@phdthesis{Sperling2012, author = {Sperling, Patrik Leonhart}, title = {Thermische Verletzungen im Kindesalter: Eine retrospektive Kohortenstudie von 212 F{\"a}llen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-74090}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Anhand einer retrospektiven Datenanalyse sollen Verteilungsmuster von Verbrennungen und Verbr{\"u}hungen bezogen auf Alter und Geschlecht untersucht werden. Erfasst wurden 212 Patienten im Alter von 0 bis 16 Jahren betrachtet, die im Zeitraum vom 01.01.2004 bis zum 31.12.2009 auf Grund einer thermischen Verletzung station{\"a}r im Universit{\"a}tsklinikum W{\"u}rzburg der Julius-Maximilians-Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg behandelt wurden. Den gr{\"o}ßten Anteil thermischer Verletzungen im Kindesalter stellen Verbr{\"u}hungen dar. Betroffen sind vor allem Kleinkinder. Verbrennungen finden sich h{\"a}ufiger bei {\"a}lteren Kindern und Jugendlichen. Jungen sind gef{\"a}hrdeter als M{\"a}dchen solche Verletzungen zu erleiden. Verbr{\"u}hungen treten vermehrt gegen Ende des Jahres auf, w{\"a}hrend Verbrennungen in den Sommermonaten geh{\"a}uft vorkommen. Betroffen ist zumeist die obere K{\"o}rperh{\"a}lfte, wobei Verbr{\"u}hungen meist Brust, Arme und Beine verletzen, Verbrennungen meist Gesicht und H{\"a}nde. II°- und III°-Verletzungen haben die gleiche Altersverteilung und sind gleich h{\"a}ufig. Die durchschnittliche Krankenhausverweildauer ist bei Verbrennungen h{\"o}her als es bei Verbr{\"u}hungen der Fall ist. Nicht jede III°-Verletzung bedarf einer Hauttransplantation.}, subject = {Verbr{\"u}hung}, language = {de} } @article{KrannichThereseBroscheitetal.2012, author = {Krannich, Jens-Holger and Therese, Tobias and Broscheit, Jens and Leyh, Rainer and M{\"u}llges, Wolfgang}, title = {Diabetes severely affects attentional performance after coronary artery bypass grafting}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75320}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background: Diabetes is a risk factor for (micro) vascular damage of the brain, too. Therefore cognitive performance after coronary artery bypass grafting may be hypothesized worse in diabetics. To avoid observational errors a reliable tool for testing attentional performance was used. We evaluated whether diabetes mellitus disposes to distinct cognitive dysfunction after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Methods: Three aspects in attentional performance were prospectively tested with three different tests (alertness: composed of un-cued and cued reaction, divided attention, and selective attention) by a computerized tool one day before and seven days after CABG in a highly selected cohort of 30 males, 10 of whom had diabetes. Statistical comparisons were done with analysis of variance for repeated measurements and Fisher´s LSD. Results: Prior to CABG there was no statistically meaningful difference between diabetics and non-diabetics. Postoperatively, diabetic patients performed significantly worse than non-diabetics in tests for un-cued (p=0.01) and cued alertness (p=0.03). Test performance in divided attention was worse after CABG but independent of diabetes status. Selective attention was neither affected by diabetes status nor by CABG itself. Conclusions: Diabetes may have an impact on cognitive performance after CABG. More severe deficits in alertness may point to underlying microvascular disease.}, subject = {Medizin}, language = {en} } @article{KlingelhoefferKaemmererKoospaletal.2012, author = {Klingelhoeffer, Chr{\´i}stoph and K{\"a}mmerer, Ulrike and Koospal, Monika and M{\"u}hling, Bettina and Schneider, Manuela and Kapp, Michaela and K{\"u}bler, Alexander, and Germer, Christoph-Thomas and Otto, Christoph}, title = {Natural resistance to ascorbic acid induced oxidative stress is mainly mediated by catalase activity in human cancer cells and catalase-silencing sensitizes to oxidative stress}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75142}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background: Ascorbic acid demonstrates a cytotoxic effect by generating hydrogen peroxide, a reactive oxygen species (ROS) involved in oxidative cell stress. A panel