TY - JOUR A1 - Atienza, Nieves A1 - de Castro, Natalia A1 - Cortés, Carmen A1 - Garrido, M. Ángeles A1 - Grima, Clara I. A1 - Hernández, Gregorio A1 - Márquez, Alberto A1 - Moreno-González, Auxiliadora A1 - Nöllenburg, Martin A1 - Portillo, José Ramón A1 - Reyes, Pedro A1 - Valenzuela, Jesús A1 - Trinidad Villar, Maria A1 - Wolff, Alexander T1 - Cover contact graphs N2 - We study problems that arise in the context of covering certain geometric objects called seeds (e.g., points or disks) by a set of other geometric objects called cover (e.g., a set of disks or homothetic triangles). We insist that the interiors of the seeds and the cover elements are pairwise disjoint, respectively, but they can touch. We call the contact graph of a cover a cover contact graph (CCG). We are interested in three types of tasks, both in the general case and in the special case of seeds on a line: (a) deciding whether a given seed set has a connected CCG, (b) deciding whether a given graph has a realization as a CCG on a given seed set, and (c) bounding the sizes of certain classes of CCG’s. Concerning (a) we give efficient algorithms for the case that seeds are points and show that the problem becomes hard if seeds and covers are disks. Concerning (b) we show that this problem is hard even for point seeds and disk covers (given a fixed correspondence between graph vertices and seeds). Concerning (c) we obtain upper and lower bounds on the number of CCG’s for point seeds. KW - Informatik Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78845 ER - TY - THES A1 - Atzmüller, Martin T1 - Knowledge-Intensive Subgroup Mining - Techniques for Automatic and Interactive Discovery T1 - Wissensintensive Subgruppenentdeckung – Automatische und Interaktive Entdeckungsmethoden N2 - Data mining has proved its significance in various domains and applications. As an important subfield of the general data mining task, subgroup mining can be used, e.g., for marketing purposes in business domains, or for quality profiling and analysis in medical domains. The goal is to efficiently discover novel, potentially useful and ultimately interesting knowledge. However, in real-world situations these requirements often cannot be fulfilled, e.g., if the applied methods do not scale for large data sets, if too many results are presented to the user, or if many of the discovered patterns are already known to the user. This thesis proposes a combination of several techniques in order to cope with the sketched problems: We discuss automatic methods, including heuristic and exhaustive approaches, and especially present the novel SD-Map algorithm for exhaustive subgroup discovery that is fast and effective. For an interactive approach we describe techniques for subgroup introspection and analysis, and we present advanced visualization methods, e.g., the zoomtable that directly shows the most important parameters of a subgroup and that can be used for optimization and exploration. We also describe various visualizations for subgroup comparison and evaluation in order to support the user during these essential steps. Furthermore, we propose to include possibly available background knowledge that is easy to formalize into the mining process. We can utilize the knowledge in many ways: To focus the search process, to restrict the search space, and ultimately to increase the efficiency of the discovery method. We especially present background knowledge to be applied for filtering the elements of the problem domain, for constructing abstractions, for aggregating values of attributes, and for the post-processing of the discovered set of patterns. Finally, the techniques are combined into a knowledge-intensive process supporting both automatic and interactive methods for subgroup mining. The practical significance of the proposed approach strongly depends on the available tools. We introduce the VIKAMINE system as a highly-integrated environment for knowledge-intensive active subgroup mining. Also, we present an evaluation consisting of two parts: With respect to objective evaluation criteria, i.e., comparing the efficiency and the effectiveness of the subgroup discovery methods, we provide an experimental evaluation using generated data. For that task we present a novel data generator that allows a simple and intuitive specification of the data characteristics. The results of the experimental evaluation indicate that the novel SD-Map method outperforms the other described algorithms