@phdthesis{Bolboaca2002, author = {Bolboaca, Monica-Maria}, title = {Vibrational characterisation of coordination and biologically active compounds by means of IR absorption, Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in combination with theoretical simulations}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4616}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {The thesis contains two major parts. The first part deals with structural investigations on different coordination compounds performed by using infrared absorption and FT-Raman spectroscopy in combination with density functional theory calculations. In the first section of this part the starting materials Ph2P-N(H)SiMe3 and Ph3P=NSiMe3 and their corresponding [(MeSi)2NZnPh2P-NSiMe3]2 and Li(o-C6H4PPh2NSiMe3)]2·Et2O complexes have been investigated in order to determine the influence of the metal coordination on the P-N bond length. In the next section the vibrational spectra of four hexacoordinated silicon(IV) and germanium(IV) complexes with three symmetrical bidentate oxalato(2-) ligands have been elucidated. Kinetic investigations of the hydrolysis of two of them, one with silicon and another one with germanium, have been carried out at room temperature and at different pH values and it was observed that the hydrolysis reaction occurs only for the silicon compound, the fastest reaction taking place at acidic pH. In the last section of this part, the geometric configurations of some hexacoordinated silicon(IV) complexes with three unsymmetrical bidentate hydroximato(2-) ligands have been determined. The second part of the thesis contains vibrational investigations of some biologically active molecules performed by means of Raman spectroscopy together with theoretical simulations. The SER spectra of these molecules at different pH values have also been analysed and the adsorption behaviour on the metal surface as well as the influence of the pH on the molecule-substrate interaction have been established.}, subject = {Komplexe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bellinger2016, author = {Bellinger, Daniel}, title = {Implementation of new reaction pathway determining methods and study of solvent effects on the excited state nature of perylene based dyes}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-144435}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Two thematic complexes were addressed within this work. One part is related to improvements and new implementations into the CAST program package. Thereby the main focus laid on the delivery of a tool which can be used to characterize complex reactions and their mechanisms. But also within the new force field (FF) method (SAPT-FF) within the CAST program, several improvements were made. The second topic is related to the description of dye molecules and their spectral properties. The main focus within these studies was set on the influence of the environment on these properties. In the first topic improvements of the local acting NEB (nudged elastic band) methods were included and the number of available methods was extended. The initial pathway generation was improved by implementing the IDPP (image dependent pair potential) method and a new method was implemented for describing temperature dependent pathways. Additionally, improvements have been made to the optimization routines (global NEB). As a second part the Pathopt (PO) method was considerably improved. In the beginning of the work the original PO idea was used. In this approach one starts with a global optimization on one n-1 dimensional hyperplane which divides the reaction into two sub-areas for obtaining guesses of TSs (transition states). These found TS guesses were used to optimize to the "true" TS. Starting from the optimized ones a relaxation to the next connected minima is done. This idea has been automatically implemented and extended to several number of hyperplanes. In this manner a group of pathsegments is obtained which needs to be connected, but within this work it was realized that such a procedure might be not very efficient. Therefore, a new strategy was implemented which is founded on the same constrained global optimization scheme (MCM) for which the user defines the number of hyperplanes generated. The number of such generated hyperplanes should be large enough 134 to describe the space between the concerning reactants in a sufficient way. The found minima are directly used to built up the reaction pathway. For this purpose a RMSD (root mean square deviation) criterion is used to walk along ways of minimal change from one to another hyperplane. To prove the implementations various test calculations