TY - THES A1 - Schenk, Rita T1 - Impact of the CCN-proteins CYR61/CCN1 and WISP3/CCN6 on mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells T1 - Einfluss der CCN-Proteine CYR61/CCN1 und WISP3/CCN6 auf mesenchymale Stammzellen und endotheliale Progenitorzellen N2 - CYR61 and WISP3 belong to the family of CCN-proteins. These proteins are characterised by 10% cysteine residues whose positions are strictly conserved. The proteins are extracellular signalling molecules that can be associated with the extracellular matrix. CCN-proteins function in a cell- and tissue specific overlapping yet distinct manner. CCN-proteins are expressed and function in several cells and tissues of the musculoskeletal system. In this study the impact of the angiogenic inducer cysteine-rich protein 61 (CYR61/CCN1) on endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as well as the wnt1 inducible signalling pathway protein 3 (WISP3/CCN6) on MSCs were elucidated. EPCs are promising cells to induce neovascularisation in ischemic regions as tissue engineered constructs. A major drawback is the small amount of cells that can be obtained from patients; therefore a stimulating factor to induce in vitro propagation of EPCs is urgently needed. In this study, mononuclear cells obtained from peripheral blood were treated with 0.5 µg/ml CYR61, resulting in an up to 7-fold increased cell number within one week compared to untreated control cells. To characterise if EPCs treated with CYR61 display altered or maintained EPC phenotype, the expression of the established markers CD34, CD133 and KDR as well as the uptake of acLDL and concurrent staining for ulex lectin was analysed. Both CYR61 treated and untreated control cells displayed EPCs characteristics, indicating that CYR61 treatment induces EPC number without altering their phenotype. Further studies revealed that the stimulating effect of CYR61 on EPCs is due to enhanced adhesion, rather than improved proliferation. Usage of mutated CYR61-proteins showed that the adhesive effect is mediated, at least partly, by the integrin α6β1, while the integrin αυβ3 has no influence. Endogenous expression of CYR61 was not detectable in EPCs, which indicated that control cells are not influenced by endogenous secretion of CYR61 and also could explain the dose-dependent effect of CYR61 that is measured at a low concentration of 0.05 µg/ml. MSCs were treated with 0.5 µg/ml CYR61, a combination of growth factors including VEGF, both together and compared to untreated control cells. Matrigel angiogenesis assay revealed an induction of angiogenesis, detected by induced sprouting of the cells, after CYR61 treatment of the MSC. Induced sprouting and vessel like structure formation after CYR61 treatment was similar to the results obtained after treatment with growth factors including the established angiogenesis inducer VEGF. This result clearly demonstrates the angiogenic potential of CYR61 on MSCs. Further studies revealed a migrative and proliferative effect of CYR61 on MSCs. Both properties are crucial for the induction of angiogenesis thus further strengthening the view of CYR61 as an angiogenic inducer. MSCs and EPCs are promising cells for tissue engineering applications in bone remodelling and reconstruction. MSCs due to their potential to differentiate into other lineages; EPCs induce neovascularisation within the construct. Both cell types respond to CYR61 treatment. Furthermore EPCs home to sides were CYR61 expression is detectable and both are induced by similar stimulators. Therefore CYR61 is a promising factor for tissue engineered bone reconstruction applications. WISP3 is expressed in cartilage in vivo and in chondrocytes in vitro. Loss of function mutations in the WISP3 gene are associated to the inherited human disease progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia (PPD), that is characterised by cartilage loss and bone and joint destruction. Since MSCs also express the protein, the aim of this study was to elucidate if recombinant protein targets MSCs. A migratory effect of WISP3 treatment on MSCs and osteogenic differentiated MSCs has been proven in this study. To elucidate if global gene expression patterns are influenced by WISP3, cells were treated with 0.5 µg/ml WISP3 and compared to untreated control MSCs. Gene expression study by using affymetrix technology revealed an induction of interferon inducible genes including CXCL chemokines and members of the