of eleven human cancer cell lines, glioblastoma and carcinoma, were exposed to serial dilutions of ascorbic acid (5-100 mmol/L). The purpose of this study was to analyse the impact of catalase, an important hydrogen peroxide-detoxifying enzyme, on the resistance of cancer cells to ascorbic acid mediated oxidative stress. Methods: Effective concentration (EC50) values, which indicate the concentration of ascorbic acid that reduced the number of viable cells by 50\%, were detected with the crystal violet assay. The level of intracellular catalase protein and enzyme activity was determined. Expression of catalase was silenced by catalase-specific short hairpin RNA (sh-RNA) in BT-20 breast carcinoma cells. Oxidative cell stress induced apoptosis was measured by a caspase luminescent assay. Results: The tested human cancer cell lines demonstrated obvious differences in their resistance to ascorbic acid mediated oxidative cell stress. Forty-five percent of the cell lines had an EC50>20 mmol/L and fifty-five percent had an EC50<20 mmol/L. With an EC50 of 2.6-5.5 mmol/L, glioblastoma cells were the most susceptible cancer cell lines analysed in this study. A correlation between catalase activity and the susceptibility to ascorbic acid was observed. To study the possible protective role of catalase on the resistance of cancer cells to oxidative cell stress, the expression of catalase in the breast carcinoma cell line BT-20, which cells were highly resistant to the exposure to ascorbic acid (EC50: 94,9 mmol/L), was silenced with specific sh-RNA. The effect was that catalase-silenced BT-20 cells (BT-20 KD-CAT) became more susceptible to high concentrations of ascorbic acid (50 and 100 mmol/L). Conclusions: Fifty-five percent of the human cancer cell lines tested were unable to protect themselves against oxidative stress mediated by ascorbic acid induced hydrogen peroxide production. The antioxidative enzyme catalase is important to protect cancer cells against cytotoxic hydrogen peroxide. Silenced catalase expression increased the susceptibility of the formerly resistant cancer cell line BT-20 to oxidative stress.}, subject = {Medizin}, language = {en} } @article{StraussMoskalenkoTiurbeetal.2012, author = {Strauss, Armin and Moskalenko, Vasily and Tiurbe, Christian and Chodnevskaja, Irina and Timm, Stephan and Wiegering, Verena A. and Germer, Chrioph Thomas and Ulrichs, Karin}, title = {Goettingen Minipigs (GMP): Comparison of Two Different Models for Inducing Diabetes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75119}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Purpose: Preclinical experiments on large animals are indispensable for evaluating the effectiveness of diabetes therapies. Miniature swine are well suited for such studies due to their physiological and pathophysiological responses. Methods: We compare two methods for inducing diabetes in Goettingen minipigs (GMP), in five with the beta cell toxin streptozotocin (STZ) and in five other GMP by total pancreatectomy (PE). Glucose homeostasis was assessed with the intravenous glucose-tolerance test (IVGTT) and continual monitoring of interstitial glucose levels. At conclusion of the observation period, the pancreata were examined histologically. Three non-diabetic GMP served as control group. Results: The IVGTT revealed markedly diabetic profiles in both GMP groups. STZ-GMP were found to harbor residual C-peptides and scattered insulin-positive cells in the pancreas. PE-GMP survived the total pancreatectomy only with intensive postoperative care. Conclusions: Although both methods reliably induced diabetes in GMP, the PE-GMP clearly had more health problems and required a greater expenditure of time and resources. The PE-GMP model, however, was better at eliminating endogenous insulin and C-peptide than the STZ-GMP model.