@phdthesis{Trappe2022, author = {Trappe, Julian}, title = {The influence of medieval building activity on relief development within the Spessart uplands, Germany. A sedimentological, geophysical and GIS-based approach at different castle and mining sites}, edition = {1. Auflage}, publisher = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, address = {W{\"u}rzburg}, isbn = {978-3-95826-184-6}, issn = {0510-9833}, doi = {10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-185-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-261499}, school = {W{\"u}rzburg University Press}, pages = {XXI, 250}, year = {2022}, abstract = {In the Spessart, a low mountain range in central Germany, a feud during the Middle Ages led to the construction of numerous castles in this region. This study analyzes the mutual influence of (paleo-)relief development and medieval building activity using a geomorphological and geoarchaeological multimethod approach to expand the knowledge of human-environmental interactions during this time. For this purpose, GIS-based terrain analysis and geophysical measurements were conducted and combined with sedimentological information to create 1D-3D models of the subsurface and to assess knowledge of the landscape and relief evolution at various medieval castle and mining sites. The interpretation of all these data led to the answering of numerous site-specific questions on various geomorphological, geoarchaeological, geologic, and archaeological topics that have been explored in this work and have greatly increased our knowledge of each study site. In addition to these key contributions to the archaeological and geomorphological interpretation of individual study sites, a quantification of the anthropogenic influence on the relief development was conducted, a generalized model of the influence was derived, and new methodological and interpretative approaches were developed. Overall, this study links geomorphological/geological and (geo-)archaeological investigations at five medieval sites and delivers important information on human-environmental interactions within the Spessart and beyond.}, subject = {Geoarch{\"a}ologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Krech2018, author = {Krech, Martin}, title = {Pedosediment{\"a}re Archive in pr{\"a}historischen Fundpl{\"a}tzen in Franken}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-163682}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Pedosediment{\"a}re Archive liefern einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion der Landschaftsgeschichte. Die anthropogene Besiedlung und Nutzung der Landoberfl{\"a}che seit dem Beginn des Holoz{\"a}ns verursacht Boden-, Vegetations- und Reliefver{\"a}nderungen, welche sich durch die Verbreitung von B{\"o}den mit ihren Erosionsstadien und Kolluvien zeigen. Das Ausmaß und die Art der Bodenerosion und die damit verbundene Bildung der Kolluvien werden neben den nat{\"u}rlichen Faktoren wesentlich durch die Landnutzung bestimmt. B{\"o}den und Kolluvien enthalten wichtige Informationen {\"u}ber die urspr{\"u}ngliche Landschaft, ehemalige Landnutzungsphasen und Umweltver{\"a}nderungen. Die spezifischen Merkmale in Kombination mit den arch{\"a}ologischen Befunden erm{\"o}glichen R{\"u}ckschl{\"u}sse auf vergangene Natur- und Kulturr{\"a}ume. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, ein besseres Verst{\"a}ndnis {\"u}ber die Siedlungs- und Landschaftsentwicklung der untersuchten Gebiete in Franken zu erlangen. Hierf{\"u}r ist es angebracht, mehrere r{\"a}umlich verteilte Standorte zu untersuchen. Um den menschlichen Einfluss auf die pr{\"a}historische Landschaft besser verstehen zu k{\"o}nnen, kam ein interdisziplin{\"a}rer Ansatz mit arch{\"a}ologischen und physisch-geographischen Methoden zur Anwendung. Die Umgebungen der einzelnen Untersuchungsstandorte wurden nach geomorphologischen Kriterien charakterisiert und ausgew{\"a}hlten Befunde nach bodenkundlichen Fragestellungen aufgenommen. Die Bestimmung der bodenphysikalischen und -chemischen Eigenschaften von B{\"o}den und Sedimenten erfolgte anhand repr{\"a}sentativer Probenmengen. Bei ausgew{\"a}hlten Profilen kamen zus{\"a}tzlich die Analysen zur Bestimmung der Gesamt- und Tonmineralogie sowie die Methode der 14C-Datierung f{\"u}r Bodensedimente, Tierknochen und Holzkohlen hinzu. Die physisch-geographischen Ergebnisse konnten anschließend mit den arch{\"a}ologischen Informationen erg{\"a}nzt. Die drei ausgew{\"a}hlten Untersuchungsgebiete befinden sich im Fr{\"a}nkischen Schichtstufenland. Der Bullenheimer Berg wurde aufgrund seiner bedeutenden Besiedlungsgeschichte ausgew{\"a}hlt. Die ausgew{\"a}hlten Profile liegen in verschiedenen Nutzungsarealen auf dem Plateau. Die Standorte Marktbergel und Ergersheim liegen im Gebiet des Fr{\"a}nkischen Gipskarstes. Diese Untersuchungen sind ein Teil des DFG-gef{\"o}rderten Projektes „Pr{\"a}historische Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen im Gipskarst der Windsheimer Bucht, Nordbayern. Dolinen als Archive f{\"u}r Siedlungs- und Landschaftsentwicklung." Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der anthropogene Einfluss zu einer deutlichen Ver{\"a}nderung in der Landschaft f{\"u}hrte. F{\"u}r die Untersuchungsr{\"a}ume zeichnet sich eine lange Nutzungsgeschichte seit dem Beginn des Holoz{\"a}ns ab. Durch die Auswertung der Gel{\"a}ndebefunde und der labortechnisch erzeugten Kennwerte konnten die untersuchten Profile in mehrere Phasen gegliedert werden. Es zeigten sich Stabilit{\"a}tsphasen in denen Bodenbildung stattfinden konnte, aber auch geomorphodynamisch aktive Phasen der Erosion und Akkumulation von Bodensedimenten.