were carried out and extensions included to prove the capabilities of the new strategy. Related to these tests a new strategy for applying the move steps in MCM (Monte Carlo with minimization) was realized which is also related to the question of the coordinates representation. We were able to show that the hopping steps in MCM can be improved by applying Cartesian steps in combination of random dihedral moves with respect to the constraint. In this way it was possible to show that a large variety of systems can be treated. An additional chapter shows the improvements of the SAPT-FF implementation and related test cases. It was possible to treat benzene dimer and cluster systems of different sizes consistently also in accordance with high level ab initio based approaches. Furthermore, we showed that the SAPT-FF with the right parameters outperforms the standard AMOEBA implementation which is the basis of the SAPT-FF implementation. In the last three chapters deal with the description of perlyene-based dyes. In the first smaller chapter ground state chemistry description of macro cycles of PBI (perylene bisimide) derivatives were investigated. Therefore, AFM (atomic force microscopy) based pictures were explained within our study. The methods to explain aggregation behavior in dependency of the ring size were MD simulations and configuration studies. The last two chapters deal with opto-electronic or photo-physical properties of PBI and PTCDA (perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic dianhydride). In detail, we investigated the role of the environment and the aggregate or crystal surrounding by applying different models. In that way implicit and explicit solvation models, the size of aggregates and vibration motions were used. In the case of PBI the recent work is found on preliminary studies related to my bachelor thesis and extends it. It was shown that the direct influence of a polarizable surrounding, as well as explicit inclusion of solvent molecules on the overall description of the excitations and nature of the excited states is weaker as one might expect. However the inclusion of intra-molecular degrees of freedom showed a stronger influence on the state characteristics and can induce a change of the order of states within the dimer picture. For the PTCDA molecule the main focus was set on the description of the absorption spectrum of crystalline thin films. Related to this older works exist which already gave a description and assignment of the absorption band, but are based on different approaches compared to the one used in this work. We used the supermolecule ansatz, whereas the environment and different aggregate sizes were investigated. Within the dimer based approach we were able to show that using continuum solvation (IEFPCM/COSMO) based description for the environment the relative order of states remains unchanged. Similar to the PBI calculations the influence of the vibrational motions /distortions is larger. The simulation of the crystal environment by using QM/MM (quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics) approaches delivered that an asymmetric charge distribution might induce a localization of the excitation and a stronger mixing of states. For obtaining further insights we go beyond the dimer picture and aggregates of different sizes were used, whereas the simulations up to the octadecamer mono- and even dual-layer stack were carried out. Within these calculations it was shown that the H-coupling is dominating over a weaker J-coupling between different stacks. Additionally the calculations based on DFT (density functional theory) and semi-empirics showed that the lowest state in terms of energy are mostly of Frenkel type, whereas the higher lying states are CT ones which mix with embedded Frenkel type states. The first band of the absorption spectrum was explained by inclusion of vibrational motions within the stacks which induce an intensity gain of the first excited state. This intensity was not explainable by using the undistorted stacks. Also relaxations at the crystal surface might play a role, but are experimentally not explainable.