@phdthesis{Dignath2014, author = {Dignath, David}, title = {Conflict Management}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-103586}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2014}, abstract = {Menschen haben die beeindruckende F{\"a}higkeit zu planen, sich Ziele zu setzen und entsprechend zu handeln. Dies ist aber nicht immer der Fall. Jeder kennt Situationen, in denen Impulse, wie zum Beispiel der Drang noch ein weiteres Bier zu trinken oder stark {\"u}berlernte Verhaltensgewohnheiten, wie zum Beispiel automatisch auf der rechten Straßenseite zu fahren unseren eigentlichen Zielen im Weg stehen. Dieser ´Wettstreit´ zwischen impulsiven oder habituellen Verhaltenstendenzen und zielgerichteten Handlungen wird auch als Konflikt bezeichnet. Solch ein Konflikt tritt st{\"a}ndig in Erscheinung und kann viele Formen annehmen. Daher {\"u}berrascht es nicht weiter, dass die Art und Weise wie Konflikt kontrolliert wird, auch sehr unterschiedlich sein kann. Es scheint offensichtlich, dass Menschen Konflikte ganz verschieden handhaben k{\"o}nnen: Wenn wir eine Konfliktsituation erwarten, k{\"o}nnen wir bereits vorausschauend zus{\"a}tzliche Anstrengungen unternehmen um den Konflikt dann in der Situation ad{\"a}quat zu l{\"o}sen. Alternativ k{\"o}nnen wir solche Situationen auch bereits im Vorfeld vermeiden und umgehen damit die Gefahr, unseren Impulsen nachzugeben. Auch wenn wir mit einer Konfliktsituation bereits konfrontiert sind, k{\"o}nnen wir versuchen durch besondere Anstrengungen diesen Konflikt aufzul{\"o}sen. Schließlich haben wir auch die M{\"o}glichkeit, uns aus der Situation zur{\"u}ckziehen wodurch wir das Risiko minimieren, entgegen unserer eigentlichen Ziele zu handeln. Um diese Variabilit{\"a}t von Konfliktbew{\"a}ltigung besser zu verstehen, versucht die vorliegende Arbeit eine genauere Beschreibung dieser Kontrollprozesse zu geben. Zwei Dimensionen von Kontrollfunktionen werden identifiziert. Diese ergeben sich aus teilweise antagonistischen Erfordernissen an erfolgreiche Handlungskontrolle und beschreiben zum einen die Abw{\"a}gung zwischen Flexibilit{\"a}t und Stabilit{\"a}t, zum Anderen die Abw{\"a}gung zwischen antizipativer Selektion und reaktiver Korrektur. Um zu erkl{\"a}ren, wie diese beiden Dimensionen von Kontrollfunktionen interagieren und wie daraus ein ad{\"a}quater Umgang mit Konflikten entstehen kann, wird das „Conflict Management Framework" eingef{\"u}hrt. Eine Hypothese, die aus diesem Rahmenmodel hervorgeht, beschreibt eine spezifische Strategie mit Konflikt umzugehen, die in dieser Art noch nicht untersucht wurde: Wenn Konflikt erlebt wird, ziehen sich Personen aus dieser Situation zur{\"u}ck und versuchen dadurch dem Konflikt zu entgehen. Der empirische Teil der Arbeit untersucht diese Verhaltensstrategie in Bezug auf Konflikterleben und testet, ob Personen unter bestimmten Bedingungen sich aus Konfliktsituationen zur{\"u}ckziehen. Im Rahmen dieser Untersuchung werden drei Reihen an Experimenten vorgestellt die sowohl Freie-Wahl Paradigmen, Klassifikationsaufgaben unter Zeitdruck, als auch die Aufzeichnung kontinuierlicher Bewegungen umfassen. Es zeigte sich, dass Konflikt motivationale Vermeidungstendenzen hervorruft (Experimente 1 und 2), Entscheidungsverhalten verzerrt, so dass kurzfristig mit Konflikt assoziierte Aufgaben vermieden werden (Experimente 3 und 5), und die Ausf{\"u}hrung von komplexen Handlungen beeinflusst (Experimente 6 und 7). Diese Ergebnisse unterst{\"u}tzen das vorgeschlagene Rahmenmodell und erm{\"o}glichen eine vertiefte Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, wie unterschiedliche Konfliktbew{\"a}ltigungsstrategien integriert werden k{\"o}nnen. Dazu wird ein konnektionistisches Modell vorgestellt, dass die parallele Anwendung von zwei unterschiedlichen Strategien zur Konfliktbew{\"a}ltigung erm{\"o}glicht und damit die empirischen Befunde der Experimente 3, 4 und 5 erkl{\"a}ren kann. Im verbleibenden Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Fehler einer solchen Integration von Konfliktbew{\"a}ltigungsstrategien analysiert. Es wird diskutiert, in wie fern das vorgeschlagene Rahmenmodell mit spezifischen klinischen St{\"o}rungen vereinbar ist. Außerdem wird darauf eingegangen, wie interindividuelle Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Art und Weise Konflikte zu meistern, mit Hilfe eines solches Modells besser erkl{\"a}rt werden k{\"o}nnten. Schließlich wird ein Versuch unternommen, so genannte Selbstkontroll-Fehler durch eine mangelhafte Dynamik unterschiedlicher Konfliktbew{\"a}ltigungsstrategien zu erkl{\"a}ren.