TY - THES A1 - Hafner, Julia Alexandra T1 - Prospektives Biomarker Screening zur Diagnose der Invasiven Aspergillose bei pädiatrischen Hochrisikopatienten T1 - Prospective Biomarker Screening for the diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis in high-risk pediatric patients N2 - Die Invasive Aspergillose (IA) stellt eine Hauptursache der infektassoziierten Morbidität und Mortalität bei pädiatrischen Patienten mit hämato-onkologischer Grunderkrankung und/oder allogener Stammzelltransplantation dar. Die sichere und frühzeitige Diagnose ist bei Kindern aufgrund spärlicher pädiatrischer Daten weiterhin eine klinische Herausforderung. Die Kombination der Biomarker Galactomannanantigen und Aspergillus DNA hat sich in Erwachsenenstudien als vorteilhaft in der Diagnose der IA erwiesen. Ziel der durchgeführten Studie war daher, die diagnostische Güte des kombinierten Biomarkerscreenings in einer pädiatrischen Hochrisikokohorte zu ermitteln. Hierfür wurden 39 pädiatrische Patienten, die während eines Zeitraumes von drei Jahren aufgrund einer hämato-onkologischen Grunderkrankung und Notwendigkeit einer Stammzelltransplantation in der Würzburger Kinderklinik behandelt wurden, einem hochstandardisierten, zweimal wöchentlichen Screening auf Galactomannanantigen und fungaler DNA zugeführt. Zusätzlich wurde für jeden Patienten ein breites Spektrum an klinischen Daten sowie mikrobiologischen und radiologischen Ergebnissen erfasst und die IA-Klassifikation nach den EORTC/MSG-Kriterien durchgeführt. Unsere Daten zeigten eine IA-Inzidenz (probable IA) von 10%, was per definitionem einer Hochrisikokohorte entspricht. Das kombinierte Monitoring der Biomarker Galactomannanantigen und Aspergillus-DNA wies eine hohe diagnostische Genauigkeit mit einer Sensitivität/Spezifität/PPV/NPV von 1.00 und gute Eignung als Screeningtest auf. Die antifungale Prophylaxe zeigte keinen negativen Einfluss auf die diagnostischen Gütekriterien der beiden Biomarker, wie in anderen Studien postuliert. Der Galactomannanindex erwies sich als vielversprechender Surrogatmarker für das Outcome und das Therapieansprechen. Weiterführende Studien sind notwendig, um festzulegen, ob die Biomarkerkombination eine Detektion asymptomatischer subklinischer Infektionen als eine Art „Frühwarnsystem“ ermöglicht und somit eine Reduktion der Mortalität bedingen kann. N2 - Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is a major cause of infection-associated morbidity and mortality in pediatric patients with underlying hemato-oncologic disease and/or allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Reliable and early diagnosis remains a clinical challenge in children due to sparse pediatric data. The combination of the biomarkers galactomannan antigen and Aspergillus DNA has been shown to be beneficial in the diagnosis of IA in adult studies. Therefore, the aim of the conducted study was to determine the diagnostic performance of the combined biomarker screening in a pediatric high-risk cohort. For this purpose, 39 pediatric patients who were treated at the Würzburg Children's Hospital during a period of three years due to an underlying hemato-oncological disease and the need for stem cell transplantation were subjected to a highly standardized, twice weekly screening for galactomannan antigen and fungal DNA. In addition, a wide range of clinical data as well as microbiological and radiological results were recorded for each patient and IA classification was performed according to the EORTC/MSG criteria. Our data showed an IA incidence (probable IA) of 10%, which by definition corresponds to a high-risk cohort. Combined monitoring of the biomarkers galactomannan antigen and Aspergillus DNA showed high diagnostic accuracy with a sensitivity/specificity/PPV/NPV of 1.00 and good suitability as a screening test. Antifungal prophylaxis showed no negative effect on the diagnostic accuracy criteria of either biomarker, as postulated in other studies. The galactomannan index proved to be a promising surrogate marker for outcome and treatment response. Further studies are necessary to determine whether the biomarker combination allows detection of asymptomatic subclinical infections as a kind of "early warning system" and thus may condition a reduction in mortality. KW - Aspergillose KW - Biomarker KW - Reverse Transkriptase-Polymerase-Kettenreaktion KW - Akute Leukämie KW - Invasive Aspergillose KW - Invasive Pilzinfektionen KW - Galactomannanantigen KW - Allogene Stammzelltransplantation KW - Pädiatrie Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237226 ER - TY - THES A1 - Mortimer, Niall Patrick T1 - ADHD Genetics in Mouse and Man T1 - ADHS Genetik bei Maus und Mensch T1 - Genética del TDAH en ratón y hombre N2 - Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with an estimated heritability of around 70%. In order to fully understand ADHD biology it is necessary to incorporate multiple different types of research. In this thesis, both human and animal model research is described as both lines of research are required to elucidate the aetiology of ADHD and development new treatments. The role of a single gene, Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L3 (ADGRL3) was investigated using a knockout mouse model. ADGRL3 has putative roles in neuronal migration and synapse function. Various polymorphisms in ADGRL3 have been linked with an increased risk of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in human studies. Adgrl3-deficient mice were examined across multiple behavioural domains related to ADHD: locomotive activity, visuospatial and recognition memory, gait impulsivity, aggression, sociability and anxiety-like behaviour. The transcriptomic alterations caused by Adgrl3-depletion were analysed by RNA-sequencing of three ADHD-relevant brain regions: prefrontal cortex (PFC), hippocampus and striatum. Increased locomotive activity in Adgrl3-/- mice was observed across all tests with the specific gait analysis revealing subtle gait abnormalities. Spatial memory and learning domains were also impaired in these mice. Increased levels of impulsivity and sociability accompanying decreased aggression were also detected. None of these alterations were observed in Adgrl3+/- mice. The numbers of genes found to exhibit differential expression was relatively small in all brain regions sequenced. The absence of large scale gene expression dysregulation indicates a specific pathway of action, rather than a broad neurobiological perturbation. The PFC had the greatest number of differentially expressed genes and gene-set analysis of differential expression in this brain region detected a number of ADHD-relevant pathways including dopaminergic synapses as well as cocaine and amphetamine addiction. The most dysregulated gene in the PFC was Slc6a3 which codes for the dopamine transporter, a molecule vital to current pharmacological treatment of ADHD. The behavioural and transcriptomic results described in this thesis further validate Adgrl3 constitutive knockout mice as an experimental model of ADHD and provide neuroanatomical targets for future studies involving ADGRL3 modified animal models. The study of ADHD risk genes such as ADGRL3 requires the gene to be first identified using human studies. These studies may be genome based such as genome wide association studies (GWAS) or transcriptome based using microarray or RNA sequencing technology. To explore ADHD biology in humans the research described in this thesis includes both GWAS and trancriptomic data. A two-step transcriptome profiling was performed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 143 ADHD subjects and 169 healthy controls. We combined GWAS and expression data in an expression-based Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) analysis in a total sample of 879 ADHD cases and 1919 controls from three different datasets. Through this exploratory study we found eight differentially expressed genes in ADHD and no support for the genetic background of the disorder playing a role in the aberrant expression levels identified. These results highlight promising candidate genes and gene pathways for ADHD and support the use of peripheral tissues to assess gene expression signatures for ADHD. This thesis illustrates how both human and animal model research is required to increase our understanding of ADHD. The animal models provide biological insight into the targets identified in human studies and may themselves provide further relevant gene targets. Only by combining research from disparate sources can we develop the thorough understanding on ADHD biology required for treatment development, which is the ultimate goal of translational science research. N2 - Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit- / Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) ist eine neurologische Entwicklungsstörung mit einer geschätzten Erblichkeit von etwa 70%. Um die ADHS-Biologie vollständig verstehen zu können, müssen verschiedene Forschungsansätze verfolgt werden. In dieser Dissertation werden sowohl Forschungsansätze am Menschen als auch im Tiermodell beschrieben, da beide Forschungsansätze erforderlich sind, um die Ätiologie von ADHS aufzuklären und neue Therapien zu entwickeln. Die Rolle eines einzelnen Gens, des Adhesion G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptors L3 (ADGRL3), wurde unter Verwendung eines Knockout-Mausmodells untersucht. ADGRL3 spielt eine mutmaßliche Rolle bei der neuronalen Migration und der Synapsenfunktion. Verschiedene Polymorphismen in ADGRL3 wurden in Studien an Menschen mit einem erhöhten Risiko für Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit- / Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) in Verbindung gebracht. Adgrl3-defiziente Mäuse wurden in mehreren Verhaltensbereichen im Zusammenhang mit ADHS untersucht: Bewegungsaktivität, visuelles und Erkennungsgedächtnis, Gangimpulsivität, Aggression, Umgänglichkeit und angstartiges Verhalten. Die durch Adgrl3-Depletion verursachten transkriptomischen Veränderungen wurden durch RNA-Sequenzierung von drei ADHS-relevanten Hirnregionen analysiert: präfrontaler Cortex (PFC), Hippocampus und Striatum. Bei allen Tests wurde eine erhöhte Aktivität der Lokomotive bei Adgrl3 - / - Mäusen beobachtet, wobei die spezifische Ganganalyse subtile Gangstörungen aufdeckte. Das räumliche Gedächtnis und die Lerndomänen waren bei diesen Mäusen ebenfalls beeinträchtigt. Es wurde auch ein erhöhtes Maß an Impulsivität und Umgänglichkeit festgestellt, begleitet von verminderter Aggression. Keine dieser Veränderungen wurde bei Adgrl3 +/- Mäusen beobachtet. Die Anzahl der Gene, bei denen eine unterschiedliche Expression festgestellt wurde, war in allen sequenzierten Hirnregionen relativ gering. Das Fehlen einer Dysregulation der Genexpression in großem Maßstab weist eher auf einen spezifischen Wirkmechanismus als auf eine breite neurobiologische Störung hin. Die PFC hatte die größte Anzahl differentiell exprimierter Gene, und eine Gen-Set-Analyse der differentiellen Expression in dieser Hirnregion ergab eine Reihe von ADHS-relevanten Signalwegen, einschließlich dopaminerger Synapsen sowie Kokain- und Amphetaminsucht. Das am stärksten dysregulierte Gen in der PFC war Slc6a3, das für den Dopamintransporter kodiert.Dieses Gen ist bei der derzeitigen pharmakologischen Behandlung von ADHS von entscheidender Bedeutung. Die in dieser Arbeit beschriebenen Verhaltens- und Transkriptomergebnisse bestätigen die konstitutiven Adgrl3-Knockout-Mäuse als experimentelles Modell für ADHS und liefern neuroanatomische Zielstrukturen für zukünftige Studien mit ADGRL3-modifizierten Tiermodellen. Die Untersuchung von ADHS-Risikogenen wie ADGRL3 erfordert zunächst, dass das Gen in Studien im Menschen identifiziert wird. Diese Studien können genombasiert sein, z.B. wie genomweite Assoziationsstudie (GWAS), oder transkriptombasiert unter Verwendung von Microarray- oder RNA-Sequenzierungstechnologie. Um die ADHS-Biologie beim Menschen zu erforschen, umfassen die in dieser Arbeit beschriebenen Forschungsansätze sowohl GWAS- als auch trankriptomische Daten. Ein zweistufiges Transkriptom-Profiling wurde in mononukleären Zellen des peripheren Blutes (PBMCs) von 143 ADHS-Patienten und 169 gesunden Kontrollpersonen durchgeführt. Wir kombinierten GWAS- und Expressionsdaten in einer Expressions-basierten PRS-Analyse (Polygenic Risk Score) in einer Gesamtstichprobe von 879 ADHS-Fällen und 1919 Kontrollen aus drei verschiedenen Datensätzen. Durch diese Untersuchungen fanden wir acht differentiell exprimierte Gene bei ADHS und keinen Hinweis darauf, dass der genetische Hintergrund der Störung eine Rolle bei den identifizierten aberranten Expressionsniveaus spielt. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf vielversprechende Kandidatengene und Genwege für ADHS hin und unterstützen die Verwendung peripherer Gewebe zur Beurteilung der Genexpressionssignaturen für ADHS. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass sowohl Forschungsansätze am Menschen als auch Tiermodelle erforderlich sind, um unser Verständnis von ADHS zu verbessern. Die Tiermodelle bieten biologische Einblicke in die in Studien an Menschen identifizierten Ziele und können selbst weitere relevante Genziele liefern. Nur durch die Kombination von Forschungsansätzen aus unterschiedlichen Quellen können wir ein tiefes Verständnis der ADHS-Biologie entwickeln, das für die Entwicklung von Behandlungsstrategien erforderlich ist. Dies ist das ultimative Ziel der translationalen wissenschaftlichen Forschung. N2 - El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) es un trastorno del desarrollo neural con una heredabilidad estimada de alrededor de un 70%. Para poder comprender plenamente la biología del TDAH, es necesario incorporar diversos tipos de investigación. En esta tesis, se describe la investigación en modelos tanto humanos como animales, ya que se requieren ambas líneas de investigación para aclarar la etiología del TDAH y poder desarrollar nuevos tratamientos. El papel de un solo gen, el receptor L3 acoplado a la proteína de adhesión G (ADGRL3) se ha investigado utilizando un modelo de ratón knock-out. El ADGRL3 tiene efectos putativos en la migración neuronal y en la función de la sinapsis. Varios polimorfismos en ADGRL3 se han relacionado con un mayor riesgo de trastorno por déficit de atención/ hiperactividad (TDAH) en estudios en humanos. Adicionalmente se han examinado ratones deficientes en ADGRL3 en varios ámbitos conductuales relacionados con el TDAH tales como la actividad locomotriz, la memoria visoespacial y de reconocimiento, la impulsividad de la marcha, la agresividad, la sociabilidad y los comportamientos similares a la ansiedad. Las modificaciones trabscriptómicas causadas por el agotamiento de ADGRL3 se han analizado por secuenciación del ARN de tres regiones del cerebro relevantes al TDAH: la corteza prefrontal (CPF), el hipocampo, y el estriado. Se ha observado una mayor actividad locomotriz en ratones ADGRL3 -/- en todas las pruebas con el análisis específico de la marcha que revela anomalías sutiles de la marcha. La memoria espacial y los dominios de aprendizaje también se han visto afectados en estos mismos ratones. También se detectaron niveles aumentados de impulsividad y sociabilidad que acompañan a la disminución de la agresividad. Ninguno de estos cambios se han observado en ratones ADGRL3 +/-. El número de genes encontrados que exhibieron una expresión diferencial ha sido relativamente bajo en todas las regiones del cerebro secuenciadas. La ausencia de desregulación de expresión génica a gran escala indica una vía de acción específica, en vez de una perturbación neurobiológica amplia. La corteza prefrontal tenía el mayor número de genes expresados diferencialmente y el análisis de conjuntos de genes de expresión diferencial en esta región del cerebro ha mostrado una serie de vías relevantes para el TDAH, incluyendo las sinapsis dopaminérgicas así como la adicción a la cocaína y a las anfetaminas. El gen más desregulado en la corteza prefrontal fue el Slc6a3, que codifica para el transportador de dopamina, una molécula esencial para el tratamiento farmacológico actual del TDAH. Los resultados conductuales y transcriptómicos descritos en esta tesis dan aún más validez a los ratones knock-out constitutivos de Adgrl3 como modelo experimental de TDAH y ofrecen objetivos neuroanatómicos para estudios futuros con modelos animales modificados con ADGRL3. El estudio de genes de riesgo de TDAH como el ADGRL3 requiere que el gen se identifique primero mediante estudios en humanos. Estos estudios pueden basarse en el genoma, como GWAS (estudio extenso de asociación en todo el genoma) o en transcriptoma, usando microarrays o tecnología de secuenciación de ARN. Para explorar la biología del TDAH en humanos, la investigación descrita en esta tesis incluye datos GWAS y trancriptómicos. Se ha realizado un perfil de transcriptoma de dos fases en células mononucleares de sangre periférica (CMSP) de 143 sujetos con TDAH y 169 controles sanos. Hemos combinado GWAS y datos de expresión en un análisis de puntuación de riesgo poligénico con sede en expression genica en una muestra total de 879 casos de TDAH y 1919 controles de tres conjuntos de datos distintos. A través de este estudio exploratorio, hemos encontrado ocho genes expresados diferencialmente en el TDAH y además que no existe indicio de que el fondo genético del trastorno tiene un papel en los niveles de expresión aberrantes identificados. Estos resultados subrayan genes candidatos prometedores y vías genéticas para el TDAH y además apoyan el uso de tejidos periféricos para evaluar las firmas de expresión génica para el TDAH Esta tesis muestra cómo se requiere la investigación en modelos humanos y animales para aumentar nuestra comprensión del TDAH. Los modelos animales proporcionan información biológica sobre los objetivos identificados en estudios en humanos y pueden proporcionar objetivos genéticos relevantes adicionales. Solo mediante la combinación de las investigaciones de fuentes dispares podemos desarrollar la comprensión exhaustiva de la biología del TDAH necesaria para el desarrollo del tratamiento, lo que es el objetivo principal de la investigación científica traslacional. KW - ADGRL3 KW - Neuroscience KW - Genetics KW - ADHD KW - Mouse Model KW - Human Transcriptome Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236265 ER - TY - THES A1 - Wagenbrenner, Mike Helmut T1 - In vitro-Charakterisierung mesenchymaler Stromazellen aus dem menschlichen Hüftgelenk T1 - In vitro characterization of mesenchymal stromal cells from the human hip joint N2 - In dieser Arbeit konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass plastik-adhärent wachsende, multipotente Vorläuferzellen, die eine für MSCs charakteristische Kombination von Oberflächenantigenen tragen, aus allen vier untersuchten Geweben des arthrotischen Hüftgelenks isoliert werden konnten. MSC-ähnliche Zellen können somit nicht nur in der Spongiosa und im Gelenkknorpel, sondern auch in der anterioren Gelenkkapsel und dem Ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) des arthrotisch veränderten menschlichen Hüftgelenks nachgewiesen werden. Die FACS Analyse der Oberflächenantigene auf Zellen, die aus den vier unterschiedlichen Geweben eines beispielhaft gewählten Spenders isoliert wurden, zeigte eine deutliche Expression der Antigene CD44, CD73, CD90 und CD105. Unabhängig vom Nativgewebe zeigten somit alle untersuchten Zellen ein für MSCs charakteristisches, aber nicht spezifisches Profil an Antigenen auf ihrer Oberfläche. Eine Übereinstimmung mit