@article{ClaussYanKuenzer2016, author = {Clauss, Kersten and Yan, Huimin and Kuenzer, Claudia}, title = {Mapping Paddy Rice in China in 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2014 with MODIS Time Series}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {8}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {5}, doi = {10.3390/rs8050434}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180557}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Rice is an important food crop and a large producer of green-house relevant methane. Accurate and timely maps of paddy fields are most important in the context of food security and greenhouse gas emission modelling. During their life-cycle, rice plants undergo a phenological development that influences their interaction with waves in the visible light and infrared spectrum. Rice growth has a distinctive signature in time series of remotely-sensed data. We used time series of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) products MOD13Q1 and MYD13Q1 and a one-class support vector machine to detect these signatures and classify paddy rice areas in continental China. Based on these classifications, we present a novel product for continental China that shows rice areas for the years 2002, 2005, 2010 and 2014 at 250-m resolution. Our classification has an overall accuracy of 0.90 and a kappa coefficient of 0.77 compared to our own reference dataset for 2014 and correlates highly with rice area statistics from China's Statistical Yearbooks (R2 of 0.92 for 2010, 0.92 for 2005 and 0.90 for 2002). Moderate resolution time series analysis allows accurate and timely mapping of rice paddies over large areas with diverse cropping schemes.}, language = {en} } @book{OPUS4-18060, title = {Business Improvement Districts - Ein neues Governance-Modell aus Perspektive von Praxis und Stadtforschung}, editor = {P{\"u}tz, Robert}, publisher = {L.I.S. Verlag}, address = {Passau}, isbn = {978-3-932820-33-5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180608}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {162}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Business lmprovement Districts (BID) gelten als vielversprechendes Instrument der Quartiersentwicklung und Modell zur Attraktivit{\"a}tssteigerung von Innenst{\"a}dten und Stadtteilzentren. In BID bezahlen Grundeigent{\"u}mer oder Gewerbetreibende eine Abgabe f{\"u}r eine private Organisation, die Programme zur Attraktivit{\"a}tssteigerung des Gebiets durchf{\"u}hrt. Die Gr{\"u}ndung eines BID bedarf anf{\"a}nglich der Zustimmung eines Mindestteils der Betroffenen, die Abgabe ist aber nach der Implementierung f{\"u}r alle verbindlich. Nachdem sich BID in Nordamerika weit verbreitet haben, wird das Modell nun weltweit implementiert. In Deutschland haben einige Bundesl{\"a}nder, darunter als erste Hamburg, Hessen, Bremen und Schleswig-Holstein, bereits entsprechende Gesetze eingef{\"u}hrt, andere Bundesl{\"a}nder arbeiten daran. Die Autoren des Bandes ziehen ein Zwischenfazit der Implementierung von BID in Deutschland und analysieren die Erfolge und Probleme sowie Konflikte, die bei der Etablierung von BID auftauchen. Sie thematisieren die Wesentlichen Forschungsstr{\"a}nge, die sich mit BID auseinandersetzen, die paradigmatisch f{\"u}r den Wandel von government zu governance in der Stadtentwicklung stehen, und diskutieren an konkreten Fallstudien grunds{\"a}tzliche Fragen der Quartiersentwicklung, der Partizipation und die Vor- und Nachteile verpflichtender und freiwilliger Modelle der Zentrenentwicklung. Der Blick auf internationale Erfahrungen zeigt alternative Entwicklungspfade von BID auf.}, subject = {Deutschland}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-18062, title = {Internationalisierung des Einzelhandels - Unternehmensstrategien und Anpassungsmechanismen}, editor = {Kulke, Elmar and P{\"a}tzold, Kathrin}, publisher = {L.I.S. Verlag}, address = {Passau}, isbn = {978-3-932820-34-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180622}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {113}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die Globalisierung, das pr{\"a}gende Element des wirtschaftlichen Strukturwandels der letzten Jahrzehnte, wurde lange Zeit durch Warenstr{\"o}me und Produktionsaktivit{\"a}ten getragen. Erst in j{\"u}ngerer Vergangenheit wurden die M{\"a}rkte f{\"u}r den Dienstleistungsbereich