@phdthesis{Mueller2020, author = {M{\"u}ller, Kerstin}, title = {Einzelmolek{\"u}l- und Ensemble-Fluoreszenzstudien an funktionalisierten, halbleitenden Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20994}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-209942}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Ziel dieser Dissertation war es zu einem besseren Verst{\"a}ndnis hinsichtlich folgender Themen beizutragen und M{\"o}glichkeiten aufzuzeigen, mit welchen die Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r Anwendungen von einzelnen, funktionalisierten Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren, wie u.a. Einzelphotonenquellen, erf{\"u}llt werden k{\"o}nnen. Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die Funktionalisierung von einzelnen Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren ist zun{\"a}chst eine Probenpr{\"a}paration, welche SWNT-Suspensionen mit einem hohen Anteil an vereinzelten SWNTs hoher PL-Intensit{\"a}t bereitstellen kann. Um solche SWNT-Suspensionen herstellen zu k{\"o}nnen, wurden drei verschiedene Rohmaterialien und Dispergiermittel auf deren Entb{\"u}ndelungseffizienz- und relativer Photolumineszenzquantenausbeute untersucht. Anhand von photolumineszenzspektroskopischen Untersuchungen und Messungen der Extinktion stellte sich heraus, dass in Kombination des unaufbereiteten CVD-Kohlenstoffnanorohrrußes mit dem Copolymer PFO:BPy als Dispergiermittel und einem speziell in dieser Dissertation entwickelten Herstellungsverfahren f{\"u}r die Mikroskopieproben, stabile (6,5)-SWNT-Suspensionen mit einem großen Anteil an einzelnen SWNTs hoher PL-Intensit{\"a}t, hergestellt werden k{\"o}nnen. Letztere Suspension diente als Ausgangsmaterial f{\"u}r die, in dieser Dissertation neuartige, entwickelte Methodik zur Differenzierung zwischen einzelnen SWNTs und Aggregaten mittels PL- und Ramanmessungen an einem PL-Mikroskopie-Aufbau, welche eine weitere Voraussetzung f{\"u}r Einzelpartikelstudien darstellt. Hierbei wurden im Rahmen einer statistischen Messreihe PL- und Ramanspektren von 150 SWNT-Objekten aufgenommen und hieraus resultierend die Parameter FWHM, Energie des S1-Emissions-Zustands und relative Photolumineszenzquantenausbeute ermittelt. Schließlich konnten die zwischen einer einzelnen SWNT und einem Aggregat charakteristischen Differenzen anhand der Korrelationen zwischen den drei Parametern dargestellt werden. Zudem erfolgte eine statistische Analyse zur Bestimmung der statistischen Signifikanz dieser Korrelationen. Hierbei wurde anhand der nicht-parametrischen Spearman-Korrelationskoeffizienten und der p-Werte gezeigt, dass in Kombination dieser drei Messparameter mit einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit zwischen einer einzelnen SWNT und einem Aggregat differenziert werden kann. Demnach konnte eine neuartige, im Vergleich zur Literatur, praktikable Methodik zur Differenzierung zwischen einzelnen SWNTs und Aggregaten, etabliert werden, welche die Voraussetzung f{\"u}r Einzelrohrstudien ist. Der Fokus dieser Dissertation ist die Entschl{\"u}sselung der Reaktionsmechanismen der Arylierung und reduktiven Alkylierung von (6,5)-SWNTs im Ensemble und auf Einzelrohrbasis. Durch diese kovalenten Funktionalisierungsverfahren entstehen neue fluoreszierende Defekt-Zust{\"a}nde, deren zeitabh{\"a}ngiges Intensit{\"a}tsverhalten in der vorliegenden Arbeit n{\"a}her untersucht wurde. Hinsichtlich der Arylierung von SWNTs mit Diazoniumsalzen postulieren Studien einen zweistufigen Reaktionsmechanismus, welcher durch eine kombinatorische, spektroskopische Gesamtbetrachtung im Rahmen dieser Dissertation best{\"a}tigt werden konnte. Auch konnte erstmalig in der Literatur gezeigt werden, dass die Reaktion in hohem Maße reproduzierbar ist. Reproduzierbarkeitsstudien wurden auch im Falle der reduktiven Alkylierung unternommen, wobei erstmalig festgestellt wurde, dass diese Reaktion lediglich im hohen Maße reproduzierbar ist, sofern die Reduktionsl{\"o}sung mindestens 17 Stunden vor Reaktionsstart angesetzt wird. Basierend auf diesem Resultat, wurden reproduzierbare Messreihen zur Untersuchung der Reaktionsbedingungen und des Reaktionsmechanismus unternommen, da diesbez{\"u}glich unzureichend Kenntnis in der Literatur vorhanden ist. Zur Kl{\"a}rung des Reaktionsmechanismus, von welchem lediglich Annahmen existieren, wurde zum einen der Einfluss der Laseranregung auf die Reaktion untersucht. Da lediglich f{\"u}r den Falle des Ansetzens der Reduktionsl{\"o}sung unmittelbar vor Messbeginn, wobei die reaktiven SO2- -Radikale erzeugt werden, ein Einfluss der Laseranregung festgestellt werden konnte, nicht jedoch im weiteren Reaktionsverlauf, ist von keiner radikalischen Reaktion im Funktionalisierungsschritt auszugehen. Dies konnte durch den Einsatz von Konstitutionsisomeren des Iodbutans best{\"a}tigt werden, wobei das Iodbutanisomer, welches im Fall einer radikalischen Reaktion die h{\"o}chste Reaktivit{\"a}t zeigen sollte, zu keiner Funktionalisierung der SWNTs f{\"u}hrte. Im Gegensatz hierzu, konnte durch das 1-Iodbutan, mit dem prim{\"a}ren C-Atom, eine hohe PL-Intensit{\"a}t der defekt-induzierten Zust{\"a}nde E11- und T- verzeichnet werden, was die weitere Annahme einer SN2-Reaktion st{\"u}tzt. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation konnte zudem erstmalig entdeckt werden, dass unter deren alkalischen, reduktiven Bedingungen, eine Funktionalisierung mit Acetonitril erfolgen kann, was durch die Durchstimmung der PL-Intensit{\"a}t des Defektzustands bei Variation des Volumenanteils von Acetonitril best{\"a}tigt werden konnte. Hierbei gilt es jedoch weiter zu analysieren, auf welche Art die Koordination bzw. Funktionalisierung von Acetonitril an den SWNTs erfolgt, was u.a. durch Ramanmessungen untersucht werden k{\"o}nnte. Auch konnten neuartige Kenntnisse bez{\"u}glich der Reaktionskinetik basierend auf den Studien dieser Dissertation erhalten werden, wobei festgestellt wurde, dass das Reaktionsprofil mit dem einer komplexen Folgereaktion angen{\"a}hert werden kann. Zudem konnten neuartige Kenntnisse aus der Thermodynamik, wie die Ermittlung der Aktivierungsenergie der Adsorption von DOC-Molek{\"u}len auf der SWNT-Oberfl{\"a}che, durch die Zugabe des Tensids DOC zum Reaktionsansatz und dem hieraus resultierenden Reaktionsabbruch, erhalten werden. Schließlich fand eine {\"U}bertragung der Ergebnisse aus den Ensemblestudien der reduktiven Alkylierung auf Einzelpartikeluntersuchungen statt, wobei letztere erstmalig im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden. Aus der statistischen Analyse, welche von Martina Wederhake durchgef{\"u}hrt wurde, resultierte durch Erh{\"o}hung des Stoffmengenverh{\"a}ltnisses von 1-Iodbutan zu Kohlenstoff eine inhomogene Steigerung des Funktionalisierungsgrades. Ausblickend gilt es nun zu pr{\"u}fen, ob die zeitlichen Reaktionsverl{\"a}ufe der photolumineszierenden Zust{\"a}nde, welche aus den Ensemble-Studien erhalten wurden, auf Einzelrohrbasis reproduziert werden k{\"o}nnen. Es l{\"a}sst sich demnach festhalten, dass mithilfe der Studien dieser Dissertation ein Probenherstellungsverfahren, welches stabile SWNT-Suspensionen mit einem großen Anteil an einzelnen Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren, hoher PL-Intensit{\"a}t erm{\"o}glicht, etabliert werden konnte. Zudem wurde eine neuartige, praktikable und statistisch signifikante Methodik zur Differenzierung zwischen einzelnen Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren und Aggregaten entwickelt. Schließlich konnten neue, essentielle Informationen bez{\"u}glich des Reaktionsmechanismus und den Reaktionsbedingungen der Arylierung und reduktiven Alkylierung von halbleitenden (6,5)-SWNTs erhalten werden. Wie in der Einleitung bereits erw{\"a}hnt, sind sowohl der Erhalt einer stabilen SWNT-Suspension mit einem großen Anteil an einzelnen Nanor{\"o}hren hoher PL-Intensit{\"a}t, die M{\"o}glichkeit der Identifizierung einzelner SWNTs, als auch ein ausgiebiges Verst{\"a}ndnis der Reaktionsmechanismen der Funktionalisierungsreaktionen, essentielle Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r die Verwirklichung von Einzelphotonenquellen auf Basis einzelner, funktionalisierter Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren. Diese k{\"o}nnen aufgrund derer geeigneter Emissionseigenschaften als vielversprechende Kandidaten f{\"u}r das Ausgangsmaterial von Einzelphotonenquellen in der Quanteninformationstechnologie angesehen werden.}, subject = {Einwandige Kohlenstoff-Nanor{\"o}hre}, language = {de} } @unpublished{HumeniukBužančićHocheetal.2020, author = {Humeniuk, Alexander and Bužančić, Margarita and Hoche, Joscha and Cerezo, Javier and Mitric, Roland and Santoro, Fabrizio and Bonačić-Koutecky, Vlasta}, title = {Predicting fluorescence quantum yields for molecules in solution: A critical assessment of the harmonic approximation and the choice of the lineshape function}, series = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199305}, year = {2020}, abstract = {For the rational design of new fluorophores, reliable predictions of fluorescence quantum yields from first principles would be of great help. However, efficient computational approaches for predicting transition rates usually assume that the vibrational structure is harmonic. While the harmonic approximation has been used successfully to predict vibrationally resolved spectra and radiative rates, its reliability for non-radiative rates is much more questionable. Since non-adiabatic transitions convert large amounts of electronic energy into vibrational energy, the highly excited final vibrational states deviate greatly from harmonic oscillator eigenfunctions. We employ a time-dependent formalism to compute radiative and non-radiative rates for transitions and study the dependence on model parameters. For several coumarin dyes we compare different adiabatic and vertical harmonic models (AS, ASF, AH, VG, VGF, VH), in order to dissect the importance of displacements, frequency changes and Duschinsky rotations. In addition we analyze the effect of different broadening functions (Gaussian, Lorentzian or Voigt). Moreover, to assess the qualitative influence of anharmonicity on the internal conversion rate, we develop a simplified anharmonic model. We adress the reliability of these models considering the potential errors introduced by the harmonic approximation and the phenomenological width of the broadening function.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{TitovHumeniukMitric2020, author = {Titov, Evgenii and Humeniuk, Alexander and Mitric, Roland}, title = {Comparison of moving and fixed basis sets for nonadiabatic quantum dynamics at conical intersections}, series = {Chemical Physics}, journal = {Chemical Physics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199225}, year = {2020}, abstract = {We assess the performance of two different types of basis sets for nonadiabatic quantum dynamics at conical intersections. The basis sets of both types are generated using Ehrenfest trajectories of nuclear coherent states. These trajectories can either serve as a moving (time-dependent) basis or be employed to sample a fixed (time-independent) basis. We demonstrate on the example of two-state two-dimensional and three-state five-dimensional models that both basis set types can yield highly accurate results for population transfer at intersections, as compared with reference quantum dynamics. The details of wave packet evolutions are discussed for the case of the two-dimensional model. The fixed basis is found to be superior to the moving one in reproducing nonlocal spreading and maintaining correct shape of the wave packet upon time evolution. Moreover, for the models considered, the fixed basis set outperforms the moving one in terms of computational efficiency.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{LindnerSultangaleevaRoehretal.2019, author = {Lindner, Joachim O. and Sultangaleeva, Karina and R{\"o}hr, Merle I. S. and Mitric, Roland}, title = {metaFALCON: A program package for automatic sampling of conical intersection seams using multistate metadynamics}, series = {Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation}, journal = {Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-199258}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The multistate metadynamics for automatic exploration of conical intersection seams and systematic location of minimum energy crossing points in molecular systems and its implementation into the software package metaFALCON is presented. Based on a locally modified energy gap between two Born-Oppenheimer electronic states as a collective variable, multistate metadynamics trajectories are driven toward an intersection point starting from an arbitrary ground state geometry and are subsequently forced to explore the conical intersection seam landscape. For this purpose, an additional collective variable capable of distinguishing structures within the seam needs to be defined and an additional bias is introduced into the off-diagonal elements of an extended (multistate) electronic Hamiltonian. We demonstrate the performance of the algorithm on the examples of the 1,3-butadiene, benzene, and 9H-adenine molecules, where multiple minimum energy crossing points could be systematically located using the Wiener number or Cremer-Pople parameters as collective variables. Finally, with the example of 9H-adenine, we show that the multistate metadynamics potential can be used to obtain a global picture of a conical intersection seam. Our method can be straightforwardly connected with any ab initio or semiempirical electronic structure theory that provides energies and gradients of the respective electronic states and can serve for systematic elucidation of the role of conical intersections in the photophysics and photochemistry of complex molecular systems, thus complementing nonadiabatic dynamics simulations.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{LisinetskayaMitric2019, author = {Lisinetskaya, Polina G. and Mitric, Roland}, title = {Collective Response in DNA-Stabilized Silver Cluster Assemblies from First-Principles Simulations}, series = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-198729}, year = {2019}, abstract = {We investigate fluorescence resonant energy transfer and concurrent electron dynamics in a pair of DNA-stabilized silver clusters. For this purpose we introduce a methodology for the simulation of collective optoelectronic properties of coupled molecular aggregates starting from first-principles quantum chemistry, which can be further applied to a broad range of coupled molecular systems to study their electro-optical response. Our simulations reveal the existence of low-energy coupled excitonic states, which enable ultrafast energy transport between subunits, and give insight into the origin of the fluorescence signal in coupled DNA-stabilized silver clusters, which have been recently experimentally detected. Hence, we demonstrate the possibility of constructing ultrasmall energy transmission lines and optical converters based on these hybrid molecular systems.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{RoederPetersenIssleretal.2019, author = {R{\"o}der, Anja and Petersen, Jens and Issler, Kevin and Fischer, Ingo and Mitric, Roland and Poisson, Lionel}, title = {Exploring the Excited-State Dynamics of Hydrocarbon Radicals, Biradicals and Carbenes using Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Field-Induced Surface Hopping Simulations}, series = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry A}, journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry A}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-198734}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Reactive hydrocarbon molecules like radicals, biradicals and carbenes are not only key players in combustion processes and interstellar and atmospheric chemistry, but some of them are also important intermediates in organic synthesis. These systems typically possess many low-lying, strongly coupled electronic states. After light absorption, this leads to rich photodynamics characterized by a complex interplay of nuclear and electronic motion, which is still not comprehensively understood and not easy to investigate both experimentally and theoretically. In order to elucidate trends and contribute to a more general understanding, we here review our recent work on excited-state dynamics of open-shell hydrocarbon species using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and field-induced surface hopping simulations, and report new results on the excited-state dynamics of the tropyl and the 1-methylallyl radical. The different dynamics are compared, and the difficulties and future directions of time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and excited state dynamics simulations of open-shell hydrocarbon molecules are discussed.