TY - RPRT A1 - Kleinsorg, Lea Kristin T1 - Die Entwicklung der Staatlichkeit der Republik Gambia während Yahya Jammehs Amtszeit T1 - The Development of The Gambia‘s Statehood during Yahya Jammeh‘s Mandate N2 - Die westafrikanische Republik Gambia wurde zwei Jahrzehnte lang von Yayha Jammeh regiert. 1994 putschte er sich an die Macht und behielt diese vier Legislaturperioden lang, bis er im Dezember 2016 die Präsidentschaftswahlen überraschend gegen seinen Konkurrenten Adama Barrow verlor. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Entwicklung der Staatlichkeit der Republik Gambia während Jammehs Amtszeit. Für den Zeitraum seit der Staatsgründung im Jahr 1965 bis zur ersten Erhebung durch den US-amerikanischen Think Tank Fund for Peace 2006 gibt es keine umfassende Untersuchung über den Zustand der gambischen Staatlichkeit. Durch die Anwendung der Theorie fragiler Staatlichkeit nach Ulrich Schneckener soll mit der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Teil dieser Lücke geschlossen werden. Dazu werden für jede der vier Legislaturperioden Jammehs die von Schneckener benannten Staatsfunktionen (Sicherheit, Legitimität/Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Wohlfahrt) einzeln untersucht, um anschließend den Zustand der Staatlichkeit Gambias einzuordnen. Dazu werden sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Daten einschließlich Experteninterviews verwendet. Anhand eines Vergleichs der einzelnen Typologisierungen ist es möglich, abschließend ein Gesamtbild der Entwicklung der gambischen Staatlichkeit während Jammehs Amtszeit zu zeichnen. N2 - The West African Republic of The Gambia was ruled by Yayha Jammeh for two decades. He reached power through a coup in 1994 and retained it for four legislature periods until he unexpectedly lost the election against his competitor Adama Barrow in December 2016. This paper examines the development of The Gambia’s statehood during Jammeh’s tenure. From the establishment of the state in 1965 until the first survey carried out in 2006 by the American think tank Fund for Peace, no comprehensive examination of The Gambia’s statehood had been carried out. This paper aims to close part of this gap by using Ulrich Schneckener’s theory of fragile statehood. Each of the state functions identified by Schneckener (security, legitimacy/rule of law, welfare) are analyzed separately in order to categorize The Gambia’s statehood. Quantitative as well as qualitative data including expert interviews are used. Based on a comparison of each typology, it is possible to draw an overall picture of the development of The Gambia’s statehood during Jammeh’s time in power. T3 - Schriftenreihe Junges Afrikazentrum (JAZ) - 6 KW - Gambia KW - begrenzte Staatlichkeit KW - Jammeh, Yayha KW - Schneckener, Ulrich KW - Westafrika KW - Globaler Süden KW - fragile Staatlichkeit KW - fragile state KW - West Africa Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154500 SN - 2199-4315 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Rüger, Carolin ED - Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet, Gisela T1 - Fernab der Öffentlichkeit? Öffentliche Meinung im Spiegel der Integrationstheorien T1 - Public Opinion in European Integration Theories T2 - Würzburger Jean-Monnet-Papers N2 - Die Europäische Union (EU) sieht sich gegenwärtig einem Prozess der Politisierung ausgesetzt, der durch die Polykrise der letzten Jahre verstärkt wurde. Der „permissive consensus“ (Lindberg/Scheingold 1970), welcher schon seit dem „post-Maastricht Blues“ (Eichen-berg/Dalton 2007) bröckelte, wird durch eine Reihe ablehnender Referenden zu europapolitischen Themen weiter in Frage gestellt. Die seit langem spürbaren Desintegrationstendenzen und Zentrifugalkräfte kulminierten im Brexit-Referendum vom Juni 2016. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist mehr denn je zu konstatieren, dass die Öffentlichkeit, die UnionsbürgerInnen eine zentrale, den Integrationsprozess mindestens beeinflussende, bisweilen limitierende Rolle einnehmen. Diese Studie stellt die Frage, inwiefern die Theorien der europäischen Integration diesen wichtigen, den Integrationsprozess immer deutlicher (mit-)bestimmenden Faktor der Öffentlichkeit erfassen. Der Beitrag liefert zum einen eine komprimierte Übersicht der einschlägigen theoretischen Ansätze, die seit den 1950er-Jahren bis heute zur Beschreibung und Erklärung von Prozess und Zustand der europäischen Integration verwendet wurden und werden. Dabei wird zum zweiten die jeweilige Rolle der Öffentlichkeit in den Ansätzen ausgewählter ReferenztheoretikerInnen retrospektiv und aktuell durchgesehen. Mit dieser integrationstheoretischen Rundumschau unter dem Filter der Öffentlichkeit liefert die vorliegende Analyse Anknüpfungspunkte für theoriegeleitete Europaforschung, die den Politisierungsprozess der EU einordnend, analysierend, erklärend, verstehend und bei Bedarf kritisch begleiten kann. N2 - The European Union (EU) is currently undergoing a process of politicisation that has been intensified by the recent polycrisis. The "permissive consensus" (Lindberg/Scheingold 1970), which had been crumbling since the "post-Maastricht blues" (Eichenberg/Dalton 2007), was further called into question by a series of negative referenda on European issues. The disin-tegration tendencies and centrifugal forces that had long been noticeable culminated in the Brexit referendum of June 2016. Against this background, it can be stated more than ever that the public, the EU citizens play a central role that at least influences and sometimes limits the integration process. This study poses the question of the extent to which the theories of European integration grasp this important factor of the public sphere, which is increasingly (co-)determining the integration process. On the one hand, this contribution provides a condensed overview of the relevant theoretical approaches that have been and are being used since the 1950s to describe and explain the process and state of European integration. On the other hand, the respective roles of the public are reviewed in the approaches of selected theorists. With this panorama of integration theory under the filter of public opinion, this analysis marks points of reference for theory-driven research that can classify, analyse, explain, understand and, if necessary, critically accompany the politicization process of the EU. T3 - Würzburger Jean-Monnet-Papers - 3 KW - Europäische Union KW - Integrationstheorie KW - öffentliche Meinung KW - Politisierung KW - Desintegration KW - Polykrise KW - permissive consensus KW - Europa der Bürger KW - Theorien der europäischen Integration KW - Postfunktionalismus Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-184778 SN - 2625-6193 ET - 1. Auflage ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Neubert, Dieter T1 - The Hidden Side of Local Self-Organisation and Self-Regulation. Elements for the Comparative Analysis of the Constitution of Self-Organised Groups T1 - Die verborgene Seite von Selbstorganisation und Selbst-regulierung. Elemente für die vergleichende Analyse der Konstituierung von selbstorganisierten Gruppen N2 - The notions self-organisation and self-regulation are at least implicitly loaded with a positive democratic connotation. The main corresponding debates on social movements, governance and civil society mostly refer to the Global North with a well-functioning state and democratic political systems. One consequence is that the less democratic and less liberal hidden side of self-organisation, seen by some critics, does not gain much attention. After a short discussion of the main theoretical approaches, the paper presents a selection of self-organised groups depicting their different values, norms, and structural features. These examples reach from democratic groups marked by solidarity to racist violent groups that are a threat to differently minded people. The analysis of these examples leads to a set of criteria for the comparative analysis of the internal structure of self-organised groups including potential membership, in- and outward orientation, underlying basic principles of social order and types of trust with related types of decision-making. These basic elements help to understand the constitution and functioning of self-organisation, which are open to a wide range of value orientation. N2 - Die Begriffe Selbstorganisation und Selbstregulierung sind zumindest implizit positiv konnotiert. Die entsprechenden Debatten zu sozialen Bewegungen, Governance und Zivilgesellschaft beziehen sich zumeist auf den Globalen Norden mit einem gut funktionierenden Staat und demokratischen politischen Systemen. Eine Folge davon ist, dass die weniger demokratische und weniger liberale verborgene Seite von Selbstor-ganisation, die durchaus von einigen kritischen Stimmen gesehen wird, auf recht wenig Interesse stößt. Nach einer kurzen Diskussion wichtiger theoretischer Ansätze, präsentiert der Beitrag eine Auswahl selbstorganisierter Gruppen und stellt ihre Werte, Normen und struktu-rellen Eigenheiten dar. Diese Beispiele reichen von demokratischen von Solidarität geprägten Gruppen bis hin zu gewalttätigen Gruppen, die eine Bedrohung für Andersdenkende sind. Die Analyse dieser Beispiele führt zu Kriterien für die vergleichende Analyse der internen Strukturen von selbstorganisierten Gruppen einschließlich ihrer potenziellen Mitgliedschaft, Innen- und Außenorientierung, grundlegenden Prinzipien der sozialen Ordnung und Typen von Vertrauen und damit verbundenen Typen der Entscheidungsfindung. Die grundlegenden Elemente helfen die Konstitution und Funktionsweise von Selbstorganisation zu verstehen, die ein breites Spektrum von Werteorientierungen umfassen können. T3 - LoSAM Working Papers - 6 KW - Selbstorganisation KW - Konstituierung KW - Regulierung KW - self-organized groups KW - hidden side KW - constitution KW - self-regulation KW - local self-governance Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251493 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Erben, Adrian S. T1 - Kritische Regelungsgegenstände. Ein Konzept für eine relative Subkategorie T1 - Critical objects of regulation. A concept for a relative subcategory N2 - Der Begriff „Regelungsgegenstand“ meint ein gemeinschaftliches Problem, das entweder durch die Zentralmacht reguliert oder durch einen lokalen Akteur geregelt wird. Das vorliegende Papier bietet eine knappe Einführung in eine besonders konfliktträchtige, relative Subkategorie, die sogenannten „kritischen“ Regelungsgegenstände. Das Attribut „kritisch“ verweist dabei auf die Qualität der Konsequenzen, welche die Dysfunktionalität des Regelungssystems des Regelungsgegenstands nach sich ziehen kann. Nach einer kurzen Vorstellung des Konzepts werden unter Bezugnahme auf die eingangs formulierten Charakteristika am Beispiel der antiken Metropole Antiocheia am Orontes