Ultrafast Photodynamics of Glucose

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  • We have investigated the photodynamics of \(\beta\)-D-glucose employing our field-induced surface hopping method (FISH), which allows us to simulate the coupled electron-nuclear dynamics, including explicitly nonadiabatic effects and light-induced excitation. Our results reveal that from the initially populated S\(_{1}\) and S\(_{2}\) states, glucose returns nonradiatively to the ground state within about 200 fs. This takes place mainly via conical intersections (CIs) whose geometries in most cases involve the elongation of a single O-H bond,We have investigated the photodynamics of \(\beta\)-D-glucose employing our field-induced surface hopping method (FISH), which allows us to simulate the coupled electron-nuclear dynamics, including explicitly nonadiabatic effects and light-induced excitation. Our results reveal that from the initially populated S\(_{1}\) and S\(_{2}\) states, glucose returns nonradiatively to the ground state within about 200 fs. This takes place mainly via conical intersections (CIs) whose geometries in most cases involve the elongation of a single O-H bond, while in some instances ring-opening due to dissociation of a C-O bond is observed. Experimentally, excitation to a distinct excited electronic state is improbable due to the presence of a dense manifold of states bearing similar oscillator strengths. Our FISH simulations explicitly including a UV laser pulse of 6.43 eV photon energy reveals that after initial excitation the population is almost equally spread over several close-lying electronic states. This is followed by a fast nonradiative decay on the time scale of 100-200 fs, with the final return to the ground state proceeding via the S\(_{1}\) state through the same types of CIs as observed in the field-free simulations.show moreshow less
Author: Jens PetersenORCiD, Joachim O. Lindner, Roland MitricORCiD
Document Type:Preprint
Faculties:Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie / Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie
Parent Title (English):Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Year of Completion:2018
Source:Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122, 1, 19-27. DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b08602
Dewey Decimal Classification:5 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik / 54 Chemie / 541 Physikalische Chemie
Tag:carbohydrates; conical intersections; nonadiabatic dynamics; photodynamics
Release Date:2018/03/19
EU-Project number / Contract (GA) number:646737
This document is the unedited Author’s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Journal of Physical Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b08602
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