TY - THES A1 - Glüer, Wibke T1 - Kosmetische Ergebnisse nach Bestrahlung bei Brusterhaltender Therapie des Mammakarzinoms T1 - Cosmetic results following radiation and breast-conserving therapy N2 - Ziel: Auswirkungen der strahlentherapeutischen Vorgehensweise, insbesondere der lokalen Dosisaufsättigung auf das kosmetische Langzeitergebnis und die Rezidivrate nach Brusterhaltender Therapie. Material und Methoden: In die Studie aufgenommen wurden 451 Patientinnen mit Mammakarzinom, die zwischen 1984-1994 in der Universitätsfrauenklinik und der Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlentherapie der Universität Würzburg brusterhaltend therapiert wurden und bei denen Informationen zum kosmetischen Langzeitergebnis vorlagen. Behandlung: Alle Patientinnen unterzogen sich einer operativen Tumorentfernung und Axilladissektion, sowie einer Strahlenbehandlung. Die Strahlentherapie bestand aus einer homogenen Bestrahlug der betroffenen Brust (50Gy) und einer Tuorbettaufsättigung (20Gy), entweder als interstitieller Boost mit Ir-192 (77 Prozent) oder als Elektronenboost (16 Prozent). Ergebnisse: Die Überlebensrate betrug nach 5 und 10 Jahren 88 bzw. 73 Prozent. Die lokoregionäre Kontrollrate betrug nach 5 und 10 Jahren 90 und 75 Prozent. Es konnte kein statistisch signifikanter Zusammenhang mit der Art der angewandten Tumorbettaufsättigung festgestellt werden. Ein gutes bis exzellentes kosmetisches Ergebnis konnte bei 61 Prozent der Patientinnen erreicht werden. Auch hier besteht kein statistisch signifikanter Zusammenhang mit der gewählten Boostart. N2 - Purpose: Effect of radiotherapy, especially of the type of boost on the late cosmetic outcome and frequency of recurrences after breast-conserving therapy. Methods and materials: 451 patients, treated between 1984-1994 in the Universitätsfrauenklinik and the Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlentherapie der Universität Würzburg, with evaluable records for cosmetic outcome were analyzed retrospectively. Therapy: All patients had a tumor excision and axillary dissection followed by radiation therapy. The entire breast received an external beam dose of 50Gy. A boost dose of 20Gy to the tumor bed was given with an Ir-192 implant (77 per cent) or with electron beam therapy (16 per cent). Results: The 5- and 10- year survival rates were 88 and 73 per cent. The 5- and 10 year locoregional control rates were 90 and 75 per cent. There were no statistically significant differences wether implant or electron beam were used. 61 Prozent of patients obtained a good or excellent cosmetic result, and no statistically significant differences in cosmetic outcome were seen regardless which of the two methods of therapy was applied. KW - Brustkrebs KW - Strahlentherapie KW - Kosmetik KW - lokale Dosisaufsättigung KW - breast cancer KW - radiotherapy KW - cosmetic KW - boost Y1 - 2000 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-452 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schulte, Stephanie T1 - Strahlensensibilität von Fibroblasten und Lymphozyten bei Brustkrebspatientinnen: Vergleich des alkalischen Comet Assay mit der klinisch beobachteten Hautreaktion nach Bestrahlung T1 - In vitro radiosensitivity measured in lymphocytes and fibroblasts by the comet assay: comparison with clinical acute reactions to radiotherapy in breast cancer patients. N2 - Wichtiges Forschungsthema der letzten Jahre war die Entwicklung eines prädiktiven Testsystems zur Bestimmung der individuellen Strahlenempfindlichkeit von Tumorpatienten im Vorfeld einer Strahlentherapie. Ziel ist eine individuelle Dosisanpassung mit möglichst effizienter Tumorzerstörung bei maximaler Schonung des Normalgewebes. Standardmethode zur Messung der zellulären Strahlenempfindlichkeit ist der Koloniebildungstest, der sich jedoch für eine prädiktive Testung nicht eignet, da es mehrere Wochen, wenn nicht Monate dauert, bis die Resultate vorliegen. In dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob der Comet Assay als prädiktiver Test zur Erfassung der Strahlenempfindlichkeit normaler Gewebe geeignet ist. Dazu wurden bestrahlte Hautfibroblasten und periphere Blutlymphozyten von 30 Brustkrebspatientinnen im Comet Assay analysiert und die Resultate mit den akuten radiogenen Hautreaktionen der Patientinnen verglichen. Vor allem die Versuche mit Lymphozyten ergaben eine gute Korrelation zwischen initialem DNS-Schaden bzw. Schaden nach 40minütiger Reparatur und den klinisch beobachteten frühen Normalgewebsnebenwirkungen. Anhand der in vitro-Ergebnisse konnte klar zwischen durchschnittlich und überdurchschnittlich strahlenempfindlichen Patientinnen unterschieden werden. Bei den Fibroblasten waren die Patientinnen mit durchschnittlichen Reaktionen und die mit stärkeren radiogenen Nebenwirkungen nur im Initialschaden deutlich voneinander verschieden. Der Comet Assay scheint demzufolge ein günstiger Test zu sein, um eine erhöhte Strahlenempfindlichkeit zu erfassen, vor allem wenn Lymphozyten aus dem peripheren Blut analysiert werden. Er kann schnell und mit wenigen Zellen durchgeführt werden und ist bei standardisierten Versuchsbedingungen gut reproduzierbar. Mit dem Comet Assay ist es möglich, in kurzer Zeit mehrere Malignompatienten auf ihre Radiosensitivität hin zu untersuchen, wobei diese nur eine Blutprobe zur Lymphozytenisolation abgeben müssen. Im Hinblick auf die Anwendung als prädiktiver Test im klinischen Alltag ist die Kombination mit anderen Methoden wie z. B. dem Mikronukleus-Test und der FISH-Technik empfehlenswert, was die Zuverlässigkeit und Aussagekraft der Resultate noch steigern würde. N2 - Considerable interpatient and intertumour heterogeneity in response to ionising radiation is a consistent clinical experience in radiotherapy. One major focus of research in radiobiology is the development of assays to predict individual radiosensitivity of normal and tumour tissues before treatment commences. This could eventually lead to individualization of fractionation schedules. The colony-forming assay has been the gold standard for quantifying cytotoxic damage in normal and tumour cells. But it takes weeks to months to obtain results. The comet assay is a simple, rapid, and sensitive technique to quantify DNA/chromatid-damage in mammalian cells. Purpose of this study was to evaluate its potential as a predictive test for individual radiosensitivity. After irradiation, skin fibroblast and peripheral blood lymphocytes of 30 breast cancer patients were analyzed with the comet assay and the results correlated to the patients´ acute skin reactions. Results of the comet assay in lymphocytes showed a significant correlation with the clinical data when patients were divided into two groups with average and elevated acute reactions. Apart from initial damage, fibroblasts did not show significant differences between the two patient groups. Repeated comet assays in lymphocytes of the same patient drawn before treatment and before and after external radiotherapy demonstrated good reproducibility of the test and no significant impact of preceding radiation treatment. In this cohort of patients, a significant correlation between the in vitro results of the comet assay in lymphocytes and clinical acute reactions was detected. These findings encourage the use of the comet assay as a predictive test for clinical radiosensitivity, especially in relation to other methods like the micronucleus-test or the FISH-technique. KW - Comet Assay KW - Strahlensensibilität KW - Brustkrebs KW - comet assay KW - radiosensitivity KW - breast cancer Y1 - 2002 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-6415 ER - TY - THES A1 - Assenbrunner, Bernadette T1 - Palliative hypofraktionierte Bestrahlung bei nicht kleinzelligem Bronchialkarzinom T1 - Palliative hypofractionated radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer N2 - Für die palliative Bestrahlung des NSCLC stehen mehrere, sehr unterschiedliche hypofraktionierte Behandlungsschemata zur Verfügung. Prospektive Studien in der Vergangenheit konnten keine Überlegenheit für eines dieser Regime zeigen. Ziel vorliegender retrospektiver Arbeit war es, die Effektivität der Radiatio mit 13 bis 15 Fraktionen zu 3 Gy zu überprüfen. Hierzu untersuchten wir die Daten von 57 Patienten, die sich in den Jahren 2006 bis 2008 in der Strahlentherapie der Universitätsklinik Würzburg einer solchen Therapie unterzogen. Das Patientengut unterteilten wir für die Untersuchung in zwei Gruppen M0 und M1, deren Prognose wir unterschiedlich einschätzten. Der Einteilung lag das Vorhandensein von Fernmetastasen zu Behandlungsbeginn zugrunde. Das Gesamtüberleben war für Patienten der M0-Gruppe signifikant besser und lag für M1-Patienten in einem zu erwartenden Bereich. 17,5% unserer Patienten lebten 18 Monate oder länger. Welche Ursachen hinter diesem prolongierten Überleben stehen könnten, blieb jedoch weitgehend unklar. Für das Gesamtüberleben zeigten sich verschiedene u.a. aus der Literatur bekannte Prognosefaktoren wie das UICC-Stadium, der Allgemeinzustand und eine chemotherapeutische Behandlung. Andere Faktoren, deren Einfluss wir vermuteten, führten zu keinen signifikanten bzw. widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen. Hierzu zählten insbesondere der Charlson comorbidity score und das Alter. Für die Höhe der Gesamtdosis und die Größe des PTV wurde interessanterweise kein Einfluss auf das Überleben nachgewiesen. Die lokale Kontrolle war von diesen beiden Variablen ebenfalls unabhängig. Ein systemischer Progress trat bei unseren Patienten tendenziell früher auf als ein lokaler Progress. Der Allgemeinzustand der Patienten wurde von der Bestrahlung im Wesentlichen nicht negativ beeinflusst, Infektionen traten so gut wie gar nicht auf. Wie bereits aus prospektiven Studien zur hypofraktionierten Bestrahlung bekannt, waren Akuttoxizitäten, insbesondere Ösophagitiden, relativ häufig. N2 - There are several different hypofractionated schedules in palliative radiation therapy for non-small cell lung cancer. Recent prospective studies could not demonstrate superiority of one of these schedules. The aim of the present retrospective paper was to evaluate the efficacy of a radiation therapy with 13 to 15 fractions at 3 Gy. Therefore we analyzed data of 57 patients who underwent such a radiation therapy at the university hospital of Würzburg between 2006 and 2008. Patients were divided into two different groups (M0 and M1, based on the presence of distant metastases) with expected unequal prediction. Overall survival was significant better in M0-patients and was 11.7 months for M1-patients. 17,5% of our patients survived 18 months or longer. The reasons of this prolonged survival remained unclear. Stage of disease, performance status and chemotherapy turned out to be prognostic factors in survival - as known from literature. Other factors, which we supposed to have an influence, like Charlson comorbidity score and patients' age generated no significant respectively disputed results. There was neither a correlation between total dose and overall survival nor between planning target volume and overall survival. Local control was also independent of these variables. Systemic progress occurred rather earlier than local progress. Performance status was not influenced negatively by radiation. Acute toxicities - particularly oesophagitis- were rather frequent but we did not observe any severe infection. KW - Nicht-kleinzelliges Bronchialkarzinom KW - hypofraktionierte KW - Bestrahlung KW - palliativ KW - nicht kleinzelliges Bronchialkarzinom Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-90159 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Homola, György A. A1 - Jbabdi, Saad A1 - Beckmann, Christian F. A1 - Bartsch, Andreas J. T1 - A Brain Network Processing the Age of Faces N2 - Age is one of the most salient aspects in faces and of fundamental cognitive and social relevance. Although face processing has been studied extensively, brain regions responsive to age have yet to be localized. Using evocative face morphs and fMRI, we segregate two areas extending beyond the previously established face-sensitive core network, centered on the inferior temporal sulci and angular gyri bilaterally, both of which process changes of facial age. By means of probabilistic tractography, we compare their patterns of functional activation and structural connectivity. The ventral portion of Wernicke’s understudied perpendicular association fasciculus is shown to interconnect the two areas, and activation within these clusters is related to the probability of fiber connectivity between them. In addition, post-hoc age-rating competence is found to be associated with high response magnitudes in the left angular gyrus. Our results provide the first evidence that facial age has a distinct representation pattern in the posterior human brain. We propose that particular face-sensitive nodes interact with additional object-unselective quantification modules to obtain individual estimates of facial age. This brain network processing the age of faces differs from the cortical areas that have previously been linked to less developmental but instantly changeable face aspects. Our probabilistic method of associating activations with connectivity patterns reveals an exemplary link that can be used to further study, assess and quantify structure-function relationships. KW - Medizin Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75513 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kreissl, Michael C. A1 - Hänscheid, Heribert A1 - Löhr, Mario A1 - Verburg, Frederik A. A1 - Schiller, Markus A1 - Lassmann, Michael A1 - Reiners, Christoph A1 - Samnick, Samuel S. A1 - Buck, Andreas K. A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Sweeney, Reinhart A. T1 - Combination of peptide receptor radionuclide therapy with fractionated external beam radiotherapy for treatment of advanced symptomatic meningioma N2 - Background: External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) is the treatment of choice for irresectable meningioma. Due to the strong expression of somatostatin receptors, peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) has been used in advanced cases. We assessed the feasibility and tolerability of a combination of both treatment modalities in advanced symptomatic meningioma. Methods: 10 patients with irresectable meningioma were treated with PRRT (177Lu-DOTA0,Tyr3 octreotate or - DOTA0,Tyr3 octreotide) followed by external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). EBRT performed after PRRT was continued over 5–6 weeks in IMRT technique (median dose: 53.0 Gy). All patients were assessed morphologically and by positron emission tomography (PET) before therapy and were restaged after 3–6 months. Side effects were evaluated according to CTCAE 4.0. Results: Median tumor dose achieved by PRRT was 7.2 Gy. During PRRT and EBRT, no side effects>CTCAE grade 2 were noted. All patients reported stabilization or improvement of tumor-associated symptoms, no morphologic tumor progression was observed in MR-imaging (median follow-up: 13.4 months). The median pre-therapeutic SUVmax in the meningiomas was 14.2 (range: 4.3–68.7). All patients with a second PET after combined PRRT + EBRT showed an increase in SUVmax (median: 37%; range: 15%–46%) to a median value of 23.7 (range: 8.0–119.0; 7 patients) while PET-estimated volume generally decreased to 81 ± 21% of the initial volume. Conclusions: The combination of PRRT and EBRT is feasible and well tolerated. This approach represents an attractive strategy for the treatment of recurring or progressive symptomatic meningioma, which should be further evaluated. KW - Medizin KW - PRRT KW - Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy KW - Meningioma KW - Radiotherapy KW - EBRT KW - Combination Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75540 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Guckenberger, Matthias A1 - Hawkins, Maria A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Sweeney, Reinhart A. T1 - Fractionated radiosurgery for painful spinal metastases: DOSIS - a phase II trial N2 - Background One third of all cancer patients will develop bone metastases and the vertebral column is involved in approximately 70 % of these patients. Conventional radiotherapy with of 1–10 fractions and total doses of 8-30 Gy is the current standard for painful vertebral metastases; however, the median pain response is short with 3–6 months and local tumor control is limited with these rather low irradiation doses. Recent advances in radiotherapy technology – intensity modulated radiotherapy for generation of highly conformal dose distributions and image-guidance for precise treatment delivery – have made dose-escalated radiosurgery of spinal metastases possible and early results of pain and local tumor control are promising. The current study will investigate efficacy and safety of radiosurgery for painful vertebral metastases and three characteristics will distinguish this study. 1) A prognostic score for overall survival will be used for selection of patients with longer life expectancy to allow for analysis of long-term efficacy and safety. 2) Fractionated radiosurgery will be performed with the number of treatment fractions adjusted to either good (10 fractions) or intermediate (5 fractions) life expectancy. Fractionation will allow inclusion of tumors immediately abutting the spinal cord due to higher biological effective doses at the tumor - spinal cord interface compared to single fraction treatment. 3) Dose intensification will be performed in the involved parts of the vertebrae only, while uninvolved parts are treated with conventional doses using the simultaneous integrated boost concept. Methods / Design It is the study hypothesis that hypo-fractionated image-guided radiosurgery significantly improves pain relief compared to historic data of conventionally fractionated radiotherapy. Primary endpoint is pain response 3 months after radiosurgery, which is defined as pain reduction of ≥2 points at the treated vertebral site on the 0 to 10 Visual Analogue Scale. 60 patients will be included into this two-centre phase II trial. Conclusions Results of this study will refine the methods of patient selection, target volume definition, treatment planning and delivery as well as quality assurance for radiosurgery. It is the intention of this study to form the basis for a future randomized controlled trial comparing conventional radiotherapy with fractionated radiosurgery for palliation of painful vertebral metastases. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01594892 KW - Medizin KW - Phase II trial KW - Spinal metastasis KW - Pain KW - Radiosurgery KW - Stereotactic body radiotherapy Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75853 ER - TY - THES A1 - Saur, Gabriella-Sofie T1 - Klinische Ergebnisse und Lebensqualität nach neoadjuvanter Radiochemotherapie von Rektumkarzinomen T1 - Clinical outcomes and life-qualiy after long-course radiochemotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer N2 - Die derzeitige Standardtherapie bei fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinomen der UICC Stadien II und III besteht aus der neoadjuvanten Radio(chemo)therapie mit nachfolgender chirurgischer Intervention. Hierbei werden die beiden Therapiemodalitäten, der Kurzzeit-Radiotherapie(5x5Gy) und unmittelbare Operation von der Langzeit-Radiochemotherpaie (28x1,8Gy) mit einem Intervall von 4-6 Wochen bis zur Operation, unterschieden. Im Hinblick auf das Auftreten von Lokalrezidiven sowie auf das Gesamtüberleben sprechen die Ergebnisse für eine bessere Wirksamkeit der LZ-RChT. Dennoch gibt es klinische Situation, bei denen eine KZ-Radiotherapie sinnvoller sein kann. Somit kann als Konsequenz eine differenzierte Indikationsstellung für diese beiden Therapiemodalitäten abgeleitet werden. N2 - The standard therapy for local advanced rectal cancer in UICC stadium II and III consists of neoadjuvant radio(chemo)therapy followed by surgical intervention. In this connection the two therapy regiments on the one hand a short term radiotherapy (5x5 Gy) followed by surgery and on the other hand a long term radiotherapy (28x1,8 Gy) with a free interval of 4-6 weeks till surgery are differentiated. Looking at the frequency of local relapses and overall survival the results of the long term radiotherapy are superior to the results of short term radiotherapy. Nevertheless there are clinical situations in which the use of short term radiotherapy can be indicated. In consequence there has to be a well differentiated indication-defining process for choosing the right therapy. KW - Rektumkarzinom KW - Langzeitradiochemotherapie KW - Lebensqualität KW - rectal cancer KW - long-course radiochemotherapy KW - life-quality Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78562 ER - TY - THES A1 - Niewidok, Natalia T1 - Modulation of radiosensitivity of human tumor and normal cells by inhibition of heat shock proteins Hsp90 and Hsp70 T1 - Modulation der Strahlenempfindlichkeit humaner maligner und nicht-maligner Zellen mittels Inhibition der Hitzeschockproteine Hsp90 und Hsp70 N2 - Cancer is the leading cause of death in economically developed countries (Jemal et al. 2011). Heat shock protein 90 can be a promising target in cancer treatment as it is responsible for sustaining protein homeostasis in every human cell by folding and activating of more than 200 client proteins (Picard et al. 2002). Apart from strong anti-tumor activities in vitro (Smith et al. 2005) and in vivo (Supko et al. 1995), Hsp90 inhibitors can sensitize tumor cells to radiation (Bisht et al. 2003, Stingl et al.2010, Schilling et al. 2011). Recently, our group showed the radiosensitizing potential of novel Hsp90 inhibitors: NVP-AUY922 and NVP-BEP800 (Stingl et al. 2010). The drugs were administered to cancer cell lines of different origin 24 hours before irradiation (drug-first treatment). In the present work, we explored the effects of a schedule other than drug-first treatment on A549 and SNB19 tumor cell lines. Cell samples were treated with either NVP-AUY922 or NVP-BEP800 one hour before IR and kept in the drug-containing medium for up to 48 hours (simultaneous drug-IR treatment). Our findings showed that depending on the tumor cell line, the combination of Hsp90 inhibition and irradiation may result in radiosensitization or apoptosis of cancer cell lines. It is advised to adjust the sequence of treatment, involving Hsp90 inhibition and irradiation, on the basis of the genetic background of tumor cells. Before entering the clinic, novel therapeutics should be tested on non-malignant tissue to exclude their possible toxic activities. Thus, we applied the simultaneous drug-IR treatment on human skin fibroblast strains. This work showed that Hsp90 inhibitors NVP-AUY922 and NVP-BEP800 preferentially sensitize tumor cells to radiation, whereas the effect(s) on normal fibroblasts was much weaker. The exact mechanisms underlying the Hsp90 inhibitors’ selectivity towards malignant cells remain to be elucidated. It was shown previously that the administration of Hsp90 inhibitors, including NVP-AUY922 and NVP-BEP800, induces heat shock response (Niewidok et al. 2012). Heat shock response triggers the up-regulation of Hsp70, which, due to its strong anti-apoptotic properties, might be responsible for reducing the effects of Hsp90 inhibition. The transfection with Hsp70 siRNA suppressed the NVP-AUY922-induced over-expression of the target protein. However, on the long-term scale, it did not influence the radiosensitivity of A549 and SNB19 cells. To summarize, the use of siRNA proved that Hsp70 inhibition could be used to support Hsp90 inhibition on the short-term scale. Therefore, for future works, more potent and stable methods of Hsp70 inhibition are needed. This thesis presented the effects induced by two novel Hsp90 inhibitors NVP-AUY922 and NVP-BEP800, in combination with irradiation in tumor cell lines as well as in normal skin fibroblasts. Hsp70 pre-silencing was tested as a method for improving radiosensitizing potential of NVP-AUY922. These results support the use of NVP-AUY922 and NVP-BEP800 in combination with irradiation in future clinical trials. N2 - Trotz aller wissenschaftlicher Fortschritte, die in den letzten Jahren in der Onkologie erfolgten, ist Krebs eine der Haupttodesursachen in den wirtschaftlich entwickelten Ländern. Das Hitzeschockprotein 90 (Hsp90) stellt ein vielversprechendes neues Target für die Krebstherapie dar, weil es einen großen Anteil des Proteingleichgewichts in jeder humanen Zelle durch Faltung und Aktivierung seiner Klientenproteine kontrolliert (Picard et al. 2002, Trepel et al. 2010). Es wurde gezeigt, dass Hsp90 Inhibitoren starke anti-proliferative Eigenschaften in vitro (Smith et al. 2005) und in vivo aufweisen (Supko et al. 1995). Außerdem führte die Hsp90 Inhibition zur Radiosensibilisierung unterschiedlicher Tumorzelllinien (Bisht et al. 2003, Stingl et al.2010, Schilling et al. 2011). Vor Kurzem wurde in unserer Arbeitsgruppe gezeigt, dass die neuartigen Hsp90 Inhibitoren NVP-AUY922 und NVP-BEP800 zur Erhöhung der Strahlenempfindlichkeit der Tumorzelllinien führen (Stingl et al. 2010). Die Krebszellen wurden 24 Stunden vor der Bestrahlung behandelt und bestrahlt (‚drug-first’ Behandlungsschema). In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden die Effekte eines anderen Behandlungsschemas auf die A549 und SNB19 Tumorzelllinien untersucht. Die Zellen wurden entweder mit NVP-AUY922 oder NVP-BEP800 eine Stunde vor der Bestrahlung behandelt und bis zu 48 Stunden nach der Bestrahlung weiterhin mit Hsp90 Inhibitor kultiviert (simultane drug-IR Behandlungsschema). Zusammenfassend zeigen die hier gewonnenen Ergebnisse, dass abhängig von der Tumorzelllinie, die Kombination der Hsp90 Inhibition mit Bestrahlung zur Radiosensibilisierung oder zur Apoptose führen kann. Die Reihenfolge der Behandlung mit Hsp90 Inhibitoren und Bestrahlung sollte individuell der Tumorart und den vorliegenden Mutationen angepasst werden. Bevor Medikamente in der Klinik angewendet werden können, müssen sie auf nicht-malignem Gewebe getestet werden, um eine mögliche toxische Wirkung auszuschließen. Deshalb wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit die zwei humane Hautfibroblastenlinien HFib1 und HFib2 nach dem simultanen Behandlungsschema mit Hsp90 Inhibitoren und Bestrahlung behandelt. Diese Arbeit zeigte, dass NVP-AUY922 und NVP-BEP800 Tumorzelllinien für die Bestrahlung sensibilisieren, wohingegen der Einfluss von Hsp90 Inhibitoren auf normale Fibroblasten geringer war. Der exakte Mechanismus der Selektivität der Hsp90 Inhibitoren auf Krebszellen ist aber noch unbekannt und erfordert weitere Experimente. Die Behandlung mit N-terminalen Hsp90 Inhibitoren, zum Beispiel mit NVP-AUY922 oder mit NVP-BEP800, induziert die Hitzeschockantwort und unter anderem die Hochregulierung von Hsp70 (Niewidok et al. 2012). Hsp70 ist bekannt für seine starken anti-apoptotischen Eigenschaften, die das therapeutische Potenzial der Hsp90 Inhibitoren reduzieren können. Die Behandlung mit siRNA reduzierte die von NVP-AUY922 induzierte Hsp70-Überexpression, aber beeinflusste nicht die Strahlenempfindlichkeit der Tumorzelllinien A549 und SNB19. Die Transfektion mit siRNA hat bewiesen, dass die Hsp70 Inhibition als eine Unterstützung der Hsp90 Inhibition dienen kann. Dies ist jedoch eine kurzzeitige Methode der Hemmung und alternative Methoden zur Hemmung der Hsp70 Aktivitäten nötig sind. Die in dieser Arbeit gewonnen Erkenntnisse erläutern die Effekte, die von zwei neuartigen Hsp90 Inhibitoren NVP-AUY922 und NVP-BEP800 in Kombination mit Bestrahlung induziert werden, sowohl in Tumorzelllinien als auch in normalen Hautfibroblasten. Hsp70-Silencing wurde als Methode zur Erhöhung des radiosensibilisierenden Potenzials des Inhibitor NVP-AUY922 getestet. Alle diese Resultate zusammen sprechen für eine Anwendung von NVP-AUY922 und NVP-BEP800 in klinischen Studien, die alleine oder in Kombination mit Bestrahlung erfolgen könnte. KW - Tumorzelle KW - Strahlenbiologie KW - Strahlenempfindlichkeit KW - Hitzeschockproteine KW - Tumorzellen KW - nicht-maligne Zellen KW - radiation biology KW - radiosensitization KW - heat shock proteins KW - tumor cell lines KW - Hitzeschock-Proteine KW - Krebsforschung Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-78728 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. A1 - Elsner, Ines A1 - Katzer, Astrid A1 - Worschech, Eike A1 - Distel, Luitpold V. A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Polat, Bülent T1 - Radiosensitivity in breast cancer assessed by the histone γ-H2AX and 53BP1 foci JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background High expression of constitutive histone γ-H2AX, a sensitive marker of DNA damage, might be indicative of defective DNA repair pathway or genomic instability. 53BP1 (p53-binding protein 1) is a conserved checkpoint protein with properties of a DNA double-strand breaks sensor. This study explores the relationship between the clinical radiosensitivity of tumor patients and the expression/induction of γ-H2AX and 53BP1 in vitro. Methods Using immunostaining, we assessed spontaneous and radiation-induced foci of γ-H2AX and 53 BP1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells derived from unselected breast cancer (BC) patients (n=57) undergoing radiotherapy (RT). Cells from apparently healthy donors (n=12) served as references. Results Non-irradiated cells from controls and unselected BC patients exhibited similar baseline levels of DNA damage assessed by γ-H2AX and 53BP1 foci. At the same time, the γ-H2AX assay of in vitro irradiated cells revealed significant differences between the control group and the group of unselected BC patients with respect to the initial (0.5 Gy, 30 min) and residual (2 Gy, 24 h post-radiation) DNA damage. The numbers of 53BP1 foci analyzed in 35 BC patients were significantly higher than in controls only in case of residual DNA damage. A weak correlation was found between residual foci of both proteins tested. In addition, cells from cancer patients with an adverse acute skin reaction (grade 3) to RT showed significantly increased radiation-induced γ-H2AX foci and their protracted disappearance compared to the group of BC patients with normal skin reaction (grade 0–1). The mean number of γ-H2AX foci after 5 clinical fractions was significantly higher than that before RT, especially in clinically radiosensitive patients. Conclusions The γ-H2AX assay may have potential for screening individual radiosensitivity of breast cancer patients. KW - DNA damage KW - DNA repair KW - Peripheral blood lymphocytes KW - Radiosensitivity KW - DNS-Schädigung KW - DNS-Reparatur Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-96110 UR - http://www.ro-journal.com/content/8/1/98 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Richter, Jürgen T1 - Professor Dr. Werner Bohndorf gestorben JF - Strahlentherapie und Onkologie N2 - Kein Abstract verfügbar. KW - Werner Bohndorf KW - Nachruf Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-264838 SN - 1439-099X VL - 197 IS - 7 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kielkopf, Julian Alexander T1 - Beurteilung der Prädiktivität eines automatisierten Palliativscreenings bei uro-onkologischen Patienten T1 - Assessment of the predictive value of an automated palliative screening in uro-oncological patients N2 - Um Patienten mit Palliativbedarf proaktiv zu identifizieren wurde am Universitätsklinikum Würzburg am 01.03.2019 ein Palliativscreening auf Basis der Pflegeanamnese etabliert. Dessen Prädiktivität auf das 6-Monats Überleben wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit in einer uro-onkologischen Patientenkohorte untersucht. Für die Patientenkohorte wurden aus dem klinischen Informationssystem aufenthalts-, personen- und tumorspezifische Daten sowie das Palliativscreening aus der Pflegeanamnese ausgelesen. Ergänzend zur Auswertung des automatisiert generierten Palliativscreenings wurden die Einzelitems rechnerisch in einem berechneten Palliativscreening zusammengeführt um eine Zuverlässigkeitsprüfung des automatisiert generierten Palliativscreenings zu ermöglichen. In einer zweiten Auswertung wurde geprüft, ob der Patient im 6-Monats Nachbeobachtungszeitraum nach Aufnahme verstorben ist. Unsere Studie belegt die Prädiktivität des Palliativscreenings in einer uro-onkologischen Kohorte für das 6-Monats Überleben. Ein automatisiert generiertes Screening, ist in unserer Studie vergleichbar prädiktiv auf das 6-Monats Überleben als eine manuelle rechnerische Rekonstruktion. Bei Patienten mit Prostatakarzinom weist das Palliativscreening eine niedrigere Korrelation mit dem 6-Monats Überleben auf als bei Patienten mit anderen urologischen Entitäten. N2 - To proactively identify patients with palliative care needs, a palliative care screening based on nursing history was established at Würzburg University Hospital on March 1, 2019. Its predictivity on 6-month survival was investigated in a uro-oncology patient cohort in the present study. For the patient cohort, stay-, person-, and tumor-specific data as well as the palliative screening from the nursing history were collected from the clinical information system. In addition to the evaluation of the automatically generated palliative screening, the individual items were combined in a calculated palliative screening to enable a reliability test of the automatically generated palliative screening. In a second evaluation, we tested whether the patient died in the 6-month follow-up period after admission. Our study demonstrates the predictive power of palliative screening in a uro-oncology cohort for 6-month survival. Automated generated screening, in our study, is comparably predictive on 6-month survival than manual computational reconstruction. In patients with prostate cancer, palliative screening has a lower correlation with 6-month survival than in patients with other urologic entities. KW - Palliativmedizin KW - Screening KW - Palliativbedarf KW - Prognosetool KW - Uroonkologie KW - automatisiertes Screening Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270459 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klement, Rainer J. A1 - Popp, Ilinca A1 - Kaul, David A1 - Ehret, Felix A1 - Grosu, Anca L. A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Sweeney, Reinhart A. A1 - Lewitzki, Victor T1 - Accelerated hyper-versus normofractionated radiochemotherapy with temozolomide in patients with glioblastoma: a multicenter retrospective analysis JF - Journal of Neuro-Oncology N2 - Background and Purpose The standard treatment of glioblastoma patients consists of surgery followed by normofractionated radiotherapy (NFRT) with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide chemotherapy. Whether accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy (HFRT) yields comparable results to NFRT in combination with temozolomide has only sparsely been investigated. The objective of this study was to compare NFRT with HFRT in a multicenter analysis. Materials and Methods A total of 484 glioblastoma patients from four centers were retrospectively pooled and analyzed. Three-hundred-ten and 174 patients had been treated with NFRT (30 × 1.8 Gy or 30 × 2 Gy) and HFRT (37 × 1.6 Gy or 30 × 1.8 Gy twice/day), respectively. The primary outcome of interest was overall survival (OS) which was correlated with patient-, tumor- and treatment-related variables via univariable and multivariable Cox frailty models. For multivariable modeling, missing covariates were imputed using multiple imputation by chained equations, and a sensitivity analysis was performed on the complete-cases-only dataset. Results After a median follow-up of 15.7 months (range 0.8-88.6 months), median OS was 16.9 months (15.0-18.7 months) in the NFRT group and 14.9 months (13.2-17.3 months) in the HFRT group (p = 0.26). In multivariable frailty regression, better performance status, gross-total versus not gross-total resection, MGMT hypermethylation, IDH mutation, smaller planning target volume and salvage therapy were significantly associated with longer OS (all p < 0.01). Treatment differences (HFRT versus NFRT) had no significant effect on OS in either univariable or multivariable analysis. Conclusions Since HFRT with temozolomide was not associated with worse OS, we assume HFRT to be a potential option for patients wishing to shorten their treatment time. KW - temozolomide KW - accelerated hyperfractionation KW - altered fractionation KW - glioblastoma KW - radiotherapy Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-269806 SN - 1573-7373 VL - 156 IS - 2 ER - TY - THES A1 - Liebendörfer, Volker T1 - Untersuchung der Biomarker Osteopontin, CD44 und Isovariante 6 beim Rektumkarzinom T1 - Examination of biomarkers osteopontin, CD44 and isoform 6 in rectal cancer N2 - Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Biomarkern Osteopontin und CD44 Standard, sowie CD44 Isovariante 6 beim Rektumkarzinom. Wir konzentrierten uns auf die prognostische Bedeutung von Osteopontin und CD44 Standard, sowie CD44 Isovariante 6. In einigen Vorgängerarbeiten zeigten sich Zusammenhänge vor allem bei der Tumorinduktion, Metastasierung und Überleben. In unserer Arbeit konnten wir bestätigen, dass sich hohe Serumkonzentrationen von OPN bei Patienten mit Rektumkarzinom hochsignifikant negativ auf das Gesamtüberleben auswirken. Niedrigere Serumkonzentrationen sind daher mit einer günstigeren Prognose assoziiert. Dies zeigte sich auch in der durchgeführten multivariaten Analyse. Wir kommen daher zu dem Schluss, dass sich OPN als prognostischer Marker eignet. In der Literatur zeigte sich CD44v6 mit verstärkter Metastasierung assoziiert. Dies konnten wir nicht bestätigen. Wir sahen CD44std und auch CD44v6 weder mit Gesamtüberleben, noch mit Tumorstadium und Metastasierung assoziiert. Auch wenn wir CD44 mit OPN gemeinsam auf das Gesamtüberleben untersuchten, fanden wir keinen signifikanten Einfluss. Als mögliche Schlussfolgerung dieser Arbeit könnte man die aktuelle Therapie des Rektumkarzinoms bei hohen OPN Werten reevaluieren. Bei hohen Osteopontin Werten wären dann ggfs. aggressivere Therapieprotokolle vorstellbar. N2 - This thesis deals with the biomarkers osteopontin and CD44 standard, as well as CD44 isovariant 6 in rectal carcinoma. We focused on the prognostic importance of osteopontin and CD44 standard, as well as CD44 isovariant 6. In some previous studies, correlations were found, especially with tumor induction, metastasis and survival. In this thesis, we were able to confirm that high serum concentrations of osteopontin have a highly significant negative effect on overall survival in patients with rectal cancer. Lower serum concentrations are therefore associated with a better prognosis. This was also reflected in the multivariate analysis that was carried out. We therefore conclude that osteopontin is useful as a prognostic marker. In the literature, CD44v6 is shown to be associated with increased metastasis. We could not confirm this. We saw CD44std and CD44v6 associated neither with overall survival nor with tumor stage and metastasis. Even when we tested CD44 with OPN together on overall survival, we found no significant impact. As a possible conclusion of this thesis, therapy for rectal carcinoma could be re-evaluated with high OPN values. In the case of high OPN values, more aggressive therapy protocols might be conceivable. KW - Osteopontin KW - Mastdarmkrebs KW - Antigen CD44 KW - Rektumkarzinom KW - OPN KW - CD44 KW - CD44v6 Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-254229 ER - TY - THES A1 - Luttenberger, Ines Maria T1 - Anteriore Mantelfeldtechniken in der Strahlentherapie des Morbus Hodgkin: 3-D-Rekonstruktion der kardialen Dosisverteilung bei Langzeitüberlebenden T1 - Anterior mantle-field techniques in Hodgkin's disease survivors: 3-D reconstruction of doses to cardiac structures N2 - Für diese Arbeit wurden die Daten von 55 (zum Zeitpunkt der Auswertung lebenden) Patienten der Klinik für Strahlentherapie der Universität Würzburg, die zwischen 1978 und 1985 wegen M. Hodgkin mediastinal bestrahlt wurden, ausgewertet. Es wurde für jeden Patienten die zweidimensionale Fläche des Herzens, die durch Bleiblöcke ausgeblockt wurde, berechnet. Außerdem erfolgte mit Hilfe von Testpatienten, von denen ein 3-D-CT-Datensatz vorhanden war und die anhand der Herzform zugeteilt wurden, eine dreidimensionale Dosisrekonstruktion an kardialen Strukturen (linker Vorhof, linker Ventrikel, rechter Vorhof, rechter Ventrikel, A. coronaria dextra, Ramus intraventricularis anterior und Ramus circumflexus). 