TY - JOUR A1 - Jauch, A. A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - Metallothionein protein variants generated in rat liver as a result of DNA and RNA ethylations by the carcinogen diethylnitrosamine N2 - Metallothionein (MT) is a protein which contains 20 cysteine residues but no aromatic amino acids. It was tested whether treatment of male rats with the hepatocarcinogen diethylnitrosamine (DENA) could ethylate nucleic acids in such a way that protein variants containing measurable amounts of aromatic amino acid residues could be isolated from the livers of treated animals. To give a low Iimit of detection, the "wrong" amino acid precursors were administered in radiolabelled form at high Ievels of activity (7 mCi/kg each of [\(^3\)H]tyrosine and [\(^3\)H]phenylalanine). 11 \(\mu\)Ci/kg [\(^{14}\)C]cysteine was given as an intemal marker for MT biosynthesis. 6 h after amino acid administration, metallothionein (MT) was isolated from the liver and extensively purified. Afteracid hydrolysis and collection of Cys, Tyr, and Phe from an HPLC analysis of the amino acids, the \(^3\)H/\(^{14}\)C ratio was determined. The carcinogen-treated rats exhibited a significantly higher ratio than the vehicle-treated animals. This type of in vivo assay might find interesting applications in the investigation of nucleic acid alkylations as promutagenic lesions. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1986 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60946 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - Investigation of the potential for binding of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) to rat liver DNA in vivo N2 - It was the aim of this investigation to determine whether or not covalent binding of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) to rat liver DNA could be a mechanism of action contributing to the observed induction of liver tumors after lifetime feeding of rodents with high doses of DEHP. DEHP radiolabeled in different positionswas administered orally to female F344 rats with or without pretreatment for 4 weeks with 1% unlabeled DEHP in the diet. Livu DNA was isolated after 16 hr and analyzed for radioattivity. Administration of [\(^{14}\)C]carboxylate unabeled DEHP resulted in no measurable DNA radioactivity. With DEHP [\(^{14}\)C]· and [\(^{3}\)H]. labeled in the alcohol moiety as well as with 2-ethyl[1-\(^{14}\)C]hexanol, radioactivity was clearly measurable in the DNA. HPLC analysis of enzyme-degraded DNA relvealed that the normal nucleosides had incorporated radiolabel whereas no radioactivity was detectable in those fractions where the carcinogen-modified nucleoside adducts are expected. A quantitative evaluation of the negative data in terms of a Iimit of detection for a covalent binding Index (CBJ) indicates that covalent interaction with DNA is highly unlikely to be the mode of tumorigenic action of DEHP in rodents. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1986 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60957 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - Quantitative evaluation of DNA binding data for risk estimation and for classification of direct and indirect carcinogens N2 - Investigation of covalent DNA binding in vivo provided evidence for whether a test substance can be activated to metabolites able to reach and react with DNA in an intact organism. Fora comparison of DNA binding potencies of various compounds tested under different conditions, a normalization of the DNA lesion with respect to the dose is useful. A covalent binding index, CBI = (\(\mu\)mol chemical bound per mol DNA nucleotide )/(mmol chemical administered per kg body weight) can be determined for each compound. Whether covalent DNA binding results in tumor formation is dependent upon additional factors specific to the cell type. Thus far, all compounds which bind covalently to liver DNA in vivo have also proven tobe carcinogenic in a long-term study, although the liver was not necessarily the target organ for tumor growth. With appropriate techniques, DNA binding can be determined in a dose range which may be many orders of magnitude below the dose Ievels required for significant tumor induction in a long-term bioassay. Rat liver DNA bindingwas proportional to the dose of aflatoxin B1 afteroral administration of a dose between 100 \(\mu\)g/kg and 1 ng/kg. The lowest dose was in the range of generat human daily exposures. Demonstration of a lack of liver DNA binding (CBI<0.1) in vivo for a carcinogenic, nonmutagenic compound is a strong indication for an indirect mechanism