit zu den bereits veröffentlichten Genomen aus dem Überstamm der Urmünder (Protostomia) aufweisen. Die erstmalige Verfügbarkeit aller Bärtierchengenome ermöglichte es zudem, das Phylum der Bärtierchen als Schwester der Nematoden mittels einer phylogenomische Analyse zu platzieren. Die vergleichende Anal- yse identifizierte außerdem zentrale evolutionäre Trends, vor allem einen enormen Verlust an Genen in dieser Linie der Metazoa. Die Analyse ermöglichte es aber nicht, generelle Mechanismen, die zur enormen Stresstoleranz in Bärtierchen führen, artübergreifend zu identifizieren. Vor allem das Fehlen von weiteren molekularen Daten für einzelne Bärtierchen- spezies (z.B. transkriptionelle Daten für M. tardigradum) machten es unmöglich die wenigen genomische Adaptionen mit den physiologischen Besonderheiten der Bärtierchen in Deckung zu bringen. Nichtsdestotrotz konnten die vergleichenden Analysen zeigen, dass Evolution auch innerhalb der Bärtierchen verschiedenste Systeme neu zusammensetzt, neue Funktionen erschafft oder bestehenden Systeme modifiziert und damit die außerordentliche phänotypis- che Variabilität ermöglicht. KW - transcriptome KW - venus KW - flytrap KW - defense KW - secretion KW - jasmonate KW - Bärtierchen KW - Genom KW - Stressresistenz KW - Venusfliegenfalle KW - Proteom KW - Transkriptom Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157109 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - König, Julia A1 - Guerreiro, Marco Alexandre A1 - Peršoh, Derek A1 - Begerow, Dominik A1 - Krauss, Jochen T1 - Knowing your neighbourhood - the effects of Epichloë endophytes on foliar fungal assemblages in perennial ryegrass in dependence of season and land-use intensity JF - PeerJ N2 - Epichloë endophytes associated with cool-season grass species can protect their hosts from herbivory and can suppress mycorrhizal colonization of the hosts’ roots. However, little is known about whether or not Epichloë endophyte infection can also change the foliar fungal assemblages of the host. We tested 52 grassland study sites along a land-use intensity gradient in three study regions over two seasons (spring vs. summer) to determine whether Epichloë infection of the host grass Lolium perenne changes the fungal community structure in leaves. Foliar fungal communities were assessed by Next Generation Sequencing of the ITS rRNA gene region. Fungal community structure was strongly affected by study region and season in our study, while land-use intensity and infection with Epichloë endophytes had no significant effects. We conclude that effects on non-systemic endophytes resulting from land use practices and Epichloë infection reported in other studies were masked by local and seasonal variability in this study’s grassland sites. KW - endophytic fungi KW - symbiosis KW - Lolium perenne KW - land use KW - fungus-plant interaction KW - foliar fungal community KW - Epichloë Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176814 VL - 6 IS - e4660 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hofrichter, Michaela A. H. A1 - Mojarad, Majid A1 - Doll, Julia A1 - Grimm, Clemens A1 - Eslahi, Atiye A1 - Hosseini, Neda Sadat A1 - Rajati, Mohsen A1 - Müller, Tobias A1 - Dittrich, Marcus A1 - Maroofian, Reza A1 - Haaf, Thomas A1 - Vona, Barbara T1 - The conserved p.Arg108 residue in S1PR2 (DFNB68) is fundamental for proper hearing: evidence from a consanguineous Iranian family JF - BMC Medical Genetics N2 - Background: Genetic heterogeneity and consanguineous marriages make recessive inherited hearing loss in Iran the second most common genetic disorder. Only two reported pathogenic variants (c.323G>C, p.Arg108Pro and c.419A>G, p.Tyr140Cys) in the S1PR2 gene have previously been linked to autosomal recessive hearing loss (DFNB68) in two Pakistani families. We describe a segregating novel homozygous c.323G>A, p.Arg108Gln pathogenic variant in S1PR2 that was identified in four affected individuals from a consanguineous five generation Iranian family. Methods: Whole exome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis of 116 hearing loss-associated genes was performed in an affected individual from a five generation Iranian family. Segregation analysis and 3D protein modeling of the p.Arg108 exchange was performed. Results: The two Pakistani families previously identified with S1PR2 pathogenic variants presented profound hearing loss that is also observed in the affected Iranian individuals described in the current study. Interestingly, we confirmed mixed hearing loss in one affected individual. 3D protein modeling suggests that the p.Arg108 position plays a key role in ligand receptor interaction, which is disturbed by the p.Arg108Gln change. Conclusion: In summary, we report the third overall mutation in S1PR2 and the first report outside the Pakistani population. Furthermore, we describe a novel variant that causes an amino acid exchange (p.Arg108Gln) in the same amino acid residue as one of the previously reported Pakistani families (p.Arg108Pro). This finding emphasizes the importance of the p.Arg108 amino acid in normal hearing and confirms and consolidates the role of S1PR2 in autosomal recessive hearing loss. KW - 3D modeling KW - autosomal recessive non-synstromic hearing loss KW - DFNB68 KW - mixed hearing loss KW - whole exome sequencing KW - S1PR2 Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175755 VL - 19 IS - 81 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Grimm, Johannes A1 - Hufnagel, Anita A1 - Wobser, Marion A1 - Borst, Andreas A1 - Haferkamp, Sebastian A1 - Houben, Roland A1 - Meierjohann, Svenja T1 - BRAF inhibition causes resilience of melanoma cell lines by inducing the secretion of FGF1 JF - Oncogenesis N2 - Approximately half of all melanoma patients harbour activating mutations in the serine/threonine kinase BRAF. This is the basis for one of the main treatment strategies for this tumor type, the targeted therapy with BRAF and MEK inhibitors. While the initial responsiveness to these drugs is high, resistance develops after several months, frequently at sites of the previously responding tumor. This indicates that tumor response is incomplete and that a certain tumor fraction survives even in drug-sensitive patients, e.g., in a therapy-induced senescence-like state. Here, we show in several melanoma cell lines that BRAF inhibition induces a secretome with stimulating effect on fibroblasts and naive