26 der 55 Patienten sind weiblich, 29 männlich. Zu Bestrahlungsbeginn waren die Patienten im Durchschnitt 24,7(±9,7) Jahre alt. 22 Patienten wurden mit einer kombinierten Radio-Chemotherapie behandelt, 33 Patienten erhielten eine alleinige Bestrahlung. Die Patienten wurden in vier Gruppen eingeteilt: 26 Patienten wurden mit alleinigem anteriorem Mantelfeld bestrahlt, 18 Patienten mit anteriorem Mantelfeld und Rotationsboost auf das Mediastinum, sieben Patienten wurden mit einem anterioren Mantelfeld und einem dorsalen Boost des Mediastinums bestrahlt und vier Patienten wurden mit sonstigen Techniken mediastinal bestrahlt. Im Vergleich der mediastinalen Herddosen der Gruppen untereinander konnte ein signifikanter Unterschied der Gruppen mit Rotations- oder dorsalem Boost zur Gruppe mit alleiniger anteriorer Mantelfeldbetsrahlung festgestellt werden. Für die kardialen Strukturen wurden Dosis-Volumen-Histogramme errechnet. Es konnte zum Beispiel gezeigt werden, dass bei alleiniger anteriorer Mantelfeldbetsrahlung eine relative Dosisüberhöhung der vorderen Herzabschnitte (rechter Ventrikel, rechte Koronararterie) erfolgte. Zudem wurden die Daten der zweidimensionalen Herzausblockung mit Parametern der Dosis-Volumen-Histogramme korreliert. N2 - The 3-D dose distribution within the heart was reconstructed in all long-term Hodgkin's disease survivors (n = 55) treated with mediastinal radiotherapy between 1978 and 1985. For dose reconstruction, original techniques were transferred to the CT data sets of appropriate test patients, in whom left (LV) and right ventricle (RV), left (LA) and right atrium (RA) as well as right (RCA), left anterior descending (LAD) and left circumflex (LCX) coronary arteries were contoured. Dose-volume histograms (DVHs) were generated for these heart structures and results compared between techniques. Predominant technique was an anterior mantle field (cobalt-60). 26 patients (47%) were treated with anterior mantle field alone (MF), 18 (33%) with anterior mantle field and monoaxial, bisegmental rotation boost (MF+ROT), 7 (13%) with anterior mantle field and dorsal boost (MF+DORS) and 4 (7%) with other techniques. In patients irradiated with anterior mantle-field techniques, high doses to anterior heart portions were partly compensated by boost treatment from non-anterior angles. As the threshold doses for coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis and valvular changes are assumed to be 30 to 40 Gy, cardiac toxicity must be anticipated in these patients. KW - Strahlentherapie KW - Lymphogranulomatose KW - Strahlentherapie bei Morbus Hodgkin Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303586 ER - TY - THES A1 - Pollmann, Stephan T1 - Herstellung und dosimetrische Evaluation flexibler, 3D-konformaler Boli für die adjuvante volumenmodulierte Radiotherapie bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren T1 - Production and dosimetric evaluation of flexible, 3D-conformal boluses for adjuvant volume-modulated radiotherapy in head and neck tumours N2 - In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein standardisiertes Verfahren zur Herstellung individueller Boli mithilfe von FDM und Silikon-Guss vorgestellt. Die Technik schien den Vorteil einer relativ preisgünstigen Bolus-Produktion vor Ort bei verhältnismäßig geringen Ansprüchen an infrastrukturelle Voraussetzungen in der Klinik zu bieten, auch wenn eine Untersuchung ökonomischer Aspekte nicht Ziel der Arbeit war. Gleichzeitig konnten flexible und für den Patienten möglicherweise komfortablere Boli erzeugt werden, die konformaler bzw. lückenloser auflagen als die konventionellen Modelle (Superflabs), eine geringfügige Dosiserhöhung im oberflächlichen Zielvolumen bewirkten und zudem eine deutliche Hautschonung ermöglichten. Über den gesamten Anwendungszeitraum hielten die Boli den mechanischen Belastungen stand, die mit der Behandlung der Patienten einhergingen. Im Rahmen vorausgegangener Untersuchungen an einem Plattenphantom konnte die Äquivalenz der Materialien in Bezug auf den Dosisaufbau erwiesen werden, sodass die Zusammensetzung des von uns verwendeten Materials als sowohl mechanisch wie physikalisch geeignet angesehen werden konnte. Der Einfluss unterschiedlich großer Bolus-Hohlräume auf eine oberflächliche Dosisreduktion wurde am Plattenphantom ebenfalls abgeschätzt. Am RANDO-Phantom konnte ein geeignetes Messverfahren identifiziert werden. Die Ergebnisse unserer Untersuchungen an 3D-konformalen Boli zeigten sich als mit der aktuellen Studienlage weitgehend kongruent. Eine weitere Optimierung der vorgestellten Technik könnte über die Verwendung von 3D-Scans der Kopf-Hals-Konturen erreicht werden, da dies eine Integration von Bolus- und Maskenanbringung ermöglicht. Hohlräume unter einer Lagerungsmaske hätten damit weniger Einfluss auf den Bolus-Haut-Abstand. Ebenso erscheint die klinische Evaluation der Rezidivhäufigkeit bzw. der Hautschonung als sinnvoll. Es könnte beispielsweise die Verhinderung akuter und chronischer Strahlen-wirkungen an der sensiblen Kopf-Hals-Region quantifiziert werden. Die vorgestellte 3D-Druck- und Gusstechnik zur Herstellung flexibler und 3D-konformaler Boli erscheint bei der Optimierung strahlentherapeutischer Behandlungsmöglichkeiten vielversprechend. N2 - In the present study, a standardised procedure for the production of individual boluses using FDM and silicone casting was presented. The technique seemed to offer the advantage of relatively inexpensive bolus production on site with relatively low demands on infrastructural requirements in the clinic, even though an investigation of economic aspects was not the aim of the work. At the same time, it was possible to produce flexible boluses that were possibly more comfortable for the patient, which were more conformal or had fewer gaps than the conventional models (superflabs), caused a slight increase in the dose in the superficial target volume and also enabled significant skin protection. Over the entire application period, the boluses withstood the mechanical stresses associated with the treatment of the patients. In previous studies on a plate phantom, the equivalence of the materials in terms of dose build-up was proven, so that the composition of the material we used could be considered suitable both mechanically and physically. The influence of bolus cavities of different sizes on a superficial dose reduction was also estimated on the plate phantom. A suitable measurement procedure could be identified on the RANDO phantom. The results of our investigations on 3D-compliant boluses were found to be largely congruent with the current state of studies. Further optimisation of the presented technique could be achieved by using 3D scans of the head and neck contours, as this allows integration of bolus and mask attachment. Cavities under a positioning mask would thus have less influence on the bolus-skin distance. Similarly, clinical evaluation of recurrence frequency or skin sparing appears to be useful. For example, the prevention of acute and chronic radiation therapy-related side effects on the sensitive head and neck region could be quantified. The 3D printing and casting technique presented for the production of flexible and 3D-conformal boluses appears promising in the optimisation of radiotherapeutic treatment options. KW - individueller Bolus KW - 3D-konformaler Bolus KW - volumetric modulated arc therapy KW - fused deposition modeling KW - Kopf-Hals-Tumore Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303681 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Colvill, Emma A1 - Booth, Jeremy A1 - Nill, Simeon A1 - Fast, Martin A1 - Bedford, James A1 - Oelfke, Uwe A1 - Nakamura, Mitsuhiro A1 - Poulsen, Per A1 - Worm, Esben A1 - Hansen, Rune A1 - Ravkilde, Thomas A1 - Rydhög, Jonas Scherman A1 - Pommer, Tobias A1 - af Rosenschold, Per Munck A1 - Lang, Stephanie A1 - Guckenberger, Matthias A1 - Groh, Christian A1 - Herrmann, Christian A1 - Verellen, Dirk A1 - Poels, Kenneth A1 - Wang, Lei A1 - Hadsell, Michael A1 - Sothmann, Thilo A1 - Blanck, Oliver A1 - Keall, Paul T1 - A dosimetric comparison of real-time adaptive and non-adaptive radiotherapy: a multi-institutional study encompassing robotic, gimbaled, multileaf collimator and couch tracking JF - Radiotherapy and Oncology N2 - Purpose: A study of real-time adaptive radiotherapy systems was performed to test the hypothesis that, across delivery systems and institutions, the dosimetric accuracy is improved with adaptive treatments over non-adaptive radiotherapy in the presence of patient-measured tumor motion. Methods and materials: Ten institutions with robotic(2), gimbaled(2), MLC(4) or couch tracking(2) used common materials including CT and structure sets, motion traces and planning protocols to create a lung and a prostate plan. For each motion trace, the plan was delivered twice to a moving dosimeter; with and without real-time adaptation. Each measurement was compared to a static measurement and the percentage of failed points for gamma-tests recorded. Results: For all lung traces all measurement sets show improved dose accuracy with a mean 2%/2 mm gamma-fail rate of 1.6% with adaptation and 15.2% without adaptation (p < 0.001). For all prostate the mean 2%/2 mm gamma-fail rate was 1.4% with adaptation and 17.3% without adaptation (p < 0.001). The difference between the four systems was small with an average 2%/2 mm gamma-fail rate of <3% for all systems with adaptation for lung and prostate. Conclusions: The investigated systems all accounted for realistic tumor motion accurately and performed to a similar high standard, with real-time adaptation significantly outperforming non-adaptive delivery methods. KW - Robotic tracking KW - Gimbaled tracking KW - MLC tracking KW - Couch tracking KW - Organ motion Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-189605 VL - 119 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lewitzki, Victor A1 - Klement, Rainer J. A1 - Kosmala, Rebekka A1 - Lisowski, Dominik A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Polat, Bülent T1 - Accelerated hyperfractionated radiochemotherapy with temozolomide is equivalent to normofractionated radiochemotherapy in a retrospective analysis of patients with glioblastoma JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background Current standard of treatment for newly diagnosed patients with glioblastoma (GBM) is surgical resection with adjuvant normofractionated radiotherapy (NFRT) combined with temozolomide (TMZ) chemotherapy. Hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy (HFRT) which was known as an option from randomized controlled trials before the temozolomide era has not been compared to the standard therapy in a randomized setting combined with TMZ. Methods Data of 152 patients with newly diagnosed GBM treated from 10/2004 until 7/2018 at a single tertiary care institution were extracted from a clinical database and retrospectively analyzed. Thirty-eight patients treated with NFRT of 60 Gy in 30 fractions (34 with simultaneous and 2 with sequential TMZ) were compared to 114 patients treated with HFRT of 54.0 Gy in 30 fraction of 1.8 Gy twice daily (109 with simultaneous and 3 with sequential TMZ). The association between treatment protocol and other variables with overall survival (OS) was assessed using univariable and multivariable Cox regression analysis; the latter was performed using variables selected by the LASSO method. Results Median overall survival (OS) was 20.3 month for the entire cohort. For patients treated with NFRT median OS was 24.4 months compared to 18.5 months in patients treated with HFRT (p = 0.131). In univariable regression analysis the use of dexamethasone during radiotherapy had a significant negative impact on OS in both patient groups, HR 2.21 (95% CI 1.47–3.31, p = 0.0001). In multivariable analysis adjusted for O6-methylguanine-DNA methyl-transferase (MGMT) promotor methylation status, salvage treatment and secondary GBM, the use of dexamethasone was still a negative prognostic factor, HR 1.95 (95% CI 1.21–3.13, p = 0.006). Positive MGMT-methylation status and salvage treatment were highly significant positive prognostic factors. There was no strong association between treatment protocol and OS (p = 0.504). Conclusions Our retrospective analysis supports the hypothesis of equivalence between HFRT and the standard protocol of treatment for GBM. For those patients who are willing to obtain the benefit of shortening the course of radiochemotherapy, HFRT may be an alternative with comparable efficacy although it was not yet tested in a large prospective randomized study against the current standard. The positive influence of salvage therapy and negative impact of concomitant use of corticosteroids should be addressed in future prospective trials. To confirm our results, we plan to perform a pooled analysis with other tertiary clinics in order to achieve better statistical reliability. KW - Brain cancer KW - Glioblastoma KW - High grade glioma KW - Radiotherapy KW - Temozolomide KW - Corticosteroids Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202614 VL - 14 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kroeber, Jana A1 - Wenger, Barbara A1 - Schwegler, Manuela A1 - Daniel, Christoph A1 - Schmidt, Manfred A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Fietkau, Rainer A1 - Distel, Luitpold V. T1 - Distinct increased outliers among 136 rectal cancer patients assessed by \(\gamma\)H2AX JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background: In recent years attention has focused on \(\gamma\)H2AX as a very sensitive double strand break indicator. It has been suggested that \(\gamma\)H2AX might be able to predict individual radiosensitivity. Our aim was to study the induction and repair of DNA double strand breaks labelled by \(\gamma\)H2AX in a large cohort. Methods: In a prospective study lymphocytes of 136 rectal cancer (RC) patients and 59 healthy individuals were ex vivo irradiated (IR) and initial DNA damage was compared to remaining DNA damage after 2 Gy and 24 hours repair time and preexisting DNA damage in unirradiated lymphocytes. Lymphocytes were immunostained with anti-\(\gamma\)H2AX antibodies and microscopic images with an extended depth of field were acquired. \(\gamma\)H2AX foci counting was performed using a semi-automatic image analysis software. Results: Distinct increased values of preexisting and remaining \(\gamma\)H2AX foci in the group of RC patients were found compared to the healthy individuals. Additionally there are clear differences within the groups and there are outliers in about 12% of the RC patients after ex vivo IR. Conclusions: The \(\gamma\)H2AX assay has the capability to identify a group of outliers which are most probably patients with increased radiosensitivity having the highest risk of suffering radiotherapy-related late sequelae. KW - histone H2AX KW - blood lymphocytes KW - in vivo KW - foci KW - individual radiosensitivity KW - rectal cancer KW - radiotherapy KW - DNA double strand breaks KW - phosphorylation KW - neck cancer KW - oral mucositis KW - DNA damage KW - radiosensitivity KW - repair KW - \(\gamma\)h2ax Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144085 VL - 10 IS - 36 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lv, Xiaoqun A1 - Zhang, Lingyun A1 - Zhu, Yanyan A1 - Said, Harun M. A1 - Shi, Jimin A1 - Xu, Guoxiong T1 - Regulative effect of Nampt on tumor progression and cell viability in human colorectal cancer JF - Journal of Cancer N2 - Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer disease. Here we examined Nampt expression in patients with CRC and the effect of Nampt on cell viability in CRC cells. Nampt protein was overexpressed in colorectal adenoma as well as colorectal carcinoma. The immunoreactive staining of Nampt was negative in the adjacent normal colorectal tissue, weak in colorectal adenoma, and strong in colorectal carcinoma, which may represent tumor progression. Further evaluation of clinical data showed that Nampt expression was not correlated with the clinicopathological characteristics of CRC. Additionally, our in vitro studies demonstrated that Nampt promotes CRC cell viability, whereas the Nampt inhibitor FK866 suppressed CRC cell viability, which was in concordance with the previous studies in other cancer cells. Treatment with Nampt-siRNA reduced the Nampt protein expression resulting in the inhibition of the cell viability of HCT116 and Caco2. Thus, the involvement of Nampt in cell growth indicates that Nampt may play an important role in colorectal tumorigenesis. As a consequence, our results suggest that Nampt may be considered as a progression marker of colorectal tumor and a potentially therapeutic target for the treatment of CRC. KW - nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase KW - signaling pathways KW - gastric cancer KW - overexpression KW - cell proliferation KW - tumor biomarker KW - adenocarcinoma KW - Nampt KW - visfatin KW - PBEF KW - breast cancer KW - prognostic value KW - visfatin levels KW - inhibitor KW - expression KW - adipocytokines Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144516 VL - 6 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pollmann, Stephan A1 - Toussaint, André A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Wegener, Sonja A1 - Lewitzki, Victor T1 - Dosimetric evaluation of commercially available flat vs. self-produced 3D-conformal silicone boluses for the head and neck region JF - Frontiers in Oncology N2 - Background Boluses are routinely used in radiotherapy to modify surface doses. Nevertheless, considerable dose discrepancies may occur in some cases due to fit inaccuracy of commercially available standard flat boluses. Moreover, due to the simple geometric design of conventional boluses, also surrounding healthy skin areas may be unintentionally covered, resulting in the unwanted dose buildup. With the fused deposition modeling (FDM) technique, there is a simple and possibly cost-effective way to solve these problems in routine clinical practice. This paper presents a procedure of self-manufacturing bespoke patient-specific silicone boluses and the evaluation of buildup and fit accuracy in comparison to standard rectangular commercially available silicone boluses. Methods 3D-conformal silicone boluses were custom-built to cover the surgical scar region of 25 patients who received adjuvant radiotherapy of head and neck cancer at the University Hospital Würzburg. During a standard CT-based planning procedure, a 5-mm-thick 3D bolus contour was generated to cover the radiopaque marked surgical scar with an additional safety margin. From these digital contours, molds were 3D printed and poured with silicone. Dose measurements for both types of boluses were performed with radiochromic films (EBT3) at three points per patient—at least one aimed to be in the high-dose area (scar) and one in the lower-dose area (spared healthy skin). Surface–bolus distance, which ideally should not be present, was determined from cone-beam CT performed for positioning control. The dosimetric influence of surface–bolus distance was also determined on slab phantom for different field sizes. The trial was performed with hardware that may be routinely available in every radiotherapy department, with the exception of the 3D printer. The required number of patients was determined based on the results of preparatory measurements with the help of the statistical consultancy of the University of Würzburg. The number of measuring points represents the total number of patients. Results In the high-dose area of the scar, there was a significantly better intended dose buildup of 2.45% (95%CI 0.0014–0.0477, p = 0.038, N = 30) in favor of a 3D-conformal bolus. Median distances between the body surface and bolus differed significantly between 3D-conformal and commercially available boluses (3.5 vs. 7.9 mm, p = 0.001). The surface dose at the slab phantom did not differ between commercially available and 3D-conformal boluses. Increasing the surface–bolus distance from 5 to 10 mm decreased the surface dose by approximately 2% and 11% in the 6 × 6- and 3 × 3-cm2 fields, respectively. In comparison to the commercially available bolus, an unintended dose buildup in the healthy skin areas was reduced by 25.9% (95%CI 19.5–32.3, p < 0.01, N = 37) using the 3D-conformal bolus limited to the region surrounding the surgical scar. Conclusions Using 3D-conformal boluses allows a comparison to the commercially available boluses’ dose buildup in the covered areas. Smaller field size is prone to a larger surface–bolus distance effect. Higher conformity of 3D-conformal boluses reduces this effect. This may be especially relevant for volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) techniques with a huge number of smaller fields. High conformity of 3D-conformal boluses reduces an unintended dose buildup in healthy skin. The limiting factor in the conformity of 3D-conformal boluses in our setting was the immobilization mask, which was produced primarily for the 3D boluses. The mask itself limited tight contact of subsequently produced 3D-conformal boluses to the mask-covered body areas. In this respect, bolus adjustment before mask fabrication will be done in the future setting. KW - flat silicone bolus KW - individual silicone bolus KW - 3D conformal silicone bolus KW - 3D printer KW - head and neck cancer KW - fused deposition modeling (FDM) KW - surface dose measurement KW - volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-283156 SN - 2234-943X VL - 12 ER - TY - THES A1 - Mechtold, Ulrike T1 - Adjuvante Intensitätsmodulierte Radio-/ Radiochemotherapie maligner Tumoren im HNO-Bereich : Eine retrospektive monozentrische Analyse zu Akut- und Spät-Toxizitäten, der lokalen Kontrolle und des Überlebens, April 2007 bis Juli 2016 T1 - Adjuvant Intensity Modulated Radio/Radiochemotherapy of Malignant Head-and Neck-Tumors : A retrospective monocentric analysis of acute and late and late toxicities, local control, and survival. April 2007 to July 2016 N2 - Hintergrund: Etwa 75% der Patienten mit malignen Tumoren im Kopf-Hals-Bereich unterziehen sich im Verlauf ihrer Behandlung einer Strahlentherapie. Zwei Drittel befanden sich bei Erstdiagnose bereits im lokal fortgeschrittenem Stadium. Eine Weiterentwicklung der Bestrahlungstechniken zielt einerseits auf eine Verbesserung der Tumorkontrolle andererseits auf eine Präzisierung der Strahlenapplikation zur Minimierung von Akut- und Spätrektionen. Methode: In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Patientenklientel (118 Patienten (39 Frauen/79 Männer) untersucht, bei welchem aufgrund eines malignen Tumors im Kopf-Hals-Bereich eine kurative adjuvante intensitätsmodulierte Radiotherapie (IMRT) durchgeführt wurde (zweistufig 60/66Gy). 46,6 % der Patienten mit Tumoren im UICC-Stadium III und IV erhielten risikoadaptiert eine simultane Chemotherapie. Das Follow-Up der Dokumentation der Nebenwirkungen lag median bei 16 Monaten. Die minimale Nachbeobachtungszeit des Überlebens betrug 60 Monate. Ergebnisse: Das 3-Jahres- bzw. 5-Jahres-Gesamtüberleben des betrachteten Patientenkollektivs betrug 69,4 % bzw. 53,4 %. Bei 16 Patienten (13,9 %) wurden Fernmetastasen diagnostiziert. 17 Patienten (14,7 %) entwickelten ein lokales Tumorrezidiv. Die lokoregionäre Tumorkontrolle betrug 84,3 % nach 3 Jahren und 82,9 % nach 5 Jahren. Als stärkster Prognosefaktor erwies sich das prätherapeutische Gesamttumorvolumen von > 22ml. Die am häufigsten beobachtete höhergradige Frühtoxizität war die orale Mukositis Grad 3, die radiogene Dysphagie Grad 3 sowie Xerostomie Grad 3. Zum Zeitpunkt der Erfassung der Spätnebenwirkungen wurde bei 2,8 % (alleinige RT) bzw. bei 4,2 % (RCHT) der Patienten eine Xerostomie Grad-3 beobachtet. 5,4 % (RT) bzw. 12,5 % (RCHT) gaben eine Dysphagie Grad 3 an, 8,1 % (RT) bzw. 12,5 % (RCHT) beklagten noch Störungen der Nahrungsaufnahme Grad 3. 2,8 % (RT) bzw. 16,7 % (RCHT) boten eine Heiserkeit Grad 3. Schlussfolgerung: Die vorliegende Arbeit hat ein Patientenkollektiv untersucht, bei dem im Vergleich zu einer historischen Kohorte die Gesamtdosis im unmittelbaren Tumorbett angehoben wurde, bei gleichzeitiger Schonung der Umgebung durch die Technik der Intensitätsmodulierten Strahlentherapie (IMRT). Dies wirkte sich positiv in der Verträglichkeit aus. Bei aller Schwierigkeit von Kohortenvergleichen war festzustellen, dass eine moderate Verbesserung der Therapieresultate erreicht wurde und dass insbesondere historisch bekannte Risikofaktoren für Lokalrezidive (R-Status, Perinodale Invasion, Hämangiose) mit diesem Behandlungskonzept ihre Bedeutung zu verlieren scheinen. N2 - Background: Approximately 75% of patients with malignant tumors in the head and neck region undergo radiotherapy in the course of their treatment. Two thirds were already in a locally advanced stage at initial diagnosis. Further development of radiation techniques aims at improving tumor control on the one hand and at a more precise application of radiation to minimize acute and late regressions on the other hand. Methods: In this work, a patient clientele (118 patients (39 women/79 men)) was studied in whom curative adjuvant intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) was performed (two-stage 60/66Gy) due to a malignant tumor in the head and neck region. 46.6% of patients with UICC stage III and IV tumors received risk-adapted concurrent chemotherapy. Median follow-up of adverse event documentation was 16 months. Minimum survival follow-up was 60 months. Results: The 3-year and 5-year overall survival of the patient population considered was 69.4% and 53.4%, respectively. Distant metastases were diagnosed in 16 patients (13.9%). 17 patients (14.7%) developed local tumor recurrence. Locoregional tumor control was 84.3% at 3 years and 82.9% at 5 years. Pretherapeutic total tumor volume of > 22ml proved to be the strongest prognostic factor. The most common higher grade early toxicity observed was grade 3 oral mucositis, grade 3 radiogenic dysphagia, and grade 3 xerostomia. At the time of recording late side effects, grade 3 xerostomia was observed in 2.8% (RT alone) or 4.2% (RCHT) of patients. 5.4% (RT) and 12.5% (RCHT), respectively, reported grade-3 dysphagia, and 8.1% (RT) and 12.5% (RCHT), respectively, still complained of grade-3 food intake disturbances. 