TY - JOUR A1 - Said, Harun M. A1 - Polat, Buelent A1 - Stein, Susanne A1 - Guckenberger, Mathias A1 - Hagemann, Carsten A1 - Staab, Adrian A1 - Katzer, Astrid A1 - Anacker, Jelena A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Vordermark, Dirk T1 - Inhibition of N-Myc down regulated gene 1 in in vitro cultured human glioblastoma cells JF - World Journal of Clinical Oncology N2 - AIM: To study short dsRNA oligonucleotides (siRNA) as a potent tool for artificially modulating gene expression of N-Myc down regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) gene induced under different physiological conditions (Normoxia and hypoxia) modulating NDRG1 transcription, mRNA stability and translation. METHODS: A cell line established from a patient with glioblastoma multiforme. Plasmid DNA for transfections was prepared with the Endofree Plasmid Maxi kit. From plates containing 5 x 10(7) cells, nuclear extracts were prepared according to previous protocols. The pSUPER-NDRG1 vectors were designed, two sequences were selected from the human NDRG1 cDNA (5'-GCATTATTGGCATGGGAAC-3' and 5'-ATGCAGAGTAACGTGGAAG-3'. reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was performed using primers designed using published information on -actin and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 mRNA sequences in GenBank. NDRG1 mRNA and protein level expression results under different conditions of hypoxia or reoxygenation were compared to aerobic control conditions using the Mann-Whitney U test. Reoxygenation values were also compared to the NDRG1 levels after 24 h of hypoxia (P < 0.05 was considered significant). RESULTS: siRNA- and iodoacetate (IAA)-mediated downregulation of NDRG1 mRNA and protein expression in vitro in human glioblastoma cell lines showed a nearly complete inhibition of NDRG1 expression when compared to the results obtained due to the inhibitory role of glycolysis inhibitor IAA. Hypoxia responsive elements bound by nuclear HIF-1 in human glioblastoma cells in vitro under different oxygenation conditions and the clearly enhanced binding of nuclear extracts from glioblastoma cell samples exposed to extreme hypoxic conditions confirmed the HIF-1 Western blotting results. CONCLUSION: NDRG1 represents an additional diagnostic marker for brain tumor detection, due to the role of hypoxia in regulating this gene, and it can represent a potential target for tumor treatment in human glioblastoma. The siRNA method can represent an elegant alternative to modulate the expression of the hypoxia induced NDRG1 gene and can help to monitor the development of the cancer disease treatment outcome through monitoring the expression of this gene in the patients undergoing the different therapeutic treatment alternatives available nowadays. KW - Strahlentherapie KW - brain cancer KW - radiotherapy KW - human cancer diseases KW - Short dsRNA oligonucleotides KW - N-Myc down regulated gene 1 Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123385 VL - 3 IS - 7 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kuger, Sebastian T1 - Radiosensibilisierung humaner Tumorzelllinien unterschiedlicher Entitäten durch den dualen PI3K/mTOR-Inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 alleine oder in Kombination mit dem MEK-Inhibitor AZD6244: Einfluss des Behandlungsschemas und der Hypoxie T1 - Radiosensitization of human cancer cell lines of different tumor entities with the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 solely or in combination with the MEK inhibitor AZD6244: Effects of the treatement schedule and of hypoxia N2 - Eine wichtige Standardtherapie in der modernen Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen ist die Strahlentherapie, in welcher Tumorzellen mittels ionisierender Strahlung geschädigt und abgetötet werden. Dabei soll die Schädigung des umgebenden Normalgewebes möglichst gering gehalten und trotzdem eine maximale Schädigung des Tumorgewebes erreicht werden. Deshalb sind neue Strategien zur Steigerung der Radiosensitivität des Tumorgewebes sehr wichtig, die es erlauben, bei gleicher Dosis eine verstärkte Strahlenantwort im Tumorgewebe zu erreichen. Hier kommen zunehmend sog. Radiosensibilisatoren zum Einsatz, die unter anderem onkogene Signalwege in den Tumorzellen inhibieren. Der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweg stellt hierbei einen wichtigen Ansatzpunkt dar, da er in vielen Tumorentitäten dereguliert vorliegt und diese Signalkaskade bekanntermaßen einen Einfluss auf die zelluläre Strahlensensitivität hat. Obwohl es für diesen Signalweg schon eine Reihe von Inhibitoren gibt, für die bereits neben einer anti-proliferativen Wirkung auch ein radiosensibilisierender Effekt nachgewiesen wurde (z.B. Wortmannin und Rapamycin), machten eine geringe Spezifität, starke Nebenwirkungen und negative Rückkopplungsmechanismen im Signalweg, die die Wirkung des Inhibitors kompensieren, die Entwicklung neuer Inhibitoren notwendig. Das Imidazoquinolinderivat NVP-BEZ235 inhibiert den PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweg an mehreren Stellen gleichzeitig, indem es kompetitiv zu ATP das katalytische Zentrum von PI3K und mTOR blockiert. Für diesen kleinmolekularen, dualen Inhibitor gibt es bereits erste vielversprechende Forschungsergebnisse hinsichtlich einer radiosensibilisierenden Wirkung, allerdings sind die zugrunde liegenden molekularbiologischen Mechanismen noch nicht vollständig geklärt. Deshalb war das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation, in drei Teilprojekten mehrere Aspekte der NVP-BEZ235-induzierten Radiosensibilisierung aufzuklären: a) Einfluss des Behandlungsschemas für NVP-BEZ235 in vier Glioblastomzelllinien mit unterschiedlichem PTEN und TP53 Mutationsstatus, b) Einfluss der Sauerstoffversorgung (Hypoxie, Normoxie, reoxygeniert nach Bestrahlung) auf die strahlensensibilisierende Wirkung von NVP-BEZ235 in zwei Mammakarzinomzelllinien, c) gleichzeitige Inhibierung des MAPK Signalwegs durch AZD6244 und der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalkaskade durch NVP-BEZ235 in zwei Zelllinien mit unter-schiedlichem Mutationsstatus aus verschiedenen Tumorentitäten, um synergistische Effekte zu untersuchen. Um diese Fragestellungen zu beantworten, wurde im Rahmen - 142 - der Dissertation eine Auswahl an humanen Tumorzelllinien mit unterschiedlich deregulierten Signalwegen bearbeitet. Dabei wurde die Expression von Schlüsselproteinen der MAPK/Erk und der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalwege analysiert und mit zellbiologischen Daten verschiedener phänotypischer Endpunkte nach Inhibitor Behandlung und Bestrahlung integriert (Proliferationsrate, klonogenes Überleben, Zellzyklusaberrationen, DNS-Schäden und -Reparatur, Zelltod und Autophagie). Im Teilprojekt zum Behandlungsschema der NVP-BEZ235 Inhibierung und Bestrahlung konnte in vier Glioblastomzelllinien mit Behandlungsschema I (NVP-BEZ235 Behandlung 24 Stunden vor Bestrahlung) kein radiosensibilisierender Effekt hinsichtlich klonogenem Überleben nachgewiesen werden, wohingegen Behandlungsschema II (NVP-BEZ235 Behandlung 1 h vor und im Anschluss an die Bestrahlung) unabhängig vom Mutationsstatus in allen vier Zelllinien eine starke Radiosensibilisierung bewirkte. Auf molekularer Ebene war zwischen beiden Behandlungsschemata für das antiapoptotische Protein Akt ein großer Unterschied zu beobachten, welches bei Behandlung nach Schema I zum Zeitpunkt der Bestrahlung überaktiviert, nach Behandlung mit Schema II hingegen inhibiert war. Weiterhin resultierte Behandlungsschema I in einem erhöhten Anteil der Zellen in der radioresistenteren G1-Phase des Zellzyklus zum Zeit-punkt der Bestrahlung. Behandlungsschema II führte hingegen nach Bestrahlung zu einer verminderten Expression des Reparaturproteins Rad51 und damit zu verminderter DNS-Schadensreparatur und schließlich zu einem stabilen Arrest in der G2/M-Phase des Zellzyklus sowie zu verstärkter Apoptose (erhöhte Spaltung von PARP, erhöhter Anteil hypodiploider Zellen). Somit zeigen diese Ergebnisse, dass unabhängig vom PTEN und TP53 Mutationsstatus eine Radiosensibilisierung nur durch das Behandlungsschema II erreicht werden konnte. Ferner deuten die Ergebnisse der Proteinexpression darauf hin, dass durch NVP-BEZ235 ein negativer Rückkopplungsmechanismus ausgelöst wird, wodurch die PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalkaskade 24h nach Zugabe des Inhibitors aktiviert und synergistische Effekte mit ionisierender Bestrahlung aufgehoben wurden. Im Teilprojekt zur Abhängigkeit der NVP-BEZ235 Inhibition vom Sauerstoffgehalt wurden in den beiden Brustkrebszelllinien MCF-7 (ER-positiv) und TN MDA-MB-231 (TP53 mutiert) normoxische, hypoxische und nach Bestrahlung reoxygenierte Kulturbedingungen im Hinblick auf die Koloniebildungsfähigkeit nach NVP-BEZ235 Behandlung und Bestrahlung untersucht. Die beobachtete Radiosensibilisierung war unter allen getesteten Bedingungen auf gleichem Niveau. In beiden Zelllinien bewirkte NVP-BEZ235 eine Inhibition des antiapoptotischen HIF-1α Proteins, eine stabile Inaktivierung des PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweges und eine Aktivierung der Autophagie. Nach Bestrahlung waren zudem erhöhte residuale DNS-Schäden und ein stabiler Arrest in der G2/M-Phase des Zellzyklus unter allen Oxygenierungsbedingungen in beiden Zelllinien zu beobachten. Eine Apoptose Induktion (Spaltung von PARP, hypodiploide Zellen) trat nur in der TP53 wildtypischen MCF-7 Zelllinie nach NVP-BEZ235 Behandlung auf. Somit konnte in beiden Zelllinien in allen pathophysiologisch relevanten Oxygenierungszuständen eine sauerstoffunabhängige Radiosensibilisierung durch NVP-BEZ235 gezeigt werden. Der bisher nicht erforschte Aspekt zur synergistischen Wirkung des MEK Inhibitors AZD6244 und des dualen PI3K/Akt/mTOR Inhibitors NVP-BEZ235 nach Bestrahlung wurde an der Glioblastomzelllinie SNB19 und der Lungenkarzinomzelllinie A549 anhand der Koloniebildungsfähigkeit der behandelten Zellen untersucht. Eine Behandlung mit dem MEK Inhibitor bewirkte lediglich eine moderate Radiosensibilisierung, wohin-gegen der duale PI3K/Akt/mTOR Inhibitor beide Zelllinien in stärkerem Maße sensibilisierte. Eine Kombination beider Inhibitoren resultierte bei keiner Zelllinie in einer Verstärkung der durch NVP-BEZ235 induzierten Radiosensibilisierung. Eine mögliche Erklärung für die fehlende Synergie im Bezug auf die Radiosensibilisierung können die gegensätzlichen Effekte der beiden Inhibitoren auf den Zellzyklus sein. Auf Proteinebene führte eine simultane Behandlung mit beiden Substanzen zur Inhibition beider Signalwege. Darüber hinaus war in SNB19 Zellen eine verstärkte Dephosphorylierung von Rb und ein erhöhter Anteil an G1-Phase Zellen bei kombinierter Gabe der Inhibitoren zu beobachten. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte somit die radiosensibilisierende Wirkung von NVP-BEZ235 in Abhängigkeit vom Behandlungsschema gezeigt werden. Ferner wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Radiosensibilisierung unabhängig von der Sauerstoffversorgung sowie von den PTEN und TP53 Mutationsstatus der Tumorzellen ist. Die kombinierte Inhibition der MAPK und PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalwege resultierte zwar in einem verstärkten zytostatischen, aber nicht in einem verstärkten radiosensibilisierenden Effekt. Da allerdings eine große Anzahl verschiedener Inhibitoren der MAPK/Erk und der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalkaskade verfügbar sind, sollte die kombinatorische Inhibition dieser Signalwege systematisch weiter verfolgt werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert auch weitere grundlegende Erkenntnisse zu den molekularen Mechanismen der Radiosensibilisierung durch NVP-BEZ235, die auch auf Verknüpfungen und Wechselwirkungen mit anderen als den bisher bekannten Proteinen hindeuten, die für jeden Inhibitor aufgeklärt werden müssen, um eine effektive radiosensibilisierende Wirkung vorher-sagen zu können. N2 - One important treatment option in modern cancer treatment is the radiotherapy, in which tumor cells are killed using the effects of ionizing radiation. A major clinical challenge is the minimization of toxicity to normal tissue with an optimized efficacy in tumor tissue at the same time. In order to meet this requirement, novel strategies are neces-sary to increase the radiosensitivity of tumor tissue aiming at an enhanced radiation response in tumor cells at unchanged doses. For this purpose radiosensitizers are increasingly used, which often also inhibit oncogenic pathways in tumor cells. The PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling cascade represents a key target since it is deregulated in many tumor types and since it is known that this pathway influences the cellular radiosensitivity. Even though a number of inhibitors with proven antiproliferative and radiosensitizing properties are already available for the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway (e.g. Wortmannin and Rapamycin), some substantial drawbacks such as low specificity, strong side effects and negative feedback loops within the pathway causing failure of pathway inhibition, necessitate the development of novel inhibitors. NVP-BEZ235 is an imidazoquinoline derivate, which acts as a dual inhibitor of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR path-way by inhibiting the catalytic domain of PI3K and mTOR in an ATP competitive man-ner. There are already promising results published about a radiosensitizing effect of this small molecule inhibitor, however, the underlying molecular mechanisms are still not sufficiently clarified. For this reason, the aim of this doctoral thesis was to clarify several aspects of NVP-BEZ235-induced radiosensitization: a) impact of the treatment scheme of NVP-BEZ235 on four glioblastoma cell lines with different PTEN and TP53 mutational status, b) impact of oxygen supply (hypoxia, normoxia, reoxygenation after irradiation) on the radiosensitizing effect of NVP-BEZ235 in two breast cancer cell lines, c) simultaneous inhibition of the MAPK/Erk pathway with AZD6244 and the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway with NVP-BEZ235 in two cell lines differing in their muta-tional background and their origin in order to investigate synergistic effects on radiosensitization. In order to meet these aims, a selection of human tumor cell lines with differentially deregulated pathways was used in this thesis. The expression of key proteins of the PI3K/mTOR and MAPK/Erk pathways were analyzed and integrated with pheno-typic data (proliferation rate, clonogenic survival, cell cycle alterations, DNA damage and repair, cell death, autophagy) after inhibitor treatment and irradiation of cells. For this purpose, proliferation and colony forming assays as well as flow cytometry and Western blot analyses have been performed. The subproject investigating the treatment schemes of NVP-BEZ235 inhibition in com-bination with irradiation demonstrated in four glioblastoma cell lines that treatment scheme I (NVP-BEZ235 treatment 24 h before irradiation) could not generate a radio-sensitizing effect considering clonogenic survival. However, treatment scheme II (NVP-BEZ235 treatment 1 h before and after irradiation) resulted in a strong radiosensitization in each cell line independently of the mutation status. At protein level, a remarkable difference between the two treatment schemes was observed for the expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Akt, which was overexpressed at the time of irradiation under scheme I, whilst it was inhibited under treatment of scheme II. Scheme I also resulted in an elevated proportion of cells in the more resistent G1-phase of the cell cycle at the time of irradiation. On the other hand, scheme II caused a reduced expression of the repair protein Rad51 and a diminished DNA repair after irradiation. Also, a stable arrest in the G2/M-phase of the cell cycle and increased apoptosis (increased cleavage of PARP and elevated proportions of hypodiploid cells) were noticed under scheme II conditions. Thus, these findings demonstrate a radiosensitization only under conditions of treatment scheme II and that this radiosensitization was independent of PTEN and TP53 mutations. Moreover, the data on protein expression indicate a negative feedback loop that was induced by NVP BEZ235 resulting in an activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway 24 h after inhibitor treatment and leading to abrogation of the synergistic effects with irradiation. The impact of the oxygen supply on NVP BEZ235 inhibition was studied within the second subproject, using the breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 (ER-positive) and TN MDA-MB-231 (TP53 mutated) under normoxia, hypoxia and reoxygenation after irra-diation with respect to colony formation after NVP-BEZ235 treatment and irradiation. A radiosensitization was observed for each condition at the same level. NVP BEZ235 caused in each cell line an inhibition of the anti-apoptotic HIF-1α protein, a stable inactivation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway and an activation of autophagy. An increase of residual DNA damage and a stable arrest in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle were also noticed for all oxygen conditions after irradiation in both cell lines. An induction of apoptosis (cleavage of PARP, hypodiploid cells) was only seen after NVP BEZ235 treatment in the wildtype TP53 MCF-7 cell line. Thus, a radiosensitization independent of the oxygen supply became apparent for all oxygen conditions tested. The aspect of the synergistic effect after irradiation of the MEK inhibitor AZD6244 and of the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 was examined for the first time within the third subproject. For this purpose, the colony formation ability was analyzed for the glioblastoma cell line SNB19 and for the lung carcinoma cell line A549. The MEK in-hibitor AZD6244 only caused a moderate radiosensitization whereas the dual PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 resulted in a stronger radiosensitization com-pared to AZD6244. A combinatorial treatment with both inhibitors did not show a gain of the radiosensitizing effect of NVP-BEZ235 in any cell line. One possible explanation for the missing synergy in terms of radiosensitization could be the adverse effects on the cell cycle observed after combined inhibition. At the protein level the simultaneous treatment with both inhibitors caused an inhibition of both pathways. An increased dephosphorylation of Rb and an elevated proportion of G1 phase cells were observed in SNB19 cells after combinatorial treatment. Within the scope of this doctoral thesis a radiosensitizing effect of NVP-BEZ235 was clearly demonstrated depending on the treatment scheme. It was shown that the radiosensitization was independent of the oxygen supply and the PTEN and TP53 mutational status of the tumor cells. The simultaneous inhibition of the MAPK/Erk and PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathways caused an increased cytostatic effect on tumor cells, but did not result in an elevated radiosensitization. However, a large number of different inhibi-tors of the MAPK/Erk and the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling cascades are available so far and therefore the specific examination of a combinatorial inhibition of these pathways should be continued. This doctoral thesis also provides basic research findings of the molecular mechanisms of radiosensitization induced by NVP-BEZ235 pointing to links and interactions with so far unknown proteins. These protein and network interactions should be clarified for each inhibitor in order to predict a specific effect on radiosensiti-zation. KW - Strahlensensibilisator KW - NVP-BEZ235 KW - Strahlentherapie KW - Tumorzelle Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126715 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kuger, Sebastian A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. T1 - Simultaneous perturbation of the MAPK and the PI3K/mTOR pathways does not lead to increased radiosensitization JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background The mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) and the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathways are intertwined on various levels and simultaneous inhibition reduces tumorsize and prolonges survival synergistically. Furthermore, inhibiting these pathways radiosensitized cancer cells in various studies. To assess, if phenotypic changes