Analysis of the genetic determinants coding for the S fimbrial adhesin (sfa) in different Escherichia coli strains causing meningitis or urinary tract infections

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  • Recently we have described the molecular cloning of the genetic determinant coding for the S-fimbrial adhesin (Sfa), a sialic acid-recognizing pilus frequently found among extraintestinal Eschenchili coli isolates. Fimbriae from the resulting Sfa + E. coli K-12 clone were isolated, and an Sfa-specific antiserum was prepared. Western blots indicate that S fimbriae isolated from different uropathogenic and meningitis-associated E. coli strains, including 083:Kl isolates, were serologically related. The Sfa-specific antibodies did not cross-reactRecently we have described the molecular cloning of the genetic determinant coding for the S-fimbrial adhesin (Sfa), a sialic acid-recognizing pilus frequently found among extraintestinal Eschenchili coli isolates. Fimbriae from the resulting Sfa + E. coli K-12 clone were isolated, and an Sfa-specific antiserum was prepared. Western blots indicate that S fimbriae isolated from different uropathogenic and meningitis-associated E. coli strains, including 083:Kl isolates, were serologically related. The Sfa-specific antibodies did not cross-react with P fimbriae, but did cross-react with FlC fimbriae. Furthermore the sja+ recombinant DNAs and some cloned s/a-flanking regions were used as probes in Southem experiments. Chromosomal DNAs isolated from 018:Kl and 083:Kl meningitis strains with and without S fimbriae and from uropathogenic 06:K + strains were hybridized against these sfa-specific probes. Only one copy of the sfa determinant was identified on the chromosome of these strains. No sfa-specific sequences were observed on the chromosome of E. coli K-12 strains and an 07:Kl isolate. With the exception of small alterations in the sfa-coding region the genetic determinants for S fimbriae were identical in uropathogenic 06:K + and meningitis 018:Kl and 083:Kl strains. The sfa determinant was also detected on the chromosome of Kl isolates with an Sfa-negative phenotype, and specific cross-hybridization signals were visible after blotting against FlC-specific DNA. In addition homology among the different strains was observed in the sfa-flanking moreshow less

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Author: M. Ott, Jörg Hacker, T. Schmoll, T. Jarchau, T. K. Korhonen, W Goebel
Document Type:Journal article
Faculties:Medizinische Fakultät / Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie
Year of Completion:1986
Source:In: Infection and immunity (1986) 54, 646-653.
Dewey Decimal Classification:5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 57 Biowissenschaften; Biologie / 570 Biowissenschaften; Biologie
GND Keyword:Infektionsbiologie
Release Date:2011/11/20
Licence (German):License LogoDeutsches Urheberrecht