@phdthesis{Kajdi2019, author = {Kajdi, Georg Wilhelm}, title = {iROLL - 3D-bildnavigierte, radioaktivit{\"a}tsgest{\"u}tzte Resektion des nicht-palpablen Mammakarzinoms}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18045}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180459}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In dieser prospektiven Studie wurde die Durchf{\"u}hrbarkeit der 3D-bildnavigierten, radioaktivit{\"a}tsgest{\"u}tzten Resektion des nicht-palpablen Mammakarzinoms (iROLL) unter Verwendung der freehand SPECT (fhSPECT)-Technologie untersucht. Das Verfahren wurde mit der als Goldstandard etablierten, drahtgest{\"u}tzten Lokalisation (WGL) verglichen. Sekund{\"a}re Endpunkte der Studie waren die erfolgreiche Sentinellymphknotenbiopsie (SLNB) mittels fhSPECT, der Patientenkomfort beider Verfahren, die m{\"o}gliche Vorhersage tumorpositiver Resektatr{\"a}nder mittels fhSPECT, inklusive notwendiger Nachresektionen und der Einfluss von iROLL auf die OP-Dauer. Die fhSPECT-gest{\"u}tzte iROLL ist ein schmerzarmes, patientenfreundliches, zeiteffizientes und v.a. gut durchf{\"u}hrbares brusterhaltendes Therapieverfahren (BET) ist. Gegen{\"u}ber der WGL wird eine einzeitige Markierung zur Primarius- und SLN-Markierung m{\"o}glich, ohne dabei auf eine visuell fassbare, intraoperative Navigationshilfe verzichten zu m{\"u}ssen.}, subject = {Brustkrebs}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{BrumberggebIchouh2019, author = {Brumberg [geb. Ichouh], Dalma}, title = {\(^{11}\)C-MET und \(^{18}\)F-FDG: \(In\) \(vitro\) Vergleich zur Bildgebung beim Multiplen Myelom im Kontext biologischer Charakteristika}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18184}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181843}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Das Multiple Myelom ist eine h{\"a}matologische Erkrankung, die durch die Proliferation von Plasmazellen und die Produktion von Antik{\"o}rpern oder deren Leichtketten gekennzeichnet ist. Eine fr{\"u}he Diagnosestellung durch Detektion sowohl intra- als auch extramedull{\"a}rer Manifestationen ist f{\"u}r die Einleitung einer effektiven Therapie von entscheidender Bedeutung. Ebenso bedeutsam ist ein wirksames Therapiemonitoring. Wichtige diagnostische Modalit{\"a}ten sind bei beiden Fragestellungen tomografische, bildgebende Verfahren. Hierbei wurde die Effektivit{\"a}t der 18F-FDG-PET/CT im Rahmen der Diagnose, des Stagings und der Prognoseabsch{\"a}tzung bereits nachgewiesen. Dennoch ist ihr klinischer Nutzen durch die geringe Sensitivit{\"a}t bei Detektion von diffusem Knochenmarksbefall und Vorliegen sowohl falsch positiver als auch falsch negativer Befunde limitiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat untersucht, ob der aminos{\"a}urebasierte Tracer 11C-MET {\"u}ber spezifische Eigenschaften verf{\"u}gt, die eine h{\"o}here Sensitivit{\"a}t und Spezifit{\"a}t in der Detektion von Myelomzellen erm{\"o}glichen und ob der Radioligand dem etablierten Glukoseanalogon 18F-FDG {\"u}berlegen ist. Hierf{\"u}r wurden drei etablierte humane Myelomzelllinien, sowohl nativ als auch nach 48-st{\"u}ndiger Therapie mit dem Proteasominhibitor Carfilzomib, mit 18F-FDG und 11C-MET inkubiert und mithilfe eines Gammastrahlungsz{\"a}hlers beurteilt. Zudem wurde untersucht, ob die Traceraufnahme mit spezifischen Charakteristika der Tumorbiologie korreliert. So wurde die Oberfl{\"a}chenexpression von CD138 und CXCR4, die intrazellul{\"a}re Expression der Leichtketten κ/λ und die Proliferation der Zelllinien mittels Durchflusszytometrie vor und nach Behandlung mit Carfilzomib eruiert. Die unbehandelten Zellen zeigten, verglichen zu 18F-FDG, bereits nach k{\"u}rzester Inkubationsdauer eine 3-3,5-fach h{\"o}here 11C-MET Retention. Weiterhin zeigte sich die 11C-MET-Aufnahme nach Behandlung aller Zellreihen insgesamt marginal h{\"o}her als die 18F-FDG-Aufnahme, w{\"a}hrend die Reduktion der 11C-MET-Anreicherung im pr{\"a}- zu posttherapeutischen Vergleich f{\"u}r alle drei Zelllinien signifikant war. Eine m{\"o}gliche Erkl{\"a}rung f{\"u}r diese Beobachtungen liefert die Myelombiologie: eine erh{\"o}hte Aufnahme der radioaktiv markierten Aminos{\"a}ure durch MM-Zellen k{\"o}nnte durch eine Zunahme der Zellproliferation und insbesondere durch eine Steigerung der Proteinsynthese im Rahmen der {\"u}berschießenden Produktion von M-Protein bedingt sein. In Zusammenschau k{\"o}nnte 11C-MET mit h{\"o}herer Sensitivit{\"a}t Myelommanifestationen detektieren, wodurch ggf. L{\"a}sionen mit geringem Metabolismus dargestellt und eine bessere Beurteilung des Krankheitspogresses erfolgen k{\"o}nnte. Zudem bietet f{\"u}r den klinischen Einsatz die - verglichen zu 18F-FDG - gr{\"o}ßere Differenz der 11C-MET-Retention zwischen pr{\"a}- und posttherapeutischer Messung die M{\"o}glichkeit einer besseren Beurteilbarkeit des Therapieansprechens. 