2.8% (RT) and 16.7% (RCHT), respectively, offered grade-3 hoarseness. CONCLUSION: The present work examined a patient population in which the total dose was increased in the immediate tumor bed compared to a historical cohort, while sparing the surrounding area using the intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) technique. This had a positive effect on tolerability. Despite all difficulties of cohort comparisons, it could be stated that a moderate improvement of the therapy results was achieved and that especially historically known risk factors for local recurrence (R-status, perinodal invasion, hemangiosis) seem to lose their importance with this treatment concept. KW - HNO-Tumore KW - adjuvante Radiotherapie KW - Intensitätsmodulierte Radiotherapie KW - Toxizitäten KW - lokale Tumorkontrolle Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280046 ER - TY - THES A1 - Nürnberg, Niklas T1 - Erfassung des Palliativbedarfs von hausärztlich versorgten Pflegeheimbewohnerinnen und -bewohnern mittels SPICT\(^{TM}\) und IPOS T1 - Assessment of the palliative care needs of nursing home residents treated by their general practitioner using SPICT\(^{TM}\) and IPOS N2 - Zur Erfassung des Palliativbedarfs von hausärztlich versorgten Pflegeheim-bewohnerinnen und -bewohnern wurden Heimleitungen von Pflegeeinrichtungen kontaktiert, in denen die drei teilnehmenden allgemeinmedizinischen Praxen in Würzburg Patientinnen und Patienten betreuten und um die Möglichkeit einer Befragung der Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner sowie der zuständigen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter gebeten. Die Instrumente SPICT-DETM und IPOS wurden darauf geprüft, ob sie zur Erfassung des Palliativbedarfs von hausärztlich versorgten Pflegeheimbewohnerinnen und -bewohnern geeignet sind und ob die Ergebnisse des SPICT-DETM und des IPOS vergleichbar sind. Weiterhin wurde überprüft, ob der SPICT-DETM für die Vorhersage einer Ein-Jahres-Mortalität von Pflegeheimbewohnerinnen und -bewohnern geeignet ist und es wurde die Selbst- und die Fremdeinschätzung mittels IPOS verglichen. N2 - In order to assess the palliative care needs of nursing home residents treated by their general practitioner, the management of nursing homes in which the three participating general medical practices in Würzburg (Germany) were caring for patients were contacted and asked for the opportunity to survey the residents and the responsible employees. The instruments SPICT-DETM and IPOS were examined to determine whether they are suitable for assessing the palliative care needs of nursing home residents who are cared for by their general practitioner and whether the results of the SPICT-DETM and the IPOS are comparable. Furthermore, it was checked whether the SPICT-DETM is suitable for predicting a one-year mortality of nursing home residents and the self- assessment and the external assessment using IPOS were compared. KW - Palliativpflege KW - SPICT KW - IPOS KW - Palliativbedarf KW - hausärztlich KW - Pflegeheimbewohnerin KW - Pflegeheimbewohner Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313071 ER - TY - THES A1 - Alban, Eva Nicole T1 - Ergebnisse der intraoperativen Boost-Bestrahlung (IORT) des Tumorbettes gefolgt von perkutaner Ganzbrustbestrahlung (WBRT) bei Mammakarzinompatientinnen T1 - Results of intraoperative boost radiotherapy (IORT) of the tumour bed followed by percutaneous whole breast radiotherapy (WBRT) in breast cancer patients N2 - In dieser Arbeit wird die intraoperative Boost-Bestrahlung mit 9 oder 20 Gy bei Mammakarzinompatientinnen evaluiert. Es werden das onkologische Ergebnis, die bestrahlungsassoziierte Toxizität, das kosmetische Therapieergebnis und die Lebensqualität ausgewertet. Die Analyse bezieht sich auf 124 Fälle im frühen Brustkrebsstadium. N2 - This paper evaluates the use of intraoperative boost irradiation with 9 or 20 Gy in breast cancer patients. The study assesses the oncological outcome, radiation-associated toxicity, cosmetic therapeutic outcome and quality of life. The analysis refers to 124 cases of early-stage breast cancer. KW - Intraoperative Strahlentherapie KW - Brustkrebs KW - Toxizität KW - Lebensqualität KW - intraoperative Boostbestrahlung Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-317888 ER - TY - THES A1 - Hartmannsgruber, Johann T1 - Erfassung und Nutzen von Frailty in der Routine der Radioonkologie T1 - Routine Assessment and Use of Frailty in Radiation Oncology N2 - Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Frailty-Screening mittels Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) bei 246 Patienten im Alter ≥70 Jahren in die klinische Routine der Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlentherapie des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg eingeführt. Die prospektive Erhebung der CFS erfolgte nach entsprechender Schulung innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 6 Monaten im Rahmen des Erstgespräches vor fraktioniert perkutaner Radiatio. In einem sekundären Projektabschnitt wurden innerhalb eines Nachbeobachtungszeitraumes von insgesamt 365 Tagen nach Bestrahlungsbeginn Komplikationen retrospektiv erfasst. Nach entsprechender Mitarbeiterschulung wurde eine erfolgreiche Implementierung des Frailty-Screenings in die klinische Routine erzielt. In der schließenden statistischen Auswertung zeigte sich ein höheres Ausmaß an Frailty prädiktiv für einen komplikationsreichen Therapieverlauf. Dabei wurden akute Toxizität, Therapieabbrüche, stationäre Notaufnahmen, sowie ein Versterben analysiert. Abschließend wurde analysiert, ob sich innerhalb des ECOG Performance Status Subgruppen mittels Frailty identifizieren ließen. Dabei wurde ein besonderes Augenmerk auf das Vorliegen gebrechlicher Patienten innerhalb der Patientengruppen mit verhältnismäßig guter Funktion (ECOG 0 bzw. 1) gelegt. In Zusammenschau der Befunde des PS (ECOG) und CFS zeigten sich innerhalb der ECOG Grad 0 und Grad 1 eine heterogene Aufteilung „fitter“ bis „gebrechlicher" Patienten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass ein Frailty-Screening mittels CFS nach entsprechender Schulung im radioonkologischen Alltag umsetzbar ist und in ein Gesamtkonzept eingebettet werden sollte. Aufgrund des prädiktiven Wertes in Bezug auf ein negatives Outcome und dem Vorliegen von Gebrechlichkeit auch bei Patienten mit verhältnismäßig gutem PS (ECOG 0, 1), könnten ältere Patienten von einem zusätzlichen Frailty-Screening profitieren, dies insbesondere im Hinblick auf die zunehmende Inanspruchnahme radioonkologischer Therapien. N2 - In this study, a frailty screening was implemented into the initial clinical outpatient examination at the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University Hospital in Würzburg using the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS). Within a period of 6 months, 246 patients over the age of 70 were prospectively assessed prior to percutaneous fractionated radiotherapy. Up to 365 days after therapy, complications were retrospectively analyzed. After multiple training sessions, frailty screening was accurate. Statistical analysis indicated that frailty was a predictor of radiotherapy-associated complications, including acute toxicity, treatment interruption, emergency hospital admittance and death. Furthermore, subgroups were displayed within performance status (ECOG) using the CFS and frail patients were identified within those with better performance status (ECOG 0 and ECOG 1). This study succeeded in demonstrating successful implementation of frailty screening after training and underlines the predictive value of using frailty to identify patients with risk higher risk of negative outcome in radiotherapy. As frail patients may be concealed within groups with better performance status, patients may benefit from additional screening, especially when taking the rising age of patients undergoing radiotherapy into account. KW - Frailty KW - Gebrechlichkeit KW - Strahlentherapie KW - Radiation Oncology KW - Radioonkologie Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-319298 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Kaiser, Philipp A1 - Wohlleben, Gisela A1 - Gehrke, Thomas A1 - Scherzad, Agmal A1 - Scheich, Matthias A1 - Malzahn, Uwe A1 - Fischer, Thomas A1 - Vordermark, Dirk A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Perioperative changes in osteopontin and TGFβ1 plasma levels and their prognostic impact for radiotherapy in head and neck cancer JF - BMC Cancer N2 - Background: In head and neck cancer little is known about the kinetics of osteopontin (OPN) expression after tumor resection. In this study we evaluated the time course of OPN plasma levels before and after surgery. Methods: Between 2011 and 2013 41 consecutive head and neck cancer patients were enrolled in a prospective study (group A). At different time points plasma samples were collected: T0) before, T1) 1 day, T2) 1 week and T3) 4 weeks after surgery. Osteopontin and TGFβ1 plasma concentrations were measured with a commercial ELISA system. Data were compared to 131 head and neck cancer patients treated with primary (n = 42) or postoperative radiotherapy (n = 89; group B1 and B2). Results: A significant OPN increase was seen as early as 1 day after surgery (T0 to T1, p < 0.01). OPN levels decreased to base line 3-4 weeks after surgery. OPN values were correlated with postoperative TGFβ1 expression suggesting a relation to wound healing. Survival analysis showed a significant benefit for patients with lower OPN levels both in the primary and postoperative radiotherapy group (B1: 33 vs 11.5 months, p = 0.017, B2: median not reached vs 33.4, p = 0.031). TGFβ1 was also of prognostic significance in group B1 (33.0 vs 10.7 months, p = 0.003). Conclusions: Patients with head and neck cancer showed an increase in osteopontin plasma levels directly after surgery. Four weeks later OPN concentration decreased to pre-surgery levels. This long lasting increase was presumably associated to wound healing. Both pretherapeutic osteopontin and TGFβ1 had prognostic impact. KW - perioperative changes KW - osteopontin KW - TGFβ1 KW - head and neck cancer KW - survival Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157529 VL - 17 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brosch, Philippa K. A1 - Korsa, Tessa A1 - Taban, Danush A1 - Eiring, Patrick A1 - Hildebrand, Sascha A1 - Neubauer, Julia A1 - Zimmermann, Heiko A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Shirakashi, Ryo A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. A1 - Sisario, Dmitri A1 - Sukhorukov, Vladimir L. T1 - Glucose and inositol transporters, SLC5A1 and SLC5A3, in glioblastoma cell migration JF - Cancers N2 - (1) Background: The recurrence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is mainly due to invasion of the surrounding brain tissue, where organic solutes, including glucose and inositol, are abundant. Invasive cell migration has been linked to the aberrant expression of transmembrane solute-linked carriers (SLC). Here, we explore the role of glucose (SLC5A1) and inositol transporters (SLC5A3) in GBM cell migration. (2) Methods: Using immunofluorescence microscopy, we visualized the subcellular localization of SLC5A1 and SLC5A3 in two highly motile human GBM cell lines. We also employed wound-healing assays to examine the effect of SLC inhibition on GBM cell migration and examined the chemotactic potential of inositol. (3) Results: While GBM cell migration was significantly increased by extracellular inositol and glucose, it was strongly impaired by SLC transporter inhibition. In the GBM cell monolayers, both SLCs were exclusively detected in the migrating cells at the monolayer edge. In single GBM cells, both transporters were primarily localized at the leading edge of the lamellipodium. Interestingly, in GBM cells migrating via blebbing, SLC5A1 and SLC5A3 were predominantly detected in nascent and mature blebs, respectively. (4) Conclusion: We provide several lines of evidence for the involvement of SLC5A1 and SLC5A3 in GBM cell migration, thereby complementing the migration-associated transportome. Our findings suggest that SLC inhibition is a promising approach to GBM treatment. KW - volume regulation KW - transportome KW - phlorizin Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-297498 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 14 IS - 23 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kimpel, Otilia A1 - Schindler, Paul A1 - Schmidt-Pennington, Laura A1 - Altieri, Barbara A1 - Megerle, Felix A1 - Haak, Harm A1 - Pittaway, James A1 - Dischinger, Ulrich A1 - Quinkler, Marcus A1 - Mai, Knut A1 - Kroiss, Matthias A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Fassnacht, Martin T1 - Efficacy and safety of radiation therapy in advanced adrenocortical carcinoma JF - British Journal of Cancer N2 - Background International guidelines emphasise the role of radiotherapy (RT) for the management of advanced adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC). However, the evidence for this recommendation is very low. Methods We retrospectively analysed all patients who received RT for advanced ACC in five European centres since 2000. Primary endpoint: time to progression of the treated lesion (tTTP). Secondary endpoints: best objective response, progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), adverse events, and the establishment of predictive factors by Cox analyses. Results In total, 132 tumoural lesions of 80 patients were treated with conventional RT (cRT) of 50–60 Gy (n = 20) or 20–49 Gy (n = 69), stereotactic body RT of 35–50 Gy (SBRT) (n = 36), or brachytherapy of 12–25 Gy (BT) (n = 7). Best objective lesional response was complete (n = 6), partial (n = 52), stable disease (n = 60), progressive disease (n = 14). Median tTTP was 7.6 months (1.0–148.6). In comparison to cRT\(_{20-49Gy}\), tTTP was significantly longer for cRT\(_{50-60Gy}\) (multivariate adjusted HR 0.10; 95% CI 0.03–0.33; p < 0.001) and SBRT (HR 0.31; 95% CI 0.12–0.80; p = 0.016), but not for BT (HR 0.66; 95% CI 0.22–1.99; p = 0.46). Toxicity was generally mild and moderate with three grade 3 events. No convincing predictive factors could be established. Conclusions This largest published study on RT in advanced ACC provides clear evidence that RT is effective in ACC. KW - adrenal tumours KW - adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) KW - radiotherapy (RT) Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324411 VL - 128 IS - 4 ER - TY - THES A1 - Mann, Daniel T1 - Empowerment bei Krebspatient:innen T1 - Empowerment with cancer patients N2 - Die Fragestellung, ob Question-Prompt-Lists (QPLs) interaktionales Empowerment fördern, wurde nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand noch nicht untersucht. Bei QPLs handelt es sich um kurze Fragensets oder Kernfragen bezüglich der eigenen Erkrankung oder der Behandlung, die Patient:innen beispielsweise unmittelbar vor einem Aufklärungsgespräch erhalten, um sich aktiv auf dieses vorzubereiten. Der Nutzen einer solchen QPL konnte bereits in zahlreichen Studien belegt werden. Ebenso kommt der Thematik Empowerment bei der Behandlung von Krebspatient:innen eine wichtige Rolle zu: die Betroffenen sollen dahingehend ermutigt und bestärkt werden, sich aktiv mit der eigenen Erkrankung, deren Folgen und Behandlung auseinanderzusetzen, um so schließlich ein höheres Maß an Kontrolle und Lebensqualität zu erlangen. Ziel der Studie war es, den positiven Effekt einer QPL bezüglich des Empowerments der Teilnehmer:innen aufzuzeigen. Die Fragestellung dieser prospektiv randomisiert kontrollierten Studie war es, ob eine QPL einen signifikanten Effekt auf das Empowerment von Krebspatient:innen haben kann. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte in der Ambulanz für Strahlentherapie des Universitätsklinikums Würzburgs. Insgesamt konnten 279 Patient:innen in die Studie eingeschlossen werden, 140 Teilnehmer:innen in der Interventionsgruppe und 139 Teilnehmer:innen in der Kontrollgruppe, die nach Randomisierung jeweils ihrer Gruppe zugeteilt wurden. Die Patient:innen der Interventionsgruppe erhielten unmittelbar vor dem Gespräch mit dem behandelnden Arzt/ der behandelnden Ärztin eine QPL, anhand derer sie sich individuelle Fragen als Vorbereitung auf das Aufklärungsgespräch überlegen konnten, wohingegen die Teilnehmer:innen der Kontrollgruppe keine solche QPL erhielten. Die aufklärenden Ärzte/ Ärztinnen wussten jeweils nicht, welche Patient:innen zuvor eine QPL erhalten hatten. Nach dem Aufklärungsgespräch füllten beide Gruppen von Teilnehmer:innen dann einen Fragebogen aus, mit Hilfe dessen nach Addition der einzelnen Fragewerte zu einem Summen-Score das Maß an Empowerment gemessen werden sollte. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich der Mittelwert des Summen-Scores signifikant zwischen der Interventionsgruppe (M=21,7; SE=0,22; SD=2,65) und der Kontrollgruppe (M=20,8; SE=0,26; SD=3,08) bei einem Signifikanzlevel von alpha=0,05 und einer Effektgröße von d=0,29 (r=0,16): t(277)=2,71; p=0,007, 95% CI [-1,61, -0,26] unterschied. Außerdem konnte beim Vergleich der einzelnen Fragen des Auswertungsbogens selbst bei 4 von 8 Frageitems ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen Interventionsgruppe und Kontrollgruppe gezeigt werden. Hierbei handelte es sich um Fragen, die den Fokus auf die relationale, also die beziehungsorientierte Komponente des Aufklärungsgesprächs legten, im Gegensatz zu den Fragen, die den Fokus auf den reinen Zuwachs von Informationen, also die informative Komponente des Aufklärungsgesprächs legten. Somit kann abschließend von einem signifikanten Effekt der Intervention, dem Gebrauch einer QPL, in Bezug auf das Konstrukt Empowerment bei Krebspatient:innen ausgegangen werden. Mit der QPL konnte ein einfaches, gut durchführbares Instrument in den klinischen Alltag der Strahlenambulanz des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg implementiert werden, das von einem Großteil der Patient:innen gut angenommen und als hilfreich bewertet wurde.   N2 - The question whether Question-Prompt-Lists (QPLs) promote interactional empowerment has not been investigated to current knowledge. QPLs consist of short sets of questions or core questions regarding one's own illness or treatment, which patients receive immediately before an consultation for example to actively prepare themselves for it. The benefit of such QPLs has already been proven in numerous studies. Similarly, empowerment plays an important role in the treatment of cancer patients: those who are affected should be encouraged and empowered to actively engage with their illness, its consequences and treatment, finally aiming for a higher level of control and quality of life. The aim of the study was to investigate an positive effect of a QPL on the empowerment of participants. The objective of this prospective randomized controlled study was to determine, whether a QPL could have a significant effect on the empowerment of cancer patients. Data collection took place at the Outpatient Department for Radiotherapy at the University Hospital Würzburg. A total of 279 participants were included in the study, 140 participants in the intervention group and 139 participants in the control group, who were each assigned to their group after randomization. Patients in the intervention group received a QPL right before the consultation with the treating physician, allowing them to consider individual questions as preparation for the consulation, whereas participants in the control group did not receive such a QPL. The physicians were unaware of which patients had previously received a QPL. After the consulatation, both groups of participants completed a questionnaire, which, by adding the individual question values to form a sumscore, was intended to measure the level of empowerment. It was shown that the mean of the sumscore differed significantly between the intervention group (M=21.7; SE=0.22; SD=2.65) and the control group (M=20.8; SE=0.26; SD=3.08) at a significance level of alpha=0.05 and an effect size of d=0.29 (r=0.16): t(277)=2.71; p=0.007, 95% CI [-1.61, -0.26]. Additionally, when comparing the individual questions of the evaluation questionnaire, a significant difference between the intervention group and the control group was shown for 4 out of 8 question items. These questions focused on the relational component of the consulatation, in opposite to the questions focusing on the pure transfer of knowledge, i.e., the informative component of the consultation. Thus, in conclusion, a significant effect of the intervention, the use of a QPL, regarding the construct of empowerment with cancer patients, can be assumed. With the QPL, a simple, feasible instrument has been implemented into the clinical routine of the Outpatient Department of Radiotherapy at the University Hospital Würzburg, which was well accepted and rated as helpful by a majority of patients. KW - Question Prompt KW - Krebspatient:in KW - Krebskranker KW - Empowerment KW - Krebspatient Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-347524 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg A1 - Lawrenz, Ingulf A1 - Lutyj, Paul A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Guckenberger, Matthias A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Propensity score-matched analysis comparing dose-escalated intensity-modulated radiation therapy versus external beam radiation therapy plus high-dose-rate brachytherapy for localized prostate cancer JF - Strahlentherapie und Onkologie N2 - Purpose Dose-escalated external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and EBRT + high-dose-rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT) boost are guideline-recommended treatment options for localized prostate cancer. The purpose of this study was to compare long-term outcome and toxicity of dose-escalated EBRT versus EBRT + HDR-BT boost. Methods From 2002 to 2019, 744 consecutive patients received either EBRT or EBRT + HDR-BT boost, of whom 516 patients were propensity score matched. Median follow-up was 95.3 months. Cone beam CT image-guided EBRT consisted of 33 fractions of intensity-modulated radiation therapy with simultaneous integrated boost up to 76.23 Gy (D\(_{Mean}\)). Combined treatment was delivered as 46 Gy (D\(_{Mean}\)) EBRT, followed by two fractions HDR-BT boost with 9 Gy (D\(_{90\%}\)). Propensity score matching was applied before analysis of the primary endpoint, estimated 10-year biochemical relapse-free survival (bRFS), and the secondary endpoints metastasis-free survival (MFS) and overall survival (OS). Prognostic parameters were analyzed by Cox proportional hazard modelling. Genitourinary (GU)/gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity evaluation used the Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events (v5.0). Results The estimated 10-year bRFS was 82.0% vs. 76.4% (p = 0.075) for EBRT alone versus combined treatment, respectively. The estimated 10-year MFS was 82.9% vs. 87.0% (p = 0.195) and the 10-year OS was 65.7% vs. 68.9% (p = 0.303), respectively. Cumulative 5‑year late GU ≥ grade 2 toxicities were seen in 23.6% vs. 19.2% (p = 0.086) and 5‑year late GI ≥ grade 2 toxicities in 11.1% vs. 5.0% of the patients (p = 0.002); cumulative 5‑year late grade 3 GU toxicity occurred in 4.2% vs. 3.6% (p = 0.401) and GI toxicity in 1.0% vs. 0.3% (p = 0.249), respectively. Conclusion Both treatment groups showed excellent long-term outcomes with low rates of severe toxicity. KW - long-term outcome KW - dose escalation KW - high-dose-rate brachytherapy boost KW - propensity score matching KW - toxicity Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325055 VL - 198 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Grabenbauer, Felix A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Salvage-Bestrahlung der Prostataloge: Mitbestrahlung der regionalen LK und Bedeutung der ADT JF - Strahlentherapie und Onkologie N2 - No abstract available. T2 - Salvage prostate bed radiotherapy: co-irradiation of regional LNs and significance of ADT KW - Salvage-Radiotherapie KW - Androgendeprivationstherapie KW - PBRT KW - ADT KW - Prostataloge KW - prostate bed radiotherapy KW - pelvic lymph node radiotherapy KW - PBRT KW - ADT KW - PLNRT KW - pelvine Lymphabflüsse Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325047 VL - 198 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Shirakashi, Ryo A1 - Sisario, Dmitri A1 - Taban, Danush A1 - Korsa, Tessa A1 - Wanner, Sophia B. A1 - Neubauer, Julia A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. A1 - Zimmermann, Heiko A1 - Sukhorukov, Vladimir L. T1 - Contraction of the rigor actomyosin complex drives bulk hemoglobin expulsion from hemolyzing erythrocytes JF - Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology N2 - Erythrocyte ghost formation via hemolysis is a key event in the physiological clearance of senescent red blood cells (RBCs) in the spleen. The turnover rate of millions of RBCs per second necessitates a rapid efflux of hemoglobin (Hb) from RBCs by a not yet identified mechanism. Using high-speed video-microscopy of isolated RBCs, we show that electroporation-induced efflux of cytosolic ATP and other small solutes leads to transient cell shrinkage and echinocytosis, followed by osmotic swelling to the critical hemolytic volume. The onset of hemolysis coincided with a sudden self-propelled cell motion, accompanied by cell contraction and Hb-jet ejection. Our biomechanical model, which relates the Hb-jet-driven cell motion to the cytosolic pressure generation via elastic contraction of the RBC membrane, showed that the contributions of the bilayer and the bilayer-anchored spectrin cytoskeleton to the hemolytic cell motion are negligible. Consistent with the biomechanical analysis, our biochemical experiments, involving extracellular ATP and the myosin inhibitor blebbistatin, identify the low abundant non-muscle myosin 2A (NM2A) as the key contributor to the Hb-jet emission and fast hemolytic cell motion. Thus, our data reveal a rapid myosin-based mechanism of hemolysis, as opposed to a much slower diffusive Hb efflux. KW - electroporation KW - cell velocimetry KW - hemoglobin jet KW - non-muscle myosin KW - echinocytes KW - cytoskeleton Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325107 VL - 22 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Andratschke, N. A1 - Alheid, H. A1 - Allgäuer, M. A1 - Becker, G. A1 - Blanck, O. A1 - Boda-Heggemann, J. A1 - Brunner, T. A1 - Duma, M. A1 - Gerum, S. A1 - Guckenberger, M. A1 - Hildebrandt, G. A1 - Klement, R. J. A1 - Lewitzki, V. A1 - Ostheimer, C. A1 - Papachristofilou, A. A1 - Petersen, C. A1 - Schneider, T. A1 - Semrau, R. A1 - Wachter, S. A1 - Habermehl, D. T1 - The SBRT database initiative of the German Society for Radiation Oncology (DEGRO): patterns of care and outcome analysis of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for liver oligometastases in 474 patients with 623 metastases JF - BMC Cancer N2 - Background The intent of this pooled analysis as part of the German society for radiation oncology (DEGRO) stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) initiative was to analyze the patterns of care of SBRT for liver oligometastases and to derive factors influencing treated metastases control and overall survival in a large patient cohort. Methods From 17 German and Swiss centers, data on all patients treated for liver oligometastases with SBRT since its introduction in 1997 has been collected and entered into a centralized database. In addition to patient and tumor characteristics, data on immobilization, image guidance and motion management as well as dose prescription and fractionation has been gathered. Besides dose response and survival statistics, time trends of the aforementioned variables have been investigated. Results In total, 474 patients with 623 liver oligometastases (median 1 lesion/patient; range 1–4) have been collected from 1997 until 2015. Predominant histologies were colorectal cancer (n = 213 pts.; 300 lesions) and breast cancer (n = 57; 81 lesions). All centers employed an SBRT specific setup. Initially, stereotactic coordinates and CT simulation were used for treatment set-up (55%), but eventually were replaced by CBCT guidance (28%) or more recently robotic tracking (17%). High variance in fraction (fx) number (median 1 fx; range 1–13) and dose per fraction (median: 18.5 Gy; range 3–37.5 Gy) was observed, although median BED remained consistently high after an initial learning curve. Median follow-up time was 15 months; median overall survival after SBRT was 24 months. One- and 2-year treated metastases control rate of treated lesions was 77% and 64%; if maximum isocenter biological equivalent dose (BED) was greater than 150 Gy EQD2Gy, it increased to 83% and 70%, respectively. Besides radiation dose colorectal and breast histology and motion management methods were associated with improved treated metastases control. Conclusion After an initial learning curve with regards to total cumulative doses, consistently high biologically effective doses have been employed translating into high local tumor control at 1 and 2 years. The true impact of histology and motion management method on treated metastases control deserve deeper analysis. Overall survival is mainly influenced by histology and metastatic tumor burden. KW - stereotactic body radiotherapy KW - liver oligometastases KW - outcome KW - treated metastases control KW - oligometastases KW - oligo-recurrence KW - sync-oligometastases Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221116 VL - 18 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klement, Rainer J. A1 - Abbasi-Senger, N. A1 - Adebahr, S. A1 - Alheid, H. A1 - Allgaeuer, M. A1 - Becker, G. A1 - Blanck, O. A1 - Boda-Heggemann, J. A1 - Brunner, T. A1 - Duma, M. A1 - Eble, M. J. A1 - Ernst, I. A1 - Gerum, S. A1 - Habermehl, D. A1 - Hass, P. A1 - Henkenberens, C. A1 - Hildebrandt, G. A1 - Imhoff, D. A1 - Kahl, H. A1 - Klass, N. D. A1 - Krempien, R. A1 - Lewitzki, V. A1 - Lohaus, F. A1 - Ostheimer, C. A1 - Papachristofilou, A. A1 - Petersen, C. A1 - Rieber, J. A1 - Schneider, T. A1 - Schrade, E. A1 - Semrau, R. A1 - Wachter, S. A1 - Wittig, A. A1 - Guckenberger, M. A1 - Andratschke, N. T1 - The impact of local control on overall survival after stereotactic body radiotherapy for liver and lung metastases from colorectal cancer: a combined analysis of 388 patients with 500 metastases JF - BMC Cancer N2 - Background The aim of this analysis was to model the effect of local control (LC) on overall survival (OS) in patients treated with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for liver or lung metastases from colorectal cancer. Methods The analysis is based on pooled data from two retrospective SBRT databases for pulmonary and hepatic metastases from 27 centers from Germany and Switzerland. Only patients with metastases from colorectal cancer were considered to avoid histology as a confounding factor. An illness-death model was employed to model the relationship between LC and OS. Results Three hundred eighty-eight patients with 500 metastatic lesions (lung n = 209, liver n = 291) were included and analyzed. Median follow-up time for local recurrence assessment was 12.1 months. Ninety-nine patients with 112 lesions experienced local failure. Seventy-one of these patients died after local failure. Median survival time was 27.9 months in all patients and 25.4 months versus 30.6 months in patients with and without local failure after SBRT. The baseline risk of death after local failure exceeds the baseline risk of death without local failure at 10 months indicating better survival with LC. Conclusion In CRC patients with lung or liver metastases, our findings suggest improved long-term OS by achieving metastatic disease control using SBRT in patients with a projected OS estimate of > 12 months. KW - colorectal cancer KW - illness-death model KW - liver metastases KW - lung metastases KW - tumor control probability KW - stereotactic body radiation therapy Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-325877 VL - 19 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wegener, Sonja A1 - Herzog, Barbara A1 - Sauer, Otto A. T1 - Detector response in the buildup region of small MV fields JF - Medical Physics N2 - Purpose: The model used to calculate dose distributions in a radiotherapy treatment plan relies on the data entered during beam commissioning. The quality of these data heavily depends on the detector choice made, especially in small fields and in the buildup region. Therefore, it is necessary to identify suitable detectors for measurements in the buildup region of small fields. To aid the understanding of a detector's limitations, several factors that influence the detector signal are to be analyzed, for example, the volume effect due to the detector size, the response to electron contamination, the signal dependence on the polarity used, and the effective point of measurement chosen. Methods: We tested the suitability of different small field detectors for measurements of depth dose curves with a special focus on the surface‐near area of dose buildup for fields sized between 10 × 10 and 0.6 × 0.6 cm\(^{2}\). Depth dose curves were measured with 14 different detectors including plane‐parallel chambers, thimble chambers of different types and sizes, shielded and unshielded diodes as well as a diamond detector. Those curves were compared with depth dose curves acquired on Gafchromic film. Additionally, the magnitude of geometric volume corrections was estimated from film profiles in different depths. Furthermore, a lead foil was inserted into the beam to reduce contaminating electrons and to study the resulting changes of the detector response. The role of the effective point of measurement was investigated by quantifying the changes occurring when shifting depth dose curves. Last, measurements for the small ionization chambers taken at opposing biasing voltages were compared to study polarity effects. Results: Depth‐dependent correction factors for relative depth dose curves with different detectors were derived. Film, the Farmer chamber FC23, a 0.13 cm\(^{3}\) scanning chamber CC13 and a plane‐parallel chamber PPC05 agree very well in fields sized 4 × 4 and 10 × 10 cm\(^{2}\). For most detectors and in smaller fields, depth dose curves differ from the film. In general, shielded diodes require larger corrections than unshielded diodes. Neither the geometric volume effect nor the electron contamination can account for the detector differences. The biggest uncertainty arises from the positioning of a detector with respect to the water surface and from the choice of the detector's effective point of measurement. Depth dose curves acquired with small ionization chambers differ by over 15% in the buildup region depending on sign of the biasing voltage used. Conclusions: A scanning chamber or a PPC40 chamber is suitable for fields larger than 4 × 4 cm\(^{2}\). Below that field size, the microDiamond or small ionization chambers perform best requiring the smallest corrections at depth as well as in the buildup region. Diode response changes considerably between the different types of detectors. The position of the effective point of measurement has a huge effect on the resulting curves, therefore detector specific rather than general shifts of half the inner radius of cylindrical ionization chambers for the effective point of measurement should be used. For small ionization chambers, averaging between both polarities is necessary for data obtained near the surface. KW - buildup region KW - diode KW - dosimetry KW - microionization chambers KW - percent depth dose curves Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214228 VL - 47 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Breuer, Kathrin A1 - Richter, Anne A1 - Exner, Florian A1 - Ströhle, Serge-Peer A1 - Lutyj, Paul A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg A1 - Veldhoen, Simon A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Polat, Bülent T1 - Non-rigid image registration of 4D-MRI data for improved delineation of moving tumors JF - BMC Medical Imaging N2 - Background To increase the image quality of end-expiratory and end-inspiratory phases of retrospective respiratory self-gated 4D MRI data sets using non-rigid image registration for improved target delineation of moving tumors. Methods End-expiratory and end-inspiratory phases of volunteer and patient 4D MRI data sets are used as targets for non-rigid image registration of all other phases using two different registration schemes: In the first, all phases are registered directly (dir-Reg) while next neighbors are successively registered until the target is reached in the second (nn-Reg). Resulting data sets are quantitatively compared using diaphragm and tumor sharpness and the coefficient of variation of regions of interest in the lung, liver, and heart. Qualitative assessment of the patient data regarding noise level, tumor delineation, and overall image quality was performed by blinded reading based on a 4 point Likert scale. Results The median coefficient of variation was lower for both registration schemes compared to the target. Median dir-Reg coefficient of variation of all ROIs was 5.6% lower for expiration and 7.0% lower for inspiration compared with nn-Reg. Statistical significant differences between the two schemes were found in all comparisons. Median sharpness in inspiration is lower compared to expiration sharpness in all cases. Registered data sets were rated better compared to the targets in all categories. Over all categories, mean expiration scores were 2.92 +/- 0.18 for the target, 3.19 +/- 0.22 for nn-Reg and 3.56 +/- 0.14 for dir-Reg and mean inspiration scores 2.25 +/- 0.12 for the target, 2.72 +/- 215 0.04 for nn-Reg and 3.78 +/- 0.04 for dir-Reg. Conclusions In this work, end-expiratory and inspiratory phases of a 4D MRI data sets are used as targets for non-rigid image registration of all other phases. It is qualitatively and quantitatively shown that image quality of the targets can be significantly enhanced leading to improved target delineation of moving tumors. KW - 4D-MRI KW - Non-rigid image registration KW - Radiotherapy treatment planning KW - Respiratory induced tumor motion Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229271 VL - 20 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Wohlleben, Gisela A1 - Kosmala, Rebekka A1 - Lisowski, Dominik A1 - Mantel, Frederick A1 - Lewitzki, Victor A1 - Löhr, Mario A1 - Blum, Robert A1 - Herud, Petra A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Monoranu, Camelia-Maria T1 - Differences in stem cell marker and osteopontin expression in primary and recurrent glioblastoma JF - Cancer Cell International N2 - Background Despite of a multimodal approach, recurrences can hardly be prevented in glioblastoma. This may be in part due to so called glioma stem cells. However, there is no established marker to identify these stem cells. Methods Paired samples from glioma patients were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for expression of the following stem cell markers: CD133, Musashi, Nanog, Nestin, octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (Oct4), and sex determining region Y-box 2 (Sox2). In addition, the expression of osteopontin (OPN) was investigated. The relative number of positively stained cells was determined. By means of Kaplan–Meier analysis, a possible association with overall survival by marker expression was investigated. Results Sixty tissue samples from 30 patients (17 male, 13 female) were available for analysis. For