TY - GEN A1 - Hauf, Juliane E. K. A1 - Nieding, Gerhild A1 - Seger, Benedikt T. T1 - Correction to: The development of dynamic perceptual simulations during sentence comprehension T2 - Cognitive Processing N2 - No abstract available. KW - Erratum Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-352611 N1 - The original article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-020-00959-7 VL - 22 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Landmann, Eva A1 - Breil, Christina A1 - Huestegge, Lynn A1 - Böckler, Anne T1 - The semantics of gaze in person perception: a novel qualitative-quantitative approach JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Interpreting gaze behavior is essential in evaluating interaction partners, yet the ‘semantics of gaze’ in dynamic interactions are still poorly understood. We aimed to comprehensively investigate effects of gaze behavior patterns in different conversation contexts, using a two-step, qualitative-quantitative procedure. Participants watched video clips of single persons listening to autobiographic narrations by another (invisible) person. The listener’s gaze behavior was manipulated in terms of gaze direction, frequency and direction of gaze shifts, and blink frequency; emotional context was manipulated through the valence of the narration (neutral/negative). In Experiment 1 (qualitative-exploratory), participants freely described which states and traits they attributed to the listener in each condition, allowing us to identify relevant aspects of person perception and to construct distinct rating scales that were implemented in Experiment 2 (quantitative-confirmatory). Results revealed systematic and differential meanings ascribed to the listener’s gaze behavior. For example, rapid blinking and fast gaze shifts were rated more negatively (e.g., restless and unnatural) than slower gaze behavior; downward gaze was evaluated more favorably (e.g., empathetic) than other gaze aversion types, especially in the emotionally negative context. Overall, our study contributes to a more systematic understanding of flexible gaze semantics in social interaction. KW - human behaviour KW - psychology KW - semantics of gaze KW - person perception KW - face perception Y1 - 2024 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-361413 SN - 2045-2322 VL - 14 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ju, Qianqian A1 - Gan, Yiqun A1 - Rinn, Robin A1 - Duan, Yanping A1 - Lippke, Sonia T1 - Health Status Stability of Patients in a Medical Rehabilitation Program: What Are the Roles of Time, Physical Fitness Level, and Self-efficacy? JF - International Journal of Behavioral Medicine N2 - Background Individuals’ physical and mental health, as well as their chances of returning to work after their ability to work is damaged, can be addressed by medical rehabilitation. Aim This study investigated the developmental trends of mental and physical health among patients in medical rehabilitation and the roles of self-efficacy and physical fitness in the development of mental and physical health. Design A longitudinal design that included four time-point measurements across 15 months. Setting A medical rehabilitation center in Germany. Population Participants included 201 patients who were recruited from a medical rehabilitation center. Methods To objectively measure physical fitness (lung functioning), oxygen reabsorption at anaerobic threshold (VO2AT) was used, along with several self-report scales. Results We found a nonlinear change in mental health among medical rehabilitation patients. The results underscored the importance of medical rehabilitation for patients’ mental health over time. In addition, patients’ physical health was stable over time. The initial level of physical fitness (VO2AT) positively predicted their mental health and kept the trend more stable. Self-efficacy appeared to have a positive relationship with mental health after rehabilitation treatment. Conclusions This study revealed a nonlinear change in mental health among medical rehabilitation patients. Self-efficacy was positively related to mental health, and the initial level of physical fitness positively predicted the level of mental health after rehabilitation treatment. Clinical Rehabilitation More attention could be given to physical capacity and self-efficacy for improving and maintaining rehabilitants’ mental health. KW - latent growth curve model KW - mental health KW - physical fitness KW - self-efficacy KW - physical health Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-308445 SN - 1070-5503 SN - 1532-7558 VL - 29 IS - 5 ER - TY - THES A1 - Menne, Isabelle M. T1 - Facing Social Robots – Emotional Reactions towards Social Robots N2 - Ein Army Colonel empfindet Mitleid mit einem Roboter, der versuchsweise Landminen entschärft und deklariert den Test als inhuman (Garreau, 2007). Roboter bekommen militärische Beförderungen, Beerdigungen und Ehrenmedaillen (Garreau, 2007; Carpenter, 2013). Ein Schildkrötenroboter wird entwickelt, um Kindern beizubringen, Roboter gut zu behandeln (Ackermann, 2018). Der humanoide Roboter Sophia wurde erst kürzlich Saudi-Arabischer Staatsbürger und es gibt bereits Debatten, ob Roboter Rechte bekommen sollen (Delcker, 2018). Diese und ähnliche Entwicklungen zeigen schon jetzt die Bedeutsamkeit von Robotern und die emotionale Wirkung die diese auslösen. Dennoch scheinen sich diese emotionalen Reaktionen auf einer anderen Ebene abzuspielen, gemessen an Kommentaren in Internetforen. Dort ist oftmals die Rede davon, wieso jemand überhaupt emotional auf einen Roboter reagieren kann. Tatsächlich ist es, rein rational gesehen, schwierig zu erklären, warum Menschen mit einer leblosen (‚mindless‘) Maschine mitfühlen sollten. Und dennoch zeugen nicht nur oben genannte Berichte, sondern auch erste wissenschaftliche Studien (z.B. Rosenthal- von der Pütten et al., 2013) von dem emotionalen Einfluss den Roboter auf Menschen haben können. Trotz der Bedeutsamkeit der Erforschung emotionaler Reaktionen auf Roboter existieren bislang wenige wissenschaftliche Studien hierzu. Tatsächlich identifizierten Kappas, Krumhuber und Küster (2013) die systematische Analyse und Evaluation sozialer Reaktionen auf Roboter als eine der größten Herausforderungen der affektiven Mensch-Roboter Interaktion. Nach Scherer (2001; 2005) bestehen Emotionen aus der Koordination und Synchronisation verschiedener Komponenten, die miteinander verknüpft sind. Motorischer Ausdruck (Mimik), subjektives Erleben, Handlungstendenzen, physiologische und kognitive Komponenten gehören hierzu. Um eine Emotion vollständig zu erfassen, müssten all diese Komponenten gemessen werden, jedoch wurde eine solch umfassende Analyse bisher noch nie durchgeführt (Scherer, 2005). Hauptsächlich werden Fragebögen eingesetzt (vgl. Bethel & Murphy, 2010), die allerdings meist nur das subjektive Erleben abfragen. Bakeman und Gottman (1997) geben sogar an, dass nur etwa 8% der psychologischen Forschung auf Verhaltensdaten basiert, obwohl die Psychologie traditionell als das ‚Studium von Psyche und Verhalten‘ (American Psychological Association, 2018) definiert wird. Die Messung anderer Emotionskomponenten ist selten. Zudem sind Fragebögen mit einer Reihe von Nachteilen behaftet (Austin, Deary, Gibson, McGregor, Dent, 1998; Fan et al., 2006; Wilcox, 2011). Bethel und Murphy (2010) als auch Arkin und Moshkina (2015) plädieren für einen Multi-Methodenansatz um ein umfassenderes Verständnis von affektiven Prozessen in der Mensch-Roboter Interaktion zu erlangen. Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist es daher, mithilfe eines Multi-Methodenansatzes verschiedene Komponenten von Emotionen (motorischer Ausdruck, subjektive Gefühlskomponente, Handlungstendenzen) zu erfassen und so zu einem vollständigeren und tiefgreifenderem Bild emotionaler Prozesse auf Roboter beizutragen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden drei experimentelle Studien mit insgesamt 491 Teilnehmern durchgeführt. Mit unterschiedlichen Ebenen der „apparent reality“ (Frijda, 2007) sowie Macht / Kontrolle über die Situation (vgl. Scherer & Ellgring, 2007) wurde untersucht, inwiefern sich Intensität und Qualität emotionaler Reaktionen auf Roboter ändern und welche weiteren Faktoren (Aussehen des Roboters, emotionale Expressivität des Roboters, Behandlung des Roboters, Autoritätsstatus des Roboters) Einfluss ausüben. Experiment 1 basierte auf Videos, die verschiedene Arten von Robotern (tierähnlich, anthropomorph, maschinenartig), die entweder emotional expressiv waren oder nicht (an / aus) in verschiedenen Situationen (freundliche Behandlung des Roboters vs. Misshandlung) zeigten. Fragebögen über selbstberichtete Gefühle und die motorisch-expressive Komponente von Emotionen: Mimik (vgl. Scherer, 2005) wurden analysiert. Das Facial Action Coding System (Ekman, Friesen, & Hager, 2002), die umfassendste und am weitesten verbreitete Methode zur objektiven Untersuchung von Mimik, wurde hierfür verwendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Probanden Gesichtsausdrücke (Action Unit [AU] 12 und AUs, die mit positiven Emotionen assoziiert sind, sowie AU 4 und AUs, die mit negativen Emotionen assoziiert sind) sowie selbstberichtete Gefühle in Übereinstimmung mit der Valenz der in den Videos gezeigten Behandlung zeigten. Bei emotional expressiven Robotern konnten stärkere emotionale Reaktionen beobachtet werden als bei nicht-expressiven Robotern. Der tierähnliche Roboter Pleo erfuhr in der Misshandlungs-Bedingung am meisten Mitleid, Empathie, negative Gefühle und Traurigkeit, gefolgt vom anthropomorphen Roboter Reeti und am wenigsten für den maschinenartigen Roboter Roomba. Roomba wurde am meisten Antipathie zugeschrieben. Die Ergebnisse knüpfen an frühere Forschungen an (z.B. Krach et al., 2008; Menne & Schwab, 2018; Riek et al., 2009; Rosenthal-von der Pütten et al., 2013) und zeigen das Potenzial der Mimik für eine natürliche Mensch-Roboter Interaktion. Experiment 2 und Experiment 3 übertrugen die klassischen Experimente von Milgram (1963; 1974) zum Thema Gehorsam in den Kontext der Mensch-Roboter Interaktion. Die Gehorsamkeitsstudien von Milgram wurden als sehr geeignet erachtet, um das Ausmaß der Empathie gegenüber einem Roboter im Verhältnis zum Gehorsam gegenüber einem Roboter zu untersuchen. Experiment 2 unterschied sich von Experiment 3 in der Ebene der „apparent reality“ (Frijda, 2007): in Anlehnung an Milgram (1963) wurde eine rein text-basierte Studie (Experiment 2) einer live Mensch-Roboter Interaktion (Experiment 3) gegenübergestellt. Während die abhängigen Variablen von Experiment 2 aus den Selbstberichten emotionaler Gefühle sowie Einschätzungen des hypothetischen Verhaltens bestand, erfasste Experiment 3 subjektive Gefühle sowie reales Verhalten (Reaktionszeit: Dauer des Zögerns; Gehorsamkeitsrate; Anzahl der Proteste; Mimik) der Teilnehmer. Beide Experimente untersuchten den Einfluss der Faktoren „Autoritätsstatus“ (hoch / niedrig) des Roboters, der die Befehle erteilt (Nao) und die emotionale Expressivität (an / aus) des Roboters, der die Strafen erhält (Pleo). Die subjektiven Gefühle der Teilnehmer aus Experiment 2 unterschieden sich zwischen den Gruppen nicht. Darüber hinaus gaben nur wenige Teilnehmer (20.2%) an, dass sie den „Opfer“-Roboter definitiv bestrafen würden. Ein ähnliches Ergebnis fand auch Milgram (1963). Das reale Verhalten von Versuchsteilnehmern in Milgrams‘ Labor-Experiment unterschied sich jedoch von Einschätzungen hypothetischen Verhaltens von Teilnehmern, denen Milgram das Experiment nur beschrieben hatte. Ebenso lassen Kommentare von Teilnehmern aus Experiment 2 darauf schließen, dass das beschriebene Szenario möglicherweise als fiktiv eingestuft wurde und Einschätzungen von hypothetischem Verhalten daher kein realistisches Bild realen Verhaltens gegenüber Roboter in einer live Interaktion zeichnen können. Daher wurde ein weiteres Experiment (Experiment 3) mit einer Live Interaktion mit einem Roboter als Autoritätsfigur (hoher Autoritätsstatus vs. niedriger) und einem weiteren Roboter als „Opfer“ (emotional expressiv vs. nicht expressiv) durchgeführt. Es wurden Gruppenunterschiede in Fragebögen über emotionale Reaktionen gefunden. Dem emotional expressiven Roboter wurde mehr Empathie entgegengebracht und es wurde mehr Freude und weniger Antipathie berichtet als gegenüber einem nicht-expressiven Roboter. Außerdem konnten Gesichtsausdrücke beobachtet werden, die mit negativen Emotionen assoziiert sind während Probanden Nao’s Befehl ausführten und Pleo bestraften. Obwohl Probanden tendenziell länger zögerten, wenn sie einen emotional expressiven Roboter bestrafen sollten und der Befehl von einem Roboter mit niedrigem Autoritätsstatus kam, wurde dieser Unterschied nicht signifikant. Zudem waren alle bis auf einen Probanden gehorsam und bestraften Pleo, wie vom Nao Roboter befohlen. Dieses Ergebnis steht in starkem Gegensatz zu dem selbstberichteten hypothetischen Verhalten der Teilnehmer aus Experiment 2 und unterstützt die Annahme, dass die Einschätzungen von hypothetischem Verhalten in einem Mensch-Roboter-Gehorsamkeitsszenario nicht zuverlässig sind für echtes Verhalten in einer live Mensch-Roboter Interaktion. Situative Variablen, wie z.B. der Gehorsam gegenüber Autoritäten, sogar gegenüber einem Roboter, scheinen stärker zu sein als Empathie für einen Roboter. Dieser Befund knüpft an andere Studien an (z.B. Bartneck & Hu, 2008; Geiskkovitch et al., 2016; Menne, 2017; Slater et al., 2006), eröffnet neue Erkenntnisse zum Einfluss von Robotern, zeigt aber auch auf, dass die Wahl einer Methode um Empathie für einen Roboter zu evozieren eine nicht triviale Angelegenheit ist (vgl. Geiskkovitch et al., 2016; vgl. Milgram, 1965). Insgesamt stützen die Ergebnisse die Annahme, dass die emotionalen Reaktionen auf Roboter tiefgreifend sind und sich sowohl auf der subjektiven Ebene als auch in der motorischen Komponente zeigen. Menschen reagieren emotional auf einen Roboter, der emotional expressiv ist und eher weniger wie eine Maschine aussieht. Sie empfinden Empathie und negative Gefühle, wenn ein Roboter misshandelt wird und diese emotionalen Reaktionen spiegeln sich in der Mimik. Darüber hinaus unterscheiden sich die Einschätzungen von Menschen über ihr eigenes hypothetisches Verhalten von ihrem tatsächlichen Verhalten, weshalb videobasierte oder live Interaktionen zur Analyse realer Verhaltensreaktionen empfohlen wird. Die Ankunft sozialer Roboter in der Gesellschaft führt zu nie dagewesenen Fragen und diese Dissertation liefert einen ersten Schritt zum Verständnis dieser neuen Herausforderungen. N2 - An Army Colonel feels sorry for a robot that defuses landmines on a trial basis and declares the test inhumane (Garreau, 2007). Robots receive military promotions, funerals and medals of honor (Garreau, 2007; Carpenter, 2013). A turtle robot is being developed to teach children to treat robots well (Ackermann, 2018). The humanoid robot Sophia recently became a Saudi Arabian citizen and there are now debates whether robots should have rights (Delcker, 2018). These and similar developments already show the importance of robots and the emotional impact they have. Nevertheless, these emotional reactions seem to take place on a different level, judging by comments in internet forums alone: Most often, emotional reactions towards robots are questioned if not denied at all. In fact, from a purely rational point of view, it is difficult to explain why people should empathize with a mindless machine. However, not only the reports mentioned above but also first scientific studies (e.g. Rosenthal- von der Pütten et al., 2013) bear witness to the emotional influence of robots on humans. Despite the importance of researching emotional reactions towards robots, there are few scientific studies on this subject. In fact, Kappas, Krumhuber and Küster (2013) identified effective testing and evaluation of social reactions towards robots as one of the major challenges of affective Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). According to Scherer (2001; 2005), emotions consist of the coordination and synchronization of different components that are linked to each other. These include motor expression (facial expressions), subjective experience, action tendencies, physiological and cognitive components. To fully capture an emotion, all these components would have to be measured, but such a comprehensive analysis has never been performed (Scherer, 2005). Primarily, questionnaires are used (cf. Bethel & Murphy, 2010) but most of them only capture subjective experiences. Bakeman and Gottman (1997) even state that only about 8% of psychological research is based on behavioral data, although psychology is traditionally defined as the 'study of the mind and behavior' (American Psychological Association, 2018). The measurement of other emotional components is rare. In addition, questionnaires have a number of disadvantages (Austin, Deary, Gibson, McGregor, Dent, 1998; Fan et al., 2006; Wilcox, 2011). Bethel and Murphy (2010) as well as Arkin and Moshkina (2015) argue for a multi-method approach to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of affective processes in HRI. The main goal of this dissertation is therefore to use a multi-method approach to capture different components of emotions (motor expression, subjective feeling component, action tendencies) and thus contribute to a more complete and profound picture of emotional processes towards robots. To achieve this goal, three experimental studies were conducted with a total of 491 participants. With different levels of ‘apparent reality’ (Frijda, 2007) and power/control over the situation (cf. Scherer & Ellgring, 2007), the extent to which the intensity and quality of emotional responses to robots change were investigated as well as the influence of other factors (appearance of the robot, emotional expressivity of the robot, treatment of the robot, authority status of the robot). Experiment 1 was based on videos showing different types of robots (animal-like, anthropomorphic, machine-like) in different situations (friendly treatment of the robot vs. torture treatment) while being either emotionally expressive or not. Self-reports of feelings as well as the motoric-expressive component of emotion: facial expressions (cf. Scherer, 2005) were analyzed. The Facial Action Coding System (Ekman, Friesen, & Hager, 2002), the most comprehensive and most widely used method for objectively assessing facial expressions, was utilized for this purpose. Results showed that participants displayed facial expressions (Action Unit [AU] 12 and AUs associated with positive emotions as well as AU 4 and AUs associated with negative emotions) as well as self-reported feelings in line with the valence of the treatment shown in the videos. Stronger emotional reactions could be observed for emotionally expressive robots than non-expressive robots. Most pity, empathy, negative feelings and sadness were reported for the animal-like robot Pleo while watching it being tortured, followed by the anthropomorphic robot Reeti and least for the machine-like robot Roomba. Most antipathy was attributed to Roomba. The findings are in line with previous research (e.g., Krach et al., 2008; Menne & Schwab, 2018; Riek et al., 2009; Rosenthal-von der Pütten et al., 2013) and show facial expressions’ potential for a natural HRI. Experiment 2 and Experiment 3 transferred Milgram’s classic experiments (1963; 1974) on obedience into the context of HRI. Milgram’s obedience studies were deemed highly suitable to study the extent of empathy towards a robot in relation to obedience to a robot. Experiment 2 differed from Experiment 3 in the level of ‘apparent reality’ (Frijda, 2007): based on Milgram (1963), a purely text-based study (Experiment 2) was compared with a live HRI (Experiment 3). While the dependent variables of Experiment 2 consisted of self-reports of emotional feelings and assessments of hypothetical behavior, Experiment 3 measured subjective feelings and real behavior (reaction time: duration of hesitation; obedience rate; number of protests; facial expressions) of the participants. Both experiments examined the influence of the factors "authority status" (high / low) of the robot giving the orders (Nao) and the emotional expressivity (on / off) of the robot receiving the punishments (Pleo). The subjective feelings of the participants from Experiment 2 did not differ between the groups. In addition, only few participants (20.2%) stated that they would definitely punish the "victim" robot. Milgram (1963) found a similar result. However, the real behavior of participants in Milgram's laboratory experiment differed from the estimates of hypothetical behavior of participants to whom Milgram had only described the experiment. Similarly, comments from participants in Experiment 2 suggest that the scenario described may have been considered fictitious and that assessments of hypothetical behavior may not provide a realistic picture of real behavior towards robots in a live interaction. Therefore, another experiment (Experiment 3) was performed with a live interaction with a robot as authority figure (high authority status vs. low) and another robot as "victim" (emotional expressive vs. non-expressive). Group differences were found in questionnaires on emotional responses. More empathy was shown for the emotionally expressive robot and more joy and less antipathy was reported than for a non-expressive robot. In addition, facial expressions associated with negative emotions could be observed while subjects executed Nao's command and punished Pleo. Although subjects tended to hesitate longer when punishing an emotionally expressive robot and the order came from a robot with low authority status, this difference did not reach significance. Furthermore, all but one subject were obedient and punished Pleo as commanded by the Nao robot. This result stands in stark contrast to the self-reported hypothetical behavior of the participants from Experiment 2 and supports the assumption that the assessments of hypothetical behavior in a Human-Robot obedience scenario are not reliable for real behavior in a live HRI. Situational variables, such as obedience to authorities, even to a robot, seem to be stronger than empathy for a robot. This finding is in line with previous studies (e.g. Bartneck & Hu, 2008; Geiskkovitch et al., 2016; Menne, 2017; Slater et al., 2006), opens up new insights into the influence of robots, but also shows that the choice of a method to evoke empathy for a robot is not a trivial matter (cf. Geiskkovitch et al., 2016; cf. Milgram, 1965). Overall, the results support the assumption that emotional reactions to robots are profound and manifest both at the subjective level and in the motor component. Humans react emotionally to a robot that is emotionally expressive and looks less like a machine. They feel empathy and negative feelings when a robot is abused and these emotional reactions are reflected in facial expressions. In addition, people's assessments of their own hypothetical behavior differ from their actual behavior, which is why video-based or live interactions are recommended for analyzing real behavioral responses. The arrival of social robots in society leads to unprecedented questions and this dissertation provides a first step towards understanding these new challenges. N2 - Are there emotional reactions towards social robots? Could you love a robot? Or, put the other way round: Could you mistreat a robot, tear it apart and sell it? Media reports people honoring military robots with funerals, mourning the “death” of a robotic dog, and granting the humanoid robot Sophia citizenship. But how profound are these reactions? Three experiments take a closer look on emotional reactions towards social robots by investigating the subjective experience of people as well as the motor expressive level. Contexts of varying degrees of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) sketch a nuanced picture of emotions towards social robots that encompass conscious as well as unconscious reactions. The findings advance the understanding of affective experiences in HRI. It also turns the initial question into: Can emotional reactions towards social robots even be avoided? T2 - Im Angesicht sozialer Roboter - Emotionale Reaktionen angesichts sozialer Roboter KW - Roboter KW - social robot KW - emotion KW - FACS KW - Facial Action Coding System KW - facial expressions KW - emotional reaction KW - Human-Robot Interaction KW - HRI KW - obedience KW - empathy KW - Gefühl KW - Mimik KW - Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187131 SN - 978-3-95826-120-4 SN - 978-3-95826-121-1 N1 - Parallel erschienen als Druckausgabe in Würzburg University Press, 978-3-95826-120-4, 27,80 EUR. PB - Würzburg University Press CY - Würzburg ET - 1. Auflage ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mocke, Viola A1 - Weller, Lisa A1 - Frings, Christian A1 - Rothermund, Klaus A1 - Kunde, Wilfried T1 - Task relevance determines binding of effect features in action planning JF - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics N2 - Action planning can be construed as the temporary binding of features of perceptual action effects. While previous research demonstrated binding for task-relevant, body-related effect features, the role of task-irrelevant or environment-related effect features in action planning is less clear. Here, we studied whether task-relevance or body-relatedness determines feature binding in action planning. Participants planned an action A, but before executing it initiated an intermediate action B. Each action relied on a body-related effect feature (index vs. middle finger movement) and an environment-related effect feature (cursor movement towards vs. away from a reference object). In Experiments 1 and 2, both effects were task-relevant. Performance in action B suffered from partial feature overlap with action A compared to full feature repetition or alternation, which is in line with binding of both features while planning action A. Importantly, this cost disappeared when all features were available but only body-related features were task-relevant (Experiment 3). When only the environment-related effect of action A was known in advance, action B benefitted when it aimed at the same (vs. a different) environment-related effect (Experiment 4). Consequently, the present results support the idea that task relevance determines whether binding of body-related and environment-related effect features takes place while the pre-activation of environment-related features without binding them primes feature-overlapping actions. KW - action planning KW - motor control KW - binding KW - effect anticipations Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231906 SN - 1943-3921 VL - 82 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Murali, Supriya A1 - Händel, Barbara T1 - Motor restrictions impair divergent thinking during walking and during sitting JF - Psychological Research N2 - Creativity, specifically divergent thinking, has been shown to benefit from unrestrained walking. Despite these findings, it is not clear if it is the lack of restriction that leads to the improvement. Our goal was to explore the effects of motor restrictions on divergent thinking for different movement states. In addition, we assessed whether spontaneous eye blinks, which are linked to motor execution, also predict performance. In experiment 1, we compared the performance in Guilford's alternate uses task (AUT) during walking vs. sitting, and analysed eye blink rates during both conditions. We found that AUT scores were higher during walking than sitting. Albeit eye blinks differed significantly between movement conditions (walking vs. sitting) and task phase (baseline vs. thinking vs. responding), they did not correlate with task performance. In experiment 2 and 3, participants either walked freely or in a restricted path, or sat freely or fixated on a screen. When the factor restriction was explicitly modulated, the effect of walking was reduced, while restriction showed a significant influence on the fluency scores. Importantly, we found a significant correlation between the rate of eye blinks and creativity scores between subjects, depending on the restriction condition. Our study shows a movement state-independent effect of restriction on divergent thinking. In other words, similar to unrestrained walking, unrestrained sitting also improves divergent thinking. Importantly, we discuss a mechanistic explanation of the effect of restriction on divergent thinking based on the increased size of the focus of attention and the consequent bias towards flexibility. KW - creativity KW - humans KW - sitting KW - walking KW - thinking Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267722 SN - 1430-2772 VL - 86 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kozlik, Julia A1 - Neumann, Roland A1 - Lozo, Ljubica T1 - Contrasting motivational orientation and evaluative coding accounts: on the need to differentiate the effectors of approach/avoidance responses JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - Several emotion theorists suggest that valenced stimuli automatically trigger motivational orientations and thereby facilitate corresponding behavior. Positive stimuli were thought to activate approach motivational circuits which in turn primed approach-related behavioral tendencies whereas negative stimuli were supposed to activate avoidance motivational circuits so that avoidance-related behavioral tendencies were primed (motivational orientation account). However, recent research suggests that typically observed affective stimulus response compatibility phenomena might be entirely explained in terms of theories accounting for mechanisms of general action control instead of assuming motivational orientations to mediate the effects (evaluative coding account). In what follows, we explore to what extent this notion is applicable. We present literature suggesting that evaluative coding mechanisms indeed influence a wide variety of affective stimulus response compatibility phenomena. However, the evaluative coding account does not seem to be sufficient to explain affective S-R compatibility effects. Instead, several studies provide clear evidence in favor of the motivational orientation account that seems to operate independently of evaluative coding mechanisms. Implications for theoretical developments and future research designs are discussed. KW - emotional facial expressions KW - cerebral asymmetry KW - compatibility KW - perception KW - affective S-R compatibility KW - approach-avoidance behavior KW - automatic evaluation KW - arm flexion KW - stimuli KW - determinants KW - information KW - emotional responses KW - approach and avoidance KW - facial muscle contractions KW - theory of event coding Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143192 VL - 6 IS - 563 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Klaffehn, Annika L. A1 - Sellmann, Florian B. A1 - Kirsch, Wladimir A1 - Kunde, Wilfried A1 - Pfister, Roland T1 - Temporal binding as multisensory integration: Manipulating perceptual certainty of actions and their effects JF - Attention, Perception & Psychophysics N2 - It has been proposed that statistical integration of multisensory cues may be a suitable framework to explain temporal binding, that is, the finding that causally related events such as an action and its effect are perceived to be shifted towards each other in time. A multisensory approach to temporal binding construes actions and effects as individual sensory signals, which are each perceived with a specific temporal precision. When they are integrated into one multimodal event, like an action-effect chain, the extent to which they affect this event's perception depends on their relative reliability. We test whether this assumption holds true in a temporal binding task by manipulating certainty of actions and effects. Two experiments suggest that a relatively uncertain sensory signal in such action-effect sequences is shifted more towards its counterpart than a relatively certain one. This was especially pronounced for temporal binding of the action towards its effect but could also be shown for effect binding. Other conceptual approaches to temporal binding cannot easily explain these results, and the study therefore adds to the growing body of evidence endorsing a multisensory approach to temporal binding. KW - temporal processing KW - perception and action KW - multisensory processing Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-273195 SN - 1943-393X VL - 83 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Berti, Stefan A1 - Vossel, Gerhard A1 - Gamer, Matthias T1 - The orienting response in healthy aging: Novelty P3 indicates no general decline but reduced efficacy for fast stimulation rates JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - Automatic orienting to unexpected changes in the environment is a pre-requisite for adaptive behavior. One prominent mechanism of automatic attentional control is the Orienting Response (OR). Despite the fundamental significance of the OR in everyday life, only little is known about how the OR is affected by healthy aging. We tested this question in two age groups (19–38 and 55–72 years) and measured skin-conductance responses (SCRs) and event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to novels (i.e., short environmental sounds presented only once in the experiment; 10% of the trials) compared to standard sounds (600 Hz sinusoidal tones with 200 ms duration; 90% of the trials). Novel and standard stimuli were presented in four conditions differing in the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) with a mean ISI of either 10, 3, 1, or 0.5 s (blocked presentation). In both age groups, pronounced SCRs were elicited by novels in the 10 s ISI condition, suggesting the elicitation of stable ORs. These effects were accompanied by pronounced N1 and frontal P3 amplitudes in the ERP, suggesting that automatic novelty processing and orientation of attention are effective in both age groups. Furthermore, the SCR and ERP effects declined with decreasing ISI length. In addition, differences between the two groups were observable with the fastest presentation rates (i.e., 1 and 0.5 s ISI length). The most prominent difference was a shift of the peak of the frontal positivity from around 300 to 200 ms in the 19–38 years group while in the 55–72 years group the amplitude of the frontal P3 decreased linearly with decreasing ISI length. Taken together, this pattern of results does not suggest a general decline in processing efficacy with healthy aging. At least with very rare changes (here, the novels in the 10 s ISI condition) the OR is as effective in healthy older adults as in younger adults. With faster presentation rates, however, the efficacy of the OR decreases. This seems to result in a switch from novelty to deviant processing in younger adults, but less so in the group of older adults. KW - psychology KW - attention KW - change detection KW - auditory system KW - novelty processing KW - event-related potential (ERP) KW - P300 KW - skin conductance response (SCR) Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173651 VL - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Scherer, Reinhold A1 - Faller, Josef A1 - Friedrich, Elisabeth V. C. A1 - Opisso, Eloy A1 - Costa, Ursula A1 - Kübler, Andrea A1 - Müller-Putz, Gernot R. T1 - Individually Adapted Imagery Improves Brain-Computer Interface Performance in End-Users with Disability JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) translate oscillatory electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns into action. Different mental activities modulate spontaneous EEG rhythms in various ways. Non-stationarity and inherent variability of EEG signals, however, make reliable recognition of modulated EEG patterns challenging. Able-bodied individuals who use a BCI for the first time achieve - on average - binary classification performance of about 75%. Performance in users with central nervous system (CNS) tissue damage is typically lower. User training generally enhances reliability of EEG pattern generation and thus also robustness of pattern recognition. In this study, we investigated the impact of mental tasks on binary classification performance in BCI users with central nervous system (CNS) tissue damage such as persons with stroke or spinal cord injury (SCI). Motor imagery (MI), that is the kinesthetic imagination of movement (e.g. squeezing a rubber ball with the right hand), is the "gold standard" and mainly used to modulate EEG patterns. Based on our recent results in able-bodied users, we hypothesized that pair- wise combination of "brain-teaser" (e.g. mental subtraction and mental word association) and "dynamic imagery" (e. g. hand and feet MI) tasks significantly increases classification performance of induced EEG patterns in the selected end-user group. Within- day (How stable is the classification within a day?) and between-day (How well does a model trained on day one perform on unseen data of day two?) analysis of variability of mental task pair classification in nine individuals confirmed the hypothesis. We found that the use of the classical MI task pair hand vs. feed leads to significantly lower classification accuracy - in average up to 15% less - in most users with stroke or SCI. User-specific selection of task pairs was again essential to enhance performance. We expect that the gained evidence will significantly contribute to make imagery-based BCI technology become accessible to a larger population of users including individuals with special needs due to CNS damage. KW - single-trial EEG classification KW - motor imagery technology KW - spatial filters movement KW - communication systems KW - BCI Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143021 VL - 10 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Topolinski, Sascha A1 - Zürn, Michael A1 - Schneider, Iris K. T1 - What's in and what's out in branding? A novel articulation effect for brand names JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - The present approach exploits the biomechanical connection between articulation and ingestion-related mouth movements to introduce a novel psychological principle of brand name design. We constructed brand names for diverse products with consonantal stricture spots either from the front to the rear of the mouth, thus inwards (e.g., BODIKA), or from the rear to the front, thus outwards (e.g., KODIBA). These muscle dynamics resemble the oral kinematics during either ingestion (inwards), which feels positive, or expectoration (outwards), which feels negative. In 7 experiments (total N = 1261), participants liked products with inward names more than products with outward names (Experiment 1), reported higher purchase intentions (Experiment 2), and higher willingness-to-pay (Experiments 3a-3c, 4, 5), with the price gain amounting to 4-13% of the average estimated product value. These effects occurred across English and German language, under silent reading, for both edible and non-edible products, and even in the presence of a much stronger price determinant, namely fair-trade production (Experiment 5). KW - phonetic symbolism KW - moderating role KW - judgements KW - behavior KW - phonation KW - branding KW - articulation KW - sound symbolism KW - embodiment KW - phasic affective modulation KW - processing fluency KW - semantic coherence KW - affective consequences KW - consumers KW - intuition Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143036 VL - 6 IS - 585 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schindler, Julia A1 - Richter, Tobias A1 - Mar, Raymond T1 - Does generation benefit learning for narrative and expository texts? A direct replication attempt JF - Applied Cognitive Psychology N2 - Generated information is better recognized and recalled than information that is read. This so‐called generation effect has been replicated several times for different types of material, including texts. Perhaps the most influential demonstration was by McDaniel et al. (1986, Journal of Memory and Language, 25, 645–656; henceforth MEDC). This group tested whether the generation effect occurs only if the generation task stimulates cognitive processes not already stimulated by the text. Numerous studies, however, report difficulties replicating this text by generation‐task interaction, which suggests that the effect might only be found under conditions closer to the original method of MEDC. To test this assumption, we will closely replicate MEDC's Experiment 2 in German and English‐speaking samples. Replicating the effect would suggest that it can be reproduced, at least under limited conditions, which will provide the necessary foundation for future investigations into the boundary conditions of this effect, with an eye towards its utility in applied contexts. KW - expository texts KW - generation