@phdthesis{Bonn2011, author = {Bonn, Maria Roswitha}, title = {Zielstrukturen des serotonergen Systems in der laterobasalen Amygdala : Untersuchungen an Ratten und einem Mausmodell f{\"u}r emotionale Dysregulation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-69494}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Amygdala ist ein Kernkomplex, der dicht von serotonergen Afferenzen innerviert wird. Sowohl bei Tieren als auch beim Menschen spielen Interaktionen zwischen dem serotonergen System und der Amygdala bei der Verarbeitung von Reizen, die mit Angst oder Stress assoziiert sind, eine zentrale Rolle. Genetische Variationen im serotonergen System und/oder dauerhafter Stress k{\"o}nnen dazu f{\"u}hren, dass diese Verarbeitungsprozesse fehlerhaft ablaufen, wodurch Verhaltensanormalit{\"a}ten bzw. die Entstehung psychiatrischer Erkrankungen beg{\"u}nstigt werden. Die Zielneurone der serotonergen Transmission in der Amygdala, die molekularen Mechanismen m{\"o}glicher Interaktionen und strukturelle Konsequenzen der St{\"o}rungen dieser Interaktionen sind jedoch bis zum heutigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht vollst{\"a}ndig bekannt. Daher bestand ein Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit darin, den Einfluss eines Ungleichgewichts im serotonergen System (5-Htt KO) sowie von wiederholtem, sozialem Stress auf die neuronale Morphologie der Amygdala zu analysieren und Zielneurone serotonerger Afferenzen zu identifizieren und zu charakterisieren, um die neuronalen Netzwerke der Emotionsverarbeitung besser verstehen zu k{\"o}nnen. Um vom 5-Htt-Genotyp abh{\"a}ngige und stressbedingte neuromorphologische Ver{\"a}nderungen zu untersuchen, wurden dreidimensionale Rekonstruktionen von Neuronen der laterobasalen Amygdala von m{\"a}nnlichen, adulten Wildtyp (WT)- und 5-Htt KO-M{\"a}usen angefertigt und bez{\"u}glich verschiedener morphologischer Parameter ausgewertet. An den Pyramidenzellen wurden nur geringf{\"u}gige Ver{\"a}nderungen der dendritischen Komplexit{\"a}t, jedoch, im Vergleich zu WT-M{\"a}usen, eine wesentliche Erh{\"o}hung der Dornendichte an spezifischen dendritischen Kompartimenten bei gestressten WT-M{\"a}usen, sowie nicht gestressten und gestressten 5-Htt KO-M{\"a}usen nachgewiesen. Im Vergleich zu nicht gestressten WT-M{\"a}usen war die dendritische Dornendichte aller anderen Gruppen gleichermaßen erh{\"o}ht. Die Sternzelle, zeigten bez{\"u}glich der untersuchten Parameter keine morphologischen Ver{\"a}nderungen auf. Eine besondere Subpopulation der Interneurone stellen die NeuropeptidY (NPY)-Neurone der laterobasalen Amygdala dar, da sie in diesen Nuclei anxiolytisch wirken. Es gibt nur wenige Anhaltspunkte dar{\"u}ber, durch welche Systeme NPY-Neurone moduliert werden. Da sowohl NPY-Neurone in der laterobasalen Amygdala als auch das serotonerge System an angstregulierenden Prozessen beteiligt sind, sollte im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht werden, ob es sich bei diesen Neuronen um Zielstrukturen des serotonergen Systems handelt. Mittels licht- und elektronenmikroskopischer Analysen wurden synaptische Kontakte zwischen serotonergen Afferenzen und NPY-immunreaktiven Neuronen in der laterobasalen Amygdala von Ratten verifiziert. Da der funktionelle Einfluss der serotonergen Innervation auf diese Zielneurone von deren Serotoninrezeptor (5-HTR)-Ausstattung abh{\"a}ngt, wurden Koexpressionsanalysen von NPY mRNA mit den mRNAs verschiedener 5-HTR durchgef{\"u}hrt. Die Analysen ergaben, dass NPY mRNA-reaktive Neurone in der laterobasalen Amygdala 5-HT1A und 5-HT2C, jedoch nicht 5-HT3 mRNA koexprimieren. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit erzielten Resultate liefern neue Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber den Einfluss des serotonergen Systems auf die laterobasale Amygdala von M{\"a}usen und Ratten. Bei den Ver{\"a}nderungen der dendritischen Dornendichte nach sozialen Stresserfahrungen k{\"o}nnte es sich um neuroadaptive bzw. kompensatorische Mechanismen der Pyramidenzellen handeln, die WT-M{\"a}usen eine Anpassung an sich {\"a}ndernde, negative Umweltbedingungen erm{\"o}glicht. Die erh{\"o}hte Dornendichte k{\"o}nnte dabei die Ausbildung eines „emotionalen Ged{\"a}chtnisses" repr{\"a}sentieren, das eine flexible Verhaltensantwort auf ein erneutes Auftauchen von Gefahr erlaubt. Eine solche Modulation der Erregbarkeit der laterobasalen Amygdala k{\"o}nnte beispielsweise {\"u}ber eine situationsentsprechende Hemmung des Outputs der Pyramidenzellen durch differentiell aktive inhibitorische Netzwerke erfolgen. Eine differentielle Aktivierung kann z. B. {\"u}ber unterschiedliche Rezeptorausstattungen, wie es in der Subpopulation der NPY-Neurone in der vorliegenden Arbeit nachgewiesen wurde, erfolgen. Das erh{\"o}hte angst{\"a}hnliche Verhalten der 5-Htt KO-M{\"a}use nach wiederholtem Stress k{\"o}nnte mit der Unf{\"a}higkeit zusammenh{\"a}ngen, in entsprechenden Situationen durch Neubildung von Dornen zu reagieren, da die Dornendichte bei diesen Tieren schon unter stressarmen Umweltbedingungen ihr Maximum erreicht hat. Sowohl Fehlfunktionen der neuronalen Plastizit{\"a}t als auch m{\"o}gliche Fehlfunktionen der differentiellen Inhibierung der Pyramidenzellen durch Interneurone, die durch genetische Variationen und/oder Stress bedingt sein k{\"o}nnen, k{\"o}nnten eine „offene T{\"u}r" repr{\"a}sentieren, die zu manifesten Auff{\"a}lligkeiten im Verhalten bei Tieren f{\"u}hrt bzw. auch zur Entstehung bestimmter psychiatrischer Erkrankungen beim Menschen beitr{\"a}gt.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Tupak2013, author = {Tupak, Sara}, title = {Modulators of Prefrontal Fear Network Function: An Integrative View}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-85673}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Regulating our immediate feelings, needs, and urges is a task that we are faced with every day in our lives. The effective regulation of our emotions enables us to adapt to society, to deal with our environment, and to achieve long-term goals. Deficient emotion regulation, in contrast, is a common characteristic of many psychiatric and neurological conditions. Particularly anxiety disorders and subclinical states of increased anxiety are characterized by a range of behavioral, autonomic, and neural alterations impeding the efficient down-regulation of acute fear. Established fear network models propose a downstream prefrontal-amygdala circuit for the control of fear reactions but recent research has shown that there are a range of factors acting on this network. The specific prefrontal cortical networks involved in effective regulation and potential mediators and modulators are still a subject of ongoing research in both the animal and human model. The present research focused on the particular role of different prefrontal cortical regions during the processing of fear-relevant stimuli in healthy subjects. It is based on four studies, three of them investigating a different potential modulator of prefrontal top-down function and one directly challenging prefrontal regulatory processes. Summarizing the results of all four studies, it was shown that prefrontal functioning is linked to individual differences in state anxiety, autonomic flexibility, and genetic predisposition. The T risk allele of the neuropeptide S receptor gene, a recently suggested candidate gene for pathologically elevated anxiety, for instance, was associated with decreased prefrontal cortex activation to particularly fear-relevant stimuli. Furthermore, the way of processing has been found to crucially determine if regulatory processes are engaged at all and it was shown that anxious individuals display generally reduced prefrontal activation but may engage in regulatory processes earlier than non-anxious subjects. However, active manipulation of prefrontal functioning in healthy subjects did not lead to the typical behavioral and neural patterns observed in anxiety disorder patients suggesting that other subcortical or prefrontal structures can compensate for an activation loss in one specific region. Taken together, the current studies support prevailing theories of the central role of the prefrontal cortex for regulatory processes in response to fear-eliciting stimuli but point out that there are a range of both individual differences and peculiarities in experimental design that impact on or may even mask potential effects in neuroimaging research on fear regulation.