@phdthesis{Krimmer2021, author = {Krimmer, Elena}, title = {Agri-environment schemes and ecosystem services: The influence of different sown flower field characteristics on pollination, natural pest control and crop yield}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20657}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-206577}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Insects are responsible for the major part of the ecosystem services pollination and natural pest control. If insects decline, these ecosystem services can not longer be reliably delivered. Agricultural intensification and the subsequent loss and fragmentation of habitats has among others been identified to cause insect decline. Ecological intensification aims to promote alternative and sustainable management practices in agricultural farming, for example to decrease the use of external inputs such as pesticides. Agri-environment schemes make amends for farmers if they integrate ecologically beneficial measures into their farming regime and can therefore promote ecological intensification. There is a wide variety of agri-environment schemes, but the implementation of sown flower fields on crop fields is often included. Flower fields offer foraging resources as well as nesting sites for many different insect species and should be able to support insect populations as well as to increase ecosystem services to adjacent fields. However, the potential of flower fields to exhibit these effects is depending on many factors. Among others, the age and size of the flower field can influence if and how different insects profit from the measure. Additionally, the complexity of the surrounding landscape and therefore the existing biodiversity is influencing the potential of flower fields to increase ecosystem services locally. The goal of this study is to disentangle to which degree these factors influence the ecosystem services pollination and natural pest control and if these factors interact with each other. Furthermore, it will be examined if and how flower fields and ecosystem services influence crop yield. Additional factors examined in this study are distance decay and pesticide use. The abundance of beneficial insects can decrease strongly with increasing distance to suitable habitats. Pesticide use in turn could abrogate positive effects of flower fields on beneficial insects. To examine these different aspects and to be able to make recommendations for flower field implementation, field experiments were conducted on differently composed sown flower fields and adjacent oilseed rape fields. Flower fields differed in their age and continuity as well as in their size. Additionally, flower and oilseed rape fields were chosen in landscapes with different amounts of semi-natural habitat. Oilseed rape fields adjacent to calcareous grasslands and conventional crop fields served as controls. Pollinator observations and pollen beetle and parasitism surveys were conducted in the oilseed rape fields. Additionally, different yield parameters of the oilseed rape plants were recorded. Observations were conducted and samples taken in increasing distance to the flower fields to examine distance decay functions. Spray windows were established to inspect the influence of pesticides on ecosystem services and crop yields. Linear mixed models were used for statistical analysis. The results show, that newly established flower fields with high amounts of flower cover are very attractive for pollinators. If the flower fields reached a certain size (> 1.5ha), the pollinators tended to stay in these fields and did not distribute into the surroundings. High amounts of semi-natural habitat in the surrounding landscape increased the value of small flower fields as starting points for pollinators and their subsequent spillover into crop fields. Additionally, high amounts of semi-natural habitat decreased the decay of pollinators with increasing distance to the flower fields. Based on these results, it can be recommended to establish many small flower fields in landscapes with high amounts of semi-natural habitat and large flower fields in landscapes with low amounts of semi-natural habitat. However, it is mentionable that flower fields are no substitute for perennial semi-natural habitats. These still must be actively conserved to increase pollination to crop fields. Furthermore, the lowest amount of pollen beetle infestation was found on oilseed rape fields adjacent to continuous flower fields aged older than 6 years. Flower fields and calcareous grasslands in general increased pollen beetle parasitism in adjacent oilseed rape fields compared to conventional crop fields. The threshold for effective natural pest control could only be reached in the pesticide free areas in the oilseed rape fields adjacent to continuous flower fields and calcareous grasslands. Parasitism and superparasitism declined with increasing distance to the adjacent fields in pesticide treated areas of the oilseed rape fields. However, they remained on a similar level in spray windows without pesticides. Large flower fields increased parasitism and superparasitism more than small flower fields. Flower fields generally have the potential to increase pollen beetle parasitism rates, but pesticides can abrogate these positive effects of flower fields on natural pest control. Last but not least, effects of flower fields and ecosystem services on oilseed rape yield were examined. No positive effects of pollination on oilseed rape yield could be found. Old and continuous flower fields increased natural pest control in oilseed rape fields, which in turn increased seed set and total seed weight of oilseed rape plants. The pesticide treatment had negative effects on natural pest control, but positive effects on crop yield. Pollination and natural pest control decreased with increasing distance to the field edge, but fruit set slightly increased. The quality of the field in terms of soil and climatic conditions did not influence the yield parameters examined in this study. Yield formation in oilseed rape plants is a complex process with many factors involved, and it is difficult to disentangle indirect effects of flower fields on yield. However, perennial flower fields can promote ecological intensification by increasing crop yield via natural pest control. This study contributes to a better understanding of the effects of differently composed flower fields on pollination, natural pest control and oilseed rape yield.