11C-MET birgt ggf. das Potential auch minimale aktive Restherde zu detektieren und damit Patienten einem individualisierten Therapiekonzept zuzuf{\"u}hren. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen den untersuchten Biomarkern und der 11C-MET Retention bzw. deren Abnahme nach Behandlung konnte nicht gezeigt werden. Somit sollten f{\"u}r 11C-MET andere Biomarker herangezogen werden, um diese mit der Bildgebung zu korrelieren und zu bewerten.}, subject = {Multiples Myelom}, language = {de} } @article{BrumbergKuestersAlMomanietal.2017, author = {Brumberg, Joachim and K{\"u}sters, Sebastian and Al-Momani, Ehab and Marotta, Giorgio and Cosgrove, Kelly P. and van Dyck, Christopher H. and Herrmann, Ken and Homola, Gy{\"o}rgy A. and Pezzoli, Gianni and Buck, Andreas K. and Volkmann, Jens and Samnick, Samuel and Isaias, Ioannis U.}, title = {Cholinergic activity and levodopa-induced dyskinesia: a multitracer molecular imaging study}, series = {Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology}, volume = {4}, journal = {Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology}, number = {9}, doi = {10.1002/acn3.438}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170406}, pages = {632-639}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Objective: To investigate the association between levodopa-induced dyskinesias and striatal cholinergic activity in patients with Parkinson's disease. Methods: This study included 13 Parkinson's disease patients with peak-of-dose levodopa-induced dyskinesias, 12 nondyskinetic patients, and 12 healthy controls. Participants underwent 5-[\(^{123}\)I]iodo-3-[2(S)-2-azetidinylmethoxy]pyridine single-photon emission computed tomography, a marker of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, [\(^{123}\)I]N-ω-fluoropropyl-2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-iodophenyl)nortropane single-photon emission computed tomography, to measure dopamine reuptake transporter density and 2-[\(^{18}\)F]fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography to assess regional cerebral metabolic activity. Striatal binding potentials, uptake values at basal ganglia structures, and correlations with clinical variables were analyzed. Results: Density of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the caudate nucleus of dyskinetic subjects was similar to that of healthy controls and significantly higher to that of nondyskinetic patients, in particular, contralaterally to the clinically most affected side. Interpretation: Our findings support the hypothesis that the expression of dyskinesia may be related to cholinergic neuronal excitability in a dopaminergic-depleted striatum. Cholinergic signaling would play a role in maintaining striatal dopaminergic responsiveness, possibly defining disease phenotype and progression.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Omert2017, author = {Omert, Leilah Marie-Luise}, title = {Einfluss systemischer Therapie auf die funktionelle Bildgebung des Multiplen Myeloms}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154793}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Das Multiple Myelom (MM) ist eine maligne h{\"a}matologische Erkrankung, die trotz großer Fortschritte in der Therapie immer noch eine schlechte Prognose hat. Bisher ist es nicht m{\"o}glich, mit einem bildgebenden Verfahren alle Fragen der Diagnostik, der Stadieneinteilung, des Therapiemonitorings und der Evaluation der Prognose des Multiplen Myeloms zu kl{\"a}ren. Da es sich beim Multiplen Myelom aber um eine stark heterogene Erkrankung handelt, die eine fr{\"u}hzeitige individuelle Therapie erfordert, ist es unbedingt n{\"o}tig Verfahren zu entwickeln, die eine spezifische Charakterisierung der Erkrankung bei jedem einzelnen Patienten erm{\"o}glichen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die MM-Zelllinien INA-6, MM.1S und OPM-2 mit dem Proteasominhibitor MLN9708 behandelt. Behandelte und unbehandelte Zellen wurden mit dem Standardtracer 2-[18F]-Fluoro-2-Desoxy-D-Glukose (18F-FDG) oder dem in der Anwendung beim Multiplen Myelom neuen Aminos{\"a}uretracer [11C]-Methionin (11C-MET) inkubiert und die Aufnahme der Tracer zu bestimmten Zeitpunkten gemessen. Des Weiteren wurde die Auspr{\"a}gung biologischer Merkmale der MM-Pathogenese bei behandelten und unbehandelten Zellen untersucht. Anschließend wurde ermittelt, ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen der H{\"o}he der