TNFSF family. Reevaluation by RT-PCR on identical RNA and an additional time series confirmed the results. Although no established cartilage associated genes were detected as regulated genes within this 24h treatment, anti-angiogenic and immunosuppressive genes indicate a protective role of WISP3 for the cartilage, which is sensitive to inflammatory processes. Both CCN-proteins CYR61 and WISP3 are valuable for the musculoskeletal system. This and previous studies revealed the role of CYR61 for osteogenesis and angiogenesis of tissue engineered applications. WISP3 is responsible for development, protection and maintenance of cartilage. Therefore further studies with the proteins in the musculoskeletal system are of high relevance. N2 - CYR61 und WISP3 gehören zur Familie der CCN-Protein. Diese Proteine werden durch ihre Cysteinreste charakterisiert die10 % der Proteine ausmachen und hoch konserviert sind. Die Proteine sind extrazelluläre Signalmoleküle und können an die extrazelluläre Matrix gebunden sein. CCN-Proteine wirken Zell- und Gewebeabhängig in einer spezifischen und doch überlappenden Weise. CCN-Proteine werden exprimiert und wirken gleichzeitig in einigen Zellen und Geweben des muskoloskeletalen Systems. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss des angiogen wirkenden Cystein-reichen Proteins 61 (CYR61/CCN1) auf endotheliale Progenitorzellen (EPCs) und mesenchymale Stammzellen (MSCs), sowie die Wirkung vom wnt indizierbaren Signalweg Protein 3 (WISP3/CCN6) auf MSCs untersucht. EPCs sind viel versprechende Zellen für die Behandlung und Neovaskularisierung von Ischämien wie zum Beispiel in Konstrukten aus dem Tissue Engineering. Von Nachteil ist die geringe Zellzahl, die von einem Patienten gewonnen werden kann. Aus diesem Grund ist ein Stimulator notwendig, der die in vitro Vermehrung der Zellen induziert. In dieser Studie wurden mononukleäre Zellen aus dem peripheren Blut von Spendern mit 0,5 µg/ml CYR61 behandelt. Die Zellzahl der CYR61 behandelten Zellen nahm innerhalb von einer Woche um das 7-fache im Vergleich zu den unbehandelten Zellen zu. Um die CYR61 behandelten EPCs zu charakterisieren wurde die Expression der etablierten Oberflächenmarker CD34, CD133 und KDR sowie die Aufnahme von acLDL mit der gleichzeitigen Anfärbbarkeit für Ulex lektin untersucht. Sowohl die CYR61 behandelten als auch die unbehandelten Zellen zeigten die charakteristischen Merkmale für EPCs. Somit ist der Nachweis erbracht, dass die EPC Zellzahl durch die CYR61 Behandlung erhöht wird ohne den Phänotyp der Zellen zu ändern. Weitere Studien ergaben dass der beobachtete Effekt eher auf verstärkter Adhäsion an die Zellkulturoberfläche als auf eine Induktion der Proliferationsrate beruht. Die Verwendung von mutierten CYR61 Proteinen zeigte, dass der adhäsive Effekt zumindest zum Teil über das Integrin α6β1 vermittelt wird, während das Integrin αυβ3 keinen Effekt zu haben scheint. Eine endogene Expression von CYR61 in EPCs konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden, was die Ansprechbarkeit der EPCs schon bei niedrigen dosis-abhängigen Konzentrationen von 0,05 µg/ml erklären könnte. MSCs wurden mit 0,5 µg/ml CYR61, einer Kombination von Wachstumsfaktoren inklusive VEGF und beiden zusammen behandelt und mit unbehandelten Kontrollzellen verglichen. Im Matrigel Angiogenese Assay konnte die Induktion von Angiogenese, ermittelt durch die Induktion der Zellsprossung, durch die Behandlung der MSCs mit CYR61 nachgewiesen werden. Die beobachtete Sprossung und Bildung von Gefäß-ähnlichen Strukturen nach der CYR61 Behandlung war dem Effekt nach der Behandlung mit Wachstumsfaktoren inklusive dem etablierten angiogenen Stimulator VEGF ähnlich. Dieses Ergebnis ist der Beweis für das angiogene Potential von CYR61 auf MSCs. Weitere Studien bewiesen einen migrativen und proliferativen Effekt von CYR61 auf MSCs. Beide Eigenschaften sind entscheidend für die Induktion von Angiogenese, wodurch das Bild von CYR61 als angiogener Induktor verstärkt wird. MSCs und EPCs sind viel versprechende Zellen für die Rekonstruktion und den Umbau von Knochen mittels Tissue Engineering. MSCs durch ihr Potential in verschiedene Richtungen zu differenzieren und EPCs durch die Möglichkeit der Neovaskularisierung der besiedelten Konstrukte. Beide Zellarten reagieren auf CYR61 Behandlung. Weiterhin akkumulieren EPCs an ähnlichen Stellen im Körper an denen CYR61 exprimiert wird. Außerdem werden beide durch die gleichen Faktoren