melanoma cells. Several senescence-associated factors were found to be transcribed and secreted in response to BRAF or MEK inhibition, among them members of the fibroblast growth factor family. We identified the growth factor FGF1 as mediator of resilience towards BRAF inhibition, which limits the pro-apoptotic effects of the drug and activates fibroblasts to secrete HGF. FGF1 regulation was mediated by the PI3K pathway and by FRA1, a direct target gene of the MAPK pathway. When FGFR inhibitors were applied in parallel to BRAF inhibitors, resilience was broken, thus providing a rationale for combined therapeutical application. KW - melanoma KW - senescence KW - BRAF KW - tumor Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177261 VL - 7 IS - 71 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zielewska-Büttner, Katarzyna A1 - Heurich, Marco A1 - Müller, Jörg A1 - Braunisch, Veronika T1 - Remotely Sensed Single Tree Data Enable the Determination of Habitat Thresholds for the Three-Toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) JF - Remote Sensing N2 - Forest biodiversity conservation requires precise, area-wide information on the abundance and distribution of key habitat structures at multiple spatial scales. We combined airborne laser scanning (ALS) data with color-infrared (CIR) aerial imagery for identifying individual tree characteristics and quantifying multi-scale habitat requirements using the example of the three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) (TTW) in the Bavarian Forest National Park (Germany). This bird, a keystone species of boreal and mountainous forests, is highly reliant on bark beetles dwelling in dead or dying trees. While previous studies showed a positive relationship between the TTW presence and the amount of deadwood as a limiting resource, we hypothesized a unimodal response with a negative effect of very high deadwood amounts and tested for effects of substrate quality. Based on 104 woodpecker presence or absence locations, habitat selection was modelled at four spatial scales reflecting different woodpecker home range sizes. The abundance of standing dead trees was the most important predictor, with an increase in the probability of TTW occurrence up to a threshold of 44–50 dead trees per hectare, followed by a decrease in the probability of occurrence. A positive relationship with the deadwood crown size indicated the importance of fresh deadwood. Remote sensing data allowed both an area-wide prediction of species occurrence and the derivation of ecological threshold values for deadwood quality and quantity for more informed conservation management. KW - deadwood KW - standing deadwood KW - dead tree KW - snags KW - three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) KW - habitat suitability model (HSM) KW - habitat requirements KW - airborne laser scanning (ALS) KW - CIR aerial imagery Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197565 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 10 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kohl, Patrick Laurenz A1 - Rutschmann, Benjamin T1 - The neglected bee trees: European beech forests as a home for feral honey bee colonies JF - PeerJ N2 - It is a common belief that feral honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera L.) were eradicated in Europe through the loss of habitats, domestication by man and spread of pathogens and parasites. Interestingly, no scientific data are available, neither about the past nor the present status of naturally nesting honeybee colonies. We expected near-natural beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests to provide enough suitable nest sites to be a home for feral honey bee colonies in Europe. Here, we made a first assessment of their occurrence and density in two German woodland areas based on two methods, the tracing of nest sites based on forager flight routes (beelining technique), and the direct inspection of potential cavity trees. Further, we established experimental swarms at forest edges and decoded dances for nest sites performed by scout bees in order to study how far swarms from beekeeper-managed hives would potentially move into a forest. We found that feral honey bee colonies regularly inhabit tree cavities in near-natural beech forests at densities of at least 0.11-0.14 colonies/km\(^{2}\). Colonies were not confined to the forest edges; they were also living deep inside the forests. We estimated a median distance of 2,600 m from the bee trees to the next apiaries, while scout bees in experimental swarms communicated nest sites in close distances (median: 470 m). We extrapolate that there are several thousand feral honey bee colonies in German woodlands. These have to be taken in account when assessing the role of forest areas in providing pollination services to the surrounding land, and their occurrence has implications for the species' perception among researchers, beekeepers and conservationists. This study provides a starting point for investigating the life-histories and the ecological interactions of honey bees in temperate European forest environments. KW - Apis mellifera KW - beech forests KW - black woodpecker KW - dispersal KW - Fagus sylvatica KW - feral honey bees KW - hollow tree KW - swarming KW - tree cavity KW - wild honey bees Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176512 VL - 6 IS - e4602 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Biscotti, Maria Assunta A1 - Adolfi, Mateus Contar A1 - Barucca, Marco A1 - Forconi, Mariko A1 - Pallavicini, Alberto A1 - Gerdol, Marco A1 - Canapa, Adriana A1 - Schartl, Manfred T1 - A comparative view on sex differentiation and gametogenesis genes in lungfish and coelacanths JF - Genome Biology and Evolution N2 - Gonadal sex differentiation and reproduction are the keys to the perpetuation of favorable gene combinations and positively selected traits. In vertebrates, several gonad development features that differentiate tetrapods and fishes are likely to be, at least in part, related to the water-to-land transition. The collection of information from basal sarcopterygians, coelacanths, and lungfishes, is crucial to improve our understanding of the molecular evolution of pathways involved in reproductive functions, since these organisms are generally regarded as “living fossils” and as the direct ancestors of tetrapods. Here, we report for the first time the