je zwei Beispiele aus den Regelungsbereichen „Materielle Grundlagen“ (Lebensmittelversorgung; Wasserversorgung) und „Soziokulturelle Grundlagen“ (Pferderennen; Episkopat) identifiziert. Zur Identifizierung kritischer Regelungsgegenstände eignen sich insbesondere zwei Anhaltspunkte: 1) Lokale Konflikte, die sich in öffentlichen Unmutsbekundungen, Gewaltausbrüchen oder restaurativen Interventionen der Zentralmacht manifestieren können; 2) Euergetische Handlungen, die auf das Generieren von sozialem Kapital abzielen, konzentrieren sich auf besonders wichtige oder populäre Regelungsgenstände. Der Ausblick enthält ein Resümee und verweist auf transepochale und transdisziplinäre Übertragungsmöglichkeiten. N2 - “Object of regulation” means a community problem that is either regulated by the central power or by a local actor. This paper provides a concise introduction to a particular conflict prone and relative subcategory, the so-called “critical” objects of regulation. The attribute “critical” refers to the quality of the consequences that the dysfunctionality of the regulatory system of the object of regulation may entail. After a brief introduction of the concept, two examples each taken from the regulatory areas of “material foundations” (food supply; water supply) and “socio-cultural foundations” (chariot races; episcopacy) will be identified with reference to the characteristics formulated at the beginning, by using the example of the ancient metropolis of Antioch on the Orontes. Two points of references in particular are suitable for identifying critical subjects of regulation: 1) Local conflicts, which can manifest themselves in public expressions of discontent, outbreaks of violence or restorative interventions by the central power; 2) Euergetic actions aimed at generating social capital are concentrated on particularly important or popular regulatory issues. The outlook contains a résumé and refers to trans-epochal and trans-disciplinary transfer possibilities. T3 - LoSAM Working Papers - 5 KW - Altertum KW - Geschichte KW - Antiocheia KW - Euergetismus KW - Konflikt KW - Regelungsgegenstand KW - Dysfunktionalität Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242331 SN - 2698-2684 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Brill, Michael A1 - Schwab, Frank T1 - A mixed-methods approach using self-report, observational time series data, and content analysis for process analysis of a media reception phenomenon JF - Frontiers in Psychology N2 - Due to the complexityof research objects, theoretical concepts, and stimuli in media research, researchers in psychology and communications presumably need sophisticated measures beyond self-report scales to answer research questions on media use processes. The present study evaluates stimulus-dependent structure in spontaneous eye-blink behavior as an objective, corroborative measure for the media use phenomenon of spatial presence. To this end, a mixed methods approach is used in an experimental setting to collect, combine, analyze, and interpret data from standardized participant self-report, observation of participant behavior, and content analysis of the media stimulus. T-pattern detection is used to analyze stimulus-dependent blinking behavior, and this structural data is then contrasted with self-report data. The combined results show that behavioral indicators yield the predicted results, while self-report data shows unpredicted results that are not predicted by the underlying theory. The use of a mixed methods approach offered insights that support further theory development and theory testing beyond a traditional, mono-method experimental approach. KW - presence KW - measurement KW - blinking KW - structure KW - mixed methods Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201380 VL - 10 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Fleckenstein, Felix T1 - Im Dienst einer Theologie der Heiligen Schrift N2 - 1961 äußerte sich Karl Rahner mit einem Aufsatz zum Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Exegese und Dogmatik. Diese Spannung entzündet sich vornehmlich am konkreten Umgang mit biblischen Texten. Bis heute scheint es sich hierbei jedoch um ein ungelöstes Problem zu handeln. Der in diesem Aufsatz vorgestellte methodische Entwurf versucht einen solchen Brückenschlag zwischen den beiden theologischen Fachwissenschaften mittels einer Hermeneutik zur Interpretation alttestamentlicher Texte anzustreben. Dabei nimmt die Fokussierung auf das Alte Testament keine hermeneutische Sonderstellung ein, sondern erweist sich vielmehr als Prüfstein und Richtschnur jeder christlichen Interpretation der zweigeteilten Bibel. In den Brennpunkten der Ausführung dieses hermeneutischen Entwurfs stehen zum einen die Verpflichtung des Auslegers gegenüber dem biblischen Text und zum anderen das dialogische Gegenüber von Textwelt und konkreter Lebenssituation. N2 - In 1961, Karl Rahner published an article on the tension between exegesis and dogmatics. This tension arises from dealing with biblical texts. Still today, this problem seems to remain unsolved. The methodical concept presented in this essay tries to build a bridge between the two theological disciplines by aiming at a hermeneutics of interpreting the Old Testament. However, focusing on the Old Testament occupy some kind of hermeneutical special position, but rather turns out to be the touchstone as well as the guideline of any Christian interpretation of the two-part Bible. When applying this hermeneutical method, the focus of attention will be on the obligation of the interpreter towards the biblical text and a dialogue between the textual world and specific living conditions. KW - Hermeneutik KW - Hermeneutik KW - Interpretation KW - Umberto Eco KW - hermeneutics Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-208462 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Sertbas Bülbül, Nurefsan A1 - Ergenc, Doganalp A1 - Fischer, Mathias T1 - Evaluating Dynamic Path Reconfiguration for Time Sensitive Networks T2 - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks (WueWoWas'22) N2 - In time-sensitive networks (TSN) based on 802.1Qbv, i.e., the time-aware Shaper (TAS) protocol, precise transmission schedules and, paths are used to ensure end-to-end deterministic communication. Such resource reservations for data flows are usually established at the startup time of an application and remain untouched until the flow ends. There is no way to migrate existing flows easily to alternative paths without inducing additional delay or wasting resources. Therefore, some of the new flows cannot be embedded due to capacity limitations on certain links which leads to sub-optimal flow assignment. As future networks will need to support a large number of lowlatency flows, accommodating new flows at runtime and adapting existing flows accordingly becomes a challenging problem. In this extended abstract we summarize a previously published paper of us [1]. We combine software-defined networking (SDN), which provides better control of network flows, with TSN to be able to seamlessly migrate time-sensitive flows. For that, we formulate an optimization problem and propose different dynamic path configuration strategies under deterministic communication requirements. Our simulation results indicate that regularly reconfiguring the flow assignments can improve the latency of time-sensitive flows and can increase the number of flows embedded in the network around 4% in worst-case scenarios while still satisfying individual flow deadlines. KW - Datennetz KW - SDN KW - dynamic flow migration KW - reconfiguration KW - TSN KW - path computation Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280743 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Conrad, Christopher A1 - Morper-Busch, Lucia A1 - Netzband, Maik A1 - Teucher, Mike A1 - Schönbrodt-Stitt, Sarah A1 - Schorcht, Gunther A1 - Dukhovny, Viktor T1 - WUEMoCA Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia Informed Decision-Making in Land and Water Resources Management N2 - WUEMoCA is an operational scientific webmapping tool for the regional monitoring of land and water use efficiency in the irrigated croplands of the transboundary Aral Sea Basin that is shared by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan. Satellite data on land use, crop pro-duction and water consumption is integrated with hydrological and economic information to provide of a set indicators. The tool is useful for large-scale decisions on water distribution or land use, and may be seen as demonstrator for numerous applications in practice, that require independent area-wide spatial information. KW - Zentralasien KW - Information system KW - Remote Sensing KW - WebGIS KW - Information System KW - Central Asia Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191934 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Le, Duy Thanh A1 - Großmann, Marcel A1 - Krieger, Udo R. T1 - Cloudless Resource Monitoring in a Fog Computing System Enabled by an SDN/NFV Infrastructure T2 - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks (WueWoWas'22) N2 - Today’s advanced Internet-of-Things applications raise technical challenges on cloud, edge, and fog computing. The design of an efficient, virtualized, context-aware, self-configuring orchestration system of a fog computing system constitutes a major development effort within this very innovative area of research. In this paper we describe the architecture and relevant implementation aspects of a cloudless resource monitoring system interworking with an SDN/NFV infrastructure. It realizes the basic monitoring component of the fundamental MAPE-K principles employed in autonomic computing. Here we present the hierarchical layering and functionality within the underlying fog nodes to generate a working prototype of an intelligent, self-managed orchestrator for advanced IoT applications and services. The latter system has the capability to monitor automatically various performance aspects of the resource allocation among multiple hosts of a fog computing system interconnected by SDN. KW - Datennetz KW - fog computing KW - SDN/NVF KW - container virtualization KW - autonomic orchestration KW - docker Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280723 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Summa, Michela A1 - Klein, Martin A1 - Schmidt, Philipp T1 - Introduction: Double Intentionality JF - Topoi N2 - No abstract available. KW - double intentionality KW - intentional directions KW - experiences Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-269865 SN - 1572-8749 VL - 41 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Münchow, Hannes A1 - Mengelkamp, Christoph A1 - Bannert, Maria T1 - The better you feel the better you learn: do warm colours and rounded shapes enhance learning outcome in multimedia