using data sets similar to the intended application concerning the efficiency, and also with respect to precision and recall for the heuristic methods. Subjective evaluation criteria include the user acceptance, the benefit of the approach, and the interestingness of the results. We present five case studies utilizing the presented techniques: The approach has been successfully implemented in medical and technical applications using real-world data sets. The method was very well accepted by the users that were able to discover novel, useful, and interesting knowledge. N2 - Data Mining wird mit großem Erfolg in vielen Domänen angewandt. Subgruppenentdeckung als wichtiges Teilgebiet des Data Mining kann zum Beispiel gut im Marketing, oder zur Qualitätskontrolle und Analyse in medizinischen Domänen eingesetzt werden. Das allgemeine Ziel besteht darin, potentiell nützliches and letztendlich interessantes Wissen zu entdecken. Jedoch können diese Anforderungen im praktischen Einsatz oft nicht erfüllt werden, etwa falls die eingesetzten Methoden eine schlechte Skalierbarkeit für größere Datensätze aufweisen, falls dem Benutzer zu viele Ergebnisse präsentiert werden, oder falls der Anwender viele der gefundenen Subgruppen-Muster schon kennt. Diese Arbeit stellt eine Kombination von automatischen und interaktiven Techniken vor, um mit den genannten Problemen besser umgehen zu können: Es werden automatische heuristische und vollständige Subgruppenentdeckungs-Verfahren diskutiert, und insbesondere der neuartige SD-Map Algorithmus zur vollständigen Subgruppenentdeckung vorgestellt der sowohl schnell als auch effektiv ist. Bezüglich der interaktiven Techniken werden Methoden zur Subgruppen-Introspektion und Analyse, und fortgeschrittene Visualisierungstechniken vorgestellt, beispielsweise die Zoomtable, die die für die Subgruppenentdeckung wichtigsten Parameter direkt visualisiert und zur Optimierung und Exploration eingesetzt werden kann. Zusätzlich werden verschiedene Visualisierungen zum Vergleich und zur Evaluation von Subgruppen beschrieben um den Benutzer bei diesen essentiellen Schritten zu unterstützen. Weiterhin wird leicht zu formalisierendes Hintergrundwissen vorgestellt, das im Subgruppenentdeckungsprozess in vielfältiger Weise eingesetzt werden kann: Um den Entdeckungsprozess zu fokussieren, den Suchraum einzuschränken, und letztendlich die Effizienz der Entdeckungsmethode zu erhöhen. Insbesondere wird Hintergrundwissen eingeführt, um die Elemente der Anwendungsdomäne zu filtern, um geeignete Abstraktionen zu definieren, Werte zusammenzufassen, und die gefundenen Subgruppenmuster nachzubearbeiten. Schließlich werden diese Techniken in einen wissensintensiven Prozess integriert, der sowohl automatische als auch interaktive Methoden zur Subgruppenentdeckung einschließt. Die praktische Bedeutung des vorgestellten Ansatzes hängt stark von den verfügbaren Werkzeugen ab. Dazu wird das VIKAMINE System als hochintegrierte Umgebung für die wissensintensive aktive Subgruppenentdeckung präsentiert. Die Evaluation des Ansatzes besteht aus zwei Teilen: Hinsichtlich einer Evaluation von Effizienz und Effektivität der Verfahren wird eine experimentelle Evaluation mit synthetischen Daten vorgestellt. Für diesen Zweck wird ein neuartiger in der Arbeit entwickelter Datengenerator angewandt, der eine einfache und intuitive Spezifikation der Datencharakteristiken erlaubt. Für die Evaluation des Ansatzes wurden Daten erzeugt, die ähnliche Charakteristiken aufweisen wie die Daten des angestrebten Einsatzbereichs. Die Ergebnisse der Evaluation zeigen, dass der neuartige SD-Map Algorithmus den anderen in der Arbeit beschriebenen Standard-Algorithmen überlegen ist. Sowohl hinsichtlich der Effizienz, als auch von Precision/Recall bezogen auf die heuristischen Algorithmen bietet SD-Map deutliche Vorteile. Subjektive Evaluationskriterien sind durch die Benutzerakzeptanz, den Nutzen des Ansatzes, und die Interessantheit der Ergebnisse gegeben. Es werden fünf Fallstudien für den Einsatz der vorgestellten Techniken beschrieben: Der Ansatz wurde in medizinischen und technischen Anwendungen mit realen Daten eingesetzt. Dabei wurde er von den Benutzern sehr gut angenommen, und im praktischen Einsatz konnte neuartiges, nützliches, und interessantes Wissen entdeckt werden. KW - Data Mining KW - Algorithmus KW - Visualisierung KW - Subgruppenentdeckung KW - Hintergrundwissen KW - Wissensendeckung KW - Data Mining KW - Visualisierung KW - Subgroup Mining KW - Background Knowledge KW - Knowledge Discovery KW - Data Mining KW - Visualization Y1 - 2006 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21004 ER - TY - THES A1 - Baier, Herbert T1 - Operators of Higher Order N2 - Motivated by results on interactive proof systems we investigate the computational power of quantifiers applied to well-known complexity classes. In special, we are interested in existential, universal and probabilistic bounded error quantifiers ranging over words and sets of words, i.e. oracles if we think in a Turing machine model. In addition to the standard oracle access mechanism, we also consider quantifiers ranging over oracles to which access is restricted in a certain way. N2 - Angeregt durch die Resultate über interaktive Beweissysteme untersuchen wir Quantoren in Anwendung auf bereits bekannte Komplexitätsklassen hinsichtlich ihrer dadurch gegebenen Berechnungsmächtigkeit. Von besonderem Interesse sind dabei existentielle und universelle Quantoren sowie Quantoren mit begrenzter Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit, die alle über Wörter oder Wortmengen (Orakel im Kontext der Turingmaschinen) quantifizieren. Außer in Bezug auf den Standardmechanismus eines Orakelzugriffs werden auch Quantifizierungen über Orakel, für deren Zugriff gewisse Beschränkungen bestehen, betrachtet. KW - Komplexitätstheorie KW - Quantor KW - Operator KW - Komplexitätsklasse Y1 - 1998 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140799 SN - 3-8265-4008-5 PB - Shaker Verlag ER - TY - THES A1 - Baier, Pablo A. T1 - Simulator for Minimally Invasive Vascular Interventions: Hardware and Software T1 - VR-Simulation für das Training von Herzkathetereingriffen: Hard- und Softwarelösung N2 - A complete simulation system is proposed that can be used as an educational tool by physicians in training basic skills of Minimally Invasive Vascular Interventions. In the first part, a surface model is developed to assemble arteries having a planar segmentation. It is based on Sweep Surfaces and can be extended to T- and Y-like bifurcations. A continuous force vector field is described, representing the interaction between the catheter and the surface. The computation time of the force field is almost unaffected when the resolution of the artery is increased. The mechanical properties of arteries play an essential role in the study of the circulatory system dynamics, which has been becoming increasingly important in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In Virtual Reality Simulators, it is crucial to have a tissue model that responds in real time. In this work, the arteries are discretized by a two dimensional mesh and the nodes are connected by three kinds of linear springs. Three tissue layers (Intima, Media, Adventitia) are considered and, starting from the stretch-energy density, some of the elasticity tensor components are calculated. The physical model linearizes and homogenizes the material response, but it still contemplates the geometric nonlinearity. In general, if the arterial stretch varies by 1% or less, then the agreement between the linear and nonlinear models is trustworthy. In the last part, the physical model of the wire proposed by Konings is improved. As a result, a simpler and more stable method is obtained to calculate the equilibrium configuration of the wire. In addition, a geometrical method is developed to perform relaxations. It is particularly useful when the wire is hindered in the physical method because of the boundary conditions. The physical and the geometrical methods are merged, resulting in efficient relaxations. Tests show that the shape of the virtual wire agrees with the experiment. The proposed algorithm allows real-time executions and the hardware to assemble the simulator has a low cost. N2 - Es wird ein vollständiges Simulationssystem entwickelt, das von Ärzten als Lehrmittel zur Ausbildung grundlegender Fertigkeiten bei Herzkathetereingriffen eingesetzt werden kann. Im ersten Teil wird ein Oberflächenmodell zur Erstellung von Arterien mit planarer Segmentierung entwickelt. Im zweiten Teil werden die Arterien durch ein zweidimensionales Netz diskretisiert, die Knoten werden durch drei Arten linearer Federn verbunden und ausgehend von einer Dehnungsenergie-Dichte-Funktion werden einige Komponenten des Elastizitätstensors berechnet. Im letzten Teil wird das von anderen Autoren vorgeschlagene physikalische Modell des Drahtes verbessert und eine neue geometrische Methode