}, subject = {Konflikt}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mitschke2023, author = {Mitschke, Vanessa}, title = {Facing Enemies. Modulation of Revenge Interactions based on Opponent State Indicators of Suffering}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-29938}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-299389}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2023}, abstract = {Research on revenge often treats vengeful acts as singular one-way experiences, an approach which fails to account for the social nature and functions of revenge. This dissertation aims to integrate emotional punishment reactions into dynamic revenge sequences to investigate the affective and cognitive consequences of revenge within a social interaction. Exacting revenge can evoke intense affective consequences, from feelings of guilt to the genuine enjoyment of the suffering of others. In Chapter 2, affective responses towards suffering opponents and the regulation of aggression based on the appraisal of distinct suffering indicators were investigated. Results indicate that the observation of opponent pain evokes positive affect (measured via facial muscle contractions during the observation), which is followed by a downregulation of subsequent punishment. Both, positive affective reactions and the downregulation of punishment, were only observed following pain and not sadness expressions. Empathic distress, indexed by negative affective reactions, was only present following the observation of pain in non-provoking opponents. Showcasing the modulation of empathy related processes due to provocation and competition. In Chapter 3, a significant escalation of punishment, when being confronted with Schadenfreude, was observed. Results are interpreted as supporting the assumption that opponent monitoring processes inform subsequent action selection. The observation of opponent smiles led to imitation behavior (facial mimicry), which was partially attenuated due to previous provocation. The different functions of smile mimicry in the context of the aggressive competitive setting are discussed as containing simulation aspects (to aid in opponent understanding) and as a potential mirroring of dominance gestures, to avoid submission. In an additional series of studies, which are presented in Chapter 4, changes in memory of opponent faces following vengeful encounters were measured. Based on provocation, and punishment outcomes (pain \& anger), face memory was distorted, resulting in more positive representations of opponents that expressed pain. These results are discussed as evidence of the impact of outcome appraisals in the formation of opponent representations and are theorized to aid empathy avoidance in future interactions. The comparison of desired and observed opponent states, is theorized to result in appraisals of the punishment outcomes, which evoke affective states, inform the action selection of subsequent punishments, and are integrated into the representation of the opponent in memory. Overall, the results indicate that suffering cues that are congruent with the chosen punishment action are appraised as positive, evoking an increase in positive affect. The emergence of positive affect during the observation of successful aggressive actions supports recent theories about the chronification of aggressive behavior based on reinforcement learning. To allow positive affect to emerge, affective empathic responses, such as distress, are theorized to be suppressed to facilitate the goal attainment process. The suffering of the opponent constitutes the proximate goal during revenge taking, which highlights the importance of a theoretical differentiation of proximate and ultimate goals in revenge to allow for a deeper understanding of the underlying motives of complex revenge behavior.