}, subject = {Globale Optimierung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Becker2015, author = {Becker, Johannes}, title = {Development and implementation of new simulation possibilities in the CAST program package}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-132032}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {The aim of the present work is the development and implementation of new simulation possibilities for the CAST program package. Development included, among other things, the partial parallelization of the already existing force fields, extension of the treatment of electrostatic interactions and implementation of molecular dynamics and free energy algorithms. The most time consuming part of force field calculations is the evaluation of the nonbonded interactions. The calculation of these interactions has been parallelized and it could be shown to yield a significant speed up for multi-core calculations compared to the serial execution on only one CPU. For both, simple energy/gradient as well as molecular dynamics simulations the computational time could be significantly reduced. To further increase the performance of calculations employing a cutoff radius, a linkedcell algorithm was implemented which is able to build up the non-bonded interaction list up to 7 times faster than the original algorithm. To provide access to dynamic properties based on the natural time evolution of a system, a molecular dynamics code has been implemented. The MD implementation features two integration schemes for the equations of motion which are able to generate stable trajectories. The basic MD algorithm as described in Section 1.2 leads to the sampling in the microcanonical (NVE) ensemble. The practical use of NVE simulations is limited though because it does not correspond to any experimentally realistic situation. More realistic simulation conditions are found in the isothermal (NVT) and isothermalisobaric (NPT) ensembles. To generate those ensembles, temperature and pressure control has been implemented. The temperature can be controlled in two ways: by direct velocity scaling and by a Nose-Hoover thermostat which produces a real canonical ensemble. The pressure coupling is realized by implementation of a Berendsen barostat. The pressure coupling can be used for isotropic or anisotropic box dimensions with the restriction that the angles of the box need to be 90� . A crucial simulation parameter in MD simulations is the length of the timestep. The timestep is usually in the rang of 1fs. Increasing the timestep beyond 1fs can lead to unstable trajectories since the fastest motion in the system, usually the H-X stretch vibration can not be sampled anymore. A way to allow for bigger timesteps is the use of a constraint algorithm which constrains the H-X bonds to the equilibrium distance. For this the RATTLE algorithm has been implemented in the CAST program. The velocity Verlet algorithm in combination with the RATTLE algorithm has been shown to yield stable trajectories for an arbitrary length of simulation time. In a first application the MD implementation is used in conjunction with the MOPAC interface for the investigation of PBI sidechains and their rigidity. The theoretical investigations show a nice agreement with experimentally obtained results. Based on the MD techniques two algorithms for the determination of free energy differences have been implemented. The umbrella sampling algorithm can be used to determine the free energy change along a reaction coordinate based on distances or dihedral angles. The implementation was tested on the stretching of a deca-L-alanine and the rotation barrier of butane in vacuum. The results are in nearly perfect agreement with literature values. For the FEP implementation calculations were performed for a zero-sum transformation of ethane in explicit solvent, the charging of a sodium ion in explicit solvent and the transformations of a tripeptide in explicit solvent. All results are in agreement with benchmark calculations of the NAMD program as well as literature values. The FEP formalism was then applied to determine the relative binding free energies between two inhibitors in an inhibitor-protein complex. Next to force fields, ab-initio methods can be used for simulations and global optimizations. Since the performance of such methods is usually significantly poorer than force field applications, the use for global optimizations is limited. Nevertheless significant progress has been made by porting these codes to GPUs. In order to make use of these developments a MPI interface has been implemented into CAST for communication with the DFT code TeraChem. The CAST/TeraChem combination has been tested on the \$H_2 O_{10}\$ cluster as well as the polypeptide met-Enkephalin. The pure ab-initio calculations showed a superior behavior compared to the standard procedure where the force field results are usually refined using quantum chemical methods.