entwickelt. Der vorgeschlagene Algorithmus ermöglicht Echtzeit-Ausführungen. Die Hardware des Simulators hat geringe Herstellungskosten. T3 - Forschungsberichte in der Robotik = Research Notes in Robotics - 15 KW - Computersimulation KW - Simulator KW - Arterie KW - Elastizitätstensor KW - Herzkatheter KW - Minimally invasive vascular intervention KW - Wire relaxation KW - Artery KW - Elasticity tensor KW - Stiffness KW - educational tool KW - Elastizitätstensor KW - Herzkathetereingriff KW - Software KW - Hardware Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161190 SN - 978-3-945459-22-5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Baier, Pablo A. A1 - Baier-Saip, Jürgen A. A1 - Schilling, Klaus A1 - Oliveira, Jauvane C. T1 - Simulator for Minimally Invasive Vascular Interventions: Hardware and Software JF - Presence N2 - In the present work, a simulation system is proposed that can be used as an educational tool by physicians in training basic skills of minimally invasive vascular interventions. In order to accomplish this objective, initially the physical model of the wire proposed by Konings has been improved. As a result, a simpler and more stable method was obtained to calculate the equilibrium configuration of the wire. In addition, a geometrical method is developed to perform relaxations. It is particularly useful when the wire is hindered in the physical method because of the boundary conditions. Then a recipe is given to merge the physical and the geometrical methods, resulting in efficient relaxations. Moreover, tests have shown that the shape of the virtual wire agrees with the experiment. The proposed algorithm allows real-time executions, and furthermore, the hardware to assemble the simulator has a low cost. KW - simulation system KW - educational tool KW - invasive vascular interventions Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-140580 SN - 1531-3263 VL - 25 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bartl, Andrea A1 - Wenninger, Stephan A1 - Wolf, Erik A1 - Botsch, Mario A1 - Latoschik, Marc Erich T1 - Affordable but not cheap: a case study of the effects of two 3D-reconstruction methods of virtual humans JF - Frontiers in Virtual Reality N2 - Realistic and lifelike 3D-reconstruction of virtual humans has various exciting and important use cases. Our and others’ appearances have notable effects on ourselves and our interaction partners in virtual environments, e.g., on acceptance, preference, trust, believability, behavior (the Proteus effect), and more. Today, multiple approaches for the 3D-reconstruction of virtual humans exist. They significantly vary in terms of the degree of achievable realism, the technical complexities, and finally, the overall reconstruction costs involved. This article compares two 3D-reconstruction approaches with very different hardware requirements. The high-cost solution uses a typical complex and elaborated camera rig consisting of 94 digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras. The recently developed low-cost solution uses a smartphone camera to create videos that capture multiple views of a person. Both methods use photogrammetric reconstruction and template fitting with the same template model and differ in their adaptation to the method-specific input material. Each method generates high-quality virtual humans ready to be processed, animated, and rendered by standard XR simulation and game engines such as Unreal or Unity. We compare the results of the two 3D-reconstruction methods in an immersive virtual environment against each other in a user study. Our results indicate that the virtual humans from the low-cost approach are perceived similarly to those from the high-cost approach regarding the perceived similarity to the original, human-likeness, beauty, and uncanniness, despite significant differences in the objectively measured quality. The perceived feeling of change of the own body was higher for the low-cost virtual humans. Quality differences were perceived more strongly for one’s own body than for other virtual humans. KW - virtual humans KW - 3D-reconstruction methods KW - avatars KW - agents KW - user study Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260492 VL - 2 ER - TY - THES A1 - Baunach, Marcel T1 - Advances in Distributed Real-Time Sensor/Actuator Systems Operation - Operating Systems, Communication, and Application Design Concepts - T1 - Fortschritte im Betrieb drahtloser Sensor/Aktuator Netzwerke