characterization of >50 genes related to sex differentiation and gametogenesis in Latimeria menadoensis and Protopterus annectens. Although the expression profiles of most genes is consistent with the intermediate position of basal sarcopterygians between actinopterygian fish and tetrapods, their phylogenetic placement and presence/absence patterns often reveal a closer affinity to the tetrapod orthologs. On the other hand, particular genes, for example, the male gonad factor gsdf (Gonadal Soma-Derived Factor), provide examples of ancestral traits shared with actinopterygians, which disappeared in the tetrapod lineage. KW - sex differentiation KW - Latimeria menadoensis KW - Protopterus annectens KW - evolution KW - testis KW - gametogenesis KW - ovary Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176774 VL - 10 IS - 6 ER - TY - THES A1 - Dejure, Francesca Romana T1 - Investigation of the role of MYC as a stress responsive protein T1 - Untersuchung der Rolle von MYC als stress-reguliertes Protein N2 - The transcription factor MYC is deregulated in over 70% of all human tumors and, in its oncogenic form, plays a major role in the cancer metabolic reprogramming, promoting the uptake of nutrients in order to sustain the biosynthetic needs of cancer cells. The research presented in this work aimed to understand if MYC itself is regulated by nutrient availability, focusing on the two major fuels of cancer cells: glucose and glutamine. Initial observations showed that endogenous MYC protein levels strongly depend on the availability of glutamine, but not of glucose. Subsequent analysis highlighted that the mechanism which accounts for the glutamine-mediated regulation of MYC is dependent on the 3´-untranslated region (3´-UTR) of MYC. Enhanced glutamine utilization by tumors has been shown to be directly linked to MYC oncogenic activity and MYC-dependent apoptosis has been observed under glutamine starvation. Such effect has been described in experimental systems which are mainly based on the use of MYC transgenes that do not contain the 3´-UTR. It was observed in the present study that cells are able to survive under glutamine starvation, which leads to cell cycle arrest and not apoptosis, as previously reported. However, enforced expression of a MYC transgene, which lacks the 3´-UTR, strongly increases the percentage of apoptotic cells upon starvation. Evaluation of glutamine-derived metabolites allowed to identify adenosine nucleotides as the specific stimulus responsible for the glutamine-mediated regulation of MYC, in a 3´-UTR-dependent way. Finally, glutamine-dependent MYC-mediated effects on RNA Polymerase II (RNAPII) function were evaluated, since MYC is involved in different steps of global transcriptional regulation. A global loss of RNAPII recruitment at the transcriptional start site results upon glutamine withdrawal. Such effect is overcome by enforced MYC expression under the same condition. This study shows that the 3´UTR of MYC acts as metabolic sensor and that MYC globally regulates the RNAPII function according to the availability of glutamine. The observations presented in this work underline the importance of considering stress-induced mechanisms impinging on the 3´UTR of MYC. N2 - In über 70% aller Krebserkrankungen ist der Transkriptionsfaktor MYC dereguliert. Dabei spielt onkogenes MYC unter anderem eine wichtige Rolle bei der Umprogrammierung metabolischer Prozesse indem es z.B. die Aufnahme von Nährstoffen wie Glutamin oder Glukose fördert, um den veränderten Bedürfnissen an den Stoffwechsel der Krebszellen Rechnung zu tragen. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auch das MYC-Protein selbst durch die Verfügbarkeit von Nährstoffen in der Zelle reguliert werden kann. Erste Beobachtungen zeigten, dass die endogenen MYC Proteinlevel stark von der Verfügbarkeit von Glutamin, jedoch nicht von Glucose, abhängen. Weiterführende Experimente ergaben außerdem, dass der Mechanismus, der der Glutamin vermittelten Regulation von MYC zugrunde liegt, abhängig von der 3´-untranslatierten Region (3´-UTR) der MYC-mRNA ist. Es konnte bereits gezeigt werden, dass in Tumoren die verstärkte Nutzung von Glutamin in direktem Zusammenhang mit der onkogenen Aktivität von MYC steht und Zellen unter Glutaminentzug MYC-abhängig Apoptose einleiten. Diese Effekte wurden in experimentellen Systemen beschrieben, die auf einer Überexpression eines MYCTransgenes basierten, welches keine 3´-UTR enthält. In dieser Arbeit konnte jedoch beobachtet werden, dass Zellen, die ohne Glutamin kultiviert wurden, in der Lage waren zu überleben, da entgegen den Resultaten vorausgegangener Studien, ein Arrest des Zellzyklus und nicht Apoptose eingeleitet wurde. Die verstärkte Expression eines MYCTransgenes ohne 3´-UTR, erhöhte jedoch auch unter diesen Bedingungen die Anzahl apoptotischer Zellen. Weiterhin war es möglich Adenosin, für dessen Biosynthese Glutamin notwendig ist, als Stimulus zu identifizieren, der für die 3´-UTR abhängige Regulation von MYC verantwortlich ist. Da MYC in verschiedene Schritte der globalen Regulation der Transkription eingebunden ist, wurden abschließend die durch MYC vermittelten Glutaminabhängigen Effekte auf die RNA-Polymerase II (RNAPII) untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass es nach Glutaminentzug zu einem globalen Verlust der Rekrutierung von RNAPII zu den Transkriptionsstartstellen kommt, was durch eine verstärkte MYC-Expression wieder aufgehoben werden kann. Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass die 3´-UTR von MYC als metabolischer Sensor fungiert und dass MYC in Abhängigkeit der Verfügbarkeit von Glutamin global die RNAPII Funktion reguliert. Diese Studie hebt weiterhin die Bedeutung der 3´-UTR von MYC für die Vermittlung stressinduzierter Feedback-Mechanismen hervor. KW - cancer KW - metabolism KW - MYC KW - Myc KW - Stress KW - Metabolismus KW - Genregulation KW - Glutamin Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158587 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Yanku, Yifat A1 - Bitman-Lotan, Eliya A1 - Zohar, Yaniv A1 - Kurant, Estee A1 - Zilke, Norman A1 - Eilers, Martin A1 - Orian, Amir T1 - Drosophila HUWE1 ubiquitin ligase regulates endoreplication and antagonizes JNK signaling during salivary gland development JF - Cells N2 - The HECT-type ubiquitin ligase HECT, UBA and WWE Domain Containing 1, (HUWE1) regulates key cancer-related pathways, including the Myc oncogene. It affects cell proliferation, stress and immune signaling, mitochondria homeostasis, and cell death. HUWE1 is evolutionarily conserved from Caenorhabditis elegance to Drosophila melanogaster and Humans. Here, we report that the Drosophila ortholog, dHUWE1 (CG8184), is an essential gene whose loss results in embryonic lethality and whose tissue-specific disruption establishes its regulatory role in larval salivary gland development. dHUWE1 is essential for endoreplication of salivary gland cells and its knockdown results in the inability of these cells to replicate DNA. Remarkably, dHUWE1 is a survival factor that prevents premature activation of JNK signaling, thus preventing the disintegration of the salivary gland, which occurs physiologically during pupal stages. This function of dHUWE1 is general, as its inhibitory effect is observed also during eye development and at the organismal level. Epistatic studies revealed that the loss of dHUWE1 is compensated by dMyc proeitn expression or the loss of dmP53. dHUWE1 is therefore a conserved survival factor that regulates organ formation during Drosophila development. KW - HECT KW - HUWE1 KW - ubiquitin KW - salivary gland KW - endoreplication KW - JNK KW - dMyc KW - dmP53 Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-197630 SN - 2073-4409 VL - 7 IS - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kaluza, Benjamin F. A1 - Wallace, Helen M. A1 - Heard, Tim A. A1 - Minden, Vanessa A1 - Klein, Alexandra A1 - Leonhardt, Sara D. T1 - Social bees are fitter in more biodiverse environments JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Bee population declines are often linked to human impacts, especially habitat and biodiversity loss, but empirical evidence is lacking. To clarify the link between biodiversity loss and bee decline, we examined how floral diversity affects (reproductive) fitness and population growth of a social stingless bee. For the first time, we related available resource diversity and abundance to resource (quality and quantity) intake and colony reproduction, over more than two years. Our results reveal plant diversity as key driver of bee fitness. Social bee colonies were fitter and their populations grew faster in more florally diverse environments due to a continuous supply of food resources. Colonies responded to high plant diversity with increased resource intake and colony food stores. Our findings thus point to biodiversity loss as main reason for the observed bee decline. KW - biodiversity KW - ecosystem services KW - social bees KW - fitness Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177231 VL - 8 IS - 12353 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pauls, Dennis A1 - Blechschmidt, Christine A1 - Frantzmann, Felix A1 - el Jundi, Basil A1 - Selcho, Mareike T1 - A comprehensive anatomical map of the peripheral octopaminergic/tyraminergic system of Drosophila melanogaster JF - Scientific Reports N2 - The modulation of an animal’s behavior through external sensory stimuli, previous experience and its internal state is crucial to survive in a constantly changing environment. In most insects, octopamine (OA) and its precursor tyramine (TA) modulate a variety of physiological processes and behaviors by shifting the organism from a relaxed or dormant condition to a responsive, excited and alerted state. Even though OA/TA neurons of the central brain are described on single cell level in Drosophila melanogaster, the periphery was largely omitted from anatomical studies. Given that OA/TA is involved in behaviors like feeding, flying and locomotion, which highly depend on a variety of peripheral organs, it is necessary to study the peripheral connections of these neurons to get a complete picture of the OA/TA circuitry. We here describe the anatomy of this aminergic system in relation to peripheral tissues of the entire fly. OA/TA neurons arborize onto skeletal muscles all over the body and innervate reproductive organs, the heart, the corpora allata, and sensory organs in the antennae, legs, wings and halteres underlining their relevance in modulating complex behaviors. KW - neural circuits KW - peripheral nervous system KW - Drosophila melanogaster Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177412 VL - 8 IS - 15314 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mall, David A1 - Larsen, Ashley E. A1 - Martin, Emily A. T1 - Investigating the (mis)match between natural pest control knowledge and the intensity of pesticide use JF - Insects N2 - Transforming modern agriculture towards both higher yields and greater sustainability is critical for preserving biodiversity in an increasingly populous and variable world. However, the intensity of agricultural practices varies strongly between crop systems. Given limited research capacity, it is crucial to focus efforts to increase sustainability in the crop systems that need it most. In this study, we investigate the match (or mismatch) between the intensity of pesticide use and the availability of knowledge on the ecosystem service of natural pest control across various crop systems. Using a systematic literature search on pest control and publicly available pesticide data, we find that pest control literature is not more abundant in crops where insecticide input per hectare is highest. Instead, pest control literature is most abundant, with the highest number of studies published, in crops with comparatively low insecticide input per hectare but with high world harvested area. These results suggest that a major increase of interest in agroecological research towards crops with high insecticide input, particularly cotton and horticultural crops such as citrus and high value-added vegetables, would help meet knowledge needs for a timely ecointensification of agriculture. KW - ecological intensification KW - insecticides KW - agroecology KW - agricultural intensity KW - biological pest control KW - crop KW - study system Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158977 VL - 9 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Boetzl, Fabian A. A1 - Ries, Elena A1 - Schneider, Gudrun A1 - Krauss, Jochen T1 - It’s a matter of design - how pitfall trap design affects trap samples and possible predictions JF - PeerJ N2 - Background: Pitfall traps are commonly used to assess ground dwelling arthropod communities. The effects of different pitfall trap designs