stimuliert. Deshalb stellt CYR61 einen viel versprechenden Faktor für Knochenrekonstruktions-Anwendungen mittels Tissue Engineering dar. WISP3 wird in vivo im Knorpel und in vitro in Chondrozyten exprimiert. Außerdem sind Funktionsverlust-Mutationen im WISP3-Gen mit der vererbten Krankheit Progressive Pseudorheumatoide Dysplasie (PPD) assoziiert. Die Krankheit ist durch den Verlust von Knorpel und dem Abbau von Knochen gekennzeichnet. MSCs exprimieren WISP3, aus diesem Grund sollte in der Studie geklärt werden welche Wirkung das rekombinate Protein auf MSCs hat. Ein migratorischer Effekt von WISP3 auf MSCs und osteogen differenzierte MSCs wurde in dieser Studie nachgewiesen. Um den Einfuß der WISP3 Behandlung auf das globale Genexpressionsmuster der MSCs zu ermitteln, wurden diese mit 0,5 µg/ml WISP3 behandelt und mit unbehandelten Zellen verglichen. Genexpressionsstudien mittels Affymetrix Technologie zeigte eine Induktion von interferon stimulierten Genen, unter anderem CXC Chemokine und Mitglieder der TNFSF Familie. Die Ergebnisse wurden durch RT-PCR an identischer RNA und einer zusätzlichen Zeitreihe bestätigt. Obwohl keine eindeutig knorpelrelevanten Gene detektiert wurden, stellen die gefundenen anti-angiogen und immunsupressiv wirkende Gene eine schützende Funktion für den im Zusammenhang mit immuninflamtorischen Prozessen empfindlichen Knorpel dar. Sowohl CYR61 als auch WISP3 sind wichtig für das muskoloskeletale System. Diese und vorherige Studien haben gezeigt das CYR61 einen Einfluss auf die Osteogenese und Angiogenese vom MSCs hat. WISP3 ist verantwortlich für die Entwicklung, den Schutz und Erhalt von Knorpel. Deshalb sollten weitere Studien zur Funktionsaufklärung der Proteine im muskoloskeltalen System durchgeführt werden. KW - Endothel KW - CCN-proteins KW - CYR61 KW - WISP3 KW - mesenchymal stem cells KW - endothelial progenitor cells Y1 - 2007 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-27766 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wagenbrenner, Mike A1 - Heinz, Tizian A1 - Horas, Konstantin A1 - Jakuscheit, Axel A1 - Arnholdt, Joerg A1 - Mayer-Wagner, Susanne A1 - Rudert, Maximilian A1 - Holzapfel, Boris M. A1 - Weißenberger, Manuel T1 - Impact of Tranexamic Acid on Chondrocytes and Osteogenically Differentiated Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (hMSCs) In Vitro JF - Journal of Clinical Medicine N2 - The topical application of tranexamic acid (TXA) helps to prevent post-operative blood loss in total joint replacements. Despite these findings, the effects on articular and periarticular tissues remain unclear. Therefore, this in vitro study examined the effects of varying exposure times and concentrations of TXA on proliferation rates, gene expression and differentiation capacity of chondrocytes and human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs), which underwent osteogenic differentiation. Chondrocytes and hMSCs were isolated and multiplied in monolayer cell cultures. Osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs was induced for 21 days using a differentiation medium containing specific growth factors. Cell proliferation was analyzed using ATP assays. Effects of TXA on cell morphology were examined via light microscopy and histological staining, while expression levels of tissue-specific genes were measured using semiquantitative RT-PCR. After treatment with 50 mg/mL of TXA, a decrease in cell proliferation rates was observed. Furthermore, treatment with concentrations of 20 mg/mL of TXA for at least 48 h led to a visible detachment of chondrocytes. TXA treatment with 50 mg/mL for at least 24 h led to a decrease in the expression of specific marker genes in chondrocytes and osteogenically differentiated hMSCs. No significant effects were observed for concentrations beyond 20 mg/mL of TXA combined with exposure times of less than 24 h. This might therefore represent a safe limit for topical application in vivo. Further research regarding in vivo conditions and effects on hMSC functionality are necessary to fully determine the effects of TXA on articular and periarticular tissues. KW - tranexamic acid KW - hMSCs KW - chondrocytes KW - osteoarthritis KW - toxicity KW - differentiation capacity Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219410 SN - 2077-0383 VL - 9 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wittmann, Katharina A1 - Sieber, Cornel A1 - von Stengel, Simon A1 - Kohl, Matthias A1 - Freiberger, Ellen A1 - Jakob, Franz A1 - Lell, Michael A1 - Engelke, Klaus A1 - Kemmler, Wolfgang T1 - Impact of whole body electromyostimulation on cardiometabolic risk factors in older women with sarcopenic obesity: the randomized controlled FORMOsA-sarcopenic obesity study JF - Clinical Interventions in Aging N2 - Background: Sarcopenic obesity (SO) is characterized by a combination of low muscle and high fat mass with an additive negative effect of both conditions on cardiometabolic risk. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of whole-body electromyostimulation (WB-EMS) on the metabolic syndrome (MetS) in community-dwelling women aged ≥70 years with SO. Methods: The study was conducted in an ambulatory university setting. Seventy-five community-dwelling women aged ≥70 years with SO living in Northern Bavaria, Germany, were randomly allocated to either 6 months of WB-EMS application with (WB-EMS&P) or without (WB-EMS) dietary supplementation (150 kcal/day, 56% protein) or a non-training control group (CG). WB-EMS included one session of 20 min (85 Hz, 350 µs, 4 s of strain–4 s of rest) per week with moderate-to-high intensity. The primary study endpoint was the MetS Z-score with the components waist circumference (WC), mean arterial pressure (MAP), triglycerides, fasting plasma glucose, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C); secondary study endpoints were changes in these determining variables. Results: MetS Z-score decreased in both groups; however, changes compared with the CG were significant (P=0.001) in the WB-EMS&P group only. On analyzing the components of the MetS, significant positive effects for both WB-EMS groups (P≤0.038) were identified for MAP, while the WB-EMS group significantly differed for WC (P=0.036), and the WB-EMS&P group significantly differed for HDL-C (P=0.006) from the CG. No significant differences were observed between the WB-EMS groups. Conclusion: The study clearly confirms the favorable effect of WB-EMS application on the MetS in community-dwelling women aged ≥70 years with SO. However, protein-enriched supplements did not increase effects of WB-EMS alone. In summary, we considered this novel technology an effective and safe method to prevent cardiometabolic risk factors and diseases in older women unable or unwilling to exercise conventionally. KW - sarcopenia KW - obesity KW - whole-body electromyostimulation KW - cardiovascular KW - metabolic risk KW - metabolic syndrome KW - community-dwelling KW - older people Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164930 VL - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wimmer, Matthias D. A1 - Randau, Thomas M. A1 - Deml, Moritz C. A1 - Ascherl, Rudolf A1 - Forst, Raimund A1 - Gravius, Nadine A1 - Wirtz, Dieter A1 - Gravius, Sascha T1 - Impaction grafting in the femur in cementless modular revision total hip arthroplasty: a descriptive outcome analysis of 243 cases with the MRP-TITAN revision implant JF - BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders N2 - Background: We present a descriptive and retrospective analysis of revision total hip arthroplasties (THA) using the MRP-TITAN stem (Peter Brehm, Weisendorf, GER) with distal diaphyseal fixation and metaphyseal defect augmentation. Our hypothesis was that the metaphyseal defect augmentation (Impaction Bone Grafting) improves the stem survival. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the aggregated and anonymized data of 243 femoral stem revisions. 68 patients with 70 implants (28.8%) received an allograft augmentation for metaphyseal defects; 165 patients with 173 implants (71.2%) did not, and served as controls. The mean follow-up was 4.4 +/- 1.8 years (range, 2.1-9.6 years). There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) between the study and control group regarding age, body mass index (BMI), femoral defects (types I-III as described by Paprosky), and preoperative Harris Hip Score (HHS). Postoperative clinical function was evaluated using the HHS. Postoperative radiologic examination evaluated implant stability, axial implant migration, signs of implant loosening, periprosthetic radiolucencies, as well as bone regeneration and resorption. Results: There were comparable rates of intraoperative and postoperative complications in the study and control groups (p > 0.05). Clinical function, expressed as the increase in the postoperative HHS over the preoperative score, showed significantly greater