@phdthesis{Hirsch2021, author = {Hirsch, Florian}, title = {IR/UV Double-Resonance Spectroscopy of Reactive Hydrocarbon Species and their Reaction Products in Cold Molecular Jets}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25175}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251755}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Reactive hydrocarbon species are important in a multitude of different scientific areas. In this thesis, the vibrational spectra of hydrocarbon radicals, biradicals and their reaction product have been studied in a gas-phase environment. The specific molecules investigated here, are of particular importance in the field of combustion and astrochemistry. They were produced from suitable precursors in a pyrolytically heated micro-reactor and subsequently seeded in an appropriate carrier gas. As methodology, IR/UV ion dip spectroscopy has been utilized, which delivers massselected gas-phase IR spectra of all ionizable species detectable in the molecular beam. These, with the help of DFT calculations, allow for determination of the fingerprint IR spectra, identification of mass carriers and formulation of potential reaction mechanisms. All studies have been conducted in collaboration with the group of Prof. Dr. Anouk M. Rjis and the necessary potent IR radiation has been provided by the free-electron laser FELIX. Thus, the IR/UV measurements have been executed at the FELIX Laboratory of the Radboud University in Nijmegen. The first study presented in this thesis is the investigation of ortho-benzyne in Chapter 3.1. This molecule is of particular interest due to its uncommon electronic structure and its role in high-temperature reactions. Although, the infrared spectrum of o-C6H4 was not accessible, a number of reaction products were identified via their fingerprint spectra. Masses in the range from 78 - 228 were assigned to their respective carrier. The identified species include typical PAHs like naphthalene, phenanthrene, up to triphenylene. The identified masses further suggest a PAH growth heavily influenced by diradical 1,4-cycloaddition followed by fragmentation, as well as by classical HACA- and PAC-like mechanisms. These results were augmented by threshold photoionization measurements from Engelbert Reusch, who identified lighter reaction products, which have insufficient IR absorption or unsuitable ionization characteristics to be identified in the IR/UV experiment. An interesting observation is the identification of m/z = 152. This carrier has been assigned differently by the IR and TPES experiments. Whereas the IR spectrum clearly identifies the species as 2-ethynylnaphthalene, the TPES evidently is in great agreement with biphenylene. This is a good example how different experimental methodologies can benefit from each other to gain a deeper insight into the actual science of a particular system. Probably, the prime example for an aromatically resonance stabilized radical is benzyl. This radical is of high importance for many combustion studies, as it represents the primary high-temperature decomposition product of toluene. The goal of the study was the identification of the benzyl self reaction products and the results are discussed in Section 3.2. The radical was pyrolytically produced by its respective nitrite precursor. The mass spectrum showed that the benzyl self reaction formed two products with C11 and three with C14 constitution. All mass peaks were evenly spaced by two mass units, respectively, which suggests a close relation in formation. Indeed, the C11 products were identified as diphenylmethane and fluorene, which are simply connected via cyclization. The heaviest product was identified as phenanthrene, which is formed via the cyclization of bibenzyl to 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene and subsequent elimination of hydrogen. This result was quiet interesting as the intermediate of this reaction was often assumed to be stilbene, which was not observed in the study. Hence, the reaction seems to undergo cyclization first before phenanthrene is finally formed via hydrogen elimination. Expanding the molecular frame of benzyl by an additional methyl group leads to the xylyl radicals and its decomposition product the xylylenes. Also important in combustion research, xylyl radicals represent the preferred decomposition products of xylene, a frequently used anti-knock agent in modern gasoline blends. After further hydrogen elimination the xylyl radicals can then form their respective xylylenes. The results of the xylyl experiments are discussed in Section 3.3. Here the gas-phase vibrational spectrum in the fingerprint region for all three isomers has been recorded for the first time in isolation. Although, all isomers have a very similar structure and symmetry, and consequently similar vibrational bands, the resolution of the experimental data was exceedingly sufficient for a clear assignment. Additionally, the dimerization products of meta- and para-xylyl could also be identified. A similar approach was taken to determine the fingerprint spectra for the xylylenes. Here, only para-xylylene could be unambiguously identified as the carrier of mass 104. For both ortho- and meta-xylylene precursors, only isomerization products were observed as the carriers of mass 104; benzocyclobutene and styrene, respectively. A possible explanation is elaborated upon in the troubleshooting Sec- tion In the final experimental section a study on the decomposition of phthalide is