of carcinogenic action. Carcinogens of this class do not directly produce a change in gene structure or function but disturb a critical biochemical control mechanism, such as protection from oxygen radicals, control of cell division, etc. Ultimately, genetic changes are produced indirectly or accumulate from endogenaus genotoxic agents. The question of why compounds which act via indirect mechanisms are more likely to exhibitanonlinear rangein the dose-response curve as opposed to the directly genotoxic agents or processes is discussed. KW - Toxikologie KW - Chemical carcinogenesis KW - Mechanism of action KW - Quantitative risk assessment KW - Genotoxicity KW - Dose-response relationship KW - Aflatoxin B1 Y1 - 1986 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60967 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - Endogenous formaldehyde does not produce detectable DNA-protein crosslinks in rat liver N2 - Formaldehydeis an electrophilic molecule able to crosslink DNA and protein. It has been found to induce tumors in the nasal epithelium in rodents. The safety margin between the maximum tolerated FA concentration in the work place and the concentration found to be tumorigenic in animal studies is very small. Because FA is produced endogenously as a result of a variety of oxidative demethylations, the assessment of the tumor risk from exogenaus FA exposure has tobe related quantitatively to the level of DNA-protein crosslinks induced by endogenaus FA generation. It is reported here that the high level of endogenaus FA formed in the liver after a large dose of methanol or of aminopyrine did not lead to any observable increase in DNA-protein crosslinks. Using positive and negative control data from in vitro incubations of liver homogenate with FA or methanol it is estimated that the endogenous level of DNA damage in the liver must be more than three orders of magnitude below the damage observed at tumorigenic concentrations for the rat nose. The fact that FA is formed endogenously cannot, therefore, be used to claim that exogenous FA merely leads to a negligible increase in DNA damage. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1986 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60972 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Viviani, A. A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - Modulation of the binding of the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene to rat liver DNA in vivo by selective induction of microsomal and nuclear aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity N2 - The lnfluence of mlcrosomal and nuclear aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) actlvlty on the covalent blndlng of [G·3H]benzo(a )pyrene to rat llver DNA was evaluated in viWJ. lnductlon of mlcrosomal AHH was obtalned alter phenobarbltal treatment (160% of control), whlch also lncreased DNA blndlng to 190%, but left the nuclear actlvlty unchanged. Nuclear AHH was lnduced wlth dleldrln (150%), and the blndlng was decreased to 75%, whereaa the mlcrosomal AHH was at control Ievei. The lncreaslng effect of mlcrosomal AHH lnductlon as weil as the decreaslng effect of nuclear AHH lnductlon on the blndlng was shown clearly when the data of the Individual rata were uaed to solve the equatlon Binding = e•(mlcroeomal AHH) + b•(nuclear AHH) + c Multiple linear regresslon analysls wlth the data from 10 anlmala reaulted ln positive valuea for a and c, a negative value for b, and a good multiple correlatlon coefflclent of r = 0.974. Pretreatment wlth 3-methylcholanthrene ln· duced mlcrosomal AHH to 380% of control and nuclear AHH to 590% and lncreased the blndlng' to 175,.-o. The blndlng was hlgher than predlcted by the formula found, probably because the lncreaslng lnfluence of lnduced mlcrosomal AHH overahadowed the decreaslng effect of the nuclear AHH. The study ahows clearly that the blndlng of a forelgn compound to DNA in viWJ Ia dependent not only on mlcrosomal enzyme actlvltles but also on nuclear actlvltles even lf the latter are conslderably lower than thoae of mlcrosomes. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1978 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61150 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jaggi, W. A1 - Lutz, Werner K. A1 - Schlatter, C. T1 - Covalent binding of ethinylestradiol and estrone to rat liver DNA in vivo N2 - Thecovalent bindingof [6,7-\(^3\)H]ethinylestradiol (EE)and [6,7-\(^3\)H]estrone (E) to liver DNA of 200 g female ratswas measured 8 h after the administration of 80 \(\mu\)g (9.2 mCi) estrogen by gavage. The binding is 1.5 for EE and 1.1 for E, expressedas binding to DNA/dose, in units of \(\mu\)mol hormonefmol DNA phosphate/mmole honnone/kg body wt. It is in the same order of magnitude as for benzene and about 10 000 tim es below the binding of typical liver carcinogens, such as aflatoxin B\(_1\) or N,N-dimethylnitrosamine. