TY - THES A1 - Karch, Katharina T1 - Mapping and Neutralization of Antibodies against Neurofascin, Contactin 1, Contactin associated protein 1 and Cortactin T1 - Kartierung und Neutralisation von Antikörpern gegen Neurofascin, Contactin 1, Contactin assoziiertes Protein 1 und Cortactin N2 - Immune-mediated polyneuropathies like chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy or Guillain-Barré syndrome are rare diseases of the peripheral nervous system. A subgroup of patients harbors autoantibodies against nodal or paranodal antigens, associated with a distinct phenotype and treatment response. In a part of patients with pathologic paranodal or nodal immunoreactivity the autoantigens remain difficult or impossible to determine owing to limitations of the used detection approach - usually ELISAs (enzyme-linked-immunosorbent-assays) - and incomplete knowledge of the possible autoantigens. Due to their high-throughput, low sample consumption and high sensitivity as well as the possibility to display many putative nodal and paranodal autoantigens simultaneously, peptide microarray-based approaches are prime candidates for the discovery of novel autoantigens, point-of-care diagnostics and, in addition, monitoring of pathologic autoimmune response. Current applications of peptide microarrays are however limited by high false-positive rates and the associated need for detailed follow-up studies and validation. Here, robust peptide microarray-based detection of antibodies and the efficient validation of binding signals by on-chip neutralization is demonstrated. First, autoantigens were displayed as overlapping peptide libraries in microarray format. Copies of the biochips were used for the fine mapping of antibody epitopes. Next, binding signals were validated by antibody neutralization in solution. Since neutralizing peptides are obtained in the process of microarray fabrications, neither throughput nor costs are significantly altered. Similar in-situ validation approaches could contribute to future autoantibody characterization and detection methods as well as to therapeutic research. Areas of application could be expanded to any autoimmune-mediated neurological disease as a long-term vision. N2 - Immunvermittelte Polyneuropathien wie die chronisch-inflammatorische demyelinisierende Polyradikuloneuropathie oder das Guillain-Barré-Syndrom sind seltene Erkrankungen des peripheren Nervensystems. Bei einem Teil dieser Patienten lassen sich Autoantikörper gegen nodale oder paranodale Antigene nachweisen, was mit einem bestimmten Phänotyp und Therapienansprechen assoziiert ist. Aufgrund der Einschränkungen verwendeter Detektionsansätze – üblicherweise ELISAs (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assays) – sowie der unvollständigen Kenntnis potenzieller Autoantigene bleibt es bisher zum Teil schwierig bis unmöglich bei nachgewiesener pathologischer paranodaler bzw. nodaler Immunreaktivität die entsprechenden Autoantigene zu identifizieren. Die hohe Durchsatzleistung, der geringe Verbrauch an Probenmaterial, die hohe Sensitivität sowie die Möglichkeit zahlreiche mutmaßliche nodale und paranodale Autoantigene zeitgleich darzustellen machen Peptid-Microarray-basierte Ansätze zu wesentlichen Kandidaten für die Entdeckung neuer Autoantigene, für Point-of-Care-Diagnostik und darüber hinaus für das Monitoring pathologischer Autoimmunantworten. Durch die hohe Rate falsch positiver Ergebnisse sowie die damit verbundene Notwendigkeit detaillierter Folgestudien und Validierungen sind die gegenwärtigen Anwendungen von Peptid-Microarrays jedoch limitiert. In dieser Arbeit wird eine robuste, Peptid-Microarray-basierte Detektion von Antikörpern sowie eine effiziente Validierung der Bindungssignale mittels On-chip Neutralisation demonstriert. Zuerst wurden die Autoantigene als überlappende Peptidbüchereien im Microarray-Format dargestellt. Kopien der Biochips wurden für die Feinkartierung der Antikörper-Epitope verwendet. Mittels Antikörperneutralisation in Lösung wurden die Bindungssignale anschließend validiert. Da die neutralisierenden Peptide im Microarray- Herstellungsprozess gewonnen werden, ergeben sich weder beim Durchsatz noch bei den Kosten signifikante Änderungen. Vergleichbare In-situ-Validierungsansätze könnten zu künftigen Autoantikörper Charakterisierungen, Detektionsmethoden sowie zu therapeutischen Forschungsansätzen beitragen. Als langfristige Vision könnten die Anwendungsgebiete auf jede beliebige autoimmun-vermittelte neurologische Krankheit ausgeweitet werden. KW - Microarray KW - Antikörper KW - Autoantigen KW - Epitop KW - Neutralisation KW - antibody KW - autoantigen KW - epitope KW - neutralization KW - fine-mapping KW - Neurofascin KW - Contactin 1 KW - Caspr1 KW - Cortactin Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280223 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bieber, Michael A1 - Foerster, Kathrin I. A1 - Haefeli, Walter E. A1 - Pham, Mirko A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. A1 - Kraft, Peter T1 - Treatment with edoxaban attenuates acute stroke severity in mice by reducing blood–brain barrier damage and inflammation JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Patients with atrial fibrillation and previous ischemic stroke (IS) are at increased risk of cerebrovascular events despite anticoagulation. In these patients, treatment with non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants (NOAC) such as edoxaban reduced the probability and severity of further IS without increasing the risk of major bleeding. However, the detailed protective mechanism of edoxaban has not yet been investigated in a model of ischemia/reperfusion injury. Therefore, in the current study we aimed to assess in a clinically relevant setting whether treatment with edoxaban attenuates stroke severity, and whether edoxaban has an impact on the local cerebral inflammatory response and blood–brain barrier (BBB) function after experimental IS in mice. Focal cerebral ischemia was induced by transient middle cerebral artery occlusion in male mice receiving edoxaban, phenprocoumon or vehicle. Infarct volumes, functional outcome and the occurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage were assessed. BBB damage and the extent of local inflammatory response were determined. Treatment with edoxaban significantly reduced infarct volumes and improved neurological outcome and BBB function on day 1 and attenuated brain tissue inflammation. In summary, our study provides evidence that edoxaban might exert its protective effect in human IS by modulating different key steps of IS pathophysiology, but further studies are warranted. KW - edoxaban KW - thrombo-inflammation KW - blood–brain barrier KW - tMCAO KW - experimental stroke KW - hemorrhagic transformation KW - NOAC Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284481 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 22 IS - 18 ER - TY - THES A1 - Karus, Christine T1 - Untersuchung der Architektur von Proteinstrukturen des Ranvier-Schnürrings mittels der super-hochauflösenden Mikroskopiemethode dSTORM T1 - Investigation of the architecture of protein structures of the Node of Ranvier using the super-high resolution microscopy method dSTORM N2 - Ranvier-Schnürringe spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der schnellen Weiterleitung von elektrischen Impulsen in Nervenzellen. Bei bestimmten neurologischen Erkrankungen, den Neuropathien, kann es zu Störungen in der ultrastrukturellen Organisation verschiedener Schnürring-Proteine kommen (Doppler et al., 2018, Doppler et al., 2016). Eine detailliertere Kenntnis der genauen Anordnung dieser Schnürring-Proteine und eventueller Abweichungen von dieser Anordnung im Krankheitsfall, könnte der Schlüssel zu einer vereinfachten Diagnostik von bestimmten Neuropathie- Formen sein. Ziel meiner Arbeit war es daher, die Untersuchung der ultrastrukturellen Architektur der (para-)nodalen Adhäsionsproteine Neurofascin-155 und Caspr1 unter Verwendung der super-hochauflösenden Mikroskopiemethode dSTORM (direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) an murinen Zupfnervenpräparaten zu etablieren. Nach erster Optimierung der Probenpräparation für die 2-Farben-dSTORM sowie der korrelationsbasierten Bildanalyse, konnte ich mittels modellbasierter Simulation die zugrundeliegende Molekülorganisation identifizieren und mit Hilfe der Ergebnisse aus früheren Untersuchungen validieren. In einem translationalen Ansatz habe ich anschließend humane Zupfnervenpräparate von 14 Probanden mit unterschiedlichen Formen einer Neuropathie mikroskopiert und ausgewertet, um die Anwendbarkeit dieses Ansatzes in der Diagnostik zu testen. Obgleich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen physiologischem und pathologischem neurologischem Gewebe hinsichtlich Neurofascin-155 und Caspr1 festgestellt werden konnten, scheint der Ansatz grundsätzlich dennoch vielversprechend zu sein, bedarf jedoch noch weiteren Anstrengungen hinsichtlich Probenpräparation, Auswertungs- und Versuchsprotokollen und einer größeren Anzahl an humanen Biopsien mit homogenerem Krankheitsbild. N2 - Nodes of Ranvier play a critical role in the rapid transmission of electrical impulses in neurons. In certain neurological diseases, the neuropathies, there may be disturbances in the ultrastructural organization of various nodal and paranodal proteins (Doppler et al., 2018, Doppler et al., 2016). A more detailed knowledge of the exact arrangement of these nodal and paranodal proteins and possible deviations from this arrangement in disease, could be the key to a simplified diagnosis of certain neuropathy forms. Therefore, the aim of my work was to establish the investigation of the ultrastructural architecture of the (para-)nodal adhesion proteins Neurofascin-155 and Caspr1 using the super-high resolution microscopy method dSTORM (direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) on murine teased fibers. After initial optimization of sample preparation for 2-color dSTORM as well as correlation-based image analysis, I was able to identify the underlying molecular organization using model-based simulation and validate it using results from previous studies. In a translational approach, I then microscoped and evaluated human teased fibers from 14 subjects with different forms of neuropathy to test the applicability of this approach in diagnostics. Although no significant differences were found between physiological and pathological neurological tissue with respect to Neurofascin-155 and Caspr1, the approach still seems promising in principle, but requires further efforts with respect to sample preparation, evaluation and experimental protocols, and a larger number of human biopsies with more homogeneous disease patterns. KW - dSTORM KW - Ranvier-Schnürring Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-274568 N1 - die Dissertation ist ein Kooperationsprojekt dieser beiden Fakultäten ER - TY - THES A1 - Meyer zu Altenschildesche, Caren T1 - Genetische Variationen bei Patienten mit idiopathischer Small fiber Neuropathie T1 - Genetic variations in patients with idiopathic small fibre neuropathy N2 - Die Literatur beschreibt unter Patienten mit idiopathischer Small fiber Neuro-pathie (SFN) einen Anteil von etwa ein Fünftel bis Drittel mit Variationen unkla-rer pathogenetischer Relevanz in Schmerz-assoziierten Genen. Dies bestätig-te sich im Rahmen unserer klinischen Studie: Über die Zeit von Mai 2015 bis Januar 2020 konnten bei 13 von 66 (21%) eingeschlossenen Patienten mit klinischem Verdacht auf SFN genetische Variationen in Schmerz-assoziierten Genen detektiert werden. Solche Veränderungen können über Gain- oder Loss-of-Function-Mechanismen die Funktion codierter nozizeptiver Signalpro-teine modulieren und so potentiell zur SFN-Symptomatik führen. Im Rahmen der Studie erfolgte neben der genetischen Diagnostik eine umfangreiche Un-tersuchung der Teilnehmer. In der Diagnostik stachen die potentiell geneti-schen SFN-Patienten nicht heraus und auch klinisch fielen nur dezente Unter-schiede zu den übrigen Patienten auf: Wir zeigten, dass die Betroffenen häufi-ger von äußeren Einflussfaktoren getriggerte Schmerzattacken erleiden und eine tendenziell weitläufigere Symptommanifestation aufwiesen. Dies ähnelt der Klinik anderer hereditärer neuropathischer Schmerzsyndrome wie der pa-roxysmalen extremen Schmerzstörung (PEPD) oder den familiären episodi-schen Schmerzsyndromen (FEPS). Die potentiell genetische Grundlage führte bei unseren Patienten zu einer stärkeren Limitation im täglichen und berufli-chen Alltag und minderte die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen deutlich. Mögli-che Ursache hierfür war auch die herausfordernde Therapie der Patienten mit Genvariationen: Für den gleichen Behandlungserfolg mussten die Patienten mit potentiell genetischer SFN deutlich mehr Wirkstoffe einnehmen und über-haupt versuchen. Obwohl nur minimale klinische Hinweise eine potentiell ge-netische Genese andeuten, sollten diese frühzeitig durch eine strukturierte Anamnese erkannt werden. Die Sammlung von Daten zu betroffenen Familien kann die pathogenetische Relevanz der Variationen erhärten. Auch wird im Feld der genetischen Schmerzforschung rasant an zielgerichteten Analgetika gearbeitet, die fehlregulierte Rezeptoren blockieren sollen. Damit könnte Be-troffenen künftig gezielt geholfen werden. Wir empfehlen auf Grundlage unse-rer Studie bei Vorliegen genannter hinweisender Charakteristika eine geneti-sche Testung und Beratung zusätzlich zur weiteren ätiologischen Diagnostik. Das zu untersuchende Panel sollte möglichst viele Schmerz-assoziierte Gene umfassen – vorrangig die Gene codierend für die spannungsabhängigen Nat-riumkanäle SCN9A, -10A und 11A und die TRP-Kanalproteine TRPA1, TRPV1 und -3. N2 - In literature, eyery fifth to third patient with idiopathic small fiber neuropathy (SFN) shows a variation of unclear pathogenetic relevance in a pain-associated gene. This was confirmed in our clinical study: Over the time period from May 2015 to January 2020, genetic variations in pain-associated genes were detected in 13 of 66 (21%) patients with symptoms suspicious for SFN. Those genetical changes can modulate the function of encoded nociceptive signaling proteins via gain- or loss-of-function mechanisms and potentially lead to SFN symptoms. In addition to genetic diagnostics, the study included a full assessment of the participants. In terms of diagnostics, the potentially genetic SFN patients did not stand out, and there were only subtle differences regarding the clinical picture: We showed that patients with genetic SFN more frequently suffered from triggered pain attacks and a more extensive symptom distribution . This is similar to other hereditary neuropathic pain syndromes such as the paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (PEPD) or familial episodic pain syndromes (FEPS). The potentially genetic background led to a higher limitation in our patients' daily and professional life and significantly reduced their quality of life. Additionally, this could base on the challenging therapy of the patients with gene variations: For the same treatment success, patients with potentially genetic SFN had to take and try more analgetic drugs than patients with idiopathic SFN. Although only minimal clinical characteristics indicate a potential genetic etiology, they should be recognized early with a complete anamnesis. The collection of data from affected families can substantiate the pathogenetic relevance of the variations. In pain research, they work rapidly on targeted analgetics that are intended to block dysregulated receptors. In this way, those affected could be helped in a targeted manner in the future. Based on our study, we recommend genetic testing in addition to further etiological diagnostics especially if the clinical characteristics are present. The panel to be examined should include as many pain-associated genes as possible - primarily the genes coding for the voltage-dependent sodium channels SCN9A, -10A and 11A and the TRP channel proteins TRPA1, TRPV1 and -3. KW - Neuropathie KW - Kleinfaserneuropathie Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-282742 ER - TY - THES A1 - Karina, Karina T1 - Beschreibung der Maßnahmen zur Beschleunigung und Verbesserung der Notfallversorgung von Patienten mit akutem Schlaganfall in einer ländlichen Neurologischen Klinik und sequentielle Messung relevanter Qualitätsindikatoren T1 - Report of measures taken to accelerate and improve emergency care for patients with acute stroke in a rural neurological hospital and sequential measurement of relevant quality indicators N2 - Die hohe Mortalität und hohe Rate an Langzeitbehinderungen nach einem erlittenen Schlaganfall verdeutlichen die Relevanz bestmöglicher Akutversorgung bei Schlaganfallpatienten. Daher ist es unentbehrlich, dass die Akuttherapie bei Schlaganfall stets überprüft und bei Bedarf optimiert wird. Der Großteil der Studien, die sich mit Verbesserungsmaßnahmen in der akuten Schlaganfallversorgung befassen, wird in großen städtischen Krankenhäusern bzw. Universitätsklinika durchgeführt. Studien zu diesem Sachverhalt, die in ländlichen Kliniken durchgeführt wurden, sind noch begrenzt vorhanden. Mit dieser Studie evaluieren wir, ob sich durch die Implementierung neuer Optimierungsmaßnahmen Verbesserungen in den relevanten Qualitätsindikatoren ergeben. Die Ergebnisse sind daher von besonderer Bedeutung, da es für nicht-universitäre Kliniken nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Studien gibt, die sich mit dieser Thematik beschäftigen. N2 - The high