on the trapping outcome are poorly investigated however they might affect conclusions drawn from pitfall trap data greatly. Methods: We tested four pitfall trap types which have been used in previous studies for their effectiveness: a simple type, a faster exchangeable type with an extended plastic rim plate and two types with guidance barriers (V- and X-shaped). About 20 traps were active for 10 weeks and emptied biweekly resulting in 100 trap samples. Results: Pitfall traps with guidance barriers were up to five times more effective than simple pitfall traps and trap samples resulted in more similar assemblage approximations. Pitfall traps with extended plastic rim plates did not only perform poorly but also resulted in distinct carabid assemblages with less individuals of small species and a larger variation. Discussion: Due to the obvious trait filtering and resulting altered assemblages, we suggest not to use pitfall traps with extended plastic rim plates. In comprehensive biodiversity inventories, a smaller number of pitfall traps with guidance barriers and a larger number of spatial replicates is of advantage, while due to comparability reasons, the use of simple pitfall traps will be recommended in most other cases. KW - biodiversity estimation KW - spiders KW - carabid beetles KW - ground dwelling predators KW - staphylinid beetles KW - sampling method KW - inventory KW - species richness Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176870 VL - 6 IS - e5078 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fujiwara, Yuri A1 - Hermann-Luibl, Christiane A1 - Katsura, Maki A1 - Sekiguchi, Manabu A1 - Ida, Takanori A1 - Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte A1 - Yoshii, Taishi T1 - The CCHamide1 Neuropeptide Expressed in the Anterior Dorsal Neuron 1 Conveys a Circadian Signal to the Ventral Lateral Neurons in Drosophila melanogaster JF - Frontiers in Physiology N2 - The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster possesses approximately 150 brain clock neurons that control circadian behavioral rhythms. Even though individual clock neurons have self-sustaining oscillators, they interact and synchronize with each other through a network. However, little is known regarding the factors responsible for these network interactions. In this study, we investigated the role of CCHamide1 (CCHa1), a neuropeptide expressed in the anterior dorsal neuron 1 (DN1a), in intercellular communication of the clock neurons. We observed that CCHa1 connects the DN1a clock neurons to the ventral lateral clock neurons (LNv) via the CCHa1 receptor, which is a homolog of the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor playing a role in circadian intercellular communications in mammals. CCHa1 knockout or knockdown flies have a generally low activity level with a special reduction of morning activity. In addition, they exhibit advanced morning activity under light-dark cycles and delayed activity under constant dark conditions, which correlates with an advance/delay of PAR domain Protein 1 (PDP1) oscillations in the small-LNv (s-LNv) neurons that control morning activity. The terminals of the s-LNv neurons show rather high levels of Pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) in the evening, when PDF is low in control flies, suggesting that the knockdown of CCHa1 leads to increased PDF release; PDF signals the other clock neurons and evidently increases the amplitude of their PDP1 cycling. A previous study showed that high-amplitude PDP1 cycling increases the siesta of the flies, and indeed, CCHa1 knockout or knockdown flies exhibit a longer siesta than control flies. The DN1a neurons are known to be receptive to PDF signaling from the s-LNv neurons; thus, our results suggest that the DN1a and s-LNv clock neurons are reciprocally coupled via the neuropeptides CCHa1 and PDF, and this interaction fine-tunes the timing of activity and sleep. KW - circadian clock KW - circadian rhythm KW - CCHamide1 KW - pacemaker neuron KW - neuropeptide KW - pigment-dispersing factor Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-195940 SN - 1664-042X VL - 09 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krüger, Timothy A1 - Engstler, Markus T1 - The fantastic voyage of the trypanosome: a protean micromachine perfected during 500 million years of engineering JF - Micromachines N2 - The human body is constantly attacked by pathogens. Various lines of defence have evolved, among which the immune system is principal. In contrast to most pathogens, the African trypanosomes thrive freely in the blood circulation, where they escape immune destruction by antigenic variation and incessant motility. These unicellular parasites are flagellate microswimmers that also withstand the harsh mechanical forces prevailing in the bloodstream. They undergo complex developmental cycles in the bloodstream and organs of the mammalian host, as well as the disease-transmitting tsetse fly. Each life cycle stage has been shaped by evolution for manoeuvring in distinct microenvironments. Here, we introduce trypanosomes as blueprints for nature-inspired design of trypanobots, micromachines that, in the future, could explore the human body without affecting its physiology. We review cell biological and biophysical aspects of trypanosome motion. While this could provide a basis for the engineering of microbots, their actuation and control still appear more like fiction than science. Here, we discuss potentials and challenges of trypanosome-inspired microswimmer robots. KW - trypanosoma KW - microswimmer KW - parasite KW - flagellate KW - microenvironment KW - cellular waveform KW - tsetse KW - microbot KW - trypanobot Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175944 VL - 9 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schlichting, Matthias A1 - Rieger, Dirk A1 - Cusumano, Paola A1 - Grebler, Rudi A1 - Costa, Rodolfo A1 - Mazzotta, Gabriella M. A1 - Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte T1 - Cryptochrome interacts with actin and enhances eye-mediated light sensitivity of the circadian clock in Drosophila melanogaster JF - Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience N2 - Cryptochromes (CRYs) are a class of flavoproteins that sense blue light. In animals, CRYs are expressed in the eyes and in the clock neurons that control sleep/wake cycles and are implied in the generation and/or entrainment of