}, subject = {Aggression}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weller2019, author = {Weller, Lisa}, title = {How to not act? Cognitive foundations of intentional nonactions}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17667}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-176678}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Human actions are generally not determined by external stimuli, but by internal goals and by the urge to evoke desired effects in the environment. To reach these effects, humans typically have to act. But at times, deciding not to act can be better suited or even the only way to reach a desired effect. What mental processes are involved when people decide not to act to reach certain effects? From the outside it may seem that nothing remarkable is happening, because no action can be observed. However, I present three studies which disclose the cognitive processes that control nonactions. The present experiments address situations where people intentionally decide to omit certain actions in order to produce a predictable effect in the environment. These experiments are based on the ideomotor hypothesis, which suggests that bidirectional associations can be formed between actions and the resulting effects. Because of these associations, anticipating the effects can in turn activate the respective action. The results of the present experiments show that associations can be formed between nonactions (i.e., the intentional decision not to act) and the resulting effects. Due to these associations, perceiving the nonaction effects encourages not acting (Exp. 1-3). What is more, planning a nonaction seems to come with an activation of the effects that inevitably follow the nonaction (Exp. 4-5). These results suggest that the ideomotor hypothesis can be expanded to nonactions and that nonactions are cognitively represented in terms of their sensory effects. Furthermore, nonaction effects can elicit a sense of agency (Exp. 6-8). That is, even though people refrain from acting, the resulting nonaction effects are perceived as self-produced effects. In a nutshell, these findings demonstrate that intentional nonactions include specific mechanisms and processes, which are involved, for instance, in effect anticipation and the sense of agency. This means that, while it may seem that nothing remarkable is happening when people decide not to act, complex processes run on the inside, which are also involved in intentional actions.}, subject = {Intention}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Goetz2019, author = {G{\"o}tz, Felix Johannes}, title = {Social Cueing of Numerical Magnitude : Observed Head Orientation Influences Number Processing}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18716}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-187161}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In many parts of the modern world, numbers are used as tools to describe spatial relationships, be it heights, latitudes, or distances. However, this connection goes deeper as a myriad of studies showed that number representations are rooted in space (vertical, horizontal, and/or radial). For instance, numbers were shown to affect spatial perception and, conversely, perceptions or movements in space were shown to affect number estimations. This bidirectional link has already found didactic application in the classroom when children are taught the meaning of numbers. However, our knowledge about the cognitive (and neuropsychological) processes underlying the numerical magnitude operations is still very limited. Several authors indicated that the processing within peripersonal space (i.e. the space surrounding the body in reaching distance) and numerical magnitude operations are functionally equivalent. This assumption has several implications that the present work aims at describing. For instance, vision and visuospatial attention orienting play a prominent role for processing within peripersonal space. Indeed, both neuropsychological and behavioral studies also suggested a similar role of vision and visuospatial attention orienting for number processing. Moreover, social cognition research showed that movements, posture and gestures affect not only the representation of one's own peripersonal space, but also the visuospatial attention behavior of an observer. Against this background, the current work tests the specific implication of the functional equivalence assumption that the spatial attention response to an observed person's posture should extend to the observer's numerical magnitude operations. The empirical part of the present work tests the spatial attention response of observers to vertical head postures (with continuing eye contact to the observer) in both perceptual and numerical space. Two experimental series are presented that follow both steps from the observation of another person's vertical head orientation (within his/her peripersonal space) to the observer's attention orienting response (Experimental series A) as well as from there to the