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{TitovHumeniukMitric2018, author = {Titov, Evgenii and Humeniuk, Alexander and Mitric, Roland}, title = {Exciton localization in excited-state dynamics of a tetracene trimer: A surface hopping LC-TDDFTB study}, series = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-198680}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Excitons in the molecular aggregates of chromophores are key participants in important processes such as photosynthesis or the functioning of organic photovoltaic devices. Therefore, the exploration of exciton dynamics is crucial. Here we report on exciton localization during excited-state dynamics of the recently synthesized tetracene trimer [Liu et al., Org. Lett., 2017, 19, 580]. We employ the surface hopping approach to nonadiabatic molecular dynamics in conjunction with the long-range corrected time-dependent density functional tight binding (LC-TDDFTB) method [Humeniuk and Mitrić, Comput. Phys. Commun., 2017, 221, 174]. Utilizing a set of descriptors based on the transition density matrix, we perform comprehensive analysis of exciton dynamics. The obtained results reveal an ultrafast exciton localization to a single tetracene unit of the trimer during excited-state dynamics, along with exciton transfer between units.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{AuerhammerSchulzSchmiedeletal.2019, author = {Auerhammer, Nina and Schulz, Alexander and Schmiedel, Alexander and Holzapfel, Marco and Hoche, Joscha and R{\"o}hr, Merle I. S. and Mitric, Roland and Lambert, Christoph}, title = {Dynamic exciton localisation in a pyrene-BODIPY-pyrene dye conjugate}, series = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-198718}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The photophysics of a molecular triad consisting of a BODIPY dye and two pyrene chromophores attached in 2-position are investigated by steady state and fs-time resolved transient absorption spectroscopy as well as by field induced surface hopping (FISH) simulations. While the steady state measurements indicate moderate chromophore interactions within the triad, the time resolved measurements show upon pyrene excitation a delocalised excited state which localises onto the BODIPY chromophore with a time constant of 0.12 ps. This could either be interpreted as an internal conversion process within the excitonically coupled chromophores or as an energy transfer from the pyrenes to the BODIPY dye. The analysis of FISH-trajectories reveals an oscillatory behaviour where the excitation hops between the pyrene units and the BODIPY dye several times until finally they become localised on the BODIPY chromophore within 100 fs. This is accompanied by an ultrafast nonradiative relaxation within the excitonic manifold mediated by the nonadiabatic coupling. Averaging over an ensemble of trajectories allowed us to simulate the electronic state population dynamics and determine the time constants for the nonradiative transitions that mediate the ultrafast energy transfer and exciton localisation on BODIPY.}, language = {en} } @article{VermaSteinbacherSchmiedeletal.2016, author = {Verma, Pramod Kumar and Steinbacher, Andreas and Schmiedel, Alexander and Nuernberger, Patrick and Brixner, Tobias}, title = {Excited-state intramolecular proton transfer of 2-acetylindan-1,3-dione studied by ultrafast absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy}, series = {Structural Dynamics}, volume = {3}, journal = {Structural Dynamics}, doi = {10.1063/1.4937363}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181301}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We employ transient absorption from the deep-UV to the visible region and fluorescence upconversion to investigate the photoinduced excited-state intramolecular proton-transfer dynamics in a biologically relevant drug molecule, 2-acetylindan-1,3-dione. The molecule is a ß-diketone which in the electronic ground state exists as exocyclic enol with an intramolecular H-bond. Upon electronic excitation at 300 nm, the first excited state of the exocyclic enol is initially populated, followed by ultrafast proton transfer (≈160 fs) to form the vibrationally hot endocyclic enol. Subsequently, solvent-induced vibrational relaxation takes place (≈10 ps) followed by decay (≈390 ps) to the corresponding ground state.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schmitt2017, author = {Schmitt, Hans-Christian}, title = {Deaktivierungsprozesse in isolierten aromatischen Heterocyclen und Pyrenen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-155445}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde erfolgreich eine neue Gasphasen-Apparatur f{\"u}r Photoelektronen-Imaging-Experimente simuliert, aufgebaut und in Verbindung mit einem ps-Lasersystem in Betrieb genommen. Neben dem Aufbau der Apparatur stand die Aufkl{\"a}rung der Dynamik angeregter Zust{\"a}nde von aromatischen Heterocyclen und Pyrenen im Fokus dieser Arbeit. Die untersuchten Molek{\"u}le wurden durch Resonanzverst{\"a}rkte Mehrphotonenionisation in einem Molekularstrahlexperiment sowohl zeit-, als auch frequenzaufgel{\"o}st untersucht.}, subject = {Laserspektroskopie}, language = {de} } @article{WohlgemuthMiyazakiTsukadaetal.2017, author = {Wohlgemuth, Matthias and Miyazaki, Mitsuhiko and Tsukada, Kohei and Weiler, Martin and Dopfer, Otto and Fujii, Masaaki and Mitrić, Roland}, title = {Deciphering environment effects in peptide bond solvation dynamics by experiment and theory}, series = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, volume = {19}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, number = {33}, doi = {10.1039/C7CP03992A}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159647}, pages = {22564-22572}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Most proteins work in aqueous solution and the interaction with water strongly affects their structure and function. However, experimentally the motion of a specific single water molecule is difficult to trace by conventional methods, because they average over the heterogeneous solvation structure of bulk water surrounding the protein. Here, we provide a detailed atomistic picture of the water rearrangement dynamics around the -CONH- peptide linkage in the two model systems formanilide and acetanilide, which simply differ by the presence of a methyl group at the peptide linkage. The combination of picosecond pump-probe time-resolved infrared spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations demonstrates that the solvation dynamics at the molecular level is strongly influenced by this small structural difference. The effective timescales for solvent migration triggered by ionization are mainly controlled by the efficiency of the kinetic energy redistribution rather than the shape of the potential energy surface. This approach provides a fundamental understanding of protein hydration and may help to design functional molecules in solution with tailored properties.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{HocheSchmittHumeniuketal.2017, author = {Hoche, Joscha and Schmitt, Hans-Christian and Humeniuk, Alexander and Fischer, Ingo and Mitrić, Roland and R{\"o}hr, Merle I. S.}, title = {The mechanism of excimer formation: an experimental and theoretical study on the pyrene dimer}, series = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, doi = {10.1039/C7CP03990E}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159656}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The understanding of excimer formation in organic materials is of fundamental importance, since excimers profoundly influence their functional performance in applications such as light-harvesting, photovoltaics or organic electronics. We present a joint experimental and theoretical study of the ultrafast dynamics of excimer formation in the pyrene dimer in a supersonic jet, which is the archetype of an excimer forming system. We perform simulations of the nonadiabatic photodynamics in the frame of TDDFT that reveal two distinct excimer formation pathways in the gas-phase dimer. The first pathway involves local excited state relaxation close to the initial Franck-Condon geometry that is characterized by a strong excitation of the stacking coordinate exhibiting damped oscillations with a period of 350 fs that persist for several picoseconds. The second excimer forming pathway involves large amplitude oscillations along the parallel shift coordinate with a period of ≈900 fs that after intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution leads to the formation of a perfectly stacked dimer. The electronic relaxation within the excitonic manifold is mediated by the presence of intermolecular conical intersections formed between fully delocalized excitonic states. Such conical intersections may generally arise in stacked π-conjugated aggregates due to the interplay between the long-range and short-range electronic coupling. The simulations are supported by picosecond photoionization experiments in a supersonic jet that provide a time-constant for the excimer formation of around 6-7 ps, in good agreement with theory. Finally, in order to explore how the crystal environment influences the excimer formation dynamics we perform large scale QM/MM nonadiabatic dynamics simulations on a pyrene crystal in the framework of the long-range corrected tight-binding TDDFT. In contrast to the isolated dimer, the excimer formation in the crystal follows a single reaction pathway in which the initially excited parallel slip motion is strongly damped by the interaction with the surrounding molecules leading to the slow excimer stabilization on a picosecond time scale.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Albert2018, author = {Albert, Julian}, title = {Quantum Studies on Low-Dimensional Coupled Electron-Nuclear Dynamics}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-161512}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In the context of quantum mechanical calculations, the properties of non-adiabatic coupling in a small system, the Shin-Metiu model, is investigated. The transition from adiabatic to non-adiabatic dynamics is elucidated in modifying the electron-nuclear interaction. This allows the comparison of weakly correlated electron-nuclear motion with the case where the strong correlations determine the dynamics. The studies of the model are extended to include spectroscopical transitions being present in two-dimensional and degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy. Furthermore, the quantum and classical time-evolution of the coupled motion in the complete electron-nuclear phase space is compared for the two coupling cases. Additionally, the numerically exact electron flux within the weak coupling case is compared to the Born-Oppenheimer treatment. In the last part of the thesis, the model is extended to two dimensions. The system then possesses potential energy surfaces which exhibit a typical 'Mexican hat'-like structure and a conical intersection in the adiabatic representation. Thus, it is possible to map properties of the system onto a vibronic coupling (Jahn-Teller) hamiltonian. Exact wave-packet propagations as well as nuclear wave-packet dynamics in the adiabatic and diabatic representation are performed.}, subject = {Theoretische Chemie}, language = {en} } @article{KnorrSokkarSchottetal.2016, author = {Knorr, Johannes and Sokkar, Pandian and Schott, Sebastian and Costa, Paolo and Thiel, Walter and Sander, Wolfram and Sanchez-Garcia, Elsa and Nuernberger, Patrick}, title = {Competitive solvent-molecule interactions govern primary processes of diphenylcarbene in solvent mixtures}, series = {Nature Communications}, volume = {7}, journal = {Nature Communications}, doi = {10.1038/ncomms12968}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-165954}, pages = {12968}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Photochemical reactions in solution often proceed via competing reaction pathways comprising intermediates that capture a solvent molecule. A disclosure of the underlying reaction mechanisms is challenging due to the rapid nature of these processes and the intricate identification of how many solvent molecules are involved. Here combining broadband femtosecond transient absorption and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics simulations, we show for one of the most reactive species, diphenylcarbene, that the decision-maker is not the nearest solvent molecule but its neighbour. The hydrogen bonding dynamics determine which reaction channels are accessible in binary solvent mixtures at room temperature. In-depth analysis of the amount of nascent intermediates corroborates the importance of a hydrogen-bonded complex with a protic solvent molecule, in striking analogy to complexes found at cryogenic temperatures. Our results show that adjacent solvent molecules take the role of key abettors rather than bystanders for the fate of the reactive intermediate.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Auerhammer2018, author = {Auerhammer, Nina A.}, title = {Energy Transfer and Excitonic Interactions in Conjugated Chromophore Arrangements of Bodipys and Pyrenes and Squaraines}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-166721}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {In this work the energy transfer and excitonic coupling in different chromophore arrangements were investigated. A difference in the coupling strength was introduced by varring the connecting unit and the spacial orientation relative to each other. The synthesis of the 2,7-substituted pyrene compounds could be optimised and good yields of HAB 1 and HAB 2 and small amounts of HAB 2 could be achieved by cobalt-catalysed trimerisation or Diels Alder reaction in the end. Absorption and fluorescence spectra reveal strong intramolecular interactions between the pyrene molecules in the HAB 1. Excitation spectra recorded at the high and low energy fluorescence suggest the contribution of two components to the spectra. One being similar to the ground state aggregate and a second species similar to undisturbed pyrene. All these feature can be accounted to two different fluorescent states which are due to electronical decoupling in the excited state. Due to the strong intramolecular coupling already in the ground state of the molecule, no energy transfer could be studied, as the six pyrene units cannot be seen as separate spectroscopic entities between which energy could be transferred. In the second part of this thesis dye conjugates of different size and alignment were synthesised to study the interaction of the transition-dipole moments. Therefore a systematic investigation of Sonogashira conditions was performed in order to obtain good yields of the desired compounds and keep dehalogenation at a minimum level. Nevertheless only the symmetrical triads could be purified as the asymmeric triads and pentades proved to decompose during purification. The pyrene containing triads Py2B and Py2SQB show small interactions already in the ground state represented by red shifts of the spectra and a broadening of the bands. Nevertheless, these interactions are in the weak coupling regime and energy transfer between the constituents is possible. On the contrary in the TA spectra it is obvious that always the whole triad, at least to some extend is excited. To question if the excitation of the high energy state is deactivated by energy transfer or rather IC in a superchromophore could not be distinguished in the course of this work. At present additional time-dependent calculations of the dynamics are in progress to get a deeper understanding of the photophysical processes taking place in the triads. The dye conjugates B2SQB-3 and (SQB)2B-4 can be assigned to the strong interaction range and hence are describable by exciton theory. The transition-dipole moments proved to be more than additive and increase for both compounds from absorption to fluorescence. This can be explained by an enhancement of the coupling in the relaxed excited state compared to the absorption into the Franck-Condon state due to a more steep potential energy surface in the excited state and hence smaller fluctuations. In the last part of this thesis the influence of disrupting electronical communication by implementing a rigid non-conjugated bridge in a bichromophoric trans-squaraine system was tested. While the flexible linked squaraines show complex spectra due to different conformers the SQA2Anth compound is rigified and no rotation is possible. This change in flexibility is represented in the steady-state spectra where just one main absorption and fluorescence band is present due to a single allowed excitonic state. The system proves to own an excited state that is completely delocalised over the whole molecule.}, subject = {Chromophor}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Roeder2017, author = {R{\"o}der, Anja M.