}, subject = {G{\"o}ttingen}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Fleischhacker2012, author = {Fleischhacker, Arne}, title = {Der Einfluss von Wertigkeit, Morphologie, Größe, Risikofaktoren und Operationstechnik auf das Ergebnis der operativen Versorgung von Ventral- und Inzisionalhernien: Prospektive Validierung der W{\"u}rzburger Narbenhernien-Klassifikation an 324 Patienten}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-73082}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Einleitung: Narbenhernien sind mit Bauchfell {\"u}berzogene Baucheingeweide, die aus einer operativ erworbenen Schwachstelle der Bauchwand hervortreten. Patienten sind die gr{\"o}ßten Leidtragenden von Narbenhernien, denn mit einer Narbenhernieninzidenz bis 20\% f{\"u}hren diese h{\"a}ufig zu einem großen Leidensdruck und nicht selten durch Inkarzeration bis hin zur Lebensgefahr. Bei gesch{\"a}tzten 800.000 Laparotomien im Jahr liegt bei etwa einem Drittel der resultierenden Narbenhernien eine Operationsindikation vor. In den letzten Jahrzehnten sind neben unz{\"a}hligen verschiedenen Netzmaterialien auch diverse operative Strategien und Techniken entwickelt worden, die einen allgemeing{\"u}ltigen Ansatz zur Behandlungsweise erschweren. Ein zumindest europaweit geltendes Klassifikationssystem hat sich bisher ebenfalls noch nicht etablieren k{\"o}nnen, obgleich einige Autoren bereits unterschiedliche Systeme publizierten. Material und Methoden: In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 324 Narbenhernienpatienten des Zeitraums 2005 bis 2009 der Uniklinik W{\"u}rzburg untersucht. Anhand der W{\"u}rzburger Narbenhernienklassifikation wurden diese Patienten verschl{\"u}sselt und in einer Datenbank zusammen mit weiteren perioperativen Daten erfasst und statistisch ausgewertet. Die W{\"u}rzburger Klassifikation umfasst neben der Bruchwertigkeit, der Morphologie, der Bruchpfortengr{\"o}ße auch das individuell patienteneigene Risikoprofil. Eine Follow up-Befragung im Hinblick auf Neurezidiv (prim{\"a}rer Endpunkt), perioperative Komplikationen und chronische Beschwerden (sekund{\"a}re Endpunkte) erfolgte per Telefon und Brief an die Patienten und, wenn notwendig, an die jeweiligen Haus{\"a}rzte. Ergebnisse: Die 324 Patienten konnten in Subgruppen mit Ventralen und Inzisionalen Hernien unterteilt werden. Zwischen sowie innerhalb der Gruppen konnten statistische Unterschiede gefunden werden. Patienten mit Inzisionalen Hernien waren {\"a}lter, litten signifikant h{\"a}ufiger an einer malignen Vorerkrankung und einer gr{\"o}ßeren Bruchl{\"u}cke. Ebenso wiesen die Narbenhernienpatienten signifikant h{\"o}here Risikoscores auf. Inzisionale Hernien wurden, wie im Algorithmus vorgegeben, vermehrt mit alloplastischem Netzmaterial versorgt, w{\"a}hrend Ventrale Hernien eher mit Hilfe der konventionellen Nahttechnik operiert wurden. Ebenso konnte festgestellt werden, dass die offene IPOM-Technik im Medianvergleich mit der laparoskopischen Technik an gr{\"o}ßeren Br{\"u}chen angewandt wurde. Inzisionale Hernienpatienten erlitten h{\"a}ufiger Neurezidive als Patienten mit Ventralen Hernien. Mehr als die H{\"a}lfte aller Narbenhernien nach einer offenen Appendektomie f{\"u}hrten zu einem Neurezidiv. Hernien, die an der Linea alba lokalisiert waren, wiesen ein signifikant erh{\"o}htes Risiko f{\"u}r ein Neurezidiv auf. Eine positive Hernienanamnese, der Notfallcharakter der Grund-OP und eine bekannte Kollagenerkrankung konnten bei Inzisionalen Hernien, sowie zus{\"a}tzlich bei der Subgruppe der r-Hernien der Nikotinabusus, als unabh{\"a}ngige Risikofaktoren identifiziert werden. Die Sublay-Technik war die sicherste Methode der untersuchten operativen Versorgungsm{\"o}glichkeiten, denn nur bei jedem neunten Patienten trat ein Neurezidiv auf. Inzisionale Hernien f{\"u}hrten zu vermehrten postoperativen Wundheilungsst{\"o}rungen, zu mehr Bewegungs- einschr{\"a}nkung und Gef{\"u}hlsst{\"o}rungen im operierten Bereich. Patienten, die sich einer laparoskopischen IPOM-Operation unterzogen, litten vermehrt an postoperativen Schmerzen sowie chronischen Schmerzen im Sitzen und Gehen. Operationen in Sublay-Technik dauerten signifikant l{\"a}nger als laparoskopische IPOM-Operationen. Ebenso war die Bruchpfortengr{\"o}ße signifikant gr{\"o}ßer und die anzustrebende Netzunterf{\"u}tterung von 5 cm wurde signifikant h{\"a}ufiger eingehalten. Diskussion: Die Etablierung einer allgemein anerkannten Narbenhernien-Klassifikation steht noch aus. Die W{\"u}rzburger Narbenhernien-Klassifikation wird seit Jahren erfolgreich eingesetzt und hat sich in der Praxis bew{\"a}hrt, einem