}, subject = {Molekulardynamik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Baia2002, author = {Baia, Gheorghe Lucian}, title = {Theory and applications of confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy on hybrid polymer coatings and PDMS membranes and spectroscopic studies of doped B2O3-Bi2O3 glass systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-4606}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2002}, abstract = {The thesis consists of two major parts. The first part contains a theoretical-experimental study of confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy on hybrid polymer coatings and an application of this spectroscopic method on PDMS-membranes. The theoretical-experimental study includes the application of a model that describes the influence of the refraction effect on the focus length on confocal Raman experiments, and the development of a new model that additionally takes into account the effect of diffraction on the focus dimensions. A parallel comparison between these two theoretical approaches and experimental data has been also drawn and a better agreement between theory and experiment was observed, when both refraction and diffraction effects were considered. Further, confocal resonance micro-Raman spectroscopy has been applied to characterise the diffusion processes of pharmacologically relevant molecules (b-carotene dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide) through a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-membrane. The diffusion rate as a function of the measurement depth and diffusion time as well as the concentration gradient under a steady flux have been determined. The measurements shown that the confocal micro-Raman technique is a powerful tool to investigate the kinetics of diffusion processes within a membrane before the steady state has been reached. The second part of the thesis contains infrared and Raman spectroscopic studies of copper and iron doped B2O3-Bi2O3 glass systems. These studies were performed to obtain specific data regarding their local structure and the role played by dopant ions on boron and bismuthate units. The changes of B2O3 and Bi2O3 structural units due to the relaxation of the amorphous structure, which was induced in these samples by the thermal treatment, were also evidenced.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Babocsi2005, author = {Babocsi, Krisztina}, title = {Characterization of II-VI semiconductor nanostructures by low wavenumber raman- and four-wave-mixing spectroscopy}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-12551}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Es ist bekannt, dass r{\"a}umlich eingeschr{\"a}nkte Ladungstr{\"a}ger in niederdimensionalen Halbleitern zur Verst{\"a}rkung optischer und elektronischer Eigenschaften solcher Nanostrukturen beitragen. Die Physik des "Quantum Confinements" ist trotz umfangreicher Nachforschungen noch immer nicht v{\"o}llig verstanden. Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltet eine qualitative Studie quasi-nulldimensionaler II-VI Halbleiter Nanostrukturen. Es wurden handels{\"u}bliche und w{\"a}rmebehandelte CdSxSe1-x Quantenpunkte (QDs) mittels linearer und nicht-linearer Spektroskopie untersucht. Im Rahmen nicht-resonanter Raman Spektroskopie wurden Schl{\"u}sseleigenschaften der QDs, wie z.B. der Durchmesser und die Gr{\"o}ßenverteilung, bestimmt. Die Anordnung der Energieniveaus in einer atom-{\"a}hnlichen Struktur hat die Verst{\"a}rkung der Intensit{\"a}t akustischer Phononen zur Folge, welche im Bulk nicht nachgewiesen werden k{\"o}nnen. In Nanokristallen sind nur zwei Sorten akustischer Vibrationen Raman-aktiv: Die kugelsymmetrischen (l = 0) und die quadrupolaren (l=2) Vibrationen, die durch linear polarisierte Laserpulse selektiv angeregt werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Gr{\"o}ße der QDs wurde durch Ber{\"u}cksichtigen der Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Vibrationsfrequenz akustischer Phononen von dem Durchmesser des Nanokristalls berechnet. Die Gr{\"o}ßenverteilung der QDs ist aus dem normalisierten FWHM ("full width at half maximum") der symmetrischen Vibration bestimmt worden. Die Relaxationsprozesse in Quantenpunkten finden auf einer Pikosekundenskala statt, zu deren Untersuchung ultraschnelle Spektroskopiemethoden mit Laserpulsen im Femtosekundenbereich notwendig sind. Es wurden in einer Glasmatrix eingebettete CdS0.6Se0.4 QDs von 9.1 nm Durchmesser mittels Fs-VWM- und Fs-PPT-Spektroskopie untersucht. In beiden F{\"a}llen wurden zirkular polarisierte Fs-Laserpulse eingesetzt. Es ist gezeigt worden, dass die Auswahlregeln f{\"u}r die Polarisation sehr stark von der Symmetrie der Nanokristalle abh{\"a}ngig sind. Es ist gezeigt worden, dass die angeregten Nanokristalle der Symmetriegruppe C2v oder niedriger angeh{\"o}ren und der Nachweis einer hexagonalen Struktur der Nanokristalle wurde erbracht. Die