}, title = {Excited-State Dynamics in Open-Shell Molecules}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-151738}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2017}, abstract = {In this thesis the excited-state dynamics of radicals and biradicals were characterized with femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy. These open-shell molecules play important roles as combustion intermediates, in the formation of soot and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, in atmospheric chemistry and in the formation of complex molecules in the interstellar medium and galactic clouds. In these processes molecules frequently occur in some excited state, excited either by thermal energy or radiation. Knowledge of the reactivity and dynamics of these excited states completes our understanding of these complex processes. These highly reactive molecules were produced via pyrolysis from suitable precursors and examined in a molecular beam under collision-free conditions. A first laser now excites the molecule, and a second laser ionizes it. Time-of-flight mass spectrometry allowed a first identification of the molecule, photoelectron spectroscopy a complete characterization of the molecule - under the condition that the mass spectrum was dominated by only one mass. The photoelectron spectrum was obtained via velocity-map imaging, providing an insight in the electronic states involved. Ion velocity map imaging allowed separation of signal from direct ionization of the radical in the molecular beam and dissociative photoionization of the precursor. During this thesis a modified pBasex algorithm was developed and implemented in python, providing an image inversion tool without interpolation of data points. Especially for noisy photoelectron images this new algorithm delivers better results. Some highlighted results: • The 2-methylallyl radical was excited in the ππ*-state with different internal energies using three different pump wavelengths (240.6 , 238.0 and 236.0 nm). Ionized with 800 nm multi-photon probe, the photoelectron spectra shows a s-Rydberg fingerprint spectrum, a highly positive photoelectron anisotropy of 1.5 and a bi-exponential decay ( τ1= 141\pm43 fs, τ2= 4.0\pm0.2 ps for 240.6 nm pump), where the second time-constant shortens for lower wavelengths. Field-induced surface hopping dynamics calculations confirm that the initially excited ππ*-state relaxes very fast to an s-Rydberg state (first experimentally observed time-constant), and then more slowly to the first excited state/ground state (second time-constant). With higher excitation energies the conical intersection between the s-Rydberg-state and the first excited state is reached faster, resulting in shorter life-times. • The benzyl radical was excited yith 265 nm and probed with two wavelengths, 798 nm and 398 nm. Probed with 798 nm it shows a bi-exponential decay (\tau_{1}=84\pm5 fs, \tau_{2}=1.55\pm0.12 ps), whereas with 398 nm probe only the first time-constant is observed (\tau_{1}=89\pm5 fs). The photoelectron spectra with 798 nm probe is comparable to the spectrum with 398 nm probe during the first 60 fs, at longer times an additional band appears. This band is due to a [1+3']-process, whereas with 398 nm only signal from a [1+1']-process can be observed. Non-adiabatic dynamic on the fly calculations show that the initially excited, nearly degenerate ππ/p-Rydberg-states relax very fast (first time-constant) to an s-Rydberg state. This s-Rydberg state can no longer be ionized with 398 nm, but with 798 nm ionization via intermediate resonances is still possible. The s-Rydberg state then decays to the first excited state (second time-constant), which is long-lived. • Para-xylylene, excited with 266 nm into the S2-state and probed with 800 nm, shows a bi-exponential decay (\tau_{1}=38\pm7 fs, \tau_{2}=407\pm9 fs). The initially excited S2-state decays quickly to S1-state, which shows dissociative photoionization. The population of the S1-state is directly visible in the masses of the dissociative photoionization products, benzene and the para-xylylene -H. • Ortho-benzyne, produced via pyrolysis from benzocyclobutendione, was excited with 266 nm in the S2 state and probed with 800 nm. In its time-resolved mass spectra the dynamic of the ortho-benzyne signal was superposed with the dynamics from dissociative photoionization of the precursor and of the ortho-benzyne-dimer. With time-resolved ion imaging gated on the ortho-benzyne these processes could be seperated, showing that the S2-state of ortho-benzyne relaxes within 50 fs to the S1-state.}, subject = {Radikal }, language = {en} } @article{LisinetskayaBraunProchetal.2016, author = {Lisinetskaya, Polina and Braun, Christian and Proch, Sebastian and Kim, Young Dok and Gantef{\"o}r, Gerd and Mitrić, Roland}, title = {Excited state nonadiabatic dynamics of bare and hydrated anionic gold clusters Au\(^-_3\)[H\(_2\)O]\(_n\) (n=0-2)}, series = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, volume = {18}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, number = {9}, issn = {1463-9076}, doi = {10.1039/c5cp04297f}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159176}, pages = {6411-6419}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We present a joint theoretical and experimental study of excited state dynamics in pure and hydrated anionic gold clusters Au\(^-_3\)[H\(_2\)O]\(_n\) (n = 0-2). We employ mixed quantum-classical dynamics combined with femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in order to investigate the influence of hydration on excited state lifetimes and photo-dissociation dynamics. A gradual decrease of the excited state lifetime with the number of adsorbed water molecules as well as gold cluster fragmentation quenching by two or more water molecules are observed both in experiment and in simulations. Non-radiative relaxation and dissociation in excited states are found to be responsible for the excited state population depletion. Time constants of these two processes strongly depend on the number of water molecules leading to the possibility to modulate excited state dynamics and fragmentation of the anionic cluster by adsorption of water molecules.}, language = {en} } @article{LisinetskayaRoehrMitrić2016, author = {Lisinetskaya, Polina and R{\"o}hr, Merle I. S. and Mitrić, Roland}, title = {First-principles simulation of light propagation and exciton dynamics in metal cluster nanostructures}, series = {Applied Physics B}, volume = {122}, journal = {Applied Physics B}, number = {6}, issn = {0946-2171}, doi = {10.1007/s00340-016-6436-6}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159193}, pages = {175}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We present a theoretical approach for the simulation of the electric field and exciton propagation in ordered arrays constructed of molecular-sized noble metal clusters bound to organic polymer templates. In order to describe the electronic coupling between individual constituents of the nanostructure we use the ab initio parameterized transition charge method which is more accurate than the usual dipole-dipole coupling. The electronic population dynamics in the nanostructure under an external laser pulse excitation is simulated by numerical integration of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation employing the fully coupled Hamiltonian. The solution of the TDSE gives rise to time-dependent partial point charges for each subunit of the nanostructure, and the spatio-temporal electric field distribution is evaluated by means of classical electrodynamics methods. The time-dependent partial charges are determined based on the stationary partial and transition charges obtained in the framework of the TDDFT. In order to treat large plasmonic nanostructures constructed of many constituents, the approximate self-consistent iterative approach presented in (Lisinetskaya and Mitric in Phys Rev B 89:035433, 2014) is modified to include the transition-charge-based interaction. The developed methods are used to study the optical response and exciton dynamics of Ag-3(+) and porphyrin-Ag-4 dimers. Subsequently, the spatio-temporal electric field distribution in a ring constructed of ten porphyrin-Ag-4 subunits under the action of circularly polarized laser pulse is simulated. The presented methodology provides a theoretical basis for the investigation of coupled light-exciton propagation in nanoarchitectures built from molecular size metal nanoclusters in which quantum confinement effects are important.}, language = {en} } @article{WohlgemuthMitric2016, author = {Wohlgemuth, Matthias and Mitric, Roland}, title = {Photochemical Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Alanine}, series = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A}, volume = {45}, journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A}, number = {120}, doi = {10.1021/acs.jpca.6b07611}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-158557}, pages = {8976-8982}, year = {2016}, abstract = {We introduce a general theoretical approach for the simulation of photochemical dynamics under the influence of circularly polarized light to explore the possibility of generating enantiomeric enrichment through polarized-light-selective photochemistry. The method is applied to the simulation of the photolysis of alanine, a prototype chiral amino acid. We show that a systematic enantiomeric enrichment can be obtained depending on the helicity of the circularly polarized light that induces the excited-state photochemistry of alanine. By analyzing the patterns of the photoinduced fragmentation of alanine we find an inducible enantiomeric enrichment up to 1.7\%, which is also in good correspondence to the experimental findings. Our method is generally applicable to complex systems and might serve to systematically explore the photochemical origin of homochirality.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{PetersenLindnerMitric2018, author = {Petersen, Jens and Lindner, Joachim O. and Mitric, Roland}, title = {Ultrafast Photodynamics of Glucose}, series = {Journal of Physical Chemistry B}, journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry B}, doi = {10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b08602}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159155}, year = {2018}, abstract = {We have investigated the photodynamics of \(\beta\)-D-glucose employing our field-induced surface hopping method (FISH), which allows us to simulate the coupled electron-nuclear dynamics, including explicitly nonadiabatic effects and light-induced excitation. Our results reveal that from the initially populated S\(_{1}\) and S\(_{2}\) states, glucose returns nonradiatively to the ground state within about 200 fs. This takes place mainly via conical intersections (CIs) whose geometries in most cases involve the elongation of a single O-H bond, while in some instances ring-opening due to dissociation of a C-O bond is observed. Experimentally, excitation to a distinct excited electronic state is improbable due to the presence of a dense manifold of states bearing similar oscillator strengths. Our FISH simulations explicitly including a UV laser pulse of 6.43 eV photon energy reveals that after initial excitation the population is almost equally spread over several close-lying electronic states. This is followed by a fast nonradiative decay on the time scale of 100-200 fs, with the final return to the ground state proceeding via the S\(_{1}\) state through the same types of CIs as observed in the field-free simulations.}, language = {en} } @article{HocheSchmittHumeniuketal.2017, author = {Hoche, Joscha and Schmitt, Hans-Christian and Humeniuk, Alexander and Fischer, Ingo and Mitrić, Roland and R{\"o}hr, Merle I. S.}, title = {The mechanism of excimer formation: an experimental and theoretical study on the pyrene dimer}, series = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, volume = {19}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, number = {36}, doi = {10.1039/C7CP03990E}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159514}, pages = {25002-25015}, year = {2017}, abstract = {The understanding of excimer formation in organic materials is of fundamental importance, since excimers profoundly influence their functional performance in applications such as light-harvesting, photovoltaics or organic electronics. We present a joint experimental and theoretical study of the ultrafast dynamics of excimer formation in the pyrene dimer in a supersonic jet, which is the archetype of an excimer forming system. We perform simulations of the nonadiabatic photodynamics in the frame of TDDFT that reveal two distinct excimer formation pathways in the gas-phase dimer. The first pathway involves local excited state relaxation close to the initial Franck-Condon geometry that is characterized by a strong excitation of the stacking coordinate exhibiting damped oscillations with a period of 350 fs that persist for several picoseconds. The second excimer forming pathway involves large amplitude oscillations along the parallel shift coordinate with a period of ≈900 fs that after intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution leads to the formation of a perfectly stacked dimer. The electronic relaxation within the excitonic manifold is mediated by the presence of intermolecular conical intersections formed between fully delocalized excitonic states. Such conical intersections may generally arise in stacked π-conjugated aggregates due to the interplay between the long-range and short-range electronic coupling. The simulations are supported by picosecond photoionization experiments in a supersonic jet that provide a time-constant for the excimer formation of around 6-7 ps, in good agreement with theory. Finally, in order to explore how the crystal environment influences the excimer formation dynamics we perform large scale QM/MM nonadiabatic dynamics simulations on a pyrene crystal in the framework of the long-range corrected tight-binding TDDFT. In contrast to the isolated dimer, the excimer formation in the crystal follows a single reaction pathway in which the initially excited parallel slip motion is strongly damped by the interaction with the surrounding molecules leading to the slow excimer stabilization on a picosecond time scale.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{LambertVoelkerKochetal.2015, author = {Lambert, Christoph and V{\"o}lker, Sebastian F. and Koch, Federico and Schmiedel, Alexander and Holzapfel, Marco and Humeniuk, Alexander and R{\"o}hr, Merle I. S. and Mitric, Roland and Brixner, Tobias}, title = {Energy Transfer Between Squaraine Polymer Sections: From helix to zig-zag and All the Way Back}, series = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, journal = {Journal of the American Chemical Society}, doi = {10.1021/jacs.5b03644}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159607}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Joint experimental and theoretical study of the absorption spectra of squaraine polymers in solution provide evidence that two different conformations are present in solution: a helix and a zig-zag structure. This unique situation allows investigating ultrafast energy transfer processes between different structural segments within a single polymer chain in solution. The understanding of the underlying dynamics is of fundamental importance for the development of novel materials for light-harvesting and optoelectronic applications. We combine here femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy with time-resolved 2D electronic spectroscopy showing that ultrafast energy transfer within the squaraine polymer chains proceeds from initially excited helix segments to zig-zag segments or vice versa, depending on the solvent as well as on the excitation wavenumber. These observations contrast other conjugated polymers such as MEH-PPV where much slower intrachain energy transfer was reported. The reason for the very fast energy transfer in squaraine polymers is most likely a close matching of the density of states between donor and acceptor polymer segments because of very small reorganization energy in these cyanine-like chromophores.}, language = {en} } @article{RoehrLisinetskayaMitric2016, author = {R{\"o}hr, Merle I. S. and Lisinetskaya, Polina G. and Mitric, Roland}, title = {Excitonic Properties of Ordered Metal Nanocluster Arrays: 2D Silver Clusters at Multiporphyrin Templates}, series = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A}, volume = {120}, journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry A}, number = {26}, doi = {10.1021/acs.jpca.6b04243}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159464}, pages = {4465-4472}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The design of ordered arrays of metal nanoclusters such as for example 2D cluster organic frameworks might open a new route towards the development of materials with tailored optical properties. Such systems could serve as plasmonically enhanced light-harvesting materials, sensors or catalysts. We present here a theoretical approach for the simulation of the optical properties of ordered arrays of metal clusters that is based on the ab initio parametrized Frenkel exciton model. We demonstrate that small atomically precise silver clusters can be assembled in one- and two-dimensional arrays on suitably designed porphyrin templates exhibiting remarkable optical properties. By employing explicit TDDFT calculations on smaller homologs, we show that the intrinsic optical properties of metal clusters are largely preserved but undergo J- and H-type excitonic coupling that results in controllable splitting of their excited states. Furthermore, ab initio parameterized Frenkel exciton model calculations allow us to predict an energetic splitting of up to 0.77 eV in extended two-dimensional square arrays and 0.79 eV in tilted square aggregates containing up to 25 cluster-porphyrin subunits.