Patienten einen m{\"o}glichst maßgeschneiderten Ansatz zur Versorgung zu bieten. Ein einfaches Konzept gibt unter Beachtung der Wertigkeit, Morphologie, Gr{\"o}ße und dem Risikoprofil Auskunft {\"u}ber die Hernie. Im Vergleich von IPOM und Sublay f{\"u}hrt das letztgenannte Verfahren neben weniger Neurezidiven zu weniger postoperativen Schmerzen aufgrund einer eventuell „g{\"u}nstigen Denervierung" durch die aufwendige retromuskul{\"a}re Pr{\"a}paration. Große, meist medial gelegene Narbenhernien f{\"u}hrten bei der offenen IPOM-Technik zu vermehrten Neurezidiven. Zu hinterfragen ist, ob eine spannungsfreie Adaptation bei großen Br{\"u}chen aufgrund der Retraktionskr{\"a}fte der seitlichen Bauchmuskulatur {\"u}berhaupt noch gegeben ist, hier sollte an Alternativverfahren (Flap) gedacht werden. Die laparoskopische IPOM-Technik f{\"u}hrte in 28\% zu einem Neurezidiv. Nach Datenauswertung muss diskutiert werden, ob in unserem Patientenklientel die Netzgr{\"o}ße unzureichend ausgew{\"a}hlt wurde. In der Literatur wird das Auftreten eines Neurezidivs vermehrt am Netzrand beschrieben. Auffallend war die hohe Anzahl an Patienten (18\%) mit vermehrt postoperativen Bauchwandschmerzen, die eventuell auf eine fehlende „g{\"u}nstige Denervierung" wie bei Sublay und offenem IPOM zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren ist. Wichtige Diskussionspunkte sind das verwendete Nahtmaterial (Umstellung von nicht-resorbierbaren auf resorbierbare N{\"a}hte) bei laparoskopischem IPOM und die umstrittene Technik der transfaszialen Naht als Ursache chronischer Schmerzen. Beachtung finden m{\"u}ssen die Ursache und die Umst{\"a}nde der Grund-Operation, die zur Narbenhernie gef{\"u}hrt haben, aber auch die grunds{\"a}tzlich „palliative" Situation der Rezidiventstehung durch vorbestehende St{\"o}rungen des Kollagenstoffwechsels. Es ist zu diskutieren, ob die Ursache der Hernie bei j{\"u}ngeren Patienten eher technischer Art und bei {\"a}lteren Patienten eher risikofaktor- bzw. infektionsbedingt ist. Eine allgemeine Handlungs- empfehlung zum OP-Verfahren ist beim Vorliegen von Inzisionalen Hernien aktuell nicht zu geben, die offenen Fragen zu Netzauswahl und -fixation, {\"U}berlappung und Nahtanzahl sind dringend in prospektiven Studien mit m{\"o}glichst großer Fallzahl zu beantworten.}, subject = {Narbenhernie}, language = {de} } @article{MuysomsCampanelliChampaultetal.2012, author = {Muysoms, F. and Campanelli, G. and Champault, G. and DeBeaux, A. C. and Dietz, U. A. and Jeekel, J. and Klinge, U. and K{\"a}ckerling, F. and Mandala, M. and Montgomery, A. and Morales Conde, S. and Puppe, F. and Simmermacher, R. K. J. and Asmieta Aski, M. and Miserez, M.}, title = {EuraHS: the development of an international online platform for registration and outcome measurement of ventral abdominal wall hernia repair}, series = {Hernia}, volume = {16}, journal = {Hernia}, number = {3}, doi = {10.1007/s10029-012-0912-7}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126691}, pages = {239-250}, year = {2012}, abstract = {BACKGROUND: Although the repair of ventral abdominal wall hernias is one of the most commonly performed operations, many aspects of their treatment are still under debate or poorly studied. In addition, there is a lack of good definitions and classifications that make the evaluation of studies and meta-analyses in this field of surgery difficult. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Under the auspices of the board of the European Hernia Society and following the previously published classifications on inguinal and on ventral hernias, a working group was formed to create an online platform for registration and outcome measurement of operations for ventral abdominal wall hernias. Development of such a registry involved reaching agreement about clear definitions and classifications on patient variables, surgical procedures and mesh materials used, as well as outcome parameters. The EuraHS working group (European registry for abdominal wall hernias) comprised of a multinational European expert panel with specific interest in abdominal wall hernias. Over five working group meetings, consensus was reached on definitions for the data to be recorded in