@phdthesis{Brandes2010, author = {Brandes, Nicolas}, title = {Oxidative Thiol Modifications in Pro- and Eukaryotic Organisms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-46542}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Cystein spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Biochemie vieler Proteine. Aufgrund der Redox-Eigenschaften und der hohen Reaktivit{\"a}t der freien Thiol-Gruppe sowie dessen F{\"a}higkeit Metallionen zu koordinieren, ist Cystein oft Bestandteil von katalytischen Zentren vieler Enzyme. Zudem lassen sich Cysteine durch reaktive Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffspezies leicht reversibel oxidativ modifizieren. In den letzten Jahren wurde gezeigt, dass Proteine redox-bedingte Thiol-Modifikationen nutzen, um Ver{\"a}nderungen ihrer Aktivit{\"a}t zu steuern. Diese redox-regulierten Proteine spielen eine zentrale Rolle in vielen physiologischen Prozessen. Das erste Ziel meiner Arbeit war die Identifizierung von Stickstoffmonoxid (NO)-sensitiven Proteinen in E. coli. Die redox-bedingten Funktions{\"a}nderungen solcher Proteine erkl{\"a}ren m{\"o}glicherweise die ver{\"a}nderte Physiologie von E. coli Zellen, die unter NO-Stress leiden. Um E. coli Proteine zu identifizieren, die unter Einwirkung von NO-Stress reversibel Thiol-modifiziert werden, wandte ich eine Kombination aus differentiellem Thiol-Trapping und 2D Gel-Elektrophorese an. Es wurden zehn Proteinen identifiziert, welche NO-sensitive Thiol-Gruppen enthalten. Genetische Studien ergaben, dass Modifikationen an AceF \& IlvC mitverantwortlich sind f{\"u}r die NO-induzierte Wachstumshemmung. Bemerkenswert ist es, dass die Mehrheit der identifizierten Proteine speziell nur gegen reaktive Stickstoffspezies empfindlich ist, welches an einem der identifizierten Stickstoffmonoxid-sensitiven Proteinen, der kleinen Untereinheit von Glutamate synthase, getestet wurde. In vivo und in vitro Aktivit{\"a}tsstudien zeigten, dass es zu einer schnellen Inaktivierung von Glutamate synthase nach NO-Behandlung kommt, das Protein aber resistent gegen{\"u}ber anderen Oxidationsmittel ist. Diese Resultate implizieren, dass reaktive Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffspezies unterschiedliche physiologische Vorg{\"a}nge in Bakterien beeinflussen. Das zweite Ziel meiner Arbeit war es, redox-sensitive Proteine in S. cerevisiae zu identifizieren und deren Redox-Zustand als in vivo Read-Out zu verwenden, um die Rolle von oxidativen Stress w{\"a}hrend des Alterungsprozess eukaryotischer Zellen zu analysieren. Zun{\"a}chst bestimmte ich in Hefezellen mit Hilfe von OxICAT, einer hochsensiblen quantitativen Methode, die Thiol-Trapping mit Massenspektrometrie verbindet, den exakten in vivo Thiol-Status von fast 300 Proteinen. Diese Proteine lassen sich in vier Gruppen einteilen: 1) Proteine, deren Cysteinreste resistent gegen Oxidation sind; 2) Proteine, in denen Cysteinmodifikationen strukturelle Aufgaben {\"u}bernehmen; 3) Proteine mit oxidationsempfindlichen Cysteinen, die bereits eine gewisse Oxidation in exponentiell wachsenden Hefezellen aufweisen; 4) Proteine, die reduziert sind, aber redox-sensitive Cysteinreste enthalten, die die Funktion der Proteine bei Vorhandensein von oxidativen Stress beeinflussen. Die Sensitivit{\"a}t dieser Proteine gegen{\"u}ber oxidativen Stress wurde durch Exposition subletaler Konzentrationen von H2O2 oder Superoxid auf Hefezellen nachgewiesen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die wichtigsten zellul{\"a}ren Angriffspunkte von H2O2- und Superoxid-bedingtem Stress Proteine sind, die an Vorg{\"a}ngen der Translation, Glykolyse, des Citratzyklus und der Aminos{\"a}ure-Biosynthese beteiligt sind. Diese Zielproteine zeigen, dass Zellen f{\"u}r die Bek{\"a}mpfung von oxidativen Stress Metabolite schnell in Richtung des Pentosephosphatweges umleiten, um die Produktion des Reduktionsmittels NADPH sicherzustellen. Die hier pr{\"a}sentierten Ergebnisse belegen, dass die quantitative Bestimmung des Oxidationsstatus von Proteinen eine wertvolle Methode ist, um redox-sensitive Cysteinreste zu identifizieren. Die OxICAT Technologie wurde dann verwendet, um das genaue Ausmaß und die Entstehung von oxidativen Stress in chronologisch alternden S. cerevisiae Zellen zu bestimmen. F{\"u}r diese Bestimmung wurde der Oxidationsstatus von Proteinen in alternden Hefezellen als physiologischer Read-Out verwendet. Ich zeigte, dass die zellul{\"a}re Redox-Hom{\"o}ostase in chronologisch alternden Hefezellen global zusammenbricht, wobei es sich dabei um einen Prozess handelt, der dem Zelltod vorausgeht. Der Beginn