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{RoederHumeniukGiegerichetal.2017, author = {R{\"o}der, Anja and Humeniuk, Alexander and Giegerich, Jens and Fischer, Ingo and Poisson, Lionel and Mitric, Roland}, title = {Femtosecond Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of the Benzyl Radical}, series = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, doi = {10.1039/C7CP01437F}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159474}, year = {2017}, abstract = {We present a joint experimental and computational study of the nonradiative deactivation of the benzyl radical, C\(_7\)H\(_7\) after UV excitation. Femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging was applied to investigate the photodynamics of the radical. The experiments were accompanied by excited state dynamics simulations using surface hopping. Benzyl has been excited at 265 nm into the D-band (\(\pi\pi^*\)) and the dynamics was probed using probe wavelengths of 398 nm or 798 nm. With 398 nm probe a single time constant of around 70-80 fs was observed. When the dynamics was probed at 798 nm, a second time constant \(\tau_2\)=1.5 ps was visible. It is assigned to further non-radiative deactivation to the lower-lying D\(_1\)/D\(_2\) states.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{WohlgemuthMiyazakiTsukadaetal.2017, author = {Wohlgemuth, Matthias and Miyazaki, Mitsuhiko and Tsukada, Kohei and Weiler, Martin and Dopfer, Otto and Fujii, Masaaki and Mitrić, Roland}, title = {Deciphering environment effects in peptide bond solvation dynamics by experiment and theory}, series = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, journal = {Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics}, doi = {10.1039/C7CP03992A}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-159483}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Most proteins work in aqueous solution and the interaction with water strongly affects their structure and function. However, experimentally the motion of a specific single water molecule is difficult to trace by conventional methods, because they average over the heterogeneous solvation structure of bulk water surrounding the protein. Here, we provide a detailed atomistic picture of the water rearrangement dynamics around the -CONH- peptide linkage in the two model systems formanilide and acetanilide, which simply differ by the presence of a methyl group at the peptide linkage. The combination of picosecond pump-probe time-resolved infrared spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations demonstrates that the solvation dynamics at the molecular level is strongly influenced by this small structural difference. The effective timescales for solvent migration triggered by ionization are mainly controlled by the efficiency of the kinetic energy redistribution rather than the shape of the potential energy surface. This approach provides a fundamental understanding of protein hydration and may help to design functional molecules in solution with tailored properties.}, language = {en} } @article{RamlerPoaterHirschetal.2019, author = {Ramler, Jacqueline and Poater, Jordi and Hirsch, Florian and Ritschel, Benedikt and Fischer, Ingo and Bickelhaupt, F. Matthias and Lichtenberg, Crispin}, title = {Carbon monoxide insertion at a heavy p-block element: unprecedented formation of a cationic bismuth carbamoyl}, series = {Chemical Science}, volume = {10}, journal = {Chemical Science}, doi = {10.1039/C9SC00278B}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-181627}, pages = {4169 - 4176}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Major advances in the chemistry of 5th and 6th row heavy p-block element compounds have recently uncovered intriguing reactivity patterns towards small molecules such as H\(_2\), CO\(_2\), and ethylene. However, well-defined, homogeneous insertion reactions with carbon monoxide, one of the benchmark substrates in this field, have not been reported to date. We demonstrate here, that a cationic bismuth amide undergoes facile insertion of CO into the Bi-N bond under mild conditions. This approach grants direct access to the first cationic bismuth carbamoyl species. Its characterization by NMR, IR, and UV/vis spectroscopy, elemental analysis, single-crystal X-ray analysis, cyclic voltammetry, and DFT calculations revealed intriguing properties, such as a reversible electron transfer at the bismuth center and an absorption feature at 353 nm ascribed to a transition involving σ- and π-type orbitals of the bismuth-carbamoyl functionality. A combined experimental and theoretical approach provided insight into the mechanism of CO insertion. The substrate scope could be extended to isonitriles.}, language = {en} } @unpublished{HuberPresWittmannetal.2019, author = {Huber, Bernhard and Pres, Sebastian and Wittmann, Emanuel and Dietrich, Lysanne and L{\"u}ttig, Julian and Fersch, Daniel and Krauss, Enno and Friedrich, Daniel and Kern, Johannes and Lisinetskii, Victor and Hensen, Matthias and Hecht, Bert and Bratschitsch, Rudolf and Riedle, Eberhard and Brixner, Tobias}, title = {Space- and time-resolved UV-to-NIR surface spectroscopy and 2D nanoscopy at 1 MHz repetition rate}, issn = {0034-6748}, doi = {10.1063/1.5115322}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191906}, year = {2019}, abstract = {We describe a setup for time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy (TRPEEM) with aberration correction enabling 3 nm spatial resolution and sub-20 fs temporal resolution. The latter is realized by our development of a widely tunable (215-970 nm) noncollinear optical parametric amplifier (NOPA) at 1 MHz repetition rate. We discuss several exemplary applications. Efficient photoemission from plasmonic Au nanoresonators is investigated with phase-coherent pulse pairs from an actively stabilized interferometer. More complex excitation fields are created with a liquid-crystal-based pulse shaper enabling amplitude and phase shaping of NOPA pulses with spectral components from 600 to 800 nm. With this system we demonstrate spectroscopy within a single plasmonic nanoslit resonator by spectral amplitude shaping and investigate the local field dynamics with coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy at the nanometer length scale ("2D nanoscopy"). We show that the local response varies across a distance as small as 33 nm in our sample. Further, we report two-color pump-probe experiments using two independent NOPA beamlines. We extract local variations of the excited-state dynamics of a monolayered 2D material (WSe2) that we correlate with low-energy electron microscopy (LEEM) and reflectivity (LEER) measurements. Finally, we demonstrate the in-situ sample preparation capabilities for organic thin films and their characterization via spatially resolved electron diffraction and dark-field LEEM.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Lindner2019, author = {Lindner, Joachim Oliver}, title = {Multistate Metadynamics with Electronic Collective Variables}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-19163}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-191638}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {The aim of this thesis was to develop new automatic enhanced sampling methods by extending the idea of Parrinello's metadynamics to multistate problems and by introducing new quantum-mechanical electronic collective variables. These methods open up a rich perspective for applications to the photophysical processes in complex molecular systems, which play a major role in many natural processes such as vision and photosynthesis, but also in the development of new materials for organic electronics, whose function depends on specific electronic properties such as biradicalicity.}, subject = {Theoretische Chemie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Eckstein2019, author = {Eckstein, Klaus}, title = {Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Doped Carbon Nanotubes}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-18897}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-188975}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Doping plays a decisive role for the functionality of semiconductor-based (opto-)electronic devices. Hence, the technological utilization of semiconductors necessitates control and a fundamental understanding of the doping process. However, for low-dimensional systems like carbon nanotubes, neither concentration nor distribution of charge carriers is currently well known. The research presented in this thesis investigated the doping of semiconducting carbon nanotubes by spectroscopic methods. Samples of highly purified, intrinsic (6,5) single-wall carbon nanotubes were fabricated using polymer stabilization. Chapter 4 showed that both electro- and redox chemical \$p\$-doping lead to identical bleaching, blueshift, broadening and asymmetry of the S\$_1\$ exciton absorption band. The similar spectral changes induced by both doping schemes suggest that optical spectra can not be used to infer what process was used for doping. Perhaps more importantly, it also indicates that the distribution of charges and the character of the charge transfer states does not depend on the method by which doping was achieved. The detailed analysis of the doping-induced spectral changes in chapter 5 suggests that surplus charges are distributed inhomogeneously. The hypothesis of carrier localization is consistent with the high sensitivity of the S\$_1\$ exciton photoluminescence to additional charge carriers and with the stretched-exponential decay of the exciton population following ultrafast excitation. Both aspects are in good agreement with diffusion-limited contact quenching of excitons at localized charges. Moreover, localized charges act - similar to structural defects - as perturbations to the bandstructure as evidenced by a doping-induced increase of the D-band antiresonance in the mid-infrared spectrum. Quantum mechanical model calculations also suggest that counterions play a crucial role in carrier localization. Counterion adsorption at the nanotube surface is thus believed to induce charge traps of more than 100 meV depth with a carrier localization length on the order of 3 - 4 nm. The doping-induced bleach of interband absorption is accompanied by an absorption increase in the IR region below 600 meV. The observed shift of the IR peak position indicates a continuous transition from localized to rather delocalized charge carriers. This transition is caused by the increase of the overlap of charge carrier wavefunctions at higher charge densities and was modeled by classical Monte-Carlo simulations of intraband absorption. Chapter 6 discussed the spectroscopy of heavily (degenerately) doped nanotubes, which are characterized by a Drude-response of free-carrier intraband absorption in the optical conductivity spectrum. In the NIR spectral region, the S\$_1\$ exciton and X\$+^_1\$ trion absorption is replaced by a nearly 1 eV broad and constant absorption signal, the so-called H-band. The linear and transient absorption spectra of heavily doped nanotubes suggest that the H-band can be attributed to free-carrier interband transitions. Chapter 7 dealt with the quantification of charge carrier densities by linear absorption spectroscopy. A particularly good measure of the carrier density is the S\$_1\$ exciton bleach. For a bleach below about 50 \%, the carrier density is proportional to the bleach. At higher doping levels, deviations from the linear behavior were observed. For doping levels exceeding a fully bleached S\$_1\$ band, the determination of the normalized oscillator strength f\$\text{1st}\$ over the whole first subband region (trion, exciton, free e-h pairs) is recommended for quantification of carrier densities. Based on the nanotube density of states, the carrier density \$n\$ can be estimated using \$n = 0.74\,\text{nm}^{-1} \cdot (1 - f_\text{1st})\$. In the last part of this thesis (chapter 8), the time-resolved spectroelectrochemistry was extended to systems beyond photostable carbon nanotube films. The integration of a flowelectrolysis cell into the transient absorption spectrometer allows the investigation of in-situ electrochemically generated but photounstable molecules due to a continuous exchange of sample volume. First time-resolved experiments were successfully performed using the dye methylene blue and its electrochemically reduced form leucomethylene blue.}, subject = {Dotierung}, language = {en} } @article{FetschGaitzschMessageretal.2016, author = {Fetsch, Corinna and Gaitzsch, Jens and Messager, Lea and Battaglia, Giuseppe and Luxenhofer, Roberts}, title = {Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Block Copolypeptoids - Micelles, Worms and Polymersomes}, series = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {6}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, doi = {10.1038/srep33491}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-147855}, pages = {33491}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Polypeptoids are an old but recently rediscovered polymer class with interesting synthetic, physico-chemical and biological characteristics. Here, we introduce new aromatic monomers, N-benzyl glycine N-carboxyanhydride and N-phenethyl glycine N-carboxyanhydride and their block copolymers with the hydrophilic polysarcosine. We compare their self-assembly in water and aqueous buffer with the self-assembly of amphiphilic block copolypeptoids with aliphatic side chains. The aggregates in water were investigated by dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy. We found a variety of morphologies, which were influenced by the polymer structure as well as by the preparation method. Overall, we found polymersomes, worm-like micelles and oligo-lamellar morphologies as well as some less defined aggregates of interconnected worms and vesicles. Such, this contribution may serve as a starting point for a more detailed investigation of the self-assembly behavior of the rich class of polypeptoids and for a better understanding between the differences in the aggregation behavior of non-uniform polypeptoids and uniform peptoids.}, language = {en} } @article{SuessWehnerDostaletal.2019, author = {S{\"u}ß, Jasmin and Wehner, Johannes G. and Dost{\´a}l, Jakub and Engel, Volker and Brixner, Tobias}, title = {Mapping of exciton-exciton annihilation in a molecular dimer via fifth-order femtosecond two-dimensional spectroscopy}, series = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, volume = {150}, journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, number = {10}, doi = {10.1063/1.5086151}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-178420}, pages = {104304}, year = {2019}, abstract = {We present a theoretical study on exciton-exciton annihilation (EEA) in a molecular dimer. This process is monitored using a fifth-order coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy as was recently proposed by Dost{\´a}l et al. [Nat. Commun. 9, 2466 (2018)]. Using an electronic three-level system for each monomer, we analyze the different paths which contribute to the 2D spectrum. The spectrum is determined by two entangled relaxation processes, namely, the EEA and the direct relaxation of higher lying excited states. It is shown that the change of the spectrum as a function of a pulse delay can be linked directly to the presence of the EEA process.}, subject = {Exziton}, language = {en} } @unpublished{SuessWehnerDostaletal.2019, author = {S{\"u}ß, Jasmin and Wehner, Johannes G. and Dost{\´a}l, Jakub and Engel, Volker and Brixner, Tobias}, title = {Mapping of exciton-exciton annihilation in a molecular dimer via fifth-order femtosecond two-dimensional spectroscopy}, series = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-178482}, year = {2019}, abstract = {We present a theoretical study on exciton-exciton annihilation (EEA) in a molecular dimer. This process is monitored using a fifth-order coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy as was recently proposed by Dost{\´a}l et al. [Nat. Commun. 