Analysis of genes coding for the Sialic acid-binding adhesin and two other minor fimbrial subunits of the S-fimbrial adhesin determinant of Escherichia coli
Please always quote using this URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59585
- The S flmbrial adhesln (Sfa) enables Esch richla colito attach to slalfc acld-containing receptor molecules of eukaryotJc cells. As prevlously reported, the genetlc determinant coding for the Sfa of an E. co/1 06 strain was cloned, the gene codlng for the major fimbrfal subunit was ldentlfled and sequenced and th.e S speclflc adhesin was detected. Here we present evidence that ln addltlon to the major subunit proteln SfaA three other minor subunit proteins, SfaG (17 kD), SfaS (14kD) and SfaH (31 kD) can be isolated from the S..speclfic flmbrialThe S flmbrial adhesln (Sfa) enables Esch richla colito attach to slalfc acld-containing receptor molecules of eukaryotJc cells. As prevlously reported, the genetlc determinant coding for the Sfa of an E. co/1 06 strain was cloned, the gene codlng for the major fimbrfal subunit was ldentlfled and sequenced and th.e S speclflc adhesin was detected. Here we present evidence that ln addltlon to the major subunit proteln SfaA three other minor subunit proteins, SfaG (17 kD), SfaS (14kD) and SfaH (31 kD) can be isolated from the S..speclfic flmbrial adhesln complex. The genes coding for these minor subunits were ldenblied, mutagenlzed separately and sequenced. Using haemagglutlnatton tests. electron-microscopy and quantitative ELISA assays with monoclonal anti-SfaA and anti-SfaS antlbodles the functlons of the minor subunlts were determined. lt was determlned that SfaS ls ldentlcal to the S-specific adhesln; whlch also plays a role ln deterrninatlon of the degree of fimbri· ation ofthe cell. The mlnor subunit SfaH also had some Jnfluence on the Ievei of fimbrlation of the cell. while StaG ls necessary for full expression of S·specific binding. lt was further shown that the amino-terminal proteln sequence of the isolated SfaS profein was identJcal to the proteln sequence calculated from the DNA sequence of the sfaS gene locus.…
Author: | T. Schmoll, H. Hoschützky, J. Morschhäuser, F. Lottspeich, K. Jann, Jörg Hacker |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-59585 |
Document Type: | Journal article |
Faculties: | Medizinische Fakultät / Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie |
Language: | English |
Year of Completion: | 1989 |
Source: | In: Molecular Microbiology (1989) 3, 1735-1744. |
Dewey Decimal Classification: | 5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 57 Biowissenschaften; Biologie / 570 Biowissenschaften; Biologie |
GND Keyword: | Infektionsbiologie |
Release Date: | 2011/11/24 |
Licence (German): | Deutsches Urheberrecht |