den ISCT Kriterien für MSCs war aufgrund der fehlenden Kontrolle hämatopoetischer Marker nicht möglich. Die multipotente Differenzierung der isolierten Zellen erfolgte mithilfe spezifischer Differenzierungsmedien in Monolayer-Kulturen oder für die chondrogene Differenzierung in dreidimensionalen Pellet-Kulturen. Nach 21 Tagen konnten in allen differenzierten Kulturen histologisch und immunhistochemisch klare Zeichen der Osteo- und Adipogenese detektiert werden, während die Auswertung spezifischer Markergene eine klare Steigerung der Expression dieser im Vergleich zu den Negativkontrollen zeigte. Histologische und immunhistochemische Auswertungen bestätigten auch eine erfolgreiche chondrogene Differenzierung der Zell-Pellets aus Spongiosa, Knorpel und Kapsel. Lediglich in den chondrogen differenzierten Zell-Pellets aus dem LCF konnte immunhistochemisch keine Bildung des knorpelspezifischen Matrixproteins Col II nachgewiesen werden. Mikroskopisch zeigten vor allem die differenzierten MSC-Pellets aus Spongiosa und Knorpel morphologisch eine starke Ähnlichkeit zu hyalinem Knorpelgewebe. Trotz dieser Abstufungen zeigten sich für die relative Expression der chondrogenen Markergene AGG, Col II und Sox-9 keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den differenzierten MSC-Kulturen der vier unterschiedlichen Nativgewebe. Ein positiver Nachweis des Markers Col X wies nach 27 Tagen sowohl in differenzierten als auch in undifferenzierten Pellet-Kulturen auf eine leichte chondrogene Hypertrophie hin. Zusammenfassend zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Hinblick auf das osteogene und adipogene Differenzierungspotential aller untersuchten Zellen. Während das chondrogene Differenzierungspotential der Zellen aus Spongiosa, Knorpel und Kapsel sich aus histologischer und immunhistochemischer Sicht ähnelte, zeigten Pellets aus dem LCF ein schwächeres chondrogenes Differenzierungspotential in vitro. Obwohl somit erstmals MSC-ähnliche Zellen aus dem LCF und Gewebsproben, die neben dem Stratum synoviale auch das Stratum fibrosum der Hüftgelenkskapsel beinhalteten, charakterisiert wurden, sind weitere wissenschaftliche Arbeiten notwendig, um das multipotente Differenzierungspotential dieser Zellen zu optimieren. N2 - This study showed for the first time that plastic-adherent growing multipotent progenitor cells carrying a combination of surface antigens characteristic of MSCs could be isolated from four tissues of the arthritic hip joint.MSC-like cells can thus be detected not only in cancellous bone and articular cartilage, but also in the anterior joint capsule and ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) of the osteoarthritic human hip joint. FACS analysis of surface antigens on cells isolated from the four different tissues of an exemplarily selected donor showed a clear expression of the antigens CD44, CD73, CD90 and CD105. Thus, irrespective of the native tissue, all cells examined showed a profile of antigens on their surface that is characteristic but not specific for MSCs. However, cells did not meet the ISCT criteria since hematopoietic markers were not analyzed. Multipotent differentiation of the isolated cells was performed using specific differentiation media in monolayer cultures or three-dimensional pellet cultures for chondrogenic differentiation. After 21 days, clear signs of osteo- and adipogenesis could be detected histologically and immunohistochemically in all differentiated cultures, while evaluation of specific marker genes showed a clear increase in the expression of these compared with negative controls. Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations also confirmed successful chondrogenic differentiation of cell pellets from cancellous bone, cartilage, and capsule. Chondrogenically differentiated cell pellets from the LCF showed no formation of cartilage-specific matrix protein Col II. Microscopically the differentiated MSC pellets from cancellous bone and cartilage showed strong morphological similarity to hyaline cartilage tissue. Despite these gradations, there were no significant differences between the differentiated MSC cultures of the four different native tissues for the relative expression of the chondrogenic marker genes AGG, Col II, and Sox-9. Positive detection of the marker Col X indicated mild chondrogenic hypertrophy after 27 days in both differentiated and undifferentiated pellet cultures. In conclusion, there were no significant differences in osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation potential of all cells examined. While chondrogenic differentiation potential of progenitor cells isolated from cancellous bone, cartilage, and capsule was similar from a histological and immunohistochemical point of view, pellets from LCF showed a weaker chondrogenic differentiation potential in vitro. Although our current research proved the presence of MSC-like cells in the LCF and full-thickness tissue samples of the hip joint capsule further scientific work is required to evaluate the differentiation of the chondrogenic cells in the LCF. Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations also confirmed successful chondrogenic differentiation of cell pellets from cancellous bone, cartilage, and capsule. Only in the chondrogenically differentiated cell pellets from the LCF could no formation of the cartilage-specific matrix protein Col II be detected by immunohistochemistry. Microscopically, especially the differentiated MSC pellets from cancellous bone and cartilage showed strong morphological similarity to hyaline cartilage tissue. Despite these gradations, there were no significant differences between the differentiated MSC cultures of the four different native tissues for the relative expression of the chondrogenic marker genes AGG, Col II, and Sox-9. Positive detection of the marker Col X indicated mild chondrogenic hypertrophy after 27 days in both differentiated and undifferentiated pellet cultures. In conclusion, there were no significant differences in osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation potential of all cells examined. While the chondrogenic differentiation potential of cells from cancellous bone, cartilage, and capsule were similar from a histological and immunohistochemical point of view, pellets from LCF showed a weaker chondrogenic differentiation potential in vitro. Although our current research proved the presence of MSC-like cells in the LCF and full-thickness tissue samples of the human hip joint capsule further scientific work is required to optimize the multipotent differentiation potential of these cells. KW - Hüftgelenk KW - Arthrose KW - Mesenchymzelle KW - Knorpel KW - MSCs KW - tissue engineering KW - Hüfte KW - Arthrose KW - Regenerative Medizin KW - hip KW - Osteoarthritis Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237110 ER - TY - THES A1 - Breyer, Charles Pierre Paul T1 - Putative Eisenregulation von Fractalkin (CX3CL1), pathophysiologische Rolle von CX3CL1 in Plättchenmodellen und Eisenhaushalt in der Megakaryopoese T1 - Putative iron regulation of fractalkine (CX3CL1), pathophysiological role of CX3CL1 in platelet models and iron homeostasis in megakaryopoesis N2 - In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass Fractalkin (CX3L1) keine Eisenregulation im Sinne des klassischen IRE/IRP-Systems aufweist. Zusätzlich wird die pathophysiologische Rolle der CX3CL1/CX3CR1-Achse in Megakaryozyten untersucht. Ferner wird die Eisenhomöostase während der megakaryopetischen Differenzierung erforscht. N2 - In this thesis we showed that fractalkine (CX3CL1) is not an iron regulated gene following the classical IRE/IRP-system. Furthermore, we analysed the pathophysiological role of the CX3CL1/CX3CR1-axis in megakaryocytes. Finally, iron homeostasis during megakaryopoetic differentiation is analysed. KW - Fractalkin KW - iron responisve element KW - Megakaryopoese KW - Eisenhomöostase Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237929 ER - TY - THES A1 - Haack, Stephanie T1 - A novel mouse model for systemic cytokine release upon treatment with a superagonistic anti-CD28 antibody T1 - Ein neues Mausmodell zur Untersuchung der Zytokinfreisetzung nach Behandlung mit einem superagonistischen anti-CD28 Antikörper N2 - The adaptive immune system is known to provide highly specific and effective immunity against a broad variety of pathogens due to different effector cells. The most prominent are CD4+ T-cells which differentiate after activation into distinct subsets of effector and memory cells, amongst others T helper 1 (Th1) cells. We have recently shown that mouse as well as human Th1 cells depend on T cell receptor (TCR) signals concomitant with CD28 costimulation in order to secrete interferon  (IFN) which is considered as their main effector function. Moreover, there is a class of anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies that is able to induce T cell (re-)activation without concomitant TCR ligation. These so-called CD28-superagonists (CD28-SA) have been shown to preferentially activate and expand CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells and thereby efficaciously conferring protection e.g. against autoimmune responses in rodents and non-human primates. Considering this beneficial effect, CD28-SA were thought to be of great impact for immunotherapeutic approaches and a humanized CD28-SA was subjected to clinical testing starting with a first-in-man trial in London in 2006. Unexpectedly, the volunteers experienced life-threatening side effects due to a cytokine release syndrome (CRS) that was unpredicted by the preclinical studies prior to the trial. Retrospectively, CD4+ memory T cells within the tissues were identified as source of pro-inflammatory cytokines released upon CD28-SA administration. This was not predicted by the preclinical testing indicating a need for more reliable and predictive animal models. Whether mouse CD4+ T cells are generally irresponsive to CD28-SA stimulation or rather the lack of a bona fide memory T cell compartment in cleanly housed specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mice is the reason why the rodent models failed to predict the risk for a CRS remained unclear. To provide SPF mice with a true pool of memory/effector T cells, we transferred in vitro differentiated TCR-transgenic OT-II Th1 cells into untreated recipient mice. Given that Treg cells suppress T cell activation after CD28- SA injection in vivo, recipients were either Treg-competent or Treg-deficient, wild type or DEREG mice, respectively. Subsequent CD28-SA administration resulted in induction of systemic pro-inflammatory cytokine release, dominated by IFN, that was observed to be much more pronounced and robust in Treg-deficient recipients. Employing a newly established in vitro system mirroring the in vivo responses to CD28-SA stimulation of Th1 cells revealed that antigen-presenting cells (APCs) amplify CD28-SAinduced IFN release by Th1 cells due to CD40/CD40L-interactions. Thus, these data are the first to show that mouse Th1 cells are indeed sensitive to CD28-SA stimulation in vivo and in vitro responding with strong IFN release accompanied by secretion of further pro-inflammatory cytokines, which is compatible with a CRS. In conclusion, this study will facilitate preclinical testing of immunomodulatory agents providing a mouse model constituting more “human-like” conditions allowing a higher degree of reliability and translationability. N2 - Das adaptive Immunsystem ermöglicht mittels hocheffektiver, antigen-spezifischer Mechanismen und unterschiedlicher Effektorzellen den Schutz vor einer nahezu unbegrenzten Vielfalt von Pathogenen. Die Hauptakteure stellen hierbei CD4+ T-Zellen dar, welche nach Aktivierung distinkte Effektorpopulationen, unter anderem Th1 Zellen, bilden. Wir zeigten kürzlich, dass sowohl für Maus- als auch humane Th1-Zellen CD28-Kostimulation mit zeitgleicher T-Zellrezeptor (TZR)-Aktivierung essentiell für die Sekretion von Interferon  (IFN), deren Haupteffektorfunktion, ist. Allerdings sind monoklonale anti-CD28 Anti-körper bekannt, die auch ohne TZR-Signal T-Zellen aktivieren können. Diese sogenannten CD28 Supera-gonisten (CD28-SA) aktivieren und expandieren vorrangig CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatorische T-Zellen (Treg) und vermitteln wirksamen Schutz vor z.B. Autoimmunreaktionen in Nagern und Primaten. Um diesen erfolgversprechenden Effekt für immuntherapeutische Ansätze nutzen zu können, wurde 2006 in Lon-don eine erste klinische Erprobung eines humanisierten CD28-SA begonnen. Unerwarteterweise zeigten sich bei den Probanden lebensbedrohliche Nebenwirkungen, die Ausdruck eines Zytokin-Ausschüttungs-Syndroms (Cytokine Release Syndrome, CRS) waren, welches durch die vorangegangenen präklinischen Studien nicht vorhersagbar war. Rückblickend konnte die Sekretion pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine auf CD4+ Gedächtnis-T-Zellen im Gewebe zurückgeführt werden, die so auf die Gabe des CD28-SA reagier-ten. Die unvorhersehbare Reaktion im Menschen zeigt deutlich, dass verlässlichere und prädiktivere Tiermodelle unverzichtbar sind. Ob Maus CD4+-T-Zellen möglicherweise nicht durch CD28-SA stimulier-bar sind oder dieser fehlgeleiteten Einschätzung über das mögliche Risiko eines CRS eher das Fehlen eines echten CD4+ Gedächtnis-T-Zellen-Kompartiments in sauber gehaltenen spezifischen-Pathogen-freien (SPF) Mäusen zugrunde liegt, ist bisher ungeklärt. Um in SPF-Mäusen ein Gedächtnis-T-Zell-Kompartiment zu etablieren, wurden in vitro-differenzierte Th1 Zellen, die TZR-transgenen OT-II-Mäusen entstammen, in unbehandelte Empfängermäuse transferiert. Da bekannt ist, dass Treg-Zellen die Aktivierung von T-Zellen nach Anwendung von CD28-SA in vivo supprimieren, wurden Treg-kompetente (wildtypische) oder -defiziente (DEREG) Empfänger verwendet. Die anschließend erfolgte Injektion von CD28-SA löste die systemische Sekretion pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine aus, wobei eine stark erhöhter IFN-Konzentration im Serum zu beobachten war, welche deutlich ausgeprägter und robuster bei den Treg-defizienten Empfängern ausfiel. Ein neu etabliertes in vitro-System, welches die in vivo Antwort der Th1-Zellen auf CD28-SA-Stimulation widerspiegelt, identifizierte Antigen-präsentierende Zellen (APZs) als essentiellen Faktor für die erhöhte IFN-Sekretion der Th1-Zellen nach CD28-SA-Stimulation in Abhängigkeit von CD40/CD40L-Interaktionen. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Thesis zum ersten Mal, dass Maus Th1 Zellen sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro durch CD28 SA stimulierbar sind, wodurch eine starke IFN-Sekretion induziert wird, die von der gesteigerten Ausschüttung anderer pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine begleitet wird und in Abwesenheit von Treg einem CRS gleicht. Folglich kann diese Erkenntnis die präklinische Forschung bei der Erprobung neuer immuntherapeutischer Ansät-ze durch ein neues Mausmodell voranbringen, das dem menschlichen erfahreneren Immunsystem mehr als bisherige Modelle entspricht und somit verlässlichere Vorhersagen erlaubt und eine verbesserte Übertragbarkeit von Maus zu Mensch ermöglicht. KW - CD28 KW - CD28-SA KW - cytokine release syndrome Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237757 ER - TY - THES A1 - Behr, Greta T1 - Die „Malen nach Zahlen“ Methode zur Lehre der Präparation einer einflügeligen Adhäsivbrücke aus Zirkoniumdioxidkeramik T1 - The “Painting by Numbers Method” for Education of Students in Adhesive Bridge Preparation N2 - Einleitung: Das Erlernen neuer Präparationsarten ist nicht einfach, insbesondere bei Präparationen, die hohe technische Anforderungen stellen und deren Form sich von konventionellen Vollkronen unterscheidet, wie z. B. die Präparation einer Klebebrücke. Um das spätere Therapiespektrum angehender Zahnärzte zu erweitern, sollten diese eine große Anzahl verschiedener Präparationen im Studium erlernen. Im Studentenalltag bleibt oft keine Zeit für lange Erklärungen und exemplarische Präparationen. Deshalb wurde die "Malen-nach-Zahlen-Methode" entwickelt, um den Studenten das Erlernen neuer Präparationen zu erleichtern. Materialien und Methoden: Nach der Erstellung der Druckdatei für den Übungszahn wurden diese mit einem Stereolithographie-Drucker hergestellt. Der Übungszahn bestand aus zwei unterschiedlich farbigen Schichten mit einer integrierten Präparation. Die Schicht, die zum Erreichen der Zielpräparation entfernt werden musste, war schwarz und sollte den Studenten das Ausmaß und die Dicke der Präparation zeigen. 42 Zahnmedizinstudenten ab dem vierten Studienjahr nahmen an einem freiwilligen Praktikum teil. Die Studenten wurden nach dem Zufallsprinzip in zwei gleich große Gruppen eingeteilt. Eine Gruppe übte mit den "Malen nach Zahlen" Zähnen, die andere mit Standardmodellzähnen. Trotzdem hatte jeder Student die Möglichkeit, die neuen gedruckten Zähne zu testen. Die Studenten hatten bereits Erfahrung mit anderen Standardmodell- und echten Zähnen. Die gedruckten Zähne wurden mit einem Fragebogen mit Schulnoten von 1 bis 6 bewertet. In einem zweiten Teil wurden die präparierten Zähne der Schüler eingescannt und mit Hilfe einer 3D-Auswertungssoftware mit dem idealen präparierten Zahn verglichen. So konnte die "Malen-nach-Zahlen-Methode" mit herkömmlichen Unterrichtsmethoden verglichen werden. Ergebnisse: Die Herstellung der Zähne zum Erlernen der Präparation einer Klebebrücke war einfach und kostengünstig. Insgesamt bewerteten die Studenten die Zähne mit 1,9 und die Lehrmethode als positiv. Das Zahnmodell wurde insgesamt mit 1,9 bewertet. Es unterstützte die Studierenden dabei, die Zielpräparation zu visualisieren und durch die Kontrolle mit der eigenen Arbeit eine Selbsteinschätzung zu entwickeln. Auch wenn die Studierenden ihren Lernerfolg und Lernprozess mit den 3D-gedruckten Zähnen als besser einschätzten, konnte kein signifikanter Unterschied bei der späteren Auswertung der Zähne festgestellt werden. Die Studenten wünschten sich eine stärkere Integration der gedruckten Zähne in den Präparationsunterricht und äußerten in den Freitextfragen, dass sie Vorteile in Bezug auf Unabhängigkeit, Kosten und Individualisierung der zahnmedizinischen Ausbildung sehen. Schlussfolgerungen: Es hat sich gezeigt, dass die Methode "Malen nach Zahlen" geeignet ist, neue Präparationen wie eine Klebebrücke zu lehren. Die farbkodierte integrierte Präparation in den gedruckten Zähnen und das gedruckte Zahnmodell ermöglichten es den Studenten, die Präparation einer Adhäsivbrücke selbstständig und mit geringem Aufwand zu erlernen. N2 - Introduction: Learning new types of preparation is not easy, especially preparations that have high technical requirements and the shape of which differs from conventional full crowns, such as the preparation of an adhesive bridge. In order to expand the later therapy spectrum of prospective dentists, a large number of different preparations should be learned in universitiy. In everyday student life, there is often no time for long explanations and exemplary preparations. Therefore, the “Painting by Numbers Method” was designed to help students to facilitate the learning of new preparations. Materials and methods: After the design of the print file for the practice tooth, these were produced with a stereolithographic printer. The training tooth consisted of two differently colored layers with an integrated adhesive bridge preparation. The layer to be removed to achieve the target preparation was black and should show the students the extent and thickness of the preparation. 