after perturbations of this signaling network depend on the genetic background, we integrated a time series of the signaling data with phenotypic data after simultaneous MAPK/ERK kinase (MEK) and PI3K/mTOR inhibition and ionizing radiation (IR). Methods The MEK inhibitor AZD6244 and the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 were tested in glioblastoma and lung carcinoma cells, which differ in their mutational status in the MAPK and the PI3K/mTOR pathways. Effects of AZD6244 and NVP-BEZ235 on the proliferation were assessed using an ATP assay. Drug treatment and IR effects on the signaling network were analyzed in a time-dependent manner along with measurements of phenotypic changes in the colony forming ability, apoptosis, autophagy or cell cycle. Results Both inhibitors reduced the tumor cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, with NVP-BEZ235 revealing the higher anti-proliferative potential. Our Western blot data indicated that AZD6244 and NVP-BEZ235 perturbed the MAPK and PI3K/mTOR signaling cascades, respectively. Additionally, we confirmed crosstalks and feedback loops in the pathways. As shown by colony forming assay, the AZD6244 moderately radiosensitized cancer cells, whereas NVP-BEZ235 caused a stronger radiosensitization. Combining both drugs did not enhance the NVP-BEZ235-mediated radiosensitization. Both inhibitors caused a cell cycle arrest in the G1-phase, whereas concomitant IR and treatment with the inhibitors resulted in cell line- and drug-specific cell cycle alterations. Furthermore, combining both inhibitors synergistically enhanced a G1-phase arrest in sham-irradiated glioblastoma cells and induced apoptosis and autophagy in both cell lines. Conclusion Perturbations of the MEK and the PI3K pathway radiosensitized tumor cells of different origins and the combination of AZD6244 and NVP-BEZ235 yielded cytostatic effects in several tumor entities. However, this is the first study assessing, if the combination of both drugs also results in synergistic effects in terms of radiosensitivity. Our study demonstrates that simultaneous treatment with both pathway inhibitors does not lead to synergistic radiosensitization but causes cell line-specific effects. KW - autophagy KW - radiosensitivity KW - NVP-BEZ235 KW - AZD6244 KW - cell cycle arrest KW - apoptosis Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126104 VL - 10 IS - 214 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wohlleben, Gisela A1 - Scherzad, Agmal A1 - Güttler, Antje A1 - Vordermark, Dirk A1 - Kuger, Sebastian A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Polat, Buelent T1 - Influence of hypoxia and irradiation on osteopontin expression in head and neck cancer and glioblastoma cell lines JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background Tumor hypoxia is a known risk factor for reduced response to radiotherapy. The evaluation of noninvasive methods for the detection of hypoxia is therefore of interest. Osteopontin (OPN) has been discussed as an endogenous hypoxia biomarker. It is overexpressed in many cancers and is involved in tumor progression and metastasis. Methods To examine the influence of hypoxia and irradiation on osteopontin expression we used different cell lines (head and neck cancer (Cal27 and FaDu) and glioblastoma multiforme (U251 and U87)). Cells were treated with hypoxia for 24 h and were then irradiated with doses of 2 and 8 Gy. Osteopontin expression was analyzed on mRNA level by quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qPCR) and on protein level by western blot. Cell culture supernatants were evaluated for secreted OPN by ELISA. Results Hypoxia caused an increase in osteopontin protein expression in all cell lines. In Cal27 a corresponding increase in OPN mRNA expression was observed. In contrast the other cell lines showed a reduced mRNA expression under hypoxic conditions. After irradiation OPN mRNA expression raised slightly in FaDu and U87 cells while it was reduced in U251 and stable in Cal27 cells under normoxia. The combined treatment (hypoxia and irradiation) led to a slight increase of OPN mRNA after 2 Gy in U251 (24 h) and in U87 (24 and 48 h) cell lines falling back to base line after 8 Gy. This effect was not seen in Cal27 or in FaDu cells. Secreted OPN was detected only in the two glioblastoma cell lines with reduced protein levels under hypoxic conditions. Again the combined treatment resulted in a minor increase in OPN secretion 48 hours after irradiation with 8 Gy. Conclusion Osteopontin expression is strongly modulated by hypoxia and only to a minor extent by irradiation. Intracellular OPN homeostasis seems to vary considerably between cell lines. This may explain the partly conflicting results concerning response prediction and prognosis in the clinical setting. KW - glioblastoma multiforme KW - head and neck cancer KW - irridation KW - hypoxia KW - osteopontin Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125746 VL - 10 IS - 167 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bratengeier, Klaus A1 - Holubyev, Kostyantyn T1 - Characteristics of non-coplanar IMRT in the presence of target-embedded organs at risk JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background The aim is to analyze characteristics and to study the potentials of non-coplanar intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) techniques. The planning study applies to generalized organ at risk (OAR) – planning target volume (PTV) geometries. Methods The authors focus on OARs embedded in the PTV. The OAR shapes are spherically symmetric (A), cylindrical (B), and bended (C). Several IMRT techniques are used for the planning study: a) non-coplanar quasi-isotropic; b) two sets of equidistant coplanar beams, half of beams incident in a plane perpendicular to the principal plane; c) coplanar equidistant (reference); d) coplanar plus one orthogonal beam. The number of beam directions varies from 9 to 16. The orientation of the beam sets is systematically changed; dose distributions resulting from optimal fluence are explored. A selection of plans is optimized with direct machine parameter optimization (DMPO) allowing 120 and 64 segments. The overall plan quality, PTV coverage, and OAR sparing are evaluated. Results For all fluence based techniques in cases A and C, plan quality increased considerably if more irradiation directions were used. For the cylindrically symmetric case B, however, only a weak beam number dependence was observed for the best beam set orientation, for which non-coplanar directions could be found where OAR- and PTV-projections did not overlap. IMRT plans using quasi-isotropical distributed non-coplanar beams showed stable results for all topologies A, B, C, as long as 16 beams were chosen; also the most unfavorable beam arrangement created results of similar quality as the optimally oriented coplanar configuration. For smaller number of beams or application in the trunk, a coplanar technique with additional orthogonal beam could be recommended. Techniques using 120 segments created by DMPO could qualitatively reproduce the fluence based results. However, for a reduced number of segments the beam number dependence declined or even reversed for the used planning system and the plan quality degraded substantially. Conclusions Topologies with targets encompassing sensitive OAR require sufficient number of beams of 15 or more. For the subgroup of topologies where beam incidences are possible which cover the whole PTV without direct OAR irradiation, the quality dependence on the number of beams is much less pronounced above 9 beams. However, these special non-coplanar beam directions have to be found. On the basis of this work the non-coplanar IMRT techniques can be chosen for further clinical planning studies. Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125292 VL - 10 IS - 207 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. A1 - Zimmermann, Marcus A1 - Katzer, Astrid A1 - Fiedler, Vanessa A1 - Distel, Luitpold V. A1 - Gasser, Martin A1 - Waaga-Gasser, Anna-Maria A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Polat, Bülent T1 - A prospective study on histone γ-H2AX and 53BP1 foci expression in rectal carcinoma patients: correlation with radiation therapy-induced outcome JF - BMC Cancer N2 - Background The prognostic value of histone γ-H2AX and 53BP1 proteins to predict the radiotherapy (RT) outcome of patients with rectal carcinoma (RC) was evaluated in a prospective study. High expression of the constitutive histone γ-H2AX is indicative of defective DNA repair pathway and/or genomic instability, whereas 53BP1 (p53-binding protein 1) is a conserved checkpoint protein with properties of a DNA double-strand breaks sensor. Methods Using fluorescence microscopy, we assessed spontaneous and radiation-induced foci of γ-H2AX and 53BP1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells derived from unselected RC patients (n = 53) undergoing neoadjuvant chemo- and RT. Cells from apparently healthy donors (n = 12) served as references. Results The γ-H2AX assay of in vitro irradiated lymphocytes revealed significantly higher degree of DNA damage in the group of unselected RC patients with respect to the background, initial (0.5 Gy, 30 min) and residual (0.5 Gy and 2 Gy, 24 h post-radiation) damage compared to the control group. Likewise, the numbers of 53BP1 foci analyzed in the samples from 46 RC patients were significantly higher than in controls except for the background DNA damage. However, both markers were not able to predict tumor stage, gastrointestinal toxicity or tumor regression after curative RT. Interestingly, the mean baseline and induced DNA damage was found to be lower in the group of RC patients with tumor stage IV (n = 7) as compared with the stage III (n = 35). The difference, however, did not reach statistical significance, apparently, because of the limited number of patients. Conclusions The study shows higher expression of γ-H2AX and 53BP1 foci in rectal cancer patients compared with healthy individuals. Yet the data in vitro were not predictive in regard to the radiotherapy outcome. KW - radiosensitivity KW - peripheral blood lymphocytes KW - DNA repair KW - DNA damage Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125303 VL - 15 