learning? JF - Education Research International N2 - The aim of the present study was to examine whether fostering positive activating affect during multimedia learning enhances learning outcome. University students were randomly assigned to either a multimedia learning environment designed to induce positive activating affect through the use of “warm” colours and rounded shapes () or an affectively neutral environment that used achromatic colours and sharp edges (). Participants learned about the topic of functional neuroanatomy for 20 minutes and had to answer several questions for comprehension and transfer afterwards. Affective states as well as achievement goal orientations were investigated before and after the learning phase using questionnaires. The results show that participants in the affectively positive environment were superior in comprehension as well as transfer when initial affect was strong. Preexperimental positive affect was therefore a predictor of comprehension and a moderator for transfer. Goal orientations did not influence these effects. The findings support the idea that positive affect, induced through the design of the particular multimedia learning environment, can facilitate performance if initial affective states are taken into account. KW - shape KW - learning outcome KW - multimedia learning KW - colour Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158566 VL - 2017 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krist, Lilian A1 - Dornquast, Christina A1 - Reinhold, Thomas A1 - Becher, Heiko A1 - Jöckel, Karl-Heinz A1 - Schmidt, Börge A1 - Schramm, Sara A1 - Icke, Katja A1 - Danquah, Ina A1 - Willich, Stefan N. A1 - Keil, Thomas A1 - Brand, Tilman T1 - Association of acculturation status with longitudinal changes in health-related quality of life — results from a cohort study of adults with Turkish origin in Germany JF - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health N2 - Health-related quality of life (HRQL) among migrant populations can be associated with acculturation (i.e., the process of adopting, acquiring and adjusting to a new cultural environment). Since there is a lack of longitudinal studies, we aimed to describe HRQL changes among adults of Turkish descent living in Berlin and Essen, Germany, and their association with acculturation. Participants of a population-based study were recruited in 2012–2013 and reinvited six years later to complete a questionnaire. Acculturation was assessed at baseline using the Frankfurt acculturation scale (integration, assimilation, separation and marginalization). HRQL was assessed at baseline (SF-8) and at follow-up (SF-12) resulting in a physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) sum score. Associations with acculturation and HRQL were analyzed with linear regression models using a time-by-acculturation status interaction term. In the study 330 persons were included (65% women, mean age ± standard deviation 43.3 ± 11.8 years). Over the 6 years, MCS decreased, while PCS remained stable. While cross-sectional analyses showed associations of acculturation status with both MCS and PCS, temporal changes including the time interaction term did not reveal associations of baseline acculturation status with HRQL. When investigating HRQL in acculturation, more longitudinal studies are needed to take changes in both HRQL and acculturation status into account. KW - health-related quality of life KW - HRQL KW - acculturation KW - Turkish KW - migrants Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-234068 SN - 1660-4601 VL - 18 IS - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schober, Claudia T1 - Open-Access-Monografien in deutschsprachigen Universitätsverlagen JF - o-bib N2 - Universitätsverlage fördern die Publikation wissenschaftlicher Monografien, insbesondere Open- Access-Monografien. Dieses Publikationsformat stellt Verlage unter anderem bei der Frage der Ausgestaltung von Open Access und Themen wie Finanzierung, Kund/inn/en und Qualitätssicherung vor Herausforderungen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht mittels einer qualitativen Befragung, welche Lösungsansätze Universitätsverlage im deutschsprachigen Raum bei diesen Themen verfolgen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Lösungsansätze verschieden sind. N2 - University presses support monograph publishing, especially as open access monographs. Challenges of this new publishing model arise in different areas, for example with respect to the design of open access, and topics like business models, customers and quality management. By means of a qualitative survey, this study examines the approaches taken by university presses in German-speaking countries to solve these problems. As can be shown, the approaches are various. KW - University Press KW - Open Access KW - Monografie KW - Universitätsverlag KW - German-speaking countries KW - Open Access KW - monograph Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168699 VL - 5 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blümig, Gabriele A1 - Klein, Diana A1 - Wolf, Simone T1 - Das Framework und die Erstsemesterstudierenden der Medizin : ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg JF - O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal N2 - Dieser Artikel schildert die Neukonzeption eines Kurses für Erstsemesterstudierende der Medizin an der Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg unter Einbeziehung des Frameworks for Information Literacy for Higher Education (im Folgenden Framework genannt). Nach einleitenden Bemerkungen zur Theorie der Schwellenkonzepte und zum Framework selbst steht der Kursinhalt mit den dazugehörigen Frames, Knowledge Practices und Dispositions im Fokus. Die Auswertung der Evaluation und ein Ausblick auf die Umsetzung des Kurses in der coronabedingten digitalen Lehre bilden den Schluss. N2 - This article describes the design of a new one-shot information literacy session for students of medicine in the first semester at the University Library Würzburg. After giving a short introduction into the threshold concept and the theoretical background of the Frameworks for Information Literacy for Higher Education (Framework) we focus on the content of the course in terms of frames, knowledge practices and dispositions. Finally we analyse the evaluation outcomes and show how we transfor-med the session into an e-learning-based course. KW - Informationskompetenz KW - Information Literacy KW - Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education KW - Medizinstudium KW - Erstsemester KW - Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten KW - Literaturrecherche KW - Bibliothekskurs Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245687 VL - 8 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Blümig, Gabriele A1 - Werr, Naoka T1 - S.P.U.T.N.I.K. – ein Schülertutorial im Sinne des Framework : ein Werkstattbericht JF - O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal N2 - Die Arbeitsgruppe Informationskompetenz im Bibliotheksverbund Bayern (AGIK Bay) veröffentlichte im Oktober 2020 das interaktive E-Tutorial S.P.U.T.N.I.K. zur Förderung der Informationskompetenz von Schüler*innen der Oberstufe, das sich inhaltlich am Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education orientiert. Der Artikel zeichnet die Entstehung des Tutorials in Kooperation mit Studierenden des Fachbereichs Archiv- und Bibliothekswesen der Hochschule für den öffentlichen Dienst in Bayern nach und skizziert die Herausforderungen bei der finalen Umsetzung durch die Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg. Das Tutorial ist als Moodle- und Ilias-kompatibles SCORM-Lernpaket mit vielen interaktiven Quizelementen konzipiert und in fünf Modulen aufgebaut. Es ist online zugänglich und steht zur Nachnutzung innerhalb der DACH-Bibliothekscommunity unter einer Creative Commons Lizenz bereit. N2 - In October 2020 the Working Group for Information Literacy of the Bavarian Library Network (AGIK Bay) published the interactive e-tutorial S.P.U.T.N.I.K. to promote the information literacy of high school students. Its content is based on the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. The article describes the creation of the tutorial in cooperation with students from the Department of Archive Management and Library Science at the University of Applied Sciences for Public Service in Bavaria and outlines the challenges in the final implementation by the University Library of Würzburg. The tutorial is designed as a Moodle- and Ilias-compatible SCORM learning package with many interactive quiz elements and consists of five independent modules. The tutorial is accessible online and is available for re-use within the German-speaking library community as it has been published under a Creative Commons License. KW - Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education KW - Schwellenkonzepte KW - Schülertutorial Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-245702 VL - 8 IS - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Genest, Franca A1 - Rak, Dominik A1 - Petryk, Anna A1 - Seefried, Lothar T1 - Physical Function and Health‐Related Quality of Life in Adults Treated With Asfotase Alfa for Pediatric‐Onset Hypophosphatasia JF - JBMR Plus N2 - Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a rare, inherited, metabolic disease characterized by tissue‐nonspecific alkaline phosphatase deficiency resulting in musculoskeletal and systemic clinical manifestations. This observational study evaluated the effectiveness of enzyme replacement therapy with asfotase alfa on physical function and health‐related quality of life (HRQoL) among adults with pediatric‐onset HPP who received asfotase alfa for 12 months at a single center (ClinicalTrial.gov no.: NCT03418389). Primary outcomes evaluated physical function with the 6‐minute walk test (6MWT), timed up‐and‐go (TUG) test, Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), and handheld dynamometry (HHD). Secondary outcome measures included the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS), pain prevalence/intensity, and pain medication use; HRQoL was evaluated using the 36‐Item Short‐Form Health Survey version 2 (SF‐36v2). Safety data were collected throughout the study. All 14 patients (11 women) had compound heterozygous ALPL gene mutations and ≥1 HPP bone manifestation, including history of ≥1 fracture. Mean (min, max) age was 51 (19 to 78) years. From baseline to 12 months of treatment, median 6MWT distance increased from 267 m to 320 m (n = 13; p = 0.023); median TUG test time improved from 14.4 s to 11.3 s (n = 9; p = 0.008). Specific components of the SPPB also improved significantly: median 4‐m gait speed increased from 0.8 m/s to 1.1 m/s (n = 10; p = 0.007) and median repeated chair‐rise time improved from 22 s to 13 s (n = 9; p = 0.008). LEFS score