dieses Zusammenbruchs scheint mit der Lebensdauer der Hefezellen zu korrelieren, da Kalorienrestriktion die Lebensdauer der Hefezellen erh{\"o}ht und den Zusammenbruch des Redox-Gleichgewichts verz{\"o}gert. Die Oxidation einer kleinen Anzahl an Proteinen (z.B. Thioredoxin reductase) geht dem Redox-Zusammenbruch deutlich voraus, was maßgeblich zum Verlust der Redox-Hom{\"o}ostase beitragen k{\"o}nnte. Diese Studien an alternden Hefezellen erweitern unser Verst{\"a}ndnis, wie sich Ver{\"a}nderungen in der Redox-Hom{\"o}ostase auf die Lebensdauer von Hefezellen auswirken. Zudem best{\"a}tigen die hier pr{\"a}sentierten Ergebnisse die Bedeutung von oxidativen Thiol-Modifikationen als eine der wichtigsten posttranslationalen Proteinmodifikationen in pro-und eukaryotischen Organismen}, subject = {Oxidativer Stress}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Brambrink2002, author = {Brambrink, Tobias}, title = {Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines Verfahrens zur Genexpressionsanalyse bei individuellen pr{\"a}implantatorischen S{\"a}ugerembryonen {\"u}ber die cDNA-Array-Technologie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-1787}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Untersuchungen der Transkriptionsebene individueller pr{\"a}implantatorischer Embryonalstadien k{\"o}nnen wertvolle Informationen {\"u}ber den physiologischen Status der betrachteten Embryonen, die z.B. zur Verbesserung der Systeme zur In vitro-Produktion von Embryonen genutzt werden k{\"o}nnen, liefern. Bisher fehlte es jedoch an einer geeigneten Technologie, um eine große Anzahl von Transkripten in einzelnen Embryonen zu erfassen. Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein Verfahren zur globalen Amplifikation embryonaler mRNA-Pr{\"a}parationen zu entwickeln, das die Analyse der Transkriptionsebene einzelner pr{\"a}implantatorischer Embryonalstadien {\"u}ber die cDNA-Array-Technologie erm{\"o}glicht. Dazu wurde die Strategie gew{\"a}hlt, zwei bereits etablierte Amplifikationsverfahren, Polymerasekettenreaktion und In vitro-Transkription, zu kombinieren, um so synergistische Effekte beider Verfahren zu nutzen. Die Evaluierung des entwickelten Verfahrens zeigte eine hohe Reproduzierbarkeit der erhaltenen Genexpressionsdaten und belegte, dass die relativen Mengenverh{\"a}ltnisse einzelner mRNA-Spezies zueinander w{\"a}hrend der globalen mRNA-Amplifikation nur unwesentlich ver{\"a}ndert wurden. Die entwickelte Methodik ist somit geeignet, komplexe Genexpressionsprofile einzelner Blastozysten zu erstellen und Unterschiede in der Expressionsst{\"a}rke einzelner Transkripte zu detektieren. Es konnte weiterhin gezeigt werden, dass es m{\"o}glich ist, {\"u}ber heterologe Hybridisierung Genexpressionsprofile boviner Blastozysten mit cDNA-Arrays, die murine Probensequenzen enthalten, reproduzierbar darzustellen. Neben der Detektion individueller Unterschiede in den Genexpressionsprofilen diverser muriner Embryonalstadien und boviner Blastozysten lag ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit in der Untersuchung der Auswirkungen verschiedener in vitro-Produktionssysteme auf die embryonale Genexpression. Die erhaltenen cDNA-Array Expressionsdaten muriner Oozyten, Zweizeller und Blastozysten befanden sich dabei in {\"U}bereinstimmung mit Daten fr{\"u}herer Publikationen anderer Arbeitsgruppen. Genexpressionsprofile in vitro fertilisierter boviner Blastozysten ließen eine Beurteilung der Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Proteinsupplemente des Kulturmediums auf die embryonale Genexpression zu. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zum ersten Mal Genexpressionsprofile einzelner pr{\"a}implantatorischer S{\"a}ugerembryonen {\"u}ber cDNA-Array-Analyse erstellt. Die entwickelte Technologie erm{\"o}glicht es -bei Verwendung entsprechender cDNA-Array-Systeme-, eine theoretisch unbegrenzte Zahl von Transkripten in individuellen S{\"a}ugerembryonen semiquantitativ zu erfassen. Dies ist ein wichtiger Schritt hin zu einem besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis komplexer Regulationsabl{\"a}ufe w{\"a}hrend der fr{\"u}hen Embryonalentwicklung und einer besseren Beurteilung der Lebensf{\"a}higkeit und Entwicklungskompetenz in vitro produzierter Embryonen, was f{\"u}r die Verbesserung von In vitro-Produktionssystemen f{\"u}r Embryonen sowohl bei Tieren als auch beim Menschen unerl{\"a}sslich ist.