42 dental students from the fourth year of study onwards took part in a voluntary practical course. The students were randomly divided into two groups of equal size. One group practiced with the “Painting by Numbers” teeth, the other one with standard model teeth. Nevertheless each student had the opportunity to test the new printed teeth. The students already had experience with other standard model and real teeth. The printed teeth were evaluated with a questionnaire using German school grades from 1 to 6. In a second part, the prepared teeth of the students were scanned and compared with the ideal prepared tooth using a 3D evaluation software. The “Painting by Numbers Method” could thus be compared with conventional teaching methods. Results: The production of teeth for learning the preparation of an adhesive bridge was simple and inexpensive. Overall, the students rated the teeth with 1.9 and evaluated the teaching method positively. The tooth model was rated overall with 1.9. It supported the students to visualize the target preparation and to develop a self-assessment through the control with their own work. Even though the students considered their learning success and learning process to be better with the 3D-printed teeth, no significant difference could be found when comparing the evaluation of the teeth. The students wished to integrate printed teeth more into the teaching of preparations and expressed in the free text questions to see advantages in terms of independence, cost and individualization of dental education. Conclusions: It has been shown that the "painting by numbers" method is suitable for teaching new preparations such as an adhesive bridge. The colour-coded integrated preparation in the printed teeth and the printed tooth model enabled the students to learn how to prepare an adhesive bridge independently and at low cost. KW - 3D-Druck KW - Präparation KW - Zirkoniumdioxid KW - Brücke KW - Stereolithographie KW - Adhäsivbrücke KW - Präparationslehre KW - 3D-Druckzähne Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237186 ER - TY - THES A1 - Auth, Charlotte Sophie T1 - Die Auswirkungen von Tph2-Defizienz und negativen frühen Umwelterfahrungen auf Angstverhalten in weiblichen Mäusen T1 - Differential anxiety-related behaviour and brain activation in Tph2-deficient female mice exposed to adverse early environment N2 - Angsterkrankungen gehören zu den am weitesten verbreiteten psychischen Erkrankungen und stellen eine beträchtliche soziale und wirtschaftliche Herausforderung für unsere Gesellschaft dar. Aversive frühe Erfahrungen sind ein bekannter Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung verschiedener psychischer Erkrankungen, insbesondere Angststörungen. Während der frühen Entwicklung findet die Programmierung der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden- (HHN)-Achse, die die Ausschüttung des Stresshormons Cortisol in Menschen bzw. Corticosteron in Mäusen steuert, statt. Wenn Individuen in dieser kritischen Phase Stress ausgesetzt sind, wird die regelrechte Ausbildung der HHN-Achse gestört, was zu dysregulierten Verhaltensantworten auf Stressreize im späteren Leben führen kann. Das Serotonin (5-HT)-System als eines der ausgedehntesten Neurotransmittersysteme ist an der Vermittlung der Effekte von früher Stressexposition auf angstähnliche Verhaltensweisen beteiligt. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Interaktion zwischen genetischer Prädisposition und negativen Einflüssen in frühen Entwicklungsstadien auf die Ausbildung von Angstverhalten im Erwachsenenalter näher zu beleuchten. In dieser Studie wurden Tryptophanhydroxylase 2 (Tph2)-defiziente weibliche Mäuse als Modell für ein lebenslanges konstitutives 5-HT Synthesedefizit im zentralen Nervensystem verwendet. Nachkommen dieser Mauslinie wurden im frühen Lebensalter Maternaler Separation (MS), d.h. einem mütterlichen Trennungsparadigma, unterzogen und im Erwachsenenalter im „Open field“ (OF) oder in der „Dark-light box“ (DLB) getestet. Im Anschluss an die Verhaltensexperimente wurde die neuronale Aktivierung immunhistochemisch durch Darstellung des frühzeitig auftretenden Genprodukts c-Fos bestimmt. In der DLB zeigten homozygot Tph2-defiziente Mäuse eine verringerte motorische Aktivität im hellen Kompartiment, und dieser Effekt konnte durch MS normalisiert werden. Zusätzlich verstärkte MS bei diesem Genotyp das Auftreten von fluchtartigen Sprüngen. Im OF hat MS fluchtartige Verhaltensweisen in homo- und heterozygoten Tph2-defizienten Mäusen befördert. Beide Verhaltenstests führten zu spezifischen neuronalen Aktivierungsmustern, die mithilfe von c-Fos- Immunhistochemie ausgewertet wurden. Die Durchführung des DLB-Tests führte in Abhängigkeit vom Vorhandensein von Tph2 zur Aktivierung des paraventrikulären Kerns des Hypothalamus (PVN) und der basolateralen Amygdala (BL), wohingegen die Exposition gegenüber dem OF-Test zu einer Aktivierung der lateralen Amygdala (La) in Tieren, die einem mütterlichen Trennungsparadigma unterzogen wurden, sowie einer Aktivierung des ventrolateralen (VLPAG) und dorsolateralen (DLPAG) periaquäduktalen Höhlengraus in Abhängigkeit von Tph2 und MS führte. Zusammenfassend weisen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie darauf hin, dass MS aktive Verhaltensantworten auf aversive Reize in Abhängigkeit vom Vorhandensein von 5-HT im Gehirn fördert. Diese Effekte könnten durch die spezifische Aktivierung von mit Angstverhalten in Zusammenhang stehenden Gehirnregionen während der Verhaltensexperimente vermittelt werden. N2 - In a previous phase 1 study, it was observed that CBF can be increased by intermittent controlled hypercapnia in the days after aneurysm rupture in patients with poor to very poor SAB. After resetting mechanical ventilation to baseline parameters, CBF showed a slow and asymptotic return to baseline values without a negative rebound effect. This observation suggests that a longer duration of hypercapnia may prolong the CBF-increasing effect. This study was designed as a dose-optimization study to identify the time point at which CBF reaches a maximum and under the assumption that after this maximum, buffering mechanisms in blood and CSF could lead to adaptation mechanisms that result in a negative rebound effect after cessation of the hypercapnic challenge. An optimal duration of hypercapnia of 45 minutes was noted. KW - Angst KW - Maus KW - Serotonin KW - Stress KW - Entwicklung KW - Angstverhalten KW - Early-Life Stress KW - Mausmodell KW - Serotonindefizienz Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239488 ER - TY - THES A1 - Grabenbauer, Felix T1 - Radiosensibilisierung humaner Tumorzelllinien unterschiedlicher Entitäten durch den MEK-Inhibitor PD184352 allein oder in Kombination mit dem HSP90-Inhibitor NVP-AUY922: Einfluss der Behandlungsschemas T1 - Radiosensitization of human tumor cell lines of different entities by the MEK inhibitor PD184352 alone or in combination with the HSP90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922: Influence of the treatment regimen N2 - Das Targeting des MEK-Proteins in Krebszellen führt in der Regel zu einer erworbenen Resistenz gegen MEK-Inhibitoren und zur Aktivierung des überlebenswichtigen Proteins Akt. Da sowohl MEK als auch Akt Clienten des Hsp90-Chaperonsystems sind, untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit die Reaktionen von bestrahlten Lungenkarzinom- (A549) und Glioblastom- (SNB19) Zelllinien auf eine kombinierte MEK- und Hsp90-Hemmung. Unerwarteterweise verbesserte der 24 h vor der Bestrahlung verabreichte MEK-Inhibitor PD184352 das Zellüberleben durch Hochregulation von MEK und Erk1/2, aber auch von Akt. Im Gegensatz dazu reduzierte PD184352, das 1 h vor der Bestrahlung zugegeben wurde, die Expression von Erk stark und regulierte Akt in beiden Zelllinien nicht hoch. Als Ergebnis verstärkte der MEK-Inhibitor die radiosensibilisierende Wirkung des Hsp90-Inhibitors NVP-AUY922 in Glioblastomzellen (SNB19). N2 - Targeting MEK protein in cancer cells usually leads to acquired resistance to MEK inhibitors and activation of the prosurvival protein Akt. Since both MEK and Akt are clients of the Hsp90 chaperone system, the present study explores the responses of irradiated lung carcinoma A549 and glioblastoma SNB19 cell lines to combined MEK and Hsp90 inhibition. Unexpectedly, the MEK inhibitor PD184352 administered 24 h prior to irradiation, enhanced cell survival through upregulation of not only MEK and Erk1/2 but also of Akt. In contrast, PD184352 added 1 h before irradiation strongly reduced the expression of Erk and did not upregulate Akt in both cell lines. As a result, the MEK inhibitor increased the radiosensitizing effect of the Hsp90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922 in glioblastoma SNB19 cells. KW - Strahlenbiologie KW - A549 KW - Zellforschung KW - Radiosensibilisierung KW - Humane Tumorzelllinien KW - SNB19 KW - MEK-Inhibition KW - PD184352 KW - CI-1040 KW - HSP90-Inhibition KW - NVP-AUY922 KW - AUY-922 KW - Luminespib Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239790 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Chifu, Irina A1 - Heinze, Britta A1 - Fuss, Carmina T. A1 - Lang, Katharina A1 - Kroiss, Matthias A1 - Kircher, Stefan A1 - Ronchi, Cristina L. A1 - Altieri, Barbara A1 - Schirbel, Andreas A1 - Fassnacht, Martin A1 - Hahner, Stefanie T1 - Impact of the Chemokine Receptors CXCR4 and CXCR7 on Clinical Outcome in Adrenocortical Carcinoma JF - Frontiers in Endocrinology N2 - Chemokine receptors have a negative impact on tumor progression in several human cancers and have therefore been of interest for molecular imaging and targeted therapy. However, their clinical and prognostic significance in adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemokine receptor profile in ACC and to analyse its association with clinicopathological characteristics and clinical outcome. A chemokine receptor profile was initially evaluated by quantitative PCR in 4 normal adrenals, 18 ACC samples and human ACC cell line NCI-H295. High expression of CXCR4 and CXCR7 in both healthy and malignant adrenal tissue and ACC cells was confirmed. In the next step, we analyzed the expression and cellular localization of CXCR4 and CXCR7 in ACC by immunohistochemistry in 187 and 84 samples, respectively. These results were correlated with clinicopathological parameters and survival outcome. We detected strong membrane expression of CXCR4 and CXCR7 in 50% of ACC samples. Strong cytoplasmic CXCR4 staining was more frequent among samples derived from metastases compared to primaries (p=0.01) and local recurrences (p=0.04). CXCR4 membrane staining positively correlated with proliferation index Ki67 (r=0.17, p=0.028). CXCR7 membrane staining negatively correlated with Ki67 (r=−0.254, p=0.03) but positively with tumor size (r=0.3, p=0.02). No differences in progression-free or overall survival were observed between patients with strong and weak staining intensities for CXCR4 or CXCR7. Taken together, high expression of CXCR4 and CXCR7 in both local tumors and metastases suggests that some ACC patients might benefit from CXCR4/CXCR7-targeted therapy. KW - chemokine receptor KW - prognosis KW - adrenocortical carcinoma KW - CXCR4 KW - CXCR7 Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-216494 SN - 1664-2392 VL - 11 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Grebe, Sören Jendrik A1 - Malzahn, Uwe A1 - Donhauser, Julian A1 - Liu, Dan A1 - Wanner, Christoph A1 - Krane, Vera A1 - Hammer, Fabian T1 - Quantification of left ventricular mass by echocardiography compared to cardiac magnet resonance imaging in hemodialysis patients JF - Cardiovascular Ultrasound N2 - Background: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), defined by the left ventricular mass index (LVMI), is highly prevalent in hemodialysis patients and a strong independent predictor of cardiovascular events. Compared to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR), echocardiography tends to overestimate the LVMI. Here, we evaluate the diagnostic performance of transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) compared to CMR regarding the assessment of LVMI in hemodialysis patients. Methods: TTR and CMR data for 95 hemodialysis patients who participated in the MiREnDa trial were analyzed. The LVMI was calculated by two-dimensional (2D) TTE-guided M-mode measurements employing the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) and Teichholz (Th) formulas, which were compared to the reference method, CMR. Results: LVH was present in 44% of patients based on LVMI measured by CMR. LVMI measured by echocardiography correlated moderately with CMR, ASE: r = 0.44 (0.34-0.62); Th: r = 0.44 (0.32-0.62). Compared to CMR, both echocardiographic formulas overestimated LVMI (mean increment LVMI (ASE-CMR): 19.5 +/- 19.48 g/m(2),p < 0.001; mean increment LVMI (Th-CMR): 15.9 +/- 15.89 g/m(2),p < 0.001). We found greater LVMI overestimation in patients with LVH using the ASE formula compared to the Th formula. Stratification of patients into CMR LVMI quartiles showed a continuous decrease in increment LVMI with increasing CMR LVMI quartiles for the Th formula (p < 0.001) but not for the ASE formula (p = 0.772). Bland-Altman analysis showed that the Th formula had a constant bias independent of LVMI. Both methods had good discrimination ability for the detection of LVH (ROC-AUC: 0.819 (0.737-0.901) and 0.808 (0.723-0.892) for Th and ASE, respectively). Conclusions: The ASE and Th formulas overestimate LVMI in hemodialysis patients. However, the overestimation is less with the Th formula, particularly with increasing LVMI. The results suggest that the Th formula should be preferred for measurement of LVMI in chronic hemodialysis patients. KW - Teichholz formula KW - ASE formula KW - echocardiography KW - left ventricular hypertrophy KW - left ventricular mass index KW - hemodialysis Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-229282 VL - 18 ER - TY - THES A1 - Molina Galindo, Lara Sophia T1 - Glaukomtherapie: Intraindividueller Vergleich zwischen der konventionellen Trabekulektomie und der filtrierenden Trabekulotomie T1 - Glaucoma therapy: Intraindividual comparison of the conventional trabeculectomy and the filtering trabeculotomy N2 - Hintergrund: Die konventionelle Trabekulektomie (TET) stellt trotz einem eher ungünstigen Komplikationsprofil weiterhin den Goldstandard der operativen Glaukomtherapie dar, da sie eine effektivere langfristige Drucksenkung als neuere Operationsverfahren aufweist. Fragestellung: Vergleich der Erfolgsquote und des Risikoprofils der TET mit einer durch Schaffen einer zweiten Filtrationsebene sowie Vermeiden einer peripheren Iridektomie modifizierten Trabekulektomie („Filtrierende Trabekulotomie“ (FTO)). Material und Methode: Retrospektiv durchgeführter intraindividueller Vergleich über 36 Monate an 20 Patienten mit Offenwinkelglaukom nach TET an einem Auge und FTO am anderen Auge an der Augenklinik der Universität Würzburg. Primärer Endpunkt war das Erreichen des absoluten/Teilerfolgs (IOD ≤18 mmHg und ≥ 20 % Druckreduktion ohne/mit Medikation). Als sekundäre Endpunkte wurden das Auftreten von Komplikationen sowie der Verlauf von Augeninnendruck, Visus und lokaler Pharmakotherapie analysiert. Ergebnisse: Beide Operationsverfahren führten zu einer signifikanten Reduktion des Augeninnendrucks zu jedem postoperativen Zeitpunkt. Nach 36 Monaten zeigte sich ein absoluter Erfolg bei 50 % der Augen in der TET-Gruppe und 20 % der FTO-Gruppe sowie ein Teilerfolg bei 71,4 % gegenüber 33,3 %. Zu Komplikationen kam es mit Ausnahme des häufigeren Auftretens eines Hyphämas in der FTO-Gruppe in vergleichbarem Ausmaß in beiden Gruppen. Der Visus und postoperative Medikamentenscore unterschieden sich nicht signifikant voneinander. Schlussfolgerung: Die TET war der FTO in Hinblick auf Erfolg und Komplikationsrisiko überlegen. Die möglichen Vorteile der Operation durch die genannten Modifikationen konnten nicht bestätigt werden. N2 - Background: Despite its numerous short- and long-term complications Trabeculectomy (TET) remains the gold standard of surgical management of glaucoma. It offers more effective IOP control than minimal invasive glaucoma surgery. Objectives: Comparison of the outcome of the TET and a modified trabeculectomy with a second outflow-resistance level of the aqueous humor and without iridectomy (“Filtering Trabeculotomy” (FTO)). Methods: Intraindividual comparison of 20 patients with open-angle glaucoma after TET on the first eye and FTO of the other eye in a retrospective design over a follow-up period of 36 month. Primary outcome measure was the rate of complete and qualified success (IOP ≤18 mmHg and ≥ 20 % reduction without/with medication). Secondary outcome measures were the development of IOP, visual acuity, anti-glaucoma medication and complications. Results: Both surgical procedures reduced the IOP significantly. After 36 month of follow-up 50 % of the patients in the TET-group and 20 % in the FTO-group had a complete success. For qualified success there were lower rates with 71,4 % and 33,3 %, respectively. Complications were comparable in both groups with the exception of hyphema, which was seen more frequently in the FTO-group. Visual acuity and anti-glaucoma medication did not differ significantly. Conclusions: TET was superior to the FTO regarding success rates and complications. Potential benefits of the modifications of the surgical procedure could not be proved. KW - Offenwinkelglaukom KW - Trabekulotomie KW - Iridektomie Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-246412 ER - TY - THES A1 - Soda, Hassan T1 - Interdisziplinäres Schlaganfallmanagement anhand des Stroke Manager Programms – Studiendaten und Perspektiven für die Schlaganfallversorgung T1 - Interdisciplinary stroke management using the Stroke Manager program – study data and perspectives for stroke care N2 - Die Schlaganfallnachsorge in Deutschland wird von verschiedenen Leistungserbringern geprägt, die teilweise komplementäre und komplexe Dienstleistungen erbringen und sektorenübergreifend arbeiten. In Bad Neustadt wurde in Kooperation mit der Universität Würzburg und dem Zentrum für Telemedizin Bad Kissingen das Stroke Manager Programm entwickelt und evaluiert. Das strukturierte Nachsorgeprogramm Stroke Manager basiert auf einer standardisierten Informations- und Software Unterstützung von der Akutversorgung bis drei Monate nach Entlassung aus der stationären Versorgung. Anhand der Ergebnisse des Stroke Manager Programms konnte eine vergleichsweise hohe Persistenz bzgl. der stationär verordneten medikamentösen Sekundärprävention über einen Zeitraum von drei Monaten festgestellt werden, ebenso konnten wir nachweisen, dass sich das Programm positiv auf die Versorgungsqualität sowie die Patientenzufriedenheit nach Schlaganfall auswirken kann. Die im Stroke Manager-Programm betreuten Schlaganfallpatienten wiesen im Vergleich signifikante Unterschiede bei den Faktoren Rauchverhalten, Schlaganfallschweregrad und subjektive, globale Lebensqualität auf. N2 - Stroke aftercare in Germany is shaped by different service providers, some of whom provide complementary and complex services and work across sectors. In Bad Neustadt, the Stroke Manager Program was developed and evaluated in cooperation with the University of Würzburg and the Centre for Telemedicine Bad Kissingen. The structured aftercare program Stroke Manager is based on standardized information and software support from acute care up to three months after discharge from inpatient care. Based on the results of the Stroke Manager