TY - THES A1 - Likowski, Katja U. T1 - Facial mimicry, valence evaluation or emotional reaction? Mechanisms underlying the modulation of congruent and incongruent facial reactions to emotional facial expressions T1 - Faziale Mimikry, Valenzevaluation oder Emotionale Reaktion? Mechanismen der Modulation kongruenter und inkongruenter fazialer Reaktionen auf emotionale Gesichtsausdrücke N2 - Humans have the tendency to react with congruent facial expressions when looking at an emotional face. Interestingly, recent studies revealed that several situational moderators can modulate strength and direction of these reactions. In current literature, congruent facial reactions to emotional facial expressions are usually described in terms of “facial mimicry” and interpreted as imitative behavior. Thereby, facial mimicry is understood as a process of pure motor resonance resulting from overlapping representations for the perception and the execution of a certain behavior. Motor mimicry, however, is not the only mechanism by which congruent facial reactions can occur. Numerous studies have shown that facial muscles also indicate valence evaluations. Furthermore, facial reactions are also determined by our current emotional state. These thoughts suggest that the modulation of congruent facial reactions to emotional expressions can be based on both motor and affective processes. However, a separation of motor and affective processes in facial reactions is hard to make. None of the published studies that tried that could show a clear involvement of one or the other process so far. Therefore, the aim of the present line of experiments is to shed light on the involvement of motor and affective processes in the modulation of congruent and incongruent facial reactions. Specifically, the experiments are designed to test the assumptions of a working model on mechanisms underlying the modulation of facial reactions and to examine the neuronal correlates involved in such modulations with a broad range of methods. Experiments 1 and 2 experimentally manipulate motor and affective mechanisms by using specific contexts. In the chose settings, motor process models and affective models of valence evaluations make competing predictions about resulting facial reactions. The results of Experiment 1 did not support the involvement of valence evaluations in the modulation of congruent and incongruent facial reactions to facial expressions. The results of Experiments 2a and 2b suggest that emotional reactions are the predominant determinant of facial reactions. Experiment 3 aimed at identifying the psychological mediators that indicate motor and affective mechanisms. Motor mechanisms are assessed via the psychological mediator empathy. Additionally, as a psychological mediator for clarifying the role of affective mechanisms subjective measures of the participants’ current emotional state in response to the presented facial expressions were taken. Mediational analyses show that the modulation of congruent facial reactions can be explained by a decrease of state cognitive empathy. This suggests that motor processes mediate the effects of the context on congruent facial reactions. However, such a mechanism could not be observed for incongruent reactions. Instead, it was found that affective processes in terms of emotional reactions are involved in incongruent facial reactions. Additionally, the involvement of a third class of processes, namely strategic processes, was observed. Experiment 4 aimed at investigating whether a change in the strength of perception can explain the contextual modulation of facial reactions to facial expressions. According to motor process models the strength of perception is directly related to the strength of the spread of activation from perception to the execution of an action and thereby to the strength of the resulting mimicry behavior. The results suggest that motor mechanisms were involved in the modulation of congruent facial reactions by attitudes. Such an involvement of motor mechanisms could, however, not be observed for the modulation of incongruent reactions. In Experiment 5 the investigation of neuronal correlates shall be extended to the observation of involved brain areas via fMRI. The proposed brain areas depicting motor areas were prominent parts of the mirror neuron system. The regions of interest depicting areas involved in the affective processing were amygdala, insula, striatum. Furthermore, it could be shown that changes in the activity of parts of the MNS are related to the modulation of congruent facial reactions. Further on, results revealed the involvement of affective processes in the modulation of incongruent facial reactions. In sum, these results lead to a revised working model on the mechanisms underlying the modulation of facial reactions to emotional facial expressions. The results of the five experiments provide strong support for the involvement of motor mechanisms in congruent facial reactions. No evidence was found for the involvement of motor mechanisms in the occurrence or modulation of incongruent facial reactions. Furthermore, no evidence was found for the involvement of valence evaluations in the modulation of facial reactions. Instead, emotional reactions were found to be involved in the modulation of mainly incongruent facial reactions. N2 - Menschen haben die automatische Tendenz, auf emotionale Gesichtsausdrücke anderer kongruente muskuläre Reaktionen zu zeigen. Solche Reaktionen werden allerdings durch