}, subject = {Embryo}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Braasch2009, author = {Braasch, Ingo}, title = {Evolution by genome duplication: insights from vertebrate neural crest signaling and pigmentation pathways in teleost fishes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-35702}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Gene and genome duplications are major mechanisms of eukaryotic genome evolution. Three rounds of genome duplication have occurred in the vertebrate lineage, two rounds (1R, 2R) during early vertebrate evolution and a third round, the fish-specific genome duplication (FSGD), in ray-finned fishes at the base of the teleost lineage. Whole genome duplications (WGDs) are considered to facilitate speciation processes and to provide the genetic raw material for major evolutionary transitions and increases in morphological complexity. In the present study, I have used comparative genomic approaches combining molecular phylogenetic reconstructions, synteny analyses as well as gene function studies (expression analyses and knockdown experiments) to investigate the evolutionary consequences and significance of the three vertebrate WGDs. First, the evolutionary history of the endothelin signaling system consisting of endothelin ligands and receptors was reconstructed. The endothelin system is a key component for the development of a major vertebrate innovation, the neural crest. This analysis shows that the endothelin system emerged in an ancestor of the vertebrate lineage and that its members in extant vertebrate genomes are derived from the vertebrate WGDs. Each round of WGD was followed by co-evolution of the expanding endothelin ligand and receptor repertoires. This supports the importance of genome duplications for the origin and diversification of the neural crest, but also underlines a major role for the co-option of new genes into the neural crest regulatory network. Next, I have studied the impact of the FSGD on the evolution of teleost pigment cell development and differentiation. The investigation of 128 genes showed that pigmentation genes have been preferentially retained in duplicate after the FSGD so that extant teleost genomes contain around 30\% more putative pigmentation genes than tetrapods. Large parts of pigment cell regulatory pathways are present in duplicate being potentially involved in teleost pigmentary innovations. There are also important differences in the retention of duplicated pigmentation genes among divergent teleost lineages. Functional studies of pigment synthesis enzymes in zebrafish and medaka, particularly of the tyrosinase family, revealed lineage-specific functional evolution of duplicated pigmentation genes in teleosts, but also pointed to anciently conserved gene functions in vertebrates. These results suggest that the FSGD has facilitated the evolution of the teleost pigmentary system, which is the most complex and diverse among vertebrates. In conclusion, the present study supports a major role of WGDs for phenotypic evolution and biodiversity in vertebrates, particularly in fish.}, subject = {Molekulare Evolution}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boyanova2012, author = {Boyanova, Desislava Veselinova}, title = {Systems biological analysis of the platelet proteome and applications of functional module search in proteome networks}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-72165}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Recent development of proteomic approaches and generation of large-scale proteomic datasets calls for new methods for biological interpretation of the obtained results. Systems biological approaches such as integrated network analysis and functional module search have become an essential part of proteomic investigation. Proteomics is especially applied in anucleate cells such as platelets. The underlying molecular mechanisms of platelet activation and their pharmacological modulation are of immense importance for clinical research. Advances in platelet proteomics have provided a large amount of proteomic data, which has not yet been comprehensively investigated in a systems biological perspective. To this end, I assembled platelet specific data from proteomic and transcriptomic studies by detailed manual curation and worked on the generation of a comprehensive human platelet repository for systems biological analysis of platelets in the functional context of integrated networks (PlateletWeb) (http:/PlateletWeb.bioapps.