langsam ge{\"o}ffnet. Die neuen M{\"o}glichkeiten des Zugangs zu bisher verschlossenen M{\"a}rkten bei gleichzeitigen Saturierungstendenzen in den Heimatm{\"a}rkten der hochentwickelten L{\"a}nder in Nordamerika und Westeuropa beg{\"u}nstigen seit den 1990er Jahren so auch die internationale Expansion großer Einzelhandelsunternehmen. Allerdings stoßen die Unternehmen bei der internationalen Expansion auf andere Herausforderungen als bei einer nationalen Marktdurchdringung. Global operierende Konzerne mit sich immer st{\"a}rker ausdifferenzierenden Unternehmenskulturen sehen sich nicht selten mit kontr{\"a}ren, lokalen Besonderheiten in den Ziell{\"a}ndern konfrontiert. Im vorliegenden Sammelband wird auf die spezifischen intern steuerbaren und externen Erfolgsfaktoren einer internationalen Expansion eingegangen. Im Fokus der Betrachtungen stehen dabei die wachsenden M{\"a}rkte S{\"u}dasiens und der Transformationsstaaten Osteuropas. Arbeiten von Wissenschaftlern und Autoren aus der beruflichen Praxis wurden bei der Zusammenstellung des Bandes gleichermaßen ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Die Idee, Wissenschaft und Praxis zusammenzubringen, ist und bleibt ein Anliegen und ein Auftrag der Arbeit des Arbeitskreises Geographische Handelsforschung.}, subject = {Einzelhandelsbetrieb}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-18063, title = {Discounterwelten}, editor = {J{\"u}rgens, Ulrich}, publisher = {L.I.S. Verlag}, address = {Passau}, isbn = {978-3-932820-36-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-180638}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {149}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Die Dynamik im Einzelhandel scheint in der Literatur umfassend diskutiert. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zu einzelnen Betriebsformen sind jedoch eher selten. Dies gilt insbesondere f{\"u}r Discounter, weil auch die großen Discounterketten dazu beitragen, dass der {\"o}ffentliche Kenntnisstand aufgrund fehlender Statistiken oder Pressemitteilungen gering bleibt. Der vorliegende Band versucht, diese L{\"u}cke zu schließen. Die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Einzelhandel ist gegenw{\"a}rtig durch komplexe Fragestellungen und Methodensets sowie eine zunehmend interdisziplin{\"a}re Betrachtung gekennzeichnet. Sie begreift Einzelhandelsbetriebe sowohl als Orte lokalen Handelns und Einkaufens als auch als Knoten in regionalen und globalen Warenketten. Insbesondere Discounter bekommen damit eine zunehmende soziale und {\"o}kologische Verantwortung zugewiesen, die Fragen nach Ethik, Moral, und Macht von Discountern gegen{\"u}ber ihren Besch{\"a}ftigten, Kunden, Produkten und Mitbewerbern aufwirft. Die Autoren des Bandes diskutieren das Ph{\"a}nomen der Lebensmitteldiscounter aus der Perspektive des St{\"a}dtebaus, der Arbeitsorganisation, der Soziologie, des Marketing und der Standortplanung. Sie dokumentieren damit die Dynamik dieser Betriebsform und die Konsequenzen ihrer Expansion an Fallbeispielen und erarbeiten angewandte L{\"o}sungsvorschl{\"a}ge.}, subject = {Gemeinde}, language = {de} } @incollection{Wotruba2016, author = {Wotruba, Markus}, title = {E-Impact -Auswirkungen des Online-Handels auf den Fl{\"a}chenbedarf im station{\"a}ren Handel}, series = {Online-Handel ist Wandel}, booktitle = {Online-Handel ist Wandel}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-185243}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {23-37}, year = {2016}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, language = {de} } @incollection{Klein2007, author = {Klein, Ralf}, title = {Der probabilistische Ansatz zur Modellierung des r{\"a}umlichen Einkaufsverhaltens}, series = {Analysemethodik und Modellierung in der geographischen Handelsforschung}, booktitle = {Analysemethodik und Modellierung in der geographischen Handelsforschung}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-185990}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {55-73}, year = {2007}, abstract = {No abstract available.