program, a comparatively high persistence of inpatient secondary drug prevention was observed over a period of three months, and we were able to demonstrate that the program can have a positive impact on the quality of care and patient satisfaction after stroke. The stroke patients treated in the Stroke Manager program showed significant differences in smoking behaviour, stroke severity and subjective, global quality of life. KW - Stroke Manager KW - medikamentöse Sekundärprävention bei stroke KW - Lebensqualität nach stroke Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242061 ER - TY - THES A1 - Seidensticker, Katharina T1 - Aufbau eines humanen 3D-Atemwegsmodells zur Modellierung der Atemwegsinfektion mit Bordetella pertussis T1 - Investigations of pertussis toxins in a 3D in vitro model of the human respiratory mucosa N2 - Mittels Tissue Engineering hergestellte humane 3D in vitro-Testsysteme sind ein neuer Ansatz, um u.a. Erkrankungen der Atemwege zu simulieren und zu untersuchen. Obwohl gegen B. pertussis, den Erreger des Keuchhustens, Impfstoffe zur Verfügung stehen, nimmt die Erkrankungs-Inzidenz in den letzten Jahren deutlich zu. Da B. pertussis zu den obligat humanpathogenen Erregern zählt, sind die aus Tierversuchen stammenden Daten nur unzureichend auf den Menschen übertragbar. Die genauen Pathomechanismen der Infektion sind bisher nicht geklärt. Auf einer biologischen Kollagenmatrix wurde eine Ko-Kultur aus humanen tracheobronchialen Fibroblasten und humanen tracheobronchialen Epithelzellen (hTEC) angesiedelt und 3 Wochen unter apikaler Belüftung kultiviert. Die ausdifferenzierten 3D Testsysteme wurden mit Überständen von Bordetella pertussis-Kulturen inkubiert und auf licht- und elektronenmikroskopischer Ebene analysiert. Weiterhin wurden 2D Kulturen der hTEC mit Hilfe der Ramanspektroskopie nicht-invasiv auf intrazelluläre Veränderungen nach der Inkubation mit den bakteriellen Überständen untersucht. Das 3D Testsystem der humanen Atemwegschleimhaut zeigte auf lichtmikroskopischer und ultrastruktureller Ebene eine hohe in vitro – in vivo-Korrelation. Die elektronenmikroskopische Analyse zeigte morphologische Veränderungen nach der Inkubation mit den B. pertussis Überständen, die mit vorbeschrieben Effekten einer B. pertussis Infektion korrelieren. Mittels der Ramanspektroskopie ließen sich Gruppen von unbehandelten Zellen von Gruppen, die zuvor mit Bakterienüberständen inkubiert wurden, trennen. Somit zeigte sich die Ramanspektroskopie sensitiv für intrazelluläre Infektionsfolgen. Zusammenfassend wurde belegt, dass das 3D-Modell der humanen Atemwegschleimhaut zur Untersuchung obligat humanpathogener Infektionserreger geeignet ist und dass die Ramanspektroskopie eine nicht-invasive Methode ist, um durch Infektionen hervorgerufene intrazellulären Pathologien zu analysieren. N2 - Three dimensional (3D) tissue-engineered human tissue models are of high relevance, e.g. to investigate virulence mechanisms of human obligate pathogens in vitro. One major obligate agent causing acute respiratory diseases is Bordetella pertussis (Bp), the agent of whooping cough. The progress towards elimination Bp has stalled which is mainly caused due to an absence of suitable models to gain more knowledge about its pathomechanism. On a biological collagen matrix (SISser) a co-culture of human fibroblasts and human airway epithelial cells (hTEC) was seeded and cultured under airlift conditions. The completely differentiated test systems were treated with sterile-filtrated supernatants of Bp and afterwards analyzed with light and transmission electron microscopy. 2D cultures of hTEC were also infected and analyzed with Raman spectroscopy. The 3D test system of the human airway mucosa shows high in vitro - in vivo - correlation on both structural and ultrastructural level. Preliminary morphological analysis after infection with Bp supernatant reveals considerable ultrastructural changes which were not observed in control samples and correlate to effects knows from Bp infections in vivo. In 2D cultivation conditions the Raman spectra of infected hTEC clearly differ from spectra of the control. It is shown that the 3D airway mucosa model represents pathological effects of Bp toxins and offers an opportunity to further examine their pathomechanisms. Raman spectroscopy appears to be a practical method to show intracellular changes on living cells non-invasively. KW - Bordetella pertussis KW - Tissue Engineering KW - Raman-Spektroskopie KW - 3D-Gewebemodell KW - Keuchhusten KW - Konfokale Ramanspektroskopie KW - Airlift-Kultur Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242092 ER - TY - THES A1 - Kodandaraman, Geema T1 - Influence of insulin-induced oxidative stress in genotoxicity and disease T1 - Einfluss von insulininduziertem oxidativem Stress auf Genotoxitität und Krankheit N2 - Hormones are essential components in the body and their imbalance leads to pathological consequences. T2DM, insulin resistance and obesity are the most commonly occurring lifestyle diseases in the past decade. Also, an increased cancer incidence has been strongly associated with obese and T2DM patients. Therefore, our aim was to study the influence of high insulin levels in accumulating DNA damage in in vitro models and patients, through the induction of oxidative stress. The primary goal of this study was to analyze the genotoxicity induced by the combined action of two endogenous hormones (insulin and adrenaline) with in vitro models, through the induction of micronuclei and to see if they cause an additive increase in genomic damage. This is important for multifactorial diseases having high levels of more than one hormone, such as metabolic syndrome and conditions with multiple pathologies (e.g., T2DM along with high stress levels). Furthermore, the combination of insulin and the pharmacological inhibition of the tumor suppressor gene: PTEN, was to be tested in in vitro models for their genotoxic effect and oxidative stress inducing potential. As the tumor suppressor gene: PTEN is downregulated in PTEN associated syndromes and when presented along with T2DM and insulin resistance, this may increase the potential to accumulate genomic damage. The consequences of insulin action were to be further elucidated by following GFP-expressing cells in live cell-imaging to observe the ability of insulin, to induce micronuclei and replicative stress. Finally, the detrimental potential of high insulin levels in obese patients with hyperinsulinemia and pre-diabetes was to be studied by analyzing markers of oxidative stress and genomic damage. In summary, the intention of this work was to understand the effects of high insulin levels in in vitro and in patients to understand its relevance for the development of genomic instability and thus an elevated cancer risk. N2 - In-vitro-Genotoxizitätsstudien mit hohen Konzentrationen von Insulin und die Kombination mit Adrenalin zeigten keinen additiven Anstieg der Mikrokernzahl. Der Insulinrezeptor und der AKT-Signalweg waren in den insulinvermittelten Genomschaden involviert. Die endogenen ROS-Quellen, Mitochondrien und NOX, waren an dem insulinvermittelten DNA-Schaden beteiligt. Hohe Konzentrationen von mitochondrialen ROS alleine, verursacht durch einen Komplex III Mitochondrien-Inhibitor, führten zu Zytotoxizität, aber nicht zu einer Zunahme des Genomschadens. Daher ist die durch das NOX-Enzym vermittelte ROS-Produktion wahrscheinlich der gemeinsame Faktor des genotoxischen Signalweges von Insulin und Adrenalin. Die Überstimulation des NOX-Enzyms führte zu einer Sättigung der zellulären biologischen Effekte und fehlender Additivität bei der Induktion von Genomschaden. Dies könnte jedoch unter physiologischen Bedingungen anders sein, da die Hormonspiegel niedriger sind und die ROS-Quellen nicht durch jedes einzelne der Hormone bereits maximal genutzt und daher erschöpft werden. Damit könnte die Möglichkeit eines additiven Genomschadens in vivo bestehen. Die Rolle des AKT-Signalwegs bei der Insulin-vermittelten genomischen Schädigung ist bereits etabliert und hier wurde nun die Funktion des negativen Regulatorproteins PTEN untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die PTEN Inhibierung nicht nur zu einer erhöhten Genotoxizität durch MN-Induktion führte, sondern auch zur Beeinträchtigung der mitochondrialen Funktion. Obwohl kein Anstieg von ROS nach PTEN-Inhibierung beobachtet wurde, könnte die mitochondriale Dysfunktion zur metabolischen Imbalance sowie zur Zunahme des Genomschadens führen. Dies könnte insbesondere bei Patienten mit bestimmten PTEN-assoziierten Syndromen und Krebserkrankungen, die eine defekte PTEN-vermittelte Tumorsuppressorfunktion, DNA-Reparaturdefekte und kompromittierte antioxidative Abwehrmechanismen aufweisen, eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Wenn diese Patienten zusätzlich von Hyperinsulinämie betroffen sind, könnte eine Akkumulation von Genomschaden erfolgen und das Risiko zur Krebsentstehung wäre erhöht. Der Mechanismus der Genomschadensinduktion durch Insulin wurde bisher mit einer ROS-vermittelten DNA-Oxidation in Verbindung gebracht, aber noch nicht mit der mitogenen Signalgebung. Bei dieser beschleunigte das mitogene Potential des Insulins die Zellteilung und verursachte einen leichten replikativen Stress. Der milde replikative Stress könnte der Kontrolle durch die mitotischen Checkpoint-Proteine entgehen und zu Chromosomen-Fehlverteilungen und Chromosomenbrüchen führen. Dieser Effekt wurde in der Krebszelllinie Hela in Form von multipolaren Spindeln und Mikronuklei beobachtet und es ist nicht klar ob normale Zellen mit effizienterer Kontrolle dies verhindern könnten. Insgesamt könnte ein durch hohe Insulinspiegel vermittelter Schaden im Kontext anderer Komorbiditäten wie etwa PTEN Syndromen, metabolischem Syndrom oder Adipositas zu einer Akkumulation von DNA-Schäden führen. Schließlich zeigte die Analyse von Proben adipöser Patienten eine Zunahme von DNA-Schaden und oxidativem Stress im Vergleich zu den gesunden Kontrollen. Der Anstieg des DNA-Schadens war am höchsten in der Untergruppe der Patienten mit Insulinresistenz. Hoher Insulinspiegel bedeutet somit ein Risiko vom erhöhten oxidativen Stress und Genomschaden, insbesondere in Kombination mit Komorbiditäten. Erschwert wird das Verständnis dieser multifaktoriellen Zusammenhänge durch das komplexe Zusammenspiel von oxidativem Stress und seiner zellulären Regulation in vielen physiologischen sowie pathophysiologischen Prozessen. Daneben ist es eine Herausforderung, Genomschäden bei den geringen Wirkspiegeln hormoneller Effekte zu detektieren. Weitere Untersuchungen der komplexen Insulin-vermittelten Genomschadenswege werden notwendig sein, um mögliche Risiken der Hyperinsulinämie bei Erkrankungen wie Stoffwechselkrankheiten, Diabetes Typ 2 und Adipositas besser zu charakterisieren. KW - Insulin KW - Genotoxicity KW - Micronucleus Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242005 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schulte, Annemarie A1 - Blum, Robert T1 - Shaped by leaky ER: Homeostatic Ca\(^{2+}\) fluxes JF - Frontiers in Physiology N2 - At any moment in time, cells coordinate and balance their calcium ion (Ca\(^{2+}\)) fluxes. The term ‘Ca\(^{2+}\) homeostasis’ suggests that balancing resting Ca2+ levels is a rather static process. However, direct ER Ca\(^{2+}\) imaging shows that resting Ca\(^{2+}\) levels are maintained by surprisingly dynamic Ca\(^{2+}\) fluxes between the ER Ca\(^{2+}\) store, the cytosol, and the extracellular space. The data show that the ER Ca\(^{2+}\) leak, continuously fed by the high-energy consuming SERCA, is a fundamental driver of resting Ca\(^{2+}\) dynamics. Based on simplistic Ca\(^{2+}\) toolkit models, we discuss how the ER Ca\(^{2+}\) leak could contribute to evolutionarily conserved Ca\(^{2+}\) phenomena such as Ca\(^{2+}\) entry, ER Ca\(^{2+}\) release, and Ca\(^{2+}\) oscillations. KW - Ca2+ homeostasis KW - Ca2+ ion analysis KW - ER Ca2+ store KW - ER Ca2+ imaging KW - SERCA KW - store-operated Ca2+ entry KW - Ca2+ leak KW - Ca2+ oscillation Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-287102 SN - 1664-042X VL - 13 ER - TY - THES A1 - Liang, Raimunde T1 - Identification of new drug targets in adrenocortical carcinoma through targeted mRNA analysis T1 - Identifikation neuer Drug Targets im Nebennierenrindenkarzinom durch gezielte mRNA-Analyse N2 - Adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) are aggressive tumors associated with a heterogeneous but generally poor prognosis and limited treatment options for advanced stages. Despite promising molecular insights and improved understanding of ACC biology, efficient targeted therapies have not been identified yet. Thus, this study aims to identify potential new drug targets for a future personalized therapeutic approach. RNA was isolated from 104 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor samples from ACC patients, 40 of those 104 cases proved to be suitable for further mRNA analyses according to the quality check of the extracted RNA. Gene expression of 84 known cancer drug targets was evaluated by quantitative real-time PCR using 5 normal adrenal glands as reference. Protein expression was investigated for selected candidate drug targets by immunohistochemistry in 104 ACC samples, 11 adenomas and 6 normal adrenal glands. Efficacy of an available inhibitor of the most promising candidate was tested by functional in vitro experiments in two ACC cell lines (NCI-H295R and MUC1) alone or in combination with other drugs. Most frequently overexpressed genes were TOP2A, IGF2, CDK1, CDK4, PLK4 and PLK1. Nuclear immunostaining of CDK1, CDK4 and PLK1 significantly correlated with the respective mRNA expression. CDK4 was chosen as the most promising candidate for functional validation as it is actionable by FDA-approved CDK4/6 inhibitors. ACC samples with copy number gains at CDK4 locus presented significantly higher CDK4 expression levels. The CDK4/6 inhibitor palbociclib showed a concentration- and time- dependent reduction of cell viability in vitro, which was more pronounced in NCI-H295R than in MUC1 cells. This was in line with higher CDK4 expression at western blot analysis in NCI-H295R cells. Furthermore, palbociclib was applied in combination with dual IGFR/IR inhibitor linsitinib showing a synergistic effect on reducing cell viability. In conclusion, this proof-of-principle study confirmed RNA profiling to be useful to discover potential drug targets. Detected drug targets are suitable to be investigated by immunohistochemistry in the clinical setting. Moreover, CDK4/6 inhibitors are promising candidates for treatment of a subset of patients with tumors presenting CDK4 copy number gains and/or overexpression, while linsitinib might be an interesting combination partner in patients with both IGF2 and IGF1R overexpression. These results are intended as a basis for a validation study in a prospective cohort, further evaluation in vivo in suitable mouse models or testing in patients with ACC in clinical trials are needed and might improve the future management of patients with ACC in terms of precision medicine. N2 - Nebennierenrindenkarzinome (ACC) sind aggressive Tumore, die mit einer heterogenen, aber insgesamt ungünstigen Prognose sowie limitierten therapeutischen Optionen für fortgeschrittene Stadien assoziiert sind. Trotz hoffnungsvoll stimmenden molekularen Einblicken und verbessertem Verständnis für die Biologie des ACC wurden bisher keine effektiven Targeted Therapies (zielgerichtete Therapien) identifiziert. Daher strebt diese Studie die Identifikation potentieller neuer Drug Targets (Arzneimittelzielpunkte) im Rahmen einer zukünftigen personalisierten Therapie an. RNA wurde von 104 formalinfixierten und paraffineingebetteten Tumorproben von ACC Patienten isoliert, 40 der 104 Fälle zeigten sich nach der Qualitätsprüfung der extrahierten RNA geeignet für weiterführende mRNA-Analysen. Genexpression von 84 bekannten Karzinom-Drug Targets wurden durch quantitative Real-Time PCR unter Nutzung von 5 normalen Nebennieren als Referenz evaluiert. Proteinexpression wurde in selektierten Kandidaten-Drug Targets durch Immunhistochemie in 104 ACC-Proben, 11 Adenomen und 6 normalen Nebennieren untersucht. Das Potential eines verfügbaren Inhibitors gegen das vielversprechendste Kandidatengen wurde in funktionalen in vitro Experimenten mit zwei ACC-Zelllinien (NCI-H295R und MUC1) allein und in Kombination mit einem anderen Medikament getestet. Die am häufigsten überexprimierten Gene stellten TOP2A, IGF2, CDK1, CDK4, PLK4 und PLK1 dar. Die immunhistologische Kernfärbung für CDK1, CDK4 und PLK1 korrelierten signifikant mit der jeweiligen mRNA-Expression. CDK4 wurde als erfolgversprechendster Kandidat für weitere funktionale Validierung ausgewählt, da es durch FDA-genehmigte CDK4/6-Inhibitoren angreifbar ist. ACC-Proben mit Copy Number Gains des CDK4 Genlocus zeigten signifikant höhere CDK4 Expressionslevel. Der CDK4/6-Inhibitor Palbociclib wies eine zeit- und konzentrationsabhängige Reduktion der Zellviabilität in vitro auf, welche ausgeprägter in NCI-H295R- als in MUC1-Zellen war. Dies war in Einklang mit stärkerer CDK4 Expression in den NCI-H295R-Zellen in der Western Blot Analyse. Weiterhin wurde Palbociclib in Kombination mit dem dualen IGFR/IR-Inhibitor Linsitinib eingesetzt, dies zeigte einen synergistischen Effekt auf die Reduktion der Zellviabilität. Zusammenfassend bestätigte diese Proof-of-Principle den Nutzen von RNA Profiling zur Erfassung potentieller Drug Targets. Die ermittelten Drug Targets sind geeignet für immunhistochemische Untersuchungen im klinischen Setting. Darüber hinaus sind CDK4/6-Inhibitoren vielversprechende Kandidaten für die Behandlung einer Teilgruppe von Patienten mit Tumoren, die CDK4-Copy Number Gains und/oder -Überexpression aufweisen, während Linsitinib ein interessanter Kombinationspartner in Patienten mit sowohl IGF2- wie auch IGF1R-Überexpression darstellen könnte. Diese Resultate sollen als Basis für eine Validationsstudie in einer prospektiven Kohorte dienen, weitere Evaluation in vivo in geeigneten Mausmodellen oder Untersuchung in ACC-Patienten in klinischen Studien sind erforderlich und könnten das zukünftige Management von ACC-Patienten verbessern im Rahmen der Präzisionsmedizin. KW - Adrenokortikales Karzinom KW - CDK4 Inhibitor KW - Präzisionsmedizin KW - gezielte Therapie KW - Palbociclib KW - adrenocortical carcinoma KW - precision medicine KW - CDK4 inhibitor KW - ACC KW - targeted therapy Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235545 ER - TY - THES A1 - Qureischi, Musga T1 - Selective modulation of alloreactive T cells in preclinical models of acute Graft-versus-Host Disease T1 - Selektive Modulation von alloreaktiven T-Zellen in präklinischen Modellen der akuten Graft-versus-Host Erkrankung N2 - Hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is a curative therapy for the treatment of malignant and non-malignant bone marrow diseases. The major complication of this treatment is a highly inflammatory reaction called Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD). Here, transplanted donor T cells cause massive tissue destruction and inflammation in the main target organs liver, skin and the intestine. Currently, this inflammatory reaction can be treated successfully using strong immunosuppressive agents. One efficient group of immunosuppressants are calcineurin inhibitors such as Cyclosporin A (CsA) and Tacrolimus (FK506). These treatment strategies target all T lymphocytes subsets equally and do not separate GvH from the desirable