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de). I also added platelet-specific experimentally validated phosphorylation data and generated kinase predictions for 80\% of the newly identified platelet phosphosites. The combination of drug, disease and pathway information with phosphorylation and interaction data makes this database the first integrative platelet platform available for platelet research. PlateletWeb contains more than 5000 platelet proteins, which can also be analyzed and visualized in a network context, allowing identification of all major signaling modules involved in platelet activation and inhibition. Using the wealth of integrated data I performed a series of platelet-specific analyses regarding the platelet proteome, pathways, drug targets and novel platelet phosphorylation events involved in crucial signaling events. I analyzed the statistical enrichment of known pathways for platelet proteins and identified endocytosis as a highly represented pathway in platelets. Further results revealed that highly connected platelet proteins are more often targeted by drugs. Using integrated network analysis offered by PlateletWeb, I analyzed the crucial activation signaling pathway of adenosine diphosphate (ADP), visualizing how the signal flow from receptors to effectors is maintained. My work on integrin inside-out signaling was also based on the integrated network approach and examined new platelet-specific phosphorylation sites and their regulation using kinase predictions. I generated hypothesis on integrin signaling, by investigating the regulation of Ser269 phosphorylation site on the docking protein 1 (DOK1). This phosphorylation site may influence the inhibiting effect of DOK1 on integrin a2bb3. Extending the integrated network approach to further cell lines, I used the assembled human interactome information for the analysis of functional modules in cellular networks. The investigation was performed with a previously developed module detection algorithm, which finds maximum-scoring subgraphs in transcriptomic datasets by using assigned values to the network nodes. We extended the algorithm to qualitative proteomic datasets and enhanced the module search by adding functional information to the network edges to concentrate the solution onto modules with high functional similarity. I performed a series of analyses to validate its performance in small-sized (virus-infected gastric cells) and medium-sized networks (human lymphocytes). In both cases the algorithm extracted characteristic modules of sample proteins with high functional similarity. The functional module search is especially useful in site-specific phosphoproteomic datasets, where kinase regulation of the detected sites is often sparse or lacking. Therefore, I used the module detection algorithm in quantitative phosphoproteomic datasets. In a platelet phosphorylation dataset, I presented a pipeline for network analysis of detected phosphorylation sites. In a second approach, the functional module detecting algorithm was used on a phosphoproteome network of human embryonic stem cells, in which nodes represented the maximally changing phosphorylation sites in the experiment. Additional kinases from the human phosphoproteome in PlateletWeb were included to the network to investigate the regulation of the signal flow. Results indicated important phosphorylation sites and their upstream kinases and explained changes observed in embryonic stem cells during differentiation. This work presents novel approaches for integrated network analysis in cells and introduces for the first time a systematic biological investigation of the human platelet proteome based on the platelet-specific knowledge base PlateletWeb. The extended methods for optimized functional module detection offer an invaluable tool for exploring proteomic datasets and covering gaps in complex large-scale data analysis. By combining exact module detection approaches with functional information data between interacting proteins, characteristic functional modules with high functional resemblance can be extracted from complex datasets, thereby focusing on important changes in the observed networks.}, subject = {Netzwerkanalyse}, language = {en} } @article{BowlerBjorkmanDornelasetal.2020, author = {Bowler, Diana E. and Bjorkman, Anne D. and Dornelas, Maria and Myers-Smith, Isla H. and Navarro, Laetitia M. and Niamir, Aidin and Supp, Sarah R. and Waldock, Conor and Winter, Marten and Vellend, Mark and Blowes, Shane A. and B{\"o}hning-Gaese, Katrin and Bruelheide, Helge and Elahi, Robin and Ant{\~a}o, Laura H. and Hines, Jes and Isbell, Forest and Jones, Holly P. and Magurran, Anne E. and Cabral, Juliano Sarmento and Bates, Amanda E.