Nestin, Musashi and OPN a significant increase was seen. There was also an increase (not significant) for CD133 and Oct4. Patients with mutated Isocitrate Dehydrogenase-1/2 (IDH-1/2) status had a reduced expression for CD133 and Nestin in their recurrent tumors. Significant correlations were seen for CD133 and Nanog between OPN in the primary and recurrent tumor and between CD133 and Nestin in recurrent tumors. By confocal imaging we could demonstrate a co-expression of CD133 and Nestin within recurrent glioma cells. Patients with high CD133 expression had a worse prognosis (22.6 vs 41.1 months, p = 0.013). A similar trend was seen for elevated Nestin levels (24.9 vs 41.1 months, p = 0.08). Conclusions Most of the evaluated markers showed an increased expression in their recurrent tumor. CD133 and Nestin were associated with survival and are candidate markers for further clinical investigation. KW - Glioblastoma KW - Glioma stem cells KW - Osteopontin KW - CD133 KW - Nestin Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301240 SN - 1475-2867 VL - 22 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wegener, Sonja A1 - Sauer, Otto A. T1 - The effective point of measurement for depth-dose measurements in small MV photon beams with different detectors JF - Medical Physics N2 - Purpose: The effective point of measurement (EPOM) of cylindrical ionization chambers differs from their geometric center. The exact shift depends on chamber construction details, above all the chamber size, and to some degree on the field-size and beam quality. It generally decreases as the chamber dimensions get smaller. In this work, effective points of measurement in small photon fields of a range of cylindrical chambers of different sizes are investigated, including small chambers that have not been studied previously. Methods: In this investigation, effective points of measurement for different ionization chambers (Farmer type, scanning chambers, micro-ionization chambers) and solid state detectors were determined by measuring depth-ionization curves in a 6 MV beam in field sizes between 2 9 2 cm2 and 10 9 10 cm2 and comparing those curves with curves measured with plane-parallel chambers. Results: It was possible to average the results to one shift per detector, as the results were sufficiently independent of the studied field sizes. For cylindrical ion chambers, shifts of the EPOM were determined to be between 0.49 and 0.30 times the inner chamber radius from the reference point. Conclusions: We experimentally confirmed the previously reported decrease of the EPOM shift with decreasing detector size. Highly accurate data for a large range of detectors, including new very small ones, were determined. Thus, small chambers noticeably differ from the 0.5-times to 0.6-times the inner chamber radius recommendations in current dosimetry protocols. The detector-individual EPOMs need to be considered for measurements of depth-dose curves. KW - depth dose curves KW - effective point of measurement KW - ionization chambers KW - micro-chambers Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206148 VL - 46 IS - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wegener, Sonja A1 - Schindhelm, Robert A1 - Sauer, Otto A. T1 - Implementing corrections of isocentric shifts for the stereotactic irradiation of cerebral targets: Clinical validation JF - Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics N2 - Purpose: Any Linac will show geometric imprecisions, including non-ideal alignment of the gantry, collimator and couch axes, and gantry sag or wobble. Their angular dependence can be quantified and resulting changes of the dose distribution predicted (Wack, JACMP 20(5), 2020). We analyzed whether it is feasible to correct geometric shifts during treatment planning. The successful implementation of such a correction procedure was verified by measurements of different stereotactic treatment plans. Methods: Isocentric shifts were quantified for two Elekta Synergy Agility Linacs using the QualiForMed ISO-CBCT+ module, yielding the shift between kV and MV isocenters, the gantry flex and wobble as well as the positions of couch and collimator rotation axes. Next, the position of each field's isocenter in the Pinnacle treatment planning system was adjusted accordingly using a script. Fifteen stereotactic treatment plans of cerebral metastases (0.34 to 26.53 cm3) comprising 9–11 beams were investigated; 54 gantry and couch combinations in total. Unmodified plans and corrected plans were measured using the Sun Nuclear SRS-MapCHECK with the Stereophan phantom and evaluated using gamma analysis. Results: Geometric imprecisions, such as shifts of up to 0.8 mm between kV and MV isocenter, a couch rotation axis 0.9 mm off the kV isocente,r and gantry flex with an amplitude of 1.1 mm, were found. For eight, mostly small PTVs D98 values declined more than 5% by simulating these shifts. The average gamma (2%/2 mm, absolute, global, 20% threshold) was reduced from 0.53 to 0.31 (0.32 to 0.30) for Linac 1 (Linac 2) when including the isocentric corrections. Thus, Linac 1 reached the accuracy level of Linac 2 after correction. Conclusion: Correcting for Linac geometric deviations during the planning process is feasible and was dosimetrically validated. The dosimetric impact of the geometric imperfections can vary between Linacs and should be assessed and corrected where necessary. KW - isocenter KW - quality assurance KW - stereotactic irradiation Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312906 VL - 23 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. A1 - Fiedler, Vanessa A1 - Memmel, Simon A1 - Katzer, Astrid A1 - Sisario, Dmitri A1 - Brosch, Philippa K. A1 - Göhrung, Alexander A1 - Frister, Svenja A1 - Zimmermann, Heiko A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Sukhorukov, Vladimir L. T1 - Differential effects of the Akt inhibitor MK-2206 on migration and radiation sensitivity of glioblastoma cells JF - BMC Cancer N2 - Background Most tumor cells show aberrantly activated Akt which leads to increased cell survival and resistance to cancer radiotherapy. Therefore, targeting Akt can be a promising strategy for radiosensitization. Here, we explore the impact of the Akt inhibitor MK-2206 alone and in combination with the dual PI3K and mTOR inhibitor PI-103 on the radiation sensitivity of glioblastoma cells. In addition, we examine migration of drug-treated cells. Methods Using single-cell tracking and wound healing migration tests, colony-forming assay, Western blotting, flow cytometry and electrorotation we examined the effects of MK-2206 and PI-103 and/or irradiation on the migration, radiation sensitivity, expression of several marker proteins, DNA damage, cell cycle progression and the plasma membrane properties in two glioblastoma (DK-MG and SNB19) cell lines, previously shown to differ markedly in their migratory behavior and response to PI3K/mTOR inhibition. Results We found that MK-2206 strongly reduces the migration of DK-MG but only moderately reduces the migration of SNB19 cells. Surprisingly, MK-2206 did not cause radiosensitization, but even increased colony-forming ability after irradiation. Moreover, MK-2206 did not enhance the radiosensitizing effect of PI-103. The results appear to contradict the strong depletion of p-Akt in MK-2206-treated cells. Possible reasons for the radioresistance of MK-2206-treated cells could be unaltered or in case of SNB19 cells even increased levels of p-mTOR and p-S6, as compared to the reduced expression of these proteins in PI-103-treated samples. We also found that MK-2206 did not enhance IR-induced DNA damage, neither did it cause cell cycle distortion, nor apoptosis nor excessive autophagy. Conclusions Our study provides proof that MK-2206 can effectively inhibit the expression of Akt in two glioblastoma cell lines. However, due to an aberrant activation of mTOR in response to Akt inhibition in PTEN mutated cells, the therapeutic window needs to be carefully defined, or a combination of Akt and mTOR inhibitors should be considered. KW - DNA damage KW - glioblastoma multiforme KW - histone H2AX KW - irradiation KW - migration KW - mTOR KW - PTEN KW - p53 KW - radiation sensitivity KW - wound healing Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200290 VL - 19 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zimmermann, Marcus A1 - Richter, Anne A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Exner, Florian A1 - Mantel, Frederick A1 - Diefenhardt, Markus A1 - Fokas, Emmanouil A1 - Kosmala, Rebekka A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Polat, Bülent T1 - Acute toxicities of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated with intensified chemoradiotherapy within the CAO/ARO/AIO-12 trial: comparing conventional versus VMAT planning at a single center JF - Scientific Reports N2 - In locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy is regarded as standard treatment. We assessed acute toxicities in patients receiving conventional 3D-conformal radiotherapy (3D-RT) and correlated them with dosimetric parameters after re-planning with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Patients were randomized within the multicenter CAO/ARO/AIO-12 trial and received 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions and simultaneous chemotherapy with fluorouracil and oxaliplatin. Organs at risk (OAR) were contoured in a standardized approach. Acute toxicities and dose volume histogram parameters of 3D-RT plans were compared to retrospectively calculated VMAT plans. From 08/2015 to 01/2018, 35 patients with LARC were treated at one study center. Thirty-four patients were analyzed of whom 1 (3%) was UICC stage II and 33 (97%) patients were UICC stage III. Grade 3 acute toxicities occurred in 5 patients (15%). Patients with acute grade 1 cystitis (n = 9) had significantly higher D\(_{mean}\) values for bladder (29.4 Gy vs. 25.2 Gy, p < 0.01) compared to patients without bladder toxicities. Acute diarrhea was associated with small bowel volume (grade 2: 870.1 ccm vs. grade 0–1: 647.3 ccm; p < 0.01) and with the irradiated volumes V5 to V50. Using VMAT planning, we could reduce mean doses and irradiated volumes for all OAR: D\(_{mean}\) bladder (21.9 Gy vs. 26.3 Gy, p < 0.01), small bowel volumes V5–V45 (p < 0.01), D\(_{mean}\) anal sphincter (34.6 Gy vs. 35.6 Gy, p < 0.01) and D\(_{mean}\) femoral heads (right 11.4 Gy vs. 25.9 Gy, left 12.5 Gy vs. 26.6 Gy, p < 0.01). Acute small bowel and bladder toxicities were dose and volume dependent. Dose and volume sparing for all OAR could be achieved through VMAT planning and might result in less acute toxicities. KW - radiotherapy KW - rectal cancer Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301255 VL - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Prieto‐Garcia, Cristian A1 - Hartmann, Oliver A1 - Reissland, Michaela A1 - Braun, Fabian A1 - Fischer, Thomas A1 - Walz, Susanne A1 - Schülein‐Völk, Christina A1 - Eilers, Ursula A1 - Ade, Carsten P. A1 - Calzado, Marco A. A1 - Orian, Amir A1 - Maric, Hans M. A1 - Münch, Christian A1 - Rosenfeldt, Mathias A1 - Eilers, Martin A1 - Diefenbacher, Markus E. T1 - Maintaining protein stability of ∆Np63 via USP28 is required by squamous cancer cells JF - EMBO Molecular Medicine N2 - The transcription factor ∆Np63 is a master regulator of epithelial cell identity and essential for the survival of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of lung, head and neck, oesophagus, cervix and skin. Here, we report that the deubiquitylase USP28 stabilizes ∆Np63 and maintains elevated ∆NP63 levels in SCC by counteracting its proteasome‐mediated degradation. Impaired USP28 activity, either genetically or pharmacologically, abrogates the transcriptional identity and suppresses growth and survival of human SCC cells. CRISPR/Cas9‐engineered in vivo mouse models establish that endogenous USP28 is strictly required for both induction and maintenance of lung SCC. Our data strongly suggest that targeting ∆Np63 abundance via inhibition of USP28 is a promising strategy for the treatment of SCC tumours. KW - ∆Np63 KW - NOTCH KW - squamous cell carcinoma KW - 28 Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218303 VL - 12 IS - 4 ER - TY - THES A1 - Warm, Tobias Dominik T1 - Einstellung von Pflegeheimbewohnenden zur vorausschauenden Versorgungsplanung T1 - Attitudes of nursing home residents towards advance care planning N2 - Hintergrund: Aufgrund des demographischen Wandels nimmt der Anteil der Pflegebedürftigen in Deutschland zu. Aktuelle Erhebungen zeigen, dass der Einzug in stationäre Pflegeeinrichtungen erst in höherem Lebensalter und bei steigenden Komorbiditäten erfolgt, womit ein erhöhter Bedarf an medizinischer und pflegerischer Versorgung einhergeht. Ziele der Studie: Durch die Befragung der Pflegeheimbewohnenden sollten Erkenntnisse über eine bereits erfolgte Vorsorgedokumentation und deren Versorgungswünsche am Lebensende gewonnen werden. Methodik: Es wurde eine multizentrische, explorative Beobachtungsstudie als Vollerhebung in elf bayerischen Pflegeeinrichtungen durchgeführt. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte vor Ort durch den Promovierenden mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens im Zeitraum von April 2018 bis Mai 2019. Im Zuge der statistischen Auswertung wurden deskriptive Statistiken erstellt, Gruppenunterschiede wurden zweiseitig mittels Fisher-Exakt-Test auf Unabhängigkeit hin überprüft und paarweise Gruppenvergleiche durch binäre logistische Regression durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Von 1207 wurden 269 (22,3 %) Pflegeheimbewohnende in die Studie eingeschlossen. Von den Studienteilnehmenden hatten sich 55 % bereits intensiver mit dem eigenen Sterben auseinandergesetzt. 50,9 % der Pflegeheimbewohnenden wünschten im Falle einer zum Tode führenden Erkrankung eine alleinige pflegerische und medizinische Versorgung in der Einrichtung. 19,7 % wünschten in diesem Fall eine Klinikeinweisung, aber den Verzicht auf Anwendung invasiver Therapiemaßnahmen. Ein Wunschsterbeort lag bei 65,4 % der Pflegeheimbewohnenden vor. Von diesen wünschten 76,7 % in der Pflegeeinrichtung zu versterben. 71,7 % der Pflegeheimbewohnenden wünschten, nicht allein zu versterben. Über ihre Versorgungswünsche hatten bereits 45,7 % aller Studienteilnehmenden eine andere Person, mehrheitlich die eigenen Angehörigen, informiert. 49,1 % der Pflegeheimbewohnenden wünschten sich eine Erfassung der Versorgungswünsche direkt bei Einzug in die Einrichtung. In 63,6 % der Fälle lag mindestens ein schriftliches Vorsorgedokument vor. Eine Patientenverfügung hatten 45,5 %, eine Vorsorgevollmacht 46,5 % der Pflegeheimbewohnenden verfasst. Schlussfolgerungen: Pflegeheimbewohnende haben mehrheitlich konkrete Vorstellungen für ihre Versorgung am Lebensende. Die vorhandenen Versorgungswünsche sollten auf Wunsch der Pflegeheimbewohnenden erfasst werden, um eine entsprechende Versorgung auch im Falle einer eintretenden Einwilligungsunfähigkeit zu ermöglichen. Der Zeitpunkt der Erfassung der Versorgungswünsche sollte im Hinblick auf das steigende Lebensalter bei Einzug in deutsche Pflegeeinrichtungen und auf die altersbedingt steigende Rate an kognitiven Einschränkungen möglichst frühzeitig gewählt werden. Hierbei stellen Konzepte der vorausschauenden Versorgungsplanung eine Möglichkeit dar, um einen Dialog zwischen den beteiligten Akteuren zu ermöglichen. N2 - Background: Due to demographic change, the proportion of people in need of long-term care in Germany is increasing. Current surveys show that people only move into inpatient care facilities at an older age and with increasing comorbidities, which is accompanied by an increased need for medical and nursing care. Aims of the study: The survey of nursing home residents was intended to gain insights into existing precautionary documentation and their wishes for care at the end of life. Material and Methods: A multicentre explorative observational study was conducted as a full survey in eleven Bavarian care facilities. Data collection was carried out on site by the PhD student using a standardised questionnaire in the period from April 2018 to May 2019. During statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were compiled, group differences were tested two-sided for independence using Fisher’s exact test and pairwise group comparisons were carried out using binary logistic regression. Results: Out of 1207, 269 (22.3%) nursing home residents were included in the study. Of the study participants, 55% had already dealt more intensively with their own dying. 50.9% of the nursing home residents wanted sole nursing and medical care in the facility in the event of an illness leading to death. In this case, 19.7% wanted to be admitted to hospital, but did not want invasive therapy measures to be used. A desired place of death was present in 65.4% of the nursing home residents. Of these, 76.7% wished to die in the nursing home. 71.7% of the nursing home residents did not wish to die alone. 45.7% of all study participants had already informed another person, mostly their own relatives, about their care wishes. 49.1% of the nursing home residents wanted their care wishes to be recorded directly when they moved into the facility. In 63.6% of the cases, at least one written advance directive was available. 45.5% of the nursing home residents had written a living will, 46.5% a health care proxy. Conclusions: The majority of nursing home residents have concrete ideas about their care at the end of life. The existing care wishes should be recorded at the request of the nursing home residents in order to enable appropriate care even in the event of incapacity to consent. The time of recording the care wishes should be chosen as early as possible in view of the increasing age at the time of moving into German nursing homes and the age-related increase in the rate of cognitive impairments. Here, concepts of advance care planning are a possibility to enable a dialogue between the actors involved. KW - Versorgungsplanung KW - Pflegeheim KW - Patientenverfügung KW - Vorsorgevollmacht KW - Betreuungsverfügung KW - Advance Care Planning KW - Pflegeheimbewohnende KW - Versorgungswünsche KW - Shared Decision Making Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-323739 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wegener, Sonja A1 - Sauer, Otto A. T1 - Electrometer offset current due to scattered radiation JF - Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics N2 - Relative dose measurements with small ionization chambers in combination with an electrometer placed in the treatment room (“internal electrometer”) show a large dependence on the polarity used. While this was observed previously for percent depth dose curves (PDDs), the effect has not been understood or preventable. To investigate the polarity dependence of internal electrometers used in conjunction with a small‐volume ionization chamber, we placed an internal electrometer at a distance of 1 m from the isocenter and exposed it to different amounts of scattered radiation by varying the field size. We identified irradiation of the electrometer to cause a current of approximately −1 pA, regardless of the sign of the biasing voltage. For low‐sensitivity detectors, such a current noticeably distorts relative dose measurements. To demonstrate how the current systematically changes PDDs, we collected measurements with nine ionization chambers of different volumes. As the chamber volume decreased, signal ratios at 20 and 10 cm depth (M20/M10) became smaller for positive bias voltage and larger for negative bias voltage. At the size of the iba CC04 (40 mm\(^{3}\)) the difference of M20/M10 was around 1% and for the smallest studied chamber, the iba CC003 chamber (3 mm\(^{3}\)), around 7% for a 10 × 10 cm² field. When the electrometer was moved further from the source or shielded, the additional current decreased. Consequently, PDDs at both polarities were brought into alignment at depth even for the 3 mm\(^{3}\) ionization chamber. The apparent polarity effect on PDDs and lateral beam profiles was reduced considerably by shielding the electrometer. Due to normalization the effect on output values was low. When measurements with a low‐sensitivity probe are carried out in conjunction with an internal electrometer, we recommend careful monitoring of the particular setup by testing both polarities, and if deemed necessary, we suggest shielding the electrometer. KW - electrometer KW - micro-ionization chambers KW - polarity KW - relative dosimetry KW - scatter radiation Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176137 VL - 19 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rabe, A. A1 - van Oorschot, B. A1 - Jentschke, E. T1 - Suizidalität bei Krebspatienten JF - Der Onkologe N2 - Hintergrund Die Diagnose Krebs und ihre Behandlung kann eine große Belastung für die Betroffenen darstellen. Neben körperlichen Beschwerden kann auch die Psyche in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden. Fehlt es an entsprechenden Bewältigungsstrategien, kann der selbstbestimmte Tod als einziger Ausweg erscheinen. Ziel und Fragestellung Die vorliegende Übersichtsarbeit zur Suizidalität bei Krebspatienten befasst sich mit einem Thema, das in der Forschung und Praxis in Deutschland nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit findet. Material und Methoden Eine themenbezogene Literaturrecherche stellt die Basis der Arbeit dar. Ergebnisse Todeswünsche unter Krebspatienten sind nicht selten und können Suizidgedanken/-absichten beinhalten. Psychische Beschwerden, insbesondere Hoffnungslosigkeit und Depression, sind ernstzunehmende Risikofaktoren. Das Erkennen einer hohen psychischen Belastung/von Todeswünschen ist ein wichtiger Aspekt für die Suizidprävention. Für die Praxis empfiehlt sich zunächst die Verwendung von Fragebögen. Bei auffälligen Werten muss die Suizidalität proaktiv in einem persönlichen Gespräch exploriert werden. Betroffene sind meist ambivalent bezüglich ihrer Entscheidung für oder gegen das Leben. Dies stellt eine große Chance für Interventionen dar. Schlussfolgerungen Suizidalität kann verhindert werden, wenn die hohe Belastung erkannt wird. Bereits das Gespräch zwischen Arzt und Patient über Todeswünsche kann eine erste Entlastung darstellen. N2 - Background The diagnosis of cancer and its treatment can be a great strain for the affected patients. In addition to physical complaints, the psyche can also be gravely compromised. In the absence of appropriate coping strategies, self-determined death may appear to be the only way out. Objective The current review article on suicidality in cancer patients addresses a topic that receives little attention in research and practice in Germany. Materials and methods A topic-related literature search is the basis of the work. Results Death wishes among cancer patients are not rare and may include suicidal thoughts/intentions. Psychological complaints, especially hopelessness and depression, are serious risk factors. Recognition of a high level of psychological distress/death wish is an important aspect of suicide prevention. In practice, the use of questionnaires is initially recommended. In the case of conspicuous values, suicidal tendencies must be proactively explored in a personal interview. Those affected are usually ambivalent about their decision for or against life. This represents a great opportunity for interventions. Conclusion Suicidality can be prevented if the high burden is recognized. Even the conversation between doctor and patient about death wishes can provide initial relief. KW - coping skills KW - behavior and behaviormechanisms KW - attitude to death KW - emotional regulation KW - psychological distress KW - Bewältigungsfähigkeiten KW - Verhalten und Verhaltensmechanismen KW - Einstellung zum Tod KW - Emotionsregulierung KW - psychischer Stress Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232401 SN - Suizidalität bei Krebspatienten VL - 26 ER - TY - THES A1 - Zehner, Leonie Constanze T1 - Evaluierung der Rezidivbestrahlung des Prostatakarzinoms T1 - Evaluation of recurrent radiation therapy for prostate cancer N2 - Es erfolgte eine Evaluierung von Bestrahlungsdaten aus der Strahlentherapie der Universitätsklinik Würzburg von 435 Patienten mit biochemischen oder klinischen Rezidiv des Prostatakarzinoms. Der primäre Endpunkt war das biochemisch rezidivfreie Überleben. Sekundäre Endpunkte waren das Auftreten von Fernmetastasen und das Versterben der Patienten. Zudem wurde der Einfluss patienten-, tumor-, und behandlungsspezifischer Faktoren überprüft. N2 - Radiation data from radiotherapy at the University Hospital of Würzburg from 435 patients with biochemical or clinical recurrence of prostate cancer were evaluated. The primary endpoint was biochemical recurrence-free survival. Secondary endpoints were the occurrence of distant metastases and the death of the patients. In addition, the influence of patient-, tumor- and treatment-specific factors was examined. KW - Prostata KW - Rezidiv KW - Bestrahlung KW - Rezidivbestrahlung Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-351230 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dietzsch, Stefan A1 - Braesigk, Annett A1 - Seidel, Clemens A1 - Remmele, Julia A1 - Kitzing, Ralf A1 - Schlender, Tina A1 - Mynarek, Martin A1 - Geismar, Dirk A1 - Jablonska, Karolina A1 - Schwarz, Rudolf A1 - Pazos, Montserrat A1 - Weber, Damien C. A1 - Frick, Silke A1 - Gurtner, Kristin A1 - Matuschek, Christiane A1 - Harrabi, Semi Ben A1 - Glück, Albrecht A1 - Lewitzki, Victor A1 - Dieckmann, Karin A1 - Benesch, Martin A1 - Gerber, Nicolas U. A1 - Obrecht, Denise A1 - Rutkowski, Stefan A1 - Timmermann, Beate A1 - Kortmann, Rolf-Dieter T1 - Types of deviation and review criteria in pretreatment central quality control of tumor bed boost in medulloblastoma—an analysis of the German Radiotherapy Quality Control Panel in the SIOP PNET5 MB trial JF - Strahlentherapie und Onkologie N2 - Purpose In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, pretreatment radiotherapy quality control (RT-QC) for tumor bed boost (TB) in non-metastatic medulloblastoma (MB) was not mandatory but was recommended for patients enrolled in the SIOP PNET5 MB trial between 2014 and 2018. This individual case review (ICR) analysis aimed to evaluate types of deviations in the initial plan proposals and develop uniform review criteria for TB boost. Patients and methods A total of 78 patients were registered in this trial, of whom a subgroup of 65 patients were available for evaluation of the TB treatment plans. Dose uniformity was evaluated according to the definitions of the protocol. Additional RT-QC criteria for standardized review of target contours were elaborated and data evaluated accordingly. Results Of 65 initial TB plan proposals, 27 (41.5%) revealed deviations of target volume delineation. Deviations according to the dose uniformity criteria were present in 14 (21.5%) TB plans. In 25 (38.5%) cases a modification of the RT plan was recommended. Rejection of the TB plans was rather related to unacceptable target volume delineation than to insufficient dose uniformity. Conclusion In this analysis of pretreatment RT-QC, protocol deviations were present in a high proportion of initial TB plan proposals. These findings emphasize the importance of pretreatment RT-QC in clinical trials for MB. Based on these data, a proposal for RT-QC criteria for tumor bed boost in non-metastatic MB was developed. KW - brain tumor KW - pediatric KW - focal radiotherapy KW - quality assurance KW - individual case review Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-307812 SN - 0179-7158 SN - 1439-099X VL - 198 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lisowski, Dominik A1 - Hartrampf, Philipp E. A1 - Hasenauer, Natalie A1 - Nickl, Vera A1 - Monoranu, Camelia-Maria A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg T1 - Complete loss of E-cadherin expression in a rare case of metastatic malignant meningioma: a case report JF - BMC Neurology N2 - Background Hematogenous tumor spread of malignant meningiomas occurs very rarely but is associated with very poor prognosis. Case presentation We report an unusual case of a patient with a malignant meningioma who developed multiple metastases in bones, lungs and liver after initial complete resection of the primary tumor. After partial hepatic resection, specimens were histologically analyzed, and a complete loss of E-cadherin adhesion molecules was found. No oncogenic target mutations were found. The patient received a combination of conventional radiotherapy and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT). Due to aggressive tumor behavior and rapid spread of metastases, the patient deceased after initiation of treatment. Conclusions E-cadherin downregulation is associated with a higher probability of tumor invasion and distant metastasis formation in malignant meningioma. Up to now, the efficacy of systemic therapy, including PRRT, is very limited in malignant meningioma patients. KW - beta-catenin KW - E-cadherin KW - meningioma KW - peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) KW - radiotherapy Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357996 VL - 23 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Diefenhardt, Markus A1 - Martin, Daniel A1 - Ludmir, Ethan B. A1 - Fleischmann, Maximilian A1 - Hofheinz, Ralf-Dieter A1 - Ghadimi, Michael A1 - Kosmala, Rebekka A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Friede, Tim A1 - Minsky, Bruce D. A1 - Rödel, Claus A1 - Fokas, Emmanouil T1 - Development and validation of a predictive model for toxicity of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in rectal cancer in the CAO/ARO/AIO-04 phase III trial JF - Cancers N2 - Background: There is a lack of predictive models to identify patients at risk of high neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT)-related acute toxicity in rectal cancer. Patient and Methods: The CAO/ARO/AIO-04 trial was divided into a development (n = 831) and a validation (n = 405) cohort. Using a best subset selection approach, predictive models for grade 3–4 acute toxicity were calculated including clinicopathologic characteristics, pretreatment blood parameters, and baseline results of quality-of-life questionnaires and evaluated using the area under the ROC curve. The final model was internally and externally validated. Results: In the development cohort, 155 patients developed grade 3–4 toxicities due to CRT. In the final evaluation, 15 parameters were included in the logistic regression models using best-subset selection. BMI, gender, and emotional functioning remained significant for predicting toxicity, with a discrimination ability adjusted for overfitting of AUC 0.687. The odds of experiencing high-grade toxicity were 3.8 times higher in the intermediate and 6.4 times higher in the high-risk group (p < 0.001). Rates of toxicity (p = 0.001) and low treatment adherence (p = 0.007) remained significantly different in the validation cohort, whereas discrimination ability was not significantly worse (DeLong test 0.09). Conclusion: We developed and validated a predictive model for toxicity using gender, BMI, and emotional functioning. Such a model could help identify patients at risk for treatment-related high-grade toxicity to assist in treatment guidance and patient participation in shared decision making. KW - rectal cancer KW - toxicity KW - neoadjuvant KW - chemoradiotherapy KW - risk score Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288081 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 14 IS - 18 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg A1 - Zehner, Leonie A1 - Hartrampf, Philipp A1 - Lisowski, Dominik A1 - Kneitz, Susanne A1 - Cirsi, Sinan A1 - Razinskas, Gary A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Polat, Bülent T1 - Salvage nodal radiotherapy as metastasis-directed therapy for oligorecurrent prostate cancer detected by positron emission tomography shows favorable outcome in long-term follow-up JF - Cancers N2 - Simple Summary Patients, who suffer from oligorecurrent prostate cancer with limited nodal involvement, may be offered positron emission tomography (PET)-directed salvage nodal radiotherapy to delay disease progression. This current analysis aimed to access salvage radiotherapy for nodal oligorecurrent prostate cancer with simultaneous integrated boost to PET-involved lymph nodes as metastasis-directed therapy. A long-term oncological outcome was favorable after salvage nodal radiotherapy and severe toxicity rates were low. Androgen deprivation therapy plays a major role in recurrent prostate cancer management and demonstrates a positive influence on the rate of biochemical progression in patients receiving salvage nodal radiotherapy. The present long-term analysis may help clinicians identify patients who would benefit from salvage nodal radiotherapy and androgen deprivation therapy, as a multimodal treatment strategy for oligorecurrent prostate cancer. Abstract Background: The study aimed to access the long-term outcome of salvage nodal radiotherapy (SNRT) in oligorecurrent prostate cancer. Methods: A total of 95 consecutive patients received SNRT for pelvic and/or extrapelvic nodal recurrence after prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) or choline PET from 2010 to 2021. SNRT was applied as external beam radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost up to a median total dose of 62.9 Gy (EQD2\(_{1.5Gy}\)) to the recurrent lymph node metastases. The outcome was analyzed by cumulative incidence functions with death as the competing risk. Fine–Gray regression analyses were performed to estimate the relative hazards of the outcome parameters. Genitourinary (GU)/gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity evaluation utilized Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events (v5.0). The results are as follows: the median follow-up was 47.1 months. The five-year biochemical progression rate (95% CI) was 50.1% (35.7–62.9%). Concomitant androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) was adminstered in 60.0% of the patients. The five-year biochemical progression rate was 75.0% (42.0–90.9%) without ADT versus 35.3% (19.6–51.4%) with ADT (p = 0.003). The cumulative five-year late grade 3 GU toxicity rate was 2.1%. No late grade 3 GI toxicity occured. Conclusions: Metastasis-directed therapy through SNRT for PET-staged oligorecurrent prostate cancer demonstrated a favorable long-term oncologic outcome. Omittance of ADT led to an increased biochemical progression. KW - metastasis-directed therapy KW - long-term outcome KW - oligorecurrence KW - prostate cancer KW - salvage radiotherapy KW - PSMA Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-286064 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 14 IS - 15 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lisowski, Dominik A1 - Lutyj, Paul A1 - Abazari, Arya A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Traub, Jan A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Kraft, Johannes T1 - Impact of Radiotherapy on Malfunctions and Battery Life of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices in Cancer Patients JF - Cancers N2 - Purpose: This study analyses a large number of cancer patients with CIEDs for device malfunction and premature battery depletion by device interrogation after each radiotherapy fraction and compares different guidelines in regard to patient safety. Methods: From 2007 