effect KW - learning KW - narrative texts KW - replication Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224496 VL - 35 IS - 2 SP - 559 EP - 564 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zetzl, Teresa A1 - Pittig, Andre A1 - Renner, Agnes A1 - van Oorschott, Birgitt A1 - Jentschke, Elisabeth T1 - Yoga therapy to reduce fatigue in cancer: effects of reminder e-mails and long-term efficacy JF - Supportive Care in Cancer N2 - Objective To examine the efficacy of reminder e-mails to continue yoga therapy on practice frequency and fatigue in cancer patients and long-term effects of yoga on fatigue, depression, and quality of life. Methology One hundred two cancer patients who completed an 8-week yoga therapy were randomly allocated to two groups: reminder (N = 51) vs. no-reminder group (N = 51). After completing yoga therapy, the reminder group received weekly e-mails for 24 weeks, which reminded them of practicing yoga, whereas the no-reminder group did not. Primary outcomes were fatigue and practice frequency, and long-term outcomes were fatigue, depression, and quality of life. Data were assessed using questionnaires after yoga therapy (T1) and 6 months after completing yoga therapy (T2). Result A significantly stronger reduction of general (p = 0.038, d = 0.42) and emotional fatigue (p = 0.004, d = 0.59) and a higher increase of practice frequency (p = 0.015, d = 0.52) between T1 and T2 were found for the reminder group compared to the no-reminder group. In the mediation model, practice frequency as a mediator partially explained the changes in emotional fatigue (indirect effect B =  - 0.10). Long-term effects of yoga therapy regarding fatigue, depression, and quality of life were found (F > 7.46, p < 0.001, d > 0.54). Conclusion Weekly reminder e-mails after yoga therapy can positively affect general and emotional fatigue and help cancer patients with fatigue establish a regular yoga practice at home. However, higher practice frequency did not lead to higher physical or cognitive fatigue improvement, suggesting other factors that mediate efficacy on physical or cognitive fatigue, such as mindfulness or side effects of therapy. KW - reminder e-mails KW - mind–body intervention KW - complementary alternative medicine KW - long-term effects KW - Yoga KW - fatigue Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-268415 SN - 1433-7339 VL - 29 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Mitschke, Vanessa A1 - Eder, Andreas B. T1 - Facing the enemy: Spontaneous facial reactions towards suffering opponents JF - Psychophysiology N2 - The suffering of an opponent is an important social affective cue that modulates how aggressive interactions progress. To investigate the affective consequences of opponent suffering on a revenge seeking individual, two experiments (total N = 82) recorded facial muscle activity while participants observed the reaction of a provoking opponent to a (retaliatory) sound punishment in a laboratory aggression task. Opponents reacted via prerecorded videos either with facial displays of pain, sadness, or neutrality. Results indicate that participants enjoyed seeing the provocateur suffer: indexed by a coordinated muscle response featuring an increase in zygomaticus major (and orbicularis oculi muscle) activation accompanied by a decrease in corrugator supercilii activation. This positive facial reaction was only shown while a provoking opponent expressed pain. Expressions of sadness, and administration of sound blasts to nonprovoking opponents, did not modulate facial activity. Overall, the results suggest that revenge-seeking individuals enjoy observing the offender suffer, which could represent schadenfreude or satisfaction of having succeeded in the retaliation goal. KW - suffering KW - facial electromyography KW - facial expression KW - reactive aggression KW - revenge Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259672 VL - 58 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Herzog, Katharina A1 - Andreatta, Marta A1 - Schneider, Kristina A1 - Schiele, Miriam A. A1 - Domschke, Katharina A1 - Romanos, Marcel A1 - Deckert, Jürgen A1 - Pauli, Paul T1 - Reducing Generalization of Conditioned Fear: Beneficial Impact of Fear Relevance and Feedback in Discrimination Training JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - Anxiety patients over-generalize fear, possibly because of an incapacity to discriminate threat and safety signals. Discrimination trainings are promising approaches for reducing such fear over-generalization. Here we investigated the efficacy of a fear-relevant vs. a fear-irrelevant discrimination training on fear generalization and whether the effects are increased with feedback during training. Eighty participants underwent two fear acquisition blocks, during which one face (conditioned stimulus, CS+), but not another face (CS−), was associated with a female scream (unconditioned stimulus, US). During two generalization blocks, both CSs plus four morphs (generalization stimuli, GS1–GS4) were presented. Between these generalization blocks, half of the participants underwent a fear-relevant discrimination training (discrimination between CS+ and the other faces) with or without feedback and the other half a fear-irrelevant discrimination training (discrimination between the width of lines) with or without feedback. US expectancy, arousal, valence ratings, and skin conductance responses (SCR) indicated successful fear acquisition. Importantly, fear-relevant vs. fear-irrelevant discrimination trainings and feedback vs. no feedback reduced generalization as reflected in US expectancy ratings independently from one another. No effects of training condition were found for arousal and valence ratings or SCR. In summary, this is a first indication that fear-relevant discrimination training and feedback can improve the discrimination between threat and safety signals in healthy individuals, at least for learning-related evaluations, but not evaluations of valence or (physiological) arousal. KW - fear generalization KW - feedback KW - discrimination training KW - fear-relevant training KW - classical conditioning Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239970 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gromer, Daniel A1 - Madeira, Octávia A1 - Gast, Philipp A1 - Nehfischer, Markus A1 - Jost, Michael A1 - Müller, Mathias A1 - Mühlberger, Andreas A1 - Pauli, Paul T1 - Height Simulation in a Virtual Reality CAVE System: Validity of Fear Responses and Effects of an Immersion Manipulation JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Acrophobia is characterized by intense fear in height situations. Virtual reality (VR) can be used to trigger such phobic fear, and VR exposure therapy (VRET) has proven effective for treatment of phobias, although it remains important to further elucidate factors that modulate and mediate the fear responses triggered in VR. The present study assessed verbal and behavioral fear responses triggered by a height simulation in a 5-sided cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE) with visual and acoustic simulation and further investigated how fear responses are modulated by immersion, i.e., an additional wind simulation, and presence, i.e., the feeling to be present in the VE. Results revealed a high validity for the CAVE and VE in provoking height related self-reported fear and avoidance behavior in accordance with a trait measure of acrophobic fear. Increasing immersion significantly increased fear responses in high height anxious (HHA) participants, but did not affect presence. Nevertheless, presence was found to be an important predictor of fear responses. We conclude that a CAVE system can be used to elicit valid fear responses, which might be further enhanced by immersion manipulations independent from presence. These results may help to improve VRET efficacy and its transfer to real situations. KW - anxiety KW - fear behavior KW - virtual reality KW - presence KW - immersion KW - acrophobia Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-196113 SN - 1662-5161 VL - 12 IS - 372 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kleih-Dahms, Sonja Christina A1 - Botrel, Loic A1 - Kübler, Andrea T1 - The influence of motivation and emotion on sensorimotor rhythm-based brain-computer interface performance JF - Psychophysiology N2 - While decades of research have investigated and technically improved brain–computer interface (BCI)-controlled applications, relatively little is known about the psychological aspects of brain–computer interfacing. In 35 healthy students, we investigated whether extrinsic motivation manipulated via monetary reward and emotional state manipulated via video and music would influence behavioral and psychophysiological measures of performance with a sensorimotor rhythm (SMR)-based BCI. We found increased task-related brain activity in extrinsically motivated (rewarded) as compared with nonmotivated participants but no clear effect of emotional state manipulation. Our experiment investigated the short-term effect of motivation and emotion manipulation in a group of young healthy subjects, and thus, the significance for patients in the locked-in state, who may be in need of a BCI, remains to be investigated. KW - brain-computer interface KW - sensorimotor rhythm KW - psychological variables KW - motivation KW - emotional state KW - electroencephalogram Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259664 VL - 58 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Walz, Nora A1 - Mühlberger, Andreas A1 - Pauli, Paul T1 - A human open field test reveals thigmotaxis related to agoraphobic fear JF - Biological Psychiatry N2 - BACKGROUND: Thigmotaxis refers to a specific behavior of animals (i.e., to stay close to walls when exploring an open space). Such behavior can be assessed with the open field test (OFT), which is a well-established indicator of animal fear. The detection of similar open field behavior in humans may verify the translational validity of this paradigm. Enhanced thigmotaxis related to anxiety may suggest the relevance of such behavior for anxiety disorders, especially agoraphobia. METHODS: A global positioning system was used to analyze the behavior of 16 patients with agoraphobia and 18 healthy individuals with a risk for agoraphobia (i.e., high anxiety sensitivity) during a human OFT and compare it with appropriate control groups (n = 16 and n = 19). We also tracked 17 patients with agoraphobia and 17 control participants during a city walk that involved walking through an open market square. RESULTS: Our human OFT triggered thigmotaxis in participants; patients with agoraphobia and participants with high anxiety sensitivity exhibited enhanced thigmotaxis. This behavior was evident in increased movement lengths along the wall of the natural open field and fewer entries into the center of the field despite normal movement speed and length. Furthermore, participants avoided passing through the market square during the city walk, indicating again that thigmotaxis is related to agoraphobia. CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first to our knowledge to verify the translational validity of the OFT and to reveal that thigmotaxis, an evolutionarily adaptive behavior shown by most species, is related to agoraphobia, a pathologic fear of open spaces, and anxiety sensitivity, a risk factor for agoraphobia. KW - Agoraphobia KW - Animal models KW - Anxiety sensitivity KW - Avoidance behavior KW - Openfield test KW - Thigmotaxis Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187607 VL - 80 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pfister, Roland A1 - Frings, Christian A1 - Moeller, Birte T1 - The Role of Congruency for Distractor-Response Binding: A Caveat JF - Advances in Cognitive Psychologe N2 - Responding in the presence of stimuli leads to an integration of stimulus features and response features into event fles, which can later be retrieved to assist action control. This integration mechanism is not limited to target stimuli, but can also include distractors (distractor-response binding). A recurring research question is which factors determine whether or not distractors are integrated. One suggested candidate factor is target-distractor congruency: Distractor-response binding effects were reported to be stronger for congruent than for incongruent target-distractor pairs. Here, we discuss a general problem with including the factor of congruency in typical analyses used to study distractor-based binding effects. Integrating this factor leads to a confound that may explain any differences between distractor-response binding effects of congruent and incongruent distractors with a simple congruency effect. Simulation data confrmed this argument. We propose to interpret previous data cautiously and discuss potential avenues to circumvent this problem in the future. KW - action control KW - distractor-response binding KW - congruency sequences KW - sequence analysis Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200265 VL - 15 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Seibel, Sebastian A1 - Volmer, Judith T1 - A Diary Study on Anticipated Leisure Time, Morning Recovery, and Employees’ Work Engagement JF - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health N2 - Recovery during yesterday’s leisure time is beneficial for morning recovery, and morning recovery fosters employees’ work engagement, a positive, motivational state associated with job performance. We extended existing research by assuming that both, morning recovery (considered a resource) and anticipated leisure time (considered an anticipated resource gain), relate to work engagement. Anticipated leisure time comprises two constructs: general anticipation of leisure time, which refers to employees’ cognitive evaluation of their entire upcoming leisure time, and pleasant anticipation of a planned leisure activity, which describes a positive affective reaction because of one specific, upcoming leisure activity. We suggested that employees with high pleasant anticipation generate more thoughts of a planned leisure activity (ToPLA), which may distract them from their work, reducing their work engagement. A diary study over five days showed that morning recovery and general anticipation of leisure time were positively related to work engagement. Furthermore, employees with higher pleasant anticipation of a planned leisure activity reported more ToPLA. In contrast to our expectations, neither pleasant anticipation nor ToPLA was related to work engagement. In sum, this study introduced anticipated leisure time as a novel antecedent of work engagement and demonstrated that anticipated resource gains are important for high work engagement. KW - morning recovery KW - leisure time KW - pleasant anticipation KW - work engagement KW - thoughts of a planned leisure activity KW - diary study Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-246090 SN - 1660-4601 VL - 18 IS - 18 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Liesner, Marvin A1 - Kunde, Wilfried T1 - Suppression of mutually incompatible proprioceptive and visual action effects in tool use JF - PLoS One N2 - Movements of a tool typically diverge from the movements of the hand manipulating that tool, such as when operating a pivotal lever where tool and hand move in opposite directions. Previous studies suggest that humans are often unaware of the position or movements of their effective body part (mostly the hand) in such situations. It has been suggested that this might be due to a "haptic neglect" of bodily sensations to decrease the interference of representations of body and tool movements. However, in principle this interference could also be decreased by neglecting sensations regarding the tool and focusing instead on body movements. While in most tool use situations the tool-related action effects are task-relevant and thus suppression of body-related rather than tool-related sensations is more beneficial for successful goal achievement, we manipulated this task-relevance in a controlled experiment. The results showed that visual, tool-related effect representations can be suppressed just as proprioceptive, body-related ones in situations where effect representations interfere, given that task-relevance of body-related effects is increased relative to tool-related ones. KW - movement KW - tool use KW - effects Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-231250 VL - 15 IS - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Farmer, Adam D. A1 - Strzelczyk, Adam A1 - Finisguerra, Alessandra A1 - Gourine, Alexander V. A1 - Gharabaghi, Alireza A1 - Hasan, Alkomiet A1 - Burger, Andreas M. A1 - Jaramillo, Andrés M. A1 - Mertens, Ann A1 - Majid, Arshad A1 - Verkuil, Bart A1 - Badran, Bashar W. A1 - Ventura-Bort, Carlos A1 - Gaul, Charly A1 - Beste, Christian A1 - Warren, Christopher M. A1 - Quintana, Daniel S. A1 - Hämmerer, Dorothea A1 - Freri, Elena A1 - Frangos, Eleni A1 - Tobaldini, Eleonora A1 - Kaniusas, Eugenijus A1 - Rosenow, Felix A1 - Capone, Fioravante A1 - Panetsos, Fivos A1 - Ackland, Gareth L. A1 - Kaithwas, Gaurav A1 - O'Leary, Georgia H. A1 - Genheimer, Hannah A1 - Jacobs, Heidi I. L. A1 - Van Diest, Ilse A1 - Schoenen, Jean A1 - Redgrave, Jessica A1 - Fang, Jiliang A1 - Deuchars, Jim A1 - Széles, Jozsef C. A1 - Thayer, Julian F. A1 - More, Kaushik A1 - Vonck, Kristl A1 - Steenbergen, Laura A1 - Vianna, Lauro C. A1 - McTeague, Lisa M. A1 - Ludwig, Mareike A1 - Veldhuizen, Maria G. A1 - De Couck, Marijke A1 - Casazza, Marina A1 - Keute, Marius A1 - Bikson, Marom A1 - Andreatta, Marta A1 - D'Agostini, Martina A1 - Weymar, Mathias A1 - Betts, Matthew A1 - Prigge, Matthias A1 - Kaess, Michael A1 - Roden, Michael A1 - Thai, Michelle A1 - Schuster, Nathaniel M. A1 - Montano, Nicola A1 - Hansen, Niels A1 - Kroemer, Nils B. A1 - Rong, Peijing A1 - Fischer, Rico A1 - Howland, Robert H. A1 - Sclocco, Roberta A1 - Sellaro, Roberta A1 - Garcia, Ronald G. A1 - Bauer, Sebastian A1 - Gancheva, Sofiya A1 - Stavrakis, Stavros A1 - Kampusch, Stefan A1 - Deuchars, Susan A. A1 - Wehner, Sven A1 - Laborde, Sylvain A1 - Usichenko, Taras A1 - Polak, Thomas A1 - Zaehle, Tino A1 - Borges, Uirassu A1 - Teckentrup, Vanessa A1 - Jandackova, Vera K. A1 - Napadow, Vitaly A1 - Koenig, Julian T1 - International Consensus Based Review and Recommendations for Minimum Reporting Standards in Research on Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (Version 2020) JF - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience N2 - Given its non-invasive nature, there is increasing interest in the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) across basic, translational and clinical research. Contemporaneously, tVNS can be achieved by stimulating either the auricular branch or the cervical bundle of the vagus nerve, referred to as transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation(VNS) and transcutaneous cervical VNS, respectively. In order to advance the field in a systematic manner, studies using these technologies need to adequately report sufficient methodological detail to enable comparison of results between studies, replication of studies, as well as enhancing study participant safety. We systematically reviewed the existing tVNS literature to evaluate current reporting practices. Based on this review, and consensus among participating authors, we propose a set of minimal reporting items to guide future tVNS studies. The suggested items address specific technical aspects of the device and stimulation parameters. We also cover general recommendations including inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants, outcome parameters and the detailed reporting of side effects. Furthermore, we review strategies used to identify the optimal stimulation parameters for a given research setting and summarize ongoing developments in animal research with potential implications for the application of tVNS in humans. Finally, we discuss the potential of tVNS in future research as well as the associated challenges across several disciplines in research and clinical practice. KW - transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation KW - minimum reporting standards KW - guidelines & recommendations KW - transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation KW - transcutaneous cervical vagus nerve stimulation Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234346 SN - 1662-5161 VL - 14 