}, title = {Mapping human pressures on biodiversity across the planet uncovers anthropogenic threat complexes}, series = {People and Nature}, volume = {2}, journal = {People and Nature}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1002/pan3.10071}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-213634}, pages = {380 -- 394}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Climate change and other anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity change are unequally distributed across the world. Overlap in the distributions of different drivers have important implications for biodiversity change attribution and the potential for interactive effects. However, the spatial relationships among different drivers and whether they differ between the terrestrial and marine realm has yet to be examined. We compiled global gridded datasets on climate change, land-use, resource exploitation, pollution, alien species potential and human population density. We used multivariate statistics to examine the spatial relationships among the drivers and to characterize the typical combinations of drivers experienced by different regions of the world. We found stronger positive correlations among drivers in the terrestrial than in the marine realm, leading to areas with high intensities of multiple drivers on land. Climate change tended to be negatively correlated with other drivers in the terrestrial realm (e.g. in the tundra and boreal forest with high climate change but low human use and pollution), whereas the opposite was true in the marine realm (e.g. in the Indo-Pacific with high climate change and high fishing). We show that different regions of the world can be defined by Anthropogenic Threat Complexes (ATCs), distinguished by different sets of drivers with varying intensities. We identify 11 ATCs that can be used to test hypotheses about patterns of biodiversity and ecosystem change, especially about the joint effects of multiple drivers. Our global analysis highlights the broad conservation priorities needed to mitigate the impacts of anthropogenic change, with different priorities emerging on land and in the ocean, and in different parts of the world.}, language = {en} } @article{BoschertKlenkAbtetal.2020, author = {Boschert, Verena and Klenk, Nicola and Abt, Alexander and Raman, Sudha Janaki and Fischer, Markus and Brands, Roman C. and Seher, Axel and Linz, Christian and M{\"u}ller-Richter, Urs D. A. and Bischler, Thorsten and Hartmann, Stefan}, title = {The influence of Met receptor level on HGF-induced glycolytic reprogramming in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma}, series = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, volume = {21}, journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences}, number = {2}, issn = {1422-0067}, doi = {10.3390/ijms21020471}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-235995}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is known to overexpress a variety of receptor tyrosine kinases, such as the HGF receptor Met. Like other malignancies, HNSCC involves a mutual interaction between the tumor cells and surrounding tissues and cells. We hypothesized that activation of HGF/Met signaling in HNSCC influences glucose metabolism and therefore substantially changes the tumor microenvironment. To determine the effect of HGF, we submitted three established HNSCC cell lines to mRNA sequencing. Dynamic changes in glucose metabolism were measured in real time by an extracellular flux analyzer. As expected, the cell lines exhibited different levels of Met and responded differently to HGF stimulation. As confirmed by mRNA sequencing, the level of Met expression was associated with the number of upregulated HGF-dependent genes. Overall, Met stimulation by HGF leads to increased glycolysis, presumably mediated by higher expression of three key enzymes of glycolysis. These effects appear to be stronger in Met\(^{high}\)-expressing HNSCC cells. Collectively, our data support the hypothesized role of HGF/Met signaling in metabolic reprogramming of HNSCC.