mortality and high rate of long-term disabilities after a stroke illustrate the relevance of the best possible acute care for stroke patients. Therefore, it is essential that the acute therapy for stroke is constantly reviewed and enhanced if necessary. The majority of studies dealing with improvement measures in acute stroke care are carried out in large city hospitals or university hospitals. Studies on this issue conducted in rural clinics are still limited. With this study, we evaluate whether the initiation of some new optimization measures results in improvements in the relevant quality indicators. As a consequence, the results are particularly significant, as there are only a limited number of studies dealing with this topic for non-university hospitals. KW - Verbesserung KW - Improvement KW - stroke care KW - Schlaganfall KW - Ländliche Klinik KW - rural clinics Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-291749 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Montellano, Felipe A. A1 - Kluter, Elisabeth J. A1 - Rücker, Viktoria A1 - Ungethüm, Kathrin A1 - Mackenrodt, Daniel A1 - Wiedmann, Silke A1 - Dege, Tassilo A1 - Quilitzsch, Anika A1 - Morbach, Caroline A1 - Frantz, Stefan A1 - Störk, Stefan A1 - Haeusler, Karl Georg A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Heuschmann, Peter U. T1 - Cardiac dysfunction and high-sensitive C-reactive protein are associated with troponin T elevation in ischemic stroke: insights from the SICFAIL study JF - BMC Neurology N2 - Background Troponin elevation is common in ischemic stroke (IS) patients. The pathomechanisms involved are incompletely understood and comprise coronary and non-coronary causes, e.g. autonomic dysfunction. We investigated determinants of troponin elevation in acute IS patients including markers of autonomic dysfunction, assessed by heart rate variability (HRV) time domain variables. Methods Data were collected within the Stroke Induced Cardiac FAILure (SICFAIL) cohort study. IS patients admitted to the Department of Neurology, Würzburg University Hospital, underwent baseline investigation including cardiac history, physical examination, echocardiography, and blood sampling. Four HRV time domain variables were calculated in patients undergoing electrocardiographic Holter monitoring. Multivariable logistic regression with corresponding odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) was used to investigate the determinants of high-sensitive troponin T (hs-TnT) levels ≥14 ng/L. Results We report results from 543 IS patients recruited between 01/2014–02/2017. Of those, 203 (37%) had hs-TnT ≥14 ng/L, which was independently associated with older age (OR per year 1.05; 95% CI 1.02–1.08), male sex (OR 2.65; 95% CI 1.54–4.58), decreasing estimated glomerular filtration rate (OR per 10 mL/min/1.73 m2 0.71; 95% CI 0.61–0.84), systolic dysfunction (OR 2.79; 95% CI 1.22–6.37), diastolic dysfunction (OR 2.29; 95% CI 1.29–4.02), atrial fibrillation (OR 2.30; 95% CI 1.25–4.23), and increasing levels of C-reactive protein (OR 1.48 per log unit; 95% CI 1.22–1.79). We did not identify an independent association of troponin elevation with the investigated HRV variables. Conclusion Cardiac dysfunction and elevated C-reactive protein, but not a reduced HRV as surrogate of autonomic dysfunction, were associated with increased hs-TnT levels in IS patients independent of established cardiovascular risk factors. KW - echocardiography KW - ischemic stroke KW - troponin KW - heart failure KW - biomarkers Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300119 VL - 22 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Wagenhäuser, Laura Maria T1 - Die Auswirkungen der X-Inaktivierung auf den klinischen Phänotyp bei Patientinnen mit Morbus Fabry T1 - The effect of X-chromosomal inactivation in women with Fabry disease N2 - M. Fabry ist eine X-chromosomal vererbte Stoffwechselerkrankung. Die Mutation im α-Galactosidase A Gen führt zur reduzierten Aktivität des Enzyms und zur Akkumulation der Stoffwechselprodukte im gesamten Körper. Von der daraus resultierenden Multiorganerkrankung sind sowohl Männer, als auch Frauen betroffen. Als Grund hierfür steht eine verschobene X-Inaktivierung zur Diskussion. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden 104 Frauen rekrutiert und die X-Inaktivierungsmuster in Mundschleimhautepithel, Blut und Hautfibroblasten untersucht. Es wurden umfangreiche klinische und laborchemische Untersuchungen durchgeführt, sodass von jeder Patientin ein klinischer Phänotyp vorlag, der mit Hilfe eines numerischen Scores klassifiziert wurde. Es zeigte sich, dass Blut ein leicht zu asservierendes Biomaterial mit einer hohen Prävalenz an verschobenen X-Inaktivierungsmustern darstellt. Eine signifikante Korrelation mit dem klinischen Phänotyp konnte in keinem der drei untersuchten Gewebe nachgewiesen werden. N2 - Fabry disease is a X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the α-galactosidase A gene, which leads to deficient activity of the enzyme. The resulting multisystem disease affects men as well as women. As a reason therefor the X-inactivation is discussed. This study recruited 104 women and investigated in X-inactivation patterns from mouth epithelial cells, blood and skin fibroblasts. A clinical and laboratory examination of each women was carried out, so that the clinical phenotype of the women was classified with a numeric score. It was shown that blood is an easy available biomaterial with a high prevalence of skewing in X-inactivation patterns. However no significant correlation was found between X-inactivation patterns and the clinical phenotype in all three investigated biomaterials. KW - Fabry-Krankheit KW - X-Chromosom KW - Fabry KW - X-Inaktivierung KW - skewed Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-311530 ER - TY - THES A1 - Aster, Hans-Christoph T1 - Characterization of subgroups in fibromyalgia syndrome T1 - Charakterisierung von Subgruppen des Fibromyalgie-Syndroms N2 - The present cumulative dissertation summarizes three clinical studies, which examine subgroups of patients within the fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). FMS entails chronic pain and associated symptoms, and its pathophysiology is incompletely understood (1). Previous studies show that there is a subgroup of patients with FMS with objective histological pathology of the small nerve fibers of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Another subgroup of FMS patients does not show any signs of pathological changes of the small nerve fibers. The aim of this dissertation was to compare FMS patients with healthy controls, and these two FMS subgroups for differences in the central nervous system (CNS) in order to explore possible interactions between PNS and the CNS. Regarding the CNS, differences of FMS patients with healthy controls have already been found in studies with small sample sizes, but no subgroups have yet been identified. Another aim of this thesis was to test whether the subgroups show a different response to different classes of pain medication. The methods used in this thesis are structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance diffusion imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. For the evaluation of clinical symptoms, we used standardized questionnaires. The subgroups with and without pathologies of the PNS were determined by skin biopsies of the right thigh and lower leg based on the intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) of the small nerve fibers. 1) In the first MRI study, 43 female patients with the diagnosis of FMS and 40 healthy control subjects, matched in age and body mass index, were examined with different MRI sequences. Cortical thickness was investigated by structural T1 imaging, white matter integrity by diffusion tensor imaging and functional connectivity within neuronal networks by functional resting state MRI. Compared to the controls, FMS patients had a lower cortical volume in bilateral frontotemporoparietal regions and the left insula, but a higher cortical volume in the left pericalcarine cortex. Compared to the subgroup without PNS pathology, the subgroup with PNS pathology had lower cortical volume in both pericalcarine cortices. Diffusion tensor imaging revealed an increased fractional anisotropy (FA) of FMS patients in corticospinal pathways such as the corona radiata, but also in regions of the limbic systems such as the fornix and cingulum. Subgroup comparison again revealed lower mean FA values of the posterior thalamic radiation and the posterior limb of the left internal capsule in the subgroup with PNS pathology. In the functional connectivity analysis FMS patients, compared to controls, showed a hypoconnectivity between the right median frontal gyrus and the posterior cerebellum and the right crus cerebellum, respectively. In the subgroup comparisons, the subgroup with PNS pathology showed a hyperconnectivity between both inferior frontal gyri, the right posterior parietal cortex and the right angular gyrus. In summary, these results show that differences in brain morphology and functional connectivity exist between FMS patients with and without PNS pathology. These differences were not associated with symptom duration or severity and, in some cases, have not yet been described in the context of FMS. The differences in brain morphology and connectivity between subgroups could also lead to a differential response to treatment with centrally acting drugs. Further imaging studies with FMS patients should take into account this heterogeneity of FMS patient cohorts. 2) Following the results from the first MRI study, drug therapies of FMS patients and their treatment response were compared between PNS subgroups. As there is no licensed drug for FMS in Europe, the German S3 guideline recommends amitriptyline, duloxetine and pregabalin for temporary use. In order to examine the current drug use in FMS patients in Germany on a cross-sectional basis, 156 patients with FMS were systematically interviewed. The drugs most frequently used to treat pain in FMS were non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (28.9%), metamizole (15.4%) and amitriptyline (8.8%). Pain relief assessed by patients on a numerical rating scale from 0-10 averaged 2.2 points for NSAIDs, 2.0 for metamizole and 1.5 for amitriptyline. Drugs that were discontinued for lack of efficacy and not for side effects were acetaminophen (100%), flupirtine (91.7%), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (81.8%), NSAIDs (83.7%) and weak opioids (74.1%). Patients were divided into subgroups with and without PNS pathology as determined by skin biopsies. We found no differences in drug use and effect between the subgroups. Taken together, these results show that many FMS patients take medication that is not in accordance with the guidelines. The reduction of symptoms was best achieved with metamizole and NSAIDs. Further longitudinal studies on medication in FMS are necessary to obtain clearer treatment recommendations. 3) Derived from previous pharmacological and imaging studies (with smaller case numbers), there is a hypothesis in the FMS literature that hyperreactivity of the insular cortex may have an impact on FMS. The hyperreactivity seems to be due to an increased concentration of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate in the insular cortex of FMS patients. The hypothesis is supported by magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies with small number of cases, as well as results from pharmacological studies with glutamate-inhibiting medication. Studies from animal models have also shown that an artificially induced increase in glutamate in the insular cortex can lead to reduced skin innervation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare glutamate and GABA concentrations in the insular cortex of FMS patients with those of healthy controls using magnetic resonance imaging. There was no significant difference of both neurotransmitters between the groups. In addition, there was no correlation between the neurotransmitter concentrations and the severity of clinical symptoms. There were also no differences in neurotransmitter concentrations between the subgroups with and without PNS pathology. In conclusion, our study could not show any evidence of a correlation of glutamate and GABA concentrations with the symptoms of FMS or the pathogenesis of subgroups with PNS pathologies. N2 - Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation fasst drei klinische Studien zusammen, welche Unterschiede zwischen Patientinnen mit Fibromyalgiesyndrom (FMS) und gesunden Kontrollen, sowie Subgruppen des FMS untersuchen. Das FMS wird als chronisches Schmerzsyndrom mit Begleitsymptomen wie Depressionen, gastrointestinalen Symptomen oder Erschöpfung definiert. Die Pathophysiologie ist noch nicht vollständig geklärt (1). Frühere Studien zeigen, dass es eine Subgruppe von PatientInnen mit FMS gibt, welche objektive, histologische Pathologien der kleinen Nervenfasern des peripheren Nervensystems (PNS) aufweisen. Eine andere Subgruppe von FMS-Patienten zeigt keinerlei Anzeichen für pathologische Veränderungen dieser kleinen Nervenfasern. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, diese beiden Subgruppen auf Unterschiede im zentralen Nervensystem (ZNS) hin zu vergleichen, um mögliche Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem PNS und ZNS zu untersuchen. Hinsichtlich des ZNS wurden bereits Unterschiede zwischen FMS-Patienten und gesunden Kontrollpersonen in Studien mit kleineren Fallzahlen festgestellt, jedoch wurden noch keine Subgruppen identifiziert. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, zu prüfen, ob die Subgruppen von FMS PatientInnen unterschiedlich auf verschiedene Arten von Schmerzmedikamenten ansprechen. Die in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Methoden sind die strukturelle und funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT), die Magnetresonanz-Diffusionsbildgebung und die Magnetresonanzspektroskopie. Für die Bewertung der klinischen Symptome wurden standardisierte Fragebögen verwendet. Die Subgruppen mit und ohne Pathologien des peripheren Nervensystems (PNS) wurden durch Hautbiopsien des rechten Ober- und Unterschenkels anhand der intraepidermalen Nervenfaserdichte der kleinen Nervenfasern bestimmt. 1) In der ersten MRT-Studie wurden 43 Patientinnen mit der Diagnose eines FMS und 40 gesunde Kontrollpersonen, die hinsichtlich Alter und Body-Mass-Index gematcht waren, mit verschiedenen Sequenzen der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) untersucht. Das Volumen des Kortex wurde mittels struktureller T1-Bildgebung, die Integrität der weißen Substanz mittels Diffusionstensor-Bildgebung und die funktionelle Konnektivität innerhalb neuronaler Netzwerke mittels einer funktionellen Ruhezustands-MRT untersucht. Im Vergleich zu den Kontrollpersonen hatten FMS-Patientinnen ein geringeres Kortexvolumen der bilateralen frontotemporoparietalen Regionen und der linken Inselrinde, aber ein höheres Kortexvolumen im linken pericalcarinen Kortex. Im Vergleich zu der Untergruppe ohne PNS-Pathologien wies die Untergruppe mit PNS-Pathologien ein geringeres Kortexvolumen in beiden pericalcarinen Kortizes auf. Die Diffusions-Tensor-Bildgebung zeigte eine erhöhte fraktionelle Anisotropie (FA) der FMS PatientInnen in kortikospinalen Bahnen wie der Corona radiata, aber auch in Regionen des limbischen Systems wie dem Fornix und dem Cingulum. Ein Subgruppenvergleich ergab wiederum niedrigere mittlere FA-Werte in der Subgruppe mit PNS-Pathologien bezüglich der hinteren Thalamusausstrahlung und des hinteren Schenkels der linken Capsula interna. In der Analyse der funktionellen Konnektivität zeigten FMS-Patienten im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen eine Hypokonnektivität zwischen dem rechten medianen frontalen Gyrus und dem hinteren Kleinhirn bzw. dem rechten Kleinhirn. In den Subgruppenvergleichen zeigte die Subgruppe mit PNS-Pathologien eine Hyperkonnektivität zwischen beiden inferioren frontalen Gyri, dem rechten posterioren parietalen Kortex und dem rechten Gyrus angularis. Zusammengefasst zeigen diese Ergebnisse, dass zwischen FMS Patienten mit und ohne PNS-Pathologie Unterschiede in der Hirnmorphologie und funktionellen Konnektivität bestehen. Diese Unterschiede waren nicht mit der Dauer oder Ausprägung der Symptome assoziiert und sind teilweise noch nicht im Zusammenhang mit dem FMS beschrieben worden. Die Unterschiede in der Hirnmorphologie und Konnektivität zwischen den Subgruppen könnte auch zu einem unterschiedlichen Ansprechen auf die Behandlung mit zentral wirksamen Medikamenten führen. Weitere bildgebende Studien mit FMS-PatientInnen sollten diese Heterogenität von FMS-Patientenkohorten berücksichtigen. 2) Den Ergebnissen der ersten MRT-Studie folgend wurden die medikamentösen Therapien von FMS-PatientInnen und ihr Ansprechen auf die Behandlung zwischen den PNS-Subgruppen verglichen. Da es in Europa kein zugelassenes Medikament für das FMS gibt, empfiehlt die deutsche S3-Leitlinie Amitriptylin, Duloxetin und Pregabalin zur vorübergehenden Anwendung. Um den aktuellen Medikamenteneinsatz bei FMS-Patienten in Deutschland im Querschnitt zu untersuchen, wurden 156 PatientInnen mit FMS systematisch befragt. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Medikamente zur Schmerzbehandlung bei FMS waren nicht-steroidale Antirheumatika (NSAIDs) (28,9 %), Metamizol (15,4 %) und Amitriptylin (8,8 %). Die von den Patienten auf einer numerischen Bewertungsskala von 0-10 bewertete Schmerzlinderung betrug im Durchschnitt 2,2 Punkte für NSAIDs, 2,0 für Metamizol und 1,5 für Amitriptylin. Medikamente, die wegen mangelnder Wirksamkeit und nicht wegen Nebenwirkungen abgesetzt wurden, waren Paracetamol (100 %), Flupirtin (91,7 %), selektive Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer (81,8 %), NSAIDs (83,7 %) und schwache Opioide (74,1 %). Die Patienten wurden in Subgruppen mit und ohne PNS-Pathologien eingeteilt, welche, wie schon beschrieben, anhand von Hautbiopsien bestimmt wurden. Wir fanden keine Unterschiede zwischen den Subgruppen in Bezug auf die Medikamenteneinnahme und deren Wirkung. Insgesamt zeigen diese Ergebnisse, dass viele FMS-PatientInnen Medikamente einnehmen, die nicht mit den Leitlinien übereinstimmen. Die Reduzierung der Symptome wurde am besten mit Metamizol und NSAIDs erreicht. Weitere Längsschnittstudien zur Medikation bei FMS wären hilfreich, um breitere Behandlungsempfehlungen zu erhalten. 3) Abgeleitet aus den bisherigen pharmakologischen und bildgebenden Studien (mit kleineren Fallzahlen) besteht in der FMS Literatur die Hypothese, dass eine Hypersensitivität der Inselrinde einen Einfluss auf die FMS-Symptomatik haben könnte. Diese Hypersensitivität könnte durch eine erhöhte Konzentration des erregenden Neurotransmitters Glutamat in der Inselrinde von FMS Patienten bedingt sein. Diese Hypothese wird durch Magnetresonanzspektroskopie-Studien mit kleinen Fallzahlen, sowie Ergebnissen aus pharmakologischen Studien mit Glutamat-hemmender Medikation gestützt. Studien aus dem Tiermodell konnten außerdem zeigen, dass ein künstlich herbeigeführter Anstieg von Glutamat in der Inselrinde zu einer Reduktion der kleinen Nervenfasern im PNS führen kann. Ziel dieser Studie war es deshalb, mittels Magnetresonanztomographie die Glutamat- und GABA Konzentrationen der Inselrinde von FMS Patienten mit denen von gesunden Kontrollen zu vergleichen. Es zeigte sich kein signifikanter Unterschied beider Neurotransmitter zwischen den Gruppen. Es konnte ebenfalls kein Zusammenhang zwischen den Konzentrationen und der Ausprägung der klinischen Symptomatik bewiesen werden. Auch zwischen den Subgruppen mit und ohne PNS Pathologie zeigten sich keine Unterschiede in der Neurotransmitterkonzentration. Zusammenfassend konnte unsere Studie keinen Hinweis auf einen Zusammenhang der Glutamat- und GABA- Konzentrationen in der Inselrinde mit der Symptomatik des FMS oder der Entstehung von Subgruppen mit PNS Pathologien zeigen. KW - Fibromyalgie Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313049 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Simon, Christian M. A1 - Rauskolb, Stefanie A1 - Gunnersen, Jennifer M. A1 - Holtmann, Bettina A1 - Drepper, Carsten A1 - Dombert, Benjamin A1 - Braga, Massimiliano A1 - Wiese, Stefan A1 - Jablonka, Sibylle A1 - Pühringer, Dirk A1 - Zielasek, Jürgen A1 - Hoeflich, Andreas A1 - Silani, Vincenzo A1 - Wolf, Eckhard A1 - Kneitz, Susanne A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Toyka, Klaus V. A1 - Sendtner, Michael T1 - Dysregulated IGFBP5 expression causes axon degeneration and motoneuron loss in diabetic neuropathy JF - Acta Neuropathologica N2 - Diabetic neuropathy (DNP), afflicting sensory and motor nerve fibers, is a major complication in diabetes.The underlying cellular mechanisms of axon degeneration are poorly understood. IGFBP5, an inhibitory binding protein for insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) is highly up-regulated in nerve biopsies of patients with DNP. We investigated the pathogenic relevance of this finding in transgenic mice overexpressing IGFBP5 in motor axons and sensory nerve fibers. These mice develop motor axonopathy and sensory deficits similar to those seen in DNP. Motor axon degeneration was also observed in mice in which the IGF1 receptor(IGF1R) was conditionally depleted in motoneurons, indicating that reduced activity of IGF1 on IGF1R in motoneurons is responsible for the observed effect. These data provide evidence that elevated expression of IGFBP5 in diabetic nerves reduces the availability of IGF1 for IGF1R on motor axons, thus leading to progressive neurodegeneration. Inhibition of IGFBP5 could thus offer novel treatment strategies for DNP. KW - Motor nerve biopsy KW - Diabetic polyneuropathy KW - Neuropathy KW - Neurotrophic factors KW - Axonal degeneration Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154569 VL - 130 SP - 373 EP - 387 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. A1 - Stoll, Guido A1 - Bohr, Arne A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Fluri, Felix T1 - Electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region attenuates neuronal loss and cytokine expression in the perifocal region of photothrombotic stroke in rats JF - International Journal of Molecular Science N2 - Deep brain stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) improves the motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease and experimental stroke by intervening in the motor cerebral network. Whether high-frequency stimulation (HFS) of the MLR is involved in non-motor processes, such as neuroprotection and inflammation in the area surrounding the photothrombotic lesion, has not been elucidated. This study evaluates whether MLR-HFS exerts an anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory effect on the border zone of cerebral photothrombotic stroke. Rats underwent photothrombotic stroke of the right sensorimotor cortex and the implantation of a microelectrode into the ipsilesional MLR. After intervention, either HFS or sham stimulation of the MLR was applied for 24 h. The infarct volumes were calculated from consecutive brain sections. Neuronal apoptosis was analyzed by TUNEL staining. Flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry determined the perilesional inflammatory response. Neuronal apoptosis was significantly reduced in the ischemic penumbra after MLR-HFS, whereas the infarct volumes did not differ between the groups. MLR-HFS significantly reduced the release of cytokines and chemokines within the ischemic penumbra. MLR-HFS is neuroprotective and it reduces pro-inflammatory mediators in the area that surrounds the photothrombotic stroke without changing the number of immune cells, which indicates that MLR-HFS enables the function of inflammatory cells to be altered on a molecular level. KW - photothrombotic stroke KW - deep brain stimulation KW - mesencephalic locomotor region KW - neuroprotection KW - neuronal apoptosis KW - neuroinflammation Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201355 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 20 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kuzkina, Anastasia A1 - Bargar, Connor A1 - Schmitt, Daniela A1 - Rößle, Jonas A1 - Wang, Wen A1 - Schubert, Anna-Lena A1 - Tatsuoka, Curtis A1 - Gunzler, Steven A. A1 - Zou, Wen-Quan A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Doppler, Kathrin A1 - Chen, Shu G. T1 - Diagnostic value of skin RT-QuIC in Parkinson's disease: a two-laboratory study JF - NPJ Parkinson's Disease N2 - Skin alpha-synuclein deposition is considered a potential biomarker for Parkinson's disease (PD). Real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QuIC) is a novel, ultrasensitive, and efficient seeding assay that enables the detection of minute amounts of alpha-synuclein aggregates. We aimed to determine the diagnostic accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility of alpha-synuclein RT-QuIC assay of skin biopsy for diagnosing PD and to explore its correlation with clinical markers of PD in a two-center inter-laboratory comparison study. Patients with clinically diagnosed PD (n = 34), as well as control subjects (n = 30), underwent skin punch biopsy at multiple sites (neck, lower back, thigh, and lower leg). The skin biopsy samples (198 in total) were divided in half to be analyzed by RT-QuIC assay in two independent laboratories. The a-synuclein RT-QuIC assay of multiple skin biopsies supported the clinical diagnosis of PD with a diagnostic accuracy of 88.9% and showed a high degree of inter-rater agreement between the two laboratories (92.2%). Higher alpha-synuclein seeding activity in RT-QuIC was shown in patients with longer disease duration and more advanced disease stage and correlated with the presence of REM sleep behavior disorder, cognitive impairment, and constipation. The alpha-synuclein RT-QuIC assay of minimally invasive skin punch biopsy is a reliable and reproducible biomarker for Parkinson's disease. Moreover, alpha-synuclein RT-QuIC seeding activity in the skin may serve as a potential indicator of progression as it correlates with the disease stage and certain non-motor symptoms. KW - diagnostic markers KW - Parkinson's disease Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260451 VL - 7 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kraft, Peter A1 - Drechsler, Christiane A1 - Gunreben, Ignaz A1 - Heuschmann, Peter Ulrich A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph T1 - Case-control study of platelet glycoprotein receptor Ib and IIb/IIIa expression in patients with acute and chronic cerebrovascular disease JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Background Animal models have been instrumental in defining thrombus formation, including the role of platelet surface glycoprotein (GP) receptors, in acute ischemic stroke (AIS). However, the involvement of GP receptors in human ischemic stroke pathophysiology and their utility as biomarkers for ischemic stroke risk and severity requires elucidation. Aims To determine whether platelet GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa receptors are differentially expressed in patients with AIS and chronic cerebrovascular disease (CCD) compared with healthy volunteers (HV) and to identify predictors of GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa expression. Methods This was a case-control study of 116 patients with AIS or transient ischemic attack (TIA), 117 patients with CCD, and 104 HV who were enrolled at our University hospital from 2010 to 2013. Blood sampling was performed once in the CCD and HV groups, and at several time points in patients with AIS or TIA. Linear regression and analysis of variance were used to analyze correlations between platelet GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa receptor numbers and demographic and clinical parameters. Results GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa receptor numbers did not significantly differ between the AIS, CCD, and HV groups. GPIb receptor expression level correlated significantly with the magnitude of GPIIb/IIIa receptor expression and the neutrophil count. In contrast, GPIIb/IIIa receptor numbers were not associated with peripheral immune-cell sub-population counts. Creactive protein was an independent predictor of GPIIb/IIIa (not GPIb) receptor numbers. Conclusions Platelet GPIb and GPIIb/IIIa receptor numbers did not distinguish between patient or control groups in this study, negating their potential use as a biomarker for predicting stroke risk. KW - von Willebrand factor KW - cardiovascular disease KW - increased risk KW - mice impact KW - polymorphisms inflammation KW - blood coagulability KW - atherosclerosis KW - acute ischemic stroke Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148806 VL - 10 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Neugebauer, Hermann A1 - Schneider, Hauke A1 - Kollmar, Rainer T1 - Letter by Neugebauer et al. regarding article “Hypothermia after decompressive hemicraniectomy in treatment of malignant middle cerebral artery stroke: comment on the randomized clinical trial” JF - Critical Care N2 - No abstract available. KW - stroke KW - hypothermia KW - hemicraniectomy Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232268 VL - 23 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stetter, Christian A1 - Lopez-Caperuchipi, Simon A1 - Hopp-Krämer, Sarah A1 - Bieber, Michael A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Sirén, Anna-Leena A1 - Albert-Weißenberger, Christiane T1 - Amelioration of cognitive and behavioral deficits after traumatic brain injury in coagulation factor XII deficient mice JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Based on recent findings that show that depletion of factor XII (FXII) leads to better posttraumatic neurological recovery, we studied the effect of FXII-deficiency on post-traumatic cognitive and behavioral outcomes in female and male mice. In agreement with our previous findings, neurological deficits on day 7 after weight-drop traumatic brain injury (TBI) were significantly reduced in FXII\(^{−/−}\) mice compared to wild type (WT) mice. Also, glycoprotein Ib (GPIb)-positive platelet aggregates were more frequent in brain microvasculature of WT than FXII\(^{−/−}\) mice 3 months after TBI. Six weeks after TBI, memory for novel object was significantly reduced in both female and male WT but not in FXII\(^{−/−}\) mice compared to sham-operated mice. In the setting of automated home-cage monitoring of socially housed mice in IntelliCages, female WT mice but not FXII\(^{−/−}\) mice showed decreased exploration and reacted negatively to reward extinction one month after TBI. Since neuroendocrine stress after TBI might contribute to trauma-induced cognitive dysfunction and negative emotional contrast reactions, we measured peripheral corticosterone levels and the ration of heart, lung, and spleen weight to bodyweight. Three months after TBI, plasma corticosterone levels were significantly suppressed in both female and male WT but not in FXII\(^{−/−}\) mice, while the relative heart weight increased in males but not in females of both phenotypes when compared to sham-operated mice. Our results indicate that FXII deficiency is associated with efficient post-traumatic behavioral and neuroendocrine recovery. KW - closed head injury KW - contact-kinin system KW - object recognition memory KW - IntelliCage KW - Crespi effect KW - stress Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284959 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 22 IS - 9 ER - TY - THES A1 - Spitzel, Marlene T1 - The impact of inflammation, hypoxia, and vasculopathy on pain development in the α-galactosidase A mouse model of Morbus Fabry T1 - Der Einfluss von Inflammation, Hypoxie und Vaskulopathie auf die Schmerzentwicklung des Morbus Fabry-spezifischen α-Galaktosidase A Mausmodells N2 - Fabry disease (FD), an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder, is caused by variants in the gene α-galactosidase A (GLA). As a consequence, the encoded homonymous enzyme GLA is not produced in sufficient amount or does not function properly. Subsequently, globotriaosylceradmide (Gb3), the target substrate of GLA, starts accumulating in several cell types, especially neurons and endothelial cells. FD patients suffer from multiorgan symptoms including cardiomyopathy, nephropathy, stroke, and acral burning pain. It is suggested that the impact of pathological Gb3 accumulation, inflammatory and hypoxic processes, and vasculopathy are contributing to the specific FD pain phenotype. Thus, we investigated the role of inflammation, hypoxia, and vasculopathy on molecular level in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of the GLA knockout (KO) mouse model. Further, we investigated pain-like characteristics of GLA KO mice at baseline (BS), after capsaicin administration, and after repeated enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) administration for a period of 1.5 years. Acquired data showed disturbances in immune response markers represented by downregulated inflammation-associated genes and lower numbers of CD206+ macrophages in DRG of GLA KO mice. Hypoxic mechanisms were active in DRG of GLA KO mice reflected by increased gene expression of hypoxia- and DNA damage-associated targets, higher numbers of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α-positive (HIF1α+) and carbonic anhydrase 9-positive (CA9+) neurons in DRG of GLA KO mice, and DRG neuronal HIF1α cytosolic-nuclear translocation in GLA KO mice. Vascularization in DRG of GLA KO mice was reduced including lower numbers of blood vessel branches and reduced total blood vessel length. Pain-like behavior of the GLA KO mouse model revealed no mechanical hypersensitivity at BS but age-dependent heat hyposensitivity, which developed also age-matched wild type (WT) mice. Capsaicin administration under isoflurane anesthesia did not elicit the development of nocifensive behavior in GLA KO mice after mechanical or heat stimulation. Repeated ERT administration did not show a clear effect in GLA KO mice in terms of restored heat hyposensitivity to BS paw withdrawal latencies. In summary, we demonstrated the impact of disturbed immune response markers, active hypoxic mechanisms, and reduced vascularization on molecular FD pathophysiology. N2 - Morbus Fabry (M. Fabry oder Fabry disease, FD) ist eine X-chromosomal vererbte, lysosomale Speichererkrankung, die durch Varianten im Gen α-Galaktosidase A (GLA) verursacht wird. Das durch GLA kodierte gleichnamige Enzym GLA kann somit nicht in ausreichender Menge produziert werden oder erhält nicht die volle Funktionalität. Als Folge akkumuliert das Glykosphingolipid Globotriaosylceramid (Gb3), welches das Zielsubstrat von GLA ist und durch dieses Enzym normalerweise abgebaut wird. Gb3 Akkumulationen sind in verschiedenen Zelltypen zu finden, jedoch bevorzugt in Neurone und Endothelzellen. FD-Patienten leiden unter Symptome, die verschiedene Organe betreffen, insbesondere Kardiomyopathien, Nephropathien, Schlaganfälle, und brennende