}, subject = {Neurogenetik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{GlotzbachSchoon2013, author = {Glotzbach-Schoon, Evelyn}, title = {Contextual fear conditioning in humans: The return of contextual anxiety and the influence of genetic polymorphisms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-87955}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Als Angst bezeichnet man einen nicht auf spezifische Objekte gerichteten l{\"a}nger anhaltenden zukunfts-orientierten Zustand der Besorgnis. Diese ist kennzeichnend f{\"u}r Angstst{\"o}rungen wie Panikst{\"o}rung, generalisierte Angstst{\"o}rung und Posttraumatische Belastungsst{\"o}rung (PTBS). Experimentell kann Angst durch kontextuelle Furchtkonditionierung ausgel{\"o}st werden. Bei dieser Art der Konditionierung werden aversive Ereignisse als unvorhersehbar erlebt, wodurch der gesamte Kontext mit der Gefahr assoziiert wird. Diese Arbeit hat zum Ziel, Mechanismen der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Kontextangst zu untersuchen. Dies sind zum einem erleichterte Akquisition von Kontextkonditionierungen und deren fehlerhafte Extinktion. Hier ist vor allem die Fragestellung relevant, wie dies durch genetische Varianten moduliert wird (Studie 1). Zum anderen soll die Wiederkehr der Angst nach der Extinktion mit einem neuen Reinstatement-Paradigma untersucht werden (Studie 2). Zur Untersuchung dieser Forschungsfragen wurden zwei kontextuelle Furchtkonditionierungsstudien in virtueller Realit{\"a}t (VR) durchgef{\"u}hrt. W{\"a}hrend der Akquisition wurden leicht schmerzhafte elektrische Reize (unkonditionierter Stimulus, US) unvorhersehbar pr{\"a}sentiert, w{\"a}hrend die Probanden in einem virtuellen B{\"u}roraum waren. Dadurch wurde dieser Raum zum Angstkontext (CXT+). Ein zweiter B{\"u}roraum wurde nie mit dem US gepaart, deshalb wurde dieser Raum zum Sicherheitskontext (CXT-). Die Extinktion, in der die Kontexte ohne US pr{\"a}sentiert wurden, fand 24 h sp{\"a}ter statt, und ein Test zum Abruf der Extinktion bzw. zur Wiederkehr der Angst nochmals 24 h sp{\"a}ter. In beiden Studien wurde die Angst auf drei verschiedenen Ebenen gemessen: Verhalten (angstpotenzierter Schreckreflex), Physiologie (tonische Hautleitf{\"a}higkeit), und verbale Ebene (explizite Ratings). Die Probanden f{\"u}r Studie 1 wurden anhand der 5-HTTLPR (S+ Risikoallel vs. LL nicht-Risikoallel) und NPSR1 rs324981 (T+ Risikoallel vs. AA nicht-Risikoallel) Polymorphismen stratifiziert, sodass vier kombinierte Genotyp Gruppen (S+/T+, S+/LL, LL/T+ und LL/AA) mit je 20 Probanden vorlagen. Es zeigte sich, dass der angstpotenzierte Schreckreflex durch die Interaktion zwischen beiden genetischen Polymorphismen moduliert wurde. Nur Tr{\"a}ger beider Risikoallele (S+ Tr{\"a}ger des 5-HTTLPR und T+ Tr{\"a}ger des NPSR1 Polymorphismus) zeigten einen h{\"o}heren Schreckreflex im CXT+ als im CXT- w{\"a}hrend der Akquisition. Der Abruf der Extinktion an Tag 3, gemessen anhand des Schreckreflexes, wurde allerdings nicht durch die Genotypen moduliert. Interessanterweise zeigte sich auf dem expliziten Angstlevel (Valenz- und Angstratings) nur ein Einfluss des NPSR1 Polymorphismus, und zwar bewerteten die nicht-Risikoallel Tr{\"a}ger (AA) den CXT+ mit negativerer Valenz und h{\"o}herer Angst im Vergleich zum CXT-; die Risikoallel Tr{\"a}ger (T+) taten dies nicht. In der zweiten Studie wurde fast das gleiche Paradigma benutzt wie in der ersten Studie mit der Ausnahme, dass eine Versuchsgruppe (Reinstatementgruppe) den US noch einmal am Anfang des dritten Untersuchungstages vor der Pr{\"a}sentation von CXT+ und CXT- appliziert bekam. Die zweite Versuchsgruppe (Kontrollgruppe) erhielt keinen US, sondern wurde direkt durch CXT+ und CXT- gef{\"u}hrt. Es zeigte sich, dass nur in der Reinstatementgruppe die Angst auf impliziter und expliziter Ebene wiederkehrte, d.h. die Probanden zeigten einen h{\"o}heren Schreckreflex und h{\"o}here Angstratings auf den CXT+ im Vergleich zum CXT-. Wichtig war vor allem, dass die Wiederkehr der Angst in der Reinstatementgruppe mit der Ver{\"a}nderung der Zustandsangst und der Stimmung (von der Extinktion zum Test) korrelierte. D.h. je gr{\"o}ßer die Angst und je negativer die Stimmung wurden, desto h{\"o}her war die Wiederkehr der Angst. Zusammengefasst belegt Studie 1, dass erleichterte kontextuelle Furchtkonditionierung auf impliziter Ebene (Schreckreflex) ein Endoph{\"a}notyp f{\"u}r Angstst{\"o}rungen sein k{\"o}nnte, was zu unserem Verst{\"a}ndnis der {\"A}tiologie von Angstst{\"o}rungen beitragen k{\"o}nnte. Die Ergebnisse der zweiten Studie legen nahe, dass eine {\"a}ngstliche und negative Stimmung nach der Extinktion die R{\"u}ckkehr von Angst beg{\"u}nstigen k{\"o}nnte. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus scheint das VR-basierte kontextuelle Furchtkonditionierungsparadigma ein geeignetes Mittel zu sein, um Mechanismen der Angstentstehung und Angstwiederkehr experimentell zu erforschen. Weiterf{\"u}hrende Studien k{\"o}nnten nun auch Angstpatienten untersuchen und das Paradigma auf evolution{\"a}r-relevante Kontexte (z.B. H{\"o}he, Dunkelheit, weite Pl{\"a}tze) ausweiten.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ewald2014, author = {Ewald, Heike}, title = {Influence of context and contingency awareness on fear conditioning - an investigation in virtual reality}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-111226}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Fear conditioning is an efficient model of associative learning, which has greatly improved our knowledge of processes underlying the development and maintenance of pathological fear and anxiety. In a differential fear conditioning paradigm, one initially neutral stimulus (NS) is paired with an aversive event (unconditioned stimulus, US), whereas another stimulus does not have any consequences. After a few pairings the NS is associated with the US and consequently becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS+), which elicits a conditioned response (CR). The formation of explicit knowledge of the CS/US association during conditioning is referred to as contingency awareness. Findings about its role in fear conditioning are ambiguous. The development of a CR without contingency awareness has been shown in delay fear conditioning studies. One speaks of delay conditioning, when the US coterminates with or follows directly on the CS+. In trace conditioning, a temporal gap or "trace interval" lies between CS+ and US. According to existing evidence, trace conditioning is not possible on an implicit level and requires more cognitive resources than delay conditioning. The associations formed during fear conditioning are not exclusively associations between specific cues and aversive events. Contextual cues form the background milieu of the learning process and play an important role in both acquisition and the extinction of conditioned fear and anxiety. A common limitation in human fear conditioning studies is the lack of ecological validity, especially regarding contextual information. The use of Virtual Reality (VR) is a promising approach for creating a more complex environment which is close to a real life situation. I conducted three studies to examine cue and contextual fear conditioning with regard to the role of contingency awareness. For this purpose a VR paradigm was created, which allowed for exact manipulation of cues and contexts as well as timing of events. In all three experiments, participants were guided through one or more virtual rooms serving as contexts, in which two different lights served as CS and an electric stimulus as US. Fear potentiated startle (FPS) responses were measured as an indicator of implicit fear conditioning. To test whether participants had developed explicit awareness of the CS-US contingencies, subjective ratings were collected. The first study was designed as a pilot study to test the VR paradigm as well as the conditioning protocol. Additionally, I was interested in the effect of contingency awareness. Results provided evidence, that eye blink conditioning is possible in the virtual environment and that it does not depend on contingency awareness. Evaluative conditioning, as measured by subjective ratings, was only present in the group of participants who explicitly learned the association between CS and US. To examine acquisition and