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Borst2017, author = {Borst, Andreas}, title = {Apoptosis \& senescence: cell fate determination in inhibitor-treated melanoma cells}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155085}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Neoplasms of the skin represent the most frequent tumors worldwide; fortunately, most of them are benign or semi-malignant and well treatable. However, the two most aggressive and deadly forms of malignant skin-neoplasms are melanoma and Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), being responsible for more than 90\% of skin-cancer related deaths. The last decade has yielded enormous progress in melanoma therapy with the advent of targeted therapies, like BRAF or MEK inhibitors, and immune-stimulating therapies, using checkpoint antibodies targeting CTLA- 4, PD-1 or PD-L1. Very recent studies suggest that also MCC patients benefit from a treatment with checkpoint antibodies. Nevertheless, in an advanced metastatic stage, a cure for both of these aggressive malignancies is still hard to achieve: while only a subset of patients experience durable benefit from the immune-based therapies, the widely applicable targeted therapies struggle with development of resistances that inevitably occur in most patients, and finally lead to their death. The four articles included in this thesis addressed current questions concerning therapy and carcinogenesis of melanoma and MCC. Moreover, they are discussed in the light of the up-to-date research regarding targeted and immune-based therapies. In article I we demonstrated that besides apoptosis, MAPK pathway inhibition in BRAF-mutated melanoma cells also induces senescence, a permanent cell cycle arrest. These cells may provide a source for relapse, as even permanently arrested cancer cells can contribute to a pro-tumorigenic milieu. To identify molecular factors determining the differential response, we established M14 melanoma cell line derived single cell clones that either undergo cell death or arrest when treated with BRAF/MEK inhibitors. Using these single cell clones, we demonstrated in article IV that downregulation of the pro-apoptotic BH3-only protein BIK via epigenetic silencing is involved in apoptosis deficiency, which can be overcome by HDAC inhibitors. These observations provide a possible explanation for the lack of a complete and durable response to MAPK inhibitor treatment in melanoma patients, and suggest the application of HDAC inhibitors as a complimentary therapy to MAPK pathway inhibition. Concerning MCC, we scrutinized the interactions between the Merkel cell polyomavirus' (MCV) T antigens (TA) and the tumor suppressors p53 and Rb in article II and III, respectively. In article III, we demonstrated that the cell cycle master regulator Rb is the crucial target of MCV large T (LT), while it - in contrast to other polyomavirus LTs - exhibits much lower affinity to the related proteins p107 and p130. Knockdown of MCV LT led to proliferation arrest in MCC cells, which can be rescued by knockdown of Rb, but not by knockdown of p107 and p130. Contrary to Rb, restriction of p53 in MCC seems to be independent of the MCV TAs, as we demonstrated in article II. In conclusion, the presented thesis has revealed new molecular details, regarding the response of melanoma cells towards an important treatment modality and the mechanisms of viral carcinogenesis in MCC.}, subject = {Melanom}, language = {en} } @article{BorgesLinkEngstleretal.2021, author = {Borges, Alyssa R. and Link, Fabian and Engstler, Markus and Jones, Nicola G.}, title = {The Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchor: A Linchpin for Cell Surface Versatility of Trypanosomatids}, series = {Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology}, volume = {9}, journal = {Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology}, issn = {2296-634X}, doi = {10.3389/fcell.2021.720536}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-249253}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The use of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) to anchor proteins to the cell surface is widespread among eukaryotes. The GPI-anchor is covalently attached to the C-terminus of a protein and mediates the protein's attachment to the outer leaflet of the lipid bilayer. GPI-anchored proteins have a wide range of functions, including acting as receptors, transporters, and adhesion molecules. In unicellular eukaryotic parasites, abundantly expressed GPI-anchored proteins are major virulence factors, which support infection and survival within distinct host environments. While, for example, the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) is the major component of the cell surface of the bloodstream form of African trypanosomes, procyclin is the most abundant protein of the procyclic form which is found in the invertebrate host, the tsetse fly vector. Trypanosoma cruzi, on the other hand, expresses a variety of GPI-anchored molecules on their cell surface, such as mucins, that interact with their hosts. The latter is also true for Leishmania, which use GPI anchors to display, amongst others, lipophosphoglycans on their surface. Clearly, GPI-anchoring is a common feature in trypanosomatids and the fact that it has been maintained throughout eukaryote evolution indicates its adaptive value. Here, we explore and discuss GPI anchors as universal evolutionary building blocks that support the great variety of surface molecules of trypanosomatids.