Schmerzen in den Extremitäten. Es wird vermutet, dass neben dem pathologischen Einfluss der Gb3 Ablagerungen auch inflammatorische und hypoxische Prozesse und Vaskulopathien zum spezifischen FD-Schmerzphänotyps beitragen. Daher wurde die Rolle der Inflammation, Hypoxie und Vaskulopathie auf molekularer Ebene in Spinalganglien (dorsal root ganglion, DRG) eines FD-spezifischen GLA knockout (KO) Mausmodells untersucht. Des Weiteren wurde der Schmerz-ähnliche Phänotyp in GLA KO Mäusen unter nativen Bedingungen, nach Capsaicingabe und unter Enzymersatztherapie (enzyme replacement therapy, ERT) während einer Dauer von 1,5 Jahren untersucht. Unsere erhobenen Daten zeigten eine Beeinträchtigung von Faktoren der Immunantwort, die sich durch herunterregulierter Genexpression Inflammations-assoziierter Gene und einer geringeren Anzahl an CD206+ Makrophagen in DRG von GLA KO Mäusen nachweisen ließ. Zu aktiven Hypoxiemechanismen trugen eine hochregulierte Genexpression Hypoxie- und DNA-Schäden-assoziierter Gene, eine höhere Anzahl an hypoxia-inducible factor 1α-positiver (HIF1α+) und carbonic anhydrase 9-positiver (CA9+) Neurone in DRG von GLA KO Mäusen, und die DRG neuronale HIF1α Translokation zwischen Zytosol und Nukleus bei. Die Vaskularisierung der DRG in GLA KO Mäusen war reduziert zusätzlich zu der geringeren Anzahl an Blutgefäßverzweigungen und einer Reduzierung der gesamten Blutgefäßlänge. Die Untersuchungen des nativen Schmerz-ähnlichen Verhaltens der GLA KO Mäuse zeigte keine Entwicklung mechanischer Hypersensitivität, während sich eine Hitzehyposensitivität mit steigendem Alter der Tiere entwickelte, die sich auch in altersangepassten Wildtyp (WT) Mäusen zeigte. Eine Capsaicingabe unter Isoflurannarkose zeigte keine erhöhte Sensitivität der GLA KO Mäuse nach mechanischer oder Hitzestimulation. Wiederholte ERT-Gaben zeigten keine Verbesserung der Hitzehyposensitivität auf ein natives Niveau der Pfotenrückzuglatenz. Wir konnten den Einfluss beeinträchtigter Faktoren der Immunantwort, aktiver Hypoxieprozesse und reduzierter Vaskularisierung in DRG von GLA KO Mäusen auf die molekulare FD-Pathophysiologie zeigen. KW - Fabry disease KW - GLA KO mouse model KW - molecular mechanism KW - Fabry-Krankheit KW - Morbus Fabry Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-345794 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wohnrade, Camilla A1 - Velling, Ann-Kathrin A1 - Mix, Lucas A1 - Wurster, Claudia D. A1 - Cordts, Isabell A1 - Stolte, Benjamin A1 - Zeller, Daniel A1 - Uzelac, Zeljko A1 - Platen, Sophia A1 - Hagenacker, Tim A1 - Deschauer, Marcus A1 - Lingor, Paul A1 - Ludolph, Albert C. A1 - Lulé, Dorothée A1 - Petri, Susanne A1 - Osmanovic, Alma A1 - Schreiber-Katz, Olivia T1 - Health-related quality of life in spinal muscular atrophy patients and their caregivers — a prospective, cross-sectional, multi-center analysis JF - Brain Sciences N2 - Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a disabling disease that affects not only the patient’s health-related quality of life (HRQoL), but also causes a high caregiver burden (CGB). The aim of this study was to evaluate HRQoL, CGB, and their predictors in SMA. In two prospective, cross-sectional, and multi-center studies, SMA patients (n = 39) and SMA patient/caregiver couples (n = 49) filled in the EuroQoL Five Dimension Five Level Scale (EQ-5D-5L) and the Short Form Health Survey 36 (SF-36). Caregivers (CGs) additionally answered the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Patients were clustered into two groups with either low or high HRQoL (EQ-5D-5L index value <0.259 or >0.679). The latter group was mostly composed of ambulatory type III patients with higher motor/functional scores. More severely affected patients reported low physical functioning but good mental health and vitality. The CGB (mean ZBI = 22/88) correlated negatively with patients’ motor/functional scores and age. Higher CGB was associated with a lower HRQoL, higher depression and anxiety, and more health impairments of the CGs. We conclude that patient and CG well-being levels interact closely, which highlights the need to consider the health of both parties while evaluating novel treatments. KW - caregiver KW - caregiver burden KW - mental health KW - quality of life KW - spinal muscular atrophy KW - patient reported outcome measures Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-305048 SN - 2076-3425 VL - 13 IS - 1 ER - TY - THES A1 - Steeg, Felix Leonard T1 - Kinematische und histomorphologische Charakterisierung des DYT1 Knock-in Mausmodells mit Trauma-induzierter Dystonie T1 - Kinematic and histomorphological characterization of the DYT1 knock-in mouse model with trauma-induced dystonia N2 - Die dem Formenkreis der Dystonien zugrundeliegenden, pathophysiologischen Grundlagen sind bislang nicht abschließend geklärt. Für die DYT-TOR1A Dystonie ist bekannt, dass eine 3-bp Deletion eines GAG-Codons im TOR1A-Gen auf Chromosom 9 einen Funktionsverlust des Proteins TorsinA bewirkt. Dieser Funktionsverlust wird als auslösender Faktor für die Entstehung der DYT-TOR1A Dystonie angenommen. Nichtsdestotrotz entwickeln lediglich circa 30% der Mutationsträger eine dystone Bewegungsstörung. Als Grund dafür wird eine Two-hit Hypothese diskutiert, die zusätzlich zur genetischen Prädisposition einen Umweltfaktor wie ein peripheres Trauma für die Entstehung von Symptomen postuliert. Durch eine standardisierte Quetschläsion des N. ischiadicus konnte mit dieser Arbeit bei DYT1KI Mäusen, die die ∆GAG-Mutation im endogenen Genom tragen, ein dystoner Phänotyp hervorgerufen werden. Mit den Aufzeichnungen der Mäuse im TST wurde ein neuronales Netzwerk mittels der Software „DeepLabCut“ trainiert, sodass die Dystonie-ähnlichen Bewegungen automatisiert erfasst und ausgewertet werden konnten. Das Netzwerk trägt dazu bei, dem vorwiegend klinischen Syndrom der Dystonie eine objektive kinematische Charakterisierung zu bieten und kann auf andere TSTs anderer Nagermodelle übertragen werden. Ferner wurde überprüft, ob die beobachteten Bewegungen durch Unterschiede in der Regeneration nach der Nervenquetschung zustande kamen. Elektroneurographien zeigten jedoch diesbezüglich keine Unterschiede zwischen wt und DYT1KI Tieren. Darüber hinaus sind mikromorphologische Prozesse im zentralen und peripheren Nervensystem Gegenstand dieser Studie. Einerseits konnten wir mittels Immunzellfärbungen von T-, B-Zellen, Makrophagen und Mikroglia feststellen, dass sowohl zentral als auch peripher kein Anhalt darauf besteht, dass die beim DYT1KI Mausmodell entstandenen Dystonie-ähnlichen Bewegungen auf einer Dysfunktion oder Aktivierung des Immunsystems, wie es bei anderen neurologischen Erkrankungen bereits nachgewiesen wurde, eine Rolle spielt. Andererseits konnte anhand stereologischer Messungen gezeigt werden, dass bei den naiven DYT1KI Tieren im Vergleich zu wt Tieren dopaminerge Neurone der SN in der Anzahl verringert und im Volumen vergrößert sind, was auf einen Endophänotypen hinweist. Bei den symptomatischen, nervengequetschten DYT1KI Mäusen zeigte sich wiederum eine weitere, signifikante Zunahme der Hypertrophie der dopaminergen Neurone als Hinweis auf eine unmittelbar mit dem dystonen Phänotypen in Zusammenhang stehende Veränderung. Zusammenfassend konnte ein symptomatisches Mausmodell von hoher translationaler Bedeutung etabliert werden, in dem sich Hinweise für eine dopaminerge Dysregulation ergaben und welches für weitere Studien, insbesondere therapeutischer Art, eingesetzt werden könnte. N2 - The pathophysiological principles underlying the types of dystonia have not yet been conclusively clarified. For DYT-TOR1A dystonia, it is known that a 3-bp deletion of a GAG codon in the TOR1A gene on chromosome 9 causes a loss of function of the protein TorsinA. This loss of function is believed to be a triggering factor for the development of DYT-TOR1A dystonia. Nevertheless, only around 30% of mutation carriers develop a dystonic movement disorder. The reason for this is believed to be a two-hit hypothesis, which postulates an environmental factor such as a peripheral trauma for the development of symptoms in addition to the genetic predisposition. In this work, we were able to induce a dystonic phenotype in DYT1KI mice that carry the ∆GAG mutation in their endogenous genome by a standardized crush lesion of the sciatic nerve. With recordings of the mice in the TST, a deep neural network was trained using the software “DeepLabCut” so that the dystonia-like movements could be automatically recorded and evaluated. The network contributes to providing an objective kinematic characterization of the predominantly clinical syndrome of dystonia and can be transferred to other TSTs from other rodent models. It was also checked whether the observed movements were caused by differences in regeneration after the nerve crush. However, electroneurography showed no differences between wt and DYT1KI animals in this regard. In addition, micromorphological processes in the central and peripheral nervous system are subject of this study. On the one hand, using immune cell staining of T cells, B cells, macrophages and microglia, we were able to determine that there is no evidence, both centrally and peripherally, that the dystonia-like movements developed in the DYT1KI mouse model are due to a dysfunction or activation of the immune system, as it has already been proven to play a role in other neurologic diseases. On the other hand, stereological measurements showed that dopaminergic neurons in the SN were reduced in number and increased in volume in naive DYT1KI animals compared to wt animals, indicating an endophenotype. In the symptomatic, nerve-crushed DYT1KI mice, there was again a further, significant increase in the hypertrophy of the dopaminergic neurons, indicating a change directly related to the dystonic phenotype. In summary, a symptomatic mouse model of high translational importance was established, in which there was evidence of dopaminergic dysregulation and which could be used for further studies, particularly of a therapeutic nature. KW - Dystonie Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-345805 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Haarmann, Axel A1 - Vollmuth, Christoph A1 - Kollikowski, Alexander M. A1 - Heuschmann, Peter U. A1 - Pham, Mirko A1 - Stoll, Guido A1 - Neugebauer, Hermann A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. T1 - Vasoactive soluble endoglin: a novel biomarker indicative of reperfusion after cerebral large-vessel occlusion JF - Cells N2 - Now that mechanical thrombectomy has substantially improved outcomes after large-vessel occlusion stroke in up to every second patient, futile reperfusion wherein successful recanalization is not followed by a favorable outcome is moving into focus. Unfortunately, blood-based biomarkers, which identify critical stages of hemodynamically compromised yet reperfused tissue, are lacking. We recently reported that hypoxia induces the expression of endoglin, a TGF-β co-receptor, in human brain endothelium in vitro. Subsequent reoxygenation resulted in shedding. Our cell model suggests that soluble endoglin compromises the brain endothelial barrier function. To evaluate soluble endoglin as a potential biomarker of reperfusion (-injury) we analyzed its concentration in 148 blood samples of patients with acute stroke due to large-vessel occlusion. In line with our in vitro data, systemic soluble endoglin concentrations were significantly higher in patients with successful recanalization, whereas hypoxia alone did not induce local endoglin shedding, as analyzed by intra-arterial samples from hypoxic vasculature. In patients with reperfusion, higher concentrations of soluble endoglin additionally indicated larger infarct volumes at admission. In summary, we give translational evidence that the sequence of hypoxia and subsequent reoxygenation triggers the release of vasoactive soluble endoglin in large-vessel occlusion stroke and can serve as a biomarker for severe ischemia with ensuing recanalization/reperfusion. KW - endoglin KW - brain endothelium KW - stroke KW - shedding KW - mechanical thrombectomy KW - hypoxia KW - reperfusion injury KW - biomarker Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304995 SN - 2073-4409 VL - 12 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Haufe, Stefan A1 - Isaias, Ioannis U. A1 - Pellegrini, Franziska A1 - Palmisano, Chiara T1 - Gait event prediction using surface electromyography in parkinsonian patients JF - Bioengineering N2 - Gait disturbances are common manifestations of Parkinson’s disease (PD), with unmet therapeutic needs. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are capable of monitoring gait, but they lack neurophysiological information that may be crucial for studying gait disturbances in these patients. Here, we present a machine learning approach to approximate IMU angular velocity profiles and subsequently gait events using electromyographic (EMG) channels during overground walking in patients with PD. We recorded six parkinsonian patients while they walked for at least three minutes. Patient-agnostic regression models were trained on temporally embedded EMG time series of different combinations of up to five leg muscles bilaterally (i.e., tibialis anterior, soleus, gastrocnemius medialis, gastrocnemius lateralis, and vastus lateralis). Gait events could be detected with high temporal precision (median displacement of <50 ms), low numbers of missed events (<2%), and next to no false-positive event detections (<0.1%). Swing and stance phases could thus be determined with high fidelity (median F1-score of ~0.9). Interestingly, the best performance was obtained using as few as two EMG probes placed on the left and right vastus lateralis. Our results demonstrate the practical utility of the proposed EMG-based system for gait event prediction, which allows the simultaneous acquisition of an electromyographic signal to be performed. This gait analysis approach has the potential to make additional measurement devices such as IMUs and force plates less essential, thereby reducing financial and preparation overheads and discomfort factors in gait studies. KW - electromyography KW - inertial measurement units KW - gait-phase prediction KW - machine learning KW - Parkinson’s disease Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-304380 SN - 2306-5354 VL - 10 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Silwedel, Christine A1 - Hütten, Matthias C. A1 - Speer, Christian P. A1 - Härtel, Christoph A1 - Haarmann, Axel A1 - Henrich, Birgit A1 - Tijssen, Maud P. M. A1 - Alnakhli, Abdullah Ahmed A1 - Spiller, Owen B. A1 - Schlegel, Nicolas A1 - Seidenspinner, Silvia A1 - Kramer, Boris W. A1 - Glaser, Kirsten T1 - Ureaplasma-driven neonatal neuroinflammation: novel insights from an ovine model JF - Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology N2 - Ureaplasma species (spp.) are considered commensals of the adult genitourinary tract, but have been associated with chorioamnionitis, preterm birth, and invasive infections in neonates, including meningitis. Data on mechanisms involved in Ureaplasma-driven neuroinflammation are scarce. The present study addressed brain inflammatory responses in preterm lambs exposed to Ureaplasma parvum (UP) in utero. 