Traceraufnahme und der Auspr{\"a}gung biologischer Merkmale der MM-Pathogenese bei behandelten und unbehandelten Zellen besteht. Hierdurch soll gekl{\"a}rt werden, ob 11C-MET besser zur Diagnostik, dem Therapiemonitoring und der Evaluation der Prognose des Multiplen Myeloms geeignet ist als der Standardtracer 18F-FDG. Es zeigte sich eine signifikant h{\"o}here 11C-MET-Aufnahme sowohl unbehandelter als auch behandelter Zellen im Vergleich zu 18F-FDG. Außerdem war eine Unterscheidung zwischen behandelten und unbehandelten Zellen mit 11C-MET besser m{\"o}glich als mit 18F-FDG. Zwischen Traceraufnahme und biologischen Merkmalen der MM-Pathogenese, wie Proliferation, Expression von intrazellul{\"a}ren Leichtketten, CXCR4 und CD138, ergaben sich f{\"u}r behandelte und unbehandelte Zellen variable Zusammenh{\"a}nge. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass 11C-MET besser zur Diagnostik und zum Therapiemonitoring des Multiplen Myeloms geeignet ist als der Standardtracer 18F-FDG. Ob 11C-MET auch zur Stadieneinteilung und zur Evaluation der Prognose des Multiplen Myeloms besser geeignet ist als 18F-FDG, muss in weiteren Studien untersucht werden.}, subject = {Multiples Myelom}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{WernerHayakawaAriasLozaetal.2017, author = {Werner, Rudolf and Hayakawa, Nobuyuki and Arias-Loza, Paula-Anah and Wakabayashi, Hiroshi and Shinaji, Tetsuya and Lapa, Constantin and Pelzer, Theo and Higuchi, Takahiro}, title = {Bildgebung der fr{\"u}hen linksventrikul{\"a}ren Dysfunktion mit ECG-gated F-18-FDG PET in einem Diabetes-Ratten-Modell}, series = {Nuklearmedizin}, volume = {56}, booktitle = {Nuklearmedizin}, number = {2}, publisher = {Schattauer Verlag}, issn = {0029-5566}, doi = {10.3413/Nukmed-0880-17-02}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161396}, pages = {Abstract Nr.: V119}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Einleitung: Die linksventrikul{\"a}re diastolische Dysfunktion (LVDD) ist bei Diabetikern noch vor Entwicklung einer klinisch apparenten Herzinsuffizienz eines der ersten Anzeichen einer kardialen Beteiligung. Daher soll in dieser Studie untersucht werden, ob die LVDD mit ECG-gated F-18-FDG PET in einem Diabetes-Rattenmodell dargestellt werden kann. Methodik: Es wurden F-18-FDG PET Scans in einem Typ-2-Diabetes Rattenmodell (ZDF fa/fa, n=6) und in ZL Kontrollen (n=6) vorgenommen (Alter, jeweils 13 Wochen). Unter Hyperinsulinemic-Euglycemic Clamp-Technik wurden 37 MBq 18F-FDG {\"u}ber die Schwanzvene appliziert. 15-35 Minuten nach Tracergabe wurden mittels eines Kleintier-PET-Scanners sowie unter EKG-Ableitung PET Scans angefertigt (16 frames/cardiac cycle). Die linksventrikul{\"a}re Ejektionsfraktion (EF) und die Peak F{\"u}llrate (PFR) wurden mittels einer geeigneten Software (Heart Function View) gemessen, wobei die Software an die Gr{\"o}ße des Rattenherzes angepasst wurde. Ergebnisse: Im Alter von 13 Wochen entwickeln ZDF Diabetes-Ratten eine im Vergleich zu Kontrolltieren eine signifikante myokardiale Hypertrophie, best{\"a}tigt durch post-mortem Analyse des Herzgewichtes (994±78mg vs. 871±44mg in ZDF Diabetes-Ratten vs. ZL Kontrollen, p<0.01). ECG-gated PET zeigte eine signifikante Abnahme der LV diastolischen PFR (10.4±0.5 vs. 11.8±0.4 EDV/sec in ZDF Diabetes-Ratten vs. ZL Kontrollen, p<0.001), jedoch zeigte sich kein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen LVEF und der Herzfrequenz in den untersuchten ZDF Diabetes-Ratten und Kontrollen (LVEF: 60.0±4.5 vs. 63.7±4.1\%, n.s. und HR: 305±25 vs. 323±24 bpm, n.s.). Schlussfolgerung: Im Diabetes-Ratten-Modell kann unter Verwendung eines ECG-gated FDG-PET Protokolls die diastolische Dysfunktion als Parameter der fr{\"u}hen diabetischen Kardiomyopathie nachgewiesen werden.}, subject = {Positronen-Emissions-Tomografie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Neumann2017, author = {Neumann, Sabrina}, title = {Beta-Strahlenexposition der Finger bei der Radiosynoviorthese}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-154271}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {There are few, but worrisome, data available on fingertip radiation exposure of medical personnel during radiosynovectomy (RSV). To reduce radiation exposure, we performed a dedicated application procedure. This report summarizes the acquired skin equivalent dose [Hp(0.07)] of the personnel involved in the preparation and administration of the three RSV !