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Zyberaj, Jetmir A1 - Seibel, Sebastian A1 - Schowalter, Annika F. A1 - Pötz, Lennart A1 - Richter-Killenberg, Stefanie A1 - Volmer, Judith T1 - Developing sustainable careers during a pandemic: the role of psychological capital and career adaptability JF - Sustainability N2 - The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has not only had negative effects on employees' health, but also on their prospects to gain and maintain employment. Using a longitudinal research design with two measurement points, we investigated the ramifications of various psychological and organizational resources on employees' careers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, in a sample of German employees (N = 305), we investigated the role of psychological capital (PsyCap) for four career-related outcomes: career satisfaction, career engagement, coping with changes in career due to COVID-19, and career-related COVID-19 worries. We also employed leader–member exchange (LMX) as a moderator and career adaptability as a mediating variable in these relationships. Results from path analyses revealed a positive association between PsyCap and career satisfaction and career coping. Furthermore, PsyCap was indirectly related to career engagement through career adaptability. However, moderation analysis showed no moderating role of LMX on the link between PsyCap and career adaptability. Our study contributes to the systematic research concerning the role of psychological and organizational resources for employees' careers and well-being, especially for crisis contexts. KW - psychological capital KW - career adaptability KW - LMX KW - career engagement KW - career satisfaction KW - career coping KW - COVID-19 Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267286 SN - 2071-1050 VL - 14 IS - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kiser, Dominik P. A1 - Gromer, Daniel A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Hilger, Kirsten T1 - A virtual reality social conditioned place preference paradigm for humans: Does trait social anxiety affect approach and avoidance of virtual agents? JF - Frontiers in Virtual Reality N2 - Approach and avoidance of positive and negative social cues are fundamental to prevent isolation and ensure survival. High trait social anxiety is characterized by an avoidance of social situations and extensive avoidance is a risk factor for the development of social anxiety disorder (SAD). Therefore, experimental methods to assess social avoidance behavior in humans are essential. The social conditioned place preference (SCPP) paradigm is a well-established experimental paradigm in animal research that is used to objectively investigate social approach–avoidance mechanisms. We retranslated this paradigm for human research using virtual reality. To this end, 58 healthy adults were exposed to either a happy- or angry-looking virtual agent in a specific room, and the effects of this encounter on dwell time as well as evaluation of this room in a later test without an agent were examined. We did not observe a general SCPP effect on dwell time or ratings but discovered a moderation by trait social anxiety, in which participants with higher trait social anxiety spent less time in the room in which the angry agent was present before, suggesting that higher levels of trait social anxiety foster conditioned social avoidance. However, further studies are needed to verify this observation and substantiate an association with social anxiety disorder. We discussed the strengths, limitations, and technical implications of our paradigm for future investigations to more comprehensively understand the mechanisms involved in social anxiety and facilitate the development of new personalized treatment approaches by using virtual reality. KW - retranslational research KW - conditioned place preference KW - approach–avoidance KW - social anxiety KW - virtual reality KW - personality traits KW - individual differences Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-293564 SN - 2673-4192 VL - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Thiele, Jonas A. A1 - Richter, Aylin A1 - Hilger, Kirsten T1 - Multimodal brain signal complexity predicts human intelligence JF - eNeuro N2 - Spontaneous brain activity builds the foundation for human cognitive processing during external demands. Neuroimaging studies based on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) identified specific characteristics of spontaneous (intrinsic) brain dynamics to be associated with individual differences in general cognitive ability, i.e., intelligence. However, fMRI research is inherently limited by low temporal resolution, thus, preventing conclusions about neural fluctuations within the range of milliseconds. Here, we used resting-state electroencephalographical (EEG) recordings from 144 healthy adults to test whether individual differences in intelligence (Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices scores) can be predicted from the complexity of temporally highly resolved intrinsic brain signals. We compared different operationalizations of brain signal complexity (multiscale entropy, Shannon entropy, Fuzzy entropy, and specific characteristics of microstates) regarding their relation to intelligence. The results indicate that associations between brain signal complexity measures and intelligence are of small effect sizes (r ∼ 0.20) and vary across different spatial and temporal scales. Specifically, higher intelligence scores were associated with lower complexity in local aspects of neural processing, and less activity in task-negative brain regions belonging to the default-mode network. Finally, we combined multiple measures of brain signal complexity to show that individual intelligence scores can be significantly predicted with a multimodal model within the sample (10-fold cross-validation) as well as in an independent sample (external replication, N = 57). In sum, our results highlight the temporal and spatial dependency of associations between intelligence and intrinsic brain dynamics, proposing multimodal approaches as promising means for future neuroscientific research on complex human traits. KW - brain signal complexity KW - cognitive ability KW - EEG KW - intelligence KW - microstates KW - resting-state Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312949 VL - 10 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Grapp, Miriam A1 - Ell, Johanna A1 - Kiermeier, Senta A1 - Haun, Markus W. A1 - Kübler, Andrea A1 - Friederich, Hans-Christoph A1 - Maatouk, Imad T1 - Feasibility study of a self-guided internet-based intervention for family caregivers of patients with cancer (OAse) JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Despite high levels of distress, family caregivers of patients with cancer rarely seek psychosocial support and Internet-based interventions (IBIs) are a promising approach to reduce some access barriers. Therefore, we developed a self-guided IBI for family caregivers of patients with cancer (OAse), which, in addition to patients' spouses, also addresses other family members (e.g., adult children, parents). This study aimed to determine the feasibility of OAse (recruitment, dropout, adherence, participant satisfaction). Secondary outcomes were caregivers’ self-efficacy, emotional state, and supportive care needs. N = 41 family caregivers participated in the study (female: 65%), mostly spouses (71%), followed by children (20%), parents (7%), and friends (2%). Recruitment (47%), retention (68%), and adherence rates (76% completed at least 4 of 6 lessons) support the feasibility of OAse. Overall, the results showed a high degree of overall participant satisfaction (96%). There were no significant pre-post differences in secondary outcome criteria, but a trend toward improvement in managing difficult interactions/emotions (p = .06) and depression/anxiety (p = .06). Although the efficacy of the intervention remains to be investigated, our results suggest that OAse can be well implemented in caregivers’ daily lives and has the potential to improve family caregivers’ coping strategies. KW - cancer KW - oncology KW - psychology Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-300537 VL - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Postema, Merel C. A1 - Hoogman, Martine A1 - Ambrosino, Sara A1 - Asherson, Philip A1 - Banaschewski, Tobias A1 - Bandeira, Cibele E. A1 - Baranov, Alexandr A1 - Bau, Claiton H.D. A1 - Baumeister, Sarah A1 - Baur‐Streubel, Ramona A1 - Bellgrove, Mark A. A1 - Biederman, Joseph A1 - Bralten, Janita A1 - Brandeis, Daniel A1 - Brem, Silvia A1 - Buitelaar, Jan K. A1 - Busatto, Geraldo F. A1 - Castellanos, Francisco X. A1 - Cercignani, Mara A1 - Chaim‐Avancini, Tiffany M. A1 - Chantiluke, Kaylita C. A1 - Christakou, Anastasia A1 - Coghill, David A1 - Conzelmann, Annette A1 - Cubillo, Ana I. A1 - Cupertino, Renata B. A1 - de Zeeuw, Patrick A1 - Doyle, Alysa E. A1 - Durston, Sarah A1 - Earl, Eric A. A1 - Epstein, Jeffery N. A1 - Ethofer, Thomas A1 - Fair, Damien A. A1 - Fallgatter, Andreas J. A1 - Faraone, Stephen V. A1 - Frodl, Thomas A1 - Gabel, Matt C. A1 - Gogberashvili, Tinatin A1 - Grevet, Eugenio H. A1 - Haavik, Jan A1 - Harrison, Neil A. A1 - Hartman, Catharina A. A1 - Heslenfeld, Dirk J. A1 - Hoekstra, Pieter J. A1 - Hohmann, Sarah A1 - Høvik, Marie F. A1 - Jernigan, Terry L. A1 - Kardatzki, Bernd A1 - Karkashadze, Georgii A1 - Kelly, Clare A1 - Kohls, Gregor A1 - Konrad, Kerstin A1 - Kuntsi, Jonna A1 - Lazaro, Luisa A1 - Lera‐Miguel, Sara A1 - Lesch, Klaus‐Peter A1 - Louza, Mario R. A1 - Lundervold, Astri J. A1 - Malpas, Charles B A1 - Mattos, Paulo A1 - McCarthy, Hazel A1 - Namazova‐Baranova, Leyla A1 - Nicolau, Rosa A1 - Nigg, Joel T. A1 - Novotny, Stephanie E. A1 - Oberwelland Weiss, Eileen A1 - O'Gorman Tuura, Ruth L. A1 - Oosterlaan, Jaap A1 - Oranje, Bob A1 - Paloyelis, Yannis A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Picon, Felipe A. A1 - Plessen, Kerstin J. A1 - Ramos‐Quiroga, J. Antoni A1 - Reif, Andreas A1 - Reneman, Liesbeth A1 - Rosa, Pedro G.P. A1 - Rubia, Katya A1 - Schrantee, Anouk A1 - Schweren, Lizanne J.S. A1 - Seitz, Jochen A1 - Shaw, Philip A1 - Silk, Tim J. A1 - Skokauskas, Norbert A1 - Soliva Vila, Juan C. A1 - Stevens, Michael C. A1 - Sudre, Gustavo A1 - Tamm, Leanne A1 - Tovar‐Moll, Fernanda A1 - van Erp, Theo G.M. A1 - Vance, Alasdair A1 - Vilarroya, Oscar A1 - Vives‐Gilabert, Yolanda A1 - von Polier, Georg G. A1 - Walitza, Susanne A1 - Yoncheva, Yuliya N. A1 - Zanetti, Marcus V. A1 - Ziegler, Georg C. A1 - Glahn, David C. A1 - Jahanshad, Neda A1 - Medland, Sarah E. A1 - Thompson, Paul M. A1 - Fisher, Simon E. A1 - Franke, Barbara A1 - Francks, Clyde T1 - Analysis of structural brain asymmetries in attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 39 datasets JF - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry N2 - Objective Some studies have suggested alterations of structural brain asymmetry in attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but findings have been contradictory and based on small samples. Here, we performed the largest ever analysis of brain left‐right asymmetry in ADHD, using 39 datasets of the ENIGMA consortium. Methods We analyzed asymmetry of subcortical and cerebral cortical structures in up to 1,933 people with ADHD and 1,829 unaffected controls. Asymmetry Indexes (AIs) were calculated per participant for each bilaterally paired measure, and linear mixed effects modeling was applied separately in children, adolescents, adults, and the total sample, to test exhaustively for potential associations of ADHD with structural brain asymmetries. Results There was no evidence for altered caudate nucleus asymmetry in ADHD, in contrast to prior literature. In children, there was less rightward asymmetry of the total hemispheric surface area compared to controls (t = 2.1, p = .04). Lower rightward asymmetry of medial orbitofrontal cortex surface area in ADHD (t = 2.7, p = .01) was similar to a recent finding for autism spectrum disorder. There were also some differences in cortical thickness asymmetry across age groups. In adults with ADHD, globus pallidus asymmetry was altered compared to those without ADHD. However, all effects were small (Cohen’s d from −0.18 to 0.18) and would not survive study‐wide correction for multiple testing. Conclusion Prior studies of altered structural brain asymmetry in ADHD were likely underpowered to detect the small effects reported here. Altered structural asymmetry is unlikely to provide a useful biomarker for ADHD, but may provide neurobiological insights into the trait. KW - attention‐deficit KW - hyperactivity disorder KW - brain asymmetry KW - brain laterality KW - structural MRI KW - large‐scale data Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239968 VL - 62 IS - 10 SP - 1202 EP - 1219 ER - TY - THES A1 - Mitschke, Vanessa T1 - Facing Enemies. Modulation of Revenge Interactions based on Opponent State Indicators of Suffering T1 - Im Angesicht des Feindes. Die Modulation von Racheinteraktionen basierend auf der Wahrnehmung von Leid Indikatoren innerhalb des Gegners N2 - Research on revenge often treats vengeful acts as singular one-way experiences, an approach which fails to account for the social nature and functions of revenge. This dissertation aims to integrate emotional punishment reactions into dynamic revenge sequences to investigate the affective and cognitive consequences of revenge within a social interaction. Exacting revenge can evoke intense affective consequences, from feelings of guilt to the genuine enjoyment of the suffering of others. In Chapter 2, affective responses towards suffering opponents and the regulation of aggression based on the appraisal of distinct suffering indicators were investigated. Results indicate that the observation of opponent pain evokes positive affect (measured via facial muscle contractions during the observation), which is followed by a downregulation of subsequent punishment. Both, positive affective reactions and the downregulation of punishment, were only observed following pain and not sadness expressions. Empathic distress, indexed by negative affective reactions, was only present following the observation of pain in non-provoking opponents. Showcasing the modulation of empathy related processes due to provocation and competition. In Chapter 3, a significant escalation of punishment, when being confronted with Schadenfreude, was observed. Results are interpreted as supporting the assumption that opponent monitoring processes inform subsequent action selection. The observation of opponent smiles led to imitation behavior (facial mimicry), which was partially attenuated due to previous provocation. The different functions of smile mimicry in the context of the aggressive competitive setting are discussed as containing simulation aspects (to aid in opponent understanding) and as a potential mirroring of dominance gestures, to avoid submission. In an additional series of studies, which are presented in Chapter 4, changes in memory of opponent faces following vengeful encounters were measured. Based on provocation, and punishment outcomes (pain & anger), face memory was distorted, resulting in more positive representations of opponents that expressed pain. These results are discussed as evidence of the impact of outcome appraisals in the formation of opponent representations and are theorized to aid empathy avoidance in future interactions. The comparison of desired and observed opponent states, is theorized to result in appraisals of the punishment outcomes, which evoke affective states, inform the action selection of subsequent punishments, and are integrated into the representation of the opponent in memory. Overall, the results indicate that suffering cues that are congruent with the chosen punishment action are appraised as positive, evoking an increase in positive affect. The emergence of positive affect during the observation of successful aggressive actions supports recent theories about the chronification of aggressive behavior based on reinforcement learning. To allow positive affect to emerge, affective empathic responses, such as distress, are theorized to be suppressed to facilitate the goal attainment process. The suffering of the opponent constitutes the proximate goal during revenge taking, which highlights the importance of a theoretical differentiation of proximate and ultimate goals in revenge to allow for a deeper understanding of the underlying motives of complex revenge behavior. N2 - Die bisherige Forschung zu den Mechanismen von Racheverhalten behandelt die Ausübung von Rache häufig als eine singuläre und unilaterale Erfahrung. Diese Herangehensweise berücksichtigt den sozialen Kontext und die Funktion von Rache nur unzureichend. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, mittels empirischer Befunde emotionale Reaktionen in dynamische Rachesequenzen zu integrieren. Die Ausübung von Rache kann intensive affektive Zustände wie Schuldgefühle bis hin zu dem Empfinden von Freude über das Leid Anderer (Schadenfreude) auslösen. In Kapitel 2 werden Ergebnisse geschildert, welche die unterschiedlichen affektiven Reaktionen des Aggressors in Abhängigkeit zu Indikatoren des Leides des Gegners untersuchen. Im Rahmen der durchgeführten Studien wurde eine positive Reaktion (gemessen anhand von fazialen Muskelaktivierungen) während der Beobachtung von Schmerzausdrücken des Gegners beobachtet. Die positive affektive Reaktion geht mit einer Reduktion der darauffolgenden Strafe einher. Sowohl der positive Affekt als auch die Reduktion von Strafe wurden nur in Folge von Schmerzindikatoren und nicht nach Ausdrücken von Trauer beobachtet. Empathischer Stress nach ausgeführten Rachehandlungen, indiziert durch negative affektive Reaktionen, wurde nur gezeigt, nachdem nicht-provokative Gegner Schmerzreaktionen zeigten. Dies zeigt die Modulation von empathischen Prozessen in Abhängigkeit von Provokation und Konkurrenz. Kapitel 3 beschreibt die signifikante Eskalation von aggressiven Interaktionen durch eine Konfrontation mit Schadenfreude des Gegners während der Bestrafung. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass die Beobachtung des Gegnerzustandes während der gesamten Interaktion die Wahl von Handlungen beeinflusst. Die Beobachtung des Lächelns beim Gegenüber führt zu Nachahmungsverhalten (faziale Mimikry), welches durch vorherige Provokation graduell abgeschwächt wird. Die verschiedenen Funktionen der Mimikry des Lächelns im Kontext einer aggressiv kompetitiven Situation enthalten Elemente von Simulation, zum besseren Verständnis der Gegnerreaktion, und dienen dazu als potenzielle Reaktion auf Dominanzverhalten Submission zu vermeiden. In einer weiteren Experimentalreihe, beschrieben in Kapitel 4, wird die Integration von erlebter Provokation und daraus resultierenden empfundenen Ärger in die Erinnerung an den Gegner demonstriert. Ergebnisse dieser Studienreine legen nahe, dass die Repräsentation des Gesichtes des Gegners in der Erinnerung basierend auf vorheriger Provokation und distinkten emotionalen gegnerischen Reaktionen auf Strafe (Schmerz & Ärger) systematisch variiert. Gegner, welche Schmerzreaktionen zeigten, wurden mit positiveren Gesichtskonfigurationen repräsentiert, im Gegensatz zu Gegnern, welche Ärger zeigten. Diese Ergebnisse werden als Belege für den Einfluss von Ergebnisbewertungen auf die Formation von Gegnerrepräsentationen und ihren potenziellen Nutzen für die Vermeidung von Empathie in zukünftigen Auseinandersetzungen diskutiert. Aus dem Abgleich zwischen dem gewünschten und beobachteten gegnerischen Reaktionen resultiert eine Bewertung des Erfolgs der Strafe. Dieser Bewertungsvorgang kann positive Affekte auslösen, die als Information in die Wahl der nächsten Handlung einfließen und die Repräsentation des Gegners in der Erinnerung verändern. Die Ergebnisse der hier dargestellten Studien deuten darauf hin, dass Signale des Leidens, die unmittelbar kongruent zu den zuvor gewählten Strafhandlungen sind, als positiv bewertet werden und somit zu einem unmittelbar erlebten positiven Affekt führen. Das Vorhandensein von positivem Affekt während der Beobachtung des leidenden Gegners nach erfolgreicher Bestrafung stimmt mit neueren Forschungsansätzen überein, die Verstärkungslernen als zentralen Prozess bei der Chronifizierung von aggressivem Verhalten postulieren. Das Auftreten von positivem Affekt wird durch die Herabsetzung von affektiv empathischen Prozessen gegenüber dem Gegner ermöglicht. Die Unterdrückung von affektiver Empathie erleichtert hierbei den Prozess der Zielerreichung. Das Leid des Gegners wird als proximales Ziel der Rachehandlung diskutiert. Eine Unterscheidung zwischen proximalen und distalen Zielen bei der Ausübung von Rache ermöglicht ein tieferes Verständnis für die zugrundeliegende Motive komplexen Racheverhaltens. KW - Aggression KW - Revenge KW - Emotion KW - punishment KW - suffering Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299389 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schumann, Frank A1 - Steinborn, Michael B. A1 - Kürten, Jens A1 - Cao, Liyu A1 - Händel, Barbara Friederike A1 - Huestegge, Lynn T1 - Restoration of attention by rest in a multitasking world: theory, methodology, and empirical evidence JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - In this work, we evaluate the status of both theory and empirical evidence in the field of experimental rest-break research based on a framework that combines mental-chronometry and psychometric-measurement theory. To this end, we (1) provide a taxonomy of rest breaks according to which empirical studies can be classified (e.g., by differentiating between long, short, and micro-rest breaks based on context and temporal properties). Then, we (2) evaluate the theorizing in both the basic and applied fields of research and explain how popular concepts (e.g., ego depletion model, opportunity cost theory, attention restoration theory, action readiness, etc.) relate to each other in contemporary theoretical debates. Here, we highlight differences between all these models in the light of two symbolic categories, termed the resource-based and satiation-based model, including aspects related to the dynamics and the control (strategic or non-strategic) mechanisms at work. Based on a critical assessment of existing methodological and theoretical approaches, we finally (3) provide a set of guidelines for both theory building and future empirical approaches to the experimental study of rest breaks. We conclude that a psychometrically advanced and theoretically focused research of rest and recovery has the potential to finally provide a sound scientific basis to eventually mitigate the adverse effects of ever increasing task demands on performance and well-being in a multitasking world at work and leisure. KW - rest breaks KW - attention restoration theory KW - cognitive resources KW - mental fatigue KW - ego depletion KW - multitasking KW - energy management KW - motivated cognition Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267913 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 13 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Ziebell, Philipp A1 - Müller, Mathias A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - Standardizing continuous data classifications in a virtual T-maze using two-layer feedforward networks JF - Scientific Reports N2 - There continues to be difficulties when it comes to replication of studies in the field of Psychology. In part, this may be caused by insufficiently standardized analysis methods that may be subject to state dependent variations in performance. In this work, we show how to easily adapt the two-layer feedforward neural network architecture provided by Huang1 to a behavioral classification problem as well as a physiological classification problem which would not be solvable in a standardized way using classical regression or “simple rule” approaches. In addition, we provide an example for a new research paradigm along with this standardized analysis method. This paradigm as well as the analysis method can be adjusted to any necessary modification or applied to other paradigms or research questions. Hence, we wanted to show that two-layer feedforward neural networks can be used to increase standardization as well as replicability and illustrate this with examples based on a virtual T-maze paradigm\(^{2−5}\) including free virtual movement via joystick and advanced physiological data signal processing. KW - standardized analysis method KW - neural network architecture KW - two‑layer feedforward networks Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301096 VL - 12 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kirsch, Wladimir A1 - Kunde, Wilfried T1 - Perceptual changes after learning of an arbitrary mapping between vision and hand movements JF - Scientific Reports N2 - The present study examined the perceptual consequences of learning arbitrary mappings between visual stimuli and hand movements. Participants moved a small cursor with their unseen hand twice to a large visual target object and then judged either the relative distance of the hand movements (Exp.1), or the relative number of dots that appeared in the two consecutive target objects (Exp.2) using a two-alternative forced choice method. During a learning phase, the numbers of dots that appeared in the target object were correlated with the hand movement distance. In Exp.1, we observed that after the participants were trained to expect many dots with larger hand movements, they judged movements made to targets with many dots as being longer than the same movements made to targets with few dots. In Exp.2, another group of participants who received the same training judged the same number of dots as smaller when larger rather than smaller hand movements were executed. When many dots were paired with smaller hand movements during the learning phase of both experiments, no significant changes in the perception of movements and of visual stimuli were observed. These results suggest that changes in the perception of body states and of external objects can arise when certain body characteristics co-occur with certain characteristics of the environment. They also indicate that the (dis)integration of multimodal perceptual signals depends not only on the physical or statistical relation between these signals, but on which signal is currently attended. KW - vision KW - hand movements KW - learning arbitrary mappings Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301074 VL - 12 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Paelecke-Habermann, Yvonne A1 - Paelecke, Marko A1 - Mauth, Juliane A1 - Tschisgale, Juliane A1 - Lindenmeyer, Johannes A1 - Kübler, Andrea T1 - A comparison of implicit and explicit reward learning in low risk alcohol users versus people who binge drink and people with alcohol dependence JF - Addictive Behaviors Reports N2 - Chronic alcohol use leads to specific neurobiological alterations in the dopaminergic brain reward system, which probably are leading to a reward deficiency syndrome in alcohol dependence. The purpose of our study was to examine the effects of such hypothesized neurobiological alterations on the behavioral level, and more precisely on the implicit and explicit reward learning. Alcohol users were classified as dependent drinkers (using the DSM-IV criteria), binge drinkers (using criteria of the USA National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) or low-risk drinkers (following recommendations of the Scientific board of trustees of the German Health Ministry). The final sample (n = 94) consisted of 36 low-risk alcohol users, 37 binge drinkers and 21 abstinent alcohol dependent patients. Participants were administered a probabilistic implicit reward learning task and an explicit reward- and punishment-based trial-and-error-learning task. Alcohol dependent patients showed a lower performance in implicit and explicit reward learning than low risk drinkers. Binge drinkers learned less than low-risk drinkers in the implicit learning task. The results support the assumption that binge drinking and alcohol dependence are related to a chronic reward deficit. Binge drinking accompanied by implicit reward learning deficits could increase the risk for the development of an alcohol dependence. KW - Alcohol dependence KW - Binge drinking KW - Low risk alcohol use KW - Implicit and explicit reward learning Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201406 VL - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Liesner, Marvin A1 - Reutter, Mario A1 - Mussel, Patrick A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - It's costly punishment, not altruistic: Low midfrontal theta and state anger predict punishment JF - Psychophysiology N2 - Punishment in economic games has been interpreted as “altruistic.” However, it was shown that punishment is related to trait anger instead of trait altruism in a third‐party dictator game if compensation is also available. Here, we investigated the influence of state anger on punishment and compensation in the third‐party dictator game. Therefore, we used movie sequences for emotional priming, including the target states anger, happy, and neutral. We measured the Feedback‐Related Negativity (FRN) and midfrontal theta band activation, to investigate an electro‐cortical correlate of the processing of fair and unfair offers. Also, we assessed single‐trial FRN and midfrontal theta band activation as a predictor for punishment and compensation. We found that punishment was linked to state anger. Midfrontal theta band activation, which has previously been linked to altruistic acts and cognitive control, predicted less punishment. Additionally, trait anger led to enhanced FRN for unfair offers. This led to the interpretation that the FRN depicts the evaluation of fairness, while midfrontal theta band activation captures an aspect of cognitive control and altruistic motivation. We conclude that we need to redefine “altruistic punishment” into “costly punishment,” as no direct link of altruism and punishment is given. Additionally, midfrontal theta band activation complements the FRN and offers additional insights into complex responses and decision processes, especially as a single trial predictor.  KW - altruistic compensation KW - costly punishment KW - FRN KW - midfrontal theta activation KW - third party dictator game Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-214696 VL - 57 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Ulrich, Natalie A1 - Mussel, Patrick A1 - Carlo, Gustavo A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - Measuring prosocial tendencies in Germany: sources of validity and reliablity of the revised prosocial tendency measure JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - The prosocial tendencies measure (PTM; Carlo and Randall, 2002) is a widely used measurement for prosocial tendencies in English speaking participants. This instrument distinguishes between six different types of prosocial tendencies that partly share some common basis, but also can be opposed to each other. To examine these constructs in Germany, a study with 1067 participants was conducted. The study investigated the structure of this German version of the PTM-R via exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlations with similar constructs in subsamples as well as via measurement invariance test concerning the original English version. The German translation showed a similar factor structure to the English version in exploratory factor analysis and in confirmatory factor analysis. Measurement invariance was found between the English and German language versions of the PTM and support for the proposed six-factor structure (altruistic, anonymous, compliant, dire, emotional and public prosocial behavior) was also found in confirmatory factor analysis. Furthermore, the expected interrelations of these factors of prosocial behavior tendencies were obtained. Finally, correlations of the prosocial behavior tendencies with validating constructs and behaviors were found. Thus, the findings stress the importance of seeing prosocial behavior not as a single dimension construct, but as a factored construct which now can also be assessed in German speaking participants. KW - measurement invariance KW - prosocial tendency measure KW - prosocial behavior KW - altruism KW - validation KW - German translation Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159351 VL - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Marzban, Dorna A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - The influence of mental imagery expertise of pen and paper players versus computer gamers upon performance and electrocortical correlates in a difficult mental rotation task JF - Symmetry N2 - We investigated the influence of mental imagery expertise in 15 pen and paper role-players as an expert group compared to the gender-matched control group of computer role-players in the difficult Vandenberg and Kuse mental rotation task. In this task, the participants have to decide which two of four rotated figures match the target figure. The dependent measures were performance speed and accuracy. In our exploratory investigation, we further examined midline frontal theta band activation, parietal alpha band activation, and parietal alpha band asymmetry in EEG as indicator for the chosen rotation strategy. Additionally, we explored the gender influence on performance and EEG activation, although a very small female sample section was given. The expected gender difference concerning performance accuracy was negated by expertise in pen and paper role-playing women, while the gender-specific difference in performance speed was preserved. Moreover, gender differences concerning electro-cortical measures revealed differences in rotation strategy, with women using top-down strategies compared to men, who were using top-down strategies and active inhibition of associative cortical areas. These strategy uses were further moderated by expertise, with higher expertise leading to more pronounced activation patters, especially during successful performance. However, due to the very limited sample size, the findings of this explorative study have to be interpreted cautiously. KW - mental rotation KW - expertise in visual imagery KW - pen and paper vs. computer role-players KW - midline frontal theta band frequency activation KW - parietal alpha band frequency activation KW - gender influence KW - EEG Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252253 SN - 2073-8994 VL - 13 IS - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krishna, Anand A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Mitschke, Vanessa A1 - Eder, Andreas B. T1 - Self-reported mask-related worrying reduces relative avoidance bias toward unmasked faces in individuals with low Covid19 anxiety syndrome JF - Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications N2 - Facial masks have become and may remain ubiquitous. Though important for preventing infection, they may also serve as a reminder of the risks of disease. Thus, they may either act as cues for threat, priming avoidance-related behavior, or as cues for a safe interaction, priming social approach. To distinguish between these possibilities, we assessed implicit and explicit evaluations of masked individuals as well as avoidance bias toward relatively unsafe interactions with unmasked individuals in an approach-avoidance task in an online study. We further assessed Covid19 anxiety and specific attitudes toward mask-wearing, including mask effectiveness and desirability, hindrance of communication from masks, aesthetic appeal of masks, and mask-related worrying. Across one sample of younger (18–35 years, N = 147) and one of older adults (60+ years, N = 150), we found neither an average approach nor avoidance bias toward mask-wearing compared to unmasked individuals in the indirect behavior measurement task. However, across the combined sample, self-reported mask-related worrying correlated with reduced avoidance tendencies toward unmasked individuals when Covid19 anxiety was low, but not when it was high. This relationship was specific to avoidance tendencies and was not observed in respect to explicit or implicit preference for mask-wearing individuals. We conclude that unsafe interaction styles may be reduced by targeting mask-related worrying with public interventions, in particular for populations that otherwise have low generalized Covid19 anxiety. KW - approach-avoidance KW - Covid19 KW - masks KW - anxiety Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-265720 VL - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Nagowski, Natalie A1 - Mussel, Patrick A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - Altruistic punishment is connected to trait anger, not trait altruism, if compensation is available JF - Heliyon N2 - Altruistic punishment and altruistic compensation are important concepts that are used to investigate altruism. However, altruistic punishment has been found to be correlated with anger. We were interested whether altruistic punishment and altruistic compensation are both driven by trait altruism and trait anger or whether the influence of those two traits is more specific to one of the behavioral options. We found that if the participants were able to apply altruistic compensation and altruistic punishment together in one paradigm, trait anger only predicts altruistic punishment and trait altruism only predicts altruistic compensation. Interestingly, these relations are disguised in classical altruistic punishment and altruistic compensation paradigms where participants can either only punish or compensate. Hence altruistic punishment and altruistic compensation paradigms should be merged together if one is interested in trait altruism without the confounding influence of trait anger. KW - psychology KW - altruism KW - altruistic punishment KW - altruistic compensation KW - anger Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177669 VL - 4 IS - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Weiß, Martin A1 - Rodrigues, Johannes A1 - Paelecke, Marko A1 - Hewig, Johannes T1 - We, Them, and It: Dictator Game Offers Depend on Hierarchical Social Status, Artificial Intelligence, and Social Dominance JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - We investigated the influence of social status on behavior in a modified dictator game (DG). Since the DG contains an inherent dominance gradient, we examined the relationship between dictator decisions and recipient status, which was operationalized by three social identities and an artificial intelligence (AI). Additionally, we examined the predictive value of social dominance orientation (SDO) on the behavior of dictators toward the different social and non-social hierarchical recipients. A multilevel model analysis showed that recipients with the same status as the dictator benefited the most and the artificial intelligence the least. Furthermore, SDO, regardless of social status, predicted behavior toward recipients in such a way that higher dominance was associated with lower dictator offers. In summary, participants treated other persons of higher and lower status equally, those of equal status better and, above all, an algorithm worst. The large proportion of female participants and the limited variance of SDO should be taken into account with regard to the results of individual differences in SDO. KW - decision-making KW - dictator game KW - personality KW - social dominance KW - social status Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218168 SN - 1664-1078 VL - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lenhard, Alexandra A1 - Lenhard, Wolfgang A1 - Gary, Sebastian T1 - Continuous norming of psychometric tests: A simulation study of parametric and semi-parametric approaches JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Continuous norming methods have seldom been subjected to scientific review. In this simulation study, we compared parametric with semi-parametric continuous norming methods in psychometric tests by constructing a fictitious population model within which a latent ability increases with age across seven age groups. We drew samples of different sizes (n = 50, 75, 100, 150, 250, 500 and 1,000 per age group) and simulated the results of an easy, medium, and difficult test scale based on Item Response Theory (IRT). We subjected the resulting data to different continuous norming methods and compared the data fit under the different test conditions with a representative cross-validation dataset of n = 10,000 per age group. The most significant differences were found in suboptimal (i.e., too easy or too difficult) test scales and in ability levels that were far from the population mean. We discuss the results with regard to the selection of the appropriate modeling techniques in psychometric test construction, the