extinction of both fear associated cues and contexts, a novel cue-context generalization paradigm was applied in the second study. Besides the interplay of cues and contexts I was again interested in the effect of contingency awareness. Two different virtual offices served as fear and safety context, respectively. During acquisition, the CS+ was always followed by the US in the fear context. In the safety context, none of the lights had any consequences. During extinction, a additional (novel) context was introduced, no US was delivered in any of the contexts. Participants showed enhanced startle responses to the CS+ compared to the CS- in the fear context. Thus, discriminative learning took place regarding both cues and contexts during acquisition. This was confirmed by subjective ratings, although only for participants with explicit contingency awareness. Generalization of fear to the novel context after conditioning did not depend on awareness and was observable only on trend level. In a third experiment I looked at neuronal correlates involved in extinction of fear memory by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Of particular interest were differences between extinction of delay and trace fear conditioning. I applied the paradigm tested in the pilot study and additionally manipulated timing of the stimuli: In the delay conditioning group (DCG) the US was administered with offset of one light (CS+), in the trace conditioning group (TCG) the US was presented 4s after CS+ offset. Most importantly, prefrontal activation differed between the two groups. In line with existing evidence, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) was activated in the DCG. In the TCG I found activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), which might be associated with modulation of working memory processes necessary for bridging the trace interval and holding information in short term memory. Taken together, virtual reality proved to be an elegant tool for examining human fear conditioning in complex environments, and especially for manipulating contextual information. Results indicate that explicit knowledge of contingencies is necessary for attitude formation in fear conditioning, but not for a CR on an implicit level as measured by FPS responses. They provide evidence for a two level account of fear conditioning. Discriminative learning was successful regarding both cues and contexts. Imaging results speak for different extinction processes in delay and trace conditioning, hinting that higher working memory contribution is required for trace than for delay conditioning.}, subject = {Klassische Konditionierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kastner2015, author = {Kastner, Anna Katharina}, title = {Attention mechanisms in contextual anxiety and cued fear and their influence on processing of social cues}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123747}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Anxiety is an affective state characterized by a sustained, long-lasting defensive response, induced by unpredictable, diffuse threat. In comparison, fear is a phasic response to predictable threat. Fear can be experimentally modeled with the help of cue conditioning. Context conditioning, in which the context serves as the best predictor of a threat due to the absence of any conditioned cues, is seen as an operationalization of sustained anxiety. This thesis used a differential context conditioning paradigm to examine sustained attention processes in a threat context compared to a safety context for the first time. In three studies, the attention mechanisms during the processing of contextual anxiety were examined by measuring heart rate responses and steady-state-visually evoked potentials (ssVEPs). An additional focus was set on the processing of social cues (i.e. faces) and the influence of contextual information on these cues. In a last step, the correlates of sustained anxiety were compared to evoked responses by phasic fear, which was realized in a previously established paradigm combining predictable and unpredictable threat. In the first study, a contextual stimulus was associated with an aversive loud noise, while a second context remained unpaired. This conditioning paradigm created an anxiety context (CTX+) and a safety context (CTX-). After acquisition, a social agent vs. an object was presented as a distractor in both contexts. Heart rate and cortical responses, with ssVEPs by using frequency tagging, to the contexts and the distractors were assessed. Results revealed enhanced ssVEP amplitudes for the CTX+ compared to the CTX- during acquisition and during presentation of distractor stimuli. Additionally, the heart rate was accelerated in the acquisition phase, followed by a heart rate deceleration as a psychophysiological marker of contextual anxiety. Study 2 used the same context conditioning paradigm as Study 1. In contrast to the first study, persons with different emotional facial expressions were presented in the anxiety and safety contexts in order to compare the differential processing of these cues within periods of threat and safety. A similar anxiety response was found in the second study, although only participants who Abstract VIII were aware of the contingency between contexts and aversive event showed a sensory amplification of the threat context, indicated by heart rate response and ssVEP activation. All faces irrespective of their emotional expression received increased attentional resources when presented within the anxiety context, which suggests a general hypervigilance in anxiety contexts. In the third study, the differentiation of predictable and unpredictable threat as an operationalization of fear and anxiety was examined on a cortical and physiological level. In the predictable condition, a social cue was paired with an aversive event, while in the unpredictable condition the aversive event remained unpaired with the respective cue. A fear response to the predictable cue was found, indicated by increased oscillatory response and accelerated heart rate. Both predictable and unpredictable threat yielded increased ssVEP amplitudes evoked by the context stimuli, while the response in the unpredictable context showed longer-lasting ssVEP activation to the threat context. To sum up, all three studies endorsed anxiety as a long-lasting defensive response. Due to the unpredictability of the aversive events, the individuals reacted with hypervigilance in the anxiety context, reflected in a facilitated processing of sensory information and an orienting response. This hypervigilance had an impact on the processing of novel cues, which appeared in the anxiety context. Considering the compared stimuli categories, the stimuli perceived in a state of anxiety received increased attentional resources, irrespective of the emotional arousal conveyed by the facial expression. Both predictable and unpredictable threat elicited sensory amplification of the contexts, while the response in the unpredictable context showed longer-lasting sensory facilitation of the threat context.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ziegler2016, author = {Ziegler, Christiane}, title = {Epigenetic Mechanisms in the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Anxiety Disorders}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146815}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Anxiety disorders (AD) are common, disabling mental disorders, which constitute the most prevalent mental health condition conveying a high individual and socioeconomic burden. Social anxiety disorder (SAD), i.e. fear in social situations particularly when subjectively scrutinized by others, is the second most common anxiety disorder with a life time prevalence of 10\%. Panic disorder (PD) has a life time prevalence of 2-5\% and is characterized by recurrent and abrupt surges of intense fear and anticipatory anxiety, i.e. panic attacks, occurring suddenly and unexpected without an apparent cue. In recent years, psychiatric research increasingly focused on epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation as a possible solution for the problem of the so-called "hidden heritability", which conceptualizes the fact that the genetic risk variants identified so far only explain a small part of the estimated heritability of mental disorders. In the first part of this