to 2022, a cohort of 255 patients was analyzed for CIED malfunctions via immediate device interrogation after every RT fraction. Results: Out of 324 series of radiotherapy treatments, with a total number of 5742 CIED interrogations, nine device malfunctions (2.8%) occurred. Switching into back-up/safety mode and software errors occurred four times each. Once, automatic read-out could not be performed. The median prescribed cumulative dose at planning target volume (PTV) associated with CIED malfunction was 45.0 Gy (IQR 36.0–64.0 Gy), with a median dose per fraction of 2.31 Gy (IQR 2.0–3.0 Gy). The median maximum dose at the CIED at time of malfunction was 0.3 Gy (IQR 0.0–1.3 Gy). No correlation between CIED malfunction and maximum photon energy (p = 0.07), maximum dose at the CIED (p = 0.59) nor treatment localization (p = 0.41) could be detected. After excluding the nine malfunctions, premature battery depletion was only observed three times (1.2%). Depending on the national guidelines, 1–9 CIED malfunctions in this study would have been detected on the day of occurrence and in none of the cases would patient safety have been compromised. Conclusion: Radiation-induced malfunctions of CIEDs and premature battery depletion are rare. If recommendations of national safety guidelines are followed, only a portion of the malfunctions would be detected directly after occurrence. Nevertheless, patient safety would not be compromised. KW - battery depletion KW - cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) KW - cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) KW - implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) KW - CIED malfunction; pacemaker (PM) KW - radiotherapy (RT) Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-358008 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 15 IS - 19 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Huflage, Henner A1 - Kunz, Andreas Steven A1 - Hendel, Robin A1 - Kraft, Johannes A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Razinskas, Gary A1 - Sauer, Stephanie Tina A1 - Pennig, Lenhard A1 - Bley, Thorsten Alexander A1 - Grunz, Jan-Peter T1 - Obesity-related pitfalls of virtual versus true non-contrast imaging — an intraindividual comparison in 253 oncologic patients JF - Diagnostics N2 - Objectives: Dual-source dual-energy CT (DECT) facilitates reconstruction of virtual non-contrast images from contrast-enhanced scans within a limited field of view. This study evaluates the replacement of true non-contrast acquisition with virtual non-contrast reconstructions and investigates the limitations of dual-source DECT in obese patients. Materials and Methods: A total of 253 oncologic patients (153 women; age 64.5 ± 16.2 years; BMI 26.6 ± 5.1 kg/m\(^2\)) received both multi-phase single-energy CT (SECT) and DECT in sequential staging examinations with a third-generation dual-source scanner. Patients were allocated to one of three BMI clusters: non-obese: <25 kg/m\(^2\) (n = 110), pre-obese: 25–29.9 kg/m\(^2\) (n = 73), and obese: >30 kg/m\(^2\) (n = 70). Radiation dose and image quality were compared for each scan. DECT examinations were evaluated regarding liver coverage within the dual-energy field of view. Results: While arterial contrast phases in DECT were associated with a higher CTDI\(_{vol}\) than in SECT (11.1 vs. 8.1 mGy; p < 0.001), replacement of true with virtual non-contrast imaging resulted in a considerably lower overall dose-length product (312.6 vs. 475.3 mGy·cm; p < 0.001). The proportion of DLP variance predictable from patient BMI was substantial in DECT (R\(^2\) = 0.738) and SECT (R\(^2\) = 0.620); however, DLP of SECT showed a stronger increase in obese patients (p < 0.001). Incomplete coverage of the liver within the dual-energy field of view was most common in the obese subgroup (17.1%) compared with non-obese (0%) and pre-obese patients (4.1%). Conclusion: DECT facilitates a 30.8% dose reduction over SECT in abdominal oncologic staging examinations. Employing dual-source scanner architecture, the risk for incomplete liver coverage increases in obese patients. KW - dual-energy CT KW - dual-source CT KW - virtual non-contrast KW - radiation dose KW - spectral CT KW - obesity Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313519 SN - 2075-4418 VL - 13 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Memmel, Simon A1 - Sisario, Dmitri A1 - Zimmermann, Heiko A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Sukhorukov, Vladimir L. A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - FocAn: automated 3D analysis of DNA repair foci in image stacks acquired by confocal fluorescence microscopy JF - BMC Bioinformatics N2 - Background Phosphorylated histone H2AX, also known as gamma H2AX, forms mu m-sized nuclear foci at the sites of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by ionizing radiation and other agents. Due to their specificity and sensitivity, gamma H2AX immunoassays have become the gold standard for studying DSB induction and repair. One of these assays relies on the immunofluorescent staining of gamma H2AX followed by microscopic imaging and foci counting. During the last years, semi- and fully automated image analysis, capable of fast detection and quantification of gamma H2AX foci in large datasets of fluorescence images, are gradually replacing the traditional method of manual foci counting. A major drawback of the non-commercial software for foci counting (available so far) is that they are restricted to 2D-image data. In practice, these algorithms are useful for counting the foci located close to the midsection plane of the nucleus, while the out-of-plane foci are neglected. Results To overcome the limitations of 2D foci counting, we present a freely available ImageJ-based plugin (FocAn) for automated 3D analysis of gamma H2AX foci in z-image stacks acquired by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The image-stack processing algorithm implemented in FocAn is capable of automatic 3D recognition of individual cell nuclei and gamma H2AX foci, as well as evaluation of the total foci number per cell nucleus. The FocAn algorithm consists of two parts: nucleus identification and foci detection, each employing specific sequences of auto local thresholding in combination with watershed segmentation techniques. We validated the FocAn algorithm using fluorescence-labeled gamma H2AX in two glioblastoma cell lines, irradiated with 2 Gy and given up to 24 h post-irradiation for repair. We found that the data obtained with FocAn agreed well with those obtained with an already available software (FoCo) and manual counting. Moreover, FocAn was capable of identifying overlapping foci in 3D space, which ensured accurate foci counting even at high DSB density of up to similar to 200 DSB/nucleus. Conclusions FocAn is freely available an open-source 3D foci analyzer. The user-friendly algorithm FocAn requires little supervision and can automatically count the amount of DNA-DSBs, i.e. fluorescence-labeled gamma H2AX foci, in 3D image stacks acquired by laser-scanning microscopes without additional nuclei staining. KW - DNA double-strand breaks KW - ImageJ plugin KW - gamma H2AX-foci KW - Automated analysis KW - Ionizing radiation KW - Open-source tool KW - Radiation biology Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229023 VL - 21 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg A1 - Zehner, Leonie A1 - Hartrampf, Philipp E. A1 - Cirsi, Sinan A1 - Wegener, Sonja A1 - Buck, Andreas K. A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Polat, Bülent T1 - Dose-escalated salvage radiotherapy for macroscopic local recurrence of prostate cancer in the prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography era JF - Cancers N2 - Simple Summary Prostate cancer often relapses after initial radical prostatectomy, and salvage radiotherapy offers a second chance of cure for relapsed patients. Modern imaging techniques, especially prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PSMA PET/CT), enable radiation oncologists to target radiotherapy at the involved sites of disease. In a group of patients, PSMA PET/CT imaging can detect a macroscopic local recurrence with or without locoregional lymph node metastasis. In these cases, an escalation of the radiotherapy dose is often considered for controlling the visible tumor mass. As the evidence for dose-escalated salvage radiotherapy for macroscopic recurrent prostate cancer after PSMA PET/CT imaging is still limited, we address this topic in the current analysis. We found that the outcome of patients with dose-escalated salvage radiotherapy for macroscopic prostate cancer recurrence is encouragingly favorable, while the toxicity is very limited. Abstract Background: The purpose of this study was to access the oncological outcome of prostate-specific membrane antigen positron emission tomography (PSMA PET/CT)-guided salvage radiotherapy (SRT) for localized macroscopic prostate cancer recurrence. Methods: Between February 2010 and June 2021, 367 patients received SRT after radical prostatectomy. Out of the 367 screened patients, 111 patients were staged by PSMA PET/CT before SRT. A total of 59 out of these 111 (53.2%) patients were treated for PSMA PET-positive macroscopic prostatic fossa recurrence. Dose-escalated SRT was applied with a simultaneous integrated boost at a median prescribed dose of 69.3 Gy (IQR 69.3–72.6 Gy). The oncological outcome was investigated using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses. The genitourinary (GU)/gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity evaluation utilized Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events (version 5.0). Results: The median follow-up was 38.2 months. The three-year biochemical progression-free survival rate was 89.1% (95% CI: 81.1–97.8%) and the three-year metastasis-free survival rate reached 96.2% (95% CI: 91.2–100.0%). The cumulative three-year late grade 3 GU toxicity rate was 3.4%. No late grade 3 GI toxicity occurred. Conclusions: Dose-escalated PSMA PET/CT-guided salvage radiotherapy for macroscopic prostatic fossa recurrence resulted in favorable survival and toxicity rates. KW - prostate cancer KW - salvage radiotherapy KW - macroscopic recurrence KW - PSMA PET/CT KW - simultaneous integrated boost Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-290302 SN - 2072-6694 VL - 14 IS - 19 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lisowski, Dominik A1 - Trömel, Jannik A1 - Lutyj, Paul A1 - Lewitzki, Victor A1 - Hartrampf, Philipp E. A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg T1 - Health-related quality of life and clinical outcome after radiotherapy of patients with intracranial meningioma JF - Scientific Reports N2 - This retrospective, single-institutional study investigated long-term outcome, toxicity and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in meningioma patients after radiotherapy. We analyzed the data of 119 patients who received radiotherapy at our department from 1997 to 2014 for intracranial WHO grade I-III meningioma. Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT), intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) or radiosurgery radiation was applied. The EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BN20 questionnaires were completed for assessment of HRQoL. Overall survival (OS) for the entire study group was 89.6% at 5 years and 75.9% at 10 years. Local control (LC) at 5 and 10 years was 82.4% and 73.4%, respectively. Local recurrence was observed in 22 patients (18.5%). Higher grade acute and chronic toxicities were observed in seven patients (5.9%) and five patients (4.2%), respectively. Global health status was rated with a mean of 59.9 points (SD 22.3) on QLQ-C30. In conclusion, radiotherapy resulted in very good long-term survival and tumor control rates with low rates of severe toxicities but with a deterioration of long-term HRQoL. KW - CNS cancer KW - outcomes research KW - radiotherapy Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301233 VL - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg A1 - Schortmann, Max A1 - Lawrenz, Ingulf A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Bratengeier, Klaus A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Guckenberger, Matthias A1 - Polat, Bülent T1 - Moderately hypofractionated radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer: updated long-term outcome and toxicity analysis JF - Strahlentherapie und Onkologie N2 - Purpose Evaluation of long-term outcome and toxicity of moderately hypofractionated radiotherapy using intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with simultaneous integrated boost treatment planning and cone beam CT-based image guidance for localized prostate cancer. Methods Between 2005 and 2015, 346 consecutive patients with localized prostate cancer received primary radiotherapy using cone beam CT-based image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IG-IMRT) and volumetric modulated arc therapy (IG-VMAT) with a simultaneous integrated boost (SIB). Total doses of 73.9 Gy (n = 44) and 76.2 Gy (n = 302) to the high-dose PTV were delivered in 32 and 33 fractions, respectively. The low-dose PTV received a dose (D95) of 60.06 Gy in single doses of 1.82 Gy. The pelvic lymph nodes were treated in 91 high-risk patients to 45.5 Gy (D95). Results Median follow-up was 61.8 months. The 5‑year biochemical relapse-free survival (bRFS) was 85.4% for all patients and 93.3, 87.4, and 79.4% for low-, intermediate-, and high-risk disease, respectively. The 5‑year prostate cancer-specific survival (PSS) was 94.8% for all patients and 98.7, 98.9, 89.3% for low-, intermediate-, and high-risk disease, respectively. The 5‑year and 10-year overall survival rates were 83.8 and 66.3% and the 5‑year and 10-year freedom from distant metastasis rates were 92.2 and 88.0%, respectively. Cumulative 5‑year late GU toxicity and late GI toxicity grade ≥2 was observed in 26.3 and 12.1% of the patients, respectively. Cumulative 5‑year late grade 3 GU/GI toxicity occurred in 4.0/1.2%. Conclusion Moderately hypofractionated radiotherapy using SIB treatment planning and cone beam CT image guidance resulted in high biochemical control and survival with low rates of late toxicity. KW - simultaneous integrated boost KW - cone beam CT KW - hypofractionation KW - intensity-modulated radiation therapy KW - image-guided radiation therapy Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232509 SN - 0179-7158 VL - 197 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Richter, Anne A1 - Wegener, Sonja A1 - Breuer, Kathrin A1 - Razinskas, Gary A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Exner, Florian A1 - Bratengeier, Klaus A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Sauer, Otto A1 - Polat, Bülent T1 - Comparison of sliding window and field-in-field techniques for tangential whole breast irradiation using the Halcyon and Synergy Agility systems JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background To implement a tangential treatment technique for whole breast irradiation using the Varian Halcyon and to compare it with Elekta Synergy Agility plans. Methods For 20 patients two comparable treatment plans with respect to dose coverage and normal tissue sparing were generated. Tangential field-in-field treatment plans (Pinnacle/Synergy) were replanned using the sliding window technique (Eclipse/Halcyon). Plan specific QA was performed using the portal Dosimetry and the ArcCHECK phantom. Imaging and treatment dose were evaluated for treatment delivery on both systems using a modified CIRS Phantom. Results The mean number of monitor units for a fraction dose of 2.67 Gy was 515 MUs and 260 MUs for Halcyon and Synergy Agility plans, respectively. The homogeneity index and dose coverage were similar for both treatment units. The plan specific QA showed good agreement between measured and calculated plans. All Halcyon plans passed portal dosimetry QA (3%/2 mm) with 100% points passing and ArcCheck QA (3%/2 mm) with 99.5%. Measurement of the cumulated treatment and imaging dose with the CIRS phantom resulted in lower dose to the contralateral breast for the Halcyon plans. Conclusions For the Varian Halcyon a plan quality similar to the Elekta Synergy device was achieved. For the Halcyon plans the dose contribution from the treatment fields to the contralateral breast was even lower due to less interleaf transmission of the Halcyon MLC and a lower contribution of scattered dose from the collimator system. KW - whole breast irradiation KW - Halcyon KW - IGRT KW - dose to OARs Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265704 VL - 16 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bratengeier, Klaus A1 - Herzog, Barbara A1 - Wegener, Sonja A1 - Holubyev, Kostyantyn T1 - Finer leaf resolution and steeper beam edges using a virtual isocentre in concurrence to PTV-shaped collimators in standard distance – a planning study JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Purpose: Investigation of a reduced source to target distance to improve organ at risk sparing during stereotactic irradiation (STX). Methods: The authors present a planning study with perfectly target-volume adapted collimator compared with multi-leaf collimator (MLC) at reduced source to virtual isocentre distance (SVID) in contrast to normal source to isocentre distance (SID) for stereotactic applications. The role of MLC leaf width and 20–80% penumbra was examined concerning the healthy tissue sparing. Several prescription schemes and target diameters are considered. Results: Paddick’s gradient index (GI) as well as comparison of the mean doses to spherical shells at several distances to the target is evaluated. Both emphasize the same results: the healthy tissue sparing in the high dose area around the planning target volume (PTV) is improved at reduced SVID ≤ 70 cm. The effect can be attributed more to steeper penumbra than to finer leaf resolution. Comparing circular collimators at different SVID just as MLC-shaped collimators, always the GI was reduced. Even MLC-shaped collimator at SVID 70 cm had better healthy tissue sparing than an optimal shaped circular collimator at SID 100 cm. Regarding penumbra changes due to varying SVID, the results of the planning study are underlined by film dosimetry measurements with Agility™ MLC. Conclusion: Penumbra requires more attention in comparing studies, especially studies using different planning systems. Reduced SVID probably allows usage of conventional MLC for STX-like irradiations. KW - radiotherapy KW - multi-leaf collimator KW - stereotactic irradiation KW - robotic table motion KW - planning study KW - virtual isocentre Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157543 VL - 12 IS - 88 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Djuzenova, Cholpon S. A1 - Fischer, Thomas A1 - Katzer, Astrid A1 - Sisario, Dmitri A1 - Korsa, Tessa A1 - Streussloff, Gudrun A1 - Sukhorukov, Vladimir L. A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Opposite effects of the triple target (DNA-PK/PI3K/mTOR) inhibitor PI-103 on the radiation sensitivity of glioblastoma cell lines proficient and deficient in DNA-PKcs JF - BMC Cancer N2 - Background: Radiotherapy is routinely used to combat glioblastoma (GBM). However, the treatment efficacy is often limited by the radioresistance of GBM cells. Methods: Two GBM lines MO59K and MO59J, differing in intrinsic radiosensitivity and mutational status of DNA-PK and ATM, were analyzed regarding their response to DNA-PK/PI3K/mTOR inhibition by PI-103 in combination with radiation. To this end we assessed colony-forming ability, induction and repair of DNA damage by gamma H2AX and 53BP1, expression of marker proteins, including those belonging to NHEJ and HR repair pathways, degree of apoptosis, autophagy, and cell cycle alterations. Results: We found that PI-103 radiosensitized MO59K cells but, surprisingly, it induced radiation resistance in MO59J cells. Treatment of MO59K cells with PI-103 lead to protraction of the DNA damage repair as compared to drug-free irradiated cells. In PI-103-treated and irradiated MO59J cells the foci numbers of both proteins was higher than in the drug-free samples, but a large portion of DNA damage was quickly repaired. Another cell line-specific difference includes diminished expression of p53 in MO59J cells, which was further reduced by PI-103. Additionally, PI-103-treated MO59K cells exhibited an increased expression of the apoptosis marker cleaved PARP and increased subG1 fraction. Moreover, irradiation induced a strong G2 arrest in MO59J cells (similar to 80% vs. similar to 50% in MO59K), which was, however, partially reduced in the presence of PI-103. In contrast, treatment with PI-103 increased the G2 fraction in irradiated MO59K cells. Conclusions: The triple-target inhibitor PI-103 exerted radiosensitization on MO59K cells, but, unexpectedly, caused radioresistance in the MO59J line, lacking DNA-PK. The difference is most likely due to low expression of the DNA-PK substrate p53 in MO59J cells, which was further reduced by PI-103. This led to less apoptosis as compared to drug-free MO59J cells and enhanced survival via partially abolished cell-cycle arrest. The findings suggest that the lack of DNA-PK-dependent NHEJ in MO59J line might be compensated by DNA-PK independent DSB repair via a yet unknown mechanism. KW - DNA damage KW - DNA-PK KW - Histone gamma H2AX KW - p53 KW - Radiation sensitivity Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265826 VL - 21 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg A1 - Cirsi, Sinan A1 - Kessler, Patrick A1 - Razinskas, Gary A1 - Exner, Florian A1 - Richter, Anne A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Cone beam CT-based dose accumulation and analysis of delivered dose to the dominant intraprostatic lesion in primary radiotherapy of prostate cancer JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background Evaluation of delivered dose to the dominant intraprostatic lesion (DIL) for moderately hypofractionated radiotherapy of prostate cancer by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)-based dose accumulation and target coverage analysis. Methods Twenty-three patients with localized prostate cancer treated with moderately hypofractionated prostate radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) between December 2016 and February 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Included patients were required to have an identifiable DIL on bi-parametric planning magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). After import into the RayStation treatment planning system and application of a step-wise density override, the fractional doses were computed on each CBCT and were consecutively mapped onto the planning CT via a deformation vector field derived from deformable image registration. Fractional doses were accumulated for all CBCTs and interpolated for missing CBCTs, resulting in the delivered dose for PTV\(_{DIL}\), PTV\(_{Boost}\), PTV, and the organs at risk. The location of the index lesions was recorded according to the sector map of the Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PIRADS) Version 2.1. Target coverage of the index lesions was evaluated and stratified for location. Results In total, 338 CBCTs were available for analysis. Dose accumulation target coverage of PTV\(_{DIL}\), PTV\(_{Boost}\), and PTV was excellent and no cases of underdosage in D\(_{Mean}\), D_95%, D_02%, and D_98% could be detected. Delivered rectum D\(_{Mean}\) did not significantly differ from the planned dose. Bladder mean DMean was higher than planned with 19.4 ± 7.4 Gy versus 18.8 ± 7.5 Gy, p < 0.001. The penile bulb showed a decreased delivered mean DMean with 29.1 ± 14.0 Gy versus 29.8 ± 14.4 Gy, p < 0.001. Dorsal DILs, defined as DILs in the posterior medial peripheral zone of the prostate, showed a significantly lower delivered dose with a mean DMean difference of 2.2 Gy (95% CI 1.3–3.1 Gy, p < 0.001) compared to ventral lesions. Conclusions CBCT-based dose accumulation showed an adequate delivered dose to the dominant intraprostatic lesion and organs at risk within planning limits. Cautious evaluation of the target coverage for index lesions adjacent to the rectum is warranted to avoid underdosage. KW - adaptive radiotherapy KW - deformable image registration KW - dominant intraprostatic lesion KW - dose accumulation KW - prostate cancer KW - prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265656 VL - 16 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fischer, Thomas A1 - Hartmann, Oliver A1 - Reissland, Michaela A1 - Prieto-Garcia, Cristian A1 - Klann, Kevin A1 - Pahor, Nikolett A1 - Schülein-Völk, Christina A1 - Baluapuri, Apoorva A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Abazari, Arya A1 - Gerhard-Hartmann, Elena A1 - Kopp, Hans-Georg A1 - Essmann, Frank A1 - Rosenfeldt, Mathias A1 - Münch, Christian A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Diefenbacher, Markus E. T1 - PTEN mutant non-small cell lung cancer require ATM to suppress pro-apoptotic signalling and evade radiotherapy JF - Cell & Bioscience N2 - Background Despite advances in treatment of patients with non-small cell lung cancer, carriers of certain genetic alterations are prone to failure. One such factor frequently mutated, is the tumor suppressor PTEN. These tumors are supposed to be more resistant to radiation, chemo- and immunotherapy. Results We demonstrate that loss of PTEN led to altered expression of transcriptional programs which directly regulate therapy resistance, resulting in establishment of radiation resistance. While PTEN-deficient tumor cells were not dependent on DNA-PK for IR resistance nor activated ATR during IR, they showed a significant dependence for the DNA damage kinase ATM. Pharmacologic inhibition of ATM, via KU-60019 and AZD1390 at non-toxic doses, restored and even synergized with IR in PTEN-deficient human and murine NSCLC cells as well in a multicellular organotypic ex vivo tumor model. Conclusion PTEN tumors are addicted to ATM to detect and repair radiation induced DNA damage. This creates an exploitable bottleneck. At least in cellulo and ex vivo we show that low concentration of ATM inhibitor is able to synergise with IR to treat PTEN-deficient tumors in genetically well-defined IR resistant lung cancer models. KW - PTEN KW - ATM KW - IR KW - NSCLC KW - radiotherapy KW - cancer KW - DNA-PK KW - PI3K Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299865 SN - 2045-3701 VL - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Richter, Anne A1 - Exner, Florian A1 - Bratengeier, Klaus A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Weick, Stefan T1 - Impact of beam configuration on VMAT plan quality for Pinnacle\(^3\)Auto-Planning for head and neck cases JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background The purpose of this study was to compare automatically generated VMAT plans to find the superior beam configurations for Pinnacle3 Auto-Planning and share “best practices”. Methods VMAT plans for 20 patients with head and neck cancer were generated using Pinnacle3 Auto-Planning Module (Pinnacle3 Version 9.10) with different beam setup parameters. VMAT plans for single (V1) or double arc (V2) and partial or full gantry rotation were optimized. Beam configurations with different collimator positions were defined. Target coverage and sparing of organs at risk were evaluated based on scoring of an evaluation parameter set. Furthermore, dosimetric evaluation was performed based on the composite objective value (COV) and a new cross comparison method was applied using the COVs. Results The evaluation showed a superior plan quality for double arcs compared to one single arc or two single arcs for all cases. Plan quality was superior if a full gantry rotation was allowed during optimization for unilateral target volumes. A double arc technique with collimator setting of 15° was superior to a double arc with collimator 60° and a two single arcs with collimator setting of 15° and 345°. Conclusion The evaluation showed that double and full arcs are superior to single and partial arcs in terms of organs at risk sparing even for unilateral target volumes. The collimator position was found as an additional setup parameter, which can further improve the target coverage and sparing of organs at risk. KW - auto-planning KW - VMAT KW - single arc KW - double arc KW - full arc KW - partial arc KW - plan comparison Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200301 VL - 14 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bratengeier, Klaus A1 - Holubyev, Kostyantyn A1 - Wegener, Sonja T1 - Steeper dose gradients resulting from reduced source to target distance—a planning system independent study JF - Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics N2 - Purpose: To quantify the contribution of penumbra in the improvement of healthy tissue sparing at reduced source‐to‐axis distance (SAD) for simple spherical target and different prescription isodoses (PI). Method: A TPS‐independent method was used to estimate three‐dimensional (3D) dose distribution for stereotactic treatment of spherical targets of 0.5 cm radius based on single beam two‐dimensional (2D) film dosimetry measurements. 1 cm target constitutes the worst case for the conformation with standard Multi‐Leaf Collimator (MLC) with 0.5 cm leaf width. The measured 2D transverse dose cross‐sections and the profiles in leaf and jaw directions were used to calculate radial dose distribution from isotropic beam arrangement, for both quadratic and circular beam openings, respectively. The results were compared for standard (100 cm) and reduced SAD 70 and 55 cm for different PI. Results: For practical reduction of SAD using quadratic openings, the improvement of healthy tissue sparing (HTS) at distances up to 3 times the PTV radius was at least 6%–12%; gradient indices (GI) were reduced by 3–39% for PI between 40% and 90%. Except for PI of 80% and 90%, quadratic apertures at SAD 70 cm improved the HTS by up to 20% compared to circular openings at 100 cm or were at least equivalent; GI were 3%–33% lower for reduced SAD in the PI range 40%–70%. For PI = 80% and 90% the results depend on the circular collimator model. Conclusion: Stereotactic treatments of spherical targets delivered at reduced SAD of 70 or 55 cm using MLC spare healthy tissue around the target at least as good as treatments at SAD 100 cm using circular collimators. The steeper beam penumbra at reduced SAD seems to be as important as perfect target conformity. The authors argue therefore that the beam penumbra width should be addressed in the stereotactic studies. KW - radiotherapy KW - stereotactic irradiation KW - penumbra KW - leaf width KW - virtual isocenter Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177424 VL - 20 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Häckel, Annalena T1 - Implementierung und Umsetzbarkeit eines Tablet-gestützten Screenings auf Unterstützungsbedarf in der Radioonkologie T1 - Implementation and application for the need of support in the field of radiooncology via tablet screening N2 - Die Inzidenz und Prävalenz von Krebserkrankungen präsentiert sich in den vergangenen Jahren ungebrochen hoch. Durch die stetige Optimierung der Versorgung werden Betroffenen neuartige Optionen offeriert. Moderne Onkotherapie zeichnet sich durch sektorenübergreifende Kooperation aus. Diese komplexen Versorgungskonzepte können durch innovative Technologien simplifiziert werden. Vorliegende Arbeit erörtert die Frage nach der Umsetzbarkeit Tablet-gestützter Screenings in der Routine der Strahlenmedizin. Die Erfassung der ESAS-Items und des Unterstützungsbedarfs ermöglichte nach dem Vorbild kanadischer Versorgungskonzepte definierte Aussagen zur Qualität der medizinischen Versorgung. Im Rahmen der Studie erhielten Tumorpatienten vor der perkutanen Radiotherapie (T1) ein Tablet-gestütztes Symptom-Screening. Das Tablet-Screening wurde von den Teilnehmern bezüglich Bedienung und Nutzerfreundlichkeit evaluiert. Nach Abschluss der Radiotherapie erfolgte eine telefonische Nachbefragung der Teilnehmer (T2). Insgesamt partizipierten 332 Krebspatienten am Tablet-Screening. 79 potentielle Studienprobanden nahmen nicht teil. Als Hauptursachen zeigten sich fehlende Zeit (21,5%), die Teilnahme an sonstigen Studien (20,3%) und zu hohe psychische Belastungen (17,7%). Der Anteil der Screening-Teilnehmer mit fundierten Vorkenntnissen im Umgang mit Tablet-PCs (15,7%) war gering. Probanden mit Tablet-Vorerfahrungen waren signifikant jünger als Unerfahrene. Anwendung und Nutzerfreundlichkeit erlangte hohe Zustimmung. Die wenigen (21,7%) Befürworter konventioneller Stift-Papier-Fragebögen waren signifikant älter. 219 Screening-Teilnehmer stellten ihre ausgewerteten Symptom-Fragebögen weiteren Auswertungen zur Verfügung. Der Performance-Status wurde von Patient und Mediziner eher divergent bewertet (ĸ=0,254). Von T1 zu T2 nahm der Anteil positiv gescreenter Probanden ab. Kurativpatienten markierten bei den ESAS-Items Müdigkeit, Kurzatmigkeit und Sonstiges signifikante Symptomverbesserungen. Bei Palliativpatienten zeigte Kurzatmigkeit signifikante Verbesserung, Depressionen hingegen signifikante Verschlechterung. Der schwächste Unterstützungsbedarf (23,3%) wurde beim ,,Bedarf an Informationen beim Erstellen von Patientenverfügungen‘‘ registriert. Die BUKA-Studie konnte die Chancen Tablet-gestützter Befragungen in der Routine der Radioonkologie darstellen. Das Screening markierte durchgängig positive Bewertungen sowie große Akzeptanz. Die positiven Ergebnisse deckten sich mit denen anderer Studien bezüglich EDV-gestützter Datenerhebung. Die oftmals nicht ausreichendende Zeit zur Studienteilnahme war jedoch nicht auf eine zu zeitintensive Bedienung von Tablet-PCs zurückzuführen. Die Anzahl der Screening-Items sollte der kurzen Wartezeit der Strahlenambulanz angepasst werden. EDV-Screenings sollten darüber hinaus zukünftig bereits von zuhause absolviert werden. Die zunehmende Technisierung des Alltags lässt den Anteil PC-erfahrener Patienten weiter ansteigen. Die Einführung EDV-gestützter Versionen bietet eine effektive Möglichkeit des Patienten-Monitoring als Grundlage multidisziplinärer onkologischer Versorgung. Infolge der zunehmenden PC-gestützten Verarbeitung hochsensibler Patientendaten ist die Gewährleistung vollkommener Datensicherheit dringend notwendig. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Arbeiten präsentierte das Studienkollektiv überwiegend Kurativpatienten mit gutem Allgemeinzustand. Trotz geringerer Symptombelastung konnten auch hier die positiven Effekte der Radiotherapie dargestellt werden. Der hohe Unterstützungsbedarf erschien oftmals dem mangelnden medizinischen Verständnis der Betroffenen geschuldet. Kurativpatienten äußerten deutlich mehr Interesse aktiv an der Therapie teilzuhaben. Palliativpatienten erschienen durch das Übermaß an Therapien entkräftet. N2 - In recent years the incidence and prevalence of carcinosis remained unchanged high. The continous improvement of patient centred care offers unknown possibilities. Modern cancer therapy is distinguished by overlapping cooperation. These extensive treatment options can be simplified by innovative technology. The study in hand investigates the implementabilitiy of a tablet screening in the field of radiooncology. Aquiring data on the ESAS Items and on the individual request of support as done in the Canadian cancer support system enables us to give evidence. In the present study tumor patients were screened before receiving percutane radiotherapy (T1) on a special symptom screening scale via tablet. The participants also evaluated the tablet screening on handling and usability. After the radiotheray the participants were questioned again via phone interview. In total 332 cancer patients took part in the tablet screening. 