required sample sizes, and the requirement to report appropriate quantitative and qualitative test quality criteria for continuous norming methods in test manuals. KW - statistical models KW - simulation and modeling KW - psychometrics KW - age groups KW - skewness KW - normal distribution KW - polynomials KW - statistical distributions Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200480 VL - 14 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Roth, Jenny A1 - Steffens, Melanie C. A1 - Vignoles, Vivian L. T1 - Group membership, group change, and intergroup attitudes: a recategorization model based on cognitive consistency principles JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - The present article introduces a model based on cognitive consistency principles to predict how new identities become integrated into the self-concept, with consequences for intergroup attitudes. The model specifies four concepts (self-concept, stereotypes, identification, and group compatibility) as associative connections. The model builds on two cognitive principles, balance-congruity and imbalance-dissonance, to predict identification with social groups that people currently belong to, belonged to in the past, or newly belong to. More precisely, the model suggests that the relative strength of self-group associations (i.e., identification) depends in part on the (in)compatibility of the different social groups. Combining insights into cognitive representation of knowledge, intergroup bias, and explicit/implicit attitude change, we further derive predictions for intergroup attitudes. We suggest that intergroup attitudes alter depending on the relative associative strength between the social groups and the self, which in turn is determined by the (in)compatibility between social groups. This model unifies existing models on the integration of social identities into the self-concept by suggesting that basic cognitive mechanisms play an important role in facilitating or hindering identity integration and thus contribute to reducing or increasing intergroup bias. KW - cognitive balance KW - cognitive dissonance KW - group change KW - identity integration KW - intergroup bias KW - social identification KW - recategorization KW - prejudice Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175569 VL - 9 IS - 479 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Müller, Bettina A1 - Richter, Tobias A1 - Karageorgos, Panagiotis A1 - Krawietz, Sabine A1 - Ennemoser, Marco T1 - Effects of a syllable-based reading intervention in poor-reading fourth graders JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - In transparent orthographies, persistent reading fluency difficulties are a major cause of poor reading skills in primary school. The purpose of the present study was to investigate effects of a syllable-based reading intervention on word reading fluency and reading comprehension among German-speaking poor readers in Grade 4. The 16-session intervention was based on analyzing the syllabic structure of words to strengthen the mental representations of syllables and words that consist of these syllables. The training materials were designed using the 500 most frequent syllables typically read by fourth graders. The 75 poor readers were randomly allocated to the treatment or the control group. Results indicate a significant and strong effect on the fluency of recognizing single words, whereas text-level reading comprehension was not significantly improved by the training. The specific treatment effect provides evidence that a short syllable-based approach works even in older poor readers at the end of primary school. KW - word reading fluency KW - syllable-based intervention KW - older poor readers KW - primary school KW - reading comprehension Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158841 VL - 8 IS - 1635 ER - TY - THES A1 - Weller, Lisa T1 - How to not act? Cognitive foundations of intentional nonactions T1 - Wie handelt man nicht? - Kognitive Grundlagen von intentionalen Nichthandlungen N2 - Human actions are generally not determined by external stimuli, but by internal goals and by the urge to evoke desired effects in the environment. To reach these effects, humans typically have to act. But at times, deciding not to act can be better suited or even the only way to reach a desired effect. What mental processes are involved when people decide not to act to reach certain effects? From the outside it may seem that nothing remarkable is happening, because no action can be observed. However, I present three studies which disclose the cognitive processes that control nonactions. The present experiments address situations where people intentionally decide to omit certain actions in order to produce a predictable effect in the environment. These experiments are based on the ideomotor hypothesis, which suggests that bidirectional associations can be formed between actions and the resulting effects. Because of these associations, anticipating the effects can in turn activate the respective action. The results of the present experiments show that associations can be formed between nonactions (i.e., the intentional decision not to act) and the resulting effects. Due to these associations, perceiving the nonaction effects encourages not acting (Exp. 1–3). What is more, planning a nonaction seems to come with an activation of the effects that inevitably follow the nonaction (Exp. 4–5). These results suggest that the ideomotor hypothesis can be expanded to nonactions and that nonactions are cognitively represented in terms of their sensory effects. Furthermore, nonaction effects can elicit a sense of agency (Exp. 6–8). That is, even though people refrain from acting, the resulting nonaction effects are perceived as self-produced effects. In a nutshell, these findings demonstrate that intentional nonactions include specific mechanisms and processes, which are involved, for instance, in effect anticipation and the sense of agency. This means that, while it may seem that nothing remarkable is happening when people decide not to act, complex processes run on the inside, which are also involved in intentional actions. N2 - Menschliches Verhalten ist im Allgemeinen nicht reizbestimmt, sondern zielgerichtet und hat die Absicht gewünschte Effekte in der Umwelt hervorzurufen. Häufig müssen Menschen eine Handlung ausführen, um diese Effekte zu erreichen. Manche Effekte können allerdings besser oder sogar nur dann erreicht werden, wenn man sich entscheidet nicht zu handeln. Welche mentalen Prozesse finden aber statt, wenn Menschen sich entscheiden nicht zu handeln? Oberflächlich betrachtet scheint es als würde nichts weiter Bemerkenswertes ablaufen, da keine Handlung zu beobachten ist. In drei Experimentalreihen zeige ich aber die kognitiven Prozesse auf, die das Nichthandeln kontrollieren. In den vorliegenden Experimenten werden Situationen untersucht, in denen sich Menschen entscheiden nicht zu handeln, um vorhersehbare Effekte zu erzeugen. Die Experimente basieren auf der ideomotorischen Hypothese, die annimmt, dass bidirektionale Assoziationen zwischen Handlungen und den resultierenden Effekten gebildet werden können. Dadurch kann eine Vorstellung der Effekte wiederum die verbundene Handlung hervorrufen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Assoziationen auch zwischen Nichthandlungen und den daraus resultierenden Effekten gebildet werden können. Diese Assoziationen führen dazu, dass die Wahrnehmung der Effekte selbst die Nichthandlung hervorrufen kann (Exp. 1–3). Außerdem scheint die Planung einer Nichthandlung automatisch eine Vorstellung der assoziierten Effekte zu aktivieren (Exp. 4–5). Diese Befunde legen nahe, dass die ideomotorische Hypothese auch auf Nichthandlungen übertragen werden kann und dass Nichthandlungen kognitiv durch die Effekte, die sie hervorrufen, repräsentiert sind. Darüber hinaus scheinen Menschen ein Verursachungsgefühl (“Sense of Agency”) für die Effekte ihrer Nichthandlungen zu haben (Exp. 6–8). Das bedeutet, dass die resultierenden Effekte (obwohl nicht gehandelt wurde) wie selbsterzeugte Effekte wahrgenommen werden können. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Experimente, dass intentionale Nichthandlungen von spezifischen Mechanismen und Prozessen begleitet werden, die z.B. bei der Effektantizipation und dem Sense of Agency involviert sind. Obwohl es also von außen so scheint, als würde nichts Bemerkenswertes passieren, wenn Menschen intentional nicht handeln, laufen im Inneren komplexe Prozesse ab wie beim intentionalen Handeln. KW - Intention KW - Kognition KW - Ideomotor Theory KW - Sense of Agency KW - Intentional Nonaction KW - Ideomotorik KW - Intentionale Nichthandlung KW - Aktionsforschung KW - Experimentelle Psychologie Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176678 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Flechsenhar, Aleya Felicia A1 - Gamer, Matthias T1 - Top-down influence on gaze patterns in the presence of social features JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Visual saliency maps reflecting locations that stand out from the background in terms of their low-level physical features have proven to be very useful for empirical research on attentional exploration and reliably predict gaze behavior. In the present study we tested these predictions for socially relevant stimuli occurring in naturalistic scenes using eye tracking. We hypothesized that social features (i.e. human faces or bodies) would be processed preferentially over non-social features (i.e. objects, animals) regardless of their low-level saliency. To challenge this notion, we included three tasks that deliberately addressed non-social attributes. In agreement with our hypothesis, social information, especially heads, was preferentially attended compared to highly salient image regions across all tasks. Social information was never required to solve a task but was regarded nevertheless. More so, after completing the task requirements, viewing behavior reverted back to that of free-viewing with heavy prioritization of social features. Additionally, initial eye movements reflecting potentially automatic shifts of attention, were predominantly directed towards heads irrespective of top-down task demands. On these grounds, we suggest that social stimuli may provide exclusive access to the priority map, enabling social attention to override reflexive and controlled attentional processes. Furthermore, our results challenge the generalizability of saliency-based attention models. KW - eye movements KW - social features KW - visual saliency KW - gaze KW - face KW - attention Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170468 VL - 12 IS - 8 ER - TY - THES A1 - Adel Abdelrehim Mohamed Soliman, Hadya T1 - Structural Equation Modeling of Factors Influencing EFL Reading comprehension: Comparative study between Egypt and Germany T1 - Strukturgleichungsmodellierung von Faktoren, die das EFL-Leseverständnis beeinflussen: Vergleichende Studie zwischen Ägypten und Deutschland N2 - In most foreign language learning contexts, there are only rare chance for contact with native speakers of the target language. In such a situation, reading plays an important role in language acquisition as well as in gaining cultural information about the target language and its speakers. Previous research indicated that reading in foreign language is a complex process, which is influenced by various linguistic, cognitive and affective factors. The aim of the present study was to test two structural models of the relationship between reading comprehension in native language (L1), English language (L2) reading motivation, metacognitive awareness of L2 reading strategies, and reading comprehension of English as a foreign language among the two samples. Furthermore, the current study aimed to examine the differences between Egyptian and German students in their perceived usage of reading strategies during reading English texts, as well as to explore the pattern of their motivation toward reading English texts. For this purpose, 401 students were recruited from Germany (n=200) and Egypt (n=201) to participate in the current study. In order to have information about metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, a self-report questionnaire (SORS) developed by Moktari and Sheory (2002) was used. While the L2 reading motivation variable, was measured by a reading motivation survey (L2RMQ) which was based on reviewed reading motivation research. In addition, two reading tests were administrated one to measure reading comprehension for native language (German/Arabic) and the other to measure English reading comprehension. To analyze the collected data, descriptive statistics and independent t-tests were performed. In addition, further analysis using structural equation modeling was applied to test the strength of relationships between the variables under study. The results from the current research revealed that L1 reading comprehension, whether in a German or Arabic language, had the strongest relationship with L2 reading comprehension. However, the relationship between L2 intrinsic reading motivation was not proven to be significant in either the German or Egyptian models. On the other hand, the relationship between L2 extrinsic reading motivation, metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, and L2 reading comprehension was only proven significant in the German sample. The discussion of these results along with their pedagogical implications for education and practice will be illustrated in the following study. N2 - In den meisten Kontexten des Fremdsprachenlernens gibt es nur selten eine Chance auf Kontakt mit Muttersprachlern der Zielsprache. In einer solchen Situation spielt das Lesen eine wichtige Rolle beim Spracherwerb sowie bei der Gewinnung kultureller Informationen über die Zielsprache und ihre Sprecher. Frühere Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass das Lesen in der Fremdsprache ein komplexer Prozess ist, der von verschiedenen linguistischen, kognitiven und affektiven Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, zwei Strukturmodelle der Beziehung zwischen Leseverständnis in der Muttersprache (L1), englischer Sprache (L2) Lesemotivation, metakognitivem Bewusstsein für L2-Lesestrategien und Leseverständnis von Englisch als Fremdsprache zwischen den beiden Stichproben zu testen. Zur Analyse der gesammelten Daten wurden deskriptive Statistiken und unabhängige t-Tests durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus wurde eine weitere Analyse mit Hilfe der Strukturgleichungsmodellierung durchgeführt, um die Stärke der Beziehungen zwischen den untersuchten Variablen zu testen. Die Ergebnisse der aktuellen Forschung zeigten, dass das L1-Leseverständnis, ob in deutscher oder arabischer Sprache, die stärkste Beziehung zum L2-Leseverständnis hatte. Der Zusammenhang zwischen L2 intrinsischer Lesemotivation wurde jedoch weder im deutschen noch im ägyptischen Modell nachgewiesen. Andererseits war der Zusammenhang zwischen L2 extrinsischer Lesemotivation, metakognitivem Bewusstsein für Lesestrategien und L2-Leseverständnis nur in der deutschen Stichprobe signifikant. Die Diskussion dieser Ergebnisse sowie ihre pädagogischen Implikationen für Bildung und Praxis werden in der folgenden Studie dargestellt. KW - L1 reading comprehension KW - metacognition KW - L2 reading motivation KW - L2 reading comprehension KW - Leseverstehen Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-186957 ER - TY - THES A1 - Akakpo, Martin Gameli T1 - The influence of learner characteristics on interactions to seek and share information in e-learning: A media psychology perspective T1 - Der Einfluss von Lernendenmerkmale auf die Interaktionen zur Suche und zum Austausch von Informationen im E-Learning: Eine medienpsychologische Perspektive N2 - Research on the deployment and use of technology to assist learning has seen a significant rise over the last decades (Aparicio et al., 2017). The focus on course quality, technology, learning outcome and learner satisfaction in e-learning has led to insufficient attention by researchers to individual characteristics of learners (Cidral et al., 2017 ; Hsu et al., 2013). The current work aims to bridge this gap by investigating characteristics identified by previous works and backed by theory as influential individual differences in e-learning. These learner characteristics have been suggested as motivational factors (Edmunds et al., 2012) in decisions by learners to interact and exchange information (Luo et al., 2017). In this work e-learning is defined as interaction dependent information seeking and sharing enabled by technology. This is primarily approached from a media psychology perspective. The role of learner characteristics namely, beliefs about the source of knowledge (Schommer, 1990), learning styles (Felder & Silverman, 1988), need for affect (Maio & Esses, 2001), need for cognition (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982) and power distance (Hofstede, 1980) on interactions to seek and share information in e-learning are investigated. These investigations were shaped by theory and empirical lessons as briefly mentioned in the next paragraphs. Theoretical support for investigations is derived from the technology acceptance model(TAM) by psychologist Davis (1989) and the hyper-personal model by communication scientist Walther (1996). The TAM was used to describe the influence of learner characteristics on decisions to use e-learning systems (Stantchev et al., 2014). The hyper-personal model described why computer-mediated communication thrives in e-learning (Kaye et al., 2016) and how learners interpret messages exchanged online (Hansen et al., 2015). This theoretical framework was followed by empirical reviews which justified the use of interaction and information seeking-sharing as key components of e-learning as well as the selection of learner characteristics. The reviews provided suggestions for the measurement of variables (Kühl et al., 2014) and the investigation design (Dascalau et al., 2015). Investigations were designed and implemented through surveys and quasi experiments which were used for three preliminary studies and two main studies. Samples were selected from Germany and Ghana with same variables tested in both countries. Hypotheses were tested with interaction and information seeking-sharing as dependent variables while beliefs about the source of knowledge, learning styles, need for affect, need for cognition and power distance were independent variables. Firstly, using analyses of variance, the influence of beliefs about the source of knowledge on interaction choices of learners was supported. Secondly, the role of need for cognition on interaction choices of learners was supported by results from a logistic regression. Thirdly, results from multiple linear regressions backed the influence of need for cognition and power distance on information seeking-sharing behaviour of learners. Fourthly, the relationship between need for affect and need for cognition was supported. The findings may have implications for media psychology research, theories used in this work, research on e-learning, measurement of learner characteristics and the design of e-learning platforms. The findings suggest that, the beliefs learners have about the source of knowledge, their need for cognition and their power distance can influence decisions to interact and seek or share information. The outlook from reviews and findings in this work predicts more research on learner characteristics and a corresponding intensity in the use of e-learning by individuals. It is suggested that future studies investigate the relationship between learner autonomy and power distance. Studies on inter-cultural similarities amongst e-learners in different populations are also suggested. N2 - Forschungsbemühungen zur Bereitstellung und die Nutzung von Technologien zur Unterstützung des Lernens nahm in den letzten Jahrzehnten erheblich zu (Aparicio et al., 2017). Der Fokus auf Kursqualität, Technologie, Lernergebnisse und Zufriedenheit der Lernenden im E-Learning führte dazu, dass die Forschenden den individuellen Eigenschaften der Lernenden nicht genügend Aufmerksamkeit schenkten (Cidral et al., 2017; Hsu et al., 2013). Die vorliegende Arbeit ist bestrebt, diese Lücke zu schließen. Sie untersucht Lernendenmerkmale, die in früheren Arbeiten identifiziert und theoretisch als einflussreiche individuelle Unterschiede beim E-Learning unterstrichen wurden. Diese Eigenschaften des Lernenden wurden als Motivationsfaktoren (Edmunds et al., 2012) in Entscheidungen des Lernenden bei Interaktion mit und zum Austausch von Informationen vorgeschlagen (Luo et al., 2017). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird E-Learning definiert als Informationssuche und -austausch, der durch Technologie ermöglicht wird und auf Interaktionen basiert. Diese Ideen werden vor allem aus medienpsychologischer Sicht angegangen. Die Rolle der Merkmale des Lernenden, nämlich seine jeweiligen Überzeugungen über die Quelle des Wissens (Schommer, 1990), Lernstile (Felder & Silverman, 1988), Bedürfnis nach Zuwendung (Maio & Esses, 2001), Erkenntnisdrang (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982) und Machtdistanz (Hofstede, 1980) werden bzgl. der Interaktionen, die zur Suche und zum Austausch von Informationen dienen, untersucht. Diese Untersuchungen berücksichtigen theoretische Annahmen und empirische Erkenntnisse, die hier kurz skizziert werden. Das ‚Technology Acceptance Model‘ (TAM) des Psychologen Davis (1989) und das ‚Hyper-Personal Model‘ des Kommunikationswissenschaftlers Walther (1996) liegen den durchgeführten Untersuchungen zugrunde. Mit dem TAM wurde der Einfluss der Eigenschaften eines Lernenden auf Entscheidungen zur Verwendung von E-Learning-Systemen erklärt (Stantchev et al., 2014). Das ‚Hyper-Personal Model‘ skizzierte Ursachen, warum computervermittelte Kommunikation im E-Learning gelingt (Kaye et al., 2016) und wie Lernende online ausgetauschte Nachrichten interpretieren (Hansen et al., 2015). Diesem theoretischen Rahmen folgend, werden empirische Arbeiten umrissen, die die Verwendung von Interaktion, zur Suche und zum Austausch von Informationen als Schlüsselkomponenten des E-Learning beschreiben sowie die Auswahl der zu untersuchenden Eigenschaften der Lernenden rechtfertigten. Aus diesen Arbeiten wurden Ideen für die Messung der Variablen (Kühl et al., 2014) und das Untersuchungsdesign (Dascalau et al., 2015) abgeleitet. Umfragen und Quasi-Experimente wurden hierzu durchgeführt. Diese Instrumente wurden für drei Vorstudien und zwei Hauptstudien verwendet. Probanden wurden aus Deutschland und Ghana ausgewählt, wobei in beiden Ländern die gleichen Variablen getestet wurden. Die Hypothesentestung berücksichtigte Interaktion und Informationssuche und -austausch als abhängige Variablen, während die Überzeugungen bzgl. der Quellen des Wissens, Lernstile, Bedürfnis nach Zuwendung, Erkenntnisdrang und Machtdistanz als unabhängige Variablen dienten. Durchgeführte Varianzanalysen (1.) belegen die Annahme, dass Überzeugungen über die Wissensquelle Einfluss auf die Interaktionswahl der Lernenden haben. Zudem konnte ein Effekt (2.) des Erkenntnisdrangs auf die Wahlentscheidung der Lernenden durch die Ergebnisse einer logistischen Regression unterstützt werden. Des Weiteren (3.) unterstützten die Ergebnisse mehrerer linearer Regressionen den Einfluss des Erkenntnisdrangs und der Machtdistanz auf das Verhalten der Lernenden bezüglich Informationssuche und -austausch. Schließlich (4.) wurde die Wechselbeziehung zwischen Bedürfnis nach Zuwendung und Erkenntnisdrang unterstützt. Die Ergebnisse sind relevant für die medienpsychologische Forschung, Theorien, die in dieser Arbeit verwendet werden, die Untersuchung von E-Learning, die Messung der Merkmale der Lernenden, sowie für die Gestaltung von E-Learning-Plattformen. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Überzeugungen der Lernenden über die Wissensquelle, ihr Erkenntnisdrang (NfC) und ihre Machtdistanz, die Entscheidungen, wie sie interagieren und Informationen suchen oder sie auszutauschen, beeinflussen können. Schlußfolgerungen aus der erarbeiteten Theorie und Empirie sowie aus dieser Arbeit befürworten eine stärkere Erforschung der Eigenschaften der Lernenden. Es erscheint darüber hinaus ratsam, dass zukünftige Studien den Zusammenhang zwischen der Autonomie der Lernenden und der Machtdistanz untersuchen. Es werden außerdem weitere Studien zu interkulturellen Ähnlichkeiten zwischen E-Learning-Lernenden in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen vorgeschlagen. KW - e-learning KW - Individualität KW - E-Learning KW - Media Psychology KW - Interactions KW - Information seeking and sharing KW - information sharing KW - learner characteristics Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-185934 ER - TY - THES A1 - Götz, Felix Johannes T1 - Social Cueing of Numerical Magnitude : Observed Head Orientation Influences Number Processing T1 - Soziale Aufmerksamkeitslenkung von Zahlengröße : Beobachtete Kopforientierung beeinflusst mentale Zahlenverarbeitung N2 - In many parts of the modern world, numbers are used as tools to describe spatial relationships, be it heights, latitudes, or distances. However, this connection goes deeper as a myriad of studies showed that number representations are rooted in space (vertical, horizontal, and/or radial). For instance, numbers were shown to affect spatial perception and, conversely, perceptions or movements in space were shown to affect number estimations. This bidirectional link has already found didactic application in the classroom when children are taught the meaning of numbers. However, our knowledge about the cognitive (and neuropsychological) processes underlying the numerical magnitude operations is still very limited. Several authors indicated that the processing within peripersonal space (i.e. the space surrounding the body in reaching distance) and numerical magnitude operations are functionally equivalent. This assumption has several implications that the present work aims at describing. For instance, vision and visuospatial attention orienting play a prominent role for processing within peripersonal space. Indeed, both neuropsychological and behavioral studies also suggested a similar role of vision and visuospatial attention orienting for number processing. Moreover, social cognition research showed that movements, posture and gestures affect not only the representation of one's own peripersonal space, but also the visuospatial attention behavior of an observer. Against this background, the current work tests the specific implication of the functional equivalence assumption that the spatial attention response to an observed person’s posture should extend to the observer’s numerical magnitude operations. The empirical part of the present work tests the spatial attention response of observers to vertical head postures (with continuing eye contact to the observer) in both perceptual and numerical space. Two experimental series are presented that follow both steps from the observation of another person’s vertical head orientation (within his/her peripersonal space) to the observer’s attention orienting response (Experimental series A) as well as from there to the observer’s magnitude operations with numbers (Experimental Series B). Results show that the observation of a movement from a neutral to a vertical head orientation (Experiment 1) as well as the observation of the vertical head orientation alone (Experiment 3) shifted the observer’s spatial attention in correspondence with the direction information of the observed head (up vs. down). Movement from a vertical to a neutral end position, however, had no effect on the observer's spatial attention orienting response (Experiment 2). Furthermore, following down-tilted head posture (relative to up- or non-tilted head orientation), observers generated smaller numbers in a random number generation task (range 1- 9, Experiment 4), gave smaller estimates to numerical trivia questions (mostly multi-digit numbers, Experiment 5) and chose response keys less frequently in a free choice task that was associated with larger numerical magnitude in a intermixed numerical magnitude task. Experimental Series A served as groundwork for Experimental Series B, as it demonstrated that observing another person’s head orientation indeed triggered the expected directional attention orienting response in the observer. Based on this preliminary work, the results of Experimental Series B lend support to the assumption that numerical magnitude operations are grounded in visuospatial processing of peripersonal space. Thus, the present studies brought together numerical and social cognition as well as peripersonal space research. Moreover, the Empirical Part of the present work provides the basis for elaborating on the role of processing within peripersonal space in terms of Walsh’s (2003, 2013) Theory of Magnitude. In this context, a specification of the Theory of Magnitude was staked out in a processing model that stresses the pivotal role of spatial attention orienting. Implications for mental magnitude operations are discussed. Possible applications in the classroom and beyond are described. N2 - In vielen Teilen der modernen Welt werden Zahlen als Werkzeuge verwendet, um räumliche Zusammenhänge zu beschreiben - seien es Höhen, Breiten oder Entfernungen. Die Verbindung geht jedoch tiefer, denn eine Vielzahl von Studien hat gezeigt, dass Zahlen räumlich in der Vertikalen (bzw. Horizontalen) verankert sind. So können Zahlen die räumliche Wahrnehmung und umgekehrt Wahrnehmungen oder Bewegungen im Raum die Größe von Zahlenschätzungen beeinflussen. Diese Verbindung findet mittlerweile sogar didaktische Anwendung in der Vermittlung von Zahlenbedeutung bei Kindern. Allerdings wissen wir noch wenig über die kognitiven (und neuropsychologischen) Prozesse, die konkreten Zahlengrößenoperationen (d.h. Größer-Kleiner-Urteile, Addition, etc.) zugrunde liegen. Mehrere Autoren deuteten an, dass die Verarbeitung innerhalb des körpernahen Raumes (d.h. des Raumes in Handlungsreichweite) und das Operieren mit Zahlengrößen funktional äquivalent sind. Diese Annahme hat mehrere Implikationen, die die vorliegende Arbeit beschreiben möchte. So spielt die die visuell-sensorische Modalität eine hervorgehobene Rolle bei Verarbeitung wie Orientierung innerhalb des körpernahen Raumes. In der Tat legen neuropsychologische und behaviorale Studien eine ähnliche Rolle des Sehens und insbesondere der visuospatialen Orientierung auch für Zahlengrößenoperationen nahe. Darüber hinaus zeigte die soziale Kognitionsforschung, dass sich Bewegungen, Posen und Gesten nicht nur auf die Repräsentation des eigenen körpernahen Raumes, sondern auch auf das visuospatiale Orientierungsverhalten eines Beobachters auswirken. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit die spezifische Implikation der funktionalen Äquivalenz getestet, dass sich die visuospatiale Orientierungsreaktion auf die Pose einer beobachteten Person auch auf die Zahlengrößenoperationen des Beobachters erstreckt. Der empirische Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit testet die räumliche Orientierungsreaktion von Beobachtern auf Kopfneigungen in der Vertikalen (bei Augenkontakt zum Beobachter) im wahrgenommenen ebenso wie numerischen Raum. Im Rahmen dieser Untersuchung werden zwei Experimentalreihen vorgestellt, die beide Teilschritte umfassen: Von der Beobachtung der vertikalen Kopfposition (trotz auf die Augen ausgerichteter Blickrichtung) einer anderen Person zur gerichteten Aufmerksamkeitsreaktion beim Beobachter (Experimentalreihe A); sowie von dieser Orientierungsreaktion auf die beobachtete Person zu Größenoperationen mit Zahlen beim Beobachter (Experimentalreihe B). Es zeigte sich, dass die Beobachtung einer Bewegung von einer neutralen Ausgangsposition zu einer vertikalen Kopfposition (Experiment 1) ebenso wie die einer vertikalen Kopfpose alleine (Experiment 3) die räumliche Aufmerksamkeit eines Beobachters in Übereinstimmung mit der beobachteten Kopforientierungsinformation (nach oben vs. unten) verschob. Eine Bewegung von einer vertikalen zu einer neutralen Endposition hingegen zeigte keinen Effekt auf die räumliche Orientierung des Beobachters (Experiment 2). Desweiteren generierten Beobachter bei nach unten geneigten Kopfposen (relativ zu nach oben bzw. nicht geneigten Kopfposen) kleinere Zahlen in einer Zufallszahlengenerierungsaufgabe (zwischen 1 und 9; Experiment 4), gaben kleinere Schätzungen auf numerische Allgemeinwissensfragen ab (überwiegend mehrstellige Zahlen; Experiment 5) und wählten in einem Doppelbelegungsparadigma weniger häufiger diejenige von zwei Antworttasten, die sie in einer alternierend zu bearbeitenden Größenaufgabe für größere Zahlen verwenden sollten. Die Ergebnisse der Experimentalreihe A zeigen, dass die Betrachtung der Kopforientierung einer anderen Person im Beobachter tatsächlich die erwartete gerichtete Aufmerksamkeitsreaktion auslöste. Basierend auf dieser Vorarbeit stützen die Ergebnisse der Experimentalreihe B die Annahme, dass Zahlengrößenoperationen in der visuospatialen Verarbeitung des körpernahen Raumes verankert sind. Damit brachten die vorliegenden Studien Forschung zu numerischer und sozialer Kognition ebenso sowie zur peripersonalen Raumverarbeitung zusammen. Darüber hinaus legt der empirische Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit die Grundlage, um eine mögliche Rolle von Verarbeitung innerhalb des peripersonalem Raumes im Kontext der Größentheorie von Walsh (2003, 2013) auszuarbeiten. In diesem Zusammenhang wird die Größentheorie in einem handlungsbasierten Verarbeitungsmodell spezifiziert, das die zentrale Rolle der räumlichen Aufmerksamkeitsorientierung betont. Implikationen für die Forschung zur mentalen Verarbeitung von Größen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Klassenzimmer sowie darüber hinaus werden diskutiert. KW - Soziale Wahrnehmung KW - Raumwahrnehmung KW - Numerical Cognition KW - Social Cueing KW - Social Cognition KW - Spatial Cognition Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187161 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ziegler, C. A1 - Richter, J. A1 - Mahr, M. A1 - Gajewska, A. A1 - Schiele, M.A. A1 - Gehrmann, A. A1 - Schmidt, B. A1 - Lesch, K.-P. A1 - Lang, T. A1 - Helbig-Lang, S. A1 - Pauli, P. A1 - Kircher, T. A1 - Reif, A. A1 - Rief, W. A1 - Vossbeck-Elsebusch, A.N. A1 - Arolt, V. A1 - Wittchen, H.-U. A1 - Hamm, A.O. A1 - Deckert, J. A1 - Domschke, K. T1 - MAOA gene hypomethylation in panic disorder-reversibility of an epigenetic risk pattern by psychotherapy JF - Translational Psychiatry N2 - Epigenetic signatures such as methylation of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene have been found to be altered in panic disorder (PD). Hypothesizing temporal plasticity of epigenetic processes as a mechanism of successful fear extinction, the present psychotherapy-epigenetic study for we believe the first time investigated MAOA methylation changes during the course of exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in PD. MAOA methylation was compared between N=28 female Caucasian PD patients (discovery sample) and N=28 age- and sex-matched healthy controls via direct sequencing of sodium bisulfite-treated DNA extracted from blood cells. MAOA methylation was furthermore analyzed at baseline (T0) and after a 6-week CBT (T1) in the discovery sample parallelized by a waiting time in healthy controls, as well as in an independent sample of female PD patients (N=20). Patients exhibited lower MAOA methylation than healthy controls (P<0.001), and baseline PD severity correlated negatively with MAOA methylation (P=0.01). In the discovery sample, MAOA methylation increased up to the level of healthy controls along with CBT response (number of panic attacks; T0-T1: +3.37±2.17%), while non-responders further decreased in methylation (-2.00±1.28%; P=0.001). In the replication sample, increases in MAOA methylation correlated with agoraphobic symptom reduction after CBT (P=0.02-0.03). The present results support previous evidence for MAOA hypomethylation as a PD risk marker and suggest reversibility of MAOA hypomethylation as a potential epigenetic correlate of response to CBT. The emerging notion of epigenetic signatures as a mechanism of action of psychotherapeutic interventions may promote epigenetic patterns as biomarkers of lasting extinction effects. KW - Adult KW - Case-Control Studies KW - Cognitive Therapy KW - DNA Methylation KW - Epigenesis KW - Genetic KW - Female KW - Humans KW - Monoamine Oxidase/genetics KW - Panic Disorder/genetics KW - Panic Disorder/therapy KW - Sequence Analysis KW - DNA Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164422 IS - 6 ER - TY - THES A1 - Riechelmann [verh. Steinbacher], Eva Katharina T1 - Gaze interaction: Cognitive mechanisms of oculomotor action control T1 - Blickinteraktion: Kognitive Mechanismen der okulomotorischen Handlungskontrolle N2 - Humans use their eyes not only as visual input devices to perceive the environment, but also as an action tool in order to generate intended effects in their environment. For instance, glances are used to direct someone else's attention to a place of interest, indicating that gaze control is an important part of social communication. Previous research on gaze control in a social context mainly focused on the gaze recipient by asking how humans respond to perceived gaze (gaze cueing). So far, this perspective has hardly considered the actor’s point of view by neglecting to investigate what mental processes are involved when actors decide to perform an eye movement to trigger a gaze response in another person. Furthermore, eye movements are also used to affect the non-social environment, for instance when unlocking the smartphone with the help of the eyes. This and other observations demonstrate the necessity to consider gaze control in contexts other than social communication whilst at the same time focusing on commonalities and differences inherent to the nature of a social (vs. non-social) action context. Thus, the present work explores the cognitive mechanisms that control such goal-oriented eye movements in both social and non-social contexts. The experiments presented throughout this work are built on pre-established paradigms from both the oculomotor research domain and from basic cognitive psychology. These paradigms are based on the principle of ideomotor action control, which provides an explanatory framework for understanding how goal-oriented, intentional actions come into being. The ideomotor idea suggests that humans acquire associations between their actions and the resulting effects, which can be accessed in a bi-directional manner: Actions can trigger anticipations of their effects, but the anticipated resulting effects can also trigger the associated actions. According to ideomotor theory, action generation involves the mental anticipation of the intended effect (i.e., the action goal) to activate the associated motor pattern. The present experiments involve situations where participants control the gaze of a virtual face via their eye movements. The triggered gaze responses of the virtual face are consistent to the participant’s eye movements, representing visual action effects. Experimental situations are varied with respect to determinants of action-effect learning (e.g., contingency, contiguity, action mode during acquisition) in order to unravel the underlying dynamics of oculomotor control in these situations. In addition to faces, conditions involving changes in non-social objects were included to address the question of whether mechanisms underlying gaze control differ for social versus non-social context situations. The results of the present work can be summarized into three major findings. 1. My data suggest that humans indeed acquire bi-directional associations between their eye movements and the subsequently perceived gaze response of another person, which in turn affect oculomotor action control via the anticipation of the intended effects. The observed results show for the first time that eye movements in a gaze-interaction scenario are represented in terms of their gaze response in others. This observation is in line with the ideomotor theory of action control. 2. The present series of experiments confirms and extends pioneering results of Huestegge and Kreutzfeldt (2012) with respect to the significant influence of action effects in gaze control. I have shown that the results of Huestegge and Kreutzfeldt (2012) can be replicated across different contexts with different stimulus material given that the perceived action effects were sufficiently salient. 