presented. The objective of this experiment was mainly focused around the formation of C7 species, particularly the fulvenallenyl radical C7H5. In fact, the first experimental fingerprint spectrum of isolated C7H5 in the gas-phase was measured and is displayed in Fig. 3.45. Furthermore, the experiment demonstrates that the pyrolysis products of phthalide are excellent soot precursors, as many heavier reaction products have been identified. These include typical PAH species like naphthalene and phenanthrene as well as their methylated isomers. A large number of molecules with terminal ethynyl moieties indicate a strong influence of HACA growth in the experimental environment. However, many formation pathways of products have been discussed, which are formed involving experiment specific species, like C5H5 and C7H5, and often include expansion steps from 5- to 6-membered rings.}, subject = {Infrarotspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kudriashova2019, author = {Kudriashova, Liudmila}, title = {Photoluminescence Reveals Charge Carrier Recombination in Organic and Hybrid Semiconductors}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19343}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-193437}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In this work, we elucidated recombination kinetics in organic and hybrid semiconductors by steady-state and time-resolved PL spectroscopy. Using these simple and very flexible experimental techniques, we probed the infrared emission from recombining free charge carriers in metal-halide perovskites, as well as the deep blue luminescence from intramolecular charge-transfer states in novel OLED emitters. We showed that similar state diagrams and kinetic models accurately describe the dynamics of excited species in these very different material systems. In Chapters 4 and 5, we focused on lead iodide perovskites (MAPI and FAPI), whose comparatively developed deposition techniques suited the systematic material research. In MAPI, we harnessed the anomalous dependence of transient PL on the laser repetition rate in order to investigate the role of interfaces with the commonly used charge-selective layers: PC60BM, spiro-MeOTAD, and P3HT. The film was deposited on a large precut substrate and separated into several parts, which were then covered with the charge-selective layers. Thereby, the same bulk perovskite structure was maintained for all samples. Consequently, we were able to isolate interface-affected and bulk carrier recombination. The first one dominated the fast component of PL decay up to 300 ns, whereas the last was assigned to the remaining slow component. The laser repetition rate significantly prolonged PL decay in MAPI with additional interfaces while shortening the charge carrier lifetime in the pristine film. We qualitatively explained this effect by a kinetic model that included radiative electron-hole recombination and nonradiative trap-assisted recombination. All in all, we showed that the apparent PL lifetime in MAPI is to large extend defined by the laser repetition rate and by the adjacent interfaces. Further, we studied photon recycling in MAPI and FAPI. We monitored how the microscopic PL transforms while propagating through the thin perovskite film. The emission was recorded within 5orders of magnitude in intensity up to 70μm away from the excitation spot. The Beer-Lambert law previously failed to describe the complex interplay of the intrinsic PL spectrum and the additional red-shifted peak. Therefore, we developed a general numerical model that accounts for self-absorption and diffusion of the secondary charge carriers. A simulation based on this model showed excellent agreement with the experimental spatially resolved PL maps. The proposed model can be applied to any perovskite film, because it uses easily measurable intrinsic PL spectrum and macroscopic absorption coefficient as seeding parameters. In Chapter 6, we conducted an extensive photophysical study of a novel compact deep blue OLED emitter, SBABz4, containing spiro-biacridine and benzonitrile units. We also considered its single-donor monomer counterpart, DMABz4, in order to highlight the structure-property relationships. Both compounds exhibited thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF), which was independently proven by oxygen quenching and temperature-dependent transient PL measurements. The spiro-linkage in the double-donor core of SBABz4 rendered its luminescence pure blue compared to the blue-green emission from the single-donor DMABz4. Thus, the core-donor provided desirable color tuning in the deep blue region, as opposed to the common TADF molecular design with core-acceptor. Using PL lifetimes and efficiencies, we predicted EQEmax = 7.1\% for SBABz4-based OLED, whereas a real test device showed EQEmax = 6.8\%. Transient PL was recorded from the solutions and solid films in the unprecedentedly broad dynamic range covering up to 6orders of magnitude in time and 8orders of magnitude in intensity. The stretched exponent was shown to fit the transient PL in the films very well, whereas PL decay in dilute solution was found purely exponential. When the emitter was embedded in the host matrix that prevented aggregation, its TADF properties were superior in comparison with the pure SBABz4 film. Finally, using temperature-dependent transient PL data, we calculated the TADF activation energy of 70 meV. To sum up, this Thesis contributes to the two fascinating topics of the last decade's material research: perovskite absorbers for photovoltaics and TADF emitters for OLEDs. We were lucky to work with the emerging systems and tailor for them new models out of the well-known physical concepts. This was both exciting and challenging. In the end, science of novel materials is always a mess. We hope that we brought there a bit of clarity and light.