IS - 856 ER - TY - THES A1 - Stumm, Tobias T1 - Vergleich verschiedener Bestrahlungstechniken am Beispiel unterschiedlicher Hirntumore - eine retrospektive Planungsstudie T1 - Comparison of different radiation techniques at the example of different brain tumors - a retrospective planning study N2 - Die Patientenbestrahlung stellt eine wichtige Therapiesäule in der onkologischen Behandlung von Hirntumoren dar. Das Hauptaugenmerk wird dabei auf die Erreichung einer vorgegebenen Zieldosis im Tumorgebiet und die ausreichende Schonung von sensiblen Strukturen gerichtet. Wir verglichen insgesamt 4 Bestrahlungstechniken untereinander, welche in ihrer Segmentierung und Feldzahl variiert werden können: KoPlanar (Komplettbestrahlung in einer Ebene), KoPlanar+1 (Bestrahlung in einer Ebene mit einem Zusatzfeld in einer anderen Ebene), 2-Ebenen (Bestrahlung auf 2 unterschiedliche Ebenen verteilt), Quasi-Isotrop (Bestrahlung mit Zentralstrahlen in mehreren unterschiedlichen Ebenen). Die Feldzahl kann zwischen wenigen Feldern (9F oder 10F) und vielen Feldern (15F oder 16F) gewählt werden. Die Segmentanzahl wird entweder bei 64 oder 120 Segmenten festgelegt, alternativ wurde eine freie Optimierung der Feldfluenz ermöglicht. Dabei zeigte die Quasi-Isotrope Technik eindeutige und signifikante Vorteile gegenüber allen anderen Techniken sowohl bei niedrigen als auch hohen Feldzahlen. Die koplanare Bestrahlung schnitt bei unserer Auswertung am schlechtesten ab. Die 2-Ebenen Technik und KoPlanar+1 Technik können bei hohen Feldzahlen als gleichwertig betrachtet werden, bei niedrigen Feldzahlen zeigt die KoPlanar+1 Technik Vorteile. Aus unserer Sicht sollten die unentschiedenen Vergleiche in weiteren Studien untersucht werden, die das Patientengut weiter einengen. Weiterhin wäre eine Erweiterung der Untersuchungen auf die schneller applizierbaren nonkoplanaren Volumetric Arc –Techniken (VMAT) wünschenswert. N2 - Radiation therapy is an important option in the oncological treatment of brain tumors. The main focus is on achieving a specified target dose in the tumor area and on adequate protection of sensitive structures. We compared 4 irradiation techniques with each other, which were varied in their segmentation and in the number of fields: KoPlanar (complete irradiation in one level), KoPlanar + 1 (irradiation in one level with an additional field in another level), 2-levels (irradiation on 2 different planes distributed), quasi-isotropic (irradiation with central rays in several different planes). The number of fields were varied (9F/10F or 15F/16F). The number of segments was set to either 64 or 120 segments; alternatively, the field fluence was optimized without any restriction. The quasi-isotropic technique showed clear and significant advantages over all other techniques with both low and high field numbers. The KoPlanar technique was inferior to the other techniques in our evaluation. The 2-level technique and the KoPlanar + 1 technique can be regarded as equivalent in the case of high numbers of fields; the KoPlanar + 1 technique is beneficial for low numbers of fields. From our point of view, the non-conclusive comparisons should be examined in further studies with a more consistent patient population. Furthermore, future investigations should include the non-coplanar volumetric arc techniques (VMAT) which can be applied more quickly. KW - Bestrahlung KW - Gliome KW - IMRT KW - nonkoplanar KW - DMPO Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-217733 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schortmann, Max T1 - Toxizität und klinische Ergebnisse der moderat hypofraktionierten und bildgeführten Teletherapie des lokalisierten Prostatakarzinoms an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlentherapie des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg – Eine retrospektive Analyse – T1 - Toxicity and clinical outcomes of the moderately hypo-fractionated and image-guided teletherapy of localized prostate cancer at the department of radiotherapy at the university hospital of Würzburg – a retrospective analysis – N2 - Ziel der Arbeit war es, onkologische und toxizitätsbezogene Langzeitdaten der moderat hypofraktionierten, Cone-beam-CT geführten intensitätsmodulierten Radiotherapie mit simultan integriertem Boost als primäre Therapieform beim lokalisierten Prostatakarzinom zu generieren und mithin zur Diskussion um den Stellenwert dieser Therapieform beizutragen. Dazu wurden die Daten von 346 Patienten mit lokalisiertem Prostatakarzinom, welche im Zeitraum von 2005-2015 an der Klinik für Strahlentherapie des Uniklinikums Würzburg bestrahlt wurden, ausgewertet. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass die Bestrahlung mit 2 Gy Äquivalenzdosen von 80,4 beziehungsweise 83 Gy eine Zeit- und kostensparende Alternative zu konventionellen Fraktionierungsregimen bei guten onkologischen Ergebnissen und vertretbarer Toxizität darstellt. Verglichen mit anderen Therapieprotokollen fällt insbesondere die niedrige Rate an später gastrointestinaler Toxizität auf. Diese konnte durch strikte Rektumschonung erreicht werden. Die Applikation einer Antihormontherapie führt bei Hochrisikopatienten zu signifikant besserer biochemischer Kontrolle. Darüber hinaus könnte auch die Bildführung sowie die Applikation eines simultan integrierten Boosts das biochemisch rezidivfreie Überleben positiv beeinflusst haben. Das in Würzburg entwickelte Zielvolumenkonzept mit simultan integriertem Boost scheint sich günstig bezüglich der Rektumtoxizität auszuwirken. N2 - This dissertation aimed at generating oncological and toxicity-related long-term outcomes of the moderately hypo-fractionated, cone-beam-ct guided intensity modulated radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost as a primary therapy for localized prostate cancer. This may contribute to the ongoing discussion about the value of this form of treatment. We therefore analysed the data of 346 patients, who were treated from 2005-2015 at the department of radiotherapy at the university hospital of Würzburg. Our study shows, that a treatment at 2 Gy equivalent-doses of 80.4 or 83 Gy respectively, is a time and cost-effective alternative to conventional regimes of fractionation, while having acceptable toxicity rates and good oncological results. In comparison to other protocols, especially the low rate of late gastrointestinal toxicity is remarkable. This has been achieved through strict protection of the rectum. The application of an anti-hormone therapy led to a significant improvement of the biochemical recurrence-free survival rate at high-risk patients. Moreover, the image guidance as well as the application of a simultaneous integrated boost may have improved the biochemical recurrence free survival. The target-volume-concept with simultaneous integrated boost, which has been developed in Würzburg, seems to have a positive impact on rectal toxicity. KW - Prostatakrebs KW - Strahlentherapie Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249483 ER - TY - THES A1 - von Helden, Sophie T1 - Fatigue gegen Ende der Bestrahlung - Häufigkeit und Unterstützungsbedürfnis T1 - Fatigue during radiation therapy - incidence and need of psychosocial support N2 - Fatigue gilt als eine der Häufigsten Nebenerscheinungen einer Krebserkrankung und ihrer Therapie. Das Ziel dieser Queschnittsstudie war es die Häufigkeit und das Unterstützungsbedürfnis von Fatigue bei Krebserkrankten während der Strahlentherapie zu untersuchen und mögliche Ansätze eines Unterstützungsangebotes darzustellen. N2 - Fatigue is one of the most common side effects of cancer and its therapy. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine the incidence and the need for support of fatigue in cancer patients during radiation therapy and to present possible approaches to support. KW - Fatigue Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239784 ER - TY - THES A1 - Rosenheim, Eva T1 - Operation und adjuvante Bestrahlung bei Oropharynx- und Mundhöhlenkarzinomen - Klinische Ergebnisse an der Universität Würzburg aus den Jahren 1998 - 2010 T1 - Operation and adjuvante radiotherapy of oropharyngeal carcinomas - clinical results at the University of Wuerzburg between the years 1998-2010 N2 - Ergebnisse einer retrospektiven Studie an der Universität Würzburg: Patienten und Methoden: In einer retrospektiven Studie wurden Einflussfaktoren auf die Lokoregionäre Kontrolle, das Gesamtüberleben und das rezidivfreie Überleben von 106 Patienten, mit histologisch gesicherten Oropharynxkarzinomen (28 T1, 46 T2, 25 T3 und 7 T4 Tumore, mit lymphatischer Beteiligung in 78 Fällen), mit uni- und multivariaten Analysen untersucht. Das mediane Alter bei Primärdiagnose betrug 55 Jahre. Es wurde eine mediane Nachbeobachtungszeit 36 Monaten erreicht (zwischen 5 bis 126 Monate). In 18 Fällen (17%) konnte der Primärtumor in sano entfernt werden (Sicherheitsabstand > 3mm). In 34 Fällen (32%) bestand ein knapper Sicherheitsabstand (definitionsgemäß < als 3mm) und in 54 Fällen (51%) waren die Resektatränder nicht frei von Tumorzellen (R1 Resektion). Patienten, welche eine Chemotherapie aufgrund des erhöhten Rezidivrisikos erhielten, machten 24% (25 Patienten) des Patientenkollektivs aus. Behandlungskonzept Das Tumorbett des Primärtumors und die zervikalen lymphatischen Abflussgebiete erhielten mediane Bestrahlungsdosen von 56 Gy (2 Gy/ Behandlung, 5 Fraktionen pro Woche). Patienten mit R0-Resektion erhielten Bestrahlungsdosen von 56-60Gy. Bei Patienten mit knappen Resektatrand wurde das Tumorbett mit einer höheren Dosis von 60-66Gy bestrahlt, R1 Resektionen wurden mit einer Boost-Aufsättigung bis zu einer Gesamtdosis von 66-70 Gy behandelt. Patienten im UICC-Stadium 4, mit erhöhtem Rezidivrisiko, machten 24% (25 Patienten) des Patientenkollektivs aus. Diese Patienten erhielten je nach Nierenfunktion und Blutbild eine zusätzliche Chemotherapie mit Cisplatin (40mg/m² wöchentlich) in 1-4 Zyklen, sowie eine Boost-Aufsättigung des Tumorbettes bis zu einer Gesamtdosis von 66-70 Gy. Ergebnisse der univariaten Analysen mittels Kaplan-Maier Plot Verfahren: lokoregionäre Kontrolle Mit einer medianen Nachbeobachtungszeit von 36 Monaten wurde eine 5 Jahres Rezidivfreiheit bei 87% der Patienten erzielt. Davon wurden 80% der Rezidive innerhalb der ersten 24 Monate diagnostiziert. Bei