-emitters 90Y, 186Re and 169Er. Over a period of 3 years, 547 joints in 368 patients were treated with 52 421MBq of the aforementioned three radionuclides. The Hp(0.07) was recorded with thermoluminescence dosimeters worn on the dominant index fingertip and was analysed monthly. Eight staff members were exposed to an Hp(0.07) of 492 mSv. The cumulative dose was less than 10 μSv/MBq. The dose per person was 1.1 μSv/MBq in physicians and up to 4.5 μSv/MBq in technicians. The accumulated personal Hp(0.07) during RSV was far below the regulatory limit and published data.}, subject = {Radiosynoviorthese}, language = {de} } @article{WernerSchmidHiguchietal.2018, author = {Werner, Rudolf and Schmid, Jan-Stefan and Higuchi, Takahiro and Javadi, Mehrbod S. and Rowe, Steven P. and M{\"a}rkl, Bruno and Aulmann, Christoph and Fassnacht, Martin and Kroiß, Matthias and Reiners, Christoph and Buck, Andreas and Kreissl, Michael and Lapa, Constantin}, title = {Predictive value of \(^{18}\)F-FDG PET in patients with advanced medullary thyroid carcinoma treated with vandetanib}, series = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, issn = {0161-5505}, doi = {10.2967/jnumed.117.199778}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161256}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Introduction: Therapeutic options in advanced medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) have markedly improved since the introduction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). We aimed to assess the role of metabolic imaging using 2-deoxy-2-(\(^{18}\)F)fluoro-D-glucose (\(^{18}\)F-FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) shortly before and 3 months after initiation of TKI treatment. Methods: Eighteen patients with advanced and progressive MTC scheduled for vandetanib treatment underwent baseline \(^{18}\)F-FDG PET/CT prior to and 3 months after TKI treatment initiation. During follow-up, CT scans were performed every 3 months and analyzed according to Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors (RECIST). The predictive value for estimating progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was examined by investigating \(^{18}\)F-FDG mean/maximum standardized uptake values (SUVmean/max) of the metabolically most active lesion as well as by analyzing clinical parameters (tumor marker doubling times {calcitonin, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)}, prior therapies, RET (rearranged during transfection) mutational status, and disease type). Results: Within a median follow-up of 5.2 years, 9 patients experienced disease progression after a median time interval of 2.1y whereas the remainder had ongoing disease control (n=5 partial response and n=4 stable disease). Eight of the 9 patients with progressive disease died from MTC after a median of 3.5y after TKI initiation. Pre-therapeutic SUVmean >4.0 predicted a significantly shorter PFS (PFS: 1.9y vs. 5.2y; p=0.04). Furthermore, sustained high 18F-FDG uptake at 3 months with a SUVmean>2.8 tended to portend an unfavorable prognosis with a PFS of 1.9y (vs. 3.5y; p=0.3). Prolonged CEA doubling times were significantly correlated with longer PFS (r=0.7) and OS (r=0.76, p<0.01, respectively). None of the other clinical parameters had prognostic significance. Conclusions: Pre-therapeutic \(^{18}\)F-FDG PET/CT holds prognostic information in patients with advanced MTC scheduled for treatment with the TKI vandetanib. Low tumor metabolism of SUVmean < 4.0 prior to treatment predicts longer progression-free survival.}, subject = {Medull{\"a}rer Schilddr{\"u}senkrebs}, language = {en} } @article{WernerWakabyashiChenetal.2018, author = {Werner, Rudolf and Wakabyashi, Hiroshi and Chen, Xinyu and Hirano, Mitsuru and Shinaji, Tetsuya and Lapa, Constantin and Rowe, Steven and Javadi, Mehrbod and Higuchi, Takahiro}, title = {Functional renal imaging with \(^{18}\)F-FDS PET in rat models of renal disorders}, series = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, issn = {0161-5505}, doi = {10.2967/jnumed.117.203828}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161279}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Background: Precise regional quantitative assessment of renal function is limited with conventional \(^{99m}\)Tc-labeled renal radiotracers. A recent study reported that the positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracer 2-deoxy-2-(\(^{18}\)F-fluorosorbitol (\(^{18}\)F-FDS) has ideal pharmacokinetics for functional renal imaging. Furthermore, (\(^{18}\)F-FDS is available via simple reduction from routinely used 2-deoxy-2-(\(^{18}\)F-fluoro-D-glucose ((\(^{18}\)F-FDG). We aimed to further investigate the potential of (\(^{18}\)F-FDS PET as a functional renal imaging agent using rat models of kidney diseases. Methods: Two different rat models of renal impairment were investigated: Glycerol induced acute renal failure (ARF) by intramuscular administration of glycerol in hind legs and unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) by ligation of the left ureter. 