thesis, oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene methylation was investigated regarding its role in the pathogenesis of social anxiety disorder. In summary, OXTR methylation patterns were implicated in different phenotypes of social anxiety disorder on a categorical, neuropsychological, neuroendocrinological as well as on a neural network level. The results point towards a multilevel role of OXTR gene hypomethylation particularly at one CpG site (CpG3, Chr3: 8 809 437) within the protein coding region of the gene in SAD. The second part of the thesis investigated monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene methylation regarding its role in the pathogenesis of panic disorder as well as - applying a psychotherapy-epigenetic approach - its dynamic regulation during the course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in PD patients. First, MAOA hypomethylation was shown to be associated with panic disorder as well as with panic disorder severity. Second, in patients responding to treatment MAOA hypomethylation was shown to be reversible up to the level of methylation in healthy controls after the course of CBT. This increase in MAOA methylation along with successful psychotherapeutic treatment was furthermore shown to be associated with symptom improvement regarding agoraphobic avoidance in an independent replication sample of non-medicated patients with PD. Taken together, in the future the presently identified epigenetic patterns might contribute to establishing targeted preventive interventions and personalized treatment options for social anxiety disorder or panic disorder, respectively.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baumann2018, author = {Baumann, Christian}, title = {Psychologische und genetische Einflussfaktoren auf die Furchtkonditionierung und die Generalisierung konditionierter Furcht}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-153656}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Bei der Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Furcht und Angsterkrankungen stellt, neben der Furchtkonditionierung, die Generalisierung der konditionierten Furcht einen wesentlichen Mechanismus dar. Die der Generalisierung zugrunde liegenden psychologischen und biologischen Prozesse sind jedoch beim Menschen bisher nur wenig untersucht. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, anhand eines neu entwickelten experimentellen Paradigmas den Einfluss eines psychometrisch bestimmbaren angstspezifischen Faktors sowie der mit Furcht und Angst assoziierten Genotypen Stathmin1, COMT Val158Met und BDNF Val66Met auf die Furchtkonditionierung und Generalisierung konditionierter Furcht zu untersuchen und somit m{\"o}gliche Risikofaktoren f{\"u}r die Entstehung von Angsterkrankungen zu bestimmen. Hierf{\"u}r wurden N = 126 gesunde Versuchspersonen (n = 69 weiblich; mittleres Alter M = 23.05, SD = 3.82) f{\"u}r die genannten Polymorphismen genotypisiert und zu {\"a}ngstlichen und affektiven Symptomen befragt. In einer Akquisitionsphase wurden den Probanden zwei neutrale weibliche Gesichter pr{\"a}sentiert (CS), von denen eines mit einem Schrei sowie einem {\"a}ngstlichen Gesichtsausdruck (UCS) gepaart wurde. Der sich anschließende Generalisierungstest erfolgte anhand von vier Gesichtern, die in der {\"A}hnlichkeit zwischen den beiden CS schrittweise {\"u}bergingen. Die Furchtreaktion wurde {\"u}ber die Bewertung von Valenz, Arousal und Kontingenzerwartung sowie {\"u}ber die Hautleitf{\"a}higkeitsreaktion (SCR) erfasst. Die Analyse der Frageb{\"o}gen anhand einer Hauptachsenanalyse und anhand von Strukturgleichungsmodellen erbrachte eine zweifaktorielle L{\"o}sung, die die Konstrukte Depression und Angst abbildete. Nur der Faktor Angst war mit einer ver{\"a}nderten Furchtkonditionierung und Furchtgeneralisierung assoziiert: Hoch {\"A}ngstliche zeigten eine st{\"a}rkere konditionierte Furchtreaktion (Arousal) und wiesen eine st{\"a}rkere Generalisierung der Valenzeinsch{\"a}tzung und Kontingenzerwartung auf. F{\"u}r den Stathmin1 Genotyp ergaben sich geschlechtsspezifische Effekte. Bei den m{\"a}nnlichen Versuchspersonen zeigte sich in Folge der Akquisition ein st{\"a}rkerer Abfall der Valenz f{\"u}r den CS+ in der Gruppe der Stathmin1 T Alleltr{\"a}ger, die ebenfalls eine st{\"a}rkere Generalisierung der Furchtreaktion, abgebildet in allen verbalen Maßen, aufwiesen. Ein gegenteiliger Befund ergab sich f{\"u}r die Gruppe der Frauen, insofern eine mit dem Stathmin1 C Allel assoziierte h{\"o}here Generalisierung der Valenz, des Arousals und der Kontingenzerwartung festgestellt werden konnte. F{\"u}r den COMT Val158Met Genotyp ergaben sich keine Einfl{\"u}sse auf die Akquisition der konditionierten Furcht. F{\"u}r Tr{\"a}ger des COMT 158Val Allels zeigte sich jedoch eine st{\"a}rkere Generalisierung der Valenz und der Kontingenzerwartung. Auch f{\"u}r den BDNF Val66Met Genotyp konnte keine Ver{\"a}nderung der Furchtakquisition beobachtet werden. Es ergaben sich jedoch Hinweise auf eine erh{\"o}hte Generalisierung der Kontingenzerwartung in der Gruppe der BDNF 66Val Homozygoten. F{\"u}r keinen der beschriebenen Faktoren konnte ein Einfluss auf die Furchtkonditionierung oder deren Generalisierung anhand der SCR abgebildet werden. Unsere Ergebnisse weisen auf einen psychometrisch erfassbaren Faktor und genetische Einfl{\"u}sse hin, die {\"u}ber den Prozess einer st{\"a}rkeren Generalisierung der konditionierten Furcht das Risiko f{\"u}r die Entstehung von Angsterkrankungen erh{\"o}hen k{\"o}nnen. Jedoch sollten die Befunde in gr{\"o}ßeren Stichproben repliziert werden. Neben der fr{\"u}hzeitigen Identifikation von Risikofaktoren sollten in zuk{\"u}nftigen Studien dar{\"u}ber hinaus wirksame Maßnahmen zur Pr{\"a}vention und Intervention entwickelt werden, um diesem Risiko entgegen zu wirken.}, subject = {Konditionierung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Raab2018, author = {Raab, Annette}, title = {The role of Rgs2 in animal models of affective disorders}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-152550}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Anxiety and depressive disorders result from a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors and are common mutual comorbidities. On the level of cellular signaling, regulator of G protein signaling 2 (Rgs2) has been implicated in human and rodent anxiety as well as rodent depression. Rgs2 negatively regulates G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling by acting as a GTPase accelerating protein towards the Gα subunit. The present study investigates, whether mice with a homozygous Rgs2 deletion (Rgs2-/-) show behavioral alterations as well as an increased susceptibility to stressful life events related to human anxiety and depressive disorders and tries to elucidate molecular underlying's of these changes. To this end, Rgs2-/- mice were characterized in an aversive-associative learning paradigm to evaluate learned fear as a model for the etiology of human anxiety disorders. Spatial learning and reward motivated spatial learning were evaluated to control for learning in non-aversive paradigms. Rgs2 deletion enhanced learning in all three paradigms, rendering increased learning upon deletion of Rgs2 not specific for aversive learning. These data support reports indicating increased long-term potentiation in Rgs2-/- mice and may predict treatment response to conditioning based behavior therapy in patients with polymorphisms associated with reduced RGS2 expression. Previous reports of increased innate anxiety were corroborated in three tests based on the approach-avoidance conflict. Interestingly, Rgs2-/- mice showed novelty-induced hypo-locomotion suggesting neophobia, which may translate to the clinical picture of agoraphobia in humans and reduced RGS2 expression in humans was associated with a higher incidence of panic disorder with agoraphobia. Depression-like behavior was more distinctive in female Rgs2-/- mice. Stress resilience, tested in an acute and a chronic stress paradigm, was also more distinctive in female Rgs2-/- mice, suggesting Rgs2 to contribute to sex specific effects of anxiety disorders and depression. Rgs2 deletion was associated with GPCR expression changes of the adrenergic, serotonergic, dopaminergic and neuropeptide Y systems in the brain and heart as well as reduced monoaminergic neurotransmitter levels. Furthermore, the expression of two stress-related microRNAs was increased upon Rgs2 deletion. The aversive-associative learning paradigm induced a dynamic Rgs2 expression change. The observed molecular changes may contribute to the anxious and depressed phenotype as well as promote altered stress reactivity, while reflecting an alter basal stress level and a disrupted sympathetic tone. Dynamic Rgs2 expression may mediate changes in GPCR signaling duration during memory formation. Taken together, Rgs2 deletion promotes increased anxiety-like and depression-like behavior, altered stress reactivity as well as increased cognitive function.