Graft-versus-Leukemia (GvL) effect. Therefore, we aimed to find immunological targets on alloreactive T cells in order to develop novel treatment strategies, which selectively modulates alloreactive T cells without impairing the GvL effect or hematopoietic immune reconstitution. The aim of this thesis was to develop a predictive marker panel to track alloreactive T cells in the peripheral blood (PB) of murine allo-HCT recipients. In clinically relevant model of aGvHD we demonstrated that alloreactive T cells have a distinct surface marker expression profile and can be detected in the PB before aGvHD manifestation. Based on our data, we propose a combinatory panel consisting of 4 surface markers (a4b7 integrin, CD162E, CD162P und CD62L) on circulating CD8+ T cells to identify the risk of aGvHD after allo-HCT. Since tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFR SF) members are involved in several immunological processes, we did extensive surface marker expression analysis of several TNFR superfamily members and other immunomodulatory molecules on conventional and regulatory T cells (Tcons vs. Tregs) on different time points during aGvHD progression. The aim of this study was to find subset-specific immunomodulatory molecules on recently activated Tcons and Tregs. We found that GITR, 4-1BB and CD27 were highly expressed on alloreactive and naïve Tregs. In contrast, PD1 expression was highly upregulated on recently activated alloreactive Tcons. The data of this study serves as basis for future approaches, which aim to develop T cell subset specific therapeutic antibody fusion proteins. a4b7 integrin and CD162P (P-Selectin ligand) are highly upregulated on alloreactive T cells and mediate the infiltration of these cells into GvHD target organs. We developed recombinant (antibody) fusion proteins to target these two homing molecules and could show that antibody-based fusion proteins are superior to ligand-based fusion proteins regarding production efficiency and binding affinity. Therefore, we propose for future studies to focus on the described antibody-based fusion proteins for the selective targeting of T cells. Since the widely used calcineurin inhibitors are impairing the desirable GvL effect, we investigated if selective NFATc1 inhibition might be a novel strategy to prevent or reduce alloreactivity, while hopefully maintaining the GvL effect. In particular, we addressed the role of the isoform NFATc1 and inhibited its posttranslational modification by SUMO (Small Ubiquitin-related Modifier). Indeed, inhibition of NFATc1 SUMOylation resulted in reduced inflammation and increased Treg frequencies in a murine MHC major mismatch aGvHD model. Conclusively, we showed that alloreactive T cells can be identified by their surface profile in the PB of allo-HCT recipients before aGvHD symptoms appeared. Furthermore, we introduced a approach to selectively target alloreactive T cells by antibody fusion proteins, which might serve as a novel strategy to separate GvH from GvL. Additionally, we demonstrated that averted posttranslational modification of NFATc1 by SUMOylation serves as potential target to reduce alloreactivity of T cells. N2 - Die hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation ist eine weltweite Therapiemaßnahme für die Behandlung von malignen und nicht-malignen Knochenmarkserkrankungen(z. B. Leukämien). Eine schwerwiegende Komplikation dieser Therapieform ist die Transplantat-gegen-Wirt Erkrankung (engl. Graft-versus-Host Disease, GvHD). Hierbei greifen Spender-T-Lymphozyten den Körper des Empfängers an und verursachen massive Entzündungsreaktionenin den GvHD Zielorganen Leber, Haut und Darm. Diese überschießende Immunreaktion kann klinisch behandelt werden, indem starkimmunsuppressive Medikamente wie Cyclosporin A (CsA) und Tacrolimus (FK506) eingesetzt werden. Jedoch greifen diese Medikamente alle T-Zellen gleichermaßen an und vermindern ebenfalls die gewünschte anti-Tumorantwort der Spender-T-Lymphozyten(engl. Graft-versus-Leukemiaeffect, GvL effect). Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines prädiktiven FACS Tests, um T-Zellen im peripheren Blut (PB) von Stammzellenempfängern anhand ihrer Oberflächenmoleküle zu identifizieren. Dazu haben wir ein klinisch relevantes Mausmodell für aGvHD herangezogen und konnten zeigen, dass eine Kombination von Migrations- und Aktivierungsmolekülen (a4b7-Integrin, CD162E, CD162P und CD62L) alloreaktive T-Zellen im Blut eindeutig identifizieren konnten,bevor aGvHD Symptome entstanden. Einige Proteine der TNFR Superfamilie sind auf Immunzellen exprimiert und regulieren diverseimmunologische Prozesse. Wir haben konventionelle T-Zellen (Tcons) und regulatorische T-Zellen (Treg) an unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten aus transplantierten Mäusenisoliert und die Expression von Proteinen der TNFR Superfamilie untersucht, um potenzielletherapeutische Zielstrukturen auf Spender-Lymphozytenzu identifizieren. Wir konnten zeigen, dass GITR,4-1BB und CD27 auf aktivierten, alloreaktiven wie auch auf naiven Tregs exprimiert wurde. Wohingegen, die PD1 Expression vor allem auf aktivierten Tcons induziert wurde. Die Daten dieser Studie dienen als Grundlage für künftige Strategien um T-Zellen mit Hilfe von Antikörper Fusionsproteinen selektiv zu modulieren. Unsere Daten zeigten, dass die Expression von 4 7-Integrin und CD162P auf alloreaktiven T Zellen im Zuge der aGvHD-Pathogenese induziert wird. Weiterhin erstellten wir rekombinante therapeutische Antikörper Fusionsproteinegegen dieoben genannten Migrationsmoleküle. Wir zeigten hier, dass Produktionseffizienz und Bindungsaffinität von Antikörperformaten besser waren als von Liganden-basierten Fusionsproteinen. Demnachempfehlen wir für künftige Studien Antikörperformate heranzuziehen und die hier aufgeführten Antikörper Konstrukteweiter zu entwickeln.Calcineurin Inhibitoren sind potente Immunsupressiva, die zur Behandlung von aGvHD eingesetzt werden. Diese Immunsuppressiva beeinträchtigen jedoch den GvL Effektsignifikant. Da Calcineurin Inhibitoren indirekt den NFAT Signalweg hemmen, haben wir hier dieselektive Inhibition von NFATin alloreaktiven T-Zellen untersucht. Wir zeigten, dass eine fehlende posttranslationale Modifikation von NFATc1 über SUMOylierung (Small Ubiquitin-related MOdifier) zu einer verminderten Alloreaktivität von T-Zellen führte. Diese Spender-T-Zellen zeigten eine verringerte Effektorfunktion, wobei die protektiven Tregs durch die fehlende SUMOylierung nicht beeinflusst wurden. Zusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass alloreaktive T-Zellen über ihr spezifisches Oberflächenmarkerprofil im Blut identifiziertwerden konnten bevor aGvHD Symptome entstanden. Weiterhin beschreiben wir eine neue Strategie, um alloreaktive T-Zellen mittels Antikörper-basierten Fusionsproteinen spezifisch zu modulieren. Darüber hinaus zeigten wir, dass eine Verhinderung der NFATc1 SUMOylierung die Alloreaktivität von T-Zellen deutlich reduzierte, ohne den protektiven Effekt von Tregs zu vermindern. KW - GvHD Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-236031 ER - TY - THES A1 - Paul, Rebecca Theodora T1 - Subjektive Krankheitswahrnehmung, Therapieadhärenz und Zufriedenheit mit erhaltenen Informationen bei Patienten mit chronischer Nebenniereninsuffizienz – Zusammenhang mit der Teilnahme an einer standardisierten Patientenschulung T1 - Beliefs about glucocorticoid replacement therapy, medication adherence and satisfaction with information in patients with adrenal insufficiency – relation with a participation in the standardised education programme N2 - Rezente Studien mit kleineren Fallzahlen offenbaren bei Patienten mit chronischer Nebenniereninsuffizienz eine sehr negative Krankheitswahrnehmung, große Ängste und Sorgen hinsichtlich der Substitutionstherapie mit Glucocorticoiden sowie eine geringe Therapieadhärenz. Ziel der vorliegenden Beobachtungsstudie war es daher im Rahmen einer monozentrischen Querschnittstudie nebenniereninsuffiziente Patienten zu Therapieadhärenz, subjektiver Krankheits- und Glucocorticoidwahrnehmung und Zufriedenheit mit erhaltenen Informationen zu befragen. Zudem wurden erstmalig die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Teilnahme an einer standardisierten NNI-Schulung und oben genannten Aspekten im Rahmen einer multizentrischen Längschnittstudie untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der Querschnittstudie zeichnen insgesamt ein deutlich positiveres Bild von der subjektiven Krankheits- und Therapiewahrnehmung als bisher in der Literatur beschrieben. Die subjektive Therapieadhärenz war hoch. Zudem waren Sorgen und Ängste hinsichtlich der Glucocorticoid-Substitution geringer ausgeprägt als erwartet. Nichtsdestotrotz ließ sich konkordant zu früheren Publikationen eine zum Teil sehr große Unzufriedenheit mit erhaltenen Informationen zu möglichen Problemen der Glucocorticoid-Substitution feststellen. Die Ergebnisse der Längschnittstudie deuten darauf hin, dass die standardisierte Patientenschulung ein geeignetes Instrument sein könnte, um die Zufriedenheit von Patienten mit NNI zu steigern, das Selbstmanagement zu stärken und gleichzeitig positiven Einfluss auf die Wahrnehmung der Substitutionstherapie nehmen könnte. N2 - Recent studies in patients with chronic adrenal insufficiency revealed negative illness perceptions, strong concerns regarding glucocorticoid replacement and low medication adherence. In order to further evaluate subjective medication adherence, illness and glucocorticoids perception and satisfaction with information, we conducted a cross-sectional study comprising a larger German sample size. Furthermore, as part of a longitudinal study we aimed at evaluating the relation between the above-mentioned aspects and participation in a standardised education programme. The findings of the cross-sectional study show a more positive perception of adrenal insufficiency and glucocorticoid replacement as than previously described in literature. Self-reported medication adherence was high in this sample. Therapy-related concerns were considerably lower than previously described. Participants reported low satisfaction with the information they received about potential problems of glucocorticoid intake. The results of the longitudinal study indicate that the standardised education programme may be an adequate tool to enhance satisfaction with information, to strengthen the patients` self-management of adrenal insufficiency and to improve the patients` perception of glucocorticoid replacement KW - Nebennierenrindeninsuffizienz KW - Hypoadrenalismus KW - Patientenschulungen KW - Subjektive Krankheitswahrnehmung KW - Therapieadhärenz KW - Patientenzufriedenheit Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235522 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Sommer, Claudia A1 - Klose, Petra A1 - Welsch, Patrick A1 - Petzke, Frank A1 - Häuser, Winfried T1 - Opioids for chronic non‐cancer neuropathic pain. An updated systematic review and meta‐analysis of efficacy, tolerability and safety in randomized placebo‐controlled studies of at least 4 weeks duration JF - European Journal of Pain N2 - Background and Objective This updated systematic review evaluated the efficacy, tolerability and safety of opioids compared to placebo in chronic non‐cancer neuropathic pain. Databases and Data Treatment Clinicaltrials.gov, CENTRAL, PubMed and PsycINFO were searched from October 2013 to June 2019. Randomized controlled trials comparing opioids with placebo and at least 4 weeks double‐blinded duration were analysed. Primary outcomes were pain relief of 50% or greater, disability, tolerability and safety. Effects were summarized by a random effects model using risk differences (RD) or standardized mean differences (SMD). We added four new studies with 662 participants for a total of 16 included studies with 2,199 participants. Study duration ranged between 4 and 12 weeks. Studies with a parallel and cross‐over design: Based on low to moderate quality evidence, opioids (buprenorphine, hydromorphone, morphine, oxycodone, tramadol) provided a clinically relevant pain relief of 50% or greater and reduction of disability compared to placebo. There was no clinically relevant harm with regards to the drop out rate due to adverse and serious adverse events by opioids compared to placebo. Enriched enrolment randomized withdrawal design: Based on low to moderate quality evidence, tapentadol provided a clinically relevant pain relief of 50% or greater and reduction of disability compared to placebo in diabetic polyneuropathy. There was no clinically relevant harm with regards to the drop out rate due to adverse and serious adverse events by tapentadol compared to placebo. Conclusions Some opioids provided a short‐term substantial pain relief in highly selected patients in some neuropathic pain syndromes. Significance Some opioids (buprenorphine, morphine, oxycodone, tramadol, tapentadol) provide substantial pain relief compared to placebo in postherpetic neuralgia and peripheral neuropathies of different aetiologies for 4–12 weeks. There is insufficient evidence to support or refute the suggestion that these drugs are effective in other neuropathic pain conditions. The safety of opioids with regards to abuse and deaths in the studies analysed cannot be extrapolated to routine clinical care. Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218487 VL - 24 IS - 1 SP - 3 EP - 18 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wagner, Nicole A1 - Mott, Kristina A1 - Upcin, Berin A1 - Stegner, David A1 - Schulze, Harald A1 - Ergün, Süleyman T1 - CXCL12-abundant reticular (CAR) cells direct megakaryocyte protrusions across the bone marrow sinusoid wall JF - Cells N2 - Megakaryocytes (MKs) release platelets into the lumen of bone marrow (BM) sinusoids while remaining to reside within the BM. The morphogenetic events of this complex process are still not fully understood. We combined confocal laser scanning microscopy with transmission and serial block-face scanning electron microscopy followed by 3D-reconstruction on mouse BM tissue sections. These analyses revealed that MKs in close vicinity to BM sinusoid (BMS) wall first induce the lateral retraction of CXCL12-abundant reticular (CAR) cells (CAR), followed by basal lamina (BL) degradation enabling direct MK-sinusoidal endothelial cells (SECs) interaction. Subsequently, an endothelial engulfment starts that contains a large MK protrusion. Then, MK protrusions penetrate the SEC, transmigrate into the BMS lumen and form proplatelets that are in direct contact to the SEC surface. Furthermore, such processes are induced on several sites, as observed by 3D reconstructions. Our data demonstrate that MKs in interaction with CAR-cells actively induce BMS wall alterations, including CAR-cell retraction, BL degradation, and SEC engulfment containing a large MK protrusion. This results in SEC penetration enabling the migration of MK protrusion into the BMS lumen where proplatelets that are adherent to the luminal SEC surface are formed and contribute to platelet release into the blood circulation. KW - megakaryocytes KW - microvasculature KW - CXCL12-abundant reticular (CAR)-cells Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234180 SN - 2073-4409 VL - 10 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krist, Lilian A1 - Dornquast, Christina A1 - Reinhold, Thomas A1 - Becher, Heiko A1 - Jöckel, Karl-Heinz A1 - Schmidt, Börge A1 - Schramm, Sara A1 - Icke, Katja A1 - Danquah, Ina A1 - Willich, Stefan N. A1 - Keil, Thomas A1 - Brand, Tilman T1 - Association of acculturation status with longitudinal changes in health-related quality of life — results from a cohort study of adults with Turkish origin in Germany JF - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health N2 - Health-related quality of life (HRQL) among migrant populations can be associated with acculturation (i.e., the process of adopting, acquiring and adjusting to a new cultural environment). Since there is a lack of longitudinal studies, we aimed to describe HRQL changes among adults of Turkish descent living in Berlin and Essen, Germany, and their association with acculturation. Participants of a population-based study were recruited in 2012–2013 and reinvited six years later to complete a questionnaire. Acculturation was assessed at baseline using the Frankfurt acculturation scale (integration, assimilation, separation and marginalization). HRQL was assessed at baseline (SF-8) and at follow-up (SF-12) resulting in a physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) sum score. Associations with acculturation and HRQL were analyzed with linear regression models using a time-by-acculturation status interaction term. In the study 330 persons were included (65% women, mean age ± standard deviation 43.3 ± 11.8 years). Over the 6 years, MCS decreased, while PCS remained stable. While cross-sectional analyses showed associations of acculturation status with both MCS and PCS, temporal changes including the time interaction term did not reveal associations of baseline acculturation status with HRQL. When investigating HRQL in acculturation, more longitudinal studies are needed to take changes in both HRQL and acculturation status into account. KW - health-related quality of life KW - HRQL KW - acculturation KW - Turkish KW - migrants Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234068 SN - 1660-4601 VL - 18 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Genest, Franca A1 - Rak, Dominik A1 - Petryk, Anna A1 - Seefried, Lothar T1 - Physical Function and Health‐Related Quality of Life in Adults Treated With Asfotase Alfa for Pediatric‐Onset Hypophosphatasia JF - JBMR Plus N2 - Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a rare, inherited, metabolic disease characterized by tissue‐nonspecific alkaline phosphatase deficiency resulting in musculoskeletal and systemic clinical manifestations. This observational study evaluated the effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy with asfotase alfa on physical function and health‐related quality of life (HRQoL) among adults with pediatric‐onset HPP who received asfotase alfa for 12 months at a single center (ClinicalTrial.gov no.: NCT03418389). Primary outcomes evaluated physical function with the 6‐minute walk test (6MWT), timed up‐and‐go (TUG) test, Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), and handheld dynamometry (HHD). Secondary outcome measures included the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS), pain prevalence/intensity, and pain medication use; HRQoL was evaluated using the 36‐Item Short‐Form Health Survey version 2 (SF‐36v2). Safety data were collected throughout the study. All 14 patients (11 women) had compound heterozygous ALPL gene mutations and ≥1 HPP bone manifestation, including history of ≥1 fracture. Mean (min, max) age was 51 (19 to 78) years. From baseline to 12 months of treatment, median 6MWT distance increased from 267 m to 320 m (n = 13; p = 0.023); median TUG test time improved from 14.4 s to 11.3 s (n = 9; p = 0.008). Specific components of the SPPB also improved significantly: median 4‐m gait speed increased from 0.8 m/s to 1.1 m/s (n = 10; p = 0.007) and median repeated chair‐rise time improved from 22 s to 13 s (n = 9; p = 0.008). LEFS score improved from 24 points to 53 points (n = 10; p = 0.002). Improvements in HHD were not clinically significant. SF‐36v2 Physical Component Score (PCS) improved after 12 months of treatment (n = 9; p = 0.010). Pain level did not change significantly from baseline to 12 months of treatment. There