9, 2466 (2018)]. Using an electronic three-level system for each monomer, we analyze the different paths which contribute to the 2D spectrum. The spectrum is determined by two entangled relaxation processes, namely, the EEA and the direct relaxation of higher lying excited states. It is shown that the change of the spectrum as a function of a pulse delay can be linked directly to the presence of the EEA process.}, subject = {Exziton}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pachner2018, author = {Pachner, Kai}, title = {Photodissoziationsreaktionen der Xylyl-Radikale, C\(_8\)H\(_9\), und des Benzyl-Radikals, C\(_7\)H\(_7\): Eine Velocity-Map-Imaging-Studie}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170626}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Dissertation widmete sich der Aufkl{\"a}rung der Photodissoziationsdynamik der drei Xylyl-Radikale ortho-, meta- und para-Xylyl sowie des Benzyl-Radikals mit Hilfe des Velocity-Map-Imagings. Diese reaktiven Intermediate sind insbesondere im Bereich der Verbrennungschemie von hoher Relevanz, da sie die prim{\"a}ren Zerfallsprodukte der Xylole und des Toluols darstellen, welche als Antiklopfmittel in Ottokraftstoffen Verwendung finden.Dementsprechend ist eine Betrachtung des weiteren Zerfalls dieser resonanz-stabilisierten Radikale, insbesondere unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Rußbildung, von entscheidender Bedeutung. F{\"u}r alle drei Xylyl-Radikale konnte eine selektive pyrolytische Generierung aus den entsprechenden 2-(Methylphenyl)ethylnitriten realisiert werden. Die isomerspezifische Identifikation erfolgte mit Hilfe von REMPI-Spektroskopie der jeweiligen D0 -> D3-{\"U}berg{\"a}nge. Nachfolgend wurde die Photodissoziation aller drei Xylyl-Isomere nach Anregung des D3-Zustandes bei ca. 310 nm und nach Anregung der D-Bande bei 250 nm untersucht. Das „einfachste" Experiment stellte in diesem Zusammenhang die Photodissoziation des para-Xylyl-Radikals dar. Es konnte die von Hemberger et al. in thermischen Zerfallsexperimenten beobachtete Reaktion p-Xylyl -> p-Xylylen + H verifiziert werden. Die VMI-Experimente lieferten die Kennwerte (309.6nm) = 33 \% und (250nm) = 19 \% unter Erhalt isotroper Images f{\"u}r beide Anregungswellenl{\"a}ngen. Die dazugeh{\"o}rigen Dissoziationsratenkonstanten wurden zu kH(309.6nm) ≈ 10^8 s-1 und kH(250nm) ≈ 5*10^7 s-1 bestimmt. Es ist verbl{\"u}ffend, dass die Photodissoziation scheinbar bei der h{\"o}heren Anregungswellenl{\"a}nge von 309.6 nm (und somit bei geringerer Anregungsenergie) schneller verl{\"a}uft als bei 250 nm. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus ist es nicht m{\"o}glich, die beobachteten Raten mittels des statistischen Modells der RRKM-Theorie zu beschreiben. Des Weiteren konnten auch die Translationsenergieverteilungen nicht mit dem „Quack-Fit" f{\"u}r statistische Dissoziationen angefittet werden. Bei der Photodissoziation des para-Xylyl-Radikals liegt eine Dissoziation nach R{\"u}ckkehr in den rovibronisch hochangeregten elektronischen Grundzustand infolge der Photoanregung vor. Hierbei thermalisiert die innere Energie im elektronischen Grundzustand vor der Dissoziation scheinbar nur teilweise, sodass keine vollst{\"a}ndige statistische Verteilung dieser innerhalb des para-Xylyls gegeben ist. Da dies eine Grundvoraussetzung der g{\"a}ngigen statistischen Modelle darstellt, ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass keine quantitative Reproduktion der experimentellen Ergebnisse durch Anwendung dieser Modelle erm{\"o}glicht wird. Bei entsprechenden Experimenten zum ortho-Isomer konnten diese statistischen Modelle ebenfalls nicht zur quantitativen Beschreibung der Dissoziation verwendet werden. Abermals wurde mit kH(311.1nm) ≈ 10^8 s-1 und kH(250nm) ≈ 5*10^7 s-1 eine schnellere Dissoziation bei geringerer Anregungsenergie festgestellt. Dies erscheint demnach charakteristisch f{\"u}r die Xylyl-Radikale. Innerhalb der VMI-Experimente wurden isotrope Verteilungen erhalten, deren Fragmenttranslationsenergieverteilung nach Anregung des D3-Niveaus bei 311.1 nm jedoch nicht durch die von Hemberger et al. beschriebene Hauptreaktion o-Xylyl -> o-Xylylen + H erkl{\"a}rt werden konnte. Eine Fragmentation nach o-Xylyl -> Benzocyclobuten + H konnte auf diesem Weg als Hauptdissoziationspfad identifiziert werden. Innerhalb der Studien von Hemberger et al. ist eine Reaktion zu Benzocyclobuten bei Anregung mit 311.1 nm energetisch nicht zug{\"a}nglich. Mittels quantenchemischer Rechnung konnte jedoch ein bislang unbekannter, energetisch zug{\"a}nglicher Reaktionspfad zur Bildung von Benzocyclobuten unter simultaner Ringschlussreaktion und Wasserstofffragmentation identifiziert und charakterisiert werden. Die Kennwerte der Photodissoziationsreaktion des ortho-Xylyls konnten hierdurch zu (311.1nm) = 30 \% und (250nm) = 16 \% bestimmt werden. Wie bereits im Fall des para-Isomers liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass es sich um eine Dissoziation aus dem rovibronisch hoch-angeregten elektronischen Grundzustand handelt, welcher nicht vollst{\"a}ndig vor der Fragmentation thermalisiert. Im Rahmen der Experimente zum letzten der drei Xylyl-Isomere, dem meta-Xylyl-Radikal, konnte mit VMI eine Fragmentation nach m-Xylyl -> m-Xylylen + H als Hauptdissoziationpfad ausgeschlossen werden. Innerhalb der Experimente nach Anregung des D3-Niveaus um 310 nm konnten mit para-Xylylen und Benzocyclobuten zwei Reaktionsprodukte festgestellt werden, welche die erhaltene Translationsenergieverteilung erkl{\"a}ren k{\"o}nnten, wobei die entsprechende maximale {\"U}berschussenergie einer Fragmentation zu para-Xylylen den Nullabfall der Verteilung geringf{\"u}gig besser widerspiegelt. Die mittlere Fragmenttranslationsenergie liegt mit (p-Xylylen) = 29 \% respektive (Bcb) = 25 \% leicht unterhalb der entsprechenden Kennwerte der para- beziehungsweise ortho-Xylyl Experimente. Durch die n{\"o}tige, der Dissoziation vorausgehende Isomerisierung scheint ein h{\"o}herer Thermalisierungsgrad der Schwingungs- und Rotationsenergie innerhalb des elektronischen Grundzustands erreicht zu werden, aus welchem die geringen -Werte resultieren k{\"o}nnten. Der Effekt verminderter -Werte wurde in den Experimenten bei 250 nm nicht gefunden ((p-Xylylen) = 19 \% respektive (Bcb) = 17 \%). Vergleicht man an dieser Stelle die - anstelle der -Werte ((para) = 0.41 eV, (ortho) = 0.38 eV, (meta) = 0.41 eV), stellt man fest, dass (meta) = (para) gilt und somit ein weiteres Indiz daf{\"u}r gefunden wurde, dass eine Umlagerung zu para-Xylyl mit anschließender Fragmentation zu para-Xylylen m{\"o}glicherweise gegen{\"u}ber jener zum ortho-Isomer mit nachfolgender Bcb-Bildung bevorzugt ist. Dies w{\"u}rde dar{\"u}ber hinaus im Einklang mit den Studien von Hemberger et al. stehen, in welchen beim thermischen Zerfall des meta-Xylyls para-Xylylen als alleiniges Fragmentationsprodukt gefunden wurde. Eine Betrachtung der Umlagerung mittels RRKM wies jedoch keinen bevorzugten Isomerisierungspfad aus. Schlussendlich l{\"a}sst sich aufgrund der ermittelten Ratenkonstanten (kH(310nm) ≈ 10^8 s-1, kH(250nm) ≈ 4*10^7 s-1) sowie den -Werten vermuten, dass die Isomerisierung langsamer als die Dissoziation bei 310 nm verl{\"a}uft, jedoch zumindest auf einer {\"a}hnlichen Zeitskala wie die entsprechende Dissoziation nach Anregung bei 250 nm. Eine zweifelsfreie Interpretation der meta-Xylyl Experimente gestaltet sich jedoch als schwierig. Innerhalb der Studien zur Photodissoziation des Benzyl-Radikals konnten literaturbekannte Daten zur Fragmentation nach Anregung um 250 nm in guter {\"U}bereinstimmung reproduziert werden. Die experimentellen Daten zur Untersuchung der Photodissoziation nach Anregung des D3-Niveaus konnten jedoch nicht eindeutig interpretiert werden. Die literaturbekannte Lage des D3-Niveaus bei 305.3 nm konnte mittels REMPI-Spektroskopie reproduziert werden und anschließende 1H-Photofragmentspektren zeigten, dass eine Anregung des D3-Niveaus zur Bildung von Wasserstofffragmenten f{\"u}hrt. Die beobachteten 1H-Fragmente zeigten jedoch eine deutlich zu hohe {\"U}berschussenergie f{\"u}r eine Einphotonenabsorption, sodass diese Mehrphotonenabsorptionen zugeordnet werden m{\"u}ssen. Es l{\"a}sst sich vermuten, dass die Wasserstofffragmente aus einer Anregung eines „superexcited states" oberhalb des Ionisationspotentials, wahrscheinlich durch Zweiphotonenabsorption, stammen. Dieser „superexcited state" zeigt scheinbar keine (vollst{\"a}ndige) Autoionisation und f{\"u}hrt nachfolgend zumindest teilweise zur Fragmentation des Benzyl-Radikals. In der Folge liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass die Energien eines einzelnen 305 nm-Photons nicht zur Initiierung einer Photodissoziation des Benzyl-Radikals ausreichend ist oder aber, dass diese Photodissoziation zu langsam ist, um sie in einem VMI-Experiment zu beobachten. Potential f{\"u}r weitere Experimente zur Photodissoziation des Benzyl-Radikals nach Anregung des D3-Niveaus wird an dieser Stelle nicht gesehen.}, subject = {Dynamik}, language = {de} } @unpublished{MuellerDraegerMaetal.2018, author = {M{\"u}ller, Stefan and Draeger, Simon and Ma, Kiaonan and Hensen, Matthias and Kenneweg, Tristan and Pfeiffer, Walter and Brixner, Tobias}, title = {Fluorescence-Detected Two-Quantum and One-Quantum-Two-Quantum 2D Electronic Spectroscopy}, series = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, journal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters}, doi = {10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b00541}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-173468}, year = {2018}, abstract = {We demonstrate two-quantum (2Q) coherent two-dimensional (2D)electronic spectroscopy using a shot-to-shot-modulated pulse shaper and fluorescence detection. Broadband collinear excitation is realized with the supercontinuum output of an argon-filled hollow-core fiber, enabling us to excite multiple transitions simultaneously in the visible range. The 2Q contribution is extracted via a three-pulse sequence with 16-fold phase cycling and simulated employing cresyl violet as a model system. Furthermore, we report the first experimental realization of one-quantum-two-quantum (1Q-2Q) 2D spectroscopy, offering less congested spectra as compared with the 2Q implementation. We avoid scattering artifacts and nonresonant solvent contributions by using fluorescence as the observable. This allows us to extract quantitative information about doubly excited states that agree with literature expectations. The high sensitivity and background-free nature of fluorescence detection allow for a general applicability of this method to many other systems.}, subject = {Fluoreszenz}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Le2020, author = {Le, Thien Anh}, title = {Theoretical investigations of proton transfer and interactions or reactions of covalent and non-covalent inhibitors in different proteins}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-17051}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-170511}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {Nowadays, computational-aided investigations become an essential part in the chemical, biochemical or pharmaceutical research. With increasing computing power, the calculation of larger biological systems becomes feasible. In this work molecular mechanical (MM) and quantum mechanical approaches (QM) and the combination of both (QM/MM) have been applied to study several questions which arose from different working groups. Thus, this work comprises eight different subjects which deals with chemical reactions or proton transfer in enzymes, conformational changes of ligands or proteins and verification of experimental data. This work firstly deals with reaction mechanisms of aromatic inhibitors of cysteine proteases which can be found in many organisms. These enzymes are responsible for various cancer or diseases as for example Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) or the Chagas disease. Aromatic SNAr-type electrophiles might offer a new possibility to covalently modify these proteases. Quantum mechanical calculations have been performed to gain insights into the energetics and possible mechanisms. The next chapter also deals with Trypanosomiasis but the focus was set on a different enzyme. The particularity of Trypanosomiasis is the thiol metabolism which can also be modified by covalent inhibitors. In this context, the wild type and point mutations of the enzyme tryparedoxin have been investigated via molecular dynamic (MD) simulations to examine the influence of specific amino acids in regard to the inhibitor. Experimental data showed that a dimerization of the enzyme occurs if the inhibitor is present. Simulations revealed that the stability of the dimer decreases in absence of the inhibitor and thus confirms these experiments. Further investigations concerning cysteine proteases such as cruzain and rhodesain have been conducted with respect to experimental kinetic data of covalent vinylsulfone inhibitors. Several approaches such as QM or QM/MM calculations and docking, MD or MMPBSA/MMGBSA simulations have been applied to reproduce these data. The utilization of force field approaches resulted in a qualitatively accurate prediction. The kinase AKT is involved in a range of diseases and plays an important role in the formation of cancer. Novel covalent-allosteric inhibitors have been developed and crystallized in complex with AKT. It was shown that depending on the inhibitor a different cysteine residue is modified. To investigate these differences in covalent modification computational simulations have been applied. Enoyl-(acyl carrier) (ENR) proteins are essential in the last step of the fatty acid biosynthesis II (FAS) and represent a good target for inhibition. The diphenylether inhibitor SKTS1 which was originally designed to target the ENR's of Staphylococcus aureus was also crystallized in InhA, the ENR of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB). Crystal structures indicate a change of the inhibitor's tautomeric form. This subject was investigated via MD simulations. Results of these simulations confirmed the tautomerization of the inhibitor. This work also deals with the development of a covalent inhibitor originating from a non-covalent ligand. The target FadA5 is an essential enzyme for the degradation of steroids in TB and is responsible for chronic tuberculosis. This enzyme was crystallized in complex with a non-covalent ligand which served as starting point for this study. Computations on QM or QM/MM level and docking and MD simulations have been applied to evaluate potential candidates. The next chapter focuses on the modification of the product spectrum of Bacillus megaterium levansucrase, a polymerase which catalyzes the biosynthesis of fructans. The covalent modification of the wild type or mutants of the enzyme lead to an accumulation of oligosaccharides but also to polymers with higher polymerization degree. To understand these changes in product spectra MD simulations have been performed. Finally, the proton transfer in catalytic cysteine histidine dyads was investigated. The focus was set on the influence of the relaxation of the protein environment to the reaction. Calculations of the enzymes FadA5 and rhodesain revealed that the preferred protonation state of the dyade depends on the protein environment and has an impact on the reaction barrier. Furthermore, the adaptation of the environment to a fixed protonation state was analyzed via MD simulations.}, subject = {Computational chemistry}, language = {en} } @article{HocheSchulzDietrichetal.2019, author = {Hoche, Joscha and Schulz, Alexander and Dietrich, Lysanne Monika and Humeniuk, Alexander and Stolte, Matthias and Schmidt, David and Brixner, Tobias and W{\"u}rthner, Frank and Mitric, Roland}, title = {The origin of the solvent dependence of fluorescence quantum yields in dipolar merocyanine dyes}, series = {Chemical Science}, volume = {10}, journal = {Chemical Science}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-198707}, pages = {11013}, year = {2019}, abstract = {Fluorophores with high quantum yields are desired for a variety of applications. Optimization of promising chromophores requires an understanding of the non-radiative decay channels that compete with the emission of photons. We synthesized a new derivative of the famous laser dye 4-dicyanomethylen-2-methyl-6-p-dimethylaminostyryl-4H-pyran (DCM),i.e., merocyanine 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-tert-butyl-6-[3-(3-butyl-benzothiazol-2-ylidene)1-propenyl]-4H-pyran (DCBT). We measured fluorescence lifetimes and quantum yields in a variety of solvents and found a trend opposite to the energy gap law.This motivated a theoretical investigation into the possible non-radiative decay channels. We propose that a barrier to a conical intersection exists that is very sensitive to the solvent polarity. The conical intersection is characterized by a twisted geometry which allows a subsequent photoisomerization. Transient absorption measurements confirmed the formation of a photoisomer in unpolar solvents, while the measurements of fluorescence quantum yields at low temperature demonstrated the existence of an activation energy barrier.