79 potential participants didn’t participate. The main reasons were the lack of time (21,5%), the participation in other studies (20,3%), and the high psychic strain (17,7%). The the number of participants with a previous knowledge in the use of tablet-computer was low (15,7%). Furthermore, they were significantly younger than the participants with that hat no previous knowledge in the use of a tablet. Handling and usabilityshowed high acceptance. The few supporters of conventional paper-pencil -quetionnaires were significantly older. In total 219 screening patients did consent the further evaluation and analysis of their screening results. Patients and physicians showed divergent results in theassessment of the patient’s performance status (k=0,254). The rate of participants with positive screening results decreased from T1 to T2. In the ESAS items fatigue, dyspnoea and other problems curative patients showed significant symptom improvement. Patients with palliative treatment also represented with significant improvemet in dyspnoea whereas the rate on depression increased significantly. Patients showed the lowest interest in the provision on information on making an advance health care directive (23,3%). The BUKA study was able to represent the opportunities of tablet screening in the routine of radiooncology. The tablet screening did resilt in an overall positive feedback and demonstrated high rate of acceptance. Similar positive results were also showen in several previous studies concerning the use computerized questionnaires. The participants complaints on the lack of time did not refer to the use of the computerized questionnaire itself but on the provided amount of time for the questionaire itself. In the future, the amount of screening items should be adjusted to the amount of waiting time in the ambulance of the radiooncology. Furthermore, computerized screening should be considered to be already done at home. The upcoming computerization in the daily routine will increase rate people with previous knowledge on computerized systems and applications even further. The implementation of computerized systems provides the opportunity of a very effective patient monitoring as a foundation vor multidisciplinary oncological treatment. As a result of the increasing digitalization of patient data the data protection is extremely important and future challenge but must be basic prerequisite. In contrast to other studies our patients predominantly represented a good performance status. Despite the low symptom stress the positive effects of a radiotherapy could be illustrated here as well. The high demand of support seemed to be due to the lack of understanding of medical information. Curative patients showed significantly more interest in taking actively part in their therapy whereas patients with palliative treatment seemed to be rather exhausted with the excess of palliative treatment options. KW - Screening KW - Tablet PC KW - Radioonkologie KW - Tablet KW - Screening KW - Unterstützungsbedarf in der Radioonkologie Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154974 ER - TY - THES A1 - Maier, Marco T1 - Therapiezieleinschätzung von palliativ bestrahlten Patienten bei Erstvorstellung in der Radioonkologie T1 - Therapy goal assessment of palliative irradiated patients at initial consultation in radiation oncology N2 - In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Häufigkeit und mögliche Prädiktoren für eine überoptimistische Therapiezieleinschätzung von palliativ bestrahlten onkologischen Patienten der Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlentherapie des Universitätsklinikum Würzburg untersucht. Dazu wurden die Frage zur Therapiezieleinschätzung, die Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale (IPOS), das Distress-Thermometer und das Fatigue-Screening aus dem Patientenselbsteinschätzungsbogen, den die Patienten routinemäßig vor dem ärztlichen Erstgespräch erhalten, sowie soziodemographische und krankheitsbezogene Daten aus der elektronischen Patientenakte analysiert (Untersuchungszeitraum 05/2018–05/2019). Die Einschätzung des Therapieziels galt als überoptimistisch, wenn ein Patient fälschlicherweise von dem Behandlungsziel „Heilung“ ausging. Von einer realistischen Therapiezieleinschätzung wurde ausgegangen, wenn ein Patient von der Nichtheilbarkeit seiner Krebserkrankung ausging. Insgesamt wurden Daten von 283 Patienten ausgewertet, davon 133 Frauen (47%) und 150 Männer (53%). Das mittlere Alter lag bei 66,7 Jahren (Spannweite 30–95 Jahre). Die drei häufigsten Tumorentitäten waren Lungen- (26,9%), Brust- (18,0%) und Prostatakrebs (10,2%). 64,7% (183/283) der Patienten dieser Studie schätzten ihr Therapieziel überoptimistisch ein. Es fanden sich statistisch signifikante Zusammenhänge (p<0,05) mit einzelnen IPOS-Items, der bisherigen Dauer der Therapie unter palliativer Intention und dem Karnofsky-Index . Die beiden Variablen „Dauer der Therapie unter palliativer Intention“ und „Karnofsky-Index“ wurden in einer binär logistischen Regression als Prädiktoren für eine überoptimistische Therapiezieleinschätzung identifiziert. Da die Selbsteinschätzung vor der Erstbegegnung mit dem Strahlentherapeuten erfolgte, bleibt offen, inwieweit die Patienten- und Arzteinschätzung nach dem Aufklärungsgespräch häufiger übereinstimmen als in der vorliegenden Studie (35,3% realistische Therapiezieleinschätzung). N2 - In the present study, the frequency and possible predictors for an overoptimistic therapy goal assessment of palliative irradiated oncological patients of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiotherapy of the University Hospital Würzburg were investigated. For this purpose, the question on therapy goal assessment, the Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale (IPOS), the distress thermometer, and the fatigue screening from the patient self-assessment questionnaire, which patients routinely receive before the initial medical consultation, as well as sociodemographic and disease-related data from the electronic patient record were analyzed (study period 05/2018-05/2019). The assessment of the therapy goal was considered overoptimistic if a patient incorrectly assumed the treatment goal to be "cure." Realistic treatment goal assessment was considered when a patient assumed that his or her cancer was not curable. A total of 283 patients' data were analyzed, including 133 women (47%) and 150 men (53%). The mean age was 66.7 years (range 30-95 years). The three most common tumor entities were lung (26.9%), breast (18.0%), and prostate (10.2%) cancer. 64.7% (183/283) of patients in this study were overoptimistic about their treatment goal. Statistically significant associations (p<0.05) were found with individual IPOS items, previous duration of therapy under palliative intention, and the Karnofsky index. The two variables "duration of therapy under palliative intention" and "Karnofsky index" were identified in a binary logistic regression as predictors for an overoptimistic therapy goal assessment. Because self-assessment was performed before the initial encounter with the radiotherapist, the extent to which patient and physician assessments matched more often after the consultation than in the present study (35.3% realistic therapy goal assessment) remains open. KW - Palliativmedizin KW - Strahlentherapie KW - Radioonkologie KW - Therapieziel Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-321119 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zetzl, Teresa A1 - Renner, Agnes A1 - Pittig, Andre A1 - Jentschke, Elisabeth A1 - Roch, Carmen A1 - van Oorschot, Birgitt T1 - Yoga effectively reduces fatigue and symptoms of depression in patients with different types of cancer JF - Supportive Care in Cancer N2 - Purpose Examine the effects of an 8-week yoga therapy on fatigue in patients with different types of cancer. Methods A total of 173 cancer patients suffering from mild to severe fatigue were randomly allocated to yoga intervention (n = 84) (IG) versus waitlist control group (CG) (n = 88). Yoga therapy consisted of eight weekly sessions with 60 min each. The primary outcome was self-reported fatigue symptoms. Secondary outcomes were symptoms of depression and quality of life (QoL). Data were assessed using questionnaires before (T0) and after yoga therapy for IG versus waiting period for CG (T1). Results A stronger reduction of general fatigue (P = .033), physical fatigue (P = .048), and depression (P < .001) as well as a stronger increase in QoL (P = .002) was found for patients who attended 7 or 8 sessions compared with controls. Within the yoga group, both higher attendance rate and lower T0-fatigue were significant predictors of lower T1-fatigue (P ≤ .001). Exploratory results revealed that women with breast cancer report a higher reduction of fatigue than women with other types of cancer (P = .016) after yoga therapy. Conclusion The findings support the assumption that yoga therapy is useful to reduce cancer-related fatigue, especially for the physical aspects of fatigue. Women with breast cancer seem to benefit most, and higher attendance rate results in greater reduction of fatigue. Trial registration German Clinical Trials Register DRKS00016034 KW - yoga KW - complementary alternative medicine KW - mind-body intervention KW - fatigue KW - depression KW - quality of live Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235415 SN - 0941-4355 VL - 29 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Radeloff, Katrin A1 - Ramos Tirado, Mario A1 - Haddad, Daniel A1 - Breuer, Kathrin A1 - Müller, Jana A1 - Hochmuth, Sabine A1 - Hackenberg, Stephan A1 - Scherzad, Agmal A1 - Kleinsasser, Norbert A1 - Radeloff, Andreas T1 - Superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (VSOPs) show genotoxic effects but no functional impact on human adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ASCs) JF - Materials N2 - Adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ASCs) represent a capable source for cell-based therapeutic approaches. For monitoring a cell-based application in vivo, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of cells labeled with iron oxide particles is a common method. It is the aim of the present study to analyze potential DNA damage, cytotoxicity and impairment of functional properties of human (h)ASCs after labeling with citrate-coated very small superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (VSOPs). Cytotoxic as well as genotoxic effects of the labeling procedure were measured in labeled and unlabeled hASCs using the MTT assay, comet assay and chromosomal aberration test. Trilineage differentiation was performed to evaluate an impairment of the differentiation potential due to the particles. Proliferation as well as migration capability were analyzed after the labeling procedure. Furthermore, the labeling of the hASCs was confirmed by Prussian blue staining, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution MRI. Below the concentration of 0.6 mM, which was used for the procedure, no evidence of genotoxic effects was found. At 0.6 mM, 1 mM as well as 1.5 mM, an increase in the number of chromosomal aberrations was determined. Cytotoxic effects were not observed at any concentration. Proliferation, migration capability and differentiation potential were also not affected by the procedure. Labeling with VSOPs is a useful labeling method for hASCs that does not affect their proliferation, migration and differentiation potential. Despite the absence of cytotoxicity, however, indications of genotoxic effects have been demonstrated. KW - ASCs KW - adipose tissue-derived stromal cells KW - VSOP KW - iron oxide nanoparticles KW - toxicity KW - MRI KW - cell labeling Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-222970 SN - 1996-1944 VL - 14 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zetzl, Teresa A1 - Pittig, Andre A1 - Renner, Agnes A1 - van Oorschott, Birgitt A1 - Jentschke, Elisabeth T1 - Yoga therapy to reduce fatigue in cancer: effects of reminder e-mails and long-term efficacy JF - Supportive Care in Cancer N2 - Objective To examine the efficacy of reminder e-mails to continue yoga therapy on practice frequency and fatigue in cancer patients and long-term effects of yoga on fatigue, depression, and quality of life. Methology One hundred two cancer patients who completed an 8-week yoga therapy were randomly allocated to two groups: reminder (N = 51) vs. no-reminder group (N = 51). After completing yoga therapy, the reminder group received weekly e-mails for 24 weeks, which reminded them of practicing yoga, whereas the no-reminder group did not. Primary outcomes were fatigue and practice frequency, and long-term outcomes were fatigue, depression, and quality of life. Data were assessed using questionnaires after yoga therapy (T1) and 6 months after completing yoga therapy (T2). Result A significantly stronger reduction of general (p = 0.038, d = 0.42) and emotional fatigue (p = 0.004, d = 0.59) and a higher increase of practice frequency (p = 0.015, d = 0.52) between T1 and T2 were found for the reminder group compared to the no-reminder group. In the mediation model, practice frequency as a mediator partially explained the changes in emotional fatigue (indirect effect B =  - 0.10). Long-term effects of yoga therapy regarding fatigue, depression, and quality of life were found (F > 7.46, p < 0.001, d > 0.54). Conclusion Weekly reminder e-mails after yoga therapy can positively affect general and emotional fatigue and help cancer patients with fatigue establish a regular yoga practice at home. However, higher practice frequency did not lead to higher physical or cognitive fatigue improvement, suggesting other factors that mediate efficacy on physical or cognitive fatigue, such as mindfulness or side effects of therapy. KW - reminder e-mails KW - mind–body intervention KW - complementary alternative medicine KW - long-term effects KW - Yoga KW - fatigue Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-268415 SN - 1433-7339 VL - 29 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg A1 - Razinskas, Gary A1 - Exner, Florian A1 - Richter, Anne A1 - Kessler, Patrick A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Kraft, Johannes A1 - Mantel, Frederick A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Polat, Bülent T1 - Comparison of treatment plans for hypofractionated high-dose prostate cancer radiotherapy using the Varian Halcyon and the Elekta Synergy platforms JF - Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics N2 - Purpose To compare radiotherapy plans between an O-ring and a conventional C-arm linac for hypofractionated high-dose prostate radiotherapy in terms of plan quality, dose distribution, and quality assurance in a multi-vendor environment. Methods Twenty prostate cancer treatment plans were irradiated on the O-ring Varian Halcyon linac and were re-optimized for the C-arm Elekta Synergy Agility linac. Dose-volume histogram metrics for target coverage and organ at risk dose, quality assurance, and monitor units were retrospectively compared. Patient-specific quality assurance with ion chamber measurements, gamma index analysis, and portal dosimetry was performed using the Varian Portal Dosimetry system and the ArcCHECK® phantom (Sun Nuclear Corporation). Prostate-only radiotherapy was delivered with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) in 20 fractions of 2.5/3.0 Gy each. Results For both linacs, target coverage was excellent and plan quality comparable. Homogeneity in PTVBoost was high for Synergy as well as Halcyon with a mean homogeneity index of 0.07 ± 0.01 and 0.05 ± 0.01, respectively. Mean dose for the organs at risk rectum and bladder differed not significantly between the linacs but were higher for the femoral heads and penile bulb for Halcyon. Quality assurance showed no significant differences in terms of ArcCHECK gamma pass rates. Median pass rate for 3%/2 mm was 99.3% (96.7 to 99.8%) for Synergy and 99.8% (95.6 to 100%) for Halcyon. Agreement between calculated and measured dose was high with a median deviation of −0.6% (−1.7 to 0.8%) for Synergy and 0.2% (−0.6 to 2.3%) for Halcyon. Monitor units were higher for the Halcyon by approximately 20% (p < 0.001). Conclusion Hypofractionated high-dose prostate cancer SIB VMAT on the Halcyon system is feasible with comparable plan quality in reference to a standard C-arm Elekta Synergy linac. KW - acute toxicity KW - dose evaluation KW - Halcyon KW - hypofractionation KW - prostate cancer KW - Synergy Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260722 VL - 22 IS - 9 ER - TY - THES A1 - Cirak, Marianne T1 - Sedierung am Lebensende auf der Palliativstation T1 - Sedation therapy at the end of life on a palliative care unit N2 - Retrospektive Analyse von 181 Patienten, die im Zeitraum vom 01.02.2015 bis zum 31.03.2016 auf der Palliativstation des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg verstorben sind. Es wurde die palliative Sedierungstherapie untersucht unter folgenden Gesichtspunkten: Erfolgte sie leitliniengerecht (waren die Symptome therapierefraktär bzw. wurde eine proportionale Sedierung durchgeführt)? Wie lässt sich die palliative Sedierungstherapie von aktiver Sterbehilfe abgrenzen? Welchen Einfluss hat das Delir? Welche Qualität hatte die Dokumentation? Die Autorin kommt zu dem Schluss, dass die palliative Sedierungstherapie ein wichtiges Instrument ist zur Symptomlinderung am Lebensende. Es ist auch eine sichere Therapiemaßnahme, solange sie leitliniengerecht durchgeführt wird. Die palliative Sedierungstherapie auf der Palliativstation der Universitätsklinik Würzburg konnte als leitliniengerecht bestätigt werden. Das Delir war mit einer signifikant längeren Sedierungsdauer verbunden und Patienten mit Delir wiesen signifikant mehr Risikofaktoren für Delir auf. Der Erhebung von Risikofaktoren und der frühzeitigen Erkennung des Delirs kommen damit eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Eine korrekte Dokumentation ist aus rechtlichen Gesichtspunkten und aus Respekt vor dem Selbstbestimmungsrecht des Patienten sehr wichtig, hier gab es Verbesserungspotential. Eine Empfehlung zur strukturierten Durchführung der palliativen Sedierungstherapie wurde von der Autorin entwickelt. N2 - Retrospective analysis of 181 patients who died at the palliative care unit of the university clinic of Wuerzburg, between February 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016. The palliative sedation therapy was analyzed regarding the following questions: Was it performed in accordance with accepted guidelines (were the symptoms refractory, was the sedation proportionate)? How can palliative sedation be distinguished from euthanasia? What impact does delirium have? What quality did the documentation have? The author concludes that palliative sedation is an important tool to alleviate symptoms at the end of life. It is also a secure therapy option when it is performed in accordance with the guidelines. On the palliative care unit at the university clinic of Wuerzburg, palliative sedation was administered according to the guidelines. Delirium was linked to significantly longer sedation times, and patients with delirium had significantly more risk factors for delirium. The early detection of risk factors and delirium are therefore crucial. The correct documentation is very important due to legal aspects and out of respect for the patients’ right to self-determination. In this regard, the study showed there was room for improvement. The author developed a proposal for a structured procedure for administering palliative sedation therapy. KW - Palliative Sedierung KW - Delir KW - palliative Sedierung KW - Leitlinie KW - Delir KW - Aktive Sterbehilfe KW - Nichtmedikamentöse Therapien KW - Physiologische vs. medikamentöse Bewusstseinsminderung Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-179651 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wack, Linda J. A1 - Exner, Florian A1 - Wegener, Sonja A1 - Sauer, Otto A. T1 - The impact of isocentric shifts on delivery accuracy during the irradiation of small cerebral targets — Quantification and possible corrections JF - Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics N2 - Purpose To assess the impact of isocenter shifts due to linac gantry and table rotation during cranial stereotactic radiosurgery on D\(_{98}\), target volume coverage (TVC), conformity (CI), and gradient index (GI). Methods Winston‐Lutz (WL) checks were performed on two Elekta Synergy linacs. A stereotactic quality assurance (QA) plan was applied to the ArcCHECK phantom to assess the impact of isocenter shift corrections on Gamma pass rates. These corrections included gantry sag, distance of collimator and couch axes to the gantry axis, and distance between cone‐beam computed tomography (CBCT) isocenter and treatment beam (MV) isocenter. We applied the shifts via script to the treatment plan in Pinnacle 16.2. In a planning study, isocenter and mechanical rotation axis shifts of 0.25 to 2 mm were applied to stereotactic plans of spherical planning target volumes (PTVs) of various volumes. The shifts determined via WL measurements were applied to 16 patient plans with PTV sizes between 0.22 and 10.4 cm3. Results ArcCHECK measurements of a stereotactic treatment showed significant increases in Gamma pass rate for all three measurements (up to 3.8 percentage points) after correction of measured isocenter deviations. For spherical targets of 1 cm3, CI was most severely affected by increasing the distance of the CBCT isocenter (1.22 to 1.62). Gradient index increased with an isocenter‐collimator axis distance of 1.5 mm (3.84 vs 4.62). D98 (normalized to reference) dropped to 0.85 (CBCT), 0.92 (table axis), 0.95 (collimator axis), and 0.98 (gantry sag), with similar but smaller changes for larger targets. Applying measured shifts to patient plans lead to relevant drops in D\(_{98}\) and TVC (7%) for targets below 2 cm\(^3\) treated on linac 1. Conclusion Mechanical deviations during gantry, collimator, and table rotation may adversely affect the treatment of small stereotactic lesions. Adjustments of beam isocenters in the treatment planning system (TPS) can be used to both quantify their impact and for prospective correction of treatment plans. KW - isocenter KW - quality assurance KW - stereotactic radiotherapy KW - Winston‐Lutz test Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218146 VL - 21 IS - 5 ER - TY - THES A1 - Seybold-Epting, Vera T1 - Klinische Qualitätsindikatoren für die Versorgung von Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen und metastasierten Pankreastumoren am Lebensende T1 - Clinical Quality Indicators for the Care of Patients with Advanced or Metastasized Pancreatic Tumours N2 - Zusammenfassung: Laut Robert Koch-Institut wird in den kommenden Jahren die Anzahl der Menschen, die an Pankreaskarzinom erkranken werden, zunehmen. Dies hängt vor allem mit unseren Lebensbedingungen und dem zunehmendem Älterwerden der Gesellschaft zusammen. Die Diagnose und Therapie von Pankreastumoren stellt einen erheblichen Einschnitt in die Lebensqualität der Patienten dar, ver- bunden mit einer hohen Symptombelastung. Ziel vorliegender retrospektiver Studie war es, die Versorgung am Lebensende von Patienten mit fortgeschrittenem oder metastasiertem Pankreaskarzinom anhand von Qualitätsindikatoren nach Craig C. Earle zu überprüfen und daraus optimierte Entscheidungsalgorithmen zu generieren. Hierzu untersuchten wir die Daten von insgesamt 202 Patienten. Zur Beantwortung der Fragestellung diente ein dafür erstellter Dokumentationsbogen, mit dem die Daten erhoben wurden. Das Patientenkollektiv teilte sich auf in Patienten, die im Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) des Uniklinikums Würzburg in den Jahren von 2010 bis 2014 vorstellig wurden und Patienten, die am Klinikum Magdeburg in den Jahren 2005 bis 2014 behandelt wurden. Wir unterteilten das Patientengut zusätzlich in 132 primär metastasierte Primärfälle (UICC-Stadium IV) und in 53 Rezidivfälle (UICC-Stadium I-IV). Ebenso verglichen wir die Gruppen mit und ohne Kontakt zu Palliativangeboten. Das Patientenkollektiv setzte sich aus 74 Frauen und 126 Männern zusammen (bei zwei Fällen fehlte die Geschlechtsangabe) mit einem durchschnittlichen Alter von 68,8 Jahren zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose. Der Allgemeinzustand wurde mit dem Karnofsky-Index erfasst und lag bei den meisten Patienten zum Diagnosezeitpunkt bei 90 oder 100. Die meisten Patienten befanden sich schon in einem fortgeschrittenen Zustand der Erkrankung, welches sich an der hohen Anzahl des UICC-Stadium IV erkennen lässt (n = 132). 42,1 % (n = 85) der Patienten hatten Kontakt zu Palliativangeboten. Der überwiegende Teil der Patienten hatte mehr als 3 Tage vor Tod Kontakt zu Palliativangeboten (77,7 %). Es war uns nicht möglich einen statistisch signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen tumorspezifischer Therapie (Chemotherapie und / oder Bestrahlung) in den letzten 14 Lebenstagen und SPV-Kontakt < 3 Tagen herzustellen. Der Grund war die geringe Anzahl der Fälle. Es gab keinen Patient, der unter 3 Tagen Kontakt zu Palliativangeboten hatte und bestrahlt wurde. Lediglich ein Patient erhielt noch eine Chemotherapie. Bei Patienten, die keinen Kontakt zu Palliativangeboten hatten, erhielten immerhin sechs noch eine Chemotherapie und fünf eine Bestrahlung in den letzten 14 Lebenstagen. Die Hauptbeschwerden im Palliativkonsil, die von den Patienten aus Würzburg genannt wurden, bezogen sich hauptsächlich auf körperliche Beschwerden, wie z. B. Müdigkeit, Verschlechterung des Allgemeinzustandes, Schlafstörungen und Fieber. Gefolgt von Depressionen, Angst, Sorgen und Problemen mit der Nahrungsaufnahme, Appetitstörungen, Übelkeit sowie Erbrechen. Die häufigsten Probleme und Komplikationen in den letzten 6 Monaten bis 30 Tagen vor Tod waren bei den Würzburger Patienten mit Palliativkonsil das Auftreten eines Verschlußikterus`, Veränderung des Blutbildes oder Anämie, gefolgt von Ileus, Übelkeit oder Erbrechen und Peritonealkarzinose mit symptomatischem Aszites. In den letzten 30 Tagen vor Tod beliefen sich die häufigsten Komplikationen der Würzburger Patienten auf Nieren- und Leberversagen, urämisches Koma, metabolische Azidose, Blutungen, Ileus, Übelkeit oder Erbrechen und Peritonealkarzinose mit symptomatischem Aszites. Eine Patientenverfügung besaßen 54,4 % der Würzburger Patienten mit Palliativkonsil. Bei den Würzburger Patienten ohne Palliativkonsil waren es 50,0 %. Eine Vorsorgevollmacht oder das Vorliegen eines Notfallplans gab es nur in ganz wenigen Fällen. Ein großer Anteil der Patienten hatte einen Aufenthalt in der Notaufnahme in den letzten 6 Monaten vor Tod. Bei zwei und mehr Aufenthalten sank die Anzahl stark ab. Gleiches gilt für die Aufenthalte in der Notaufnahme oder auf der Intensivstation in den letzten 30 Lebenstagen. Bei der Datenerhebung wurde nicht differenziert, ob der Aufenthalt vor oder nach der 1. Kontaktaufnahme zustande. Es wurde nur die Tatsache festgehalten, dass ein Kontakt bestand. Dies bedeutet, dass nicht heraus zu lesen ist, inwieweit die Palliativmedizin in diese Entscheidung mit einbezogen wurde. Die geschätzte mediane Überlebenszeit des Würzburger Patientenkollektivs betrug 6,9 Monate. In den Jahren 2010 und 2011 zusammen genommen lag die mediane Überlebenszeit bei 6,2 Monaten. Nach Gründung des palliativmedizinischen Dienstes (PMD) an der Uniklinik Würzburg lag im Jahr 2012 und 2013 zusammen genommen die mediane Überlebenszeit bei 8,3 Monaten. Die Frauen überlebten die Männer um 2,7 Monate. Die Patienten mit Palliativkonsil überlebten die Patienten ohne Palliativkonsil um zwei Monate. Bereits nach 12 Monaten waren sowohl bei den Patienten mit und ohne Palliativkonsil in unserer Studie über die Hälfte verstorben. Nach 24 Monaten lebten vom Würzburger Patientenkollektiv nur noch fünf Patienten. Die Kriterien von Craig C. Earle sind nicht überall erreicht worden. Die Anzahl der Patienten mit Kontakt zu Palliativangeboten könnte höher sein (42,1 %). Die Anzahl der Patienten, die weniger als 3 Tage vor Tod Kontakt zu Palliativangeboten hatten, ist erfreulich niedrig (8,2 %). Die Anzahl der Fälle, in denen die Umstellung oder der Start einer neuen tumorspezifischen Therapie in den letzten 30 Lebenstagen stattfand, ist noch viel zu hoch (7,1 %). Hier wurden die Vorgaben von Craig C. Earle um ein vierfaches überstiegen bei den Patienten mit Kontakt zu Palliativangeboten. Bei der tumorspezifischen Therapie in den letzten 14 Lebenstagen lag die Anzahl der Patienten mit Kontakt zu Palliativangeboten auch wieder erfreulich niedrig (4,7 % für Chemotherapie; 1,2 % für Bestrahlung). Grundsätzlich lässt sich durch das kleine Patientenkollektiv keine endgültige Aussage in dieser Studie bezüglich der Effektivität der palliativen Versorgung treffen. In der vorliegenden Studie konnten zum Teil keine statistische Signifikanz nachgewiesen werden. In Zusammenschau aller Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigt sich, dass die Therapie am Lebensende immer wieder neu evaluiert und an die sich verändernde Situation angepasst werden muss. Maßnahmen zur Linderung von erwarteten Symptome oder Komplikationen sollten im Vorfeld besprochen werden. Dies bedeu- tet, dass bei der Therapiewahl verschiedene klinische Parameter und jeder Patient individuell berücksichtigt werden sollte. Nach wie vor stellt sich die Herausforderung, die Lebensqualität der Tumorpatienten objektivierbar zu machen. Auch hier zeigt sich in der Literatur, dass das rechtzeitige Miteinbeziehen der Palliativmedizin viele Vorteile mit sich bringt. Es zeigt sich häufig eine kürzere Hospitalisationsrate, bessere Linderung der Symptome, eine Kosteneffizienz, eine Verlängerung der Überlebenszeit und eine verminderte Stressbelastung auch bei Hinterbliebenen. Um festzustellen, an welchen Stellen Qualitätsverbesserungsmaßnahmen nötig sind, kann ein Vergleich der tatsächlichen Qualität (Ist-Werte) mit den Soll-Vorgaben Hinweise im klinischen Alltag geben. Hierzu könnte ein systematisches Belastungs- und Symptomscreening dienen, um die richtigen Patienten zum passenden Zeitpunkt zu identifizieren. Moderne Palliativmedizin umfasst somit nicht nur die Versorgung unheilbar kranker Menschen am Lebensende, sondern kann zunehmend als wichtiger Aspekt auch in der interdisziplinären Versorgung verstanden werden. N2 - In the next years the Robert-Koch-Institute asserted that the amount of persons, who will get the diagnosis pancreastumour, will constantly grow. One reason ist the fact that peolpe getting older and there are more and more general living conditions who can cause cancer. The diagnosis and therapy for patients with pancreastumours implies a big break in the quality of life , coherent with a big symptom burden. The aim of this clinical retrospective trial was to examine the provision of end-of-life care on the basis of quality indicators initiated from Craig C. Earle for patients with advanced and metastasized pancreastumours. Additionally we tried to generate optimated decisions-algorithm from the results. We used an questionary to examine 202 patients. The collective was divided in two parts. One part was registered in the CCC in Würzburg (Comprehensive Cancer Center) from 2010 to 2014 and the other part was registered at the university-hospital in Magdeburg from 2005 to 2014. Next we subdivided 132 primary metastasized cases (UICC-stage IV) and 53 relapses (UICC-stage I-IV). We also compared the groups with and without contact to palliative-medicine. The collective contained 74 women and 126 men and a mean age of 68,8 at time of diagnosis. The Karnofsky-Index was 90 or 100 by most of the patients. The majority had UICC-stage IV (n = 132). 42,1 % (n = 85) had contact to palliative-medicine. Most of the patients had contact earlier than 3 days before death (77,7 %). It was not possible to establish statistical significance between tumourspecific therapy (chemotherapy or radiation) in the last 14 days before death and contact to palliative-medicine 3 days before death because the sample was too small. Neither one of the patients got radiation and had contact to palliative-medicine 3 days before death. Only one patient received chemotherapy and had contact to palliative-medicine. Patients without contact to palliative-medicine had more tumourspecific therapy (chemotherapy: n = 6; radiation: n = 5) in the last 14 days before death. The examined patients from Würzburg mentioned mostly symptom burdens such as fatigue, degradation of the general condition, sleep disturbance or temperature. Followed from depression, fear, trouble and disturbance with having meal, nausea and vomiting. Most of the patients from Würzburg with contact to palliative-medicine had problems and complications such as icterus, anemia and transformation in the hemogram, followed by ileus, nausea or vomiting, peritonealcarcinosis and symptomatic ascites in the time period from last 6 month until 30 days before death. In the last 30 days before death most of the problems and complications from patients with contact to palliative-medicine in Würzburg were kidney- and liver failure, uramic coma, metabolic acidosis, bleedings, ileus, nausea or vomiting and peritonealcarnosis with symptomatic ascites. 54,4 % of the patients from Würzburg with contact to palliative-medicine and 50,0 % of the patients from Würzburg without contact to palliative-medicine had an advance directives. Only a small number of patients had a health care proxy or an emergeny plan. The majority of the patients had one stop in the emergeny ward in the last 6 month of life. The quantity of patients subsided strongly with two or more stops. We observed the same development in the last 30 days before death with stop in the emergency ward or intensive care unit. It was not able to differntiate if the stop in the emergency ward or intensive care unit was before or after the first contact with palliative-medicine. We only stated the fact that there was a contact. This implies that it was not really possible to recognize in what way the palliative-medicine was able to take influence on this decision. The estimated median survival time of the patients in Würzburg was 6,9 month. In the years 2010 and 2011 together, the median survival time was 6,2 month. After establishing the palliative-medicine-service at the university hospital in Würzburg in the year 2012, the median survival time for the patients from Würzburg was 8,3 month for the years 2012 and 2013. Women lived 2,7 month longer than men in the collective. Patients with contact to palliative-medicine lived two month more than patients without contact to palliative-medicine. 