}, subject = {Time-resolved photoluminescence}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Suess2021, author = {S{\"u}ß, Jasmin}, title = {Theoretische Untersuchungen an molekularen Aggregaten: 2D-Spektroskopie und Exzitonendynamik}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24713}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-247136}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Diese Dissertation besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der Exzitonendynamik molekularer Aggregate, die nach Mehrphotonen-Anregung auf ultrakurzer Zeitskala stattfindet. Hierbei liegt der Fokus auf der Charakterisierung der Exziton-Exziton-Annihilierung (EEA) mithilfe von zweidimensionaler optischer Spektroskopie f{\"u}nfter Ordnung. Dazu werden zwei verschiedene Modellsysteme implementiert: Das elektronische Homodimer und das elektronische Homotrimer-Modell, wobei Letzteres eine Erweiterung des Dimer-Modells darstellt. Die Kopplung des quantenmechanischen Systems an die Umgebung wird mithilfe des Quantum-Jump-Ansatzes umgesetzt. Besonderes Interesse kommt der Analyse des Signals f{\"u}nfter Ordnung in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Populationszeit T zu. Anhand des Dimer-Modells als kleinstm{\"o}gliches Aggregat lassen sich bereits gute Vorhersagen auch {\"u}ber das Verhalten gr{\"o}ßerer molekularer Aggregate treffen. Der Zerfall des oszillierenden Signals f{\"u}r lange Populationszeiten korreliert mit der EEA. Dies zeigt, dass die zweidimensionale optische Spektroskopie genutzt werden kann, um den Annihilierungsprozess zu charakterisieren. Innerhalb des Modells des Dimers wird weiterhin der Einfluss der Intraband-Relaxation untersucht. Zunehmende Intraband-Relaxation verhindert den Austausch zwischen den lokalen Zust{\"a}nden, der essentiell f{\"u}r den Annihilierungsprozess ist, und die EEA wird blockiert. Das elektronische Trimer-Modell erweitert das Dimer-Modell um eine Monomereinheit. Somit befinden sich die Exzitonen im Anschluss an die Anregung nicht mehr unvermeidlich nebeneinander. Es gibt somit eine Konfiguration, bei der sich die Exzitonen zun{\"a}chst zueinander bewegen m{\"u}ssen, bevor die Startbedingung des Annihilierungsprozesses gegeben ist. Dieser zus{\"a}tzliche Schritt wird auch Exzitonendiffusion genannt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit legen nahe, dass das erwartete Verhalten nur zu sehr kurzen Zeiten im Femtosekundenbereich auftritt und somit die Zeitskala der Exzitonendiffusion im Falle des Trimers nicht sichtbar wird. Es bedarf demnach eines gr{\"o}ßeren Modellsystems, bei dem sich der Effekt der zeitverz{\"o}gert eintretenden EEA deutlich in der Zerfallsdynamik manifestieren kann.}, subject = {Molekulardynamik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Endres2024, author = {Endres, Erik}, title = {Kovalente Inhibitoren: Modellierung und Design}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-35933}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-359330}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Kovalente Inhibition stellt einen effektiven Weg dar, die Verweildauer des Liganden innerhalb einer Bindetasche zu erh{\"o}hen. In dieser Arbeit wurden theoretische Methoden angewendet, um die Reaktivit{\"a}t und den nichtkovalenten Zustand vor der Reaktion zu modellieren. Im Rahmen einer Fallstudie zu Cathepsin K wurden nichtkovalente Modelle von kovalenten Inhibitoren generiert. F{\"u}r verschiedene Komplexe aus Cathepsin K und einem kovalent gebundenem Liganden wurde der Zustand vor der Reaktion modelliert und dessen Stabilit{\"a}t im Rahmen einer klassischen MD-Simulation {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft. Die Stabilit{\"a}t des Warheads in der Bindetasche hing haupts{\"a}chlich vom gew{\"a}hlten Protonierungszustand der katalytischen Aminos{\"a}uren ab. F{\"u}r eine Reihe von Inhibitoren der ChlaDUB1 wurde ein Protokoll aus quantenmechanischen Rechnungen genutzt, um die Reaktivit{\"a}t verschiedener Warheads abzusch{\"a}tzen. Die erhaltenen Aktivierungsenergien korrelierten mit experimentell bestimmten Raten zur Inaktivierung des Enzyms. Im Rahmen eines Wirkstoffdesign-Projektes zur Deubiquitinase USP28 wurden von unpublizierten Kristallstrukturen ausgehend erste Docking-Experimente durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein literaturbekannter Inhibitor von USP28 mit einem Warhead so modifiziert werden kann, dass die reaktive Einheit in direkter Nachbarschaft zu einem Cystein positioniert wird. F{\"u}r diese Warheads wurden ebenfalls quantenmechanische Rechnungen zur Bestimmung der Aktivierungsenergie durchgef{\"u}hrt. Um besser nachvollziehen zu k{\"o}nnen, warum bei einem Photoswitch-Inhibitor der Butyrylcholin-Esterase der cis-Zustand des Molek{\"u}ls besser inhibiert als der trans-Zustand, wurde eine Docking-Studie des Zustandes vor der Reaktion durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es konnte ein qualitatives Modell aufgestellt werden, das zeigt, dass der trans-Zustand aufgrund seiner l{\"a}ngeren Form mit wichtigen Aminos{\"a}uren am Eingang der Bindungstasche kollidiert.}, subject = {Molekulardynamik}, language = {de} }