7 days after intra-amniotic injection of UP (n = 10) or saline (n = 11), lambs were surgically delivered at gestational day 128–129. Expression of inflammatory markers was assessed in different brain regions using qRT-PCR and in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by multiplex immunoassay. CSF was analyzed for UP presence using ureB-based real-time PCR, and MRI scans documented cerebral white matter area and cortical folding. Cerebral tissue levels of atypical chemokine receptor (ACKR) 3, caspases 1-like, 2, 7, and C–X–C chemokine receptor (CXCR) 4 mRNA, as well as CSF interleukin-8 protein concentrations were significantly increased in UP-exposed lambs. UP presence in CSF was confirmed in one animal. Cortical folding and white matter area did not differ among groups. The present study confirms a role of caspases and the transmembrane receptors ACKR3 and CXCR4 in Ureaplasma-driven neuroinflammation. Enhanced caspase 1-like, 2, and 7 expression may reflect cell death. Increased ACKR3 and CXCR4 expression has been associated with inflammatory central nervous system (CNS) diseases and impaired blood–brain barrier function. According to these data and previous in vitro findings from our group, we speculate that Ureaplasma-induced caspase and receptor responses affect CNS barrier properties and thus facilitate neuroinflammation. KW - Ureaplasma parvum KW - CNS integrity KW - neonatal meningitis KW - preterm birth KW - immaturity KW - animal model Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324285 VL - 43 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Friedrich, Maximilian U. A1 - Schneider, Erich A1 - Buerklein, Miriam A1 - Taeger, Johannes A1 - Hartig, Johannes A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Peach, Robert A1 - Zeller, Daniel T1 - Smartphone video nystagmography using convolutional neural networks: ConVNG JF - Journal of Neurology N2 - Background Eye movement abnormalities are commonplace in neurological disorders. However, unaided eye movement assessments lack granularity. Although videooculography (VOG) improves diagnostic accuracy, resource intensiveness precludes its broad use. To bridge this care gap, we here validate a framework for smartphone video-based nystagmography capitalizing on recent computer vision advances. Methods A convolutional neural network was fine-tuned for pupil tracking using > 550 annotated frames: ConVNG. In a cross-sectional approach, slow-phase velocity of optokinetic nystagmus was calculated in 10 subjects using ConVNG and VOG. Equivalence of accuracy and precision was assessed using the “two one-sample t-test” (TOST) and Bayesian interval-null approaches. ConVNG was systematically compared to OpenFace and MediaPipe as computer vision (CV) benchmarks for gaze estimation. Results ConVNG tracking accuracy reached 9–15% of an average pupil diameter. In a fully independent clinical video dataset, ConVNG robustly detected pupil keypoints (median prediction confidence 0.85). SPV measurement accuracy was equivalent to VOG (TOST p < 0.017; Bayes factors (BF) > 24). ConVNG, but not MediaPipe, achieved equivalence to VOG in all SPV calculations. Median precision was 0.30°/s for ConVNG, 0.7°/s for MediaPipe and 0.12°/s for VOG. ConVNG precision was significantly higher than MediaPipe in vertical planes, but both algorithms’ precision was inferior to VOG. Conclusions ConVNG enables offline smartphone video nystagmography with an accuracy comparable to VOG and significantly higher precision than MediaPipe, a benchmark computer vision application for gaze estimation. This serves as a blueprint for highly accessible tools with potential to accelerate progress toward precise and personalized Medicine. KW - digital medicine KW - nystagmus KW - eye movement disorders KW - videooculography KW - computer vision KW - telemedicine KW - precision medicine Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-324526 VL - 270 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Polat, Bülent A1 - Wohlleben, Gisela A1 - Kosmala, Rebekka A1 - Lisowski, Dominik A1 - Mantel, Frederick A1 - Lewitzki, Victor A1 - Löhr, Mario A1 - Blum, Robert A1 - Herud, Petra A1 - Flentje, Michael A1 - Monoranu, Camelia-Maria T1 - Differences in stem cell marker and osteopontin expression in primary and recurrent glioblastoma JF - Cancer Cell International N2 - Background Despite of a multimodal approach, recurrences can hardly be prevented in glioblastoma. This may be in part due to so called glioma stem cells. However, there is no established marker to identify these stem cells. Methods Paired samples from glioma patients were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for expression of the following stem cell markers: CD133, Musashi, Nanog, Nestin, octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (Oct4), and sex determining region Y-box 2 (Sox2). In addition, the expression of osteopontin (OPN) was investigated. The relative number of positively stained cells was determined. By means of Kaplan–Meier analysis, a possible association with overall survival by marker expression was investigated. Results Sixty tissue samples from 30 patients (17 male, 13 female) were available for analysis. For Nestin, Musashi and OPN a significant increase was seen. There was also an increase (not significant) for CD133 and Oct4. Patients with mutated Isocitrate Dehydrogenase-1/2 (IDH-1/2) status had a reduced expression for CD133 and Nestin in their recurrent tumors. Significant correlations were seen for CD133 and Nanog between OPN in the primary and recurrent tumor and between CD133 and Nestin in recurrent tumors. By confocal imaging we could demonstrate a co-expression of CD133 and Nestin within recurrent glioma cells. Patients with high CD133 expression had a worse prognosis (22.6 vs 41.1 months, p = 0.013). A similar trend was seen for elevated Nestin levels (24.9 vs 41.1 months, p = 0.08). Conclusions Most of the evaluated markers showed an increased expression in their recurrent tumor. CD133 and Nestin were associated with survival and are candidate markers for further clinical investigation. KW - Glioblastoma KW - Glioma stem cells KW - Osteopontin KW - CD133 KW - Nestin Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301240 SN - 1475-2867 VL - 22 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Berve, Kristina A1 - West, Brian L. A1 - Martini, Rudolf A1 - Groh, Janos T1 - Sex- and region-biased depletion of microglia/macrophages attenuates CLN1 disease in mice JF - Journal of Neuroinflammation N2 - Background The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (CLN diseases) are fatal lysosomal storage diseases causing neurodegeneration in the CNS. We have previously shown that neuroinflammation comprising innate and adaptive immune reactions drives axonal damage and neuron loss in the CNS of palmitoyl protein thioesterase 1-deficient (Ppt1\(^{-/-}\)) mice, a model of the infantile form of the diseases (CLN1). Therefore, we here explore whether pharmacological targeting of innate immune cells modifies disease outcome in CLN1 mice. Methods We applied treatment with PLX3397 (150 ppm in the chow), a potent inhibitor of the colony stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF-1R) to target innate immune cells in CLN1 mice. Experimental long-term treatment was non-invasively monitored by longitudinal optical coherence tomography and rotarod analysis, as well as analysis of visual acuity, myoclonic jerks, and survival. Treatment effects regarding neuroinflammation, neural damage, and neurodegeneration were subsequently analyzed by histology and immunohistochemistry. Results We show that PLX3397 treatment attenuates neuroinflammation in CLN1 mice by depleting pro-inflammatory microglia/macrophages. This leads to a reduction of T lymphocyte recruitment, an amelioration of axon damage and neuron loss in the retinotectal system, as well as reduced thinning of the inner retina and total brain atrophy. Accordingly, long-term treatment with the inhibitor also ameliorates clinical outcomes in CLN1 mice, such as impaired motor coordination, visual acuity, and myoclonic jerks. However, we detected a sex- and region-biased efficacy of CSF-1R inhibition, with male microglia/macrophages showing higher responsiveness toward depletion, especially in the gray matter of the CNS. This results in a better treatment outcome in male Ppt1\(^{-/-}\) mice regarding some histopathological and clinical readouts and reflects heterogeneity of innate immune reactions in the diseased CNS. Conclusions Our results demonstrate a detrimental impact of innate immune reactions in the CNS of CLN1 mice. These findings provide insights into CLN pathogenesis and may guide in the design of immunomodulatory treatment strategies. KW - Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis KW - Microglia KW - Macrophages KW - T lymphocytes KW - Neurodegeneration KW - Axon degeneration Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-230234 VL - 17 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rickert, V. A1 - Wagenhäuser, L. A1 - Nordbeck, P. A1 - Wanner, C. A1 - Sommer, C. A1 - Rost, S. A1 - Üçeyler, N. T1 - Stratification of Fabry mutations in clinical practice: a closer look at α‐galactosidase A‐3D structure JF - Journal of Internal Medicine N2 - Background Fabry disease (FD) is an X‐linked lysosomal storage and multi‐system disorder due to mutations in the α‐galactosidase A (α‐GalA) gene. We investigated the impact of individual amino acid exchanges in the α‐GalA 3D‐structure on the clinical phenotype of FD patients. Patients and methods We enrolled 80 adult FD patients with α‐GalA missense mutations and stratified them into three groups based on the amino acid exchange location in the α‐GalA 3D‐structure: patients with active site mutations, buried mutations and other mutations. Patient subgroups were deep phenotyped for clinical and laboratory parameters and FD‐specific treatment. Results Patients with active site or buried mutations showed a severe phenotype with multi‐organ involvement and early disease manifestation. Patients with other mutations had a milder phenotype with less organ impairment and later disease onset. α‐GalA activity was lower in patients with active site or buried mutations than in those with other mutations (P < 0.01 in men; P < 0.05 in women) whilst lyso‐Gb3 levels were higher (P < 0.01 in men; <0.05 in women). Conclusions The type of amino acid exchange location in the α‐GalA 3D‐structure determines disease severity and temporal course of symptom onset. Patient stratification using this parameter may become a useful tool in the management of FD patients. KW - Fabry disease KW - Fabry genotype KW - Fabry phenotype KW - lyso‐Gb3 KW - α‐GalA 3D‐structure Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218125 VL - 288 IS - 5 SP - 593 EP - 604 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. A1 - Fluri, Felix T1 - Effects of fullerenols on mouse brain microvascular endothelial cells JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Fullerenols, water-soluble C60-fullerene derivatives, have been shown to exert neuroprotective effects in vitro and in vivo, most likely due to their capability to scavenge free radicals. However, little is known about the effects of fullerenols on the blood–brain barrier (BBB), especially on cerebral endothelial cells under inflammatory conditions. Here, we investigated whether the treatment of primary mouse brain microvascular endothelial cells with fullerenols impacts basal and inflammatory blood–brain barrier (BBB) properties in vitro. While fullerenols (1, 10, and 100 µg/mL) did not change transendothelial electrical resistance under basal and inflammatory conditions, 100 µg/mL of fullerenol significantly reduced erk1/2 activation and resulted in an activation of NFκB in an inflammatory milieu. Our findings suggest that fullerenols might counteract oxidative stress via the erk1/2 and NFκB pathways, and thus are able to protect microvascular endothelial cells under inflammatory conditions. KW - mouse brain microvascular endothelial cell cultur KW - adhesion molecules KW - fullerenes KW - blood-brain barrier KW - inflammation KW - tight junctions Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158072 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 18 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rauschenberger, Lisa A1 - Behnke, Jennifer A1 - Grotemeyer, Alexander A1 - Knorr, Susanne A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Ip, Chi Wang T1 - Age-dependent neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation in a genetic A30P/A53T double-mutated α-synuclein mouse model of Parkinson’s disease JF - Neurobiology of Disease N2 - The pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD) is closely interwoven with the process of aging. Moreover, increasing evidence from human postmortem studies and from animal models for PD point towards inflammation as an additional factor in disease development. We here assessed the impact of aging and inflammation on dopaminergic neurodegeneration in the hm\(^{2}\)α-SYN-39 mouse model of PD that carries the human, A30P/A53T double-mutated α-synuclein gene. At 2–3 months of age, no significant differences were observed comparing dopaminergic neuron numbers of the substantia nigra (SN) pars compacta of hm\(^{2}\)α-SYN-39 mice with wildtype controls. At an age of 16–17 months, however, hm\(^{2}\)α-SYN-39 mice revealed a significant loss of dopaminergic SN neurons, of dopaminergic terminals in the striatum as well as a reduction of striatal dopamine levels compared to young, 2–3 months transgenic mice and compared to 16–17 months old wildtype littermates. A significant age-related correlation of infiltrating CD4+ and CD8\(^{+}\) T cell numbers with dopaminergic terminal loss of the striatum was found in hm\(^{2}\)α-SYN-39 mice, but not in wildtype controls. In the striatum of 16–17 months old wildtype mice a slightly elevated CD8\(^{+}\) T cell count and CD11b\(^{+}\) microglia cell count was observed compared to younger aged mice. Additional analyses of neuroinflammation in the nigrostriatal tract of wildtype mice did not yield any significant age-dependent changes of CD4\(^{+}\), CD8\(^{+}\) T cell and B220\(^{+}\) B cell numbers, respectively. In contrast, a significant age-dependent increase of CD8\(^{+}\) T cells, GFAP\(^{+}\) astrocytes as well as a pronounced increase of CD11b+ microglia numbers were observed in the SN of hm\(^{2}\)α-SYN-39 mice pointing towards a neuroinflammatory processes in this genetic mouse model for PD. The findings in the hm\(^{2}\)α-SYN-39 mouse model strengthen the evidence that T cell and glial cell responses are involved in the age-related neurodegeneration in PD. The slow and age-dependent progression of neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation in the hm\(^{2}\)α-SYN-39 PD rodent model underlines its translational value and makes it suitable for studying anti-inflammatory therapies. KW - Parkinson's disease KW - neuroinflammation KW - neurodegeneration Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300629 VL - 171 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krajka, Victor A1 - Naujock, Maximilian A1 - Pauly, Martje G. A1 - Stengel, Felix A1 - Meier, Britta A1 - Stanslowsky, Nancy A1 - Klein, Christine A1 - Seibler, Philip A1 - Wegner, Florian A1 - Capetian, Philipp T1 - Ventral Telencephalic Patterning Protocols for Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells JF - Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology N2 - The differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) into specific cell types for disease modeling and restorative therapies is a key research agenda and offers the possibility to obtain patient-specific cells of interest for a wide range of diseases. Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCNs) play a particular role in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s dementia and isolated dystonias. In this work, various directed differentiation protocols based on monolayer neural induction were tested for their effectiveness in promoting a ventral telencephalic phenotype and generating BFCN. Ventralizing factors [i.e., purmorphamine and Sonic hedgehog (SHH)] were applied at different time points, time intervals, and concentrations. In addition, caudal identity was prevented by the use of a small molecule XAV-939 that inhibits the Wnt-pathway. After patterning, gene expression profiles were analyzed by quantitative PCR (qPCR). Rostro-ventral patterning is most effective when initiated simultaneously with neural induction. The most promising combination of patterning factors was 0.5 μM of purmorphamine and 1 μM of XAV-939, which induces the highest expression of transcription factors specific for the medial ganglionic eminence, the source of GABAergic inter- and cholinergic neurons in the telencephalon. Upon maturation of cells, the immune phenotype, as well as electrophysiological properties were investigated showing the presence of marker proteins specific for BFCN (choline acetyltransferase, ISL1, p75, and NKX2.1) and GABAergic neurons. Moreover, a considerable fraction of measured cells displayed mature electrophysiological properties. Synaptic boutons containing the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VACHT) could be observed in the vicinity of the cells. This work will help to generate basal forebrain interneurons from hiPSCs, providing a promising platform for modeling neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease or Dystonia. KW - induced pluripotent stem cells KW - medial ganglionic eminence KW - Sonic hedgehog KW - XAV-939 KW - purmorphamine KW - basal forebrain cholinergic neurons KW - GABAergic neurons KW - electrophysiology Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244607 SN - 2296-634X VL - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Palmisano, Chiara A1 - Brandt, Gregor A1 - Vissani, Matteo A1 - Pozzi, Nicoló G. A1 - Canessa, Andrea A1 - Brumberg, Joachim A1 - Marotta, Giorgio A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Mazzoni, Alberto A1 - Pezzoli, Gianni A1 - Frigo, Carlo A. A1 - Isaias, Ioannis U. T1 - Gait Initiation in Parkinson’s Disease: Impact of Dopamine Depletion and Initial Stance Condition JF - Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology N2 - Postural instability, in particular at gait initiation (GI), and resulting falls are a major determinant of poor quality of life in subjects with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Still, the contribution of the basal ganglia and dopamine on the feedforward postural control associated with this motor task is poorly known. In addition, the influence of anthropometric measures (AM) and initial stance condition on GI has never been consistently assessed. The biomechanical resultants of anticipatory postural adjustments contributing to GI [imbalance (IMB), unloading (UNL), and stepping phase) were studied in 26 unmedicated subjects with idiopathic PD and in 27 healthy subjects. A subset of 13 patients was analyzed under standardized medication conditions and the striatal dopaminergic innervation was studied in 22 patients using FP-CIT and SPECT. People with PD showed a significant reduction in center of pressure (CoP) displacement and velocity during the IMB phase, reduced first step length and velocity, and decreased velocity and acceleration of the center of mass (CoM) at toe off of the stance foot. All these measurements correlated with the dopaminergic innervation of the putamen and substantially improved with levodopa. These results were not influenced by anthropometric parameters or by the initial stance condition. In contrast, most of the measurements of the UNL phase were influenced by the foot placement and did not correlate with putaminal dopaminergic innervation. Our results suggest a significant role of dopamine and the putamen particularly in the elaboration of