}, subject = {Pedostratigraphie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{MeyerHeintze2024, author = {Meyer-Heintze, Simon}, title = {Holocene pedosedimentary sequences as archives for paleoenvironmental reconstructions}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-34909}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-349098}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Human-environment interaction has significantly altered the pedosphere since the Neolithic, if not since the early Holocene. In the course of clearance, agriculture, and (wood) pasture soils have been deeply modified or eroded. These types of land use practices but above all forms of sedentariness spread alongside floodplains and trajectories were oriented towards loess covered areas where fertile soils could develop. Besides this, also peripheral / marginal regions were settled due to population pressure or other factors. Evidence for landscape history and development can be found within archeological sites but also overbank deposits and anthropogenic slope deposits document vast transformation processes. The presented investigations took place within the natural region of the Windsheimer Bucht which is locat-ed in the district of Middle Franconia in northern Bavaria, Germany. In this area, Holocene soils predomi-nantly developed within mudstones of the Middle to Upper Triassic. The soil texture is extremely clay-rich which renders the soils problematic with regard to cultivation management. As a peculiarity, the gypsum underlying the mudstones is prone to karstification processes and resulting proceeding geomorphological processes shape the surface of the landscape. In the course of gypsum mining the karst forms are being exposed and archeological findings are being documented. The latter mainly date back to a span from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, but partly are of Younger Paleolithic origin. Especially subsidence sinkholes are capable of storing pedosediments of several meters in thickness. Despite the high clay content and connect-ed pedoturbation processes, the excavated sequences are stratigraphically and pedologically well-differentiated. The archives occur in the context of settlement structures such as pits and postholes; there-fore, they developed at the interface of natural developments and human impact on their surroundings. The main original research questions that were formulated within the general frame of a project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-projects Te295/15-1 and -2 and Fa390/9-1 and -2) focused on the attractors of the peripheral region for early settlers, the pedological conditions before land use, but also the impact of humans on soils and karst dynamics through time. In the course of the in hand study, the pedosedimentary archives have been approached with a multimethodological toolset which consisted of field analyses, soil morphological analyses from micro- to macro-scale, spectrophotometric (color), (laser) granulometric, and (iron-) pedochemical analyses. The numerical chronological frame was spanned by radiocarbon dating of different organic remains and bulk material if soil organic carbon was supposed-ly high. The result is a multi-dimensional data set that consists of analyses on different spatial scales but also on different levels of measurement. Thus, qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative data consti-tute the basis for discussion. While the grain-size analyses underline the general sedimentological differen-tiation of the records and further affirm the high clay content within the pedosedimentary layers, iron-pedochemical analyses indicate an interplay between oxidation of iron and its chemical reduction. This is also manifested within the spectrophotometric record. Especially the versatile pedogenic characteristics that have been identified by field analyses are confirmed within the thin sections and, by considering all different analyses, the polygenic character of the pedosediments is emphasized. After stressing the general pedological specificities among the different investigated sites within the re-search area, for the collected data, the research further branches into the subjects of general notions on pedogenesis in clayey material and the classification of the respective pedosediments according to paleo-pedological concepts but also recent schemes. Concerning the latter, it becomes evident that established principles cannot be applied to the studied pedosediments without major adaptions. This underlines the specific characteristics of the material. The basis for further interpretations is the evaluation of the multi-level data set for the single records with regard to profile development and pedogenic processes. Hereby, the main drivers of pedogenesis could be identified, which are karst dynamics, land use, and subtle changes in parent material due to the admixture of slope deposits that contain allochthonous eolian material. The latter underlines the importance of Pleis-tocene preconditioning for understanding Holocene landscape dynamics. At the same time, a differentia-tion between the mentioned factors and Holocene climate development is difficult. The following compila-tion of record and localities within the given time frame unveils synchronous as well as asynchronous de-velopments; however, a clear connection between phases of Holocene climate and pedogenesis within the pedosediments cannot be established. Instead, it becomes evident that site specific factors or those that act on the scale of the micro-catchment of the investigated records are decisive. The aforementioned main topics of the project are also considered in the in hand study from a soil-geographic perspective: it is possible that before land use, there was an insular or thin cover by loess sedi-ments or at least upper layers (according to the concept of periglacial cover beds) which constituted the parent material for Holocene soil formation. The according soils, which were superior for agricultural purposes compared to those developed on the autochthonous mudstones, were eroded which exposed the clayey Upper to Middle Triassic beds. Erosion was aggravated due to the impermeable mudstones which enhanced overland flow and interflow within the overlying silty (loessic) material. This is further support-ed by the notions on erodibility of the clayey material that are derived from the comparison of conven-tional and laser granulometric analyses: probably, the clayey pedosediments are capable of forming micro-aggregates that can easily be eroded during heavy rainfall events despite the general consent that material with heavy texture should be rather resistant. The study presents a comprehensive view on clay-rich pedosediments and the complex effects of human-environment interaction on pedogenic as well as sedimentary processes through time that have not been investigated in such detail before. In this context, the multi-level soil morphological analyses and their necessity for a genetic interpretation with regard to the influence of natural versus anthropogenic factors need to be emphasized. Based on quantitative laboratory analytical data only, a respective differentiation would not be possible. This underlines the importance of the chosen soil-geographic multi-methodological approach for answering questions with regard to human-environment interaction but also geoarcheology in general.}, subject = {Geoarch{\"a}ologie}, language = {en} }