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Aboagye2019, author = {Aboagye, Benjamin}, title = {Behavioral and physiologic consequences of inducible inactivation of the \(Tryptophan\) \(hydroxylase\) 2 gene in interaction with early-life adversity}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17358}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173581}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Disruptions in brain serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) signaling pathways have been associated with etiology and pathogenesis of various neuropsychiatric disorders, but specific neural mechanisms of 5-HT function are yet to be fully elucidated. Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) is the rate-limiting enzyme for brain 5-HT synthesis. Therefore, in this study a tamoxifen (Tam)-inducible cre-mediated conditional gene (Tph2) knockout in adult mouse brain (Tph2icKO) has been established to decipher the specific role of brain 5-HT in the regulation of behavior in adulthood. Immunohistochemistry and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used first to test the efficacy of Tam-inducible inactivation of Tph2 and consequential reduction of 5-HT in adult mouse brain. Tam treatment resulted in ≥90\% reduction in the number of 5-HT immuno-reactive cells in the anterior raphe nuclei. HPLC revealed a significant reduction in concentration of 5-HT and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) in selected brain regions of Tph2icKO, indicating the effectiveness of the protocol used. Second, standard behavioral tests were used to assess whether reduced brain 5-HT concentrations could alter anxiety-, fear- and depressive-like behavior in mice. No altered anxiety- and depressive-like behaviors were observed in Tph2icKO compared to control mice (Tph2CON) in all indices measured, but Tph2icKO mice exhibited intense and sustained freezing during context-dependent fear memory retrieval. Tph2icKO mice also exhibited locomotor hyperactivity in the aversive environments, such as the open field, and consumed more food and fluid than Tph2CON mice. Lastly, the combined effect of maternal separation (MS) stress and adult brain 5-HT depletion on behavior was assessed in male and female mice. Here, MS stress, 5-HT depletion and their interaction elicited anxiety-like behavior in a sex-dependent manner. MS reduced exploratory behavior in both male and female mice. Reduced 5-HT enhanced anxiety in female, but not in male mice. Furthermore, expression of genes related to the 5-HT system and emotionality (Tph2, Htr1a, Htr2a, Maoa and Avpr1a) was assessed by performing a quantitative real-time PCR. In Tph2icKO mice there was a reduction in expression of Tph2 in the raphe nuclei of both male and female mice. Interaction between MS stress and 5-HT deficiency was detected showing increased Htr2a and Maoa expression in raphe and hippocampus respectively of female mice. In male mice, MS stress and 5-HT depletion interaction effects reduced Avpr1a expression in raphe, while the expression of Htr1a, Htr2a and Maoa was differentially altered by 5-HT depletion and MS in various brain regions.}, subject = {Anxiety}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schiele2019, author = {Schiele, Miriam}, title = {Interaction of 5-HTT/NPSR1 variants with distal and acute stress on dimensional and neuroendocrine anxiety endophenotypes - A multi-dimensional model of anxiety risk}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-14860}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-148600}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The etiology of anxiety disorders is multifactorial with contributions from both genetic and environmental factors. Several susceptibility genes of anxiety disorders or anxiety-related intermediate phenotypes have been identified, including the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) and the neuropeptide S receptor gene (NPSR1), which have been shown to modulate responses to distal and acute stress experiences. For instance, gene-environment interaction (GxE) studies have provided evidence that both 5-HTT and NPSR1 interact with environmental stress, particularly traumatic experiences during childhood, in the moderation of anxiety traits, and both 5-HTT and NPSR1 have been implicated in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis reactivity - an intermediate phenotype of mental disorders - in response to acute stress exposure. The first part of this thesis aimed to address the interplay of variations in both 5-HTT and NPSR1 genes and distal stress experiences, i.e. childhood trauma, in the moderation of anxiety-related traits, extended by investigation of the potentially protective effect of positive influences, i.e. elements of successful coping such as general self-efficacy (GSE), on a GxE risk constellation by introducing GSE as an indicator of coping ability ("C") as an additional dimension in a GxExC approach conferring - or buffering - vulnerability to anxiety. Increased anxiety was observed in 5-HTTLPR/rs25531 LALA genotype and NSPR1 rs324981 AA genotype carriers, respectively, with a history of childhood maltreatment but only in the absence of a person's ability to cope with adversity, whereas a dose-dependent effect on anxiety traits as a function of maltreatment experiences irrespective of coping characteristics was observed in the presence of at least one 5-HTT S/LG or NSPR1 T allele, respectively. The second part of this thesis addressed the respective impact of 5-HTT and NPSR1 variants on the neuroendocrine, i.e. salivary cortisol response to acute psychosocial stress by applying the Maastricht Acute Stress Test (MAST). A direct effect of NPSR1 - but not 5-HTT - on the modulation of acute stress reactivity could be discerned, with carriers of the more active NPSR1 T allele Summary III displaying significantly higher overall salivary cortisol levels in response to the MAST compared to AA genotype carriers. In summary, study 1 observed a moderating effect of GSE in interaction with childhood maltreatment and 5-HTT and NPSR1, respectively, in an extended GxExC model of anxiety risk, which may serve to inform targeted preventive interventions mitigating GxE risk constellations and to improve therapeutic interventions by strengthening coping ability as a protective mechanism to promote resilient functioning. In study 2, a modulation of HPA axis function, considered to be an endophenotype of stress-related mental disorders, by NPSR1 gene variation could be discerned, suggesting neuroendocrine stress reactivity as an important potential intermediate phenotype of anxiety given findings linking NPSR1 to dimensional and categorical anxiety. Results from both studies may converge within the framework of a multi-level model of anxiety risk, integrating neurobiological, neuroendocrine, environmental, and psychological factors that act together in a highly complex manner towards increasing or decreasing anxiety risk.