the IMB phase of anticipatory postural adjustments and in the execution of the first step. The basal ganglia circuitry may contribute to defining the optimal referent body configuration for a proper initiation of gait and possibly gait adaptation to the environment. KW - gait initiation KW - Parkinson’s disease KW - basal ganglia KW - dopamine KW - base of support KW - anthropometric measurements Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200801 SN - 2296-4185 VL - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Steigerwald, Frank A1 - Müller, Lorenz A1 - Johannes, Silvia A1 - Matthies, Cordula A1 - Volkmann, Jens T1 - Directional deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus: a pilot study using a novel neurostimulation device JF - Movement Disorders N2 - Introduction A novel neurostimulation system allows steering current in horizontal directions by combining segmented leads and multiple independent current control. The aim of this study was to evaluate directional DBS effects on parkinsonian motor features and adverse effects of subthalamic neurostimulation. Methods Seven PD patients implanted with the novel directional DBS system for bilateral subthalamic DBS underwent an extended monopolar review session during the first postoperative week, in which current thresholds were determined for rigidity control and stimulation-induced adverse effects using either directional or ring-mode settings. Results Effect or adverse effect thresholds were modified by directional settings for each of the 14 STN leads. Magnitude of change varied markedly between leads, as did orientation of optimal horizontal current steering. Conclusion Directional current steering through chronically implanted segmented electrodes is feasible, alters adverse effect and efficacy thresholds in a highly individual manner, and expands the therapeutic window in a monopolar review as compared to ring-mode DBS. KW - deep brain stimulation KW - Parkinson's disease Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187683 VL - 31 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pasos, Uri E. Ramirez A1 - Steigerwald, Frank A1 - Reich, Martin M. A1 - Matthies, Cordula A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Reese, René T1 - Levodopa modulates functional connectivity in the upper beta band between bubthalamic nucleus and muscle activity in tonic and phasic motor activity patterns in Parkinson’s disease JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Introduction: Striatal dopamine depletion disrupts basal ganglia function and causes Parkinson’s disease (PD). The pathophysiology of the dopamine-dependent relationship between basal ganglia signaling and motor control, however, is not fully understood. We obtained simultaneous recordings of local field potentials (LFPs) from the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and electromyograms (EMGs) in patients with PD to investigate the impact of dopaminergic state and movement on long-range beta functional connectivity between basal ganglia and lower motor neurons. Methods: Eight PD patients were investigated 3 months after implantation of a deep brain stimulation (DBS)-system capable of recording LFPs via chronically-implanted leads (Medtronic, ACTIVA PC+S®). We analyzed STN spectral power and its coherence with EMG in the context of two different movement paradigms (tonic wrist extension vs. alternating wrist extension and flexion) and the effect of levodopa (L-Dopa) intake using an unbiased data-driven approach to determine regions of interest (ROI). Results: Two ROIs capturing prominent coherence within a grand average coherogram were identified. A trend of a dopamine effect was observed for the first ROI (50–150 ms after movement start) with higher STN-EMG coherence in medicated patients. Concerning the second ROI (300–500 ms after movement start), an interaction effect of L-Dopa medication and movement task was observed with higher coherence in the isometric contraction task compared to alternating movements in the medication ON state, a pattern which was reversed in L-Dopa OFF. Discussion: L-Dopa medication may normalize functional connectivity between remote structures of the motor system with increased upper beta coherence reflecting a physiological restriction of the amount of information conveyed between remote structures. This may be necessary to maintain simple movements like isometric contraction. Our study adds dynamic properties to the complex interplay between STN spectral beta power and the nucleus’ functional connectivity to remote structures of the motor system as a function of movement and dopaminergic state. This may help to identify markers of neuronal activity relevant for more individualized programming of DBS therapy. KW - Parkinson’s disease KW - subthalamic nucleus KW - deep brain stimulation KW - local field potentials KW - dopamine KW - movement Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201540 VL - 13 IS - 223 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zeller, Daniel A1 - Heidemeier, Anke A1 - Grigoleit, Götz Ulrich A1 - Müllges, Wolfgang T1 - Case report: subacute tetraplegia in an immunocompromised patient JF - BMC Neurology N2 - Background: Clinical reasoning in Neurology is based on general associations which help to deduce the site of the lesion. However, even “golden principles” may occasionally be deceptive. Here, we describe the case of subacute flaccid tetraparesis due to motor cortical lesions. To our knowledge, this is the first report to include an impressive illustration of nearly symmetric motor cortical involvement of encephalitis on brain MRI. Case presentation: A 51 year old immunocompromized man developed a high-grade pure motor flaccid tetraparesis over few days. Based on clinical presentation, critical illness polyneuromyopathy was suspected. However, brain MRI revealed symmetrical hyperintensities strictly limited to the subcortical precentral gyrus. An encephalitis, possibly due to CMV infection, turned out to be the most likely cause. Conclusion: While recognition of basic clinical patterns is indispensable in neurological reasoning, awareness of central conditions mimicking peripheral nervous disease may be crucial to detect unsuspected, potentially treatable conditions. KW - tetraparesis KW - motor cortex KW - CMV KW - encephalitis KW - case report Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157576 VL - 17 IS - 31 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Canessa, Andrea A1 - Pozzi, Nicolò G. A1 - Arnulfo, Gabriele A1 - Brumberg, Joachim A1 - Reich, Martin M. A1 - Pezzoli, Gianni A1 - Ghilardi, Maria F. A1 - Matthies, Cordula A1 - Steigerwald, Frank A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Isaias, Ioannis U. T1 - Striatal Dopaminergic Innervation Regulates Subthalamic Beta-Oscillations and Cortical-Subcortical Coupling during Movements: Preliminary Evidence in Subjects with Parkinson's Disease JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Activation of the basal ganglia has been shown during the preparation and execution of movement. However, the functional interaction of cortical and subcortical brain areas during movement and the relative contribution of dopaminergic striatal innervation remains unclear. We recorded local field potential (LFP) activity from the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and high-density electroencephalography (EEG) signals in four patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) off dopaminergic medication during a multi-joint motor task performed with their dominant and non-dominant hand. Recordings were performed by means of a fully-implantable deep brain stimulation (DBS) device at 4 months after surgery. Three patients also performed a single-photon computed tomography (SPECT) with [123I]N-ω-fluoropropyl-2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-iodophenyl)nortropane (FP-CIT) to assess striatal dopaminergic innervation. Unilateral movement execution led to event-related desynchronization (ERD) followed by a rebound after movement termination event-related synchronization (ERS) of oscillatory beta activity in the STN and primary sensorimotor cortex of both hemispheres. Dopamine deficiency directly influenced movement-related beta-modulation, with greater beta-suppression in the most dopamine-depleted hemisphere for both ipsi- and contralateral hand movements. Cortical-subcortical, but not interhemispheric subcortical coherencies were modulated by movement and influenced by striatal dopaminergic innervation, being stronger in the most dopamine-depleted hemisphere. The data are consistent with a role of dopamine in shielding subcortical structures from an excessive cortical entrapment and cross-hemispheric coupling, thus allowing fine-tuning of movement. KW - beta oscillations KW - Parkinson’s disease KW - motor control KW - movement disorders KW - imaging KW - subthalamic nucleus KW - coherence analysis Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164061 VL - 10 IS - 611 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Elhfnawy, Ahmed Mohamed A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Schliesser, Mira A1 - Fluri, Felix T1 - Are cerebral white matter lesions related to the presence of bilateral internal carotid artery stenosis or to the length of stenosis among patients with ischemic cerebrovascular events? JF - Frontiers in Neurology N2 - Background and purpose: Previous studies delivered contradicting results regarding the relation between the presence of an internal carotid artery stenosis (ICAS) and the occurence of white matter lesions (WMLs). We hypothesize that special characteristics related to the ICAS might be related to the WMLs. We examined the relation between the presence of bilateral ICAS, the degree and length of stenosis and ipsi-, contralateral as well as mean white matter lesion load (MWMLL). Methods: In a retrospective cohort, patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) as well as ipsi- and/or contralateral ICAS were identified. The length and degree of ICAS, as well as plaque morphology (hypoechoic, mixed or echogenic), were assessed on ultrasound scans and, if available, the length was also measured on magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) scans, and/or digital subtraction angiography (DSA). The WMLs were assessed in 4 areas separately, (periventricular and deep WMLs on each hemispherer), using the Fazekas scale. The MWMLL was calculated as the mean of these four values. Results: 136 patients with 177 ICAS were identified. A significant correlation between age and MWMLL was observed (Spearman correlation coefficient, ρ = 0.41, p < 0.001). Before adjusting for other risk factors, a significantly positive relation was found between the presence of bilateral ICAS and MWMLL (p = 0.039). The length but not the degree of ICAS showed a very slight trend toward association with ipsilateral WMLs and with MWMLL. In an age-adjusted multivariate logistic regression with MWMLL ≥2 as the outcome measure, atrial fibrillation (OR 3.54, 95% CI 1.12–11.18, p = 0.03), female sex (OR 3.11, 95% CI 1.19–8.11, p = 0.02) and diabetes mellitus (OR 2.76, 95% CI 1.16–6.53, p = 0.02) were significantly related to WMLs, whereas the presence of bilateral stenosis showed a trend toward significance (OR 2.25, 95% CI 0.93–5.45, p = 0.074). No relation was found between plaque morphology and MWMLL, periventricular, or deep WMLs. Conclusion: We have shown a slight correlation between the length of stenosis and the presence of WMLs which might be due to microembolisation originating from the carotid plaque. However, the presence of bilateral ICAS seems also to be related to WMLs which may point to common underlying vascular risk factors contributing to the occurrence of WML. KW - stroke KW - transient ischemic attack KW - white matter lesions KW - internal carotid artery stenosis KW - bilateral internal carotid artery stenosis KW - degree of stenosis KW - length of stenosis Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201241 VL - 10 IS - 919 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Appeltshauser, Luise A1 - Brunder, Anna-Michelle A1 - Heinius, Annika A1 - Körtvélyessy, Peter A1 - Wandinger, Klaus-Peter A1 - Junker, Ralf A1 - Villmann, Carmen A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Leypoldt, Frank A1 - Doppler, Kathrin T1 - Antiparanodal antibodies and IgG subclasses in acute autoimmune neuropathy JF - Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation N2 - Objective To determine whether IgG subclasses of antiparanodal autoantibodies are related to disease course and treatment response in acute- to subacute-onset neuropathies, we retrospectively screened 161 baseline serum/CSF samples and 66 follow-up serum/CSF samples. Methods We used ELISA and immunofluorescence assays to detect antiparanodal IgG and their subclasses and titers in serum/CSF of patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), recurrent GBS (R-GBS), Miller-Fisher syndrome, and acute- to subacute-onset chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (A-CIDP). We evaluated clinical data retrospectively. Results We detected antiparanodal autoantibodies with a prevalence of 4.3% (7/161), more often in A-CIDP (4/23, 17.4%) compared with GBS (3/114, 2.6%). Longitudinal subclass analysis in the patients with GBS revealed IgG2/3 autoantibodies against Caspr-1 and against anti-contactin-1/Caspr-1, which disappeared at remission. At disease onset, patients with A-CIDP had IgG2/3 anti-Caspr-1 and anti-contactin-1/Caspr-1 or IgG4 anti-contactin-1 antibodies, IgG3 being associated with good response to IV immunoglobulins (IVIg). In the chronic phase of disease, IgG subclass of one patient with A-CIDP switched from IgG3 to IgG4. Conclusion Our data (1) confirm and extend previous observations that antiparanodal IgG2/3 but not IgG4 antibodies can occur in acute-onset neuropathies manifesting as monophasic GBS, (2) suggest association of IgG3 to a favorable response to IVIg, and (3) lend support to the hypothesis that in some patients, an IgG subclass switch from IgG3 to IgG4 may be the correlate of a secondary progressive or relapsing course following a GBS-like onset. KW - Guillain-Barre-Syndrome KW - inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy KW - musk myasthenia gravis KW - periperal nerve KW - neurofascin KW - autoantibodies KW - ontactin 1 KW - biopsies KW - binding KW - switch Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-230079 VL - 7 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lenders, Malte A1 - Hennermann, Julia B. A1 - Kurschat, Christine A1 - Rolfs, Arndt A1 - Canaan-Kühl, Sima A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Üçeyler, Nurcan A1 - Kampmann, Christoph A1 - Karabul, Nesrin A1 - Giese, Anne-Katrin A1 - Duning, Thomas A1 - Stypmann, Jörg A1 - Krämer, Johannes A1 - Weidemann, Frank A1 - Brand, Stefan-Martin A1 - Wanner, Christoph A1 - Brand, Eva T1 - Multicenter Female Fabry Study (MFFS) - clinical survey on current treatment of females with Fabry disease JF - Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases N2 - Background The aim of the present study was to assess manifestations of and applied treatment concepts for females with Fabry disease (FD) according to the current European Fabry Guidelines. Methods Between 10/2008 and 12/2014, data from the most recent visit of 261 adult female FD patients from six German Fabry centers were retrospectively analyzed. Clinical presentation and laboratory data, including plasma lyso-Gb3 levels were assessed. Results Fifty-five percent of females were on enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), according to recent European FD guidelines. Thirty-three percent of females were untreated although criteria for ERT initiation were fulfilled. In general, the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) seemed to impact more on ERT initiation than impaired renal function. In ERT-naïve females RAAS blockers were more often prescribed if LVH was present rather than albuminuria. Affected females with missense mutations showed a similar disease burden compared to females with nonsense mutations. Elevated plasma lyso-Gb3 levels in ERT-naïve females seem to be a marker of disease burden, since patients showed comparable incidences of organ manifestations even if they were ~8 years younger than females with normal lyso-Gb3 levels. Conclusion The treatment of the majority of females with FD in Germany is in line with the current European FD guidelines. However, a relevant number of females remain untreated despite organ involvement, necessitating a careful reevaluation of these females. KW - Fabry disease KW - females KW - lyso-Gb3 KW - enzyme replacement therapy KW - guidelines Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166543 VL - 11 IS - 88 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herm, Juliane A1 - Schurig, Johannes A1 - Martinek, Martin R. A1 - Höltgen, Reinhard A1 - Schirdewan, Alexander A1 - Kirchhof, Paulus A1 - Wieczorek, Marcus A1 - Pürerfellner, Helmut A1 - Heuschmann, Peter U. A1 - Fiebach, Jochen B. A1 - Haeusler, Karl Georg T1 - MRI-detected brain lesions in AF patients without further stroke risk factors undergoing ablation - a retrospective analysis of prospective studies JF - BMC Cardiovascular Disorders N2 - Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) without other stroke risk factors is assumed to have a low annual stroke risk comparable to patients without AF. Therefore, current clinical guidelines do not recommend oral anticoagulation for stroke prevention