eine Vielzahl situativer Faktoren moduliert. Die dieser Modulation zugrunde liegenden Prozesse sind bisher jedoch kaum erforscht. Die Modulation kongruenter und inkongruenter fazialer Reaktionen wird in der Literatur zu fazialer Mimikry bisher nahezu ausschließlich mit motorischen Resonanzprozessen erklärt. Faziale Reaktionen haben jedoch noch weitere Determinanten. So belegen Studien, dass faziale muskuläre Reaktionen Valenzindikatoren bei der Beurteilung positiver und negativer Stimuli sind. Weiterhin zeigt der Gesichtsausdruck den momentanen emotionalen Zustand an. Dies legt nahe, dass die in der Literatur zu fazialer Mimikry beobachteten Modulationen fazialer Reaktionen auf Gesichtsausdrücke eventuell nicht nur auf rein motorischen Prozessen beruht haben. Vielmehr könnten affektive Prozesse diese Reaktionen beeinflusst haben. Tatsächlich gibt es bisher keine Studie, die das Zusammenspiel motorischer und affektiver Mechanismen bei der Modulation fazialer Reaktionen auf Gesichtsausdrücke näher aufklären konnte. Dies sollte in dieser Arbeit geleistet werden. Genauer gesagt wurde folgende zentrale Fragestellung untersucht: Welche spezifischen psychologischen Mediatoren und neuronalen Korrelate liegen der sozialen Modulation kongruenter und inkongruenter fazialer Reaktionen auf emotionale Gesichtsausdrücke zugrunde? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wurde ein Arbeitsmodell aufgestellt und mit einer systematischen Reihe an Experimenten auf Gültigkeit getestet. In Experiment 1 und 2 wurden mittels spezifischer sozialer Kontextinformationen motorische und affektive Mechanismen experimentell manipuliert, um Aussagen über deren Beteiligung an der Modulation kongruenter und inkongruenter fazialer Reaktionen auf emotionale Gesichtsausdrücke machen zu können. Motorische und affektive Prozessmodelle sagten hier jeweils unterschiedliche faziale Reaktionen vorher. Die Ergebnisse von Experiment 1 lieferten keinen Beleg für die Beteiligung affektiver Mechanismen der Valenzevaluation an der Modulation kongruenter und inkongruenter fazialer Reaktionen. Das Ergebnismuster der Experimente 2a und 2b lässt sich einzig mit emotionalen Reaktionen in Form von Mitleid und Mitgefühl erklären. In Experiment 3 wurden motorische und affektive Mechanismen mittels psychischer Variablen gemessen und deren Beteiligung an der Modulation fazialer Reaktionen durch Mediatorenanalysen festgestellt. Die Stärke motorischer Prozesse wurde mittels zweier Empathie-Maße indiziert. Affektive Prozesse wurden mittels subjektiver Angaben über die eigene emotionale Reaktion erfasst. Die Ergebnisse von Experiment 3 zeigen eine Beteiligung motorischer Prozesse an der Modulation kongruenter Reaktionen. Es zeigte sich zudem, dass affektive Prozesse in der Modulation und dem Zustandekommen inkongruenter Reaktionen involviert sind. Hingegen zeigte sich keine Beteiligung affektiver Prozesse an der Modulation kongruenter Reaktionen. Zusätzlich wurde die Beteiligung von strategischen Prozessen gefunden. In Experiment 4 wurden motorische Prozesse mittels EEG direkt auf neuronaler Ebene erfasst. Aus motorischen Prozessmodellen ließ sich die Annahme ableiten, dass die Aufmerksamkeitsstärke, mit der Stärke der Aktivierung der zugehörigen Repräsentationen einhergeht und folglich eine verringerte oder erhöhte Mimikry zur Folge haben sollte. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen die Annahme, dass motorische Mechanismen an der Modulation kongruenter fazialer Reaktionen beteiligt sind. Solch eine Beteiligung konnte jedoch wiederum nicht für die Modulation inkongruenter Reaktionen gezeigt werden. In Experiment 5 erfolgte mittels fMRT die Untersuchung der neuronalen Korrelate der Modulation fazialer Reaktionen. Zur Aufklärung der Beteiligung motorischer Mechanismen sollte der Zusammenhang des Spiegelneuronensystems sowie von Zentren der emotionalen Verarbeitung mit der Modulation fazialer Reaktionen betrachtet werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Modulationen des Spiegelneuronensytems mit Modulationen kongruenter, aber inkongruenter Reaktionen in Zusammenhang stehen. Dies spricht dafür, dass motorische Prozesse bei der Modulation kongruenter Reaktionen involviert sind. Weiterhin unterstützen die Ergebnisse die Annahme der Beteiligung affektiver Prozesse an der Modulation inkongruenter Reaktionen. Zusammengefasst führen die Ergebnisse zu einer revidierten Form des Arbeitsmodells. Die Experimente unterstützen die Annahme, dass bei der Modulation kongruenter fazialer Reaktionen vorwiegend motorische Prozesse involviert sind. Weiterhin zeigte sich kein Beleg für eine Beteiligung von Prozessen der Valenzevaluation an der Modulation fazialer Reaktionen. Stattdessen wurden zahlreiche Belege dafür gefunden, dass emotionale Reaktionen für das Zustandekommen und die Modulation inkongruenter Reaktionen verantwortlich sind. KW - Gefühl KW - Mimik KW - Nichtverbale Kommunikation KW - Emotionsausdruck KW - nonverbale Kommunikation KW - Valenz KW - Emotion KW - mimicry KW - valence KW - emotion KW - facial expressions KW - nonverbal communication Y1 - 2011 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-65013 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang T1 - Book Reviews: Cognition, Metacognition, and Reading N2 - No abstract available KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1988 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62079 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Carr, Martha A1 - Kurtz, Beth E. A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang A1 - Turner, Lisa A. A1 - Borkowski, John G. T1 - Strategy acquisition and transfer among American and German children: Environmental influences on metacognitive development N2 - This study explored the differential effects of strategy training on German and American elementaryschool children and assessed the role of parents in the development of their children's strategic behavior and metacognition. 