circadian rhythmicity. Moreover, CRYs are sensing magnetic fields in insects as well as in humans. Here, we show that in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster CRY plays a light-independent role as “assembling” protein in the rhabdomeres of the compound eyes. CRY interacts with actin and appears to increase light sensitivity of the eyes by keeping the “signalplex” of the phototransduction cascade close to the membrane. By this way, CRY also enhances light-responses of the circadian clock. KW - Drosophila melanogaster KW - cryptochrome KW - F-actin KW - phototransduction KW - activity rhythms Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177086 VL - 11 IS - 238 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scheer, Ulrich T1 - Boveri's research at the Zoological Station Naples: Rediscovery of his original microscope slides at the University of Würzburg JF - Marine Genomics N2 - Eric Davidson once wrote about Theodor Boveri: "From his own researches, and perhaps most important, his generalized interpretations, derive the paradigms that underlie modern inquiries into the genomic basis of embryogenesis" (Davidson, 1985). As luck would have it, the "primary data" of Boveri's experimental work, namely the microscope slides prepared by him and his wife Marcella during several stays at the Zoological Station in Naples (1901/02, 1911/12 and 1914), have survived at the University of Wurzburg. More than 600 slides exist and despite their age they are in a surprisingly good condition. The slides are labelled and dated in Boveri's handwriting and thus can be assigned to his published experimental work on sea urchin development. The results allowed Boveri to unravel the role of the cell nucleus and its chromosomes in development and inheritance. Here, I present an overview of the slides in the context of Boveri's work along with photographic images of selected specimens taken from the original slides. It is planned to examine the slides in more detail, take high-resolution focal image series of significant specimens and make them online available. KW - Sea urchin development KW - Polyspermy KW - Multipolar mitosis KW - Aneuploidy KW - Merogone experiments KW - Science history Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228453 VL - 40 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kaltdorf, Kristin Verena A1 - Theiss, Maria A1 - Markert, Sebastian Matthias A1 - Zhen, Mei A1 - Dandekar, Thomas A1 - Stigloher, Christian A1 - Kollmannsberger, Philipp T1 - Automated classification of synaptic vesicles in electron tomograms of C. elegans using machine learning JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Synaptic vesicles (SVs) are a key component of neuronal signaling and fulfil different roles depending on their composition. In electron micrograms of neurites, two types of vesicles can be distinguished by morphological criteria, the classical “clear core” vesicles (CCV) and the typically larger “dense core” vesicles (DCV), with differences in electron density due to their diverse cargos. Compared to CCVs, the precise function of DCVs is less defined. DCVs are known to store neuropeptides, which function as neuronal messengers and modulators [1]. In C. elegans, they play a role in locomotion, dauer formation, egg-laying, and mechano- and chemosensation [2]. Another type of DCVs, also referred to as granulated vesicles, are known to transport Bassoon, Piccolo and further constituents of the presynaptic density in the center of the active zone (AZ), and therefore are important for synaptogenesis [3]. To better understand the role of different types of SVs, we present here a new automated approach to classify vesicles. We combine machine learning with an extension of our previously developed vesicle segmentation workflow, the ImageJ macro 3D ART VeSElecT. With that we reliably distinguish CCVs and DCVs in electron tomograms of C. elegans NMJs using image-based features. Analysis of the underlying ground truth data shows an increased fraction of DCVs as well as a higher mean distance between DCVs and AZs in dauer larvae compared to young adult hermaphrodites. Our machine learning based tools are adaptable and can be applied to study properties of different synaptic vesicle pools in electron tomograms of diverse model organisms. KW - synaptic vesicles KW - Caenorhabditis elegans KW - machine learning Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176831 VL - 13 IS - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zoltner, Martin A1 - Krienitz, Nina A1 - Field, Mark C. A1 - Kramer, Susanne T1 - Comparative proteomics of the two T. brucei PABPs suggests that PABP2 controls bulk mRNA JF - PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases N2 - Poly(A)-binding proteins (PABPs) regulate mRNA fate by controlling stability and translation through interactions with both the poly(A) tail and eIF4F complex. Many organisms have several paralogs of PABPs and eIF4F complex components and it is likely that different eIF4F/PABP complex combinations regulate distinct sets of mRNAs. Trypanosomes have five eIF4G paralogs, six of eIF4E and two PABPs, PABP1 and PABP2. Under starvation, polysomes dissociate and the majority of mRNAs, most translation initiation factors and PABP2 reversibly localise to starvation stress granules. To understand this more broadly we identified a protein interaction cohort for both T. brucei PABPs by cryo-mill/affinity purification-mass spectrometry. PABP1 very specifically interacts with the previously identified interactors eIF4E4 and eIF4G3 and few others. In contrast PABP2 is promiscuous, with a larger set of interactors including most translation initiation factors and most prominently eIF4G1, with its two partners TbG1-IP and TbG1-IP2. Only RBP23 was specific to PABP1, whilst 14 RNA-binding proteins were exclusively immunoprecipitated with PABP2. Significantly, PABP1 and associated proteins are largely excluded from starvation stress granules, but PABP2 and most interactors translocate to granules on starvation. We suggest that PABP1 regulates a small subpopulation of mainly small-sized mRNAs, as it interacts with a small and distinct set of proteins unable to enter the dominant pathway into starvation stress granules and localises preferentially to a subfraction of small polysomes. By contrast PABP2 likely regulates bulk mRNA translation, as it interacts with a wide range of