
Theses / Turn in / Confirmation of receipt

If you would like to publish your doctoral or habilitation thesis, the University Library requires:
  • an electronic version in PDF/A
  • the original version (i.e. .tex, .doc(x) ...)
  • normally 5 or 6 printed issues of your thesis (the number of printed items depends on the promotions regulations)
  • the signed author's contract

Under the menu item "publish" you could register your thesis and upload files. In addition to the PDF-file we require the original file (i.e. .tex or .doc) for theses. The original file is used for purposes of long-term archiving only and is not accessible on the web.

Doctoral theses may only be published after a successful oral exam and with a confirmation of being ready-to-print!

Please note that the PDF version has to match the audited printed version. For this reason we suggest to use the PDF version as a master. This guarantees an identical formatting of electronic and printed version.

Before the release of your document we need a (printed and signed) author's contract, which guarantees
  • that the University Library of Würzburg has the right to store the publication and to make it public and to convert the data format, if necessary
  • that the publication does not infringe the right of any third party,
  • that the publication has been approved by the PhD Committee and that the electronic version is concordant with the printed version

Please hand in the author's contract at the University Library along with the printed items.

The electronic version is going to be proofed along with the printed version. The bibliographic data is checked and if necessary completed. Please note: For reasons of data protection the electronic version should not include a curriculum vitae. After this your thesis is published on our server and therefore available on the internet. Along with the release your electronic publication is registered at the German National Library in Frankfurt/Main, which is responsible for long-term archiving.
Your thesis can be found in the catalogue of the University Library of Würzburg, the union catalogue of the Bavarian Library Network and the University Bibliography.

If you have applied for a patent or if you would like to publish your results in a scientific journal, there is a possibility to delay the release of your thesis by an application.

Even if your thesis has already been published by a publisher, you still have the possibility to publish on OPUS in case your publisher agrees. Theses published on OPUS can be published by a publisher additionally, if the publisher is informed.

Würzburg University Press
Outstandig doctoral theses (magna and summa cum laude) can be published with Würzburg University Press. For further information, please visit or contact us directly via email: or phone: +49 931 31 88870.