@phdthesis{Sakuma2009, author = {Sakuma, Yasuhiko}, title = {Hethitische Vogelorakeltexte}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-80625}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2009}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden erstmals s{\"a}mtliche bisher bekannte Texte in hethitischer Sprache zum Vogelorakel (der Ornithomantie) in {\"U}bersetzung und Bearbeitung vorgelegt. Zur inhaltlichen Auswertung dieses Textkorpus z{\"a}hlen nicht nur die Vogelnamen, sondern auch die relevanten Fachtermini in Bezug auf den Vogelflug. Somit schließt diese Arbeit eine Forschungsl{\"u}cke, da mehr als die H{\"a}lfte der erhaltenen Texte zur hetitischen Ornithomantie bislang unpubliziert waren, und die Bedeutungen der in den hethitischen Texten verwendeten Begriffe zum Vogelflug erst durch diese Arbeit verst{\"a}ndlich werden.}, subject = {Hethitisch}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Ikwuagwu2006, author = {Ikwuagwu, Onwumere A.}, title = {INITIATION IN AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION : a systematic symbolic analysis, with special reference to aspects of Igbo Religion in Nigeria}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-20008}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2006}, abstract = {From the history of the Church, we gather that one of the most major tests that confronted the early Christian community was whether everyone who wanted to become a Christian also of necessity had to become a Jew as a pre-requisite for entrance into the new community of believers. The issue at stake is whether one qualifies to be a Christian through adherence to the Jewish identity, which centres on circumcision and the observance of the Mosaic legal code. The crisis resulted to the convocation of the Jerusalem Council (cf. Acts 15), which tasked itself with the definition of the Christian identity. The Council bases its definition of Christian identity, separable from adherence to the Jewish cultural practice (a form of cultural imperialism), solely on election by God in Jesus Christ. Moreover, the event of the Pentecost in Jerusalem demonstrated what the nature of the spreading of the message of this new community of believers in Jesus Christ should be: that people from other cultures, "Parthians, Medes and Elamites; people from Mesopotamia, Judaea and Capadocia, Ponthus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylis, Egypt and the parts of Libya around Cyrene; as well as visitors from Rome, Jews and Proselytes alike, Cretans and Arabs" (Acts 2: 9-11), could understand the message that Peter communicated to them through the force of the breath of the risen Jesus in their own mother tongue, without first becoming Jews. Against the background of this crucial point in the history of the early Church and in consideration of the Second Vatican Council, this dissertation seeks to address the problem of identity, unity and diversity in the Christian religion with special reference to Africa. It proposes that the traditional African Rites of Initiation that mark the transition from one stage of life to the other and therefore the existential and essential transformation of the individual and group offer with their rich symbolisms a very fertile ground for dialogue with the Christian religion. It views the various Rites of Initiation (from birth and ritual circumcision over puberty and adult to marriage and funeral rites) as vital and immutable seminal points in the life of the individual African and his/her society at large. These Rites that express in various ways the African holistic view and conception of life and reality are, in terms of their religious symbolism, meaning and function, analogous to their Christian counterparts (such as baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, ordination, marriage) and can as a result be conveniently accepted or at least incorporated even if in modified forms as authentic African initiation rites for African Christians. Without being syncretistic, such an incorporation and modification at one and the same time recognizes and respects the cultural identity of the African and marks his/her transformation and acceptance of his/her new identity, modelled on Christ. In this way, the African Christian will be enabled to live, articulate and express his/her faith within his/her own historical-cultural milieu. On the whole, the presentation is predictive and prescriptive with regard to what the relationship and dialogue between Christianity and the African Traditional Religion should be or should not be. It is an honest effort to make the Christian message relevant to the African in his/her own perceptual and conceptual world-view. This task remains a steady challenge to African Christians who want to maintain at one and the same time and at the same level their African identity and their Christian calling. The balancing and reconciling of these two identities in a correlating rather than confrontational manner remains a task for the Church of today and tomorrow. The dissertation is a foundational contribution to building up and sharpening consciousness for this problem.}, subject = {Afrika}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jakobeit2018, author = {Jakobeit, Ulrike}, title = {Das Totenbuch des Chonsiu: Untersuchungen zur memphitischen Totenbuchredaktion in der ptolem{\"a}ischen Zeit}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161035}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Ein Totenbuch ist ein Jenseitsf{\"u}hrer bzw. ein Korpus an unterschiedlichen Spr{\"u}chen, welches den Verstorbenen auf seinem Weg ins Jenseits mit Wissen austatten soll. Nur durch die Kenntnis der Topographie und der Gefahren sowie magischem Wissen und dem Wunsch nach fortdauernder Versorgung konnte er unbeschadet ins Jenseits gelangen und dort weiterexistieren. Ziel der Dissertation war zum einen die Erstedition des Totenbuches des Chonsiu, das aufgrund seines stark fragmentierten Zustandes bisher nur am Rande und in wenigen Details erforscht, aber dennoch gerne als Vergleichshandschrift hinzugezogen wurde. Zudem handelt es sich bei diesem um eines der wenigen genau datierbaren Totenb{\"u}cher, die es gibt - nach Chonsius Totenstele verstarb er im Jahr 249 v. Chr. Zum anderen sollte eine Art {\"U}berblickswerk geschaffen werden, in dem die grundlegenden Punkte der memphitischen Totenbuchredaktion der Ptolem{\"a}erzeit zusammengefasst sind. Die memphitischen Totenb{\"u}cher besitzen ein einpr{\"a}gsames Layout sowie eigene charakteristische Vignettenvarianten, eigene Spruchsequenzen und variieren innerhalb des verwendeten Spruchguts. Einige Eigenarten und Varianten beschr{\"a}nken sich auch auf die Handschriften die in der Werkstatt angefertigt wurden aus der das Totenbuch des Chonsiu stammt.}, subject = {Totenbuch <{\"A}gyptisch>}, language = {de} }