Patienten mit R0 Status wurde in 16,7 % ein Rezidiv diagnostiziert, bei Patienten mit R1 Situation in 17% und bei Patienten mit knappen Resektatrand wurde nur in 6 % ein Rezidiv diagnostiziert. Als statistisch signifikanter Einflussfaktor des Rezidiv erwies sich nur das Gesamttumorvolumen. Gesamtüberlebensrate Es wurde eine 3- und 5- Jahresüberlebensrate von 75% und 66% erreicht. Die 5JÜR bezüglich der Radikalität der Resektion erreichte bei R0 Resektion 61%, 71% bei Patienten mit knappen Resektatrand und 65% bei R1 Situation. Bei Patienten mit einem T1 Tumorstadium ergab sich eine 5JÜR von 82%, bei T2 67%, bei T3 52% und für Patienten im T4 Stadium ergab sich eine 5JÜR von 43 %. Patienten mit N0-Status verzeichneten eine 5JÜR von 68%, mit N1-Status 82%, N2a,b-Status 68%, N2c-Status 36% und N3-Status ergab 43%. Patienten ohne adjuvante Chemotherapie erzielten eine 5JÜR von 69% und Patienten, die aufgrund des erhöhten Rezidivrisikos eine Chemotherapie erhielten, erreichten 56%. Die Einflussgröße der Rezidiventwicklung erbrachte eine 5JÜR von 13%, wogegen sie bei Patienten ohne Rezidiv 75% betrug. Patienten, welche einen 2. Tumor entwickelten, verzeichneten eine 5JÜR von 45% gegenüber 71% bei Patienten ohne 2.Tumor. Der Vergleich der Bestrahlungsdosen im Tumorbett ergab, dass Patienten mit einer Gesamtdosis unter/gleich 66Gy eine 5JÜR von 71% erreichten und 62% bei Gesamtdosen über 66Gy. Die 5JÜR bezüglich des Tumorvolumens des Primärtumors, inklusive der befallenen Lymphknoten, erbrachte in der ersten Gruppe von unter 10ml Tumorvolumen 77%, von 10 bis 20ml 83%, von 20 bis 50ml 52% und in der vierten Gruppe mit über 50ml Tumorvolumen 33%. Mit einem Grading von 2 wurde 69% und mit einem Grading von 3 wurde bei Patienten eine 5JÜR von 61% berechnet. In der univariaten Analyse mittels des Kaplan-Maier-Plot-Verfahrens, zeigte sich in der 5-Jahres Überlebenskurve eine Signifikanz der Einflussgrößen Tumorstadium (p-Wert 0,003), Rezidivereignis (p-Wert 0,000), 2.Tumor (p-Wert 0,001) und Tumorvolumen (p-Wert 0,000). Rezidivfreies Überleben Das rezidivfreie Überleben betrug nach 3 Jahren 68% und nach 5 Jahren 64%. Bezüglich der Radikalität der Resektion ermittelte man für Patienten mit R0 Resektion nach 5 Jahren ein rezidivfreies Überleben von 61%, 71% bei knappen Resektatrand und 61% bei R1 Situation. Patienten mit einem T1 Stadium erreichten ein 5 jähriges rezidivfreies Überleben in 82%, mit T2 Stadium 67%, mit T3 Stadium 48% und Patienten im T4 Tumorstadium erzielten 43 %. Patienten mit N0-Status verzeichneten ein 5 jähriges rezidivfreies Überleben von 64%, mit N1-Status 82%, N2a,b-Status 68%, N2c-Status 27% und ein N3-Status ergab 43%. Patienten ohne adjuvante Chemotherapie erreichten in 68% und Patienten, welche eine Chemotherapie erhielten, erreichten ein 5 jähriges rezidivfreies Überleben in 52%. Patienten, welche einen 2. Tumor entwickelten, verzeichneten eine 5 jähriges rezidivfreies Überleben von 45%, gegenüber 68% bei Patienten ohne 2.Tumor. Die Gegenüberstellung der Bestrahlungsdosen im Tumorbett ergab, dass Patienten mit einer Gesamtdosis unter/gleich 66Gy ein rezidivfreies 5-jähriges Überleben von 69% erreichten, hingegen Patienten mit mehr als 66Gy Bestrahlungsdosis 60% erzielten. Das 5 jährige rezidivfreie Überleben in Bezug auf das Tumorvolumen des Primärtumors, inklusive der befallenen Lymphknoten, erbrachte in der ersten Gruppe von unter 10ml Tumorvolumen 77%, von 10 bis 20ml 79%, in der dritten Gruppe von 20 bis 50ml 48% und in der vierten Gruppe mit über 50ml Tumorvolumen wurde nach 5 Jahren ein rezidivfreies Überleben von 33% verzeichnet. Mit einem Grading von 2, wurde 66% und mit einem Grading von 3 ergaben sich für die Patienten ein 5 jähriges rezidivfreies Überleben von 61%. In der univariaten Analyse mittels des Kaplan-Maier-Plot-Verfahren, zeigte sich in der Kurve für das 5-jährige rezidivfreie Überleben, eine Signifikanz der Einflussgrößen Tumorstadium (p-Wert 0,003), Lymphknotenstatus (p-Wert 0,048), Chemotherapie (p-Wert 0,047), 2.Tumor (p-Wert 0,003) und Tumorvolumen (p-Wert 0,000). Ergebnisse der multivarianten Analysen In einer multivariaten Cox-Regressions Analyse erwiesen sich die Einflussgrößen des Tumorstadiums und die Entwicklung eines 2. Tumors, bezüglich des Gesamt- und des rezidivfreien Überlebens, als statistisch signifikant. Das Tumorstadium konnte, in Bezug auf das Gesamtüberleben, eine Signifikanz von 0,015 ermittelt werden. Im Hinblick auf das rezidivfreie Überleben konnte ihm eine Signifikanz von 0,03 zugeschreiben werden. Die Einflussgröße des 2.Tumors ergab für das Gesamtüberleben eine Signifikanz von ebenfalls 0,015 und eine Signifikanz von 0,025 bezüglich des rezidivfreien Überlebens. Schlussfolgerung: Mit dem Therapiekonzept konnte eine Verbesserung der 5JÜR und des 5-jährigen rezidivfreien Überlebens erzielt werden. Die Patienten mit knappen Resektatrand wiesen durchweg bessere Ergebnisse auf als Patienten mit R0-Resektion. Als Konsequenz dieser Ergebnisse müsste man eine Angleichung des bisherigen Therapiekonzeptes der R0 Patienten an das der knapp resezierten Patienten vornehmen. Bei Patienten mit einem primär erhöhtem Rezidivrisiko, welche eine simultane Radiochemotherapie erhielten, erzielte man mit diesem Therapiekonzept eine Angleichung der 5JÜR an Patienten ohne dieses. Es zeigte sich hierbei in der multivariaten Analyse, sowohl beim Gesamtüberleben, als auch beim rezidivfreien Überleben kein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied (Gesamtüberleben p-Wert 0,064, rezidivfreies Überleben p-Wert 0,085). N2 - Results of a retrospective study at the University of Wuerzburg: Patients and methods: In a retrospective study factors of influence on the locoregional control, the overall survival and the disease free survival of 106 patients with hisological approved oropharyngeal cancer (28 T1, 46 T2, 25 T3 and 7 T4 tumors with lymphatic involment in 78 cases) were tested with uni and multivariant anyalysis. The mediane age at the date of the primar diagnose was 55 years. A mediane follow up surveillance of 36 months could be achived (between 5 to 126 months). In 18 cases (17%) the primary tumor could be removed in sano (safety margin >3mm). In 34 cases (32%) were detected close resection margins (<3mm) and in 54 cases the resection margins were not free of tumor cells (R1 resection). Patients, who were treated with a chemotherapy, because of the increased recurrency risk, were 24% of the patient database. The concept of medical treatment: The tumorbed of the primary tumor and the cervical lymphatic drain received a radiation dose of 56 Gy (2 Gy/ treatment, 5 fractions a week). Patients with R0 resections received doses from 56 to 60 Gy. Patients with close resections margins received a higher dose of 60 to 66 Gy at the tumorbed and patients with R1 resections were treated with a boost up to 66 to 70Gy. Patients with UICC 4 status with an increased recurrency risk received an additional chemotherapy with cisplatin (40mg/m² a week) in 1 to 4 cycles as well a boost of the tumorbed up to 66 to 70 Gy. Results of the univariant analyses with Kaplan-Maier Plot method: Locoregional control With a median follow up surveillance of 36 months a 5 year disease free survival of 87% was achieved. 80% of the recurrencies were detected within the first 24 months. Patients with R0 status had in 16,7%, patients with R1 status in 17% and patients with close resection margins had in only 6% the diagnose of a recurrence. The only factor of influence with statistical significance was the overall tumor volume. Overall survival A 3 and 5 year overall survival rate of 75% and 66% was achieved. The 5 year survival rate considering the radicality of the resection was 61% with R0 resection, 71% with close resection margins and 65% with R1 situation. Patients with T1 tumor status had a 5 year overall survival rate of 82%, 67% with T2, 52% with T3 and patients with T4 status hat a 5 year survival rate of 43%. Patients with N0 status achieved a 5 year overall survival of 68%, with N1 status 82%, N2a/b status 68%, N2c status and patients with N3 status achieved 43%. Patients without an adjuvative chemotherapy achieved a 5 year survival rate of 69% and patients, who received a chemotherapy because of the increase risk of recurrence achieved a 56% 5 year survival rate. Patients who developed a recurrence hat a 5 year survival rate of 13%, whereas the survival rate of patients without a recurrence was 75%. Patients who developed a second primary tumor had a 5 year survival rate of 45%, versus 71% without a second primary tumor. The comparison of the radiation dose in the tumorbed recorded, that patients with an overall radiation dose of 66Gy or less achieved a 5 year survival rate of 71% and patients with more than 66 Gy radiation dose achieved 62%. The 5 year overall survival considering the overall tumor volume recorded in the first group with less than 10ml 77%, in the second group with 10 to 20ml 83%, in the third group with 20 to 50ml 52% and in the forth group with more than 50ml tumor volume 33% 5 year survival rate. Patients with a grading of 2 had a 69% 5 years survival rate and patients with a grading of 3 had a 61% 5 years survival rate. The univariate analysis with the Kaplan-Maier Plot method detected following factors of influence of the 5 year overall survival: tumor status (p-value 0,003), tumor recurrence (p-value 0,000), a second tumor (p-value 0,001) and the overall tumor volume (p-value 0,000). Disease free survival The disease free survival was 68% after 3 years and 64% after 5 years. Regarding the radicality of the resection for patients with R0 resection was detected a 5 years disease free survival of 61%, 71% for patients with close resection margins and 61% with R1 resection. Patients with a T1 tumor status achieved a 5 years disease free survival rate of 82%, with a T2 status 67%, with a T3 status 48% and patients with a T4 status achieved 43%. Patients with N0 status had a 5 years disease free survival of 64%, with N1 status 82%, with N2a/b status 68%, with N2c status 27% and patients with N3 status 43%. Patients without a chemotherapy achieved 68% and patients who received a chemotherapy had a 5 years disease free survival of 52%. With the development of a second tumor, patients had a 5 years disease free survival