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Genheimer2020, author = {Genheimer, Hannah}, title = {The acquisition of anxiety and the impact of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on extinction learning in virtual contexts}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20639}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206390}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {This thesis aims for a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying anxiety as well as trauma- and stressor-related disorders and the development of new therapeutic approaches. I was first interested in the associative learning mechanisms involved in the etiology of anxiety disorders. Second, I explored the therapeutic effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) as a promising new method to accelerate and stabilize extinction learning in humans. For these purposes, I applied differential anxiety conditioning protocols realized by the implementation of virtual reality (VR). Here, a formerly neutral virtual context (anxiety context, CTX+) is presented whereby the participants unpredictably receive mildly aversive electric stimuli (unconditioned stimulus, US). Another virtual context (safety context, CTX-) is never associated with the US. Moreover, extinction of conditioned anxiety can be modeled by presenting the same contexts without US delivery. When unannounced USs were administered after extinction, i.e. reinstatement, the strength of the "returned" conditioned anxiety can provide information on the stability of the extinction memory. In Study 1, I disentangled the role of elemental and conjunctive context representations in the acquisition of conditioned anxiety. Sequential screenshots of two virtual offices were presented like a flip-book so that I elicited the impression of walking through the contexts. Some pictures of CTX+ were paired with an US (threat elements), but not some other screenshots of the same context (non-threat elements), nor the screenshots depicting CTX- (safety elements). Higher contingency ratings for threat compared to non-threat elements revealed elemental representation. Electro-cortical responses showed larger P100 and early posterior negativity amplitudes elicited by screenshots depicting CTX+ compared to CTX- and suggested conjunctive representation. These results support the dual context representation in anxiety acquisition in healthy individuals. Study 2 addressed the effects of tVNS on the stabilization of extinction learning by using a context conditioning paradigm. Potentiated startle responses as well as higher aversive ratings in CTX+ compared to CTX- indicate successful anxiety conditioning. Complete extinction was found in startle responses and valence ratings as no differentiation between CTX+ and CTX- suggested. TVNS did not affect extinction or reinstatement of anxiety which may be related to the inappropriate transferability of successful stimulation parameters from epilepsy patients to healthy participants during anxiety extinction. Therefore, in Study 3 I wanted to replicate the modulatory effects of tVNS on heart rate and pain perception by the previously used parameters. However, no effects of tVNS were observed on subjective pain ratings, on pain tolerance, or on heart rate. This led to the conclusion that the modification of stimulation parameters is necessary for a successful acceleration of anxiety extinction in humans. In Study 4, I prolonged the tVNS and, considering previous tVNS studies, I applied a cue conditioning paradigm in VR. Therefore, during acquisition a cue (CS+) presented in CTX+ predicted the US, but not another cue (CS-). Both cues were presented in a second context (CTX-) and never paired with the US. Afterward, participants received either tVNS or sham stimulation and underwent extinction learning. I found context-dependent cue conditioning only in valence ratings, which was indicated by lower valence for CS+ compared to CS- in CTX+, but no differential ratings in CTX-. Successful extinction was indicated by equal responses to CS+ and CS-. Interestingly, I found reinstatement of conditioned fear in a context-dependent manner, meaning startle response was potentiated for CS+ compared to CS- only in the anxiety context. Importantly, even the prolonged tVNS had no effect, neither on extinction nor on reinstatement of context-dependent cue conditioning. However, I found first evidence for accelerated physiological contextual extinction due to less differentiation between startles in CTX+ compared to CTX- in the tVNS than in the sham stimulated group. In sum, this thesis first confirms the dual representation of a context in an elemental and a conjunctive manner. Second, though anxiety conditioning and context-dependent cue conditioning paradigms worked well, the translation of tVNS accelerated extinction from rats to humans needs to be further developed, especially the stimulation parameters. Nevertheless, tVNS remains a very promising approach of memory enhancement, which can be particularly auspicious in clinical settings.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stegmann2021, author = {Stegmann, Yannik}, title = {Electrocortical mechanisms of sustained attention during the acquisition and interaction of conditioned fear and anxiety}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23770}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-237700}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Adapting defensive behavior to the characteristics of a threatening situation is a fundamental function of the brain. Particularly, threat imminence plays a major role for the organization of defensive responses. Acute threat prompts phasic physiological responses, which are usually associated with an intense feeling of fear. In contrast, diffuse and potentially threatening situations elicit a sustained state of anxious apprehension. Detection of the threatening stimulus defines the key event in this framework, initiating the transition from potential to acute threat. Consequently, attention to threat is crucial for supporting defensive behavior. The functions of attention are finely tuned to the characteristics of a threatening situation. Potential threat is associated with hypervigilance, in order to facilitate threat detection. Once a threatening stimulus has been identified, attention is selectively focused on the source of danger. Even though the concepts of selective attention and hypervigilance to threat are well established, evidence for their neural correlates remain scarce. Therefore, a major goal of this thesis is to elucidate the neural correlates of selective attention to acute threat and hypervigilance during potential threat. A second aim of this thesis is to provide a mechanistic account for the interaction of fear and anxiety. While contemporary models view fear and anxiety as mutually exclusive, recent findings for the neural networks of fear and anxiety suggest potential interactions. In four studies, aversive cue conditioning was used to induce acute threat, while context conditioning served as a laboratory model of potential threat. To quantify neural correlates of selective attention and hypervigilance, steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEPs) were measured as an index of visuocortical responding. Study 1 compared visuocortical responses to acute and potential threat for high versus low trait-anxious individuals. All individuals demonstrated enhanced electrocortical responses to the central cue in the acute threat condition, suggesting evidence for the neural correlate of selective attention. However, only low anxious individuals revealed facilitated processing of the contexts in the potential threat condition, reflecting a neural correlate of hypervigilance. High anxious individuals did not discriminate among contexts. These findings contribute to the notion of aberrational processing of potential threat for high anxious individuals. Study 2 and 3 realized orthogonal combinations of cue and context conditioning to investigate potential interactions of fear and anxiety. In contrast to Study 1 and 2, Study 3 used verbal instructions to induce potentially threatening contexts. Besides ssVEPs, threat ratings and skin conductance responses (SCRs) were recorded as efferent indices of defensive responding. None of these studies found further evidence for the neural correlates of hypervigilance and selective attention. However, results for ratings and SCRs revealed additive effects of fear and anxiety, suggesting that fear and anxiety are not mutually exclusive, but interact linearly to organize and facilitate defensive behavior. Study 4 tested ssVEPs to more ecologically valid forms of context conditioning, using flickering video stimuli of virtual offices to establish context representations. Contrary to expectations, results revealed decreased visuocortical responses during sustained presentations of anxiety compared to neutral contexts. A disruption of ssVEP signals eventually suggests interferences by continuously changing video streams which are enhanced as a function of motivational relevance. In summary, this thesis provided evidence for the neural correlates of attention only for isolated forms of fear and anxiety, but not for their interaction. In contrast, an additive interaction model of fear and anxiety for measures of defensive responding offers a new perspective on the topography of defensive behavior.