improvement in the group with Impaction Bone Grafting (35.6 +/- 14.3 vs. 30.8 +/- 15.8; p <= 0.05). The study group showed better outcome especially for larger defects (types II C and III as described by Paprosky) and stem diameters >= 17 mm. The two groups did not show significant differences in the rate of aseptic loosening (1.4% vs. 2.9%) and the rate of revisions (8.6% vs. 11%). The Kaplan-Meier survival for the MRP-TITAN stem in both groups together was 93.8% after 8.8 years. [Study group 95.7% after 8.54 years; control group 93.1% after 8.7 years]. Radiologic evaluation showed no significant change in axial implant migration (4.3% vs. 9.3%; p = 0.19) but a significant reduction in proximal stress shielding (5.7% vs. 17.9%; p < 0.05) in the study group. Periprosthetic radiolucencies were detected in 5.7% of the study group and in 9.8% of the control group (p = 0.30). Radiolucencies in the proximal zones 1 and 7 according to Gruen occurred significantly more often in the control group without allograft augmentation (p = 0.05). Conclusion: We present the largest analysis of the impaction grafting technique in combination with cementless distal diaphyseal stem fixation published so far. Our data provides initial evidence of improved bone regeneration after graft augmentation of metaphyseal bone defects. The data suggests that proximal metaphyseal graft augmentation is beneficial for large metaphyseal bone defects (Paprosky types IIC and III) and stem diameters of 17 mm and above. Due to the limitations of a retrospective and descriptive study the level of evidence remains low and prospective trials should be conducted. KW - prosthesis KW - replacement KW - collarless KW - surgery KW - allografts KW - porous-coated stems KW - femoral revision KW - roentgenographic assessment KW - tapered stem KW - follow-up KW - modular KW - revision KW - hip KW - arthroplasty KW - impaction bone grafting Y1 - 2013 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122061 SN - 1471-2474 VL - 14 IS - 19 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Munawar, Umair A1 - Zhou, Xiang A1 - Prommersberger, Sabrina A1 - Nerreter, Silvia A1 - Vogt, Cornelia A1 - Steinhardt, Maximilian J. A1 - Truger, Marietta A1 - Mersi, Julia A1 - Teufel, Eva A1 - Han, Seungbin A1 - Haertle, Larissa A1 - Banholzer, Nicole A1 - Eiring, Patrick A1 - Danhof, Sophia A1 - Navarro-Aguadero, Miguel Angel A1 - Fernandez-Martin, Adrian A1 - Ortiz-Ruiz, Alejandra A1 - Barrio, Santiago A1 - Gallardo, Miguel A1 - Valeri, Antonio A1 - Castellano, Eva A1 - Raab, Peter A1 - Rudert, Maximilian A1 - Haferlach, Claudia A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Hudecek, Michael A1 - Martinez-Lopez, J. A1 - Waldschmidt, Johannes A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Rasche, Leo A1 - Kortüm, K. Martin T1 - Impaired FADD/BID signaling mediates cross-resistance to immunotherapy in Multiple Myeloma JF - Communications Biology N2 - The treatment landscape in multiple myeloma (MM) is shifting from genotoxic drugs to immunotherapies. Monoclonal antibodies, immunoconjugates, T-cell engaging antibodies and CART cells have been incorporated into routine treatment algorithms, resulting in improved response rates. Nevertheless, patients continue to relapse and the underlying mechanisms of resistance remain poorly understood. While Impaired death receptor signaling has been reported to mediate resistance to CART in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, this mechanism yet remains to be elucidated in context of novel immunotherapies for MM. Here, we describe impaired death receptor signaling as a novel mechanism of resistance to T-cell mediated immunotherapies in MM. This resistance seems exclusive to novel immunotherapies while sensitivity to conventional anti-tumor therapies being preserved in vitro. As a proof of concept, we present a confirmatory clinical case indicating that the FADD/BID axis is required for meaningful responses to novel immunotherapies thus we report impaired death receptor signaling as a novel resistance mechanism to T-cell mediated immunotherapy in MM. KW - immunotherapy KW - translational research Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-357609 VL - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ebert, Regina A1 - Weissenberger, Manuel A1 - Braun, Clemens A1 - Wagenbrenner, Mike A1 - Herrmann, Marietta A1 - Müller‐Deubert, Sigrid A1 - Krug, Melanie A1 - Jakob, Franz A1 - Rudert, Maximilian