}, language = {en} } @article{BonteTravisDeClercqetal.2008, author = {Bonte, Dries and Travis, Justin M. J. and De Clercq, Nele and Zwertvaegher, Ingrid and Lens, Luc}, title = {Thermal conditions during juvenile development affect adult dispersal in a spider}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48691}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Abstract: Understanding the causes and consequences of dispersal is a prerequisite for the effective management of natural populations. Rather than treating dispersal as a fixed trait, it should be considered a plastic process that responds to both genetic and environmental conditions. Here, we consider how the ambient temperature experienced by juvenile Erigone atra, a spider inhabiting crop habitat, influences adult dispersal. This species exhibits 2 distinct forms of dispersal, ballooning (long distance) and rappelling (short distance). Using a half-sib design we raised individuals under 4 different temperature regimes and quantified the spiders' propensity to balloon and to rappel. Additionally, as an indicator of investment in settlement, we determined the size of the webs build by the spiders following dispersal. The optimal temperature regimes for reproduction and overall dispersal investment were 20 °C and 25 °C. Propensity to perform short-distance movements was lowest at 15 °C, whereas for long-distance dispersal it was lowest at 30 °C. Plasticity in dispersal was in the direction predicted on the basis of the risks associated with seasonal changes in habitat availability; long-distance ballooning occurred more frequently under cooler, spring-like conditions and short-distance rappelling under warmer, summer-like conditions. Based on these findings, we conclude that thermal conditions during development provide juvenile spiders with information about the environmental conditions they are likely to encounter as adults and that this information influences the spider's dispersal strategy. Climate change may result in suboptimal adult dispersal behavior, with potentially deleterious population level consequences.}, language = {en} } @article{BonteMaes2008, author = {Bonte, Dries and Maes, Dirk}, title = {Trampling affects the distribution of specialised coastal dune arthropods}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-48274}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Abstract: From a conservation point of view, species- tolerances towards disturbance are often generalised and lack reference to spatial scales and underlying processes. In order to investigate how average typical species react to habitat fragmentation and disturbance, we adopted a multi-species approach to address occupancy patterns of five specialised dune arthropods (butterflies Hipparchia semele, Issoria lathonia; grasshopper Oedipoda caerulescens; spiders Alopecosa fabrilis, Xysticus sabulosus) in recently fragmented coastal dune habitats which are subjected to varying levels and modes of local disturbance, i.e. trampling by cattle or people. Occupancy patterns were assessed during two successive years in 133 grey dune fragments of the Flemish coastal dunes (Belgium, France). By treating species as a random factor in our models, emphasis was placed on generalisations rather than documenting species-specific patterns. Our study demonstrates that deteriorating effects of local disturbance on arthropod incidence cannot be interpreted independent of its landscape context, and appear to be more severe when patch area and connectivity decrease. When controlled for patch area and trampling intensity, the probability of species occupancy in poorly connected patches is higher under cattle trampling than under recreation. Incidences additionally decrease with increasing intensity of cattle trampling, but increases with trampling by tourists. This study provides evidence of mode- and landscape-dependent effects of local disturbance on species occupancy patterns. Most importantly, it demonstrates that trampling of sensitive dune fragments will lead to local and metapopulation extinction in landscapes where trampling occurs in a spatially autocorrelated way, but that the outcome (spatial patterns) varies in relation to disturbance mode, indicating that effects of disturbance cannot be generalised.}, language = {en} }