24h after these treatments, dynamic 30 min 18F-FDS PET data were acquired using a dedicated small animal PET system. Urine 18F-FDS radioactivity 30 min after radiotracer injection was measured together with co-injected \(^{99m}\)Tc-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (\(^{99m}\)Tc-DTPA) urine activity. Results: Dynamic PET imaging demonstrated rapid (\(^{18}\)F-FDS accumulation in the renal cortex and rapid radiotracer excretion via kidneys in control healthy rats. On the other hand, significantly delayed renal radiotracer uptake (continuous slow uptake) was observed in ARF rats and UUO-treated kidneys. Measured urine radiotracer concentrations of (\(^{18}\)F-FDS and \(^{99m}\)Tc-DTPA were well correlated (R=0.84, P<0.05). Conclusions: (\(^{18}\)F-FDS PET demonstrated favorable kinetics for functional renal imaging in rat models of kidney diseases. Advantages of high spatiotemporal resolution of PET imaging and simple tracer production could potentially complement or replace conventional renal scintigraphy in select cases and significantly improve the diagnostic performance of renal functional imaging.}, subject = {Nierenfunktionsst{\"o}rung}, language = {en} } @article{WernerKobayashiJavadietal.2018, author = {Werner, Rudolf A. and Kobayashi, Ryohei and Javadi, Mehrbod Som and K{\"o}ck, Zoe and Wakabayashi, Hiroshi and Unterecker, Stefan and Nakajima, Kenichi and Lapa, Constantin and Menke, Andreas and Higuchi, Takahiro}, title = {Impact of Novel Antidepressants on Cardiac Metaiodobenzylguanidine (mIBG) Uptake: Experimental Studies in SK-N-SH Cells and Healthy Rabbits}, series = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, issn = {0161-5505}, doi = {10.2967/jnumed.117.206045}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161280}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Background: \(^{123}\)I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (mIBG) provides independent prognostic value for risk stratification among heart failure patients, but the use of concomitant medication should not impact its quantitative information. We aimed to evaluate the four most-prescribed antidepressants currently used as a first‑line treatment for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and their potential on altering mIBG imaging results. Methods: The inhibition effect of four different types of antidepressants (desipramine, escitalopram, venlafaxine and bupropion) for MDD treatment on \(^{131}\)I-mIBG uptake was assessed by in-vitro cell uptake assays using human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells. The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of tracer uptake was determined from dose-response curves. To evaluate the effects of IV pretreatment with desipramine (1.5 mg/kg) and escitalopram (2.5, 15 mg/kg) on mIBG cardiac uptake, in-vivo planar 123I-mIBG scans in healthy New Zealand White Rabbits were conducted. Results: The IC50 values of desipramine, escitalopram, venlafaxine and bupropion on \(^{131}\)I-mIBG cellular uptake were 11.9 nM, 7.5 μM, 4.92 μM, and 12.9 μM, respectively. At the maximum serum concentration (Cmax, as derived by previous clinical trials), the inhibition rates of 131I-mIBG uptake were 90.6 \% for desipramine, 25.5 \% for venlafaxine, 11.7 \% for bupropion and 0.72 \% for escitalopram. A low inhibition rate for escitalopram in the cell uptake study triggered investigation of an in-vivo rabbit model: with dosage considerably higher than clinical practice, the non-inhibitory effect of escitalopram was confirmed. Furthermore, pretreatment with desipramine led to a marked reduction of cardiac 123I-mIBG uptake. Conclusions: In the present in-vitro binding assay and in-vivo rabbit study, the selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor escitalopram had no major impact on neuronal cardiac mIBG uptake within therapeutic dose ranges, while other types of first-line antidepressants for MDD treatment led to a significant decrease. These preliminary results warrant further confirmatory clinical trials regarding the reliability of cardiac mIBG imaging, in particular, if the patient's neuropsychiatric status would not tolerate withdrawal of a potentially norepinephrine interfering antidepressant.