T1 - Impaired regenerative capacity and senescence‐associated secretory phenotype in mesenchymal stromal cells from samples of patients with aseptic joint arthroplasty loosening JF - Journal of Orthopaedic Research N2 - Aseptic loosening of total hip and knee joint replacements is the most common indication for revision surgery after primary hip and knee arthroplasty. Research suggests that exposure and uptake of wear by mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) and macrophages results in the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and local osteolysis, but also impaired cell viability and regenerative capacity of MSC. Therefore, this in vitro study compared the regenerative and differentiation capacity of MSC derived from patients undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty (MSCprim) to MSC derived from patients undergoing revision surgery after aseptic loosening of total hip and knee joint implants (MSCrev). Regenerative capacity was examined by measuring the cumulative population doubling (CPD) in addition to the number of passages until cells stopped proliferating. Osteogenesis and adipogenesis in monolayer cultures were assessed using histological stainings. Furthermore, RT‐PCR was performed to evaluate the relative expression of osteogenic and adipogenic marker genes as well as the expression of markers for a senescence‐associated secretory phenotype (SASP). MSCrev possessed a limited regenerative capacity in comparison to MSCprim. Interestingly, MSCrev also showed an impaired osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation capacity compared to MSCprim and displayed a SASP early after isolation. Whether this is the cause or the consequence of the aseptic loosening of total joint implants remains unclear. Future research should focus on the identification of specific cell markers on MSCprim, which may influence complication rates such as aseptic loosening of total joint arthroplasty to further individualize and optimize total joint arthroplasty. KW - aseptic loosening KW - mesenchymal stromal cells KW - regenerative capacity KW - senescence‐associated secretory phenotype Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-238963 VL - 40 IS - 2 SP - 513 EP - 523 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Jakob, Franz A1 - Ebert, Regina A1 - Rudert, Maximilian A1 - Nöth, Ulrich A1 - Walles, Heike A1 - Docheva, Denitsa A1 - Schieker, Matthias A1 - Meinel, Lorenz A1 - Groll, Jürgen T1 - In situ guided tissue regeneration in musculoskeletal diseases and aging JF - Cell and Tissue Research N2 - In situ guided tissue regeneration, also addressed as in situ tissue engineering or endogenous regeneration, has a great potential for population-wide “minimal invasive” applications. During the last two decades, tissue engineering has been developed with remarkable in vitro and preclinical success but still the number of applications in clinical routine is extremely small. Moreover, the vision of population-wide applications of ex vivo tissue engineered constructs based on cells, growth and differentiation factors and scaffolds, must probably be deemed unrealistic for economic and regulation-related issues. Hence, the progress made in this respect will be mostly applicable to a fraction of post-traumatic or post-surgery situations such as big tissue defects due to tumor manifestation. Minimally invasive procedures would probably qualify for a broader application and ideally would only require off the shelf standardized products without cells. Such products should mimic the microenvironment of regenerating tissues and make use of the endogenous tissue regeneration capacities. Functionally, the chemotaxis of regenerative cells, their amplification as a transient amplifying pool and their concerted differentiation and remodeling should be addressed. This is especially important because the main target populations for such applications are the elderly and diseased. The quality of regenerative cells is impaired in such organisms and high levels of inhibitors also interfere with regeneration and healing. In metabolic bone diseases like osteoporosis, it is already known that antagonists for inhibitors such as activin and sclerostin enhance bone formation. Implementing such strategies into applications for in situ guided tissue regeneration should greatly enhance the efficacy of tailored procedures in the future. KW - in situ guided tissue regeneration