N2 - This work takes a close look at several quite different research areas related to the design of networked embedded sensor/actuator systems. The variety of the topics illustrates the potential complexity of current sensor network applications; especially when enriched with actuators for proactivity and environmental interaction. Besides their conception, development, installation and long-term operation, we'll mainly focus on more "low-level" aspects: Compositional hardware and software design, task cooperation and collaboration, memory management, and real-time operation will be addressed from a local node perspective. In contrast, inter-node synchronization, communication, as well as sensor data acquisition, aggregation, and fusion will be discussed from a rather global network view. The diversity in the concepts was intentionally accepted to finally facilitate the reliable implementation of truly complex systems. In particular, these should go beyond the usual "sense and transmit of sensor data", but show how powerful today's networked sensor/actuator systems can be despite of their low computational performance and constrained hardware: If their resources are only coordinated efficiently! N2 - Diese Arbeit behandelt einige sehr unterschiedliche Forschungsbereiche bezüglich des Designs vernetzter und eingebetteter Sensor/Aktuator-Systeme. Die Vielfalt der Themen zeigt die potenzielle Komplexität aktueller Sensornetzwerk-Anwendungen, insbesondere wenn sie mit Aktuatoren zur Interaktion mit der Umwelt ausgestattet sind. Neben deren Konzeption, Entwicklung, Installation und dem langfristigen Betrieb wird besonders auf diverse "low-level" Aspekte eingegangen: Kompositionelles Hardware- und Software-Design, Task Kooperation und Kollaboration, Speicher-Verwaltung und Echtzeit-Betrieb werden aus lokaler Sicht der Sensorknoten betrachtet. Im Kontrast werden Knoten-Synchronisation, Kommunikation, sowie Sensordatenerfassung, -aggregation und -fusion aus globaler Netzwerk-Sicht diskutiert. Die Vielfalt der behandelten Konzepte wurde bewusst in Kauf genommen, um letztlich die zuverlässige Umsetzung sehr komplexer Systeme zu erleichtern. Insbesondere sollte dies über das übliche "Erfassen und Übertragen von Sensordaten" hinausgehen, und zeigen, wie mächtig heutige vernetzte Sensor/Aktuator-Systeme trotz ihrer geringen Rechenleistung und eingeschränkten Hardware sein können: Wenn ihre Ressourcen effizient koordiniert werden! KW - Eingebettetes System KW - Drahtloses Sensorsystem KW - Echtzeitsystem KW - Dynamische Speicherverwaltung KW - Ressourcenallokation KW - Fernwartung KW - Betriebssystem KW - Verteiltes System KW - Lokalisation KW - Embedded Systems KW - Real-Time Operating Systems KW - Localization KW - Wireless Sensor/Actuator Systems KW - Dynamic Memory Management Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76489 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bayer, Daniel A1 - Pruckner, Marco T1 - A digital twin of a local energy system based on real smart meter data JF - Energy Informatics N2 - The steadily increasing usage of smart meters generates a valuable amount of high-resolution data about the individual energy consumption and production of local energy systems. Private households install more and more photovoltaic systems, battery storage and big consumers like heat pumps. Thus, our vision is to augment these collected smart meter time series of a complete system (e.g., a city, town or complex institutions like airports) with simulatively added previously named components. We, therefore, propose a novel digital twin of such an energy system based solely on a complete set of smart meter data including additional building data. Based on the additional geospatial data, the twin is intended to represent the addition of the abovementioned components as realistically as possible. Outputs of the twin can be used as a decision support for either system operators where to strengthen the system or for individual households where and how to install photovoltaic systems and batteries. Meanwhile, the first local energy system operators had such smart meter data of almost all residential consumers for several years. We acquire those of an exemplary operator and discuss a case study presenting some features of our digital twin and highlighting the value of the combination of smart meter and geospatial data. KW - digital twin KW - simulation KW - local energy system KW - decision support system KW - smart meter