}, subject = {Antidepressants}, language = {en} } @article{WernerSolnesJavadietal.2018, author = {Werner, Rudolf and Solnes, Lilja and Javadi, Mehrbod and Weich, Alexander and Gorin, Michael and Pienta, Kenneth and Higuchi, Takahiro and Buck, Andreas and Pomper, Martin and Rowe, Steven and Lapa, Constantin}, title = {SSTR-RADS Version 1.0 as a Reporting System for SSTR-PET Imaging and Selection of Potential PRRT Candidates: A Proposed Standardization Framework}, series = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, issn = {0161-5505}, doi = {10.2967/jnumed.117.206631}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161298}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Reliable standards and criteria for somatostatin receptor (SSTR) positron emission tomography (PET) are still lacking. We herein propose a structured reporting system on a 5-point scale for SSTR-PET imaging, titled SSTR-RADS version 1.0, which might serve as a standardized assessment for both diagnosis and treatment planning in neuroendocrine tumors (NET). SSTR-RADS could guide the imaging specialist in interpreting SSTR-PET scans, facilitate communication with the referring clinician so that appropriate work-up for equivocal findings is pursued, and serve as a reliable tool for patient selection for planned Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy.}, subject = {Standardisierung}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WernerMarcusSheikhbahaeietal.2018, author = {Werner, Rudolf A. and Marcus, Charles and Sheikhbahaei, Sara and Higuchi, Takahiro and Solnes, Lilja B. and Rowe, Steven P. and Buck, Andreas K. and Lapa, Constantin and Javadi, Mehrbod S.}, title = {Diagnostic Accuracy of Visual Assessment of an Initial DaT-Scan in Comparison to a Fully Automatic Semiquantitative Method}, series = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, volume = {59}, booktitle = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, number = {Supplement No. 1}, issn = {0161-5505}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162208}, pages = {626}, year = {2018}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Parkinson-Krankheit}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WernerMarcusSheikhbahaeietal.2018, author = {Werner, Rudolf A. and Marcus, Charles and Sheikhbahaei, Sara and Higuchi, Takahiro and Solnes, Lilja B. and Rowe, Steven P. and Buck, Andreas K. and Lapa, Constantin and Javadi, Mehrbod S.}, title = {The Impact of Ageing on Dopamine Transporter Imaging}, series = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, volume = {59}, booktitle = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, number = {Supplement No 1}, issn = {0161-5505}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162213}, pages = {1646}, year = {2018}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Parkinson-Krankheit}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WernerChenHiranoetal.2018, author = {Werner, Rudolf A. and Chen, Xinyu and Hirano, Mitsuru and Nose, Naoko and Lapa, Constantin and Javadi, Mehrbod S. and Higuchi, Takahiro}, title = {The Impact of Ageing on [\(^{11}\)C]meta-Hydroxyephedrine Uptake in the Rat Heart}, series = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, volume = {59}, booktitle = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, number = {Supplement No 1}, issn = {0161-5505}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-162228}, pages = {100}, year = {2018}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Positronen-Emissions-Tomografie}, language = {en} } @article{LapaAriasLozaHayakawaetal.2017, author = {Lapa, Constantin and Arias-Loza, Paula and Hayakawa, Nobuyuki and Wakabayashi, Hiroshi and Werner, Rudolf A. and Chen, Xinyu and Shinaji, Tetsuya and Herrmann, Ken and Pelzer, Theo and Higuchi, Takahiro}, title = {Whitening and impaired glucose utilization of brown adipose tissue in a rat model of type 2 diabetes mellitus}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {7}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-017-17148-w}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159066}, pages = {16795}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is an attractive therapeutic target to combat diabetes and obesity due to its ability to increase glucose expenditure. In a genetic rat model (ZDF fa/fa) of type-2 diabetes and obesity, we aimed to investigate glucose utilization of BAT by \(^{18}\)F-FDG PET imaging. Male Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) and Male Zucker lean (ZL) control rats were studied at 13 weeks. Three weeks prior to imaging, ZDF rats were randomized into a no-restriction (ZDF-ND) and a mild calorie restriction (ZDF-CR) group. Dynamic \(^{18}\)F-FDG PET using a dedicated small animal PET system was performed under hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. \(^{18}\)F-FDG PET identified intense inter-scapular BAT glucose uptake in all ZL control rats, while no focally increased \(^{18}\)F-FDG uptake was detected in all ZDF-ND rats. Mild but significant improved BAT tracer uptake was identified after calorie restriction in diabetic rats (ZDF-CR). The weight of BAT tissue and fat deposits were significantly increased in ZDF-CR and ZDF-ND rats as compared to ZL controls, while UCP-1 and mitochondrial concentrations were significantly decreased. Whitening and severely impaired insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in BAT was confirmed in a rat model of type-2 diabetes. Additionally, calorie restriction partially restored the impaired BAT glucose uptake.