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Welz2020, author = {Welz, Eileen}, title = {Theoretical Investigations on Inorganic, Boron-containing Biradicals with a unique Structure}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-20259}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-202598}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2020}, abstract = {In this work, biradical boron containing systems with various structures are investigated to reveal the dependency of the biradical character on the ligated carbene (NHC, CAAC) and the related steric demands of the substituents.}, subject = {Biradical}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schilling2015, author = {Schilling, Daniel}, title = {Zur spektralen Diffusions- und Energietransferdynamik in halbleitenden einwandigen Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122772}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Einwandige Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren weisen aufgrund ihrer besonderen Struktur viele f{\"u}r ein rein kohlenstoffhaltiges Makromolek{\"u}l ungew{\"o}hnliche Eigenschaften auf. Dies macht sie sowohl f{\"u}r die Erforschung grundlegender Ph{\"a}nomene in eindimensionalen Nanostrukturen als auch f{\"u}r potenzielle Anwendungen {\"a}ußerst interessant. Da alle Atome einer SWNT Oberfl{\"a}chenatome sind, f{\"u}hrt dies zu einer besonders ausgepr{\"a}gten Empfindlichkeit ihrer elektronischen Eigenschaften auf Wechselwirkungen mit der Umgebung. Lokale zeitabh{\"a}ngige {\"A}nderungen in diesen Wechselwirkungen f{\"u}hren daher zu Ph{\"a}nomenen wie dem Photolumineszenz-Blinken und spektraler Diffusion. Die Erforschung und Kontrolle der Parameter, die f{\"u}r die Beeinflussung der elektronischen Eigenschaften von SWNTs durch Umgebungseinfl{\"u}sse entscheidend sind, wird neben der spezifischen Synthese eine maßgebliche Rolle dabei spielen, ob und in welcher Form SWNTs in optoelektronischen Bauteilen zuk{\"u}nftig Anwendung finden. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zum Verst{\"a}ndnis dieser Wechselwirkungen, indem die Dynamik von Energietransferprozessen innerhalb von SWNTs und zwischen SWNTs untersucht wurde. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden homogene und inhomogene Beitr{\"a}ge zur Linienverbreiterung von in einer Matrix eingebetteten SWNTs bestimmt. Dabei wurde erstmals beobachtet, dass die spektrale Diffusion sowohl bei Raumtemperatur als auch bei 17 K auf einer ultraschnellen Zeitskala, d. h. innerhalb von weniger als 1 ps abl{\"a}uft. Mittels transienter Lochbrennspektroskopie konnte gezeigt werden, dass die homogene Linienbreite von (6,5)-SWNTs mit 3.6 meV nur den geringsten Beitrag zur Absorptionslinienbreite liefert, w{\"a}hrend die gr{\"o}ßte Verbreiterung mit mehr als 99 \% inhomogen ist. Die inhomogene Linienbreite wurde aus inkoh{\"a}renten 2D-Spektren, welche durch spektrale Lochbrennexperimente bei Variation der Anregungswellenl{\"a}nge erhalten werden konnten, zu \(54\pm5\)meV bestimmt. Die Dynamik der spektralen Diffusion wird mit einer Exzitonendiffusion in einer durch lokale Umgebungswechselwirkungen verursachten inhomogenen Energielandschaft entlang der Nanorohrachse erkl{\"a}rt. Durch zeitaufgel{\"o}ste Lochbrennexperimente unter nichtresonanter Anregung konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Populationsumverteilung innerhalb dieser Energielandschaft f{\"u}r eine energetisch abw{\"a}rts gerichtete Relaxation ein spontaner Prozess ist. Im umgekehrten Fall ist sie dagegen thermisch aktiviert. M{\"o}gliche Einfl{\"u}sse von Artefakten wurden anhand von Referenzmessungen diskutiert und die Bestimmung der homogenen Linienbreite durch komplement{\"a}re CW-Lochbrennexperimente erg{\"a}nzt. Durch Monte-Carlo-Simulationen konnten erstmals Informationen {\"u}ber die Form der Potenzialenergielandschaft entlang einer SWNT erhalten und die Gr{\"o}ßenordnung der Plateaubreite mit nahezu konstanter Energie innerhalb der Potenziallandschaft zu 5.8-18.2nm ermittelt werden. Dies gelang durch eine Kalibrierung der Simulationszeit anhand experimenteller transienter Absorptionsspektren. Im Rahmen dieses Modells wurde dar{\"u}ber hinaus die Zeit f{\"u}r einen Sprung zu einem benachbarten Gitterplatz der Energielandschaft zu 0.1 ps bestimmt. Inter- und intraband-Relaxationsprozesse von SWNTs wurden mittels Photolumineszenzspektroskopie untersucht. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf eine temperaturunabh{\"a}ngige Effizienz der internen Konversion und die photostimulierte Generierung von L{\"o}schzentren hin. Anhand temperaturabh{\"a}ngiger PL-Messungen, die erstmals bei Anregung des \(S_1\)-Zustands durchgef{\"u}hrt wurden, konnte die Energiedifferenz zwischen dem hellen und dunklen Exziton f{\"u}r (6,5)-SWNTs im Rahmen des Modells eines Dreiniveausystems zu \(\delta = (3.7\pm0.1)\)meV bestimmt werden. Aus der guten {\"U}bereinstimmung des temperaturabh{\"a}ngigen Trends der PL-Intensit{\"a}t unter \(S_1\)-Anregung mit in fr{\"u}heren Studien erhaltenen Ergebnissen unter \(S_2\)-Anregung konnte geschlussfolgert werden, dass die Effizienz der internen Konversion nicht ausgepr{\"a}gt temperaturabh{\"a}ngig ist. F{\"u}r SWNT-Gelfilme wurde unter \(S_2\)-Anregung eine deutliche Abweichung zur \(S_1\)-Anregung in Form eines Bleichens der Photolumineszenz beobachtet. Dieses Ph{\"a}nomen ist in der Literatur wenig diskutiert und wurde daher in leistungsabh{\"a}ngigen PL-Experimenten weiter untersucht. Dabei wurde f{\"u}r die \(S_2\)- im Vergleich zur \(S_1\)-Anregung eine st{\"a}rker ausgepr{\"a}gte sublineare Leistungsabh{\"a}ngigkeit gefunden. Die Abweichung vom linearen Zusammenhang der PL-Intensit{\"a}t mit der Leistung trat hier schon bei um eine Gr{\"o}ßenordnung geringeren Leistungsdichten auf als in fr{\"u}heren Studien und kann mit einer Exziton-Exziton-Annihilation allein nicht erkl{\"a}rt werden. M{\"o}glicherweise ist die {\"O}ffnung zus{\"a}tzlicher Zerfallskan{\"a}le durch metastabile L{\"o}schzentren f{\"u}r dieses Verhalten verantwortlich. Die PL-Experimente zeigten zudem ein zeitabh{\"a}ngiges irreversibles Bleichen unter \(S_2\)-Anregung, welches bei 30 K st{\"a}rker ausgepr{\"a}gt war als bei Raumtemperatur. Dessen Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der eingestrahlten Photonenzahl l{\"a}sst auf eine Akkumulation von L{\"o}schzentren schließen. Daher wird eine m{\"o}gliche Redoxreaktion mit Wasser, ausgel{\"o}st durch die intrinsische p-Dotierung der SWNTs, als Quelle der L{\"o}schzentren diskutiert. Das Verzweigungsverh{\"a}ltnis f{\"u}r die Relaxation nach \(S_2\)-Anregung von SWNTs wurde in Form der relativen Quantenausbeute bestimmt und eine nahezu quantitative interne Konversion des \(S_2\)-Exzitons gefunden. Dieses Ergebnis hat eine wichtige Bedeutung f{\"u}r potenzielle Anwendungen von SWNTs in der Photovoltaik, da die Verluste durch die interband-Relaxation bei einer Anregung des zweiten Subband-Exzitons <3\% zu sein scheinen. Die Herausforderung des Experiments wird hier durch die geringe Stokes-Verschiebung von SWNTs verursacht, die eine quantitative Trennung von PL- und Streulicht unm{\"o}glich macht. Daher wurde ein Aufbau realisiert, in dem ein großer Teil des Streulichts bereits r{\"a}umlich entfernt wird und die PL unter \(S_1\)- bzw. \(S_2\)-Anregung quantifizierbar und ohne eine Annahme {\"u}ber Streulicht-Anteile direkt vergleichbar ist. Sowohl f{\"u}r SDS- als auch f{\"u}r Polymer-stabilisierte SWNTs wurde eine relative Quantenausbeute von \(\xi \approxeq 1\) erhalten, was eine nahezu quantitative interne Konversion von \(S_2\)- zu \(S_1\)-Exzitonen innerhalb der PL-Lebensdauer nahelegt. Anregungsenergietransferprozesse zwischen Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren in mono- und bidispersen SWNT-Netzwerkfilmen definierter Zusammensetzung wurden mittels zeitaufgel{\"o}ster Polarisationsanisotropie untersucht. Dabei wurden neben einem ultraschnellen Energietransfer in weniger als 1 ps auch Hinweise auf Beitr{\"a}ge des \(S_2\)-Exzitons an diesem Prozess gefunden. Die Ergebnisse der Experimente mit bidispersen SWNT-Netzwerkfilmen best{\"a}tigen den auch in PLE-Spektren beobachteten energetisch abw{\"a}rts gerichteten Energietransfer von SWNTs mit großer zu solchen mit kleiner Bandl{\"u}cke und liefern dar{\"u}ber hinaus eine Zeitskala von weniger als 1 ps f{\"u}r diesen Prozess. Die umgekehrte Transferrichtung konnte weder aus dem \(S_1\)- noch aus dem \(S_2\)-Exziton beobachtet werden. Eine Beschleunigung der Anisotropiedynamik bei \(S_2\)- im Vergleich zu S\uu1-Anregung deutet auf einen Beitrag des \(S_2\)-Exzitons am Energietransferprozess in Konkurrenz zur internen Konversion hin. Durch Referenzexperimente mit monodispersen Netzwerkfilmen konnte eine Beteiligung von Energietransferprozessen zwischen SWNTs der gleichen Chiralit{\"a}t auf einer Zeitskala von 1-2ps nachgewiesen werden. Dadurch konnten Beobachtungen von zeitabh{\"a}ngigen Anisotropie{\"a}nderungen, die einen energetisch aufw{\"a}rts gerichteten Energietransfer suggerieren, mit einem intra-Spezies-Transfer erkl{\"a}rt werden - Hinweise auf energetisch aufw{\"a}rts gerichtete EET-Prozesse wurden nicht gefunden. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis aus diesen Experimenten ist die Tatsache, dass die {\"U}berlappung von Signalbeitr{\"a}gen zu einer Verf{\"a}lschung der Anisotropie und damit zu fehlerhaften Interpretationen f{\"u}hren kann. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus wurde auf den Einfluss der Probenheterogenit{\"a}t und der Alterung von SWNT-Netzwerkfilmen hingewiesen. Diese Untersuchungen legen nahe, dass ein effizienter Exzitonentransfer in SWNT-Netzwerkfilmen auch zwischen den einzelnen R{\"o}hrenstr{\"a}ngen erfolgen kann und es somit m{\"o}glich ist, die Effizienz entsprechender Solarzellen zu verbessern. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurden erstmals transiente Absorptionsexperimente im Femtosekundenbereich mit SWNTs unter \(Gate-Doping\) durchgef{\"u}hrt. In ersten Experimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass analog zur chemischen Dotierung von SWNTs die Dynamik des \(S_1\)-Bleichens eines (6,5)-SWNT-Netzwerkfilms nach \(S_2\)-Anregung unter \(Gate-Doping\) eine Beschleunigung durch zus{\"a}tzliche Zerfallskan{\"a}le erf{\"a}hrt. Die elektrochemische Bandl{\"u}cke wurde f{\"u}r (6,5)-Nanor{\"o}hren zu 1.5 eV bestimmt. Eine Verringerung der Photoabsorptionsamplitude mit zunehmendem Potenzial l{\"a}sst Vermutungen {\"u}ber die Natur dieses in transienten Absorptionsexperimenten beobachteten PA-Merkmals in Form der Absorption einer dotierten SWNT-Spezies zu. Diese Untersuchungen liefern erste Einblicke in die Art und Weise, wie eine elektrochemische Modifizierung von SWNTs die elektronische Bandstruktur und Ladungstr{\"a}gerdynamik ver{\"a}ndert.}, subject = {Einwandige Kohlenstoff-Nanor{\"o}hre}, language = {de} } @article{OjhaForsterKumaretal.2013, author = {Ojha, Animesh K. and Forster, Stefan and Kumar, Sumeet and Vats, Siddharth and Negi, Segeeta and Fischer, Ingo}, title = {Synthesis of well-dispersed silver nanorods of different aspect ratios and their antimicrobial properties against gram positive and negative bacterial strains}, series = {Journal of Nanobiotechnology}, volume = {11}, journal = {Journal of Nanobiotechnology}, number = {42}, issn = {1477-3155}, doi = {10.1186/1477-3155-11-42}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-122837}, year = {2013}, abstract = {In the present contribution, we describe the synthesis of highly dispersed silver nanorods (NRs) of different aspect ratios using a chemical route. The shape and size of the synthesized NRs were characterized by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and UV-visible spectroscopy. Longitudinal and transverse absorptions bands confirm the rod type structure. The experimentally recorded UV-visible spectra of NRs solutions were fitted by using an expression of the extinction coefficient for rod like nano structures under the dipole approximation. Simulated and experimentally observed UV-visible spectra were compared to determine the aspect ratios (R) of NRs. The average values of R for NR1, NR2 and NR3 solutions are estimated to be 3.0 +/- 0.1, 1.8 +/- 0.1 and 1.2 +/- 0.1, respectively. These values are in good agreement with those obtained by TEM micrographs. The silver NRs of known aspect ratios are used to study antimicrobial activities against B. subtilis (gram positive) and E. coli (gram negative) microbes. We observed that the NRs of intermediate aspect ratio (R = 1.8) have greater antimicrobial effect against both, B. subtilis (gram positive) and E. coli (gram negative). The NRs of aspect ratio, R = 3.0 has better antimicrobial activities against gram positive than on the gram negative.}, language = {en} } @article{FalgeEngelGraefe2013, author = {Falge, M. and Engel, V. and Gr{\"a}fe, S.}, title = {Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of coupled nuclear-electronic dynamics}, series = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, volume = {41}, journal = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, issn = {2100-014X}, doi = {10.1051/epjconf/20134102036}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-121812}, pages = {02036}, year = {2013}, abstract = {We study the effect of nuclear-electron coupling on time-resolved photo-electron spectra, employing a model system which allows to directly comparing spectra resulting from the adiabatic approximation with those obtained within a non-Born-Oppenheimer description.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Li2015, author = {Li, Han}, title = {Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Thin Films by Evaporation-Induced Self-Assembly}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123407}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, pages = {159}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In summary, we have prepared single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) thin films by the method of evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA). Using the scalable two-plate or lens setups, sorts of different film types or patterns of SWNTs has been successfully fabricated directly from the evaporation of solvents and could be precisely controlled by the concentrations of SWNT in ambient conditions. The special geometry of meniscus as the capillary bridge has not only given rise to a much higher efficiency of fabrication than what previously reported but also allowed us to monitor the pinning and depinning process carefully and further investigate the mechanism underlying the formation of different film morphologies. In contrast with the conventional "stick-slip" model, we have provided the new dynamical pinning and zipping model for the contact line (CL) behavior. By analyzing the motion of CL and varying deposited patterns, the traditionally so-called "stick" state should be treated as a dynamical pinning process due to the interfacial tension contrast between SWNT-covered and bare silicon surface. Besides, the plausible one-step "slip" motion could be dominated by the zipping-like kink propagation. In addition, the experiments with heated substrates at higher temperatures between 30°C and 50 °C have shown that the striped pattern could be fabricated by both much lower SWNT and SDS concentrations than that in room temperature, which is consistent with our model of interfacial tension contrast. In this situation, the deposition rate was increased but the quality of SWNT alignment was undermined because the corresponding moving velocity of SWNT was also too fast for SWNTs to rotate when the evaporative rate was high. The similar results were identified by the SWNT/polymer conjugates dispersed in chloroform under the similar setups and other identical conditions. The typical breathing motion of dynamical pinning and zipping-like propagation for depinning were confirmed by the new suspensions despite that some morphological parameters changed dramatically compared with that from the aqueous solution. For example, the spacing between stripes reached 100 µm ~ 200 µm because the large contact angle contrast between HDMS- and SWNT-covered surface accompanies with the high evaporation rate of chloroform in the pinning and depinning process. Likewise the average CL velocity for fabrication reached around 20 µm/s due to the much higher evaporation rate of chloroform than water. Using alike suspensions, the modified EISA method called dose-controlled floating evaporative self-assembly (DFES) was employed to implement the self-assembly of SWNTs on the water/air interface and then deposit them on solid substrate by directed floating. Although the stripes were fabricated successfully by drops with certain doses and SWNT concentrations, there inevitably existed randomly oriented SWNTs from the water surface that built networks between the stripes containing well-aligned tubes. In order to slow down the evaporation rate and monitor the process detailedly, we used chlorobenzene as the solvent instead of chloroform and find the typical pinning/depinning movement of the CL. A preliminary analysis of the results in terms of chlorobenzene implied that the CL possibly followed the similar pinning/depinning process in consistence with our model with capillary bridge. In the last part of the thesis, the primary research on the optical properties of these stripes of ultrahigh purity semiconducting nanotubes was conducted by fluorescence microscopy and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopy. The energy transfer of the photogenerated excitons was confirmed between different tube species with controlled band gaps. In short, the experiments performed in this thesis allowed to gain new insights about the fabrication of large-area SWNT thin films by the cost-effective solution-processed method and most importantly to uncover its intrinsic mechanism as well. Combined with the separation and selection technique like density gradient centrifugation or polyfluorene derivatives assisted method, highly monodisperse semiconducting nanotubes could be deposited into organized, controllable and functional arrays. Beyond the ambient conditions, precise control for the evaporation under preset temperature and vapor pressure could possibly extend the technique to the industry level. Assisted by some other mature techniques such as roll-to-roll printing, the cost-effective method could be widely used in the manufacture of various thin film devices. More complex 2D or even 3D structures could be designed and accomplished by the method for the functional or stretchable requirements. Further research on the fundamental exciton transition and diffusion in different networks or structures of SWNTs will be the significant precondition for the real applications. Looking ahead, from the individual carbon nanotube to its thin film, this promising material with outstanding properties had many challenges to overcome before the real-world applications. Thanks to the availability of pure and well-defined materials, the scalable solution-processed approaches for fabrication of thin films should be able to unlock the potential of carbon nanotubes and exploit them in (opto-)electronic devices in the foreseeing future.