}, subject = {{\"O}kologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schneider2015, author = {Schneider, Gudrun}, title = {Effects of adjacent habitats and landscape composition on biodiversity in semi-natural grasslands and biological pest control in oilseed rape fields}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-113549}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {1) Modern European agricultural landscapes form a patchy mosaic of highly fragmented natural and semi-natural habitat remnants embedded in a matrix of intensively managed agricultural land. In those landscapes many organism frequently cross habitat borders including the crop - non-crop boundary, hereby connecting the biotic interactions of multiple habitat types. Therefore biodiversity and ecosystem functions within habitats are expected to depend on adjacent habitat types and the surrounding landscape matrix. In this thesis the biodiversity of non-crop habitats, and ecosystem services and disservices in crop habitats were studied in the human-dominated agricultural landscape in the district Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany. First we examined the effect of adjacent habitat type on species composition, diversity and ecosystem functions in semi-natural calcareous grasslands, a biodiversity-rich habitat of high conservation value (chapter 2 and 3). Second we studied the effect of habitat composition in the landscape on herbivory, biological pest control and yield in oilseed rape fields (chapter 4). 2) We examined the effect of adjacent habitat type on the diversity of carabid beetles in 20 calcareous grasslands using pitfall traps. Half of the grasslands were adjacent to a coniferous forest and half to a cereal crop field. We found different species compositions of carabid beetles depending on adjacent habitat type. In addition calcareous grasslands adjacent to crop fields harboured a higher species richness and activity density but a lower evenness of carabid beetles than calcareous grasslands adjacent to forests. These differences can be explained by the spillover of carabid beetles from the adjacent habitats. After crop harvest carabid beetle activity density in crop fields decreased while in parallel the activity density in the calcareous grasslands adjacent to the crop fields increased, indicating an unidirectional carabid beetle spillover. Our results underline that type and management of adjacent habitats affect community composition and diversity in calcareous grasslands. Therefore nature conservation measures, which focused on the improvement of local habitat quality so far, additionally need to consider adjacent habitat type. 3) In addition to carabid beetle communities we also surveyed predation rates of ground-dwelling predators on the same calcareous grasslands in two study periods (June and late August). As ground-dwelling predators of forests or crop fields can move into adjacent calcareous grasslands we expected different predation rates depending on adjacent habitat type. We exposed in total 32.000 lady bird eggs as prey items on the calcareous grasslands in distances of 5 and 20m from the habitat border. We found higher predation rates on calcareous grasslands adjacent to forests than on calcareous grasslands adjacent to crop fields, but only on cool days. On warm days a very high extent (often 100\%) of the exposed prey items were consumed adjacent to both habitat types, which did not allow the detection of possible differences between the adjacent habitat types. Predation rates differed not between the two study periods or the two distances to the habitat edge. The higher predation rates adjacent to forests can be explained by the spillover of ground-dwelling predators from forests into calcareous grasslands. Our results show, that spillover into semi-natural habitats affects ecosystem functioning in addition to species composition and diversity. 4) In chapter 4 of this thesis we examined the effect of spatiotemporal changes in crop cover on pest - natural enemy interactions and crop yields. During two study years we surveyed the abundance of adult and larval pollen beetles, parasitism of pollen beetle larvae by a hymenopteran parasitoid and oilseed rape yields of 36 oilseed rape fields. The surrounding landscape of the fields (1 km radius) differed in the oilseed rape proportion and in the inter-annual change in the oilseed rape proportion since the previous year. We found a dilution effect, i.e. a decreasing abundance with increasing oilseed rape proportions, for pollen beetle larvae and parasitoids in both study years and for adult pollen beetles in one study year. Oilseed rape yields increased with increasing oilseed rape proportions. Inter-annual changes in oilseed rape proportions led to inter-annual crowding and dilution effects for pollen beetles, but had no effect on parasitism or yield. Our results indicate the potential to reduce pest loads and increase yields in intensively managed oilseed rape fields by a coordinated management of the spatiotemporal oilseed rape cover in the landscape. 5) In summary, we showed in this thesis that the biodiversity and functioning of crop and non-crop habitats within agricultural landscapes is affected by the spillover of organisms and thus by the habitat composition in the close surrounding and in the broader landscape context. Spillover affects also ecosystem services and disservices and therefore crop productivity. Thereby the spatial and temporal variation of specific crop types in the landscape can be of particular importance for crop yields. Thus a coordinated landscape wide management can help to optimize both biodiversity conservation and the delivery of ecosystem services and thus crop yields. Future studies integrating landscape effects across several ecosystem functions, multiple taxonomic groups and different crop types are necessary to develop definite landscape management schemes.}, subject = {Landschafts{\"o}kologie}, language = {en} }