were significant improvements on chair‐rise time and SF‐36v2 PCS by 3 months, and on TUG test time after 6 months. No new safety signals were identified. These results show the real‐world effectiveness of asfotase alfa in improving physical functioning and HRQoL in adults with pediatric‐onset HPP. © 2020 The Authors. JBMR Plus published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. KW - hypophosphatasia KW - enzyme replacement therapy KW - physical performance KW - clinical study KW - real-world evidence Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218410 VL - 4 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eiringhaus, Jörg A1 - Wünsche, Christoph M. A1 - Tirilomis, Petros A1 - Herting, Jonas A1 - Bork, Nadja A1 - Nikolaev, Viacheslav O. A1 - Hasenfuss, Gerd A1 - Sossalla, Samuel A1 - Fischer, Thomas H. T1 - Sacubitrilat reduces pro‐arrhythmogenic sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca\(^{2+}\) leak in human ventricular cardiomyocytes of patients with end‐stage heart failure JF - ESC Heart Failure N2 - Aims Inhibition of neprilysin and angiotensin II receptor by sacubitril/valsartan (Val) (LCZ696) reduces mortality in heart failure (HF) patients compared with sole inhibition of renin–angiotensin system. Beneficial effects of increased natriuretic peptide levels upon neprilysin inhibition have been proposed, whereas direct effects of sacubitrilat (Sac) (LBQ657) on myocardial Ca\(^{2+}\) cycling remain elusive. Methods and results Confocal microscopy (Fluo‐4 AM) was used to investigate pro‐arrhythmogenic sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca\(^{2+}\) leak in freshly isolated murine and human ventricular cardiomyocytes (CMs) upon Sac (40 μmol/L)/Val (13 μmol/L) treatment. The concentrations of Sac and Val equalled plasma concentrations of LCZ696 treatment used in PARADIGM‐HF trial. Epifluorescence microscopy measurements (Fura‐2 AM) were performed to investigate effects on systolic Ca\(^{2+}\) release, SR Ca\(^{2+}\) load, and Ca\(^{2+}\)‐transient kinetics in freshly isolated murine ventricular CMs. The impact of Sac on myocardial contractility was evaluated using in toto‐isolated, isometrically twitching ventricular trabeculae from human hearts with end‐stage HF. Under basal conditions, the combination of Sac/Val did not influence diastolic Ca\(^{2+}\)‐spark frequency (CaSpF) nor pro‐arrhythmogenic SR Ca\(^{2}\) leak in isolated murine ventricular CMs (n CMs/hearts = 80/7 vs. 100/7, P = 0.91/0.99). In contrast, Sac/Val treatment reduced CaSpF by 35 ± 9% and SR Ca\(^{2+}\) leak by 45 ± 9% in CMs put under catecholaminergic stress (isoproterenol 30 nmol/L, n = 81/7 vs. 62/7, P < 0.001 each). This could be attributed to Sac, as sole Sac treatment also reduced both parameters by similar degrees (reduction of CaSpF by 57 ± 7% and SR Ca2+ leak by 76 ± 5%; n = 101/4 vs. 108/4, P < 0.01 each), whereas sole Val treatment did not. Systolic Ca2+ release, SR Ca\(^{2+}\) load, and Ca\(^{2+}\)‐transient kinetics including SERCA activity (k\(_{SERCA}\)) were not compromised by Sac in isolated murine CMs (n = 41/6 vs. 39/6). Importantly, the combination of Sac/Val and Sac alone also reduced diastolic CaSpF and SR Ca\(^{2+}\) leak (reduction by 74 ± 7%) in human left ventricular CMs from patients with end‐stage HF (n = 71/8 vs. 78/8, P < 0.05 each). Myocardial contractility of human ventricular trabeculae was not acutely affected by Sac treatment as the developed force remained unchanged over a time course of 30 min (n trabeculae/hearts = 3/3 vs. 4/3). Conclusion This study demonstrates that neprilysin inhibitor Sac directly improves Ca\(^{2+}\) homeostasis in human end‐stage HF by reducing pro‐arrhythmogenic SR Ca\(^{2+}\) leak without acutely affecting systolic Ca\(^{2+}\) release and inotropy. These effects might contribute to the mortality benefits observed in the PARADIGM‐HF trial. KW - heart failure KW - entresto KW - Neprilysin inhibition KW - Ca cycling KW - SR Ca leak KW - arrhythmia Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218479 VL - 7 IS - 5 SP - 2992 EP - 3002 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Brandon J. A1 - Shusta, Eric V. A1 - Doran, Kelly S. T1 - Past and current perspectives in modeling bacteria and blood–brain barrier interactions JF - Frontiers in Microbiology N2 - The central nervous system (CNS) barriers are highly specialized cellular barriers that promote brain homeostasis while restricting pathogen and toxin entry. The primary cellular constituent regulating pathogen entry in most of these brain barriers is the brain endothelial cell (BEC) that exhibits properties that allow for tight regulation of CNS entry. Bacterial meningoencephalitis is a serious infection of the CNS and occurs when bacteria can cross specialized brain barriers and cause inflammation. Models have been developed to understand the bacterial – BEC interaction that lead to pathogen crossing into the CNS, however, these have been met with challenges due to these highly specialized BEC phenotypes. This perspective provides a brief overview and outlook of the in vivo and in vitro models currently being used to study bacterial brain penetration, and opinion on improved models for the future. KW - bacteria KW - blood–brain barrier KW - meningitis KW - stem cells KW - brain endothelial cell Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201766 VL - 10 IS - 1336 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krieter, Detlef H. A1 - Kerwagen, Simon A1 - Rüth, Marieke A1 - Lemke, Horst-Dieter A1 - Wanner, Christoph T1 - Differences in dialysis efficacy have limited effects on protein-bound uremic toxins plasma levels over time JF - Toxins N2 - The protein-bound uremic toxins para-cresyl sulfate (pCS) and indoxyl sulfate (IS) are associated with cardiovascular disease in chronic renal failure, but the effect of different dialysis procedures on their plasma levels over time is poorly studied. The present prospective, randomized, cross-over trial tested dialysis efficacy and monitored pre-treatment pCS and IS concentrations in 15 patients on low-flux and high-flux hemodialysis and high-convective volume postdilution hemodiafiltration over six weeks each. Although hemodiafiltration achieved by far the highest toxin removal, only the mean total IS level was decreased at week three (16.6 ± 12.1 mg/L) compared to baseline (18.9 ± 13.0 mg/L, p = 0.027) and to low-flux dialysis (20.0 ± 12.7 mg/L, p = 0.021). At week six, the total IS concentration in hemodiafiltration reached the initial values again. Concentrations of free IS and free and total pCS remained unaltered. Highest beta2-microglobulin elimination in hemodiafiltration (p < 0.001) led to a persistent decrease of the plasma levels at week three and six (each p < 0.001). In contrast, absent removal in low-flux dialysis resulted in rising beta2-microglobulin concentrations (p < 0.001). In conclusion, this trial demonstrated that even large differences in instantaneous protein-bound toxin removal by current extracorporeal dialysis techniques may have only limited impact on IS and pCS plasma levels in the longer term. KW - protein-bound uremic toxins KW - end-stage renal disease KW - hemodialysis KW - hemodiafiltration KW - dialysis adequacy Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201770 VL - 11 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kraft, Robin A1 - Reichert, Manfred A1 - Pryss, Rüdiger T1 - Towards the interpretation of sound measurements from smartphones collected with mobile crowdsensing in the healthcare domain: an experiment with Android devices JF - Sensors N2 - The ubiquity of mobile devices fosters the combined use of ecological momentary assessments (EMA) and mobile crowdsensing (MCS) in the field of healthcare. This combination not only allows researchers to collect ecologically valid data, but also to use smartphone sensors to capture the context in which these data are collected. The TrackYourTinnitus (TYT) platform uses EMA to track users' individual subjective tinnitus perception and MCS to capture an objective environmental sound level while the EMA questionnaire is filled in. However, the sound level data cannot be used directly among the different smartphones used by TYT users, since uncalibrated raw values are stored. This work describes an approach towards making these values comparable. In the described setting, the evaluation of sensor measurements from different smartphone users becomes increasingly prevalent. Therefore, the shown approach can be also considered as a more general solution as it not only shows how it helped to interpret TYT sound level data, but may also stimulate other researchers, especially those who need to interpret sensor data in a similar setting. Altogether, the approach will show that measuring sound levels with mobile devices is possible in healthcare scenarios, but there are many challenges to ensuring that the measured values are interpretable. KW - mHealth KW - crowdsensing KW - tinnitus KW - noise measurement KW - environmental sound Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252246 SN - 1424-8220 VL - 22 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Ankenbrand, Markus J. A1 - Shainberg, Liliia A1 - Hock, Michael A1 - Lohr, David A1 - Schreiber, Laura M. T1 - Sensitivity analysis for interpretation of machine learning based segmentation models in cardiac MRI JF - BMC Medical Imaging N2 - Background Image segmentation is a common task in medical imaging e.g., for volumetry analysis in cardiac MRI. Artificial neural networks are used to automate this task with performance similar to manual operators. However, this performance is only achieved in the narrow tasks networks are trained on. Performance drops dramatically when data characteristics differ from the training set properties. Moreover, neural networks are commonly considered black boxes, because it is hard to understand how they make decisions and why they fail. Therefore, it is also hard to predict whether they will generalize and work well with new data. Here we present a generic method for segmentation model interpretation. Sensitivity analysis is an approach where model input is modified in a controlled manner and the effect of these modifications on the model output is evaluated. This method yields insights into the sensitivity of the model to these alterations and therefore to the importance of certain features on segmentation performance. Results We present an open-source Python library (misas), that facilitates the use of sensitivity analysis with arbitrary data and models. We show that this method is a suitable approach to answer practical questions regarding use and functionality of segmentation models. We demonstrate this in two case studies on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. The first case study explores the suitability of a published network for use on a public dataset the network has not been trained on. The second case study demonstrates how sensitivity analysis can be used to evaluate the robustness of a newly trained model. Conclusions Sensitivity analysis is a useful tool for deep learning developers as well as users such as clinicians. It extends their toolbox, enabling and improving interpretability of segmentation models. Enhancing our understanding of neural networks through sensitivity analysis also assists in decision making. Although demonstrated only on cardiac magnetic resonance images this approach and software are much more broadly applicable. KW - deep learning KW - neural networks KW - cardiac magnetic resonance KW - sensitivity analysis KW - transformations KW - augmentation KW - segmentation Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259169 VL - 21 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Marquardt, André A1 - Kollmannsberger, Philip A1 - Krebs, Markus A1 - Argentiero, Antonella A1 - Knott, Markus A1 - Solimando, Antonio Giovanni A1 - Kerscher, Alexander Georg T1 - Visual clustering of transcriptomic data from primary and metastatic tumors — dependencies and novel pitfalls JF - Genes N2 - Personalized oncology is a rapidly evolving area and offers cancer patients therapy options that are more specific than ever. However, there is still a lack of understanding regarding transcriptomic similarities or differences of metastases and corresponding primary sites. Applying two unsupervised dimension reduction methods (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP)) on three datasets of metastases (n = 682 samples) with three different data transformations (unprocessed, log10 as well as log10 + 1 transformed values), we visualized potential underlying clusters. Additionally, we analyzed two datasets (n = 616 samples) containing metastases and primary tumors of one entity, to point out potential familiarities. Using these methods, no tight link between the site of resection and cluster formation outcome could be demonstrated, or for datasets consisting of solely metastasis or mixed datasets. Instead, dimension reduction methods and data transformation significantly impacted visual clustering results. Our findings strongly suggest data transformation to be considered as another key element in the interpretation of visual clustering approaches along with initialization and different parameters. Furthermore, the results highlight the need for a more thorough examination of parameters used in the analysis of clusters. KW - visual clustering KW - t-SNE KW - UMAP KW - transcriptomic analysis KW - cancer KW - metastasis Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-281872 SN - 2073-4425 VL - 13 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kaiser, Moritz A1 - Brambrink, Sara A1 - Benditz, Achim A1 - Achenbach, Leonard A1 - Gehentges, Matthias A1 - König, Matthias Alexander T1 - Increase in lower limb strength after multimodal pain management in patients with low back pain JF - Medicina N2 - Background and Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of a multimodal pain therapy (MPM) regarding the objective parameter muscle strength of segment-dependent lower limb muscle groups before and after such a treatment. Materials and Methods: 52 patients with a history of low back pain and/or leg pain received standardized multimodal pain management. Strength of segment indicating lower limb muscles were assessed for each patient before and after ten days of treatment by handheld dynamometry. Results: Overall strength increased significantly from 23.6 kg ± 6.6 prior to treatment to 25.4 ± 7.3 after treatment, p ≤ 0.001. All muscle groups significantly increased in strength with exception of great toe extensors. Conclusions: Despite lower basic strength values at the beginning of treatment, all investigated muscle groups, except for the great toe extensors, showed a significant increase of overall strength after completion of the multimodal pain management concept. Increased overall strength could help with avoiding further need of medical care by supporting patients’ autonomy in daily life activities, as well as maintaining working abilities. Thus, our study is the first to show a significant positive influence on lower limb strength in patients with low back pain after a conservative MPM program. KW - multimodal pain management KW - low back pain KW - muscle strength KW - dynamometer Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284264 SN - 1648-9144 VL - 58 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Pauli, Martin A1 - Paul, Mila M. A1 - Proppert, Sven A1 - Mrestani, Achmed A1 - Sharifi, Marzieh A1 - Repp, Felix A1 - Kürzinger, Lydia A1 - Kollmannsberger, Philip A1 - Sauer, Markus A1 - Heckmann, Manfred A1 - Sirén, Anna-Leena T1 - Targeted volumetric single-molecule localization microscopy of defined presynaptic structures in brain sections JF - Communications Biology N2 - Revealing the molecular organization of anatomically precisely defined brain regions is necessary for refined understanding of synaptic plasticity. Although three-dimensional (3D) single-molecule localization microscopy can provide the required resolution, imaging more than a few micrometers deep into tissue remains challenging. To quantify presynaptic active zones (AZ) of entire, large, conditional detonator hippocampal mossy fiber (MF) boutons with diameters as large as 10 mu m, we developed a method for targeted volumetric direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM). An optimized protocol for fast repeated axial scanning and efficient sequential labeling of the AZ scaffold Bassoon and membrane bound GFP with Alexa Fluor 647 enabled 3D-dSTORM imaging of 25 mu m thick mouse brain sections and assignment of AZs to specific neuronal substructures. Quantitative data analysis revealed large differences in Bassoon cluster size and density for distinct hippocampal regions with largest clusters in MF boutons. Pauli et al. develop targeted volumetric dSTORM in order to image large hippocampal mossy fiber boutons (MFBs) in brain slices. They can identify synaptic targets of individual MFBs and measured size and density of Bassoon clusters within individual untruncated MFBs at nanoscopic resolution. KW - mossy fiber synapses KW - CA3 pyrimidal cells KW - CA2+ channels KW - active zone KW - hippocampal KW - release KW - plasticity KW - proteins KW - platform KW - reveals Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259830 VL - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Robinson, Thomas M. A1 - Hutmacher, Dietmar W. A1 - Dalton, Paul D. T1 - The next frontier in melt electrospinning: taming the jet JF - Advanced Functional Materials N2 - There is a specialized niche for the electrohydrodynamic jetting of melts, from biomedical products to filtration and soft matter applications. The next frontier includes optics, microfluidics, flexible electronic devices, and soft network composites in biomaterial science and soft robotics. The recent emphasis on reproducibly direct‐writing continual molten jets has enabled a spectrum of contemporary microscale 3D objects to be fabricated. One strong suit of melt processing is the capacity for the jet to solidify rapidly into a fiber, thus fixing a particular structure into position. The ability to direct‐write complex and multiscaled architectures and structures has greatly contributed to a large number of recent studies, explicitly, toward fiber–hydrogel composites and fugitive inks, and has expanded into several biomedical applications such as cartilage, skin, periosteum, and cardiovascular tissue engineering. Following the footsteps of a publication that summarized melt electrowriting literature up to 2015, the most recent literature from then until now is reviewed to provide a continuous and comprehensive timeline that demonstrates the latest advances as well as new perspectives for this emerging technology. KW - 3D printing KW - additive manufacturing KW - eletrhydrodynamic KW - melt electrospinning writing Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-204819 VL - 29 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Stauss, Dennis A1 - Brunner, Cornelia A1 - Berberich-Siebelt, Friederike A1 - Höpken, Uta E. A1 - Lipp, Martin A1 - Müller, Gerd T1 - The transcriptional coactivator Bob1 promotes the development of follicular T helper cells via Bcl6 JF - Embo Journal N2 - Follicular T helper (Tfh) cells are key regulators of the germinal center reaction and long-term humoral immunity. Tfh cell differentiation requires the sustained expression of the transcriptional repressor Bcl6; however, its regulation in CD4\(^+\) T cells is incompletely understood. Here, we report that the