improved from 24 points to 53 points (n = 10; p = 0.002). Improvements in HHD were not clinically significant. SF‐36v2 Physical Component Score (PCS) improved after 12 months of treatment (n = 9; p = 0.010). Pain level did not change significantly from baseline to 12 months of treatment. There were significant improvements on chair‐rise time and SF‐36v2 PCS by 3 months, and on TUG test time after 6 months. No new safety signals were identified. These results show the real‐world effectiveness of asfotase alfa in improving physical functioning and HRQoL in adults with pediatric‐onset HPP. © 2020 The Authors. JBMR Plus published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. KW - hypophosphatasia KW - enzyme replacement therapy KW - physical performance KW - clinical study KW - real-world evidence Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218410 VL - 4 IS - 9 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kühne, Ina T1 - Die Konstruktion von Männlichkeitsbildern in der katalanischen Literatur zum Ersten Spanisch Marokkanischen Krieg (1859/1860) JF - promptus - Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik N2 - This article explores the construction of Catalan masculinity and Catalan identity in literature on the Spanish-Moroccan War of 1859/60. During the war, an immense amount of patriotic literature in Catalan language was published in Catalonia, in which the authors glorified the deeds of the Catalan general Joan Prim i Prats and of the Catalan volunteers who fought in the war. The article aims to illustrate, on the basis of the analysis of poems, theatre plays, patriotic songs, reports and chronicles written by Catalan authors, the importance of the First Spanish-Moroccan War for the development of Catalan identity. It attempts as well to demonstrate that the authors used the literature about the war to diffuse a specific Catalan ideal of masculinity and to stylize General Prim and the volunteers into national heroes, who embodied the strength of the Catalan cultural nation, since the Catalan community needed new idols after a long time of political and cultural decline caused by the centralist policies of the Spanish state. The Catalan ideal of masculinity was utilized to differentiate the Catalans from the other Spaniards whose masculinity was considered to be in decadence by the other European nations. KW - Spanish-Moroccan War of 1859/60 KW - masculinity KW - Catalan identity KW - General Prim KW - Catalan volunteers Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221847 SN - 2364-6705 VL - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Harjus, Linda T1 - Top down Initiated Medial Linguistic Politics : A Normative Inquiry into the Application of Andalusian Varieties Conducted by the Radio Channel Canal Fiesta Radio JF - promptus - Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik N2 - This contribution deals with the phonetic heterogeneity of spoken Spanish in Andalusia in the sector of public auditory media, specifically in the program ¡Anda Levanta! of Canal Fiesta Radio. First, we take into consideration Article 10 of the Statute of the Autonomy of Andalusia, which enhances the protection, promotion, study, and prestige of the Andalusian modalities and its respective variety (cf. Parlamento de Andalucía 2007: 13). Second, we refer to the Libro de Estilo, a mandatory guide for presenters of public audiovisual media in Andalusia since 2014. The results of the qualitative analysis indicate divergences between the presenters and their audience with regard to their use of phonetic characteristics typical of the Andalusian varieties: where the presenters tend to avoid the salient aspects of the varieties, the audience employs a range of phonetic characteristics typical for Andalusian varieties, including some of the characteristics that are considered less prestigious. KW - Andalusian varieties KW - linguistic politics KW - European Spanish KW - sociophonetics KW - language in media Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-221836 SN - 2364-6705 VL - 5 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Alpermann, Björn A1 - Malzer, Michael T1 - “In Other News”: China’s International Media Strategy on Xinjiang — CGTN and New China TV on YouTube JF - Modern China N2 - In the Western world China stands accused of severe human rights violations regarding its treatment of the Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim minorities in its northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. This is the first article to systematically analyze the response of China’s international state media to these allegations. By studying the YouTube channels of two leading Chinese state media, China Global Television Network (CGTN) and New China TV (operated by Xinhua News Agency), it presents an indepth understanding of how China’s foreign-facing propaganda works in a crucial case. The quantitative content analysis highlights how China reacted to increasing international (mostly United States) pressure regarding its Xinjiang policies by producing higher volumes of videos and putting out new counternarratives. The qualitative analysis that follows provides in-depth treatment of the most important discourses that Chinese media engage in to salvage the nation’s international image, namely those on development, culture, nature, and terrorism. It finds several ways of countering criticism, ranging from presenting a positive image of China, in line with traditional propaganda guidelines and President Xi Jinping’s assignment to state media to “tell the China story well,” to more innovative approaches. Thus the development narrative becomes more personalized, the discourse on culture supports the “heritagization process” to incorporate minority cultures into a harmonized “Chinese civilization,” representations of nature firmly tie Xinjiang into the discourse of “beautiful China,” the “terror narrative” strategically employs shocking footage in an attempt to gain international “discourse power,” etc. The article provides an up-to-date picture of China’s state media strategy on a highly contentious international issue. KW - Xinjiang KW - YouTube KW - discourse analysis KW - Chinese state media Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-314173 UR - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/00977004231169008 SN - 1552-6836 ET - Online first ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Eiringhaus, Jörg A1 - Wünsche, Christoph M. A1 - Tirilomis, Petros A1 - Herting, Jonas A1 - Bork, Nadja A1 - Nikolaev, Viacheslav O. A1 - Hasenfuss, Gerd A1 - Sossalla, Samuel A1 - Fischer, Thomas H. T1 - Sacubitrilat reduces pro‐arrhythmogenic sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca\(^{2+}\) leak in human ventricular cardiomyocytes of patients with end‐stage heart failure JF - ESC Heart Failure N2 - Aims Inhibition of neprilysin and angiotensin II receptor by sacubitril/valsartan (Val) (LCZ696) reduces mortality in heart failure (HF) patients compared with sole inhibition of renin–angiotensin system. Beneficial effects of increased natriuretic peptide levels upon neprilysin inhibition have been proposed, whereas direct effects of sacubitrilat (Sac) (LBQ657) on myocardial Ca\(^{2+}\) cycling remain elusive. Methods and results Confocal microscopy (Fluo‐4 AM) was used to investigate pro‐arrhythmogenic sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca\(^{2+}\) leak in freshly isolated murine and human ventricular cardiomyocytes (CMs) upon Sac (40 μmol/L)/Val (13 μmol/L) treatment. The concentrations of Sac and Val equalled plasma concentrations of LCZ696 treatment used in PARADIGM‐HF trial. Epifluorescence microscopy measurements (Fura‐2 AM) were performed to investigate effects on systolic Ca\(^{2+}\) release, SR Ca\(^{2+}\) load, and Ca\(^{2+}\)‐transient kinetics in freshly isolated murine ventricular CMs. The impact of Sac on myocardial contractility was evaluated using in toto‐isolated, isometrically twitching ventricular trabeculae from human hearts with end‐stage HF. Under basal conditions, the combination of Sac/Val did not influence diastolic Ca\(^{2+}\)‐spark frequency (CaSpF) nor pro‐arrhythmogenic SR Ca\(^{2}\) leak in isolated murine ventricular CMs (n CMs/hearts = 80/7 vs. 100/7, P = 0.91/0.99). In contrast, Sac/Val treatment reduced CaSpF by 35 ± 9% and SR Ca\(^{2+}\) leak by 45 ± 9% in CMs put under catecholaminergic stress (isoproterenol 30 nmol/L, n = 81/7 vs. 62/7, P < 0.001 each). This could be attributed to Sac, as sole Sac treatment also reduced both parameters by similar degrees (reduction of CaSpF by 57 ± 7% and SR Ca2+ leak by 76 ± 5%; n = 101/4 vs. 108/4, P < 0.01 each), whereas sole Val treatment did not. Systolic Ca2+ release, SR Ca\(^{2+}\) load, and Ca\(^{2+}\)‐transient kinetics including SERCA activity (k\(_{SERCA}\)) were not compromised by Sac in isolated murine CMs (n = 41/6 vs. 39/6). Importantly, the combination of Sac/Val and Sac alone also reduced diastolic CaSpF and SR Ca\(^{2+}\) leak (reduction by 74 ± 7%) in human left ventricular CMs from patients with end‐stage HF (n = 71/8 vs. 78/8, P < 0.05 each). Myocardial contractility of human ventricular trabeculae was not acutely affected by Sac treatment as the developed force remained unchanged over a time course of 30 min (n trabeculae/hearts = 3/3 vs. 4/3). Conclusion This study demonstrates that neprilysin inhibitor Sac directly improves Ca\(^{2+}\) homeostasis in human end‐stage HF by reducing pro‐arrhythmogenic SR Ca\(^{2+}\) leak without acutely affecting systolic Ca\(^{2+}\) release and inotropy. These effects might contribute to the mortality benefits observed in the PARADIGM‐HF trial. KW - heart failure KW - entresto KW - Neprilysin inhibition KW - Ca cycling KW - SR Ca leak KW - arrhythmia Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-218479 VL - 7 IS - 5 SP - 2992 EP - 3002 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fischer, Matthias A1 - Heinrichs, Harald T1 - Dimensions, dialectic, discourse. Three political perspectives on the sustainability of the German healthcare system JF - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health N2 - This review article deals with the topic of sustainability in the German healthcare system and presents an overview of how the six articles of our research relate to one another. After introducing to the context of the research, its internal principles, and the methods applied, three perspectives are presented, each also discussed in terms of the respective literature in sustainability science and political science. The review concludes by presenting a circular model and by discussing the general limitations as well as the practical implications of our research. KW - sustainability KW - German healthcare system KW - policy KW - politics KW - polity Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177003 