@phdthesis{Lux2022, author = {Lux, Thomas Joachim}, title = {Characterization of Junctional Proteins in the Dorsal Root Ganglion of Rats with Traumatic Nerve Injury}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-25192}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-251926}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In my thesis, I characterized aGPCRs Adgrl1 and Adgrl3, tight junction proteins and the blood-DRG-barrier in rats' lumbar dorsal root ganglions after traumatic neuropathy. In contrast to the otherwise tightly sealed barriers shielding neural tissues, the dorsal root ganglion's neuron rich region is highly permeable in its healthy state. Furthermore, the DRG is a source of ectopic signal generation during neuropathy; the exact origin of which is still unclear. I documented expression of Adgrl1 and Adgrl3 in NF200 + , CGRP + and IB4 + neurons. One week after CCI, I observed transient downregulation of Adgrl1 in non-peptidergic nociceptors (IB4+). In the context of previous data, dCirl deletion causing an allodynia-like state in Drosophila, our research hints to a possible role of Adgrl1 nociceptive signal processing and pain resolution in neuropathy. Furthermore, I demonstrated similar claudin-1, claudin-12, claudin-19, and ZO-1 expression of the dorsal root ganglion's neuron rich and fibre rich region. Claudin-5 expression in vessels of the neuron rich region was lower compared to the fibre rich region. Claudin-5 expression was decreased one week after nerve injury in vessels of the neuron rich region while permeability for small and large injected molecules remained unchanged. Nevertheless, we detected more CD68+ cells in the neuron rich region one week after CCI. As clinically relevant conclusion, we verified the high permeability of the neuron rich regions barrier as well as a vessel specific claudin-5 downregulation after CCI. We observed increased macrophage invasion into the neuron rich region after CCI. Furthermore, we identified aGPCR as potential target for further research and possible treatments for neuropathy, which should be easily accessible due to the blood-DRG-barriers leaky nature. Its precise function in peripheral tissues, its mechanisms of activation, and its role in pain resolution should be evaluated further.}, subject = {Neuropathy}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Dannhaeuser2021, author = {Dannh{\"a}user, Sven}, title = {Function of the Drosophila adhesion-GPCR Latrophilin/CIRL in nociception and neuropathy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20158}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-201580}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Touch sensation is the ability to perceive mechanical cues which is required for essential behaviors. These encompass the avoidance of tissue damage, environmental perception, and social interaction but also proprioception and hearing. Therefore research on receptors that convert mechanical stimuli into electrical signals in sensory neurons remains a topical research focus. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms for mechano-metabotropic signal transduction are largely unknown, despite the vital role of mechanosensation in all corners of physiology. Being a large family with over 30 mammalian members, adhesion-type G protein-coupled receptors (aGPCRs) operate in a vast range of physiological processes. Correspondingly, diverse human diseases, such as developmental disorders, defects of the nervous system, allergies and cancer are associated with these receptor family. Several aGPCRs have recently been linked to mechanosensitive functions suggesting, that processing of mechanical stimuli may be a common feature of this receptor family - not only in classical mechanosensory structures. This project employed Drosophila melanogaster as the candidate to analyze the aGPCR Latrophilin/dCIRL function in mechanical nociception in vivo. To this end, we focused on larval sensory neurons and investigated molecular mechanisms of dCIRL activity using noxious mechanical stimuli in combination with optogenetic tools to manipulate second messenger pathways. In addition, we made use of a neuropathy model to test for an involvement of aGPCR signaling in the malfunctioning peripheral nervous system. To do so, this study investigated and characterized nocifensive behavior in dCirl null mutants (dCirlKO) and employed genetically targeted RNA-interference (RNAi) to cell-specifically manipulate nociceptive function. The results revealed that dCirl is transcribed in type II class IV peripheral sensory neurons - a cell type that is structurally similar to mammalian nociceptors and detects different nociceptive sensory modalities. Furthermore, dCirlKO larvae showed increased nocifensive behavior which can be rescued in cell specific reexpression experiments. Expression of bPAC (bacterial photoactivatable adenylate cyclase) in these nociceptive neurons enabled us to investigate an intracellular signaling cascade of dCIRL function provoked by light-induced elevation of cAMP. Here, the findings demonstrated that dCIRL operates as a down-regulator of nocifensive behavior by modulating nociceptive neurons. Given the clinical relevance of this results, dCirl function was tested in a chemically induced neuropathy model where it was shown that cell specific overexpression of dCirl rescued nocifensive behavior but not nociceptor morphology.