data utilization KW - future energy grid exploration Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357456 VL - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Becker, Martin A1 - Caminiti, Saverio A1 - Fiorella, Donato A1 - Francis, Louise A1 - Gravino, Pietro A1 - Haklay, Mordechai (Muki) A1 - Hotho, Andreas A1 - Loreto, Virrorio A1 - Mueller, Juergen A1 - Ricchiuti, Ferdinando A1 - Servedio, Vito D. P. A1 - Sirbu, Alina A1 - Tria, Franesca T1 - Awareness and Learning in Participatory Noise Sensing JF - PLOS ONE N2 - The development of ICT infrastructures has facilitated the emergence of new paradigms for looking at society and the environment over the last few years. Participatory environmental sensing, i.e. directly involving citizens in environmental monitoring, is one example, which is hoped to encourage learning and enhance awareness of environmental issues. In this paper, an analysis of the behaviour of individuals involved in noise sensing is presented. Citizens have been involved in noise measuring activities through the WideNoise smartphone application. This application has been designed to record both objective (noise samples) and subjective (opinions, feelings) data. The application has been open to be used freely by anyone and has been widely employed worldwide. In addition, several test cases have been organised in European countries. Based on the information submitted by users, an analysis of emerging awareness and learning is performed. The data show that changes in the way the environment is perceived after repeated usage of the application do appear. Specifically, users learn how to recognise different noise levels they are exposed to. Additionally, the subjective data collected indicate an increased user involvement in time and a categorisation effect between pleasant and less pleasant environments. KW - exposure Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-127675 SN - 1932-6203 VL - 8 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bencurova, Elena A1 - Shityakov, Sergey A1 - Schaack, Dominik A1 - Kaltdorf, Martin A1 - Sarukhanyan, Edita A1 - Hilgarth, Alexander A1 - Rath, Christin A1 - Montenegro, Sergio A1 - Roth, Günter A1 - Lopez, Daniel A1 - Dandekar, Thomas T1 - Nanocellulose composites as smart devices with chassis, light-directed DNA Storage, engineered electronic properties, and chip integration JF - Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology N2 - The rapid development of green and sustainable materials opens up new possibilities in the field of applied research. Such materials include nanocellulose composites that can integrate many components into composites and provide a good chassis for smart devices. In our study, we evaluate four approaches for turning a nanocellulose composite into an information storage or processing device: 1) nanocellulose can be a suitable carrier material and protect information stored in DNA. 2) Nucleotide-processing enzymes (polymerase and exonuclease) can be controlled by light after fusing them with light-gating domains; nucleotide substrate specificity can be changed by mutation or pH change (read-in and read-out of the information). 3) Semiconductors and electronic capabilities can be achieved: we show that nanocellulose is rendered electronic by iodine treatment replacing silicon including microstructures. Nanocellulose semiconductor properties are measured, and the resulting potential including single-electron transistors (SET) and their properties are modeled. Electric current can also be transported by DNA through G-quadruplex DNA molecules; these as well as classical silicon semiconductors can easily be integrated into the nanocellulose composite. 4) To elaborate upon miniaturization and integration for a smart nanocellulose chip device, we demonstrate pH-sensitive dyes in nanocellulose, nanopore creation, and kinase micropatterning on bacterial membranes as well as digital PCR micro-wells. Future application potential includes nano-3D printing and fast molecular processors (e.g., SETs) integrated with DNA storage and conventional electronics. This would also lead to environment-friendly nanocellulose chips for information processing as well as smart nanocellulose composites for biomedical applications and nano-factories. KW - nanocellulose KW - DNA storage KW - light-gated proteins KW - single-electron transistors KW - protein chip Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-283033 SN - 2296-4185 VL - 10 ER -