}, subject = {Kohlenstoff-Nanor{\"o}hre}, language = {en} } @article{FiedlerElKarehEremeevetal.2014, author = {Fiedler, Sebastian and El-Kareh, Lydia and Eremeev, Sergey V. and Tereshchenko, Oleg E. and Seibel, Christoph and Lutz, Peter and Kokh, Konstantin A. and Chulkov, Evgueni V. and Kuznetsova, Tatyana V. and Grebennikov, Vladimir I. and Bentmann, Hendrik and Bode, Matthias and Reinert, Friedrich}, title = {Defect and structural imperfection effects on the electronic properties of BiTeI surfaces}, series = {New Journal of Physics}, volume = {16}, journal = {New Journal of Physics}, number = {075013}, issn = {1367-2630}, doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/16/7/075013}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-119467}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The surface electronic structure of the narrow-gap seminconductor BiTeI exhibits a large Rashba-splitting which strongly depends on the surface termination. Here we report on a detailed investigation of the surface morphology and electronic properties of cleaved BiTeI single crystals by scanning tunneling microscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES, XPS), electron diffraction (SPA-LEED) and density functional theory calculations. Our measurements confirm a previously reported coexistence of Te- and I-terminated surface areas originating from bulk stacking faults and find a characteristic length scale of ~100 nm for these areas. We show that the two terminations exhibit distinct types of atomic defects in the surface and subsurface layers. For electronic states resided on the I terminations we observe an energy shift depending on the time after cleavage. This aging effect is successfully mimicked by depositon of Cs adatoms found to accumulate on top of the I terminations. As shown theoretically on a microscopic scale, this preferential adsorbing behaviour results from considerably different energetics and surface diffusion lengths at the two terminations. Our investigations provide insight into the importance of structural imperfections as well as intrinsic and extrinsic defects on the electronic properties of BiTeI surfaces and their temporal stability.}, language = {en} } @article{BrueningWehnerHausneretal.2016, author = {Br{\"u}ning, Christoph and Wehner, Johannes and Hausner, Julian and Wenzel, Michael and Engel, Volker}, title = {Exciton dynamics in perturbed vibronic molecular aggregates}, series = {Structural Dynamics}, volume = {3}, journal = {Structural Dynamics}, doi = {10.1063/1.4936127}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-126085}, pages = {043201}, year = {2016}, abstract = {A site specific perturbation of a photo-excited molecular aggregate can lead to a localization of excitonic energy. We investigate this localization dynamics for laser-prepared excited states. Changing the parameters of the electric field significantly influences the exciton localization which offers the possibility for a selective control of this process. This is demonstrated for aggregates possessing a single vibrational degree of freedom per monomer unit. It is shown that the effects identified for the molecular dimer can be generalized to larger aggregates with a high density of vibronic states.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Spaeth2015, author = {Sp{\"a}th, Florian Leonhard}, title = {Pr{\"a}paration und Charakterisierung einwandiger Kohlenstoffnanorohr-Polyfluoren-Komplexe}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123874}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Im Fokus dieser Arbeit standen (6,5)-SWNT-PFO-BPy-Komplexe als Vertreter f{\"u}r polyfluorenstabilisierte, einwandige Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren. In einem ersten Projekt wurden pr{\"a}parative Verfahren zur Dispergierung und Abscheidung dieser Proben weiterentwickelt. Es ist gelungen, die Ansatzgr{\"o}ße von 15 mL auf 200 mL hochzuskalieren sowie d{\"u}nne SWNT-Filme {\"u}ber Rotationsbeschichtung herzustellen. Des Weiteren wurde die lichtinduzierte Dynamik in halbleitenden SWNTs von der ps- bis zur µs-Zeitskala untersucht. Hier wurde ein umfassendes Bild zur Singulett- und Triplett-Exzitonendynamik in halbleitenden Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren gezeichnet, welches maßgeblich durch diffusionslimitierte Prozesse gepr{\"a}gt ist. Abschließend wurde eine Methode vorgestellt, mit der sich Informationen zur Struktur von SWNT-Polymer-Komplexen und anderen supramolekularen Systemen gewinnen lassen. Diese basiert auf der Kombination von polarisationswinkelaufgel{\"o}ster Absorptionsspektroskopie an anisotropen Proben und globaler Datenanalyse.}, subject = {Kohlenstoff-Nanor{\"o}hre}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Bergler2015, author = {Bergler, Felix}, title = {Photolumineszenzbasierte Untersuchung der Struktur und der thermodynamischen Bildungsparameter mizellar stabilisierter (6,5)-Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-123586}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2015}, abstract = {In dieser Arbeit werden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Oberfl{\"a}che von Kohlenstoffnanor{\"o}hren und verschiedenen Dispergierreagenzien anhand der Photolumineszenz (PL) der (6,5)-Nanor{\"o}hren untersucht. Um den Einfluss der verschiedenen Reagenzien auf die exzitonischen Eigenschaften und die PL-Emission zu quantifizieren, wurden die Dispergierreagenzien ausgetauscht, die Temperaturabh{\"a}ngigkeit bestimmt und die Konzentration der Reagenzien variiert. Die Dispergierreagenzien eines immobilisierten, SC-stabilisierten (6,5)-SWNT-Ensembles wurden im Mikrofluidikkanal ausgetauscht. Wird der Kanal mit Wasser gesp{\"u}lt, verringern sich die PL-Intensit{\"a}t und die Emissionsenergie, da der Wasserfluss die Tensidmolek{\"u}le von der Oberfl{\"a}che entfernt. Beim Austausch einer DOC-Umgebung gegen Wasser nimmt die PL-Intensit{\"a}t ebenfalls ab und die PL-Emissionsenergie verringert sich. Die Austauschexperimente verlaufen reversibel und der instantane Anstieg der Emissionsenergie bei der Tensidadsorption weist auf eine kooperative Anlagerung hin. Deshalb ist anzunehmen, dass sich Tensid-SWNT-Heteromizellen ausbilden. Anschließend werden die Emissionsenergie und die PL-Intensit{\"a}t in verschiedenen Dispergierreagenzien und in Wasser verglichen. Die gr{\"o}ßte Emissionsenergie und PL-Intensit{\"a}t werden w{\"a}hrend des Wechsels von einer SDS- zu einer (GT)16-L{\"o}sung gemessen. Dies kann auf die l{\"u}ckenlose Bedeckung der SWNT-Oberfl{\"a}che mit einer heterogenen Schicht aus SDS-Molek{\"u}len und (GT)16-Str{\"a}ngen zur{\"u}ckgef{\"u}hrt werden. In reiner SDS-Umgebung emittieren die Nanor{\"o}hren Licht mit der zweith{\"o}chsten Energie, aber die PL-Intensit{\"a}t liegt unter der in einer SC-Umgebung. Die Emissionsenergie in der SC-Umgebung ist geringer und davon abh{\"a}ngig, ob die SWNTs bereits mit (GT)16-Str{\"a}ngen stabilisiert waren, da dies eine permanente Rotverschiebung der Emissionsenergie in der SC-Umgebung sowie eine verringerte PL-Intensit{\"a}t verursacht. In w{\"a}ssriger Umgebung verringert sich nach erfolgtem (GT)16-Kontakt die PL-Intensit{\"a}t dauerhaft. Danach wurde die Anlagerung von Tensidmolek{\"u}len an die (6,5)-SWNT-Oberfl{\"a}che in Suspensionen mit der Temperatursprungmethode untersucht. Die Temperatur im Mikrofluidikkanal wurde anhand der linearen Abnahme der Emissionsenergie SC- und DOC-stabilisierter SWNTs mit steigender Temperatur bestimmt. Die Suspensionstemperatur ist in den verschiedenen Temperatursprungexperimenten unabh{\"a}ngig von der Messposition im Mikrofluidikkanal und wird durch die absolute Position auf den Peltier-Elementen bestimmt. Zudem stimmen die im Kanal gemessenen Temperaturen f{\"u}r SC- und DOC-stabilisierte (6,5)-SWNTs {\"u}berein, weshalb in diesem Experiment nicht die erwartete Einstellung eines Gleichgewichts wie in einem Temperatursprungexperiment der Fall, sondern die Momentantemperatur gemessen wird. Die schnelle Gleichgewichtseinstellung zwischen freien und auf der SWNT-Oberfl{\"a}che adsorbierten Tensidmolek{\"u}len beim Temperatursprung zeigt, dass die SC- und DOC-(6,5)-SWNT-Suspensionen thermochrome Farbstoffe sind. Wegen der Temperaturabh{\"a}ngigkeit der Emissionsenergie ist es bei wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten wichtig, neben dem verwendeten Dispergierreagenz auch die Temperatur der SWNT-Suspension anzugeben. Abschließend wurden die kritischen Mizellenkonzentrationen von Tensid-SWNT-Suspensionen in Verd{\"u}nnungsexperimenten und daraus die thermodynamischen Bildungsparameter der Tensid-SWNT-Heteromizellen ermittelt. In der temperaturabh{\"a}ngigen Analyse der SC-SWNT-Mizellenbildung wird ein konstanter Hill-Koeffizient erhalten, der die Mizellenbildung als positiv kooperativ klassifiziert. F{\"u}r die Bestimmung der Freien Mizellierungsenthalpie wurden nur die CMCs aus den Verd{\"u}nnungsexperimenten verwendet, da die Mizellenbildung bei der Aufkonzentration teils kinetisch gehemmt ist. Da die Freie Mizellierungsenthalpie bei allen Temperaturen negativ ist, stabilisiert die Bildung der Heteromizellen das System. Die Triebkraft f{\"u}r die Mizellenbildung ist {\"u}ber 322 K die Enthalpie, w{\"a}hrend unterhalb von 316 K der Entropiegewinn dominiert. Die Verd{\"u}nnung einer DOC-SWNT-Suspension zeigt keine {\"A}nderung der Emissionsenergie, obwohl dabei sowohl die prim{\"a}re als auch die sekund{\"a}re CMC von DOC unterschritten werden. Zuletzt wurden die Verd{\"u}nnungsexperimente mit einer SDS-SWNT-Suspension durchgef{\"u}hrt und die thermodynamischen Parameter der Mizellenbildung bestimmt. Da auf die Aufl{\"o}sung der Mizellenstruktur direkt die Aggregation der SWNTs folgt, wurde f{\"u}r die Ermittlung der CMC n{\"a}herungsweise die Konzentration am Maximum der Emissionsenergie verwendet. Daraus ergibt sich bei jeder Temperatur eine negative Freie Mizellierungsenthalpie, deren Beitr{\"a}ge analog zu SC bei kleineren Temperaturen als 323 K entropisch und bei h{\"o}heren Temperaturen enthalpisch dominiert werden. Somit erm{\"o}glichen die Experimente mit SC- und SDS-SWNT-Suspensionen die temperaturabh{\"a}ngige Bestimmung der CMC und damit die Berechnung der Freien Mizellierungsenthalpie sowie der zugeh{\"o}rigen enthalpischen und entropischen Beitr{\"a}ge.}, subject = {Kohlenstoff-Nanor{\"o}hre}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Macher2021, author = {Macher, Sven}, title = {On the Effects of Moisture on Polymer-Based Electrochromic Devices}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24240}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-242407}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2021}, abstract = {The present work builds on a conjugated electrochromic polymer with a highly transmissive and colorless bright state and its application in electrochromic devices. The main body of this work focuses on the investigation of the influence of moisture on electrochromic devices and solutions to overcome possible degradation of these devices due to moisture ingress. Firstly, a series of EDOT derivatives with a terminal double bond in the lateral sidechain to potentially achieve a highly transmissive and fully colorless bright state was investigated. All of the EDOT derivatives were electrochemically polymerized and characterized by means of (in-situ) spectroelectrochemistry. The results highlight the dramatic influence of the terminal double bond on the improved visible light transmittance and color neutrality in the bright state. After detailed evaluation and comparison, the best performing compound, which contains a hexenyl sidechain (PEDOT-EthC6), was scaled-up by changing the deposition technique from an electrochemical to a chemical in-situ polymerization process on a R2R-pilot line in an industrially relevant environment. The R2R-processed PEDOTEthC6 half-cells were characterized in detail and provide enhanced electrochromic properties in terms of visible light transmittance and color neutrality in the bright state as well as short response times, improved contrast ratio, coloration efficiency and cycling stability (10 000 cycles).[21] In a second step, the novel PEDOT-EthC6 electrochromic polymer was combined with a Prussian Blue counter electrode and a solid polymer electrolyte to form an all-solid-sate ECDs based on complementary switching electrodes and PET-ITO as flexible substrates. The fabricated ECDs were optically and spectroelectrochemically characterized. Excellent functionality of the S2S-processed flexible ECDs was maintained throughout 10 000 switching cycles under laboratory conditions. The ECDs offer enhanced electrochromic properties in terms of visible light transmittance change and color neutrality in the bright state as well as contrast ratio, coloration efficiency, cycling stability and fast response times. Furthermore, the final device assembly was transferred from a S2S-process to a continuous R2R-lamination process.[238] In a third step, the PEDOT-EthC6/PB-based ECDs were submitted to conscious environmental aging tests. The emphasis of the research presented in this work, was mainly put at the influence of moisture and possible failure mechanisms regarding the PEDOT-EthC6/PB based ECDs. An intense brown coloration of the electrodes was observed while cycling the ECDs in humid atmospheres (90\% rH) as a major degradation phenomenon. The brown coloration and a thereby accompanied loss of conductivity of the PET-ITO substrates was related to significant degradation of the ITO layers, inserted as the conductive layers in the flexible ECDs. A dissolution of the ITO thin films and formation of metallic indium particles on the surface of the ITO layers was observed that harmed the cycling stability enormously. The conductive layers of the aged ECDs were investigated by XRD, UV-Vis, SEM and spectroelectrochemical measurements and validated the supposed irreversible reduction of the ITO layers.[279] In the absence of reasonable alternatives to PET-ITO for flexible (R2R-processed) ECDs, it is also important to investigate measures to avoid the degradation of ECDs. This is primarily associated with the avoidance of appropriate electrode potentials necessary for ITO reduction in humid atmospheres. As an intrinsic action point, the electrode potentials were investigated via electrochemical measurements in a three-electrode setup of an all-solid-state ECD. Extensive knowledge on the electrode potentials allowed the voltage-induced degradation of the ITO in flexible ECDs to be avoided through the implementation of an unbalanced electrode configuration (charge density ratio of working and counter electrode). It was possible to narrow the overall operational voltage window to an extent in which irreversible ITO reduction no longer occurs. The unbalanced electrode configuration lead to an improved cycling stability without harming other characteristics such as response time and light transmittance change and allows ECD operation in the presence of humidity.