proteins, enters stress granules and distributes over the full range of polysomes. KW - Trypanosoma KW - mRNA KW - T. brucei KW - PABPs Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177126 VL - 12 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kottler, Verena A. A1 - Schartl, Manfred T1 - The colorful sex chromosomes of teleost fish JF - Genes N2 - Teleost fish provide some of the most intriguing examples of sexually dimorphic coloration, which is often advantageous for only one of the sexes. Mapping studies demonstrated that the genetic loci underlying such color patterns are frequently in tight linkage to the sex-determining locus of a species, ensuring sex-specific expression of the corresponding trait. Several genes affecting color synthesis and pigment cell development have been previously described, but the color loci on the sex chromosomes have mostly remained elusive as yet. Here, we summarize the current knowledge about the genetics of such color loci in teleosts, mainly from studies on poeciliids and cichlids. Further studies on these color loci will certainly provide important insights into the evolution of sex chromosomes. KW - teleost fish KW - sex chromosomes KW - coloration KW - pigment pattern KW - sexual conflict KW - sexually antagonistic genes Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176587 VL - 9 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Börtlein, Charlene A1 - Draeger, Annette A1 - Schoenauer, Roman A1 - Kuhlemann, Alexander A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Schneider-Schaulies, Sybille A1 - Avota, Elita T1 - The neutral sphingomyelinase 2 is required to polarize and sustain T Cell receptor signaling JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - By promoting ceramide release at the cytosolic membrane leaflet, the neutral sphingomyelinase 2 (NSM) is capable of organizing receptor and signalosome segregation. Its role in T cell receptor (TCR) signaling remained so far unknown. We now show that TCR-driven NSM activation is dispensable for TCR clustering and initial phosphorylation, but of crucial importance for further signal amplification. In particular, at low doses of TCR stimulatory antibodies, NSM is required for Ca\(^{2+}\) mobilization and T cell proliferation. NSM-deficient T cells lack sustained CD3ζ and ZAP-70 phosphorylation and are unable to polarize and stabilize their microtubular system. We identified PKCζ as the key NSM downstream effector in this second wave of TCR signaling supporting dynamics of microtubule-organizing center (MTOC). Ceramide supplementation rescued PKCζ membrane recruitment and MTOC translocation in NSM-deficient cells. These findings identify the NSM as essential in TCR signaling when dynamic cytoskeletal reorganization promotes continued lateral and vertical supply of TCR signaling components: CD3ζ, Zap70, and PKCζ, and functional immune synapses are organized and stabilized via MTOC polarization. KW - neutral sphingomyelinase 2 KW - T cells KW - ceramides KW - PKCζ, KW - the microtubule-organizing center Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176572 VL - 9 IS - 815 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Reiling, Sarah J. A1 - Krohne, Georg A1 - Friedrich, Oliver A1 - Geary, Timothy G. A1 - Rohrbach, Petra T1 - Chloroquine exposure triggers distinct cellular responses in sensitive versus resistant Plasmodium falciparum parasites JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Chloroquine (CQ) treatment failure in Plasmodium falciparum parasites has been documented for decades, but the pharmacological explanation of this phenotype is not fully understood. Current concepts attribute CQ resistance to reduced accumulation of the drug at a given external CQ concentration ([CQ] ex) in resistant compared to sensitive parasites. The implication of this explanation is that the mechanisms of CQ-induced toxicity in resistant and sensitive strains are similar once lethal internal concentrations have been reached. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the mechanism of CQ-induced toxicity in CQ-sensitive (CQS) versus CQ-resistant (CQR) parasites by analyzing the time-course of cellular responses in these strains after exposure to varying [CQ] ex as determined in 72 h toxicity assays. Parasite killing was delayed in CQR parasites for up to 10 h compared to CQS parasites when exposed to equipotent [CQ] ex. In striking contrast, brief exposure (1 h) to lethal [CQ] ex in CQS but not CQR parasites caused the appearance of hitherto undescribed hemozoin (Hz)-containing compartments in the parasite cytosol. Hz-containing compartments were very rarely observed in CQR parasites even after CQ exposures sufficient to cause irreversible cell death. These findings challenge current concepts that CQ killing of malaria parasites is solely concentration-dependent, and instead suggest that CQS and CQR strains fundamentally differ in the consequences of CQ exposure. KW - Cellular imaging KW - Parasite development Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225123 VL - 8 IS - 11137 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Beck, Sebastian A1 - Yu-Strzelczyk, Jing A1 - Pauls, Dennis A1 - Constantin, Oana M. A1 - Gee, Christine E. A1 - Ehmann, Nadine A1 - Kittel, Robert J. A1 - Nagel, Georg A1 - Gao, Shiqiang T1 - Synthetic light-activated ion channels for optogenetic activation and inhibition JF - Frontiers in Neuroscience N2 - Optogenetic manipulation of cells or living organisms became widely used in neuroscience following the introduction of the light-gated ion channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2). ChR2 is a non-selective cation channel, ideally suited to depolarize and evoke action potentials in neurons. However, its calcium (Ca2\(^{2+}\)) permeability and single channel conductance are low and for some applications longer-lasting increases in intracellular Ca\(^{2+}\) might be desirable. Moreover, there is need for an efficient light-gated potassium (K\(^{+}\)) channel that can rapidly inhibit spiking in targeted neurons. Considering the importance of Ca\(^{2+}\) and K\(^{+}\) in cell physiology, light-activated Ca\(^{2+}\)-permeant and K\(^{+}\)-specific channels would be welcome additions to the optogenetic toolbox. Here we describe the engineering of novel light-gated Ca\(^{2+}\)-permeant and K\(^{+}\)-specific channels by fusing a bacterial photoactivated adenylyl