KW - stem cells KW - scaffolds KW - regenerative medicine KW - mesenchymal tissues Y1 - 2012 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124738 VL - 347 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eidmann, Annette A1 - Ewald, Andrea A1 - Boelch, Sebastian P. A1 - Rudert, Maximilian A1 - Holzapfel, Boris M. A1 - Stratos, Ioannis T1 - In vitro evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of vancomycin-loaded suture tapes and cerclage wires JF - Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine N2 - Usage of implants containing antibiotic agents has been a common strategy to prevent implant related infections in orthopedic surgery. Unfortunately, most implants with microbial repellent properties are characterized by accessibility limitations during daily clinical practice. Aim of this in vitro study was to investigate whether suture tapes and cerclage wires, which were treated with vancomycin, show a sustainable antibacterial activity. For this purpose, we used 24 stainless steel wire cerclages and 24 ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene and polyester suture tape test bodies. The test bodies were incubated for 30 min. in 100 mg/ml vancomycin solution or equivalent volumes of 0.9% NaCl. After measuring the initial solution uptake of the test bodies, antibacterial efficacy via agar diffusion test with Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin elution tests were performed 1, 2, 3, and 6 days after incubation. Vancomycin-loaded tapes as well as vancomycin-loaded cerclage wires demonstrated increased bacterial growth inhibition when compared to NaCl-treated controls. Vancomycin-loaded tapes showed an additional twofold and eightfold increase of bacterial growth inhibition compared to vancomycin-loaded wires at day 1 and 2, respectively. Elution tests at day 1 revealed high levels of vancomycin concentration in vancomycin loaded tapes and wires. Additionally, the concentration in vancomycin loaded tapes was 14-fold higher when compared to vancomycin loaded wires. Incubating suture tapes and cerclage wires in vancomycin solution showed a good short-term antibacterial activity compared to controls. Considering the ease of vancomycin application on suture tapes or wires, our method could represent an attractive therapeutic strategy in biofilm prevention in orthopedic surgery. KW - anti-bacterial agents / administration & dosage KW - anti-bacterial agents / chemistry KW - bone wires KW - drug liberation KW - materials testing KW - anti-bacterial agents / pharmacology KW - biocompatible Materials KW - prostheses and implants KW - Staphylococcus aureus / drug effects KW - sutures KW - Vancomycin / administration & dosage KW - Vancomycin / chemistry KW - Vancomycin / pharmacology Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260089 VL - 32 IS - 4 ER - TY - THES A1 - Schupp, Kathrin T1 - In vitro Herstellung eines vorderen Kreuzbandkonstruktes aus mesenchymalen Stammzellen und einem Kollagen Typ I-Hydrogel T1 - Anterior cruciate ligament constructs fabricated from human mesenchymal stem cells in a collagen type I hydrogel in vitro N2 - Verletzungen des vorderen Kreuzbandes gehören zu häufigsten Verletzungen des menschlichen Bandapparates. Da das vordere Kreuzband über ein schlechtes intrinsisches Heilungspotenzial verfügt, ist heutzutage die chirurgische Rekonstruktion mittels Sehnentransplantaten die Therapie der Wahl. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Fragestellung, ob es möglich ist, ein Kreuzband-Konstrukt aus mesenchymalen Stammzellen (MSCs) und einem Kollagen Typ I-Hydrogel herzustellen und wie die Einwirkung von mechanischem Stress die Struktur und Eigenschaften eines solchen Bandäquivalentes verändert. Dafür wurden MSCs und endständige Knochenblöcke in ein Kollagen Typ I-Hydrogel eingebracht. Das Konstrukt wurde zunächst eine Woche horizontal kultiviert, um den Zellen eine Umwandlung des Gels und eine Anheftung der Knochenblöcke zu ermöglichen. Anschließend wurde über 2 Wochen eine zyklische Dehnung in einem speziell dafür entworfenen Bioreaktur auf das Konstrukt ausgeübt. Histochemische ( HE, Masson-Goldner, Azan, Sirius-Red) und immunhistochemische (Kollagen I und III, Fibronektin, Vimentin und Elastin) Färbungen zeigten eine Induktion der Matrixproduktion mit wellenförmig in Achse des Zuges ausgerichteten Kollagenfasern, die Zellkerne stellten sich elongiert dar. RT-PCR-Analysen zeigten ebenso eine deutlich