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1978 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61162 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lutz, Werner K. A1 - Viviant, A. A1 - Schlatter, C. T1 - Nonlinear dose-response relationship for the binding of the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene to rat liver DNA in vivo N2 - Wlth radioactive compound of high specific activity, the binding of carcinogene to DNA can be measured wlth doses that are ineffective ln long-term studies. The binding of tritiated benzo(a )pyrene to liver DNA of adult male rats has been determined 50 hr after a singie l.p. injection of doses between 40 1'9/kg and 4 mg/kg. The doseresponse relationship is linear up to 1 mg/kg, shows a step towards 2 mg/kg, and gives a shallow linear slope above that value. The observed binding ranges from 1.7 to 180 nmoles benzo(a)pyrene per mole DNA phosphate. The nonlinearity could be due to an induction of metabolizing enzymes. The microsomal aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity increases significantly 24 hr after a single dose of 4 mg/kg and 48 hr after doses of 2 and 4 mg/kg, but no induction Ia found with 1 mg/kg. The binding from an equimolar dose is 35 times lower than the one found on mouse skin DNA and 300 times lower than that of N,Ndlmethylnitrosamine in rat liver. A good correlatlon exiats to the respective tumor formation in long-term studles. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1978 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61179 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Viviani, A. A1 - Lutz, Werner K. A1 - Schlatter, C. T1 - Time course of the induction of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase in rat liver nuclei and microsomes by phenobarbital, 3-methylcholanthrene, 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin, dieldrin and other inducers N2 - Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) has been measured in male rat Jiver nucJei and microsomes after treatment of adult animals with various inducers for up to 14 days. After daily i.p. injections of 3-methylcholanthrene (MC, 20 mg/kg) the nuclear activity increased to a maximum of 600 per cent of the control activity after 4 days whereas the microsomal activity was 400 per cent of control at the same date. After 12 days, both activities equilibrated at 400 per cent. A similar time course was found after a single i.p. injection of 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD, 0.01 mg/kg) with an induction to .500 and 300 per cent for nuclei and microsomes, respectiveJy. after 2 days, and to 400 per cent for both after 12 days. PhenobarbitaJ (PB) was given continuously in the drinking water (I g/1) and induced the microsomal activity to 200 per cent after 8 days and 170 per cent after 14 days. The nuclear activity was only slightly induced to a constant Ievei of 130 per cent between day 8 and 14. Dieldrin did not significantly increase the microsomal activity after daiJy i.p. injections (20 mg/kg), but the nuclear activity raised to 200 per cent after 3 days and levelled down tocontrol valuesafter 12 days. Other inducers tested were benz[a)anthracene (BA), hexachlorobenzene (HCB} and 1,1.1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT). The induction pattern with BA was similar tothat of MC, a modeJ compound for the group of cytochrome P448 inducers. The induction by HCB and DDT resembled that by PB. a typical cytochrome P450 inducer. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1978 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61182 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lutz, Werner K. A1 - Schlatter, C. T1 - Saccharin does not bind to DNA of liver or bladder in the rat [Short Communication] N2 - No abstract available KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1977 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61194 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lutz, Werner K. A1 - Schlatter, C. T1 - Mechanism of the carcinogenic action of benzene: irreversible binding to rat liver DNA N2 - No abstract available KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1977 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61208 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lutz, Werner K. A1 - Früh, P. U. A1 - Simon, W. T1 - Microcalorimetric determination of ΔH0, ΔG0 and ΔS0 for the interaction of the carrier antibiotics nigericin and monensin with sodium and potassium ions N2 - The thermodynainic parameters ΔH0, ΔG0 and ΔS0 - and thereby the equilibrium constants - for the complexation of the carrier antibiotics nigericin and monensin with sodium and potassium ions in methanol at 25°C have been determined by microcalorimetry. Tbc results are discussed in terms of the nature of the interaction between ligands and cations. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1971 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-61218 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Shephard, S. E. A1 - Lutz, Werner K. A1 - Schlatter, C. T1 - The lacI transgenic mouse mutagenicity assay: quantitative evaluation in comparison to tests for carcinogenicity and cytogenetic damage in vivo N2 - The detection Iimit of the lacl transgenic mouse mutagenicity assay lies, in practice, at approximately a 50-100% increase in mutant frequency in treated animals over controls. The sensitivity of this assay in detecting genotoxins can be markedly improved by subchronic rather than acute application of the test compound. The lac/ transgenic mouse mutagenicity assay was compared quantitatively to rodent carcinogenicity tests and to presently used in vivo mutagenicity assays. With the genotoxic carcinogens tested thus far, a rough correlation between mutagenic potency and carcinogenic potency was observed: on average, to obtain a doubling in lacl mutant frequency the mice bad to be treated with a total dose equal to 50 times the TD50 daily dose Ievel. This total dose could be administered eilher at a high dose rate within a few days or, preferably, at a low dose rate over several weeks. This analysis also indicated that a lacl experiment using a 250-day exposure period would give a detection Iimit approximately equal to that of a long-term carcinogenicity study. In comparison to the micronucleus test or the chromosome aberration assay, acute sturlies with the presently available lacl system offered no increase in sensitivity. However, subchronic lacl sturlies (3-4-month exposure) resulted in an increase in sensitivity over the established tests by 1-2 orders of magnitude (shown with 2-acetylaminofluorene, N-nitrosomethylamine, N-nitrosomethylurea and urethane). 1t is concluded that a positive result in the lacl test can be highly predictive of carcinogenicity butthat a negative result does not provide a large margin of safety. KW - Toxikologie KW - Transgenie mice KW - Mutagenicity assay KW - Sensitivity KW - Chromosome aberration KW - Micronucleus test KW - Carcinogenic potency Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-60638 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lutz, Werner K. A1 - Schlatter, C. T1 - A closed inhalation system for pharmacokinetic and metabolism studies of volatile compounds with small laboratory animals N2 - In the inhalation system described an animal can be kept in the same atmosphere of a 2-liter desiccator for up to 24 h. The expired carbon dioxide is adsorbed with soda lime and the resulting reduced pressure is balanced by a supply of oxygen also used for the inflow of the chemical to be investigated. Urine and faeces can be collected ~eparately and the system allows a periodical control of the concentration of the chemical by sampling the air with needle and syringe. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1978 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80145 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Lutz, Werner K. A1 - Schlatter, C. T1 - Extrapolation of carcinogenicity data to low doses with a dose-response study of the binding of benzo(a)pyrene to rat liver DNA N2 - The binding of tritiated benzo(a)pyrene (BP) to liver DNA of 25 adult male rats (SIV 50) has been determined 50 h after a single intraperitoneal injection of doses between 40 ug/kg and 4; mg/kg. The dose-response relations~ ip is linear up to i mg/kg, shows a sigmoid step towards 2 mg/kg and a shallow linear. slope above that value. TlJe 0 bserved bin ding ranges from 1.7 to 180 nmoles BP per mole DNA phosphate. The non-linearity between 1 and 2 mg/kg could be explained 0):1 the basis of an induction of metabolizing enzymes. A pure1y mathematical extrapolation of therumour incidence from a carcinogenic dose (1 x 40mg/kg for a 20% hepatoma incidence in newborn mice) to human exposure levels (aboilt 0.1 ug/kg per day) would never have followed a step like the on~ found in our experiments. Our dose-effect study therefore shows how carcinogenitity data could be extrapolated in a biologically founded way to low doses. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1978 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80157 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Shephard, S. E. A1 - Schlatter, C. A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - Model risk analysis of nitrosatable compounds in the diet as precursors of potential endogenous carcinogens N2 - The potential health risk posed by the endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds (NOC) from nitrosation of dietary ureas, guanidines, amides, amino acids and amanes (primary, secondary and aromatic) was estimated according to the model: Risk = ( daily intake of precursor] X (gastric concentration of nitrite ]n X [nitrosatability rate constant] X [cilrcinogenicity of derivative]. The daily intakes ofthese compound classes span five orders ofmagnitude (100 g/day amides, top; 1-10 mg/day secondary amines, ureas, bottom); the nitrosation rate constants span seven orders of magnitude (aryl amines, ureas, top; amides, secondary amines, bottom); and the carcinogenicity estimates span a 10 000-fold range from 'very strong' to 'virtually noncarcinogenic'. The resulting risk estimates likewise span an enormous range (nine orders of magnitude ): dietary ureas and aromatic amines combined with high nitrite concentration could pose as great a risk as the intake of preformed N-nitrosodimethylamine in the diet. In contrast, the risk posed by the in-vivo nitrosation of primary and secondary amines is probably negligible. The risk contributed by amides (including protein), guanidines and primary amino acids is intermediate between these two extremes. KW - Risikoanalyse KW - Carcinogen KW - Ernährung Y1 - 1987 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86188 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Shephard, S. E. A1 - Hegi, M. E. A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - In-vitro assays to detect alkylating and mutagenic activities of dietary components nitrosated in situ N2 - Nitrosation of dietary components has been combined with the 4-(para-nitrobenzyl)pyridine (NBP) colorimetric test for screening alkylating agents and with the Ames test for the detection of mutagenic activity. This allowed the investigation of short-hved nitrosation products of dietary components which generate electrophilic degradation products requiring no metabolic activation (natural amino acids and some derivatives, ureas, guanidines, primary alkyl and aryl amines). In a first system, precursor, nitrous acid and NBP were present simultaneously. All amino acids tested, except glutamic acid and glutamine, gave positive results. The reactivities spanned more than three orders of magnitude, with the aromatic amino acids and methionine the most active; two primary amines, tryptamine and histamine, were also strongly reactive. All guanidines tested, except the amino acid arginine, gave negative results. A second system consisted of two phases: NBP was added only after destruction of residual nitrite and adjustment of the pH to neutrality. This system was useful for the study of ureas, which are stable in acid but not in neutral media. The range of responses covered more than two orders of magnitude. Most amino acids and primary amines also gave positive results, but could be assessed only after analysing the kinetics of the competing reactions and choosing appropriate reaction times. In a third system, Salmonella typhimurium strain TA1OO replaced NBP. Representatives of the class of amino acids, ureas, the primary amine tryptamine, and aniline became higbly mutagenic upon nitrosation. Methylguanidine was only weakly mutagenic under the present assay conditions. The results indicate that further studies with unstable nitrosation products of dietary components are required to understand more thoroughly the role of endogenous nitrosation in gastric cancer. KW - Medizin Y1 - 1987 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-86194 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Shephard, S. E. A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - Nitrosation of dietary precursors N2 - The diet contains a large number of constituents which can be nitrosated in the gastrointestinal tract (especially in the stomach) to potentially carcinogenic nitroso compounds (NOC). The nitrosation of food mixtures has been investigated with a number of assays, such as chemical analysis or detection