VL - 15 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rau-Bredow, Hans T1 - Bigger is not always safer: a critical analysis of the subadditivity assumption for coherent risk measures JF - Risks N2 - This paper provides a critical analysis of the subadditivity axiom, which is the key condition for coherent risk measures. Contrary to the subadditivity assumption, bank mergers can create extra risk. We begin with an analysis how a merger affects depositors, junior or senior bank creditors, and bank owners. Next it is shown that bank mergers can result in higher payouts having to be made by the deposit insurance scheme. Finally, we demonstrate that if banks are interconnected via interbank loans, a bank merger could lead to additional contagion risks. We conclude that the subadditivity assumption should be rejected, since a subadditive risk measure, by definition, cannot account for such increased risks. KW - coherent risk measures KW - subadditivity KW - bank mergers KW - regulatory capital Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201808 VL - 7 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lauth, Hans-Joachim A1 - Schlenkrich, Oliver T1 - Making Trade-Offs Visible: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations about the Relationship between Dimensions and Institutions of Democracy and Empirical Findings JF - Politics and Governance N2 - Whereas the measurement of the quality of democracy focused on the rough differentiation of democracies and autocracies in the beginning (e.g. Vanhanen, Polity, Freedom House), the focal point of newer instruments is the assessment of the quality of established democracies. In this context, tensions resp. trade-offs between dimensions of democracy are discussed as well (e.g. Democracy Barometer, Varieties of Democracy). However, these approaches lack a systematic discussion of trade-offs and they are not able to show trade-offs empirically. We address this research desideratum in a three-step process: Firstly, we propose a new conceptual approach, which distinguishes between two different modes of relationships between dimensions: mutual reinforcing effects and a give-and-take relationship (trade-offs) between dimensions. By introducing our measurement tool, Democracy Matrix, we finally locate mutually reinforcing effects as well as trade-offs. Secondly, we provide a new methodological approach to measure trade-offs. While one measuring strategy captures the mutual reinforcing effects, the other strategy employs indicators, which serve to gauge trade-offs. Thirdly, we demonstrate empirical findings of our measurement drawing on the Varieties of Democracy dataset. Incorporating trade-offs into the measurement enables us to identify various profiles of democracy (libertarian, egalitarian and control-focused democracy) via the quality of its dimensions. KW - control-focused democracy KW - democracy KW - egalitarian democracy KW - libertarian democracy KW - Varieties of Democracy KW - Democracy Matrix KW - measurement of democracy KW - profile of democracy KW - quality of democracy KW - trade-off Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159588 VL - 6 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Rademaker, Manuel E. A1 - Schuberth, Florian A1 - Dijkstra, Theo K. T1 - Measurement error correlation within blocks of indicators in consistent partial least squares : Issues and remedies JF - Internet Research N2 - Purpose The purpose of this paper is to enhance consistent partial least squares (PLSc) to yield consistent parameter estimates for population models whose indicator blocks contain a subset of correlated measurement errors. Design/methodology/approach Correction for attenuation as originally applied by PLSc is modified to include a priori assumptions on the structure of the measurement error correlations within blocks of indicators. To assess the efficacy of the modification, a Monte Carlo simulation is conducted. Findings In the presence of population measurement error correlation, estimated parameter bias is generally small for original and modified PLSc, with the latter outperforming the former for large sample sizes. In terms of the root mean squared error, the results are virtually identical for both original and modified PLSc. Only for relatively large sample sizes, high population measurement error correlation, and low population composite reliability are the increased standard errors associated with the modification outweighed by a smaller bias. These findings are regarded as initial evidence that original PLSc is comparatively robust with respect to misspecification of the structure of measurement error correlations within blocks of indicators. Originality/value Introducing and investigating a new approach to address measurement error correlation within blocks of indicators in PLSc, this paper contributes to the ongoing development and assessment of recent advancements in partial least squares path modeling. KW - Monte Carlo simulation KW - Structural equation modelling KW - Consistent partial least squares KW - Measurement error correlation KW - Model specification Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-224901 VL - 29 IS - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fritsche, Alexander A1 - Höckendorf, Bastian A1 - Alvermann, Andreas A1 - Fehske, Holger T1 - Real and imaginary edge states in stacked Floquet honeycomb lattices JF - The European Physical Journal B N2 - We present a non-Hermitian Floquet model with topological edge states in real and imaginaryband gaps. The model utilizes two stacked honeycomb lattices which can be related via four different typesof non-Hermitian time-reversal symmetry. Implementing the correct time-reversal symmetry provides uswith either two counterpropagating edge states in a real gap, or a single edge state in an imaginary gap.The counterpropagating edge states allow for either helical or chiral transport along the lattice perimeter.In stark contrast, we find that the edge state in the imaginary gap does not propagate. Instead, it remainsspatially localized while its amplitude continuously increases. Our model is well-suited for realizing theseedge states in photonic waveguide lattices KW - edge states KW - lattices Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-232347 SN - 1434-6028 VL - 93 IS - 151 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Jetter, Tobias ED - Jetter, Tobias T1 - Afterword : Engaged Scholarship in Practice; or: How to Look Back into the Future T2 - Global Cultural Studies? Engaged Scholarship between National and Transnational Frames N2 - No abstract available. KW - Kulturwissenschaften KW - Globalisierung KW - Wiliams, Raymond KW - Hall, Stuart KW - Politische Ethik KW - cultural studies KW - globalization KW - Williams, Raymond KW - Hall, Stuart KW - moral elitism Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-305953 PB - Würzburg University Press CY - Würzburg ER - TY - CHAP ED - Jetter, Tobias T1 - Contributors T2 - Global Cultural Studies? Engaged Scholarship between National and Transnational Frames N2 - No abstract available. KW - Contributors Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-313258 PB - Würzburg University Press CY - Würzburg ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Fisser, Henrik A1 - Khorsandi, Ehsan A1 - Wegmann, Martin A1 - Baier, Frank T1 - Detecting moving trucks on roads using Sentinel-2 data JF - Remote Sensing N2 - In most countries, freight is predominantly transported by road cargo trucks. We present a new satellite remote sensing method for detecting moving trucks on roads using Sentinel-2 data. The method exploits a temporal sensing offset of the Sentinel-2 multispectral instrument, causing spatially and spectrally distorted signatures of moving objects. A random forest classifier was trained (overall accuracy: 84%) on visual-near-infrared-spectra of 2500 globally labelled targets. Based on the classification, the target objects were extracted using a developed recursive neighbourhood search. The speed and the heading of the objects were approximated. Detections were validated by employing 350 globally labelled target boxes (mean F\(_1\) score: 0.74). The lowest F\(_1\) score was achieved in Kenya (0.36), the highest in Poland (0.88). Furthermore, validated at 26 traffic count stations in Germany on in sum 390 dates, the truck detections correlate spatio-temporally with station figures (Pearson r-value: 0.82, RMSE: 43.7). Absolute counts were underestimated on 81% of the dates. The detection performance may differ by season and road condition. Hence, the method is only suitable for approximating the relative truck traffic abundance rather than providing accurate absolute counts. However, existing road cargo monitoring methods that rely on traffic count stations or very high resolution remote sensing data have limited global availability. The proposed moving truck detection method could fill this gap, particularly where other information on road cargo traffic are sparse by employing globally and freely available Sentinel-2 data. It is inferior to the accuracy and the temporal detail of station counts, but superior in terms of spatial coverage. KW - Sentinel-2 KW - truck detection KW - road traffic KW - machine learning Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-267174 SN - 2072-4292 VL - 14 IS - 7 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Usman, Muhammad A1 - Reimann, Thomas A1 - Liedl, Rudolf A1 - Abbas, Azhar A1 - Conrad, Christopher A1 - Saleem, Shoaib T1 - Inverse parametrization of a regional groundwater flow model with the aid of modelling and GIS: test and application of different approaches JF - ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information N2 - The use of inverse methods allow efficient model calibration. This study employs PEST to calibrate a large catchment scale transient flow model. Results are demonstrated by comparing manually calibrated approaches with the automated approach. An advanced Tikhonov regularization algorithm was employed for carrying out the automated pilot point (PP) method. The results indicate that automated PP is more flexible and robust as compared to other approaches. Different statistical indicators show that this method yields reliable calibration as values of coefficient of determination (R-2) range from 0.98 to 0.99, Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (ME) range from 0.964 to 0.976, and root mean square errors (RMSE) range from 1.68 m to 1.23 m, for manual and automated approaches, respectively. Validation results of automated PP show ME as 0.969 and RMSE as 1.31 m. The results of output sensitivity suggest that hydraulic conductivity is a more influential parameter. Considering the limitations of the current study, it is recommended to perform global sensitivity and linear uncertainty analysis for the better estimation of the modelling results. KW - pilot-point-approach KW - inverse parameterization KW - groundwater KW - sensitivity analysis KW - tikhonov regularization KW - PEST Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-175721 VL - 7 IS - 1 ER - TY - CHAP A1 - Middelhoff, Frederike A1 - Schönbeck, Sebastian T1 - Coming to Terms: The Poetics of More-than-human Worlds T2 - Texts, Animals, Environments: Zoopoetics and Ecopoetics N2 - No abstract available. KW - Animal Studies KW - Cultural Animal Studies KW - Cultural Studies KW - Ecocriticism KW - Environmental Humanities KW - Human-Animal Studies KW - Literary Studies Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-177783 UR - https://www.rombach-verlag.de/buecher/suchergebnis/rombach/buch/details/texts-animals-environments.html PB - Rombach Druck- und Verlagshaus CY - Freiburg i. Br. ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Niemack, Juliane T1 - Schutzfaktoren bei Kindern vor dem Übergang in die Sekundarstufe – Ergebnisse aus der STRESSStudie JF - Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung / Discourse. Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research N2 - Der Übergang in die Sekundarstufe stellt für Kinder ein normativ kritisches Lebensereignis dar, das unterschiedlich bewertet und bewältigt wird. Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Schutzfaktoren dazu beitragen, dass Kinder dem Übergang mit Gefühlen der Vorfreude begegnen und sie dieses Ereignis problemorientiert bewältigen. Untersucht werden 596 ViertklässlerInnen aus Bayern und Hessen vor dem Übergang in die Sekundarstufe. In Anlehnung an die kognitiv-transaktionale Theorie von Lazarus und Folkman (1984) werden die Zusammenhänge von primärer Bewertung als Herausforderung und problemorientierter Stressbewältigung unter Berücksichtigung von personalen (akademisches Selbstkonzept, Selbstwirksamkeit) und sozialen Schutzfaktoren (Familienzusammenhalt, allgemeines förderndes Elternverhalten) analysiert. Mithilfe von Strukturgleichungsmodellen lassen sich Mediationseffekte der Schutzfaktoren nachweisen. Insbesondere das akademische Selbstkonzept und ein förderliches Familienumfeld erweisen sich als bedeutsame protektive Faktoren in der Phase vor dem Übergang. N2 - Transition to secondary school constitutes a normative critical life event for children, which is evaluated and managed individually. The present study focuses on the role of protective factors helping children to approach this transition with emotions of pleasant anticipation and problem-focused coping. 596 fourth graders from Bavaria and Hesse were examined prior to their transition to secondary school. Referring to the cognitive-transactional theory from Lazarus and Folkman (1984), correlations between primary appraisal as a challenge and problem-focused coping in consideration of personal (academic self-concept, self-efficacy) and social protective factors (family cohesion, general supportive parent behavior) have been analyzed. Using structural equation models, the mediation effects of protective factors can be confirmed. Academic self-concept and a supportive family environment particularly proved to be protective factors prior to the transition. T2 - Protective Factors of Children prior to the Transition to Secondary School – Results from the STRESSStudy KW - Übergang KW - kognitiv-transaktionale Theorie KW - Stress KW - Schutzfaktoren KW - transition KW - cognitive-transactional theory KW - stress KW - protective factors Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-268788 VL - 2019 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Lüke, Carina A1 - Ritterfeld, Ute A1 - Liszkowski, Ulf T1 - In bilinguals' hands: identification of bilingual, preverbal infants at risk for language delay JF - Frontiers in Pediatrics N2 - Studies with monolingual infants show that the gestural behavior of 1–2-year-olds is a strong predictor for later language competencies and, more specifically, that the absence of index-finger pointing at 12 months seems to be a valid indicator for risk of language delay (LD). In this study a lack of index-finger pointing at 12 months was utilized as diagnostic criterion to identity infants with a high risk for LD at 24 months in a sample of 42 infants growing up bilingually. Results confirm earlier findings from monolinguals showing that 12-month-olds who point with the extended index finger have an advanced language status at 24 months and are less likely language delayed than infants who only point with the whole hand and do not produce index-finger points at 12 months. KW - gesture KW - pointing KW - language delay KW - language acquisition KW - bilingualism Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-276639 SN - 2296-2360 VL - 10 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Thalhammer, Johanna T1 - L’art de bien chanter und Von der Kunst zierlich zu singen und zu spielen – Eine kontrastive Analyse von Texten der musikalischen Fachsprache im 18. Jahrhundert anhand von Auszügen aus Code de musique pratique, Rameau (1760) und Der vollkommene Capellmeister, Mattheson (1739) JF - promptus - Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik N2 - This article is an analysis and a comparison of German and French special language of music in the 18th century, more precisely about the terms used to describe the activity of singing. The analysis is based on two treatises about music theory. The first writing, Der Vollkommene Capellmeister, was written by Johann Mattheson in 1739 and the second, Code de musique pratique by Jean-Philippe Rameau was published in 1760. Both texts contain a chapter which gives explanations how to sing. The treatises include different types of technical words: specific terms easy identified as special language terms like names of ornaments in the music, special verbs standing for singing, and words and anaphors to describe tonality and dynamics. By having a look on the terms of music language, the influence of Italian and French words on German vocabulary of music becomes obvious. The vocabulary is often similar in both languages, but not always defined as a part of the special language of music. KW - special language of music KW - contrastive analysis of languages KW - vocabulary of singing KW - Mattheson KW - Rameau Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-172958 SN - 2510-2613 VL - 3 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Schöch, Christof T1 - Interview mit Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch JF - promptus - Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik N2 - Interview mit Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch KW - Interview Y1 - 2020 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235128 VL - 6 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Goldmann, Julius A1 - Hesselbach, Robert T1 - Interview mit Prof. Dr. Kai Nonnenmacher JF - promptus - Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik N2 - Interview mit Prof. Dr. Kai Nonnenmacher KW - Interview KW - Karriere KW - Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs Y1 - 2018 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187942 SN - 2364-6705 VL - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Prifti, Elton T1 - Interview mit Prof. Dr. Elton Prifti JF - promptus - Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik N2 - Interview mit Prof. Dr. Elton Prifti KW - Sprachwissenschaft KW - Interview Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251395 SN - 2364-6705 VL - 7 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Grief, Lukas A1 - Altmann, Michael A1 - Bogaschewsky, Ronald T1 - The impact of sustainable supply chain management practices on performance metrics – A meta-analysis N2 - Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht mittels einer Meta-Analyse den Zusammenhang zwischen nachhaltigkeitsorientierter Supply Chain-Aktivitäten und der Unternehmensperformance. Es sollen auf Grundlage einer breiten Datenbasis aus den Jahren 2000 bis 2013 fundierte und aussagekräftige Zusammenhänge zwischen ökologisch nachhaltigen Supply Chain Aktivitäten und deren Wirkung auf unterschiedliche Bereiche der Unternehmensperformance hergestellt werden N2 - Based on a broad data basis considering the years 2000 - 2013, we conduct a meta-analysis to research the influence of sustainable supply chain practices on different aspects of measurable company performance. T2 - Eine Meta-Analyse zur Untersuchung der Auswirkung nachhaltigkeitsorientierter Supply Chain-Aktivitäten auf die Unternehmensperformance T3 - Working Paper Series of the Institute of Business Management - 5 KW - Supply Chain Management KW - Nachhaltigkeit KW - supply chain management KW - sustainability Y1 - 2017 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153833 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Döllinger, Nina A1 - Wolf, Erik A1 - Mal, David A1 - Wenninger, Stephan A1 - Botsch, Mario A1 - Latoschik, Marc Erich A1 - Wienrich, Carolin T1 - Resize Me! Exploring the user experience of embodied realistic modulatable avatars for body image intervention in virtual reality JF - Frontiers in Virtual Reality N2 - Obesity is a serious disease that can affect both physical and psychological well-being. Due to weight stigmatization, many affected individuals suffer from body image disturbances whereby they perceive their body in a distorted way, evaluate it negatively, or neglect it. Beyond established interventions such as mirror exposure, recent advancements aim to complement body image treatments by the embodiment of visually altered virtual bodies in virtual reality (VR). We present a high-fidelity prototype of an advanced VR system that allows users to embody a rapidly generated personalized, photorealistic avatar and to realistically modulate its body weight in real-time within a carefully designed virtual environment. In a formative multi-method approach, a total of 12 participants rated the general user experience (UX) of our system during body scan and VR experience using semi-structured qualitative interviews and multiple quantitative UX measures. Using body weight modification tasks, we further compared three different interaction methods for real-time body weight modification and measured our system’s impact on the body image relevant measures body awareness and body weight perception. From the feedback received, demonstrating an already solid UX of our overall system and providing constructive input for further improvement, we derived a set of design guidelines to guide future development and evaluation processes of systems supporting body image interventions. KW - virtual reality KW - avatar embodiment KW - user experience KW - body awareness KW - body weight perception KW - body weight modification KW - body image disturbance KW - eating and body weight