184 German and 161 American children were pretested on memory and metamemory tasks. Children were then assigned to either an organizational strategy training condition or a control condition. All children were tested on the maintenance and far-transfer of the strategy and task-related metamemory 1 week following training. Parents completed questionnaires about strategy instruction in the home. Strategy maintenance and metacognition were reassessed 6 months following training. German children were more strategic than American children. Instructed children performed better than control children. German parents reported more instruction of strategies in the home. These data suggest that formal education is responsible for aspects of cognitive development that have sometimes been viewed as a function of age. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62082 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kurtz, Beth E. A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang A1 - Carr, Martha A1 - Borkowski, John G. A1 - Rellinger, Elizabeth T1 - Strategy instruction and attributional beliefs in West Germany and the United States: Do teachers foster metacognitive development? N2 - Previous research has shown German children to be more strategic on sort-recall memory tasks than their American age-mates, and to show fewer effort-related attributions. We conducted this study to determine if those differences are due to systematic differences in the strategy instruction and attributional beliefs of German and U.S. teachers, and to explore metacognitive instructional practices in the two countries. Teachers responded to a questionnaire that inquired about their use of strategy instructions, fostering of reflective thinking in pupils, sources of children’s learning problems, and modeling of metacognitive skills such as monitoring. The second part of the questionnaire asked about the reasons underlying children’s academic successes and failures. German teachers reported more instruction of task-specific strategies, while American teachers showed more effort-related attributions. The types of strategies instructed and types of learning problems most frequently described varied across the two countries, and also according to how many years the teachers had taught. Results were discussed regarding their implications for metacognitive developmental theory, particularly regarding culture and other environmental influences on the development of controlled processing. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1990 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62145 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Carr, Martha A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang T1 - Long-term maintenance of organizational strategies in kindergarten children N2 - The goal of the present study was to determine whether 4- and 5-year-old kindergarten children could be trained to maintain an organizational strategy over 2- and 8 week periods through an elaborate training program. A second goal was to assess the effects of the training program on strategy awareness. Twenty-eight kindergarten children were pretested on two sort-recall tasks and their awareness of the use of the clustering strategy was assessed through a protocol type procedure. Half the children received seven half-hour sessions of individual training in the clustering strategy and half the children participated in a control group. Both groups were post-tested on two sort-recall tasks 2 weeks following training and again 8 weeks following training. Strategy awareness, as measured by verbal protocol, was assessed at both post-test points. The elaborate strategy training program was successful in inducing short- and long-term strategy maintenance of the clustering strategy. Trained children’s clustering during sorting and clustering during recall was consistently related to the amount of items correctly recalled. No differences in strategy awareness were found. These findings demonstrate that the elaborate training procedure used in this study can be a very effective memory technique for young kindergarten children. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1991 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62157 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang A1 - Bjorklund, David F. T1 - Expertise, aptitude, and strategic remembering N2 - Second- and fourth-grade children were classified according to their knowledge of soccer (experts vs. novices) and IQ (high vs. low), and given 2 sort-recall tasks. One task included items related to the game of soccer and the other included items from familiar natural language categories. Previous research has shown that expertise in a snbject can compensate for low levels of performance on text comprehension tasks. Our results, the flrst examing the effects of both expertise and intelligence on a strategic memory task, were that soccer expert children recalled more items on the soccer list bnt not on the nonsoccer list than soccer novice children. However, soccer expertise did not modify a significant effect of IQ level, with high-IQ children recalling more than low-IQ children for all contrasts. Interest in soccer was found to be related to expertise but did not contribute to differences in memory performance. The results demonstrate that the knowledge base plays an important role in children's memory, but that domain knowledge cannot fully eliminate the effects of IQ on sort-recall tasks using domain-related materials. That is, although rich domain knowledge seemed to compensate for low aptitude, in that low-aptitude experts performed at the level of high-aptitude novices, its effects were not strong enough to eliminate performance differences between highand low-aptitude soccer experts. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1992 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62175 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Woloshyn, Vera E. A1 - Pressley, Michael A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang T1 - Elaborative interrogation as a function of prior knowledge N2 - No abstract available KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1992 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62187 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pressley, Michael A1 - Borkowski, John G. A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang T1 - Good information processing: What it is and how education can promote it N2 - The nature of good information processing is outlined as determined by intact neurology, information stored in long-term memory, and general cognitive tendencies, attitudes, and styles. Educators can promote the development of good information processing by promoting what is in long-term memory. This can be accomplished by teaching important literary, scientific, and cultural knowledge; teaching strategies; motivating the acquisition and use of important conceptual knowledge and strategies; and encouraging the general tendencies supporting good information processing. Good information processing can be produced by years of appropriate educational input. Good information processors cannot be produced by short-term interventions. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1990 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62127 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang A1 - Körkel, Joachim A1 - Weinert, Franz E. T1 - Domain-Specific Knowledge and Memory Performance: A Comparison of High- and Low-Aptitude Children N2 - Two studies compared memory performance and text comprehension of groups that were equivalent on domain-specific knowledge but differed in overall aptitude, to investigate whether prior knowledge about a particular domain or overall aptitude level was more important when the task was to acquire and use new information in the domain of interest. Both studies dealt with third-, fifth-, and seventh-grade soccer experts' and novices' memory and comprehension of a story dealing with a soccer game. Several measures of memory performance, memory monitoring, and text comprehension were used. Levels of soccer knowledge and of overall aptitude were varied in a factorial design. Neither study detected significant differences between high-aptitude and low-aptitude experts, regardless of their ages. Low aptitude experts outperformed high-aptitude novices on all memory and comprehension measures. The results indicate that domain-specific knowledge can compensate for low overall aptitude on domain-related cognitive tasks. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62107 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rabinowitz, Mitchell A1 - Ornstein, Peter A. A1 - Folds-Bennett, Trisha H. A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang T1 - Age-related differences in speed of processing: Unconfounding age and experience N2 - No abstract available KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62223 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bjorklund, David F. A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang A1 - Cassel, William S. A1 - Ashley, Elizabeth T1 - Training and Extension of a Memory Strategy: Evidence for Utilization Deficiencies in the Acquisition of an Organizational Strategy in High- and Low-IQ Children N2 - 143 9- and 10-year-oId children were classified into high- and Jow-IQ groups and given 4 different sort/recall lists (baseline, training, near [immediate] extension, far [l-week] extension) to assess training and extension of an organizational memory strategy. All children received categorized items of moderate typicality for Phases 1, 3, and 4. For Phase 2, children were assigned to either a training or control group, with half of the children in each group receiving category typical items and the others category atypical items. Levels of recall, sorting, and clustering were greater in Phase 2 for high-IQ children, for the typical lists, and for trained children. Both the high- and low-IQ children trained with typical items continued to show high levels of recall on the near extension phase. No group of subjects maintained high levels of recall after 1 week, although levels of sorting and/or clustering on the extension trials remained high for all groups of subjects except the low-IQ control children. This latter pattern (elevated sorting/clustering with low levels of recall) is an indication of a utilization deficiency, a phase in strategy development when children use a strategy but gain little or no benefit n performance. The results provide evidence for IQ, training, and material effects in the demonstration of a utilization deficiency. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62234 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kurtz-Costes, Beth E. A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang T1 - Self-concept, attributional beliefs, and school achievement: A longitudinal analysis N2 - No abstract available KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1994 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62245 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang A1 - Körkel, Joachim T1 - The knowledge base and text recall: Evidence from a short-term longitudinal study N2 - In a short-term longitudinal study, we investigated how domain-specific knowledge in soccer influences the amount of text recall and comprehension in elementary school and junior high school children of high and low overall aptitudes. Both level of soccer knowledge and overall aptitude were varied in a factorial design. Third, fifth, and seventh grade children were given several measures of text recall and comprehension and were retested on these measures about 1 year later. Performance was more a function of soccer knowledge than of aptitude level. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62093 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Borkowski, John G. A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang A1 - Pressley, Michael T1 - The challenges of teaching good information processing to learning disabled students N2 - A MODEL of good information processing is sketched, describing how metacognitive knowledge influences strategy selection and use. Three factors pose particular problems for learning disabled students as they attempt to acquire metacognitive knowledge and to use study strategies productively: neurological impairments; deficiencies in general world knowledge; and negative beliefs, attitudes, and styles that limit self-efficacy. Creating an educational atmosphere that explicitly builds conceptual (domain-specific) knowledge and teaches positive beliefs about learning potential is essential in promoting metacognitively-oriented instruction. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1989 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62117 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sodian, Beate A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang T1 - Children's understanding of cognitive cueing: How to manipulate cues to fool a competitor N2 - 4-6-year-old children's understanding of cognitive cuing was studied in 2 experiments using a strategic interaction paradigm. Ghildren could fool a competitor by hiding targets in locations that were labeled with semantically weakly associated cues and help a cooperative partner by hiding them in semantically highly associated locations. Very few 4-year-olds, half the 5-year-olds, and almost all 6-year-olds appropriately chose semantically highly vs. weakly associated hiding places to make the targets easy vs. difficult to find. The second experiment showed that 4-year-olds did not strategically manipulate cues as sources of information, although they themselves proficiently used them as such in a search task. These findings are discussed with regard to research on children's developing understanding of origins of knowledge and belief and with regard to recent claims that young preschoolers possess a metacognitive understanding of cognitive cuing. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1990 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62132 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bjorklund, David F. A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang A1 - Harnishfeger, Katherine Kipp A1 - Cassel, William S. A1 - Bjorklund, Barbara R. A1 - Bernholtz, Jean E. T1 - The role of IQ, expertise, and motivation in the recall of familiar Information N2 - High- and low-IQ children in the first, third, and fifth grades performed two free-recall tasks: a sort-recall task with sets of categorically related pictures, and a class-recall task, with children recalling the current members of their school class. All children were deemed to be experts concerning the composition of their school class, but, unlike experts in other domains, had no special motivation associated with their expertise. Recall and clustering on both tasks were high. The high-IQ children performed better than low-IQ children only on the sort-recall task. IQ was significantly correlated with measures of performance on the sort-recall task but not on the class-recall task. The results reflect the fact that the memory benefits associated with being an expert (here, elimination of IQ effects) are related to the greater knowledge the expert possesses and not to factors of motivation. KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1992 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62204 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schneider, Wolfgang A1 - Gruber, Hans A1 - Gold, Andreas A1 - Opwis, Klaus T1 - Chess expertise and memory for chess positions in children and adults N2 - No abstract available KW - Psychologie Y1 - 1993 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-62211 ER - TY - THES A1 - Woidich, Eva Dorothea T1 - Der Einfluss von Methylphenidat auf die affektive Bildverarbeitung bei erwachsenen AD(H)S Patienten T1 - The impact of methylphenidate on affective picture processing in adult AD(H)D patients N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des ADHS-Forschungsprojektes der Universität Würzburg zur Identifikation von Endophänotypen der ADHS durchgeführt. Im Fokus des Interesses stand dabei die Untersuchung emotionaler Verarbeitungsprozesse bei erwachsenen ADHS-Patienten. Conzelmann und Kollegen (Conzelmann, et al., 2009) konnten zeigen, dass erwachsene ADHS-Patienten vom Mischtypus und vom hyperaktiv/ impulsiven Typus eine defizitäre affektive Startle Modulation aufweisen. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen stellte sich in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Frage, ob dieser defizitäre Schreckreflex auf emotionale Bilder des International Affective Picture Systems (IAPS) zunächst replizierbar und falls ja, durch die Einnahme eines Methylphenidatpräparats (MPH) vermindert oder gänzlich aufgehoben werden kann. Um dieser Frage nachzugehen, wurden zunächst im Rahmen einer Vorstudie 15 erwachsene ADHS-Patienten (Mischtypus) aus der Studie von Conzelmann et al. (2009) nach einer Zeitspanne von einem bis zwei Jahren ein weiteres Mal getestet. Etwa eine Stunde vor der zweiten Testung erhielten die Patienten die Instruktion, ihr MPH-Präparat einzunehmen. Im Anschluss daran wurden den Patienten positive, neutrale und negative IAPS-Bilder präsentiert. Diese Bilddarbietung wurde in unregelmäßigen Abständen von einem akustischen Störgeräusch unterbrochen, den die Patienten möglichst ignorieren sollten. Im zweiten Teil der Untersuchung wurden die Probanden sowohl während der ersten als auch während der zweiten Testung angewiesen, die einzelnen Bilder hinsichtlich ihrer Valenz (angenehm versus unangenehm) und ihres Arousals (aufregend versus ruhig) zu bewerten. Von den 15 getesteten Patienten konnten 13 in die Auswertung mit einbezogen werden (2 Patienten hatten unzureichend auf den Ton reagiert). Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Testzeitpunkten (also ohne und mit MPH) konnten bezüglich der affektiven Startle Modulation lediglich auf Bilder mit hohem Arousal festgestellt werden. Für diese spezifischen Stimuli zeigten die Patienten ohne MPH keine verringerte Startle Reaktion während der Betrachtung positiver Bilder. Mit MPH konnte dieses Ausbleiben der Startle Attenuation aufgehoben werden. Anders als bei der affektiven Startle Modulation, konnte bei den zusätzlich erhobenen physiologischen Maßen weder ein systematischer Einfluss durch die IAPS-Bilder noch durch die Medikation festgestellt werden. Gleiches ließ sich bei den Valenz- und Arousalratings feststellen. Ob sich diese positive MPH-Wirkung auf die affektive Startle Modulation auch unabhängig vom Arousalgehalt der betrachteten Bilder zeigt, sollte im Anschluss an diese Vortestung mittels einer zusätzlichen Studie mit wesentlich größerem Stichprobenumfang untersucht werden. Die Hauptstudie wurde sowohl doppelblind als auch placebo-kontrolliert und im cross-over Design durchgeführt. Die Testprozedur am Computer war vergleichbar mit dem Ablauf der Vortestung. Im Rahmen der Hauptstudie wurden 71 AD(H)S-Patienten (60 vom Mischtypus, 11 vom vorwiegend unaufmerksamen Typus) zweimal getestet. Von diesen 71 Patienten konnten letztlich 61 in die Auswertung der Haupttestung mit einbezogen werden (ein ADHS-Patient (Mischtypus) kam zur zweiten Testung nicht und 9 ADHS-Patienten (Mischtypus) hatten unzureichend auf den Startle-Ton reagiert). Dabei konnte zunächst für die Bilder mit hohem Arousal die defizitäre Startle Modulation auf positive Bilder repliziert werden. Durch die MPH-Einnahme ließ sich dieses Defizit jedoch nicht beheben. Da Conzelmann et al. (2009) lediglich beim Mischtypus und hyperaktiv-impulsiven Typus eine defizitäre Startle Modulation nachweisen konnten, wurde eine vergleichbare Auswertung für die Subgruppe der 51 ADHS-Patienten vom Mischtypus durchgeführt. Dabei unterschieden sich die Ergebnisse dieser Subgruppe im Wesentlichen nicht von der Gesamtstichprobe. Auch bei der Überprüfung der genetischen Hypothesen ließ sich keine Interaktion zwischen der Medikation und dem DRD4-7r, dem COMT Val/Met und dem DAT1-10r Polymorphismus feststellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen zum einen eine defizitäre Startle Modulation der 61 AD(H)S-Patienten, die vergleichbar ist mit dem gezeigten Defizit von Conzelmann et al. (2009) bei Patienten des Mischtypus. Ein positiver Effekt durch die MPH-Einnahme konnte dabei ebenso wenig bestätigt werden wie eine mögliche Interaktion verschiedener dopaminerger Genpolymorphismen auf die MPH-Wirkung. Zusätzliche Studien werden zeigen, ob diese defizitäre Verarbeitung tatsächlich durch die MPH-Einnahme unbeeinflusst bleibt oder ob letztlich mittels medikamentöser Interventionen doch noch eine entsprechende Symptomverbesserung bei erwachsenen AD(H)S-Patienten zu erzielen ist. N2 - The current study was accomplished within the scope of the ADHD research project of the University of Würzburg, Germany, in order to search for ADHD related endophenotypes. The main purpose of the present study was the investigation of emotional processes in adult ADHD-patients. Conzelmann and colleagues (Conzelmann, et al., 2009) demonstrated deficient affective startle modulation in adult ADHD-patients from the combined and the hyperactive-impulsive type. Based on these results, this study was conducted to replicate this deficient affective startle modulation in response to viewing affective pictures of the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) and, in case of successful