vermehrte Expression der oben genannten Fibroblastenmarker. Bei ungedehnten, horizontal kultivierten Kontrollkonstrukten waren keinerlei Veränderungen der Matrix zu erkennen. Das Konstrukt war jedoch nicht stabil genug, um für die klinische Anwendung zum Einsatz zu kommen. N2 - Disruptions of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of the knee joint are common and are currently treated using ligament or tendon grafts. In this study we tested the hypothesis that it is possible to fabricate an ACL construct in vitro using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in combination with an optimized collagen type I hydrogel. ACL constucts were molded using a collagen type I hydrogel containing 5x 105 MSCs/mL and bone cylinders at each end of the constructs. The constructs were kept in a horizontal position for one week to allow the cells and the gel to remodel and attach to the bone cylinders. Thereafter, cyclic stretching with 1 Hz was performed for two weeks in a specially designed bioreactor. Histochemical analysis for H&E, Masson-Goldner, Sirius-Red and Azan and immunhistochemical analysis for collagen types I and III, fibronectin, vimentin and elastin showed elongated fibroblast-like cells embedded in a wavy orientated collagenous tissue, together with a ligament-like extracellular matrix in the cyclic stretched constructs. No orientation of collagen fibers and cells and no formation of a ligament-like matrix could be seen in the non-stretched control group cultured in a horizontal position without tension for 3 weeks. RT-PCR analysis revealed an increased gene expression of collagen types I and III, fibronectin and elastin in the stretched constructs compared with the non-stretched controls. In conclusion, ACL-like constructs from a collagen type I hydrogen and MSCs have been fabricated. As shown by other investigators, who analysed the influence of cyclic stretching on the differentiation of MSCs, our results indicate a ligament-specific increased protein and gene expression and the formation of a ligament-like extracelluar matrix. But the fabricated constructs are still too weak for animal experiments or clinical application. KW - Tissue engineering KW - Kreuzband KW - mesenchymale Stammzellen KW - Tissue engineering KW - ACL KW - mesenchymal stem cells Y1 - 2006 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-21620 ER - TY - THES A1 - Stüber, Jens Christian T1 - In vitro Untersuchungen zur Rekonstruktion von Meniskusdefekten mit mesenchymalen Stammzellen eingebettet in Polylaktid-Kollagen I-Hydrogelkonstrukten T1 - In vitro examination to reconstruct a meniscus-defect with mesenchymal stem cells combined with a polylactid-collagen I-hydrogel construct. N2 - Der Meniskus gleicht die Inkongruenz der beiden Gelenkpartner im Kniegelenk aus und führt somit zu einer Reduktion der Knorpelbelastung. Aufgrund der eingeschränkten Selbstheilungsfähigkeit des bradytrophen Meniskusgewebes bleibt bei Verletzung oft nur die operative Teilresektion als Therapie der Wahl. In dieser in vitro Untersuchung erfolgte die Implantation eines mit mesenchymalen (MSZ) Stammzellen beladenem Polylaktid-Kollagen-I-Hydrogel. Die MSZ zeigten eine in der Histologie und PCR nachgewiesene chondrogene Differenzierungspotenz innerhalb des Polylaktidkonstruktes. Innerhalb des Stanzdefektes konnte eine Anhaftung der MSZ an das Meniskusgewebe sowie die Ausbildung einer stabilen Kollagen-I-Matrix gezeigt werden. Die Arbeit stellt die Grundlage für eine spätere tierexperimentelle Studie dar. N2 - The meniscus adjust the different shapes of the femor and Tibia and reduces the load of the articular cartilage. Because of his reduced regeneration rate, the meniscus often has to be partly removed in case of an injury. In this examination a polylactid-collagen I-hydrogel loaded with mesenchymal stem cells (msc) was implanted in the meniscus defect region. A chondral differentiation of the msc in the polylactid-construct was shown in the histology and a pcr-analysis was made. In the defect region the msc showed a near acclomeration to the meniscus tissue and a stable collagen-I-matrix was developed. The results are the base for a further examination in an animal model. KW - mesenchymale Stammzellen KW - Meniskus KW - in vitro KW - Polylaktid KW - Kollagen I-Hydrogel KW - mesenchymal stem cells KW - meniscus KW - polylactid KW - collagen I-hydrogel Y1 - 2007 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-25074 ER -