of 45%, versus 68% survival rate without a second tumor. The comparison of the radiation dose in the tumorbed resulted, that patients with an overall radiation dose of 66 Gy or less had a 5 years survival rate of 69%, whereas patients with more than 66Gy radiation dose had 60%. The 5 years disease free survival regarding the overall tumor volume of the primar tumor achieved in the first group with less than 10ml tumor volume 77%, from 10 to 20ml 79%, in the third group from 20 to 50ml 48% and in the fourth group with more than 50ml a 5 years disease free survival of 33% could be detected. With a grading of 2 the 5 years disease free survival rate was 66% and with a grading of 3 patients achieved a 61% rate. In the univariate analysis with the Kaplan-Maier Plat method following factors of influence were detected: tumor status (p-value 0,003), lymph node status (p-value 0,048), chemotherapy (p-value 0,047), second tumor (p-value 0,003) and the overall tumor volume (p-value 0,000). Results of the multivariate analysis In the cox regression analysis the tumor status and the development of a second tumor were detected as factors of influence of the 5 year overall survival rate and the 5 year disease free survival survival rate. Regarding to the overall survival rate for the tumor status was detected a statistical significance of 0,015 and regarding the disease free survival was detected a significance of 0,025. The factor of influence of the second tumor had a significance for the overall survival of 0,015 and a significance regarding the disease free survival of 0,025. Conclusion: With the concept of medical treatment there could be achieved an improvement of the 5 year overall survival and the 5 year disease free survival. Patients with close resection margins had throughout better results as patients with a R0 resection. The consequence of those results should be an adjustment of the present concept of medical treatment of the R0 patients to the concept of patients with close resection margins. Patients who received a simultaneous radiochemotherapy, because of the increased risk of recurrence, the present concept of medical treatment effected an adjustment of the 5 year overall survival rate to patients without an increased risk of recurrence. There was no statistical significance in the multivariate analysis at the overall survival as well as at the disease free survival (overall survival p-value 0,064, disease free survival p-value 0,085). KW - Oropharynx-Karzinom KW - Überleben KW - Bestrahlung KW - Rezidiv KW - Überlebensrate KW - oropharyngeal cancer KW - Rezidivrate KW - radiotherapy KW - survival rate KW - recurrence Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-139429 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bratengeier, Klaus A1 - Gainey, Mark B. A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Fast IMRT by increasing the beam number and reducing the number of segments JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Purpose The purpose of this work is to develop fast deliverable step and shoot IMRT technique. A reduction in the number of segments should theoretically be possible, whilst simultaneously maintaining plan quality, provided that the reduction is accompanied by an increased number of gantry angles. A benefit of this method is that the segment shaping could be performed during gantry motion, thereby reducing the delivery time. The aim was to find classes of such solutions whose plan quality can compete with conventional IMRT. Materials/Methods A planning study was performed. Step and shoot IMRT plans were created using direct machine parameter optimization (DMPO) as a reference. DMPO plans were compared to an IMRT variant having only one segment per angle ("2-Step Fast"). 2-Step Fast is based on a geometrical analysis of the topology of the planning target volume (PTV) and the organs at risk (OAR). A prostate/rectum case, spine metastasis/spinal cord, breast/lung and an artificial PTV/OAR combination of the ESTRO-Quasimodo phantom were used for the study. The composite objective value (COV), a quality score, and plan delivery time were compared. The delivery time for the DMPO reference plan and the 2-Step Fast IMRT technique was measured and calculated for two different linacs, a twelve year old Siemens Primus™ ("old" linac) and two Elekta Synergy™ "S" linacs ("new" linacs). Results 2-Step Fast had comparable or better quality than the reference DMPO plan. The number of segments was smaller than for the reference plan, the number of gantry angles was between 23 and 34. For the modern linac the delivery time was always smaller than that for the reference plan. The calculated (measured) values showed a mean delivery time reduction of 21% (21%) for the new linac, and of 7% (3%) for the old linac compared to the respective DMPO reference plans. For the old linac, the data handling time per beam was the limiting factor for the treatment time reduction. Conclusions 2-Step Fast plans are suited to reduce the delivery time, especially if the data handling time per beam is short. The plan quality can be retained or even increased for fewer segments provided more gantry angles are used. KW - IMAT KW - Step and Shoot IMRT KW - VMAT KW - optimization Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-137994 VL - 6 IS - 170 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Guckenberger, Matthias A1 - Sweeney, Reinhart A. A1 - Flickinger, John C. A1 - Gerszten, Peter C. A1 - Kersh, Ronald A1 - Sheehan, Jason A1 - Sahgal, Arjun T1 - Clinical practice of image-guided spine radiosurgery - results from an international research consortium JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background Spinal radiosurgery is a quickly evolving technique in the radiotherapy and neurosurgical communities. However, the methods of spine radiosurgery have not been standardized. This article describes the results of a survey about the methods of spine radiosurgery at five international institutions. Methods All institutions are members of the Elekta Spine Radiosurgery Research Consortium and have a dedicated research and clinical focus on image-guided radiosurgery. The questionnaire consisted of 75 items covering all major steps of spine radiosurgery. Results Strong agreement in the methods of spine radiosurgery was observed. In particular, similarities were observed with safety and quality assurance playing an important role in the methods of all institutions, cooperation between neurosurgeons and radiation oncologists in case selection, dedicated imaging for target- and organ-at-risk delineation, application of proper safety margins for the target volume and organs-at-risk, conformal planning and precise image-guided treatment delivery, and close clinical and radiological follow-up. In contrast, three major areas of uncertainty and disagreement were identified: 1) Indications and contra-indications for spine radiosurgery; 2) treatment dose and fractionation and 3) tolerance dose of the spinal cord. Conclusions Results of this study reflect the current practice of spine radiosurgery in large academic centers. Despite close agreement was observed in many steps of spine radiosurgery, further research in form of retrospective and especially prospective studies is required to refine the details of spinal radiosurgery in terms of safety and efficacy. KW - vertebral metastases KW - spine radiosurgery KW - methods KW - questionnaire Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-138006 VL - 6 IS - 172 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gerszten, Peter C. A1 - Sahgal, Arjun A1 - Sheehan, Jason P. A1 - Kersh, Ronald A1 - Chen, Stephanie A1 - Flickinger, John C. A1 - Quader, Mubina A1 - Fahim, Daniel A1 - Grills, Inga A1 - Shin, John H. A1 - Winey, Brian A1 - Oh, Kevin A1 - Sweeney, Reinhart A. A1 - Guckenberger, Matthias T1 - A multi-national report on methods for institutional credentialing for spine radiosurgery JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background: Stereotactic body radiotherapy and radiosurgery are rapidly emerging treatment options for both malignant and benign spine tumors. Proper institutional credentialing by physicians and medical physicists as well as other personnel is important for the safe and effective adoption of spine radiosurgery. This article describes the methods for institutional credentialing for spine radiosurgery at seven highly experienced international institutions. Methods: All institutions (n = 7) are members of the Elekta Spine Radiosurgery Research Consortium and have a dedicated research and clinical focus on image-guided spine radiosurgery. A questionnaire consisting of 24 items covering various aspects of institutional credentialing for spine radiosurgery was completed by all seven institutions. Results: Close agreement was observed in most aspects of spine radiosurgery credentialing at each institution. A formal credentialing process was believed to be important for the implementation of a new spine radiosurgery program, for patient safety and clinical outcomes. One institution has a written policy specific for spine radiosurgery credentialing, but all have an undocumented credentialing system in place. All institutions rely upon an in-house proctoring system for the training of both physicians and medical physicists. Four institutions require physicians and medical physicists to attend corporate sponsored training. Two of these 4 institutions also require attendance at a non-corporate sponsored academic society radiosurgery course. Corporate as well as non-corporate sponsored training were believed to be complimentary and both important for training. In 5 centers, all cases must be reviewed at a multidisciplinary conference prior to radiosurgery treatment. At 3 centers, neurosurgeons are not required to be involved in all cases if there is no evidence for instability or spinal cord compression. Backup physicians and physicists are required at only 1 institution, but all institutions have more than one specialist trained to perform spine radiosurgery. All centers believed that credentialing should also be device specific, and all believed that professional societies should formulate guidelines for institutions on the requirements for spine radiosurgery