transcriptional coactivator Bob1, encoded by the Pou2af1 gene, promotes Bcl6 expression and Tfh cell development. We found that Bob1 together with the octamer transcription factors Oct1/Oct2 can directly bind to and transactivate the Bcl6 and Btla promoters. Mixed bone marrow chimeras revealed that Bob1 is required for the expression of normal levels of Bcl6 and BTLA, thereby controlling the pool size and composition of the Tfh compartment in a T cell-intrinsic manner. Our data indicate that T cell-expressed Bob1 is directly involved in Tfh cell differentiation and required for mounting normal T cell-dependent B-cell responses. KW - follicular T helper cells KW - germinal center KW - humoral immunity KW - Pou2af1 KW - T cell differentiation Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-189506 VL - 35 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Beck, Hanna A1 - Titze, Stephanie I. A1 - Hübner, Silvia A1 - Busch, Martin A1 - Schlieper, Georg A1 - Schultheiss, Ulla T. A1 - Wanner, Christoph A1 - Kronenberg, Florian A1 - Krane, Vera A1 - Eckardt, Kai-Uwe A1 - Köttgen, Anna T1 - Heart Failure in a Cohort of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: The GCKD Study JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Background and Aims Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a risk factor for development and progression of heart failure (HF). CKD and HF share common risk factors, but few data exist on the prevalence, signs and symptoms as well as correlates of HF in populations with CKD of moderate severity. We therefore aimed to examine the prevalence and correlates of HF in the German Chronic Kidney Disease (GCKD) study, a large observational prospective study. Methods and Results We analyzed data from 5,015 GCKD patients aged 18-74 years with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of <60 ml/min/1.73m\(^{2}\) or with an eGFR >= 60 and overt proteinuria (>500 mg/d). We evaluated a definition of HF based on the Gothenburg score, a clinical HF score used in epidemiological studies (Gothenburg HF), and self-reported HF. Factors associated with HF were identified using multivariable adjusted logistic regression. The prevalence of Gothenburg HF was 43% (ranging from 24% in those with eGFR >90 to 59% in those with eGFR<30 ml/min/1.73m2). The corresponding estimate for self-reported HF was 18% (range 5%-24%). Lower eGFR was significantly and independently associated with the Gothenburg definition of HF (p-trend <0.001). Additional significantly associated correlates included older age, female gender, higher BMI, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, valvular heart disease, anemia, sleep apnea, and lower educational status. Conclusions The burden of self-reported and Gothenburg HF among patients with CKD is high. The proportion of patients who meet the criteria for Gothenburg HF in a European cohort of patients with moderate CKD is more than twice as high as the prevalence of self-reported HF. However, because of the shared signs, symptoms and medications of HF and CKD, the Gothenburg score cannot be used to reliably define HF in CKD patients. Our results emphasize the need for early screening for HF in patients with CKD. KW - global outcomes KW - cardiovascularm disease KW - consensus conference KW - men born KW - insufficiency KW - epidemiology KW - European Society KW - atherosclerosis risk KW - United States KW - glomerular filtration rate KW - KDIGO Y1 - 2015 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-143315 VL - 10 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Janssen, Jan P. A1 - Hoffmann, Jan V. A1 - Kanno, Takayuki A1 - Nose, Naoko A1 - Grunz, Jan-Peter A1 - Onoguchi, Masahisa A1 - Chen, Xinyu A1 - Lapa, Constantin A1 - Buck, Andreas K. A1 - Higuchi, Takahiro T1 - Capabilities of multi-pinhole SPECT with two stationary detectors for in vivo rat imaging JF - Scientific Reports N2 - We aimed to investigate the image quality of the U-SPECT5/CT E-Class a micro single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) system with two large stationary detectors for visualization of rat hearts and bones using clinically available \(^{99m}\)Tc-labelled tracers. Sensitivity, spatial resolution, uniformity and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of the small-animal SPECT scanner were investigated in phantom studies using an ultra-high-resolution rat and mouse multi-pinhole collimator (UHR-RM). Point source, hot-rod, and uniform phantoms with \(^{99m}\)Tc-solution were scanned for high-count performance assessment and count levels equal to animal scans, respectively. Reconstruction was performed using the similarity-regulated ordered-subsets expectation maximization (SROSEM) algorithm with Gaussian smoothing. Rats were injected with similar to 100 MBq [\(^{99m}\)TcTc-MIBI or similar to 150 MBq [\(^{99m}\)Tc]Tc-HMDP and received multi-frame micro-SPECT imaging after tracer distribution. Animal scans were reconstructed for three different acquisition times and post-processed with different sized Gaussian filters. Following reconstruction, CNR was calculated and image quality evaluated by three independent readers on a five-point scale from 1="very poor" to 5="very good". Point source sensitivity was 567 cps/MBq and radioactive rods as small as 1.2 mm were resolved with the UHR-RM collimator. Collimator-dependent uniformity was 55.5%. Phantom CNR improved with increasing rod size, filter size and activity concentration. Left ventricle and bone structures were successfully visualized in rat experiments. Image quality was strongly affected by the extent of post-filtering, whereas scan time did not have substantial influence on visual assessment. Good image quality was achieved for resolution range greater than 1.8 mm in bone and 2.8 mm in heart. The recently introduced small animal SPECT system with two stationary detectors and UHR-RM collimator is capable to provide excellent image quality in heart and bone scans in a rat using standardized reconstruction parameters and appropriate post-filtering. However, there are still challenges in achieving maximum system resolution in the sub-millimeter range with in vivo settings under limited injection dose and acquisition time. KW - small animal SPECT KW - HMDP hydroxymethylene diphosphonate KW - skeletal KW - quality KW - scanner Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-230616 VL - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Deeb, Wissam A1 - Giordano, James J. A1 - Rossi, Peter J. A1 - Mogilner, Alon Y. A1 - Gunduz, Aysegul A1 - Judy, Jack W. A1 - Klassen, Bryan T. A1 - Butson, Christopher R. A1 - Van Horne, Craig A1 - Deny, Damiaan A1 - Dougherty, Darin D. A1 - Rowell, David A1 - Gerhardt, Greg A. A1 - Smith, Gwenn S. A1 - Ponce, Francisco A. A1 - Walker, Harrison C. A1 - Bronte-Stewart, Helen M. A1 - Mayberg, Helen S. A1 - Chizeck, Howard J. A1 - Langevin, Jean-Philippe A1 - Volkmann, Jens A1 - Ostrem, Jill L. A1 - Shute, Jonathan B. A1 - Jimenez-Shahed, Joohi A1 - Foote, Kelly D. A1 - Wagle Shukla, Aparna A1 - Rossi, Marvin A. A1 - Oh, Michael A1 - Pourfar, Michael A1 - Rosenberg, Paul B. A1 - Silburn, Peter A. A1 - de Hemptine, Coralie A1 - Starr, Philip A. A1 - Denison, Timothy A1 - Akbar, Umer A1 - Grill, Warren M. A1 - Okun, Michael S. T1 - Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: A Review of Emerging Issues and Technologies JF - Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience N2 - This paper provides an overview of current progress in the technological advances and the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, as presented by participants of the Fourth Annual DBS Think Tank, which was convened in March 2016 in conjunction with the Center for Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration at the University of Florida, Gainesveille FL, USA. The Think Tank discussions first focused on policy and advocacy in DBS research and clinical practice, formation of registries, and issues involving the use of DBS in the treatment of Tourette Syndrome. Next, advances in the use of neuroimaging and electrochemical markers to enhance DBS specificity were addressed. Updates on ongoing use and developments of DBS for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, Alzheimer's disease, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, obesity, addiction were presented, and progress toward innovation(s) in closed-loop applications were discussed. Each section of these proceedings provides updates and highlights of new information as presented at this year's international Think Tank, with a view toward current and near future advancement of the field. KW - deep brain stimulation KW - Parkinson’s disease KW - Alzheimer’s disease KW - closed-loop KW - depression KW - post-traumatic stress disorder KW - Tourette syndrome KW - DARPA Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168493 VL - 10 IS - 38 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dresen, Ellen A1 - Pimiento, Jose M. A1 - Patel, Jayshil J. A1 - Heyland, Daren K. A1 - Rice, Todd W. A1 - Stoppe, Christian T1 - Overview of oxidative stress and the role of micronutrients in critical illness JF - Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition N2 - Inflammation and oxidative stress represent physiological response mechanisms to different types of stimuli and injury during critical illness. Its proper regulation is fundamental to cellular and organismal survival and are paramount to outcomes and recovery from critical illness. A proper maintenance of the delicate balance between inflammation, oxidative stress, and immune response is crucial for resolution from critical illness with important implications for patient outcome. The extent of inflammation and oxidative stress under normal conditions is limited by the antioxidant defense system of the human body, whereas the antioxidant capacity is commonly significantly compromised, and serum levels of micronutrients and vitamins significantly depleted in patients who are critically ill. Hence, the provision of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients may help to reduce the extent of oxidative stress and therefore improve clinical outcomes in patients who are critically ill. As existing evidence of the beneficial effects of antioxidant supplementation in patients who are critically ill is still unclear, actual findings about the most promising anti-inflammatory and antioxidative candidates selenium, vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D will be discussed in this narrative review. The existing evidence provided so far demonstrates that several factors need to be considered to determine the efficacy of an antioxidant supplementation strategy in patients who are critically ill and indicates the need for adequately designed multicenter prospective randomized control trials to evaluate the clinical significance of different types and doses of micronutrients and vitamins in selected groups of patients with different types of critical illness. KW - critical illness KW - vitamins KW - vitamin C KW - inflammation KW - medical nutrition therapy KW - oxidative stress KW - selenium KW - trace elements KW - micronutrients KW - vitamin D KW - zinc Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-318186 VL - 47 SP - S38 EP - S49 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kobsar, Anna A1 - Koehnlechner, Karina A1 - Klingler, Philipp A1 - Niklaus, Marius A1 - Zeller-Hahn, Julia A1 - Koessler, Angela A1 - Weber, Katja A1 - Boeck, Markus A1 - Koessler, Juergen T1 - The effect of short-term refrigeration on platelet responsiveness JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Storage of platelet concentrates (PC) at cold temperature (CT) is discussed as an alternative to the current standard of storage at room temperature (RT). Recently, we could show that cold-induced attenuation of inhibitory signaling is an important mechanism promoting platelet reactivity. For developing strategies in blood banking, it is required to elucidate the time-dependent onset of facilitated platelet activation. Thus, freshly prepared platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) was stored for 1 and 2 h at CT (2–6 °C) or at RT (20–24 °C), followed by subsequent comparative analysis. Compared to RT, basal and induced vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) phosphorylation levels were decreased under CT within 1 h by approximately 20%, determined by Western blot analysis and flow cytometry. Concomitantly, ADP- and collagen-induced threshold aggregation values were enhanced by up to 30–40%. Furthermore, platelet-covered areas on collagen-coated slides and aggregate formation under flow conditions were increased after storage at CT, in addition to induced activation markers. In conclusion, a time period of 1–2 h for refrigeration is sufficient to induce an attenuation of inhibitory signaling, accompanied with an enhancement of platelet responsiveness. Short-term refrigeration may be considered as a rational approach to obtain PC with higher functional reactivity for the treatment of hemorrhage. KW - short‑term refrigeration KW - platelet responsiveness KW - cold temperature Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-301390 VL - 12 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Page, Lukas A1 - Wallstabe, Julia A1 - Lother, Jasmin A1 - Bauser, Maximilian A1 - Kniemeyer, Olaf A1 - Strobel, Lea A1 - Voltersen, Vera A1 - Teutschbein, Janka A1 - Hortschansky, Peter A1 - Morton, Charles Oliver A1 - Brakhage, Axel A. A1 - Topp, Max A1 - Einsele, Hermann A1 - Wurster, Sebastian A1 - Loeffler, Juergen T1 - CcpA- and Shm2-Pulsed Myeloid Dendritic Cells Induce T-Cell Activation and Enhance the Neutrophilic Oxidative Burst Response to Aspergillus fumigatus JF - Frontiers in Immunology N2 - Aspergillus fumigatus causes life-threatening opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients. As therapeutic outcomes of invasive aspergillosis (IA) are often unsatisfactory, the development of targeted immunotherapy remains an important goal. Linking the innate and adaptive immune system, dendritic cells are pivotal in anti-Aspergillus defense and have generated interest as a potential immunotherapeutic approach in IA. While monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) require ex vivo differentiation, antigen-pulsed primary myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs) may present a more immediate platform for immunotherapy. To that end, we compared the response patterns and cellular interactions of human primary mDCs and moDCs pulsed with an A. fumigatus lysate and two A. fumigatus proteins (CcpA and Shm2) in a serum-free, GMP-compliant medium. CcpA and Shm2 triggered significant upregulation of maturation markers in mDCs and, to a lesser extent, moDCs. Furthermore, both A. fumigatus proteins elicited the release of an array of key pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and CCL3 from both DC populations. Compared to moDCs, CcpA- and Shm2-pulsed mDCs exhibited greater expression of MHC class II antigens and stimulated stronger proliferation and IFN-γ secretion from autologous CD4\(^+\) and CD8\(^+\) T-cells. Moreover, supernatants of CcpA- and Shm2-pulsed mDCs significantly enhanced the oxidative burst in allogeneic neutrophils co-cultured with A. fumigatus germ tubes. Taken together, our in vitro data suggest that ex vivo CcpA- and Shm2-pulsed primary mDCs have the potential to be developed into an immunotherapeutic approach to tackle IA. KW - antigens KW - dendritic cells KW - cytokines KW - host defense KW - immunotherapy KW - Aspergillus Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239493 SN - 1664-3224 VL - 12 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Claus, Heike A1 - Hubert, Kerstin A1 - Becher, Dörte A1 - Otto, Andreas A1 - Pawlik, Marie-Christin A1 - Lappann, Ines A1 - Strobel, Lea A1 - Vogel, Ulrich A1 - Johswich, Kay T1 - A homopolymeric adenosine tract in the promoter region of nspA influences factor H-mediated serum resistance in Neisseria meningitidis JF - Scientific Reports N2 - Although usually asymptomatically colonizing the human nasopharynx, the Gram-negative bacterium Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) can spread to the blood stream and cause invasive disease. For survival in blood, N. meningitidis evades the complement system by expression of a polysaccharide capsule and surface proteins sequestering the complement regulator factor H (fH). Meningococcal strains belonging to the sequence type (ST-) 41/44 clonal complex (cc41/44) cause a major proportion of serogroup B meningococcal disease worldwide, but they are also common in asymptomatic carriers. Proteome analysis comparing cc41/44 isolates from invasive disease versus carriage revealed differential expression levels of the outer membrane protein NspA, which binds fH. Deletion of nspA reduced serum resistance and NspA expression correlated with fH sequestration. Expression levels of NspA depended on the length of a homopolymeric tract in the nspA promoter: A 5-adenosine tract dictated low NspA expression, whereas a 6-adenosine motif guided high NspA expression. Screening German cc41/44 strain collections revealed the 6-adenosine motif in 39% of disease isolates, but only in 3.4% of carriage isolates. Thus, high NspA expression is associated with disease, but not strictly required. The 6-adenosine nspA promoter is most common to the cc41/44, but is also found in other hypervirulent clonal complexes. KW - Meningitis KW - Pathogens Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-200956 VL - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyluel A1 - Arnold, Charlotte A1 - Hering, Ilona A1 - Hankir, Mohammed A1 - Seyfried, Florian A1 - Stopper, Helga T1 - Decreased chromosomal damage in lymphocytes of obese patients after bariatric surgery JF - Scientific Reports N2 - The number of bariatric surgeries being performed worldwide has markedly risen. While the improvement in obesity-associated comorbidities after bariatric surgery is well-established, very little is known about its impact on cancer risk. The peripheral lymphocyte micronucleus test is a widely used method for the monitoring of chromosomal damage levels in vivo, and micronucleus frequency positively correlates with cancer risk. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the micronucleus frequency before and after bariatric surgery in obese subjects. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were collected from 45 obese subjects before and at two time-points after bariatric surgery (6 and 12 months) to assess spontaneous micronucleus frequency. Consistent with the increased cancer risk previously shown, bariatric surgery-induced weight loss led to a significant reduction in lymphocyte micronucleus frequency after 12 months. Interestingly, comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome further seemed to have an impact on the lymphocyte micronucleus frequency. Our findings may indicate a successful reduction of cancer risk in patients following weight loss caused by bariatric surgery. KW - obesity KW - bariatric surgery KW - cancer risk Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177090 VL - 8 IS - 11195 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Friedrich, Maximilian A1 - Hartig, Johannes A1 - Prüss, Harald A1 - Ip, Wang Chi A1 - Volkmann, Jens T1 - Rapidly progressive dementia: Extending the spectrum of GFAP-astrocytopathies? JF - Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology N2 - Autoimmune glial fibrillary acidic protein astrocytopathy (GFAP-A) is a steroid-responsive meningoencephalomyelitis, sometimes presenting with atypical clinical signs such as movement disorders or psychiatric and autonomic features. Beyond clinical presentation and imaging, diagnosis relies on detection of GFAP-antibodies (AB) in CSF. Using quantitative behavioral, serologic, and immunohistochemical analyses, we characterize two patients longitudinally over 18–24 months who presented with rapidly progressive neurocognitive deterioration in the context of GFAP-AB in CSF and unremarkable cranial MRI studies. Intensified immunotherapy was associated with clinical stabilization. The value of GFAP-AB screening in selected cases of rapidly progressive dementias is discussed. KW - GFAP-astrocytopathies KW - dementia Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-312957 VL - 9 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Manukjan, Georgi A1 - Wiegering, Verena A1 - Reindl, Tobias A1 - Strauß, Gabriele A1 - Klopocki, Eva A1 - Schulze, Harald A1 - Andres, Oliver T1 - Novel variants in FERMT3 and RASGRP2 - Genetic linkage in Glanzmann-like bleeding disorders JF - Pediatric Blood & Cancer N2 - Defects of platelet intracellular signaling can result in severe platelet dysfunction. Several mutations in each of the linked genes FERMT3 and RASGRP2 on chromosome 11 causing a Glanzmann‐like bleeding phenotype have been identified so far. We report on novel variants in two unrelated pediatric patients with severe bleeding diathesis—one with leukocyte adhesion deficiency type III due to a homozygous frameshift in FERMT3 and the other with homozygous variants in both, FERMT3 and RASGRP2 . We focus on the challenging genetic and functional variant assessment and aim to accentuate the risk of obtaining misleading results due to the phenomenon of genetic linkage. KW - bleding disorders other than hemophilia KW - hematology KW - hemostasis and thrombosis KW - platelet disorders Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208129 VL - 67 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Tan, Aaron A1 - Babak, Maria V. A1 - Venkatesan, Gopalakrishnan A1 - Lim, Clarissa A1 - Klotz, Karl-Norbert A1 - Herr, Deron Raymond A1 - Cheong, Siew Lee A1 - Federico, Stephanie A1 - Spalluto, Giampiero A1 - Ong, Wei-Yi A1 - Chen, Yu Zong A1 - Loo, Jason Siau Ee A1 - Pastorin, Giorgia T1 - Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of New Indolylpyrimidylpiperazines for Gastrointestinal Cancer Therapy JF - Molecules N2 - Human A3 adenosine receptor hA3AR has been implicated in gastrointestinal cancer, where its cellular expression has been found increased, thus suggesting its potential as a molecular target for novel anticancer compounds. Observation made in our previous work indicated the importance of the carbonyl group of amide in the indolylpyrimidylpiperazine (IPP) for its human A2A adenosine receptor (hA2AAR) subtype binding selectivity over the other AR subtypes. Taking this observation into account, we structurally modified an indolylpyrimidylpiperazine (IPP) scaffold, 1 (a non-selective adenosine receptors’ ligand) into a modified IPP (mIPP) scaffold by switching the position of the carbonyl group, resulting in the formation of both ketone and tertiary amine groups in the new scaffold. Results showed that such modification diminished the A2A activity and instead conferred hA3AR agonistic activity. Among the new mIPP derivatives (3–6), compound 4 showed potential as a hA3AR partial agonist, with an Emax of 30% and EC50 of 2.89 ± 0.55 μM. In the cytotoxicity assays, compound 4 also exhibited higher cytotoxicity against both colorectal and liver cancer cells as compared to normal cells. Overall, this new series of compounds provide a promising starting point for further development of potent and selective hA3AR partial agonists for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancers. KW - gastrointestinal cancer KW - hA3AR KW - partial agonists KW - indolylpyrimidylpiperazines Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193271 SN - 1420-3049 VL - 24 IS - 20 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kreß, Julia Katharina Charlotte A1 - Jessen, Christina A1 - Marquardt, André A1 - Hufnagel, Anita A1 - Meierjohann, Svenja T1 - NRF2 enables EGFR signaling in melanoma cells JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) are rarely mutated in cutaneous melanoma, but the expression and activation of several RTK family members are associated with a proinvasive phenotype and therapy resistance. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a member of the RTK family and is only expressed in a subgroup of melanomas with poor prognosis. The insight into regulators of EGFR expression and activation is important for the understanding of the development of this malignant melanoma phenotype. Here, we describe that the transcription factor NRF2, the master regulator of the oxidative and electrophilic stress response, mediates the expression and activation of EGFR in melanoma by elevating the levels of EGFR as well as its ligands EGF and TGFα. ChIP sequencing data show that NRF2 directly binds to the promoter of EGF, which contains a canonical antioxidant response element. Accordingly, EGF is induced by oxidative stress and is also increased in lung adenocarcinoma and head and neck carcinoma with mutationally activated NRF2. In contrast, regulation of EGFR and TGFA occurs by an indirect mechanism, which is enabled by the ability of NRF2 to block the activity of the melanocytic lineage factor MITF in melanoma. MITF effectively suppresses EGFR and TGFA expression and therefore serves as link between NRF2 and EGFR. As EGFR was previously described to stimulate NRF2 activity, the mutual activation of NRF2 and EGFR pathways was investigated. The presence of NRF2 was necessary for full EGFR pathway activation, as NRF2-knockout cells showed reduced AKT activation in response to EGF stimulation compared to controls. Conversely, EGF led to the nuclear localization and activation of NRF2, thereby demonstrating that NRF2 and EGFR are connected in a positive feedback loop in melanoma. In summary, our data show that the EGFR-positive melanoma phenotype is strongly supported by NRF2, thus revealing a novel maintenance mechanism for this clinically challenging melanoma subpopulation. KW - EGFR KW - NRF2 KW - NFE2L2 KW - KEAP1 KW - MITF-low KW - TGF-alpha KW - EGF KW - NSCLC KW - HNSC Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-260222 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 22 IS - 8 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Braun, Alexandra A1 - Evdokimov, Dimitar A1 - Frank, Johanna A1 - Pauli, Paul A1 - Wabel, Thomas A1 - Üçeyler, Nurcan A1 - Sommer, Claudia T1 - Relevance of Religiosity for Coping Strategies and Disability in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome JF - Journal of Religion and Health N2 - Coping strategies are essential for the outcome of chronic pain. This study evaluated religiosity in a cohort of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), its effect on pain and other symptoms, on coping and FMS-related disability. A total of 102 FMS patients were recruited who filled in questionnaires, a subgroup of 42 patients participated in a face-to-face interview, and data were evaluated by correlation and regression analyses. Few patients were traditionally religious, but the majority believed in a higher existence and described their spirituality as "transcendence conviction". The coping strategy "praying-hoping" and the ASP dimension "religious orientation" (r = 0.5, P < 0.05) showed a significant relationship independent of the grade of religiosity (P < 0.05). A high grade of belief in a higher existence was negatively associated with the choice of ignoring as coping strategy (r = - 0.4, P < 0.05). Mood and affect-related variables had the highest impact on disability (b = 0.5, P < 0.05). In this cohort, the grade of religiosity played a role in the choice of coping strategies, but had no effects on health and mood outcome. KW - Fibromyalgia syndrome KW - religiosity KW - coping KW - disability Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-269135 SN - 1573-6571 VL - 61 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Hanke, Kathrin A1 - Rausch, Tanja K. A1 - Sosnowski, Runa A1 - Paul, Pia A1 - Spiegler, Juliane A1 - Müller, Mirja A1 - König, Inke R. A1 - Göpel, Wolfgang A1 - Herting, Egbert A1 - Härtel, Christoph T1 - Early skin-to-skin contact does not affect cerebral tissue oxygenation in preterm infants <32 weeks of gestation JF - Children N2 - Aim: It was the aim of our study to determine the regional cerebral tissue oxygenation saturation (rcSO\(_2\)) as an additional monitoring parameter during early skin-to-skin contact (SSC) in preterm infants with a gestational age of <32 gestational weeks. Methods: We conducted two observational convenience sample studies using additional monitoring with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in the first 120 h of life: (a) NIRS 1 (gestational age of 26 0/7 to 31 6/7 weeks) and (b) NIRS 2 (gestational age of 24 0/7 to 28 6/7 weeks). The rcSO\(_2\) values were compared between resting time in the incubator (period I), SSC (period II) and handling nursing care (period III). For the comparison, we separated the sequential effects by including a “wash-out phase” of 1 h between each period. Results: During the first 120 h of life 38/53 infants in NIRS 1 and 15/23 infants in NIRS 2 received SSC, respectively. We found no remarkable differences for rcSO\(_2\) values of NIRS 1 patients between SSC time and period I (95% confidence interval (CI) for the difference in %: SSC vs. period I [1; 3]). In NIRS 2, rcSO\(_2\) values during SSC were only 2% lower compared with period I [median [1. quartile; 3. quartile] in %; 78 [73; 82] vs. 80 [74; 85]] but were similar to period III [78 [72; 83]]. In a combined analysis, a small difference in rcSO\(_2\) values between SSC and resting times was found using a generalized linear mixed model that included gender and gestational age (OR 95% CI; 1.178 [1.103; 1.253], p < 0.0001). Episodes below the cut-off for “hypoxia”; e.g., <55%, were comparable during SSC and periods I and III (0.3–2.1%). No FiO\(_2\) adjustment was required in the vast majority of SSC episodes. Conclusions: Our observational data indicate that rcSO\(_2\) values of infants during SSC were comparable to rcSO\(_2\) values during incubator care and resting time. This additional monitoring supports a safe implementation of early SSC in extremely preterm infants in NICUs. KW - regional cerebral oxygenation saturation KW - near infrared spectroscopy KW - skin-to-skin contact KW - preterm infants Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-262290 SN - 2227-9067 VL - 9 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gerova, Milan A1 - Wicke, Laura A1 - Chihara, Kotaro A1 - Schneider, Cornelius A1 - Lavigne, Rob A1 - Vogel, Jörg T1 - A grad-seq view of RNA and protein complexes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa under standard and bacteriophage predation conditions JF - mbio N2 - The Gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is not only a major cause of nosocomial infections but also serves as a model species of bacterial RNA biology. While its transcriptome architecture and posttranscriptional regulation through the RNA-binding proteins Hfq, RsmA, and RsmN have been studied in detail, global information about stable RNA-protein complexes in this human pathogen is currently lacking. Here, we implement gradient profiling by sequencing (Grad-seq) in exponentially growing P. aeruginosa cells to comprehensively predict RNA and protein complexes, based on glycerol gradient sedimentation profiles of >73% of all transcripts and ∼40% of all proteins. As to benchmarking, our global profiles readily reported complexes of stable RNAs of P. aeruginosa, including 6S RNA with RNA polymerase and associated product RNAs (pRNAs). We observe specific clusters of noncoding RNAs, which correlate with Hfq and RsmA/N, and provide a first hint that P. aeruginosa expresses a ProQ-like FinO domain-containing RNA-binding protein. To understand how biological stress may perturb cellular RNA/protein complexes, we performed Grad-seq after infection by the bacteriophage ΦKZ. This model phage, which has a well-defined transcription profile during host takeover, displayed efficient translational utilization of phage mRNAs and tRNAs, as evident from their increased cosedimentation with ribosomal subunits. Additionally, Grad-seq experimentally determines previously overlooked phage-encoded noncoding RNAs. Taken together, the Pseudomonas protein and RNA complex data provided here will pave the way to a better understanding of RNA-protein interactions during viral predation of the bacterial cell. IMPORTANCE Stable complexes by cellular proteins and RNA molecules lie at the heart of gene regulation and physiology in any bacterium of interest. It is therefore crucial to globally determine these complexes in order to identify and characterize new molecular players and regulation mechanisms. Pseudomonads harbor some of the largest genomes known in bacteria, encoding ∼5,500 different proteins. Here, we provide a first glimpse on which proteins and cellular transcripts form stable complexes in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We additionally performed this analysis with bacteria subjected to the important and frequently encountered biological stress of a bacteriophage infection. We identified several molecules with established roles in a variety of cellular pathways, which were affected by the phage and can now be explored for their role during phage infection. Most importantly, we observed strong colocalization of phage transcripts and host ribosomes, indicating the existence of specialized translation mechanisms during phage infection. All data are publicly available in an interactive and easy to use browser. KW - Grad-seq KW - Pseudomonas KW - UKZ KW - bacteriophage KW - infection KW - Pseudomonas aeruginosa KW - RNA-binding proteins KW - noncoding RNA KW - phage Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-259054 VL - 12 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Doryab, Ali A1 - Taskin, Mehmet Berat A1 - Stahlhut, Philipp A1 - Schröppel, Andreas A1 - Wagner, Darcy E. A1 - Groll, Jürgen A1 - Schmid, Otmar T1 - A Biomimetic, Copolymeric Membrane for Cell‐Stretch Experiments with Pulmonary Epithelial Cells at the Air‐Liquid Interface JF - Advanced Functional Materials N2 - Chronic respiratory diseases are among the leading causes of death worldwide, but only symptomatic therapies are available for terminal illness. This in part reflects a lack of biomimetic in vitro models that can imitate the complex environment and physiology of the lung. Here, a copolymeric membrane consisting of poly(ε‐)caprolactone and gelatin with tunable properties, resembling the main characteristics of the alveolar basement membrane is introduced. The thin bioinspired membrane (≤5 μm) is stretchable (up to 25% linear strain) with appropriate surface wettability and porosity for culturing lung epithelial cells under air–liquid interface conditions. The unique biphasic concept of this membrane provides optimum characteristics for initial cell growth (phase I) and then switch to biomimetic properties for cyclic cell‐stretch experiments (phase II). It is showed that physiologic cyclic mechanical stretch improves formation of F‐actin cytoskeleton filaments and tight junctions while non‐physiologic over‐stretch induces cell apoptosis, activates inflammatory response (IL‐8), and impairs epithelial barrier integrity. It is also demonstrated that cyclic physiologic stretch can enhance the cellular uptake of nanoparticles. Since this membrane offers considerable advantages over currently used membranes, it may lead the way to more biomimetic in vitro models of the lung for translation of in vitro response studies into clinical outcome. KW - alveolar‐capillary barrier KW - cyclic mechanical stretch KW - hybrid polymers KW - in vitro cell‐stretch model KW - tunable ultra‐thin biphasic membrane Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-225645 VL - 31 IS - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Gergs, Ulrich A1 - Jahn, Tina A1 - Schulz, Nico A1 - Großmann, Claudia A1 - Rueckschloss, Uwe A1 - Demus, Uta A1 - Buchwalow, Igor B. A1 - Neumann, Joachim T1 - Protein phosphatase 2A improves cardiac functional response to ischemia and sepsis JF - International Journal of Molecular Sciences N2 - Reversible protein phosphorylation is a posttranslational modification of regulatory proteins involved in cardiac signaling pathways. Here, we focus on the role of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) for cardiac gene expression and stress response using a transgenic mouse model with cardiac myocyte-specific overexpression of the catalytic subunit of PP2A (PP2A-TG). Gene and protein expression were assessed under basal conditions by gene chip analysis and Western blotting. Some cardiac genes related to the cell metabolism and to protein phosphorylation such as kinases and phosphatases were altered in PP2A-TG compared to wild type mice (WT). As cardiac stressors, a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced sepsis in vivo and a global cardiac ischemia in vitro (stop-flow isolated perfused heart model) were examined. Whereas the basal cardiac function was reduced in PP2A-TG as studied by echocardiography or as studied in the isolated work-performing heart, the acute LPS- or ischemia-induced cardiac dysfunction deteriorated less in PP2A-TG compared to WT. From the data, we conclude that increased PP2A activity may influence the acute stress tolerance of cardiac myocytes. KW - protein phosphorylation KW - PP2A KW - transgenic mice KW - heart KW - LPS KW - sepsis KW - ischemia Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-284035 SN - 1422-0067 VL - 23 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Holtfrerich, Sarah K. C. A1 - Schwarz, Katharina A. A1 - Sprenger, Christian A1 - Reimers, Luise A1 - Diekhof, Esther K. T1 - Endogenous Testosterone and Exogenous Oxytocin Modulate Attentional Processing of Infant Faces JF - PLoS ONE N2 - Evidence indicates that hormones modulate the intensity of maternal care. Oxytocin is known for its positive influence on maternal behavior and its important role for childbirth. In contrast, testosterone promotes egocentric choices and reduces empathy. Further, testosterone decreases during parenthood which could be an adaptation to increased parental investment. The present study investigated the interaction between testosterone and oxytocin in attentional control and their influence on attention to baby schema in women. Higher endogenous testosterone was expected to decrease selective attention to child portraits in a face-in-the-crowd-paradigm, while oxytocin was expected to counteract this effect. As predicted, women with higher salivary testosterone were slower in orienting attention to infant targets in the context of adult distractors. Interestingly, reaction times to infant and adult stimuli decreased after oxytocin administration, but only in women with high endogenous testosterone. These results suggest that oxytocin may counteract the adverse effects of testosterone on a central aspect of social behavior and maternal caretaking. KW - maternal behavior KW - oxytocin KW - testosterone KW - attention KW - infant faces Y1 - 2016 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166783 VL - 11 IS - 11 ER -