12 month after getting the diagnosis more than half of both groups were not alive. After 24 month only five patients from Würzburg were alive. The criterions from Craig C. Earle were not been fully reached. The amount of patients with contact to palliative-medicine could be more (42,1 %). It is enjoyable that the quantity of patients with contact to palliative-medicine less than 3 days before death is low (8,2 %). The rate of changing or starting a new regimen of tumourspecific therapy in the last 30 days of life is still too high (7,1 %). In this case the standard formulated through Craig C. Earle shows multiple oversteppings in the group with patients who had contact to palliative-medicine. Tumorspecific therapy in the last 14 days of life in the group of patients with contact to palliative-medicine was really low (4,7 % chemotherapy; 1,2 % radiation). Generally because of the small sample there is no possibilty to a final statement related to the effectiveness of palliative-medicine in this trial. For the most part it was not able to show statistic significance. In final reflection of all findings in this work, one can assume that the therapy at the end of life has to be evaluated and adapted to every new situation. Previously the procedure of palliation of complications or symptoms has to be discussed. Respectively by choosing the therapy every patient should bei regarded and respected as an individual connected to different clinical parameters. There is still the defiance to objectify the quality of life from patients who have cancer. The literature shows that the early integration of palliative-medicine stores a lot of advantages. Palliative-medicine often is related with a lower rate of hospitality, better handling of symptom burden, lower costs, prolongation of survival time and a reduced stress load for the bereaved. To get a comparison between quality indicators and to identify fields to improve in daily clinical business, one has to relate the actual value with the given value. Therefore a systematic screening of burdens and symptoms could be useful, to identify the right patient at the right moment with the best provision. Modern palliative-medicine should not only put a focus on care with patients who are uncurable ill at the end of life. No, palliative-medicine should be seen as an important aspect of interdisciplinary care. KW - Earle-Kriterien KW - Pankreaskarzinom KW - Palliativmedizin KW - End-of-life-care KW - Qualitätsindikatoren KW - Earle-Kriterion KW - Pancreascarcinom KW - palliative-medicine KW - End-of-life-care KW - quality indicators Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181174 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kraft, Johannes A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Breuer, Kathrin A1 - Lutyj, Paul A1 - Bratengeier, Klaus A1 - Exner, Florian A1 - Richter, Anne A1 - Tamihardja, Jörg A1 - Lisowski, Dominik A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Treatment plan comparison for irradiation of multiple brain metastases with hippocampal avoidance whole brain radiotherapy and simultaneous integrated boost using the Varian Halcyon and the Elekta Synergy platforms JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - No abstract available. KW - treatment plan KW - multiple brain metastases Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301221 VL - 17 ER - TY - THES A1 - Huflage, Henner T1 - Die stereotaktische Bestrahlung von Lungenmetastasen am Universitätsklinikum Würzburg im Zeitraum von November 1997 bis September 2012 T1 - Stereotacitc body radiation therapy of lung metastases at Würzburg University Hospital between November 1997 and September 2012 N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die stereotaktische Bestrahlung von Lungenmetastasen am Universitätsklinikum Würzburg im Zeitraum von 1997 bis 2012. In diesem Zeitraum wurden am Institut für Strahlentherapie der Universitätsklinik Würzburg 102 Patienten bestrahlt. Es sollen Einflussfaktoren auf die wesentlichen Endpunkte lokale Kontrolle, systemische Kontrolle und das Überleben identifiziert werden. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass die stereotaktische Bestrahlung eine nebenwirkungsarme und effektive Therapie von Lungenmetastasen darstellt und soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten, die Einflüsse und Ergebnisse der stereotaktischen Bestrahlung zu objektivieren und zusätzliches Datenmaterial für zukünftige Studien liefern. Das untersuchte Kollektiv der Universitätsklinik Würzburg gehört zum Zeitpunkt der Studie zu den größten in den auf diesem Gebiet durchgeführten Single-Center-Studien. N2 - The study examines the stereotactic body radiation therapy of lung metastases at the University Hospital of Würzburg in the period from 1997 to 2012. 102 patients were treated at the Institute for Radiotherapy of the University Hospital of Würzburg during this period. Factors influencing the essential endpoints of local control, systemic control and overall survival are to be identified. This study shows that SBRT is an effective therapy for lung metastases with few side effects and should contribute to objectifying the influences and results of stereotactic radiation and provide additional data material for future studies. At the time of the study, the investigated collective of the University Hospital of Würzburg is one of the largest single-centre studies conducted in this field. KW - Strahlentherapie KW - Lungenmetastase KW - SBRT Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257620 ER - TY - THES A1 - Lawrenz, Ingulf T1 - Die moderat hypofraktionierte Bestrahlung des lokalisierten Prostatakarzinoms : Ergebnisse für das tumorspezifische und klinische Outcome nach moderater Hypofraktionerung in intensitätsmodulierter Technik T1 - The moderately hypofractionated Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer N2 - Die mäßig hypofraktionierte Strahlentherapie des lokalisierten Prostatakarzinoms Wir haben retrospektiv die ersten 150 konsekutiven Patienten analysiert, die mit einer primären Strahlentherapie in IMRT bei lokalisiertem Prostatakrebs behandelt wurden. Alle Patienten hatten ein histologisch gesichertes Prostatakarzinom und wurden von Urologen zur kurativen Bestrahlung überwiesen. Nach der CT-basierter Planung wurden alle Patienten mit einer intensitätsmodulierten Strahlenthera (IMRT) unter Verwendung der SIB-Technik (Simultan Integrierter Boost) behandelt. Die applizierten Dosen betrugen 74 Gy (n = 41) und 76,2 Gy (n = 109) in 32 und 33 Fraktionen. Die Behandlung von Beckenlymphknoten (46 Gy) wurde bei 41 Hochrisikopatienten durchgeführt. Die Behandlung wurde unter Verwendung einer integrierten Cone-Beam-CT (IGRT) durchgeführt. Die Toxizität wurde mit CTCAE 3.0 bewertet. Das biochemische Rezidiv wurde gemäß der Phoenix-Definition von Nadir + 2 ng / ml definiert. Wir analysierten die gastrointestinale Toxizität (GI), die urogenitale Toxizität (GU) und das Freedom From Biochemichal Failure (FFBF). Ergebnisse: Das mediane Follow-Up der Patienten betrug 50 Monate. Mehr als 80% der Patienten waren während der Nachbeobachtung frei von gastrointestinaler Toxizität. Es gab keinen Trend zu erhöhten GI-Toxizitätsraten im zeitlichen Verlauf. Bei 85% unserer Patienten wurde innerhalb von 6 Wochen nach der Behandlung eine akute Urogenitaltoxizität vom Grad 1-2 beobachtet. Die meisten Patienten erholten sich von einer akuten GU-Toxizität. Es gab einen kontinuierlichen Anstieg des GU-Toxizitätsgrades ≥2 mit <10% nach 6 bis 12 Monaten auf 22,4% nach 60 Monaten. Die GU-Toxizität 3. Grades lag während der Nachuntersuchung unter 5%. FFBF betrug 82% für alle Patienten. Nach Risikogruppen betrug FFBF 88%, 80% und 78% für das niedrige, mittlere und hohe Risiko. Schlussfolgerung: Nach moderat hypofraktionierter Strahlentherapie des Prostatakarzinoms beobachteten wir niedrige GI-Toxizitätsraten sowie ein günstiges FFBF. Die GU-Toxizitätsraten lagen innerhalb der international berichteten Ergebnisse bei gleichwertiger Behandlung. Die konformale IMRT-Planung und die genaue IGRT haben möglicherweise zu diesen Ergebnissen beigetragen. N2 - The moderately hypofractionated Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer We retrospectively analyzed the first 150 consecutive patients who were treated with primary radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer. All Patients had histologic confirmed prostate cancer und were referred by urologists for primary Treatment. After CT based planning all Patients were treated with intensity modulated radiotherapy planning (IMRT) using the simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) technique. Doses delivered were 74Gy (n=41) and 76.2Gy (n=109) in 32 and 33 fractions. Treatmemt of pelvic lymph nodes (46 Gy) was done in 41 high-risk patients. Treatment was delivered using cone-beam CT based image guidance (IGRT). We assessed toxicity using CTCAE 3.0; biochemical failure was defined according to the Phoenix definition of nadir +2ng/ml. We analyzed gastrointestinal toxicity (GI), genitourinary toxicity (GU) and freedom from biochemical failure (FFBF) Results: Median follow-up of patients was 50 months. More than 80% of the patients were free from any gastrointestinal toxicity during follow-up. There was no trend to increased rates of GI toxicity. Acute genitourinary toxicity grade 1-2 was observed in 85% of our patients within 6 weeks after treatment. Most patients recovered from acute GU toxicity. There was a continuous increase of GU toxicity grade ≥2 with <10% at 6 to 12 month to 22.4% at 60 months. Grade 3 GU toxicity was below 5% during follow-up. FFBF was 82% for all patients. Stratified by risk group FFBF was 88%, 80% and 78% for low-, intermediate- and high-risk disease. Conclusions: We observed low rates of GI toxicity after moderately hypo-fractionated radiotherapy of prostate cancer and favourable FFBF. Rates of GU toxicity was within the international reported outcomes for equivalent treatments. The conformal IMRT planning and accurate IGRT treatment may have contributed to these results. KW - Prostatakrebs KW - Prostatakrebs Strahlentherapie Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199605 ER - TY - THES A1 - Fleischmann, Carolin T1 - Eine Analyse der Verlegungen von der Palliativstation in die stationäre Hospizversorgung: Ist der Einsatz von Prognosescores hilfreich? T1 - An analysis of the transfers from palliative ward to inpatient hospice care: Is the use of palliative prognostic tools helpful? N2 - Hintergrund: Die zeitgerechte Integration des Entlassmanagements ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des umfassenden Therapiekonzepts auf Palliativstation. Speziell zur Entlassung in ein stationäres Hospiz sollte die verbleibende Überlebenszeit gegen den Benefit eines stressbehafteten Versorgungswechsels diskutiert werden. Ziel der Studie: Aus der Vielzahl der vorhandenen und international validierten palliativmedizinischen Prognosescores wurden für diese Studie die Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) und der Palliative Prognostic Index (PPI) ausgewählt. Ziel war erstens die Überprüfung ihrer Anwendbarkeit auf eine deutsche Palliativpopulation. Zweitens wurden sie neben Symptomen der Terminalphase auf ihre Fähigkeit zur Kurzzeitprognose getestet, um Patienten mit kurzer Überlebenszeit in der stationären Hospizversorgung nach Entlassung identifizieren zu können. Methodik: Am Zentrum für Palliativmedizin des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg wurden retrospektiv PPS, PPI, ausgewählte Symptome der Sterbephase sowie die Überlebensdauer bei 112 Patienten erhoben, die von 2012 bis 2016 in ein Hospiz entlassen worden waren. Mittels ANOVA und Kaplan-Meier-Statistik wurden Überlebensdauer und Höhe der Prognosescores in Beziehung gesetzt und Risikogruppen gebildet. Zur Identifizierung von Risikopatienten mit einer Hospizverweildauer ≤ 7 Tagen wurden diese mit der Gruppe der Langverweiler (> 7 Tage) hinsichtlich Höhe der PPS, des PPI und das Vorhandensein von Terminalsymptomen verglichen. Ergebnisse: Mittels ANOVA und Kaplan-Meier-Kurven konnte die signifikante Korrelation zwischen Höhe des Prognosescores und der Überlebenszeit für die untersuchte Kohorte belegt werden. Risikopatienten mit einer Hospizverweildauer ≤ 7 Tagen wiesen einen signifikant niedrigeren PPS (40 % vs. 50 %) respektive einen höheren PPI-Wert (6,5 vs. 4,5 P.) als die Langverweiler auf. Die Terminalsymptome Dysphagie und eine reduzierte orale Nahrungsaufnahme waren unter Risikopatienten häufiger vertreten. Schlussfolgerung: Die Prognosefähigkeit der palliativmedizinischen Prognosescores PPS und PPI konnte für die untersuchte Kohorte belegt werden. Eine Kurzzeitprognose erwies sich allerdings aufgrund der geringen Trennschärfe der Cut-Off-Werte als praxisuntauglich. Sie können dennoch in speziellen Fällen als Orientierungshilfe im Entlassmanagement dienen. N2 - Background: The early integration of discharge management is an essential part of the comprehensive therapy concept in the palliative ward. Especially when discussing a transfer to an inpatient hospice, the remaining survival time should be taken into concern against the benefit of a stressful change in care setting. Objective: The Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) and the Palliative Prognostic Index (PPI) were selected for this study from a large number of available and internationally validated palliative prognostic tools. The first step was to test their applicability to a German palliative care population. Second, in addition to symptoms of the terminal phase, the prognostic scores were tested for their ability to make short-term prognosis in order to identify patients with short survival times after discharge to an inpatient hospice. Settings: At the Center for Palliative Medicine of the University Hospital Würzburg PPS, PPI, selected symptoms of the dying phase and survival time were retrospectively surveyed in 112 patients who had been discharged to a hospice from 2012 to 2016. Using ANOVA and Kaplan-Meier statistics, survival time and level of PPS/PPI were related and risk groups were formed. In order to identify high-risk patients with a length of stay in hospice ≤ 7 days, they were compared with the group of long-term survivors (> 7 days) using the level of PPS, PPI and the presence of terminal symptoms. Results: Using ANOVA and Kaplan-Meier curves, the significant correlation between level of prognostic score and survival time for the examined cohort could be demonstrated. High-risk patients with a length of stay ≤ 7 days had a significantly lower PPS (40% vs. 50%) or higher PPI value (6.5 vs. 4.5 p.) than the long-term surviving patients. The terminal symptoms dysphagia and reduced oral intake were more common among high-risk patients. Conclusion: The prognostic capability of the palliative prognostic tools PPS and PPI could be confirmed for this cohort of hospice patients. However, a short-term prognosis turned out to be unsuitable in practice due to the low distinction between cut-off values. However, in special cases they can serve as an orientation aid in discharge management. KW - Prognoseschätzung KW - Überlebenszeitanalyse KW - Palliativversorgung KW - Hospiz KW - Verlegung KW - Prognosescores KW - prognostic tools Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219731 ER - TY - THES A1 - Cronauer, Julian T1 - Die primäre Tele- und Brachytherapie des lokal fortgeschrittenen Zervixkarzinoms - Auswertung der Würzburger Daten T1 - The primary teletherapy and brachytherapy of locally advanced cervical cancer – an evaluation of the Würzburg data N2 - Strahlentherapie des Zervixkarzinoms untergliedert sich in die Teletherapie von extrakorporal und die Brachytherapie von intrauterin und intravaginal. Während in Bezug auf die Teletherapie international standardisierte Therapieschemata bestehen, fehlen diese bei der Brachytherapie. In Würzburg wurde ein Therapieregime von 3x8,5 Gy gewählt, während in anderen Therapierzentren mit z.B. 4x7 Gy oder 5x6 Gy bestrahlt wurde. Somit wurden in Würzburg deutlich höheren Einzeldosen appliziert. Ziel der Arbeit war es, das in Würzburg angewandte Fraktionierungsschema auf Verträglichkeit und Effektivität zu überprüfen. In die Studie eingeschlossen wurden 74 Patientinnen, die zwischen Februar 1999 und September 2014 bei gesichertem Zervixkarzinom einer primären Radiochemotherapie unterzogen wurden. In einem medianen Follow-Up von 48 Monaten wurden Nebenwirkungen an Blase und Rektum sowie lokale und regionäre Rezidive und Fernmetastasen erhoben. Bei neun Patientinnen (12,2%) wurde am Rektum eine Spätnebenwirkung vom Grad III oder IV nach CTCAE festgestellt, an der Blase wurde dies bei drei Patientinnen (4,8%) gefunden. Bei zwei (2,7%) Patientinnen fand sich ein lokaler, bei drei Patientinnen (4%) ein regionärer Progress. 19 Patientinnen (25,66%) entwickelten Fernmetastasen. Es zeigte sich zusammenfassend, dass es im Rahmen des angewandten Therapieschemas zu einer im internationalen Vergleich sehr guten lokalen Kontrolle kam bei vor allem am Rektum leicht erhöhten höhergradigen Nebenwirkungsraten. Mittels moderner bildgestützter IMRT- und Brachytherapie-Planung werden sich diese Toxizitäten in Zukunft weiter reduzieren lassen. N2 - Radiation therapy for cervical cancer is divided into external body radiation therapy (EBRT) and brachytherapy from intrauterine and intravaginal. While internationally standardized therapy schemes exist with regard to EBRT, these are absent with brachytherapy. In Würzburg, a therapy regimen of 3x8.5 Gy was chosen, while in other therapy centers the majority of patients were treated with z: b. 4x7 Gy or 5x6 Gy. This means that significantly higher single doses were applied in Würzburg. The aim of this study was to check the fractionation scheme used in Würzburg for compatibility and effectiveness. The study included 74 patients who had undergone primary chemoradiotherapy between February 1999 and September 2014 for confirmed cervical cancer. In a median follow-up of 48 months, side effects on the bladder and rectum as well as local and regional recurrences and distant metastases were recorded. In nine patients (12.2%) a late side effect of grade III or IV according to CTCAE was found on the rectum; this was found in the bladder in three patients (4.8%). Local progression was found in two (2.7%) patients and regional progression in three patients (4%). 19 patients (25.66%) developed distant metastases. In summary, it was shown that the applied therapy regimen resulted in a very good local control by international comparison with slightly increased higher-grade side effect rates, especially in the rectum. These toxicities can be further reduced in the future by means of modern image-guided IMRT and brachytherapy planning. KW - Gebärmutterhalskrebs KW - Brachytherapie KW - Effektivität KW - Nebenwirkungen Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216937 ER - TY - THES A1 - Heß, Sebastian T1 - Externe Validierung eines Prognose-Scores für Patienten mit Hirnmetastasen basierend auf extrakraniellen Faktoren T1 - External validation of a prognostic score for patients with brain metastases based on extracranial factors N2 - Patienten mit Hirnmetastasen weisen eine limitierte Prognose auf. Um diese Prognose besser abschätzen zu können, wurden verschiedene Prognosescores entwickelt. Der EC-Score ist ein sehr einfach bestimmbarer Summenscore basierend auf extrakraniellen Faktoren. In dieser retrospektiven Arbeit wurden 538 Patientenfälle inkludiert, die im Zeitraum 10/1998 bis 11/2017 eine Bestrahlung ihrer Hirnmetastasen am Uniklinikum Würzburg erhalten haben. Der EC-Score konnte bei 173 der Patientenfälle ausgewertet werden. Zusätzlich wurden die bereits etablierten DS-GPA- und RPA-Score am eigenen Patientenkollektiv angewendet und mit dem EC-Score verglichen. Im Ergebnis stellt diese Arbeit eine wichtige unabhängige externe Validierung des EC-Scores dar. Der Score ermöglicht es, Patienten sicher zu identifizieren, welche nicht von einer Bestrahlung ihrer Hirnmetastasen profitieren würden. N2 - Development of brain metastases is accompanied by poor prognosis. In order to improve prognosis estimation, various prognosis scores has been developed. The EC score is a very easily determinable sum score based on extracranial factors. In this retrospective study 538 patient cases were included. All patients had undergone radiation therapy for brain metastases at the University Hospital of Würzburg over a time span ranging from 10/1998 to 11/2017.The EC score could be evaluated in 173 of the patient cases. In addition, the established DS-GPA and RPA scores were also applied to the patient collective and compared to the EC score. As a result, this study provides an important independent external validation of the EC score. EC score is the best prognostic model for defining the patients who did not benefit from radiation therapy of brain metastases. KW - Hirnmetastase KW - Strahlentherapie KW - Prognosescore KW - Hirnmetastasen KW - Bestrahlung von Hirnmetastasen KW - Validierung Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-243622 ER - TY - THES A1 - Trömel, Jannik T1 - Die strahlentherapeutische Behandlung von Meningeomen an der Klinik für Strahlentherapie des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg von 1994 bis 2014: Klinische Ergebnisse T1 - Radiotherapeutic treatment of meningiomas at the Department of Radiotherapy of the University Hospital of Wuerzburg from 1994 to 2014: clinical results N2 - Es wurden die Daten von 119 Meningeompatienten hinsichtlich der lokalen Kontrolle sowie des Gesamtüberlebens und deren Einflussfaktoren untersucht, um dieses Kollektiv hinsichtlich des Therapieerfolges an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlentherapie der Universität Würzburg auszuwerten. Ferner wurden die akuten und chronischen Nebenwirkungen der Strahlenbehandlung erfasst. Darüber hinaus wurden die Fragebogen QLQ-C30 sowie -BN20 zur Evaluation der Lebensqualität nach der Strahlenbehandlung analysiert. Die Strahlenbehandlung zeigte sich im Rahmen des Follow-Ups von 5,4 Jahren als größtenteils effektive und sichere Behandlungsmethode. Aufgeschlüsselt nach den WHO-Graden lagen die lokalen Kontrollraten bei 93,3% (ohne Histologie), 91,2% (WHO-Grad I), 66,7% (WHO-Grad II) sowie 53,1% (WHO-Grad III) nach fünf Jahren. Nach zehn Jahren lagen die Raten bei 82,0% (ohne Histologie), 91,2% (WHO-Grad I), 46,7% (WHO-Grad II) sowie 42,5% (WHO-Grad III). In der multivariaten Analyse zeigte sich ein grenzwertig signifikanter Unterschied der lokalen Kontrolle für die Histologie (p = 0,050), sowie deutliche Signifikanz zwischen benignen und malignen Meningeomen. Das Gesamtüberleben lag nach fünf Jahren bei 89,6% sowie nach zehn Jahren bei 75,9%. Signifikante Einflussfaktoren in der multivariaten Analyse waren die Histologie sowie die Größe des GTV. Die Rate an medizinisch signifikanten (CTCAE ≥3) akuten und chronischen Nebenwirkungen war niedrig (5,9% bzw. 4,2%) und vergleichbar mit den Daten der Literatur. Die Arbeit liefert erstmalig Lebensqualitätsdaten mittels der Fragebogen der EORTC an einem reinen Meningeomkollektiv, bei dem alle Patienten eine Strahlenbehandlung erhielten. Diese zeigen schlechtere Werte im Vergleich zur Normalbevölkerung. Ebenso weisen sie auf eine Verschlechterung der Lebensqualität im Laufe der Tumorbehandlung hin. Dies ist allerdings aufgrund des einmaligen Messzeitpunktes und des fehlenden Vergleichskollektivs weder auf die Operation, noch auf die Bestrahlung kausal zurückführbar. Um den genauen Stellenwert der Strahlentherapie im Therapieregime der Meningeome abhängig von der Histologie beurteilen zu können sowie diese Ergebnisse zu verifizieren und zu festigen, sind aufwendige prospektive Studien nötig. Diese werden zum Teil aktuell durchgeführt. Regelmäßige Kontrollen der Lebensqualität sowie der Nebenwirkungen sollen erhoben und ausgewertet werden, um die Auswirkungen der Therapie möglichst allumfassend darstellen zu können. N2 - The data of 119 meningioma patients were examined with regard to local control as well as overall survival and their influencing factors in order to evaluate this collective with regard to therapy success at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiotherapy of the University of Wuerzburg. Furthermore, the acute and chronic side effects of this radiation treatment were recorded. In addition, the questionnaires QLQ-C30 and -BN20 were analysed to evaluate the quality of life after radiation treatment. The radiation treatment proved to be a largely effective and safe treatment method during the follow-up of 5.4 years. Broken down by WHO grade, local control rates were 93.3% (without histology), 91.2% (WHO grade I), 66.7% (WHO grade II) and 53.1% (WHO grade III) after five years. After ten years the rates were 82.0% (without histology), 91.2% (WHO grade I), 46.7% (WHO grade II) and 42.5% (WHO grade III). The multivariate analysis showed a borderline significant difference in local control for histology (p = 0.050), as well as clear significance between benign and malignant meningiomas. Overall survival was 89.6% after five years and 75.9% after ten years. Significant influencing factors in the multivariate analysis were histology and the size of the GTV. The rate of clinically significant (CTCAE ≥3) acute and chronic adverse events was low (5.9% and 4.2%, respectively) and comparable to the data in the literature. This work provides for the first time quality of life data using the EORTC questionnaires on a collective with just meningioma patients, in which all patients received radiation treatment. These show worse values compared to the normal population. They also indicate a deterioration in quality of life during tumor treatment. However, due to the unique measurement time and the lack of a comparative collective, this cannot be causally attributed to either the surgery or the radiation treatment. Extensive prospective studies are necessary to assess the exact role of radiotherapy in the treatment regime of meningiomas depending on the histology and to verify and consolidate these results. Some of these studies are currently being conducted. Regular controls of the quality of life as well as the side effects should be collected and evaluated in order to be able to present the effects of the therapy as comprehensively as possible. KW - Meningeom KW - Strahlentherapie KW - Lebensqualität KW - Nebenwirkung KW - Bestrahlung KW - Radiotherapy KW - Meningioma KW - Quality of Life KW - Adverse Events KW - Nebenwirkungen Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199956 ER - TY - THES A1 - Lutyj, Paul T1 - Modulation der Strahlensensibilität mittels alleiniger sowie kombinierter PI3K/mTOR-Inhibierung im Glioblastommodell: die Rolle des PTENs T1 - Modulation of radiation sensitivity in the glioblastoma model through sole and combined PI3K/mTOR inhibition: the role of PTEN N2 - Den aktuellen Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit bildet der in Glioblastomen häufig überaktivierte PI3K/AKT/mTOR-Signalweg. Eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Aktivierung des Signalwegs spielt das Tumorsuppressorprotein PTEN. Ein mutiertes PTEN sorgt für die zuvor genannte Überaktivierung des PI3K/AKT/mTOR-Signalwegs und korreliert mit einer Radioresistenz. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die strahlensensibilisierende Wirkung des neuartigen dualen PI3K/mTOR-Inhibitors NVP-BEZ235 an zwei humanen Glioblastomzelllinien mit unterschiedlichem PTEN-Status (GaMG: PTEN wt und U373-MG: PTEN mut) analysiert. Vergleichend dazu erfolgten Untersuchungen mit dem mTOR-Inhibitor Rapamycin und dem PI3K-Inhibitor LY294002. Untersucht wurden die Auswirkungen auf die Zellproliferation, die Strahlensensibilität, das Proteinexpressionsmuster, die Zellzyklusverteilung, die Induktion und Reparaturfähigkeit des DNS-Schadens sowie die Einleitung des programmierten Zelltods. U373-MG stellte sich im Vergleich zu GaMG als die strahlensensiblere Zelllinie heraus. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mTOR-Inhibition durch NVP-BEZ235, unabhängig vom PTEN-Status, für die Einflussnahme auf Proliferation und Proteintranslation vordergründig ist. Es kam zu keinen radiosensibilisierenden Effekten durch Zugabe von NVP-BEZ235, Rapamycin und LY294002 24 Stunden vor Bestrahlung, was auf das Ausbleiben eines erhöhten DNA-Schadens und einer verzögerten DNA-Reparatur, einen G1-Arrest und der Aktivierung des PI3K-Signalwegs zum Zeitpunkt der Bestrahlung sowie der Unterdrückung der Apoptose zurückzuführen ist. Trotz Ausbleiben radiosensibilisierender Effekt, konnte durch die Testsubstanzen eine starke zytostatische Wirkung gezeigt werden. N2 - The current research topic of this work is the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway, which is often overactivated in glioblastomas. The tumor suppressor protein PTEN plays a decisive role in the activation of the signaling pathway. A mutated PTEN provides the overactivation of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway and correlates with radiation resistance. In the present paper, the radiosensitizing effect of the novel dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 on two human glioblastoma cell lines with different PTEN status (GaMG: PTEN wt and U373-MG: PTEN mut) was analyzed. Comparative studies were carried out with the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin and the PI3K inhibitor LY294002. The effects on cell proliferation, radiation sensitivity, protein expression pattern, cell cycle distribution, induction, and repairability of DNA damage as well as the initiation of programmed cell death were investigated. U373-MG turned out to be more radiosensitive compared to GaMG. Furthermore, it has been shown that mTOR-Inhibition by NVP-BEZ235 is essential for the influence on proliferation and protein translation, regardless of the PTEN status. The addition of NVP-BEZ235, rapamycin and LY294002 24 hours prior to irradiation did not lead to any radiosensitizing effect. This is due to the absence of increased DNA damage and delayed DNA repair, a G1 arrest and the activation of the PI3K signaling pathway at the time of irradiation and the suppression of apoptosis. Despite the lack of radiosensitizing effects, the test substances showed strong cytostatic effects. KW - Strahlensensibilität KW - Glioblastom KW - Phosphatidylinositolkinase KW - PI3K/mTOR-Inhibierung KW - Glioblastommodell KW - PTEN Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-210159 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Meyer, Till Jasper A1 - Scherzad, Agmal A1 - Moratin, Helena A1 - Gehrke, Thomas Eckert A1 - Killisperger, Julian A1 - Hagen, Rudolf A1 - Wohlleben, Gisela A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Dembski, Sofia A1 - Kleinsasser, Norbert A1 - Hackenberg, Stephan T1 - The radiosensitizing effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles in sub-cytotoxic dosing is associated with oxidative stress in vitro JF - Materials N2 - Radioresistance is an important cause of head and neck cancer therapy failure. Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NP) mediate tumor-selective toxic effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential for radiosensitization of ZnO-NP. The dose-dependent cytotoxicity of ZnO-NP\(_{20 nm}\) and ZnO-NP\(_{100 nm}\) was investigated in FaDu and primary fibroblasts (FB) by an MTT assay. The clonogenic survival assay was used to evaluate the effects of ZnO-NP alone and in combination with irradiation on FB and FaDu. A formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (FPG)-modified single-cell microgel electrophoresis (comet) assay was applied to detect oxidative DNA damage in FB as a function of ZnO-NP and irradiation exposure. A significantly increased cytotoxicity after FaDu exposure to ZnO-NP\(_{20 nm}\) or ZnO-NP\(_{100 nm}\) was observed in a concentration of 10 µg/mL or 1 µg/mL respectively in 30 µg/mL of ZnO-NP\(_{20 nm}\) or 20 µg/mL of ZnO-NP\(_{100 nm}\) in FB. The addition of 1, 5, or 10 µg/mL ZnO-NP\(_{20 nm}\) or ZnO-NP\(_{100 nm}\) significantly reduced the clonogenic survival of FaDu after irradiation. The sub-cytotoxic dosage of ZnO-NP\(_{100 nm}\) increased the oxidative DNA damage compared to the irradiated control. This effect was not significant for ZnO-NP\(_{20 nm}\). ZnO-NP showed radiosensitizing properties in the sub-cytotoxic dosage. At least for the ZnO-NP\(_{100 nm}\), an increased level of oxidative stress is a possible mechanism of the radiosensitizing effect. KW - zinc oxide nanoparticles KW - irradiation KW - oxidative DNA damage KW - head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193897 SN - 1996-1944 VL - 12 IS - 24 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kunz, Andreas Steven T1 - Vergleich von 3D-konformaler und intensitätsmodulierter Strahlentherapie beim nicht-kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinom T1 - Comparison of 3D conformal and intensity modulated radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit soll dazu dienen, die Strahlentherapie bei Patienten mit histologisch gesichertem, nicht-kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinom nach 3D-konformalem sowie intensitätsmoduliertem Schema anhand definierter Outcome-Parameter und ihrer Nebenwirkungsraten zu vergleichen. Insgesamt wurde für diese monozentrisch durchgeführte Studie mit retrospektivem Design ein Kollektiv aus 111 Patienten/-innen untersucht. Anhand des untersuchtem Kollektivs konnte gezeigt werden, dass beide Therapieverfahren bezüglich der Überlebensraten und der Rezidiv- bzw. Metastasierungshäufigkeit im Rahmen des beobachteten Studienzeitraums miteinander vergleichbar sind. Auch für die Häufigkeit akuter Therapie-assoziierter Nebenwirkungen konnte kein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den beiden Bestrahlungstechniken nachgewiesen werden; dagegen trat eine chronische Strahlenpneumonitis häufiger in der Patientengruppe auf, die primär eine 3D-CRT erhalten hatte. N2 - The purpose of this study is to compare radiotherapy in patients with histologically confirmed non-small cell lung cancer treated by means of 3D conformal as well as intensity modulated regimens on the basis of defined outcome parameters and their side effect rates. A total of 111 patients were examined for this monocentric study with retrospective design. On the basis of the investigated collective, it could be shown that both therapy methods are comparable with each other with regard to the survival rates and the recurrence or metastasis frequency within the observed study period. Also regarding the frequency of acute therapy-associated side effects, no significant difference between the two radiation techniques could be demonstrated; in contrast, chronic radiation pneumonitis occurred more frequently in the patient group that had primarily received 3D-CRT. KW - Nicht-kleinzelliges Bronchialkarzinom KW - Strahlentherapie KW - 3D-konformale Radiotherapie KW - Intensitätsmodulierte Radiotherapie KW - 3D-conformal radiotherapy KW - intensity modulated radiotherapy Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-253399 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kögl, Katharina Anna Edith T1 - Analyse des Qualitätsindikators Reduktion Schmerz und des Qualitätsindikators Opioide und Laxantien der S3-Leitlinie Palliativmedizin für Patienten mit einer nicht heilbaren Krebserkrankung T1 - Quality Indicator Reduction of Pain and Quality Indicator Opioids and Laxatives proposed in the german S3 Guideline Palliative care for patients with incurable cancer N2 - Hintergrund: Die Qualitätsindikatoren „QI2: Reduktion Schmerz“ und „QI 3: Opiate und Laxantien“ der S3-Leitlinie „Palliativmedizin für Patienten mit einer nicht heilbaren Krebserkrankung“ von 2015 wurden pilotiert und hinsichtlich ihrer Erhebbarkeit, Eindeutigkeit und Vergleichbarkeit evaluiert. Damit sollte die Routinetauglichkeit der Qualitätsindikatoren überprüft und ein Beitrag zu deren Weiterentwicklung geleistet werden. Methodik: Die Qualitätsindikatoren wurden retrospektiv für die Patientinnen und Patienten der Palliativstation des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg der Jahre 2015 und 2018 mit der Hauptdiagnose einer nicht heilbaren Krebserkrankung ausgewertet. Aufbauend auf den Vorgaben der S3-LL Palliativ Langversion 1.0 2015 wurde der Qualitätsindikator Reduktion Schmerz (QI RS) für den gesamten Zeitraum des stationären Aufenthalts erhoben. Der Qualitätsindikator Opioide und Laxantien wurde am 3. Tag des stationären Aufenthalts (QI OL T1) und am 3. Tag vor stationärer Entlassung (QI OL T2) erhoben. Ergebnisse: Bei 78,5% der Grundgesamtheit wurden moderate bis starke Schmerzen dokumentiert und für den QI RS eingeschlossen (419/534). Die Datengrundlage des QI RS war für die eingeschlossenen Fälle vollständig, da Schmerzanamnesen im Schmerzassessment der pflegerischen Dokumentation integriert sind: Unter den eingeschlossenen Fällen lag nach den Kriterien des QI RS bei insgesamt 73,5% (308/419) eine dokumentierte Schmerzreduktion vor. Bei 26,5% aller eingeschlossenen Fälle (111/419) lag nach den Kriterien des QI RS keine dokumentierte Schmerzreduktion vor. Unter jenen Fällen lag der Anteil der stationär Verstorbenen bei 64,0% (71/111). Es lag ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Fehlen einer dokumentierten Schmerzreduktion und dem Versterben vor (p<0,05). 