cyclase to cyclic nucleotide-gated channels with high permeability for Ca\(^{2+}\) or for K\(^{+}\), respectively. Optimized fusion constructs showed strong light-gated conductance in Xenopus laevis oocytes and in rat hippocampal neurons. These constructs could also be used to control the motility of Drosophila melanogaster larvae, when expressed in motoneurons. Illumination led to body contraction when motoneurons expressed the light-sensitive Ca\(^{2+}\)-permeant channel, and to body extension when expressing the light-sensitive K\(^{+}\) channel, both effectively and reversibly paralyzing the larvae. Further optimization of these constructs will be required for application in adult flies since both constructs led to eclosion failure when expressed in motoneurons. KW - optogenetics KW - calcium KW - potassium KW - bPAC KW - CNG channel KW - cAMP KW - Drosophila melanogaster motoneuron KW - rat hippocampal neurons Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177520 VL - 12 IS - 643 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pelz, Jörg O. W. A1 - Wagner, Johanna A1 - Lichthardt, Sven A1 - Baur, Johannes A1 - Kastner, Caroline A1 - Matthes, Niels A1 - Germer, Christoph-Thomas A1 - Wiegering, Armin T1 - Laparoscopic right-sided colon resection for colon cancer - has the control group so far been chosen correctly? JF - World Journal of Surgical Oncology N2 - Background: The treatment strategies for colorectal cancer located in the right side of the colon have changed dramatically during the last decade. Due to the introduction of complete mesocolic excision (CME) with central ligation of the vessels and systematic lymph node dissection, the long-term survival of affected patients has increased significantly. It has also been proposed that right-sided colon resection can be performed laparoscopically with the same extent of resection and equal long-term results. Methods: A retrospective evaluation of a prospectively expanded database on right-sided colorectal cancer or adenoma treated at the University Hospital of Wuerzburg between 2009 and 2016 was performed. All patients underwent CME. This data was analyzed alone and in comparison to the published data describing laparoscopic right-sided colon resection for colon cancer. Results: The database contains 279 patients, who underwent right-sided colon resection due to colorectal cancer or colorectal adenoma (255 open; 24 laparoscopic). Operation data (time, length of stay, time on ICU) was equal or superior to laparoscopy, which is comparable to the published results. Surprisingly, the surrogate parameter for correct CME (the number of removed lymph nodes) was significantly higher in the open group. In a subgroup analysis only including patients who were feasible for laparoscopic resection and had been operated with an open procedure by an experienced surgeon, operation time was significantly shorter and the number of removed lymph nodes is significantly higher in the open group. Conclusion: So far, several studies demonstrate that laparoscopic right-sided colon resection is comparable to open resection. Our data suggests that a consequent CME during an open operation leads to significantly more removed lymph nodes than in laparoscopically resected patients and in several so far published data of open control groups from Europe. Further prospective randomized trials comparing the long-term outcome are urgently needed before laparoscopy for right-sided colon resection can be recommended ubiquitously. KW - colon cancer KW - laparoscopic right colectomy KW - lymph nodes Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176186 VL - 16 IS - 117 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lichtenstein, Leonie A1 - Grübel, Kornelia A1 - Spaethe, Johannes T1 - Opsin expression patterns coincide with photoreceptor development during pupal development in the honey bee, Apis mellifera JF - BMC Developmental Biology N2 - Background: The compound eyes of insects allow them to catch photons and convert the energy into electric signals. All compound eyes consist of numerous ommatidia, each comprising a fixed number of photoreceptors. Different ommatidial types are characterized by a specific set of photoreceptors differing in spectral sensitivity. In honey bees, males and females possess different ommatidial types forming distinct retinal mosaics. However, data are lacking on retinal ontogeny and the mechanisms by which the eyes are patterned. In this study, we investigated the intrinsic temporal and circadian expression patterns of the opsins that give rise to the ultraviolet, blue and green sensitive photoreceptors, as well as the morphological maturation of the retina during pupal development of honey bees. Results: qPCR and histological labeling revealed that temporal opsin mRNA expression differs between sexes and correlates with rhabdom elongation during photoreceptor development. In the first half of the pupal stage, when the rhabdoms of the photoreceptors are still short, worker and (dorsal) drone retinae exhibit similar expression patterns with relatively high levels of UV (UVop) and only marginal levels of blue (BLop) and green (Lop1) opsin mRNA. In the second half of pupation, when photoreceptors and rhabdoms elongate, opsin expression in workers becomes dominated by Lop1 mRNA. In contrast, the dorsal drone eye shows high expression levels of UVop and BLop mRNA, whereas Lop1 mRNA level decreases. Interestingly, opsin expression levels increase up to 22-fold during early adult life. We also found evidence that opsin expression in adult bees is under the control of the endogenous clock. Conclusions: Our data indicate that the formation of the sex-specific retinal composition of photoreceptors takes place during the second half of the pupal development, and that opsin mRNA expression levels continue to increase in young bees, which stands in contrast to Drosophila, where the highest expression levels are found during the late pupal stage and remain constant in adults. From an evolutionary perspective, we hypothesize that the delayed retinal maturation during the early adult phase is linked to the delayed transition from indoor to outdoor activities in bees, when vision becomes important. KW - insect vision KW - photoreceptor KW - spectral sensitivity KW - visual pigments KW - behavioral transition Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175665 VL - 18 IS - 1 ER -