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{WernerIlhanLehneretal.2018, author = {Werner, Rudolf A. and Ilhan, Harun and Lehner, Sebastian and Papp, L{\´a}szl{\´o} and Zs{\´o}t{\´e}r, Norbert and Schatka, Imke and Muegge, Dirk O. and Javadi, Mehrbod S. and Higuchi, Takahiro and Buck, Andreas K. and Bartenstein, Peter and Bengel, Frank and Essler, Markus and Lapa, Constantin and Bundschuh, Ralph A.}, title = {Pre-therapy Somatostatin-Receptor-Based Heterogeneity Predicts Overall Survival in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Patients Undergoing Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy}, series = {Molecular Imaging and Biology}, journal = {Molecular Imaging and Biology}, issn = {1536-1632}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11307-018-1252-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-164624}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Purpose: Early identification of aggressive disease could improve decision-support in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (pNET) patients prior to peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT). The prognostic value of intratumoral textural features (TF) determined by baseline somatostatin receptor (SSTR)-PET before PRRT was analyzed. Procedures: 31 patients with G1/G2 pNET were enrolled (G2, n=23/31). Prior to PRRT with [\(^{177}\)Lu]DOTATATE (mean, 3.6 cycles), baseline SSTR-PET/CT was performed. By segmentation of 162 (median per patient, 5) metastases, intratumoral TF were computed. The impact of conventional PET parameters (SUV\(_{mean/max}\)), imaging-based TF as well as clinical parameters (Ki67, CgA) for prediction of both progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) after PRRT was evaluated. Results: Within a median follow-up of 3.7y, tumor progression was detected in 21 patients (median, 1.5y) and 13/31 deceased (median, 1.9y). In ROC analysis, the TF Entropy, reflecting derangement on a voxel-by-voxel level, demonstrated predictive capability for OS (cutoff=6.7, AUC=0.71, p=0.02). Of note, increasing Entropy could predict a longer survival (>6.7, OS=2.5y, 17/31), whereas less voxel-based derangement portended inferior outcome (<6.7, OS=1.9y, 14/31). These findings were supported in a G2 subanalysis (>6.9, OS=2.8y, 9/23 vs. <6.9, OS=1.9y, 14/23). Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed a significant distinction between high- and low-risk groups using Entropy (n=31, p<0.05). For those patients below the ROC-derived threshold, the relative risk of death after PRRT was 2.73 (n=31, p=0.04). Ki67 was negatively associated with PFS (p=0.002); however, SUVmean/max failed in prognostication (n.s.). Conclusions: In contrast to conventional PET parameters, assessment of intratumoral heterogeneity demonstrated superior prognostic performance in pNET patients undergoing PRRT. This novel PET-based strategy of outcome prediction prior to PRRT might be useful for patient risk stratification.}, subject = {Positronen-Emissions-Tomografie}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WernerKobayashiWakabayashietal.2017, author = {Werner, Rudolf and Kobayashi, Ryohei and Wakabayashi, Hiroshi and Lapa, Constantin and Menke, Andreas and Higuchi, Takahiro}, title = {Effect of Antidepressants on Radiolabeled Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) Uptake}, series = {European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging}, volume = {18}, booktitle = {European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging}, number = {Supplement}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, issn = {2047-2404}, doi = {10.1093/ehjci/jex080}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161116}, pages = {i52-53}, year = {2017}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {MIBG}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WernerWakabayashiJahnsetal.2017, author = {Werner, Rudolf and Wakabayashi, Hiroshi and Jahns, Roland and Erg{\"u}n, S{\"u}leyman and