observer's magnitude operations with numbers (Experimental Series B). Results show that the observation of a movement from a neutral to a vertical head orientation (Experiment 1) as well as the observation of the vertical head orientation alone (Experiment 3) shifted the observer's spatial attention in correspondence with the direction information of the observed head (up vs. down). Movement from a vertical to a neutral end position, however, had no effect on the observer's spatial attention orienting response (Experiment 2). Furthermore, following down-tilted head posture (relative to up- or non-tilted head orientation), observers generated smaller numbers in a random number generation task (range 1- 9, Experiment 4), gave smaller estimates to numerical trivia questions (mostly multi-digit numbers, Experiment 5) and chose response keys less frequently in a free choice task that was associated with larger numerical magnitude in a intermixed numerical magnitude task. Experimental Series A served as groundwork for Experimental Series B, as it demonstrated that observing another person's head orientation indeed triggered the expected directional attention orienting response in the observer. Based on this preliminary work, the results of Experimental Series B lend support to the assumption that numerical magnitude operations are grounded in visuospatial processing of peripersonal space. Thus, the present studies brought together numerical and social cognition as well as peripersonal space research. Moreover, the Empirical Part of the present work provides the basis for elaborating on the role of processing within peripersonal space in terms of Walsh's (2003, 2013) Theory of Magnitude. In this context, a specification of the Theory of Magnitude was staked out in a processing model that stresses the pivotal role of spatial attention orienting. Implications for mental magnitude operations are discussed. Possible applications in the classroom and beyond are described.}, subject = {Soziale Wahrnehmung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmidts2021, author = {Schmidts, Constantin}, title = {Affective regulation of cognitive conflict}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-21989}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-219897}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Kognitive Kontrolle beschreibt Prozesse die n{\"o}tig sind um zielgerichtetes Handeln im Angesicht von internen oder externen Widerst{\"a}nden zu erm{\"o}glichen. Wenn wir aus eigenen St{\"u}cken oder inspiriert durch unsere Umwelt Handlungen vorbereiten die unseren aktuellen Zielen entgegen stehen, kommt es zu Konflikten. Solche Konflikte k{\"o}nnen sich auf nachfolgendes Erleben und Verhalten auswirken. Aversive Konsequenzen von Konflikt k{\"o}nnten in einem Konflikt{\"u}berwachungsmodul registriert werden, welches anschließend Aufmerksamkeits{\"a}nderungen und Handlungstendenzen zur Reduzierung dieses negativen Affektes in Gang setzt. Wenn das der Fall w{\"a}re, k{\"o}nnten die vielfach beobachteten Verhaltensanpassungen an kognitiven Konflikt ein Ausdruck von Emotionsregulation sein. Ein theoretischer Eckpfeiler der gegenw{\"a}rtigen Forschung zur Emotionsregulation ist das Prozessmodell der Emotionsregulation, das aus den Regulationsstrategien Situationsauswahl, Situationsmodifikation, Aufmerksamkeitslenkung, kognitiven Ver{\"a}nderungen und Reaktionsmodulation besteht. Unter der Annahme, dass Konfliktanpassung und Affektregulation auf gemeinsamen Mechanismen fußen, habe ich aus dem Prozessmodell der Emotionsregulation Vorhersagen zur kognitiven Kontrolle abgeleitet und diese in elf Experimenten getestet (N = 509). Die Versuchsteilnehmer zeigten Situationsauswahl in Bezug auf Konflikte, allerdings nur dann, wenn sie ausdr{\"u}cklich auf Handlungs- und Ergebniskontingenzen hingewiesen wurden (Experimente 1 bis 3). Ich fand Anzeichen f{\"u}r einen Mechanismus, der der Situationsmodifikation {\"a}hnelt, aber keine Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung von Affekt (Experimente 4 bis 10). Eine {\"A}nderung der Konfliktbewertung hatte keinen Einfluss auf das Ausmaß der Konfliktadaptation (Experiment 11). Insgesamt gab es Hinweise auf eine explizite Aversivit{\"a}t kognitiver Konflikte, jedoch weniger auf implizite Aversivit{\"a}t, was darauf hindeutet, dass Konflikte vor allem dann Affektregulationsprozesse ausl{\"o}sen, wenn Menschen explizit Affektregulationsziele vor Augen haben.}, subject = {Affekt}, language = {en} }