replication, to investigate the impact of Methylphenidate (MPH) on this deficient processing. During a pilot study, 15 adult ADHD-patients (combined type) from the study of Conzelmann et al. (2009) were investigated once more after a time period between one and two years. Patients were instructed to take their MPH-supplement about one hour prior to the second test session. Subsequently, pleasant, neutral and unpleasant IAPS-pictures were presented. This presentation was disrupted by irregular acoustic startle probes (unpleasant noise) which should be ignored by the patients. During the second part of both test sessions, participants got the advice to evaluate pictures valence (pleasant versus unpleasant) and arousal (excited versus calm). Of these 15 patients, two had to be excluded due to a high number of zero startle responses during the second examination. Distinctions in affective startle modulation between both test sessions (without and with MPH) were only displayed by highly arousing pictures. For these specific stimuli, unmedicated patients did not display any startle attenuation while watching pleasant pictures, although one might expect this reduction in startle amplitude due to reactions reported from healthy subjects. However, MPH reinstated a normal affective startle modulation, as indicated by attenuation associated with pleasant pictures. By contrast, neither influences of the IAPS-pictures, nor the intake of MPH could be displayed by skin conductance response and heart rate deceleration and acceleration. Valence and arousal ratings were also not affected by MPH. Thus, results of the pilot study suggested some positive impact of MPH on emotional processes in adult ADHD-patients. Nevertheless, improvement of the deficient affective startle modulation could only be demonstrated in high arousing pictures. To investigate the coherence of MPH and the arousal levels of the chosen IAPS-pictures, a second study was conducted. This time, a larger sample of patients was investigated. The main study was accomplished by using a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design. Computerized testing procedures were comparable to those used during the pilot study. 71 AD(H)D-patients (60 from the combined and 11 from the inattentive type) were investigated twice. In the end, data of 61 patients could be analyzed (one patient only took part once (combined type) and 9 patients displayed too many zero reactions. Firstly, the deficient affective startle modulation, as indicated by no startle attenuation while watching pleasant pictures in the study of Conzelmann et al. (2009) could be replicated. However, no positive impact of MPH could be observed. Conzelmann et al. (2009) showed subtype differences indicated by deficient affective startle modulation only in patients of the combined and the hyperactive-impulsive type. On this account, additional analyses for a subgroup of 51 patients (combined type) were conducted. Results of the additional analyses were comparable to those reported above. Furthermore, no interactions with MPH could be observed while taking three dopaminergic polymorphisms (DRD4-7r, COMT Val/Met, DAT1-10r) into account. Thus, analyzing genetic influences on the efficacy of MPH also revealed deficient startle modulation while watching positive pictures- independent of the intake of MPH. While deficient affective startle-modulation during the presentation of pleasant pictures could be replicated, no positive impact of MPH on this deficit could be observed. Small sample size as well as the individual differences in MPH intake (between daily and infrequently) could have contributed to these results. Moreover, one study found no outstanding effect of MPH on social competencies. Another study pointed out that higher complexity might play a certain role in the examination of impulsivity. In order to prove the existence or the absence of MPH efficacy on emotional processes in adult ADHD-patients, further studies are required to draw a final conclusion. KW - Methylphenidat KW - Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit-Syndrom KW - Informationsverarbeitung KW - methylphenidate KW - ADHD Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-49932 ER - TY - THES A1 - Türk Pereira, Philippe T1 - Testing the sour-grapes effect - how food deprivation and reward expectancy change implicit and explicit food-liking and food-wanting T1 - Testing the sour-grapes effect - wie Nahrungsdeprivation und Belohnungserwartung implizites essensbezogenes Liking und Wanting beeinflusst N2 - The aim of the present thesis was to explore how food deprivation and reward expectancy versus frustrative nonreward change implicit and explicit food-liking and food-wanting. As a result, Experiment 1-3 were successful in revealing that liking- and wanting-related associations toward food stimuli dissociate as a function of food deprivation, given that participants were not rewarded with real food during the experiment. More specifically, whereas food-deprived participants showed more wanting-related associations toward food stimuli than satiated participants, the liking-related associations did not differ across both conditions of hunger. Overall, this effect could be replicated in 3 experiments using different manipulations of nonreward versus reward expectancy. However, neither food deprivation nor nonreward were found to influence participants’ self-reported mood and frustration. Moreover, participants of Experiment 2 anticipating food consumption