}, subject = {Drosophila}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Waeldchen2020, author = {W{\"a}ldchen, Sina}, title = {Super-Resolution-Mikroskopie zur Visualisierung und Quantifizierung von Glutamatrezeptoren und ADHS-assoziierten Proteinen}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19283}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-192834}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Die Entwicklung hochaufl{\"o}sender Fluoreszenzmikroskopiemethoden hat die Lichtmikroskopie revolutioniert. Einerseits erm{\"o}glicht die h{\"o}here erzielte r{\"a}umliche Aufl{\"o}sung die Abbildung von Strukturen, die deutlich unterhalb der beugungsbedingten Aufl{\"o}sungsgrenze liegen. Andererseits erh{\"a}lt man durch Einzelmolek{\"u}llokalisationsmikroskopiemethoden wie dSTORM (Direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) Informationen, welche man f{\"u}r quantitative Analysen heranziehen kann. Aufgrund der sich dadurch bietenden neuen M{\"o}glichkeiten, hat sich die hochaufl{\"o}sende Fluoreszenzmikroskopie rasant entwickelt und kommt mittlerweile zur Untersuchung einer Vielzahl biologischer und medizinischer Fragestellungen zum Einsatz. Trotz dieses Erfolgs ist jedoch nicht zu verleugnen, dass auch diese neuen Methoden ihre Nachteile haben. Dazu z{\"a}hlt die Notwendigkeit relativ hoher Laserleistungen, welche Voraussetzung f{\"u}r hohe Aufl{\"o}sung ist und bei lebenden Proben zur Photosch{\"a}digung f{\"u}hren kann. Diese Arbeit widmet sich sowohl dem Thema der Photosch{\"a}digung durch Einzelmolek{\"u}llokalisationsmikroskopie, als auch der Anwendung von dSTORM und SIM (Structured Illumination Microscopy) zur Untersuchung neurobiologischer Fragestellungen auf Proteinebene. Zur Ermittlung der Photosch{\"a}digung wurden lebende Zellen unter typischen Bedingungen bestrahlt und anschließend f{\"u}r 20-24 h beobachtet. Als quantitatives Maß f{\"u}r den Grad der Photosch{\"a}digung wurde der Anteil sterbender Zellen bestimmt. Neben der zu erwartenden Intensit{\"a}ts- und Wellenl{\"a}ngenabh{\"a}ngigkeit, zeigte sich, dass die Schwere der Photosch{\"a}digung auch von vielen weiteren Faktoren abh{\"a}ngt und dass sich Einzelmolek{\"u}llokalisationsmikroskopie bei Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse durchaus mit Lebendzellexperimenten vereinbaren l{\"a}sst. Ein weiteres Projekt diente der Untersuchung der A- und B-Typ-Glutamatrezeptoren an der neuromuskul{\"a}ren Synapse von Drosophila melanogaster mittels dSTORM. Dabei konnte eine ver{\"a}nderte Anordnung beider Rezeptortypen infolge synaptischer Plastizit{\"a}t beobachtet, sowie eine absolute Quantifizierung des A-Typ-Rezeptors durchgef{\"u}hrt werden. Im Mittelpunkt eines dritten Projekts standen Cadherin-13 (CDH13) sowie der Glucosetransporter Typ 3 (GluT3), welche beide mit der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivit{\"a}tsst{\"o}rung in Verbindung gebracht werden. CDH13 konnte mittels SIM in serotonergen Neuronen, sowie radi{\"a}ren Gliazellen der dorsalen Raphekerne des embryonalen Mausgehirns nachgewiesen werden. Die Rolle von GluT3 wurde in aus induzierten pluripotenten Stammzellen differenzierten Neuronen analysiert, welche verschiedene Kopienzahlvariation des f{\"u}r GluT3-codierenden SLC2A3-Gens aufwiesen. Die Proteine GluT3, Bassoon und Homer wurden mittels dSTORM relativ quantifiziert. W{\"a}hrend die Deletion des Gens zu einer erwartenden Verminderung von GluT3 auf Proteinebene f{\"u}hrte, hatte die Duplikation keinen Effekt auf die GluT3-Menge. F{\"u}r Bassoon und Homer zeigte sich weder durch die Deletion noch die Duplikation eine signifikante Ver{\"a}nderung.}, subject = {Mikroskopie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grotemeyer2019, author = {Grotemeyer, Alexander}, title = {Characterisation and application of new optogenetic tools in \(Drosophila\) \(melanogaster\)}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17879}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-178793}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Since Channelrhodopsins has been described first and introduced successfully in freely moving animals (Nagel et al., 2003 and 2005), tremendous impact has been made in this interesting field of neuroscience. Subsequently, many different optogenetic tools have been described and used to address long-lasting scientific issues. Furthermore, beside the 'classical' Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2), basically a cation-selective ion channel, also altered ChR2 descendants, anion selective channels and light-sensitive metabotropic proteins have expanded the optogenetic toolbox. However, in spite of this variety of different tools most researches still pick Channelrhodopsin-2 for their optogenetic approaches due to its well-known kinetics. In this thesis, an improved Channelrhodopsin, Channelrhodopsin2-XXM (ChR2XXM), is described, which might become an useful tool to provide ambitious neuroscientific approaches by dint of its characteristics. Here, ChR2XXM was chosen to investigate the functional consequences of Drosophila larvae lacking latrophilin in their chordotonal organs. Finally, the functionality of GtACR, was checked at the Drosophila NMJ. For a in-depth characterisation, electrophysiology along with behavioural setups was employed. In detail, ChR2XXM was found to have a better cellular expression pattern, high spatiotemporal precision, substantial increased light sensitivity and improved affinity to its chromophore retinal, as compared to ChR2. Employing ChR2XXM, effects of latrophilin (dCIRL) on signal transmission in the chordotonal organ could be clarified with a minimum of side effects, e.g. possible heat response of the chordotonal organ, due to high light sensitivity. Moreover, optogenetic activation of the chordotonal organ, in vivo, led to behavioural changes. Additionally, GtACR1 was found to be effective to inhibit motoneuronal excitation but is accompanied by unexpected side effects. These results demonstrate that further improvement and research of optogenetic tools is highly valuable and required to enable researchers to choose the best fitting optogenetic tool to address their scientific questions.}, subject = {Optogenetik}, language = {en} }