73,4% (392/534) der Grundgesamtheit wurden für den QI OL T1 eingeschlossen, da eine Therapie mit Opioiden an T1 dokumentiert war. 75,8% (405/534) der Grundgesamtheit wurde für den QI OL T2 eingeschlossen, da eine Therapie mit Opioiden an T2 dokumentiert war. Aufgrund der Vollständigkeit der Routinedokumentation konnte die Auswertung des QI OL T1 bzw. des QI OL T2 bei allen eingeschlossenen Fällen vorgenommen werden: Am 3. Tag des stationären Aufenthalts lag der Anteil dokumentierter Laxantien bei Opioidtherapie mit 57,9% (227/392) etwas höher als am 3. Tag vor stationärer Entlassung mit 53,8% dokumentierter Laxantien bei Opioidtherapie (218/405). Unter den Fällen ohne Laxantien bei Opioidtherapie an T1 verstarben mit 58,8% (97/165) weniger als unter den Fällen ohne Laxantien bei Opioidtherapie an T2 mit 67,4% (126/187). Es zeigt sich sowohl für den QI OL T1 als auch für den QI OL T2 ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Fehlen dokumentierter Laxantien bei Opioidtherapie und dem Versterben (p<0,001). Schlussfolgerung: Die vorliegende Studie belegt die Sinnhaftigkeit der Evaluation von Qualitätsindikatoren für die Palliativversorgung. Exemplarisch zeigt die Erhebung des Qualitätsindikators Opioide und Laxantien in der Sterbephase, dass regelmäßig von der Leitlinienempfehlung abgewichen wird. In der Erweiterten S3-LL Palliativ Langversion 2.0 von 2019 wurde der genaue Erhebungszeitpunkt des „QI2: Reduktion Schmerz“ präzisiert: Eingeschlossen für die Erhebung sind nun alle Patienten mit starkem bzw. mittleren Schmerz „bei stationärer Aufnahme“. N2 - Background: The German S3 Guideline Palliative Care for patients with incurable cancer proposes the Quality Indicator (QI) „Reduction of Pain“ and the QI „Opioids and Laxatives“ to evaluate the quality of palliative care. Aim: To analyze these QI in cancer patients during their stay in a specialized palliative care unit. Methods: Data were collected retrospectively from patients‘ files of Interdisciplinary Center Palliative Care of Wuerzburg from the year 2015 and 2018. The QI „Reduction of Pain“ was analyzed continously from patients' first day to their last day on palliative care unit. The QI „Opioids and Laxatives“ was analyzed regarding the third day on the palliative care unit (T1) and the day 3 before dismissal (T2). Results: 534 files from cancer patients were analyzed in total. 419 of all patients were included in the QI „Reduction of Pain“ as well as 392 of them in the QI „Opioids and Laxatives“ T1 and 405 in the QI „Opioids and Laxatives“ T2. For 308 of 419 patients reduction of pain was documented (308/419, 73.5%). 227 of 392 patients were treated with opioids and laxatives at T1 and 218 of 405 patients were treated with opioids and laxatives at T2 (T1: 227/392, 57.9%, T2: 218/405, 53.8%). Regarding the QI „Reduction of Pain“ significant more deceased patients had no reduction of pain (71/111, 64.0%, p<0.05). Regarding the QI „Opioids and Laxatives“ T1 as well as the QI „Opioids and Laxatives“ T2 significant more deceased patients received opioids without laxatives (T1: 97/165, 58.8%, T2: 126/187, 67.4%, p<0,01). Conclusion: The QI were easy to assess using patients‘ files. Evaluation of QI isn’t reasonable during the whole stay, e.g. because of cancelling prescreption of laxatives in dying phase. Therefore the wording of the QI „Reduction of Pain“ was specified 2019 in the Extended S3 Guideline Palliative care for patients with incurable cancer. Since then the QI „Reduction of Pain“ refers to all “patients with the diagnosis “incurable cancer” (receiving generalist or specialist palliative care) and with moderate/severe pain at inpatient admission“. KW - Tumor KW - Palliativmedizin KW - Qualitätsindikatoren KW - S3-Leitlinie Palliativmedizin Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-254919 ER - TY - THES A1 - Lotter, Christina Theresa T1 - Beurteilung einer tumorspezifischen Therapie durch Patientinnen/Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen Tumorerkrankungen in Abwägung von Lebensverlängerung und Lebensqualität: Evaluierung und Identifikation assoziierter Variablen T1 - Evaluation of tumor-specific therapies by patients with advanced tumor diseases in consideration of life prolongation and quality of life: Evaluation and identification of associated variables N2 - Hintergrund: Die Diagnose einer fortgeschrittenen Tumorerkrankung bedingt den Beginn eines komplexen Entscheidungsfindungsprozesses mit dem Ziel, unter Einbezug des betroffenen Patienten, seinen Angehörigen und dem behandelnden multiprofessionellen Team, realistische gemeinsame Therapieziele zu finden. Das Wissen um die aktuellen Patientenpräferenzen ist dabei unerlässlich. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Einstellung von Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen Tumorerkrankungen zur Inanspruchnahme von tumorspezifischer Therapie in Abhängigkeit von ihrer individuellen Präferenz für Lebensverlängerung oder Lebensqualität zu untersuchen und Variablen zu identifizieren, die mit dieser Präferenz in Zusammenhang stehen. Methode: In die prospektive klinische Beobachtungsstudie wurden zwischen 03.08.2015 und 23.03.2016 konsekutiv 92 von 522 gescreenten Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen Tumorerkrankungen eingeschlossen, die durch den palliativmedizinischen Dienst (PMD) am Universitätsklinikum Würzburg mitbetreut wurden. Die Patientenpräferenzen bezüglich Lebensverlängerung und Lebensqualität wurden mittels des Lebensqualität- und Lebenszeitfragebogen (Laryionava et al., 2014) erhoben und die Ergebnisse wurden unter Einsatz nicht-parametrischer Tests auf Assoziation mit diversen patienten- und krankheitsbezogenen Variablen überprüft. Ergebnisse: Die Patienten unterscheiden sich in ihrer grundlegenden Präferenz für Lebensverlängerung oder Lebensqualität: Ein gutes Drittel (37.0 %) sprach sich ungeachtet einer möglichen Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität für den Einsatz tumorspezifischer Therapien mit dem Ziel der Lebensverlängerung aus, während ein weiteres Drittel (37.0 %) der Patienten angab, Lebensqualität zu präferieren und ein best-supportive-care-Konzept auch bei mutmaßlicher Einschränkung der Lebenszeit zu bevorzugen. Das verbleibende knappe Drittel (26.0 %) der Patienten verblieb in Abwägung von Lebensverlängerung und Lebensqualität ambivalent, präferierte also entweder sowohl Lebensverlängerung als auch Lebensqualität (12.0 %) oder zeigte für keines der beiden angebotenen Therapieziele eine Präferenz (14.0 %). Die Präferenz für Lebensverlängerung war statistisch signifikant mit der Krankheitsselbsteinschätzung als heilbar (X2 (4, N = 92) = 8.20; p = .001), dem Leben in Gemeinschaft (X2 (2, N = 92) = 6.97; p = .031) und der Bereitschaft zur Berücksichtigung von Angehörigenwünschen bei der Therapiezielfindung (rs (90) = .44; p < .001) assoziiert. Patienten, die nach Lebensqualität strebten, hielten ihre Krankheit für lebensbedrohlich (X2 (2, N = 92) = 6.07; p = .048) bzw. nicht-heilbar (X2 (4, N = 92) = 8.20; p = .001), zeigten eine Präferenz für Therapiezielfindung ohne Einbezug von Angehörigenwünschen (rs (90) = - .33; p = .001) und berichteten Hoffnungsverlust im Kampf gegen die Krankheit (p = .013). Patienten, die das Gefühl hatten, ihre Angehörigen hätten ihre Erkrankung nicht akzeptiert (X2 (2, N = 92) = 7.01; p = .030) und Patienten, die alleine lebten (X2 (2, N = 92) = 6.97; p = .031) blieben signifikant häufiger ambivalent. 41.3 % der im Rahmen dieser Studie befragten Patienten mit fortgeschrittenen Tumorerkrankungen und objektiv infauster Prognose (medianes Überleben nach Studieneinschluss: 42 Tage), stuften ihre Krankheit als nicht lebensbedrohlich ein. 34.8 % der Befragten gingen von der Heilbarkeit ihrer Erkrankung aus. Schlussfolgerung: Die Einstellung zu Lebensverlängerung und Lebensqualität ist individuell, verändert sich dynamisch im Krankheitsverlauf und unterliegt zudem dem Einfluss diverser Variablen. Insbesondere eine realistische Krankheitsselbsteinschätzung durch die Patienten erscheint relevant, um beiderseits zufriedenstellende, sinnvolle Therapiekonzepte entwickeln zu können. Sinnvoll erscheint ein früh im Krankheitsverlauf implementierter, kontinuierlich aufrechterhaltener Gesprächsprozess, mit dem Ziel, bereits kurz nach Diagnose einer Erkrankung deren schlechtesten oder bestmöglichen Verlauf zu thematisieren und regelmäßig die aktuelle Situation zu reevaluieren, um in der Folge möglichst realitätsbasierte und aktuelle Patientenpräferenzen erheben zu können. Der Lebensqualität- und Lebenszeitfragebogen eignet sich aufgrund des hohen Zeitaufwandes und der psychischen Belastung der Patienten eher für eine initiale, einmalige Präferenzerhebung. Tägliche Erhebungen, beispielsweise im Rahmen der Arztvisite, könnten mittels einfacher visueller Analogskalen (vgl. Douglas et al. 2018) erfolgen und als Grundlage für die Therapiekonzeptdiskussion in wöchentlichen interdisziplinären Visiten dienen. Dieser Ansatz sollte weiter auf Umsetzbarkeit und Wirksamkeit untersucht werden. N2 - Background: Diagnosis of an advanced tumor disease requires the beginning of a complex decision-making process aiming to find realistic joint therapeutic goals involving the affected patient, his relatives and the treating multi-professional team. Knowledge of current patient preferences is essential in this process. The aim of this study was to investigate the attitude of patients with advanced tumor disease towards tumor-specific therapy depending on their individual preference for life prolongation or quality of life and to identify variables related to this preference. Methods: 92 of 522 screened patients with advanced tumor diseases were included in the prospective clinical observational study between 03.08.2015 and 23.03.2016. The patients were co-supervised by the palliative medical service (PMD) at the University Hospital of Würzburg. Patient preferences for life prolongation and quality of life were assessed using the German translation of the Quality and Quantity Questionnaire (Laryionava et al., 2014) and the results were checked for association with various patient- and disease-related variables using nonparametric tests. Results: Patients differ in their basic preference for life prolongation or quality of life: A good third (37.0 %) of patients favored the use of tumor-specific therapies with the goal of life prolongation, irrespective of a possible impairment of quality of life, while another third (37.0 %) of patients indicated that they preferred quality of life and a best-supportive care concept even in the case of an assumed limitation of life. The remaining third (26.0 %) of patients remained ambivalent in their consideration of life prolongation and quality of life, either preferring both life prolongation and quality of life (12.0 %) or showing a preference for neither of the two therapeutic goals offered (14.0 %). The preference for life prolongation was significantly associated with disease self-assessment as curable (X2 (4, N = 92) = 8.20; p = .001), living in community (X2 (2, N = 92) = 6.97; p = .031) and the willingness to consider the wishes of relatives in the determination of therapy goals (rs (90) = .44; p < .001). Patients seeking quality of life considered their disease as life-threatening (X2 (2, N = 92) = 6.07; p = .048) or incurable (X2 (4, N = 92) = 8.20; p = .001), showed a preference for setting treatment goals without consideration of family members' wishes (rs (90) = - .33; p = .001) and reported a loss of hope in the fight against the disease (p = .013). Patients who felt that their relatives did not accept their disease (X2 (2, N = 92) = 7.01; p = .030) and patients who lived alone (X2 (2, N = 92) = 6.97; p = .031) were significantly more likely to remain ambivalent. 41.3% of patients with advanced tumor disease and an objectively poor prognosis (median survival after study enrollment: 42 days), who were questioned in this study, classified their disease as not life-threatening. 34.8 % of the respondents assumed that their disease was curable. Conclusion: Attitude towards life prolongation and quality of life is individual, changes dynamically during course of disease and is also affected by various variables. In particular, a realistic disease self-assessment by the patients seems to be relevant in order to develop mutually satisfactory, meaningful therapy concepts. A discussion process that is implemented early in the course of disease and is continuously maintained upright, with the aim of discussing the worst or best possible course of disease shortly after diagnosis and at regular intervals during progress seems to be useful in order to be able to ascertain the most reality-based and up-to-date patient preference. Due to the high time expenditure and the psychological strain for patients, the quality and quantity questionnaire is more suitable for an initial, one-time preference survey. Daily surveys, e.g. during the doctor's visit, could be carried out using simple visual analog scales (cf. Douglas et al. 2018) and could serve as a basis for therapy-concept-discussions in weekly interdisciplinary rounds. This approach should be further investigated for feasibility and effectiveness. KW - Lebensqualität KW - fortgeschrittene Tumorerkrankung KW - Lebensqualität und Lebenszeit KW - Palliativmedizin KW - Universitätsklinik Würzburg Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213699 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Richter, Anne A1 - Weick, Stefan A1 - Krieger, Thomas A1 - Exner, Florian A1 - Kellner, Sonja A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Evaluation of a software module for adaptive treatment planning and re-irradiation JF - Radiation Oncology N2 - Background: The aim of this work is to validate the Dynamic Planning Module in terms of usability and acceptance in the treatment planning workflow. Methods: The Dynamic Planning Module was used for decision making whether a plan adaptation was necessary within one course of radiation therapy. The Module was also used for patients scheduled for re-irradiation to estimate the dose in the pretreated region and calculate the accumulated dose to critical organs at risk. During one year, 370 patients were scheduled for plan adaptation or re-irradiation. All patient cases were classified according to their treated body region. For a sub-group of 20 patients treated with RT for lung cancer, the dosimetric effect of plan adaptation during the main treatment course was evaluated in detail. Changes in tumor volume, frequency of re-planning and the time interval between treatment start and plan adaptation were assessed. Results: The Dynamic Planning Tool was used in 20% of treated patients per year for both approaches nearly equally (42% plan adaptation and 58% re-irradiation). Most cases were assessed for the thoracic body region (51%) followed by pelvis (21%) and head and neck cases (10%). The sub-group evaluation showed that unintended plan adaptation was performed in 38% of the scheduled cases. A median time span between first day of treatment and necessity of adaptation of 17 days (range 4–35 days) was observed. PTV changed by 12 ± 12% on average (maximum change 42%). PTV decreased in 18 of 20 cases due to tumor shrinkage and increased in 2 of 20 cases. Re-planning resulted in a reduction of the mean lung dose of the ipsilateral side in 15 of 20 cases. Conclusion: The experience of one year showed high acceptance of the Dynamic Planning Module in our department for both physicians and medical physicists. The re-planning can potentially reduce the accumulated dose to the organs at risk and ensure a better target volume coverage. In the re-irradiation situation, the Dynamic Planning Tool was used to consider the pretreatment dose, to adapt the actual treatment schema more specifically and to review the accumulated dose. KW - re-irradiation KW - lung cancer KW - adaptation KW - re-planning Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158711 VL - 12 IS - 205 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hartmann, Oliver A1 - Reissland, Michaela A1 - Maier, Carina R. A1 - Fischer, Thomas A1 - Prieto-Garcia, Cristian A1 - Baluapuri, Apoorva A1 - Schwarz, Jessica A1 - Schmitz, Werner A1 - Garrido-Rodriguez, Martin A1 - Pahor, Nikolett A1 - Davies, Clare C. A1 - Bassermann, Florian A1 - Orian, Amir A1 - Wolf, Elmar A1 - Schulze, Almut A1 - Calzado, Marco A. A1 - Rosenfeldt, Mathias T. A1 - Diefenbacher, Markus E. T1 - Implementation of CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing to Generate Murine Lung Cancer Models That Depict the Mutational Landscape of Human Disease JF - Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology N2 - Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in both men and women. Despite the development of novel therapeutic interventions, the 5-year survival rate for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients remains low, demonstrating the necessity for novel treatments. One strategy to improve translational research is the development of surrogate models reflecting somatic mutations identified in lung cancer patients as these impact treatment responses. With the advent of CRISPR-mediated genome editing, gene deletion as well as site-directed integration of point mutations enabled us to model human malignancies in more detail than ever before. Here, we report that by using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeting of Trp53 and KRas, we recapitulated the classic murine NSCLC model Trp53fl/fl:lsl-KRasG12D/wt. Developing tumors were indistinguishable from Trp53fl/fl:lsl-KRasG12D/wt-derived tumors with regard to morphology, marker expression, and transcriptional profiles. We demonstrate the applicability of CRISPR for tumor modeling in vivo and ameliorating the need to use conventional genetically engineered mouse models. Furthermore, tumor onset was not only achieved in constitutive Cas9 expression but also in wild-type animals via infection of lung epithelial cells with two discrete AAVs encoding different parts of the CRISPR machinery. While conventional mouse models require extensive husbandry to integrate new genetic features allowing for gene targeting, basic molecular methods suffice to inflict the desired genetic alterations in vivo. Utilizing the CRISPR toolbox, in vivo cancer research and modeling is rapidly evolving and enables researchers to swiftly develop new, clinically relevant surrogate models for translational research. KW - non-small cell lung cancer KW - CRISPR-Cas9 KW - mouse model KW - lung cancer KW - MYC KW - JUN Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-230949 SN - 2296-634X VL - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Oorschot, Birgitt van A1 - Ishii, Koji A1 - Kusomoto, Yuko A1 - Zetzl, Theresa A1 - Roch, Carmen A1 - Mettenleiter, Andreas A1 - Ozawa, Hiroko A1 - Flentje, Michael T1 - Anxiety, depression and psychosocial needs are the most frequent concerns reported by patients: preliminary results of a comparative explorative analysis of two hospital-based palliative care teams in Germany and Japan JF - Journal of Neural Transmission N2 - In the partnership between the medical departments of Würzburg University, Germany, and Nagasaki University, Japan, palliative care is a relevant topic. The aim of the study was to perform a comparative analysis of the hospital-based palliative care teams in Würzburg (PCT-W) and Nagasaki (PCT-N). Survey of staff composition and retrospective analysis of PCT patient charts in both PCTs were conducted. Patients self-assessed their symptoms in PCT-W and in Radiation Oncology Würzburg (RO-W). The (negative) quality indicator ‘percentage of deceased hospitalised patients with PCT contact for less than 3 days before death’ (Earle in Int J Qual Health Care 17(6):505–509, 2005) was analysed. Both PCTs follow a multidisciplinary team approach. PCT-N saw 410 cancer patients versus 853 patients for PCT-W (22.8% non-cancer patients). The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status at first contact with PCT-N was 3 or 4 in 39.3% of patients versus 79.0% for PCT-W. PCT-N was engaged in co-management longer than PCT-W (mean 20.7 days, range 1–102 versus mean 4.9 days, range 1–48). The most frequent patient-reported psychological symptom was anxiety (family anxiety: 98.3% PCT-W and 88.7% RO-W, anxiety 97.9% PCT-W and 85.9% RO-W), followed by depression (98.2% PCT-W and 80.3% RO-W). In 14 of the 148 deceased patients, PCT-N contact was initiated less than 3 days before death (9.4%) versus 121 of the 729 deceased PCT-W patients (16.6%). Psychological needs are highly relevant in both Germany and Japan, with more than 85% anxiety and depression in patients in the Japanese IPOS validation study (Sakurai in Jpn J Clin Oncol 49(3):257–262, 2019). This should be taken into account when implementing PCTs. KW - hospital-based palliative care KW - patient-reported outcome KW - quaility indicator KW - anxiety KW - depression Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235675 SN - 0300-9564 VL - 127 ER - TY - THES A1 - Grabenbauer, Felix T1 - Radiosensibilisierung humaner Tumorzelllinien unterschiedlicher Entitäten durch den MEK-Inhibitor PD184352 allein oder in Kombination mit dem HSP90-Inhibitor NVP-AUY922: Einfluss der Behandlungsschemas T1 - Radiosensitization of human tumor cell lines of different entities by the MEK inhibitor PD184352 alone or in combination with the HSP90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922: Influence of the treatment regimen N2 - Das Targeting des MEK-Proteins in Krebszellen führt in der Regel zu einer erworbenen Resistenz gegen MEK-Inhibitoren und zur Aktivierung des überlebenswichtigen Proteins Akt. Da sowohl MEK als auch Akt Clienten des Hsp90-Chaperonsystems sind, untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit die Reaktionen von bestrahlten Lungenkarzinom- (A549) und Glioblastom- (SNB19) Zelllinien auf eine kombinierte MEK- und Hsp90-Hemmung. Unerwarteterweise verbesserte der 24 h vor der Bestrahlung verabreichte MEK-Inhibitor PD184352 das Zellüberleben durch Hochregulation von MEK und Erk1/2, aber auch von Akt. Im Gegensatz dazu reduzierte PD184352, das 1 h vor der Bestrahlung zugegeben wurde, die Expression von Erk stark und regulierte Akt in beiden Zelllinien nicht hoch. Als Ergebnis verstärkte der MEK-Inhibitor die radiosensibilisierende Wirkung des Hsp90-Inhibitors NVP-AUY922 in Glioblastomzellen (SNB19). N2 - Targeting MEK protein in cancer cells usually leads to acquired resistance to MEK inhibitors and activation of the prosurvival protein Akt. Since both MEK and Akt are clients of the Hsp90 chaperone system, the present study explores the responses of irradiated lung carcinoma A549 and glioblastoma SNB19 cell lines to combined MEK and Hsp90 inhibition. Unexpectedly, the MEK inhibitor PD184352 administered 24 h prior to irradiation, enhanced cell survival through upregulation of not only MEK and Erk1/2 but also of Akt. In contrast, PD184352 added 1 h before irradiation strongly reduced the expression of Erk and did not upregulate Akt in both cell lines. As a result, the MEK inhibitor increased the radiosensitizing effect of the Hsp90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922 in glioblastoma SNB19 cells. KW - Strahlenbiologie KW - A549 KW - Zellforschung KW - Radiosensibilisierung KW - Humane Tumorzelllinien KW - SNB19 KW - MEK-Inhibition KW - PD184352 KW - CI-1040 KW - HSP90-Inhibition KW - NVP-AUY922 KW - AUY-922 KW - Luminespib Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239790 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hecht, Markus A1 - Meier, Friedegund A1 - Zimmer, Lisa A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Loquai, Carmen A1 - Weishaupt, Carsten A1 - Forschner, Andrea A1 - Gutzmer, Ralf A1 - Utikal, Jochen S. A1 - Goldinger, Simone M. A1 - Geier, Michael A1 - Hassel, Jessica C. A1 - Balermpas, Panagiotis A1 - Kiecker, Felix A1 - Rauschenberg, Ricarda A1 - Dietrich, Ursula A1 - Clemens, Patrick A1 - Berking, Carola A1 - Grabenbauer, Gerhard A1 - Schadendorf, Dirk A1 - Grabbe, Stephan A1 - Schuler, Gerold A1 - Fietkau, Rainer A1 - Distel, Luitpold V. A1 - Heinzerling, Lucie T1 - Clinical outcome of concomitant vs interrupted BRAF inhibitor therapy during radiotherapy in melanoma patients JF - British Journal of Cancer N2 - Background: Concomitant radiation with BRAF inhibitor (BRAFi) therapy may increase radiation-induced side effects but also potentially improve tumour control in melanoma patients. Methods: A total of 155 patients with BRAF-mutated melanoma from 17 European skin cancer centres were retrospectively analysed. Out of these, 87 patients received concomitant radiotherapy and BRAFi (59 vemurafenib, 28 dabrafenib), while in 68 patients BRAFi therapy was interrupted during radiation (51 vemurafenib, 17 dabrafenib). Overall survival was calculated from the first radiation (OSRT) and from start of BRAFi therapy (OSBRAFi). Results: The median duration of BRAFi treatment interruption prior to radiotherapy was 4 days and lasted for 17 days. Median OSRT and OSBRAFi in the entire cohort were 9.8 and 12.6 months in the interrupted group and 7.3 and 11.5 months in the concomitant group (P=0.075/P=0.217), respectively. Interrupted vemurafenib treatment with a median OSRT and OSBRAFi of 10.1 and 13.1 months, respectively, was superior to concomitant vemurafenib treatment with a median OSRT and OSBRAFi of 6.6 and 10.9 months (P=0.004/P=0.067). Interrupted dabrafenib treatment with a median OSRT and OSBRAFi of 7.7 and 9.8 months, respectively, did not differ from concomitant dabrafenib treatment with a median OSRT and OSBRAFi of 9.9 and 11.6 months (P=0.132/P=0.404). Median local control of the irradiated area did not differ in the interrupted and concomitant BRAFi treatment groups (P=0.619). Skin toxicity of grade ≥2 (CTCAE) was significantly increased in patients with concomitant vemurafenib compared to the group with treatment interruption (P=0.002). Conclusions: Interruption of vemurafenib treatment during radiation was associated with better survival and less toxicity compared to concomitant treatment. Due to lower number of patients, the relevance of treatment interruption in dabrafenib treated patients should be further investigated. The results of this analysis indicate that treatment with the BRAFi vemurafenib should be interrupted during radiotherapy. Prospective studies are desperately needed. KW - radiation KW - radiotherapy KW - BRAF KW - vemurafenib KW - dabrafenib Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-227970 VL - 118 ER - TY - THES A1 - Dalkmann, Theresa T1 - Evaluierung prognostischer und prädiktiver Biomarker beim neoadjuvant vorbehandelten Rektumkarzinom T1 - Evaluation of prognostic and predictive biomarkers for neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) N2 - Fragestellung. Osteopontin (OPN) kann im Blut nachgewiesen werden und wird bei vielen Tumorentitäten exprimiert, wie auch der Tyrosinkinaserezeptor c-Met und sein Ligand, das Zytokin Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF). In der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchten wir die prognostische und prädiktive Wertigkeit der Plasmakonzentrationen von OPN, c-Met und HGF bei Patienten mit lokal fortgeschrittenem Rektumkarzinom (LARC). Methodik. Das Plasma von 63 Patienten mit LARC wurde untersucht. Die Blutentnahmen (EDTA-Plasma) erfolgten vor Therapiebeginn sowie im Verlauf. Die Plasmaspiegel von OPN, c-Met und HGF wurden mittels Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay analysiert. Die Konzentrationen wurden auf eine Korrelation mit den klinischen Parametern untersucht. Ergebnisse. 68 Patienten wurden neoadjuvant mit einer Radiochemotherapie behandelt, 63 Blutproben wurden untersucht. Initial befanden sich nach UICC 14 Patienten in Stadium II, 47 in Stadium III und 7 in Stadium IV. Das mediane Follow-Up betrug 29,87 Monate. 20 der 68 Patienten (29,4 %) verstarben, 19 entwickelten Fernmetastasen. OPN korrelierte signifikant mit dem Überleben (p=0,001). OPN-Werte korrelierten mit dem pT-Stadium (R:0,445 p=0,018) und dem pUICC-Stadium (R:0,412 p=0,018), sowie mit dem Auftreten von Fernmetastasen (R:0,271 p=0,031). Eine Korrelation zwischen OPN und dem Therapieansprechen konnte gezeigt werden: pathologisch komplette Remission (pCR) (R:0,379 p=0,001), NAR-Score (R:0,373 p=0,015), TRG (R:0,380 p=0,020). Die logistische Regressionsanalyse ergab eine Prädiktivität OPNs für pCR (OR:0,990 p=0,009), NAR-Score (OR:1,008 p=0,007), TRG (OR:0,459 p=0,008). C-Met und HGF korrelierten nicht mit dem Überleben. Für c-Met und HGF ergab sich keine Korrelation zu initialen klinischen Daten und Therapieansprechen. Die logistische Regression ergab keinen prädiktiven Wert. Schlussfolgerung. Die Plasmakonzentration von OPN besitzt prognostische und prädiktive Wertigkeit beim LARC. Die Konzentrationen von c-Met und HGF sind nicht prognostisch für das Überleben oder prädiktiv für das Therapieansprechen. N2 - Purpose. The glycoprotein Osteopontin (OPN), tyrosine kinase receptor c-Met and it´s ligand Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) can be detectet in blood and are known to be overexpressed in many kinds of human cancer. Here we examine their prognostic and predictive value in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC). Patients and methods. In a monocentric prospective study EDTA-plasma was drawn from patients who received neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in LARC. Blood samples were taken before CRT and at different timepoints during the follow-up. We used an Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) to analyse the plasma concentrations of OPN, c-Met and HGF. Results. 68 patients (48 males, 20 females) were included. Blood samples were drawn from 63 patients. Initially, 14 patients had UICC stage II, 47 had UICC stage III and 7 had UICC stage IV. Median follow-up was 29,9 months. 20 out of 68 patients died during follow-up (29,4 %), 19 developed metastasis (27,9 %). Patients with OPN median (91,8 % vs. 58,6 %, p = 0,001). Higher OPN-concentrations were correlated with pT (R = 0,445, p = 0,018), postoperative UICC (R = 0,412, p = 0,018) and metastasis (R = 0,271, p = 0,031). Pretherapeutical OPN levels were significantly different depending on the response to CRT: 415,9 ± 62,6 ng/ml in patients with pathological complete response (pCR) vs. 703,3 ± 285,9 ng/ml in patients with pathological incomplete response (pIR), p < 0,001). Logistic regression showed a predictive value of OPN for pCR (OR = 0,990, p = 0,009). Pretherapeutic c-Met and HGF concentrations were not associated with survival rates. There was no correlation between initial c-Met or HGF and clinical characteristics. There was von predictive value for c-Met or HGF. Conclusion. Osteopontin plasma levels might have prognostic and predictive value in LARC. We could not find a prognostic or predictive significance for c-Met or HGF. KW - Biomarker KW - Neoadjuvant vorbehandeltes Rektumkarzinom KW - prognostische und prädiktive Biomarker KW - prognostic and predictive biomarker KW - locally advanced rectal cancer KW - neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy KW - Mastdarmkrebs KW - Rektumkarzinom KW - Neodadjuvant KW - prognostische KW - prädiktive Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-363368 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Greber, Johannes A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Bratengeier, Klaus T1 - Properties of the anisotropy of dose contributions: A planning study on prostate cases JF - Medical Physics N2 - Purpose To characterize the static properties of the anisotropy of dose contributions for different treatment techniques on real patient data (prostate cases). From this, we aim to define a class of treatment techniques with invariant anisotropy distribution carrying information of target coverage and organ-at-risk (OAR) sparing. The anisotropy presumably is a helpful quantity for plan adaptation problems. Methods The anisotropy field is analyzed for different intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) techniques for a total of ten planning CTs of prostate cases. Primary irradiation directions ranged from 5 to 15. The uniqueness of anisotropy was explored: In particular, the anisotropy distribution inside the planning treatment volume (PTV) and in its vicinity was investigated. Furthermore, deviations of the anisotropy under beam rotations were explored by direct plan comparison as an indicating the susceptibility of each planned technique to changes in the geometric plan configuration. In addition, plan comparisons enabled the categorization of treatment techniques in terms of their anisotropy distribution. Results The anisotropy profile inside the PTV and in the transition between OAR and PTV is independent of the treatment technique as long as a sufficient number of beams contribute to the dose distribution. Techniques with multiple beams constitute a class of almost identical and technique-independent anisotropy distribution. For this class of techniques, substructures of the anisotropy are particularly pronounced in the PTV, thus offering good options for applying adaptation rules. Additionally, the techniques forming the mentioned class fortunately allow a better OAR sparing at constant PTV coverage. Besides the characterization of the distribution, a pairwise plan comparison reveals each technique's susceptibility to deviations which decreases for an increasing number of primary irradiation directions. Conclusions Techniques using many irradiation directions form a class of almost identical anisotropy distributions which are assumed to provide a basis for improved adaptation procedures. Encouragingly, these techniques deliver quite invariant anisotropy distributions with respect to rotations correlated with good plan qualities than techniques using few gantry angles. The following will be the next steps toward anisotropy-based adaptation: first, the quantification of anisotropy regarding organ deformations; and second, establishing the interrelation between the anisotropy and beam shaping. KW - adaptation KW - IMRT KW - radiotherapy KW - VMAT Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-228237 VL - 46 ER -