showed the same liking- and wanting-related responses due to food deprivation than participants in the nonreward condition. But providing participants with individual control over food consumption abolished the dissociation of liking- and wanting-related associations. In this condition, however, participants’ liking- and wanting-related associations were not moderated by need state, maybe due to the (partial) consumption of snack food before the implicit attitude assessment. This, in turn, may have reduced participants’ disposition to respond with more liking- and wanting-related associations when being hungry. Finally, Experiment 4 revealed that the presentation of need-relevant vs. need-irrelevant stimuli prompted different liking-related associations depending on the time participants had fasted before the experiment. Specifically, it could be demonstrated that whereas moderately-hungry compared to satiated participants responded with more positive associations toward need-relevant stimuli, 15 hours food-deprived participants responded with more negative associations compared to moderately-hungry and satiated participants. Respectively, a significant curvilinear function of need state was obtained. In addition, participants were found to immediately respond more negatively to need-irrelevant stimuli as soon as they became moderately hungry, evidencing devaluation effects (see Brendl, Markman, & Messner, 2003) to also occur on an implicit level of responding. Contrary to the implicit liking- and wanting-related evaluations, self-reported explicit food-liking and food-wanting did not dissociate as a function of food deprivation and nonreward, revealing that participants’ explicit self-reports of food-liking and food-wanting did not mirror their implicit responses. As the most important result, it could be demonstrated that explicit food-liking and food-wanting varied positively as a function of need state. The results were discussed on the background of different theoretical assumptions on the malleability of implicit and explicit need-relevant attitudes (e.g. motivational theories, frustrative nonreward). N2 - Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie Nahrungsdeprivation und Belohnungserwartung bzw. frustrative nonreward sich auf implizites und explizites essensbezogenes Liking und Wanting auswirkt. Experimente 1-3 konnten aufzeigen, dass hungrige Probanden ohne Konsumerwartung auf nahrungsbezogene Stimuli implizit stärker mit Wanting nicht aber mit Liking reagierten als satte Probanden. Implizites Liking unterschied sich dabei nicht in Abhängigkeit des Bedürfniszustandes der Probanden. Dabei führten weder Nahrungsdeprivation noch ausbleibende Belohnungserwartung dazu, dass Probanden mehr Frustration oder negative Stimmung berichteten. Stattdessen berichteten sie in allen Bedingungen eine generell positive Stimmung. Darüber hinaus zeigten hungrige Probanden mit Konsumerwartung in Experiment 2 sogar die gleichen impliziten liking- und wanting-bezogenen Einstellungen wie Probanden ohne Konsumerwartung. Sobald den Probanden jedoch eigene Kontrolle über den Konsum gegeben wurde, so verschwand diese Dissoziation (Experiment 3). In diesem Fall jedoch wurden die impliziten liking- und wanting-bezogenen Antworten auch nicht durch Nahrungsdeprivation moderiert, ein Ergebnis, das möglicherweise auf eine bereits eintretende Sättigung aufgrund des Konsums vor der indirekten Messung zurückzuführen sein könnte. Zudem legt Experiment 4 nahe, dass auch implizites nahrungsbezogenes Liking sensitiv zu sein scheint für Veränderung des Bedürfniszustandes. Moderat hungrige (2 Stunden nüchtern) im Vergleich zu statten Probanden zeigten dabei positivere implizite Einstellungen gegenüber bedürfnisrelevanten Reizen, stark deprivierte Probanden (15 Stunden nüchtern) zeigten jedoch tendenziell negativere implizite Einstellungen als moderat hungrige und satte Probanden. Dieses Muster konnte zusätzlich durch eine signifikante kurviliniare Funktion des Bedürfniszustandes statistisch abgesichert werden. Als ein interessanter Nebenbefund konnte zusätzlich gezeigt werden, dass bedürfnisirrelevante Reize schon bei moderatem Hunger unmittelbar negativer bewertet werden. Somit konnte der Devaluationseffekt von Brendl, Markman, und Messner (2003) mit indirekten Maßen repliziert werden. Im Gegensatz zu den impliziten Einstellungen, dissoziierten das selbstberichtete essensbezogene Liking und Wanting nicht in Abhängigkeit der Nahrungsdeprivation und Konsumerwartung. Stattdessen zeigten hungrige Probanden sowohl positivere liking- als auch wanting-bezogene Einstellungen als satte Probanden. Diese Ergebnisse werden vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher theoretischer Annahmen zur Sensitivität impliziter und expliziter bedürfnisbezogener Einstellungen (z.B. motivationale Theorien, frustrative nonreward) diskutiert. KW - Hunger KW - Nahrungsaufnahme KW - Geschmack KW - Verstärkung KW - Antizipation KW - Liking vs. Wanting KW - Nahrungsdeprivation KW - Belohnungserwartung KW - frustrative nonreward KW - IAT KW - Iimplicit Association Test KW - food-deprivation KW - reward expectancy KW - frustrative nonreward KW - Liking vs. Wanting Y1 - 2010 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-50591 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Ellgring, Johann Heinrich T1 - Zur Entwicklung der Mimik als Verständigungsmittel N2 - No abstract available KW - Mimik Y1 - 1987 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-56811 ER -