the registry. RESULTS: A set of well-described definitions was made. The previously reported EHS classifications of hernias will be used. Risk factors for recurrences and co-morbidities of patients were listed. A new severity of comorbidity score was defined. Post-operative complications were classified according to existing classifications as described for other fields of surgery. A new 3-dimensional numerical quality-of-life score, EuraHS-QoL score, was defined. An online platform is created based on the definitions and classifications, which can be used by individual surgeons, surgical teams or for multicentre studies. A EuraHS website is constructed with easy access to all the definitions, classifications and results from the database. CONCLUSION: An online platform for registration and outcome measurement of abdominal wall hernia repairs with clear definitions and classifications is offered to the surgical community. It is hoped that this registry could lead to better evidence-based guidelines for treatment of abdominal wall hernias based on hernia variables, patient variables, available hernia repair materials and techniques.}, language = {en} } @article{DietzWichelmannWunderetal.2012, author = {Dietz, U. A. and Wichelmann, C. and Wunder, C. and Kauczok, J. and Spor, L. and Strauß, A. and Wildenauer, R. and Jurowich, C. and Germer, C. T.}, title = {Early repair of open abdomen with a tailored two-component mesh and conditioning vacuum packing: a safe alternative to the planned giant ventral hernia}, series = {Hernia}, volume = {16}, journal = {Hernia}, number = {4}, doi = {10.1007/s10029-012-0919-0}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126732}, pages = {451-460}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Purpose Once open abdomen therapy has succeeded, the problem of closing the abdominal wall must be addressed. We present a new four-stage procedure involving the application of a two-component mesh and vacuum conditioning for abdominal wall closure of even large defects. The aim is to prevent the development of a giant ventral hernia and the eventual need for the repair of the abdominal wall. Methods Nineteen of 62 patients treated by open abdomen over a two-year period could not receive primary abdominal wall closure. To achieve closure in these patients, we applied the following four-stage procedure: stage 1: abdominal damage control and conditioning of the abdominal wall; stage 2: attachment of a tailored two-component mesh of polyglycolic acid (PGA) and large pore polypropylene (PP) in intraperitoneal position (IPOM) plus placement of a vacuum bandage; stage 3: vacuum therapy for 3-4 weeks to allow granulation of the mesh and optimization of dermatotraction; stage 4: final skin suture. During stage 3, eligible patients were weaned from respirator and mobilized. Results The abdominal wall gap in the 19 patients ranged in size from 240 cm2 to more than 900 cm2. An average of 3.44 vacuum dressing changes over 19 days were required to achieve 60-100 \% granulation of the surface area, so final skin suture could be made. Already in stage 3, 14 patients (73.68 \%) could be weaned from respirator an average of 6.78 days after placement of the two-component mesh; 6 patients (31.57 \%) could be mobilized on the edge of the bed and/or to a bedside chair after an average of 13 days. No mesh-related hematomas, seromas, or intestinal fistulas were observed. Conclusion The four-stage procedure presented here is a viable option for achieving abdominal wall closure in patients treated with open abdomen, enabling us to avoid the development of planned giant ventral hernias. It has few complications and has the special advantage of allowing mobilization of the patients before final skin closure. Long-term course in a large number of patients must still confirm this result.}, language = {en} } @article{DietzWichelmannWunderetal.2012, author = {Dietz, U. A. and Wichelmann, C. and Wunder, C. and Kauczok, J. and Spor, L. and Strauß, A. and Wildenauer, R. and Jurowich, C. and Germer, C. T.