Jahns, Valerie and Higuchi, Takahiro}, title = {PET-Guided Histological Characterization of Myocardial Infiltrating Cells in a Rat Model of Myocarditis}, series = {European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging}, volume = {18}, booktitle = {European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging}, number = {Supplement}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, issn = {2047-2404}, doi = {10.1093/ehjci/jex071}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161127}, pages = {i1-i3}, year = {2017}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Myokarditis}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WernerChenLapaetal.2017, author = {Werner, Rudolf and Chen, Xinyu and Lapa, Constantin and Robinson, Simon and Higuchi, Takahiro}, title = {Intracellular behavior of the novel sympathetic nerve agent \(^{18}\)F-LMI1195}, series = {Journal of Nuclear Cardiology}, volume = {24}, booktitle = {Journal of Nuclear Cardiology}, number = {4 Supplement (2017) Aug}, issn = {1071-3581}, doi = {10.1007/s12350-017-0984-y}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161137}, pages = {1461-1496}, year = {2017}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, subject = {Herz}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WernerHiguchiMueggeetal.2017, author = {Werner, Rudolf and Higuchi, Takahiro and Muegge, Dirk and Javadi, Mehrbod S. and M{\"a}rkl, Bruno and Aulmann, Christoph and Buck, Andreas K. and Fassnacht, Martin and Lapa, Constantin and Kreissl, Michael C.}, title = {Predictive value of FDG-PET in patients with advanced medullary thyroid cancer undergoing vandetanib treatment}, series = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, volume = {58}, booktitle = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, number = {no. supplement 1}, issn = {0161-5505}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161147}, pages = {169}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Introduction: The prognosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is poor using common chemotherapeutic approaches. However, during the last years encouraging results of recently introduced tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) such as vandetanib have been published. In this study we aimed to correlate the results of \(^{18}\)F-fluorodeoxyglucose ([\(^{18}\)F]FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with treatment outcome. Methods: Eighteen patients after thyroidectomy with recurrent/advanced MTC lesions receiving vandetanib (300 mg orally/day) could be analysed. A baseline \(^{18}\)F-FDG PET prior to and a follow-up \(^{18}\)F-FDG PET 3 months after TKI initiation were performed. During follow-up, tumor progression was assessed every 3 months including computed tomography according to RECIST. Progression-free survival (PFS) was correlated with the maximum standardized uptake value of \(^{18}\)F-FDG in lymph nodes (SUV(LN)max) or visceral metastases (SUV(MTS)max) as well as with clinical parameters using ROC analysis. Results: Within median 3.6 years of follow-up, 9 patients showed disease progression at median 8.5 months after TKI initiation. An elevated glucose consumption assessed by baseline \(^{18}\)F-FDG PET (SUV(LN)max > 7.25) could predict a shorter PFS (2 y) with an accuracy of 76.5\% (SUV(LN)max <7.25, 4.3 y; p=0.03). Accordingly, preserved tumor metabolism in the follow-up PET (SUV(MTS)max >2.7) also demonstrated an unfavorable prognosis (accuracy, 85.7\%). On the other hand, none of the clinical parameters reached significance in response prediction. Conclusions: In patients with advanced and progressive MTC, tumors with higher metabolic activity at baseline are more aggressive and more prone to progression as reflected by a shorter PFS; they should be monitored more closely. Preserved glucose consumption 3 months after treatment initiation was also related to poorer prognosis.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WernerLapaBucketal.2017, author = {Werner, Rudolf and Lapa, Constantin and Buck, Andreas and Lassmann, Michael and H{\"a}nscheid, Heribert}, title = {Less is sometimes more - Accurate Dose Mapping after Endoradiotherapy with \(^{177}\)Lu-DOTATATE/-TOC by One-Single Measurement after 96 h}, series = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, volume = {58}, booktitle = {Journal of Nuclear Medicine}, number = {No. Supplement 1}, publisher = {Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging}, issn = {0161-5505}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161168}, pages = {247}, year = {2017}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, language = {en} }