G{\"u}ltigkeit des Vier-Niveau-Modells wurde ebenfalls nachgewiesen. Dieses Modell enth{\"a}lt einen Grundzustand, zwei Exzitonzust{\"a}nde und einen Biexzitonenzustand. Das Entstehen der VWM- und PPT-Signale in verbotenen Polarisationsgeometrien wurde durch das Auftreten starker Coulomb-Wechselwirkung zwischen Exzitonen, die sich in demselben QD befinden, und durch die niedrige Symmetrie der QDs erkl{\"a}rt. Aufgrund der quadratischen Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Intensit{\"a}ten der VWM-Signale von der Intensit{\"a}t der PPT-Signale, konnten die Ergebnisse der VWM-Messungen durch PPT-Untersuchungen gepr{\"u}ft werden. Die Effizienz der Methode der zirkular polarisierten Fs-VWM-Spektroskopie wurde bei der Untersuchung von in einer Glasmatrix eingebetteten w{\"a}rmebehandelten CdSe Quantenpunkten noch einmal best{\"a}tigt. Die Aufmerksamkeit auf Nicht-Phonon-Relaxationsmechanismen des Grund- und angeregten Zustands des Exzitons gerichtet. Außerdem konnte die Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Kristallasymmetrie von der Nanopartikelgr{\"o}ße und von den Wachstumsbedingungen abgesch{\"a}tzt werden. Es zeigte sich, dass qualitativ hochwertige Quantenpunkte am effizientesten durch lange Wachstumszeiten bei niedrigen Temperaturen hergestellt werden k{\"o}nnen. Dabei haben die Nanokristalle gen{\"u}gend Zeit f{\"u}r „Nukleation" und nehmen eine symmetrischere Form an. Außerdem ist es nachgewiesen worden, dass die Exzitonrelaxation sehr stark von den Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Ladungstr{\"a}gern abh{\"a}ngt. Die Relaxationsprozesse der Exzitonen werden sowohl durch die Auger Selbstionisation, als auch durch den anschließenden Einfang der Ladungstr{\"a}ger in tiefen Fallen (an der Quantenpunktoberfl{\"a}che und/oder in der dielektrischen Matrix) deutlich verlangsamt. Dadurch wird die Lebensdauer der Exzitonen deutlich verk{\"u}rzt und liegt im Pikosekundenbereich. Die Relaxation der Exzitonen von h{\"o}heren Energieniveaus in den Grundzustand erfolgt auch auf zwei Wegen: Am Anfang des Relaxationsprozesses (t31 ~ 200 fs) ist Auger-Thermalisierung der Ladungstr{\"a}ger f{\"u}r die Relaxation des Elektrons von seinem angeregten 1pe Zustand auf sein niedrigeres 1se Energieniveau verantwortlich. W{\"a}renddessen erfolgt die Relaxation des Lochs sehr schnell {\"u}ber sein dichtes Spektrum von Valenzbandzust{\"a}nden. Diesem Prozess folgt unmittelbar der Einfang der Ladungstr{\"a}ger in tiefen Fallen, die sich an der Nanokristall-Glasmatrix-Grenzfl{\"a}che befinden. Diese Fallen sind eine direkte Konsequenz der Asymmetrie des Nanokristalls: je zahlreicher und je tiefer die Fallen, desto h{\"o}her ist die Asymmetrie des Kristalls. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist eine komplette Charakterisierung der in einer Glas- matrix eingebetteten CdSSe-Quantenpunkte gelungen. Die wichtigsten Eigenschaften, wie z.B. die Gr{\"o}ße und die Gr{\"o}ßenverteilung der Quantenpunkte, sind durch polarisierte Raman-Messungen bestimmt worden. Um ein komplettes Bild {\"u}ber die Nanokristalle zu bekommen, sind weitere nicht-lineare Spektroskopiemethoden eingesetzt worden. Polarisierte VWM Spektroskopie wurde zur Untersuchung verschiedener Quantenpunktensembles erfolgreich eingesetzt und daraus sind wertvolle Informationen {\"u}ber die Symmetrie der Nanokristalle gewonnen worden. Weiterhin sind die Exzitonrelaxationsmechanismen beschrieben worden, die die Verst{\"a}rkung der optischen nicht-linearen Eigenschaften und starke Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen zwischen Exzitonen erkl{\"a}ren. Durch die Untersuchung der Auswirkung verschiedener Wachstumsbedingungen auf die Symmetrie der QDs stellt diese Arbeit einen erg{\"a}nzenden Beitrag zu Herstellungsverfahren qualitativ hochwertiger Quantenpunkte dar.}, subject = {Zwei-Sechs-Halbleiter}, language = {en} } @article{AhmedOjhaHirschetal.2017, author = {Ahmed, Bilal and Ojha, Animesh K. and Hirsch, Florian and Fischer, Ingo and Patrice, Donfack and Materny, Arnulf}, title = {Tailoring of enhanced interfacial polarization in WO\(_3\) nanorods grown over reduced graphene oxide synthesized by a one-step hydrothermal method}, series = {RSC Advances}, volume = {7}, journal = {RSC Advances}, number = {23}, doi = {10.1039/c7ra00730b}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181829}, pages = {13985-13996}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In the present report, well-defined WO3 nanorods (NRs) and a rGO-WO\(_3\) composite were successfully synthesized using a one-pot hydrothermal method. The crystal phase, structural morphology, shape, and size of the as-synthesized samples