disorders Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-292940 SN - 2673-4192 VL - 3 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Nord, Ilona A1 - Ess, Charles A1 - Hurtienne, Jörn A1 - Schlag, Thomas T1 - Robotics in Christian Religious Practice Reflections on initial experiments in this field N2 - In this article we offer initial insights into the fairly new interdisciplinary and international domain of robotics in Christian religious practice. We are a group of scholars in media ethics, practical theology/religious education, and human computer interaction, who have been engaged in this discourse since 2017. A natural starting point is our study of BlessU2, a “blessing robot,” a device which received considerable recognition from the global public at the Wittenberg 500th reformation anniversary in 2017. We thus begin with the results of this study. Secondly, we will briefly address the relevant theses from Gabriele Trovato et al., as presented in their 2019 article on so-called theomorphic robots – followed by our interdisciplinary discussion of their approach. Finally, we draw conclusions for further work on the field of “religious robots.” Somewhat more carefully: Section 1 offers starting points within the perspectives of Christian religious practice: here, the blessing robot is both cause and occasion for doing religion and theologizing in the context of existential questions (1.1). We continue with perceptions in the field of religion regarding “Discursive Design Theory” (1.2). The interaction of humans with computers as posing questions for theological standardization of religious practice is focused upon in 1.3. Section 2 reconstructs the HRI/HCI-initiative to develop theomorphic robots in a twofold manner, i.e., the idea of developing theomorphic robots (2.1) and the concept of theomorphic robots: Questions and objections (2.2). In this part of the article we raise discussion points concerning the relationship between technology and religion and the need for sharpening the understanding of religion within the research field. Section 3 closes with propositions and alternatives. KW - Soziale Robotik KW - Christentum KW - Religious Practice KW - Robotics KW - Human Computer Interaction KW - BlessU2 Y1 - 2023 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-303149 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Kim, Brandon J. A1 - Shusta, Eric V. A1 - Doran, Kelly S. T1 - Past and current perspectives in modeling bacteria and blood–brain barrier interactions JF - Frontiers in Microbiology N2 - The central nervous system (CNS) barriers are highly specialized cellular barriers that promote brain homeostasis while restricting pathogen and toxin entry. The primary cellular constituent regulating pathogen entry in most of these brain barriers is the brain endothelial cell (BEC) that exhibits properties that allow for tight regulation of CNS entry. Bacterial meningoencephalitis is a serious infection of the CNS and occurs when bacteria can cross specialized brain barriers and cause inflammation. Models have been developed to understand the bacterial – BEC interaction that lead to pathogen crossing into the CNS, however, these have been met with challenges due to these highly specialized BEC phenotypes. This perspective provides a brief overview and outlook of the in vivo and in vitro models currently being used to study bacterial brain penetration, and opinion on improved models for the future. KW - bacteria KW - blood–brain barrier KW - meningitis KW - stem cells KW - brain endothelial cell Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201766 VL - 10 IS - 1336 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Krieter, Detlef H. A1 - Kerwagen, Simon A1 - Rüth, Marieke A1 - Lemke, Horst-Dieter A1 - Wanner, Christoph T1 - Differences in dialysis efficacy have limited effects on protein-bound uremic toxins plasma levels over time JF - Toxins N2 - The protein-bound uremic toxins para-cresyl sulfate (pCS) and indoxyl sulfate (IS) are associated with cardiovascular disease in chronic renal failure, but the effect of different dialysis procedures on their plasma levels over time is poorly studied. The present prospective, randomized, cross-over trial tested dialysis efficacy and monitored pre-treatment pCS and IS concentrations in 15 patients on low-flux and high-flux hemodialysis and high-convective volume postdilution hemodiafiltration over six weeks each. Although hemodiafiltration achieved by far the highest toxin removal, only the mean total IS level was decreased at week three (16.6 ± 12.1 mg/L) compared to baseline (18.9 ± 13.0 mg/L, p = 0.027) and to low-flux dialysis (20.0 ± 12.7 mg/L, p = 0.021). At week six, the total IS concentration in hemodiafiltration reached the initial values again. Concentrations of free IS and free and total pCS remained unaltered. Highest beta2-microglobulin elimination in hemodiafiltration (p < 0.001) led to a persistent decrease of the plasma levels at week three and six (each p < 0.001). In contrast, absent removal in low-flux dialysis resulted in rising beta2-microglobulin concentrations (p < 0.001). In conclusion, this trial demonstrated that even large differences in instantaneous protein-bound toxin removal by current extracorporeal dialysis techniques may have only limited impact on IS and pCS plasma levels in the longer term. KW - protein-bound uremic toxins KW - end-stage renal disease KW - hemodialysis KW - hemodiafiltration KW - dialysis adequacy Y1 - 2019 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201770 VL - 11 IS - 4 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Höweler, Malte A1 - Xiang, Zuo A1 - Höpfner, Franz A1 - Nguyen, Giang T. A1 - Fitzek, Frank H. P. T1 - Towards Stateless Core Networks: Measuring State Access Patterns T2 - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks (WueWoWas'22) N2 - Future mobile communication networks, such as 5G and beyond, can benefit from Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) when deployed on cloud infrastructures to achieve elasticity and scalability. However, new challenges arise as to managing states of Network Functions (NFs). Especially control plane VNFs, which are mainly found in cellular core networks like the 5G Core (5GC), received little attention since the shift towards virtualizing NFs. Most existing solutions for these core networks are often complex, intrusive, and are seldom compliant with the standard. With the emergence of 5G campus networks, UEs will be mainly machine-type devices. These devices communicate more deterministically, bringing new opportunities for elaborated state management. This work presents an emulation environment to perform rigorous measurements on state access patterns. The emulation comes with a fully parameterized Markov model for the UE to examine a wide variety of different devices. These measurements can then be used as a solid base for designing an efficient, simple, and standard conform state management solution that brings us further towards stateless core networks. KW - Datennetz KW - 5GC KW - VNF KW - SBA KW - measurements KW - MTC Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280770 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Grigorjew, Alexej A1 - Diederich, Philip A1 - Hoßfeld, Tobias A1 - Kellerer, Wolfgang T1 - Affordable Measurement Setups for Networking Device Latency with Sub-Microsecond Accuracy T2 - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks (WueWoWas'22) N2 - This document presents a networking latency measurement setup that focuses on affordability and universal applicability, and can provide sub-microsecond accuracy. It explains the prerequisites, hardware choices, and considerations to respect during measurement. In addition, it discusses the necessity for exhaustive latency measurements when dealing with high availability and low latency requirements. Preliminary results show that the accuracy is within ±0.02 μs when used with the Intel I350-T2 network adapter. KW - Datennetz KW - latency Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280751 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Gallenmüller, Sebastian A1 - Scholz, Dominik A1 - Stubbe, Henning A1 - Hauser, Eric A1 - Carle, Georg T1 - Reproducible by Design: Network Experiments with pos T2 - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks (WueWoWas'22) N2 - In scientific research, the independent reproduction of experiments is the source of trust. Detailed documentation is required to enable experiment reproduction. Reproducibility awards were created to honor the increased documentation effort. In this work, we propose a novel approach toward reproducible research—a structured experimental workflow that allows the creation of reproducible experiments without requiring additional efforts of the researcher. Moreover, we present our own testbed and toolchain, namely, plain orchestrating service (pos), which enables the creation of such experimental workflows. The experiment is documented by our proposed, fully scripted experiment structure. In addition, pos provides scripts enabling the automation of the bundling and release of all experimental artifacts. We provide an interactive environment where pos experiments can be executed and reproduced, available at https://gallenmu.github.io/single-server-experiment. KW - Datennetz KW - Reproducibility KW - Testbed KW - Network Experiments KW - plain orchestrating service KW - pos Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280834 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Odhah, Najib A1 - Grass, Eckhard A1 - Kraemer, Rolf T1 - Effective Rate of URLLC with Short Block-Length Information Theory T2 - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks (WueWoWas'22) N2 - Shannon channel capacity estimation, based on large packet length is used in traditional Radio Resource Management (RRM) optimization. This is good for the normal transmission of data in a wired or wireless system. For industrial automation and control, rather short packages are used due to the short-latency requirements. Using Shannon’s formula leads in this case to inaccurate RRM solutions, thus another formula should be used to optimize radio resources in short block-length packet transmission, which is the basic of Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications (URLLCs). The stringent requirement of delay Quality of Service (QoS) for URLLCs requires a link-level channel model rather than a physical level channel model. After finding the basic and accurate formula of the achievable rate of short block-length packet transmission, the RRM optimization problem can be accurately formulated and solved under the new constraints of URLLCs. In this short paper, the current mathematical models, which are used in formulating the effective transmission rate of URLLCs, will be briefly explained. Then, using