credentialing. Finally, in 4 institutions radiation therapists were required to attend corporate-sponsored device specific training for credentialing, and in only 1 institution were radiation therapists required to also attend academic society training for credentialing. Conclusions: This study represents the first multi-national report of the current practice of institutional credentialing for spine radiosurgery. Key methodologies for safe implementation and credentialing of spine radiosurgery have been identified. There is strong agreement among experienced centers that credentialing is an important component of the safe and effective implementation of a spine radiosurgery program. KW - cyberknife radiosurgery KW - advanced technology KW - conformal radiotherapy KW - clinical trials KW - quality assurance KW - credentialing KW - spine tumors KW - stereotactic body radiotherapy KW - spine Radiosurgery KW - paraspinal tumors KW - intensity modulated radiotherapy KW - ACR practice guidelines KW - radiation therapy Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-131485 VL - 8 IS - 158 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hardcastle, Nicholas A1 - Tomé, Wolfgang A. A1 - Cannon, Donald M. A1 - Brouwer, Charlotte L. A1 - Wittendorp, Paul W. H. A1 - Dogan, Nesrin A1 - Guckenberger, Matthias A1 - Allaire, Stéphane A1 - Mallya, Yogish A1 - Kumar, Prashant A1 - Oechsner, Markus A1 - Richter, Anne A1 - Song, Shiyu A1 - Myers, Michael A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Bzdusek, Karl T1 - A multi-institution evaluation of deformable image registration algorithms for automatic organ delineation in adaptive head and neck radiotherapy JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background: Adaptive Radiotherapy aims to identify anatomical deviations during a radiotherapy course and modify the treatment plan to maintain treatment objectives. This requires regions of interest (ROIs) to be defined using the most recent imaging data. This study investigates the clinical utility of using deformable image registration (DIR) to automatically propagate ROIs. Methods: Target (GTV) and organ-at-risk (OAR) ROIs were non-rigidly propagated from a planning CT scan to a per-treatment CT scan for 22 patients. Propagated ROIs were quantitatively compared with expert physician-drawn ROIs on the per-treatment scan using Dice scores and mean slicewise Hausdorff distances, and center of mass distances for GTVs. The propagated ROIs were qualitatively examined by experts and scored based on their clinical utility. Results: Good agreement between the DIR-propagated ROIs and expert-drawn ROIs was observed based on the metrics used. 94% of all ROIs generated using DIR were scored as being clinically useful, requiring minimal or no edits. However, 27% (12/44) of the GTVs required major edits. Conclusion: DIR was successfully used on 22 patients to propagate target and OAR structures for ART with good anatomical agreement for OARs. It is recommended that propagated target structures be thoroughly reviewed by the treating physician. KW - intensity-modulated radiotherapy KW - megavoltage computed-tomography KW - cancer KW - variability KW - strategies KW - risk Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134756 VL - 7 IS - 90 ER - TY - THES A1 - Früh, Jonas T1 - Auswirkungen palliativmedizinischer Interventionen auf den Lebenssinn, gemessen mit dem SMiLE T1 - Changes in Meaning in life in an inpatient palliative care setting – results of a prospective monocentric study N2 - Seit dem Ende des 19.Jahrhunderts hat sich die Lebenserwartung, hauptsächlich in der westlichen Welt, rasant verbessert (Weiland et al 2006). Moderne Behandlungstechniken und neu entwickelte Wirkstoffe haben es ermöglicht, die Überlebensdauer unheilbar Kranker, die ihren Leiden früher rasch erlegen wären, deutlich zu erhöhen (Stolberg 2011) .Allerdings leiden Palliativpatienten nach wie vor sehr oft unter der starken psychologischen Belastung ihrer Situation (Seeger 2011), darum soll, wo die Lebensquantität nicht weiter beinflussbar ist, wenigstens die Lebensqualität optimiert werden (Wasner 2002). Dieser Fokus auf Lebensqualität ist auch in der WHO-Definition von Palliativmedizin, hier in der Übersetzung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin, zu finden: „Palliativmedizin/Palliative Care ist ein Ansatz zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität von Patienten und ihren Familien, die mit Problemen konfrontiert sind, welche mit einer lebensbedrohlichen Erkrankung einhergehen. Dies geschieht durch Vorbeugen und Lindern von Leiden durch frühzeitige Erkennung, sorgfältige Einschätzung und Behandlung von Schmerzen sowie anderen Problemen körperlicher, psychosozialer und spiritueller Art.“ Im Unterschied zu den anderen medizinischen Disziplinen liegt der Fokus der Palliativmedizin nicht auf Heilung oder Lebenszeitverlängerung, weshalb bei der Beurteilung des Patientennutzens palliativmedizinischer Interventionen der Behandlungserfolg aus Patientensicht anstatt mittels klassischer klinischer Parameter evaluiert werden muss. Hierfür hat sich in entsprechenden Studien die Erhebung patientenbezogener Endpunkte (PRO = Patient Reported Outcomes) etabliert, welche den individuellen Gesundheitszustand eines Patienten aus dessen Sicht erfassen. Da der Begriff „Gesundheitszustand“ hier als gesamtumfassender Terminus zu verstehen ist, und neben dem physischen Wohl auch psychische und soziale Komponenten beinhaltet, wird als Endpunkt in palliativmedizinischen Untersuchungen häufig Lebensqualität gewählt (Stiel et al. 2012). Zur Untersuchung von Lebensqualität bei Palliativpatienten wurden folge dem schon eine breite Anzahl an Studien durchgeführt. Hierbei ist die physische Komponente, respektive die Linderung körperlicher Symptome, durch das Verwenden von Symptomchecklisten vergleichsweise einfach zu erfassen. Der Einfluss psychosozialer und spiritueller Bereiche der Lebensqualität muss durch kompliziertere, individuelle Konstrukte wie den Lebenssinn erfasst werden. Verschiedene Studien mit Krebspatienten konnten bereits zeigen, dass Lebenssinn trotz ungünstiger gesundheitlicher Umstände stark ausgeprägt sein kann (Fegg et al. 2008a). Lebenssinn kann aber auch eine starke Ressource für die Fertigkeit kritische Lebenssituationen zu bewältigen darstellen. So kann ein sinnerfülltes Leben bei Tumorpatienten Depressionen und sogar dem Wunsch nach einem beschleunigten Tod präventiv entgegenwirken (Chochinov 2002, Chochinov et al. 2005c). Umgekehrt konnten Morita und Kollegen (2004) zeigen, dass ein subjektiv geringes Maß an Sinn positiv mit dem Wunsch nach aktiver Sterbehilfe korreliert. Das Konstrukt Lebenssinn erhielt also in den letzten Jahren in der Forschung immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit, bis jetzt beschränkt sich die Sinnforschung im palliativen Bereich jedoch auf Befragungen zu einem Zeitpunkt. Von Interesse ist jedoch auch die dynamische Entwicklung der Sinnerfahrung im letzen Lebensabschnitt. Der Fokus dieser Studie liegt aus diesem Grunde auf den Veränderungen des Lebenssinns von Palliativpatienten im Verlauf des stationären Aufenthaltes auf einer Palliativstation. Dies wurde hier mit Hilfe des validierten Fragebogens SMiLE untersucht. N2 - The aim of this study was to assess the changes in individual meaning in life (MiL) of palliative care inpatients during their hospitalization, and to estimate the effect of psychosocial interventions on these changes. Methods In this clinical observational study all Patients admitted to the palliative care ward at Julius-Maximilians-University Hospital, Wuerzburg, from January 2012 to April 2013 were eligible to participate. Participants were interviewed by a doctoral candidate with the help of the standardized questionnaire Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation (SMiLE) promptly after admittance on the ward (time of measurement 1) and close to their discharge from the ward (time of measurement 2). In the SMiLE patients are asked to list individual areas which they themselves consider to be of meaning to their life. Hereon they rate these areas by current meaning as well as satisfaction with each area. With the help of these data the researcher can now calculate indices of weighting (IoW, range 0-100), satisfaction (IoS, range 0-100) and the combined Index of weighted satisfaction (IoWS, range 0-100). Results 88 Patients completed the SMiLE at both times of measurement. All of the observed SMiLE-indices show an increase between the two times of measurement. For the IoS (+7.4 ± 15.3; p<.001) as well as for the IoWS (+7.5 ± 16.2; p<.001) but not for the IoW this gain is significant. Family, leisure time, partner, well-being and friends are amongst the most often listed categories at both times of measurement. Altruism, Hedonism and finances are the most infrequent listed categories. Close to discharge, work was significantly (p=.003) less often listed than close to admittance. At both times participants were most satisfied with family (IoS1 92.8 ± 14.2; IoS2 95.0 ± 12.8) and least satisfied with health (IoS1 26.7 ± 33.0; IoS2 39.5 ± 28.1). Also with regard to weighting family scores highest to both times of measurement (IoW1 6.6 ± 0.7; 6.8 ± 0.4). The lowest values for weighting are reached by work (IoW1 4.7 ± 1.6; IoW2 3.1 ± 2.0). Between the two times of measurement the area family increases significantly in both, the Satisfaction (0.14 ± 0.51; p=.024) and the Weighting (0.16 ± 0.44; p=.002). The area well-being can also increase significantly between the two times in Satisfaction (1.05 ± 1.60, p=.007). Only one area, friends, is rated significantly lower in the Weighting at the second measurement (-0.39 ± 0.85; p=.030). However, no correlation has been found between the number or type of interventions and the changes in the SMiLE-Indices. Conclusion Meaning in life in palliative care patients can improve during their stay at a palliative care ward. Interpersonal relationships seem to play an outstanding role for the meaning in life in palliative patients. Furthermore, it is assumed that the overall setting on the palliative care ward helps the patients to improve overall life satisfaction. KW - Lebenssinn KW - Response shift KW - Palliativmedizin Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134577 