}, language = {de} } @article{AyanuConradJentschetal.2015, author = {Ayanu, Yohannes and Conrad, Christopher and Jentsch, Anke and Koellner, Thomas}, title = {Unveiling undercover cropland inside forests using landscape variables: a supplement to remote sensing image classification}, series = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, number = {6}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0130079}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151686}, pages = {e0130079}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The worldwide demand for food has been increasing due to the rapidly growing global population, and agricultural lands have increased in extent to produce more food crops. The pattern of cropland varies among different regions depending on the traditional knowledge of farmers and availability of uncultivated land. Satellite images can be used to map cropland in open areas but have limitations for detecting undergrowth inside forests. Classification results are often biased and need to be supplemented with field observations. Undercover cropland inside forests in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia was assessed using field observed percentage cover of land use/land cover classes, and topographic and location parameters. The most influential factors were identified using Boosted Regression Trees and used to map undercover cropland area. Elevation, slope, easterly aspect, distance to settlements, and distance to national park were found to be the most influential factors determining undercover cropland area. When there is very high demand for growing food crops, constrained under restricted rights for clearing forest, cultivation could take place within forests as an undercover. Further research on the impact of undercover cropland on ecosystem services and challenges in sustainable management is thus essential.}, language = {en} } @article{EmmertKneisel2017, author = {Emmert, Adrian and Kneisel, Christof}, title = {Internal structure of two alpine rock glaciers investigated by quasi-3-D electrical resistivity imaging}, series = {The Cryosphere}, volume = {11}, journal = {The Cryosphere}, doi = {10.5194/tc-11-841-2017}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-157569}, pages = {841-855}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Interactions between different formative processes are reflected in the internal structure of rock glaciers. Therefore, the detection of subsurface conditions can help to enhance our understanding of landform development. For an assessment of subsurface conditions, we present an analysis of the spatial variability of active layer thickness, ground ice content and frost table topography for two different rock glaciers in the Eastern Swiss Alps by means of quasi-3-D electrical resistivity imaging (ERI). This approach enables an extensive mapping of subsurface structures and a spatial overlay between site-specific surface and subsurface characteristics. At Nair rock glacier, we discovered a gradual descent of the frost table in a downslope direction and a constant decrease of ice content which follows the observed surface topography. This is attributed to ice formation by refreezing meltwater from an embedded snow bank or from a subsurface ice patch which reshapes the permafrost layer. The heterogeneous ground ice distribution at Uertsch rock glacier indicates that multiple processes on different time domains were involved in the development. Resistivity values which represent frozen conditions vary within a wide range and indicate a successive formation which includes several advances, past glacial overrides and creep processes on the rock glacier surface. In combination with the observed topography, quasi-3-D ERI enables us to delimit areas of extensive and compressive flow in close proximity. Excellent data quality was provided by a good coupling of electrodes to the ground in the pebbly material of the investigated rock glaciers. Results show the value of the quasi-3-D ERI approach but advise the application of complementary geophysical methods for interpreting the results.