were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements. The optical properties of the synthesized samples were investigated by Raman, ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy and TEM results validate the formation of WO\(_3\) (NRs) on the rGO sheet. The value of the dielectric constant (ε′) of WO3 NRs and rGO-WO\(_3\) composite is decreased with an increase in frequency. At low frequency (2.5 to 3.5 Hz), the value of ε′ for the rGO-WO3 composite is greater than that of pure WO\(_3\) NRs. This could be due to the fact that the induced charges follow the ac signal. However, at higher frequency (3.4 to 6.0), the value of ε′ for the rGO-WO\(_3\) composite is less compared to that of the pure WO3 NRs. The overall decrease in the value of ε′ could be due to the occurrence of a polarization process at the interface of the rGO sheet and WO3 NRs. Enhanced interfacial polarization in the rGO-WO\(_3\) composite is observed, which may be attributed to the presence of polar functional groups on the rGO sheet. These functional groups trap charge carriers at the interface, resulting in an enhancement of the interfacial polarization. The value of the dielectric modulus is also calculated to further confirm this enhancement. The values of the ac conductivity of the WO\(_3\) NRs and rGO-WO\(_3\) composite were calculated as a function of the frequency. The greater value of the ac conductivity in the rGO-WO\(_3\) composite compared to that of the WO\(_3\) NRs confirms the restoration of the sp:\(^{++}\) network during the in situ synthesis of the rGO-WO\(_3\) composite, which is well supported by the results obtained by Raman spectroscopy.}, language = {en} } @article{AeschlimannBrixnerCinchettietal.2017, author = {Aeschlimann, Martin and Brixner, Tobias and Cinchetti, Mirko and Frisch, Benjamin and Hecht, Bert and Hensen, Matthias and Huber, Bernhard and Kramer, Christian and Krauss, Enno and Loeber, Thomas H. and Pfeiffer, Walter and Piecuch, Martin and Thielen, Philip}, title = {Cavity-assisted ultrafast long-range periodic energy transfer between plasmonic nanoantennas}, series = {Light: Science \& Applications}, volume = {6}, journal = {Light: Science \& Applications}, doi = {10.1038/lsa.2017.111}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173265}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Radiationless energy transfer is at the core of diverse phenomena, such as light harvesting in photosynthesis\(^1\), energy-transfer-based microspectroscopies\(^2\), nanoscale quantum entanglement\(^3\) and photonic-mode hybridization\(^4\). Typically, the transfer is efficient only for separations that are much shorter than the diffraction limit. This hampers its application in optical communication and quantum information processing, which require spatially selective addressing. Here, we demonstrate highly efficient radiationless coherent energy transfer over a distance of twice the excitation wavelength by combining localized and delocalized\(^5\) plasmonic modes. Analogous to the Tavis-Cummings model, two whispering-gallery-mode antennas\(^6\) placed in the foci of an elliptical plasmonic cavity\(^7\) fabricated from single-crystal gold plates act as a pair of oscillators coupled to a common cavity mode. Time-resolved two-photon photoemission electron microscopy (TR 2P-PEEM) reveals an ultrafast long-range periodic energy transfer in accordance with the simulations. Our observations open perspectives for the optimization and tailoring of mesoscopic energy transfer and long-range quantum emitter coupling.}, language = {en} } @article{AeschlimannBauerBayeretal.2012, author = {Aeschlimann, Martin and Bauer, Michael and Bayer, Daniela and Brixner, Tobias and Cunovic, Stefan and Fischer, Alexander and Melchior, Pascal and Pfeiffer, Walter and Rohmer, Martin and Schneider, Christian and Str{\"u}ber, Christian and Tuchscherer, Philip and Voronine, Dimitri V.}, title = {Optimal open-loop near-field control of plasmonic nanostructures}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-75256}, year = {2012}, abstract = {Optimal open-loop control, i.e. the application of an analytically derived control rule, is demonstrated for nanooptical excitations using polarization-shaped laser pulses. Optimal spatial near-field localization in gold nanoprisms and excitation switching is realized by applying a shift to the relative phase of the two polarization components. The achieved near-field switching confirms theoretical predictions, proves the applicability of predefined control rules in nanooptical light-matter interaction and reveals local mode interference to be an important control mechanism.}, subject = {Chemie}, language = {en} }