@phdthesis{Classen2014, author = {Claßen, Alice}, title = {Diversity, traits and ecosystem services of pollinators along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-101292}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Since more than two centuries naturalists are fascinated by the profound changes in biodiversity observed along climatic gradients. Although the theories explaining changes in the diversity and the shape of organisms along climatic gradients belong to the foundations of modern ecology, our picture on the spatial patterns and drivers of biodiversity is far from being complete. Ambiguities in theory and data are common and past work has been strongly concentrated on plants and vertebrates. In the last two decades, interest in the fundamental processes structuring diversity along climatic gradients gained new impetus as they are expected to improve our understanding about how ecosystems will respond to global environmental changes. Global temperatures are rising faster than ever before; natural habitats are transformed into agricultural land and existing land use systems get more and more intensified to meet the demands of growing human populations. The fundamental shifts in the abiotic and biotic environment are proclaimed to affect ecosystems all over the world; however, precise predictions about how ecosystems respond to global changes are still lacking. We investigated diversity, traits and ecosystem services of wild bees along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania, East Africa). Wild bees play a major role in ecosystems, as they contribute to the reproduction and performance of wild and crop plants. Their responsiveness to environmental changes is therefore of high ecological and economic importance. Temperature and energy resources have often been suggested to be the main determinants of global and local species richness, but the mechanisms behind remain poorly understood. In the study described in chapter II we analyzed species richness patterns of wild bees along climate and land use gradients on Mount Kilimanjaro and disentangled the factors explaining most of the changes in bee richness. We found that floral resources had a weak but significant effect on pollinator abundance, which in turn was positively related to species richness. However, temperature was the strongest predictor of species richness, affecting species richness both directly and indirectly by positively influencing bee abundances. We observed higher levels of bee-flower-interactions at higher temperatures, independently of flower and bee abundances. This suggests that temperature restricts species richness by constraining the exploitation of resources by ectotherms. Current land use did not negatively affect species richness. We conclude that the richness of bees is explained by both temperature and resource availability, whereas temperature plays the dominant role as it limits the access of ectotherms to floral resources and may accelerate ecological and evolutionary processes that drive the maintenance and origination of diversity. Not only species numbers, but also morphological traits like body size are expected to be shaped by both physiological and energetic constraints along elevational gradients. Paradoxically, Bergmann´s rule predicts increases of body sizes in cooler climates resulting from physiological constraints, while species-energy theory suggests declines in the mean body size of species caused by increased extinction probabilities for large-bodied species in low-energy habitats. In chapter III we confronted this ambiguity with field data by studying community-wide body size variation of wild bees on Mt. Kilimanjaro. We found that along a 3680 m elevational gradient bee individuals became on average larger within species, while large species were increasingly absent from high-elevational communities. This demonstrates, on the one hand, how well-established, but apparently contrasting ecological theories can be merged through the parallel consideration of different levels of biological organization. On the other hand it signals that the extinction risk in the course of environmental change is not equally distributed among species within a community. Land use intensification is known to threaten biodiversity, but the consequences for ecosystem services are still a matter of debate. In chapter IV, we experimentally tested the single and combined contributions of pest predators and pollinators to coffee production along a land use intensification gradient on Mount Kilimanjaro. We found that pest predation increased fruit set by on average 9\%, while pollination increased fruit weight of coffee by on average 7.4\%. Land use had no significant effect on both ecosystem services. However, we found that in coffee plantations with most intensified land use, pollination services were virtually exclusively provided by the honey bee (Apis mellifera). The reliance on a single pollinator species is risky, as possible declines of that species may directly lower pollination services, resulting in yield losses. In contrast, pollination services in structurally complex homegardens were found to be provided by a diverse pollinator community, increasing the stability of pollination services in a long term. We showed that on Mount Kilimanjaro pollinator communities changed along elevational gradients in terms of species richness (chapter II) and trait composition (chapter III). Temperature and the temperature-mediated accessibility of resources were identified as important predictors of these patterns, which contributes to our fundamental understanding about the factors that shape ectothermic insect communities along climatic gradients. The strong temperature-dependence of pollinators suggests that temperature shifts in the course of global change are likely to affect pollinator communities. Pollinators might either profit from rising temperatures, or shift to higher elevations, which could result in related biotic attrition in the lowland with consequences for the provision of ecosystem services in cropping systems. Up to now, land use intensification had no significant impact on the diversity of pollinator communities and their ecosystem services. Pollinators might profit from the strong landscape heterogeneity in the region and from the amount of flower resources in the understory of cropping systems. However,progressing homogenization of the landscape and the pronounced application of pesticides could result in reduced diversity and dominance of single species, as we already found in sun coffee plantations. Such shifts in community compositions could threaten the stability of ecosystem services within cropping and natural systems in a long term.