}, language = {en} } @article{MahmoudDukerConradetal.2016, author = {Mahmoud, Mahmoud Ibrahim and Duker, Alfred and Conrad, Christopher and Thiel, Michael and Ahmad, Halilu Shaba}, title = {Analysis of Settlement Expansion and Urban Growth Modelling Using Geoinformation for Assessing Potential Impacts of Urbanization on Climate in Abuja City, Nigeria}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {8}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {3}, doi = {10.3390/rs8030220}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-146644}, pages = {220}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This study analyzed the spatiotemporal pattern of settlement expansion in Abuja, Nigeria, one of West Africa's fastest developing cities, using geoinformation and ancillary datasets. Three epochs of Land-use Land-cover (LULC) maps for 1986, 2001 and 2014 were derived from Landsat images using support vector machines (SVM). Accuracy assessment (AA) of the LULC maps based on the pixel count resulted in overall accuracy of 82\%, 92\% and 92\%, while the AA derived from the error adjusted area (EAA) method stood at 69\%, 91\% and 91\% for 1986, 2001 and 2014, respectively. Two major techniques for detecting changes in the LULC epochs involved the use of binary maps as well as a post-classification comparison approach. Quantitative spatiotemporal analysis was conducted to detect LULC changes with specific focus on the settlement development pattern of Abuja, the federal capital city (FCC) of Nigeria. Logical transitions to the urban category were modelled for predicting future scenarios for the year 2050 using the embedded land change modeler (LCM) in the IDRISI package. Based on the EAA, the result showed that urban areas increased by more than 11\% between 1986 and 2001. In contrast, this value rose to 17\% between 2001 and 2014. The LCM model projected LULC changes that showed a growing trend in settlement expansion, which might take over allotted spaces for green areas and agricultural land if stringent development policies and enforcement measures are not implemented. In conclusion, integrating geospatial technologies with ancillary datasets offered improved understanding of how urbanization processes such as increased imperviousness of such a magnitude could influence the urban microclimate through the alteration of natural land surface temperature. Urban expansion could also lead to increased surface runoff as well as changes in drainage geography leading to urban floods.}, language = {en} } @article{ConradSchoenbrodtStittLoewetal.2016, author = {Conrad, Christopher and Sch{\"o}nbrodt-Stitt, Sarah and L{\"o}w, Fabian and Sorokin, Denis and Paeth, Heiko}, title = {Cropping Intensity in the Aral Sea Basin and Its Dependency from the Runoff Formation 2000-2012}, series = {Remote Sensing}, volume = {8}, journal = {Remote Sensing}, number = {630}, doi = {10.3390/rs8080630}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147701}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This study is aimed at a better understanding of how upstream runoff formation affected the cropping intensity (CI: number of harvests) in the Aral Sea Basin (ASB) between 2000 and 2012. MODIS 250 m NDVI time series and knowledge-based pixel masking that included settlement layers and topography features enabled to map the irrigated cropland extent (iCE). Random forest models supported the classification of cropland vegetation phenology (CVP: winter/summer crops, double cropping, etc.). CI and the percentage of fallow cropland (PF) were derived from CVP. Spearman's rho was selected for assessing the statistical relation of CI and PF to runoff formation in the Amu Darya and Syr Darya catchments per hydrological year. Validation in 12 reference sites using multi-annual Landsat-7 ETM+ images revealed an average overall accuracy of 0.85 for the iCE maps. MODIS maps overestimated that based on Landsat by an average factor of ~1.15 (MODIS iCE/Landsat iCE). Exceptional overestimations occurred in case of inaccurate settlement layers. The CVP and CI maps achieved overall accuracies of 0.91 and 0.96, respectively. The Amu Darya catchment disclosed significant positive (negative) relations between upstream runoff with CI (PF) and a high pressure on the river water resources in 2000-2012. Along the Syr Darya, reduced dependencies could be observed, which is potentially linked to the high number of water constructions in that catchment. Intensified double cropping after drought years occurred in Uzbekistan. However, a 10 km × 10 km grid of Spearman's rho (CI and PF vs. upstream runoff) emphasized locations at different CI levels that are directly affected by runoff fluctuations in both river systems. The resulting maps may thus be supportive on the way to achieve long-term sustainability of crop production and to simultaneously protect the severely threatened environment in the ASB. The gained knowledge can be further used for investigating climatic impacts of irrigation in the region.}, language = {en} }