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Steinmann, Diana A1 - Paelecke-Habermann, Yvonne A1 - Geinitz, Hans A1 - Aschoff, Raimund A1 - Bayerl, Anja A1 - Bölling, Tobias A1 - Bosch, Elisabeth A1 - Bruns, Frank A1 - Eichenseder-Seiss, Ute A1 - Gerstein, Johanna A1 - Gharbi, Nadine A1 - Hagg, Juliane A1 - Hipp, Matthias A1 - Kleff, Irmgard A1 - Müller, Axel A1 - Schäfer, Christof A1 - Schleicher, Ursula A1 - Sehlen, Susanne A1 - Theodorou, Marilena A1 - Wypior, Hans-Joachim A1 - Zehentmayr, Franz A1 - van Oorschot, Birgitt A1 - Vordermark, Dirk T1 - Prospective evaluation of quality of life effects in patients undergoing palliative radiotherapy for brain metastases JF - BMC Cancer N2 - Background: Recently published results of quality of life (QoL) studies indicated different outcomes of palliative radiotherapy for brain metastases. This prospective multi-center QoL study of patients with brain metastases was designed to investigate which QoL domains improve or worsen after palliative radiotherapy and which might provide prognostic information. Methods: From 01/2007-01/2009, n=151 patients with previously untreated brain metastases were recruited at 14 centers in Germany and Austria. Most patients (82 %) received whole-brain radiotherapy. QoL was measured with the EORTC-QLQ-C15-PAL and brain module BN20 before the start of radiotherapy and after 3 months. Results: At 3 months, 88/142 (62 %) survived. Nine patients were not able to be followed up. 62 patients (70.5 % of 3-month survivors) completed the second set of questionnaires. Three months after the start of radiotherapy QoL deteriorated significantly in the areas of global QoL, physical function, fatigue, nausea, pain, appetite loss, hair loss, drowsiness, motor dysfunction, communication deficit and weakness of legs. Although the use of corticosteroid at 3 months could be reduced compared to pre-treatment (63 % vs. 37 %), the score for headaches remained stable. Initial QoL at the start of treatment was better in those alive than in those deceased at 3 months, significantly for physical function, motor dysfunction and the symptom scales fatigue, pain, appetite loss and weakness of legs. In a multivariate model, lower Karnofsky performance score, higher age and higher pain ratings before radiotherapy were prognostic of 3-month survival. Conclusions: Moderate deterioration in several QoL domains was predominantly observed three months after start of palliative radiotherapy for brain metastases. Future studies will need to address the individual subjective benefit or burden from such treatment. Baseline QoL scores before palliative radiotherapy for brain metastases may contain prognostic information. KW - breast cancer KW - brain tumours KW - survival KW - validation KW - symptoms KW - EORTC-QLQ-C15-PAL KW - EORTC-BN20 KW - whole-brain radiotherapy KW - partitioning analysis RPA KW - cancer patients KW - lung cancer KW - prognostic index KW - radiation oncology KW - clinical trials Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-135254 VL - 12 IS - 283 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - van Oorschot, Birgitt A1 - Rades, Dirk A1 - Lordick, Florian T1 - Connections Are Clearly More Complex JF - Deutsches Ärzteblatt international N2 - No abstract available. KW - palliative medicine Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-128837 VL - 110 IS - 44 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kuger, Sebastian A1 - Cörek, Emre A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Kämmerer, Ulrike A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. T1 - Novel PI3K and mTOR Inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 Radiosensitizes Breast Cancer Cell Lines under Normoxic and Hypoxic Conditions N2 - In the present study, we assessed, if the novel dual phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 radiosensitizes triple negative (TN) MDA-MB-231 and estrogen receptor (ER) positive MCF-7 cells to ionizing radiation under various oxygen conditions, simulating different microenvironments as occurring in the majority of breast cancers (BCs). Irradiation (IR) of BC cells cultivated in hypoxic conditions revealed increased radioresistance compared to normoxic controls. Treatment with NVP-BEZ235 completely circumvented this hypoxia-induced effects and radiosensitized normoxic, reoxygenated, and hypoxic cells to similar extents. Furthermore, NVP-BEZ235 treatment suppressed HIF-1α expression and PI3K/mTOR signaling, induced autophagy, and caused protracted DNA damage repair in both cell lines in all tested oxygen conditions. Moreover, after incubation with NVP-BEZ235, MCF-7 cells revealed depletion of phospho-AKT and considerable signs of apoptosis, which were signifi-cantly enhanced by radiation. Our findings clearly demonstrate that NVP-BEZ235 has a clinical relevant potential as a radiosensitizer in BC treatment. KW - Novel PI3K KW - NVP-BEZ235 KW - mTOR Inhibitor KW - radiosensibility KW - Akt KW - DNA repair protraction KW - apoptosis KW - hypoxia KW - autophagy Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-112708 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. A1 - Memmel, Simon A1 - Sukhorukov, Vladimir L. A1 - Höring, Marcus A1 - Westerling, Katherine A1 - Fiedler, Vanessa A1 - Katzer, Astrid A1 - Krohne, Georg A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Cell Surface Area and Membrane Folding in Glioblastoma Cell Lines Differing in PTEN and p53 Status N2 - Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is characterized by rapid growth, invasion and resistance to chemo−/radiotherapy. The complex cell surface morphology with abundant membrane folds, microvilli, filopodia and other membrane extensions is believed to contribute to the highly invasive behavior and therapy resistance of GBM cells. The present study addresses the mechanisms leading to the excessive cell membrane area in five GBM lines differing in mutational status for PTEN and p53. In addition to scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the membrane area and folding were quantified by dielectric measurements of membrane capacitance using the single-cell electrorotation (ROT) technique. The osmotic stability and volume regulation of GBM cells were analyzed by video microscopy. The expression of PTEN, p53, mTOR and several other marker proteins involved in cell growth and membrane synthesis were examined by Western blotting. The combined SEM, ROT and osmotic data provided independent lines of evidence for a large variability in membrane area and folding among tested GBM lines. Thus, DK-MG cells (wild type p53 and wild type PTEN) exhibited the lowest degree of membrane folding, probed by the area-specific capacitance Cm = 1.9 µF/cm2. In contrast, cell lines carrying mutations in both p53 and PTEN (U373-MG and SNB19) showed the highest Cm values of 3.7–4.0 µF/cm2, which corroborate well with their heavily villated cell surface revealed by SEM. Since PTEN and p53 are well-known inhibitors of mTOR, the increased membrane area/folding in mutant GBM lines may be related to the enhanced protein and lipid synthesis due to a deregulation of the mTOR-dependent downstream signaling pathway. Given that membrane folds and extensions are implicated in tumor cell motility and metastasis, the dielectric approach presented here provides a rapid and simple tool for screening the biophysical cell properties in studies on targeting chemo- or radiotherapeutically the migration and invasion of GBM and other tumor types. KW - cell membranes KW - hypotonic KW - capacitance KW - isotonic KW - microvilli KW - membrane characteristics KW - membrane proteins KW - scanning electron microscopy Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111322 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Mencl, Stine A1 - Garz, Cornelia A1 - Niklass, Solveig A1 - Braun, Holger A1 - Göb, Eva A1 - Homola, György A1 - Heinze, Hans-Jochen A1 - Reymann, Klaus G. A1 - Schreiber, Stefanie T1 - Early microvascular dysfunction in cerebral small vessel disease is not detectable on 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging: a longitudinal study in spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats JF - Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine N2 - Background Human cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) has distinct histopathologic and imaging findings in its advanced stages. In spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats (SHRSP), a well-established animal model of CSVD, we recently demonstrated that cerebral microangiopathy is initiated by early microvascular dysfunction leading to the breakdown of the blood–brain barrier and an activated coagulatory state resulting in capillary and arteriolar erythrocyte accumulations (stases). In the present study, we investigated whether initial microvascular dysfunction and other stages of the pathologic CSVD cascade can be detected by serial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Findings Fourteen SHRSP and three control (Wistar) rats (aged 26–44 weeks) were investigated biweekly by 3.0 Tesla (3 T) MRI. After perfusion, brains were stained with hematoxylin–eosin and histology was correlated with MRI data. Three SHRSP developed terminal CSVD stages including cortical, hippocampal, and striatal infarcts and macrohemorrhages, which could be detected consistently by MRI. Corresponding histology showed small vessel thromboses and increased numbers of small perivascular bleeds in the infarcted areas. However, 3 T MRI failed to visualize intravascular erythrocyte accumulations, even in those brain regions with the highest densities of affected vessels and the largest vessels affected by stases, as well as failing to detect small perivascular bleeds. Conclusion Serial MRI at a field strength of 3 T failed to detect the initial microvascular dysfunction and subsequent small perivascular bleeds in SHRSP; only terminal stages of cerebral microangiopathy were reliably detected. Further investigations at higher magnetic field strengths (7 T) using blood- and flow-sensitive sequences are currently underway. KW - Cerebral small vessel disease KW - SHRSP KW - MRI Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-97056 UR - http://www.etsmjournal.com/content/5/1/8 ER -