}, subject = {Furcht}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Auth2021, author = {Auth, Charlotte Sophie}, title = {Die Auswirkungen von Tph2-Defizienz und negativen fr{\"u}hen Umwelterfahrungen auf Angstverhalten in weiblichen M{\"a}usen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-23948}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-239488}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Angsterkrankungen geh{\"o}ren zu den am weitesten verbreiteten psychischen Erkrankungen und stellen eine betr{\"a}chtliche soziale und wirtschaftliche Herausforderung f{\"u}r unsere Gesellschaft dar. Aversive fr{\"u}he Erfahrungen sind ein bekannter Risikofaktor f{\"u}r die Entwicklung verschiedener psychischer Erkrankungen, insbesondere Angstst{\"o}rungen. W{\"a}hrend der fr{\"u}hen Entwicklung findet die Programmierung der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennierenrinden- (HHN)-Achse, die die Aussch{\"u}ttung des Stresshormons Cortisol in Menschen bzw. Corticosteron in M{\"a}usen steuert, statt. Wenn Individuen in dieser kritischen Phase Stress ausgesetzt sind, wird die regelrechte Ausbildung der HHN-Achse gest{\"o}rt, was zu dysregulierten Verhaltensantworten auf Stressreize im sp{\"a}teren Leben f{\"u}hren kann. Das Serotonin (5-HT)-System als eines der ausgedehntesten Neurotransmittersysteme ist an der Vermittlung der Effekte von fr{\"u}her Stressexposition auf angst{\"a}hnliche Verhaltensweisen beteiligt. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Interaktion zwischen genetischer Pr{\"a}disposition und negativen Einfl{\"u}ssen in fr{\"u}hen Entwicklungsstadien auf die Ausbildung von Angstverhalten im Erwachsenenalter n{\"a}her zu beleuchten. In dieser Studie wurden Tryptophanhydroxylase 2 (Tph2)-defiziente weibliche M{\"a}use als Modell f{\"u}r ein lebenslanges konstitutives 5-HT Synthesedefizit im zentralen Nervensystem verwendet. Nachkommen dieser Mauslinie wurden im fr{\"u}hen Lebensalter Maternaler Separation (MS), d.h. einem m{\"u}tterlichen Trennungsparadigma, unterzogen und im Erwachsenenalter im „Open field" (OF) oder in der „Dark-light box" (DLB) getestet. Im Anschluss an die Verhaltensexperimente wurde die neuronale Aktivierung immunhistochemisch durch Darstellung des fr{\"u}hzeitig auftretenden Genprodukts c-Fos bestimmt. In der DLB zeigten homozygot Tph2-defiziente M{\"a}use eine verringerte motorische Aktivit{\"a}t im hellen Kompartiment, und dieser Effekt konnte durch MS normalisiert werden. Zus{\"a}tzlich verst{\"a}rkte MS bei diesem Genotyp das Auftreten von fluchtartigen Spr{\"u}ngen. Im OF hat MS fluchtartige Verhaltensweisen in homo- und heterozygoten Tph2-defizienten M{\"a}usen bef{\"o}rdert. Beide Verhaltenstests f{\"u}hrten zu spezifischen neuronalen Aktivierungsmustern, die mithilfe von c-Fos- Immunhistochemie ausgewertet wurden. Die Durchf{\"u}hrung des DLB-Tests f{\"u}hrte in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom Vorhandensein von Tph2 zur Aktivierung des paraventrikul{\"a}ren Kerns des Hypothalamus (PVN) und der basolateralen Amygdala (BL), wohingegen die Exposition gegen{\"u}ber dem OF-Test zu einer Aktivierung der lateralen Amygdala (La) in Tieren, die einem m{\"u}tterlichen Trennungsparadigma unterzogen wurden, sowie einer Aktivierung des ventrolateralen (VLPAG) und dorsolateralen (DLPAG) periaqu{\"a}duktalen H{\"o}hlengraus in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von Tph2 und MS f{\"u}hrte. Zusammenfassend weisen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie darauf hin, dass MS aktive Verhaltensantworten auf aversive Reize in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit vom Vorhandensein von 5-HT im Gehirn f{\"o}rdert. Diese Effekte k{\"o}nnten durch die spezifische Aktivierung von mit Angstverhalten in Zusammenhang stehenden Gehirnregionen w{\"a}hrend der Verhaltensexperimente vermittelt werden.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Vietz2022, author = {Vietz, Melanie Sabrina}, title = {Pr{\"a}vention von Angsterkrankungen: Etablierung und Validierung des Kognitiven Angstsensitivit{\"a}tstrainings (KAST) - Deutsche Version}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-22312}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-223122}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Angsterkrankungen stellen mit einer 12-Monats-Pr{\"a}valenz von 14\% die h{\"a}ufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen in der westlichen Gesellschaft dar. Angesichts der hohen querschnittlichen wie sequentiellen Komorbidit{\"a}t von Angsterkrankungen, der ausgepr{\"a}gten individuellen Einschr{\"a}nkungen sowie der hohen {\"o}konomischen Belastung f{\"u}r das Gesundheitssystem ist neben therapeutischen Behandlungsans{\"a}tzen die Entwicklung von kurzzeitigen, kosteng{\"u}nstigen und leicht zug{\"a}nglichen Pr{\"a}ventionsmaßnahmen von großer Bedeutung und steht zunehmend im Fokus des gesundheitspolitischen Interesses, um die Inzidenz von Angsterkrankungen zu reduzieren. Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die Entwicklung von gezielten und damit den effektivsten Pr{\"a}ventionsmaßnahmen sind valide Risikofaktoren, die die Entstehung von Angsterkrankungen beg{\"u}nstigen. Ein Konstrukt, das in der Literatur als subklinisches Symptom in Form einer kognitiven Vulnerabilit{\"a}t f{\"u}r Angsterkrankungen und damit als Risikofaktor angesehen wird, ist die sogenannte Angstsensitivit{\"a}t (AS). AS umfasst die individuelle Tendenz, angstbezogene k{\"o}rperliche Symptome generell als bedrohlich einzustufen und mit aversiven Konsequenzen zu assoziieren. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war daher die Etablierung und Validierung eines Pr{\"a}ventionsprogramms zur Reduktion der AS an einer nicht-klinischen Stichprobe von 100 Probanden (18-30 Jahre) mit einer erh{\"o}hten AS (Anxiety Sensitivity Index [ASI-3] ≥17) sowie die Rekrutierung von 100 alters- und geschlechtsangeglichenen Probanden mit niedriger Angstsensitivit{\"a}t (ASI-3 <17). In einem randomisiert-kontrollierten Studiendesign durchliefen die Probanden mit hoher AS entweder das {\"u}ber f{\"u}nf Wochen angelegte „Kognitive Angstsensitivit{\"a}tstraining" (KAST) als erste deutschsprachige {\"U}bersetzung des Computer-basierten „Cognitive Anxiety Sensitivity Treatment" (CAST) von Schmidt et al. (2014) oder wurden der Wartelisten-Kontrollgruppe zugeteilt. Das KAST Training bestand aus einer einmaligen Vermittlung kognitiv-behavioraler Psychoedukation zum Thema Stress und Anspannung sowie deren Auswirkungen auf den K{\"o}rper und der Anleitung von zwei interozeptiven Expositions{\"u}bungen (‚Strohhalm-Atmung' und ‚Hyperventilation'), die {\"u}ber den anschließenden Zeitraum von f{\"u}nf Wochen in Form von Hausaufgaben wiederholt wurden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Teilnehmer des KAST-Programms nach Beendigung des Trainings (T1) eine signifikant niedrigere AS-Auspr{\"a}gung im Vergleich zur Wartelisten-Kontrollgruppe aufwiesen und diese Reduktion auch {\"u}ber den Katamnese-Zeitraum von sechs Monaten (T2) stabil blieb. Erg{\"a}nzend wurde auch die Targetierbarkeit weiterer intermedi{\"a}rer Risikomarker wie der Trennungsangst (TA), des Index der kardialen Sensitivit{\"a}t sowie der Herzratenvariabilit{\"a}t (HRV) untersucht, die jedoch nicht durch das KAST-Training direkt ver{\"a}ndert werden konnten. Im Vergleich der Subgruppen von Probanden mit hoher AS und gleichzeitig hoher TA (Adult Separation Anxiety Questionnaire [ASA-27] ≥22) und Probanden mit hoher AS, aber niedriger TA (ASA-27 <22) zeigte sich, dass die AS-TA-Hochrisikogruppe ebenfalls gut von der KAST-Intervention profitieren und eine signifikante Reduktion der AS erzielen konnte, indem sie sich bei T1 dem Niveau der Gruppe mit niedriger TA anglich. Zudem korrelierte die prozentuale Ver{\"a}nderung der Einstiegswerte der inneren Anspannung w{\"a}hrend der Strohhalm-Atmungs{\"u}bung positiv mit der prozentualen Ver{\"a}nderung der dimensionalen TA bei T1. Zusammenfassend weisen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmalig auf die Wirksamkeit der deutschsprachigen {\"U}bersetzung des CAST-Programms (Schmidt et al., 2014), eines Computer-basierten, und damit leicht zu implementierenden sowie kosteng{\"u}nstigen Programms, in Bezug auf die Reduktion der AS sowie indirekt der TA hin und k{\"o}nnen damit zur indizierten und demnach besonders effektiven Pr{\"a}vention von Angsterkrankungen in Hochrisikogruppen beitragen.