of AF in patients without stroke risk factors. We analyzed brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging to estimate the rate of clinically inapparent (“silent”) ischemic brain lesions in these patients. Methods We pooled individual patient-level data from three prospective studies comprising stroke-free patients with symptomatic AF. All study patients underwent brain MRI within 24–48 h before planned left atrial catheter ablation. MRIs were analyzed by a neuroradiologist blinded to clinical data. Results In total, 175 patients (median age 60 (IQR 54–67) years, 32% female, median CHA\(_2\)DS\(_2\)-VASc = 1 (IQR 0–2), 33% persistent AF) were included. In AF patients without or with at least one stroke risk factor, at least one silent ischemic brain lesion was observed in 4 (8%) out of 48 and 10 (8%) out of 127 patients, respectively (p > 0.99). Presence of silent ischemic brain lesions was related to age (p = 0.03) but not to AF pattern (p = 0.77). At least one cerebral microbleed was detected in 5 (13%) out of 30 AF patients without stroke risk factors and 25 (25%) out of 108 AF patients with stroke risk factors (p = 0.2). Presence of cerebral microbleeds was related to male sex (p = 0.04) or peripheral artery occlusive disease (p = 0.03). Conclusion In patients with symptomatic AF scheduled for ablation, brain MRI detected silent ischemic brain lesions in approximately one in 12 patients, and microbleeds in one in 5 patients. The prevalence of silent ischemic brain lesions did not differ in AF patients with or without further stroke risk factors. KW - Clinically silent stroke KW - atrial fibrillation KW - magnetic resonance imaging KW - cerebral microbleeds Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201226 VL - 19 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gessler, Florian A1 - Lehmann, Felix A1 - Bösel, Julian A1 - Fuhrer, Hannah A1 - Neugebauer, Hermann A1 - Wartenberg, Katja E. A1 - Wolf, Stefan A1 - Bernstock, Joshua D. A1 - Niesen, Wolf-Dirk A1 - Schuss, Patrick T1 - Triage and Allocation of Neurocritical Care Resources During the COVID 19 Pandemic - A National Survey JF - Frontiers in Neurology N2 - Objective: In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the associated hospitalization of an overwhelming number of ventilator-dependent patients, medical and/or ethical patient triage paradigms have become essential. While guidelines on the allocation of scarce resources do exist, such work within the subdisciplines of intensive care (e.g., neurocritical care) remains limited. Methods: A 16-item questionnaire was developed that sought to explore/quantify the expert opinions of German neurointensivists with regard to triage decisions. The anonymous survey was conducted via a web-based platform and in total, 96 members of the Initiative of German Neurointensive Trial Engagement (IGNITE)-study group were contacted via e-mail. The IGNITE consortium consists of an interdisciplinary panel of specialists with expertise in neuro-critical care (i.e., anesthetists, neurologists and neurosurgeons). Results: Fifty members of the IGNITE consortium responded to the questionnaire; in total the respondents were in charge of more than 500 Neuro ICU beds throughout Germany. Common determinants reported which affected triage decisions included known patient wishes (98%), the state of health before admission (96%), SOFA-score (85%) and patient age (69%). Interestingly, other principles of allocation, such as a treatment of “youngest first” (61%) and members of the healthcare sector (50%) were also noted. While these were the most accepted parameters affecting the triage of patients, a “first-come, first-served” principle appeared to be more accepted than a lottery for the allocation of ICU beds which contradicts much of what has been reported within the literature. The respondents also felt that at least one neurointensivist should serve on any interdisciplinary triage team. Conclusions: The data gathered in the context of this survey reveal the estimation/perception of triage algorithms among neurointensive care specialists facing COVID-19. Further, it is apparent that German neurointensivists strongly feel that they should be involved in any triage decisions at an institutional level given the unique resources needed to treat patients within the Neuro ICU. KW - COVID-19 KW - SARS-CoV KW - pandemic KW - patient triage KW - neurocritical care Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221593 SN - 1664-2295 VL - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kleikers, Pamela W. M. A1 - Hooijmans, Carlijn A1 - Göb, Eva A1 - Langhauser, Friederike A1 - Rewell, Sarah S. J. A1 - Radermacher, Kim A1 - Ritskes-Hoitinga, Merel A1 - Howells, David W. A1 - Kleinschnitz, Christoph A1 - Schmidt, Harald H. H. W. T1 - A combined pre-clinical meta-analysis and randomized confirmatory trial approach to improve data validity for therapeutic target validation JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Biomedical research suffers from a dramatically poor translational success. For example, in ischemic stroke, a condition with a high medical need, over a thousand experimental drug targets were unsuccessful. Here, we adopt methods from clinical research for a late-stage pre-clinical meta-analysis (MA) and randomized confirmatory trial (pRCT) approach. A profound body of literature suggests NOX\(_{2}\) to be a major therapeutic target in stroke. Systematic review and MA of all available NOX\(_{2}\)\(^{-/y}\) studies revealed a positive publication bias and lack of statistical power to detect a relevant reduction in infarct size. A fully powered multi-center pRCT rejects NOX\(_{2}\) as a target to improve neurofunctional outcomes or achieve a translationally relevant infarct size reduction. Thus stringent statistical thresholds, reporting negative data and a MA-pRCT approach can ensure biomedical data validity and overcome risks of bias. KW - focal cerebral ischemia KW - darbepoetin alpha KW - mice KW - translational stroke research KW - colony-stimulating factor KW - NADPH oxidase inhibitors KW - chronic kidney disease KW - diabetes mellitus KW - oxidative stress KW - search filter Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151401 VL - 5 IS - 13428 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bittner, Stefan A1 - Bobak, Nicole A1 - Hofmann, Majella-Sophie A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. A1 - Ruck, Tobias A1 - Göbel, Kerstin A1 - Brück, Wolfgang A1 - Wiendl, Heinz A1 - Meuth, Sven G. T1 - Murine K\(_{2P}\)5.1 Deficiency Has No Impact on Autoimmune Neuroinflammation due to Compensatory K\(_{2P}\)3.1-and K\(_{V}\)1.3-Dependent Mechanisms JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Lymphocytes express potassium channels that regulate physiological cell functions, such as activation, proliferation and migration. Expression levels of K\(_{2P}\)5.1(TASK2; KCNK5) channels belonging to the family of two-pore domain potassium channels have previously been correlated to the activity of autoreactive T lymphocytes in patients with multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. In humans, K\(_{2P}\)5.1 channels are upregulated upon T cell stimulation and influence T cell effector functions. However, a further clinical translation of targeting K\(_{2P}\)5.1 is currently hampered by a lack of highly selective inhibitors, making it necessary to evaluate the impact of KCNK5 in established preclinical animal disease models. We here demonstrate that K\(_{2P}\)5.1 knockout (K\(_{2P}\)5.1\(^{-/-}\) mice display no significant alterations concerning T cell cytokine production, proliferation rates, surface marker molecules or signaling pathways. In an experimental model of autoimmune neuroinflammation, K\(_{2P}\)5.1\(^{-/-}\) mice show a comparable disease course to wild-type animals and no major changes in the peripheral immune system or CNS compartment. A compensatory upregulation of the potassium channels K\(_{2P}\)3.1 and K\(_{V}\)1.3 seems to counterbalance the deletion of K\(_{2P}\)5.1. As an alternative model mimicking autoimmune neuroinflammation, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the common marmoset has been proposed, especially for testing the efficacy of new potential drugs. Initial experiments show that K\(_{2P}\)5.1 is functionally expressed on marmoset T lymphocytes, opening up the possibility for assessing future K\(_{2P}\)5.1-targeting drugs. KW - domain potassium channels KW - volume regulation KW - multiple-sclerosis KW - potassium channels KW - multiple sclerosis KW - ion channels KW - K+ channel KW - T lymphocytes KW - up-regulation KW - TASK2 KW - K2P channels KW - B cells KW - ph KW - K\(_{2P}\)5.1 KW - KCNK5 KW - autoimmune neuroinflammation KW - EAE Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151454 VL - 16 SP - 16880 EP - 16896 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Erbacher, Christoph A1 - Vaknine, Shani A1 - Moshitzky, Gilli A1 - Lobentanzer, Sebastian A1 - Eisenberg, Lina A1 - Evdokimov, Dimitar A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Greenberg, David S. A1 - Soreq, Hermona A1 - Üçeyler, Nurcan T1 - Distinct CholinomiR blood cell signature as a potential modulator of the cholinergic system in women with fibromyalgia syndrome JF - Cells N2 - Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a heterogeneous chronic pain syndrome characterized by musculoskeletal pain and other key co-morbidities including fatigue and a depressed mood. FMS involves altered functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system (CNS, PNS) and immune system, but the specific molecular pathophysiology remains unclear. Anti-cholinergic treatment is effective in FMS patient subgroups, and cholinergic signaling is a strong modulator of CNS and PNS immune processes. Therefore, we used whole blood small RNA-sequencing of female FMS patients and healthy controls to profile microRNA regulators of cholinergic transcripts (CholinomiRs). We compared microRNA profiles with those from Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with pain as disease controls. We validated the sequencing results with quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and identified cholinergic targets. Further, we measured serum cholinesterase activity in FMS patients and healthy controls. Small RNA-sequencing revealed FMS-specific changes in 19 CholinomiRs compared to healthy controls and PD patients. qRT-PCR validated miR-182-5p upregulation, distinguishing FMS patients from healthy controls. mRNA targets of CholinomiRs bone morphogenic protein receptor 2 and interleukin 6 signal transducer were downregulated. Serum acetylcholinesterase levels and cholinesterase activity in FMS patients were unchanged. Our findings identified an FMS-specific CholinomiR signature in whole blood, modulating immune-related gene expression. KW - fibromyalgia syndrome KW - cholinergic system KW - CholinomiRs KW - microRNA KW - miR-182-5p KW - Parkinson's disease Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-270686 SN - 2073-4409 VL - 11 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Groh, Janos A1 - Hörner, Michaela A1 - Martini, Rudolf T1 - Teriflunomide attenuates neuroinflammation-related neural damage in mice carrying human PLP1 mutations JF - Journal of Neuroinflammation N2 - Background: Genetically caused neurological disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) are mostly characterized by poor or even fatal clinical outcome and few or no causative treatments are available. Often, these disorders are associated with low-grade, disease-promoting inflammation, another feature shared by progressive forms of multiple sclerosis (PMS). We previously generated two mouse lines carrying distinct mutations in the oligodendrocytic PLP1 gene that have initially been identified in patients diagnosed with MS. These mutations cause a loss of PLP function leading to a histopathological and clinical phenotype common to both PMS and genetic CNS disorders, like hereditary spastic paraplegias. Importantly, neuroinflammation promotes disease progression in these models, suggesting that pharmacological modulation of inflammation might ameliorate disease outcome. Methods: We applied teriflunomide, an approved medication for relapsing-remitting MS targeting activated T-lymphocytes, in the drinking water (10 mg/kg body weight/day). Experimental long-term treatment of PLP mutant mice was non-invasively monitored by longitudinal optical coherence tomography and by rotarod analysis. Immunomodulatory effects were subsequently analyzed by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry and treatment effects regarding neural damage, and neurodegeneration were assessed by histology and immunohistochemistry. Results: Preventive treatment with teriflunomide attenuated the increase in number of CD8+ cytotoxic effector T cells and fostered the proliferation of CD8+ CD122+ PD-1+ regulatory T cells in the CNS. This led to an amelioration of axonopathic features and neuron loss in the retinotectal system, also reflected by reduced thinning of the innermost retinal composite layer in longitudinal studies and ameliorated clinical outcome upon preventive long-term treatment. Treatment of immune-incompetent PLP mutants did not provide evidence for a direct, neuroprotective effect of the medication. When treatment was terminated, no rebound of neuroinflammation occurred and histopathological improvement was preserved for at least 75 days without treatment. After disease onset, teriflunomide halted ongoing axonal perturbation and enabled a recovery of dendritic arborization by surviving ganglion cells. However, neither neuron loss nor clinical features were ameliorated, likely due to already advanced neurodegeneration before treatment onset. Conclusions: We identify teriflunomide as a possible medication not only for PMS but also for inflammation-related genetic diseases of the nervous system for which causal treatment options are presently lacking. KW - axonal degeneration KW - inflammation KW - proteolipid protein KW - T-lymphocytes KW - teriflunomide Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176524 VL - 15 IS - 194 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Grotemeyer, Alexander A1 - McFleder, Rhonda Leah A1 - Wu, Jingjing A1 - Wischhusen, Jörg A1 - Ip, Chi Wang T1 - Neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s disease – putative pathomechanisms and targets for disease-modification JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive and debilitating chronic disease that affects more than six million people worldwide, with rising prevalence. The hallmarks of PD are motor deficits, the spreading of pathological α-synuclein clusters in the central nervous system, and neuroinflammatory processes. PD is treated symptomatically, as no causally-acting drug or procedure has been successfully established for clinical use. Various pathways contributing to dopaminergic neuron loss in PD have been investigated and described to interact with the innate and adaptive immune system. We discuss the possible contribution of interconnected pathways related to the immune response, focusing on the pathophysiology and neurodegeneration of PD. In addition, we provide an overview of clinical trials targeting neuroinflammation in PD. KW - Parkinson’s disease KW - neuroinflammation KW - T cells KW - microglia KW - neurodegeneration KW - animal models KW - inflammatory cascades Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-274665 SN - 1664-3224 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Appeltshauser, Luise A1 - Messinger, Julia A1 - Starz, Katharina A1 - Heinrich, David A1 - Brunder, Anna-Michelle A1 - Stengel, Helena A1 - Fiebig, Bianca A1 - Ayzenberg, Ilya A1 - Birklein, Frank A1 - Dresel, Christian A1 - Dorst, Johannes A1 - Dvorak, Florian A1 - Grimm, Alexander A1 - Joerk, Alexander A1 - Leypoldt, Frank A1 - Mäurer, Mathias A1 - Merl, Patrick A1 - Michels, Sebastian A1 - Pitarokoili, Kalliopi A1 - Rosenfeldt, Mathias A1 - Sperfeld, Anne-Dorte A1 - Weihrauch, Marc A1 - Welte, Gabriel Simon A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Doppler, Kathrin T1 - Diabetes Mellitus Is a Possible Risk Factor for Nodo-paranodopathy With Antiparanodal Autoantibodies JF - Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation N2 - Background and Objectives Nodo-paranodopathies are peripheral neuropathies with dysfunction of the node of Ranvier. Affected patients who are seropositive for antibodies against adhesion molecules like contactin-1 and neurofascin show distinct clinical features and a disruption of the paranodal complex. An axoglial dysjunction is also a characteristic finding of diabetic neuropathy. Here, we aim to investigate a possible association of antibody-mediated nodo-paranodopathy and diabetes mellitus (DM). Methods We retrospectively analyzed clinical data of 227 patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy and Guillain-Barré syndrome from multiple centers in Germany who had undergone diagnostic testing for antiparanodal antibodies targeting neurofascin-155, pan-neurofascin, contactin-1–associated protein 1, and contactin-1. To study possible direct pathogenic effects of antiparanodal antibodies, we performed immunofluorescence binding assays on human pancreatic tissue sections. Results The frequency of DM was 33.3% in seropositive patients and thus higher compared with seronegative patients (14.1%, OR = 3.04, 95% CI = 1.31–6.80). The relative risk of DM in seropositive patients was 3.4-fold higher compared with the general German population. Seropositive