TY - JOUR A1 - Samper Agrelo, Iria A1 - Schira-Heinen, Jessica A1 - Beyer, Felix A1 - Groh, Janos A1 - Bütermann, Christine A1 - Estrada, Veronica A1 - Poschmann, Gereon A1 - Bribian, Ana A1 - Jadasz, Janusz J. A1 - Lopez-Mascaraque, Laura A1 - Kremer, David A1 - Martini, Rudolf A1 - Müller, Hans Werner A1 - Hartung, Hans Peter A1 - Adjaye, James A1 - Stühler, Kai A1 - Küry, Patrick T1 - Secretome analysis of mesenchymal stem cell factors fostering oligodendroglial differentiation of neural stem cells in vivo JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-secreted factors have been shown to significantly promote oligodendrogenesis from cultured primary adult neural stem cells (aNSCs) and oligodendroglial precursor cells (OPCs). Revealing underlying mechanisms of how aNSCs can be fostered to differentiate into a specific cell lineage could provide important insights for the establishment of novel neuroregenerative treatment approaches aiming at myelin repair. However, the nature of MSC-derived differentiation and maturation factors acting on the oligodendroglial lineage has not been identified thus far. In addition to missing information on active ingredients, the degree to which MSC-dependent lineage instruction is functional in vivo also remains to be established. We here demonstrate that MSC-derived factors can indeed stimulate oligodendrogenesis and myelin sheath generation of aNSCs transplanted into different rodent central nervous system (CNS) regions, and furthermore, we provide insights into the underlying mechanism on the basis of a comparative mass spectrometry secretome analysis. We identified a number of secreted proteins known to act on oligodendroglia lineage differentiation. Among them, the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase type 1 (TIMP-1) was revealed to be an active component of the MSC-conditioned medium, thus validating our chosen secretome approach. KW - neural stem cells KW - mesenchymal stem cells KW - transplantation KW - oligodendroglia KW - glial fate modulation KW - myelin KW - spinal cord KW - secretome KW - TIMP-1 Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-285465 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 21 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rauschenberger, Lisa A1 - Knorr, Susanne A1 - Pisani, Antonio A1 - Hallett, Mark A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Ip, Chi Wang T1 - Second hit hypothesis in dystonia: Dysfunctional cross talk between neuroplasticity and environment? JF - Neurobiology of Disease N2 - One of the great mysteries in dystonia pathophysiology is the role of environmental factors in disease onset and development. Progress has been made in defining the genetic components of dystonic syndromes, still the mechanisms behind the discrepant relationship between dystonic genotype and phenotype remain largely unclear. Within this review, the preclinical and clinical evidence for environmental stressors as disease modifiers in dystonia pathogenesis are summarized and critically evaluated. The potential role of extragenetic factors is discussed in monogenic as well as adult-onset isolated dystonia. The available clinical evidence for a "second hit" is analyzed in light of the reduced penetrance of monogenic dystonic syndromes and put into context with evidence from animal and cellular models. The contradictory studies on adult-onset dystonia are discussed in detail and backed up by evidence from animal models. Taken together, there is clear evidence of a gene-environment interaction in dystonia, which should be considered in the continued quest to unravel dystonia pathophysiology. KW - dystonia KW - second hit KW - pathophysiology KW - gene-environment interaction Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265028 VL - 159 ER - TY - THES A1 - Teuteberg, Philipp Wilhelm Friedemann T1 - Schmerzhafte Mononeuropathie an C57BL/6 Mäusen: Studien mit neutralisierenden Antikörpern gegen Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor Alpha an zwei verschiedenen Läsionsmodellen T1 - XX N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit zwei Modellen einer schmerzhaften Mononeuropathie an der C57BL/6-Maus sowie deren Beeinflussung durch neutralisierende AK gegen TNF. Dafür wurden die Nn. ischiadici der Mäuse operativ manipuliert, zum einen in Form der CCI durch drei den Nerven einschnürende Ligaturen und zum anderen in Form der PST durch Heraustrennen eines Drittels des Nervendurchmessers. Beide Operationsmodelle lösten bei den Mäusen eine schmerzhafte Neuropathie aus. Es wurde untersucht, inwieweit zum Zeitpunkt der jeweiligen Operation oder am 4. postoperativen Tag applizierte TNF-AK das Schmerz-assoziierte Verhalten beeinflussen konnten und ob diese Behandlung einen Einfluß auf die Zytokinexpression im Endoneurium, auf den Makrophageneinstrom und auf die Nervenregeneration hatte. Hierzu wurden Verhaltenstests sowie immunhistochemische und morphometrische Methoden verwendet. Aus den vorliegenden Ergebnissen kann geschlossen werden, daß der bei CCI vermutete Einfluß der epineuralen Entzündung auf das Schmerz-assoziierte Verhalten kleiner ist als ursprünglich angenommen. Die Tatsache, daß zumindest auf einen Parameter (Hitzehyperalgesie) nicht nur die präventive sondern auch die therapeutische TNF-Hemmung wirksam war, läßt auf einen Einsatz von TNF-Hemmern bei bestimmten Formen des neuropathischen Schmerzes zur Therapieergänzung hoffen. Obwohl die TNF-Hemmung in den hier verwendeten Dosen und Applikationsweisen keinen Einfluß auf die endoneurale Zytokinexpression, Makrophagendichte und Regeneration hatte, sollten zukünftige Studien diese Parameter unter variierten Applikationsbedingungen genauer untersuchen. KW - Mononeuropathie KW - Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor KW - Allodynie KW - Hyperalgesie KW - Neuropathic Pain KW - Chronic Constriction Injury KW - Partial Sciatic Transection Y1 - 2003 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-5346 ER - TY - THES A1 - Papagianni, Aikaterini T1 - Schmerz-assoziierte elektrisch evozierte Potentiale (PREP) bei Patienten mit neuropathischen Schmerzsyndromen T1 - Pain-related evoked potentials (PREP) in patients with neuropathic pain N2 - In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 32 Patienten (19 Frauen, 13 Männer, medianes Alter 50 Jahren, Spanne: 26-83 Jahre) mit einem klinisch akralen neuropathischen Schmerzsyndrom unterschiedlicher Genese mittels QST, PREP und Hautbiopsie untersucht. Unser Patientenkollektiv bestand aus drei Subgruppen: sechsen Patienten erfüllten die Kriterien einer SFN, acht Patienten hatten eine Neuropathie der großkalibrigen Nervenfasern mit zusätzlicher Beeinträchtigung der kleinkalibrigen Nervenfasern und weitere acht Patienten hatten ein akrales Schmerzsyndrom mit neuropathischen Charakteristika, ohne vorbekannte Diagnose einer Neuropathie der groß- oder kleinkalibrigen Nervenfasern. Die Patienten wurden mittels klinischer neurologischer Untersuchung, elektrophysiologischer Tests, QST, PREP und Hautbiopsie untersucht. Die Patientendaten wurden jeweils mit Daten großer Kontrollgruppen verglichen, die wir in unserer Klinik unter Angehörigen und Freunden unserer Patienten mit deren Einwilligung rekrutiert hatten. QST und die Hautbiopsie waren bei Patienten mit SFN und PNP jeweils auffällig, bei akralem Schmerzsyndrom unklarer Ätiologie hingegen unauffällig. Nach elektrischer kutaner Stimulation aller drei Körperregionen zeigte sich eine Amplitudenminderung der PREP-Reizantwort in allen Patientensubgruppen (7,5 µV in der SFN-Gruppe, 3,8 µV in der PNP-Gruppe, und 11,3 µV bei den Patienten mit akralem Schmerzsyndrom). Somit konnten wir zeigen, dass eine Kleinfaserpathologie in der Studienpopulation von Patienten mit neuropathischem Schmerzsyndrom besteht. Nur die Amplitudenminderung der PREP bildet diese Pathologie ab. Diese Daten erlauben uns die eingangs aufgestellte Hypothese, dass PREP zur Diagnostik bei Frage nach Kleinfaserbeteiligung geeignet ist, positiv zu belegen. PREP ist eine nicht-invasive Methode für die Evaluation der Funktion v.a. der Aδ-Faser mit standardisiertem Ablaufprotokoll zur Erhebung von reproduzierbaren Daten. Sie kann bei Patienten mit der Anamnese eines akralen neuropathischen Schmerzsyndroms einen objektiven Hinweis auf eine Dysfunktion der kleinkalibrigen Nervenfasern, auch wenn bereits etablierte Methoden (QST und Hautbiopsie) unauffällig bleiben, erbringen. Entsprechend können die PREP eine wertvolle Ergänzung der klinischen Untersuchungsbatterie für die Evaluation der Funktion der kleinkalibrigen Nervenfasern sein. N2 - 32 adult patients (19 female, 13 male, median age 50 years, range 26-83) suffering from acral neuropathic pain were examined with QST, PREP and skin punch biopsy. Applying current diagnostic criteria and the results of the neurophysiological studies, 16/32 (50%) patients were classified as having idiopathic SFN (Devigili et al., 2008), 8/32 (25%) patients had a mixed fiber neuropathy (MFN, i.e. large and small fiber neuropathy), and 8/32 (25%) patients had neuropathic pain without signs of a large fiber neuropathy or SFN. Patients with SFN and mixed fiber neuropathy were having pathological findings in the skin punch biopsy (reduction of the intraepidermal nerve fiber density-IENFD), while normal findings were seen in patients with acral neuropathic pain Pain related evoked potentials after electrical skin stimulation at three body regions (face, hand, foot) revealed reduction of the peak-to-peak amplitude (PPA) in all patient-groups. Therefore, PREP was the only test providing findings of a small fiber impairment in patients with acral neuropathic pain even when QST and skin punch biopsy remained normal. PREP, as non-invasive method for the evaluation of the Aδ-pathways can be proposed as a valuable additional test for the evaluation of small fiber dysfunction in patients with neuropathic pain syndromes. KW - PREP KW - neuropathischer Schmerz KW - small-fiber-Neuropathie KW - pain related evoked potentials KW - small fiber neuropathy KW - neuropathic pain KW - Schmerz-assoziierte elektrisch evozierte Potentiale Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159728 ER - TY - THES A1 - Auchter, Antonia T1 - Schlafassoziierte Veränderung der lokalen Feldpotential Aktivität im Nucleus subthalamicus bei Patienten mit Morbus Parkinson T1 - Sleep-associated changes in local field potential activity in the nucleus subthalamicus in patients with Parkinson's disease N2 - Die tiefe Hirnstimulation ist eine etablierte und hocheffiziente operative Behandlungsmethode für Patienten mit idiopathischem Parkinson- Syndrom (IPS). Als Zielgebiet dient in den meisten Fällen der Nucleus subthalamicus. Die Indikationen zur Implantation einer tiefen Hirnstimulation (THS) sind medikamentös nicht behandelbare motorische Fluktuationen und Dyskinesien oder ein medikamentös nicht kontrollierbarer Tremor. Bislang erfolgt eine kontinuierliche Stimulation. Little et al. konnten jedoch bereits in ihrer 2013 veröffentlichen Studie zeigen, dass eine adaptive Stimulation, gemessen am UPDRS, um 27 % effektiver war und entsprechend die Stimulationszeit um 56 % gesenkt werden konnte. Voraussetzung für die Anwendbarkeit einer adaptiven Stimulation im klinischen Alltag ist der Nachweis eines oder mehrerer Physiomarker, welche als Rückkopplungssignal für den Stimulationsbeginn dienen. Diese Marker müssen verlässlich mit dem Auftreten und der Ausprägung der Bewegungsstörungen korrelieren. Die Systeme müssen die Signale auslesen und entsprechend darauf reagieren können, damit ein sogenanntes Closed- loop- Verfahren entstehen kann. Bei diesen Markern handelt es sich um sogenannte lokale Feldpotenzialaktivitäten, das heißt niederfrequente Potentialänderungen von Zellen in subkortikalen Arealen des Gehirns, welche über Elektroden der THS abgeleitet werden können. Der Stimulator Activa PC+S (Medtronic) ermöglicht es erstmalig Aufzeichnungen von LFP- Daten, außerhalb eines experimentellen Laboraufbaus, mittels dauerhaft implantiertem Gerät vorzunehmen und damit auch Langzeitanalysen durchzuführen. Erkenntnisse vergangener Studien ergaben, dass die synchronisierte, pathologisch gesteigerte oszillatorische Aktivität im Beta-Frequenzband (13- 35 Hz) eine bedeutende Rolle im Bezug auf die Pathophysiologie des IPS spielt und als krankheitsspezifische Aktivität gilt. Es konnte bereits belegt werden, dass die Verbesserung der motorischen Symptome (Bradykinese und Rigor) mit dem Ausmaß der Suppression der Betaband- Aktivität korreliert. Die Betabandaktivität als lokale Feldpotentialaktivität kann als Physiomarker einer adaptiven Stimulation dienen. Unser Hauptaugenmerk galt daher der Analyse der Betabandaktivität oder anderer Frequenzbereiche während des Schlafes um hier die THS bedarfsgerecht einzusetzen. Hierfür wurden nächtliche subkortikale LFP- Aufzeichnungen parallel zur Schlaf- Polysomnographie durchgeführt. Zudem erfolgte in der vorliegenden Arbeit sowohl in unserem Vorversuch als auch in unserem Hauptversuch die Anwendung des UPDRS Teil III zur Erfassung der motorischen Symptome, sowie die Durchführung von Fragebögen zur Erfassung der nicht- motorischen Symptome, insbesondere des Schlafes vor und nach Implantation der tiefen Hirnstimulation. Wir konnten belegen, dass es nach Implantation der THS zu einer Erhöhung der Schlafeffizienz und zu einer Erhöhung des Anteils der Schlafstadien II und III und damit einhergehend zu einer Steigerung der Schlafqualität kommt. Übereinstimmend mit anderen Studien konnten wir zeigen, dass sich die Motorik unter Stimulation deutlich verbessert. Im Vorversuch reduzierte sich der mittlere präoperative MDS- UPDRS III im MedsOFF verglichen mit dem mittleren postoperativ MDS- UPDRS III im MedsOFF/StimON um 37 %. In der PC+S- Studie imponierte eine Reduktion um 67%. Zudem zeigte sich eine Reduktion der nicht- motorischen Symptome durch die THS, insbesondere in der Kategorie Schlaf. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit ergaben außerdem, dass die Betabandaktivität im Schlafstadium II und vor allem im Schlafstadium III am geringsten ist. Im Schlafstadium I und REM ist die Betabandaktivität höher als im Schlafstadium II und III. Hierbei war entscheidend, dass die Patienten eine klar abgrenzbare Betabandaktivität im Wachstadium aufwiesen und die Elektrodenkontakte im dorsolateralen Kerngebiet des STN lokalisiert waren. Gegenläufig dazu verhält sich die Deltaaktivität. Sie ist im Schlafstadium II und besonders im Stadium III am höchsten. Stadium I ist mit durchschnittlich um 7,3 % niedriger als im Wachstadium. Am geringsten ist sie jedoch im REM-Schlafstadium. Indem wir mit der Betabandaktivität und Deltaaktivität in den einzelnen Schlafstadien einen stabilen und reproduzierbaren Physiomarker finden konnten, sind wir unserem Ziel der adaptiven THS ein Stück näher gekommen. N2 - Deep brain stimulation is an established and highly efficient surgical treatment modality for patients with idiopathic Parkinson's syndrome (IPS). The target area in most cases is the subthalamic nucleus. The indications for implantation of deep brain stimulation (THS) are motor fluctuations and dyskinesias that cannot be treated with medication or tremor that cannot be controlled with medication. To date, continuous stimulation has been used. However, Little et al. were already able to show in their study published in 2013 that adaptive stimulation was 27% more effective, as measured by UPDRS, and that the stimulation time could be reduced by 56% accordingly. A prerequisite for the applicability of adaptive stimulation in clinical practice is the detection of one or more physiomarkers that serve as feedback signals for the onset of stimulation. These markers must correlate reliably with the occurrence and severity of movement disorders. The systems must be able to read out the signals and react to them accordingly, so that a so-called closed-loop procedure can be created. These markers are so-called local field potential activities, i.e. low-frequency potential changes of cells in subcortical areas of the brain, which can be derived via electrodes of the THS. The Activa PC+S stimulator (Medtronic) makes it possible for the first time to record LFP data outside of an experimental laboratory setup using a permanently implanted device and thus also to perform long-term analyses. Findings of past studies revealed that synchronized, pathologically enhanced oscillatory activity in the beta frequency band (13- 35 Hz) plays a significant role in relation to the pathophysiology of IPS and is considered disease-specific activity. It has already been demonstrated that the improvement of motor symptoms (bradykinesia and rigor) correlates with the extent of suppression of beta-band activity. Beta-band activity as local field potential activity may serve as a physiomarker of adaptive stimulation. Therefore, our main focus was on the analysis of beta-band activity or other frequency ranges during sleep in order to apply THS as needed. For this purpose, nocturnal subcortical LFP recordings were performed in parallel to sleep polysomnography. In addition, the UPDRS Part III was used to record motor symptoms in our preliminary trial as well as in our main trial, and questionnaires were administered to record nonmotor symptoms, especially sleep before and after implantation of deep brain stimulation. We were able to prove that after implantation of THS there is an increase in sleep efficiency and an increase in the proportion of sleep stages II and III and thus an associated increase in sleep quality. Consistent with other studies, we demonstrated that motor function improves significantly under stimulation. In the preliminary trial, the mean preoperative MDS- UPDRS III in MedsOFF was reduced by 37% compared with the mean postoperative MDS- UPDRS III in MedsOFF/StimON. In the PC+S- study, a reduction of 67% was impressive. In addition, THS showed a reduction in non-motor symptoms, especially in the sleep category. The results of the present work also revealed that beta-band activity is lowest in sleep stage II and especially in sleep stage III. In sleep stage I and REM, beta-band activity is higher than in sleep stage II and III. Here, it was crucial that the patients showed a clearly delineable beta-band activity in the waking stage and that the electrode contacts were localized in the dorsolateral nucleus area of the STN. Opposite to this is the delta activity. It is highest in sleep stage II and especially in stage III. Stage I is lower than in the waking stage, with an average of 7.3%. However, it is lowest in the REM sleep stage. By finding a stable and reproducible physiomarker with beta band activity and delta activity in the individual sleep stages, we have come a step closer to our goal of adaptive THS. KW - Parkinson KW - Lokale Feldpotentialaktivität KW - Nucleus subthalamicus Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237822 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Steinhardt, Maximilian J. A1 - Cejka, Vladimir A1 - Chen, Mengmeng A1 - Bäuerlein, Sabrina A1 - Schäfer, Julia A1 - Adrah, Ali A1 - Ihne-Schubert, Sandra M. A1 - Papagianni, Aikaterini A1 - Kortüm, K. Martin A1 - Morbach, Caroline A1 - Störk, Stefan T1 - Safety and tolerability of SGLT2 inhibitors in cardiac amyloidosis — a clinical feasibility study JF - Journal of Clinical Medicine N2 - Sodium-glucose transport protein 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) slow the progression of renal dysfunction and improve the prognosis of patients with heart failure. Amyloidosis constitutes an important subgroup for which evidence is lacking. Amyloidotic fibrils originating from misfolded transthyretin and light chains are the causal agents in ATTR and AL amyloidosis. In these most frequent subtypes, cardiac involvement is the most common organ manifestation. Because cardiac and renal function frequently deteriorate over time, even under best available treatment, SGLT2i emerge as a promising treatment option due to their reno- and cardioprotective properties. We retrospectively analyzed patients with cardiac amyloidosis, who received either dapagliflozin or empagliflozin. Out of 79 patients, 5.1% had urinary tract infections; 2 stopped SGLT2i therapy; and 2.5% died unrelated to the intake of SGLT2i. No genital mycotic infections were observed. As expected, a slight drop in the glomerular filtration rate was noted, while the NYHA functional status, cardiac and hepatic function, as well as the 6 min walk distance remained stable over time. These data provide a rationale for the use of SGLT2i in patients with amyloidosis and concomitant cardiac or renal dysfunction. Prospective randomized data are desired to confirm safety and to prove efficacy in this increasingly important group of patients. KW - heart failure KW - chronic kidney disease KW - amyloidosis KW - SGLT2 inhibitors Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-356024 SN - 2077-0383 VL - 13 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Vogt, Marius L. A1 - Kollikowski, Alexander M. A1 - Weidner, Franziska A1 - Strinitz, Marc A1 - Feick, Jörn A1 - Essig, Fabian A1 - Neugebauer, Herrmann A1 - Haeusler, Karl Georg A1 - Pham, Mirko A1 - Maerz, Alexander T1 - Safety and Effectiveness of the New Generation APERIO® Hybrid Stent-retriever Device in Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke JF - Clinical Neuroradiology N2 - Background It is unknown whether technological advancement of stent-retriever devices influences typical observational indicators of safety or effectiveness. Methods Observational retrospective study of APERIO® (AP) vs. new generation APERIO® Hybrid (APH) (Acandis®, Pforzheim, Germany) stent-retriever device (01/2019–09/2020) for mechanical thrombectomy (MT) in large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke. Primary effectiveness endpoint was successful recanalization eTICI (expanded Thrombolysis In Cerebral Ischemia) ≥ 2b67, primary safety endpoint was occurrence of hemorrhagic complications after MT. Secondary outcome measures were time from groin puncture to first pass and successful reperfusion, and the total number of passes needed to achieve the final recanalization result. Results A total of 298 patients with LVO stroke who were treated by MT matched the inclusion criteria: 148 patients (49.7%) treated with AP vs. 150 patients (50.3%) treated with new generation APH. Successful recanalization was not statistically different between both groups: 75.7% for AP vs. 79.3% for APH; p = 0.450. Postinterventional hemorrhagic complications and particularly subarachnoid hemorrhage as the entity possibly associated with stent-retriever device type was significantly less frequent in the group treated with the APH: 29.7% for AP and 16.0% for APH; p = 0.005; however, rates of symptomatic hemorrhage with clinical deterioration and in domo mortality were not statistically different. Neither the median number of stent-retriever passages needed to achieve final recanalization, time from groin puncture to first pass, time from groin puncture to final recanalization nor the number of cases in which successful recanalization could only be achieved by using a different stent-retriever as bail-out device differed between both groups. Conclusion In the specific example of the APERIO® stent-retriever device, we observed that further technological developments of the new generation device were not associated with disadvantages with respect to typical observational indicators of safety or effectiveness. KW - APERIO Hybrid KW - mechanical thrombectomy KW - stent-retriever device KW - stroke KW - APERIO Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-264817 VL - 32 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tony, Hans-Peter A1 - Burmester, Gerd A1 - Schulze-Koops, Hendrik A1 - Grunke, Mathias A1 - Henes, Joerg A1 - Kötter, Ina A1 - Haas, Judith A1 - Unger, Leonore A1 - Lovric, Svjetlana A1 - Haubitz, Marion A1 - Fischer-Betz, Rebecca A1 - Chehab, Gamal A1 - Rubbert-Roth, Andrea A1 - Specker, Christof A1 - Weinerth, Jutta A1 - Holle, Julia A1 - Müller-Ladner, Ulf A1 - König, Ramona A1 - Fiehn, Christoph A1 - Burgwinkel, Philip A1 - Budde, Klemens A1 - Sörensen, Helmut A1 - Meurer, Michael A1 - Aringer, Martin A1 - Kieseier, Bernd A1 - Erfurt-Berge, Cornelia A1 - Sticherling, Michael A1 - Veelken, Roland A1 - Ziemann, Ulf A1 - Strutz, Frank A1 - von Wussow, Praxis A1 - Meier, Florian MP A1 - Hunzelmann, Nico A1 - Schmidt, Enno A1 - Bergner, Raoul A1 - Schwarting, Andreas A1 - Eming, Rüdiger A1 - Schwarz-Eywill, Michael A1 - Wassenberg, Siegfried A1 - Fleck, Martin A1 - Metzler, Claudia A1 - Zettl, Uwe A1 - Westphal, Jens A1 - Heitmann, Stefan A1 - Herzog, Anna L. A1 - Wiendl, Heinz A1 - Jakob, Waltraud A1 - Schmidt, Elvira A1 - Freivogel, Klaus A1 - Dörner, Thomas A1 - Hertl, Michael A1 - Stadler, Rudolf T1 - Safety and clinical outcomes of rituximab therapy in patients with different autoimmune diseases: experience from a national registry (GRAID) JF - Arthritis Research & Therapy N2 - Introduction: Evidence from a number of open-label, uncontrolled studies has suggested that rituximab may benefit patients with autoimmune diseases who are refractory to standard-of-care. The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety and clinical outcomes of rituximab in several standard-of-care-refractory autoimmune diseases (within rheumatology, nephrology, dermatology and neurology) other than rheumatoid arthritis or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a real-life clinical setting. Methods: Patients who received rituximab having shown an inadequate response to standard-of-care had their safety and clinical outcomes data retrospectively analysed as part of the German Registry of Autoimmune Diseases. The main outcome measures were safety and clinical response, as judged at the discretion of the investigators. Results: A total of 370 patients (299 patient-years) with various autoimmune diseases (23.0% with systemic lupus erythematosus, 15.7% antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated granulomatous vasculitides, 15.1% multiple sclerosis and 10.0% pemphigus) from 42 centres received a mean dose of 2,440 mg of rituximab over a median (range) of 194 (180 to 1,407) days. The overall rate of serious infections was 5.3 per 100 patient-years during rituximab therapy. Opportunistic infections were infrequent across the whole study population, and mostly occurred in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. There were 11 deaths (3.0% of patients) after rituximab treatment (mean 11.6 months after first infusion, range 0.8 to 31.3 months), with most of the deaths caused by infections. Overall (n = 293), 13.3% of patients showed no response, 45.1% showed a partial response and 41.6% showed a complete response. Responses were also reflected by reduced use of glucocorticoids and various immunosuppressives during rituximab therapy and follow-up compared with before rituximab. Rituximab generally had a positive effect on patient well-being (physician’s visual analogue scale; mean improvement from baseline of 12.1 mm) KW - GRAID Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-142856 VL - 13 IS - R75 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wurmb, Thomas Erik A1 - Schlereth, Stefan A1 - Kredel, Markus A1 - Muellenbach, Ralf M. A1 - Wunder, Christian A1 - Brederlau, Jörg A1 - Roewer, Norbert A1 - Kenn, Werner A1 - Kunze, Ekkehard T1 - Routine Follow-Up Cranial Computed Tomography for Deeply Sedated, Intubated, and Ventilated Multiple Trauma Patients with Suspected Severe Head Injury JF - BioMed Research International N2 - Background. Missed or delayed detection of progressive neuronal damage after traumatic brain injury (TBI) may have negative impact on the outcome. We investigated whether routine follow-up CT is beneficial in sedated and mechanically ventilated trauma patients. Methods. The study design is a retrospective chart review. A routine follow-up cCT was performed 6 hours after the admission scan. We defined 2 groups of patients, group I: patients with equal or recurrent pathologies and group II: patients with new findings or progression of known pathologies. Results. A progression of intracranial injury was found in 63 patients (42%) and 18 patients (12%) had new findings in cCT 2 (group II). In group II a change in therapy was found in 44 out of 81 patients (54%). 55 patients with progression or new findings on the second cCT had no clinical signs of neurological deterioration. Of those 24 patients (44%) had therapeutic consequences due to the results of the follow-up cCT. Conclusion. We found new diagnosis or progression of intracranial pathology in 54% of the patients. In 54% of patients with new findings and progression of pathology, therapy was changed due to the results of follow-up cCT. In trauma patients who are sedated and ventilated for different reasons a routine follow-up CT is beneficial. KW - Computertomographie Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-120084 IS - 361949 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Albert-Weissenberger, Christiane A1 - Mencl, Stine A1 - Hopp, Sarah A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Siren, Anna-Leena T1 - Role of the kallikrein-kinin system in traumatic brain injury JF - Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience N2 - Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Despite improvements in acute intensive care, there are currently no specific therapies to ameliorate the effects of TBI. Successful therapeutic strategies for TBI should target multiple pathophysiologic mechanisms that occur at different stages of brain injury. The kallikrein-kinin system is a promising therapeutic target for TBI as it mediates key pathologic events of traumatic brain damage, such as edema formation, inflammation, and thrombosis. Selective and specific kinin receptor antagonists and inhibitors of plasma kallikrein and coagulation factor XII have been developed, and have already shown therapeutic efficacy in animal models of stroke and TBI. However, conflicting preclinical evaluation, as well as limited and inconclusive data from clinical trials in TBI, suggests that caution should be taken before transferring observations made in animals to humans. This review summarizes current evidence on the pathologic significance of the kallikrein-kinin system during TBI in animal models and, where available, the experimental findings are compared with human data. KW - bradykinin KW - factor XII KW - kallikrein–kinin system KW - kinin receptor KW - traumatic brain injury Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-118226 SN - 1662-5102 VL - 8 ER - TY - THES A1 - Subramanian, Narayan T1 - Role of NaV1.9 in activity dependent axon growth in embryonic cultured motoneurons T1 - Die Rolle der NaV1.9 in Aktivität abhängig Axonwachstum in embryonalen kultivierten Motoneuronen N2 - Spontaneous neural activity has been shown to regulate crucial events in neurite growth including axonal branching and path finding. In animal models of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) cultured embryonic mouse motoneurons show distinct defect in axon elongation and neural activity. This defect is governed by abnormal clustering of Ca2+ channels in the axonal regions and the protruding growth cone area. The mechanisms that regulate the opening of calcium channels in developing motoneurons are not yet clear. The question was addressed by blocking neural activity in embryonic cultured motoneurons by pharmacological inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC) by saxitoxin (STX) and tetrodotoxin (TTX). Low dosages of STX resulted in significant reduction of axon growth and neural activity in cultured motoneurons. This pharmacological treatment did not affect survival of motoneurons in comparison to control motoneurons that was grown in the presence of survival neurotrophic factors BDNF and CNTF. It was also found that STX was 10 times more potent than TTX a common inhibitor of VGSC with a reduced activity on the TTX-insensitive sodium channels NaV1.5, NaV1.8 and NaV1.9. Reverse Transcriptase-PCR experiments revealed the presence of NaV1.9 as the likely candidate that begins to express from embryonic stage sixteen in the mouse spinal cord. Immunolabelling experiments showed that the channel is expressed in the axonal compartments and axonal growth cones in cultured motoneurons. Suppression of NaV1.9 in cultured motoneurons by lentivirus mediated short hairpin-RNA (shRNA) resulted in shorter axon length in comparison with uninfected and scrambled constructs. Further, embryonic motoneurons cultured from NaV1.9 knockout mice also showed a significant reduction in neural activity and axon growth. The findings of this work highlight the role of NaV1.9 as an important contender in regulating activity dependent axon growth in embryonic cultured motoneurons. NaV1.9 could therefore be considered as a prospective molecule that could play an important role in regulating axon growth in motoneuron disease models like spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). N2 - Spontane neuronale Aktivität reguliert essentielle Ereignisse im Neuritenwachstum, wie beispielsweise die axonale Verzweigung und die Erkennung des Wachstumspfades. Motoneurone, die aus Tiermodellen der Spinalen Muskelatrophie (SMA) gewonnen werden, zeigen einen auffälligen Defekt im Streckenwachstum von Axonen und in der neuronalen Aktivität. Dieser Defekt wird von anormaler Clusterbildung von Ca2+ Kanälen in axonalen Regionen und in Wachstumskegeln begleitet. Die Mechanismen, die das Öffnen von Kalziumkanälen in embryonalen Motoneuronen in der Entwicklung regulieren, und die für das aktivitätsabhängige Axonwachstum benötigt werden, sind nicht bekannt. Diese Frage wurde in dieser Studie bearbeitet, indem neuronale Aktivität in embryonalen Motoneuronen durch pharmakologische Inhibition von spannungsabhängigen Natriumkanälen durch Saxitoxin (STX) und Tetrodotoxin blockiert wurde. Geringe Dosen von Saxitoxin bewirkten eine deutliche Reduktion des Axonwachstums und der neuronalen Aktivität in kultivierten Motoneuronen. Diese pharmakologische Behandlung beeinflusste nicht das Überleben von Motoneuronen im Vergleich zu Kontroll-Motoneuronen, die in der Anwesenheit der neurotrophen Faktoren BDNF und CNTF kultiviert wurden. Saxitoxin war etwa 5-10-mal potenter als TTX, ein üblicher Blocker spannungsabhängiger Natriumkanäle mit einer verminderte Aktivität auf die TTX-insensitiven Natriumkanäle NaV1.5, NaV1.8, und NaV1.9. Reverse-Transkriptase-PCR Experimente bestätigten die Anwesenheit von NaV1.9 am Tag E16 (embryonaler Tag 16) im Rückenmark der Maus. NaV1.9 ist ein einzigartiger Typus von einem Natriumkanal welcher in der Lage ist neuronale Erregbarkeit in der Nähe des Ruhemembranpotentials zu steuern. Deshalb war NaV1.9 ein guter Kandidat für einen Kanal, der spontane Erregung in Motoneuronen vermittelt. Immunofärbungen zeigten, dass NaV1.9 in axonalen Kompartimenten und axonalen Wachstumskegeln von kultivierten Motoneuronen exprimiert ist. Die Unterdrückung von NaV1.9 in kultivierten Motoneuronen durch lentiviralexprimierte short hairpin-RNA (shRNA) resultierte in kürzerer Axonlänge, im Vergleich zu nicht-infizierten Motoneuronen oder Motoneuronen, die eine sinnlose Kontroll-shRNA Sequenz exprimierten. Embryonale, kultivierte Motoneurone von NaV1.9 knockout Mäusen zeigten eine signifikante Verringerung der neuronalen Aktivität und verkürzte Axone. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf eine Bedeutung von NaV1.9 im aktivitätsabhängigen Axonwachstum hin KW - Axon KW - Embryonalentwicklung KW - Motoneuron KW - Natriumkanal KW - Motoneuronen KW - NaV1.9 KW - motoneuron KW - Nav1.9 KW - axon growth Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-57536 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kroner-Milsch, Antje T1 - Role of immune cells in hereditary myelinopathies T1 - Rolle von Immunzellen in hereditären Myelinopathien N2 - Myelin mutations in the central and peripheral nervous system lead to severely disabling, currently untreatable diseases. In this study, we used transgenic PLP overexpressing mice (PLPtg) as a model for central inherited myelinopathies, such as leukodystrophies, and heterozygously P0 deficient (P0+/-) mice as models for peripheral hereditary polyneuropathies. Both models are characterized by low grade nervous tissue inflammation. Macrophages and CD8+ T- lymphocytes contribute to the myelin pathology as shown by crossbreeding experiments with immunodeficient mice. Having shown the relevance of CD8+ T- lymphocytes in PLPtg mice, we investigated the influence of one major cytotoxic molecule (granzyme B) on neural damage. By generation of granzyme B deficient PLPtg bone marrow chimeras, we could demonstrate a reduction of myelin pathology and oligodendrocyte death. Taken together, granzyme B is at least partly responsible for the cytotoxicity induced neural damage in PLPtg mice. To further explore the role of immune modulation, we focussed on the influence of the coinhibitory molecule PD-1, a CD28-related receptor expressed on activated T- and B-lymphocytes. By investigating myelin mutants of the CNS and PNS (PLPtg and P0+/-) with an additional PD-1 deficiency, induced by crossbreeding or bone marrow chimerization, we found a significant increase of CD8+ T- lymphocytes and massive increase of the myelin pathology in both the CNS and PNS model. In PLPtg mice, absence of PD-1 increased oligodendrocyte apoptosis, clonal expansions and a higher propensity of CNS but not peripheral CD8+ T- cells to secrete proinflammatory cytokines. In P0+/- mice, absence of PD-1 lead to moderate motor and sensory disturbances, confirming the important role of PD-1 in immune homeostasis. Taken together, we identified granzyme B as an important effector agent of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes in PLPtg mice and PD-1 as a crucial player in regulating the effector cells in our models of central and peripheral myelinopathy. Alterations of this regulatory pathway lead to overt neuroinflammation of high pathogenetic impact. These results might help to understand mechanisms responsible for high clinical variability of polygenic or even monogenic disorders of the nervous system. N2 - Myelinmutationen des zentralen und peripheren Nervensystems verursachen erheblich behindernde und bislang nicht heilbare Erkrankungen. In dieser Arbeit verwendeten wir transgene PLP überexprimierende Mäuse (PLPtg) als Modell für zentrale Myelinopathien und heterozygot P0 defiziente (P0+/-) Mäuse als Modell für hereditäre Neuropathien des peripheren Nervensystems. Beide Modelle zeigen eine niedriggradige Inflammation des Nervengewebes. Durch Verpaarung mit immundefizienten Mausstämmen konnten wir die Relevanz von Makrophagen und T- Lymphozyten in der Entstehung der Myelinpathologie zeigen. Nachdem wir beweisen konnten, dass CD8+ T- Lymphozyten maßgeblich zur Pathologie in PLPtg Mäusen beitragen untersuchten wir den Einfluss eines wichtigen zytotoxischen Moleküls, Granzym B, auf den neuralen Schaden. Durch Generierung von Granzym B defizienten PLPtg Knochenmarkschimären konnten wir eine deutliche Reduktion des glialen Schadens und der Oligodendrozytenapoptose nachweisen. Granzym B ist also zumindest teilweise verantwortlich für die Schädigung, die durch T- Lymphozyten hervorgerufen wird. Um die zusätzliche Informationen über die Rolle der Immunmodulation in unseren Modellen zu gewinnen, untersuchten wir das koinhibitorische Molekül PD-1, einen CD-28 verwandten Rezeptor, der auf B- und T- Lymphozyten exprimiert wird. Bei der Untersuchung von Myelinmutanten des ZNS und PNS (PLPtg und P0+/-), die zusätzlich PD-1 defizient waren, konnten wir einen signifikanten Anstieg von CD8+ T- Lymphozyten und eine deutliche Verschlechterung des glialen Schadens beobachten. In PLPtg Mäusen induzierte die Abwesenheit von PD-1 verstärkte Oligodendrozytenapoptose und klonale Expansion. Außerdem neigen ZNS- Lymphozyten aber nicht periphere CD8+ T- Zellen zur verstärkten Sekretion von proinflammatorischen Zytokinen. In P0+/- Mäusen führt Abwesenheit von PD-1 zu moderaten motorischen und sensorischen Störungen, was die wichtige Rolle von PD-1 in immunologischen Regulationsmechanismen unterstreicht. Zusammenfassend kann man festhalten, daß Granzym B ein wichtiges Effektormolekül zytotoxischer T- Zellen in PLPtg Mäusen ist. PD-1 spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Regulation von Effektorzellen in unseren Modellen für zentrale und periphere Myelinopathien. Veränderungen dieser Regulation können deutliche Neuroinflammation mit starker Myelinpathologie hervorrufen. Diese Ergebnisse können dazu beitragen, die starke klinische Variabilität von polygenen und sogar monogenen neurologischen Erkrankungen zu erklären. KW - Myelinopathie KW - T- Lymphozyt KW - Multiple Sklerose KW - Neuropathie KW - PD-1 KW - Myelinopathy KW - neuropathy KW - T-lymphocyte KW - multiple sclerosis Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-28976 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Häuser, Winfried A1 - Walitt, Brian A1 - Fitzcharles, Mary-Ann A1 - Sommer, Claudia T1 - Review of pharmacological therapies in fibromyalgia syndrome JF - Arthritis Research & Therapy N2 - This review addresses the current status of drug therapy for the management of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and is based on interdisciplinary FMS management guidelines, meta-analyses of drug trial data, and observational studies. In the absence of a single gold-standard medication, patients are treated with a variety of drugs from different categories, often with limited evidence. Drug therapy is not mandatory for the management of FMS. Pregabalin, duloxetine, milnacipran, and amitriptyline are the current first-line prescribed agents but have had a mostly modest effect. With only a minority of patients expected to experience substantial benefit, most will discontinue therapy because of either a lack of efficacy or tolerability problems. Many drug treatments have undergone limited study and have had negative results. It is unlikely that these failed pilot trials will undergo future study. However, medications, though imperfect, will continue to be a component of treatment strategy for these patients. Both the potential for medication therapy to relieve symptoms and the potential to cause harm should be carefully considered in their administration. Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121598 SN - 1465-9913 VL - 16 IS - 201 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Aster, Hans-Christoph A1 - Romanos, Marcel A1 - Walitza, Susanne A1 - Gerlach, Manfred A1 - Mühlberger, Andreas A1 - Rizzo, Albert A1 - Andreatta, Marta A1 - Hasenauer, Natalie A1 - Hartrampf, Philipp E. A1 - Nerlich, Kai A1 - Reiners, Christoph A1 - Lorenz, Reinhard A1 - Buck, Andreas K. A1 - Deserno, Lorenz T1 - Responsivity of the striatal dopamine system to methylphenidate — A within-subject I-123-β-CIT-SPECT study in male children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder JF - Frontiers in Psychiatry N2 - Background: Methylphenidate (MPH) is the first-line pharmacological treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). MPH binds to the dopamine (DA) transporter (DAT), which has high density in the striatum. Assessments of the striatal dopamine transporter by single positron emission computed tomography (SPECT) in childhood and adolescent patients are rare but can provide insight on how the effects of MPH affect DAT availability. The aim of our within-subject study was to investigate the effect of MPH on DAT availability and how responsivity to MPH in DAT availability is linked to clinical symptoms and cognitive functioning. Methods Thirteen adolescent male patients (9–16 years) with a diagnosis of ADHD according to the DSM-IV and long-term stimulant medication (for at least 6 months) with MPH were assessed twice within 7 days using SPECT after application of I-123-β-CIT to examine DAT binding potential (DAT BP). SPECT measures took place in an on- and off-MPH status balanced for order across participants. A virtual reality continuous performance test was performed at each time point. Further clinical symptoms were assessed for baseline off-MPH. Results On-MPH status was associated with a highly significant change (−29.9%) of striatal DAT BP as compared to off-MPH (t = −4.12, p = 0.002). A more pronounced change in striatal DAT BP was associated with higher off-MPH attentional and externalizing symptom ratings (Pearson r = 0.68, p = 0.01). Striatal DAT BP off-MPH, but not on-MPH, was associated with higher symptom ratings (Pearson r = 0.56, p = 0.04). Conclusion Our findings corroborate previous reports from mainly adult samples that MPH changes striatal DAT BP availability and suggest higher off-MPH DAT BP, likely reflecting low baseline DA levels, as a marker of symptom severity. KW - methylphenidate KW - attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) KW - striatum KW - single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) KW - responsivity KW - caudate nucleus KW - dopamine transporter (DAT) Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270862 SN - 1664-0640 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Korn, Thomas A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Magnus, Tim A1 - Meuth, Sven G. A1 - Linker, Ralf A. T1 - Report on the 7th scientific meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Young Academics in Neurology (NEUROWIND e.V.) held in Motzen, Germany, October 30–November 1, 2015 JF - Experimental and Translational Stroke Medicine N2 - From October 30–November 1, 2015, the 7th NEUROWIND e.V. meeting was held in Motzen, Brandenburg, Germany. Seventy doctoral students and postdocs from over 25 different groups working in German and Swiss University Hospitals or Research Institutes attended the meeting to discuss their latest experiments and findings in the fields of neuroimmunology, neurodegeneration and neurovascular research. This meeting report summarizes the many diverse presentations and the new preclinical to clinical neurology research data that were shared by the participants at the meeting. KW - NEUROWIND Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146595 VL - 8 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Linker, Ralf A. A1 - Magnus, Tim A1 - Korn, Thomas A1 - Meuth, Sven G. T1 - Report on the 6th scientific meeting of the “Verein zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Neurologie” (NEUROWIND e.V.) held in Motzen, Germany, Oct. 31th – Nov. 2nd, 2014 JF - Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine N2 - From October 31th – November 2nd, 2014, the 6th NEUROWIND e.V. meeting was held in Motzen, Brandenburg, Germany. 70 doctoral students and postdocs from over 25 different groups working in German and Swiss university hospitals or research institutes attended the meeting to discuss their latest experiments and findings in the fields of neuroimmunology, neurodegeneration and neurovascular research. The meeting was regarded as a very well organized platform to support research of young investigators in Germany and all participants enjoyed the stimulating environment for lively in depth discussions. According to the major aim of NEUROWIND e.V. to support younger researchers in Germany the 4th NEUROWIND YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD for experimental neurology was awarded to Michael Breckwoldt on his work in the group of Thomas Misgeld (Institute of Neuronal Cell Biology, Technische Universität München, Germany). The successful project was published in Nature Medicine entitled “Multiparametric optical analysis of mitochondrial redox signals during neuronal physiology and pathology in vivo”. This outstanding paper deals with a molecular imaging approach in living mice to optically analyze the role of mitochondrial redox signals in axons in health and disease. The award is endowed with 20.000 Euro sponsored by Merck Serono GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany (unrestricted educational grant). This year’s keynote lecture was given by Bernhard Hemmer, Head of the Department of Neurology at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München. Dr. Hemmer highlighted the particular role of B cells and (auto)antibodies in multiple sclerosis (MS). As a new highlight Dr. Urbahns, head of global discovery technologies at Merck research laboratories, gave insights from research practice in the pharmaceutical industry and introduced a shift in the view on present-day drug discovery paradigms. Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-125049 VL - 7 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Linker, Ralf A. A1 - Magnus, Tim A1 - Korn, Thomas A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Meuth, Sven G. T1 - Report on the 5‘th scientific meeting of the “Verein zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Neurologie” (NEUROWIND e.V.) held in Motzen, Germany, Oct. 25th – Oct. 27th, 2013 JF - Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine N2 - From october 25th - 27th 2013, the 5th NEUROWIND e.V. meeting was held in Motzen, Brandenburg, Germany. This year more than 60 doctoral students and postdocs from over 25 different groups working in German university hospitals or research institutes attended the meeting to discuss their latest findings in the fields of neuroimmunology, neurodegeneration and neurovascular research. All participants appreciated the stimulating environment in Motzen, Brandenburg, and people took the opportunity for scientific exchange, discussion about ongoing projects and already started further collaborations. Like in the previous years, the symposium was regarded as a very well organized platform to support research of young investigators in Germany. According to the major aim of NEUROWIND e.V. to support younger researchers in Germany the 3rd NEUROWIND YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD for experimental neurology was awarded to Ruth Stassart working in the group of Klaus Armin Nave and Wolfgang Brück (MPI Göttingen and Department of Neuropathology, Göttingen Germany). The successful work was published in Nature Neuroscience entitled “A role for Swann cell-derived neuregulin-1 in remyelination”. This outstanding paper deals with the function of Schwann cell neuregulin as an endogenous factor for myelin repair. The award is endowed with 20.000 Euro sponsored by Merck Serono GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany (unrestricted educational grant). This year’s keynote lecture was given by Albert Ludolph, Head of the Department of Neurology at the University Clinic of Ulm. Dr. Ludolph highlighted the particular role of individual scientists for the development of research concepts in Alzheimer´s disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). KW - NEUROWIND Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-129230 VL - 5 IS - 15 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Linker, Ralf, A. A1 - Meuth, Sven G. A1 - Magnus, Tim A1 - Korn, Thomas A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph T1 - Report on the 4'th scientific meeting of the "Verein zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Neurologie" (NEUROWIND e.V.) held in Motzen, Germany, Nov. 2'nd - Nov. 4'th, 2012 [meeting report] N2 - From November 2nd - 4th 2012, the 4th NEUROWIND e.V. meeting was held in Motzen, Brandenburg, Germany. Again more than 60 participants, predominantly at the doctoral student or postdoc level, gathered to share their latest findings in the fields of neurovascular research, neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation. Like in the previous years, the symposium provided an excellent platform for scientific exchange and the presentation of innovative projects in the stimulating surroundings of the Brandenburg outback. This year’s keynote lecture on the pathophysiological relevance of neuronal networks was given by Christian Gerloff, Head of the Department of Neurology at the University Clinic of Hamburg-Eppendorf. Another highlight of the meeting was the awarding of the NEUROWIND e.V. prize for young scientists working in the field of experimental neurology. The award is donated by the Merck Serono GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany and is endowed with 20.000 Euro. This year the jury decided unanimously to adjudge the award to Michael Gliem from the Department of Neurology at the University Clinic of Düsseldorf (group of Sebastian Jander), Germany, for his outstanding work on different macrophage subsets in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke published in the Annals of Neurology in 2012. KW - Medizin Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-76407 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christph A1 - Meuth, Sven G. A1 - Magnus, Tim A1 - Korn, Thomas A1 - Linker, Ralf A. T1 - Report on the 3'rd scientific meeting of the "Verein zur Förderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Neurologie" (NEUROWIND e.V.) held in Motzen, Germany, Nov. 4'th - Nov. 6'th, 2011 N2 - From November 4th- 6th 2011, the 3rd NEUROWIND e.V. meeting was held in Motzen, Brandenburg, Germany. Like in the previous years, the meeting provided an excellent platform for scientific exchange and the presentation of innovative projects for young colleagues in the fields of neurovascular research, neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. As kick-off to the scientific sessions, Reinhard Hohlfeld, Head of the Institute for Clinical Neuroimmunology in Munich, gave an illustrious overview on the many fascinations of neuroimmunologic research. A particular highlight on the second day of the meeting was the award of the 1’st NEUROWIND e.V. prize for young academics in the field of experimental neurology. This award is posted for young colleagues under the age of 35 with a significant achievement in the field of neurovascular research, neuroinflammation or neurodegeneration and comprises an amount of 20.000 Euro, founded by Merck Serono GmbH, Darmstadt. Germany. The first prize was awarded to Ivana Nikic from Martin Kerschensteiner’s group in Munich for her brilliant work on a reversible form of axon damage in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis, published in Nature Medicine in 2011. This first prize award ceremony was a great incentive for the next call for proposals now upcoming in 2012. KW - Medizin Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75388 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Magnus, Tim A1 - Linker, Ralf A. A1 - Meuth, Sven G. A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Korn, Thomas T1 - Report on the 2nd scientific meeting of the "Verein zur Foerderung des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Neurologie" (NEUROWIND e.V.) held in Motzen, Germany, Oct. 29'th - Oct. 31'st, 2010 N2 - Summary of the scientific contributions to the NEUROWIND meeting 2010: Contributions in the fields of neuroimmunology and neurodegeneration KW - Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs KW - Neurologie Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-68789 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Braun, Alexandra A1 - Evdokimov, Dimitar A1 - Frank, Johanna A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Wabel, Thomas A1 - Üçeyler, Nurcan A1 - Sommer, Claudia T1 - Relevance of Religiosity for Coping Strategies and Disability in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome JF - Journal of Religion and Health N2 - Coping strategies are essential for the outcome of chronic pain. This study evaluated religiosity in a cohort of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), its effect on pain and other symptoms, on coping and FMS-related disability. A total of 102 FMS patients were recruited who filled in questionnaires, a subgroup of 42 patients participated in a face-to-face interview, and data were evaluated by correlation and regression analyses. Few patients were traditionally religious, but the majority believed in a higher existence and described their spirituality as "transcendence conviction". The coping strategy "praying-hoping" and the ASP dimension "religious orientation" (r = 0.5, P < 0.05) showed a significant relationship independent of the grade of religiosity (P < 0.05). A high grade of belief in a higher existence was negatively associated with the choice of ignoring as coping strategy (r = - 0.4, P < 0.05). Mood and affect-related variables had the highest impact on disability (b = 0.5, P < 0.05). In this cohort, the grade of religiosity played a role in the choice of coping strategies, but had no effects on health and mood outcome. KW - Fibromyalgia syndrome KW - religiosity KW - coping KW - disability Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-269135 SN - 1573-6571 VL - 61 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Elhfnawy, Ahmed Mohamed A1 - Abd El‐Raouf, Mervat A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Fluri, Felix A1 - Elsalamawy, Doaa T1 - Relation of infarction location and volume to vertigo in vertebrobasilar stroke JF - Brain and Behavior N2 - Objective Vertigo is a common presentation of vertebrobasilar stroke. Anecdotal reports have shown that vertigo occurs more often in multiple than in single brainstem or cerebellar infarctions. We examined the relation between the location and volume of infarction and vertigo in patients with vertebrobasilar stroke. Methods Consecutive patients with vertebrobasilar stroke were prospectively recruited. The infarction location and volume were assessed in the diffusion‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Results Fifty‐nine patients were included, 32 (54.2%) with vertigo and 27 (45.8%) without vertigo. The infarction volume did not correlate with National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score on admission (Spearman ρ = .077, p = .56) but correlated with modified Rankin Scale (ρ = .37, p = .004) on discharge. In the vertigo group, the proportion of men was lower (53.1% vs. 77.8%, p = .049), fewer patients had focal neurological deficits (65.6% vs. 96.3%, p = .004), patients tended to present later (median [IQR] was 7.5 [4–46] vs. 4 [2–12] hours, p = .052), numerically fewer patients received intravenous thrombolysis (15.6% vs. 37%, p = .06), and the total infarction volume was larger (5.6 vs. 0.42 cm3, p = .008) than in nonvertigo group. In multivariate logistic regression, infarction location either in the cerebellum or in the dorsal brainstem (odds ratio [OR] 16.97, 95% CI 3.1–92.95, p = .001) and a total infarction volume of >0.48 cm3 (OR 4.4, 95% CI 1.05–18.58, p = .043) were related to vertigo. In another multivariate logistic regression, after adjusting for age, sex, intravenous thrombolysis, serum level of white blood cells, and atrial fibrillation, vertigo independently predicted a total infarction volume of >0.48 cm3 (OR 5.75, 95% CI 1.43–23.08, p = .01). Conclusion Infarction location in the cerebellum and/or dorsal brainstem is an independent predictor of vertigo. Furthermore, larger infarction volume in these structures is associated with vertigo. A considerable proportion of patients with vascular vertigo present without focal neurological deficits posing a diagnostic challenge. National Institute of Health Stroke Scale is not sensitive for vertebrobasilar stroke. KW - brain stem KW - cerebellum KW - infarction volume KW - stroke KW - vertebrobasilar insufficiency KW - vertigo Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218047 VL - 10 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Elhfnawy, Ahmed T1 - Relation between the length of the internal carotid stenotic segment and ischemic cerebrovascular events as well as white matter lesion load T1 - Zusammenhang zwischen der Stenoselänge der Arteria carotis interna und ischämischen zerebrovaskulären Ereignissen sowie der Läsionslast der weißen Substanz N2 - Background and Purpose: Internal carotid artery stenosis ≥70% is a leading cause of ischemic cerebrovascular events. However, a considerable percentage of stroke survivors with symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis have <70% stenosis with a vulnerable plaque. Whether the length of internal carotid artery stenosis is associated with high risk of ischemic cerebrovascular events or with white matter lesions is poorly investigated. Our main aim was to investigate the relation between the length of internal carotid artery stenosis and the development of ischemic cerebrovascular events as well as ipsi-, contralateral as well as mean white matter lesion load. Methods: In a retrospective cross-sectional study, 168 patients with 208 internal carotid artery stenosis were identified. The degree and length of internal carotid artery stenosis as well as plaque morphology (hypoechoic, mixed or echogenic) were assessed on ultrasound scans. The white matter lesions were assessed in 4 areas separately, (periventricular and deep white matter lesions on each hemisphere), using the Fazekas scale. The mean white matter lesions load was calculated as the mean of these four values. Results: A statistically significant inverse correlation between the ultrasound-measured length and degree of internal carotid artery stenosis was detected for symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis ≥70% (Spearman correlation coefficient ρ = –0.57, p < 0.001, n = 51) but neither for symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis <70% (ρ = 0.15, p = 0.45, n = 27) nor for asymptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis (ρ = 0.07, p = 0.64, n = 54). The median (IQR) length for symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis <70% and ≥70% was 17 (15–20) and 15 (12–19) mm (p = 0.06), respectively, while that for symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis <90% and symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis 90% was 18 (15–21) and 13 (10–16) mm, respectively (p < 0.001). Among patients with internal carotid artery stenosis <70%, a cut-off length of ≥16 mm was found for symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis rather than asymptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis with a sensitivity and specificity of 74.1% and 51.1%, respectively. Irrespective of the stenotic degree, plaques of the symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis compared to asymptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis were significantly more often echolucent (43.2 vs. 24.6%, p = 0.02). The length but not the degree of internal carotid artery stenosis showed a very slight trend toward association with ipsilateral white matter lesions and with mean white matter lesions load. Conclusion: We found a statistically insignificant tendency for the ultrasound-measured length of symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis <70% to be longer than that of symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis ≥70%. Moreover, the ultrasound-measured length of symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis <90% was significantly longer than that of symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis 90%. Among patients with symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis ≥70%, the degree and length of stenosis were inversely correlated. Furthermore, we have shown that a slight correlation exists between the length of stenosis and the presence of ipsilateral white matter lesions which might be due to microembolisation originating from the carotid plaque. Larger studies are needed before a clinical implication can be drawn from these results. N2 - Hintergrund: Stenose der A. carotis interna ≥70% ist eine der führenden Ursachen für ischämische zerebrovaskuläre Ereignisse. Ein beträchtlicher Prozentsatz der Schlaganfall-Überlebenden mit symptomatischer Stenose der A. carotis interna weist jedoch eine Stenose <70% mit einer „vulnerable Plaque“ auf. Ob die Länge der Stenose der A. carotis interna mit einem hohen Risiko für ischämische zerebrovaskuläre Ereignisse oder mit Läsionen der weißen Substanz verbunden ist, wird nur unzureichend untersucht. Unser Hauptziel war es, den Zusammenhang zwischen der Länge der Stenose der Aerteria carotis interna und der Entwicklung von ischämischen zerebrovaskulären Ereignissen sowie der ipsi-, kontralateralen und mittleren Läsionslast der weißen Substanz zu untersuchen. Methode: In einer retrospektiven Querschnittsstudie wurden 168 Patienten mit 208 Stenosen der A. carotis interna identifiziert. Der Stenosegrad und die Stenoselänge sowie die Plaquemorphologie (echoarm, gemischt oder echogen) wurden mittels Ultraschall untersucht. Die Läsionen der weißen Substanz wurden in 4 Bereichen (periventrikuläre und subkortilae Läsionen der weißen Substanz, jeweils auf jeder Hemisphäre) mittels Fazekas-Skala