[279] The avoidance of the mentioned degradation phenomena is further associated with appropriate sealing methods and materials as well as appropriate electrode and device fabrication processes. Since a variety of sealing materials is commercially available, due to the commercial launch of organic photovoltaic (OPV) and light emitting diodes (OLEDs), the focus in the present work was put to water-free electrode fabrication. As an extrinsic action point, a novel preparation method of a nanoscale PEDOT-EthC6 dispersion based on organic solvents is presented here in a final step. The water-free processing method gives access to straightforward printing and coating processes on flexible PET-ITO substrates and thus represents a promising and simplified alternative to the established PEDOT:PSS. The resulting nano-PEDOT-EthC6 thin films exhibit enhanced color neutrality and transmissivity in the bright state and are comparable to the properties of the in-situ polymerized PEDOT-EthC6 thin films.[280]}, subject = {Elektrochromie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mueller2022, author = {M{\"u}ller, Stefan}, title = {Coherent Multiple-Quantum Multidimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy}, doi = {10.25972/OPUS-24411}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-244113}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2022}, abstract = {This thesis describes novel concepts for the measurement of the static and dynamic properties of the electronic structure of molecules and nanocrystals in the liquid phase by means of coherent fluorescence-detected spectroscopy in two and three frequency dimensions. These concepts are based on the systematic variation ("phase cycling") of a sequence of multiple time-delayed femtosecond excitation pulses in order to decode a multitude of novel nonlinear signals from the resulting phase-dependent fluorescence signal. These signals represent any permutation of correlations between zero-, one-, two-, and three-quantum coherences. To this end, two new phase-cycling schemes have been developed which can simultaneously resolve and discriminate several nonlinear signals of sixth order, including those of the fourth order of nonlinearity. By means of the sixth-order signals recorded in this work, static properties of highly excited electronic states in molecules such as their energies, transition dipole moments, and relative displacement of electronic potential surfaces, as well as dynamic properties in terms of their relaxation kinetics, can be ascertained. Furthermore, it was shown that these signals are suitable for the characterization of exciton-exciton correlations in colloidal quantum dots and for the measurement of ultrafast exciton-exciton annihilation in molecular aggregates. The experiments performed in this thesis mark an important step towards the complete characterization of the nonlinear response of quantum systems. In view of this, the concept of fluorescence-detected multiple-quantum coherence multidimensional spectroscopy introduced here offers a unified, systematic approach. In virtue of the technical advantages such as the use of a single excitation beam and the absence of nonresonant contributions, the measurement protocols developed here can be directly transferred to other incoherent observables and to sample systems in other states of matter. Furthermore, the approaches presented here can be systematically extended to higher frequency dimensions and higher orders of nonlinearity.}, subject = {Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Kess2016, author = {Keß, Martin}, title = {Wellenfunktionsbasierte Beschreibung der zweidimensionalen vibronischen Spektroskopie von molekularen Aggregaten und Ladungstransfersystemen}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136458}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit zeitaufgel{\"o}sten Prozessen in molekularen Systemen. Dabei wurde sowohl die Wellenpaketdynamik nach Photoanregung betrachtet als auch spektrale Eigenschaften mittels Absorptions- und zweidimensionaler Spektroskopie untersucht. Zun{\"a}chst widmet sich die Arbeit der Wellenpaket- und Populationsdynamik in zwei diabatischen, gekoppelten Zust{\"a}nden. Nach impulsiver Anregung aus dem zu Beginn besetzten Zustand treten in der Populationsdynamik zwei deutlich verschiedene Oszillationen auf. Der langsamer variierende Populationstransfer besitzt die Periodendauer der Vibrationsbewegung und ist auf einen Wechsel der Zust{\"a}nde beim Durchlaufen des Wellenpakets durch die Kreuzungsregion der diabatischen Potentiale zur{\"u}ckzuf{\"u}hren. Die ultraschnelle Komponente mit einer Periodendauer von etwa 4 fs l{\"a}sst sich als eine Art Rabi-Oszillation beschreiben, die durch die (zeitunabh{\"a}ngige) Kopplung hervorgerufen wird. Sie wurde mit Hilfe von analytischen Berechnungen ausf{\"u}hrlich charakterisiert. Damit dieser Prozess auftreten kann m{\"u}ssen mehrere Bedingungen erf{\"u}llt werden: Das Wellenpaket muss {\"u}ber die Dauer der Oszillationen ann{\"a}hernd {\"o}rtlich lokalisiert bleiben; dies ist an den Umkehrpunkten der Wellenpaketsbewegung der Fall. Die Amplitude der Oszillationen in den Populationen ist proportional zum Verh{\"a}ltnis der Kopplung zum Energieabstand der Zust{\"a}nde. Deshalb muss an den station{\"a}ren Stellen die Kopplung groß im Vergleich zum Energieabstand sein. Die Amplitude der Oszillationen h{\"a}ngt außerdem von dem Populationsverh{\"a}ltnis und den Phasen der Komponenten des Wellenpakets in den beiden Zust{\"a}nden ab. Die ultraschnellen Oszillationen bleiben auch in mehrdimensionalen Systemen mit unterschiedlichen Vibrationsfrequenzen je Freiheitsgrad erhalten. Das gleiche Modell wurde benutzt, um Ladungstransferprozesse mittels linearer und 2D-Spektroskopie zu untersuchen. Eine Kopplung an die Umgebung wurde, aufbauend auf einer Quanten-Master-Gleichung in Markov-N{\"a}herung, wellenfunktionsbasiert mittels eines Quantum-Jump-Algorithmus mit expliziter Dephasierung beschrieben. Dabei findet mit vorher definierten Wahrscheinlichkeiten zu jedem Zeitschritt einer von drei stochastischen Prozessen statt. Neben koh{\"a}renter Propagation k{\"o}nnen Spr{\"u}nge in einen anderen Eigenzustand des Systems und Dephasierungen auftreten. Zwei Dissipationsparameter spielen dabei eine Rolle. Dies ist zum einen die St{\"a}rke der System-Bad-Kopplung, welche die Gesamtrate der Energierelaxation beschreibt. Weiterhin beeinflusst die Dephasierungskonstante den Verlust koh{\"a}renter Phasen ohne Energie{\"a}nderung. Fallenzust{\"a}nde wurden identifiziert, die durch sehr geringe Sprungraten in niedrigere Zust{\"a}nde charakterisiert sind. Die Langlebigkeit kann durch die Form der Eigenfunktionen erkl{\"a}rt werden, die eine deutlich andere Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung als die der Nicht-Fallenzust{\"a}nde besitzen. Dadurch werden die in die Sprungraten eingehenden Matrixelemente klein. Das Absorptionsspektrum zeigt Peaks an der Stelle der Fallenzust{\"a}nde, da nur die Eigenfunktionen der Fallenzust{\"a}nde große Franck-Condon-Faktoren mit der Anfangswellenfunktion besitzen. Verschiedene Kombinationen der Dissipationsparameter f{\"u}hren zu {\"A}nderungen der relativen Peakintensit{\"a}ten und der Peakbreiten. Die 2D-Spektren des Ladungstransfersystems werden st{\"o}rungstheoretisch {\"u}ber die Polarisation dritter Ordnung berechnet. Sie zeigen viele eng nebeneinander liegende Peaks in einer schachbrettmusterf{\"o}rmigen Anordnung, die sich auf {\"U}berg{\"a}nge unter Mitwirkung der Fallenzust{\"a}nde zur{\"u}ckf{\"u}hren lassen. H{\"o}here System-Bad-Kopplungen f{\"u}hren aufgrund der effizienten Energiedissipation zu einer Verschiebung zu kleineren Energien. Peaks, die mit schneller zerfallenden Fallenzust{\"a}nden korrespondieren, bleichen schneller aus. H{\"o}here Dephasierungskonstanten resultieren in verbreiterten Peaks. Um den Einfluss der Dissipation genauer zu charakterisieren, wurden gefilterte 2D-Spektren betrachtet. Dazu wurden Ausschnitte der Polarisation dritter Ordnung zu verschiedenen Zeiten fouriertransformiert. L{\"a}ngere Zeiten f{\"u}hren zu einer effektiveren Energierelaxation entlang der entsprechenden Zeitvariablen. Die Entv{\"o}lkerung der h{\"o}her liegenden Zust{\"a}nde l{\"a}sst sich somit zeit- und energieaufgel{\"o}st betrachten. Weiterhin wurde gezeigt, dass sich der Zerfall eines einzelnen Peaks mit dem Populationsabfall des damit korrespondierenden Eigenzustandes in Einklang bringen l{\"a}sst, obwohl die Zuordnung der Peaks im 2D-Spektrum zu {\"U}berg{\"a}ngen zwischen definierten Eigenzust{\"a}nden nicht eindeutig ist. Mit dem benutzten eindimensionalen Modell k{\"o}nnen auch Ladungstransferprozesse in organischen gemischtvalenten Verbindungen beschrieben werden. Es wurde die Frage untersucht, welche Prozesse nach einem optisch induzierten Energietransfer in solchen Systemen ablaufen. Experimentelle Daten (aufgenommen im Arbeitskreis von Prof. Lambert) deuten auf eine schnelle interne Konversion (IC) gefolgt von Thermalisierung hin. Um dies theoretisch zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen, wurden Absorptionsspektren bei verschiedenen Temperaturen berechnet und mit den gemessenen transienten Spektren verglichen. Es findet sich, abh{\"a}ngig von der St{\"a}rke der elektronischen Kopplung, eine sehr gute bis gute {\"U}bereinstimmung, was die Annahme eines schnellen ICs st{\"u}tzt. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurden vibronische 2D-Spektren von molekularen Aggregaten betrachtet. Dazu wurde die zeitabh{\"a}ngige Schr{\"o}dingergleichung f{\"u}r ein Monomer-, Dimer- und Trimersystem mit der Multi-Configuration Time-Dependent Hartree-Methode gel{\"o}st und die Polarisation nicht-st{\"o}rungstheoretisch berechnet. Der Hamiltonoperator des Trimers umfasst hierbei sieben gekoppelte elektronische Zust{\"a}nde und drei bzw. sechs Vibrationsfreiheitsgrade. Der betrachtete Photonenecho-Beitrag der Polarisation wurde mittels phasencodierter Laserpulse extrahiert. Die resultierenden Spektren sind geometrieabh{\"a}ngig, ein Winkel zwischen den {\"U}bergangsdipolmomenten der Monomere von 0° (180°) resultiert in einem H-Aggregat (J-Aggregat). Die Lage und Intensit{\"a}t der Peaks im rein elektronischen Trimer wurde analytisch erl{\"a}utert. Die Spektren unter Einbeziehung der Vibration zeigen eine ausgepr{\"a}gte vibronische Struktur. Es wurde gezeigt, wie die Spektren f{\"u}r h{\"o}here Aggregationsgrade durch die h{\"o}here Dichte an vibronischen Zust{\"a}nden komplexer werden. Im J-Aggregat ist mit zunehmender Aggregation eine st{\"a}rkere Rotverschiebung zu sehen. Das Spektrum des H-Aggregats zeigt eine im Vergleich zum J-Aggregat kompliziertere Struktur. Die Verwendung zweier Vibrationsfreiheitsgrade je Monomer f{\"u}hrt zu Spektren mit {\"u}berlappenden Peaks und einer zus{\"a}tzlichen vibronischen Progression. Der Vergleich von Spektren verschiedener Mischungen von Monomer, Dimer und Trimer, entsprechend einem von Temperatur und Konzentration abh{\"a}ngigen Aggregationsgrad, zeigt den Einfluss dieser experimentellen Faktoren. Schließlich wurden m{\"o}gliche Ans{\"a}tze aufgezeigt, anhand der Spektren auf den Aggregationsgrad zu schließen.}, subject = {Quantenmechanik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Koch2016, author = {Koch, Federico Juan}, title = {Structure-Dependent Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics in Multichromophoric Systems}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-136306}, school = {Universit{\"a}t W{\"u}rzburg}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Time-resolved spectroscopy allows for analyzing light-induced energy conversion and chromophore-chromophore interactions in molecular systems, which is a prerequisite in the design of new materials and for improving the efficiency of opto-electronic devices. To elucidate photo-induced dynamics of complex molecular systems, transient absorption (TA) and coherent two-dimensional (2D) spectroscopy were employed and combined with additional experimental techniques, theoretical approaches, and simulation models in this work. A systematic series of merocyanines, synthetically varied in the number of chromophores and subsitution pattern, attached to a benzene unit was investigated in cooperation with the group of Prof. Dr. Frank W{\"u}rthner at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. The global analysis of several TA experiments, and additional coherent 2D spectroscopy experiments, provided the basis to elaborate a relaxation scheme which was applicable for all merocyanine systems under investigation. This relaxation scheme is based on a double minimum on the excited-state potential energy surface. One of these minima is assigned to an intramolecular charge-transfer state which is stabilized in the bis- and tris-chromophoric dyes by chromphore-chromophore interactions, resulting in an increase in excited-state lifetime. Electro-optical absorption and density functional theory (DFT) calculations revealed a preferential chromophore orientation which compensates most of the dipole moment of the individual chromophores. Based on this structural assignment the conformationdependent exciton energy splitting was calculated. The linear absorption spectra of the multi-chromophoric merocyanines could be described by a combination of monomeric and excitonic spectra. Subsequently, a structurally complex polymeric squaraine dye was studied in collaboration with the research groups of Prof. Dr. Christoph Lambert and Prof. Dr. Roland Mitric at the University of W{\"u}rzburg. This polymer consists of a superposition of zigzag and helix structures depending on the solvent. High-level DFT calculations confirmed the previous assignment that zigzag and helix structures can be treated as J- and H-aggregates, respectively. TA experiments revealed that in dependence on the solvent as well as the excitation energy, ultrafast energy transfer within the squaraine polymer proceeds from initially excited helix segments to zigzag segments or vice versa. Additionally, 2D spectroscopy confirmed the observed sub-picosecond dynamics. In contrast to other conjugated polymers such as MEH-PPV, which is investigated in the last chapter, ultrafast energy transfer in squaraine polymers is based on the matching of the density of states between donor and acceptor segments due to the small reorganization energy in cyanine-like chromophores. Finally, the photo-induced dynamics of the aggregated phase of the conjugated polymer MEH-PPV was investigated in cooperation with the group of Prof. Dr. Anna K{\"o}hler at the University of Bayreuth. Our collaborators had previously described the aggregation of MEH-PPV upon cooling by the formation of so-called HJ-aggregates based on exciton theory. By TA measurements and by making use of an affiliated band analysis distinct relaxation processes in the excited state and to the ground state were discriminated. By employing 2D spectroscopy the energy transfer between different conjugated segments within the aggregated polymer was resolved. The initial exciton relaxation within the aggregated phase indicates a low exciton mobility, in contrast to the subsequent energy transfer between different chromophores within several picoseconds. This work contributes by its systematic study of structure-dependent relaxation dynamics to the basic understanding of the structure-function relationship within complex molecular systems. The investigated molecular classes display a high potential to increase efficiencies of opto-electronic devices, e.g., organic solar cells, by the selective choice of the molecular morphology.}, subject = {Femtosekundenspektroskopie}, language = {en} } @article{RudolfKanalGehrigetal.2013, author = {Rudolf, P. and Kanal, F. and Gehrig, D. and Niesel, J. and Brixner, T. and Schatzschneider, U. and Nuernberger, P.}, title = {Femtosecond mid-infrared study of the aqueous solution photochemistry of a CO-releasing molecule (CORM)}, series = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, volume = {41}, journal = {EPJ Web of Conferences}, doi = {10.1051/epjconf/20134105004}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-129104}, pages = {05004}, year = {2013}, abstract = {Ultraviolet irradiation of CO-releasing molecules (CORMs) in water eventually leads to the loss of several carbon monoxide ligands.We show for an exemplary manganese tricarbonyl CORM that only one ligand is photolyzed off on an ultrafast timescale and that some molecules may undergo geminate recombination.}, language = {en} }