this rate in RRM for URLLC will be discussed. KW - Datennetz KW - URLLC KW - RRM KW - delay QoS exponent KW - decoding error rate KW - delay bound violation probability KW - short block-length KW - effective Bandwidth Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280859 ER - TY - RPRT A1 - Raffeck, Simon A1 - Geißler, Stefan A1 - Hoßfeld, Tobias T1 - DBM: Decentralized Burst Mitigation for Self-Organizing LoRa Deployments T2 - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks (WueWoWas'22) N2 - This work proposes a novel approach to disperse dense transmission intervals and reduce bursty traffic patterns without the need for centralized control. Furthermore, by keeping the mechanism as close to the Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) standard as possible the suggested mechanism can be deployed within existing networks and can even be co-deployed with other devices. KW - Datennetz KW - LoRa Y1 - 2022 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-280809 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Dumic, Emil A1 - Bjelopera, Anamaria A1 - Nüchter, Andreas T1 - Dynamic point cloud compression based on projections, surface reconstruction and video compression JF - Sensors N2 - In this paper we will present a new dynamic point cloud compression based on different projection types and bit depth, combined with the surface reconstruction algorithm and video compression for obtained geometry and texture maps. Texture maps have been compressed after creating Voronoi diagrams. Used video compression is specific for geometry (FFV1) and texture (H.265/HEVC). Decompressed point clouds are reconstructed using a Poisson surface reconstruction algorithm. Comparison with the original point clouds was performed using point-to-point and point-to-plane measures. Comprehensive experiments show better performance for some projection maps: cylindrical, Miller and Mercator projections. KW - 3DTK toolkit KW - map projections KW - point cloud compression KW - point-to-point measure KW - point-to-plane measure KW - Poisson surface reconstruction KW - octree Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-252231 SN - 1424-8220 VL - 22 IS - 1 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Geissler, Julia A1 - Werner, Elisabeth A1 - Dworschak, Wolfgang A1 - Romanos, Marcel A1 - Ratz, Christoph T1 - Freiheitsentziehende Maßnahmen in bayerischen Heimeinrichtungen für Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Volljährige mit Intelligenzminderung JF - Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie N2 - Fragestellung: In Bayern leben etwa 10 % aller jungen Menschen mit Intelligenzminderung in Heimeinrichtungen. 2016 wurde in Presseberichten der Vorwurf unzulässiger freiheitsentziehender Maßnahmen formuliert. Im Rahmen des Projekts REDUGIA wurde in bayerischen Heimeinrichtungen eine repräsentative Erhebung zu freiheitsentziehenden Maßnahmen (FeM), herausforderndem Verhalten (hfV) und der Mitarbeiterbelastung (MaB) durchgeführt. Methodik: 65 Einrichtungen für junge Menschen mit Intelligenzminderung in Bayern wurde ein Fragebogen zu strukturellen Gegebenheiten sowie MaB, hfV und FeM zugesendet. Neben deskriptiven Auswertungen wurden korrelative Analysen bzw. Regressionsanalysen zum Zusammenhang zwischen hfV, FeM und MaB durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Es wurden Daten zu 1839 Personen in 61 Einrichtungen erhoben. 84.3 % der Einrichtungen berichteten geringe Raten an hfV und FeM, während 15.7 % ein gehäuftes Vorkommen von hfV und FeM angaben. Auf n = 1809 Vollzeitäquivalente kam es innerhalb von 14 Tagen zu 639 körperlichen Angriffen durch Bewohner_innen. In 12 Monaten wurden problemverhaltensassoziiert 85 Krankmeldungen sowie 33 Versetzungsanträge/Kündigungen berichtet. Es zeigte sich ein signifikant positiver Zusammenhang zwischen hfV und FeM (R² = .307, F = 21.719, p < .001). Die Mitarbeiterbelastung korrelierte positiv mit hfV (r = .507, p < .001). Schlussfolgerungen: Die Studienbefunde weisen darauf hin, dass hfV sowie FeM bei jungen Menschen mit Intelligenzminderung kein flächendeckendes Phänomen darstellen, sondern sich auf wenige spezialisierte Einrichtungen fokussieren. Mögliche Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Problemverhalten und Freiheitsentzug werden diskutiert. N2 - Objective: In Bavaria, around 10 % of youths with an intellectual disability (ID) live in residential facilities. In 2015, media raised accusations of inadmissible use of coercive measures. The REDUGIA project carried out a representative survey in Bavarian facilities regarding coercive measures (FeM), challenging behavior (hfV), and employee stress (MaB). Method: We sent a questionnaire concerning structural conditions, MaB, hfV and FeM to 65 Bavarian facilities for young people with ID. In addition to preparing descriptive evaluations, we performed correlative and regression analyses concerning the relationship between hfV, FeM, and MaB. Results: We retrieved data from 1,839 subjects in 61 facilities. 84.3 % of facilities reported low rates of hfV and FeM, while 15.7 % reported an increased incidence of hfV and FeM. For n = 1809 full-time position equivalents there were 639 physical attacks by residents over the course of 14 days. We observed 85 instances of sick leave and 33 transfer apllications/resignation associated with hfV. The frequency of hfV predicted the frequency of FeM (R² = 0.307, F = 21.719, p < .001). MaB correlated positively with hfV (r = 0.507, p < .001). Conclusions: The descriptive data indicate that hfV and FeM are not general phenomena but occur mainly in a circumscript number of highly specialized facilities. This emphasizes the need for prevention of hfV and FeM. T2 - Freedom-restricting measures in Bavarian residential facilities for children, adolescents, and young adults with intellectual disabilities KW - Geistige Behinderung KW - herausforderndes Verhalten KW - freiheitsentziehende Maßnahmen KW - Heimeinrichtungen KW - Mitarbeiterbelastung KW - intellectual disability KW - challenging behavior KW - coercive measures KW - residential institutions KW - employee stress Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244859 SN - 1422-4917 SN - 1664-2880 VL - 49 IS - 4 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Madeira, Octavia A1 - Gromer, Daniel A1 - Latoschik, Marc Erich A1 - Pauli, Paul T1 - Effects of Acrophobic Fear and Trait Anxiety on Human Behavior in a Virtual Elevated Plus-Maze JF - Frontiers in Virtual Reality N2 - The Elevated Plus-Maze (EPM) is a well-established apparatus to measure anxiety in rodents, i.e., animals exhibiting an increased relative time spent in the closed vs. the open arms are considered anxious. To examine whether such anxiety-modulated behaviors are conserved in humans, we re-translated this paradigm to a human setting using virtual reality in a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) system. In two studies, we examined whether the EPM exploration behavior of humans is modulated by their trait anxiety and also assessed the individuals’ levels of acrophobia (fear of height), claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces), sensation seeking, and the reported anxiety when on the maze. First, we constructed an exact virtual copy of the animal EPM adjusted to human proportions. In analogy to animal EPM studies, participants (N = 30) freely explored the EPM for 5 min. In the second study (N = 61), we redesigned the EPM to make it more human-adapted and to differentiate influences of trait anxiety and acrophobia by introducing various floor textures and lower walls of closed arms to the height of standard handrails. In the first experiment, hierarchical regression analyses of exploration behavior revealed the expected association between open arm avoidance and Trait Anxiety, an even stronger association with acrophobic fear. In the second study, results revealed that acrophobia was associated with avoidance of open arms with mesh-floor texture, whereas for trait anxiety, claustrophobia, and sensation seeking, no effect was detected. Also, subjects’ fear rating was moderated by all psychometrics but trait anxiety. In sum, both studies consistently indicate that humans show no general open arm avoidance analogous to rodents and that human EPM behavior is modulated strongest by acrophobic fear, whereas trait anxiety plays a subordinate role. Thus, we conclude that the criteria for cross-species validity are met insufficiently in this case. Despite the exploratory nature, our studies provide in-depth insights into human exploration behavior on the virtual EPM. KW - elevated plus-maze KW - EPM KW - anxiety KW - virtual reality KW - translational neuroscience KW - acrophobia KW - trait anxiety Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258709 VL - 2 ER - TY - JOUR A1 - Wienrich, Carolin A1 - Döllinger, Nina A1 - Hein, Rebecca T1 - Behavioral Framework of Immersive Technologies (BehaveFIT): How and why virtual reality can support behavioral change processes JF - Frontiers in Virtual Reality N2 - The design and evaluation of assisting technologies to support behavior change processes have become an essential topic within the field of human-computer interaction research in general and the field of immersive intervention technologies in particular. The mechanisms and success of behavior change techniques and interventions are broadly investigated in the field of psychology. However, it is not always easy to adapt these psychological findings to the context of immersive technologies. The lack of theoretical foundation also leads to a lack of explanation as to why and how immersive interventions support behavior change processes. The Behavioral Framework for immersive Technologies (BehaveFIT) addresses this lack by 1) presenting an intelligible categorization and condensation of psychological barriers and immersive features, by 2) suggesting a mapping that shows why and how immersive technologies can help to overcome barriers and finally by 3) proposing a generic prediction path that enables a structured, theory-based approach to the development and evaluation of immersive interventions. These three steps explain how BehaveFIT can be used, and include guiding questions for each step. Further, two use cases illustrate the usage of BehaveFIT. Thus, the present paper contributes to guidance for immersive intervention design and evaluation, showing that immersive interventions support behavior change processes and explain and predict 'why' and 'how' immersive interventions can bridge the intention-behavior-gap. KW - immersive technologies KW - behavior change KW - intervention design KW - intervention evaluation KW - framework KW - virtual reality KW - intention-behavior-gap KW - human-computer interaction Y1 - 2021 U6 - http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-258796 VL - 2 ER -