of alkylating potential, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. Relatively good information is available on the formation of stable nitrosamines using high nitrite concentrations. Little is known, however, about the formation of chemically unstable NOC at low nitrite concentration and their genotoxicity in target cells. A comparison of the precursor classes, alkylamines, aromatic amines, amino acids, amides and peptides, ureas and guanidines, reveals a vast range, both with respect to daily intake (105-fold) and nitrosation rate (104-fold both for 1st and 2nd order nitrite dependence). A total span of 108 results for the relative yield of NOC in the stomach. The endogenous NOC burden from dietary ureas and aromatic amines may represent as large a hazard as the intake of preformed NOC. Recent evidence also indicates that heterocyclic amines and phenols must be considered and that the half-life of nitrosated a-amino acids can be much longer than that of nitrosated primary alkylamines. In these classes, more information should be collected on dietary concentrations, on the nitrosation under realistic conditions and on the genotoxicity in stomach lining cells. Within a chemical precursor class, a wide range is seen with respect to alkylating potency. It cannot, therefore, be excluded that individual precursors within the top ranking classes might become more important than single preformed NOC. Not considered in the above analysis but probably just as important for a risk evaluation in a population is the knowledge of the nitrosation conditions and target cell susceptibility in individuals. KW - Ernährung KW - diet KW - amine KW - amino acid KW - urea KW - nitrosation KW - nitroso compound KW - endogenous KW - stomach KW - alkylation KW - 4-(p-nitrobenzyl)pyridine KW - DNA binding KW - genotoxic KW - mutagen KW - carcinogen KW - Nitrosierung Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70311 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Marinovich, M. A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - Covalent binding of aflatoxin B\(_1\) to liver DNA in rats pretreated with ethanol JF - Experientia N2 - Male Fischer F-344 rats were given ethanol in the drinking water and/or by single oral administration. Following this, the animals received p.o. 100 ng/kg of the hepatocarcinogen eHJaflatoxin BI (AFBI)' 24 h later, the level of DNA-bound AFBI was determined in the liver and was found not to be affected by any type of ethanol pretreatment. A cocarcinogenic effect of ethanol in the liver is therefore unlikely to be due to an effect on the metabolic activation and inactivation processes governing the formation of DNA-binding AFBI metabolites. KW - Toxikologie KW - Carcinogenesis KW - DNA KW - covalent binding KW - aflatoxin KW - ethanol Y1 - 1985 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-55237 VL - 41 IS - 10 SP - 1338 EP - 1340 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehungen in der chemischen Kanzerogenese T1 - Dose-response relations in chemical carcinogenesis N2 - Ich habe versucht darzulegen, daß mechanistische Überlegungen zur Extrapolation der Dosis-WirkungsBeziehung herangezogen werden können. Ein nichtlinearer Verlauf ist nicht nur bei den epigenetischen Kanzerogenen wahrscheinlich, sondern auch bei den DNA-bindenden. Echte Schwellen sind aber nur in solchen Fällen zu erwarten, wo kein endogenes Korrelat besteht. Immerhin können auch steile Nichtlinearitäten zu einer drastischen Risikoreduktion führen, so daß die Anstrengungen dahin gehen sollten, die Steigung und den Bereich des überproportionalen Abfalls experimentell zu zeigen. In einer heterogenen Population kann die 0 0- sis-Wirkungs-Kurve zusätzliche "Wellen" bekommen und wird dadurch grundsätzlich flacher. Im Extremfall ergibt sich eine lineare Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung unabhängig vom Wirkmechanismus des Kanzerogens. Diese Proportionalität zwischen tiefster Dosis und Effekt wird bei genotoxischen Kanzerogenen aus mechanistischen Gründen schon für eine homogene Population postuliert, doch kann dies in einer heterogenen Population auch bei epigenetischen Kanzerogenen in Frage kommen. KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1990 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80046 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Sagelsdorff, P. A1 - Lutz, Werner K. T1 - Sensitivity of DNA and nucleotides to oxidation by permanganate and hydrogen peroxide N2 - no abstract available KW - Toxikologie Y1 - 1987 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80062 ER -