}, title = {Early repair of open abdomen with a tailored two-component mesh and conditioning vacuum packing: a safe alternative to the planned giant ventral hernia}, series = {Hernia}, volume = {16}, journal = {Hernia}, number = {4}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124686}, pages = {451-460}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Purpose Once open abdomen therapy has succeeded, the problem of closing the abdominal wall must be addressed. We present a new four-stage procedure involving the application of a two-component mesh and vacuum conditioning for abdominal wall closure of even large defects. The aim is to prevent the development of a giant ventral hernia and the eventual need for the repair of the abdominal wall. Methods Nineteen of 62 patients treated by open abdomen over a two-year period could not receive primary abdominal wall closure. To achieve closure in these patients, we applied the following four-stage procedure: stage 1: abdominal damage control and conditioning of the abdominal wall; stage 2: attachment of a tailored two-component mesh of polyglycolic acid (PGA) and large pore polypropylene (PP) in intraperitoneal position (IPOM) plus placement of a vacuum bandage; stage 3: vacuum therapy for 3-4 weeks to allow granulation of the mesh and optimization of dermatotraction; stage 4: final skin suture. During stage 3, eligible patients were weaned from respirator and mobilized. Results The abdominal wall gap in the 19 patients ranged in size from 240 cm2 to more than 900 cm2. An average of 3.44 vacuum dressing changes over 19 days were required to achieve 60-100 \% granulation of the surface area, so final skin suture could be made. Already in stage 3, 14 patients (73.68 \%) could be weaned from respirator an average of 6.78 days after placement of the two-component mesh; 6 patients (31.57 \%) could be mobilized on the edge of the bed and/or to a bedside chair after an average of 13 days. No mesh-related hematomas, seromas, or intestinal fistulas were observed. Conclusion The four-stage procedure presented here is a viable option for achieving abdominal wall closure in patients treated with open abdomen, enabling us to avoid the development of planned giant ventral hernias. It has few complications and has the special advantage of allowing mobilization of the patients before final skin closure. Long-term course in a large number of patients must still confirm this result.}, language = {en} } @article{MuysomsCampanelliChampaultetal.2012, author = {Muysoms, F. and Campanelli, G. and Champault, G. G. and DeBeaux, A. C. and Dietz, U. A. and Jeekel, J. and Klinge, U. and K{\"o}ckerling, F. and Mandala, V. and Montgomery, A. and Morales Conde, S. and Puppe, F. and Simmermacher, R. K. J. and Śmietański, M. and Miserez, M.}, title = {EuraHS: the development of an international online platform for registration and outcome measurement of ventral abdominal wall hernia repair}, series = {Hernia}, volume = {16}, journal = {Hernia}, number = {3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-124728}, pages = {239-250}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background Although the repair of ventral abdominal wall hernias is one of the most commonly performed operations, many aspects of their treatment are still under debate or poorly studied. In addition, there is a lack of good definitions and classifications that make the evaluation of studies and meta-analyses in this field of surgery difficult. Materials and methods Under the auspices of the board of the European Hernia Society and following the previously published classifications on inguinal and on ventral hernias, a working group was formed to create an online platform for registration and outcome measurement of operations for ventral abdominal wall hernias. Development of such a registry involved reaching agreement about clear definitions and classifications on patient variables, surgical procedures and mesh materials used, as well as outcome parameters. The EuraHS working group (European registry for abdominal wall hernias) comprised of a multinational European expert panel with specific interest in abdominal wall hernias. Over five working group meetings, consensus was reached on definitions for the data to be recorded in the registry. Results A set of well-described definitions was made. The previously reported