}, subject = {Kilimandscharo}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mayr2021, author = {Mayr, Antonia Veronika}, title = {Following Bees and Wasps up Mt. Kilimanjaro: From Diversity and Traits to hidden Interactions of Species}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18292}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-182922}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Chapter 1 - General Introduction One of the greatest challenges of ecological research is to predict the response of ecosystems to global change; that is to changes in climate and land use. A complex question in this context is how changing environmental conditions affect ecosystem processes at different levels of communities. To shed light on this issue, I investigate drivers of biodiversity on the level of species richness, functional traits and species interactions in cavity-nesting Hymenoptera. For this purpose, I take advantage of the steep elevational gradient of Mt. Kilimanjaro that shows strong environmental changes on a relatively small spatial scale and thus, provides a good environmental scenario for investigating drivers of diversity. In this thesis, I focus on 1) drivers of species richness at different trophic levels (Chapter 2); 2) seasonal patterns in nest-building activity, life-history traits and ecological rates in three different functional groups and at different elevations (Chapter 3) and 3) changes in cuticular hydrocarbons, pollen composition and microbiomes in Lasioglossum bees caused by climatic variables (Chapter 4). Chapter 2 - Climate and food resources shape species richness and trophic interactions of cavity-nesting Hymenoptera Drivers of species richness have been subject to research for centuries. Temperature, resource availability and top-down regulation as well as the impact of land use are considered to be important factors in determining insect diversity. Yet, the relative importance of each of these factors is unknown. Using trap nests along the elevational gradient of Mt. Kilimanjaro, we tried to disentangle drivers of species richness at different trophic levels. Temperature was the major driver of species richness across trophic levels, with increasing importance of food resources at higher trophic levels in natural antagonists. Parasitism rate was both related to temperature and trophic level, indicating that the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down forces might shift with climate change. Chapter 3 - Seasonal variation in the ecology of tropical cavity-nesting Hymenoptera Natural populations fluctuate with the availability of resources, presence of natural enemies and climatic variations. But tropical mountain seasonality is not yet well investigated. We investigated seasonal patterns in nest-building activity, functional traits and ecological rates in three different insect groups at lower and higher elevations separately. Insects were caught with trap nests which were checked monthly during a 17 months period that included three dry and three rainy seasons. Insects were grouped according to their functional guilds. All groups showed strong seasonality in nest-building activity which was higher and more synchronised among groups at lower elevations. Seasonality in nest building activity of caterpillar-hunting and spider-hunting wasps was linked to climate seasonality while in bees it was strongly linked to the availability of flowers, as well as for the survival rate and sex ratio of bees. Finding adaptations to environmental seasonality might imply that further changes in climatic seasonality by climate change could have an influence on life-history traits of tropical mountain species. Chapter 4 - Cryptic species and hidden ecological interactions of halictine bees along an elevational Gradient Strong environmental gradients such as those occurring along mountain slopes are challenging for species. In this context, hidden adaptations or interactions have rarely been considered. We used bees of the genus Lasioglossum as model organisms because Lasioglossum is the only bee genus occurring with a distribution across the entire elevational gradient at Mt. Kilimanjaro. We asked if and how (a) cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC), which act as a desiccation barrier, change in composition and chain length along with changes in temperature and humidity (b), Lasioglossum bees change their pollen diet with changing resource availability, (c) gut microbiota change with pollen diet and climatic conditions, and surface microbiota change with CHC and climatic conditions, respectively, and if changes are rather influenced by turnover in Lasioglossum species along the elevational gradient. We found physiological adaptations with climate in CHC as well as changes in communities with regard to pollen diet and microbiota, which also correlated with each other. These results suggest that complex interactions and feedbacks among abiotic and biotic conditions determine the species composition in a community. Chapter 5 - General Discussion Abiotic and biotic factors drove species diversity, traits and interactions and they worked differently depending on the functional group that has been studied, and whether spatial or temporal units were considered. It is therefore likely, that in the light of global change, different species, traits and interactions will be affected differently. Furthermore, increasing land use intensity could have additional or interacting effects with climate change on biodiversity, even though the potential land-use effects at Mt. Kilimanjaro are still low and not impairing cavity-nesting Hymenoptera so far. Further studies should address species networks which might reveal more sensitive changes. For that purpose, trap nests provide a good model system to investigate effects of global change on multiple trophic levels and may also reveal direct effects of climate change on entire life-history traits when established under different microclimatic conditions. The non-uniform effects of abiotic and biotic conditions on multiple aspects of biodiversity revealed with this study also highlight that evaluating different aspects of biodiversity can give a more comprehensive picture than single observations.}, subject = {land use}, language = {en} }