}, subject = {Angstst{\"o}rung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kneer2022, author = {Kneer, Katharina Johanna}, title = {The association of three anxiety dimensions in children and adolescents: their influence on the brain and malleability by a prevention program}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25746}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-257468}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent group of neuropsychiatric disorders and go along with high personal suffering. They often arise during childhood and show a progression across the life span, thus making this age a specific vulnerable period during development. Still most research about these disorders is done in adults. In light of this, it seems of utmost importance to identify predictive factors of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Temperament or personality traits have been proclaimed as risk markers for the development of subsequent anxiety disorders, but their exact interplay is not clear. In this dissertation an effort is made to contribute to the understanding of how risk markers of early temperamental traits, in this case Trait Anxiety, Anxiety Sensitivity and Separation Anxiety are interplaying. While Trait Anxiety is regarded as a more general tendency to react anxiously to threatening situations or stimuli (Unnewehr, Joormann, Schneider, \& Margraf, 1992), Anxiety Sensitivity is the tendency to react with fear to one's own anxious sensations (Allan et al., 2014; S. Reiss, Peterson, Gursky, \& McNally, 1986), and Separation Anxiety is referring to the extent to which the child is avoiding certain situations because of the fear of being separated from primary care givers (In-Albon \& Schneider, 2011). In addition, it will be addressed how these measurements are associated with negative life events, as well as brain functioning and if they are malleable by a prevention program in children and adolescents. In study 1 the aim was to extend the knowledge about the interrelations of this anxiety dimensions and negative life events. Results indicated positive correlations of all three anxiety traits as well as with negative life events. Thus, a close connection of all three anxiety measures as well as with negative life events could be indicated. The closest association was found between Anxiety Sensitivity and Trait Anxiety and between Separation Anxiety and Anxiety Sensitivity. Furthermore, negative life events functioned as mediator between Anxiety Sensitivity and Trait Anxiety, indicating that a part of the association was explained by negative life events. In study 2 we extended the findings from study 1 with neurobiological parameters and examined the influence of anxiety traits on emotional brain activation by administering the "emotional face matching task". This task activated bilateral prefrontal regions as well as both hippocampi and the right amygdala. Further analyses indicated dimension-specific brain activations: Trait Anxiety was associated with a hyperactivation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and Separation Anxiety with a lower activation bilaterally in the IFG and the right middle frontal gyrus (MFG). Furthermore, the association between Separation Anxiety and Anxiety Sensitivity was moderated by bi-hemispheric Separation-Anxiety-related IFG activation. Thus, we could identify distinct brain activation patterns for the anxiety dimensions (Trait Anxiety and Separation Anxiety) and their associations (Separation Anxiety and Anxiety Sensitivity). The aim of study 3 was to probe the selective malleability of the anxiety dimensions via a prevention program in an at-risk population. We could identify a reduction of all three anxiety traits from pre- to post-prevention-assessment and that this effect was significant in Anxiety Sensitivity and Trait Anxiety scores. Furthermore, we found that pre-intervention Separation Anxiety and Anxiety Sensitivity post-intervention were associated. In addition, pre-interventive scores were correlated with the intervention-induced change within the measure (i.e., the higher the score before the intervention the higher the prevention-induced change) and pre-intervention Anxiety Sensitivity correlated with the change in Separation Anxiety scores. All relations, seemed to be direct, as mediation/moderation analyses with negative life events did not reveal any significant effect. These results are very promising, because research about anxiety prevention in children and adolescents is still rare and our results are indicating that cognitive-behavioural-therapy based prevention is gilding significant results in an indicated sample even when samples sizes are small like in our study. In sum the present findings hint towards distinct mechanisms underlying the three different anxiety dimensions on a phenomenological and neurobiological level, though they are highly overlapping (Higa-McMillan, Francis, Rith-Najarian, \& Chorpita, 2016; Taylor, 1998). Furthermore, the closest associations were found between Anxiety Sensitivity and Trait Anxiety, as well as between Separation Anxiety and Anxiety Sensitivity. Specifically, we were able to find a neuronal manifestation of the association between Separation Anxiety and Anxiety Sensitivity (Separation Anxiety-specific IFG activation) and a predictive potential on prevention influence. The results of these studies lead to a better understanding of the etiology of anxiety disorders and the interplay between different anxiety-related temperamental traits and could lead to further valuable knowledge about the intervention as well as further prevention strategies.}, subject = {Pr{\"a}vention}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Gruendahl2023, author = {Gr{\"u}ndahl, Marthe Erda}, title = {From Lab to Life: Investigating the Role of Social Contact for Anxiety and Related Autonomic Responses}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-31685}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-316859}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Social contact is an integral part of daily life. Its health-enhancing effects include reduced negative affective experiences of fear and anxiety, a phenomenon called social buffering. This dissertation studied different forms of social contact and their anxiety-buffering effects with diverse methodologies. The laboratory-based first study investigated minimal social contact in the context of pain relief learning. Results showed that the observed decreased autonomic and increased subjective fear responses following pain relief learning were independent of social influence. The minimalistic and controlled social setting may have prevented social buffering. Study 2 targeted social buffering in daily life using Ecological Momentary Assessment. We repeatedly assessed individuals' state anxiety, related cardiovascular responses, and aspects of social interactions with smartphones and portable sensors on five days. Analyses of over 1,500 social contacts revealed gender-specific effects, e.g., heart rate-reducing effects of familiarity in women, but not men. Study 3 examined anxiety, loneliness, and related social factors in the absence of social contact due to social distancing. We constructed and validated a scale measuring state and trait loneliness and isolation, and analysed its link to mental health. Results include a social buffering-like relation of lower anxiety with more trait sociability and sense of belonging. In sum, the studies showed no fear reduction by minimal social contact, but buffering effects relating to social and personal factors in more complex social situations. Anxiety responses during daily social contacts were lower with more familiar or opposite-gender interaction partners. During limited social contact, lower anxiety related to inter-individual differences in sociability, social belonging, and loneliness. By taking research from lab to life, this dissertation underlined the diverse nature of social contact and its relevance to mental health.}, subject = {Angst}, language = {en} }