patients with DM most frequently harbored anti–contactin-1 antibodies and had higher antibody titers than seropositive patients without DM. The diagnosis of DM preceded the onset of neuropathy in seropositive patients. No immunoreactivity of antiparanodal antibodies against pancreatic tissue was detected. Discussion We report an association of nodo-paranodopathy and DM. Our results suggest that DM may be a potential risk factor for predisposing to developing nodo-paranodopathy and argue against DM being induced by the autoantibodies. Our findings set the basis for further research investigating underlying immunopathogenetic connections. KW - Diabetes mellitus KW - Nodo-parandopathy KW - Antiparanodal Autoantibodies Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300551 VL - 9 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Linsenmann, Thomas A1 - Monoranu, Camelia M. A1 - Alkonyi, Balint A1 - Westermaier, Thomas A1 - Hagemann, Carsten A1 - Kessler, Almuth F. A1 - Ernestus, Ralf-Ingo A1 - Löhr, Mario T1 - Cerebellar liponeurocytoma - molecular signature of a rare entity and the importance of an accurate diagnosis JF - Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery N2 - Background: Cerebellar liponeurocytoma is an extremely rare tumour entity of the central nervous system. It is histologically characterised by prominent neuronal/neurocytic differentiation with focal lipidisation and corresponding histologically to WHO grade II. It typically develops in adults, and usually shows a low proliferative potential. Recurrences have been reported in almost 50% of cases, and in some cases the recurrent tumour may display increased mitotic activity and proliferation index, vascular proliferations and necrosis. Thus pathological diagnosis of liponeurocytoma is challenging. This case presentation highlights the main clinical, radiographic and pathological features of a cerebellar liponeurocytoma. Case presentation: A 59-year-old, right-handed woman presented at our department with a short history of persistent headache, vertigo and gait disturbances. Examination at presentation revealed that the patient was awake, alert and fully oriented. The cranial nerve status was normal. Uncertainties were noted in the bilateral finger-to-nose testing with bradydiadochokinesis on both sides. Strength was full and no pronator drift was observed. Sensation was intact. No signs of pyramidal tract dysfunction were detected. Her gait appeared insecure. The patient underwent surgical resection. Afterward no further disturbances could be detected. Conclusions: To date >40 cases of liponeurocytoma have been reported, including cases with supratentorial location. A review of the 5 published cases of recurrent cerebellar. Liponeurocytoma revealed that the median interval between the first and second relapse was rather short, indicating uncertain malignant potential. The most recent WHO classification of brain tumours (2016) classifies the cerebellar liponeurocytoma as a separate entity and assigns the tumour to WHO grade II. Medulloblastoma is the most important differential diagnosis commonly seen in children and young adults. In contrast, cerebellar liponeurocytoma is typically diagnosed in adults. The importance of accurate diagnosis should not be underestimated especially in the view of possible further therapeutic interventions and for the determination of the patient's prognosis. KW - liponeurocytoma KW - neurocytoma KW - medulloblastoma KW - molecular signature Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177652 VL - 16 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Haarmann, Axel A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. A1 - Silwedel, Christine A1 - Monoranu, Camelia-Maria A1 - Stoll, Guido A1 - Buttmann, Mathias T1 - Human brain endothelial CXCR2 is inflammation-inducible and mediates CXCL5- and CXCL8-triggered paraendothelial barrier breakdown JF - International Journal of Molecular Science N2 - Chemokines (C-X-C) motif ligand (CXCL) 5 and 8 are overexpressed in patients with multiple sclerosis, where CXCL5 serum levels were shown to correlate with blood–brain barrier dysfunction as evidenced by gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Here, we studied the potential role of CXCL5/CXCL8 receptor 2 (CXCR2) as a regulator of paraendothelial brain barrier function, using the well-characterized human cerebral microvascular endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3. Low basal CXCR2 mRNA and protein expression levels in hCMEC/D3 were found to strongly increase under inflammatory conditions. Correspondingly, immunohistochemistry of brain biopsies from two patients with active multiple sclerosis revealed upregulation of endothelial CXCR2 compared to healthy control tissue. Recombinant CXCL5 or CXCL8 rapidly and transiently activated Akt/protein kinase B in hCMEC/D3. This was followed by a redistribution of tight junction-associated protein zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) and by the formation of actin stress fibers. Functionally, these morphological changes corresponded to a decrease of paracellular barrier function, as measured by a real-time electrical impedance-sensing system. Importantly, preincubation with the selective CXCR2 antagonist SB332235 partially prevented chemokine-induced disturbance of both tight junction morphology and function. We conclude that human brain endothelial CXCR2 may contribute to blood–brain barrier disturbance under inflammatory conditions with increased CXCL5 and CXCL8 expression, where CXCR2 may also represent a novel pharmacological target for blood–brain barrier stabilization. KW - blood–brain barrier KW - multiple sclerosis KW - human cerebral endothelial cells KW - CXCR2 KW - CXCL5 KW - CXCL8 KW - interleukin-8 KW - SB332235 Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201297 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 20 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ben-Kraiem, Adel A1 - Sauer, Reine-Solange A1 - Norwig, Carla A1 - Popp, Maria A1 - Bettenhausen, Anna-Lena A1 - Atalla, Mariam Sobhy A1 - Brack, Alexander A1 - Blum, Robert A1 - Doppler, Kathrin A1 - Rittner, Heike Lydia T1 - Selective blood-nerve barrier leakiness with claudin-1 and vessel-associated macrophage loss in diabetic polyneuropathy JF - Journal of Molecular Medicine N2 - Diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) is the most common complication in diabetes and can be painful in up to 26% of all diabetic patients. Peripheral nerves are shielded by the blood-nerve barrier (BNB) consisting of the perineurium and endoneurial vessels. So far, there are conflicting results regarding the role and function of the BNB in the pathophysiology of DPN. In this study, we analyzed the spatiotemporal tight junction protein profile, barrier permeability, and vessel-associated macrophages in Wistar rats with streptozotocin-induced DPN. In these rats, mechanical hypersensitivity developed after 2 weeks and loss of motor function after 8 weeks, while the BNB and the blood-DRG barrier were leakier for small, but not for large molecules after 8 weeks only. The blood-spinal cord barrier remained sealed throughout the observation period. No gross changes in tight junction protein or cytokine expression were observed in all barriers to blood. However, expression of Cldn1 mRNA in perineurium was specifically downregulated in conjunction with weaker vessel-associated macrophage shielding of the BNB. Our results underline the role of specific tight junction proteins and BNB breakdown in DPN maintenance and differentiate DPN from traumatic nerve injury. Targeting claudins and sealing the BNB could stabilize pain and prevent further nerve damage. KW - macrophages KW - neuropathy KW - barrier KW - pain Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265237 VL - 99 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brumberg, Joachim A1 - Kuzkina, Anastasia A1 - Lapa, Constantin A1 - Mammadova, Sona A1 - Buck, Andreas A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Isaias, Ioannis U. A1 - Doppler, Kathrin T1 - Dermal and cardiac autonomic fiber involvement in Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy JF - Neurobiology of Disease N2 - Pathological aggregates of alpha-synuclein in peripheral dermal nerve fibers can be detected in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy. This study combines skin biopsy staining for p-alpha-synuclein depositions and radionuclide imaging of the heart with [\(^{123}\)I]-metaiodobenzylguanidine to explore peripheral denervation in both diseases. To this purpose, 42 patients with a clinical diagnosis of Parkinson's disease or multiple system atrophy were enrolled. All patients underwent a standardized clinical workup including neurological evaluation, neurography, and blood samples. Skin biopsies were obtained from the distal and proximal leg, back, and neck for immunofluorescence double labeling with anti-p-alpha-synuclein and anti-PGP9.5. All patients underwent myocardial [\(^{123}\)I]-metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy. Dermal p-alpha-synuclein was observed in 47.6% of Parkinson's disease patients and was mainly found in autonomic structures. 81.0% of multiple system atrophy patients had deposits with most of cases in somatosensory fibers. The [\(^{123}\)I]-metaiodobenzylguanidine heart-to-mediastinum ratio was lower in Parkinson's disease than in multiple system atrophy patients (1.94 +/- 0.63 vs. 2.91 +/- 0.96; p < 0.0001). Irrespective of the diagnosis, uptake was lower in patients with than without p-alpha-synuclein in autonomic structures (1.42 +/- 0.51 vs. 2.74 +/- 0.83; p < 0.0001). Rare cases of Parkinson's disease with p-alpha-synuclein in somatosensory fibers and multiple system atrophy patients with deposits in autonomic structures or both fiber types presented with clinically overlapping features. In conclusion, this study suggests that alpha-synuclein contributes to peripheral neurodegeneration and mediates the impairment of cardiac sympathetic neurons in patients with synucleinopathies. Furthermore, it indicates that Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy share pathophysiologic mechanisms of peripheral nervous system dysfunction with a clinical overlap. KW - peripheral nervous system KW - Parkinson's disease KW - skin biopsy KW - MIBG scintigraphy KW - multiple system atrophy Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260061 VL - 153 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Traub, Jan A1 - Otto, Markus A1 - Sell, Roxane A1 - Homola, György A. A1 - Steinacker, Petra A1 - Oeckl, Patrick A1 - Morbach, Caroline A1 - Frantz, Stefan A1 - Pham, Mirko A1 - Störk, Stefan A1 - Stoll, Guido A1 - Frey, Anna T1 - Serum glial fibrillary acidic protein indicates memory impairment in patients with chronic heart failure JF - ESC Heart Failure N2 - Aims Cognitive dysfunction occurs frequently in patients with heart failure (HF), but early detection remains challenging. Serum glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is an emerging biomarker of cognitive decline in disorders of primary neurodegeneration such as Alzheimer's disease. We evaluated the utility of serum GFAP as a biomarker for cognitive dysfunction and structural brain damage in patients with stable chronic HF. Methods and results Using bead-based single molecule immunoassays, we quantified serum levels of GFAP in patients with HF participating in the prospective Cognition.Matters-HF study. Participants were extensively phenotyped, including cognitive testing of five separate domains and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. Univariable and multivariable models, also accounting for multiple testing, were run. One hundred and forty-six chronic HF patients with a mean age of 63.8 ± 10.8 years were included (15.1% women). Serum GFAP levels (median 246 pg/mL, quartiles 165, 384 pg/mL; range 66 to 1512 pg/mL) did not differ between sexes. In the multivariable adjusted model, independent predictors of GFAP levels were age (T = 5.5; P < 0.001), smoking (T = 3.2; P = 0.002), estimated glomerular filtration rate (T = −4.7; P < 0.001), alanine aminotransferase (T = −2.1; P = 0.036), and the left atrial end-systolic volume index (T = 3.4; P = 0.004). NT-proBNP but not serum GFAP explained global cerebral atrophy beyond ageing. However, serum GFAP levels were associated with the cognitive domain visual/verbal memory (T = −3.0; P = 0.003) along with focal hippocampal atrophy (T = 2.3; P = 0.025). Conclusions Serum GFAP levels are affected by age, smoking, and surrogates of the severity of HF. The association of GFAP with memory dysfunction suggests that astroglial pathologies, which evade detection by conventional MRI, may contribute to memory loss beyond ageing in patients with chronic HF. KW - Glial fibrillary acidic protein KW - GFAP KW - Chronic heart failure KW - Cognitive decline KW - Memory dysfunction KW - Brain atrophy Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312736 VL - 9 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bieber, Michael A1 - Schuhmann, Michael K. A1 - Bellut, Maximilian A1 - Stegner, David A1 - Heinze, Katrin G. A1 - Pham, Mirko A1 - Nieswandt, Bernhard A1 - Stoll, Guido T1 - Blockade of platelet glycoprotein Ibα augments neuroprotection in Orai2-deficient mice during middle cerebral artery occlusion JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - During ischemic stroke, infarct growth before recanalization diminishes functional outcome. Hence, adjunct treatment options to protect the ischemic penumbra before recanalization are eagerly awaited. In experimental stroke targeting two different pathways conferred protection from penumbral tissue loss: (1) enhancement of hypoxic tolerance of neurons by deletion of the calcium channel subunit Orai2 and (2) blocking of detrimental lymphocyte–platelet responses. However, until now, no preclinical stroke study has assessed the potential of combining neuroprotective with anti-thrombo-inflammatory interventions to augment therapeutic effects. We induced focal cerebral ischemia in Orai2-deficient (Orai2\(^{-/-}\)) mice by middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Animals were treated with anti-glycoprotein Ib alpha (GPIbα) Fab fragments (p0p/B Fab) blocking GPIbα–von Willebrand factor (vWF) interactions. Rat immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fab was used as the control treatment. The extent of infarct growth before recanalization was assessed at 4 h after MCAO. Moreover, infarct volumes were determined 6 h after recanalization (occlusion time: 4 h). Orai2 deficiency significantly halted cerebral infarct progression under occlusion. Inhibition of platelet GPIbα further reduced primary infarct growth in Orai2\(^{-/-}\) mice. During ischemia–reperfusion, upon recanalization, mice were likewise protected. All in all, we show that neuroprotection in Orai2\(^{-/-}\) mice can be augmented by targeting thrombo-inflammation. This supports the clinical development of combined neuroprotective/anti-platelet strategies in hyper-acute stroke. KW - ischemic penumbra KW - Orai2 KW - glycoprotein receptor Ibα KW - ischemic stroke KW - thrombo-inflammation KW - middle cerebral artery occlusion Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-286038 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 23 IS - 16 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Traub, Jan A1 - Grondey, Katja A1 - Gassenmaier, Tobias A1 - Schmitt, Dominik A1 - Fette, Georg A1 - Frantz, Stefan A1 - Boivin-Jahns, Valérie A1 - Jahns, Roland A1 - Störk, Stefan A1 - Stoll, Guido A1 - Reiter, Theresa A1 - Hofmann, Ulrich A1 - Weber, Martin S. A1 - Frey, Anna T1 - Sustained increase in serum glial fibrillary acidic protein after first ST-elevation myocardial infarction JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Acute ischemic cardiac injury predisposes one to cognitive impairment, dementia, and depression. Pathophysiologically, recent positron emission tomography data suggest astroglial activation after experimental myocardial infarction (MI). We analyzed peripheral surrogate markers of glial (and neuronal) damage serially within 12 months after the first ST-elevation MI (STEMI). Serum levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and neurofilament light chain (NfL) were quantified using ultra-sensitive molecular immunoassays. Sufficient biomaterial was available from 45 STEMI patients (aged 28 to 78 years, median 56 years, 11% female). The median (quartiles) of GFAP was 63.8 (47.0, 89.9) pg/mL and of NfL 10.6 (7.2, 14.8) pg/mL at study entry 0–4 days after STEMI. GFAP after STEMI increased in the first 3 months, with a median change of +7.8 (0.4, 19.4) pg/mL (p = 0.007). It remained elevated without further relevant increases after 6 months (+11.7 (0.6, 23.5) pg/mL; p = 0.015), and 12 months (+10.3 (1.5, 22.7) pg/mL; p = 0.010) compared to the baseline. Larger relative infarction size was associated with a higher increase in GFAP (ρ = 0.41; p = 0.009). In contrast, NfL remained unaltered in the course of one year. Our findings support the idea of central nervous system involvement after MI, with GFAP as a potential peripheral biomarker of chronic glial damage as one pathophysiologic pathway. KW - myocardial infarction KW - STEMI KW - glial fibrillary acidic protein KW - GFAP KW - neurofilament light chain KW - NfL KW - glial damage KW - cardiac magnetic resonance imaging KW - MRI KW - infarction size Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-288261 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 23 IS - 18 ER -