3. Furthermore, I could show that mechanisms of gaze control in a social gaze-interaction context do not appear to be qualitatively different from those in a non-social context. All in all, the results support recent theoretical claims emphasizing the role of anticipation-based action control in social interaction. Moreover, my results suggest that anticipation-based gaze control in a social context is based on the same general psychological mechanisms as ideomotor gaze control, and thus should be considered as an integral part rather than as a special form of ideomotor gaze control. N2 - Der Mensch nutzt die Augen nicht nur zur Wahrnehmung seiner Umwelt, sondern auch als Handlungsinstrument, um intendierte Effekte in seiner Umwelt zu erzeugen. So werden Blicke beispielsweise dazu verwendet, die Aufmerksamkeit eines anderen auf einen bestimmten Ort zu lenken. Dies weist darauf hin, dass Blickkontrolle einen wichtigen Bestandteil in der sozialen Kommunikation darstellt. Die Forschung zu Blickkontrolle im sozialen Kontext hat sich bisher hauptsächlich auf den Blick-Empfänger konzentriert, um die Frage zu beantworten, wie Menschen auf wahrgenommene Blicke reagieren (Gaze Cueing). Dieser Ansatz hat dementsprechend bisher kaum den Standpunkt des Blick-Senders berücksichtigt. So wurde beispielsweise noch nicht untersucht, welche mentalen Prozesse der Ausübung einer Augenbewegung zugrunde liegen, die zum Ziel hat, bei einer anderen Person eine bestimmte Blickreaktion auszulösen. Darüber hinaus werden zielgerichtete Augenbewegungen auch im nicht-sozialen Kontext eingesetzt, beispielsweise beim Entsperren des Smartphones mithilfe der Augen. Diese und andere Beobachtungen zeigen allerdings klar die Notwendigkeit, Blickkontrolle sowohl in der sozialen Kommunikation als auch in anderen, nicht-sozialen Kontexten zu berücksichtigen und dabei gleichzeitig auf Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zu achten, die der Natur eines sozialen (vs. nicht-sozialen) Handlungskontextes innewohnen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht daher die kognitiven Mechanismen, die solchen zielgerichteten Blickbewegungen in sozialen wie in nicht-sozialen Kontexten zugrunde liegen. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit vorgestellten Experimente bauen auf bereits etablierten Paradigmen aus der Forschung zu Okulomotorik und zu basalen kognitiven Prozessen auf. Diese Paradigmen basieren auf dem Prinzip der ideomotorischen Handlungskontrolle, das eine Erklärung für die Entstehung zielgerichteter und beabsichtigter Handlungen liefert. Der ideomotorische Gedanke legt nahe, dass Menschen Assoziationen zwischen ihren Handlungen und den daraus resultierenden Effekten erwerben, die in zwei Richtungen wirken können: Eine Handlung kann die Antizipation ihrer Effekte auslösen, aber die aktive Antizipation eines Handlungseffektes kann auch die damit verbundene Handlung auslösen. Nach der ideomotorischen Theorie beinhaltet Handlungsgenerierung die mentale Antizipation des beabsichtigten Handlungseffektes, um das zugehörige motorische Muster zu aktivieren. Die vorliegenden Experimente beinhalten Situationen, in denen die Probanden den Blick eines virtuellen Gesichts mithilfe ihre eigenen Augenbewegungen steuern. Die im virtuellen Gesicht ausgelösten Blickreaktionen repräsentieren die visuellen Handlungseffekte. Die Situationen werden in Bezug auf die Determinanten von Handlungs-Effekt-Lernen (Kontingenz, Kontiguität, Handlungsmodus während des Lernens) variiert, um die zugrundeliegende Dynamik der okulomotorischen Handlungskontrolle in diesen Situationen zu verstehen. Zusätzlich zu den Gesichtern wurden Handlungseffekte in nicht-sozialen Objekten untersucht, um die Frage zu klären, ob sich die der Blickkontrolle zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen für soziale und nicht-soziale Kontextsituationen unterscheiden. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit lassen sich in drei Hauptergebnisse zusammenfassen. 1. Meine Resultate legen nahe, dass Menschen bi-direktionale Assoziationen zwischen ihren Augenbewegungen und der darauf folgenden Blickreaktion einer anderen Person erwerben, was über die Antizipation der beabsichtigten Effekte die okulomotorische Handlungssteuerung beeinflusst. Die beobachteten Ergebnisse zeigen zum ersten Mal, dass Augenbewegungen in einem Blickinteraktionsszenario in Form einer bei der anderen Person ausgelösten Blickreaktion repräsentiert werden. Diese Beobachtung steht im Einklang mit dem ideomotorischen Prinzip der Handlungskontrolle. 2. Die vorliegende Versuchsreihe belegt und erweitert die wegweisenden Ergebnisse von Huestegge und Kreutzfeldt (2012) in Bezug auf den bedeutenden Einfluss von Handlungseffekten in der okulomotorischen Handlungskontrolle. Ich konnte zeigen, dass sich die Ergebnisse von Huestegge und Kreutzfeldt (2012) über verschiedene Kontexte mit unterschiedlichem Stimulus-Material replizieren lassen unter der Bedingung, dass die wahrgenommenen Handlungseffekte ausreichend stark ausgeprägt waren. 3. Zudem konnte ich zeigen, dass sich Mechanismen der Blickkontrolle in einem sozialen Blickinteraktionskontext vermutlich nicht qualitativ von denen in einem nicht-sozialen Kontext unterscheiden. Zusammenfassend unterstützen die Ergebnisse die jüngsten theoretischen Überlegungen, die die Rolle von antizipativen Prozessen in der Handlungssteuerung in sozialen Interaktionskontexten betonen. Darüber hinaus legen meine Ergebnisse nahe, dass antizipationsbasierte Blickkontrolle im sozialen Kontext auf den gleichen allgemeinen psychologischen Mechanismen wie ideomotorische Blickkontrolle basiert und somit als integraler Bestandteil, und nicht als eine spezielle Form der ideomotorischen Blickkontrolle, betrachtet werden sollte. KW - Verhaltenskontrolle KW - Blickbewegung KW - Kognition KW - Ideomotorische Blickkontrolle KW - Soziomotorische Blickkontrolle KW - Blickinteraktion KW - Soziale Handlungseffekte KW - Effektantizipation KW - Ideomotor gaze control KW - Sociomotor gaze control KW - Gaze interaction KW - Social action effects KW - Effect anticipation KW - Ideomotorik Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-215279 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Leopold, Karolina A1 - Bauer, Michael A1 - Bechdolf, Andreas A1 - Correll, Christoph U. A1 - Holtmann, Martin A1 - Juckel, Georg A1 - Lambert, Martin A1 - Meyer, Thomas D. A1 - Pfeiffer, Steffi A1 - Kittel‐Schneider, Sarah A1 - Reif, Andreas A1 - Stamm, Thomas J. A1 - Rottmann‐Wolf, Maren A1 - Mathiebe, Josephine A1 - Kellmann, Eva L. A1 - Ritter, Philipp A1 - Krüger‐Özgürdal, Seza A1 - Karow, Anne A1 - Sondergeld, Lene‐Marie A1 - Roessner, Veit A1 - Sauer, Cathrin A1 - Pfennig, Andrea T1 - Efficacy of cognitive‐behavioral group therapy in patients at risk for serious mental illness presenting with subthreshold bipolar symptoms: Results from a prespecified interim analysis of a multicenter, randomized, controlled study JF - Bipolar Disorders N2 - Objective Most patients with bipolar disorders (BD) exhibit prodromal symptoms before a first (hypo)manic episode. Patients with clinically significant symptoms fulfilling at‐risk criteria for serious mental illness (SMI) require effective and safe treatment. Cognitive‐behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) has shown promising results in early stages of BD and in patients at high risk for psychosis. We aimed to investigate whether group CBT can improve symptoms and functional deficits in young patients at risk for SMI presenting with subthreshold bipolar symptoms. Method In a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial, patients at clinical risk for SMI presenting with subthreshold bipolar symptoms aged 15‐30 years were randomized to 14 weeks of at‐risk for BD‐specific group CBT or unstructured group meetings. Primary efficacy endpoints were differences in affective symptomatology and psychosocial functioning at 14 weeks. At‐risk status was defined as a combination of subthreshold bipolar symptomatology, reduction of psychosocial functioning and a family history for (schizo)affective disorders. A prespecified interim analysis was conducted at 75% of the targeted sample. Results Of 128 screened participants, 75 were randomized to group CBT (n = 38, completers = 65.8%) vs unstructured group meetings (n = 37, completers = 78.4%). Affective symptomatology and psychosocial functioning improved significantly at week 14 (P < .001) and during 6 months (P < .001) in both groups, without significant between‐group differences. Findings are limited by the interim character of the analysis, the use of not fully validated early detection interviews, a newly adapted intervention manual, and the substantial drop‐outs. Conclusions Results suggest that young patients at‐risk for SMI presenting with subthreshold bipolar symptoms benefit from early group sessions. The degree of specificity and psychotherapeutic interaction needed requires clarification. KW - at‐risk KW - bipolar disorder KW - CBT KW - early intervention KW - group treatment KW - prodromal KW - serious mental illness KW - subthreshold bipolar Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-215469 VL - 22 IS - 5 SP - 517 EP - 529 ER - TY - THES A1 - Flechsenhar, Aleya Felicia T1 - The Ubiquity of Social Attention – a Detailed Investigation of the Underlying Mechanisms T1 - Die Allgegenwärtigkeit Sozialer Aufmerksamkeit – eine Detaillierte Erforschung Zugrundeliegender Mechanismen N2 - This dissertation highlights various aspects of basic social attention by choosing versatile approaches to disentangle the precise mechanisms underlying the preference to focus on other human beings. The progressive examination of different social processes contrasted with aspects of previously adopted principles of general attention. Recent research investigating eye movements during free exploration revealed a clear and robust social bias, especially for the faces of depicted human beings in a naturalistic scene. However, free viewing implies a combination of mechanisms, namely automatic attention (bottom-up), goal-driven allocation (top-down), or contextual cues and inquires consideration of overt (open exploration using the eyes) as well as covert orienting (peripheral attention without eye movement). Within the scope of this dissertation, all of these aspects have been disentangled in three studies to provide a thorough investigation of different influences on social attention mechanisms. In the first study (section 2.1), we implemented top-down manipulations targeting non-social features in a social scene to test competing resources. Interestingly, attention towards social aspects prevailed, even though this was detrimental to completing the requirements. Furthermore, the tendency of this bias was evident for overall fixation patterns, as well as fixations occurring directly after stimulus onset, suggesting sustained as well as early preferential processing of social features. Although the introduction of tasks generally changes gaze patterns, our results imply only subtle variance when stimuli are social. Concluding, this experiment indicates that attention towards social aspects remains preferential even in light of top-down demands. The second study (section 2.2) comprised of two separate experiments, one in which we investigated reflexive covert attention and another in which we tested reflexive as well as sustained overt attention for images in which a human being was unilaterally located on either the left or right half of the scene. The first experiment consisted of a modified dot-probe paradigm, in which peripheral probes were presented either congruently on the side of the social aspect, or incongruently on the non-social side. This was based on the assumption that social features would act similar to cues in traditional spatial cueing paradigms, thereby facilitating reaction times for probes presented on the social half as opposed to the non-social half. Indeed, results reflected such congruency effect. The second experiment investigated these reflexive mechanisms by monitoring eye movements and specifying the location of saccades and fixations for short as well as long presentation times. Again, we found the majority of initial saccades to be congruently directed to the social side of the stimulus. Furthermore, we replicated findings for sustained attention processes with highest fixation densities for the head region of the displayed human being. The third study (section 2.3), tackled the other mechanism proposed in the attention dichotomy, the bottom-up influence. Specifically, we reduced the available contextual information of a scene by using a gaze-contingent display, in which only the currently fixated regions would be visible to the viewer, while the remaining image would remain masked. Thereby, participants had to voluntarily change their gaze in order to explore the stimulus. First, results revealed a replication of a social bias in free-viewing displays. Second, the preference to select social features was also evident in gaze-contingent displays. Third, we find higher recurrent gaze patterns for social images compared to non-social ones for both viewing modalities. Taken together, these findings imply a top-down driven preference for social features largely independent of contextual information. Importantly, for all experiments, we took saliency predictions of different computational algorithms into consideration to ensure that the observed social bias was not a result of high physical saliency within these areas. For our second experiment, we even reduced the stimulus set to those images, which yielded lower mean and peak saliency for the side of the stimulus containing the social information, while considering algorithms based on low-level features, as well as pre-trained high-level features incorporated in deep learning algorithms. Our experiments offer new insights into single attentional mechanisms with regard to static social naturalistic scenes and enable a further understanding of basic social processing, contrasting from that of non-social attention. The replicability and consistency of our findings across experiments speaks for a robust effect, attributing social attention an exceptional role within the general attention construct, not only behaviorally, but potentially also on a neuronal level and further allowing implications for clinical populations with impaired social functioning. N2 - Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten grundlegender sozialer Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse. Insbesondere werden durch vielseitige Herangehensweisen einzelne Mechanismen untersucht, die der bevorzugten Betrachtung von Menschen zugrunde liegen. Die progressive Untersuchung unterschiedlicher sozialer Vorgänge widerspricht einiger zuvor angenommener Grundlagen allgemeiner Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse. So zeigen beispielsweise Probanden bei freier Betrachtung naturalistischer Bilder eine klare Präferenz für abgebildete Menschen, v.a. deren Gesichter. Allerdings beinhaltet die freie Betrachtung eine Kombination aus mehreren Vorgängen, wie automatische (engl. bottom-up) und zielorientierte, willentliche Aufmerksamkeitslenkung (engl. top-down), als auch den Einfluss von Kontextzusammenhängen. Dies bedingt weiter die Berücksichtigung offener (engl. overt; Exploration mittels Augenbewegungen), als auch verdeckter Aufmerksamkeit (engl. covert; periphere Erkundung ohne Augenbewegungen). Im Rahmen der Dissertation werden alle genannten Aspekte anhand von drei Studien behandelt, wodurch eine sorgfältige Untersuchung verschiedener Einflüsse sozialer Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse erfolgt. In der ersten Studie (Abschnitt 2.1) wurden zielgerichtete Manipulationen in Form von Aufgabenstellungen vorgenommen, welche die Aufmerksamkeit innerhalb einer sozialen Szene spezifisch auf nicht-soziale Reize lenken sollten, um kompetitive Ressourcen von sozialer und zielgerichteter Aufmerksamkeit zu untersuchen. Interessanterweise überwog die Tendenz, soziale Aspekte zu betrachten, obwohl dies nachteilig für das Lösen der Aufgaben war. Diese Neigung erwies sich für die allgemeine Fixationsverteilung als auch für Fixationen, die unmittelbar nach Erscheinen der Stimuli auftraten. Dieser Befund impliziert, dass soziale Reize sowohl bei dauerhaften als auch frühen Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen bevorzugt werden. Obwohl es einen allgemeinen Konsens gibt, dass eine Implementierung von Aufgaben zu verändertem Blickverhalten führt, deuten unsere Ergebnisse lediglich auf subtile Abweichungen hin, wenn die Stimuli sozialer Natur sind. Abschließend indiziert dieses Experiment, dass auch mit steigender Bedeutung anderer top-down Modulationen bevorzugt soziale Aspekte betrachtet werden. Die zweite Studie (Abschnitt 2.2) bestand aus zwei separaten Experimenten, welche verdeckte und offene Aufmerksamkeit auf soziale Reize untersuchten. Hierfür wurden in beiden Studien dieselben Bilder verwendet, in denen ein Mensch unilateral, entweder auf der rechten oder linken Hälfte abgebildet war. Das erste Experiment bestand aus einer modifizierten Variante des Dot-Probe Paradigmas, bei dem periphere Zielreize entweder kongruent auf der Seite des sozialen Stimulus erschienen, oder inkongruent auf der nicht sozialen Seite präsentiert wurden. Diese Zuteilung basierte auf der Annahme, dass soziale Merkmale auf ähnliche Weise fungieren wie Hinweisreize in traditionellen Spatial-Cueing-Paradigmen, indem sie Reaktionszeiten auf Zielobjekte, die auf der sozialen Seite präsentiert werden, beschleunigen. Tatsächlich wiesen unsere Ergebnisse einen solchen Kongruenzeffekt auf. Das zweite Experiment überprüfte die reflexiven Vorgänge durch die Messung von Augenbewegungen mittels Spezifizierung der Sakkadenrichtung und Fixationsdichte für kurze als auch lange Präsentationszeiten. Wiederum stellte sich heraus, dass die Mehrzahl der initialen Sakkaden kongruent zum sozialen Reiz gerichtet waren. Darüber hinaus wurden die Ergebnisse für kontinuierliche Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse durch eine erhöhte Fixationsdichte auf Kopfregionen der abgebildeten Menschen repliziert. Die dritte Studie (Abschnitt 2.3) behandelte den umgekehrten Mechanismus der Aufmerksamkeitsdichotomie, nämlich den bottom-up Einfluss. Durch die Verwendung eines blickkongruenten Paradigmas, konnte der kontextuelle Informationsgehalt der Szenen so reduziert werden, dass nur noch der aktuell betrachtete Bereich sichtbar war, während der Rest des Bildes maskiert blieb. Somit mussten die Teilnehmer willentlich ihren Blick verändern, um die Szene zu erkunden. Erstens zeigten die Ergebnisse eine Replikation des sozialen Bias bei freier Betrachtung. Zweitens scheint die Präferenz, soziale Aspekte zu selektieren, in der blickkongruenten Darstellung bestehen zu bleiben. Drittens zeigte sich ein erhöhtes wiederkehrendes Blickmuster bei sozialen im Vergleich zu nicht sozialen Bildern für beide Betrachtungsmodalitäten. Zusammenfassend implizieren diese Ergebnisse eine zielgerichtete Präferenz für soziale Reize, welche größtenteils kontextunabhängig ist. Hervorzuheben ist auch, dass bei allen Experimenten Salienzprädiktoren verschiedener Algorithmen in Betracht gezogen wurden, um sicher zu stellen, dass die Tendenz soziale Reize zu bevorzugen nicht alleine durch hohe physikalische Salienz in diesen Bereichen bedingt wurde. Insbesondere für die zweite Studie (Abschnitt 2.2) wurden Algorithmen verwendet, die sowohl untergeordnete Merkmale als Prädiktoren integrierten als auch Deep Learning Algorithmen, welche vortrainierte, übergeordnete Merkmale definieren, um Vorhersagen zu treffen. So wurde das verwendete Stimulusmaterial reduziert, so dass nur Bilder mit niedriger mittlerer als auch maximaler Salienz auf der nicht-sozialen Seite analysiert wurden. Diese Experimente geben Aufschluss auf einzelne Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse bei der Betrachtung von statischen, sozialen, naturalistischen Szenen und ermöglichen ein tiefergehendes Verständnis für grundlegende soziale Verarbeitung, welche sich von nicht-sozialer Aufmerksamkeit abhebt. Die Replizierbarkeit und Konsistenz der Experimente implizieren einen robusten Effekt und suggerieren eine gesonderte Rolle der sozialen Aufmerksamkeit innerhalb des allgemeinen Aufmerksamkeitskonstrukts. Dies basiert nicht nur auf Verhaltensparametern, sondern potentiell auch auf neuronaler Ebene und enthält darüber hinaus auch Implikationen für klinische Populationen mit beeinträchtigten sozialen Funktionen. KW - Aufmerksamkeit KW - Soziale Wahrnehmung KW - Mechanisms of Social Attention Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184528 ER -