EHS classifications of hernias will be used. Risk factors for recurrences and co-morbidities of patients were listed. A new severity of comorbidity score was defined. Post-operative complications were classified according to existing classifications as described for other fields of surgery. A new 3-dimensional numerical quality-of-life score, EuraHS-QoL score, was defined. An online platform is created based on the definitions and classifications, which can be used by individual surgeons, surgical teams or for multicentre studies. A EuraHS website is constructed with easy access to all the definitions, classifications and results from the database. Conclusion An online platform for registration and outcome measurement of abdominal wall hernia repairs with clear definitions and classifications is offered to the surgical community. It is hoped that this registry could lead to better evidence-based guidelines for treatment of abdominal wall hernias based on hernia variables, patient variables, available hernia repair materials and techniques.}, language = {en} } @article{ZwinkJenetzkySchmiedekeetal.2012, author = {Zwink, Nadine and Jenetzky, Ekkehart and Schmiedeke, Eberhard and Schmidt, Dominik and M{\"a}rzheuser, Schmidt and Grasshoff-Derr, Sabine and Holland-Cunz, Stefan and Weih, Sandra and Hosie, Stuart and Reifferscheid, Peter and Ameis, Helen and Kujath, Christina and Rissmann, Anke and Obermayr, Florian and Schwarzer, Nicole and Bartels, Enrika and Reutter, Heiko and Brenner, Hermann}, title = {Assisted reproductive techniques and the risk of anorectal malformations: a German case-control study}, series = {Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases}, volume = {7}, journal = {Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases}, number = {65}, organization = {CURE-Net Consortium}, doi = {10.1186/1750-1172-7-65}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-134036}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Background: The use of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) for treatment of infertility is increasing rapidly worldwide. However, various health effects have been reported including a higher risk of congenital malformations. Therefore, we assessed the risk of anorectal malformations (ARM) after in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Methods: Data of the German Network for Congenital Uro-REctal malformations (CURE-Net) were compared to nationwide data of the German IVF register and the Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS). Odds ratios (95\% confidence intervals) were determined to quantify associations using multivariable logistic regression accounting for potential confounding or interaction by plurality of births. Results: In total, 295 ARM patients born between 1997 and 2011 in Germany, who were recruited through participating pediatric surgeries from all over Germany and the German self-help organisation SoMA, were included. Controls were all German live-births (n = 10,069,986) born between 1997 and 2010. Overall, 30 cases (10\%) and 129,982 controls (1\%) were born after IVF or ICSI, which translates to an odds ratio (95\% confidence interval) of 8.7 (5.9-12.6) between ART and ARM in bivariate analyses. Separate analyses showed a significantly increased risk for ARM after IVF (OR, 10.9; 95\% CI, 6.2-19.0; P < 0.0001) as well as after ICSI (OR, 7.5; 95\% CI, 4.6-12.2; P < 0.0001). Furthermore, separate analyses of patients with isolated ARM, ARM with associated anomalies and those with a VATER/VACTERL association showed strong associations with ART (ORs 4.9, 11.9 and 7.9, respectively). After stratification for plurality of birth, the corresponding odds ratios (95\% confidence intervals) were 7.7 (4.6-12.7) for singletons and 4.9 (2.4-10.1) for multiple births. Conclusions: There is a strongly increased risk for ARM among children born after ART. Elevations of risk were seen after both IVF and ICSI. Further, separate analyses of patients with isolated ARM, ARM with associated anomalies and those with a VATER/VACTERL association showed increased risks in each group. An increased risk of ARM was also seen among both singletons and multiple births.}, language = {en} }