bewertet. Der mittlere dieser vier Werte wurde ebenso berechnet. Ergebnisse: Eine statistisch signifikante inverse Korrelation zwischen der mit Ultraschall gemessenen Länge und dem Stenosegrad der A. carotis interna wurde für eine symptomatische Stenose der A. carotis interna von ≥ 70% festgestellt (Spearman-Korrelationskoeffizient ρ = –0,57, p <0,001, n = 51), jedoch keine bei symptomatischer Stenose der A. carotis interna <70% (ρ = 0,15, p = 0,45, n = 27) und bei asymptomatischer Stenose der A. carotis interna (ρ = 0,07, p = 0,64, n = 54). Die mediane Länge (IQR) für symptomatische Stenosen der A. carotis interna <70% und ≥ 70% betrug 17 (15–20) bzw. 15 (12–19) mm (p = 0,06), die für symptomatische Stenosen der A. carotis interna <90% und symptomatische Stenose der A. carotis interna 90% betrugen 18 (15–21) bzw. 13 (10–16) mm (p <0,001). Bei Patienten mit einer Stenose der A. carotis interna <70% wurde für eine symptomatische Stenose der A. carotis interna einen Grenzwert von ≥ 16 mm gefunden, und nicht für eine asymptomatische Stenose der A. carotis interna mit einer Sensitivität und Spezifität von 74,1% bzw. 51,1%. Unabhängig vom stenotischen Grad waren Plaques der symptomatischen Stenose der A. carotis interna im Vergleich zur asymptomatischen Stenose der A. carotis interna signifikant häufiger echoarm (43,2 vs. 24,6%, p = 0,02). Die Stenoselänge, aber nicht der Stenosegrad der A. carotis interna zeigte einen sehr geringen Trend zur Assoziation mit ipsilateralen Läsionen der weißen Substanz und mit der mittleren Läsionslast der weißen Substanz. Schlussfolgerung: Es wurde eine statistisch nicht signifikante Tendenz gefunden, dass die ultraschallgemessene Länge der symptomatischen Stenose der A. carotis interna <70% länger ist als die der symptomatischen Stenose der A. carotis interna ≥ 70%. Darüber hinaus war die durch Ultraschall gemessene Länge der symptomatischen Stenose der A. carotis interna <90% signifikant länger als die der symptomatischen Stenose der A. carotis interna 90%. Bei Patienten mit symptomatischer Stenose der A. carotis interna ≥ 70% waren Stenosegrad und Stenoselänge invers korreliert. Darüber hinaus haben wir gezeigt, dass eine leichte Korrelation zwischen der Stenoselänge und der ipsilateralen Läsionen der weißen Substanz besteht, die möglicherweise auf eine Mikroembolisation zurückzuführen sind, die vom Carotis-Plaque herrührt. Größere Studien sind erforderlich, bevor aus diesen Ergebnissen eine klinische Implikation abgeleitet werden kann. KW - Carotisstenose KW - Schlaganfall KW - White matter lesions KW - Stenosis length KW - Stenosis degree Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191616 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schmid, Benedikt T1 - Relation between cerebral arterio-venous transit time and neuropsychological performance in patients with vascular dementia T1 - Beziehung zwischen zerebraler arterio-venöser Transitzeit und neuropsychologischer Testleistung bei Patienten mit vaskulärer Demenz N2 - Dementia, or any form of degenerative cognitive decline, is one of the major problems in present, and even more will be in future medicine. With Alzheimer's disease (AD) being the most prevalent, Vascular Dementia is the second most entity of dementing processes in the elderly. As diagnostic criteria are still imprecise and in many cases do not embrace early stages of the disease, recent studies have proposed more detailed classifications of the newly created condition Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI). Of all conditions subsumed under this term, subcortical small-vessel alterations are the most common cause for cognitive decline. The diagnosis of dementia / cognitive impairment is presently often made in late stages of the disease, when therapeutical options are poor. Thus, early detection of changes of the subcortical small vessels is desirable, when there is still time to identify and aggressively treat risk factors and underlying conditions like diabetes, hyper- or hypotension, and hyperlipidemia. This study aimed to evaluate whether cTT correlates to cognitive dysfunction, i.e. if cTT is fit as an early diagnostic tool for VCI. The study cohort included 38 patients from the Neurological Clinic of the Würzburg University hospital admitted due to diagnoses other than dementia or stroke. As a result of this study it turned out that cTT is certainly capable of fulfilling the task to easily and effectively detect and evaluate possible microvascular lesions of the brain with respect to the actual clinical relevance for the patient. When compared to the other proposed diagnostic tools, neuropsychological testing and MRI, the advantages of cTT are obvious: its measurement is a low-cost and quick procedure which would spare both patients and examiners a long neuropsychological exam or complement it. cTT is safe to assess as the only possible risks derive from the use of the contrast agent, which are rare and easily manageable. It has also proven to be more accurate in showing the extent of cognitive impairment than MRI. Finally, it is widely available. The only prerequisite is an ultrasound machine capable of transcranial color-coded duplex sonography. No cost-intensive procedures like MRI are needed. So, with neuropsychological testing remaining the gold standard, cTT here proved to be a reliable alternative which is more time- and cost-effective than MRI. N2 - Demenzen und alle anderen Formen kongnitiver Leistungseinschränkungen gehören heute zu den bedeutendsten medizinischen Herausforderungen und werden in der Zukunft noch weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. Die häufigste der Demenzerkrankungen bei älteren Patienten ist die Alzheimer-Krankheit, gefolgt von den vaskulären Demenzen. Da die Diagnosekriterien in vielen Fällen noch unpräzise sind und vor allem frühe Stadien der Erkrankung nicht erfassen, wurden in der neueren Literatur detailliertere Untergruppen der neu eingeführten Entität „vaskuläre kognitive Funktionsstörung“ (vascular cognitive impairment, VCI) etabliert. Subkortikale Veränderungen an den kleinsten Gefäßen stellen unter allen Pathologien, die unter diesem Begriff subsumiert sind, die häufigste Ursache für kognitive Leistungseinschränkungen dar. Die Diagnose Demenz bzw. VCI wird oft erst in späten Stadien der Krankheit gestellt, wenn die therapeutischen Mittel bereits stark begrenzt sind. Deshalb wäre eine Möglichkeit zur frühen Entdeckung subkortikaler Gefäßveränderungen wünschenswert in einem Stadium der Krankheit, in dem es noch möglich ist, Risikofaktoren wie Diabetes mellitus, arterielle Hyper- und Hypotonie und Fettstoffwechselstörungen auszumachen und konseqeuent zu behandeln. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es zu untersuchen, ob cTT mit dem Ausmaß kognitiver Dysfunktion korreliert, ob also cTT als frühes diagnostisches Verfahren für vaskuläre demenzielle Prozesse geeignet ist. Die Studienpopulation umfasste 38 Patienten aus der Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie der Universität Würzburg. Ein Ergebnis dieser Studie ist, dass die cTT sicherlich in der Lage ist, einfach und zuverlässig mögliche mikrovaskuläre Schädigungen des Gehirns auch im Hinblick auf ihre tatsächliche klinische Relevanz zu entdecken. Im Vergleich mit anderen Diagnoseverfahren (Testpsychologie und MRT) sind die Vorteile der cTT offensichtlich: die Messung ist ein kostengünstiges und schnelles Verfahren, das sowohl Patienten als auch Untersuchern eine langwierige neuropsychologische Untersuchung erspart. Die Messung der cTT ist ein sicheres Verfahren, da die wenigen aus der Anwendung des Kontrastmittels sich ergebenden Risiken selten und gegebenenfalls leicht behandelbar sind. Zudem erwies sich die cTT als präziser bei der Aufgabe, das Ausmaß kognitiver Dysfunktion zu messen, als es die MRT vermochte. Zuletzt ist die cTT auch flächendeckend verfügbar. Die einzige Voraussetzung ist ein Duplex-fähiges Ultraschallgerät. Kostenintesive Untersuchungen wie die MRT können vermieden werden. Wenn auch die Testpsychologie der Goldstandard bleiben wird, erwies sich die cTT als zuverlässige Alternative die im Vergleich zur MRT sowohl Zeit als auch Kosten spart. KW - Demenz KW - Psychologische Diagnostik KW - Neuropsychologie KW - Ultraschall KW - Ultraschalldiagnostik KW - dementia KW - neuropsychology KW - ultrasound Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-71234 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schanz, Stefan T1 - Rehabilitation des Schlaganfalls – Evaluation eines interdisziplinären Behandlungskonzepts auf einer spezialisierten Station T1 - Stroke rehabilitation – evaluation of an interdisciplinary treatment concept on a specialized ward N2 - Die Rehabilitation von Schlaganfallpatienten erfordert ein interdisziplinäres Vorgehen. Dies ist im klinischen Alltag oft nur schwer umsetzbar. Im Jahr 2011 wurde daher im Neurologischen Rehabilitationszentrum Quellenhof in Bad Wildbad ein spezielles Behandlungskonzept für Schlaganfallpatienten entwickelt. Mit dieser Studie sollte die Wirksamkeit dieses neuen Konzepts untersucht werden. Dabei wurde die Behandlung im Schlaganfallkonzept mit der bisher üblichen Behandlung verglichen. Zielparameter waren der Barthel-Index und die modifizierte Rankin-Skala bei Aufnahme und bei Entlassung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sowohl die bisherige Behandlung als auch die Behandlung im Schlaganfallkonzept effektiv sind. Im Schlaganfallkonzept konnte jedoch ein größerer Zugewinn an alltagsrelevanten Fähigkeiten erzielt werden; zudem berichteten Pflegekräfte und Therapeuten eine verbesserte Zusammenarbeit. Somit steigert das Schlaganfallkonzept nicht nur die Alltagskompetenz der Patienten, sondern auch den Wissenstransfer zwischen den Berufsgruppen und die Interdisziplinarität. N2 - Rehabilitation of patients with stroke requires an interdisciplinary approach that is difficult to implement in everyday clinical life. Therefore, in 2011 the Neurological Rehabilitation Center Quellenhof in Bad Wildbad established a unique therapy concept. This study investigated the efficacy of this newly developed concept by comparing it to usual treatment. Main outcome parameters were the Barthel-Index and the modified Rankin-Scale at admission and discharge. The results show that the therapy in the usual treatment group as well as in the newly developed concept group is effective. However, therapy in the newly developed concept group leads to more progress in the activities of daily living of patients and also improved knowledge and cooperation within the rehabilitation team. KW - Schlaganfall KW - Rehabilitation KW - Barthel-Index modifizierte Rankin-Skala KW - stroke KW - rehabilitation KW - Barthel-Index modified Rankin-Scale Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260011 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kraft, Peter A1 - Drechsler, Christiane A1 - Gunreben, Ignaz A1 - Heuschmann, Peter Ulrich A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph T1 - Regulation of Blood Coagulation Factors XI and XII in Patients with Acute and Chronic Cerebrovascular Disease: A Case-Control Study JF - Cerebrovascular Diseases N2 - Background: Animal models have implicated an integral role for coagulation factors XI (FXI) and XII (FXII) in thrombus formation and propagation of ischemic stroke (IS). However, it is unknown if these molecules contribute to IS pathophysiology in humans, and might be of use as biomarkers for IS risk and severity. This study aimed to identify predictors of altered FXI and FXII levels and to determine whether there are differences in the levels of these coagulation factors between acute cerebrovascular events and chronic cerebrovascular disease (CCD). Methods: In this case-control study, 116 patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) or transitory ischemic attack (TIA), 117 patients with CCD, and 104 healthy volunteers (HVs) were enrolled between 2010 and 2013 at our University hospital. Blood sampling was undertaken once in the CCD and HV groups and on days 0, 1, and 3 after stroke onset in patients with AIS or TIA. Correlations between serum FXI and FXII levels and demographic and clinical parameters were tested by linear regression and analysis of variance. Results: The mean age of AIS/TIA patients was 70 ± 12. Baseline clinical severity measured with NIHSS and Barthel Index was 4.8 ± 6.0 and 74 ± 30, respectively. More than half of the patients had an AIS (58%). FXI levels were significantly correlated with different leukocyte subsets (p < 0.05). In contrast, FXII serum levels showed no significant correlation (p > 0.1). Neither FXI nor FXII levels correlated with CRP (p > 0.2). FXII levels were significantly higher in patients with CCD compared with those with AIS/TIA (mean ± SD 106 ± 26% vs. 97 ± 24%; univariate analysis: p < 0.05); these differences did not reach significance in multivariate analysis adjusted for sex and age. FXI levels did not differ significantly between study groups. Sex and age were significantly associated with FXI and/or FXII levels in patients with AIS/TIA (p < 0.05). In contrast, no statistical significant influence was found for treatment modality (thrombolysis or not), pre-treatment with platelet inhibitors, and severity of stroke. Conclusions: In this study, there was no differential regulation of FXI and FXII levels between disease subtypes but biomarker levels were associated with patient and clinical characteristics. FXI and FXII levels might be no valid biomarker for predicting stroke risk. KW - biomarker KW - factor XI KW - factor XII KW - ischemic stroke KW - chronic cerebrovascular disease Y1 - 2014 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199076 SN - 1015-9770 SN - 1421-9786 N1 - This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively. VL - 38 IS - 5 ER - TY - THES A1 - Klein, Oliver T1 - Regulation der Chemokinexpression in humanen zerebralen Endothelzellen T1 - regulation of chemokinexpression in human cerebral endothelial cells N2 - Humane zerebrale Endothelzellen sind in vitro in der Lage nach Stimulation mit proinflammatorischen Zytokinen Chemokine zu produzieren. Diese sind von Bedeutung in der Entwicklung von entzündlichen ZNS-Erkrankungen. So scheinen zerebrale Endothelzellen neben Astrozyten und Mikroglia als Produzenten dieser Schlüsselmoleküle zu fungieren. N2 - Human cerebral endothelial cells are able to produce chemokines after stimulation with proinflammatory cytokines. Chemokines have a pivotal role in inflammatory cns disorders. So cerebral endothelial cells seems to be another cell typ besides astrocytes and microglia, that synthesize these important molecules. KW - Blut-Hirn-Schranke KW - zerebrale Endothelzellen KW - Chemokine KW - blood-brain-barrier KW - cerebral endothelial cells KW - chemokines Y1 - 2004 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-11567 ER - TY - THES A1 - Gößler, Ulrich T1 - Regulation der Capsaicin-Sensitivität von murinen Spinalganglienzellen durch neurotrophe Faktoren T1 - Regulation of Capsaicin-Sensitivity in murine dorsal root ganglia by neurotrophic factors N2 - In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte anhand von Zellkulturen von Spinalganglienzellen herausgearbeitet werden, dass die Regulation der Capsaicin-Sensitivität in der Maus von vielen Faktoren abhängig ist: Es ließ sich ein komplexes System der Regulation von Capsaicin-induziertem Cobalt-Uptake als Surrogat-Marker für nozizeptive Neurone herausarbeiten: Zum einen konnte gezeigt werden, dass NGF dosisabhängig Einfluss auf die peptiderge Neuronenpopulation nimmt und über den niederaffinen NGF-Rezeptor p75NTR Capsaicin-Empfindlichkeit, CGRP-Expression und VR1-Expression reguliert. Dieser Rezeptor hat dabei keine Bedeutung für den konstitutiven Cobalt-Uptake, jedoch für die Aufrechterhaltung des Cobalt-Uptakes in der Zellkultur. Zum anderen konnte gezeigt werden, dass GDNF dosisabhängig den Anteil der Neurone mit Capsaicin-induziertem Cobalt-Uptake reguliert und dosisabhängig parallel in zwei Gruppen von Spinalganglienzellen den Cobalt-Uptake induziert: einerseits über den GDNF-Rezeptor GFRa2 und die Rezeptortyrosinkinase c-RET in der IB4-Population, andererseits über GFRa1 und SRC-Kinasen in der GFRa1-Population. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass Spinalganglienzellen die Sensibilität gegenüber noxischen Reizen selbständig komplex regulieren und damit auf äußere Einflüsse reagieren können. Möglicherweise ergeben sich in Zukunft neue Ansatzpunkte der Therapie dadurch, dass die Neurone direkt beeinflusst werden können. N2 - NGF is required for the survival of nociceptive sensory neurons during development and it continues to regulate the phenotype of nociceptors in the adult. Here we asked whether the NGF-mediated modulation of capsaicin-sensitivity, CGRP- and VR1-expression depends on the presence of the low affinity neurotrophin receptor p75 (p75NTR). DRG-neurons of adult Balb/C mice or mice lacking p75NTR were cultured in the presence or absence of NGF (50 ng/ml) for 6 hours or 6 days. Sensitivity to capsaicin (1µM) was assessed histochemically by the method of cobalt uptake. Six hours after dissociation there was no difference of the mean (±SEM) percentage of capsaicin induced cobalt uptake, CGRP- and VR1-expression in wildtype mice or mice lacking p75NTR. When neurons of wildtype mice were cultured for 6 days in the absence of NGF, cobalt uptake, CGRP- and VR1-expreeion decreased significantly to 12 ± 1 %. This decline of capsaicin sensitivity could dose-dependently been prevented by NGF, but the normalisation was absent when function blocking antibodies against p75NTR were added. Likewise animals lacking p75NTR showed the same decline of cobalt uptake, CGRP- and VR1expression as wildtype mice, but addition of NGF failed to rescue capsaicin-sensitivity. We conclude that p75NTR is not important for the development and maintenance of constitutive capsaicin-sensitivity, CGRP- and VR1-expression in adult mice, but is required for the NGF-mediated rescue of capsaicin sensitivity, CGRP- and VR1expression in cell culture. KW - Capsaicin KW - Neurotrophe Faktoren KW - Capsaicin KW - Neurotrophic Factors Y1 - 2003 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-8500 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Haarmann, Axel A1 - Zimmermann, Lena A1 - Bieber, Michael A1 - Silwedel, Christine A1 - Stoll, Guido A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. T1 - Regulation and release of vasoactive endoglin by brain endothelium in response to hypoxia/reoxygenation in stroke JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - In large vessel occlusion stroke, recanalization to restore cerebral perfusion is essential but not necessarily sufficient for a favorable outcome. Paradoxically, in some patients, reperfusion carries the risk of increased tissue damage and cerebral hemorrhage. Experimental and clinical data suggest that endothelial cells, representing the interface for detrimental platelet and leukocyte responses, likely play a crucial role in the phenomenon referred to as ischemia/reperfusion (I/R)-injury, but the mechanisms are unknown. We aimed to determine the role of endoglin in cerebral I/R-injury; endoglin is a membrane-bound protein abundantly expressed by endothelial cells that has previously been shown to be involved in the maintenance of vascular homeostasis. We investigated the expression of membranous endoglin (using Western blotting and RT-PCR) and the generation of soluble endoglin (using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of cell culture supernatants) after hypoxia and subsequent reoxygenation in human non-immortalized brain endothelial cells. To validate these in vitro data, we additionally examined endoglin expression in an intraluminal monofilament model of permanent and transient middle cerebral artery occlusion in mice. Subsequently, the effects of recombinant human soluble endoglin were assessed by label-free impedance-based measurement of endothelial monolayer integrity (using the xCELLigence DP system) and immunocytochemistry. Endoglin expression is highly inducible by hypoxia in human brain endothelial monolayers in vitro, and subsequent reoxygenation induced its shedding. These findings were corroborated in mice during MCAO; an upregulation of endoglin was displayed in the infarcted hemispheres under occlusion, whereas endoglin expression was significantly diminished after transient MCAO, which is indicative of shedding. Of note is the finding that soluble endoglin induced an inflammatory phenotype in endothelial monolayers. The treatment of HBMEC with endoglin resulted in a decrease in transendothelial resistance and the downregulation of VE-cadherin. Our data establish a novel mechanism in which hypoxia triggers the initial endothelial upregulation of endoglin and subsequent reoxygenation triggers its release as a vasoactive mediator that, when rinsed into adjacent vascular beds after recanalization, can contribute to cerebral reperfusion injury. KW - endoglin KW - soluble endoglin KW - CD105 KW - human brain endothelium KW - HBMEC KW - hypoxia KW - reoxygenation KW - ischemia/reperfusion injury KW - vascular homeostasis KW - middle cerebral artery occlusion KW - stroke Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284361 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 23 IS - 13 ER - TY - THES A1 - Fischer, Stefan Martin T1 - Regulation and functional consequences of MCP-1 expression in a model of Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1B disease T1 - Regulation und funktionelle Relevanz von MCP-1 in einem Model der Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1B Erkrankung N2 - Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1B (CMT1B) is a progressive inherited demyelinating disease of human peripheral nervous system leading to sensory and/or motor function disability and is caused by mutations in the P0 gene. Mice heterozygously deficient for P0 (P0+/-) are an adequate model of this human disorder showing myelin degeneration, formation of onion bulbs, remyelination and a reduced motor conduction velocity of around 30m/s similar to patients. Previously, it had been shown that T-lymphocytes and macrophages play a crucial role during pathogenesis in peripheral nerves of P0+/- mice. Both, T-lymphocytes and macrophages increase in number in the endoneurium and deletion of T-lymphocytes or deletion of a macrophage-directed cytokine ameliorates the disease. In this study the monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) was identified as an early regulated cytokine before onset of disease is visible at the age of six months. MCP-1 mRNA and protein expression could be detected in femoral quadriceps and sciatic nerves of P0+/- mice already at the age of one month but not in cutaneous saphenous nerves which are never affected by the disease. MCP-1 was shown to be expressed by Schwann cells and to mediate the immigration of immune cells into peripheral nerves. Deletion of MCP-1 in P0+/- mice accomplished by crossbreeding P0 and MCP-1 deficient mice revealed a substantial reduction of immune cells in peripheral nerves of P0+/-/MCP-1+/- and P0+/-/MCP-1-/- mice at the age of six months. In twelve months old mice reduction of immune cells in peripheral nerves is accompanied by amelioration of demyelinating disease in P0+/-/MCP-1+/- and aggravation of demyelinating disease in lumbar ventral roots of P0+/ /MCP-1-/- mice in comparison to P0+/ /MCP 1+/+ mice. Furthermore, activation of the MEK1/2-ERK1/2 signalling cascade could be demonstrated to take place in Schwann cells of affected peripheral nerves of P0+/- mice overlapping temporarily and spatially with MCP-1 expression. An animal experiment using a MEK1/2-inhibitor in vivo, CI-1040, revealed that upon reduction of ERK1/2 phosphorylation MCP-1 mRNA expression is diminished suggesting that the activation of the MEK1/2-ERK1/2 signalling cascade is necessary for MCP-1 expression. Additionally, peripheral nerves of P0+/- mice showing reduced ERK1/2 phosphorylation and MCP-1 mRNA expression also show reduced numbers of macrophages in the endoneurium. This study shows a molecular link between a Schwann cell based mutation and immune cell function. Inhibition of the identified signalling cascade might be a putative target for therapeutic approaches. N2 - Die humane Erkrankung Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1B (CMT1B) ist eine erbliche, chronisch fortschreitende Erkrankung des peripheren Nervensystems die durch Mutation des P0-Gens verursacht wird und zu motorischen und/oder sensorischen Defiziten führt. Sehr ähnlich der humanen Erkrankung weist das Mausmodell, eine für das Myelinprotein P0 heterozygot-defiziente Maus (P0+/-), Degeneration peripheren Myelins, aufeinanderfolgende Zyklen von De- und Remyelinisierung als auch reduzierte Nervenleitgeschwindigkeiten auf. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen am Mausmodell ergaben eine Beteiligung von T-Lymphozyten und Makrophagen an der Pathogenese. In dieser Studie wurde das Chemokin „Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1“ (MCP-1) als pathogen-relevant in P0+/- Mäusen identifiziert. MCP-1 mRNA und Protein wurden sowohl im Alter von sechs und zwölf Monaten nachgewiesen, Stadien, in denen morphologische Veränderungen peripherer Nerven von P0+/- Mäusen zu erkennen sind, aber auch im Alter von einen und drei Monaten, ein Alter bei dem pathologischen Veränderungen nicht zu finden sind. Mit Hilfe von MCP-1 defizienten Mäusen (MCP-1-/-) und Verpaarung mit P0-defizienten Mäusen konnten weiterführende Untersuchungen zur Rolle von MCP-1 im peripheren Nerv der Maus durchgeführt werden. So zeigte es sich mittels Transplantation von GFP-positivem Knochenmark, dass MCP 1 die Infiltration von Makrophagen aus dem Blut in periphere Nerven vermittelt. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass periphere Nerven von sechs Monate alten P0+/-/MCP-1+/- und P0+/-/MCP-1-/- Mäusen trotz signifikant niedrigerer Anzahl von Immunzellen keine Milderung der Demyelinisierung zeigen. Hingegen weisen periphere Nerven von zwölf Monate alten P0+/ /MCP-1+/- Mäusen sowohl weniger Makrophagen und T-Lymphozyten als auch wesentlich weniger pathologische Veränderungen auf. Periphere Nerven von P0+/-/MCP-1-/- Tieren dagegen zeigen nur eine nicht signifikante Reduktion von Immunzellen und sogar eine Verschlechterung des Phänotyps im Vergleich zu ventralen Spinalwurzeln von P0+/-/MCP-1+/+ Mäusen. Weiterführende Untersuchungen ergaben, dass eine Aktivierung der MEK1/2-ERK1/2 Signalkaskade sowohl in peripheren Nerven von drei und sechs Monate alten P0+/- Mäusen zu finden ist, allerdings, ähnlich der Expression von MCP-1, nur in peripheren Nerven, die von der Demyelinisierung betroffen sein können. Unter Verwendung eines Inhibitors der Kinasen MEK1 und 2 konnte in vivo gezeigt werden, dass Phosphorylierung von ERK1/2 für die erhöhte MCP-1 Expression in peripheren Nerven von P0+/- Mäusen notwendig ist. Darüber hinaus wurde durch Verminderung der ERK1/2-Phosphorylierung eine Reduktion von Makrophagen im Endoneurium von P0+/- Tieren erzielt. KW - Schwann-Zelle KW - Peripheres Nervensystem KW - Charcot-Marie-Syndrom KW - Makrophage KW - Entmarkung KW - Myelin KW - Chemokine KW - Schwann cell KW - Peripheral nervous system KW - Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrom KW - Macrophage KW - Demyelination KW - Myelin KW - Chemokine Y1 - 2008 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-29189 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Evdokimov, Dimitar A1 - Frank, Johanna A1 - Klitsch, Alexander A1 - Unterecker, Stefan A1 - Warrings, Bodo A1 - Serra, Jordi A1 - Papagianni, Aikaterini A1 - Saffer, Nadine A1 - Meyer zu Altenschildesche, Caren A1 - Kampik, Daniel A1 - Malik, Rayaz A. A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Üceyler, Nurcan T1 - Reduction of skin innervation is associated with a severe fibromyalgia phenotype JF - Annals of Neurology N2 - Objective: To assess patterns and impact of small nerve fiber dysfunction and pathology in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Methods: One hundred seventeen women with FMS underwent neurological examination, questionnaire assessment, neurophysiology assessment, and small fiber tests: skin punch biopsy, corneal confocal microscopy, microneurography, quantitative sensory testing including C-tactile afferents, and pain-related evoked potentials. Data were compared with those of women with major depressive disorder and chronic widespread pain (MD-P) and healthy women. Results: Intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) was reduced at different biopsy sites in 63% of FMS patients (MDP: 10%, controls: 18%; p < 0.001 for each). We found 4 patterns of skin innervation in FMS: normal, distally reduced, proximally reduced, and both distally and proximally reduced (p < 0.01 for each compared to controls). Microneurography revealed initial activity-dependent acceleration of conduction velocity upon low frequencies of stimulation in 1A fibers, besides 1B fiber spontaneous activity and mechanical sensitization in FMS patients. FMS patients had elevated warm detection thresholds (p < 0.01), impaired C-tactile afferents (p < 0.05), and reduced amplitudes (p < 0.001) of pain-related evoked potentials compared to controls. Compared to FMS patients with normal skin innervation, those with generalized IENFD reduction had higher pain intensity and impairment due to pain, higher disease burden, more stabbing pain and paresthesias, and more anxiety (p < 0.05 for each). FMS patients with generalized IENFD reduction also had lower corneal nerve fiber density (p < 0.01) and length (p < 0.05). Interpretation: The extent of small fiber pathology is related to symptom severity in FMS. This knowledge may have implications for the diagnostic classification and treatment of patients with FMS. KW - fibromyalgia Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206168 VL - 86 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lange, Florian A1 - Steigerwald, Frank A1 - Malzacher, Tobias A1 - Brandt, Gregor Alexander A1 - Odorfer, Thorsten Michael A1 - Roothans, Jonas A1 - Reich, Martin M. A1 - Fricke, Patrick A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Matthies, Cordula A1 - Capetian, Philipp D. T1 - Reduced Programming Time and Strong Symptom Control Even in Chronic Course Through Imaging-Based DBS Programming JF - Frontiers in Neurology N2 - Objectives: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) programming is based on clinical response testing. Our clinical pilot trial assessed the feasibility of image-guided programing using software depicting the lead location in a patient-specific anatomical model. Methods: Parkinson's disease patients with subthalamic nucleus-DBS were randomly assigned to standard clinical-based programming (CBP) or anatomical-based (imaging-guided) programming (ABP) in an 8-week crossover trial. Programming characteristics and clinical outcomes were evaluated. Results: In 10 patients, both programs led to similar motor symptom control (MDS-UPDRS III) after 4 weeks (medicationOFF/stimulationON; CPB: 18.27 ± 9.23; ABP: 18.37 ± 6.66). Stimulation settings were not significantly different, apart from higher frequency in the baseline program than CBP (p = 0.01) or ABP (p = 0.003). Time spent in a program was not significantly different (CBP: 86.1 ± 29.82%, ABP: 88.6 ± 29.0%). Programing time was significantly shorter (p = 0.039) with ABP (19.78 ± 5.86 min) than CBP (45.22 ± 18.32). Conclusion: Image-guided DBS programming in PD patients drastically reduces programming time without compromising symptom control and patient satisfaction in this small feasibility trial. KW - directional deep brain stimulation KW - image-guided programming KW - subthalamic nucleus KW - chronic stimulation KW - randomized controlled double-blind study KW - Parkinson's disease Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249634 SN - 1664-2295 VL - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Üçeyler, Nurcan A1 - Schließer, Mira A1 - Evdokimov, Dimitar A1 - Radziwon, Jakub A1 - Feulner, Betty A1 - Unterecker, Stefan A1 - Rimmele, Florian A1 - Walter, Uwe T1 - Reduced midbrain raphe echogenicity in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome JF - PloS One N2 - Objectives The pathogenesis of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is unclear. Transcranial ultrasonography revealed anechoic alteration of midbrain raphe in depression and anxiety disorders, suggesting affection of the central serotonergic system. Here, we assessed midbrain raphe echogenicity in FMS. Methods Sixty-six patients underwent transcranial sonography, of whom 53 were patients with FMS (27 women, 26 men), 13 patients with major depression and physical pain (all women), and 14 healthy controls (11 women, 3 men). Raphe echogenicity was graded visually as normal or hypoechogenic, and quantified by digitized image analysis, each by investigators blinded to the clinical diagnosis. Results Quantitative midbrain raphe echogenicity was lower in patients with FMS compared to healthy controls (p<0.05), but not different from that of patients with depression and accompanying physical pain. Pain and FMS symptom burden did not correlate with midbrain raphe echogenicity as well as the presence and severity of depressive symptoms. Conclusion We found reduced echogenicity of the midbrain raphe area in patients with FMS and in patients with depression and physical pain, independent of the presence or severity of pain, FMS, and depressive symptoms. Further exploration of this sonographic finding is necessary before this objective technique may enter diagnostic algorithms in FMS and depression. KW - midbrain KW - fibromyalgia KW - depression KW - pain KW - ultrasound imaging KW - neuropathic pain KW - diagnostic medicine KW - migraine Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300639 VL - 17 IS - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klitsch, Alexander A1 - Evdokimov, Dimitar A1 - Frank, Johanna A1 - Thomas, Dominique A1 - Saffer, Nadine A1 - Meyer zu Altenschildesche, Caren A1 - Sisignano, Marco A1 - Kampik, Daniel A1 - Malik, Rayaz A. A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Üçeyler, Nurcan T1 - Reduced association between dendritic cells and corneal sub‐basal nerve fibers in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome JF - Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System N2 - In our study, we aimed at investigating corneal langerhans cells (LC) in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and small fiber neuropathy (SFN) as potential contributors to corneal small fiber pathology. We enrolled women with FMS (n = 134) and SFN (n = 41) who underwent neurological examination, neurophysiology, prostaglandin analysis in tear fluid, and corneal confocal microscopy (CCM). Data were compared with those of 60 age‐matched female controls. After screening for dry eye disease, corneal LC were counted and sub‐classified as dendritic (dLC) and non‐dendritic (ndLC) cells with or without nerve fiber association. We further analyzed corneal nerve fiber density (CNFD), length (CNFL), and branch density (CNBD). Neurological examination indicated deficits of small fiber function in patients with SFN. Nerve conduction studies were normal in all participants. Dry eye disease was more prevalent in FMS (17%) and SFN (28%) patients than in controls (5%). Tear fluid prostaglandin levels did not differ between FMS patients and controls. While corneal LC density in FMS and SFN patients was not different from controls, there were fewer dLC in association with nerve fibers in FMS and SFN patients than in controls (P < .01 each). Compared to controls, CNFL was lower in FMS and SFN patients (P < .05 each), CNFD was lower only in FMS patients (P < .05), and CNBD was lower only in SFN patients (P < .001). There was no difference in any CCM parameter between patients with and without dry eyes. Our data indicate changes in corneal innervation and LC distribution in FMS and SFN, potentially based on altered LC signaling. KW - corneal confocal microscopy KW - fibromyalgia syndrome KW - Langerhans cells KW - pain KW - small fiber neuropathy Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214150 VL - 25 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Elhfnawy, Ahmed Mohamed A1 - Elsalamawy, Doaa A1 - Abdelraouf, Mervat A1 - Schliesser, Mira A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Fluri, Felix T1 - Red flags for a concomitant giant cell arteritis in patients with vertebrobasilar stroke: a cross-sectional study and systematic review JF - Acta Neurologica Belgica N2 - Giant cell arteritis (GCA) may affect the brain-supplying arteries, resulting in ischemic stroke, whereby the vertebrobasilar territory is most often involved. Since etiology is unknown in 25% of stroke patients and GCA is hardly considered as a cause, we examined in a pilot study, whether screening for GCA after vertebrobasilar stroke might unmask an otherwise missed disease. Consecutive patients with vertebrobasilar stroke were prospectively screened for GCA using erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), hemoglobin, and halo sign of the temporal and vertebral artery on ultrasound. Furthermore, we conducted a systematic literature review for relevant studies. Sixty-five patients were included, and two patients (3.1%) were diagnosed with GCA. Patients with GCA were older in age (median 85 versus 69 years, p = 0.02). ESR and CRP were significantly increased and hemoglobin was significantly lower in GCA patients compared to non-GCA patients (median, 75 versus 11 mm in 1 h, p = 0.001; 3.84 versus 0.25 mg/dl, p = 0.01, 10.4 versus 14.6 mg/dl, p = 0.003, respectively). Multiple stenoses/occlusions in the vertebrobasilar territory affected our two GCA patients (100%), but only five (7.9%) non-GCA patients (p = 0.01). Our literature review identified 13 articles with 136 stroke patients with concomitant GCA. Those were old in age. Headache, increased inflammatory markers, and anemia were frequently reported. Multiple stenoses/occlusions in the vertebrobasilar territory affected around 70% of stroke patients with GCA. Increased inflammatory markers, older age, anemia, and multiple stenoses/occlusions in the vertebrobasilar territory may be regarded as red flags for GCA among patients with vertebrobasilar stroke. KW - giant cell arteritis KW - vertebrobasilar stroke KW - blood sedimentation KW - C-reactive protein KW - hemoglobin KW - stenosis Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-315610 SN - 0300-9009 SN - 2240-2993 VL - 120 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Biegstraaten, Marieke A1 - Arngrímsson, Reynir A1 - Barbey, Frederic A1 - Boks, Lut A1 - Cecchi, Franco A1 - Deegan, Patrick B A1 - Feldt-Rasmussen, Ulla A1 - Geberhiwot, Tarekegn A1 - Germain, Dominique P A1 - Hendriksz, Chris A1 - Hughes, Derralynn A A1 - Kantola, Ilkka A1 - Karabul, Nesrin A1 - Lavery, Christine A1 - Linthorst, Gabor E A1 - Mehta, Atul A1 - van de Mheen, Erica A1 - Oliveira, João P A1 - Parini, Rossella A1 - Ramaswami, Uma A1 - Rudnicki, Michael A1 - Serra, Andreas A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Sunder-Plassmann, Gere A1 - Svarstad, Einar A1 - Sweeb, Annelies A1 - Terryn, Wim A1 - Tylki-Szymanska, Anna A1 - Tøndel, Camilla A1 - Vujkovac, Bojan A1 - Weidemann, Frank A1 - Wijburg, Frits A A1 - Woolfson, Peter A1 - Hollak, Carla EM T1 - Recommendations for initiation and cessation of enzyme replacement therapy in patients with Fabry disease: the European Fabry Working Group consensus document JF - Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases N2 - Introduction: Fabry disease (FD) is a lysosomal storage disorder resulting in progressive nervous system, kidney and heart disease. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) may halt or attenuate disease progression. Since administration is burdensome and expensive, appropriate use is mandatory. We aimed to define European consensus recommendations for the initiation and cessation of ERT in patients with FD. Methods: A Delphi procedure was conducted with an online survey (n = 28) and a meeting (n = 15). Patient organization representatives were present at the meeting to give their views. Recommendations were accepted with ≥75% agreement and no disagreement. Results: For classically affected males, consensus was achieved that ERT is recommended as soon as there are early clinical signs of kidney, heart or brain involvement, but may be considered in patients of ≥16 years in the absence of clinical signs or symptoms of organ involvement. Classically affected females and males with non-classical FD should be treated as soon as there are early clinical signs of kidney, heart or brain involvement, while treatment may be considered in females with non-classical FD with early clinical signs that are considered to be due to FD. Consensus was achieved that treatment should not be withheld from patients with severe renal insufficiency (GFR < 45 ml/min/1.73 m\(^{2}\)) and from those on dialysis or with cognitive decline, but carefully considered on an individual basis. Stopping ERT may be considered in patients with end stage FD or other co-morbidities, leading to a life expectancy of <1 year. In those with cognitive decline of any cause, or lack of response for 1 year when the sole indication for ERT is neuropathic pain, stopping ERT may be considered. Also, in patients with end stage renal disease, without an option for renal transplantation, in combination with advanced heart failure (NYHA class IV), cessation of ERT should be considered. ERT in patients who are non-compliant or fail to attend regularly at visits should be stopped. Conclusion: The recommendations can be used as a benchmark for initiation and cessation of ERT, although final decisions should be made on an individual basis. Future collaborative efforts are needed for optimization of these recommendations. KW - Fabry disease KW - enzyme replacement therapy KW - recommendations KW - Delphi procedure Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175374 VL - 10 IS - 36 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Friedrich, Maximilian A1 - Hartig, Johannes A1 - Prüss, Harald A1 - Ip, Wang Chi A1 - Volkmann, Jens T1 - Rapidly progressive dementia: Extending the spectrum of GFAP-astrocytopathies? JF - Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology N2 - Autoimmune glial fibrillary acidic protein astrocytopathy (GFAP-A) is a steroid-responsive meningoencephalomyelitis, sometimes presenting with atypical clinical signs such as movement disorders or psychiatric and autonomic features. Beyond clinical presentation and imaging, diagnosis relies on detection of GFAP-antibodies (AB) in CSF. Using quantitative behavioral, serologic, and immunohistochemical analyses, we characterize two patients longitudinally over 18–24 months who presented with rapidly progressive neurocognitive deterioration in the context of GFAP-AB in CSF and unremarkable cranial MRI studies. Intensified immunotherapy was associated with clinical stabilization. The value of GFAP-AB screening in selected cases of rapidly progressive dementias is discussed. KW - GFAP-astrocytopathies KW - dementia Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312957 VL - 9 IS - 3 ER - TY - THES A1 - Scheytt, Sarah T1 - Quantifizierung von GAP 43 positiven intraepidermalen Nervenfasern bei Patienten mit Polyneuropathie und gesunden Kontrollen T1 - Quantification of GAP 43 positive intraepidermal nerve fibers in patients with neuropathy and healthy controls N2 - Polyneuropathien (PNP) sind mit einer Prävalenz von bis zu 7% in der Gesamtbevölkerung eine häufige Diagnose. Bei der Ursachenabklärung der PNP hat sich in den letzten Jahren die immunhistochemische Bestimmung der intraepidermalen Nervenfaserdichte aus Hautstanzbiopsien mittels einer axonalen PGP 9.5 Färbung etabliert. Ein zusätzlicher Marker ist GAP 43 - ein axonales Protein, das von regenerierenden Nervenfasern exprimiert wird. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Dichte von PGP 9.5 und GAP 43 positiven Nervenfasern anhand immunhistochemischer Färbungen an Hautstanzbiopsien vom lateralen Unter- und Oberschenkel von Patienten mit PNP unterschiedlicher Genese und von gesunden Kontrollen quantifiziert. Wir konnten zeigen, dass PNP Patienten im Vergleich zu Kontrollpersonen deutlich weniger GAP 43 positive Nervenfasern in ihren Hautbiopsien aufweisen. Obwohl sich bei PNP Patienten absolut gesehen weniger GAP 43 positive Nervenfasern fanden, war der Anteil an GAP 43 positiven Nervenfasern im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe höher, was mit einer gesteigerten regenerativen Aktivität in geschädigten Nervenfasern zusammenhängen kann. In der Patienten- und Kontrollgruppe fanden sich mehr PGP 9.5 und GAP 43 positive Nervenfasern am Ober- als am Unterschenkel, was durch die grundsätzlich dichtere Innervation proximaler Hautareale bedingt ist und bei PNP Patienten durch den im Krankheitsverslauf typischerweise längenabhängigen Verlust der peripheren kutanen Innervation noch verstärkt wird. Die Analyse potentieller Einflussfaktoren ergab beim Unterschenkel für beide Färbungen eine negative Korrelation zwischen Alter und Nervenfaserdichte. Das Geschlecht und das Vorhandensein von Schmerzen hatten keinen Einfluss auf die Hautinnervation. Die Arbeit zeigt anhand des bisher größten Patienten- und Kontrollkollektivs, dass regenerierende intraepidermale Nervenfasern mittels einer Immunhistochemie für GAP 43 zuverlässig quantifizierbar sind. Bei künftigen longitudinalen Studien kann nun ein möglicher Zusammenhang zwischen der Dichte GAP 43 positiver Nervenfasern und der Prognose bzw. dem Ansprechen auf Therapien untersucht werden. N2 - Polyneuropathies (NP) are a common neurological disease with a prevalence of 7%. In the diagnosis of NPs the determination of intraepidermal nerve fiber density in skin punch biopsies with an immunhistochemical staining for PGP 9.5 is an established procedure. An additional marker is GAP 43 - an axonal protein, that is expressed by regenerating nerve fibers. In this study we determined the densitiy of PGP 9.5 and GAP 43 positive nerve fibers with immunhistochemical staining on skin punch biopsies of the lateral lower leg an thigh from patients with NP and healthy controls. We showed, that NP patients had less GAP 43 positive nerve fibers in skin biopsies compared to healthy controls. Although NP patients had in absolute terms less GAP 43 positive nerve fibers, they had proportionately more GAP 43 positive nerve fibers compared to healthy controls. This may be due to a higher regenerating activity in damaged nerve fibers. In the patient- and controlgroup there were more PGP 9.5 and GAP 43 positive nerve fibers on the thigh compared to the lower leg due to a generally higher innervation of proximal skin areas. This is intensified in NP patients by the for the disease typical length dependent loss of peripheral skin innervation. The analysis of potential influencing factors showed in the lower leg a negative correlation between age and nerve fiber density. Gender and the existence of pain showed no influence on skin innervation. This study shows with the to date biggest patient- and controlcollective, that regenerating intraepidermal nerve fibers are reliably quantifiable with an immunhistochemical staining for GAP 43. For future longitudinal studies there should be analysed, if there is a possible relationship between the densitiy of GAP 43 nerve fibers and the prognosis or the treatment response of NP. KW - Polyneuropathie KW - Hautbiopsie KW - GAP 43 KW - skin biopsy KW - Neuropathy Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-94782 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Steigerwald, Frank A1 - Timmermann, Lars A1 - Kühn, Andrea A1 - Schnitzler, Alfons A1 - Reich, Martin M. A1 - Kirsch, Anna Dalal A1 - Barbe, Michael Thomas A1 - Visser-Vandewalle, Veerle A1 - Hübl, Julius A1 - van Riesen, Christoph A1 - Groiss, Stefan Jun A1 - Moldovan, Alexia-Sabine A1 - Lin, Sherry A1 - Carcieri, Stephen A1 - Manola, Ljubomir A1 - Volkmann, Jens T1 - Pulse duration settings in subthalamic stimulation for Parkinson's disease JF - Movement Disorders N2 - Background Stimulation parameters in deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus for Parkinson's disease (PD) are rarely tested in double-blind conditions. Evidence-based recommendations on optimal stimulator settings are needed. Results from the CUSTOM-DBS study are reported, comparing 2 pulse durations. Methods A total of 15 patients were programmed using a pulse width of 30 µs (test) or 60 µs (control). Efficacy and side-effect thresholds and unified PD rating scale (UPDRS) III were measured in meds-off (primary outcome). The therapeutic window was the difference between patients’ efficacy and side effect thresholds. Results The therapeutic window was significantly larger at 30 µs than 60 µs (P = ·0009) and the efficacy (UPDRS III score) was noninferior (P = .00008). Interpretation Subthalamic neurostimulation at 30 µs versus 60 µs pulse width is equally effective on PD motor signs, is more energy efficient, and has less likelihood of stimulation-related side effects. © 2017 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. KW - deep brain stimulation KW - Parkinson's disease; KW - pulse width KW - stimulation parameters KW - subthalamic Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239402 VL - 33 ER - TY - THES A1 - Braun, Alexandra T1 - Psychosocial and somatic resilience factors of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) T1 - Psychosoziale und somatische Resilienzfaktoren bei Patienten mit dem Fibromyalgie Syndrom (FMS) N2 - Background: In recent years, health care has increasingly become the focus of public interest, politics, health insurance companies, and research. This includes the development of therapeutic concepts that can respond individually to patients' resources in order to improve coping with chronic diseases. Research into psychosocial and biological resilience factors is very important and the basic objective of the present work. I studied patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), who suffer among others from chronic pain, fatigue, sleep and gastrointestinal problems. This patient cohort is characterized by a pronounced heterogeneity in terms of clinical outcome, degree in disability and coping. FMS has a prevalence of 3 – 8 % in the Western population and has a significant socio-economic impact. Validated psychosocial resilience factors include optimism, humor, coherence, self-efficacy, awareness with one's own resources and the ability to apply them profitably (coping), and a healthy social environment with positive relationships. Studies in patients with cancer revealed religiosity as positive and negative factor on the health outcome, but there is little data on religious aspects of pain resilience. Various genetic polymorphisms and anti-inflammatory cytokines are known as biological resilience factors. Various microRNA (miRNA) were detected to contribute to resilience in the context of stress and psychiatric disorders. Objective: The underlying research question of this work is to understand the factors that make some FMS patients resilient and others not, even though they suffer from the same disease. The long-term aim was to understand mechanisms and influencing factors of resilience to design preventive and resource-oriented therapies for FMS patients. Material and Methods: Three studies examined religious, physiological, biological, and psychosocial factors which may contribute to resilience in FMS patients. Study one combined data of questionnaires, a psychosocial interview, and regression analyses to investigate the relevance of religiosity for coping and resilience. Study two examined variance explaining factors and defined clusters among FMS patients by their differences in coping, pain phenotype and disability. The factor analysis used variables derived from questionnaires and qPCR of cytokines in white blood samples (WBC) of patients and healthy controls. Study three assessed cluster-wise miRNA signatures which may underly differences in behaviour, emotional and physiological disability, and resilience among patient clusters. A cluster-specific speculative model of a miRNA-mediated regulatory cycle was proposed and its potential targets verified by an online tool. Results: The data from the first study revealed a not very religious patient cohort, which was rather ambivalent towards the institution church, but described itself as a believer. The degree of religiosity played a role in the choice of coping strategy but had no effect on psychological parameters or health outcomes. The coping strategy "reinterpretation", which is closely related iv to the religious coping "reappraisal", had the highest influence on FMS related disability. Cognitive active coping strategies such as reappraisal which belongs to religious coping had the highest effect on FMS related disability (resilience) and could be trained by a therapist. Results from the second study showed high variances of all measured cytokines within the patient group and no difference between patient and control group. The high dispersion indicated cluster among patients. Factor analysis extracted four variance-explaining factors named as affective load, coping, pain, and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Psychological factors such as depression were the most decisive factors of everyday stress in life and represented the greatest influence on the variance of the data. Study two identified four clusters with respective differences in the factors and characterized them as poorly adapted (maladaptive), well adapted (adaptive), vulnerable and resilient. Their naming was based on characteristics of both resilience concepts, indicated by patients who were less stress-sensitive and impaired as a personal characteristic and by patients who emerged as more resilient from a learning and adaptive process. The data from the variance analysis suggests that problem- and emotion-focused coping strategies and a more anti-inflammatory cytokine pattern are associated with low impairment and contribute to resilience. Additional favorable factors include low anxiety, acceptance, and persistence. Some cluster-specific intervention proposals were created that combine existing concepts of behavioral and mindfulness therapies with alternative therapies such as vitamin D supplementation and a healthy intestinal flora. The results of the third study revealed lower relative gene expression of miR103a-3p, miR107, and miR130a-3p in the FMS cohort compared to the healthy controls with a large effect size. The adaptive cluster had the highest gene expression of miR103a-3p and tendentially of miR107, which was correlated with the subscale score "physical abuse" of the trauma questionnaire. Further correlations were found in particular with pain catastrophizing and FMS-related disability. MiR103a-3p and miR107 form a miRNA-family. Based on this, we proposed a miR103a/107 regulated model of an adaptive process to stress, inflammation and pain by targeting genetic factors which are included in different anti-inflammatory and stress-regulating pathways. Conclusion: All three studies provide new insights into resilience in FMS patients. Cognitive coping (reappraisal/reinterpretation) plays a central role and thus offers therapeutic targets (reframing in the context of behavioral therapy). Religosity as a resilience factor was only partially valid for our patient cohort. Basically, the use of resource-oriented therapy in large institutions still requires research and interdisciplinary cooperation to create a consensus between the humanities, natural sciences and humanism. N2 - Hintergrund: Die Gesunderhaltung ist in den letzten Jahren mehr und mehr in den Fokus des Interesses der Öffentlichkeit, Politik, Krankenkassen und Forschung gerückt. Dazu zählt auch die Entwicklung von Therapiekonzepten, die individuell auf die Bedürfnisse und Ressourcen der Patienten zugeschnitten sind, um den Umgang mit insbesondere chronischen Erkrankungen zu verbessern. Die Erforschung von psychosozialen und biologischen Resilienzfaktoren ist hierfür sehr wichtig, und das grundlegende Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit. Zielgruppe sind Patienten mit Fibromyalgiesyndrom (FMS). Symptome des FMS sind u.a. chronischer Schmerz, Erschöpfung, Schlaf und Magen-, Darmprobleme. Die Patientengruppe erscheint in der Klinik als sehr heterogene mit unterschiedlichen Beeinträchtigungsgraden und verschiedenen Strategien, mit den Auswirkungen der Erkrankung umzugehen. Die Prävalenz des FMS liegt bei 3 – 8% in der westlichen Bevölkerung und ist somit von erheblicher gesellschaftlicher und sozioökonomischer Bedeutung. Validierte psychosoziale Resilienzfaktoren sind u.a. Optimismus, Humor, Kohärenzgefühl, Selbstwirksamkeit, Bewusstsein der eigenen Ressourcen und die Fähigkeit diese gewinnbringend anzuwenden (Coping) und ein gesundes soziales Umfeld mit positiven Beziehungen. Studien an Krebspatienten ergaben unterschiedliche Effekte von Religiosität als Copingstrategie und Resilienzfaktor. Im Allgemeinen liegen wenige Daten vor zum Thema Religiosität / als Schutzfaktor bei Schmerzpatienten. Als biologische Resilienzfaktoren sind verschiedene genetische Polymophismen, anti-inflammatorische Zytokine und microRNA (miRNA) bekannt, die zur Resilienz bei chronischem Stress und psychiatrischen Krankheitsbildern beitragen. Ziel: Die zugrundeliegende Forschungsfrage dieser vorliegenden Arbeit ist, welche Faktoren dazu beitragen, dass manche Patienten resilienter sind als andere, obwohl sie unter derselben Erkrankung leiden. Das langfristige Ziel dieser Forschung ist es, Mechanismen und Einflussfaktoren der Resilienz zu verstehen, um präventive und gezielte Ressourcen-orientierte Therapien für FMS Patienten zu entwickeln. Material und Methoden: Insgesamt drei Studien untersuchten explorativ eine Reihe von religiösen, physiologischen, biologischen und psychosozialen Faktoren und ihre Rolle als Schutzfaktor bei Patienten mit FMS. Studie 1 kombinierte Daten von Fragebögen, einem psychologischen Interview und Regressionsanalysen, um die Relevanz von Religiosität für das Coping und Resilienz zu untersuchen. Studie 2 versuchte mit einer explorativen Faktorenanalyse Einflussfaktoren zu ermitteln, die für die heterogene Datenlage der Patienten verantwortlich sind. Mithilfe einer Clusteranalyse wurden Subgruppen anhand ihrer Unterschiede in mentaler Gesundheit, Coping, Schmerzphänotyp und Beeinträchtigung definiert. Die Faktorenanalyse verwendete Daten der Fragebögen und Genexpressionsanalysen ausgewählter Zytokine aus Blutproben der Patienten und einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe. Zuletzt wurden Cluster-spezifische Therapievorschläge auf der Basis bereits bekannter Therapien zusammengestellt. Studie 3 bestimmte Cluster-charakteristische miRNA Signaturen, die verantwortlich für die Cluster-spezifischen Unterschiede in Verhalten (coping), emotionaler und körperlicher Beeinträchtigung, und Resilienz sein können. Die Ergebnisse wurden in einem Regulationsschema zusammengefasst und schlagen einen möglichen miRNA-regulierten Mechanismus von adaptivem Verhalten vor. Die potentiellen genetischen Targets wurden mittels eines online Tools „Target Scan Human“ verifiziert. Ergebnisse: Die Daten der ersten Studie zeigten eine wenig religiöse Patientenkohorte, die der Institution Kirche eher ambivalent gegenüberstand, sich jedoch dennoch als gläubig beschrieb. Der Grad der Religiosität spielte eine Rolle bei der Wahl der Copingstrategie, hatte jedoch keinen Einfluss auf psychologische Parameter oder die Gesundheit. Die Copingstrategie „Reinterpretation“, welche auch nah verwandt mit dem religiösen Coping „reappraisal“ ist, hatte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Beeinträchtigung, und könnte innerhalb einer Verhaltenstherapie erlernt werden. Ergebnisse der zweiten Studie zeigen hohe Varianzen aller gemessenen Zytokine innerhalb der Patientengruppe und keinen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen Patienten- und Kontrollgruppe. Die hohe Streuung deutete auf Subgruppen innerhalb der FMS Kohorte hin. Mittels einer Faktorenanalyse wurden vier Faktoren ermittelt, die dieser Varianz zugrunde liegen, welche absteigend als affektive Belastung, Coping, Schmerz und pro-inflammatorische Zytokine benannt wurden. Interessant ist, dass psychische Faktoren wie Depression den höchsten Einfluss auf die Belastung im Alltag darstellten und auch den größten Einfluss auf die Varianz der Daten abbildete. Studie 2 konnte vier Subgruppen mit jeweiligen Unterschieden in den charakterisierten Faktoren ermitteln und diese als schlecht angepasst (maladaptive), gut angepasst (adaptive), vulnerabel und resilient charakterisieren. Ihre Benennung basierte auf Charakteristika beider Resilienzkonzepte. Es gab Anzeichen für Patienten, die weniger stresssensibel und beeinträchtigt waren aufgrund von Persönlichkeitsstrukturen sowie Patienten, die aus einem Lern- und Anpassungsprozess nun resilienter hervorgingen. Die Daten der Varianzanalyse legten nahe, dass problem- und emotionsfokussierte Copingstrategien und ein eher antiinflammatorisches Zytokinmuster mit einer niedrigen Beeinträchtigung assoziiert sind und eher zur Resilienz beitragen. Zusätzliche begünstigende Faktoren sind niedrige Angstwerte, Akzeptanz und Durchhaltevermögen. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wurden einige Subgruppen-spezifische Interventionsvorschläge vorgestellt, welche bereits existierende Konzepte der Verhaltens- und Achtsamkeitstherapien mit alternativen Therapien wie Supplementierung von Vitamin D und eine gesunde Darmflora miteinander kombinieren. Die Ergebnisse der dritten Studie zeigten eine niedrigere relative Genexpression von miR103a-3p, miR107 und miR130a-3p in der FMS Kohorte verglichen mit der gesunden Kontrollkohorte mit einer großen Effektstärke. Die höchste relative Genexpression zeigte miR103a im adaptiven Cluster, das Cluster mit der niedrigsten Beeinträchtigung. MiR107 tendierte zu einer leicht erhöhten relativen Expression im adaptiven Cluster und war mit dem Subskalenscore „körperlicher Missbrauch“ des Traumafragebogens korreliert. Weitere Korrelationen fanden sich insbesondere mit den Variablen psychologischer Fragebögen zu Schmerz Katastrophisieren und FMS-bezogene Beeinträchtigung. MiR103a-3p und miR107 bilden zuammen eine miRNA Familie mit gleichen physiologischen Funktionen. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen, schlugen wir ein Model der miR103a/107 regulierten Anpassung an Stress, Entzündung und Schmerz unter Einbezug verifizierter Gene, vor. Schlussfolgerung: Zusammenfassend geben alle drei Studien neue Einblicke in die Resilienzfaktoren von FMS Patienten. Dabei kommt dem kognitiven Coping (reappraisal / reinterpretation) eine zentrale Rolle zu, was therapeutische Ansatzpunkte (reframing innerhalb einer Verhaltenstherapie) bietet. Religiosität konnte sich in der hier untersuchten Kohorte als Schutzfaktor nur bedingt validieren. Grundsätzlich benötigt der Einsatz von ressourcenorientierter Therapie innerhalb großer Kliniken noch einiges an Forschung und interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit, die einen Konsens zwischen Geisteswissenschaften, Naturwissenschaften und Humanismus schafft. KW - Resilienz KW - resilience KW - Fibromyalgia KW - somatic resilience KW - psychosocial resilience Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242809 ER - TY - THES A1 - Ostertag, Viktoria Charlotte Caroline T1 - Präventive und therapeutische Behandlung mit einem CSF-1-Rezeptorinhibitor bei verschiedenen Charcot-Marie-Tooth Mausmodellen T1 - Preventive and therapeutic treatment with a CSF-receptor-inhibitor in various Charcot-Marie-Tooth mouse models N2 - Die Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Neuropathie umfasst eine heterogene Gruppe von erblichen unter anderem demyelinisierenden Erkrankungen des peripheren Nervensystems. Trotz ihrer hohen Prävalenz von 1:2.500 gibt es bis dato keine kausalen Therapiemöglichkeiten. Durch den progressiven Krankheitsverlauf wird die Lebensqualität der Patienten stetig gemindert; der fortschreitende Verlust der Muskelkraft und Störungen des Gangbildes sind besonders belastend. Ursächlich für die CMT1-Neuropathie sind unter anderem Mutationen in Genen, die für Moleküle des Myelins von Schwannzellen codieren. Diese Mutationen führen zu einer verminderten Stabilität und Funktion des Myelins und so letzten Endes zu einer Demyelinisierung und axonalen Schädigung der peripheren Nerven. Weitere Studien in CMT1-Mausmodellen zeigten jedoch, dass nicht nur die verringerte Myelinstabilität sondern auch eine durch das Immunsystem vermittelte geringgradige Entzündungsreaktion für die Symptome ursächlich sein könnte. Hier spielen vor allem Makrophagen eine zentrale Rolle. Das Zytokin CSF-1 aktiviert die Makrophagen und verursacht so eine Demyelinisierung der peripheren Nerven. In P0het und Cx32def Mausmodellen konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass eine medikamentöse Inhibition des CSF-1-Rezeptors an Makrophagen zu einem verbesserten Nervphänotypen und einer deutlichen Abmilderung des Krankheitsbildes führte. In dieser Arbeit wurden in P0het und Cx32def Mausmodellen weiterführende Behandlungsstudien mit einem CSF-1-RI durchgeführt, die untersuchen, zu welchem Zeitpunkt innerhalb des Krankheitsverlaufs (therapeutisch oder präventiv) eine erfolgreiche Therapie noch möglich ist und ob bei einem früheren Beginn eine noch bessere Wirkung erzielt werden kann. Abhängig von den verschiedenen Start- und Endpunkten waren unterschiedliche Ergebnisse zu beobachten: Hinsichtlich der klinischen Parameter wie der Greifkraft und der Anzahl an abnormal innervierten Synapsen zeigten die Tiere im präventiven Behandlungszweig in beiden Mausmodellen das beste Ergebnis im Vergleich zu den Kontrolltieren. Diese substantielle Verbesserung ließ sich unabhängig von einem Makrophagen-Reflux sogar noch 6 Monate nach Behandlungsabbruch nachweisen. Bezüglich der endoneuralen Makrophagendepletion war sowohl in den P0het als auch den Cx32def Tieren im präventiven sowie im therapeutischen Behandlungszweig eine signifikante Verbesserung zu beobachten. Diese Ergebnisse heben ein weiteres Mal die Bedeutung der Makrophagen als Teil einer Entzündungsreaktion in der Pathogenese der CMT1-Neuropathie hervor. Des Weiteren konnte die These gefestigt werden, dass eine Inhibition des CSF-1-Rezeptors zu verbesserten histopathologischen sowie funktionellen Parametern führt. Um ein gutes Ansprechen auf die Therapie zu erzielen, müssen ein möglichst früher Therapiebeginn sowie eine nachhaltige Behandlungsdauer gewährleistet sein. N2 - "Macrophage-mediated inflamma3on is a potent driver of disease progression in mouse models of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) 1 diseases. This leads to the possibility to consider these cells as therapeu3c targets to dampen disease outcome in the so far non-treatable neuropathies. As a pharmacological proof-of-principle study, long-term targe3ng of nerve macrophages with the orally applied CSF-1 receptor specific kinase (c-FMS) inhibitor PLX5622 showed a substan3al allevia3on of the neuropathy in dis3nct CMT1 mouse models. However, regarding transla3onal op3ons, clinically relevant ques3ons emerged regarding treatment onset, dura3on and termina3on. Corrobora3ng previous data, we here show that in a model for CMT1B, peripheral neuropathy was substan3ally alleviated aQer early con3nuous PLX5622 treatment in CMT1B mice, leading to preserved motor func3on. However, late-onset treatment failed to mi3gate histopathological and clinical features, despite a similar reduc3on in the number of macrophages. Surprisingly, in CMT1B mice, termina3ng early PLX5622 treatment at six months was s3ll sufficient to preserve motor func3on at 12 months of age, sugges3ng a long-las3ng, therapeu3c effect of early macrophage deple3on. This novel and unexpected finding may have important transla3onal implica3ons, since we here show that con3nuous macrophage targe3ng appears not to be necessary for disease allevia3on, provided that the treatment starts within an early, cri3cal 3me window.” (Ostertag et al., Experimental Neurology, 2022) KW - Charcot-Marie-Syndrom KW - Neuropathie KW - Charcot-Marie-Tooth KW - CSF-1-Rezeptor-Inhibitor Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-308528 ER - TY - THES A1 - Pausch, Jonas Franz T1 - Präferentielle Lokalisation von Makrophagen im räumlichen Umfeld von Ranvier'schen Schnürringen - Morphologische Analysen zur räumlichen Verteilung von Makrophagen in Mausmodellen für erbliche Neuropathien T1 - Preferential localisation of macrophages near nodes of Ranvier - morpholocgical analyses in mose models for ihertited peripheral neuropathie N2 - Die Charcot-Marie-Tooth Typ 1 Erkrankungen sind eine genetisch heterogene Gruppe, aktuell nicht kurativ therapierbarer, erblicher Neuropathien des Peripheren Nervensystems. Klinische Manifestationen reichen von Sensibilitäts-störungen, verminderten Muskeleigenreflexen, sowie fortschreitenden Lähmungen, bis hin zu Muskelatrophie und bedeuten für die betroffenen Patienten eine starke Einschränkung der Lebensqualität. Anhand früherer Studien wurde Makrophagen, als Teil des angeborenen Immunsystems, eine entscheidende Rolle in der Pathogenese dreier CMT1-Unterformen zugeschrieben. Abgesehen von den morphologischen Manifestationen der demyelinisierenden CMT1-Erkrankungen, wie simultanes Auftreten von Dedifferenzierung, sowie Hypo-, und Demyelinisierung erkrankter Schwann-Zellen, sind pathologische Veränderungen der Domänengliederung der Ranvier’schen Schnürringe betroffener Nervenfasern ebenfalls von der Aktivierung pathogener Makrophagen abhängig. Auf der Basis verschiedener veröffentlichter Studien, welche sowohl demyelinisierende Erkrankungen des ZNS, aber auch primär durch axonale Schäden gekennzeichnete Erkrankungen des PNS beinhalten, besteht ein möglicher räumlicher Zusammenhang zwischen Architekturstörungen der RS und aktivierten pathogenen Mikrogliazellen bzw. Makrophagen. In dieser Studie konnte, anhand morphologischer Analysen von peripherem Nervengewebe, in Wt-Mäusen erstmals eine unerwartete präferentielle Lokalisation von Makrophagen im räumlichen Umfeld von RS beobachtet werden. Hierbei scheint, trotz des Fehlens einer direkten Zell-Zell-Interaktion zwischen Makrophagen und RS, vor allem im Hinblick auf die ebenfalls im räumlichen Umfeld von RS nachweisbare EZM und Fibroblasten, eine funktionelle Relevanz der assoziierten Makrophagen für die Aufrechterhaltung der Domänengliederung bzw. elektrophysiologischen Eigenschaften myelinisierter peripherer Nervenfasern denkbar. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde trotz der signifikanten Zunahme der Makrophagenanzahlen in den drei untersuchten CMT1-Mausmodellen keine erhöhte räumliche Assoziation mit den RS der mutierten Schwann-Zellen beobachtet. Vielmehr konnten anhand des Vergleiches mit wildtypischen Kontrollmäusen signifikant erniedrigte Assoziationsraten beider Strukturen in den CMT1-Modelltieren festgestellt werden. Folglich scheint die von der Einwanderung und Aktivierung pathogener Makrophagen abhängige Störung der Domänengliederung der RS der mutierten Schwann-Zellen, nicht durch eine direkte Interaktion bzw. räumliche Assoziation von Makrophagen mit RS ausgelöst zu werden. N2 - The Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathies are a heterogenous group of inherited neuropathies oft he peripheral nervous system currenly incurable. Clinical symptoms vary from sensory loss, reduced tendon reflexes, muscular atrophy to progressive disability. According to different studies macrophages, as a part oft he innate immune system, play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of three different CMT-1 subtypes. Apart from morphological changes like dedifferentiation as well as hypo- and demyelination of diseased Schwann-cells, pathological alterations of nodes of Ranvier are also driven by activated marophages. As already described for demyelinating disoders oft he CNS, as well as neruodegenerative disorders oft he PNS, we investigated the spatial association of macrophages with diseased nodes of Ranvier. According to morphological analysis of peripheral nerve tissue this study is the first to describe an unexpected preferential spatial localization of macrophages near nodes of Ranvier in healthy nerves. Despite direct cell-cell interactions macrohages might play a functional role regarding the turnover of ECM and fibroblasts surrounding nodes of Ranvier, as well as the maintenance oft he architecture and electrophysiological features of peripheral nerve fibers. KW - Makrophagen KW - Erbliche Neuropathien KW - Charcot-Marie-Tooth KW - Ranvier'sche Schnürringe KW - CMT KW - Ranvier'sche Schnürringe Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143801 ER - TY - THES A1 - Beaucamp, Marcel T1 - Prädiktion des Verschlusses großer intrakranieller Arterien anhand präklinischer Schlaganfallscores T1 - Prediction of large vessel oclusions by using preclinical stroke scores N2 - 2015 konnte in mehreren Studien ESCAPE, EXTENDED IA, MR CLEAN, REVASCAT, SWIFT-PRIME eine signifikante Überlegenheit der mechanischen Thrombektomie verglichen mit der alleinigen i. v. Lysetherapie mit rtPA bezogen auf Revaskularisierung bei Patienten mit einer LVO (large vessel occlusion) nachgewiesen werden. Diese neue Therapiemöglichkeit erforderte eine Aufteilung der Patienten die von einer Thrombektomie profitieren (LVO) und der Patienten, die keiner Thrombektomie zugeführt werden können (nLVO). Die zentrale Fragestellung der Studie ist: Kann ein symptomorientierter Schlaganfallscore die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines großen intrakraniellen Gefäßverschlusses mit hinreichender Präzision vorhersagen und kann auf Basis dieser Vorhersage ein Patient direkt in ein übergeordnetes Schlagfanfallzentrum gebracht werden, obwohl sich dadurch eine Bridging Lysetherapie verzögern würde? Um diesen Fragen auf den Grund zu gehen führten wir eine monozentrische Querschnittstudie durch, in deren Rahmen 215 Patienten rekrutiert wurden. Die Rekrutierung erfolgte mittels eines aus Subitems bereits etablierter Schlafanfallscores (FAST, CPSS, LAPSS, 3ISS, RACE), zusammengesetzten Fragebogens. Die ausgefüllten Fragebögen wurde in Excel digitalisiert und mittels SPSS, Signifikanz und Odds Ratio berechnet. Anschließend wurde aus den signifikanten Subitems mit der höchsten Odds Ratio ein neuer einfach anzuwendender Schlaganfallscore, bestehend aus den präklinisch erhobenen Daten gebildet (Würzburg Score of Large Vessel Occlusions, WOLVE- Score). Weiter wurden Signifikanz, Odds Ratio, Sensitivität und Spezifität des WOLVE-Score mit denen der oben genannten etablieren Scores verglichen. N2 - 2015 several publications ESCAPE, EXTENDED IA, MR CLEAN, REVASCAT, SWIFT-PRIME proofed a significant superiority of the mechanical thrombectomy in Patients suffering from a LVO (large vessel occlusion) concerning revascularization rates compared to i. v. thrombolysis with rtPA, alone. This newly discovered therapy required a new distribution of patients who could profit from a thrombectomy (LVO) and those who would not profit from a thrombectomy (nLVO). The key question is: Can a symptom related stroke score predict the probability of a large vessel occlusion with a sufficient precision and is it possible to admit a patient to a comprehensive stroke center based on this prediction, even though an early bridging thrombolysis is delayed. To answer this question we performed a cross-sectional study in which 215 patients were recruited by using a composite questionnaire consisting of subitems from established stroke scores (FAST, CPSS, LAPSS, 3ISS, RACE). The questionnaire was digitalized in Ecxel. Statistical calculations of the significancy and the odds ratio were conducted in SPSS. The significant subitems with the highest odds ratio were used to construct a new simple stroke score for LVO recognition in the field (Würzburg Score of Large Vessel Occlusions, WOLVE- Score). Eventually the significancy, odds ratio sensitivity and specificity of the WOLVE-Score were calculated and compared to the ones of the established scores. KW - Schlaganfall KW - Gefäßverschluss KW - Score KW - Thrombektomie KW - Revaskularisierung KW - Stroke KW - Score KW - LVO Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-215117 ER - TY - THES A1 - Mönter, Boris T1 - Protonenempfindlichkeit von Spinalganglienneuronen bei Wildtypmäusen und Mausmutanten mit einem Mangel an TRPV 1 oder ASIC 3 T1 - Proton-sensibility of spinal root ganglion neurons in wildtype-mice and mutants with a lack of TRPV 1 or ASIC 3 N2 - In den letzten Jahren wurden große Fortschritte in der Aufklärung von Mechanismen der Protonensensibilität auf molekularer Ebene gemacht, die ein wesentliches Element der Nozizeption darstellt. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von den in diesem Zusammenhang entdeckten Kanälen TRPV1 und ASIC3 auf die Protonensensitivität von nativen Spinalganglienneuronen, sowie Unterschiede zwischen der IB4-positiven und der IB4-negativen Population untersucht. Hierzu wurden Patch-Clamp-Studien an isolierten Neuronen von TRPV1-defizienten und ASIC3-defizienten Mäusen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Experimente bestätigen dabei die wesentliche Rolle von TRPV1 für die Protonensensibilität. Insbesondere für nicht desensibilisierende Komponenten von protoneninduzierten Strömen, die für die Transduktion extrazelluärer azidotischer Schmerzzustände in eine anhaltende Erregung des nozizeptiven Systems verantwortlich sind, ist TRPV1 von großer Bedeutung. Diese sind in den TRPV1-defizienten Neuronen stark reduziert. Der Einfluss von ASIC3 auf diese Komponenten ist hingegen gering, auch wenn es Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung dieses Rezeptors an diesen Komponenten gibt. Größere Bedeutung hat ASIC3 für schnell desensibilisierende Komponenten der Reaktion dieser Neurone auf Protonen, die von ASIC3-defizienten seltener als von Wildtyp-Neuronen gezeigt werden. Die Bedeutung dieser transienten Komponenten ist nicht geklärt, wahrscheinlich erfüllen sie eine modulatorische Funktion, nicht nur im nozizeptiven System. Noch wenig ist über die funktionellen Unterschiede der zwei verschiedenen Subpopulationen nozizeptiver Neurone bekannt, die durch die Bindung des Isolektins B4 differenziert werden können. Diese Arbeit gibt Hinweise darauf, dass sich diese auch in ihrer Protonensensitivität unterscheiden. Das könnte Ausdruck dafür sei, dass diese an der Wahrnehmung unterschiedlicher Schmerzzustände beteiligt sind. Die Charakterisierung der Mechanismen des komplexen nozizeptiven Systems auf zellulärer und molekularer Ebene ist Vorraussetzung zur Entwicklung von gezielt wirkenden, analgetischen Pharmaka. Die schon lange bekannte Wirksamkeit von Capsaicin – dem wohl bekanntesten Agonisten von TRPV1 – bei verschiedenen schmerzhaften Zuständen und fortschreitende Erkenntnisse über die Bedeutung dieses und der ASIC-Rezeptoren bei der Wahrnehmung von schmerzassoziierter Gewebsazidose, zeigt Wege auf, über die solche Medikamente ihre Wirkung entfalten könnten. N2 - Big advantages were made in the last years to enlight the mechanisms of protonsensibility on the molecular level, which is a major element of nociception. The influence of the ion-channels TRPV 1 and ASIC 3 on protonsensitivity, which were discovered in this context and differences between IB4-positive and IB4-negative neuron-populations are investigated in this work. Patch-clamp-studies in isolated neurons of TRPV 1-deficient and ASIC 3-deficient mice were conducted for that purpose. The results of this experiments affirm the essential role of TRPV 1 for protonsensitivity. TRPV 1 is important especially for non-desensitising components of proton-induced currents, which are responsible for the transduction of extracellular acidotic painful states. These are strongly reduced in TRPV 1-deficient mice. The influence of ASIC 3 is small, although there is evidence of a participation of this receptor for this components. ASIC 3 is more important for quickly desensitising components of the reaction to protons of such neurons, which occur less often in AISC 3-deficient than in wildtype-mice. The function of these transient components are not entirely clear, they probably have a modulatory effect, not only within the nociceptive system. Still not much is known about the functional differences of two subpopulations of nociceptive neurons, which can be differentiated by the binding of the Isolectin B4. This work shows, that they differ in their protonsensitivity. This shows that they might be involved in the reception of different painful states. The characterisation of the mechanisms of the complex nociceptive system on cellular and molecular level is required to develop efficient analgetic drugs. The efficiency of capsaicin, probably the best known agonist for TRPV 1, for different painful states and better knowledge about the function of this receptor and those of the ASIC-family for the reception of pain-associated tissue-acidosis shows, how new analgetic drugs might be able to work. KW - TRPV 1 KW - ASIC 3 KW - Protonen KW - Spinalganglienneuron KW - Schmerz KW - TRPV 1 KW - ASIC 3 KW - protons KW - dorsal root ganglion neuron KW - pain Y1 - 2004 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-10271 ER - TY - THES A1 - Peterka, Manuel T1 - Propriozeptive Störungen bei Morbus Parkinson – Explorative Untersuchungen zu Art, Ausmaß und potenzieller Rekalibrierung mithilfe der LSVT-BIG-Therapie T1 - Propriozeptive disorders in Parkinon’s disease - Explorative assessment of character, extent and possible recalibration through LSVT-BIG-Therapy N2 - Beim idiopathischen Parkinson Syndrom (IPS) gewinnen nicht-motorische Symptome in Forschung und Klinik zunehmend an Bedeutung. So findet sich in der Literatur vermehrt Evidenz, dass die Propriozeption bei Patienten mit IPS (PmIPS) gestört ist. Verschiedene klinische und neuroanatomische Studien weisen darauf hin, dass es beim IPS zu einer fehlerhaften sensomotorischen Integration von propriozeptiven Informationen in den Basalganglien kommt. Zudem gibt es Hinweise, dass die passiv-sensible Wahrnehmung von Propriozeption pathologisch verändert ist. Außerdem wird vermutet, dass durch propriozeptives Training eine Verbesserung der Parkinsonsymptomatik erreicht werden kann. Ein spezielles Trainingsprogramm, die LSVT-BIG-Therapie, bei der gezielt trainiert wird, Bewegungen mit einer großen Amplitude durchzuführen, konnte motorische Symptome und Mobilität beim IPS effektiv verbessern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit stellten wir folgende Hypothesen auf: Das IPS geht mit einer fehlerhaften sensomotorischen Integration von Propriozeption einher. Die afferente propriozeptive Wahrnehmung ist ebenfalls pathologisch verändert. Eine propriozeptive Rekalibrierung ist mithilfe der LSVT-BIG-Therapie möglich. Für die Überprüfung dieser Hypothesen schlossen wir 30 PmIPS und 15 gesunde Probanden in unsere Fall-Kontroll-Studie ein und führten eine Eingangsuntersuchung durch. 11 PmIPS absolvierten anschließend eine vierwöchige LSVT-BIG-Therapie. Die Folgeuntersuchungen fanden 4 und 8 Wochen nach der Eingangsuntersuchung statt. 78 Diese beinhalteten neuropsychologische Testungen, außerdem die Bestimmung der Lebensqualität, die Erhebung des motorischen Teils der Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson´s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS III), Untersuchungen zur Feinmotorik, die Durchführung einer diagnostischen Transkraniellen Magnetstimulation (TMS) sowie Testverfahren zur Propriozeption, darunter sowohl Zeigeversuche, als auch die Bestimmung der Position einer Extremität, ohne visuelle Kontrolle. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die IPS-Gruppe gegenüber der gesunden Kontrollgruppe signifikant größere Zeigefehler machte, wohingegen die Bestimmung der Position einer Extremität in beiden Gruppen vergleichbar präzise möglich war. Zusätzlich zeigte eine von sieben Messungen der Feinmotorik einen signifikanten Unterschied zwischen PmIPS und Kontrollen. Die Messungen der TMS erbrachten hingegen keine signifikant messbaren Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen. In den Folgeuntersuchungen nach therapeutischer Intervention ergaben die Zeigeübungen eine signifikante Verbesserung der BIG-Gruppe im Zeitverlauf. Die Untersuchungen zu Feinmotorik und MDS-UPDRS III ergaben zwar eine tendenzielle Verbesserung durch die LSVT-BIG-Therapie, waren jedoch statistisch nicht signifikant. Die Lebensqualität der PmIPS in der BIG-Gruppe verbesserte sich signifikant nach Intervention. Die Ergebnisse sprechen für die Hypothese der fehlerhaften propriozeptiven Integration beim Morbus Parkinson. Dies zeigte sich für aktive sensomotorische Tasks, nicht hingegen in der passiv-sensiblen propriozeptiven Testung. Auch wenn weitere Studien mit größeren Kohorten benötigt werden, legt unsere Studie nahe, dass die LSVT-BIG-Therapie mit einer propriozeptiven Rekalibrierung einhergeht. Damit erklärt sich möglicherweise der nachhaltige Erfolg der Therapie. N2 - There is growing evidence for proprioceptive dysfunction in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Several clinical and neuranatomical studies conclude, that the sensorimotor integration of proprioception is impaired at the level of the basal ganglia. Moreover, passive perception of propriozeptive information has shown to be altered in PD. The Lee Silvermann Voice Treatment-BIG therapy (LSVT-BIG), a special training program aiming at an increase of movement amplitudes in persons with PD (PwPD), has shown to be effective on motor symptoms. LSVT-BIG is conceptionally based on improving bradykinesia, in particular the decrement of repetitive movements, by proprioceptive recalibration. The aim of our research was to assess proprioceptive impairment in PwPD as compared to matched controls and to probe potential recalibration effects of the LSVT-BIG therapy on proprioception. The following methods were used. Proprioceptive performance, fine motor skills and transcranial magnetic stimulation were assessed in 30 PwPD and 15 matched controls. Measurements with significant impairment in PwPD were chosen as outcome parameters for a standardized 4 weeks amplitude-based training intervention (LSVT-BIG) in 11 PwPD. Proprioceptive performance served as primary outcome measure. Secondary outcome measures included the motor part of the MDS-UPDRS, the nine-hole-peg test, and a questionnaire on quality of life. Post-interventional assessments were conducted at weeks 4 and 8. The results show, that compared to the control group, PwPD produced significantly larger pointing errors. However, PwPD and matched controls did not differ in indicating wrist position. After 4 weeks of LSVT-BIG therapy and even more so after an additional 4 weeks of continued training, proprioceptive performance improved significantly. In addition, quality of life improved as indicated by a questionnaire. Accordingly, we can conlcude that sensorimotor integration of propriozeption is altered but not passsive perception of propriozeptive information. Furthermore, LSVT-BIG training may achieve a recalibration of proprioceptive processing in PwPD. Our data indicates a probable physiological mechanism of a symptom-specific, amplitude-based behavioral intervention in PwPD. KW - Propriozeption KW - Parkinson-Krankheit KW - Physiotherapie Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-226129 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Steinhardt, M. J. A1 - Wiercinska, E. A1 - Pham, M. A1 - Grigoleit, G. U. A1 - Mazzoni, A. A1 - Da-Via, M. A1 - Zhou, X. A1 - Meckel, K. A1 - Nickel, K. A1 - Duell, J. A1 - Krummenast, F. C. A1 - Kraus, S. A1 - Hopkinson, C. A1 - Weissbrich, B. A1 - Müllges, W. A1 - Stoll, G. A1 - Kortüm, K. M. A1 - Einsele, H. A1 - Bonig, H. A1 - Rasche, L. T1 - Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient post allo-HCT successfully treated with JC virus specific donor lymphocytes JF - Journal of Translational Medicine N2 - Background Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is a demyelinating CNS disorder. Reactivation of John Cunningham virus leads to oligodendrocyte infection with lysis and consequent axonal loss due to demyelination. Patients usually present with confusion and seizures. Late diagnosis and lack of adequate therapy options persistently result in permanent impairment of brain functions. Due to profound T cell depletion, impairment of T-cell function and potent immunosuppressive factors, allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation recipients are at high risk for JCV reactivation. To date, PML is almost universally fatal when occurring after allo-HCT. Methods To optimize therapy specificity, we enriched JCV specific T-cells out of the donor T-cell repertoire from the HLA-identical, anti-JCV-antibody positive family stem cell donor by unstimulated peripheral apheresis [1]. For this, we selected T cells responsive to five JCV peptide libraries via the Cytokine Capture System technology. It enables the enrichment of JCV specific T cells via identification of stimulus-induced interferon gamma secretion. Results Despite low frequencies of responsive T cells, we succeeded in generating a product containing 20 000 JCV reactive T cells ready for patient infusion. The adoptive cell transfer was performed without complication. Consequently, the clinical course stabilized and the patient slowly went into remission of PML with JCV negative CSF and containment of PML lesion expansion. Conclusion We report for the first time feasibility of generating T cells with possible anti-JCV activity from a seropositive family donor, a variation of virus specific T-cell therapies suitable for the post allo transplant setting. We also present the unusual case for successful treatment of PML after allo-HCT via virus specific T-cell therapy. KW - Myeloma KW - JCV KW - Prodigy KW - CCS KW - PML KW - Donor lymphocytes KW - Adaptive cell transfer Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229307 VL - 18 ER - TY - THES A1 - Yin, Jing T1 - Progressive alterations of pro- and antidegeneration markers in the nigrostriatal tract of the AAV1/2-A53T-α synuclein rat model of Parkinson’s disease T1 - Progressive Veränderungen von Pro- und Antidegenerationsmarkern im Nigrostriataltrakt des AAV1/2-A53T-α-Synuclein-Rattenmodells der Parkinson-Krankheit N2 - Neurodegeneration plays an essential role in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Several crucial neuronal pro-and antidegeneration markers were described to be altered in disease models accompanied by neurodegeneration. In the AAV1/2-A53T-aSyn PD rat model progressive time-dependent motor impairment and neurodegeneration in the nigrostriatal tract starting from 2 weeks after PD model induction could be found. Downregulation of Nrf2 in SN and nigrostriatal axon localization, a trend of Tau downregulation in SN and upregulation in axon localization in the AAV1/2-A53T-aSyn PD rat model were observed, indicating potential therapeutic value of these two molecular targets in PD. No alterations of SARM1 and NMNAT2 could be detected, indicating little relevance of these two molecules with our AAV1/2-A53T-aSyn rat model. N2 - Die Neurodegeneration spielt eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Parkinson-Krankheit (PD). Es wurde beschrieben, dass mehrere entscheidende neuronale Pro- und Antidegenerationsmarker in Krankheitsmodellen, die von Neurodegeneration begleitet werden, verändert sind. Im AAV1/2-A53T-aSyn PD-Rattenmodell konnte eine fortschreitende zeitabhängige motorische Beeinträchtigung und Neurodegeneration im Nigrostriataltrakt ab 2 Wochen nach PD-Modellinduktion gefunden werden. Herunterregulierung von Nrf2 in SN und nigrostriataler Axonlokalisierung, ein Trend der Tau-Herunterregulierung in SN und Hochregulierung in Axonlokalisierung im AAV1/2-A53T-aSyn-PD-Rattenmodell wurden beobachtet, was auf einen potenziellen therapeutischen Wert dieser beiden molekularen Ziele bei PD hinweist. Es konnten keine Veränderungen von SARM1 und NMNAT2 nachgewiesen werden, was auf eine geringe Relevanz dieser beiden Moleküle mit unserem AAV1/2-A53T-aSyn-Rattenmodell hinweist. KW - Parkinson's disease KW - Neurodegeneration Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260645 ER - TY - THES A1 - Pizon, Dorothea T1 - Prognose des raumfordernden Mediainfarktes bei konservativer vs. operativer Therapie am Universitätsklinikum Würzburg 1993-2005 T1 - Prognosis of conservative vs. surgical treatment of the space-occupying middle cerebral artery infarction at the University Hospital Wuerzburg 1993-2005 N2 - In dieser Studie wurden Schlaganfallpatienten untersucht, die einen ausgedehnten Infarkt im Versorgungsgebiet der A.cerebri media erlitten und wegen Bewusstseinstrübung (sog. Maligner Mediainfarkt) auf der Neurologischen Intensivstation des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg im Zeitraum von 1991 bis 2005 behandelt wurde, um herauszufinden, welchen Einfluss eine operative Behandlung auf den kritisch erhöhten Hirnsdrucks zusätzlich zur konservativen Intensivtherapie auf Mortalität sowie langfristige Lebensqualität hatte. Insgesamt konnten die Daten von 292 Patienten ausgewertet werden, wovon 259 konservativ und 33 operativ behandelt worden waren. Es zeigte sich insgesamt, dass eine stillschweigende günstige Selektion für eine Trepanation sprach (jünger, eher keine Aphasie, weniger Komorbiditäten). Die Hemikraniektomie senkte die Mortalität in der Akutphase hochsignifikant (K: 22, 4%, T: 3,0%; p=0,009). Sie hatte erwartungsgemäß auch einen positiven Einfluss auf das Vigilanzniveau: die Quote von wachen Patienten war bei Entlassung der Trepanierten um 66% höher als bei Aufnahme, bei den konservativ Behandelten war sie nur um 33,3 % gestiegen. Das vorherrschende Symptom bei Aufnahme und Entlassung war eine motorische bzw. sensomotorische Hemiparese. Der Anteil der Aphasiker bei den 201 konservativ therapierten Patienten, die den stationären Aufenthalt überlebt haben, ist von bei Aufnahme 56,2% auf bei Entlassung 48,6% gesunken. Bei den 32 trepanierten Patienten ist er dagegen mit 50% gleich geblieben, obwohl 2/3 aller Patienten an der nicht-dominanten Hemisphäre operiert worden waren. Es war und ist auch nicht zu erwarten, dass eine Entlastung von Hirndruck qualitativ die hirninfarktbedingten Symptome beseitigt. Die Nachbefragung der Patienten fand im Schnitt 64,7 Monate nach erlittenem Mediainfarkt statt. Inzwischen waren von den 259 konservativ Behandelten 47,1% verstorben, von den 33 Hemikraniektomierten nur 24,2%. Die poststationäre Mortalität im weiteren Verlauf war anteilsmäßig gering (K: 24%, T: 21,2%). Die Überlebensdauer der Trepanierten war dreimal so lang wie die der nicht operierten (K: 11,6 Monate, T: 34,4 Monate). Diese Unterschiede im Langzeitüberleben sind wahrscheinlicher auf die geringeren Komorbiditäten der Trepanierten zurückzuführen, als auf die stattgehabte Operation an sich. Allerdings ist nicht auszuschließen, dass die durch Trepanation frühzeitiger verbesserte Wachheit sich auch günstig auf lebensverkürzende Folgekomplikationen ausgewirkt haben könnte. In der Nachbefragung zeigte sich, dass bezüglich der erworbenen körperlichen Funktionsdefizite, gemessen am Barthel Index, zwischen den beiden Kollektiven kein signifikanter Unterschied bestand. Die ehemals konservativ behandelten Patienten kamen auf durchschnittlich 75, die trepanierten Patienten auf 60 von 100 Punkten. Im Lebensalltag schlägt sich dieser Unterschied von 15 Punkten relevant nieder, aber insgesamt liegen beide Patientenkollektive im Bereich einer leichten bis nicht vorhandenen Abhängigkeit. Die vergleichbaren Langzeitdaten von Patienten mit Mediainfarkt liegen in einem ähnlichen Bereich. Erstmalig werden hier Langzeitdaten solcher Patienten über die Lebensqualität vorgelegt, gemessen mit dem SF-36. Nachvollziehbar zeigte sich ein deutlicher Unterschied zur Lebensqualität der Durchschnittsbevölkerung, insbesondere im Bereich der körperlichen Belastbarkeit. Für uns unerwartet günstig fielen die Antworten auf der eher psychologischen Ebene aus. Es zeigten sich bei allen Punkten des SF-36 keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen dem konservativ behandelten und den hemikraniektomierten Patienten, so dass die Operation als solche keinen eigenständigen Einfluss auf die langfristige Lebensqualität nahm. Zusammengefasst verbesserte die osteoklastische Trepanation des raumfordernden malignen Mediainfarkts die Überlebenschance in der Akutphase signifikant, was mit inzwischen publizierten kontrollierten Studienergebnissen übereinstimmt. Der Langzeitverlauf nach überlebter Akutkrankheit gestaltet sich unabhängig von der Trepanation. Es gibt aufgrund der erworbenen Behinderung eine weiterhin relativ hohe längerfristige Sterblichkeit. Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Selbsteinschätzung der Lebensqualität von Patienten mit einer erheblichen infarktbedingen körperlichen Behinderung psychologisch-emotional nur geringfügig von der Selbstwahrnehmung in der nicht- behinderten Durchschnittsbevölkerung. Dass bedeutet, dass Spekulationen über die zukünftige Lebensqualität keinen Einfluss auf die Operationsindikation nehmen sollten. N2 - In this retrospective study we looked at the sub-group of stroke patients who suffered a large infarction in the area of the middle cerebral artery and were treated in neurological intensive care between 1991 and 2005 due to imminent or already existent decreased conscious level (so called malignant middle cerebral artery infarction) (n=292). The aim was to find out what influence a surgical treatment has on stroke-related increased intracerebral pressure additionally to the usual conservative intesive therapy with regards to acute and longterm survival. In total data from 292 intensiv care patients was evaluated, which consisted of 259 purely conservatively and 33 surgically treated patients. 
Altogether there was a positive selection for surgically treated patients (younger, no aphasia, less comorbidities). Decompressive hemicraniectomy lowered the mortality in the acute phase significantly (c: 22.4%, h: 3.0%; p=0.009). As expected decompressive hemicraniectomy also positively influenced the conscious level: the number of fully alert patients on discharge was 66% higher than on admission. In the group of the conservatively treated patients this number was only 33% higher (on discharge: c: 87% and h: 90.6% fully alert).The mean physical findings on discharge from neurological intensive care showed no significant difference between the conservatively and surgically treated group. The main symptoms were – as on admission – a motor or sensomotor hemiparesis. The prevalence of aphasia dropped in the group of 201 conservatively patients who survived the hospital stay from 56.2% on admission to 48.% on discharge (p= 0.5). In the 32 patients after hemicraniectomy who survived the hospital admission the number of aphasic patients did not change from admission to discharge (50%). It is not expected that a release of intracerebral pressure completely resolves stroke-connected symptoms. During the stay on intensive care physical and neuropsychological function was not systemically assessed using stroke function scales so we cannot comment on how the symptoms changed quantatively after the treatment. There is a possibility that arguments would be pro-hemicraniectomy. On average 64.7 months passed between the stroke and the follow-up examination. In the meantime 47.1% of the 259 conservatively treated patients had died. Of 33 patients after decompressive hemicraniectomy only 24.2% had died (p=0.01). There was a significant difference in the hospital mortality (c: 24%, h: 21.2%). The longterm mortality showed a smaller difference (c: 24%, h: 21.2%). The survival period of the surgically treated patients was three times longer (c: 11.6%, h: 34.4 months). The difference in survival length is most likely due to less comorbidities in the surgically treated patients than to the hemicraniectomy itself. However it can also not be ruled out that due to the earlier achieved improvement of conscious level postoperatively potential future complications could be prevented. With regards to acquired physical functional deficits, measured with the Barthel index, both groups did not reveal any significant difference (p=0.10). The mean Barthel index in the conservatively treated patients was 75 out of 100 and 60 out of 100 in the patients after decompressive hemicraniectomy. That means that patients from both groups were either independent or slightly dependant from other people in their every day life. For the first time we were presenting longterm data on subjective quality of life from patients after middle cerebral artery infarction, measured with the SF-36 health survey [Bullinger et al. 1998]. As expected there was a major difference between our patient group and a comparable average population, especially in areas like “physical function”. The results on a more psychological level like “vitality” and “mental health” were better than expected. They only mildly differed from the average population. The SF-36 health survey did not show any significant difference between the conservatively treated and the surgically treated group. That indicates how the decompressive hemicraniectomy alone did not have an influence on longterm quality of life. In summary the survival rate was inreased significantly by decompressive hemicraniectomy in malignant middle cerebral artery infarction at the University Hospital Wuerzburg between 1991 and 2005, which was also confirmed by other publicated controlled studies [Jüttler et al. 2007; Vahedi et al. 2007; Fandino et al. 2004]. It is remarkable that the subjective quality of life of patients with a considerable disability differs only slightly from the perception of a non-impaired control group. That means that speculations about a future quality of life should not influence a decision for or against decompressive hemicraniectomy. KW - Arteria cerebri media KW - Schlaganfall KW - Arteria carotis interna KW - Carotisstenose KW - Trepanation KW - Infarkt KW - Hirndruck KW - Hirnödem KW - Sekundärprävention KW - Barthel Index KW - Rehabilitation KW - Matched pairs KW - dekompressive Hemikraniektomie KW - maligner Mediainfarkt KW - Dekompressionskraniektomie KW - Middle cerebral artery infarction KW - malignant middle cerebrial artery infarction KW - decompressive hemicraniectomy KW - Barthel Index Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-70232 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Göpfert, Dennis A1 - Traub, Jan A1 - Sell, Roxane A1 - Homola, György A. A1 - Vogt, Marius A1 - Pham, Mirko A1 - Frantz, Stefan A1 - Störk, Stefan A1 - Stoll, Guido A1 - Frey, Anna T1 - Profiles of cognitive impairment in chronic heart failure—A cluster analytic approach JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Background Cognitive impairment is a major comorbidity in patients with chronic heart failure (HF) with a wide range of phenotypes. In this study, we aimed to identify and compare different clusters of cognitive deficits. Methods The prospective cohort study “Cognition.Matters-HF” recruited 147 chronic HF patients (aged 64.5 ± 10.8 years; 16.2% female) of any etiology. All patients underwent extensive neuropsychological testing. We performed a hierarchical cluster analysis of the cognitive domains, such as intensity of attention, visual/verbal memory, and executive function. Generated clusters were compared exploratively with respect to the results of cardiological, neurological, and neuroradiological examinations without correction for multiple testing. Results Dendrogram and the scree plot suggested three distinct cognitive profiles: In the first cluster, 42 patients (28.6%) performed without any deficits in all domains. Exclusively, the intensity of attention deficits was seen in the second cluster, including 55 patients (37.4%). A third cluster with 50 patients (34.0%) was characterized by deficits in all cognitive domains. Age (p = 0.163) and typical clinical markers of chronic HF, such as ejection fraction (p = 0.222), 6-min walking test distance (p = 0.138), NT-proBNP (p = 0.364), and New York Heart Association class (p = 0.868) did not differ between clusters. However, we observed that women (p = 0.012) and patients with previous cardiac valve surgery (p = 0.005) prevailed in the “global deficits” cluster and the “no deficits” group had a lower prevalence of underlying arterial hypertension (p = 0.029). Total brain volume (p = 0.017) was smaller in the global deficit cluster, and serum levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein were increased (p = 0.048). Conclusion Apart from cognitively healthy and globally impaired HF patients, we identified a group with deficits only in the intensity of attention. Women and patients with previous cardiac valve surgery are at risk for global cognitive impairment when suffering HF and could benefit from special multimodal treatment addressing the psychosocial condition. KW - chronic heart failure KW - cluster analysis KW - cognitive impairment KW - intensity of attention KW - glial fibrillary acidic protein Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313429 VL - 17 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Deeb, Wissam A1 - Giordano, James J. A1 - Rossi, Peter J. A1 - Mogilner, Alon Y. A1 - Gunduz, Aysegul A1 - Judy, Jack W. A1 - Klassen, Bryan T. A1 - Butson, Christopher R. A1 - Van Horne, Craig A1 - Deny, Damiaan A1 - Dougherty, Darin D. A1 - Rowell, David A1 - Gerhardt, Greg A. A1 - Smith, Gwenn S. A1 - Ponce, Francisco A. A1 - Walker, Harrison C. A1 - Bronte-Stewart, Helen M. A1 - Mayberg, Helen S. A1 - Chizeck, Howard J. A1 - Langevin, Jean-Philippe A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Ostrem, Jill L. A1 - Shute, Jonathan B. A1 - Jimenez-Shahed, Joohi A1 - Foote, Kelly D. A1 - Wagle Shukla, Aparna A1 - Rossi, Marvin A. A1 - Oh, Michael A1 - Pourfar, Michael A1 - Rosenberg, Paul B. A1 - Silburn, Peter A. A1 - de Hemptine, Coralie A1 - Starr, Philip A. A1 - Denison, Timothy A1 - Akbar, Umer A1 - Grill, Warren M. A1 - Okun, Michael S. T1 - Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: A Review of Emerging Issues and Technologies JF - Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience N2 - This paper provides an overview of current progress in the technological advances and the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, as presented by participants of the Fourth Annual DBS Think Tank, which was convened in March 2016 in conjunction with the Center for Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration at the University of Florida, Gainesveille FL, USA. The Think Tank discussions first focused on policy and advocacy in DBS research and clinical practice, formation of registries, and issues involving the use of DBS in the treatment of Tourette Syndrome. Next, advances in the use of neuroimaging and electrochemical markers to enhance DBS specificity were addressed. Updates on ongoing use and developments of DBS for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, Alzheimer's disease, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, obesity, addiction were presented, and progress toward innovation(s) in closed-loop applications were discussed. Each section of these proceedings provides updates and highlights of new information as presented at this year's international Think Tank, with a view toward current and near future advancement of the field. KW - deep brain stimulation KW - Parkinson’s disease KW - Alzheimer’s disease KW - closed-loop KW - depression KW - post-traumatic stress disorder KW - Tourette syndrome KW - DARPA Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168493 VL - 10 IS - 38 ER -